Wednesday, November 05, 2008

QE, Wednesday 11/5 (#95): Once again, Ernesto's is bigger

As previously reported by Ferro on Monday, Fafy tells friend Santiago that Dr. Bruno is a little worried about some pulmonary thing and wants to check it out, but Fafy's not too worried about that.

Also, Alonso and Ernesto agree that now that Zulema's awake, their war is back on. Yeah! Bring it, baby!! Ern reminds Slow of how he dumped Lorena when she needed him most. Slow replies, "this from someone who, as soon as things changed, took up with other women." Ern says he was never unfaithful; unlike Slow, who fooled around with Lorena's best friend. Slow says Lore dumped Ern for throwing his exes in her face. They both agree that they don't owe one another explanations, and that when one of them finally gets Lorena back, the other one had better disappear.

Ooooh, so romantic.

Lorena and Diana watch Zulema sleep and agree not to mention Omar just yet.

Bruno is telling Sara it's amazing that Fafy hasn't already kacked. She's getting impatient and tells Bruno to up his dose and kill him. He accuses her of wanting to kill people just for kicks (I think that's what he means). She's steamed that Lorena and Alonso are now free to get married - yet another win for Lorena. Bruno calls her "gatita" and teases her for being so jealous, but he's also annoyed to hear Alonso mentioned again. He wishes they could have stayed in Sydney. She says it's not her fault they came back, and says it was because of the old man's neumólogo (respiratory specialist). (Is that Bruno's specialty, or are they referring to someone else?)

Omar shows up at the hospital, wanting to see Zulema. Diana and Lorena are not cool with that and reproach him for having given up on her so readily. They don't want him to spoil the joy of her recovery with the bad news that he dumped her. They'll make something up to tell her for now. "I know I deserve it," he admits. Lorena agrees to let him call for updates.

Rosy is upset because she and her mother and Jaime can't locate Julian. The fact that he's not with the police, in the hospital or at the Red Cross, etc. doesn't make Rosy feel better at all. He must be out drinking, or maybe with another woman. He's turned into a stranger. Maruja tries to cheer her up and says that once Julian hears about Zulema's recovery, he'll quit his boozing.

Snorty and Diana discuss Bruno's recent attempt to visit Saulito. Diana is glad Snorty turned him away and said he'd better not come back. Diana observes that Snorty hates him as much as she does. Snorty says she heard him making fun of her when she was sick. He and Sara are filth.

Lorena comes in and asks if Snorty told Omar about Zulema. They wonder how he found out. They wouldn't let him see her. Snorty is indignant at first that they wouldn't let him visit his own wife, but stops herself and agrees, he made his choice and now he has to deal with it. Lorena worries what would happen if Zulema found out. She says they're going to have to tell Zulema a little white lie (mentira piadosa).

Sara thought-bubbles in bed about how much she hates Lorena and Alonso, while meanwhile she's stuck with this relic (vejestorio). Fafy wakes and says what a great night they had. Now he's ready for more. She tries to get out of it by offering to make him some breakfast, but first he wants his morning massage. (A "happy ending" is implied.) She halfheartedly kneads his shoulder with one hand. As Fafy moans happily, Sara wonders how much more she can take, and thought-bubbles that she needs to kill him and get Alonso back.

At the hospital again, Lorena and Diana wonder what's happened to Julian. Diana favors the theory that no news is good news, but is frustrated by his immaturity and supposes he's still drinking.

Zulema is happy to see them, but asks about Omar and Julian. Lorena says that Omar's traveling for work. He's constantly out of town. Right now he's taking some specialty courses. They haven't been able to get in touch with him, but they left a message at his hotel. He'll call back soon. They tell her Julian is also out of town, covering some event.

Zulema receives an arrangement of pink roses and purple carnations (I think) from Alonso, along with a gift - a scrapbook of Lorena's fame. It's newspaper clippings and such from Cooking With Extreme Hotness, er, I mean Cooking With Joy. They all love it. Zulema is proud of Lorena.

Greta gives Omar some headache pills. She's worried that he hasn't been to work. He says he's not sick - Zulema's come out of her coma. Greta is impactada, but recovers over the commercial break and says aw, what does he care? Z's no more use to him alive than dead. Omar is shocked by her coldness (what took him so long?) and says that's his wife. Greta corrects him - she's his woman now and they're in love, and it's swell for Zulema that she's getting better, but she's got nothing for Omar.

She asks if Omar's been to see her. He says Lore and Di wouldn't allow it. Greta is angry that he tried to see her without telling Greta and thinks the daughters did well not to let him in. He's got no business there. His life is now with her and her son. He shouldn't fret over Zulema; he should cheer up and then Z won't be a spectre between them.

Lorena and Diana tell Zulema that Paty was originally supposed to do the cooking show with Ernesto, but she got nervous and Lorena had to step in. And Paty is now Vasco's girlfriend.

Maruja and Rosy visit. Rosy starts to say something about Julian, and Lorena interrupts and repeats her fake story about Julian. She elaborates that he's somewhere in the mountains of Chihuahua, and they've tried to get a message to him, but the reception out there is really lousy.

Rosy flees the room. Lorena says she must not be feeling well and goes out to investigate. Ah, now I can believe this is the same actress who was Acacia in Destilando Amor - more crying. There's been no sign of Julian, it's like the earth has swallowed him up. She hopes he's been drinking, because the alternatives are worse.

More flowers arrive for Zulema. It's an arrangement of lilies in warm colors. Just like the last time the two men sent flowers, Ernesto's arrangement is more traditional (more Lorena's type) and bigger. Not that size matters. Ahem. Lorena says it's the war of the flowers. Hah. And of course there's a gift - Lorena's show with Ernesto on DVD. Lorena goes out in search of a DVD player. Zulema tells Maruja that she's aware that Lorena and Alonso broke up, and that Alonso came by yesterday to apologize about the operation, but she thinks it wasn't his fault. Maruja agrees, and says that now that Zulema's better, Alonso feels liberated. Zulema adds that he's going to fight for Lorena. Rosy says Ern's going to fight for her too, but ever since Zulema woke up, Lorena's not had much time for either of them.

Diana says that Lorena taught them all a great lesson, never to lose hope.

Lorena comes back with Valeria's laptop, so they can watch a DVD. Zulema notices that Lorena and Ernesto argue about everything. Rosy explains that their audience loves it. Zulema doesn't seem to understand, but Lorena says it's true, especially when they argue about Z's recipes. "He's not gonna tell me how to make those!" "But he's the chef - he could improve them!" Zulema protests. Aw, Mom!

Julian is boozin' it up, with a capital B, and that rhymes with P, and P stands for pool. Yeah, he's in the pool hall with an assortment of shady characters who say "swell" and "so's your old man." One loser introduces Julian to another loser and they decide to go to one of the losers' houses and drink some more.

Back at the hospital, everyone's teasing Lorena about her two boyfriends trying to curry favor with Zulema. Diana is on Team Ernesto, while Maruja favors Alonso. They think it's cute that Alonso watches the cooking show as a way to feel close to her. Lorena says maybe he just wants to learn how to cook.

Lorena calls Alonso to thank him for the gifts. He admits that he watched the cooking show as a way to feel close to her.

Next she calls Ern, who has been camping with the kids in a tent in his living room. She thanks him. After the call, Gina asks if Lorena will come see them. Ern says not yet, but soon, and forever!

Santiago, Sara, and Fafy wander around looking for some restaurant that Santi had recommended. It was there two months ago, but now it seems to be gone, building and all. Sara whines about all the walking. She's getting a blister, but that's forgotten when they come upon Snorty's old offices. "I used to work here." She wants a moment to herself.

Fafy asks Santi what he knows about the place. Santi tells him it used to belong to Hortensia Amendariz, "don't you remember her? She went to Club 2030 - really bad-tempered (encarada) but very good at business." Fafy doesn't remember her. Santi says it appears that the company went under.

Sara comes back from a chat with a guy at the door and says the building's going to be demolished - no chance of bringing back the business. She wants Fafy to stop them by buying the company. She'll help him run it. He has no interest in buying a catering company and says she's there to keep him entertained - not to work. "And when Fafy says no, it's no," Santi adds uselessly. Sara tells him to butt out! She begs Fafy to reconsider, but he dismisses the conversation so they can proceed to Santiago's alleged restaurant. He asks Sara if she remembers which foods Dr. Bruno said he wasn't supposed to eat. (It's the yummy foods, you dope!) She says nope. He tells her to call him and ask.

Barb is meeting with that client she's been interested in. The conversation becomes very friendly. Jaime overhears in the hallway. Barb indicates that she's interested in the guy's overtures, but wants to talk business first. He hastily concludes the business portion of their meeting and looks forward to later discussing their future "friendship." He leaves. Jaime comes in and teases her for her "public relations" skills. She admits she doesn't find the guy repulsive. Jaime says he seems okay, but not to get too hung up on him before she gets to know him, so she doesn't get hurt. She's the mother of his children, and still important to him.

Later that night, Sara visits Bruno in his room to complain that things aren't going her way. She tells him about the Amendariz building. Bruno's not surprised that Fafy doesn't see her as a businesswoman. Bruno is getting tired of hearing about Sara's petty vengeance. Sara says it's not just about Lorena, but also to have the most important catering company in Latin America. Bruno advises her to concentrate on inheriting Fafy's fortune. She demands his support. He says she's the one with all the "weaponry." She says it's getting more and more difficult for her to be around Fafy.

Bruno offers some consolation sex, but as he pulls her close he complains that she reeks of naftalina (camphor). She gets angry at his jokes. Then he laughs. She laughs and even snorts a little bit. Guess it's time for some hate sex.

Rosy's bummed. Still no word from Julian yet. Meanwhile, Julian's still drinking with his loser friends. The new guy comments that Julian drinks like a sponge. Julian gets up for another drink and spills stuff all over the table, ruining some papers one of the losers had been working on, and - oh, this is too funny, I totally did not recognize this guy. He's Chalo's old friend - the guy who did the forgeries. They brag about his illegal handiwork.

Sara goes back to bed. Fafy stirs and sees her still in her clothes, still pouting. She says she never denies him anything, but she's never asked him for anything until now. ("Efectivamente," he replies wryly.) He asks why she wants to work when he gives her everything? She basically says it's for self-esteem and to not be a burden to him. He says she's no burden, stop thinking that, and now he wants more sex. "Weren't you too tired?" He says nope, one look at her and he's recovered. Great.

Zulema's doctor says her exams went well, and she can go home tomorrow. Snorty comes by to visit. Zulema smiles apprehensively. Lorena goes into the hallway and calls Omar.

Snorty says she appreciates living with the family. She would have died alone. Life takes many turns. Now everything's different since Z's woken up. Snorty's happy for her and the family, but they made that decision without Zulema, and it's her house... over the last year, she's learned more than in the rest of her life about the family, she adores them. She feels indebted. Zulema urges her to stay; they'll have to take their time to "accept" one another, and eventually maybe even love each other. Snorty thanks Zulema for opening her home to her and letting her into her life.

Lorena comes in with Omar on the phone. He greets her as "Gordita" and goes along with the story about being on a business trip. He apologizes for being away. "I never should have left." She tells him he'd better give her a big hug when he comes back, and tell her how much he loves her. And hurry up about it.

With tears in his eyes, he tells her to take care and hangs up. Now Greta scolds him for crying in front of her and demands that he promise never to leave her. He doesn't promise anything!

It's morning. Fafy wakes Sara so she can wake him up his favorite way, with a "life injection." Ew. "You're tireless," she mutters. He asks, is that a compliment or a complaint? She sulks, she says she always has to pleasure him, she's his slave, but he never thinks of her, she's nothing more than his sex toy. She says he's mistaken her nobility for stupidity. He says no - he appreciates her virtues as much as his Swiss bank accounts. She says he's cutting off her right to enjoy a full life of her own. Pout pout.

Fafy says she's talking like a girlfriend he had in the 70s. (When she wasn't even born yet. Har, har.) She says fine, then dump her, and she'll get out of his life today.

Snorty and Jaime are having breakfast at some restaurant. They're worried what will happen when Zulema finds out about Omar. Here he comes now. She tells Jaime they need to be polite but firm with him. She then proceeds to chew Omar out. He says he had lost hope, but with Zulema's recovery, he's confused, sometimes he wants to go back to her, but Greta needs him too. Snorty tells him to deal with the consequences of his actions and sort out his feelings.

Sara tells Fafy her time at Amendariz was hell. Yes, she really slept in the pantry. (Once again, she confuses herself with Lorena.) They paid her so little she couldn't even afford to rent a room and she had just arrived from her old village. "So you want revenge." No, not revenge, she says. She just wants to show them how much she's worth. She, a simple potato-peeler, heading the most important catering company...

He agrees that Snorty is arrogant - what better punishment than for her to see her store in Sara's hands?

Now Sara's affectionate, except for the rolling eyes...

Beti and Toribio talk things over about Alonso... she thinks Ivan is planning something for his uncle to win over Lorena. "I hate him!" she complains. Tori says it's okay that they feel strongly about this, but that sounds ugly coming out of her pretty little mouth.

Beti admits she's also upset because Ivan has this friend Jorge, and he spends more time with Jorge than with her.

Ivan is with Jorge right now. Jorge says something about guitar practice. He asks if Ivan doesn't have to see Betina. "Sure, but I can see her some other time." After Jorge leaves, Gina says that Jorge seems more of a "novio" to Ivan than Betina does. Alex agrees - he's with Jorge all day.

Gina gets down to business - they're going to help their uncle get Lorena back. With a smug grin, she tells Ivan to listen...

Ern is watching one of their shows and talks to himself about how much he loves Lorena. She can't have forgotten all they've been through together.

Alonso meets with Doctora Serrano. He's coming back to work. They need him. He won't let her down. He greets Valeria with a big twirling hug and tells her he got his job back, starting today, and suggests they get something to eat. Valeria is happy. "It was just a hug," she reminds herself, and remembers he's still hoping to be with Lorena.

Fafi and Sara go to the former Amendariz Banquets building, and he says that luckily, the current owner is an old friend. She's going to get to see him negotiate. She says he's incredible. "Are you saying that for me, or for this deal?" Good one, Fafy! "If that's what you think of me, better not buy anything," she pouts. This seems to work.

Some flunky shows them into the building. Sara gets sulky and says she's overcome with nostalgia. Fafy promises that all of her sad memories will be converted into good things. She gets all grateful, but there's a flicker of contempt in her eyes for a moment as he releases his embrace.

The flunky introduces them to the seller as Fafy Cuenca and his wife. "Oh, she's not my wife, just my... you know." (Pal, you'd damn well better buy her this place now.) The seller describes the place as a monstrosity (armatoste) and he was going to knock it down and build a row of shops. Fafy says he's willing to take the risk of reviving the business. He tells the seller to name his price. The seller glances at Sara, probably realizing that this whole deal is meant to appease her...

Barb thanks Snorty for helping out with the menu for that client Barb likes. Snorty says she wants the event to go well. She says Barb has the right to remake her life. Now Barb wants to go look at some earrings.

Fafy thinks the seller's price is too high. He tries to talk him out of opening shops - there are already plenty of stores nearby, and the neighborhood doesn't need more. Seller says fine, he'll open apartments or something. Ha - now Fafy knows this guy doesn't have a firm plan. The guy says that's his price and his last word. Fafy says he though they were friends, oh well, and turns to leave. The friend tries to leverage the friendship to his own advantage, but Fafy reminds him of a night in 1994 when this guy came to his room on the edge of ruin, and Fafy helped him because he thought he was his friend.

Seller-friend looks a little uncomfortable that Fafy's mentioning this.

The earring-shopping is a bust. Barb can't afford even one earring with what she's making now. Snorty says she'll save money instead. They run into Santiago - he recognizes Snorty. He mentions some black-and-white ball they went to, where she wore an organdy dress, hand-embroidered in pink. (Yeah, Santi likes fashion, we get it.) He was there with some woman and Fafy Cuenca, now king of the jet set.

Fafy was once feverishly in love with Snorty, Santi claims, and Santi accompanied Fafy on many serenades to her. (Interesting, Fafy said he doesn't remember Snorty.) Barb is very amused by this. Snorty tells Barb that she barely remembers him. Santi says he and Fafy were talking about her yesterday. He's in town now and is here to stay. "Glad to hear it," Snorty says in an indifferent tone. Barb gives Snorty another amused look.

"Fine, you win," the seller-friend says to Fafy. They shake on it. "I have a company!" Sara thinks triumphantly.

Next time: It seems that Zulema's not the main attraction at her own welcome-home party.


Fuego, Wed., Nov. 5: It's only a matter of time till international adoption agencies step-in.

DISCLAIMER: This is a NO-SPIN ZONE! Oh, wait, that’s Bill O'Reilly. How about: What you are about to read most probably contains profanity, sexual references, and overall contemplations of others’s stupidity. I would hate for a stamp-collecting, mitten-knitting loony to happen on this blog and alert the FCC and local extremist groups.


After everyone tortures Eva and our lovely audience with a ghastly game of charades accompanied with “you must be VERY strong” they have to break it to her that, unfortunately, Rosario’s CFM heels kicked the bucket. Sadly, her days of strategically-placed material are over. As if people made up other people’s deaths everyday, Eva asks them why they’re lying; no it can’t be true, she is alive! I've seen this so many times before, and let me tell you; saying this will not bring little Rosie back. This just makes it all the more harder to handle and everyone cries; Franco even tells Eva that he secretly loved Rosario. Sarita cringes, but does a silent cheer because those overly-inflated bosoms were the only thing separating her from her man. Well, Rosario’s death is only fitting because everyone knows Sarita and Franco will hook up in the end, and since there’s a general lack of testosterone and sexually-able bodies around, Rosario was just another competitor, and you know what they do to competitors…Off with their heads!...

After our green-thumbed Fernie topped-off Rosario’s shallow grave with some pretty dark, extremely noticeable top soil, he took all the convincing evidence back home and changed the combination on his safe—too easy. Though I want to point out, I guarantee that Juan will walk over this bare stretch of earth, and not think once about it. Meanwhile, Juan and Sofia can’t figure out for the life of them why Rosario had a ton of money in her purse. Well, considering she used to make a living off of her looks alone, she either struck it big time with the local field hands, or stole it from the ONLY guy in town who keeps large sums of cash in obscure places. Look, normally I’d say there’s a huge difference between being naïve and being retarded, but considering whom we’re talking about, it all just blends together.

Gabi is pretty incredulous about this whole “accidental death” scenario and finds it awfully funny that Rosario happened to vanish exactly when Fernie left the hotel alone, without telling anyone. Let me be clear; this is only a hunch and in no way represents a series of events that might have happened because we all know Fernie just went out for a couple of drinks. But, just for the record, Puebla (location of the hotel) isn’t that far from here, and he could have killed her without anyone knowing, or so says Gabi.

All Eva can think about is what in the world Rosario wanted to talk to Sofia about. The only thing I can think about is how Rosario’s death has now initiated yet a longer period of mourning for Sofia, and as always her character has made no further developments since the time she let Juan knock her up.

So now Gabi doesn’t believe anything Fernie says, talk about character growth. Now she’s a prudent woman, and certainly not stupid. What about your and Rosario’s son, or the time you pushed me into a hole? All I’m saying is I know what you’re up to, and I don’t care if you killed the tartlette, but don’t you dare lie to me. Besides, I still love you, but I have a big surprise for you. I think she’s pregnant…

Uh oh. Crappy duets starring the actors (or people who get paid to sound like the actors singing). This can only mean one thing; Franco and Sarita are about to reconcile. See, the only thing is, Franco hasn’t figured out that you don’t rant about old loves with the ones your trying to conquer. Live and learn. Now I think they’re going to use Rosario’s death and ever-sexy spirit as a pretext to start something between the two of them. Of course, this is illustrated by the montage of Rosario’s most exotic photo-ops. and her one last smile for the camera…she will be missed by our male viewers, as if there were any.... Franco and Sarita sort of kiss, only Sarita never gives tongue on the first date, but she certainly isn’t above hugging (with proper space, of course).

Staff meeting at the Bar of Broken Dreams. Fernie’s playing grief counselor; you all know how he was betrayed so he’s shuttin’ down the club, and everyone’s getting’ money so they can live comfortably until they find another job. The eerie music makes me wonder why El Coyote is peeping in on this little pow-wow.

Eva and Ofelia, the two unofficial, former mothers of Rosario are crying it up. When Ofelia discloses her secret plans to skip town with Luisito and tell the cops about Fernie killing Rosie, Fernie happens to put his ear up against the door and hear everything. Bad time to spell it all out. So, naturally, he wants to talk to Ofelia alone, and so Eva, even though she’s not worth shit, leaves Ofelia alone with the murderer.

Gramps can’t get over the fact that Rosario had all that money in her purse because she was a lot of things, but never a robber. This reminds me so much of the whole incident between Argentina’s crazy president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and Hugo Chavez giving her that suitcase of money. Unlike Kirchner, Rosario didn’t want to usurp people’s pension plans and apply them to public works. Anyway, Gramps thinks Fernie killed Rosario, and everyone needs his help. Sofia can’t get over the fact of Fernie ever doing anything similar to murder (if she only knew…). Well, like he said, they need him more than he needs them; that’s why he’s moving back to his old room in the mansion. Sofia’s beside herself with joy; you know, she was only at his house eight hours a day, which was not nearly enough, so this arrangement will be much better. Personally, I think things just weren’t working out with Quinti, and the whole Eva and Luisito live-in situation was just too much.

Fernie throws little old Ofelia up against the wall and threatens the life of Luisito. That’s the clincher. Nevertheless, Fernie plays good cop bad cop and Ofelia promises not tell on him. Eva re-enters and asks if anything happened (just remember that she’s under a lot of stress). Well, no, but I’m just gonna forget this whole thing. Eva wants to go after Fernie, but Ofelia says he’ll kill Luisito. I’m so glad that Eva has regained the motivation to do something more than wear a pretty scarf and beg Sarita for forgiveness.

I’m pledging the writer’s freedom law in which I only have to represent half-truths. Therefore, I am not recapping the whole relationship between the local market boy and girl because I believe the subplots here are counterproductive to the larger series of loosely-connected events.

Padre Tadeo is praying diligently just like every other day of his life. The nice Ave Maria music is playing in his head and all is quiet on the western front. Then 30 secs. of waterfalls and snake hissing (the sound guy was having a bad day). It can only be one person—Fernie. So it is, and as always they speak in rhyme and metaphors, always skirting, but never confronting, the issue of Fernie’s evilness. Fernie says he always wins, and then glimmers red. He must really have special powers like he mentioned.

Juan is talking strategy with Gramps, and is it any surprise that Gramps is in complete agreement with him? Anyway, they’ve decided to watch Fernie more closely. Who better than Juan, who just regained control of the very limited recollection and thought processes he once had, to start an investigative report of Fernie? So he goes to the soon-to-be-closed Bar of Broken Dreams where he is caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Fernie doesn’t like him asking so many questions, and Juan isn’t sure why, but he just wants to bust Fernie’s face.

Damian is out practicing being a matador by riding his horse in a circle. I must say this is a significant improvement over the handle attached to the wheel exercise. Oh! It’s his special day; he’s been invited to participate in an exclusive bull fight. Nope. He won’t do it because Sofia is so fragile that his absence will most likely lead her to the brink of death. How could he possibly fight a bull with Sofia’s health on his mind? A better question: how could he possibly get out of bed, knowing he would have to face Sofia?

Sofia is so happy because she feels loved. Gramps is happy too. I feel like we have regressed six God-forsaken months and we’re using the same goddamn lines.

Juan confronts Fernie about him stealing his daughter. Fernie is still keeping his eye open for her to show up; he doesn’t know where she went. Damn kid walked out of the womb and went packing. Well, Juan’s going to make him regret whatever it is that the thinks he might have done.

Sofia: I have no earthly idea why I love being in the presence of this orphaned baby, but I feel so peaceful and happy here. Their presence fills a void in my heart, and this ethereal connection between this here baby and myself makes me think that one of them is my daughter. In fact, I feel like the one with the misshapen head and dark hair is probably the fruit of my loins. Oh! Gabi’s here, but Vindictive Sofia refuses to have an altruistic mother, and sure as hell will not have her infringing on her selfish happiness. Besides, you never care about your own daughter, why care about the well-dressed, white orphans who have somehow escaped the fate of international adoption agencies? Sofia gets mad and leaves without saying goodbye to her daughter whom she’s not supposed to know but does, and loves, anyway.

Juan goes to see El “Eyebrows” Jefe in the big house. He tells Juan that Fernie is very clever and astute. That’s enough information to close the case. Juan is making such progress and is a well-respected crime-scene investigator.

Damian has dropped by the mansion and whattaya know; it’s dinner time. Everyone’s happy to have him there, especially Gabi, who has an extremely unhealthy obsession with the lad.

After a long day’s work Juan comes home to his rugged kitchen and unbuttons every button on his shirt except one—now that’s living. He tells his brothers that he saw Fernie and tried to ask him some questions, but his video course on criminal justice didn’t cover suspect interrogations.

Dinner time at the Elizondo house. It looks more like Thanksgiving dinner to me, except people aren’t segregated by who owes whom money, or whom Grandma never wanted her daughter to marry. Damian brings up the touchy topic of the bull fight. Apparently they have plans to get hitched, and he wants to respect that commitment. How the hell did I miss that? Then again, in this town as long as you roll around in the hay and teach each other to make bread you’re considered to be happily married (at least that’s what I gathered) Well, the point is that Damian wants to dedicate his entire life to Sofia and their marriage. Gabi likes this because it means new meat and more son-in-laws to charm and please her in and out of the bedroom.

Tomorrow: Sofia’s decision will affect everyone’s fate and there are mixed emotions about the whole thing. Believe me, it’s not that dramatic. By the bye, was today’s episode shorter? Because this was nowhere near as painful as usual. However, less happened, or rather didn’t happen, than usual. Chau.


El Cuerpo del Deseo, Mon., Nov. 3- Andrés goes on a wrecking spree in the Donoso house

OK, I'm back and will try and catch up.

PJ/S tells Gaetana that he doesn't want to be resentful but he can't stand to see Isabel in the arms of the man that he treated like a son. PJ/S also says that he can't accept Antonio and Ángela's relationship but he recognizes that he still thinks like an old man otherwise he would have accepted that relationship.

Cantalicia asks Padre Jacobo for help in finding Salvador because she says that she can't live without him. Later, he contacts a relative in Rio Claro who will help Cantalicia find Salavdor.

Andres is frustrated that Isabel won't fufill her marital obligations. He says that if she doesn't submit, he'll force her. She hits his over the head with what appears to be a rock. She says that she won't do anything with him.

Meanwhile Isabel goes to the factory and is all bent out of shape because Angela is there without her knowledge. Angela tells her that she is handling her affairs and isn't doing anything behind Isabel's or Andres' back.

Andres tries to get Abigail to move Isabel's stuff into his room but they refuse without orders from Isabel. Walter offers to help him. He tells Walter to destroy anything that belonged to PJ. Meanwhile, Andres is in the study destroying stuff. He tells Walter to bring him an axe. Andres is about to attack the painting of the PJ's first wife when Valeria comes in and tells him not to dare to do it. Andres knocks Valeria down.

Andres and Walter burn some of PJ's stuff that they managed to get out of the study.

Angela and PJ/S come back to a house in chaos. PJ/S offers to put the study back exactly the way PJ left it.

PJ/S continues to raise Antonio's suspicions with his knowledge of details of PJ's life.

PJ/S wonders whether Antonio has guessed his secret. I have to say the PJ/S isn't doing a very good job of keeping that secret. He takes every opportunity to show his knowledge of PJ's past.


Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Oct. 30- DB and Marisela have a heart to heart; Gervasia want out of El Miedo; DB throws a party to celebrate her wedding

I'm sorry that I'm behind again. Fortunately, DB wasn't on last Friday or Tuesday.

Cecilia shows up while Federica is visiting Antonio. Cecilia refuses to accept any of Federica's abuse and slaps her much to Antonio's glee. She accuses Federica of faking a pregancy to trap Antonio into marriage.

Chepo arrives in Progresso and gets a room at the hotel. He asks Josefa about Quitadolores (QD). Josefa says that he is with his fiancé. Federica storms in and while Chepo eavesdrops, Federica tells Josefa about her enounter with Cecilia. Josefa is not too sympathetic and when Federica threatens to accuse Cecilia of assaulting a preganant woman, Josefa reminds her that she is not, in fact, pregnant.

DB comes to see Marisela. Santos doesn't want to leave them alone but Marisela says that she wants to talk to DB. She says that DB can't do her any more harm. DB says that she supposes that Marisela has told everyone that DB doesn't love her and other things, meaning that she was using Marisela to get Santos back. Marisela says that she hasn't told anyone. She says that she was ashamed that she fell so easily into DB's trap.

Speaking of when DB came to see Marisela at the school, Marisela says
M: I felt so sad and alone and you came with your lies. I thought it was a miracle. An answer to my prayers.
DB: You prayed for me?
M: Always, since I was a little girl, I prayed that you would care about me that you would forgive me for the terrible thing that I had done that I didn't understand. I was an idiot.
DB: Yes, yes you were. But you didn't do anything bad - you were only born. You were my failure as a woman.

DB tells Marisela that she doesn't know how much she wants to be able to love her daughter but she couldn't love her and she can't now. That ability was taken from her by her rapists. She had to go on living, though. Marisela says that she has to go on living too in spite of DB.

Balbino Paiba (PB) has his eye on Gervasia.

DB compliments Marisela by saying that she is strong like DB and unlike her father. Marisela defends her father. She says that DB uses her rape as an excuse. She can't love Marisela because she can't love anyone and she does harm to everyone she touches: herself, Lorenzo, Santos.

DB says that now they have come to the real issue: Santos Luzardo. DB asks if Marisela is in love with him and she says that she is but that DB only wants to harm Santos. Marisela uses the familiar 'tu' with her mother for the first time and DB notices. Marisela says that she used the formal 'usted' before out of respect or fear and now she feels neither of those things. DB says that it might not be a good idea to lose her fear and mentions what she did to Luisana. Marisela says that won't work with her, "soy cuña de tu mismo palo," literally, "I am a cradle from your same wood," meaning (I think) that she knows DB and her tricks and that makes her immune to them.

DB tells Marisela to get herself another man because Santos is hers. Marisela says that isn't so or she wouldn't have set up the fake marriage with QD or tried to use her to get to Santos. She says that Santos isn't hers and never will be. DB grabs Marisela and says that Santos will never be hers. Marisela says that she knows that but he won't be DB's either.

Marisela says that she won't let DB harm Santos. DB responds with more threats and says that she takes back what she told Marisela about inheriting El Miedo. Marisela replies that DB stole what she has. DB says that if Marisela wants war, she will have it. Marisela repeats that she won't let DB harm Santos.

DB leaves. Santos and Lorenzo want to know what DB said to Marisela but she won't say.

DB stands outside Altamira and yells for everyone to come and hear what she has to say. She announces that she will get married the following Sunday. Santos tells her that she can do what she wants but to leave them alone. He walks away and everyone else does the same. DB is frustrated that her announcement hasn't gotten any reaction.

Dr. Arias comes to see Marisela. Afterwards, he invites Cecilia to a political meeting. He says that if she won't choose him for a husband, maybe she will choose him for mayor.

Juan Primito (JP) finds Gervasia crying under the table in the kitchen. She says that she can't take anymore. She says that she is alone and afraid. She misses her grandfather and the other terneras. She has no one to talk to. JP asks to be her friend.

DB tells Eustaquia that she and Marisela are at war for Santos. DB says that she will stop at nothing to get Santos even if she has to kill Marisela. Eustaquia is shocked and tells DB that she is going down the wrong path to get Santos but DB doesn't listen.

Mujiquita meets Santos in the church and tells him that he found out that the husband of the woman who is accusing Antonio of rape was sentenced to 1o years in prison. He is in solitary confinement and doesn't know that his wife is saying that their child is by another man. Santos thanks him for the information. Mujiquita asks Santos not to let anyone know where he is getting his information.

When QD returns from town, DB says that they are going back there to have a celebration. QD has no choice but to obey.

Santos and the reporter are in the bar when DB comes in and says that she is having a celebration [pachanga] of her upcoming wedding. DB ostentatiously kisses QD and watches Santos' reaction with one eye.

DB asks Santos to make a toast to the couple. He does so with some backhanded compliments and ends by saying, "I want to say that I hope God fills you with happiness and that you live together as you deserve - at El Miedo [literally, 'in fear.']" ["Quisiera decirles que dios los llene de dicha y que vivan juntos como se merecen: en El Miedo."] and he leaves.

At dinner, Santos is brooding about DB.

Meanwhile DB is brooding about Santos at El Miedo. When she runs into QD, he asks what happened to the DB he heard about who treated men like cattle and took them to her bed. Now she wanders around like a ghost pining for a man who doesn't love her. DB slaps QD and then grabs and kisses him.

JP brings Maria Nieves to see Gervasia. She asks him to get her out of El Miedo. Meanwhile, BP is playing cards with Leon and Tigre. When Leon gets cleaned out, BP says that he can bet Gervasia.


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Nov.4th Tues. Willa Reminds You All: NO Telenovelas Tonight - VOTE-VOTE-VOTE-THEN WATCH DESTINOS 2008

Tonight the world changing election will be featured on Univision and on Telemundo as well as most English stations, so none of our favorite characters will be seen until Wednesday night. Willa hopes you have all voted, if not, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??

You can vote for best picture if you have already voted at the polls. Willa isn't sure what look will be best when FELS is over.

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FELS 11-3 - Mon: Two down and quite a few more to go before it's over....

Things moved along tonight, well, a little without further ado.....

We begin with Feo and his grand inquisition of the doomed newfound amigos. I’m wondering why they don’t just drive off and cut his head off between the window.

Snowfie is remembering words from Demian and also from Juan .

The obligatory show lengthening musical interlude from out beloved Franco, Con ganas de amar. Both boys think about their respective chicas.

Oscar wants to go for tequilas. Yes, maybe that will knock some sense into them. He continues that he’s sick of the rejection and is reaching a breaking point. Franco says he will love his filly until the day he dies if he has to. I guess he likes them hard to get, really, really, hard to get.

Juan thinks of his "nina" while she looks out the window to a blowing fan. Juan convicts that Sofi belongs to him and no one takes away what belongs to him.

Demian is chatting with his buddy telling him that no one has made him feel like this since his family died. His buddy tries to wake him up a little by reminding him there are other women. He is decided, there is something special about her and he is going to fight for her no matter what the father of her baby says. Buddy tells him to respect Juan Reyes. He reminds Dem that his precious little Sof was married to that scoundrel Escandon. Dem agrees Feo is the lowest of slime.

Speaking of slime, Feo all too easily manages to wrench the handbag away from the doomed pair and confirms they had the proof of Feo's wrongdoings. Feo says they have just sentenced themselves to death. Feo pulls Armando out of the car and tells him what lovely boots he has. He shows this love by shooting him in the foot. Meanwhile Rosi sits there waiting for her turn. I’d have been outta there by now. Feo asks Armo to sign a letter that says he was the one who stole Sofi’s baby and hid her, but repented later and abandoned her for Dr. Gomez to find. Arm agrees to sign to save his life.

Crabby mutters something about Feo not showing up and says she’s going to bed. It looks like she takes some sleeping potion.

Armo signs and then limps off swearing he’ll go far away, but wait, Feo forgot to tell him something. "Those who betray me die!" and with that, two swift shots finish off our RightArmando. RIP.

Ok, so now finally Rosi gets the idea that it’s time to run. She throws some acid or something in Feo’s face and runs...he shoots after her, missing.

Ofi looks at a day of the dead skeleton and a mother and child and laments what could be wrong that Rosi hasn’t come back yet.

Eventually, Feo catches Rosi and tells her she’s stupid to think she could escape him. She says she knows he’s a killer and that he killed the Reyes girl. He says like her, then Luisito. She begs for mercy for her son and says she only wanted to help Sofi find her baby. He tells her the story of how the baby was taken to the orphanage, and Sofi's own mother was in on it. Rosi can’t believe that. She swears she won’t allow Feo to hurt her anymore, or her son. He pulls out his gun, she struggles, and there is a shot. She begs God to protect her son. Sicko then kisses her. He shoots again for good measure. And that is the last time we will have to hear the BOMBON song. Sigh.

Yep, she’s a goner. He proclaims that no one is stronger than he is. And just in case we doubt it, he says it again to himself. Amazingly he managed to shoot two people at 0 range and not get blood on himself. Miraculous. He drags off the bodies, spreads out some of the loot and buries the evidence and the rest of the money. He swigs his whiskey, says "two less enemigos," and that no one plays him; and he goes back to his loving wife, whom we know took a potion so won’t even wake to see him. He tells himself he has to go confess. Ewww.

Speaking of confess, the padre is preaching to the burro and wandering god knows where in the middle of the night. He tells the burro he’s lazy and then, whoops, he comes upon the camioneta with it’s lights still on and he finds the dead pair. Lighting and thunder accompany his proclamation that they are dead.

Back at the hotel from hell, Crabby wakes up from her drug induced sleep and sees hubby next to her and wakes him up to ask him where he was. He grunts.

The comissario and his men search the crime site in the day and discover some money laying about (yeah you know, the money that the assailants figured they didn’t need) oh, and a card with a bunch of numbers on it that they can’t figure out what it is. They wonder why these two had so much money on them and surmise they must have been killed and robbed for it. They decide they must tell Feo as both of these people were his employees.

Crabby pushes Feo about where he was and he makes up some lame excuse that he was out drinking because he was so upset about their discussion. He tries to hug her up but it doesn’t work, she is mad he brought her there only to leave. Crabby wants to go back home. She asks if Feo wants to come with her or not.

The wailing begins. Padre has given the news to Ofi. Padre says they will pray that the culprit is found.

Ofi explains she has a duty to Luisito and begs him to hide them in the church to keep him safe from wrongdoing. She swears Feo is responsible. Padre looks to God and says him again.

The boys fight but it’s really hard for me to describe it. First Juan wants some answers from Fer and the boys say fine, but they are going with him, and I think Juan gets offended by this and wants to know why they treat him like a child and the bros agree to fill Juan in about the lien on the house, and how someone paid it off for them but they don’t know who. Juan says he doesn’t know how it was before, but the Reyes won’t be in debt to anyone so they need to find out who it was.

Sofi and Dem are chatting away, he saying he and Juan had a chat and her up to her usual script that they shouldn’t see each other anymore.

Housemaid comes into the room and tells them the Commisario has shown up looking for Fer. Sofi goes out and says Feo’s not there, Commi says that she deserves to know the news as well and he’s sorry to be the bearer of such horribles, but Rosi is pushing up daisies, and not in a show with her pointy knockers or round bottom. Yes, the ones in mud. Sofi is of course impactada.

Coyote shows up to tell Juan that his Tio wants to see him. Juan of course doesn’t remember this Tio so Coyote tells him to ask his brothers.

Commi tells Sofi and company the details of how the duo were found with a lot of money and that surely they were trying to flee and were assaulted on the way. Sofi says no way, Rosi wouldn’t go anywhere with that goon Armo. She feels bad and responsible for all of this because she knows that Rosi was trying to find her to talk to her.

The boys tell Juan about their Tio. Alejandro Reyes, and about their primo Pedro who visited and should be in Guadalajara now. Juan is stumped as usual.

Fer and Crabby come in and get the news and Fer fakes his surprise. Crabby however shoots a suspicious glare in his direction which he sort of shrugs off....

The police believe they need to talk with Fer. He tells them yes, we do, it appears they had the combination to my safe so surely they robbed me. Sofi says she has to go see Eva. Dem leaves. Crabby says why do you want to go see her, Rosi wasn’t her daughter anyway. Sofi tells her to nevermind.

Feo shows the police the empty strong box in his office and this is surely enough evidence under Mexican law that those two robbed him. He also says that because they had the combination card, clearly they robbed him. Commi isn’t sure and believes he has to continue to investigate, but he is starting to come around. Feo can’t believe that his two closest folks would betray him this way.

Feo asks if they have questioned Ofi yet. Commi says no, she’s suffering and surely once we give her Rosi’s ashes she’ll go off somewhere with Luisito. Feo says no way, Luis is my son and I will take care of him and no one else. Oh boy, here comes another anvil. I’m predicting Luisito will be a Reyes when were done here.

Quinti shows up to Eva very somber. She asks her if she has been out to the town yet. Eva wonders what Quinti did with her moto now, thinking it's the cause for her anguish. Next Saul shows up also with a somber face, next Horty’s sons also with somber faces. She tells them all that she’s fine with Rosi deciding to leave with Ofi and the boy, and she’s sad, but she can’t wait until they send for her.

Finally the fairy tale is interrupted when Sofi shows up. She wants Eva to sit for a moment. OK, finally Eva is starting to get the hint that something is wrong. Still no one tells her. They make her guess like it’s a friggin’ trivial pursuit game. Finally Eva herself begs them to tell her even though this will surely break her heart. Juan hints around that someone has died, someone has died. Eva wants to know who. Juan, our sensitive one, finally just blurts it out. Rosario!



Monday, November 03, 2008

Cuidado con el Angel - Monday, Nov. 3 - the rain in Spain falls mainly in Mayita's fantasyland

* Viviana is sitting in her cherry red Jeep across from the castle entrance. Mayita sees the Jeep and looks at the driver.

* JM and Chuy are inside the hall talking. Mayita runs in and tells Daddy that she just saw Mommy outside. JM says that's not possible your mommy is dead. Mayita is still convinced and drags JM and Chuy outside to look.

* At the car, Viviana thought bubbles about her family inside and drives away.

* As JM, Chuy and Mayita walk from the front gate, Mayita is still convinced even though there was no Jeep with a lady driver outside. Chuy asks Mayita if she's still angry with her. JM is baffled and asks Mayita and Chuy for more information.

* In fantasyland, Mayita cries to Abuela about Daddy and Marichuy. Mayita misses her mom so much and thinks she's still alive. Abuela and Mayita apologize and make-up. They hug and Abuela has to console Mayita, whose crying starts a rainstorm in fantasyland.

* Outside in the courtyard, JM and Chuy are talking about their love; he can't wait until Saturday to marry her and then they will always be together.

* Mayita cries, rain continues to pour, and Abuela continues to try to console. Mayita tells Abuela about seeing mommy in a Jeep outside the castle but when she returned to show her daddy and Chuy, the Jeep disappeared. Mayita is upset and Abuela has to explain, console and counsel.

* Martirio serves breakfast to Isabel and Ceci in the back patio (with the still life deer eating in the background or maybe it's just a freeze frame superimposed on a chromakey backdrop). Martirio informs Isabel and Ceci about Rocio and Vicente's accident. They are impactado.

* Mayita and JM talk outside about JM marrying Chuy. Balbina comes over to take Mayita to the waiting car to take her to school.

* Elsa, Nelson, Amador and friend are talking in the lobby of the hospital(?). Elsa says she wants to stay and visit her cousin and Vicente. Nelson, Amador and friend all leave for the theater.

* Ed sits and watches Rocio lay heavily bandaged and sleeping.

* Mayita arrives at school. She starts to freak out when she sees the red Jeep and her mommy driving.

* JM enters the room and sits by Rocio's bed; Ed stands behind him. Rocio wakes up and panics. JM has to calm her down and tell her where she is. Rocio feels her bandages and panics even more - what happened? What's with all the bandages? Where's Vicente?

* Mayita screams and shouts about her mommy in the Jeep. The school director has to hold her back and calm her down. Viviana drives away and Mayita is sad watching the Jeep leave.

* Rocio is upset. JM has to use all his training to calm her down. She asks to see Vicente. JM says she can't right now. Rocio is crying and JM gives her a consoling hug.

* Elsa is visiting with Vicente's mom at his bedside. Vicente is still in a coma. His mom is upset and continues to pray for a miracle for her son.

* In the hospital corridor, Ed and JM discuss the two cases. JM tells Ed to stay with his sister and take care of her. He has to go get some ID papers for Chuy and the marriage license papers for this Saturday's ceremony.

* Cande and Adrian are talking in Cande's laundromat/apartment. JM enters. Cande asks him about his sister. JM gives a brief report and then mentions the reason for his visit; to get some ID paperwork for Chuy - it's for the marriage license. Adrian glares as Cande asks when the wedding is and JM says on Saturday.

* Ed and Elsa meet in the hospital hall - awkward moment for both of them.

* Adrian and JM discuss the wedding and how much time is allotted to get the paperwork together. JM also tells Adrian his reasons for marrying Chuy so quickly. Adrian is still suspicious.

* JM is in his car, talking on his cell phone.

* Chuy enters the cubicle to visit Rocio at the hospital. Rocio is happy to see Chuy; Chuy says she feels so guilty for the accident - she's the one who introduced them. Rocio says the accident wasn't her fault. Rocio is upset and wants to know about her bandages, if she's disfigured. Chuy says no she isn't. Rocio is still crying.

* JM meets with the school director and Mayita. The director explains Mayita's outburst on the street when she saw the red Jeep and her mom. JM can't believe it and asks if the director is sure it was Viviana. Director can't be 100 percent sure. JM says Viviana is dead. The director says that's why she has doubts. Mayita cries that it was her mommy.

* Rocio begs Chuy to go and visit Vicente for her, find out how he is. Chuy promises and leaves.

* In the next cubicle, Chuy opens the curtains to see Vicente in a coma and two people by his bedside. She introduces herself to his parents - they tell her what the doctor said and that they haven't given up hope. Chuy nervously leaves quickly, closing the curtains behind her.

* Back with Rocio, Chuy reports what the parents told her - that there is hope Vicente will be awake and 100 percent. Rocio is happy.

* Outside the school, JM talks with Mayita about seeing Viviana on the street, as well as all the horrible things Onelia has been telling her about Chuy.

* Viviana sits in her hotel room, determined to get her family back.

* Chuy talks with Rocio about Vicente; Rocio then gives Chuy permission to marry JM and live happily ever after.

* JM talks with Mayita about what Onelia has been telling her about Chuy; they are mean and hurtful things that Mayita shouldn't believe. Chuy has always been warm, friendly and nice and a true friend. Chuy loves him and Mayita very much. JM reminds his daughter that Mommy is dead and that person she sees could just be someone who looks similar to her. JM and Mayita hug.

* A young lady with suitcases gets out of taxi and walks over to ask Adrian for directions. Adrian points out the place and asks if she needs help with her suitcases. The young lady declines the offer and walks with her suitcases towards the house.

* Olga is inside fixing herself some tea. Knock at the door. Olga answers and is excited and surprised to see her daughter there in front of her.

* On the stair landing, JM and Chuy make promise before they marry. JM gives her a special angel waterglobe.

* Olga apologizes to daughter about the looks of the apartment, she's still living in poverty. Daughter scolds Olga for lying to her in her letters, telling her she lives in Cinderella's castle, with servants, butlers and lots of money. Olga admits to all the lies.

* JM and Chuy kiss on the stair landing. Onelia grumbles about her next move to sue JM and take Mayita away from him for good, since he insists on marrying Chuy.

* JM drives crazy through the castle driveway.

* Cande and Chuy have a girl spa day in Chuy's bedroom. Chuy is getting ready for her wedding tomorrow. Chuy shows Cande the dress, shoes and tells her all about the preparations JM made for for their wedding. Cande is excited. Chuy reveals that she's both happy and scared at the same time. Cande hugs Chuy and wishes her well for her wedding day.

* At the gym, JM and Ed discuss the wedding, Mayita and Rocio. JM is excited and happy to be marrying Chuy.

* Chuy takes a bubble bath and daydreams about her wedding to JM. She loves him so, so much.

* Padre walks with Olga on the sidewalk. Olga cries to him about daughter's scolding her about her lies. Daughter approaches. Olga presents her to Padre Anselmo. Padre calmly talks with her about all the sacrifices her mom made so she could go to school and live a better life.

* JM visits Rocio at the hospital. Rocio wants to know how she and Vicente are really doing.

* Padre talks with daughter about changing her attitude and being more appreciative of what her mother's done and sacrificed for her. Mom and daughter look at each other; they cry and hug.

* Dr. visits with parents of Vicente - apparently there's bad news about Vicente's condition.

* Ed walks into the castle front hall with Balbina. He's there to pick up Chuy for her wedding. Balbina goes to get her.

* In her bedroom, Balbina tells Chuy that Ed is waiting outside for her. Chuy gives Balbina a message - she's almost ready.

* JM and Rocio finish their visit - they discuss his wedding this afternoon to Chuy. Rocio reminds him about Onelia's venom. JM knows and wants to marry Chuy to protect her from it. Rocio wishes her brother the best - they kiss and hug. Rocio cries as JM leaves.

* At the church, Padre walks along the sidewalk outside. Guests all gather outside on the sidewalk. Ed drives up to the front entrance and helps Chuy climb out of the back. Everyone cheers and claps. Chuy salutes everyone. Ed walks with Chuy into the church. Everyone else follows them inside.

ADVANCE -- Wedding Day Fireworks!

(Ed. Note: I will be out of town next Monday, Nov. 11, so if anyone is available and willing to fill in for me that night. I would be really appreciative.-- Jody)


Querida Enemiga Monday Nov 3 - No amnesia! I'm so happy I could cry!

Starting after Sara’s square mouth cursing at the TV, and Ern and Alonso watching in rapt attention:

Sara cusses at the TV some more. She does her make-me-want-to-puke voice with Fafy. Lorena’s interview continues. Apparently the entire city of Mexico is watching, I guess there is only one TV channel too. The interviewer asks if she and Ern are a couple, Alonso on his couch looks alarmed while Ern on his couch says “say you love me!” Lorena instead says they are just great friends, all her emotions at the moment are tied up in praying for her mother. Hortensia and Diana, who I guess are regular pals now, watch and are proud of Lorena.

Julian calls Diana to discuss pulling the plug on Zulema, Julian is having second thoughts. Julian tells her to talk to the doctor some more, he can’t bear to be part of it anymore. Off the phone, Hortensia tries to grill Diana about the whole thing too and ask if Omar and Lorena agree, Diana says Lorena won’t ever give up hope and Omar has no business being part of this after he bailed on Zulema already.

Sara sweet talks Fafy, who falls asleep. Sara is happy of course, then she doesn’t have to put out for him. I keep remembering Adam Sandler in Big Daddy talking about “old balls.” She goes to complain to Bruno, who is living the easy life. He tries to have sex with her to calm her down but she’s not interested. She is too interested in square mouth complaining about Lorena. She wants to go after Lorena some more, Bruno is happy where he is.

Lorena and Diana go to see boss lady at Clinic #23. Diana wants to pull the plug, Lorena argues the other side. Boss lady explains that there is some brain activity and another situation like this the person woke up. Lorena, who had none of this knowledge of her mother’s brain activity or this other anecdotal evidence, still decides to take this opportunity to say “see? I told you!” to Diana. Shameless.

Sara wants Bruno to go see his baby to spy on Lorena. He doesn’t want to, he is living the high life. Sara says she’s sick of the whole Fafy thing, she’s going to kill him. It’s possible I missed some detail of her plan, as “I’m going to kill him” sounds a bit ridiculous and incomplete. I imagine she’d try to find some way to rip him off first.

Boss lady says that there is hope, but not really. Lorena has lost touch, obviously, “but at least she’s alive! At least she’s alive!” She’s too stubborn to realize that she’s fighting for her own selfishness, not for Zulema. I mean really. Of course Zulema is going to wake up and Lorena will believe SHE was the one who was right all along. My wife and I have discussed, and did again when watching Friday’s show, that we want the other to pull the plug in this situation. The doctor says something about there needing to be something from Zulema herself telling them to pull the plug or they can’t. Diana storms out of the office.

Bruno must have heard me before, because he too asks Sara what the rest of her plan is. ‘Kill Fafy’ might make a fine Tarentino film, but it is a horrible get rich quick plan. He says she should marry him first, she says no way. She says he doesn’t have any family or friends besides Sean Penn’s really ugly brother Santiago (thanks to the commenter who pointed that out, Sylvia?). What kind of playboy is he anyway? If he’s the Mexican Hef, he should have about a million flunkies, he only has Santiago. Anyway she says she’ll get into his will, then she’ll kill him. What a stupid plan.

Diana runs into Vasco on the street and fills him in on the situation, he gives her a hug and is busted by Paty. Paty is jealous but Diana says nothing’s going on. Diana leaves and Vasco argue. Vasco says Diana’s still part of his family and he will be there for her. Paty backs down and admits to being jealous. Vasco says she doesn’t need to be, he is and will always be upfront with her. She says ok, but tell me again that you love me. He does and they hug. Hmm. I have been a big Paty fan until now, but passive/aggressive women certainly do not do it for me. Shape up Paty and let’s cut down on the 5 second mood swings from anger to clingy. In fact just drop the clingy part completely. Bleah.

Hellooooo Valeria! Looking GREAT. Alonso shows up at her house, much talk about being friends, he manages to say something about a galan, she says she doesn’t have one. The stage is set. Then Alonso, because he is STUPID, prattles on about Lorena. He is alone with super hottie Valeria, who just said she wished she had some galan and keeps telling him how great he is, and he goes on about Lorena. Idiot! Anyway she tells him that boss lady from clinic#23 should be calling him with some very good news. I remember boss lady saying “don’t say anything!”

Rosy welcomes Lorena, Maruja and Barbara are working on some project. Rosy is snarky about them working together. Maruja tells Barbara that she is sure Rosy and Julian are having issues. In the other room, Rosy cries, she is OBVIOUSLY having issues with Julian. Julian has turned into a real asshole it seems. Really? Hadn’t noticed (eye roll). Lorena tells her that Julian and Diana want to unplug Zulema but they can’t. Rosy cries again.

Julian is at a bar drinking – OOOOooooops! Well, I have to say that at least it’s refreshing to get an accurate portrayal of a drinking problem, the whole “Ok I’ll stop” thing was just ridiculous. He commiserates with some other drunk at the bar. He looks horrible.

Omar is helping some kid with the computer – does Greta have a kid? Yes, he called her mama. This is the first I’ve heard about it. Greta is so happy and calls him the best father in the world. He knowingly says others don’t feel the same way.

Paula, wearing a nice low-cut summer dress, arrives at Valeria’s apartment. Ohh yeah. Now we’re talking. Valeria breaks out the tequila. Paula tells her about Maruja and Greta and their new lives. Maruja good, Greta bad. Paula then talks about her own success. They toast.

Regretfully we are taken away from the gathering of hotties to Ern’s house. Jimena shows up and gives him a gift of some piece of art. I guess she has been gone, so Ern has to fill her in on the whole Lorena situation. He doesn’t want to push Lorena so she doesn’t send him packing completely. Jimena tells him no, go after her all out. Women like men who are sure of themselves.

Lorena goes to the hospital.

Alonso shows up at clinic #23 to meet with boss lady. She says she never agreed with the decision of the investigation, so she finally got them to look into it again. They reversed their decision and he is offered his job back.

Lorena talks to Zulema. Zulema starts breathing heavy and opens her eyes. Lorena understandably freaks out a bit and goes running for a doctor. She finds Alonso first, of course, they run back in. A nurse follows them in. Lorena goes on and on about a miracle. Alonso rightly tells her to get out of the room, saying “trust me in this.” I guess somehow he’s going to come out as the shining star in all this.

Rosy shows up looking for Julian, finds Diana. Rosy thinks Julian might have another woman. Rosy also doesn’t agree with the unplugging Zulema decision. The phone rings, it’s Lorena telling her to come the clinic. Rosy immediately thinks it’s about Julian.

Maruja and Barbara are out jogging, Maruja calls for a rest. Barbara tells her that she has her eye on a new man, Rolando their client. She’s very girly about it, she likes him a lot. Jaime runs up and tells them that Zulema woke up! Lots of hugs.

Valeria shows up, even in her lab coat she looks totally hot. Boss lady is with her, everyone is happy that Zulema woke up. Why all the celebration when they don’t know how she is yet? Maybe she’s a vegetable? Maybe she has AMNESIA? Oh lord please no I’m begging you. We are finally at an end to the coma story arc, I beg you to skip the amnesia. I am on my knees as I write this, literally. I’m getting back up now because this hurts my knees. Please no amnesia please.

Rosy and Diana run off to the clinic, Hortensia will stay with the baby. Diana says to tell everyone, but not Omar.

Alonso calls Toribio and tells him the news. Zulema seems to be responding well.

Ern calls the lessor house, Hort says to call Lorena on her cell phone and tells him that Zulema woke up.

Zulema can talk and everything! Lorena and Diana talk to her at the hospital, much hugging.

Vasco busts in and tells Paty that Zulema woke up. He asks her to wait until later to come so there aren’t too many people around. He manages to drop Diana’s name in there, Paty gets her whole jealous thing again. That settles that, the Paty/Vasco relationship is doomed.

Julian is tanked, he falls on a pool table at the bar. He keeps drinking while some other guys talk about him.

Diana tells Zulema that she gave up on her ever waking up and begs forgiveness.

Alonso finds Lorena and they hug. He tells her she was right about Zulema waking up someday. Great. Her stubborn selfishness is going to be presented as “she was the only one strong enough to keep believing!” I’m as glad as anyone that Zulema woke up AND DOESN’T APPEAR TO HAVE AMNESIA THANK GOD but really Lorena hung on to the idea of her waking up out of desperation and nothing else. Seeing her deified for it doesn’t make me feel good. She might as well have argued with everyone about if pigs can fly or not, and then one day an explosion will send a pig through the air, and she’ll say “see? I was right!” and everyone will tell her how smart she is.

Ern arrives at the clinic. Maybe we’ll have a showdown!

Alonso still feels guilty about the coma. They talk about who was wrong about them breaking up a year ago. Alonso is happy that Lorena forgives him for the coma. Ern sees them hugging and in true novela fashion surely assumes they are having sex. On these shows seeing people hug means they are getting busy, at least to those who see the hug. Yes, Ern thought bubbles that they must be back together.

Out in the waiting room everyone is there talking. Paty came along, Vasco must have felt guilty and brought her. Diana comes out crying and Vasco hugs her, Paty pretends to not care but is shooting daggers with her eyes at Vasco’s back.

Bruno shows up at the lesser house to see the baby, he is impactado to see Hort there, as well as up and around. Hort prohibits him from seeing the baby, he’ll have to get Diana’s permission, and she’s at the clinic where Zulema just woke up. Wow what a lot of info to take in, in about 10 seconds.

Alonso talks to Zulema and tells her what happened, the whole story through today and him being offered his job back. He wants her forgiveness first, she tells him it surely was an accident and he has nothing to apologize for. Alonso gazes lovingly at Lorena.

Bruno says no way could she wake up, it isn’t possible! His reaction leads Hort to be suspicious, as she is a former lier/cheater/etc so she knows one when she sees one. She reminds him of the horrible things he said to her (Hort) when she was laid up in bed so she knows how he is. Bruno threatens to return but Hort sends him packing.

Diana is worried that Julian hasn’t shown up. Lorena says to wait until later to say anything to Zulema about Julian or Omar.

Greta goes through photos and tears up one of Paula. She says she looooooves him so much but he’s not so content about the relationship since he gave up so much. She gets really grumpy about it and stomps off.

Lorena and Diana still can’t decide what to do about Omar. Ern shows up and says he called and Hort told him the news. She looks at him so lovey just like she looked at Alonso a few minutes ago. She keeps thanking him for all his help, etc. Now it’s Alonso’s turn to see her hugging Ern. Ern sees him and backs off. Lorena says “what did I say?” Ern says basically actions speak louder than words. So if Alonso hugs her, they are having sex, but his OWN hug doesn’t mean that. Now I get it. No I don’t get it at all.

Omar calls the lessor house, the employee answers and tells him the news that Zulema woke up. She didn’t get the memo to not tell Omar. Omar has a look like he REALLY stepped in it this time. Which he did.

Santiago is beside himself with joy over Fafy inviting him over for a drink. Turns out Fafy has been with Sara longer than with any other woman. Bruno arrives. Sara is dressed up like Jeannie, which looks fine to me. She takes away Fafy’s drink, saying there is something in it that goes against doctor’s orders. Over at the bar, Bruno fills her in on the news of Zulema and Hort. He tells her to find a way for them to get away and talk. Santiago and Fafy talk about Fafy’s health and doctors and stuff. He has some heart problem, but no big deal he says. Yeah right.

Ern stops Alonso to talk. He tells Alonso that he is going to fight for Lorena. Alonso says he is too. It’s war.


Cuidado: Friday 10/31/08- "It's Halloween-- Surprise, Onelia's a Witch, but Viviana's Costume of Sunglasses isn't Effective!"

In the hospital, Padre Anselmo urges Juan Miguel to tell Marichuy the truth. JM hesitates and PA tells him that Marichuy needs to know, the sooner the better. PA final words are that he will not let Marichuy marry if she is being deceived. He leaves and runs into MC in the hospital corridor. He tells her that JM’s got something he wants to tell her, so she best go in and see him.

Viviana makes a move on Gustavo, who resists at first, but finally succumbs to her “charms” and they end up in a passionate kiss. They are interrupted by Gabriel. Viv takes this as her leave and Gabriel shakes his head in disgust. He scolds Gustavo, telling him that Leticia doesn’t deserve this and he needs to think of his wife and his children. Gustavo tells him that it was a moment of weakness. Gabriel says that in order to prevent this from happening, he needs to kick Viviana out of the house or else she’s going to continue to pursue him.

Marichuy comes into the hospital room and asks Juan Miguel what it is he needs to tell her. JM says he’s been thinking and they should get married right away. All they need to do is get their documents in place and they can have their civil service and then their church wedding. MC is surprised that JM wants a church wedding. He tells her that he wants to see her in a white wedding dress, veil and flowers. The plan is that they will be getting married the day after tomorrow.

Adrian tells Cande that Marichuy is in love with JM and they will be getting married. Cande says that can’t be. Adrian suggests that perhaps there is a lot about MC that she’s keeping from Cande.

Isabella goes to see Patricio. She wants him to help Stefania. She informs the judge that MC and JM are going to get married. Isa is upset because she feels that MC is a delinquent. She urges Pat to help the situation and she suggests that he does something to “set up” Marichuy. Pat can’t agree to this, he claims that he is too strong in his convictions to bend the rules. This doesn’t make Isa happy.

JM urges MC to keep their wedding plans a secret, especially from Padre Anselmo. MC questions this and JM says it is because he wants to tell PA.

Isa lets Stef know that she had no success in getting Pat to help them out. The clown-faced Gestapo woman is in on this conversation (I think she’s Pat’s assistant, but I could be wrong). Stef is upset that her “father” won’t help her out.

Mayita goes to her magical spot and has a conversation with her Abuela Marianita. AM tells Maya to ignore all the terrible things Onelia is telling her about Marichuy. AM tells Maya that MC is her friend.

The next day Ed and JM are hanging out together. JM lets Ed know that he and MC will be married the next day. Ed asks if Juan Miguel has told MC that he’s the man from her nightmares. JM says no. Ed accuses him of lying to MC. JM says he’s not lying, he’s just holding off telling her the dark truth. Ed tells him that is basically lying by omission. JM says he will tell her, but he needs to get himself in a better position and then he intends to fight for her.

Cande comes to the castle to visit MC. MC tells her that she and JM will be getting married. Cande tells her that’s old news, she’s already heard the gossip from Adrian. Balbina brings Cuate outside and Cande and MC have a lighthearted discussion about Malvina/Balbina’s name.

Rocio goes for a motorcycle ride with Vicente.

Marichuy comes inside and has a run in with Onelia. MC tells the witch that she and JM will be getting married. Onelia wants to know when, but MC avoids revealing all the details of their plans and tells Onelia that if she wants to know she’s going to have to check with JM for the exact date.

MC calls JM, who is at work, and asks if Cande can come live with them once they are married. JM agrees, but then has to cut the conversation short because Onelia has come to his office. She rants at him for his plans to marry MC and then she tells him that if he follows through with the wedding, then he’ll lose Maya. JM challenges this and Onelia says she’ll take the girl away from her father because there is no way she’s going to have her daughter’s daughter be reared by a delinquent. JM says there is no way that Onelia will take Maya away from him. Onelia leaves and her parting words are “this marriage will cost you your daughter.”

Rocio and Vicente are smooching on the motorcycle and they end up crashing---hitting a tree.

Back at the castle, Marichuy tries to have some fun with Maya and her balloons. MC ends up popping one and Maya lets into her. She’s the reason her father got hurt and no one at the house even likes Marichuy, so why doesn’t she just leave. Maya runs off and MC looks hurt.

Juan Miguel flashes back to his conversations with Eduardo and Onelia.

Maya runs to her magic place. Abuela Marianita scolds her for how she talked to MC. Maya asks for forgiveness and AM reminds her again to not believe the terrible things that Onelia has been telling her.

JM goes to see Padre Anselmo and confesses that he and MC will be getting married the next day. He lets the padre know he hasn’t told MC, but then he explains his reasons why. He wants to help MC get over her trauma before he confesses that an act of drunken stupidness on his part has been the cause of MC’s nightmares. He tells the priest that he will tell her, for sure, but he wants to help her overcome her fear before doing this. Padre Anselmo agrees to let JM tell MC on his timetable.

MC gets a call from the hospital informing the family that Vicente and Rocio were in a car accident and in grave danger. MC is upset and tells Balbina what’s happened. Onelia butts in and tells Balbina to return to the kitchen. She then turns her venom onto MC and blames her for the accident, since she’s the one who introduced Rocio to Vicente.

Becky and Elsa talk to Beatriz and tell her that Amador is not worth any more suffering. Beatriz seems to finally be listening to their words of wisdom.

MC calls JM and tells him about Rocio’s accident. JM heads to the hospital.

Onelia goes over to Pat’s. She tells Stef about Rocio’s accident and how she’s going to take Maya away from JM if he marries MC. Again, the clown-faced woman is part of the conversation. Onelia goes to talk to Pat and Cece enters the room and asks Stef why Onelia is visiting. Stef tells her that Onelia wants help in finding a lawyer, mentioning nothing about Maya.

Viv thinks about Gustavo and how she’s going to succeed in seducing him.

Eduardo joins JM at the hospital. They talk to Vicente’s parents (who are played by the cello-playing aunt and Ivan, Eva’s henchmen, both from Amar Sin Limites). They are distraught about their son’s accident and the mother claims she never wanted him to have that motorcycle in the first place.

Pat tells Onelia that it is a pretty serious thing to try and separate a father from his daughter. She pleads her case by once again going on about the terrible influence that MC, the crook and delinquent, will have on her granddaughter. Pat gives her a name of a lawyer and agrees that if it falls into his jurisdiction, he’ll help.

Elsa and Nelson go to the theatre and tell Becky and Amador that Vicente’s been in an accident.

Viv is back in town and now stalking outside the castle. Maya is out walking with one of the maids and she spots her mother in the red jeep, even the huge sunglasses aren't able to disguise Viv.

JM returns home and MC tells him that Rocio’s accident was all her fault. He tells her that’s nonsense and Onelia lurks up in the balcony watching as the couple kisses. They talk about their wedding and decide to move the date back to Saturday. Onelia can’t stand to hear this and goes down to threaten JM some more, she tells him that he’s going to have to choose between MC and his daughter because she’s hired a lawyer and will see that her daughter won’t be replaced by a lowlife such as Marichuy. JM stands his ground and says there is no way he’s going to let Onelia take Maya away. Onelia says we’ll see and stomps off upstairs. MC questions if it is a good idea that they should be getting married. JM consoles MC and then Maya comes running inside to tell her father she’s just seen her mother outside the house. She’s alive. END OF EPISODE


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