Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Llena de Amor #17 Tue 8/31/10 Llena de Yelling.

Skipping the overlap…
Thanks to Ilitia’s naco-hate and big mouth, Brandon has been shot twice by the head thug. He moans but does not fall. Muñeca is frantic. Ilitia looks briefly concerned (probably about the possibility of this appearing in the tabloids), then smug. But hah! Brandon unzips his jacket to show that he’s wearing a bulletproof vest, and not only that, he also has two grenades in his pocket! As one does, you know. Never leave home without them. He brandishes a grenade, threatening to pull the pin and blow them all to kingdom come if the guys don’t let the ladies go. The thugs jump in the luxury auto and drive off. Now, of course, Ilitia is furious that Brandon let them take the car. “Forget the car! He just saved our lives!” says Muñeca. Brandon tells them he was just suspended because of the TV y Novelas article, which he throws on the ground in front of them.
The General is still subjecting Marianela to an inquisition regarding her relationship with Emanuel. She nonanswers for a bit and then claims that they are just friends, but tio can see through her evasion tactics. “He is your cousin, Marianela! A blood relative! So forget it, understand?” She tells him not to worry; she knows how to behave. “Good, because I will not tolerate betrayal. Do not betray the family by falling in love with your cousin,” he growls at her with a fierce intimidating glare.
The insults fly fast and furious between Ilitia and Brandon, who are so getting together.
Her to him: patán, bruto, gorila, naco, flaquito
Him to her: loca, lombriz con patas (worm with legs)
Muñeca is still swooning over the dashing hero saving the damsels in distress, and Brandon takes a few breaks to be all “aw, shucks, ma’am, weren’t nuthin’” with her between bickering with Ilitia. He tells Ilitia she deserved to be abandoned to her fate with the thugs. She says they were probably his friends and he arranged the whole thing as revenge. He says his friends are decent poor people, not murderers. Same thing, she says. Muñeca is horrified once again by her daughter’s snobbery; you’d think she would be used to it by now. Brandon offers to drive them to the police station to report the crime. “In your nacomobile? Ew, no way” says Ilitia. The captions call it a bronco móvil.
Cut to the ungrateful snob sitting in the backseat of the red jeep, insulting it and its driver every meter of the abnormally bumpy drive as Muñeca tells her to hush up and be grateful. Muñeca thinks it will be handy to be accompanied by a policeman. Ilitia points out that he isn’t an officer any longer. He stomps on the brakes and snarls that it is HER fault he was suspended. She continues slinging insults. Brandon jumps out and handcuffs Ilitia to some part of the jeep, then tapes her mouth shut. There, much better. Muñeca doesn’t seem to mind; I think she’s had more than enough, too. They continue on their way.
Marianela is in a hallway, having bipolar reactions to the realization that she can’t hide her feelings for Emanuel. How wonderful to be so in love! No! No one can know! She does all this talking to herself at full volume, of course. Fortunately, it’s only Delicia who comes down the basement stairs and hears.
Emiliano is at work. Matilda confirms that she delivered the check to Marianela. It’s a little odd that she delivered it when two people who live in the same house work at the agency. Anyway, Netty comes by for a visit. She wants all Eva’s documents.
Fedra slinks into Lorenzo’s bathroom, wearing more leopard print than your average leopard. He’s lounging in the tub, with candles and everything. She tells her “designer” she’s come to try on the clothes. He smarms that he prefers taking them off. Fortunately, we are spared most of her striptease. Unfortunately, we cut to the two of them together in the bubbles, drinking champagne and smooching. Ugh.
Emanuel goes into Marianela’s room looking for her. She isn’t there, but has foolishly left her diary on the nightstand. He picks it up and remembers Mari’s frantic maneuvers with Delicia to keep it out of enemy hands, and decides to respect her privacy. This lasts approximately 1.3 seconds. He picks it up again.
Emiliano wonders why Netty wants all the papers. She wants to give them to her lawyer, so he can get Mari everything that is hers. She will not be stopped! “Calm down, Netty. Don’t you think I’m taking care of it?” Well, she hasn’t seen any progress so far.
Emanuel squinches up his face and once again talks himself out of opening the diary. Marianela walks into the room and freaks out when she sees him holding the incriminating book. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT?!” Teaching you a valuable lesson in hiding your private things in the house of vipers, Mari.
The soap opera continues. Revolting talk which I am ignoring.
Emanuel apologizes profusely and explains that he was curious, but he didn’t open the diary or read it. He was just looking for Mari to tell her he gave his statement to the police and is not blaming Brandon for the accident. “Thanks, now get out and leave me alone.” He sadly says he’s getting used to always screwing things up with her. He hands the diary back and kisses her on the cheek. “And close the door,” she says sternly.
Emiliano tells Netty he is not trying to keep Marianela from her inheritance. In fact, he is going to make sure she gets everything. Doesn’t she trust him? No, she says. Her mother taught her to not even trust her own shadow. People stab you in the back. “I can’t believe such a beautiful woman as you is so insecure. Is that why you never married?” Netty goes bug-eyed and fans herself furiously.
Bathfest is getting dirtier, despite the soap. Lorenzo says he would have done the same thing Emiliano did, and left Muñeca for Fedra.
The lady doth protest too much. She didn’t marry because she didn’t want to, OKAY? Emiliano doesn’t understand why she is so bothered. She refuses to discuss her private life with him. Probably because 95% of it is fantasies of him. To calm her down, he holds her hands and looks deeeeeeep into her eyes and says he will give her all the documents she needs, but they aren’t here. He will have to go home to get them.
Emanuel deigns to put in an appearance at the office and gladhand all the staff. He picks up a red feather duster and calls in Erica Linares and asks her how the prettiest lady in the whole agency is doing. She’s all flattered and blushing. He hands her the duster; I guess she’s the cleaning person. He calls for Adelina, and she comes running to read him his horoscope. Matilda breezes through to hustle him into the latest filming. His crowd of devoted admirers is left behind, swooning.
Doris has bought some new makeup, which she needs for work. Gladiola fusses about the expense and is sorry she can’t provide more for her kids. Doris tells her not to worry and says someday when she herself has some money, she will buy them everything they need.
Marianela calls the pension as Delicia listens in. Now I notice that Mari’s current maternity dress looks a lot like a maid outfit. She invites Doris to come over for a visit.
Begoña arrives at Lorenzo’s blechelor pad door with the baby and tries to introduce father and son. Lorenzo, wearing a robe, slams the door in her face. “Who was it?” asks Fedra.
Emanuel and cohorts watch as some actor dressed like a mad scientist superhero astronaut, or some such, raves about dog food. How is this agency so prosperous? Their advertisements are terrible. Oh, the actor is André. After they film, Emanuel tells him he’ll be the idol of all the dogs in the galaxy. They catch up on the aftermath of the moto wreck.
Fedra thinks it was Muñeca at the door. Lorenzo claims it is someone from work, but they can’t see Fedra there or the gossip will get around and back to Emiliano. He hustles her back to the tub. Fedra is indignant that he’s also apparently involved with one of the secretaries from the office. “Which of those gatas (sluts) are you sleeping with, bastard?” “You’re the only one!” “The only gata?” Then Lorenzo claims it is André at the door. Fedra disappears and Lorenzo runs out into the hall to have a hushed fight.
Gladiola mends Brandon’s dress shirt up like new, so he’ll look all professional now that he will have a promotion. Oliver runs in looking for Brandon. He’s worried because he was so upset after he was suspended. “QUÉ?”
At the police station, Brandon untapes Ilitia, releasing her torrent of abuse once more. She reminds him that she is a MODEL and hits him repeatedly. He threatens to arrest her. She insults him more, but she is not much of a creative thinker and is now repeating herself. Muñeca tries to shut her up. She will not stop. Brandon says she needs professional help and asks her if she’s bipolar. {When have you ever seen her at the other pole, Brandon?} Comisario Tejeda sees them and asks Brandon what he’s doing there.
Delicia tells Mari she should have thrown Fedra to the floor and hogtied her to get the check away from her. Also, she should tell her uncle what’s going on. Mari says she can’t do that. Fedra would never forgive her if she found out she was telling Emiliano that she took her money! Emiliano and Netty walk in just in time for the last part. “Who took your money?” asks Emiliano.
Begoña yells at Lorenzo. He tries to get her to be quiet. “Too bad, chica, you’ve been replaced, and nice try lying about this baby being mine,” he says. “You’re the liar!” she yells. She agrees to leave but says she is not giving up.
Mari claims she was telling Delicia an old story about something that happened at school. Netty asks her why she’s wearing maternity clothing.
Ilitia and Brandon yell their usual complaints about each other to the comisario. The words don’t matter, this is basically their form of sweet nothings. Tejeda calmly asks Ilitia whether at any point Brandon molested her. Well, no, not exactly, but he did take off her mallas (tights). And she knows that he really enjoyed tying her up. Tejeda thinks Brandon should clarify the situation to the press. Ilitia rants that a press conference is not going to fix this, while secretly delighting in the prospect. Brandon hovers millimeters from her and looks her up and down and tries to beat back his raging hormones.
Marianela says these clothes are the only things she has to wear. Netty rages at the fact that Emiliano is letting this wealthy heiress go around looking ridiculous for lack of money. Emiliano, oblivious to clothing, says he doesn’t see what’s wrong with these clothes, which were a gift from Kristel. “A gift? They are an insult!” says Netty. Netty says she’s going to buy Mari some clothes in the right size, and orders her to get rid of these hideous things.
A university administrator tells Axel and Alfredo they are suspended for a year. Axel claims they weren’t really fighting, just, uh, talking and horsing around, and begs him to reconsider. Mr. Serious University says if it were up to him, they would be expelled permanently. Discussion over. Axel mutters that his mother is going to kill him.
Emiliano claims that no one in the house of horrors is mistreating Marianela. Netty disagrees. Lots of yelling.
Tia Carlota calls, and Mari answers. Carlota wants to know what Mari was doing at Netty’s house. Just visiting, says Mari. Carlota forbids her to return to that nest of artists. Mari protests. Emiliano thought bubbles that if Carlota knew Netty was there, Tia would drop dead of a heart attack. Tia Carlota tells Mari that if she sets one foot in that loose unmarried artist’s house, she will have to go live with Carlota in Spain.
Fedra and Lorenzo croak their goodbyes. He wants her to stay a little longer, because he just can’t get enough. She says there’s nothing worse than a lover who is in love. She likes their current situation, because she doesn’t have to give up Emiliano’s money, and Lorenzo doesn’t have to give up Muñeca’s money. They flirt some more, Lorenzo says this is how he likes women, and Fedra tells him she’ll tolerate Muñeca because she’s his wife, but if she hears of any others she will kill him.
André tells Emanuel that Marianela seems like a really nice girl, and Emanuel should help her lose a few kilos. Emanuel says that would be offensive, and besides, people lose weight when THEY want to, not because someone else wants them to. Besides, Marianela’s problem isn’t the kilos, it’s that she has to live in his house. How can she stand it? André clues him in to the not-so-secret secret that Marianela is in love with him. Emanuel is very slow to process that.
Axel marches down the school hall in a rage, telling Gretel that he’s in big trouble, and their parents will never understand! She says she’ll back him up. He refuses to be placated.
Ilitia is irate that no one believes her. They all think that naco is a saint and a hero! But she is a famous model! The sound and the fury beginneth to give me a headache. Muñeca tries to talk some sense into her. She says Brandon saved them, so he is indeed a hero. Ilitia sniffs that if her mom doesn’t care about her suffering, then she will just take care of herself! Take that!
Emanuel tells André it would be crazy for him to be in love with his cousin. “I didn’t say you were in love with her; I said she was in love with you.” “No, no, no. I could never be in love with her, because she is my cousin.” “Are you telling me that if she were not your cousin, you would fall in love with her?” “No, of course not. I care about her, but that’s all. Mere affection.” Mauricio is there all of a sudden for some reason and he mocks Emanuel.
Netty wants Marianela to go with her. Mari tells her what Tia Carlota threatened. She doesn’t want to go away to Spain! Netty comforts her and says she’ll move heaven and earth to get Marianela what belongs to her, so she won’t have to deal with this crap anymore. Emiliano again tries to convince Netty that Marianela will get her inheritance without a fight. “Gimme the documents, and I will see you in court!” says Netty.
Ilitia continues yelling at her mother outside the station. I can’t listen to her anymore. Brandon comes out and offers them a ride home. Brandon and Ilitia continue to fight. Ilitia leaves in a taxi.
Malicio tells Emanuel hey, why not go for Marianela? Where there’s meat, there’s a party, so to speak. Gotta get it wherever you can. Emanuel grabs him and threatens that if he touches Mari, he will kill him.
Avances: Fedra catches Netty and Emiliano hugging. Bernardo tries to run over Netty. Sleazy lawyer might save her.


El Clon Tuesday, August 31: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 139: The Good News? Enrique had the night off. And well … maybe there’s a glimmer of hope for Fernando The Bad News? Everything else: Jade gambles big and loses; both Zein and Lucas are left longing for Jade; Dora and Daniel are bereft; Cris and Escobar get Maliciated; and Albieri – Albieri doesn’t see what all the fuss is about.

We see Daniel walking alone, head down, hands in pockets, along the wet, dark Miami streets.

Leo is at home staring at a photograph of Diego.

Dora and Estela are still fuming after Albieri’s visit. With all the needy children in the world, all the orphans, why on earth does he have to be fixated (encaprichado) on my son?

Albieri is at home whining to Luisa:
Dora se niega a entender. Nadie consigue entender.
Dora refuses to understand. Nobody understands!
Actually Luisa is among those who fail to understand. She says she’d have a heart attack (a mí me daría un infarto) if she found out she had a clone. Albieri contends that cloning will soon be commonplace. And people will just have to get used to it. (Tendrán que acostumbrarse.)

At Mohamed’s house, Jade tells Zoraida:
Ya tomé una decisión – Si Said no me toma de vuelta, me voy a quedar con Zein.
I made a decision – if Said doesn’t take me back, I’m going to stay with Zein.

Said is at a desk in his house, looking very much the western businessman. Rania hovers subserviently in the background. For once her hair is loose. Jadiya bounds in and asks her father:
¿Qué decidiste? Mi mamá va a volver o no?
What did you decide? Is my mother coming back?

Said doesn’t answer her directly. He picks up the phone and calls Mohamed. He learns that today is the day Jade must decide whether to accept Zein’s proposal. (Remember that when you are wondering later whether Said has manipulated the outcome of events.) Said tells his brother he’d like to see Jade.

Then Said tells Jadiya: Voy a hablar con tu madre. (I’m going to talk to your mother)

Since Amina hasn’t been lurking behind a column listening in, Rania has to run upstairs to tell her what has happened. She vows to make Jade’s life a living hell if she does come back.

Jadiya announces merrily to the Naz that her mother is coming back and then she runs off to call Zoraida with the good news. The Naz indulges in a good old exhibicionista/odalisca rant and Said has the good fortune to come on for the I raised wimps not men wind-up.

It’s all smiles for Jade, Latifa and Zoraida when the news reaches them that Said has asked to see Jade. Everyone assumes that Said’s willingness to talk to Jade means that he is going to take her back.
Says Latifa:
El destino te está dando una segunda oportunidad.
Destiny is giving you a second chance.

Daniel comes back to Dora’s sad little apartment and starts filling his backpack. He tells his grandmother he is going to Morocco, to the desert, to find the woman of his dreams. She convinces him not to leave without talking to his mother.

Pablo and Alej are working out at the gym. Pablo thinks it would be a good idea for Natalia to get a job and help out. Alej is resistant: Natalia is special, she should finish her education. And Pablo says:
Si estudiara, entendería. (If she were studying, I would understand: estudiara: imperfect subjunctive because it’s a contrary to fact conditional. She’s not, in fact, studying. entendería: conditional)
Besides, continues Pablo, working would give her a sense of responsibility.

Well you know what they say about great minds thinking alike. Leo presents the same argument to Lucas, Marisa and Rosa: why not give Natalia a job at Empresa Ferrer? Marisa, of course, rejects the idea because… well, Marisa is kind of Debbie Downer, isn’t she? Lucas and Rosa are on board. Leo pontificates:
¿Sabes cuál es el peor cancer de la juventud? La inactividad!
You know what’s the worst cancer in young people? Idleness!

Cut to a shot of a desolate Natalia, alone in the apartment. We hear Leo’s continued voiceover: Natalia’s problems are very serious -- we can help her but she has to do her part.
[As we look at Natalia, we know that she isn't ready for the classroom or the boardroom -- try a hospital room, geniuses. This girl is sick. Yeah, yeah Debbie Downer is right, but for all the wrong reasons!]

A hopeful Zein arrives at Mohamed’s place only to learn that Jade has chosen to go back to Said. Ali tells him:
Zein, una familia que ya está creada habla más alta que una familia que aún no se crea.
Zein, a family that already exists speaks louder than one that is yet to be created.
And ever the mensch, Zein accepts his disappointment gracefully:
Se feliz para que mi dolor valga la pena. (Be happy, so my pain isn't meaningless).

Meanwhile Cris, who is sure Jade is at this very moment, taking Zein back, is telling Vicki how she decorated Zein’s suite to receive Jade.

And Zein returns alone to his room where rose petals are strewn on the floor and bed. (This is a visually arresting scene, the stark white of Zein’s shirt and jacket, the black of the background, the blood-red of the rose petals.) And he says: Y ahora ¿qué voy a hacer sin ti? (And now what will I do without you?)

Lucas is also thinking of Jade, remembering how she danced for him: ¿Qué voy a hacer sin ti, Jade?

Marisa and Rosa watch him from behind. Rosa is still convinced that Daniel is Diego reincarnated. She remembers how Diego used to appear to Natalia when she was a little girl. (We’ve been waiting for someone to make this connection. Too bad Marisa doesn’t pick up on it.) Marisa keeps trying to orient Rosa to reality, the way you do with the cognitively impaired, (Daniel is a clone, he isn’t Diego and he isn’t Lucas) but is finally reduced to talking about “the Lucas in the livingroom” to distinguish him from his dead brother and his living clone.

Marisa is daydreaming too. She remembers her brief contact with Daniel, how they started to kiss. His simple words: Eres tan bonita.

Daniel assures Dora and Estela that he isn’t running away from them. He needs to get away from everything:
Yo no soporto que la gente me mire con miedo. Yo no aguanto esta idea de ser clon.
I can stand people looking at me with fear. I can’t bear this idea of being a clone.
You’re not a clone, cries Dora. You’re my son!

At Casa Ferrer, Leo declares that Daniel is coming back to him. And if his mother refuses? asks Rosa. She’s not his mother, insists Leo. His real mother is Isabel.

And at her apartment, Dora tells Daniel that although she is sorry that Leo’s son died, she has no intention of letting him take her son as a replacement. Leo notwithstanding, Daniel is determined to leave. And he wants nothing to do with Albieri. Dora pulls away his backpack to keep him from leaving. Fine, he says, I’ll go without my bag.

Roberto tells Leo he has some advice for him now that he has consulted with two colleagues with more experience in family law (I guess that would be Enrique and his other brother Enrique). It would be best to come to an agreement with Dora and only take the dispute into court as a last resort. Leo is convinced that his truth is irrefutable. Albieri made a clone of his son and now that clone belongs to him. Nevertheless he finally agrees to pay Dora a visit with Roberto, unannounced so they will have the advantage of surprise.

At Cris’s request, Malicia shows up at the bar to talk. Did you enjoy your trip? asks the rodent. Yes, very much, answers Cris, but not as much as you did. You managed to get a job and a boyfriend out of it. Malicia goes into action, twisting truth into unrecognizable forms. Now Rogelio is responsible for losing Cris’s report. And Rogelio has been acting odd Ever Since He Started Seeing Clara.

Clara is at home with Fernando and is distressed to discover that money is missing from her wallet. She confronts Fernando forcefully. At first he is defiant and aggressive, but Clara doesn’t give up. She manages to reach him at last. He breaks into tears and confesses. And then he says the magic words: Necesito ayuda, mamá! (I need help, mom). Estoy contigo (I’m with you) replies Clara.

Daniel has wandered into a park. Along comes Karla, all giggly and flirty. Daniel wants to know if Karla knows any clones. [I'm sorry but you know you don't get out much when the sKank is your Science Guy] Anyway we can all swell with pride at our public education dollars at work as Karla recites: A clone is a person who is exactly identical to another. The first clone in history was a sheep named… oh some country singer.
¿Tú sabes si un clon vive mucho tiempo? asks Daniel. (Do you know if a clone lives long?) Karla, who thinks Daniel must be kidding, says: They don’t exist. But if they did – they’d be an exotic thing, half man, half wolf, with a squirrel’s tail and a chicken foot – as she is speaking Daniel slips away. He thinks:
Lo mejor que me podría pasar sería morir. Sí, morirme.
The best thing that could happen to me would be to die. Yes, die.

Cris recounts Malicia’s version of events to Vicki. Vicki is understandably skeptical.

Escobar arrives on Malicia’s doorstep determined to get her to sign over the apartment to Fernando. She’d love to sign over the apartment, she tells him, but Clara would throw her out and she’d end up sleeping under bridges. And after all, Escobar himself was responsible for her rift with her ‘Tía’. And the Chump, being a chump, buys her story and backs off. [In fact, if he had the euros, he’d probably go out and buy her a yacht right now.]

The final scene takes place at Mohamed’s place. He and Alí are discussing Jade. Mohamed is unforgiving; Jade has brought disgrace to their family. Alí feels it would be sinful to interfere with a couple who are trying to reconcile. Said arrives and joins his brother and Alí while Latifa and Zoraida are in the bedroom with Jade happily helping her prepare for her encounter with Said. We feel as if we are with a bride and her attendants, all slightly giddy with anticipation.

Jade joins the men. Alí leads Mohamed out of the room. On parting, he says:
Que Ala desate el nudo de sus lenguas para que puedan entenderse el uno al otro.
May Allah untie the knot of your tongues so that you can understand each other.

You wanted to speak to me? says Jade. Said says he is there because Jadiya asked him to take her back. Jade tells him how much she regrets leaving. She acknowledges her past errors but swears she has changed and she is ready to return on his terms. However she denies ever abandoning her daughter. Said insists that is exactly what she did. And he knows that she asked Lucas and Zein to abduct Jadiya and neither one would do it.
Said: Vengo a responder a la petición de Jadiya. (I’m here to answer Jadiya’s request.)
Jade: ¿Y qué decidiste? (And what did you decide?)
Said: Que no te tomo de vuelta. (That I’m not taking you back)

Credits roll.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

La Verdad Oculta EP 01 08/31/2010 - Let's get this party started

See Comments sections for individual episode links on You Tube

* cemetery
A lonely man (Fausto Guillén - Hector Ortega) brings flowers to a tomb. In the meantime a huge funeral is happening; judging from the expensive cars and the elegant mourners the deceased must've belonged to a filthy rich family. When one of the old guys (Mario Genovés - Hector Ortega again) notices the man at the tomb he freaks out a bit and orders his companion (Asunción Limón - Lalo) to follow him. Mario offers condolences to his nieces, Alejandra (Alejanda Barros) and Bertha Balmori Genovés (Margarita Magana) then he runs after the mysterious man as well. He reads the writing on the tomb: Marta 1959-1986. (Hey, that's my name. And she was 27 years old just like me. Creepy.) He almost gets a heart attack then whispers loudly and painfully: "Marta".

* prison
The guards call the roll on the prison yard. Juan José Victorio Ocampo (Big Ed presente!) espies that the other prisoners are passing a letter secretly to his pal, Marcos Rivera Muñoz (Bobby Larios). In the workshop he asks him what the fuss is about. Marcos tells him he found a good lawyer who could get him out of the jail. And how do you plan to pay that superlawyer? Marcos says he has a sister. Juan José explodes: your sister is a good girl, don't dare ask money from her! Marcos laughs at his friends, just take it easy, man! The guard shouts that they have visitors.

* street
Asunción follows Fausto to his door.

* prison
A young girl (Elsa Rivera Muñoz - Silvia Ramírez) falls into the arms of Marcos then coyly greets Juan José. Hey, it looks like somebody has a crush on the big guy.

Marcos leads his sister away and tries to charm the money out of her. JJ looks pissed off. But he cheers up when his tiny and lovely grandma arrives and hugs him. She's sad because he's been imprisoned innocently and 11 years were robbed from him. And he has to spend 8 more years in jail, Dios mío. He's all optimistic, I'm absolutely fine, I'll be released sooner due to good behaviour. Elsa is nervous and rejects her brother but Marcos tries guilt trip her: please, hermanita, I have to get out of here. Grandma and Elsa leave, JJ warns her not to let Marcos talk her into anything stupid.

* Genovés residence
Mario and the Genovés girls (Alejandra the Grownup and Bertha the Spoiled Brat) arrive to the huge house. Uncle Mario tells the girls that before their mommy (his sole sister) died she asked him to take care of them. He mentions that their dad invested their money unwisely (wow, another Woody Montes de Loca?) and he invites the girls to live with him. Ale demures, they really don't want to be a burden of his, but Mario loves them very much and he's stubborn like a mule. Asunción arrives and Mario leaves the room. Elsa is absolutely thrilled and runs around their new luxurious home.

* elegant restaurant
Sr. Lopez, a horny slimebag tries to hit on a waitress called Gabriela Guillén (Galilea Montijo). If you behave well I'll give you mucho dinero, baby. Obviously it's not the first time and she's completely fed up with her boss. He grabs her arm, she storms out of the restaurant. At the entrance she meets three young wealthy playboys. One of them (Roberto Zárate - Fabián Robles) tries to untie her corset out of fun. The furious girl turns around, shouts majadero! (idiot - one of Regina Montes de Loca's favourite words), and slaps hard the nearest and incidentally most innocent man (David Genovés - Gabriel Soto with extremely blonde hair) and runs away. David is shocked, romantic music starts playing in the background. Lopez humbly greets the boyz and ask their forgiveness for the girl's rudeness. Wow, he almost kisses their feet. Carlos Ávila (Marco Mendez) mentions that to their knowledge the restaurant is for sale and they're interested in it.

* Genovés residence
Mario and Asunción enter Mario's study, there's a huge photo of David on the desk. Did you follow him? - asks Mario. Yes, I did. He orders Asunción to return to his house tomorrow. They must find out the truth about this man. Btw, his real name is Santiago Guzmán, but he surely have changed it. He probably lives with two girls. Mario sends Asunción out and starts coughing badly. Asunción looks worried.

* street
A red car stops in front of an internet café. Roberto gets out of the car and asks Carlos to wait for him, but he's in a hurry and leaves him on the street. Roberto enters the internet café and meets one of the guests who gives him an envelope for a huge amount of money. He opens it and skims through the documents, says they're useless and they argue over the payment. Roberto warns the guy not to mess with him, but eventually they manage to compound. The guy gives him an other document.

Outside Roberto gets a phonecall from his girlfriend, *drumroll* Alejandra. He lies that he's in Los Angeles. Her voice is sad. What happened, mi amor? My mom died yesterday. We're going to live with our uncle. I didn't know you had an uncle, what's his name? Mario Genovés. Roberto's eyes almost pop out of his head. WHAT? The millionaire Roberto Genovés? Then this means that my friend David Genovés is your cousin! How small the world has become, says Ale. Roberto promises to return to her tomorrow.

* Guilléns' flat
Gabriela arrives to the humble, decent lower-class flat that I've seen in every single Larrosa telenovela, and I swear that even the furnitures look the same. Where are Angélica Vale and Daniela Romo? She kisses her daddy, the Mysterious Man from the cemetery and tells him that she has quit the job because the boss was a jerk. She wishes she had a job at her sister's workplace, but daddy almost explodes: forget it, darling, I don't want you to work at night, I'm already worried sick for your sister. Gaby tries to reason him by saying that if they were working at the same place they could take care of each other, and they need money.

* dress factory
Salomón Zárate (Alfredo Alonso) is arguing with somebody on phone. He desperately needs the money that he lended back. His son, Roberto arrives. Salomón is angry, where were you, you should've been here working. Roberto gives him the documents he acquired in the internet café and mentions that he plans to marry in one or two months. Oh, really? What's the hurry, asks daddy. Did you impregnant a girl? Nevermind, I don't care, get married, but you'll have to support her by yourself, understood? Now get the hell out of here and send in the girl who's waiting outside. Elsa is in the secretary's room. Roberto greets her, they talk about a dress and agree to meet next day. I don't like the look on Roberto's face. Salomón greets the girl warmly. Elsa needs a favor, she asks for a loan. He wants to know why she needs it and starts to touch the innocent kid's shoulder and hair. Like son like father. Elsa shyly confesses that her brother is in prison for homicide and needs a lawyer. And what will be the warrant for borrowing that money?

* Genovés residence
David arrives home, apologizes for missing the funeral and hugs the girls. Mario tells him that his cousins are going to live in their house. (Is there any more character in this telenovela who haven't heard yet that they're going to move into the palace?) David looks shocked. Again. The men retire to the study. Alejandra observes that David doesn't like the news.

In the study David and Mario argue. David confesses that he has a problem with their business associates, Carlos and his dad. He doesn't like how they run their business and he is against buying that restaurant. Mario advises him to be patient and not to get involved, fortunately their partnership with the Ávila family will end in six months. David doesn't calm down.

* Guilléns' flat
Julieta (Claudia Troyo) and Gabriela talk about Gaby's future job and their dad. He's very protective and sometimes very strange, but at least this time they didn't have to move to another flat or city. Gawd, what kind of childhood these girls had? Gaby thinks her father shouldn't work as a night-guard, he's so intelligent and educated, why couldn't he find a better job?

Hey, it is high time, we haven't seen big guy for twenty minutes. JJ and Marcos are rotting in their cell. Marcos shouts that he wants to leave. JJ tries to calm the primadonna down, we all want to get out of here, I've been imprisoned for 11 years, and I'm innocent, dammit, but I'd never ask my sister to borrow money. Your sister is a good and decent girl, and I won't let you to cause her trouble. The testosterone of the guys bubbles all around the cell. A guard appears and orders Marcos to move out, he'll live in another cell. JJ gets a new roommate: Sean Connery from The Rock... I mean, Eric del Castillo with an imposing wig. His name is Gregorio Pineda, and he has bloody bandages on his left arm. Juan tries to be friendly, but the old man is sullen as hell, and to top it all occupies his bed. JJ kicks him out of the bed. Gregorio whispers: You don't know who am I. Neither do we, btw. Then he wrinkles his nose and now he looks like Gandalf.

* elegant bar at night
Roberto and Carlos (who has a ridiculous moustache) are drinking in the bar and talking about Mario. They notice Gaby who's just arrived. Carlos looks enchanted, he says she's beautiful. Julieta tells Gaby that unfortunately there's no vacancy right now. Gaby's very sad. Carlos arrives and asks what the problem is. Julieta explains the situation, and Carlos's lower half happily gives her a job. Gaby also looks enchanted. Who's this guy? He's Carlos Ávila, the owner of this place.

* prison
Gandalf Connery nurses his bruised arm. Juan tries to befriend him again and gives him some delicious food. The old guy spent 30 years in the prison. And you? 11 years. What did you do? Nothing, says the big guy lightly. LOL, everyone claims to be innocent but they all lie. Not me! Someone killed a girl and put the blame on me. Gandalf confesses that he isn't an innocent dove and did kill two people, but he'll leave the prison in five months. And when he leaves he'll be rich, boy, very rich. Juan tries not to laugh at him loudly. Gregorio thanks JJ the food and starts to climb the bed. Juan stops him and says he can sleep on the lower bed. Gandalf smiles and says he likes him. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

* bar
Gaby started to work as a waitress. David arrives and rushes into the camera room where Carlos and Roberto are scrathing their arses. He's angry as usual. Carlos tries to calm him down, but David wants to talk to his dad about business, like it or not. He leaves the room and Carlos swears to punch him one day. Roberto taunts him, how do you know that you will win? In the bar David accidentally knocks Gaby down. They recognize each other and he asks what is she doing there. Gaby looks puzzled.



Tues. Aug. 31, 2010 Dinero 186 Exclusive Swimsuits

We start tonight with Zetina's photo. Rafa takes one look at it and is disappointed. It seems that somehow Zetina took a photo of the backside of a waiter and not of Marco and Carmela. Zetina is verbally abused by the rest of the guys and then he is abused physically until Rafa intervenes.

We are transported to the Hacienda where we see Chavez asking for all of the Hacienda's profits. He becomes scared when he's left alone so that Chucho can go get the money.

Meanwhile, Julieta ponders whether she should tell Rafa about what she heard Marian say.

We are transported back to the Hacienda and now Chavez is counting his ill gotten money. Suddenly we have a little lightning and it seems like we are about to see the ghost again until we have a little cat come out.

We now go to Marco's apartment and we have Marco putting his little scheme to work. He (mis)informs the family that they have to sell the Hacienda asap because they are too deep into debt. Ale mentions Arcadia's party.

Marian doesn't know what to do with Daniel and Rafa. Does she have a working relationship with Rafa? Rafa will have to decide.

Just like that we enter a new day.

We are greeted by a magnificent view of Arcadia's home. We see part of the sales crew filing into the party and we have Marino trying to kiss up to Arcadia with a bottle of wine. Fortunately Arcadia is smarter than that. Bebe tells Arcadia that his wife wasn't able to make it to the party. Generala, Pepeto, Rosaura and Claudia round up this group. They go inside to change into their bathing suits. Looks like its bikini time!

Ramirez and his mother arrive. Ramirez's mother comes dressed in black because she is still mourning her husband's death... 40 years after.

Jimenez and the two monsters arrive. Arcadia realizes why Jimenez is always saying: "Ay Dios Mio!" The Jimenez family and Arcadia talk a little bit and then finally leave to change into their bathing suits.

We are now at Siglo where Beltran is leaving the health of his checkbook in the hands of Trapito and the two showroom girls. They immediately take on the personality of one of the salescrew. Trapito= Marino (Really?) The one in the pink suit chooses Claudia and the one in blue chooses the Generala.

Back at the party we have Ramirez presenting the two wmen of his life to the sales crew. There is much talk in the backround about them.

We are sent back to Siglo where we see all three newly appointed sales representatives fall over each other to get a customer. Naturally it seems that our little Claudia admirer has gotten the clients phone number and an invite to eat. Way to go channeling Claudia.

We are back at the party just in time to see Rafa and Ale arrive one after the other. Sometimes I love Arcadia because she hts the nail right on the head. She asks Rosario is Marco is her husband. No he is Ale's brand new husband. But guess who loves him more?

Marco warns Rafa that Ale is his wife and that he has nothing to do with her anymore. Ale is stuck between them when none other than Marian arrives. She has incredible timing... doesn't she? Ale immediately becomes jealous of her as she is standing right next to Rafa and his family. She even scores points when she sees Rafa's family. They talk about the incredible food they ate when she was there. When Marco doesn't let go of Ale's hand she becomes doubly concerned. Seems like Marian is VERY dangerous for Ale. Not to be outdone, though, Ale also recounts her own experience at the Medina-Nuñez residence. The two entities seperate and Marco is thrown back by Ale's jealousy.

Susana arrives and greets everyone but it seems Marco is looking at Claudia and thinking of that one night that he had her. His little dream is interrupted by Ale.Marian and Rafa excuse themselves from their table so that they can talk alone.
Ramirez admires as Marian's friend walks by and is chided by his mother. She is in the middle of her speech when Bebe walks by and she simply stalks him. Creepy isn't it?

Marian and Rafa are talking when... Daniel arrives! Another one with great timing but for bad moments. Rafa assumes he's there uninvited and finds out about the wedding proposal. Then Arcadia enters. Apparantly he is extremely close to Arcadia. Too bad Rafa... He just leaves Marian there to think.

Pepeto seems to wander to different flowers. First to Julieta and then to the one he really wants: Rosaura.

We see Jimenez and his family stroll out in their swimsuits. (There is a reason why this recap is named Exclusive Swimsuits). Suddeny Jimenez has a little flashback to when he annd the Generala kissed.

Arcadia, Daniel, Jorge and Rosario make small talk until Arcadia asks for her DJ Music to start. We now have dancing!

We are transported to Vicki's house. Her father asks why she is still with the veil on her head. Until she marries Rafa duh? Looks like the Psych isn't exactly helping.
We now have a real party with dancing going around everywhere. Daniel interrupts Rafa's dance with Marian and seems like we will get a confrontation next episode.
Claudia walks past Marco as he dances with Ale. Marco excuses himself and follows. Ale takes her father away. Marco has caught up with Claudia and they are now kissing. We see them kissing behind a column and Ale walking towards them... And CUT. That's a wrap for today.

Preview: More wildness at the party. And More bikini time.
Brand New Section: Private 057's predictions.
Seems ike when I predicted Ale's wedding there were a lot of people who were impressed. I have decided to add this section to prove that I am bad at predictions. I bet out of these predictions none will come true. I expect everyone to hold me to these predictions. Therefore all bets off ;-)
I predict that:
Ale will be even more jealous when Rafa and Daniel come to blows over Marian.
Susana will forgive Dandy in this party.
Rafa will sing for Arcadia. (ok so maybe this one actually has a chance to become true)
If one or more of these predictions pan out I will go out to Vegas and bet every last penny I have.


Corazon Salvaje Ep. 135, 8/30/2010 So Many Loose Ends, So Little Time - Grand Finale

Questions that won't be answered, just to let ya'll know up front (and I'm sure you can think of more): Where the heck did Clemencia go? Did she ever inherit the finca? What was Raul's personal business? Do Noel and Mariela get married? Did doctorcito marry Rosenda after she had Rod's baby? I have to agree with what everyone wrote last episode, that there were some unsatisfying things about this novela, especially the lack of Juan/Regi time. But I, too, have really enjoyed it - the historical setting, the swashbuckling colorfulness of it. Thanks to everyone. Now on to the recap:

Review of Juan and Regi talking about Juan not going with her to Leonarda's, Regi is so happy he is alive, he came back, he should go see their friends who got married and give them the best present, that he is alive! I love you's.

To Doc Miranda's office, he is thinking about poor Renato, how someone to whom he offered friendship could end up being taken over by his desire for vengeance, killed by it. He picks up the note Regi wrote that says "para Juan", then we switch to the fishermen's huts. The newlyweds are all sitting around a fire talking about how they are happy but would be even happier if Juan were there. Pedro says but I told you all that Juan is always with us, he is in our hearts. Coli says but it would be better if we could see him in person. Remi says we will never forget him, never. Suddenly Juan comes strolling up, saying how come you are talking about not forgetting me when I am right here! Juan, Juan!!! All are overjoyed, hugging all around. He says he came to wish them well on their marriages. They tell him Renato said he was dead, that he had drowned, and Juan tells them Renato is the one who is dead, Arcadio killed him. All impactados.

Noel and Rod are talking at the house of Renato and Leo, Noel is saying Leonarda did everything she did because she loved you. After Leo shut up MdR for all those years and poisoned Constanza, do you doubt she could also have killed Brigitte?

Back to Juan and fishermen, Juan is telling them how he ended up in the same cell at the finca where his mother was held captive. That Rodrigo was going to kill him, but he escaped. Doctorcito comes running up, shouting for Juan - he gives him the letter and tells him it is from Regina. Juan says Regina? and looks puzzled and a little perturbed. We hear Regina's voice reading the letter that tells him that even though people are saying he is dead, her heart tells her he is alive and she will see him very soon. Juan, you have made me the happiest woman in the world, now that I am expecting your child. I want you to know so there is no doubt, that I never asked for our marriage to be annulled, that I never stopped loving you. I have prayed to the Virgin that you will come back and that we can be happy for always. Juan smiles and says Regina loves me! (I thought he already knew that). And the love of Regina is above all hate, our love is above everything, and everyone, thank you Lord.

Rodrigo is telling Noel he had nothing to do with Brigitte's death, absolutely nothing. Noel says his nervousness indicates otherwise and asks him what happened, Rod says nada, nada. Noel says at least you know Leonarda killed the mother of your daughters, Regina and Aimee. Regina chooses that moment to walk in and hears this. What did you say Padrino? What are you talking about? Noel asks her forgiveness, but tells her that Leonarda poisoned Constanza, and Regi says no, how do you know that is true? Noel tells her that MdR told Clemencia before she died. Regi says Dios mio, what kind of family are we that we kill each other? Now all of a sudden Mariela, Don Alberto and Dona Inez are there and Inez asks Noel what he is going to do with the house? He says close it for now, there has been too much tragedy here. Regi says and what about the finca and he says that was the beginning of our tragedies and there is too much bad juju there, too. (What about Clemencia?)

We go to the finca where Rod is with Arcadio, (that guy really does travel at the speed of light). Arca says he has done what he promised and has Rod brought what he promised? Rod asks for the key, and Arca tells him it is the only one to the cell where Leo is. Rod gives Arca a very heavy suitcase and says here is what I promised you. No one is ever to know about this negotiation, understand? Arca says he does. Rod tells Arca to take another exit because it is the most secure. Stupidly Arcadio believes him. He goes back to get the bag of Leo's money and jewels, and heads out the alternate exit. He promptly falls into the shaft that Rod had found before. Arcadio is moaning and saying my legs! Rod leans over the edge, and Arcadio calls him maldito! Rod says after all you have done, did you think you would just get away? Rod goes to leave and Arca says you can't leave me here, you have to get me out of here, traitor!!! Rod walks away.

Leo is sharing the cell of MdR with some rats and crying. She hears Arcadio moaning and starts to yell for him, Arcadio get me out of here, please! She is shocked when Rodrigo shows up at the door. He looks at her with intensity and says I'm sorry my dear Leonarda, but Arcadio can't let you out, and I have one question. Why did you keep MdR in here for all those years? Leo cries and says I'm not guilty, it was Arcadio, get me out of here, please! Rod says no, you don't deserve to be let out, not only did you kill the love of my life, Maria del Rosario, you also murdered Constanza! She says, no it's not true, Rod says stop lying! Leo keeps begging to be let out, but Rod goes on, and says in addition to that, you stole all of my money! Leo is begging, please let me out of here. Rod looks severe and says would you rather be left in here or go to prison as a murderer? She says, plaintively, you said you loved me. He says I lied, I never loved you, I only used you. The only woman I loved was MdR and you took her away from me. For this you are going to pay and stay here where you kept MdR, and experience the coldness, the craziness, the loneliness!! She continues crying and begging. He kisses her hand, and tells her he has some bad news, he asks her pardon for having to be the one to tell her this terrible news. She stops and listens, what are you talking about? He tells her it has to do with Renato. She says what happened to my son?! Rod says He's dead, he's dead, Arcadio killed him!!! She starts screaming NOOOOOO, he can't be dead, he can't be dead! Rod leaves while she continues screaming, she falls to the floor, screaming and screaming.

We go to the Juan/Regi residence, Regi is in a pink bathrobe, and Juan is very sweetly telling her to take it easy, he wants her to be well so their child will be healthy. He kisses her stomach, and she says I love you so much! He says, I know, you said it in the letter! They are both happy he read the letter. She notices his wounds on his face and asks him how did he get hurt, who hurt him? Juan flashes back to Rodrigo beating him in the cell, but says it's not important. As my mother said it's better to let go of resentment, I don't want to fight with anyone, all I want to do is be happy with you, that is all that is important. He says he loves her and kisses her, and he feels the baby move, they are both very happy.

Beautiful red/purple/yellow sky, and Rod is pacing in his house, realizing he needs money to get out of there. He needs to get back to the finca and get the jewels and money from Arcadio. And suddenly he is there. He walks past the covered furniture without seeing the letter Arcadio wrote detailing his crimes.

At the doc's office, Pablo has just received a letter from Rosenda, He fondly reads "Pablo, mi amor" Mom and I are fine, in response to what you asked me, I wanted to tell you something my father told me once. That Arcadio rigged the wheels of the carriage your uncle was driving so that there would be an accident and it would kill him, by the orders of Rodrigo Montes de Oca. Pablo thinks, Rodrigo Montes de Oca!

Crashing waves and we're back at the finca, Rod is looking at Arcadio at the bottom of the shaft, telling himself he has to find a way to get the money and jewels out of there. He turns around and conveniently there is a large branch which he picks up. He prods around next to the unconscious Arcadio. Arca comes to and grabs the branch, they struggle. Then Rodrigo has a big rock which he throws down on Arcadio, and another rock as Arcadio moans in pain, then is silent. Rod says "maldito." Now Rod is back in his bedroom, we are to assume he somehow used the branch to get the bag out of the hole and was teleported back home.

But, not so fast, Aguacil Breton appears with a search warrant and sets his soldiers to searching the house. Rod shouts, don't touch anything! Breton says this is an official document, go on searching. One of the soldiers finds the pink glove in the drawer - Capitan, look what I found! Breton says, what do you have to say about this woman's glove? Rod says ain't never seen it before and don't know whose it could be. Breton tells Rod he is officially arresting him until this investigation is complete.

Now we are at the prison and Cpt. Breton is showing the glove asking if anyone recognizes it? Phillippe recognizes it, it is Brigitte's! I gave those gloves to her as present before we left for Mexico. Rod says, this dude is lying, and asks him for proof. Phillippe says of course I have proof. When we found her body she had on the other one, and I kept it. He pulls it out of his pocket and hands it to Breton, who holds them up and says they are the same, what do you have to say now, Rod? He says I didn't kill her! It was Leonarda, she killed her out of jealousy! Horrified gasp from Phillippe! Breton says but this glove in your bedroom proves you were in on it. Rod says I'm not going to say one word until Leonarda gives her declaration. Breton says we will do that, but for now, you are the only one implicated and he tells the soldiers to lock him up.

Breton goes to the finca and finds the letter written by Arcadio. He confronts Rod with it and says here Arcadio detailed your crimes, and we also accuse you of the murder of Leonarda. Rod says it's a lie, let me be! Breton says, everything implicates you, confess, for the great love you had for Maria del Rosario, confess!! Rod leans against the wall repeating, Maria del Rosario. Okay, yes, I did it, I did all of it, I killed the older doc Miranda because we were afraid he would squeal, yes we tried get rid of the bastard, and I also asked Leo to ask Arcadio to kill Rosenda because no way am I going to recognize that I am the father of her child! I helped Leo get rid of Brigitte's body, that is all. That is what I am guilty of, leave me in peace. Breton says, Rodrigo Montes de Oca, for all these crimes you have confessed, you will be imprisoned for life. He locks Rod in a cell, and he has his turn with the rats.

Dramatic sky, and we are at Juan and Regi's. Noel is eating dinner with them and says how delicious it is. Regi says Juan prepared it. Noel asks what they wanted to talk to him about. Juan says since you are Regina's closest relative, I want to ask for her hand. Noel laughs in surprise and says, of course, of course! Juan holding a ring, asks her if she wants to return to being married to him. She says, of course, my love, with all my soul. Juan then puts the ring on her finger with her wedding ring. She shows Noel how beautiful it is. They kiss and Noel says may good bless you, and with all my heart I hope you are very happy.

We go to Rod dreaming in his cell, remembering everything that happened, Maria del Rosario and Juan Sr. MdR saying I would rather you kill me! He tosses and turns remembering his cruelty to Regina, and MdR telling him she forgives him for all the pain he caused. In the dream she is telling him he, too, needs to ask forgiveness, forgiveness from all those he hurt, while he still can, so he can live in peace. Rod wakes up groaning, looking around saying Maria del Rosario, his hair is not a in pony tail now. He keeps his new hairstyle and he has asked to see Noel to ask his forgiveness. He begs Noel's forgiveness and tells him he recognizes what a good and noble man he is. Noel says if he is truly speaking with his heart, he forgives him because he wants to live in peace and because he knows that Rod will be suffering in his soul with all the pain he caused. Noel starts to go and Rod says before you go, I want to ask you a favor. Noel says what kind of favor? Rod holds up the key and says after a month, not before, go to the cell where MdR was held. Noel says why? There is a strange present I want to give you there. You will be free to live as you want to, to be happy with the person you want to be with. Noel says I don't get it. Rod says you will. Go after a month has passed, not before.

Next to enter is Regina, she starts to try to touch Rod, to comfort him but he won't let her touch him, he says he doesn't deserve it. He tells her he begs her forgiveness for all the pain he caused her, that he knows he was a bad father, he always favored Aimee, and he is also guilty of her dying in the way that she did. Regi has been crying throughout this. She says I have nothing to reproach you about, nothing to forgive you for. She kisses his hand, he kisses her hand and says he never recognized her nobility, her generous heart. She says she wants him to know she loves him with all her heart and soul, Rod is crying now, too, and holds her to him. He thanks her and says he wants to tell her one more thing and then will let her go.

We are back at the J/R house and Juan says your father wants to talk to me? Regi says yes, but you aren't obligated to. I imagine how difficult it would be for you, so I release you from any promise to do so. We go to the fort and Juan is talking to Rod through the door. So you are asking for my pardon, for all that you have done, and here you are in the same cell where my father suffered so much because of your deeds, your orders. Rod says I know I've done terrible things, but the only thing I can say in my favor is that I did it for love, the love of your mother. Juan says but love does not destroy, love is noble. Rod says, yes I know, I see that now. Juan says because of the child we are expecting, I do forgive you. Rod says thank you, thank you for your nobility and compassion. Juan leaves and Rod walks slowly into the cell, saying forgive me Maria del Rosario, forgive me. He clutches his heart and collapses into the hay, pulling it down, and we see where Juan Sr. carved Ma. del Rosario into the wall. Rod cries, forgive me, clutching his heart, collapses to the floor and dies beneath her name.

Now it is a month later. Noel is slowly walking through the caverns at the finca. He smells something terrible, and opens the door to Leo's cell with the key. He just about falls over from the stench. We see rats on top of Leo's dress and what is left of her body. Noel realizes it is her, it is the body of Leonarda. He puts a cloth over his nose.

Clouds in the morning sky and we are at the notario office. Lulu is saying to Phillippe, do you really think you can make a living this way? He looks like the Burger King king in drag, wearing a ballerina skirt, toe shoes, and a crown and the sound speeds up so it's Spanish with a French accent in chipmunk. Lulu says what makes you think you can do this? He says he was such a good dancer at the pescadores wedding, and at the casino, he goes on talking about how wonderful it will be, dancing around her.

Happy get together is going on at J/R's house of all the newly weds, talking about their honeymoons, thanking Juan for the money to pay for them. Juan reveals that he and Regi are getting married anew. Everyone all happy and laughing. We go through time to the day of the wedding and Jimangela, Lulu and Jacinta are telling Regi how what a beautiful bride she is, which indeed she is.

Fulgencio is out for a stroll before the wedding on a promontory. He is telling himself how he is going to the wedding and no one will ever know what he has done. He lists everyone he has killed, congratulating himself. We hear ominous music and suddenly he sees a blue opal jewel on the ground. He picks it up saying he has heard that opals are bad luck. But he doesn't believe in superstition. He puts it in his pocket telling himself he is a very lucky man, a very lucky man. He walks a few steps further, trips on a rock, falls and cracks his head open on another rock. We see his blood dripping down the rock as his open hand holds the jewel. Pretty lame, if you ask me.

By the waves crashing on the rocks we know it is a transition, and Juan's wedding posse is riding in on horseback - Juan, Gabe, Remigio and the pescadores galloping along the beach all dressed up. Then we see Noel and Regina in a carriage, the town is all decked out and Juan and posse are riding along with them to a cheering crowd. Juan and Regi blow kisses to each other, everyone is cheering, the wedding party waving to the crowd, all of this to the theme song. Noel is escorting beautiful Regina with a huge train on her dress down the red carpet, followed by the other newlyweds, and doctorcito with Phillippe. While Juan is waiting for her at the alter, he looks up and sees a pair of white doves, he is moved, he knows who they are, very sweet. The Priest speaks, brothers, we are united today for the sacrament of marriage, it is what unites two people in a real love as in the case of Regina and Juan, who after all of their suffering, come to this day of triumph, to reunite with the blessing of God. This love to which we are witness is an example for all couples, remember that love is not selfish, love is courageous, it does not rejoice in injustice, but rejoices in truth. Truth, like love, cannot be hidden.

As the theme song plays, they exchange rings, and we see the doves superimposed on Juan and Regina as they are touching foreheads. Jimangela and Gabriel put the lasso around them, we see them exchange coins. Noel is thinking may God bless them and may they be happy. He turns around to see Mariela and nods to her, thinking he is sure that what will be is love. Juan and Regi stand up for everyone to applaud and they kiss, real, deeply. Then as they are walking out, Juan picks up Regi and they kiss again. We zoom out to see Veracruz from the air, then see them kissing on the Luzbel, and the narrator comes on saying - this was the story of the great love of Regina Montes de Oca and Juan de Dios San Roman, a love that overcame hate and vengeance, this is a grand story of love, the story of a Corazon Salvaje. We pan out to see the ship on the water - FIN.



Llena de Amor #16 Mon 8/30/10 A fat lady walks into a bar, see… oh heck, enough with the fat jokes!

Friday: Fedra is thoughtbubbling a laundry list of goodies she plans to acquire (the house, Marianela’s inheritance) while closing in on sleeping Emiliano, evil wiggly dagger in hand. She lifts it. Musica de suspenso say the captions.


Emiliano jerks awake with a yell. Fedra quick drops the dagger and kicks it under the bed with her foot. What is it, mi amor? she asks, all buttery concern. He tells her he had a terrible dream – so real! – that she wanted to kill him.

Emanuel is in bed, turning his fertility goddess figurine (all bosom and huge hips, a prehistoric Barbie) in his hands and thinking. He realizes he can’t sleep until he finds out what happened with Marianela. He pops out of bed and off he goes in search of her.

Marianela is still outside sitting on the garden wall with Delicia, who tells her she shouldn’t have covered for Mauricio. Marianela said she had no choice, because he would’ve blabbed that she’s in love with Emanuel. Delicia thinks they should go on inside before she catches cold. Marianela wants to stay and sit and think. Delicia tells her enough with the thinking, pack up her stuff and go live with Netty.

All this time we’ve been cross-eyed with puzzlement at Marianela’s choosing to stay in the house of horrors, but now she thoughtbubbles her reason: She wants to be near Emanuel. Apparently swimming in the alligator-filled moat that surrounds him is worth it.

So guess who walks up just at this moment and sweetly asks if maybe there’s any of that chicken soup she made left. She smiles gratefully, and gives him a long hug.

Fedra says she’s shocked Emiliano would think she would kill him. He says that she was like Salome, who wanted to his head off. Cut? says Fedra nervously. He looks at her and says he’s not so sure. Salome wanted the head of a just man, he explains, and she was someone who transfixed men with her dancing. You don’t do that for other men (Emiliano is more insightful in his sleep than awake, score one for Freud) but you did it for me. He breaks into a smile and wriggles happily. Do it for me again! Fortunately we don’t have to witness the performance.

Emanuel asks if Marianela is really okay after her fall (just her leg hurts a bit, but she says she’s well padded), and then says he really wants some of that soup. She wonders if he’s just being nice, but he tells her no, it smelled so great.

Fidel the chauffeur is driving Miss Lazy and telling her about her mother Muñeca being in danger. Ilitia isn’t particularly concerned – she figures her mother took pills again. Fidel explains about the woman who called. Ilitia rolls her eyes. So that’s when she took the pills? Fidel tells her Muñeca slit her wrists. Ilitia actually looks impactada.

And here’s why: She rants about how now it’ll show up in the media. How could her mother do that to her? Fidel tells her she’s being unfair. She tells him to shut it, and that when they get to the clinic, he’s to give her the keys to the car because he’s, like, soooo totally fired.

Emanuel is on his third bowl of soup, raving about it. It’s the best ever! She’s marriage material! Hahaha. She brightens. Good chicken soup is one of life’s necessities, he says. Marianela is a bit crushed by that last comment, but he doesn’t understand why.

Gretel comes into Axel’s room saying she couldn’t sleep, and she sees he’s awake too. She hopes she didn’t hurt his feeling with what she said earlier. He tells her he gets those kind of comments all the time, no big deal. She tells him whatever he needs, she’s always there for him. He tells her one day he’ll tell her what’s going on with him, but until that day comes, he’d like her not to ask. She snuggles next to him and hugs him fondly.

Emanuel asks Marianela why she was crying so hard earlier in the day. She tries to escape his questioning by saying she has to take some soup down to her old uncle. Emanuel won’t let her off the hook, so she says it was just a bad day what with his accident and the snake thing. Now can I take the soup down?

Manuel tells her she’s a wonderful person. Then he hugs her and pats her stomach and says not only is she wonderful, she’s about to give birth. She rolls her eyes. He realizes what he’s done and apologizes over and over. She keeps saying never mind, and tries to get past him to take the soup tray. Finally she gets out the door and Emanuel beats himself up for putting his foot in it yet again.

Marilda, a lady from the commercial production company, comes to the house and presents Marianela with a check for her appearance in the commercial. Marianela’s eyes pop at the amount, and so do Delicia’s. That’s how much she earns in a year! Marilda tells Marianela she’s going to be the most famous gordita in the country when the ad comes out! The boss included a bonus, he’s so happy with her.

Neridia is watching from a distance, unhappy, so maybe jealous.

What’s that sound? Why, it’s a beeping hospital monitor, familiar as our own heartbeats to us novela watchers. Muñeca seems to be unconscious in the bed, and Ilitia and her daddy are looking at one another. Ilitia hopes the press didn’t see her enter – she doesn’t need that. Lorenzo gingerly tells her that she’s not the important one right now (Ilitia arches an eyebrow in amazement), it’s her mother who needs support.

Ilitia tells him she’s upset with him – why didn’t he think of his family? He pleads that these things just happen. Ilitia wants to know what really happened, so he tells her the exact details don’t matter, it’s just that with women, well, age, menopause, hormones, you know…. he gestures helplessly at his wife. We have to be there for her. Ilitia tells him how sweet and understanding he is.

The doctor comes and says Muñeca (who apparently is just sleeping) could actually go home tomorrow, but she really needs to see a psychiatrist. Ilitia is horrified.

Neridia reports to Fedra about the money Marianela just got and Fedra wonders evilly who would give her money?

Delicia is very happy for Marianela and wants to know why she didn’t tell her before. Marianela tells her it was just a fluke, and she doesn’t want to do it again. Delicia tells her she’s nuts when that kind of money is involved. Fedra appears on the stairs and wants to know what they’re talking about.

Marianela tells her it’s a check from the agency. Fedra scoffs that it must be a gift, or did she have a job there making coffee for everyone? Marianela tells her she was a model. Fedra scoffs some more, but Kristel, who is coming down the stairs stops in her tracks in amazement. La gordita a model?

Muñeca wakes up and Ilitia tells her she’ll help her get a shrink. Then she tells her off – why did she do something so stupid? Muñeca tells her her father had a lover. Out in the hall, he tells Ilitia not to bring it up when they’re at home. Ilitia is huffy. She knows he’s had some women on the side, but one who’d make a call like that? Tacky, tacky tacky. He assures her that the woman means nothing to him. Ilitia wants to know why he’d let that woman call the house. She tells him to look out – stuff like this could get in the paper and ruin her career! Then she plays her big card. If it happens again, she says, she’s moving out. He hugs her, supplicating. Nope, she says, pushing him off. I don’t want you in my sight. She flounces out. He gapes after her.

At the police station, Brandon’s boss asks him to come to his office. Oliver is afraid the rich folks are getting him fired. Brandon says the accident wasn’t his fault, plus the guy walked out of the hospital, so he’s not worried.

But when he gets into the office, he finds out that the problem is the airport incident. His boss has the TV y Novelas issue with Ilitia on the cover in front of him. Brandon swears that things didn’t come down like the press says, and he prevented a tragedy. His boss wants to know why he didn’t explain himself at the time – now there’s nothing he can do. Brandon’s suspended.

Kristel is fidgeting with fury – she just can’t believe that she did modeling school and everything, and Marianela got to be in a commercial. Fedra sneers that models usually are exponentially smaller sizes. Marianela just stares at them. Marilda explains that the commercial was for a diet aid, hands her her receipt and gladly gets out of there.

Which of course leaves Marianela in the clutches of Kristel and Fedra. Fedra circles her and says good thing she’s using diet aids to get rid of that mountain of fat. Marianela explains that she’s not using them, the whole thing just was happenstance. They ridicule her and Marianela decides she’s outta there. Hold it right there, says Fedra, snatching her check. This is mine.

In the police locker room, Brandon shows Oliver the magazine. Oliver is shocked to see that it says that Brandon molested Ilitia. Brandon says they just wrote that to sell magazines, of course he didn’t, and now he’s suspended indefinitely.

The writers do some gleeful arm pumping that they scored that direct hit on TV y Novelas. Whooo-hoo!

Every time Marianela grabs for her check, Fedra pulls it away, laughing. Marianela protests that she worked for that money, but Fedra says it’s no work for her to be fat. Marianela tells her she earned it, it was a horrible experience. Fedra says she’ keeping it to pay back the money her daughter spent on Marianela. They’re not a charity, you know. Marianela protests she didn’t ask for the clothes, and doesn’t even like them, they’re maternity things! Kirstel fake cries that she’s so ungrateful. Besides, in this house, everyone does what my mama says. Marianela runs off, defeated. Fedra and Kristel eyeball the check and gloat.

Emanuel has gone down to the police station, along with Benigno who was nice enough to go along to provide comic relief (and also to give somebody for Emanuel to bounce dialog off so he doesn’t have to thoughtbubble), to tell them that he’s not pressing any charges for the accident.

For some reason I didn’t get, Netty intends to go get all of her savings and hand them over to the lawyer who will be handling Marianela’s inheritance case for her. Her housemates tell her that’s a really bad idea, who knows if he’s honest? Netty feels she needs protection from Fedra. The others feel Fedra just wanted to give her a fright, but Netty says they don’t know what she’s capable of.

The mysterious renter comes into the room and we find out her name is Angela. Besides that, she’s dressed in a long white skirt and lacy white top – we get the point. She apologizes for what happened, she can’t control those things. Letty says they understand, but who is Juan Pastor? Angela has no idea – he’s never possessed her before. The others cross themselves frantically. Angela guesses it’s somebody connected with Letty. The others tease her that maybe it was some old boyfriend. Netty doesn’t remember the name. Angela tells her such blows can come at any time, usually from behind.

Just then the lawyer comes into their living room, bearing flowers and smiling waaay to much if you ask me. Netty flutters her eyelids and the others are excited.

Bernardo, in sunglasses, no less, I guess going for a Hollywood vibe, comes in and tells Fedra that the car is ready. She tells him he knows when she sees her stylist, she always goes alone. Bernardo says he knows, but it’s not a good day to go see him. Fedra slings her mega purse onto her shoulder and smilingly bounces out.

Emanuel tells a desk-bound cop that it wasn’t the other driver’s fault. It wasn’t anybody’s fault, in fact, and he’d hate to see the other guy get in trouble. Benigno provides comic background as he keeps popping up to say what a splendid fellow Emanuel is, who never lies and is a great sportsman with all these trophies, etc.

Everybody except Mama Dolores seems excited that the lawyer has come calling. He is offered tea and cookies, and he sparkles that it’s wonderful to be surrounded by all these ladies. He comes to the point: He accepts Marianela’s case. The ladies giggle and clap.

Flora, the maid, is walking Muñeca, who looks kinda weak, to a chair. Muñeca resignedly notes that she’s barely home, and already Lorenzo is off with his lover. Flora tells her he’s at work, but Muñeca’s not buying it. Flora asks her how a fine lady like her could do something like that. Life is a gift from God! Muñeca thinks God has forgotten her. She feels so alone, so useless. Flora’s sure she’s just forgotten God, he wouldn’t forget her, since she’s done so much good.

That reminds Muñeca – she needs to write a charity check. She asks Flora to get Fidel for her. Fedra tells her Ilitia fired him.

Sure enough, Lorenzo has gone to see Begoña, his lover, who is happy and thinks he’s come to see his child. Nope, he tells her, he came to get her out of his life. It’s over. She tells him not so fast, but he replies that other women have tried to trick him in the same way and in almost every case, they were faking.

Almost every case? says Begoña, who glommed onto that, same as we did. You have other kids out of wedlock? Lorenzo settles into the couch and says Ilitia is his only child. From her he gets all the love and tenderness any father could ever want. I’m not interested in your child.

She starts to yell at him, but he yells back that she’s never to call his house again. If she tries to contact his wife in any way, she’ll be muy pero muy sorry. She hollers at him that she’s been with him five years and she knows him. He’s a womanizer, a jerk, (then, changing tactic) but also in the end a gentleman and he’ll do the right thing. She doesn’t believe she was just a fling. She’ll go get the baby!

He stops her and tells her she was just a fling, that he’s had plenty of other women and she’s by no stretch the best. There’s no baby, right? He leaves, laughing “women!”

The lawyer happily tells Letty and the ladies that Marianela’s going to get what’s hers. He exclaims over the cookies – oops, looks like he’s eaten them all, so sorry. Mama Dolores tells him there are some left in the kitchen. He asks if he can have some to take home. Why, he’ll settle the case in five days, and if he can’t, by golly he’ll rip his diploma right off the wall and throw it out.

Muñeca tells Ilitia off for firing Fidel. Ilitia says he was disrespectful and besides, it’s not important. Muñeca says oh yes it is, and she’s not going to let Ilitia wreck the life of a responsible and hardworking guy. Ilitia’s to come with her to go hire him back.

Fedra is at the police station, wanting to bring charges against Brandon. The cop tells him Emanuel was there and didn’t want to press charges. Fedra gets out a wad of cash and lays it on his desk. He policeman looks at it somberly, struggling with his conscience, then asks what it is she wants. She wants the investigation to show that Brandon was trying to murder her son.

Brandon is driving home, mad that he spent all these years risking his skin on the job and for this?

Meantime, Ilitia is driving her mother to the chauffeur’s and dramatically telling her that she’ll never get over the shame of driving to some barrio to ask a chauffeur’s pardon. Muñeca says it almost sounds like Ilitia believes that somebody who has less means in life is beneath her. Ilitia looks like “well, DUH!” Of course he’s beneath me. Muñeca tells her she’ll be sorry one day she said that.

We know of course that if two novela characters are driving in the massive megalopolis of Mexico city, they will end up at the same place sooner rather than later. So let’s see if that happens. Five bucks says it does.

Muñeca needs to ask somebody directions, and Ilitia said she’s not stepping a glass-slippered foot out of the car. They stop and in seconds armed bandits are on them.

Brandon is driving by and sees. Wow, we didn’t have to wait long. I’m five bucks up! He stops a bit down the street and realizes he’s handed in his pistol.

Down in his basement fortress, the general is demanding that Delicia tell him why Marianela’s was crying in the garden. Delicia wants to know how he knows that, and he says he has his information channels, top secret. Delicia refuses to say, just saying the snake was huge and scary. The general says it must have something to do with Mauricio. He asks Delicia again, and she says sorry, top secret. He tells her to get Marianela chop chop.

The baddies are pounding on the car, wanting Muñeca to open up, but she and Ilitia debate fearfully what to do. Finally Ilitia decides her beauty will incapacitate them like Kryptonite, and she opens the door and gets out.

Marianela has appeared before the general. He says he wants the truth – what’s happening with her and Manuel? I saw you hugging him. Marianela fudges around and says he never leaves the basement, how could he know. He says he has his ways of seeing everything that happens. What’s going on?

The baddies drag Muñeca out of the car and both guys are threatening the women with guns when Brandon walks up and tells them to stop. Ilitia recognizes him and thinks Oh, crap, it’s the guy from the airport. Just what I need. Butt out! she tells him. Can’t you let these guys rob us in peace, naco? I don’t care if you are a policeman.

Police, huh? says one baddie, who fires two shots into Brandon.

Marianela tells the general that she was really down and Emanuel was just comforting her. The general says he doesn’t want Emanuel taking advantage of her. She says he’s really a great guy, it’s nothing like that, he’s very fond of her. The general asks exactly how fond of him she is.

Avances: Avert your eyes - Fedra is in a bubble bath with Lorenzo. Emiliano walks in a door and looks surprised. Emanuel has Marianela’s diary in his hands, but in another scene is asking his friend Andre if Marianela is in love with him, like it’s news.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Dinero Mon. Aug. 30, 2010 Where's An Old Polaroid Camera When You Need It?

What a disappointment! Thought we were going to have a wild night of bikini bimbos cavorting in the pool and instead we're circling the drain again. Same old competition (Marino's out to bury Rafa and Ale), same old schemes (Marcos and Chavez are trying to hustle the hacienda), same old skirmishes between Rafa and Ale (you touched my, you grabbed mine!), same old dementia (Jorge still can't remember his security code) and the usual nonsense with the sales force at Auto Siglo. How do you say "filler" in Spanish? Hoping Private 057 has more luck tomorrow night. More luck than the hapless Zetina who evidently messed up the picture of Marco's faithless smooch with Carmela.

We begin with Daniel's proposal to Marian. By the way, while I think she's lovely, that garishly dyed faux fur vest she's sporting is the pits. Adds bulk and looks wretched. If Daniel proposes when she's looking like that, clearly the man is madly in love.

Maybe so. But Marian is not. She hedges and he says Take your time. Think it over. And in the meantime, enjoy the ring and driving this snazzy sports car. Now there's an offer she can't refuse.

From glamour to grit. Rafa arrives back at the barrio with a reeking, unshaven Jaime. Miss Havisham, aka Vicky, still dragging her veil at half-mast, shrieks Pajarito! and we're off. While Jaime and Rafa cower and cringe, she's belting out the decibels. YOU THINK I'M CRAZY!? YOU'VE MADE ME THE UNHAPPIEST WOMAN ON EARTH!!! BUT I STILL LOVE YOU, PAJARITO! HOW DARE YOU ASK ME TO FORGET YOU!!!!?????

Did you hear that? stammers Rafa. How could I not? sez Jaime. That voice would carry for three kilometers. A little discussion on "crazy" ensues. Rafa maintains that it's equally crazy for Jaime to keep camping outside his house, and crazier still to go without bathing. For God's sake, get yourself together. Jaime promises that if Rafa will get him just one more chance to talk to Julieta, he promises never to bother her again.

Back at Marco's apartment, the Swiss bank account mystery deepens. Jorge lists four reasons why he can't remember or find the missing number, and Rosario adds a fifth. If you've hidden the number somewhere it won't be here but back at the house. Eureka, yes, that's it. And of course my wife knows it, muses Jorge, but, alas she's dead. Marco gets a call from Chavez (make that Urdiales for the home folks) and says he must go, leaving Rosario and Jorge as bewildered as ever. Chavez is boasting that he has the perfect man for the job of fake buyer of hacienda. Once Marco looks him over, he's less than convinced. But Jorge IS convinced....convinced that his daughter Ale is not happy in her marriage. He can see it in her face. (Okay, his memory's no good but he's got some brain neurons left.)

Ready for some Auto Siglo gossip? Okay. First Marino, whose ego is as big as all outdoors, is gloating about how he's going to outsell Rafita on trucks and take over the managerial position. And Claudia and the General are still trying to soothe Rosaura's hurt feelings about her husband stepping out with a new woman. How could any woman put up with your jerk of a husband!? sneers the General. Scant comfort, but still....

After the ads, Marino and his Ego saunter into the meeting where he boasts to Ale of his plan to outdo Rafa. She tries to deflate him by pointing out he needs to come up with a written sales plan, no need to pontificate at the meeting. Exit Marino and pontificating honors go to Ramirez. When he drones on about Marino leaving "ex abrupto" Claudia thinks he called Marino a "bruto". Major eye rolling while our scholar bemoans her lack of culture. Enough of that. And Ale feels the same. Meetings over, get to work all of you!

Marco is now at our friendly bar looking over Chavez' prospect. And not liking what he sees. For one thing, the guy won't give his real name. Insists on being called Camarón (shrimp). And worse, insists on actually seeing the property, as if he were indeed a serious buyer. Marco is so not happy with this. And you bought him several tequilas, he kvetches at Chavez. Nopis. Not happy. Not happy at all. After another round of ads, he and Chavez are mulling over the Swiss bank account mystery. Must be a fortune there but those dang Swiss won't turn over a penny without authorization. You may be in love with your wife and all sweet on her family, but don't forget, Marco, your principal interest is the money, nudges Chavez. And don't we all know it!

Another swing by Auto Siglo where Doña Arcadia has rounded up the troops to invite them to her 50th birthday party. They all valiantly pretend to believe she's only 50. And she pretends to believe they're sincere. And then finally grins and says, well I'm celebrating 50 years in business. And you're all, and that includes Beltran and Trapito, invited to my house in Cuernavaca for a rip-roaring party. Your spouses and mates are all welcome-- but no kids. I don't want them pissing in my pool or tearing up my flower beds. Point taken. And no excuses! Y'all come! Now back to work. Sell, sell, sell!

Macho Marino is certainly taking this message to heart. And here's his latest scheme. While he's flogging trucks on the outside, Ramirez has to help him continue to sell cars from the showroom. The plan? If a client shows up, asking for him, Ramirez will invite him to his office, ply him with coffee and palaver while phoning Marino to get back on site pronto. Ramirez doesn't think this will work and says so, but Marino is adamant. With his toady's help, he WILL be in two places at once. Because he hates Alejandra and Rafa. And he must become head of sales. Another "crazy" to add to our list.

This section of the show ends with a conversation between Marian and Chepis , overheard by Julieta. Chepis finds out about the proposal and wants to know her "jefa's" answer. Well, Marian was going to say "no" but didn't get a chance. And he IS a great catch, he's from my world, he's from my social class--not like Medina--and we've shared a lot of special moments, and a lot of special places.

Okay, you guys who love to speculate....will Marian accept Daniel's offer? Will these two be together at the end? Let's place some bets here.

Alright, more ads and more scheming. Chavez and Marco are still muttering about Camarón (not a name I'd choose as a man, but maybe "camarón" doesn't have the same connotation as "shrimp" in our language). Is he trustworthy? And can we convince the Alvarez family to sell the hacienda at a giveaway (tres pesos) price?

Not only more scheming but more bickering. Ale and Rafa....who else? Where were you all day? she sneers Hanging out with Marian again? Are you jealous? You wish! (brincos diera) Enter Doña Arcadia? Am I interrupting? She invites them to the party, Ale asks if she can bring her ESPOSA, indeed she can and the scene ends with a nyahnjah look at poor Rafa. Boy, they can't get that door up between their offices fast enough! No indeed.

Things are getting heated back at the bar also. Carmela has called, in a swivet, and must meet with Marcos personally. Meanwhile Marcos is insisting Chavez visit the hacienda to find out what the current profits are. Chavez is leery of the headless ghost and wants no part of it. But since Carmela is about to arrive, he hustles out.

Back to the Bickersons. Doña Arcadia has left but they're still sputtering. Rafa points out that his jaunt with Marian to Monterrey resulted in truck sales--in cash. Well fine, pay me what you owe me and have done with it. The camera focuses on Ales legs and high heels. A pencil drops. They both reach for it. Hands touch. Faces come close. Hearts beat faster. Temperatures rise. IT'S MORE ADS! DANG.

Ugh. Now we're back with Marcos and Carmela. She doesn't like his casual greeting and goes in for a barracuda kiss. It's long enough that Zetina the spy can fumble with the camera and take a picture. Of course the poor schlump then messes with said camera, punches some buttons and I'm pretty sure he cancelled the pics. Since I'm a complete cretin with digital cameras I can't say for sure, but give me a gool ol' Kodak Brownie any day.

Things aren't going well back with our lovers either. Listen Medina, get your hand off mine! I'm a married woman, remember. She even waves her hand like it smells bad. What a wretched woman! After Rafa slinks off, she caresses her cheek with her hand and sniffs it nostalgically. I can't really get on board with this sniffing of clothes and body parts so dear to Mexican telenovelas, but if it works for you, enjoy. Like I said though, this Alejandra is a P.R.O.J.E.C.T.

Julieta gets home, tries to pretend she's not disappointed to trip over Jaime outside the door and tells Mamita Leonor all about Daniel's proposal to Marian. Mom looks worried.

Next scene is the killer. Rafa's Boys Club, all clumped together, are peeking around the office door. Zepina, errr, Zetina is in the forefront, happy as a clam about the incriminating photo. Great excitement. Rafa grabs the camera and looks. Great disappointment. Arrgggh. And there we end.

A sexy swimming pool party!!! Are we going to fall for this again? Marcos and Rafa have a confrontation.


chiflado = crazy (Jaime swears he isn't)
el candidato idonéo = the perfect candidate (Chavez about "Camarón)
donde mande el capitán....= first part of a dicho that says when the captain orders, the sailor complies (Marcos saying he has to go meet Urdiales when he requests it)
es pan comido para me = it's easy as pie for me, it's a cakewalk for me, Marino boasting about his ability to best Rafa
comiendo el mandado = getting the best of someone (Claudia sneering that Rafa always outdoes Marino)
la jalada = tug, pull, also means garbage or rubbish (Dona Arcadia saying no rubbish, no excuses for not coming to her party....
ubicuidad =ubiquity Ramirez pointing out Marino can't be everywhere, even with an ego as big as his!
no tengo el don de la ubicuidad = I can't be in two places at once
fortunototota = a friggin' big fortune (Chavez' assessment of what must be in Jorge's Swiss bank account)
plantear las cosas = set out, explain, present things (Marco's strategy for conning the Alvarez family into selling the hacienda cheap
brincos diera = you wish! (lit. you'd jump)
a tres pesos - cheap, dirt cheap

Some fun phrases:

Ser uña y carne, ser uña y mugre = to be hand in glove (Marcos and Chavez)

And some other ways of saying someone's crazy:
estar demente
estar mafufo, mafufa
estar tocado, todaca
estar zafado, zafada


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