Tuesday, September 16, 2008

El Cuerpo del Deseo - 9-15 Let's meet the characters

In the first episodes yesterday, we met most of the main characters. This is Isabel, the young (hot) woman who is getting ready to get married to...

Don Pedro José (PJ) Donoso, an 70-year old wealthy factory owner. The other guy is his servant, Walter.

This is Abigail, his housekeeper

Abigail's two sons, L-R, Antonio, who is hardworking and studies at the University and Simon, who works in PJ's factory but seems frivolous and hits on the maids. Antonio is smitten with Ángela right away.

PJ and the GIGANTIC portrait of his first wife in his library.
Gayétana, a fortuneteller or witch. The spirits haven't been giving her very good advice on what to wear. She comes to warn PJ not to marry Isabel but he isn't interested in her advice and tells her to leave and not bother him again.

Valeria, Isabel's mousy cousin, who seems to have health problems.

Andrés, PJ's right hand man in the factory. He is also Isabel's secret lover and obvious bad guy.

Ángela, PJ's daughter by his first marriage. She seems to have had her soul transmigrated from the 1960's. With that hair and raccoon eyes, I wouldn't be shocked to see her in go go boots. She believes her father has neglected her and she doesn't like the idea of his marrying Isabel.

PJ keeps having these dreams about a peasant. It was hard to get a decent shot since the camera lens was smeared with vaseline or something. What we can say is that Salvador, the peasant, has extremely bad clothes but when he takes his shirt off, it's a different matter.

PJ has health problems and collapses with a sort of heart attack during the wedding reception so he doesn't get to see Isabel's fancy underwear unless she wears that kind of thing every day. I think PJ's doctor tells him not to have sex with her. So we're just waiting for Mario to exchange bodies with PJ or whatever it is that happens.


Fuego, Monday 9/15 (#99): Some Enchanted Evening

So. Benito is very curious as to what kind of a deal Raquel made with Gabi that could be worth that much money, but we are spared the unnecessary stress and excitement of finding out. The moment is saved with the sudden appearance of a piece of paper with a very fancy watermark (I can see it through the paper) AND the fancy multicolored background image. Yikes! When you see that kind of paper, you know they mean business. It's a summons to appear in court tomorrow to decide the ownership of the hacienda!

At the other hacienda, Fern tells Sofi that if she takes up with him, he'll leave Gabi alone. He grabs her and tries to kiss her. Gabi sees. Sofi VERY STUPIDLY begins climbing the Stairs Of Sorrow to tell her mother everything. Fern comes up too. Gabi comes down. So now they're all standing there in the middle of the staircase, Sofía is telling her mother what just happened and why she can't marry this guy, Feo is bleating some weak protest, and I'm expecting someone to get pitched down the stairs. Well, I'm no good at predicting stuff. Instead, Gabi bitch-slaps FEO! Oh no she didn't! Oh yes she DID!!! And she calls him a damn swine!

Yes, I know this happened three days ago, but it was every bit as sweet to see it again tonight.

It must be tomorrow now, because we're in the City of Puebla. With very little preamble, the judge declares that the hacienda belongs to Juan, Oscar, and Franco Robles-Reyes. Juan thanks his uncle. Uncle Vicente tells Juan to thank his father. Juan says he'll visit his tomb later.

Raquel tells Juan he's won one segment of what he petitioned for, but he still has to go up against Gabi for the rest. She hints that it won't be so easy. "I want to see if she can manage to keep the lands that I gave her." Duh, Raq, they weren't yours to give away. Juan says he'll get it all back, justice is on his side, and he's enemies with Gabriela Elizondo anyway. (Does Uncle Vicente's eyebrow twitch at the mention of her name?)

Gabi sulks in bed, reliving the sight of Sofía trying to push Feo off of her, and telling Gabi that he only wants to marry her for her money. Then the slap. Then a knock. What? It's Feo, wanting to explain. "Make it snappy," she tells him. He says he was just trying to get on Sofía's good side like they talked about. (By grabbing her and slobbering on her?) Gabi says she knows Sofía, and she doesn't lie. (That's how she knows she's not her daughter! Ha ha! No, no, joking...)

Feo reminds her that Sofi fooled them. She was getting knocked up by that creep and they didn't even know. She's been fooling Gabi for a long time, manipulating everyone with that little angel face. Gabi asks him to swear that what Sofi said wasn't true. Feo eagerly complies. "I don't believe you." He asks, after all the humiliation Sofi put him through, why would he keep after her? (How does he explain the groping Gabi saw, huh?) "The only woman I love is you."

Gabi replies, "Huh. If only I could believe you." He is indignant that she doesn't. She says she'll make the effort to believe him one more time, but it will be the last. He kisses her hand and thanks her. "But I warn you, if you betray me, I won't have to kill you with my own hands like I said..." (Feo chuckles, amused) "...because I'll tell the Reyes that you killed their sister, and they'll take it upon themselves to finish you off."

An imaginary snake rattles. Feo presses his thumb against Gabi's throat, which is evidently one of her turn-ons.

Juan visits his parents' tomb. He dusts off the gravestone and takes his hat off. He says today he didn't come to cry, but to speak to them alone. (Stop rolling your eyes! They could get stuck!) He thanks them for helping them get their hacienda back. They spilled their blood, they worked so hard, etc. - he doesn't care if he has to confront the mother of the woman he loves, the grandmother of his child, "but what's ours is ours; and for my brothers, and for you, if it's necessary, and if I have to take that woman to the... well, destroy her*, I'll do it, come what may."
*one of those idiomatic things that makes more sense in Spanish:
"llevar esa señora por..." (I think he was going to say "el diablo") = "take that woman to..." (the devil)
"llevar por delante" = demolish, wipe out, destroy (literally, "take her to the front")

Rosendo drops Sofía off somplace in "downtown" Serdán where she's going to see a man about renting a place. Uncle Vicente happens by in his dress whites, looking as if he got separated from a wedding party, and somehow recognizes her instantly.

Meanwhile, Juan is visiting the padre to catch him up on things. The padre's glad they found their parents' resting place and have begun to get their stuff back. Juan says he came by to thank him for all the support he's given them, not just as a priest, but also as a good friend. But what the padre REALLY wants to know is what's going on at Elizondo Place: namely, how's it going with the ladies? Juan tells him how he went to see Grandpa, and Sofía was there and she didn't want to talk.

Juan jumps up quickly and puts on his hat. He says he didn't come here to talk about her! He also came to say that Don Agustín is sure that Feo is the one who killed Bernardo. Now the padre gets up too and asks why he thinks that. Juan says who knows, that family is full of secrets. Padre says it's also the family of the women the Reyes love. Juan says they're going to have to fight them for their land, and he's scared, because they're not going to take this lying down (literally "arms crossed"), and especially not Gabriela.

The padre warns Juan they'd better be ready for everything. The Elizondos don't forgive anything. (Technically, if we're talking about Gabi's side of the family, it's the Acevedos.)

Sofía shows Uncle V around the empty store. He approves. And he says if she ever needs some artists from Guadalajara, he can hook her up.

He says he's known the Reyes since they were little. When he reunited with them, he was surprised to find them so sad over their lost loves. He tells Sofía that Juan is consumed with love for her.

Juan mopes in dread, thinking of the padre's words: "The Elizondos don't forgive anything."

Sofía explains to Uncle V that she understands that Juan protects his siblings, is upset that her father didn't tell them the truth, etc. but she can't accept that he blamed the sisters for the betrayal. Uncle V. says it's a shame about this misunderstanding between them. Sofi says it was no misunderstanding; they swore vengeance on Libia's grave, and showed up at the hacienda with guns ready to kill them.

"Later, they changed their minds," she says with a rueful smile. They decided that their revenge would be to make the sisters fall in love, seduce them, and them dump them.

Uncle V tells her that with love, you can do anything. (Just a week or two ago, Sofi was saying the same thing to convince Jimena that housework is fun.) Sofi says she used to believe that. She incurred the wrath of her mother, risked being shunned as an adulteress (which actually didn't happen), etc. all for him, got pregnant, and withstood all the tests and trials they lived through together.

"Look, Don Vicente, I can forgive anything... if only Juan had been honest with me."

Uncle V says Juan's suffering a lot over this separation. Sofi says she's suffering too, she still loves him, and she misses him; there's no peace at home with Mom. That's why she wants to work and become independent, so that she can make her way alone with her child.

Uncle V says he's moved by her words and her bravery. "I don't know if you and Juan will reconcile, but I wish you the best, because you deserve it. May I give you a hug?"

(I just realized who this guy is. He is the Anti-Gabriela. If the two of them ever meet, the universe will implode!)

Coyote shows up at the bakery in a different jacket (with a coyote on it) and no hat. These seem to be his "casual" clothes. It seems the Jefe wants to see Juan... but if Juan doesn't want to go, Jefe will understand.

(Alejandro "Jeff" Reyes is going to be the laughingstock of all the other jefes if they find out what a mushball he is...)

Juan is in Jefe-Jeff's study. "My son is all I have," he pleads. Juan says he can't give him any advice, but his father said the first thing when you want to be forgiven is to acknowledge your errors and clean them up. Only when you are pure and remorseful can your eyes... dammit, I am sorry, but the captions are disappearing very quickly tonight, and my ears are very slow, so I'm not getting all the words. But the point is that you gotta be sorry and make things right, or else you're screwed.

Ofelia catches Rosario on her way out. "I'm on my way to see Margarita, the Goddess of the Cumbia!" Ofelia stops her and asks her not to. She vaguely says she's not a decent person to socialize with, and begs "believe me, take heed, don't go see her."

Uncle Vicente reports back to Juan about his chat with Sofi. "That girl loves you, Juan. She loves you and suffers for you." (I'm wondering if there isn't a better way to translate "suffrir por tí" since we never say that in English?)

Sofi meets with the renting guy, signs the contract, gets the keys, and he wishes her luck. (Heh! She's gonna need it. To quote Han Solo: "Never tell me the odds!") She tells herself yet again that she's going to work hard to make a life for herself and her child.

Now Pedro is in Jefe-Jeff-Daddy-Unibrow's study. He doesn't look delighted to be in this gloomy place again, and he hasn't changed his mind. He's going to leave town; "there's nothing keeping me here." (Stay for me, Pedro! Stay for me!).

And then Jefe says "Antes de que te vayas" and I half expect them to start singing the Mundo de Fieras theme... sort of the producer's homage to himself... but no, he says he has something to tell Pedro before he goes. Pedro says there's nothing he can say that will change his mind. "What if I said that I'm willing to make any sacrifice? To regain your love and respect, I've decided to clear my name. And to earn your respect, I'll turn myself in."

Pedro is shocked.

Jefe continues, "I want you to know that for you - for earning your respect - I'm capable of anything. Even giving up my life."

Pedro is still shocked.

"You want us to go now? Let's go, son! Come on!"

They share a long, fuzzy hug.

Rosario has defied the mom who raised her to visit the mom who gave her life. Margarita asks why Rosa came to see her. Rosa can't explain it, but she likes being with her. She just has this great fondness and trust for her that came from out of nowhere. She wanted to come sooner, but stuff has been going on.

Margarita wants to know if she's in some kind of trouble. (She's taken to calling her "mi'ja." Whoa, take a number, lady.) It's Eva - her mom - her sisters won't forgive her, and she's all upset, it's awful. Marg counsels her not to get too mixed up in Eva's problems. Of course Rosa is shocked by this cold-blooded advice. Anything that hurts her mommy hurts her too! She doesn't want to see her hurt. She picks up her bag to leave in a huff. Marg says "Rosario! Rosario!" and wiggles her hands slightly in protest, but that's all.

Eva is at Grandpa's, thanking him for letting her speak with Pablito and Luisito. She says she deserves to be punished for everything that's happened. "What will you do now?" he asks. She may leave town. She's got nothing here. Grandpa asks, what about Rosario? Eva says excuse me, I have to leave.

Rosario does a show. (There's a pretty man, front and center, among her dancers. I wonder if he can talk?) Ofelia worries that she's going to have to tell Rosario the whole truth.

Meanwhile, at the Tumbao, Eva sadly watches Margarita's show.

Uncle Vicente asks Quintina where Franco and Oscar are. She doesn't know. He thinks they must be moping. She says Reyes are never defeated. They'll fight for their love. He says he'll help! "What are you thinking?" she asks. "You'll find out," and he kisses her on the cheek and leaves.

Sofi shows off the shop keys to Sarita and talks about her meeting with Uncle V, and the Reyes will be back in the Uribe hacienda very soon. Sarita is at least happy for them, she thinks it's only fair.

Meanwhile, Feo and Raquel are seething over the loss. And Raq is worried about when Gabi finds out she'll have to give up her part of their land, including the spring ("ojo de agua," "eye of water"). Enraged, Feo screams that the spring is what makes that land so valuable and they can't let it happen. She doesn't know how to prevent it, and for now she has only a few days to vacate.

Feo suggests burning the house down, so the Reyes will come home to ruins. But suddenly - and I mean in less than one second - Raquel has a fully-formed diabolical plan that's much better and will leave the Reyes in misery.

Uncle Vicente serenades Sarita and Jimena on behalf of Oscar and Franco. Gabriela is awakened by the ruckus and is immediately Not Amused. She doesn't even wonder for a split-second if, perhaps, her own sweetie arranged this... not that he would, but wouldn't it be nice? Couldn't a girl hope? Okay, couldn't a bitter twisted mean crab hope?

Gabriela runs outside to complain. Uncle V begins to explain his mission. When he sees Gabi, he breaks into a big grin and says, "Gabriela! Is it you, Gabriela?"

Meanwhile, Sofi opens up her balcony and Juan hops right in. They kiss, then she says no, "why do you deny our love, you just kissed me, I felt you tremble in my arms," more kissing.

Gabriela is squinting at Uncle V and saying she has no idea who he is. She orders him off her property, or she'll have him thrown out. Vicente is hurt and puzzled by her reaction, but replies, "I don't know why you deny that you recognize me, but okay, I won't insist," and leaves with the whole band of musicians.

I don't think Sarita or Jimena heard any of the serenade.

Gabriela is still standing outside in her pajamas, super-muy impactada. "Vicente... Vicente Robles. That man is Vicente Robles."

Juan tries to make up with Sofía, he pleads for the sake of their child, but she tells him she's going to be the baby's mother and father. He does not think much of this idea; it's his and nobody can take it away from him. She doesn't see how he'll be able to be a father, since they're separated. "With your understanding, your help, your support, your FORGIVENESS. Forgive me, Sofía! Don't condemn our child to live this way just because you're upset. I ask you, I beg you, we'll live together again, like a family."

But she feels that it is impossible. It will NEVER happen. He says this is because of her pride. She says it's about much more than being hurt. He rehashes the Libia's story from their point of view. It was completely, wholly Bernardo's fault, and totally not Juan's and his brothers'. Just Bernardo's.

After Margarita's show, Eva tells Marg of her plan to leave town. She doesn't want to get in the way when Marg breaks the news to Rosario. Ofelia shows up and says to Margarita, "you and I have to talk." She wants Eva to stay and hear what she has to say to "this heartless mother" too.

Marg: You speak of me with such contempt, without acknowledging that Eva is just like me. She too abandoned her child.

Ofelia: She didn't abandon her; she was taken away.

Marg: Whatever...

(Rosario wanders in behind them)

Marg: ...Eva is not the mother of Rosario. The mother of Rosario is ME!

Margarita's True Daughter: What are you saying?

Rosario goes straight to Eva, and there is a long pause while Margarita puts on her most earnest face. Eva braces herself to hear it again. Margarita says "Child, at last you'll learn the truth, though I wish it had been some other way... it's true, Rosario, I am your mother. I am your TRUE mother."

(I don't know if I'm supposed to feel sorry for her or not, but I can't because she's done nothing but manipulate people ever since she showed up. I wouldn't be surprised if she did know Rosario was in Serdán when she agreed to sing at the Tumbao.)

Gabi is still repeating "Vicente Robles, Vicente Robles" in her bedroom. "Where'd he come from? I'm going to tell Fernando right now!" But he's not in his room! Where is he??

He's still with his special gal Raquel. Evidently, having sex with Feo is a crucial link in her plan to ruin the Robles-Reyes. She gets up for some wine to celebrate. Feo immediately starts snooping through her things and finds Ricardo's snake belt. "This belt? I like it. I'll take it!"

Interesting. He's never seen it before.

Uh, what I mean is, Oh my gosh! Is he going to steal it? What kind of a person would do such a thing? I'll tell you what kind of person - a real jerk!

Sofi and Juan are still fighting. She admits her father failed to tell them the truth at that time, but he was going to tell them everything! Really! "And how do you know that?" "Feo told us! Daddy told him before he died!" "And you're going to believe that JERK?" Juan tells her that Grandpa thinks Feo caused Bernardo's death. Sofía says sometimes her grandfather doesn't know what he's saying!

I can't believe she just said that! Juan tells her Grandpa's wise and smart, sometimes he seems to know things before anyone else. It'd be a good idea for her to pay more attention to him.

Feo stashes the belt away in his pants pocket (note, he's not wearing the pants) before Raq comes back with the wine. They toast to a pleasure-filled future and the surprise they've prepared for the Reyes.

Sofi and Juan are still bickering. I would think it was cute if my wrists weren't on fire and it wasn't after 2 in the morning. Something about who changed whom, or who made who change, or... oh so sleepy... before he met her, he was a gloomy gus, but then he met her and everything changed. And now his life's gonna suck again. They can't forget the happy times they've had together. This breakup would be so much easier without those good times.

"I will love you forever, Juan, and nobody will change that. I dumped you for your deception and lies."

"I didn't betray you. You say you can love me, but you can't forgive me? You're selfish and unfair like your mother. I'm going to say just one thing to you, this child you carry here, that you say is no longer mine, you're not going to make me renounce him. I'll see him when I want, whenever I feel like it, nobody can stop me!"

Mexico airdate: 5 de Junio

Word of the day: "Ser señalada" = Something like "wearing the scarlet letter." Can also refer to branding livestock. Good luck working that into a conversation.

History lesson of the day: Grito de Dolores - "The Cry of Dolores." Dolores was not a woman, as I once imagined, but a town in Mexico. On September 16, 1810, the Cry of Dolores marked the beginning of the Mexican War for Independence. Read the story here in English, with links to Spanish, German, and French.)

Next time:
Feo acts like a jerk.


Ayyyyyy Yyyyyyyayyyyyyyy yyaaaaa Ayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Que Viiiiiivvvvvvaaaaa Meeeexxxxxxicccccoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

El Grito Vive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (last year's)

Felicidades MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tambien felicidades a Costa Rica, a Nicaragua, a El Salvador, a Honduras, y a Guatamala!!!!


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Querida Enemiga – September 12, 2008 - #59 – Bruno gets a Couple of Belated Wedding Surprises and Misfortunes Befall the Happy Family

If we have to see stuff from last night again, how thoughtful of the writers to give us the “First Kiss” scene. Ern lists Lorena’s stellar qualities and she chuckles humbly that pretty soon he’ll have her believing it. He could talk all night about her virtues. But, he lied. He spends part of the night kissing her. He loves her, she loves him, and she’s afraid. Anyone wanna lay bets on hearing this dialogue again in the near future? She’s embedded in his soul now and he’s never letting her leave. Goodbye to ‘Slow and hello, daybreak. What? They stood on their feet all night kissing and…uh….talking until the sun came up?? Right. But, the kisses were to die for and we are all in alt. Is there an award for best overall telenovela kissers? They have my vote.

Maruja does a bedcheck and finds out Lore’s MIA. She wakes Rossy up and points out the empty bed. Rossy figures Lore’s ended up spending all night with Ern. Maruja thinks no way, the kiddies are there, and Rossy points out they go to bed early.

Meanwhile, outside, Lore and Ern are saying goodbye for a couple of minutes until he comes back for her with the kiddies to have an outing family style. She tells him she’s never spent the whole night chatting. He chimes in even less for him. Lore grabs it—he wouldn’t dare tell her how he spends his nights. His smile is brighter than the dawning sun when he chuckles. Some ogre. More lovely kissing for your viewing pleasure. She loves him—but he loves her more. Lore frets that Maru’s going to fuss at her for not coming home all night and Ern volunteers to ‘splain but she squashes that fast. Last kisses and the plan for the outing is firm, so Lore hops out to go in and get ready for First Date Part II.

The Interrogator Squad waits in anticipation, in the living room, in their jammies and Rossy speculates about the long night out with Maruja disbelieving when Lore slinks in and wonders why everyone’s up so early. Maruja, in Full Mamá Mode, demands to know what she’s doing coming in at this hour. Lore is impactada at the FMM. Ha, Gotcha! Rossy and Maruja giggle. Rossy picks on Lore, but Lore tells them she and Ern spent the night at the scenic outlook and talked. Rossy is enthralled—they did it at the outlook! In harmony, Maruja and Lorena chime “Rossy!!” “What??” Lore insists they talked all night. Conveniently, she has forgotten the super kissing. Maruja and Rossy are happy for her.

Nurse Augie has taken her patient (only in a vegetative state could we call Snortensia patient) out for a walk in the garden and Vasco thanks her for caring for Granny so well. Augie doesn’t have patients, she has family. Sara fumes behind a corner. The three of them should just die! Shallow is stalking her again as she turns and nearly bumps into him. She chews him out—not in the mood for his jokes. Maybe it’s because she didn’t get to relax with her boyfriend last night? How ugly that her little boy doll left her watching the tele alone on a Saturday night. Hm, smells like…sniff, sniff, he’s mocking you? Sara tells him to go take care of his cars, that’s what she pays him for. Speaking of paying him, where’s his 50 mil pesos ($4,724.67 USD today’s rate)? Sara’s throat twitches in a gulp. Could it be she’s forgotten? He grins to himself as she stalks away.

Al comes to visit his family, all now moved to Paula’s house. Tori comes in and see him, spins and goes off to sulk. They chat about Papi, then he kisses Valeria and the niña. Val’s getting ready to go home to Cabos and she just has to tell Ickturo. She and Al actually look good together. Val hopes Icky will take the news maturely. Sheesh, she’s still in the dark after all these years with him. Paula agrees with me. He’s not worth it if he doesn’t take the news well. Al asks about Bettina. Nope, the boyfriend hasn’t shown up in days. Al goes off to see Bettina while Paula and Val continue their breakfast with the niña. Bettina’s still in bed, moping and Al tries to coax her out. Nope, not hungry. Well, if his Papi said that he’d understand, but Bettina? They have the “love hurts” discussion. He just evaporated into thin air. It’s a no contact situation. How long? Four days, woe is me, it’s horrible. Al thinks she should ask for an explanation. Duh. What part of no calls, hasn’t come by, no instant messages don’t you understand? Bettina thinks it has to do with Lorena being Al’s ex. Al tries to reassure her.

Speaking of the King of Rome, he’s sulking on the sofa while Fanny paces. He should have told her he would be out all night, she gently scolds as the party boy arrives home. She hastily beats a path out. The kidlets rightfully want to know why he didn’t come home to sleep and Ern kisses Gina, puts her on his lap, and explains he spent the whole night out for a walk with Lore. Ivan thought bubbles. Right, a walk. I wasn’t born yesterday. The kidlets are disappointed they weren’t invited to the party. Ern tells them he had to talk with her. About what? Well, to ask her to be my novia. They all hug because she accepted. Except Ivan, of course. He just mocks because Ern changes girlfriends like he changes shirts. Ern tells Ivan he doesn’t have to put up with the rudeness. He announces they’re ALL going on an outing. Ivan predictably rebels at the thought and Ern gets him on board by telling him to do it for the sibs.

At the Happy New Home of Bruto and Diana, Zulema is hearing that she should go to Cancun with Omar, because the place is a dream. Well, they brought her a few little things. Bruto goes for the bags, how convenient, so Zulema can ask how it’s going. Diana gives her a guarded “fine.” Why is she asking? Nothing, Zulema is happy if she’s happy. He’s back with the bag and “much affection.” Zulema thanks them. Diana tells her they brought everyone a little something – except Sara. Zule’s smile disappears. Diana wants to know if Sara came looking for the folks, asked their forgiveness, anything? Nope. Now she’s just taking care of her vegetative Granny. Bruno is impactado and pries for more info. Zulema fills him in. He sees his promise of fortune going up in smoke. I repeat what I theorized on last night’s episode: “I have a theory about Bruno and Diana, folks. Snorty’s vegetative, so when he goes for his payments in full, she can’t accommodate him. He can’t ask Vasco, obviously. He can’t ask the slimy attorney, who needs authorization from Snorty. So, he’ll be Put Out and either make Di’s life h*** or team up with Sara to rob Snorty, or both. Any way you look at it, he’s not getting his balance boosted soon. And he didn’t even know it because it all came down while he was off on his honeymoon.” Cap’n Sharkbait reminded me that the lawyer knows the deal, so he could follow through. I think Bruno will worry enough, though, that he’ll make Di’s life h*** for a while. Actually, he already is with the no work order. Bruno is commercial impactado.

Diana can’t imagine Snorty vegetative. She didn’t even think Snorty was human in the first place. Bruno wants to know the prognosis. It’s worse than he could have imagined. Diana and Zulema think it’s payback, and this time it’s for real. Diana and Zulema go off for the 50 cent tour of the apartment while Bruno goes into a deep funk.

Barb, always solicitous of the household help, has come to see if Shallow needs help reading the history book. Chalo wants to know if there’s going to be a quiz. She sniffs and asks if he put cologne on. Chalo is excited, she noticed. Heck yes, he must have smeared the entire bottle on. Does she like it? The truth??---NO. Chalo talks her into getting him cleaned up. If she goes to help him buy clothes, he’ll be refined. Barb considers this hesitantly—she doesn’t want to offend him but it costs and she seriously doubts he has it. He assures her he has the money. What, as a chauffer? No, the Srta. Sara doesn’t pay me enough to keep me fed—I inherited it. Well, truth to be told, it’s an inheritance, all right—it’s Sara’s which she decided to tap early to shut him up, but, who’s arguing fine points here? Barb thinks he should just start a business with it. Chalo’s good, though. In the end, they’re going for retail therapy.

Maru’s come to see Jaime but only finds Conchita, the wacky landlady, waving an incense flare around the room. What a shame, Maruja missed him. What makes you think I’m here to visit him? Conchita, wacky but astute, points out Maruja didn’t come to visit her. She doesn’t keep track of his whereabouts, either. Maruja starts to leave a message and decides against it. Conchita snoops—does he enchant Maruja? Maruja retorts that they’re just friends, and don’t be a busybody (novelera, make a novel out of it). Conchita tries to read their horoscope signs into it and Maruja quashes her enthusiasm. Conchita is incensed! She wants to know if Maruja is afraid to hear something she doesn’t want to. Bye bye, Conchita.

Ickturo holds his son, and his daughter gives him a drawing she made in school. Valeria gets serious and wants to tell the niños (Dieguito and Yanelis) that Papi isn’t going to live with them any more. Ickturo wants to tell it. Sometimes parents have their differences. They don’t want to live together and this is what’s happened with Mami and me. Dieguito goes off the set somewhere, obviously not with the program. Val takes over and tells Yanelis that they will live with her and Papi won’t. Yanelis tells them not to fight. Ickturo kisses her and tells her he made a biggggg mistake. Val assures her that Papi still loves her and Dieguito very much. Ickturo looks sick to his stomach.

Bettina is still frustrating herself trying to contact Ivan. Paula comes in with a super tight t-shirt that is sure to thrill Ferro. (Paula in Yo Amo a Juan didn’t need the décolletage, all she needed was t-shirts like this Paula’s). Paula thinks they need to talk woman to woman; she shouldn’t be beating herself up because Ivan doesn’t call. Bettina wants a change of subject—how about you and Papi, Mom? They actually discuss what’s coming down with Dario and Paula. But Paula points out it’s not as easy as Bettina thinks. Bettina argues on Papi’s behalf. She points out Mami told her once she still loves Papi. So, get it together already. Maybe they had to go through all this to find out they really love each other! Paula is amazed at her wisdom—sometimes it’s scary.

Yanelis wants to make sure her Papi will visit them. Ickturo’s voice breaks and he assures her he will. Ickturo’s Mami comes in. Yanelis wants to know if Granny knows they’re going to live in another house. So, Granny harasses Valeria about causing others pain, and Val doesn’t bend, you GO girl! She retorts that some folks are really good at criticizing and not at giving a good example. Granny ignores that and takes Yanelis off sweetly for a surprise. Val gives Ickturo the bad news that she’s moving close to her parents in Cabos. He tries to cajole, whine and force her not to take the children away. She tells him she feels it will be better for the children and he can come to see them when he wants. Ickturo looks close to tears.

Al gets yet another call at work that he knows is Sara and ignores it. She fumes—Lorena CANNOT win!

Barb strolls the mall with Chalo and tells herself if she sees anyone she knows, she’ll just DIE. Chalo sees a store he likes—should they go in? Barb asks herself what she’s doing out shopping with a chauffeur, biting her fingernails and scanning the environment for cronies. She must be nuts. Chalo wants to know if she heard him. Sure, let’s go in, she smiles nervously. He tells her he’s in her hands. Uh huh. She smiles and leads, with Chalo grinning at her backside and following. We are treated to a fashion show. First, a 60s holdover nylon splash print shirt. Nope. She actually laughs as she tells him “not that.” Then, board shorts and a t-shirt with wide green stripes. Not that either. Then a nice khaki blazer and print shirt. Approval here. Shopping done, Chalo peels off a wad of bills. Barb muses that it seems like he has some savings. Could it be that inheritance he talked about? Well, it’s somebody’s inheritance, Barb. Could even be yours.

Al, serious as always (a good look for him a) because he’s a doc, and b) because he isn’t required to move his face to execute it), is hard at work in his office when Bruto slithers in. He tries some small talk but Al confronts him—Al was thinking he’d present himself for duty early this morning. Well, yeah, but….Bruno does his level best to ingratiate himself until he learns the cold, hard, truth. While he was sleeping in Cancun, his job was outsourced to Al. Then, Bruno is just impactado for the second time tonight.

An amusement park is usually a source of amusement. Well, some of the happy family are amused on the roller coaster. Not Ivan, though, who is at the end waiting for the Fabulous Foursome to come down from their high. Lore asks if he’s going to join the fun. No. Ern asks if it’s because he’s afraid. Ivan cuts him off at the knees—no, he did those rides with his folks, and today he doesn’t feel like it. They go to a game of skill where if you knock down the little clowns, three in a row, you get a stuffed animal. Gina wants Tío to buy her a stuffed animal and he explains you can’t buy them. So, he gamely throws to win. Boy, oh, boy, are we getting some good muscle shots with the polo shirts lately. How come a chef has to wear long sleeves? But, I digress. Ern asks Ivan if he wants to try. Ivan wonders what part of “I don’t’ feel like it” that his Unc doesn’t get. [Ed. Note: I’ve put kids into In-School Restriction for stuff like this and would be very pleased if Ern sends Ivan to me for a week or so]. The Fabulous Foursome throw, and finally Ivan joins. He gets three in a row and gives the toy to Gina (even though Alex reaches for it). For a moment, all five are good. Then Ern wins one for Lore. Life is good.

Not at The People’s Clinic #23, though. Bruto is having a major meltdown. Al stole his job, and while Bruno was on his honeymoon at that. Al points out he married in haste and maybe should have waited. Bruno thinks Al waited until he was gone to sink Bruno. Al points out Bruno did it to himself with his lousy work. After ranting and raving at each other a while, Bruno declares he’ll just go see the regional authorities to restore him to his position and Al tells him whatever. Bruno storms out.

Ern and Lore grin like loons and Gina grins at her Unc grinning at a girlfriend. Ern thanks Lore for getting Ivan on board and tells her he adores her. Lore tells Ern they have to be patient with Ivan while he works out his rage. He’s not sure he can but she’s confident he loves his niece and nephews. More kissing. Gina approves. Like most kids, though, she gets bored with the oldies kissing and runs off when she sees a clown making balloon figures. Ivan and Alex come back with the goodies. Suddenly Ern and Lore come to. The goodies get passed out to Ern and Lore…. and there’s no Gina. Yikes. Lore yells her name and Ern clenches up, commercial impactado and worried sick.

They all scan the scene and see nothing of Gina. Ivan gets angry and sullen again, possibly with good reason this time, but it’s still not helpful. It’s all Ern’s fault for getting wrapped up in kissing Lorena. Heck, Ivan wasn’t even around so he must have second sight or something. Ern gives orders, and he and Lore run off to search in different directions leaving Ivan in charge of Alex, who is very worried about his sis. Ivan tells him that Ern doesn’t know how to take care of them. All that matters to him is making out with women. They sit down to wait. Lore runs and calls for Gina. She looks on the rides and in doors, but nothing. Ern runs and looks for Gina. He asks people if they’ve seen her, describing her with gestures. Lore asks folks if they’ve seen her, describing Gina with gestures. Ivan brainwashes Alex—they’ve never mattered to their Uncle. Alex stands up for his Uncle. Ivan says he has a funny way of showing how he cares, losing their sister through his own fault. Ivan swears that if they don’t find Gina, he’s calling the police to slap Uncle in jail. Alex has no retort for that but frets.

Ern is still on the run, looking. This is one BIG amusement park. More gestures to ask if people have seen Gina. More shaking of their heads, nope, they haven’t seen her. Lore runs out of the mouth of a biiiig clown with lots of other people, yelling Gina’s name. More gesturing and asking if people have seen Gina. More heads shaking no.

Gina is chatting happily with a sweet-looking old guy with a suit, tie, white beard and moustache. Ern sees her and grabs her, chewing the old guy out. Don’t you DARE put a hand on her! Gina wonders why he’s so mad. Perps like him should be in jail. The man just smiles gently and tells him that he’s made a mistake. He was just asking Gina who she came with. Gina protests to Ern the old gentleman was taking care of her. Lore runs up, finding them, and hugs Gina. Thank heavens! She notices the old fellow—it’s her friend from the park bench when she just arrived and everything was going wrong! What, they know each other? Lore nods to Ern—yes.

Ivan is still working on Alex about how bad Ern is. He’s not their father! Alex pragmatically points out they don’t’ have one any more, he’s the only one left to them and Alex loves him. Ivan keeps at it—Alex should be on his side, they are brothers, after all. He gets Alex convinced that Ern didn’t really mean it when he said he’d take Alex to football games; but Ivan will do it—every weekend. He’ll even get a famous player’s autograph for Alex. Alex bites his lip and thinks about it.

Ern leaves Lore to talk to the fellow while he gets Gina back with her brothers. He gestures for her to sit, and they smile at each other broadly. How has she been? Lore fills him in. Her life is becoming clearer, just like he said. It’s one thing to see the light, but another to follow it. He asks if the Sr. and the niña are Lore’s family. She tells the fellow that she just agreed to be Ern’s girlfriend, and that’s his niece. She’s afraid, though. Her track record in love is bad. He nods and murmurs, and lets her keep talking. The fellow reflects that Ern seems like a guy man, though a bit impulsive/violent (both definitions possible). Lore can only give him an eyebrow raise and chuckle. She rests her chin on her elbows on the table, and looks a little bemused by it all.

Chalo has found cologne he doesn’t like. Barb picks up one she likes and does a commercial for it. Pretty expensive, though. Chalo, in full charming eye contact mode with his ingenuous baby face reflecting delight to Barb, comments on it, peels out some bills, and buys it. Rather, his godmother in heaven is buying it. He wants to get something for her and she won’t let him. She has to refuse his offer, cannot accept it. Chalo thinks she is refusing because he’s a lowly chauffeur. He just wants to show his appreciation for all her trouble helping him. She makes her final refusal and walks off, with him calling after her—for the record, I had the intention. He smiles to himself and picks up the packages to follow.

Jaime’s home with Vasco in tow. Jaime supposes that Barb is thrilled to be back home. Vasco imagines so, too, but they never talk since she’s always out power shopping. Jaime tells Vasco he’s got to move on the divorce—it’s something he really should have take care of long ago. Vasco’s not happy about it, but resigned. Did Jaime stay on his account? No, kids always think that, but no. Jaime just though he and Barb might have things in common [Ed. Note: Sheesh, how did he ever get that idea?]. And what’s more, it’s always a good thing to have a woman who could put up with a guy like Jaime. Vasco chides him for putting himself down. Jaime changes the topic purposely—it’s been a while since they watched a game of football together. How about it? Vasco pretends to think about it…..then grins.

The Happy Family is momentarily together, but Ivan and Alex look a little glum. Ern comments that they’ve learned a lesson about staying together and Ivan caustically retorts that the lesson was for Ern. It was his fault Gina was lost. Gina defends Tío—she got distracted and ran after the clown with the balloons. Ern says no arguments, just everybody hangs together. Period. Gina wants to go into the big castle amusement, but Ern tells her she can’t go alone so Alex volunteers. Ivan mutters sure, Alex, you go—YOU will take care of her. Ern sighs and the kidlets run off happily, leaving Ern and Lore talking and Ivan sulking. Alex falls and yells; they all run to pick him up.

Chalo hovers close to Barb as they walk down the mall hallway again. He wants to buy her a snack. No, she’s got another commitment and has to get on the way home. She’ll take a taxi and he can get something to eat. He nails her—he tells her he thinks she’s ashamed to be hanging out with someone like him. He puts on his best Disappointed and Humble face. Barb, who must have a shred of heart left in her soul, tells him that’s nonsense. He says the words she’s been thinking to herself—if someone sees you with me, imagine what they’re going to say: “Look at Barb—what’s she doing hanging out with that trashy guy?” Barb tells him it’s not because he is trashy, and he shouldn’t see it that way. Well, how should he see it? She points out he’s much younger, not her nephew, not her relative….it’s that. But her eyes say she’s interested like Cap’n Sharkbait told us last night. Chalo knows all the right answers here—he convinces her she’s found the fountain of youth and no way will people think there is so much age difference. They’ll just be jealous, that’s all. (Well, what was it that the nuns called Chalo in the beginning? Over self-confident? Presumptuous? With self-esteem that’s over the top? All of the above? He’s still pretty naco—he called it Right.) She tells him not to be such a liar, but he slathers on the flattery oil. When he begins to tell her about her body—enough, Gonzalo! He puts on his Most Earnest Look. Not everyone gets to hang with such a beautiful woman. Eye contact and a sigh from Barb. Chalo will be taking her home.

Lo and behold, Alex is Bleeding Buckets from the forehead. The Happy Family examines it with concern. Ivan notes that it’s bleeding a lot. The go off to find the nearest emergency room.

Rossy and Julian celebrate life with a lovely outdoor picnic. Or, at least Rossy celebrates while Julian moans his fate at being a model who can’t eat because he has to watch those love handles. They bicker about Rossy eating what she feels like eating and Julian eating nothing. She tries to lure him by smearing her mouth with lovely food (G-R-OSS). If she wanted to eat alone she could do it at home. They bicker a little more and Julian tries to tell her his work isn’t her enemy. Rossy isn’t so sure.

By now the blood is All Over the Face as Ern carries Alex with the Happy Family trailing. Quick, get out the Bloodborne Pathogens Clean-up Kit! The nurses at the clinic rush Ern and Alex into an examining room. Lorena cranes her neck to look over the desk. Ivan wants to know what she’s looking at. Nothing. She covers up well enough and says it’ll all turn out okay. Sure, Ivan comments, and one these times he’ll just die. Lorena raises her voice in retort and he insolently tells her not to yell at him. Gina yells at her brother not to bother Lorena. Lore asks that they agree to calm down. Ivan sighs in disgust and ignores that.

Meanwhile Ern puts Alex onto an examining table while the nurse reassures him it’s only a superficial wound. Looks a heck of a lot worse than it is, apparently. Very convincing. Ern holds Alex’s hand and tells him there’s no need to worry. Alex points out he’s fine but Ern’s hand is shaking. He grins up at Tío. The doctor, surprise, surprise, is Alonslow. They greet each other before they realize what they’re facing here and are commercial impactados.

While Alonslow gathers his wits, the nurse tells him about the contusion. She obviously doesn’t realize it’s going to take more than that for ‘Slow to gather his wits, as few as they are. He goes around to take a cursory glance—they’ll have to disinfect it and take a few stitches (puntos).

Zulema has left , and Diana watches an agitated Bruto pacing the apartment. He’s yelling at her—does she realize this injustice? They took away his post as Chief of Staff because he went on a honeymoon! Right. She murmurs supportively indignant words. He’s sure Alonslow had something to do with it. Diana points out that if he’s doing his work well, they shouldn’t be taking away his post. Good point, Di, and that’s the main point. She doesn’t know Alonslow. He must have done something to make the boss take away Bruno’s post. Diana hauls herself up off the sofa and tries to comfort Bruno by caressing his arm and speaking gently. He pulls it away abruptly and snaps at her to leave him alone. She points out it’s not her fault, she did nothing. He turns around, rabid, and snaps at her to leave him in peace. He thought bubbles about the old dying broad and him demoted—where will he get the bucks to pay for this house? Probably a good thing it’s just in his name and not hers. Honeymoon’s Over.

Maruja brings coffee and snacks to Zulema, who seems to be making the visiting rounds today. How’d it go with Diana and Bruno coming back from their honeymoon? Zulema beams—she seemed so happy and lovely with her little tummy so noticeable. Maru thinks Zulema looks radiant and so young. That sets Zulema off in a tirade of how fat, old and ugly she is. Maru tries to stop her but Zulema tells Maru what she thought she heard Omar saying. The discussion deteriorates to “women just get old while guys get more interesting.” Zulema is sure he has a lover and Maru thinks she should just talk to the man. A sigh and headshake from Maru.

Speaking of the King of Rome, he’s dialing for help. “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!!” He stammers around, asking if that’s the place one calls if one is having …. Um …. Problems having relations? Yep. The ad in the newspaper doesn’t tell the whole story—it’s herbs, massage, and other quackery. Omar hangs up fast. But he can’t keep on like this. He wants to be good as new, a whole man.

Maru changes the subject—have they thought about Jaime at all? Thought about what? Forgiving him. Zulema gets sharp with Maruja. What is her obsession with that man!??? Listen once and for all, I’m going to be very clear, Zulema tells her angrily. They can never forgive him for taking away their opportunity to raise their child. Maru can see that. Zulema pours out more grief. Maru says she promises to never bring the subject up again and asks Zulema to forgive her, looking down dejectedly. Zulema looks at her, annoyed and disgusted, and rolls her eyes.

Gina wants reassurance that Ivan is not right, that Alex won’t die. Lorena swears that won’t happen. She explains it was just a wound on the forehead and lots of blood comes from the head, but it’s not that serious. She tells Gina she’ll go see if they’re done and asks Ivan to watch Gina. Ivan, always the cooperative one, tells her no and makes a smart-aleck teenage remark. (For the record, deaf kids can do this masterfully in sign language with expansive movements and forceful signs. Also for the record, I can chew teens out with even more forceful signs and expansive movements. I’m way older and have way more practice with those very signs). Do you think I’m such an imbecile that I can’t care for her better than y’all? Lore chides him and reminds him they’re all going through a tough time but that doesn’t give him license to treat folks badly, especially his uncle. Has she finished with her sermon, he cracks, with arms tightly folded and a scowl. Go see if Alex died already. Lore is irritated as she goes to see how Alex is. Ivan sits down next to Gina, who has been watching him closely. He pulls out his phone. Who’s he calling? Someone who can help. It’s Auntie Gladys. As he talks to Auntie, Gina looks up warily.

Alex is all cleaned up and Alonslow is cutting the thread after the last stitch. Alex moans a little while Alonslow tries to reassure him and Ern assures him it’s over already. What a brave little boy, ‘Slow remarks as he takes his protective gloves off wrong after working with bodily fluid and HANDS THEM TO THE NURSE instead of throwing them into the hazmat container. Alex tells Ern it’s not his head that hurts, it’s his hand because Ern is squeezing it so hard. Ern looks a little sheepish and lets it go. Lorena sticks her head in the door to see how it’s going, excusing herself. Ern looks at her, gets up and looks at Alonslow in concern, who is staring at Lorena. She enters, staring back at Alonslow out of the corner of her eye while addressing Ernesto—is everything all right? Ern says it is, fortunately, it wasn’t serious. ‘Slow tells them in a few days Alex will need to be seen again. Then he turns gently to Alex and assures him not to worry and there won’t be a scar. What a relief. Lore doesn’t make eye contact and mutters thanks. ‘Slow continues to tell Alex congratulations and they give the macho guy handshake/knuckle touch. ‘Slow warns Alex not to move much, but he can go home. He tells Ern that Alex just needs to rest for today and Ern thanks Alonslow politely. Ern turns to Lorena. My love, shall we go?? Lorena looks up at Ernesto and there’s a ‘Slow simmer on the other side of the bed. Count on Sara to just pop into patients’ rooms whenever the spirit moves her. I thought that violated HIPAA or something. Oh, yeah, they don’t have HIPAA in Mexico. Alonslow?? She sees Lorena and Ernesto, and four adult faces exchange varying degrees of stares. Shall we go love? Ernesto repeats himself, arm around Lorena, and Lore hastily agrees. Alex very politely thanks Alonslow and ‘Slow rises to the occasion. He tells him Alex it was a pleasure, my little friend, and here’s a lollipop. Alex is happy and of course doesn’t register the tension in the room. Ern thanks ‘Slow but gives him a warning glance and ushers Alex and Lore out. Alonslow watches them leave with a slight scowl.

Sara, on the other hand, is never one to waste a moment when she sees the golden opportunity to prove her point. My love? And they’re holding hands? How lovely. ‘Slow’s got his constipated look. Why the heck is she here? She wanted to talk to him when he couldn’t ignore her phone calls, that’s why. She decided to visit, and what luck! See! It’s exactly like I told you. ‘Slow says he has lots of work to do—it’s not the time for this, looking as annoyed as he ever looks. Poor Ernesto, Sara continues, ignoring his work. You see how Lorena’s got Ernesto wrapped around her finger (engatusar – coax)? It’s clear she’s got him all crazy. Sara can only imagine her skills in the sack (under the sheets). ‘Slow comes around the bed, scowling big-time. He opens the door and tells her she’s going. Sara tells him he can’t keep obsessing on this woman. Come back with me! I need you! She grabs his face and tries to kiss him while he fights her off. He tells her to cut it out and she says it’s not fair for him to reject her for Lorena. Look at how happy she is with her lover, and I’m here just beggin’ for a little lovin.’ Well forget it, and don’t beg. Why have you lost all your dignity? Because I love you, Sara retorts. ‘Slow stalks out, saying he’s going to work, leaving Sara fuming yet again.

Night has fallen in the D. F. and Vasco visits Tío Omar. Did you tell Auntie yet? Tell her what? About your problem, Unc that you told me about the other day. Omar plays dumb. No, there’s no problem; last night I got the job done like I should have. Vasco id happy for him. He thought Tío looked worried. Omar smiles and chuckles, swearing Vasco to silence—not a word to anyone, especially your Tía. Well of COURSE people don’t tell others about their intimacies. End of topic. Omar changes it to how all is going with Vasco. They talk about Vasco getting back into the company—not easy, he’s out of the swing of it. Omar tells him if his goal is to protect the interests of his Granny, Omar won’t fault him on that. Vasco notes that Jaime said the same thing. And by the way, are you ever going to forgive him? Omar tells Vasco pretty much what Zulema told Maruja, but with less anger. He’s your dad, and it’s good you’re helping him, but don’t expect us to forgive him. Vasco asks him to consider it. It’s time to give up the rancor. Omar disagrees.

Zulema comes back from her day of visits and is thrilled to greet Vasco—she’s missed him. How’s everything? Where’s Julian, she wants to know. On Sunday? No way he’s going to be home early. He’s out with Rossy.

Speaking of the King of Rome, he’s going over pictures from the ABC Sports mag with Rossy, pointing out the best features of the photos of him and the lovely models. He wants her opinions of which are his best shots and profiles. Duh. Predictably, Rossy is increasingly annoyed. He accuses her of being jealous again. No way! She’ll never be insecure with him again. Her arms cross, she scowls and taps her foot. Why’s she mad, then? Because all he thinks about are the photos, models and all that. Julian points out they love each other and walks over to her hesitantly. Is that so little? Rossy starts to protest but Julian cuts her off, asking why she doesn’t believe in his love. It’s about them and when they have enough money, they’ll get married. Today he’s modeling and some day he may be in Alaska looking for crabs. He earnestly peers into her face. She smiles shyly, still doubting. If she wants, he’ll never look at the magazines again. He lifts her hands to his lips. Would he do that for her? Of course! She throws herself into his hug. They smile and hug each other tightly.

Lorena has apparently told Maruja about her Terrible, Awful, No Good, Very Bad day with the Happy Family. How incredible! So many things happened to her today, Maruja sympathizes. Yep, and it was the last straw to see Alonslow at the hospital. Well, if you’re going to People’s Clinic 23 in the daytime, the likelihood of seeing ‘Slow there is exponentially higher than it would be at any other hospital, honey. Maru wonders how it made her feel. Really nervous. Seeing him face-to-face felt very strange. But the worst moment happened when Sara turned up. Maru is incensed. What was SHE doing there? Who knows? But Ern saw my reaction and immediately took my hand. I felt very protected. Very good, Maruja approves. Lorena confesses she liked that a lot, with a smile and nod. Being with him, and the children, is like really having a family that she never has had. She smiles, then sighs and shrugs.

Ernesto is a bit surprised to see Gladys at his door and welcomes her. She excuses herself for not calling ahead. They tap dance about taking shoes off; she obviously doesn’t come here often, if ever. Or, she thinks it’s a silly rule and is purposely playing ignorant even though a dozen shoes are lined up near the door. He imagines she’s come to see the children. Well, yes, how are they. Fine, considering the circumstances (dentro de lo que cabe – under the circumstances). Today we went on a lovely outing (which part of lovely was the trip to the hospital?). Does Gladys want to see them? She shakes her head, and we note her décolletage is a bit pronounced. She really wants to talk to Ernesto. Ivan sneaks out of his room to listen around the corner. She doesn’t want to fight with Ern, but it doesn’t seem to her that the children should be left in his care and she’s going to fight for custody. Ivan seizes his chance to come out and trash talk Unc. He agrees with his Auntie. Ern has no morals. Gladys is taken aback. Why would he say that? Because he’s messing with so many women at the same time. Ern tries to deny it and Ivan goes into the litany of Ern sleeping late and not getting the kiddies to school, and himself locked out for hours with no keys. Also, Alex fell and cut his forehead, and Gina was lost at the amusement park. Why? Because Tío was making out with his girlfriend. Gladys gives Ern a look of disappointment and censure. Ernesto looks at Ivan in irritation and worry, his jaw working.

Monday: Monica shows up and yells at Ernesto that she knows Lorena is the other woman. Ernesto yells back that Lorena is the ONLY woman he’s in love with. Then he thinks better of it as fast as the words are out of his mouth. Alonslow comes looking for Lorena at her house. The rain begins and he begs. Is Ernesto sitting in his car waiting for her and seeing this touching scene?



Fuego en la Sangre, 09/12/08: Sofia Gets Her Groove Back

As we left them last time, the Reyes brothers, together with their Uncle Vicente, had gone to look for their father’s will. Juan gets excited when, after digging with their hands and some nearby sticks, he finds a rusty old lunchbox buried underneath their family tree. (Don’t even begin to ask me what that says about their roots.) He and the others are overjoyed when he opens it and realizes that the papers inside are in fact Papa JuanJo’s long lost and incredibly legible will (which, courtesy of the telenovela gods, we take as gospel that they must ‘a been written with indelible ink and then sprayed with wax for just such a pre-ordained circumstance). Juan’s ability to read has miraculously returned and he has very little problem reading that the will states they, as JuanJo’s children, were declared to be his sole legal heirs. After a bit of backslapping and cheering, Juan rides off with the will in his possession.

Nearby, meanwhile, at the Hacienda de Horrores de las Elizondo, a consternated Mama Gabriela stares angrily at Sofia and demands to know why her daughter slapped the beloved object of her perverted passions, the felonious Fernando. Sofia stares back and asks her mother if she is certain she really, really, really wants to know the gawd-awful truth. Crabi is not up for playing guessing games and tells her to get on with it. Sofia tells her that Fer won’t stop harassing her and is constantly bothering her. “He’s the one who is playing with you, Mama!” Gabi’s response is to hiss at Sofia about being a wicked daughter who is only jealous of her happiness and who wants to destroy it. Sofia tries to defend her actions saying she only wants to protect her, but Gabi won’t listen. “Nothing you tell me will set me against Fernando.”

Luisito walks in playing with his toy and draws Gabi’s attention. “What is the little whore’s son doing there?” “--Fernando brought him here.” Gabi wants Fer to explain the connection, but he is caught off guard and thinking through his next evil side-step to avoid doing exactly that. Sofia dares him to tell the truth about the little boy. “Go on, Fernando,” she challenges as we in Viewerville hold our breath to see if finally Sofia has managed to mouse trap the resident rat. However, Fer evades all too skillfully by directing Gabi into her office for a personal little “frente a frente” (face to face). Sofia watches and exhales (along with the rest of us), decidedly disappointed and frustrated BUT, totally vindicated for finally making an effort worthy of her role as our novela’s heroine. (You go, girl!)

In Gabi’s office Fer tries to convince his main cheese –er squeeze—that he was only trying to make nice with Sofia since once her bastard child is born she inherits the whole enchilada. Gabi has to admit he’s right, but she still wants to know why he got slapped. Feo skillfully blames it on nothing more than Sofia’s rebellious attitude and complains she’s only gotten more defiant since she returned home, as if everything she’s done up to now was nothing more than a lark.
Gabi agrees with Fernando and says she’s going to talk to Sofia about it now, but he stops her and does another bit of fast talking. Fer says she can’t because she might ruin everything by talking to Sofia right now and besides, she’s got to recognize that everything he does including taking all of Sofia’s guff is purely for Gabi’s benefit to maintain her control over her daughters. He “begs” her to keep this from Jimena and Sarita and asks that whatever happens not to intervene, just trust in him. Gabi says she doesn’t doubt him for a minute. He smiles at her and says she’ll see that in the end she’ll turn out to be the winner in all of this.

In Margarita’s dressing room at the Tumbao, Margarita has just told Eva that Rosario is her daughter, not Eva’s. Eva, tearfully impactada, listens as Margarita tells Eva that when she was young she committed a serious mistake when she gave away her daughter to Ofelia. “Ofelia had a bigger heart and ran off with Rosario. The proof is that, not only is Ofelia still with Rosario, but also that Rosario has a birthmark on her foot." Eva doesn’t know about any birthmark but doesn’t doubt that Margarita is telling her the truth. She cries because once more Fate has grabbed her daughter away.

At the hacienda, Sofia is out back playing with Luisito as Fernando slinks down the back stairs to gloat over his ability to persuade Gabi to believe him over Sofia. “I told her you worried me and that I needed to stick close to you and she believed me.” Sofia asks if he told her the truth about Luisito and he fakes concern over Gabi’s health. “Of course not! What? Do you want to risk your mother having a relapse?” He plays the guilt card. “If anything should happen to her you would be the one responsible.” Sofia believes him and tells him again how much she despises him. Fer quips back that the distance between hate and love is only a single step and perhaps she will even end up loving him. He swaggers away with a signature chomp of his cheroot.

Crabi walks out and sees the two of them together. As Fer walks away Gabi pleads with Sofia to stay away from Fernando (gawd, this is sick and desperate) since after Bernies’ cheating on her like he did with another woman (make that underage minor), she says she deserves some bit of happiness. Besides, (give a shout out to all members of the Church of Moral Equivalence here) everyone knows that Sofia never loved him to start with anyway. Sofia insists that Fernando not only didn’t interest her before, he doesn’t now and he won’t interest her e-v-e-r! This answer seems to satisfy Gabi and so she asks Sofia what she was getting at about Luisito. Sofia has a quick flashback to Fer’s warning that Mama could have a relapse if she finds out the truth about the boy and decides to tell her just to forget it. It was nothing, she says, and takes him to visit Augie. Raqui shows up at that point, demanding Gabi talk to her immediately if not sooner.

In the meantime, Juan has arrived in Puebla City to take his lawyer his papa JuanJo’s will. (Wait a minute here! What is with the girly midriff way Juan’s got his shirt tails tied? Shirt tails tied in a square knot and the whole thing unbuttoned to his waist? Good Lord! I wore that sort of thing in the 70’s. Looks like me and the sweet guy who dressed Juan in wardrobe were out to impress the same gender demographic….) The lawyer reads the will over and tells Juan that this shows he and his brothers are the legitimate owners of his father’s estate. (Query 1: Where did Juan “park” his horse in that mini metropolis? Query 2: Do they have pony poop ‘n scoop laws in Puebla City?) Juan races back home with the great news.

Back at the Bad Love Bar in Rosario’s dressing room, Ofelia admits the truth to Eva and tells her that Margarita despised the baby girl because she was getting in the way of Margarita’s career. Eva cries to Ofelia that now her whole world has crumbled around her and once again she’s left alone without either hopes or dreams.

At the same time all three of the Elizondo sisters are visiting Augie. Sofia tells them that each day she is more convinced that Fernando is only using their mother. She can’t forget her daddy’s letter that Oscar found. She’s certain he knew the danger they were in with Fer living under the same roof. Somehow they will have to unmask him and find a way to get him to leave the hacienda for good. On cue Rosario shows up looking for Luisito. Rosario is there to ask them to forgive Eva, but they still blame her for knowingly allowing the Reyes’ to enter the hacienda. Sarita politely tells Rosario to stay out of it. Sofia says that she’d like to forgive her since she does feel close to Eva because at one time she thought Eva might be her mother. Rosario doesn’t understand.

Back at the main house, meanwhile, Raqui tells Gabi that Ricardo’s associate never showed and she’s not been able to find any legal bill of sale for the hacienda. Raqui needs her help. Gabi doesn’t know what she can do to help since she hasn’t a legal claim to the land Raqui gave her either. Raqui says that was only because it wasn’t advisable to have anything in writing. Now though, things are different and she wants help or people will learn the truth. Gabi warns her to stop threatening her because it wouldn’t be a good idea for people to find out Raqui gave her that land in exchange for a newborn baby girl! Raqui doesn’t deny it, but she would like to clear up something: was that baby girl Eva’s daughter?

Rosario wants to know what Sofia meant about Eva being her mother and Sofia tells her that the day she fell down the staircase Gabi had told her that she and not Rosario was Eva’s daughter.

In the office at the hacienda Gabi tells Raqui she has no reason to know about the baby and then pays off Raqui with a huge check to buy another hacienda if she gets kicked off the one she’s currently living on. “Now just leave me in peace!”

A bit later in the day Tio Vic and the “boys” visit JuanJo’s grave again and pledge to fight to get their lands back.

Pedro has a heart to heart with El Jefe and tells his papa that he doesn’t want to be associated with him because of the dubious way he makes his living. Alejandro swears that he’s never killed anybody but Pedro doesn’t care. The things he does do cause a lot of pain and suffering for others. As Pedro leaves, the message to El Jefe is clear: he’s got to go straight or Pedro will have nothing more to do with him.

Back in town Rigo tells Eugenia that he loves her and that he will give her whatever time she needs. Eugenia is duly unimpressed. He kisses her but she cannot even bring herself to close her eyes. Hortensia’s grocer boyfriend sees this and makes a mental note of it.

Jimena, Sarita and Rosario are trying to cheer up Sofia and tell her that Mama was only saying things to get under her skin, that of course she’s Gabriela Elizondo’s daughter. Juan appears in the doorway at that point and gruffly asks to speak with Augie. (Ugh! Again with the goofy shirt tails. Leave it for “Oxygen” already!) The others all leave and Sofia and Juan share a meaningful, pregnant pause before leaving him alone with Grampa Augie.

Once they’re alone, Augie complains to Juan about having come to take his revenge on them for a crime they did not commit. They certainly weren’t the upstanding, forceful, intelligent and honest men he took them for back then. Juan won’t deny it. Augie says it has saddened him finding out how he and his brothers deceived him and he’s still shocked about the whole thing. Not only does he not know them he no longer even recognizes them. Augie says if he had legs to stand on he’d give them a whooping, so Juan crouches down and dares him to have at it. When Augie can’t Juan tells him that it’s so easy to condemn and to look for revenge. Sure, he felt the need for revenge after caring for his siblings so long, and he acted without knowing whether he was justified or not over Bernardo. If Augie does hit him though, it just puts him on the same level as the three of them.

Augie agrees and says he cannot forget that the same day they came to the house to kill them he also saved his life. Juan can’t forget either and admits that the three of them miss the old man. Juan gets up and leaves rather than continue arguing with him. Before Juan goes though, Augie tells him that although he has no proof he is certain that Fernando Escandon killed Bernardo. Juan growls that he isn’t interested in Elizondo family gossip and that the whole lot of them are a mess anyway. (I’ll second that!) However, one thing Augie should know is that no matter what, he still loves Sofia with all his might and will always love her. As Juan walks out the front door Augie thinks that Juan has once again proven his manliness and only wishes he’d told the truth from the beginning.

Juan hops on Capricho and rides toward the main house as Sofia and her sisters are getting ready to ride into town. He tells her that they found their parents’ grave. She says she’s genuinely happy for the three of them. Mama flits in then and tells her that she doesn’t want her daughters having anything more to do with “those contemptible men”. Juan can take a hint and gallops away.

Sofia tells Mama not to get so uptight since Juan was only on his way from visiting Gramps and he can entertain anybody he wants. Gabi changes the subject and wants to know where Rosendo is taking them. Sofia explains they’re going into town to find a spot to open an artisan’s craft shop. They want to become “financially independent.” Gabi chuckles to herself and answers that soon they’ll realize how difficult it is to earn a living. (Hubby couldn’t help but snicker “What would she know about it?”)

Back in Rosario’s dressing room Eva excuses herself for taking up so much of Ofelia’s time but she had to let it all out. Ofelia wants to tell Eva the rest of the story but Rosario comes back just then and the opportunity is lost. Rosario lets Eva know that she wasn’t able to get the Elizondo sisters to relent. They are too angry. Eva and she share a mother-daughter cry.

Across town Padre Tadeo takes Sofia and the others into town to look for a proper business location. We get a three minute PSA on the artisanry of Mexico. Sarita and Jimena tell Sofia that they found a location very near the Reyes’ bakery. They decide not to let that stop them from locating their shop there.

Hortensia finds out from her boyfriend that Eugenia wasn’t too keen on Rigo’s attempt at formalizing their relationship. Benito/Tall Tweedle has been by a few times to see Eugenia, he tells her, and it was apparent that the two had and still have a thing for each other. Mother Hen is determined to look out for her chick. She later confronts Eugenia who admits her love for Benito. Hortensia tells her to fish or cut bait. She won't stand for Rigo to be hurt that way.

Sofia visits a number of little shops with Padre Tadeo and at one little shop Sofia is shown a white lace dress that reminds her painfully of the wedding dress Juan had bought for her and she quickly deflates. Juan is just as miserable in the bakery and is daydreaming about Sofia’s smile. He tells himself that he will never be able to forget her.

Later on, Sofia tells her sisters about Mama’s snide response when she told her about their plans. Jimena says they can only expect that and more from Mama.

Gabi visits Dr. Mentiroso Matasanos for her follow-up. He tells her that her condition is much improved and figures it’s because she’s followed his instructions to the letter. (Wrong!) She says happiness has played a part: the return home of her daughters, humiliated and subdued. But she was also able to take her revenge on her worst enemy (Eva) and that was even better for her than either his instructions or his medicines. (This woman needs a psychiatrist not a cardiologist. She has no heart to treat.) The good doctor chuckles along with her then tells her to keep as calm as possible. She says no problem; with all her enemies destroyed she is happy as a clam. Nothing can upset her now. (Methinks she speaks too soon! This is a telenovela after all.)

Eladio, Rigo and Hortensia watch as Quintina comes through the stall blasting about Reyes Brothers’ bread on her bullhorn. Eladio is wondering why they haven’t’ made a trip to deliver produce to the Elizondo’s yet. Rigo teases him about being more interested in his seeing Natalia than delivering any vegetables. So Quintina offers to take him since she’s got a yen to see Augie.

In the kitchen of the hacienda Natalia gives Eladio the go ahead. Her mama walks in on them kissing, and Eladio formalizes things with her. Mama says fine, so now Rigo’s plan to keep his bro south of the border has worked. On the other hand, Quintina only gets shooed out of Augie’s place. He refuses to forgive her disloyalty.

That night Benito comforts his Aunt Raqui and tells her that if his uncle’s friend has failed to show, then nobody can complain about whatever action she takes. Raqui says she still plans to fight to keep the hacienda, but if they lose in court she has the check Gabriela gave her to use to buy another property. Benito is impactado when he gets a look at the amount Gabi has given her. (Let’s hope for Bennie’s sake that that check doesn’t bounce like flubber when she cashes it.) He asks his aunt why Doña Gabriela would write her such a large sum. Raqui answers that it was a bit of business they did together. He asks what kind of business could it be for such a large amount of money, but before she can answer the maid delivers a letter for her. It’s a summons to attend a formal hearing of the judge’s ruling the next day.

Across the way at the supposedly slumbering Elizondo’s, Sofia is about to start up the stairs to go to bed. Fernando comes out of nowhere and grabs Sofia, begging to talk to her. She breaks herself free and tells him to quit harassing her all the time, but he says he cannot stop himself. Ever since she came back home he cannot stop thinking about her. It just kills him to think that a poor rube like Juan gets her motor running and he can’t even strike the first spark. He babbles on about how he knows she’ll never forgive Juan and he wants to suggest something, but she stops him cold telling him not to compare himself to Juan. Juan’s a real man! (Gag alert here!) Fer says he’ll drop Mama in a D.F. minute if she’ll only take him back. It’s obvious Sofia cannot believe how disgusting and deluded he must be and starts to say something when Fer grabs her again and starts sticking his tongue down her throat. Sofia screams for him to let her go.

Suddenly Gabi hears the commotion and comes out of her bedroom. She stands at the top of the stairs, furious at what she’s just seen. She demands to know what’s been going on. “Just what you see with your own two eyes, Mama!” Sofia tells her. “You know he’s never interested me, and now he’s harassing me and chasing after me. He won’t leave me alone! He asked me to take him back again! --Mama! You’ve got to listen to me. You have got to open your eyes and realize he is deceiving you. You cannot marry him! The only thing he wants is your money!” “—She’s lying! Your daughter is lying! She wants to separate us,” Feo tries to defend himself. He and Sofia both start up the stairs towards Gabi.

Gabi stares daggers at both of them. She takes a few steps down and stops just in front of the two of them as they (and all of us in Viewerville, likewise holding our breath in anticipation) wonder which one will she believe –and more importantly, who’s gonna get that nasty whap upside the head from her? Thwap!! It is Fernando who's the unhappy recipient of Gabi’s wrath this time. “Swine! You damned swine!” she screams at him as he looks back at her with murder in his eyes.


El Cuerpo del Deseo Discussions

Ok, Mario Cimarro fans. Now that Pasión de Gavilanes is done, Telemundo will rerun Mario's second Telemundo novela: El Cuerpo del Deseo, the Body of Desire, starting Monday, September 15. It will be on for 2 hours/day at 12noon on the East Coast, local times may vary. Just as we did with PdG, we will be discussing ECDD here on CarayCaray. The novela is broadcast with English subtitles on CC3 on your TV. Here is some info about the novela and the cast list.

From Wikipedia:
The story features Pedro José Donoso (Andrés García), a wealthy old man in love with a gorgeous younger woman, Isabel Arroyo (Lorena Rojas). He dies suddenly, but returns to Earth through transmigration: (the passing of a soul into another body after death), in the body of Salvador Cerinza (Mario Cimarro), a handsome (yet poor) family man. Pedro José searches for everything he lost, uncovering secrets, truths and deceptions. Ultimately, he must set things straight and save those who truly loved him.

This melodrama about wealth, youth and power was filmed in Miami. It is a remake of Julio Jimenez's En Cuerpo Ajeno ("In a Foreign Body"), a 1992 RTI Colombia serial.

  • Pedro Jose Donoso- a wealthy industrialist who,thinks he has everything he ever wanted. He has a gorgeous young wife, despite the age difference and opposition from his only daughter, Ángela.
  • Salvador Cerinza - a farmer who lives a sad life with his stingy wife Cantalicia and their son Moncho. Then everything changes when he suffers a mysterious accident.
  • Isabel Arroyo- a sensual, ambitious woman who loves her husband,Pedro Jose, at least on the surface.
  • Andrés Corona - Pedro Jose's right hand man and Isabel’s secret lover. Two-faced, astute and ruthless, he will do anything to take everything Pedro Jose owns.
  • Andrés García .... Don Pedro José Donoso
  • Mario Cimarro .... Salvador Cerinza / Pedro Jose Donoso - a.k.a. Jesus Christ
  • Lorena Rojas .... Isabel Arroyo - main heroine, villain
  • Martín Karpan .... Andrés Corona - employee of Don Pedro Jose,lover of Isabel, villain
  • Vanessa Villela .... Ángela Donoso - daughter of Pedro Jose, in love with Antonio
  • Anna Silvetti .... Abigail Domínguez - housekeeper at Donoso mansion, mother of Antonio and Simon
  • Erick Elias .... Antonio Domínguez - son of Abigail, in love with Angela
  • Sonia Noemí .... Pilar - friend of Rebecca
  • Pablo Azar .... Simón Domínguez - son of Abigail, in love with Valeria
  • Roberto Moll .... Walter Franco - butler at Donoso mansion, villan
  • Jeannette Lehr .... Gayétana Charlie - witch, friend of Pedro Jose
  • Martha Picanes .... Rebecca Macedo - aunt of Isabel and Valeria
  • Diana Osorio .... Valeria Guzmán - cousin of Isabel
  • Yadira Santana .... Victoria - maid at Donoso mansion
  • Liz Coleandro .... Nina Arroyo - mother of Isabel
  • Gemba Jacinto .... Cantalicia Muñetón - wife of Don Pedro Jose Donoso
  • Vivian Ruiz .... Guadalupe - friend of Gaetana
  • Eduardo Serrano.... Felipe Madero - artist, friend of Cantalicia
  • Arianna Coltellacci .... Consuelo Guerrero -
  • Sabrina Olmedo .... Matilda Serrano - employee of Gaetana
  • Alcira Gil .... Doña Lilia -
  • Tania Lopez .... Inirida Fernández -
  • Marella Mata .... Juanita - maid at Donoso mansion
  • Carlos Pittella .... Cura Parroco


Doña Bárbara - Friday, Sept., 12- Everybody tells Marisela that she is just like her mother

Marisela is heartbroken to see Santos with DB.

Lorenzo falls off the wagon and then turns into an ugly drunk. Marisela finds her father drunk. He blames his state on her for helping Cecilia and Antonio and he says that she is just like her mother. She betrayed him just like DB.

In a cute scene, Melesio comes to help Cecilia at the schoolhouse. Cecilia says that Don Melesio is a 'zalamero,' a 'sweet talker.' He tells her that life if short and if you love somebody you should enjoy it while you can like he did with his wife.

DB arrives at the school and gets the same terrified reaction from everyone she usually gets. They all leave except Cecilia. DB offers money to help the school and Cecilia interprets the offer as a way to make points with Santos. DB says that maybe she just wanted to be a better person today. [Yesterday, she had someone killed but, hey, that was yesterday.] She wants Santos to be proud of her.
C:Even so, I don't think you are the right person for my nephew.
B: Don't worry, Cecilia, I wasn't planning to call you 'aunt'.

Luisana is bored, hot and tired of being bitten by insects. Mauricio, who is working on a laptop(!) (do they have high speed internet in the Llanos?) suggests that they leave. Luisana says no. She is sure that sooner or later Santos will realize his mistake and come back to her. (Maybe Luisana wouldn't get so many insect bites if she didn't display so much flesh!)

A drunk Lorenzo accuses Cecilia of driving him back to drink because she won't love him like she did before. Cecilia replies that Lorenzo doesn't love her. He is just holding on to a memory. Lorenzo then blames Antonio and calls Cecilia an old maid. Cecilia gives an impassioned speech about how Antonio, unlike Lorenzo, makes her feel young and alive. She says that she loves Antonio with all the force and passion of her last few years of youth. Fortunately Antonio overhears all this and abandons his plans to leave the Llanos.

Antonio and Santos continue their miscommunication about who Antonio is in love with.

Marisela says that she is not like her mother and wants to know why Santos loves DB, why her?
Marisela says 'estoy salá,' which was translated in the titles as, 'I'm jinxed.' I assume she is dropping the ending of the past participle of salar, 'salada,' which means 'salty' but can also mean unfortunate.

Santos finds Marisela crying and asks her what is wrong but she calls him a disgusting pig and tells him not to touch her. She says that she thought he was a good man, better her than her father but now she thinks he is a traitor. She wants to go back to La Chusmita and not be a lady. She was happy there. Santos doesn't understand until Luisana tells him that Marisela saw him having sex with DB.

Cecilia persuades Marisela to go back to Altamira and agrees with her that men are stupid.

A few days later, the school opens. Cecilia is giving a nice speech when DB comes in.
Marisela angrily asks Santos if he invited DB and then she runs out of the schoolhouse. Santos follows. Then DB goes after them both.

Antonio tells Cecilia that he isn't leaving the place where his heart is. He is on the verge of making a declaration when Federica crashes the party and says that she can come every day and teach the children catechism.

Luisana discovers the ternera who is providing booze to Lorenzo.

Marisela and DB call each other names. DB slaps Marisela and when Marisela slaps her back, DB pulls a gun on her. Santos is horrified.
The credits roll.


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