Friday, October 17, 2008

Cuidado Thursday, October 16, 2008: The upper crust don’t lift a dedo to help our little Mari

Reruns: Judge Pat is announcing Stef at her party and everyone applauds. JM takes her by the hand for their dance.

Here come Rocio and Mari, who is looking stunning in her red gown. Stef spots her, stops dancing, and says ¿Que haces aqui? JM spots her too and smiles his one-sided babe-magnet smile. Mari drops her eyes shyly.

New stuff: Mari is nervous, but Rocio tells her she’ll be the belle of the ball. We see Amador with his pipe and a glass of wine, talking to Vicente. He spots Mari and comments that she looks terrific, totally different. He leers and laughs.

Stef is asking JM why Mari, who wasn’t invited, has come with his sister. Clueless JM says he arranged so she could come. Mari and JM look at each other from a distance. Mari notices that others are looking at her too, but Rocio says that’s because she’s so beautiful.

Mari feels like bolting, but Rocio says come on and pulls her into the party. JM tells Stef that he met Mari at the house and she was so sad about the party, like a Cinderella. Stef fake smiles and says he is Mari’s fairy godmother. They sway dance some more.

Meantime, Ceci and Pat are talking to two of their guests, and Ceci says it’s a long story, but they got their daughter back. Apparently none of their other long-time friends seem to think it’s remarkable that they suddenly have a grown daughter. Rocio and Mari arrive at where they are sitting, Rocio cheerfully meeting everyone. Ceci is amazed and uncomfortable. Mari says I hope you’re not mad at me, and Ceci says I hadn’t thought you were coming. Mari tells how she got her dress, and Ceci begins to beam and says isn’t that great, Patricio? He glares.

Mari tells the story of how she got the dress and says to Ceci are you sure you’re not mad? Ceci says no, actually I’m so relieved you’re here, and she gives Mari a hug. Be a good girl tonight, she says, and Mari says I will. Rocio says con permiso and off they go to mingle. The friends say how lovely! and Pat is stony-faced.

Off to the side, Vicente is laughingly telling Amador that when the judge spots him, he’ll toss him out. Amador says he’ll find the right moment to run into Mari, when it won’t cause problems. Vicente says he’s going to go find Rocio.

He finds her with Mari and exclaims over the change in Mari and says looks like somebody touched you with a magic wand. He tells Rocio he was almost thinking she’d stood him up. He asks her to dance, but she says she’s with Mari. Mari says go ahead and off they go to the dance floor. Amador, his hair looking more than usual like the raised hackles on a wolf, eyes the scene, looking for his chance.

Mari plops down and takes off a painful high heel and looks around. Isa is mingling, and suddenly spots Mari and is horrified. What? says Mari and cops a little attitude.

Back to the hospital where Bea, whose lips look really chapped and dry, flutters her eyelids. My friends? she asks the nurse. (Where is this poor girl’s family?) The nurse says there’s just one there, and she goes to get him. Bea croaks Amador, but no such luck, here comes that nice guy from the artist group, Israel, who takes her hand and smiles. She stares off into the middle distance.

We’re at the party again and Isa says is that you Mari? Mari cracks wise a little and says she’s promised Ceci she’ll behave. Isa takes off and Mari massages her sore feet. Isa goes over to Ceci and asks for a word in private. Isa points out that Mari is there. Ceci says isn’t she lovely? Ceci explains about JM and the dress, and says she’s so relieved, as her conscience was killing her.

Isa says Mari is bound to do something bad and wreck the evening. Ceci pooh-poohs her.

The judge wants Stef to meet some friends and he drags her away from JM. JM tells Eduardo now you finally get to meet Mari. Eduardo is with Elsa, who is looking nervous. Mari is still rubbing her foot, but pops up to meet them. JM starts to introduce Elsa, whose eyes are darting around, and Mari says she already knows her. Mari asks is this your boyfriend and Elsa says yes, then quickly asks Eduardo to dance.

Now Mari and JM can talk, and she asks him how he likes her dress. He says she looks amazing all done up, and she gets shy and goofy. He says no, really. She thanks him for making it possible for her to come. A handsome young man approaches them and asks if they’re a couple. JM says no, so the fellow asks Mari to dance. JM says go ahead, and she says don’t you want to dance with me? and JM says I’m Stef’s escort. Mari, disappointed, goes off with the fellow.

The guy wants to know Mari’s name and how come she’s there. She says she lives with the Velardes. He asks her last name and she says not so many questions, let’s just dance. He laughs. The music has picked up a bit, so they don’t have to sway dance. JM is watching and Stef comes up, says she finally got away from the friends, and can they go outside on the terrace and chat? JM is reluctant, and he watches Mari, maybe a little jealous?

We hear the angry-bee sounds and here comes Amador, hair at full attention, and he steps in between Mari and the fellow and gets in close to her face. Mari tells him to get lost. Vicente is watching. Mari tells him to leave her alone, and he says you won’t do anything to cause a scene at the judge’s party. Mari tells him he’s a creep and a liar, faking his blindness to manipulate her. Isa is watching too. Amador says you know you dig me, and Mari says if you don’t keep your hands off me, I’ll leave you blind for real, and paralyzed too. Mari takes off, and Amador laughs. Isa follows after Mari, and finds her at the wine bar, exasperated.

She greets Mari and Mari says just what I need. Isa says but I just wanted to say hello. Mari says you’re just looking for some way to prejudice the judge against me. Isa fake smiles and says here have some champagne, it’s good when you’re thirsty. Mari says you want to put me in a trance! Isa says oh gosh no, a person has to drink about 15 of these to get that way, this is just one. Try it!

Mari tries a sip and likes it. She’s thirsty, so she swigs the whole thing, liking the bubbles. Isa says here, have another and she tells the waiter to fill it to the top. She tells Mari the correct way to drink it is to empty the glass, so Mari does. Mari’s smiling big now. Uh oh.

JM is asking Stef if it bothers her that Mari came. No, she says, why? He says you looked serious when she came in. Stef says I was just surprised, as I didn’t think she was coming. JM says he’s felt sorry for her. Stef says you really like her, huh? JM says it touches me that she needs help and protection, that’s all. Stef says are you in love with her? JM’s eyes shift around.

Looks like Mari is on her third glass. She and Isa are laughing and a nice-looking fellow is watching with amusement, maybe the same one who asked her to dance. Now we see there are 5 glasses set on the counter – did she drink all those? Isa says just one more. Mari says she’s had more than Isa, but Isa says I’m not as thirsty as you. Isa has her charm turned on full blast and she says she can’t drink as much because she’s not young any more like Mari.

It is the same fellow and he asks Mari to dance again. She’s dancing with more movement than the other guests, getting into it, but not out of hand. Her partner looks delighted. She takes off her shoes and ramps up her dancing. She’s really good! We go into slo mo.

JM tells Stef he’s not in love with Mari. Stef says sometimes it looks like it. JM says she’s my ward, that’s all. Thank goodness says Stef. Why? JM wants to know. Stef says because I’d just die of jealousy, of her, and of any other woman you might like. JM says right now there’s no one. She caresses his hand lightly with her acrylics – not even me? He looks ill at ease.

More dancing. Isa looks on, probably waiting for all that champagne to kick in.

JM says Stef, we’ve just met. Stef says don’t you believe in love at first sight? JM says I do, but I’ve never experienced it. Stef says do you find me attractive? JM says of course, it’s just something else. Stef says well I believe in love at first sight, and you are very attractive. She takes his chin and says what’s wrong? Can’t you look at another woman? Are you still in love with your wife?

Mari is starting to lose her balance and bit and Isa laughs. She goes to the bar and asks the waiter to take a glass of champagne to Mari. Mari drinks up. Rocio, who is dancing with Vicente nearby, starts to become alarmed. Mari is spilling champagne and the judge and Ceci notice. Her partner wants to know if she has a boyfriend. No. Why not? She says don’t ask. She’s getting a little loud and the judge’s friends tsk tsk.

JM tells Stef that Viv is in the past and that one day he hopes to build a new life with someone. Stef says I want to be that someone. Stef leans close and closes her eyes for a kiss. JM’s brain jumps into black and white and we see Mari leaning in close to him. He comes to and tells the unkissed Stef that they ought to get back in to the party.

The music is over and Mari runs over and asks JM for the next dance. He tries to beg off, but Mari is tugging on him and Stef, disgusted, gives him a shove out onto the dance floor. It’s a slow dance and JM and Mari are face to face. We go into slo mo again.

Back to normal speed. For some reason, the room has gone dark and only Mari and JM are in a sort of spotlight. They stare into each other’s eyes and sway. Since JM can’t dance worth beans, the camera swings around the couple to give the feeling of romantic swirls on the floor. After way too much of this scene, Isa asks Stef if she sees. They agree that it looks like JM likes Mari and Mari likes him back. Isa thinks they’re about to kiss so Stef heads out to the dance floor.

They almost kiss and Stef cuts in. The lights go up. She dances with JM, staring at him, while he looks away, like shaken. Mari runs off, distressed. Isa pours a couple more glasses of champagne in her.

Amador is talking to his aunt, who says you haven’t said hello to the judge yet. The aunt says she’s going to leave soon, but he can stay. Isn’t he going to dance? Amador says later.

He sees Mari drinking. He states what we’re all thinking: If she keeps drinking like that, she’ll easy meat for him. JM walks by and gives him the stink eye. Amador looks angrily as his retreating back.

Let’s catch up on what’s happening at the hospital. Israel is telling Bea that she’s past the worst, but Bea says she wishes she’d die. Israel tells her she can rebuild her life. She doesn’t want to, and Israel says you have to fight for something you love. She says Amador doesn’t love me. What’s the purpose of living? You’re the only one who’s come. Israel says Becky and Elsa were here, even Amador. Bea perks up. See? says Israel. You’re not alone. He strokes her face. What a sweetheart!

Amador introduces himself to Stef and she is charmed. JM takes her arm and leads her off. He wants to know how come he’s there, he’s the head of the group who have damaged Mari so much. Stef says oh, that Amador! He’s the one that Mari hit the other day and almost left blind. JM says What? Stef says I thought you knew. She went to the artist’s place and she and Amador fought and she hit him and he faked being blind to keep her attention.

Mari and Vicente are dancing pretty wild. Rocio is half smiling, half worried.

Stef tells JM it happened while you were gone. Mari left without permission to see the guy. But don’t worry about it, that’s the sort of things those kinds of people do.

Isa asks Ceci to come with her, and she says just look at Mari. Ceci looks doubtful, but says that’s the way young people dance nowadays. Isa says it’s horrible, people are starting to stare. Indeed, everyone has stopped dancing and is watching.

Amador has a big slug at the bar and that stirs up the angry bees. Here he comes, and he grabs Mari roughly. She tries to beat him off. The spineless guests do nothing. Vicente tries to stop him, but some people hold him back. By now Mari is frantic. Stef hears the brouhaha and tells JM to see what’s up. JM runs in and pulls Amador off Mari and slugs him.

They fight a little. Eduardo holds JM back and people are holding Amador back. Isa says to Ceci I told you so. The judge thunders in and yells at Amador What are you doing here? I told you not to show your face or you’d end up in jail.

The judge turns to Mari and says see what you caused? He reproaches JM but JM says he couldn’t contain himself. The judge tells Mari that her tears aren’t going to get her out of anything. Ceci says what have you done, Mari? Isa says I’ll take her out of here, she’s drunk. Rocio says I’ll take her. Ceci is very shaken and the judge stern.

JM wants to leave and help with Mari, but Stef says don’t you leave. After everything that happened, are you going to make it worse by leaving me here alone? You’re my escort. JM looks torn. Stef begs him and cries.

Rocio is having trouble getting Mari into bed. Mari’s on the floor clinging to the legs of the bed. Rocio takes her shoes off. Mari says tell your brother it wasn’t my fault. Rocio says he already knows. Mari gets giggly. She has wriggled under the bed and Rocio can’t get her to get up and get in bed.

Stef has JM out on the terrace again and she says she’s very honest about what she feels and she’s wondering if her feelings are in sync with his. He looks distracted but says and what are your feelings? JM flashes back on his conversation with Eduardo in which he said he ought to take up with someone else to forget Mari. He says to Stef would you mind if I fell in love with you? Stef says of course not, mi amor! She stares at him blissfully and he just looks away.

Mari has found her way out onto the lawn and she and Cuate romp around a bit. She tells Cuate she’s going to wait until JM gets home, no matter how late.

Ceci is trying to convince the judge to enjoy the rest of the evening. Stef walks up and says she and JM have great news. She smooches his cheek and says they just became novios. She smiles blindingly and he looks like a condemned man. Ceci and the judge hug them. JM apologizes for not asking their permission first. Isa is told and she and Stefi shriek with joy. JM looks like sheesh.

Mari is still waiting in the dark, trying not to fall asleep. Cuate is all waggy. Finally the electric gates swing open. Mari starts walking across the lawn and she sees JM and Stef get out of the car. She waits by the house wall and JM is about to leave when Stef says wait and kisses him. He doesn’t seem to kiss back, but from where Mari is, all she sees is them kissing.

Avances: Nothing new. We see old scenes, and a scene of Stef retelling with relish about the fight over Mari at her party.


Fuego 10-16-08 ""If a Sofie cries in a scene and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

First let me just say I was thrilled to watch the “Angel” show which precedes this freak show and to see our young Libia, wealthy and dancing with a man who was born in the same decade as young Libia. It did my heart good.

We see Damien riding a horse and some octogenarian Mexican pushing around what I assume was a practice Bull. Wow, is this like rich guys playing polo? This scene was actually pretty sad, I guess it is suppose to be something the country gentlemen would do to maintain their social standing and maybe get a little exercise. I think the eighty year old dude with the fake bull was probably the only one who broke a sweat. Anyway, real hombres, the two remaining Kings come riding up. I’m sure in better circumstances this would have given the brothers of the common people something to chuckle about.

Meanwhile, Juan is teaching Basic Agriculture 101, in the ghetto section of Mexidoom. Some compesino guy has just cut his own thigh. I know not if it was a simple slip of the machete or a blood sacrifice to the Gods to ensure a fertile growing season. Professor Juan steps in and declares they must get hurt guy to the doctor’s stick hut. They help the guy get up and help him stumble in search of help. This confuses me as I wonder why Juan doesn’t just throw hurt guy over his overly broad shoulders and carry him. Oh crap I forgot the body is willing, but the brain is weak. The remaining native peoples are awed by the awesomeness of Juan. He is like a brother to them, he is so good, please don’t let him leave. Would they have simply let hurt guy lay there and bleed to death, cut up his dead body and use him for fertilizer?

Sofie is still lamenting her missing hija to Eva. Sofie has given up all hope. Eva says never give up hope after all look at Eva’s lame ass life. She has been looking for her kid for decades now and she knows that some day she will see her. Sofie desperate to be the soul center of attention retorts that Eva’s tale is different. Of course it is Sofie. Sofie doesn’t even know if her kid is alive. To sum this suck fest up, she whines, she cries, she annoys. Sofie fears Juan & the kid are dead. Her heart is filled with both love and hate for Juan. She fears she has lost the two loves of her life, her heart is broken. Pleeeeeeeezzzzzzzeeee
Sofie, we the very bored viewing audience know fine, well and good, that even when these two missing chunks of your heart reappear, that you will continue to squeeze out tears at each and every opportunity.

Now back to the boyz. Oscar & Franco tell Damien that Juan could never steal the kid. Yadda Yadda Yadda as we are forced to once again listen to the wonderful attributes of Juan. Damien is like “With all due respect” “Sofie is suffering and I will do anything to help her find her kid” The boyz get the squinty eyes as they ask, “So are you trying to get into the long black mourning knickers of Juan’s Mujer”. Damien only wants to see her happy and nothing would make him happier than having the long suffering Sofie at his side. What is it with this chick? Seriously do men just sit around dreaming of a woman who is weak and frail and whining? Also a shout out for Mariachi, I think he decided to let his hair grow and get a gig with the rich guy where he doesn’t have to eat bowls of crappy dry pan.

Now back to the jungle, I guess Juan finally found a clue. Carrying hurt guy, Juan enters the clinic of sticks and dumps hurt whining guy on the bed. Doctor Babe hands Juan a bottle of alcohol, which he pours on hurt guy’s leg so he can scream even more. Hurt guy asks Juan to go find hurt guy’s kid.

Fer is smacking Ros around for giving Gabi the 411 regarding the fact that Luisito is really the sad spawn of Fer. Franco enters and starts smacking Fer around, Fer pulls a gun and threatens to kill both.

Gabi is in her room lamenting the not sharingness of the evil Fer. Jeez WTF? It happened like five years ago and it isn’t like Fer wants the kid over at the hacienda on the weekends and demands that Luisito call Gabs “Mama”. I think maybe it is cause Fer, diddled someone of the lower classes. Gabi says she may tell the Nasty Reyes boyz that Fer whacked Libia. Egads, what next. Gabs goes all BSC and starts searching the drawers, I don’t know what she is looking for. Maybe a giant 34HH sparkle encrusted bra. Oh the betrayal. Finally she finds the snake belt that Fer stole from The Uribe Hacienda. Gabi strokes the belt and recalls this is the belt Ricardo Uribe wore when he whacked the Reyes parents. She caresses the buckle. I dunno, but it appears to me that Gabi is no stranger to stroking that snake (with all due respect).
Servant lady comes in and tells Gabi that Rosendo wants to talk to her. Servant lady leaves, Gabi sucks back snotty tears and gives one last stroke to the snake.

Armando is in the hall listening to the fight going on in the room between Fer, Franco & Ros. Armando realizing that “He who turns and runs away lives to fight another day”, slips off down the hall. Fer orders Ros & Franco to “GET OUT”.

Ros & Franco have a little talk in the hall. Franco questions Ros about why she stays. She tells him, Fer can have her thrown in jail and then life would really suck for Luisito. Franco tells her that he stopped by because Padre Tad told the boyz, that Fer was very dangerous and now Gabi’s daughters were in great danger. Ya think? Anyway, Ros tells Frankie that Fer has been a bit high strung lately & he is in great fear of Da Da Da Duh….EL Jefe.

Juan found Hurt Guy’s Hijo. To avoid confusion, the child shall now be dubbed Hurtito. Juan decides to put Hurtito on a horse. Juan is kinda of stroking the horse’s head and baby talking to it….WHEN yet another set of half remember memories enter his already compromised brain area. We witness the stricken expression, the swirling bad acid colors and mixed scenes, the horse and so on. Unfortunately Juan does not have a full on writhing set of seizures and I for one was disappointed. However Juan was left to wonder who are these spirits who haunt his mind.
--No animals or children were harmed in the filming—

Rosendo tells Gabi that Fer sold the stuff (what? Who the hell knows?) my husband said he guess that Fer sold the crops or something. My husband also says he didn’t know they grew anything on the Hacienda so I guess Fer sold some unknown products of said farm and pocketed the profits. Gabi’s pissed state just continues to grow.

Pablito is having a “South Park” kind of day at school. The teacher is out of the room and the kids are taunting Pablito that “Juan Reyes is nothing but a dirty rotten baby stealer” Pablito like two of his fathers, starts counting off the virtues of Juan. One little smart ass pulls out a wanted poster. Pablito is about to go medieval on the kid when the teacher breaks it up. The kid sits down and begins chanting, “Juan Reyes is Mal”. The teacher has to physically restrain Pablito.

Oscar & Frankie visit Tio Jefe in the jail. He is happy to see the boyz. The boyz tell Jefe they are worried about the sisters. Jefe says he has Coyote keeping an eye on Fer. They tell Tio that Juan is now a wanted man. El Jefe says he thinks Juan took the kid. Jefe knows what it is like to have his kid taken away. After all boyz, how do you think I ended up here.

Padre Tad stops by to see Sofie, seriously this must count as penance and save Tad from having to flail himself with a cat-o-nine-tails. It would be a toss-up. Of course, Sofie cries, whines and blames everything on Juan. Tad says he doesn’t believe Juan could ever do such a thing. Sofie says then where is he? I have to admit she does have a point. I mean seriously she really does have a point. She pretty much did make it a point to tell the evil Juan that she didn’t need no baby daddy.

Coyote stops by the Hacienda, Gabi says Fer isn’t home. Coyote says that he isn’t there to see Fer, he came to see her. Coyote is there for her, should she ever need anything, he is at her beckon call. Gabi is totally taken with her knight in shining leather sportcoat. He bends and kisses her hand. Gabi has a pleased flattered look in her eyes and the pleasure seems to spread from her eyes to well, you know in a southernly direction.

Back to the jungle, Porn Jefe has some young native woman pinned to a tree, he is trying to get her to give it up. It will make life easier for her parents, being that since they are ignorant heathens that have no access to psychiatric care, they will get to reap the rewards of daughter boinking porn star and won’t have to spend any money on the lifetime of mental help that said young maiden will require after sex with Porn Jefe.
Don’t fear viewers, Juan comes upon this “I’ve got candy” moment. He tells the girl to go home and he knocks the Porn Jefe down and stomps off. Porn Jefe lies on the ground and vows vengeance, he will set Juans stick hut on fire. Good luck Porn Jefe, Babe Doc has been trying to do that for months.

Back at the Bar of Bad Love. Ros is all dressed up and ready to go on stage. She is wearing a stunning Red & Gold set that seems to enhance her enhanced hooters. She is talking to Armando in the hall. He tells her she can count on him. She asks him if Fer had anything to do with the disappearance of Juan. Armando can't look her in the eye. The conversation ends as the Horny Crowd is screaming for Ros.
She goes on to do her token routine, dancing singing with the back-up chicas, while flames shoot up from the stage drawing the eye to crotch level. I gotta say that Fer has a marketing artistic eye, I would have never pegged him for.

After the dance, Fer has Ros in the office. He proceeds to choke the truth out of Ros regarding the earlier visit of Franco. He is pretty creepy and I think Ros is probably going to get raped. Ros chokes out that Pad Tad said Fer was dangerous now that he is married to Gabi. Fer lets her go and tells her to get out.

Meanwhile Oscar has once again visited the not catatonic Ximena. He tells what Tad said about Fer being dangerous. He wants her to come live at the Reyes house. Ximena, who has nothing to do but lay around thinking up snotty things to say, tells him he only wants to use her and besides how could she leave her sisters in danger?
--First Ximena let’s be honest, Oscar has it made, he climbs up, nails you and gets to leave; thus avoiding your nagging, whining and sad over shopping. Second, you are really helping your sisters out with the whole fake catatonic act.—
Anyway this goes to her turning off the light and him slipping between the sheets. A stalemate.

Pad Tad is now standing in the street talking to Sofie, I guess the Little Shop of Crap is closed for the evening. He offers to accompany her home. Sofie says no that is okay she is in her silver SUV & she will go straight home. She gets the usual blessing and drives off.
----Question here----I do not recall Sofie having a brand new spanking Silver SUV. Oh now I get it. Let’s see should I make some posters, hire a private detective, look for my kid? No, someone else will probably do it. I’ll just buy a new SUV & “Honest Jose’s House of OverPriced OverLarge SUV’s” is giving a great deal 10,000 peso rebate and I can buy 20 new frumpy black frocks, the vintage collection. That way should I get dry eye, people will still be forced to feel uncomfortable around me and experience my angst.

As Princess drives off, Fer is sitting in his Truck and puts a silencer on his gun. Pad Tad is just standing there doing the ol prayer for Sofie. Fernando aims, we hear a squeal. Pad Tad has bent down to pick up Mariachi (who is wearing a daushcand suit). Fer aims for another shot, Fer hears someone yelling. It is the daushcand’s parents. They come up and chat with Padre and take the dog home. Fer leaves, Fer believes Padre has some invisible protection. Padre starts shivering, he feels an evil in the air.

Coyote and Gabi have shared a toast, that Gabi is quite the drinker. They are fast friends. Standing at the front door, Coyote stresses again that she can count on him. He bends again and is kissing her hand when Fer walks in. Coyote leaves and Fer starts yelling at Gabi, she answers that Coyote is a friend of his. Fer says no that Coyote is his worst enemy. Please Fer, rephrase that and say Coyote is your smartest enemy.
It seems the honeymoon is over. Gabi threatens Fer with the Libia thing and he answers go ahead and I will tell your part in the missing Juan and Hija story. We have a Mexican Standoff here.

The end………………………

Looks like tomorrow night Porn Jefe catches Juan in one of those traps where you step in the loop and then get jerked up in the air upside down. At first I thought Juan was having the seizure of all seizures, but once I stopped laughing I realized the truth. Just another little disappointment in my life.

Would some kind person please tag this for me?


QE Thurs 10/16 - So many sorries in the house of smelly sombreros and Omar stinks too

It's pouring rain, meaning not only are the writers hitting us over the head with romantic symbolism but we know Alonslow and Lorena will have a tender moment. She agrees to spend the day with him tomorrow. He's so grateful he does a little happy dance after she leaves. Soto emoting? Incredible!

Vasco and Babs tell Jaime they moved out of Evil Acres and are looking for new digs. Vasco is Mr. Bitter. Jaimes swears Snorty is a different person, she's lost her business, her money, her power, and she has to sell the house. Vasco looks slightly less angry at the news.

Snorty tells her faithful staff, including the wretched maid who double-crossed her crony (Nana who is now working for Zulema), that she has to let them go because she's losing the house. Augusta decides to stay with her Señora Linda, doesn't matter about the pay.

Zuly and Diana share Lor's joy in spending the day with Al. Zuly wants to plan something special for the doctor. Diana is slightly more objective and seems to favor Chef Hawt, probably because she knows Dr. Dumb did Sara.

Ern comes home and his cute little niece shows him the drawing that Lorena did for her when she visited. Ern is impactado to hear Lor was there.

Al picks up Lorena and they talk stupidly with goo goo eyes about their day. He almost rented a plane to write her name like in a telenovela. She wants to go to the best restaurant, haha just a joke. Again with their stupid jokes. What she really wants to do is visit the Basilica of Guadalupe.

To the tune of Ave Maria they sightsee and visit the basilica and religious paintings. Lor silently thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for leading her to her family.

Afterward Al tells Lor he prayed for the chance to fix his mistakes, she is the only one he's ever loved. Clearly she's falling for this crap. It strikes me that these two are very traditional and maybe they would be happy with the mundane existence their future together would bring.

More sightseeing, parks, fountains, and praying. He has a surprise for her and he carries her off by "force". How romantic...NOT! OK I admit I still don't like him. Can you tell?

It looks like they are on those boats that go by the island of scary dolls. She asks how did he know she's never been to Xochimilco? Because she once told him. He's chartered a boat named "Lorena" and he has a gourmet lunch with wine waiting. She thanks him for a great day and they toast. What else? He hires a boat of mariachis to play "Si Nos Dejan" for her, which is the traditional Mexican romance and/or proposal song. OK, it's romantic but if some guy stared at me the way he stares at her, stalkerlike, I would swim for shore.

Meanwhile Icky thanks Magdalena for turning Jaqui into a new person. She gives him her line, Jaqui's got the gift (of gullibility!) and a sensitivity to the Great Spirit. Icky agrees, that's why he has a donation, a moral debt as it were, in payment for Jaqui's transformation. He doesn't want Mag to tell Jaqui how much money he donated, it's dirty money. She tells him it will be purified the moment he hands it over, which he does. I'm not sure about this, I think he wants to donate just a bit, keep the rest, and not tell Jaqui.

Paula gives Bettina some motherly advice before driving her over to Ivan's house. She adds Bettina had better not mention to Uncle Al that she's at the house of Al's rival.

In the house stacked with sombreros Jaqui apologizes to Don Toribio for stealing Paula's husband and upsetting his family. Catalina gets annoyed and says she prefered when Jaqui sat in her room all day and watched movies. Like us she's sick of "sorry" and "forgive me". Tori tells Cat that he's also sorry about that Tai Chi thing. Cat says no more Tai Chi and no more of those other ladies and she accepts his apology.

Bettina arrives at Ivan's and everyone, the kids, Fanny, are thrilled to see her. Let's dance!!

Meanwhile Ern is doing his first show. "Why do people like to cook?" he asks. One of his dear students provided the best definition. She said cooking is an act of love, just like people kiss because kissing makes them both feel good. He dedicates this act of love to Lorena and he wishes she were there so he could prove it.

Zuly and Diana watch at home and Diana is impressed, Zuly not so much. She thinks Al is better for her daughter. Diana wants to tape the show for Lorena but Zuly resists. Diana finally agrees that if Lorena comes home as Al's girlfriend she won't tell her. (What, don't they think that every student at Lor's school will be dying to tell her?)

Ern finishes the show and he's a hit, the fans are calling in. Food Channel take note! Cute production chick Celeste invites him to out with some of the staff.

Icky comes home all hangdog because the Japanese businessmen don't want his sombreros. She's sick of her house looking like a warehouse and the damn hats stink! He begs his mamita linda to make him something to eat, kiss kiss. Blech.

Al's back to his stalking ways. He shows Lorena a scrapbook featuring pictures of him in Quebec. He turns the page and he's pasted pics of her next to him. She thinks this sick scrapbooking habit is delightful. He says he never stopped thinking of her, even when he was boinking her sister. (OK, I added that last bit.) He puts a stupid stone bracelet on her that signifies a bunch of crap. They start to kiss...

...No, she pulls away. What she had with Ernesto was very intense. She needs time. She's got it, the pizza arrives.

Bruto pays a surprise visit to Sara, it's a thinly veiled attempt to beg for sex. She says there are more important things to think about, his ex-family for example. He hisses that they will pay for all their humiliations, starting with Diana.

Lor tells Al she loves her rock bracelet and all it signifies. He smiles like a dope.

Paula picks ups Bettina and she and Ernesto discuss the kids. They are in complete agreement that kids need to respect each other, they think Ivan and Bettina are pretty good kids. After she leaves Ern asks Ivan if Bettina mentioned her doctor uncle. Ivan scolds his tio, does he want Ivan to be his spy?

Zuly, Diana and Rosy discuss Al and Lorena. Rossy says he's going to have to bend over backward to get Lorena back. (Hacer meritos = to do everything one can/bend over backward.) Diana comments another miracle would be if Julian put the baby to sleep.

Awww, Vasco and Julian are watching the bebe. They're talking seriously when a nasty smell pervades. Sniff sniff over the diaper. who's gonna change it? A ti!! Julian loses.

Lor comes home and shows the girls the bracelet that Al gave her, every stone symbolizes a promise Al made to her. Diana's bummed because she's voting for Ern. Lor and Vasco have a reunion hug, primos! Julian wants to chow and Zuly makes a crack about Omar being late as usual.

Cut to Greta in bed and Omar who feels incredible. Blah blah. Greta tells Omar she loves him and doesn't want "this" to ever end. Gah, 'nuff said.

Al goes to Paula's, he's in a good mood because of his date with Lorena.

Jaime and Snorty talk business. They are practically in the street. Jaime has something else to tell her of a more personal nature, he's going to get married. Snorty asks, to Babs? No Ma, to Maruja, she used to be your Sous Chef. Snorty's impactada.

Snorty's not thrilled but she's not going to make the same mistake she made with Omar. She even suggests having the ceremony at Evil Acres as a sort of farewell. Not gonna happen because it's a double wedding and Zuly won't step foot in the house.Snorty gives him advice on how to get Zuly to forgive him, starting with don't give up before you start.

Omar the Guilty arrives home and Zuly's awake in bed. She hugs him and smells the scent of a woman!

Next morning Jaqui and Icky discuss his donation. She wants to approach Sara so she, too, can cleanse her dirty money. They need to show her the love, especially now that the business is kaput. This is a surprise to Icky. Jaqui feels they should return all the money they embezzled from the company because Snorty needs it now. Icky tells her not to be stupid, they'll answer to a higher authority when they all end up in jail.

Jaime visits the lesser house and asks Lorena what she thinks of him. She hugs him...Tio! She calls Zuly who's surprised to hear him called Tio. Lor says she forgave Snorty, why not her Tio? They shake hands and Zuly admits she does it for Maruja. He tells them they lost the business and the house.

Babs complains to Vasco about the hotel. She'd rather live in a cottage, not in la Colonia but in a colonia "mas nice". Oops, she's being snotty again. She promises to try to like wherever Vasco chooses. They hug and give the over-the-shoulder doubt look.

Al shows up at the busy lesser house. He's all breathy and gazes at Lor. Zuly passes by, huffs and puffs and becomes short of breath. She promises to see Al tomorrow. Lor wants to stay home but Zuly pooh poohs it, Diana will be home soon.

On the way to the movies Al tells Lor about the marvelous bariatric surgery. Lor is interested.

Jaqui, in a sari type thing, runs into Sara and blesses the Divine Light for putting Sara in her path. She says Sara has a black conscience and Sara calls her an idiot. Jaqui tells sara it's time to repent, she knows everything, it's time for Sara to ask Snorty for forgiveness and give all the money back. Sara asks is Jaqui on drugs and leaves in a huff. Jaqui yells after her that if Sara doesn't tell then she (Jaqui) will tell the truth for her! Uh oh, welcome to the hit list Jaqui.

Al blabs on and on about the details of gastric bypass surgery to Lor. It's not complicated and is recommended for people who can't lose weight. (Oh REALLY?) Lorena comments that he's in the wrong gear and he asks where did she learn to drive? She recalls Ern yelling at her while trying to teach her. She says she started but she had a bad teacher. (Oh sure fine, bad driving teacher but an awesome cook, tender lover, easy on the eyes, interesting guy, good with kids, wide range of facial expressions, but a bad driving teacher. Oh by all means dump him now.) Al wants to teach her. Fine.

Ern visits the lesser house and friendly Diana greeets him. She tells him Lor went out. Chef Hawt asks Diana to tell Lor he came by. Diana checks out his fantastic behind as he leaves.

Of course Al is a patient driving teacher and Lor isn't nearly as stupid as she was when Ern was teaching her. Frankly, Al is the stupid one for not teaching her in a parking lot, but OK it's a quiet street. She stops the car at her house and jumps out with a cramp in her leg. Al runs over to massage it.

Ernesto, sitting in his car, sees this interaction and sadly tells himself he's lost her forever.

Tomorrow: Ernesto and Jimena run into Alonslow and Lorena, Bruto screams at Sara there will be an investigation of the poisoned meat, and Ultimas Semanas!!

I couldn't get the tune out of my head so I translated it. It's really a beautiful song and I hope I didn't mangle the translation:

Translation "Si Nos Dejan"
If they let us
We will love each other for a lifetime
If they let us
We will live in a new world
I believe we can see
The new dawn
Of a new day
I think that you and I
Can be happy still

If they let us
We'll look for a corner in the sky
If they let us
We will make the the clouds velvet
And we'll be together there
Near to God
It will be what we dream
If they let us
I take you your hand my love
And there we go

If they let us
We'll forget all the others
If they let us


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Tues., Oct. 14 - DB makes a conquest to make Santos jealous

Antonio and Cecilia get intimate again and take their chances on pregnancy.

One of DB's rapists and current faith healer wonders about the "Doña Bárbara" that Quita Dolores said he was going to meet.

Cecilia confesses her carnal thoughts and actions to the priest but doesn't say with whom.

Santos can't stop thinking about DB.

Federica pretends to have pregnancy nausea but her father is oblivious.

Dr. Arias tells Santos about Pernalete's plan to have Quita-Dolores boost his mayoral campaign. Santos only sees that Quita-Dolores is the other man that DB promised she would get.

The theme of misunderstanding about who could be romancing Cecilia continues. The priest assumes that the doctor is the man who Cecilia is involved with.

DB makes goo goo eyes at Quita Dolores.

Marisela is unimpressed with Quita-Dolores and doesn't know what an autograph is. QD takes the stage, endorses Pernalete and compliments the beauty of DB.


El Cuerpo del Deseo, Tues., Oct 14 - PJ/S gets revenge on Walter and Antonio has a birthday

Gratuitous shot of PJ/S changing his shirt.

Ángela and her lawyer meet Isabel and Andrés. Isabel and Andrés try and convince Ángela that the lawyer is not trustworthy.

PJ/S tells Walter that he will get payback for what Walter did to PJ/S's car.

Angela tells PJ/S that her father was cold and indifferent to her. He tells her that parents love their children even if they make mistakes or are rebellious.

Angela is affected by PJ/S's words and says it is like she was talking to her father. Antonio sees them together.

PJ/S can't get into the secret room from outside so he goes through the study but Vicky sees him go in there. When Rebeca comes looking for him in there, the room is empty.

PJ/S causes consternation by not only knowing that it is Antonio's birthday but giving him a book with the same inscription and handwriting as PJ/S.

PJ/S's revenge on Walter is to get him caught shoplifting.

Isabel gives PJ/S a teaser kiss and then licks his goatee. I thought that was kind of gross. Anyway, then she tells him to stay away from her.

Walter is out all night and comes home a mess. He makes up some story about what happened to him.


Querida Enemiga 10-15- Wed - FA! ......FA!

We start with Omar sharing the news that they are poisoners and that more than 100 people are sick. Of course the family is impactada because of the high standards of the business and all. Omar gives the laundry list of possible complaints against them. Horty wants to talk to them alone in the library.

Meanwhile at the lesser house, Lore and Di are chatting about how quickly the baby recovered and how bothered she was to see Bruno and how love is blind, then they get on the subject of her two loves and she says they are both good guys so she can’t choose and she tells how Ern sent out innuendos in class and that she talked to Al at the hospital but she doesn’t know what to do. Zully comes in and tells of the ecoli outbreak at Horty’s biz.

Meanwhile Horty rallies her troops in her library that they must save the business because it’s their inheritance and she built it up to greatness her whole life so they can reap it’s benefits. They all agree to stand by her.

Sara watches the news to hear of the millions of claims against the Armendariz. Bruno just misses it, but he wished that Di’s family had eaten all that stuff. He’s happy this has brought Sara to his side.

Back at the pow wow, the Armendariz all agree that they have to own up and admit responsibilty and pay for everything and tell the truth. Vasco is amazed and wonders what miracle happened. Jaime says it’s Lorena and they explain how she’s the real nieta.

Ern is playing a game with the kids who miss Lore and little Gina most of all so they want her to come and visit. Ern promises she’ll be back and she’ll stay.

The family meeting continues with all agreeing that Sara should get what’s coming to her and she needs to get punished.

Bruno kisses Sara and tells her how beautiful and passionate she is, but Sara is elsewhere, she misses Al.

Horty continues her I’m sorry speech and the rest chime that Sara will pay for all this.

Betti and Pau tell Pa and Al about the separation and how this time it’s different and was done maturely. Ma sends Betti off to fetch the cake and tells the boys about Bett’s BF, Al is impactado when she continues that it’s Ern’s nephew. Ouch.

Zully is having girl talk with her two daughters. They discuss that Di should have married Vasco instead of that Patan Bruto. Di can’t understand how blind she could have been Lore thinks maybe there’s still time. Di isn’t so sure after the big blow off job she did to Vasco, but they agree that she really still cares for him. Lore says she’s not going to think about anything but her family and work. She is happy to have a Mom and sis to tell all her things to.

Horty tells Augusta she feels bad mentally because she couldn’t tell Vasco she made Di leave him.

Jaqui wants Icky to give back all the money he took. She says for her salvation she’d be capable of telling them he took all the money. He needs to cleanse his soul and fess up. He tells her she’ll go straight to hell if she opens her mouth. She’s not afraid. Her spirits will protect her. He says spirits , my ass, well actually, my gaitors. Doesn’t translate well.

She tells him not to blasphemize them (the spirits, not the gaitors...). He wants to know why she wants to get revenge on him. She says it’s not revenge, he just needs salvation. She said she only needs the basics, she gave everything to the society. He asks if he gives a donation will she feel better? She says it’s not for sale, and he continues nor can it be destroyed only transformed. She wonders how he knew and he says maybe he got a divine inspiration. He ends up agreeing to go with her to talk to the Ventura people because he needs something to believe in. She is overjoyed and he furls his brow. I bet he’s got an idea to start his own cult, that or blackmail this one.....

Lore flashes back to Al then Ern but tells herself she shouldn’t listen to either of them because they both failed her somehow.

Zully up in the middle of the night eats and notes that Omar is not home yet.

Speaking of O, Greta whores herself up and soon Omar shows up. He agrees she knows how to drive a man crazy. He feels like a new man around her, she agrees he is. Only their desires rule in this room.

The next day at breakfast they discuss how Omar never came home until 4 am. Lore feels bad he worked so much. Omar comes out and overhears that his Ma came by and learns of the forgiveness and wondered why he only just heard. They argue about him not being around etc and Lore doesn’t want them to fight. Julian comes out and they mention the business and Omar wonders what else he doesn’t know about. Lore says they are not going to fight, and then Omar leaves not even eating breakfast.

Di says it’s one thing that he worries about the business but another altogether that he pays no attention to them. They all agree he’s changed. If they only knew....

Vasco goes to see his Abue she confesses and tells him that she paid Bruno to marry Di.

Jaime and Maru chat about the business and he reaffirms that despite the business he wants her for his wife as soon as possible.

Omar and Greta are chatting at the office and Omar admits he feels Agobiado and that he’s risking too much, the love of his family. Greta thinks it’s only the routine and boredom and his kids are adults so they are ok, and she asks nothing of him. They smooch again.

Abue begs for his forgiveness, he gives her hell. Finally someone refuses to pardon her.

Ern and Jime are chatting and the kids ask her if she can stay and draw with them but she doesn’t know how to well. The kids say Lore draws well. She gives Ern circus tickets and feels bad she was the cause of Lore being upset.

Lore offers to be in charge of Zully’s diet so she will eat better and be healthy and around longer and not calming her nerves with food.

Jaime and his lawyer are kwetching about how high all these bills are when the Health Department shows up and says they are shutting down Banquetes Armendariz for good. Oh come on. At the risk of being non-pc, people get food poisoning all the time in Mexico, they don’t even do permanent close downs in the US unless you neglect to correct a problem or fail too many times. Anyway, if I had a dime for every time....

Vasco is indignant to his Abue and talks to his ma that this is the limit for him. She tries to convince him that he should stick with helping the business because it’s his inheritance, but he reminds her he never cared about materials things. Uh, yeah, because he grew up rich and always had them....

Horty shows up to find out that they are done.

Bruno moans to Sara about money and that he’ll have to leave the apartment soon if he doesn’t get more. What the heck? Isn’t this guy a full time doctor? I know he works for a free clinic but he has to have some money. Where the heck did his money go?

Icky meets the Maestro Efrain and the lady of the Ventura society.

Tori at Tai chi gets a massage and Cata gets jealous, he’s had enough of this with Amalia, and yells at her, she agrees she suggested going there, but she didn’t expect he would get hit on.

Jaqui gets "cleansed" by Freezing water and Ephrain. FA! Proclaims Efrain repeatedly, surely to drive out all demons. Icky smirks, but sets up a business meeting of sorts with the lady and tells her not to tell Jaqui. This was actually the best scene....

Vasco meets up with Di at the lesser house. She regrets her marriage and says it was hell but we are divorcing. Vasco is excited to meet baby and swears he would have given her everything. He thinks baby recognizes him and she says of course, he knows his voice for so long.

Lore and Ern chat before class. She got his flowers and cares for him, but she’s not getting back with him, she still doesn’t trust him, she’s very hurt and doesn’t want to suffer. He says they shouln’t do this to each other, they love each other....blah blah....

Zully sees Vasco and he greets her and Nana, Zully tells him he is welcomed back into the lesser home. He notes all the happy news here.

Ern passes out tests and writes a note on Lore’s...asking her if she has a recipe for forgetting because she’s shown him many things except this, of course she passes with a ten. Yeah, love notes on an exam would surely get you fired here!

Patti is happy she passed and shouts she is free of Ern. Later walking she tells Lore she shouldn’t have said that, but she didn’t want to take the class again. She says something about if she had to take mexcian cooking one more time she would turn into the Filipina with a bonnet and big ladles...I think this is picking on the traditional cooking character.

Lore goes to visit the little ones, they missed her. Lore agrees to draw with them. They don’t like Jime, but Lore learns she was there today.

Jaqui is so happy Icky wants to save himself and now they only have to work with his Mami and they’ll be fine. He wipes his lips after her kiss and calls her as crazy as a goat.

Ivan is at their place and thanks Pau for a great meal, he has to go now to see his friend, but Betti doesn’t like this idea, though she doesn’t quite tell him. Betti wants him to call when he gets home, she is already learning how to be a stalker...

Snorty wants to be left alone by the nurse...she’s remorseful.

Vasco wants to leave the house, so Barb says if he goes, she has no reason to stay either.
Thankfully Ma Pau talks with Betti and convinces her not to be a stalker. She explains that Ivan needs to be with his friends and she needs to lead her life to.

Omar and Zully are laying in bed. He can’t sleep and she thinks he’s worrying about work. Uh think again, he’s seeing red dresses...

Sara was going to erase Al’s foto but thinks she’ll keep it to remind her of all his bad doings and that she will make him suffer the most.

Lore gets home and It’s raining, a little boy in yellow raingear hands her a dvd, he already got his tip. Al tells her on the video he thought this was the only way to talk to her. He begs for forgiveness. She appreciates it. He says he’ll be out front in the rain, remember what the rain means, and he’s waiting for her answer. She looks out the window and sees him shivering and holding a stuffed bear. She accepts and agrees to spend the day with him. Ugh, here we go.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cuidado con el Angel, October 15, 2008

Isa is trying to persuade Marichuy to give up her secret. She tells Marichuy that she just wants to help her, but Marichuy is not buying it and tells her that she does not trust her one bit. Isa says she just wants to be her friend.

Amador is pissed that he got caught lying about being blind. Vicente walks in and asks Amador sarcastically what happened to his sight. Did it just come back on its own? Amador tells Vicente to leave him alone. Vicente goes on to say that he suspected that Amador was lying the whole time. "What are our friends going to say? They have been worried about you", says Vicente. I don't care remarks Amador and states that Marichuy now knows the truth and this will not be the end of it.

JM is on the phone with the bank telling the guy that Viv died months ago and that the check could have been written prior to her dealth and the person cashing the check just got around to it. The guy from the bank says that he will send for an investigation to be started. JM hangs up the phone and thinks about the plane crash.

Isa goes to see Patricio and asks him not to tell Ceci that she and Estephania told him about Marichuy incident. He assures that he won't. He's sure that Marichuy will do something wrong and he will kick her out.

Rocio and JM are talking about the phone call that he received from the bank in the states. Rocio says that she really believes that the call she received shortly after JM came home from Miami was really Viv. JM denies that it was her and she is dead. But Rocio says what if really was her? JM says that if Viv is really alive then she would be here with her family.

Isa and Estephania are talking about Marichuy and if Isa found out her secret. She also says that she does not want her at her party. Ceci walks in with the invitations.

JM and Edguardo are having coffee and he asks JM if he had seen Marichuy yet. JM says that by luck Patirio called and invited him to come over for coffee. And when she saw you? asks Edguardo. JM says very emotional and in front of everyone he hugged her like fool (tonto). I could not push her away and he swears that his heart felt like it was going to come out of his chest. When she looked at me her eyes were smokey. (?) She asked me if I had seen any stars in the sky. Ed looks at him funny and JM explains that Marichuy told him that when he was in the plane and looked out the window and saw a star to think of her. Ed says if she only knew that you thought about her the whole time on the trip. Then JM says that he needs to be with another women and that woman is Estephania.

Ceci, Isa and Estephania are talking about who to send the invites to when Estephania tells Ceci that she does not want Marichuy to go to the party.

We come back from commerical break to see Marichuy in the giant tub with her dog. Poor thing looks like he is not enjoying it one bit.

Onelia calls Estephania and tells her that she cannot come to the party since she is still mourning the dealth of her only daughter.

Rocio gets an invite to the party and calls Vicente in which he informs her that Amador is not blind and that Marichuy is free of him. Rocio is glad espically since JM will not have to know about it. Rocio then asks Vicente if he would accompany her to a party in which he agrees.

Beatriz is lying in bed moaning for Amador and the doctor asks her friends who is this person? His patient is calling for him and that they must urge him to come at once. Her life depends on it.

Estephania's dress arrives and Ceci, Isa and Estephania are admiring it. In walks Marichuy saying how lovely it is and asking if she will be getting a new dress too. Then she starts dancing. Ceci tells her that she wants to talk to her in her room.

Amador comes into Vicente's apartment (he either came from the pool or just got out of the shower) and asks who was he talking to. Vicente tells him Rocio, JM's sister and they have become friends since the whole scam that Amador did to Marichuy. And that Rocio invited him to a party. Amador says that he will go too so that he can see Marichuy, but Vicente tells him that the party is by invitation only. Amador informs Vicente that his aunt and uncle are friends of Estephania's parents and that they more likey received an invitation. In which he calls and says that he wants to go.

Ceci is telling Marichuy that she cannot go to the party, but perhaps the next one and runs out of the room. She goes and tells Estephania that it is done. She has told Marichuy that she cannot go to the party.

Amador is out drinking with his friends who are getting on to him and teasing him about faking being blind. In walks Edguardo looking for Elsa.

Marichuy is in the garden talking to the dog about how she cannot go to the party. Doris? the maid runs up and tells her not to trust Isa. She is the one that told Paticio about the situation with her and Amador.

Cande comes to see Marichuy and admires her room. They talk about what happened with her and Amador.

One of Beatriz friends finds Amador and tells him that he needs to go to the hospital to see her. Amador says no. Beatriz friend insists. After a lengthy discussion he agrees but is to late. She has gone into a coma.

JM is waiting for Estephania so that he can escort her to the party. Marichuy runs up and JM asks why is she not ready. Marichuy responds that she is not going. Buy why asks JM. Because I do not feel like it responds Marichuy and says some other things but since she talks way to fast I will need help here. Anyway JM calls Rocio for a favor.

At the party in walks Estephania with JM escorting her. Patricio introduces everyone in the room to his daughter. JM walks up to Estephania to start dancing with her. As that is going on, in walks Rocio with Marichuy. Estephania finally sees her and says outloud why is she here. JM sees Marichuy and has that cute, silly grin on his face.

Tomorrow: Escandelo!!!


Cuidado Con El Ángel #17, 14 October 2008: Gratuitous Swimming and Showering Scenes Would Have Greatly Improved This Episode

Also, have you HEARD what Marichuy did to Amador and why? Yes? Too bad, you’re going to hear again.

So, from yesterday, Juan Miguel is sitting in the parlor with the family (and fake family) ignoring Estefanía while she prattles on about her party. She demands his attention and asks whether he liked the book she gave him; he says he barely managed to leaf through it. She suggests they could read it together. I’m sure Juan Miguel would love to put her on one plane after another to go find it…

Marichuy enters the room and Juan Miguel looks alive finally. Ceci has to prod her to go say hello, as she is acting a bit shy. So she goes and hugs him…and they embrace tightly, and smile…and hug some more awhile longer while Stef glares and everyone else starts to wonder whether they need to leave the room. Eventually they break off (because Stef loudly says the coffee is getting cold), and Mari asks how his trip was and tells him things are fine for her, although it hasn’t all been roses (I think? I have trouble understanding her even when I replay it four times). They have a brief private chat about the stars (sweet nothings, basically) until Stef rudely interrupts.

At Vicente’s loft, Amador is still pretending to be blind and Vicente helps him move around. Amador mentions that Mari called him and is going to come visit every day. Vicente looks like he’d like to give Amador another blow to the skull, and tells him that Juan Miguel is back. Amador blanches briefly, then gets back to his macho posturing and says good, he needs to have a word with that curaloco about what Mari did to him.

Stef wants to know what JM and Mari were talking about, and they say it’s between them, none of her beeswax. JM changes the subject by asking Mari how she’s been doing. She says she thinks she’s been behaving pretty well, and Patricio scoffs at that and says he’ll have a word with JM later, which earns him a glare from Ceci. Stef sticks up for Mari while simultaneously belittling her, saying, “what can we expect? She’s never lived with decent people before.” Mari objects that she didn’t come from the jungle, and JM smooths things over by saying that he brought Mari a gift.

Vicente tells Amador that Nelson called and said that Beatriz is in the hospital, dying. Amador is muy impactado as he reflects on their post-lust fighting.

Mari opens the gift; it is the angel snow globe. She doesn’t know what it is and has to be told to shake it, and that it’s just to look at. Anyway, she loves it, and smooches JM on the cheek.

Amador denies any responsibility for Beatriz’s state, and says she’s long been addicted to sleeping pills. Vicente tells him if she dies he will be in big trouble. From the rest of the artistes, I would guess, if not from the police. I actually agree with Amador that it isn’t his fault she’s crazy enough to want him, but he doesn’t have to be such a prick.

Cande, Padre Anselmo, and Adrian discuss Mari’s run-in with Amador. They ain’t putting up with that slimeball. The Avengers are on the case!

JM has brought little gifts for everyone else, too. Stef is delighted with the perfume, and tells him she will wear no other perfume from now on, and she will wear it the night of her party, which will be such a special night, especially for HIM. He looks confused/freaked. I hope that perfume really, really stinks. Mari gets the attention back on her by giving him the roses from the vase on the table. He thanks her, laughing, and quite understandably decides it’s time to flee this experimental theater of the absurd. Stef clings to him as he tries to make his escape and asks if she can count on him for the party. He says sure, but I don’t think he knows that he will be playing chambelan.

As he drives home, JM tries to talk himself out of falling for Marichuy. How long can he fight it?

Mari sits in bed clutching her two most prized possessions, the picture of Juan Miguel and the snow globe, and calls Rocío. Rocío asks whether she told him about Amador, and she says she wanted to but didn’t know how (also, how could she possibly tell him without telling Stef, when Stef won’t take her hands off him?). Roc says it’s better that Mari tell him herself rather than letting him hear it from someone else, and Mari tells her how she was coerced into agreeing to see Amador every day, and she worries that if Patricio finds out he won’t believe her after the way he found them in the driveway. If Patricio ever paid ANY attention he would have noticed that Amador was attacking her in the driveway, as well. They discuss the whole sordid affair while Isabella eavesdrops.

Isa runs off to report to henchwoman Stef. They are delighted and make plans to report to Pat first thing in the morning.

Vicente visits Rocío at the castle and they say stuff we already know.

Next morning, the villainous vixens join Pat at breakfast and act very distraught to have to report such distressing news. He is impactado. When they tell him what’s up, he says he can believe that and more. He sends Martirio to summon Ceci and Mari to his office, and tells the dastardly duo to come with him. The deer must have the morning off, because the cat is playing on the lawn instead.

Martirio comes to Mari’s room and actually yanks her by the arm by way of summons, just like they teach in mayordoma school, I’m sure. As they walk they make a point of being snotty to each other and each saying she wouldn’t want to be in the other’s skin.

Adrian shows up at Vicente’s and totally sees Amador looking through the books through the glass door as he knocks. Amador puts on the dark glasses and makes a show of feeling his way to the door.

Patricio speechifies about how they wanted to defend and protect her and believe she is good, but what she’s done is shameless. Mari is impactada. Pat tells Ceci what Mari has done, and are we about done with hearing all the characters telling each other this same story? Let’s move on. Mari defends herself regarding the “kissing” in the driveway, but can’t deny that she did injure Amador. Tell them WHY, Mari! But she doesn’t yet.

Aside: I just noticed that Patricio has a statue of a horse on the shelf in his office. I thought that was a studly galan thing. JM has a knight-on-a-horse statue on his desk. Ernesto on QE has a horse statue on his sideboard. The hermanos Reyes on Fuego have actual horses. Are they trying to tell us something about Patricio? I’m not a studly galan, but I had a statue of a horse that was a coin bank when I was a little kid, and its leg broke off and my mom threw it away, and I still have not quite forgiven her. Maybe it is her fault I have not had a more heroic life. Also, I just saw a campaign ad and the governor of Washington was blathering about something and there was a horse statue on the windowsill behind her. SUBTLE.

Back to the show: Adrian is apparently not bright enough to notice that Amador is not blind. He tells Am that he is Mari’s novio, and he demands that Scamador leave her alone.

Vicente flirts with Rocío some more, then leaves, then Ornerylia mocks her taste in friends. Clearly she is blind. Vicente is kind of a hottie, and nice besides.

Ceci gets Mari to tell her side of the story finally, but for a judge Pat is really not very good at listening to testimony. He interrupts to yell at her for her insolence, but she finally stands up for herself and yells over him to finish.

Adrián tells Amador Mari shouldn’t have to visit him, Amador is indignant about “what she’s done,” Adrián says he knows it was Amador’s fault, Amador denies that it is any crime to steal a kiss from a young lady, that’s all he was doing, etc., etc. He cries about his “destroyed life” and throws Adrián out, then chuckles about his brilliant scam.

Ceci gets Marichuy to tell the whole story of the attempted rape. Mari is in tears and Ceci hugs her, but Patricio says that doesn’t excuse her crime, and he wants her out of the house immediately. Ceci is angry at him.

Mayita goes to the magic cartoon kingdom. Why does she put the trunks back every time? Abuela tells her that the space can be anything she wants it to be, so it turns into a circus. The episode must have been running short, because we watch the circus for awhile.

Amador smokes his pretentious pipe and goes to make a call. Adrián has come back in and sees that Amador is not blind.

Patricio says he will have to call Juan Miguel to tell him what we’ve all heard a million times now. PLEASE have that conversation off-camera. He tells Mari to go pack her things. Ceci tries to defend her, and then to go with her, but Pat tries to stop her. I wish Ceci would just laugh at him when he tries to tell her what to do. She doesn’t, but she does go after Marichuy. Stef comforts Patricio and tells him he did what he had to do.

Adrián eavesdrops as Amador calls the castle and asks for Juan Miguel, who is not at home. Then he grabs the phone and hangs up. Busted!

Ceci tells Marichuy that she believes her and doesn’t want her to leave. Mari wishes Ceci was her mother. They hug and cry.

Amador tells Adrián that one day Mari will enjoy making love to him. Adrián says, not while I’m alive. Rest in peace, Adrián.

Elsa smokes in the garden and Luisa asks her why she hasn’t gone to the theater. She says the play is on hold because one actor left to go to school, one (Beatriz) is in the hospital, and the director is blind. Luisa says it’s a shame not to see Elsa shining onstage etc., but she would have had to leave when she married Eduardo anyway (Hey! How about we stop talking about the same incident and join Eduardo and Juan Miguel at the gym for a swim!) because apparently married women can’t be part-time actresses. Elsa looks peeved. Her phone rings. “Nelson?,” she answers, but it is Eduardo. Unfortunately, he is just driving his car, not at the gym. He’s dropping by for a visit. Elsa calls Nelson to tell him she can’t see him now because Ed is back. He looks peeved.

Pat is in a hurry to throw Marichuy out. Ceci promises to visit her.

Adrián takes the bus to Pat and Ceci’s and reports that Amador is not blind. Relief for the non-villains. Pat asks whether he can prove it; he says yes. He also backs up Mari’s story. Ceci agrees that she had to defend herself, and tells Marichuy to put her things back in her room. Patricio reluctantly agrees.

Juan Miguel arrives at the castle and gets the message to call Patricio. I don’t think he actually does it.

Stef and Isa rail about this turn of events, and worry that their deceit will be discovered. Then Isa goes to try to pry into Mari’s past again some more and rather rudely. Has no one asked why Isa is living at the mansion? I think it is totally weird.

Juan Miguel and family sit in the castle dining room and Onelia is rude about the present he brought for her, saying she doesn’t use that perfume but perhaps she can give it to someone else. Fortunately, he is interrupted by a phone call. It is a bank representative, calling about some action on Viviana’s account. Juan Miguel tells him Viv died months ago, but the bank man says whatever check thing he is talking about happened only two days ago. JM is impactado. We see Viv shopping.

Avances: Debutante ball prep. And with any luck, we will not hear the story of the attempted rape/blinding again.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fuego, Tues. 10/14, #118 - Much Ado-Do About Nothing

The picture above is a farm scene in Cantabria, northern Spain. It has nothing to do with Fuego but I needed to see something pleasant. I hope you don't expect me to redescribe the slime on the stairs scene between Feo and Sofia, sorry, I just can't, it is too, too yucky. So on with the rest of the recrap:

Damián wants Sofia to forget Juan, she can't, he goes. Dra. Lust can't forget about Juan either and tries to kiss him once again. She's getting closer to success.
We get to see kisses and dancing near the bed and later in it, Jimena and Oscar give us at least a semblance of normal desire and love. On the abnormal side, we have Feo and Sofia, Feo and Gabriela, Feo and himself, how could any of them believe that anyone other than the desperate Gabi wants Feo. Feo persists in thinking he is a swain however, and Sofia is forced into revamping his image as Gabi discovers Feo groping Sofia.

Above the madding crowd on the stairs, the love scene of Jimena and Oscar continues to sweet after talk: she continues loving him even though she should hate him, mostly because he didn't tell her the truth from the beginning Oscar also avers that Juan is incapable of doing damage to Sofia. He apologizes a thousand more times for doing less to harm her in a year than her mother and ugly brother-in-law do each day. but that is opinion and I have no proof other than my own eyes. Out in the hallway, we hear Sarita approach. Oscar dives for the closet clothes in hand.

Gabi accuses Sofia of ruining her happiness and being her enemy. Is it true what Feo said? Gabi demands of Sofia. Yes, before you were going to marry him, in a moment of madness Feo said he would help me if I put out and I agreed. I beg your pardon. It had no consequence. Mom seems to have totally forgotten that she robbed the cradle two times and the first was her son-in-law. Sofia as Cassandra (remember the Trojan heroine who was condemned to tell the truth but be always judged as insane). now says some day her mother's love for Feo will be her perdition. Later Gabi accuses Feo why didn't he tell her what naughty things Sofia had offered him. Feo feeds the mother daughter hatred tendency and Gabi falls harder.

Sarita thinks the room and her comatose sister feel really hot. Hot is right thinks the hidden Oscar. She tells the body (aka Jimena) that yesterday Franco came into the store and bought a dress for some woman and it turned out to be a present for her. Sarita confesses that she still loves Franco with all her soul. She also hates him with equal fervor. Especially Juan, especially all three. She hates them... Oscar grins, Jimena plays dead.

Sofia whose cheeks must be rotting with constant flow of tears or growing mushrooms, prays to the virgin, but alas not for understanding or intelligence.

Damián consults a lawyer about capturing the child stealer, Juan, even though his lawyer tells him it isn't a crime for a father to take his own child. It is also hard to find a child with no photo or more information about her. Being a lawyer with expenses to cover, he promises to help Damián pursue this lost cause.

A Mariachi comes to make a deal with Feo and Rosendo. the Mariachi is going to bring in the harvest, in that outfit, if I am not mistaken. Even Rosendo knows this looks fishy. He advises telling Gabi before Feo signs away the hacienda to a slick stranger. This infuriates Feo who wants to continue the fantasy of his impressive business acumen.
Sofia watches pathetically as a peasant mother carries her child by. Sofia is waiting outside the school and catches Pablito. She wants to talk, he not so much. Pablito the wise knows that everyone is saying that the Damián is in love with her and she shouldn't be hanging around with him when she belongs to Juan. Pablito says you have to believe me, Juan loves you profoundly and I am sure he didn't steal your daughter. He would never do anything like that, he isn't bad.

Juan, who at least acknowledges that he has had halucinations of big fancy black horses, but can't make sense of it so he concentrates on vaccinating the pueblo. Doctora continues to argue that she should jump him just because he can't prove that he belongs to someone else. Must have been that logic class she took in medical school . She spent her whole life studying and didn't have time to think about or jump anybody else so she has to take what she can get in this jungle. She kisses him again. He starts to capitulate and kiss back but her honest assistant shows up and tells her the pueblo is awaiting their vaccines. She promises that very soon she will be his woman, his woman. [I swear it's not my typing, they really do keep repeating themselves.]

Damián comes back to the store to plead with Sofia and Sofia thanks him for his attempt to help her, he apologizes for trying to kiss her and promises that he wouldn't do what she doesn't want to do. We should get him and Dra together, they are horny and desperate enough for a new relationship.

Paddy Tad tells Oscar and Feo that he is very worried now that Gabi ad Feo are married and Gabi is more obsessed every day. Her daughters are in danger. He asks them to watch out for the girls they are in danger, in danger. He can't say more so he says it several times.

Filth and garbage (mugre y basura) is what Gabi charmingly calls Rosario and Eva as she strides out of her SUV toward them in the town square. Eva withdraws with the innocent Luisito so he can't hear any more filth out of Gabi's mouth. But Gabi's come on is so appealing, Rosi looks pleased when she gets to tell the shocked Gabi that Feo is the real father of Luisito not the jailbird that Feo claims to have killed in self-defense like Gabi spouts and obviously believes.
Last week, Juan reinvented the plow like a clever Neanderthal. This week he is teaching them about building scarecrows to keep the birds off the crops. Just as we are about to get a bit of skin at the old pool, the ugly one shows up to assure Juan that he is not as savage as the others. Juan runs him off. Ugly one retreats beating a whip at his side.

Damián and Sofia question the midwife that attended Sofia at the birth. She tells them the baby looked like all new borns with no distiguishing marks or features. She remembers that some one dressed just like Juan seemed to be involved and she is sure that he didn't do this alone that someone dressed just like him helped him abscond with the baby. She seems sure that she knew what was happening when the lights went out. It had to be Juan, who was dressed just like Juan. Hmmmmm.

Doctora Hotlips is in reviews in Juan's mind. Juan tries to scratch his head and remember but, he remembers her hot looking body and his purple face but not much more until the words of the wise one of the village warning him that he may find something worse than he has now if he tries to run off and find himself. He tries to get happy with this current state of mind as he sits by the swimming hole, Dra Hotlips is hot in his head and all we get is a black trunk swimming scene and breathy flute music, nice, nice. Better than Juan trying to think.
We come back to Juan still in the water and my only question is how this one pair of black tighties stay together and don't seem to show under his whiter than white peasant pants. Juan tells Hotlips that he is prepared to revive his life and be happy in the village in his new life and Hotlips wants more guarantees. Juan at least makes a deal that if he can be happy and forget about the past, he will be there and be happy with her. She is happy to agree to whatever.

Sofia is still crying to Damian that she is sure that Juan did this all by himself and she heard the baby cry and she is sure that she knows more than anyone that her baby has been stolen by Juan. Egad, I can't keep up with the insanity of her arguments. Who cares what she blubbers into the welcoming chest of cute faced Damián, the scene fades as she continues snotting on his expensive leather.

Comic relief or vomit relief in the form of Quintina in the motorcycle with side car scaring a local woman and her traumatized chicken half way to the soup pot. Quintina announces her taxi service in cartoon voice which gets quite a good return.

Back in the kitchen the boys have kerchiefs at least and undershirts to keep the bread a bit cleaner but probably not a flavorful as Juan could make it. They discuss the message from Paddy Tad and what they should do to save the girls.

Gabi wants the truth from Feo, is it true that you have a child with this prostitute, Rosario. Is it certain that you are the father. Feo grins his Cheshire cat best.
Answer me Feo, and don't lie. Is he your child or not? Yes, he purrs, he is my son. She launches into a fit worthy of the bitchiest Gabi can be. Are you in love with her. Noooo, it was one night of passion only. Get out. She hisses, I am beginning to repent that I married you. My family is right it was a grave error to involve myself with you. You are worse than those Reyes, Worse. Feo wilts slightly under this insult.

Oscar is walking down the street and gets odd looks, checks his nose and his zipper and can't find more than snot on the former. Suddenly he sees the poster on the fence that they are looking for a fugitive Juan Reyes who everyone knows now after years of anonymity. The picture looks like an engagement announcement with the happy Sofia and Juan in happier times.

At the store, Damián is trying to help Sofia more, Eva insists that Juan is not to blame but Sofia is in a proper snit now with Damián aiding and abetting .

Out in the field, the latest victim of harvesting accidents is discovered by Juan who expertly applies a tourniquet and carries him to the Doctora. The standersby dub him an honorable man. At almost the same instant, the police office confirm to Oscar and Franco that Juan is a dastardly fugitive from the law and hence the poster (cartel). Now which is it?

Oscar and Franco go to see Damián who pets the intelligent looking dog. He is averring that Sofia is desperate and must accuse Juan. They assure Damián that he doesn't know Juan yet but their brother Juan would not ever do these bad things. Damián wants to be fair but wants to help Sofia end her suffering (in his arms or bed presumably) He admits that she is free and he is interested and he wants her to be happy and he wants to be happy and he is going to buy that happiness, so there.

WORD OF THE DAY: Cartel = Poster
No show tomorrow night folks. We will have a pause for the final presidential candidates' debate. So Thursday it looks like Rosario is in for some more Feo violence and Franco shows up to try to help and oops, there is a gun! Yikes.


Querida Enemiga #80 Oct. 14,'08 Third Rate Romance, Low-Rent Rendezvous...Times Two!

Alternative title: There's More Adultery Where the Climate is Sultry

Now here's a serious take on infidelity from Sam R. Hamburg, clinical psychologist and marital therapist.

"In my work with torture survivors and with people who have lost a child, I have seen the face of anguish. The only other people in whom I've seen anything approaching that anguish are people who have been cheated on by their husband or their wife." (from Will Our Love Last?)

So Zully is going to get a double dose of anguish in her life. Her mother-in-law led her to believe her child was dead and now her husband has also betrayed her. Pretty tough karma for this hard-working, loyal lady.

By putting aside that gloomy destiny for a moment, let's recap (or "recrap" as Cheryl says) from the beginning.

Old stuff: Greta is kissing Omar. Zully and Lorena are at the kitchen table waiting for him to arrive for dinner. He'll be eating elsewhere tonight.
Zully can't wait to tell him she's forgiven Hortensia but wants to deliver the news in person. Bad move; she might have headed off the betrayal. Then again, maybe not.
Sara and Bruno are all buzzed up over the sabotage of the banquet. Bruno in particular is on an adrenaline high.
Lorena is looking at both bouquets (yes, we all keep thinking back to Julie's "Mine's bigger" quip), kissing first Ernesto's card and then Alonso's...but neglecting to call either one of them to say thank you. Kids today!

Now the new stuff. Alternate scene of Alonso and Ernesto, hanging by the phone like junior high girls, waiting for it to ring. Hoping to get that loving let's-get-back-together message from Lorena. When Toribio wants to use the phone to call one of his amiguitas from Tai Chi, Alonso practically slaps his hand away. Toribio by the way is exultant over his new-found energy and force which he attributes to the Tai Chi practice but which may be more due to the new found attention from multiple ladies. Certainly it's giving Omar more energy. But wait, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Maruja and Paula are hanging out, discussing her separation from Dario and both wish that Greta were there to share the celebration. It's all peace and love...Paula's ready to leave the hate and resentment behind and eager to start what she thinks will be the best part of her life. Maruja observes that their attempt to reconcile was well-intentioned but doomed, because once you've shattered a vase to pieces, you can't put it back together again. It's never the same. Amen sistah. They toast the vision of Paula's brave new world.

Omar's feeling nervous...a real case of Performance Anxiety and wants to stop by the pharmacy for some "migraine medication" before knocking boots with Greta. She ain't havin' it, 'cause she's sure that he'll back out if she lets him get away.

Now we have one of those bed to bed scenes. We see Zulema tossing and turning in her lonely bed, wondering why Omar's not home, and also wondering if she should call. And then we see Greta and Omar in their blissful "après l'amour" bed....Greta's stoking his chest and telling him he's a tiger...and guess what, tiger is already for round 2! And that's the clincher. He tells himself Zully's the culprit in this mess...she just doesn't turn him on anymore. Classy....real classy.

And bed is just around the corner for our gruesome twosome Bruno and Sara. They're toasting success in their "business" and looking forward to spending a lot of time together hatching more mischief. The sexy saxophone music plays in the background just in case we didn't get the drift. Next thing you know, they're back at Bruno and Diana's apartment and he carries her over the threshold like she's a bride. I wanted this since the moment I met you, he smiles exultantly.

Back to Zully's bedroom. Omar finally arrives; she wakes up. She tries to tell him about Hortensia's visit and the forgiveness, but he snarls at her, thinking she's going to complain about mom again. The night ends on a cold note and is no better the next morning when he tries to leave without waking her or having breakfast with her. More snarling. When she says she has something important to tell him, he snaps, Make it fast. I'm in a hurry. She decides to wait until later.

The psychologists call this "consistency bias". You think of yourself as a good person. Then you do something rotten, like...say.... cheat on your spouse. But a good person wouldn't do that! So it can't be YOUR fault. The spouse is to blame and gets treated even more badly. Ay yi yi....the Human Comedy. Sure hope God's laughing, 'cause we aren't.

Anyway, Zully's nobly making excuses to Lorena for Omar's temper, sympathizing with the stress he's under, working two jobs, and wanting to clear things up between them. Not looking forward to seeing this particular anvil fall.

From one cheating husband to another...this time Bruno, aka Dr. Despicable. He's bringing Sara breakfast in bed, something his wife Diana "never deserved" according to the good doc. Sara inspires a passion in him that Diana never did. ( Again, the old blame-the-victim strategy.) And he loves strong, aggressive Sara. He advises her to forget Alonso and she tells him to mind his own business. Hey dude! that's how strong, aggressive women talk.

And another cheating husband!...this time Arturo, who's filling his mom's house with boxes and boxes of.....cornmeal?, he's now decided to export charro sombreros to Japan and is certain he's going to be a millionaire.

And now on to our next "pecadora" Miss Jacqui, jumping for joy because the x-rays came back negative...she's been "healed" of her alleged breast cancer. Canny spiritualist reminds her that she has to keep connected to the "light" and the "ascended master" or the disease could come back. And turns out the best way to do that is keep turning over money to the cause (let go of materialism) plus bring others into the fold. Sort of like a spiritual Amway I guess. (don't sue me, guys!)

From tainted love to young love. Paula finds a note to Bettina from Ivan signed "with all my love". They have a little heart to heart about trusting each other and not keeping secrets and no, Mom's not mad...she's realizing that her little girl is growing up.

And a mirroring heart to heart with Ernesto and Ivan. Tio Ernie advises him to treat Bettina with respect ("yes sir, answers Ivan) Seriously, says Ernesto, avoid temptations. I love her too much to hurt her, Ivan reassures him. They then discuss whether Ernesto will get back with Lorena. Ernesto says for sure (Ojala! my friend) and they make a bet. If Ivan loses, he'll have to debone a gazillion chickens.

Now we see a mostly recovered Vasco walking with the other ecology guy and talking about the support from the federal government. Barb and Jaime show up hand in hand, ready to see Mother Nature with new eyes and do the right thing...turn off lights, recycle and minimize car use. They're both cozy and warm with each other.... but not getting back together. Barb reminds Vasco that Dad is marrying a lovely woman and she's all for it.

Hortensia is meeting with her lawyer. Now honestly....doesn't he seem more brain-damaged that she does? He talks sooooo slowly and never seems to quite understand. Seems like he's taken one too many qualudes. Oh well. Horty wants to change her will, leaving equal parts to Omar, Jaime, Vasco and Lorena. Oh and bequeath 2 million pesos to Nurse Augusta. In addition, she wants to press charges against Sara...who tried to kill her twice. The second time, her actual granddaughter Lorena saved her life. Slow lawyer tells her he's not a criminal lawyer but he'll consult with a colleague and see that it gets done. Slooooooowly, no doubt.

Back at the Armendariz office, all hell is breaking loose. The president of the Banker's Club storms in, demanding action for the more than 100 people in the hospital due to presumed food poisoning from the banquet last night. Omar and the current manager promise to investigate while assuring the angry president that they have the highest hygiene standards in their kitchen. (Yeah, but you leave the back door unlocked so Sara can get in, people!) Omar is troubled as well because he hasn't been able to get in touch with Jaime and Vasco.

The writers decide to give us a little break from all this sturm und drang with a little mother-daughter pre-wedding hairdo bonding....except it's not going well. First Maruja looks like an onion and then like Angela Davis. Rossy on the other hand is well-pleased with her coiffure and wants mom to go along with the program. They argue. They make up. Maruja tells her the happiest day of her life was when Rossy was born.

Okay...that's pretty much it for the good stuff. Sorry.

Hortensia is talking with Augusta, planning a welcome dinner for Jaime and Vasco and imagining what it would be like if Omar, Jaime, Vasco and Lorena (after graduating from culinary school) all came back to work at the firm. Well....maybe....but not before we go through a lot more Sara-induced suffering, Granny.

Back at the lesser house, baby problems. Saulito is sick and they decide to take him to the clinic where another Bruno scene ensues. Alonso is checking the infant when Bruno storms in demanding to know what's going on. Diana tries to keep him from touching the child and lets everyone know that Bruno beat her and that she's divorcing him. Lady doc arrives, makes Bruno and Alonso both leave and checks the baby herself. Later she tells Bruno if there are any more scenes, he's outta there.

Lorena stops briefly in Alonso's office. She still doesn't give him a decision on his spend-one-day-together-plan but does finally remember to thank him for the flowers as she goes out the door. The baby gets the necessary medication, Lorena goes back to school and we're subjected to another Omar/Greta seduction scene.

Omar has had to rush from the food poisoning disaster (after an uncomfortable confrontation with Hortensia's lawyer...the same weasel who defended Horty on the baby kidnapping charge) to his other job where he's a half hour late for a presentation. Victor is mad and Greta is still aflame, having left Omar a steamy message tacked on his computer. Omar is super stressed but Greta has all the answers...he needs to relax, whatever , whenever, she'll be there. Big steamy kiss and he caves. All over but the shoutin'.

Switch to Sara who's gloating over the TV news on the banquet food poisoning disaster. And at the institute, the students are congratulating Ernesto on his replacing Sara as the new Alegria de Cocina chef on TV. Lorena walks right by him without saying a thing! (ye gods, she could at least thank him for the flowers, couldn't she!?) She goes into class and whines to Patty about what a martyrdom it will be to continue to attend Ernesto's classes until the end of the semester. A gloomy Ernesto comes in and Patty points out that he looks as miserable as Lorena does. Indeed!

Chef Hawt gives a thinly veiled love plea designed as a student pep talk. Cooking is like Life. We all makes mistakes. And if we're honest and if we have really tried, we deserve a second chance.
Meaningful looks exchanged between him and Lorena.

And would that this were the final scene but it isn't. We end back at Evil Acres (now Redeemed Acres, I guess) where Hortensia is awaiting the arrival of Vasco and Jaime. She's delighted to see them and asks for a hug from Jaime. Then Omar arrives to give them all the bad news about the food poisoning, the pending lawsuits for millions of dollars and well, suffice it to say he's a real wet blanket for the celebration dinner. We end with Hortensia looking muy impactada.

Previews: Who cares? Haven't you had enough misery for one night? I sure have.


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