Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #2 1/4/11 Osvaldo's Hot. Alvaro's Not. Max is Hot. Alvaro's Still Not.

Hello, Caraymates! It’s been awhile since I’ve been here, and William Levy's my weakeness so I may say very mushy things, but here goes:

From yesterday: Bernarda demands to know the father of Victoria’s child and is impactada when Vicky says Juan Pablo is her baby daddy. Flashback over.

WOOT WOOT! Next we see the gorgeous, hot, beautiful, angelic, William Levy showering. Droool.

Tomasa tells Juan Pablo that she needs to tell him something about Victoria. He’s all ears.

Victoria is feeling guilty about not telling Osvaldo anything about her past. She thinks it’s too late to tell him now. Oscar comes in and says it’s never too late to tell the truth. Victoria looks nervous about what he knows.

Juan Pablo asks Tomasa to proceed, but she just ends up saying they’ll never see her again. They both hope she’s okay.

Victoria agrees with Oscar that it’s never too late for the truth. He starts laughing because he didn’t hear anything, and he has no idea what the heck they are talking about. Victoria has a haha, that’s SO not funny look. He kisses both women, and Antonieta tells him that they weren’t talking about anything important. Yeah, nothing important. Just about a relationship based on Victoria’s Secret. Others come into the office for a meeting, and Victoria asks if that’s everyone. Oscar says everyone minus Max. She looks disappointed.

Speaking of Max, the hottie is driving to work.

Victoria tells Oscar to close the office door. She’s talking about doubling the quantity of some clothes, and I don’t know why they all act like it was the best idea ever. Boring work talk.

An old woman gets robbed, and Max nearly runs the thieves over with his car as he tries to help her. He beats the crap out of the villains.

Fire department. Juanjo and his dad (?) are in the bathroom, washing hands and face by the sink. They’re talking about girls, I think.

The police come to arrest the thieves, and Max gives the pobrecita vieja back her purse. Oh, how brave! Lol what a typical hero. She thanks him, and he kisses her and leaves because he has to do something urgently.

Juanjo and his dad are talking about tortas and some girl. Juan Jo tells his dad to shave so his mom will think he looks nice.

Maximiliano has arrived at work. He’s putting his jacket on while running toward the building. He forgets his briefcase, retrieves it, runs inside, is distracted by MANY girls (why oh why couldn't I be one of them?!), but by the time he gets there, Victoria doesn’t let Oscar open the locked door for him. He’s knocking, yelling, and asking Antonieta to let him in through the glass door. Victoria mean mugs him.

Max goes into his office and talks to his friend Fabian. He was only ten minutes late, geesh. What’s the big deal? Fabian tells him that the señora likes punctuality. The señora is going to hear him, Maximiliano declares.

Oscar and Victoria talk about her plans. She likes women to feel confident and such. Oscar admires her. Max comes in, waving a white truce handkerchief. Oscar leaves, and Maximiliano begins to explain, but Victoria doesn’t want to hear it. She says he knows what he means to her, and he says yes, he does. He tries to sweet talk her. She thinks he needs to be responsible because he’s going to run this show some day. He thinks she needs to chill because he’s not just an employee. Yes, he is an employee just like all the others she says as she walks out. He can’t believe ten minutes is such a big deal.

The orphans and nuns are ready for Victoria’s show.

A gal comes in to give Max some papers that his mom sent. She flirts with him. Her name's Lucy, and she asks him out to dinner. They make a 9 o'clock date. She leaves, and Fabian does a you, stud kinda thing. Max says he's having fun, and when he's married, he plans on being faithful to his wife. Fabian is like what--no! really? Max thinks that when he meets the girl for him, he'll change. It sounds kinda like Hal's planned transformation in Henry IV. Anywho, he says there'll be a time when he'll dedicate all his love to one girl.

And now we see Ms. Right. María happily looks around the building. She's one of the orphans, and she looks like a doll. Really, Maite is very cute. The Madre asks María not to get too excited when she sees Victoria, but Marí's not too sure she can gaurantee that. She's always admired Victoria. She promises to be calm and not embarass Madre nonetheless.

Victoria's telling Antonieta that she had to put Maximiliano in his place. Then she goes on about how she should tell Osvaldo that she had a daughter. Antonieta thinks Victoria's tormenting herself. She knows about Victoria's past, and she knows Victoria has looked for her daughter all these years.

Victoria pulls out a doll from her drawer. Antonieta goes on about Victoria's struggles. She investigated, went to orphanages, and all looking for María. There's a picture of a cute little María too. Victoria cries that all her struggles are useless because her daughter's still lost, and she's never going to forget. She can't forgive everyone for all the wrong that they've done her. Antonieta consoles her and tries to change the subject. Why don't they prepare for today's event? Victoria can't get away from her pain. She hugs Antonieta.

Osvaldo's having lunch with Álvaro when a woman comes and asks for an autograph. Of course, Corazon. He tells her not to forget to get Álvaro's autograph. She gets a kiss from Osi, and uncomfortably waits to get Álvaro's autograph. Other girls surround Osvaldo.

Fabian is really confused by what Maximiliano said. He doesn't think Max is capable of falling in love. Max tells him to relax because--he stops and checks out the chick by Fabian's desk. When she's gone, he resumes. Anyways, he's not getting married soon. The girl has to be really special. Fabian doesn't think Maximiliano is ever going to change. Max thinks that hope is something you should never lose.

Max says he needs to catch up on what happened this morning. Fabian doesn't think he's going to like it. Maximiliano looks at a file and says it's absurd. Why is the cloth cheap? He's going to talk to his mom. She's not here, Fab tells him. Well, I'm going to find her; this is is absurd, Max repeats.

Back to Osvaldo and Álvaro. The girls are gone. Álvaro asks if all the attention bothers Osvaldo. Osi loves it. The attention. The kisses. The hugs. It's part of the profession. Álvaro hates it. He thinks his privacy should be respected.

Osvaldo gets a call from a girl in a bikini. He promises that they'll spend time together. She says he's abandoned her, and he gives her kisses over the phone. Álvaro, who was just talking about privacy, looks all up in his business.

The nun points Victoria out to María, and María excitedly calls her name and rushes to talk to her. She tells her how she's always admired her, and she feels lucky to be here with her. She's trembling because she's so excited. She feels incredible, and she has a favor to ask. Victoria looks like she understands why the girl approached her now, but she's wrong. She looks really surprised when María asks to let her kiss and hug her. She doesn't even wait for a response. She just throws her arms around her, smiling in that sweet, innocent, orphan smile that Maite is so good at doing. Victoria is moved, and she looks above with tears in her eyes, and she hugs María.

The nun pulls María back and tells her to give Victoria space. María Desamparrada, Victoria repeats after the nun. That's what they call me, María says. Why we call her that is a long story. We'll tell you one day, says the other nun. Victoria agrees since she has no time today. They thank her as she turns to leave. María says, do not to forget about me. Victoria turns around, and María grabs her hand and tells her it's her dream to be a model. Victoria looks at Antonieta, puts her hand on María's, and promises the girl that they'll talk later.

Bernarda slaps Tomasa across the face for reminding Juan Pablo about Victoria. Tomasa defends Victoria and says everything wasn't her fault. Bernarda tells her to scram because she doesn't know what she's capable of. She wants her never to bring up Victoria again. Tomasa has guts and says she doesn't care about being kicked out; she'll leave on her own, but not before telling Juan Pablo the truth. Bernarda warns her that she's nice when she's good and can be evil when she's bad. Muhaha.

The priest is welcoming Juan Pablo. He's glad JP is young because you need lots of energy for this job. A guy named Domingo runs in. He kisses JP's hands when he's told that Juan Pablo's a priest. He's there to answer any questions JP has. The other priest is ready to leave, and Juan Pablo assures him that he'll help people and serve God.

Álvaro thanks Osvaldo for accompanying him. This audition is very important to him. Os is just glad his telenovela is over, and he can rest.

Álvaro asks about Os's relationship with Victoria, and Osvaldo starts blurting out how he needs attention, and Vicky doesn't have time for him. He mentions that she said she'll change. Ál apologizes for butting in, but he adds that Osvaldo was very suspicious at lunch. Osvaldo smiles.

Victoria tells Antonieta that she felt something strange when María Desampparada hugged her. Antonieta thinks Victoria always feels that way toward orphans, but Vicky tells her that with María it was different. It felt like her heart was coming out of her body. Then she tells herself that maybe she just misses her daughter.

Ál and Os are introduced to a dude named Pedro. Everyone's given a script. Osvaldo protests that he's not auditioning. He just came to accompany his friend. He's told to read anyways.

Max is asking Vicky about her choice in vendors or something. She tells him that poor people deserve a chance too. It's good quality for a cheap price. Plus, she's not embarassed of her humble origins. She's very proud, and these girls deserve a chance. He looks like he gets it, but Victoria tells him that they'll talk later. He says he'll wait for her there. Max winks at some girls, and Victoria tells him to wait in the salón. He reluctantly agrees.

Domingo is so excited that Padre (JP) is here. Whoa. A group of guys comes, and one of them punches the other. Fight! Fight! Fight! Padre and Domingo intervene. JP tells them that if they want to fight, they'll go to the gym.

Now we're in the gym where JP is explaining that one needs to be patient and respect another.

Ál does his lines and gets an applause. Osvaldo shows him the thumbs up. Pedro says both men were great, but he can only choose one. He puts his hand on Ál's arm and says the protagonist for this series is Osvaldo. BURN!

Osvaldo repeats that he wasn't trying out for the part. They say they need him, but Os says he wants to rest. Guilleremo (Ál's last name) is the guy they need. Ál says he understands; that's the profession. They tell Osvaldo this is in international project, and he can't say no. He's congradulated.

At Victoria's event, Antonieta is on stage, welcoming the crowd. The show starts. A model walks.

Antonieta asks Victoria where Maximiliano is. She says she told him to wait in the salón. Antonieta asks if she's still thinking of her daughter. Yes, she is. What about Juan Pablo? With the same magnitude that she loved him, Victoria now hates him. She wants to see him dead. Eee. Talk about bitter. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the ramp.

Juan Pablo feels dead. He's tired, that is. Domingo keeps talking about how cool JP was boxing. He thinks it's important to be a teacher in order to be a priest. He always liked helping people.

Flashback. JP's telling a crying Victoria that she has the potential to overcome all challenges. Victoria says she'll neer forget his words.

Domingo snaps Padre out of his memory. He wonders where Padre was for a second. JP tells him he was remembering someone he once knew and will one day find so he can ask forgiveness.

Victoria says one day, she'll have to tell Osvaldo the truth. Like Oscar said, never too late for the truth. There should never be secrets between two people who are in love, Antonieta says.

Osvaldo walks into his home where the girl from the phone awaits him. She jumps into his arms and says he promised they'd spend time together, but he says they'll have to postpone because he needs to go to Victoria's event. Strangely enough, I think she's his daughter. Ew. She gets all upset and says it's always Victoria and her events. She hates the events and is not going with Osvaldo. She storms off.

Max is looking hot. What's new about that tho? María offers her spot to some photographer who is taking pics of the models. She's standing on one side of a TV screen, and Max is on the other side. They don't see each other. Maximiliano looks at the stage, while María is staring at the ceiling.

Some kids play soccer with Juan Jo.

More models. Antonieta runs to María and asks her to get some white roses asap. She gives her some money, and María happily goes.

Osvaldo arrives for the show. María rushes the lady preparing the flowers and misses Olvaldo pass the hall.

Juan Jo helps Milagros with her stuff. A girl says hi to him and calld Milagros mother in law. Milagros thinks he should go out with her. He doesn't like her. His mom doesn't understand why.

María sees Osvaldo but doesn't notice it's him because she's in a hurry to get the flowers to Antonieta. When she's closing the elevator door, he comes in, and she's super excited to see him.

Bernarda says she always wondered where this cross (the one from Victoria) came from. It was a gift, JP says. He wants to talk about his father's death, which Victoria says they talked about. It pains her to think about it because she loved him so much. She's not kidding anyone--oh wait, Juan Pablo believes her. 0_O

She runs to her room, closes the door, and says Octavio deserved to die. She closes the curtains and makes her room all dark and creepy. She says Victoria and Octavio paid for betraying her.

María stares at Osvaldo in the elevator. It gets stuck, and she grabs Os's arm because she's scared. She drops her wallet.

Antonieta tells Victoria that she sent María Desamparrada to get flowers. Vicky wants to thank her personally, and she remembers that María said she wants to be a model.

María and Osvaldo make small talk. Os comments that he notices she's with the group that came with the nuns, and she comments that Victoria's very good to do this event yearly. She tells him the flowers need to reach Victoria asap.

The nun ensures Victoria that María is very responsible. Victoria is pissed that she's late.

The elevator starts working. They thank God.

Victoria grabs some flowers out of a vase and gives it to the nun to give to Antonieta. Right then, she sees María exit from the elevator with Osvaldo. There's an innocent kiss on the cheek, and Victoria is enraged. Osvaldo tells María she's an innocent girl, and she should never change.

María runs to Victoria and begins to apologize, but Victoria cuts her off. She doesn't want any explanations. María has proven that she's good for nothing. Osvaldo tries to defend the girl, but Victoria says she doesn't have time to talk to him. She takes the bouqet from María's hands and throws it on the ground before leaving.

Osvaldo apologizes for what just happened, and he says he'll talk to Victoria and explain. María is near tears but says that's not necessary. She doesn't want to cause any more problems. She walks off sadly. A woman asks Osvaldo if he dropped whatever it was that María dropped in the elevator. He says it's not his, but he knows who it belongs to. He takes it.

Maria is sitting in the front by the nun again. She says she has a headache and wants to go back to the internado. The nun tells her to wait, and Maria says she'll go wait in the back.

Victoria's on stage. Maximiliano cheers for her. The crowd claps. She thanks everyone and calls the nun on stage. Victoria hands her a check I think. More applause. Maximiliano and María are on opposite sides of the room, but their eyes lock. They look mezmorized by one another and smile. Maximiliano looks intrigued by her reaction to him.

End of episode.

We see William Levy in the kayak again. Totally random, but hey, it's hot. :D

Feel free to add/correct anything.


Llena de Amor #100 (Mex. 105) Tue 1/4/11 Shut up, Victorianela.

Repeating from yesterday, Emanuel pins Fedra against the wall and demands information. If he looked at me like that, and at that range, I’d confess everything I’d ever done as well as stuff I only thought about doing, but Fedra is more practiced in persuasion and evasion. She waffles and scampers. Eman mutters to himself that she’s hiding something and he will get to the bottom of it.
Delicia sits in the courtyard at Netty’s pension, and finally Netty arrives at home. Unfortunately for Delicia, Axel is right behind her. Dee says she needs to see Ma…um, Victoria. Netty sends her upstairs to wait in Vicky’s room. Axel tries to follow, but Netty can’t miss the mental daggers Delicia is throwing his way and she forbids him to go upstairs. When Netty goes off to change her clothes before her chat with Axel, he calls someone and says everything is ready and they’ll see each other at the arranged location.
Emanuel calls Almudena, Carlota’s maid, and tries to find out whether Marianela received her inheritance, or if maybe any lawyers visited around the time of Carlota’s death. Almudena stammers and stalls and finally admits that Marianela has forbidden her to speak to him. She claims she doesn’t know, anyway. Emanuel hangs up, frustrated, and immediately Fidel calls from outside the police station to report that the police have gone to rescue Cristián and Mauricio left awhile ago.
Fidel watches as Lowrenzo and Muñeca leave the station. Low cranks his Mr. Nice Guy act up to eleven, Bambi-eying that it’s such a relief to have all this out in the open and he just can’t wait until they have their son back all safe and sound and adopt him and raise him together. “OUR son?!” retorts Muñeca. She’s furious that he has deceived her once again. He’s a scuzzbucket and ruins everything he touches; Begoña even died because she got involved with him. Now he thinks she’ll forgive him and happily raise another amante’s child with him? It’s just like when Ilitia was born, all over again. No way. Lowrenzo reminds her that she’s happy to have Ilitia, but Muñeca isn’t thinking that the love and happiness extend to Lowrenzo anymore. It doesn’t help at all when he implies that his free-range spawn were Muñeca’s fault because she could never get pregnant. Muñeca leaves arm-in-arm with her soon-to-be-tradeup (I hope), Fidel.
Ilitia tells her therapist that she can’t escape the horror of the rape. She sees his face following her everywhere. The shrink wonders whether she knows him. Most rapists are family members or acquaintances of their victims. Ilitia insists it was a complete stranger. “Why did this happen to me? Why?”
The police storm an empty warehouse and find our familiar baddies Baldy and Trashy playing cards. B and T don’t put up a fight so Oliver is easily able to run into a little room (constructed obviously of scenery walls, which are built nothing like real walls in real buildings) and find Cristián sitting on a mattress, unconcerned. Oliver grabs the little boy and runs out under heavy police guard.
Dandy sits in Agent Ogre’s living room, telling someone via phone that the money’s all there, to the last centavo. A person-shaped shadow crosses the wall behind him, but he doesn’t seem to notice. He does notice that the front door opens and no one enters, so he goes over to investigate. Our favorite shadowy avenger grabs him and growls that he took something that doesn’t belong to him. Dandy warns him to stay out of it or else, so El Lirio easily knocks him out and ties him up. Victorianela walks in the door calling out for Mauricio (why doesn’t anyone ever knock and wait for someone to answer at other people’s houses?) and El Lirio hides behind a wall and then grabs her. Sexily. “Why do I always run into you just when I’ve hit someone, my pretty?” he asks.
Malicio and Lowrenzo sit in a bar and toast to the success of their brilliant plan. The mob lawyer joins them and reports that Cristián has been rescued. However, Baldomero and Basurto had to be sacrificed to the operation, so now Garduño says that Malicio owes him triple. Mau-ron is stricken and Lowrenzo gloats. Not for long, though, because Garduño has also sent the message that since he’s taking the rap for Begoña’s death, Lowrenzo is his lifelong slave. Mob lawyer warns them both to behave. One false move and either or both of them could appear hecho cachitos y empacados en un congelador de carne.
Victorianela watches as El Lirio collects the briefcase and asks him if he’s stealing it. No, taking it back from the people who stole it and giving the cash to needy children, he says. Marioria warns him that Fonskanka is very dangerous. El Lirio slinks up behind her and mask-nuzzles her neck and asks since when is she worried about him. Since she discovered how charitable and good he is, she says. She asks whether he’s going to tie her up again. Only if she tries to stop him from taking the money, he says. “No, tie me up!” she insists, holding out her hands. Well, this is getting a little kinky. El Lirio seems to think so too, not that he’s complaining. “You liked it so much, you want to repeat the experience?” “No, when the police arrive and find out you and I were both here, I don’t want them to think I’m your accomplice. Tie me up!” He starts to wrap the cord around her wrists, then kisses her hands and says no, this time she’s part of the loot. He’s taking her with him.
After a commercial break during which we reinforce our beanies to help us believe these two can be so close for so long and not recognize each other, Victorianela asks Emanuelirio if he’ll take her by force if she resists. He says he’ll do anything to achieve what he wants. Me, too, she says. She tells him they can help each other. There are other ratbastard scumbags to be taken down, namely that witch Fedra Curiel and her conniving son Emanuel. El Lirio blinks and says he’s always thought Emanuel was good and honest. Not so, says Vicky. He just wants money. He’ll play the saint, then stab you in the back at the first opportunity. El Lirio sadly says they’d better leave. He gallantly waves Vickynela out and drops his gun on the sofa next to the unconscious Dandy as he exits.
Outside, El Lirio tries to hurry and Victorianela whines that she can’t run in her high-heeled shoes. They come to Lirio’s motorcycle, which just reminds MariVicky of someone else who owns a moto, or maybe two or three. So then El Lirio is treated to a long rant about the frivolous playboy who wastes his money on expensive selfish whims rather than helping the poor the way her noble hero El Lirio does. Emanuelirio shoves a helmet on her head to shut her up and they climb on and ride away.
Oliver and Tejeda return Cristián to Muñeca. Muñeca, Cristían, and Manzanita all hug. Fidel and Flora beam. “Me quieren salir las de San Pedro,” says Oliver, tearing up. “Me, too,” says Tejeda. But he wonders where Brandon is. Oliver vaguely says he’s wrapping things up with the operation. Lowrenzo swoops in, all emotional over MI HIJO, and Muñeca remembers when she tried to introduce him to Cristián, before he knew this was his son, and he yelled and wanted nothing to do with the child. He picks up Cristián, but the astute little boy just reaches for Muñeca. “See, he doesn’t want you. He’s afraid of you,” Muñeca says.
Dandy wakes up and Malicio finds him tied up. “Where’s the money?!” he yells, always concerned about the health and welfare of others. Dandy points out the silver lirio on the table. Super Mauron throws a giant tantrum, then swigs a lot of booze and does some deep breathing exercises to calm down.
El Lirio drops Vicky off at the agency and advises her to give Emanuel a chance to explain things; maybe he’s innocent. “He’s not innocent; he’s the worst person on the planet. He’s selfish, superficial, has no work ethic, and treats his employees terribly.” El Lirio revs his motor in wordless protest. “Think about what I’ve said. We need to teach Emanuel Ruiz y de Teresa a lesson,” MariVicky says.
Agent Orange has summoned Fedra to his lair to ask for help. He tries to soften her up with drinks and his best beloved-son-in-law act. “You may be able to fool my daughter, but not me,” Fedra says. Get to the point. Okay. He tells her he needed the money that was stolen at the wedding to repay a debt, but she can save his orange hide. If she doesn’t, they will kill him! “Anyone who kills you would be doing me a favor,” Fedra croaks. “In fact, if you’ll just give me the guy’s phone number, I’ll call and tell him that. You think I’d give you money? As if!” She swaggers out, muttering, “What an idiot!” “I guess we’ll do this the hard way, then, but you ARE going to loan me that money, damn you,” Malicio mutters.
Axel has invited Netty to dine at a very nice restaurant, for which he is drastically underdressed. Needless to say, his hair is dressed to go to a hole-in-the-wall barbecue while it’s hit by a tornado. They sit down and Axel orders champagne. Netty protests that it’s too expensive. “Don’t worry; I’m not paying,” Axel says. “What?! You mean I’m paying? I didn’t even bring my wallet!” Netty panics. “No, I’m paying,” purrs Emiliano, melting ice for blocks around. He takes a seat and smiles, and Netty frantically bats her eyelashes.
Over at the agency soundstage, a new advertisement for Bleu Jeans is being filmed as Mari supervises. Needless to say, it features André and Jackie and is terrible. Emanuel comes in to watch and cringes. Everyone else seems to think it’s great, though. André congratulates MariVicky on pulling it together in record time. I think someone should be suggesting that they put MORE time into these things. MariVicky thanks everyone and dismisses them, but Emanuel stops them and says this is no good; it is not what the client asked for.
Oh, gag, we’re at La Mala Noche. La Reina finishes her “sexy” “act” and Spiderus brings her a plastic-wrapped rose and raves, calling her “Fedra” right there on the stage. “Estabas apoteósica,” he exclaims. “Apoteoica, tu abuela!” she retorts, insulted. He clarifies that it was a compliment and tells her there’s a man waiting for her in her dressing room. Fedra is thrilled by that and shoves the rose back at him and lurches unsexily off the stage to great applause. Spider angrily shreds the rose.
Fedra swans dramatically into her dressing room, only to find that her guest is Malicio. “Welcome, mi reina,” he says.
Emanuel yells at Victorianela for screwing up the jeans ad. She yells back that it’s just like him to blame her, after he blithely took the afternoon off to frolic with his wife. “Well, I don’t think I’m the only one who vanished! Where were you and who were you with?” he retorts. She deflects. “Can’t I leave the agency for one moment without you screwing everything up? You’re incompetent!” Emanuel says. “You’re the incompetent one!” MariVicky yells back. “Careful what you say! I am your boss!” “Only because your daddy’s the owner! You’re completely unqualified!” “Well, if you’re better, prove it by refilming this commercial, and get it right this time! If it isn’t what the client wants, we’ll reject it!” MariVicky yells at everyone to get ready for a redo, and Emanuel rolls his eyes.
Malicio tells Fedra he’s come for his check, but don’t worry, he’ll repay in thirty years or so. “No tenses tanta tu cuerda, idiota, que se te puede reventar en la jeta,” she warns. He says if she doesn’t pay, tomorrow all the periodicals will print the whole story of the real Slim Shady, I mean the real Fedra Curiel. Fedra snags his weapon (I can’t tell what it is) and tells him she won’t rest until he’s dead and buried. He threatens that if she tries anything, her loan to him will become a gift.
Netty is mad that Axel tricked her into joining Emiliano for dinner. Emiliano takes all the blame, but Netty is not communicating directly with him. “Axel, tell this man that I will repay every centavo!” Netty says, getting up to leave. Axel begs her to stay. “Fine, Axel, I will have dinner with you…but tell this man to leave! Tell your papá that to me, he is dead and buried para siempre!” Netty drama queens. “Oh, but first, ask him to leave us money to pay the bill,” she adds in a whisper. Emiliano amusedly raises his eyebrows seductively at her.
Fedra hands over a check and tells Malicio not to get used to this. The next time he hears her voice, it will probably be saying goodbye at the gates of hell. Mau smarms that maybe it won’t be a goodbye, but a little trip they take together. {Now there would be a good comedy. Mauricio and Fedra, stuck together on a long road trip through hell.} He’s edging into rapey snake mode, not that he’s ever far from it, and Fedra senses this and pushes him away and calls him a flee-ridden dog. That just excites him. Fedra is resistant and feisty, which excites Agent O even more, but he decides to pass for now.
Netty and Emiliano fight via Axel… “Axel, tell your father I can’t stand traitors!” “Axel, tell Netty I explained why I had to leave her!” “Axel, tell him he lacked the balls to stand up for himself!” …until Axel gets fed up and yells that they’re acting like children and leaves. Netty wants to leave, too, but Emiliano stops her. She tells him he’s just as egocentric and horrible as Emanuel. He wants to explain.
Emanuel and VickyNelly fight over the choreography and camera angles of the wretched jeans advert. Emanuel tells her to respect the ways of the agency, or she’s fired.
Brandon walks in to the pensión (which reminds me…has Delicia been sitting there for hours waiting for Marianela?) and is accosted by an amorous Consuelo. He gently pushes her away and says he’s not into her and she deserves someone who is. She doesn’t care, and resumes the assault. Ilitia walks in, gasps at high volume, then apologizes and encourages them to keep it up; they were doing great. Brandon declines and looks pretty happy to see her, but Ilitia says she’s there to visit Victoria. Javier runs in and asks Brandon to help him with his homework. “Who’s this little dwarf?” asks Ilitia. Consuelo introduces him as her son. Ilitia is all sickly sweet to Javier and then turns to Brandon and hisses, “You’re married, you jerk?!”
Netty signs an autograph for an adoring fan while Emiliano looks on proudly. He tells Netty he collects every magazine she appears in, and watches every episode of her telenovela. Netty is flattered, but tells him although she’s grateful he saved her home, that’s as far as it goes. “Your eyes say the opposite. You can send me to the devil a million times, but I’ll return to you a million times. I love you and won’t accept another rejection,” he smooth-talks. They kiss, and some rude paparazzo takes a picture.
“You lying jerk! You have some woman at home, washing the skivvies you take off for other women?!” Ilitia yells at Brandon, while Consuelo covers Javier’s ears. “No, no, let me explain, hysteriquita,” Brandon tries, but the hysteriquita rants on that he’s a worthless loser who will never have the class of her dear daddy. Finally Brandon manages to interrupt her. “Your dad? Classy?! I guess you haven’t heard the latest! Better go have a chat with Muñeca!” “Huh?” “Oh, go talk to your father. Ask him to introduce you to your half-brother!” “How dare you?!” “Also, Consuelo is not my wife, and Javier is not my kid! Can’t I have friends?” “Have all the friends you want! Have a whole harem full of lady friends, I don’t care!”
Muñeca walks into the pensión with Cristián, much to Ilitia’s surprise. She’s annoyed that her mother is visiting Brandon, but Muñeca says she needs to talk with everyone who lives in the pensión. Ilitia is still perturbed that she’d associate with them, especially after this naco’s latest lie, that Daddy has another child from an affair. So Muñeca informs her that it’s true; this little angel is the son of Lowrenzo and Begoña. Ilitia’s self-absorbed little world crumbles yet again.
MariVicky follows Emanuel into his office, griping about the money he’s wasting on all the retakes. He says he’ll just take it out of her salary, because this mess is her fault. She bickers that it’s his fault, because he ditched the production to flit off with his wife. He retorts that the real problem is that Vicky is more concerned with collecting men than with doing her job. André, Brandon, him…how many more men does she need? “Just one who isn’t a coward like you!” Things are getting hot and heavy now. “You really hate me, don’t you?” he asks. “You have no idea how much.” “Then why do your lips tremble when I’m near?” “Don’t you dare kiss me again.” “I’m not going to kiss you, because right now you want it much more than I do.” Boy, does she ever, and like she said earlier, she gets what she wants.
Mañana: Netty hears Delicia calling Victoria “Marianela.” Kristel hears Flora talking about Ilitia’s illicit crush on Brandon. Emanuel reminds Vicky he’s married.
Acechar – to stalk
hecho cachitos y empacados en un congelador de carne – made into ham rolls and stuffed in a meat freezer
Me quieren salir las de San Pedro – I’m getting teary. “Las Lágrimas de San Pedro” is a famous painting by El Greco, por ejemplo. Lágrimas de San Pedro is also an herb used medicinally in México, apparently, which seems irrelevant here but I find it interesting.
Apoteósica – jubilant, on fire, triumphant
Apoteoica – I can’t figure out what Fedra thought Bernardo said or meant. Anyone?
Llanero - cowboy
No tenses tanta tu cuerda, idiota, que se te puede reventar en la jeta - don't tighten your rope so much, idiot, your face could burst
Alcahuete – tattle-tale, gossip


La Verdad Oculta EP76 01/05/2011 - An engagement, a kiss, a jacuzzi and a very bad karma

*Fausto and Gabriela visit Julieta, who hasn’t talked with him since the shocking revelation about their past. The weeping father and daughters hug each other.

*Adolfo finds hung-over Bertha in the hall and realizes that Daddy’s little princess wasn’t sleeping in the condo. She says she spent the night with a friend of hers and reproaches him for lying her about Carlos’s so-called smuggling businesses.

* The Faidellas show up at Guilléns’ doorstep again to invite depressed Julieta to watch a movie together. While the girls are in Paulita’s bedroom Ramón tells Leonardo they managed to trace the phone calls Marcos got in the prison, they’re from an apartment that was rented by Susana Gómez.

*In the seaside hotel Alejandra and Juan José practice their own NC-17 rated version of The Blue Lagoon in a jacuzzi. Sizzling hot.

*After Paula falls asleep Julieta joins Leonardo in the living room. Leo, who already noticed her sadness, asks her if there’s something weighing on her mind. He learns Julieta knows about Fausto’s past and she finds her father’s sufferings terrible. Don’t cry, they know who the real culprit is and they’ll prove Fausto’s innocence. Leo’s comforting words and caresses sweep Julieta off of her feet. They slowly near to each other and then… *Viewerville: thumbs up*

* The members of The Rich Club have an uncomfortable dinner together, where Mauricio and Alejandra start a professional debate on the length of the construction. Medina thinks he’ll need at least two months but Ale says she finished JJ’s house in a month and she had less workers than Medina. JJ defends his girlfriend’s opinion, Medina fumes and Elsa has the expression of the deer in the headlights. Garnica settles the dispute and tells them his newest idea: it’d be great to have an own airport! Oh, it’s a shame that he’s just sold his helicopter. What, Garnica did have a helicopter?! Yes, but he sold it 3 weeks ago. JJ is very interested in the plane and asks Garnica about its details. And tell me, Zoyla… Zaida! Sorry, Zaida. Do you really want to invest your 10 millions into this project? Garnica looks puzzled. What the hell are these two talking about?

*Bertha visits Mario’s doctor and learns her uncle has brain tumor.

* After the dinner Garnica tells Alejandra he wouldn’t mind having her participating in his seaside project. However, Ale and JJ agree they don’t trust him a bit. Back in his room Garnica finally opens his suitcase and finds the complete mess inside it. Where’s the letter? Where. Is. The. Letter?! He calls Zaida to tell her they have to meet in 10 minutes and before leaving he picks his gun up. I have a bad feeling about this. In her room Elsa puts Caramelo’s things, including a letter into the little girl’s backpack.

*In the tunnel house Fausto asks Abelardo if he should tell Gaby he isn’t her father. Yes, he should. But then she would find out what kind of woman her mother was. Come on, they could tell her Marta was in love with Mario, and she would understand that. In their bedroom Gaby asks David to teach him about hotels and business.

*Garnica and Zaida meet at the port. He points his gun at her and demands to where the letter is. What letter? She swears she doesn’t know anything… Talk or I’ll kill you! BANG! Édgar saves Zaida by knocking Garnica out. He’s still alive and they’ll get rid of him, says Édgar. He needs Zaida’s help. She protests but he roars at the shocked woman: OBEY! They sail deep in the ocean and throw growling, agonizing Garnica into the water. When they get back to the hotel Édgar reports to Adolfo that Garnica became fish food. Then he asks Zaida about the famous letter and when she cries and swears she has never seen it he tries to calm her down.

* In the bedroom Juan José and Alejandra talk about Garnica’s mysterious helicopter and finally JJ listens to common sense and he’s ready to tell everything to the police. And what about Zaida? Who is she? Ale doesn’t like her and not because of jealousy.

*Bertha tells Adolfo about Mario’s sickness, his strange attitude towards his doctor and treatments. Mario should be dying in Switzerland. Adolfo decides to give her a car for her services and he is very amused at her enthusiasm about the gift.

*In a well-orchestrated, romantic seaside dinner Elsa honestly tells Mauricio she managed to forget Juan José and now she loves him – and our favourite architect asks her to be his wife. Fireworks, beautiful music, happiness.

*Asunción has an awful nightmare about being on the streets with Caramelo again.Next morning Zaida and Édgar, the two nervous accomplices talk about what to do next. He’s going back to Mexico City, bye. In the meantime Caramelo asks Elsa if she’s seen her letter. It’s in her backpack. After the kids leave Mauricio asks Elsa if she wants to adopt Caramelo.

*Worried JJ and Alejandra knock on Garnica’s door but there’s no response. When Zaida shows up they ask the anxious woman to tell the lawyer they have to go back to Mexico.

* In the Ávila condo Édgar tells Adolfo he took care of Garnica’s cadaver and he left no traces. Dolphie is very content and plans to give him another job, but if he fails he’ll kill him. *Viewerville: yawn, yeah, Roberto is totally dead after failing at least ten times* Don’t worry, boss, he won’t fail. However, that old hag Zaida may be dangerous. After Édgar leaves Adolfo starts to speculate about his little business with the Genovéses: he should get rid of dying Mario before the contract expires.



Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Eva Luna #42 Tue 1/4/11 A kidnapping and a dog buried in the garden.

Lo siento, I'm sorry, I've got computer complications (nothing bad, just transferring to a new hard drive) and I haven't got my video capture software installed yet. So this will probably be a media-free recap unless I manage to add something in the morning. Plus, I need a nap. LOL.

We start with crazy Icky greeting Eva when Eva opens the door. Icky tries her best to look sane.

Don Julio is looking at a dead Max and mourning his loss when Renata comes in and asks what's going on. Don Julio is quick on his feet and says that Max "must have had a heart attack in the middle of the night." Renata seems genuinely horrified.

Marcela has come to see Claw in hopes of buying her off. She will write a check if Claw won't have the baby. Claw is not swayed because she wants the baby.

Poor Don Julio wants Max buried in the garden and Renata balks, saying that they ought to consult Marcela first. Don Julio pops a cork and says it is HIS HOUSE and he wants Max buried in the garden and he doesn't want to hear any opinions about it.

Marcela warns Claw not to play with fire. Claw is not afraid and talks about the risk of scandal. They smirk at each other in a threatening way and then Marcela takes off.

Dan's come home and a distressed Jacky and Francisco try to explain what Evil Icky has been up to. Danny's eyes get wide as saucers at their tale and he rushes up to check the damage in his bedroom.

He sees the crazy talk on the mirror (the writing that Icky put there). It says "15 days to the wedding, I love you" FREAK FREAK FREAK she is such a FREAK! Danny thinks so too. He also sees the unopened present that she gave him on the bed.

He says to himself with great resolve that NOTHING is going to prevent him from marrying Eva!

They're burying Max in the garden and having a nice little ceremony. I'm going to miss Max. Renata and that nice maid are in attendance, along with Don Julio. Then Don Julio asks to be alone and tells Max that his death saved his (Don Julio's) life and he thanks Max. "Adios para siempre my friend" he says. *sniff* Aw man, Don Julio is choked up too.

Icky is wearing the industrial strength padded butt for her visit to Eva. She gives some lame excuse for abandoning Eva out in the forest like that and then asks Eva how she fared. Eva is evasive as Icky looks intently at her. Then Icky starts talking about how the wedding is driving her crazy! It's coming up soon! FREAK FREAK FREAK! She is such a freak and I'm not just taking about the fake butt.

Doña Justa comes in to see what's going on and is introduced to Icky. They both give each other fish eyes as if they KNOW something significant has just happened. I hate to break it to you Justa, but your long lost hija is a FREAK.

Don Julio says he has to know if the evil telenovela drops are poison. He sends off a sample in an envelope to a Doctor Garcia. (Uh oh, let's hope they make it to their destination!)

Icky and Justa are introduced briefly, their weird psychic moment apparently over. Icky goes to leave and hands Eva her cell phone and says cryptically, "You missed a lot of phone calls."

Just a seems weirded out and says that this Victoria is strange and asks Eva what she wanted. Eva says she's not sure, but she was sure that Icky was not sincere.

Chit-chat BS between Marisol and Francisco. Yawn.

Alicia and Marisol are also talking BS about Marisol marrying Francisco. Back and forth between Marisol and Francisco. Basically they are both being questioned about how they can pull off being a millionaire when they're not.

Don Julio is entrusting Renata with the envelope with the poison sample. He says it's to be sent to a friend of his. He looks searchingly in her eyes and says he must trust her and she cannot tell Marcela. Renata says she'll prove that she can be trusted and he pats her shoulder as she looks discombobulated by this close contact and walks off.

Justa is talking to to her neighborhood padré. She talks about her recurrent nightmares regarding losing her baby. She dreads having to finally confront her sister Renata to ask her how come she left her (Justa) at the clinic. The priest thinks that maybe finally doing that will help put the nightmares behind her.

Renata has been given a ride by the chauffeur and is holding the envelope.

More talk with Justa and the priest. I missed bits of this but I think they're discussing confronting both Renata and Don Julio (the father of her hija). Maybe they aren't even alive anymore, but she needs to check it out.

Eva's at her dad's graveside, telling of her good news about a boda with Daniel. Creepy Leo is hanging out and watching her from a distance.

After the break, creepy Leo approaches Eva and says to himself that he's going to change things. He taps her on the shoulder which shocks her, but then they start chatting amiably about her dad. Then he asks her, "How did your dad die?"

Danny visits Laurita in her room and tells her that he's going to marry Eva. She's understandably elated.

Eva starts telling Leo about how her dad died. Her eyes get hard and she is full of hatred and desire for revenge as she tells of the person who hit her dad and left him to die like a dog. Leo starts connecting the dots. He asks her did she see what kind of car it was. She says oh yeah.

Renata apparently sent off the envelope as Don Julio requested, but she is curious about what's going on here?

Eva is saying that it was a RED car. Leo has a flashback of him hitting her dad with Danny's red car and he looks shaken. No puede ser! No puede ser! he says as Eva asks what's going on. He presses her for more info.

Idiot Alicia is (I think) trying to call Leo and stamps her foot prettily when she can't reach him.

Renata is waiting for the chauffeur to pick her up, but who should wander by but Justa. Renata looks impactada and exclaims "Justa!" Justa looks up, and the same thing—impactada and says "Renata!"

Justa is MAD and says "After all this time!" and obviously wants an explanation from Renata. Renata totally chickens out and gets out of there as Justa yells for her to stay.

Eva wants to know why Leo looks so shaken and freaked out. He says it's because his uncle died the same way. He then asks her to tell him more and she tells him as we have a flashback of the stuff dad said to Eva right before he was hit. She tells of her dad being hit and how she yelled at the guy in the car to help but he didn't, and if he had helped that maybe her dad wouldn't have died.

Leo looks more impactado about this. (Viewerville is probably thinking right now that Eva's given him all the ammunition he needs to turn her away from Daniel, since it's Daniel's red car.)

Alicia is frustrated because she can't reach Leo, and Marisol gives her some advice about men which I admit just passed me on by. (I'll try to fill this in later, or if someone else does it first, please do!) Then Alicia says she's got to go visit Carlos in jail. (Yeah, what about Carlos, anyway?)

Leo asks Eva would she recognized the car that hit her dad and she says with steely eyes that she could "with her eyes closed." Eva goes on to swear that she will make this guy PAY! You can see the wheels in Leo's evil head spinning.

Back at the mansion, the nice maid is telling Icky that there's a box that's been delivered, and it's on her bed.

Justa is chasing Renata and she is PISSED. Renata has fallen (funny how we don't see her fall—one minute we see feet stumbling and then we see the actress on the ground.) Renata is saying she can't take it anymore and Justa is out for blood and is saying that after ALL THIS TIME! Renata says you were dead! "Why did you leave me in that clinic?" Justa yells. Renata has folded like a deck of cards and is a wimpy mess crying and whining. Then Justa demands that Renata tell her where the grave of her daughter is.

Renata is crying and saying she doesn't know where the baby is buried, and that the doctor arranged all of that, or she was told that. Justa says that she never knew of any burial arrangements. Renata wants to get the heck out of there and Justa tries to detail her and begs her: Where was the clinic where she was left, where are the people that ran the clinic? Renata knows nothing and just wants to go like right now.

The box delivered for Icky is her wedding dress. She opens it and looks at it with delight as creepy music plays.

Justa beseeches Renata to come to her house but Renata snaps and says never, she hates her! Renata runs off. Justa looks on with shock and dismay, cries, and collapses to the ground.

"Because of Eva, I will not marry" freaky Icky is saying to herself as she clutches her wedding dress.

Alicia visits a surly and designer-stubbled Carlos in jail. Carlos glowers.

Back at the pension Eva comes in and sees a Don Ricardo and Adrian doing some painting on the walls. She chats with them for a bit.

Carlos is ticked off and bitter. He tells Alicia that Tony told him everything—that she and Tony are off the NYC. Alicia is outraged and says that's not true. She babbles about coming to see him with Marisol, and how she's been worried about him but afraid to come see him. Carlos just doesn't give a darn anymore and is bitter, bitter, bitter.

Eva's helping with the painting of part of the pension and getting paint on herself. Daniel comes to the door and Adrian answers. Eva does not want him to see her like this but of course he does. She's got blue paint on her face. They look adoringly at each other and give each other cute smiles. Danny says he's come to "kidnap" her. Eva goes to clean up and Adrian invites Danny to help them paint, but he declines.

Carlos is bitter and pissed and tells Alicia like it is. He tried to cover up for a silly girl and he's going to be stuck in jail for years because of it. Alicia whines and cries prettily about how bad she feels. Carlos says, don't worry about it. Go on with your life and when I get out of jail I'll be back to collect what I lost. (Oooooh. Carlos! Whoa dude!)

Eva's all cleaned up in a pretty red dress and Danny is showing her his own Love Shack, or Love Room. A low table with food on it, candles lit, rose pedals strewn on the ground. This is their romantic night. They say some romantic things to each other and then start with the romantic night with some lip locking.

Leo's at home, and shakily gets himself a drink. You can tell he's freaked because the whites of his eyes are showing. Another flashback of the hit-and-run of Eva's dad and he's connecting the dots some more about him being the one that hit the dad.

Danny's cooking a romantic dinner for Eva, who not only has a pretty but low-cut red dress, but a new hairstyle. I guess she had time for a makeover when she cleaned off that paint.

Leo is talking to himself some more about hitting Eva's dad when Icky comes in and starts tearing into him and complaining about Eva and Danny and how they spent the night together. She reminds him that he promised he'd help with separating Eva and Danny and making Eva hate Danny. If he doesn't do something soon, she'll do it "her way." Uh oh, Leo doesn't like the sound of that.

Back to Eva and Danny. Why, as it happens, everyone has left the building. Francisco's got the night off, Jacky's staying with her mom for the night, and Laurita's staying at a friend's house. Well, fancy that.

Leo says to Icky, "Okay, do it your way, but sooner or later Danny will find out, and I doubt he'll visit you in prison."

Renata interrupts to tell them that Marcela wants them to all have dinner. As Renata goes, Leo asks her if she's okay, because she looks bad. Renata seems surprised that he noticed. She claims that she's upset because Max died. Both Icky and Leo seem concerned and ask more. When she explains that he's buried in the garden, Marcela comes in, exclaims "Qué?" and seems outraged that a dog be buried in the garden! Renata says she questioned it too but Don Julio insisted. Then Marcela the witch says that she hated that animal and is glad he's gone.

Don Ricardo are finishing up painting and wondering what is keeping Justa.

Marcela is kvetching about her unhappy children at the dinner table when Renata comes in with some water and starts spilling it because she's so nervous. Marcela kvetches about that. Then Renata passes out.

Justa returns home and Don Ricardo and Adrian present the new paint job. Justa just gives them a fisheye and says it's nice and walks off. Adrian is puzzled and Don Ricardo knows something must have happened.

Danny and Ava are drinking wine and have a toast. Danny says he's got something very special for her and she gives him a knowing look over her wine glass. End of episode.


La Fea Más Bella #153-154 1/4/11 But then I go and spoil it all by saying stupid like, "Is the balance done?"

Capitulo 153.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Alicia gives Tom three small kisses then lies down and fakes snoring to get rid of him.

2. Lety tells her diary that she needs to get away because she can’t resist Fernando anymore. He seemed so sincere, and if she didn’t know better from the letter she would have fallen into his arms again.

3. Marcia tells Fern that she’s been patient (because they haven’t been intimate for some time), but she expects that after the Cannes event, the meeting, and the wedding, the pressure will be off him and he’ll get “ella” out of his head. She holds up a negligee to remind him what else she’s expecting after the wedding, but she drops it (not a good sign). He agrees that after the meeting he’ll be rid of a lot of pressures (truer words were never spoken).

4. Lety asks Pop to prepare a full accounting for Filmo Imagen. She tells herself that she might return it to Fernando very soon. Tom tells Lety about his date. She tells him to be careful; Alicia is capable of anything to get his money. Tom ponders just how far she might go.

5. Marcia brags about her honeymoon in front of Lety and the witches. Lety cries in her office because the reality of the wedding is closing in on her.

6. Fernando remembers PG’s words, “If the company is the most important to you, you’re lost.” He tells Omar, “I want to stop making one mistake after another. I don’t want to marry Marcia.” Omar asks if it’s April Fool’s Day. He looks around for Alan Funt.

7. Omar lays out his view of Fernando’s problems, and he paints it pretty accurately. See the transcript. He says that Fern stopped relations with Marcia after he slept with Lety, and Lety has changed his life. Fern denies it and says it’s the pressure. Omar asks if, given the opportunity, could he perform with Lety. Fern says to himself, “I would be reborn if I could make love to Lety again,” but he tells Omar no.

Caro can see that Lety is sinking. Caro says she needs to take time for herself in this crisis. Caro suggests a vacation after the meeting, except that she has to fill in while Fern is away. Lety says she doesn’t want to be there for the wedding. Caro’s look seems to indicate that Lety just confirmed her suspicions, that Lety’s crisis is Fernando. But maybe not – Caro says Lety can’t miss the wedding. Her lack of support would almost sour the day. Lety answers, “No, it will be the happiest day of his life, and nothing can change that.”

Capitulo 154.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fern refuses to show Omar his card. Lety reads it without feeling, so he recites it from memory. (See the transcript on the original recap.) He’s more convinced than ever of his decision to cancel the wedding. Life has given him a tough test, sending the true woman of his life right before his wedding to another, but it came before he fell into disaster and he wants to be with her all the time. Lety is speechless.

2. Ali asks Marcia again to redeem her car, but Marcia says that she has to pay for her own wedding, and she’s zeroed out her bank account.

3. Lety is deeply moved and shaken by the card. Fernando just might have broken through. But then he asks, “Is the balance ready?” Lety says to herself, “Beautiful words in exchange for a doctored balance. Pig!”

4. Ali calls Tom to seductively set up another date for tonight, and of course she mentions her car. Tom gets an idea that he could make her a loan from FI as an investment.

5. Lety finds Fern amid a bevy of dancers, and he covers just like he does with Marcia. Then, looking for MamaT (Teresita), she walks in on Marcia wearing the wedding dress, and it knocks the wind out of her. Marcia and Luigi are abusive to her, and she runs into the hall to cry, while Fern moons and mourns over their picture together.

6. MamaT suggests that maybe Lety is in love with Fernando. Marcia answers no, it’s that Lety is the enemy of her marriage, and she’s arranged and hidden Fern’s trysts. Marcia says she hates Lety.

7. MamaT gushes to Fern about the wedding and how much it means to her. She says the wedding and the board meeting will demonstrate that he’s a responsible mature adult. Fern sweats for Lety who overhears all this. Tom calls and Lety makes sure Fern hears her gushing on the phone. When the door is closed, Lety confesses that she can’t take it anymore, and she begs Tom to come get her.

Spanish Lesson

Omar's the Smartest One in the Room. (Now that's a scary thought!)
O: So that cretin is seducing your Lety with your money, and your car. Why not loan him your house?
F: (to self.) I won’t give him the chance to mock my feelings for Lety. (Aloud.) I don’t know why you say she’s ‘mi Lety.’
O: Why? Did you already lose her?
F: I don’t know. Last night she didn’t even want to give me a kiss.
O: You’re a mess. You should join a monastery. You seduce a fea, after that you can’t make love with your official novia. Then the fea rejects you, and you stop taking out the models and dancers. You’re completely celibate. … Lety betrayed you with the feo de la colonia, and to solve the problem, you want to cancel your wedding with the owner of the company!
F: This has nothing to do with Lety.
O: Of course it does! For her you’d give your life. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t. You follow her everywhere. You make big jealousy scenes.
F: No, no, it’s not that. Marcia is doing all this wedding stuff. I felt like a fool. I didn’t feel a thing. She’s all excited and it’s a farce. I’m about to marry a woman I don’t desire. .. and I don’t love. I haven’t desired her for a long time.
O: Correction. You stopped desiring her when you slept with la mostrete. You’re confused because you refuse to accept that Lety is changing your life. She completely destroyed your intimate life. Look in a mirror. You’re (song) ugly, tired, ojeroso, y sin ilusiones (bags under the eyes, without dreams). You’re mowed down by an attack of jealousy or something.
F: NO! It’s the fault of the company. So many threats, and the co is in the hands of that ingrate and the cretin. Isn’t that enough to change my life? To suppress my sex appetite?
O: I can see that that could happen. I just have one last question. If right now, Lety was willing to go to bed with you, what would you do? Just a few days ago you told me you proposed it to her. So with her, could you? Would you make love with Lety?
F: (To self.) I would be reborn if I would make love to Lety again. (Omar snaps him back to reality. Fern covers.) No, no, I don’t think I could.


Eva Luna #41 Mon 1/3/11 Eva Gets Her Groove Back; Dan Marks His Territory; and Max Makes the Ultimate Sacrifice

Cap. 41
As we return from our holiday hiatus, we travel eagerly back to the deep, dark woods somewhere outside L.A.. Daniel has managed to save Eva from the local wolves --at least, the four-legged kind--and has lit Eva's fire. It may be a bit chilly now that the sun is down but those back windows in that SUV of his are fogging up fast! Eva's having second thoughts about losing her virginity and being a one-night stand with Daniel. As for Dano, he's decided tonight's the night and he's willing to give away the whole store to score. In between mouth-melds, Dan asks if Eva's afraid of letting herself go with him. He says there's nothing wrong with this since they're in love-- and will be together for the rest of their lives. He pops the question: "Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?" Eva stops panting long enough to look him square in the eyes.

Unfortunately, Uni leaves us hanging as we beam back to the two Bimbutts in a major blab’n crab-fest at the country club. Victoria asks how Claudia could have gotten pregnant --or wasn't she taking precautions? Claw lies that she was careful but that, well, it just happens sometimes even so. V-icky snorts at that one. Claw notes that Ick-toria, BFF that she's supposed to be, is less than overjoyed to hear she's going to be an aunt and mentions her disappointment. After all, she'd thought this would have brought her and her BFF actually closer. Icky bitchily explains that if Leonardo's distracted by this baby thing, then it will prevent him from successfully seducing Eva away from Dan and clearing the way for Icky to get Dano back. Besides, she adds, she suspects Claw knows her brother doesn't really want this kid, either. "--This baby is nothing more than a big nuisance for everyone. If you really are my friend then you'll get rid of it." Claw can't believe what she's hearing (you’re kidding, Claw, right?) and decides it's time to give the paranoid perra a piece of her mind. "I can't believe you're serious! How come you are so selfish? I’m not getting rid of this baby just because it’s not convenient for you!"

Back at the boarding house, Marisol hasn't left for the strip club yet. She and Alicia are jumping for joy at the fact that "Millionaire" Francisco has proposed. Visions of yachts and sips of champagne dance in their heads as Christmas seems to be coming early this year for Mari.

Meanwhile, Leonardo arrives back at the wide spot in the road where Icky's white Beemer was abandoned. He yells out for Eva but doesn't get an answer. Leo is putting one and one together and frowning cuz he knows which two-some that adds up to.

Back in the city, Claw is muy pissed at Icky for telling her to give up (chic-speak for abort) her baby just because it's inconvenient to Icky's plans. Icky tells her she knows Claw really isn't ready to have a baby. Claw says actually she is and not only will it be born, but V-icky’s brother is going to officially adopt it and be responsible for it. If not, she'll kick up a scandal that she's sure Marcela will find inconvenient. "--Is that a threat?" "--Take it any way you like. My child has rights and if Leo doesn't come thru, then I will call your family's bluff [poner a alguien en evidencia]." Icky calls Claw a whore. Claw calls Icky a self-centered nutcase. Anyway, she's got her own plans and interests. She swears nobody's stopping her from getting what she wants, either! Icky hisses back at Claw that she could give a hoot about what Claw does concerning her brother, but if it ever interferes with Icky's plan to get Dan away from Eva, then Claw's going to be very sorry. Claw asks her if that's a threat. V-icky says yep and don't for a minute think she's going to help her with the pregnancy either, because if her plans with Dan are wrecked, then Claw better not be surprised if some day Claw runs into some "bad luck". Icktoria grabs her purse and stomps out of the club.

Out in the country again, Leo peels his wheels in his yellow sports car and heads for home since he can't see Daniel's car nor find Eva. He's certain Dan has picked her up and they’re now spending the evening together.

At the strip club, later that evening, Violeta and Mari are blabbering about Marisol's romantic day and the marriage proposal. In comes Damien and sees them in a friendly embrace. He makes some obnoxious remark about it and Vi races off. Mari is so happy she gives Damian a kiss on the cheek and promises to dance her sexiest tonight.

As Mari finishes her dance one guy in the back of the room claps louder than the others. Vi walks over to him and tries putting on the moves. He only wants to speak with Marisol. Vi goes back to the dressing-room and tells her some rich, good-looking, well-mannered guy who saw her dance wants to speak with her. It never occurred to Vi to ask him his name. So, she and Mari go nuts for a while worrying that it might be Franc out there. Eventually Vi goes back out and finds out it's actually Giorgio. He gives Vi his card for Mari and she brings it back to her. Vi thinks he's hot and is definitely bummed to find out that Giorgio is gay.

Back at the Arismendi manse, Don Julio sees that Max is sluggish but doesn't realize that Max has been poisoned by the medicine in the spilled coffee he licked off the floor earlier. Julio goes to bed. Max eventually joins him on the bed, but as the camera pans in on his faithful pooch, we see his eyes are now clouded milky white.

In another part of the mansion, V-icky comes back from her chat with Claw. She tells Marcy that Claw is expecting Leo's child. Marcy is rubber-necking-impactada. "--What?????" Marcy is determined not to let Claw get away with this. Icky insists that they will have to do something to stop her. Marcy pauses for a moment of malicious musings.

At the same time, Dano and Eva are released from their celluloid suspended animation. Eva is still hesitant because she’s uncertain about how serious Daniel is considering his current hyped-up hormonal condition. Dan doesn't miss a beat, tho’. Dan's a man on the moove and in his groove. In between smoldering smooches he tells Eva that he's totally serious. He wants to spend the rest of his life with her and yes, to wake up every morning next to her. She looks him in the eye to get a read on all this. "--Swear to me that you aren't playing with me." Dan smiles and tells her he isn't, that he truly loves her, and that he can no longer now think of life without her. "--I want us to make a home together, to have kids, to be together." (That works for me!)

Leo finally makes it home. Mama's waiting in his room. "--When were you going to tell me that Claudia is going to have your child and to turn me into a grandmother?" Leo doesn't need this right now. He looks over at Mama like Little Boy Lost.

Back in the rear of Dano's SUV, Eva and Dano are still making out. It’s Swoon City for Eva, though Dano hasn't gotten past first base yet. He tells her it’s a relief to know that she loves him too and that he'll have her to wake up to every morning. He wants her to be his—and only his. After another swoon, Eva finally gives in to Dan's sensitive seduction, savoring each and every second of it. She gives him the “Sí” and Dano hits a home run. (Whoa-baby! I could’ve smoked nearly a whole pack after watching those scenes! HOLY FRIJOLES!! Guy has still got "it". –Kudos to the director for allowing Viewerville to use their imaginations for once instead of force-feeding us five minutes of gratuitous soft-porn. Like the guy used to say in the old
Brylcream commercials, a little dab ‘ll do ya.)

Marcy, meanwhile, is chewing out Leo for not taking precautions of his own with Claw and for “behaving as idiotically and carelessly as some teenager”. He admits he did and asks for Mama to get him out of this mess. Marcy manages a little more malicious cogitation. Her first thought is to make sure that the news doesn't get out publicly. She tells Leo not to worry, that his "mamita" will help him.

Back at the boarding house, D. Justa has a nightmare about finding her newborn's crib empty and Renata telling her that the baby was stillborn.

At the manse, V-icky is losing her grip again. She hugs on Dano's picture and paces her bedroom floor thinking about killing Eva. "--I've GOT to do it! I've GOT to!!" She cries herself to sleep in a fetal position on her bed; but the next morning she is at it again. She looks at herself in the mirror thinking about how she will do it: slowly, a bit at a time to make Eva suffer.

The next morning back in the boonies, Dano wakes Eva up by sprinkling showers of flower petals. (Note: she's barefoot and wearing only his sports jacket.) They smooch and kid back and forth till Dan tells Eva that they better get going as both his family and hers will certainly be worried about where they are. He admits that he's crazy in love with her. She's the happiest girl in the world.

D. Julio wakes up and now realizes that poor Max has gone to meet his maker, having assumed room temperature. As he tearfully thinks back to what could have caused Max's untimely death, Julio also realizes that it had to be something to do with this medicine Marcy’s been giving him, just like he and Eva had suspected. This proves now to Julio that Marcela really is trying to poison him. He takes the medicine bottle that Renata left and (hopefully) pockets it, thinking how he’s going to get even with Marcy over this.

Back in the boondocks, Eva is having second-thoughts about the night before and especially now having to return to the real world. Dan says no more embarrassment between them; they are like one now and no, they'll never be apart again. They were born to be together. The only thing that will change is that now she will become Sra. Villanueva. They've waited a long time and now there will be no turning back. Eva smiles at this and then, a bit flirtatiously, asks him if he really ran out of gas. He looks back at her like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He gets an impish grin on his face. (Yep, the oldest trick in Dan's book and Dan was sooooo smooth about it. He had all of Viewerville fooled, too.) "--Why don't you get dressed and we'll leave?" She smiles back with a twinkle in her eye. This dude's kind of smooth got Eva back her groove.

Dano pulls up a bit later in front of the boarding house with Eva. Leo is across the street hiding behind some tree branches, obviously waiting for them to get back. Eva turns to Daniel and tells him again that she loves him. It’s music to his ears. He returns the favor and tells her with all honesty that she had awakened feelings in him he thought he'd never feel again. He's grateful to her for that. The two kiss passionately as Leo plays peeping Tom and grumbles to himself about their obviously having spent the night together.

Inside the boarding house, meanwhile, Ali is worriedly telling D. Justa and D. Ricardo that Eva never came home and that her cell wasn't picking up. Just then Eva and Dan walk in the door --much to everyone’s relief. They tell their little white lie about running out of gas, that Dan lost his cell in the woods while looking for her, and that Eva's was left at the manse when she left so suddenly with Icky. Everyone's happy they're just back safe and sound.

Dan gives off goofy, adolescent, grins as Ali asks Eva if she is OK. Eva hints with a knowing look that there's more to this story than they're telling right now. Ali gets the hint and shares a wink and a grin with her big sis.

Meanwhile, Jackie and Francisco are worried about why Sr. Daniel didn't come home last night and didn't call to let them know like he normally would have. She's worried that he might have run into trouble. Franc tells her it might have been just the opposite. Jackie doesn't get it. Franc explains that Sr. Daniel probably scored with a beautiful woman. He’s stopped mid-way through as Icktoria walks in on them, totally unexpected and without knocking, of course. She barks at them to tell her if Dan is up yet. Franc and Jackie are stunned into silence cuz they can imagine the fit she’d have if she knew he never made it home. Icktoria wants an answer now! They can’t spit one out fast enough. She reminds them that she's going to fire them once she marries Daniel. They stammer to her some nonsense about him still being asleep and not wanting to be disturbed. (So, like, when has that ever stopped this bimbutt on roller blades?) She steamrolls past them and up the stairs; she opens Daniel's bedroom door and sees immediately that he never even came home the night before!!

Back at the boarding house, Ali and D. Justa go into the kitchen so that Dan and Eva have a chance to talk. It's Sunday and everyone's got the day off. Eva tells Dan that each time she's with him she hates being separated from him again. Dan says ditto. He tells her they've got to think about their future together now and kisses her.

Franc and Jackie keep stumbling around for a good lie, but nothing works. V-icky slams the bedroom door on them and begins to trash Dan's bedroom, breaking bottles, overturning the chair and the mattress, and even spray- painting something nasty on his bedroom mirror.

After Icky has destroyed the place she storms out. Franc and Jackie walk in and see the mess she's made. They look over at the mirror and their mouths drop as they read it. (Viewerville will have to wait till tomorrow to find out what she wrote, I guess.)

A bit later, Daniel is walking out to his car to drive home. Leo is waiting around the corner and essentially ambushes him. He comes up to Dan, demanding to know if Dan slept with Eva the night before.

At the same time, Marcela is waiting for Claw to come out of her apartment building. Marcy asks Claw for a chat.

Back outside Eva's boarding house, Dan is surprised to see Leo there and tells him with another impish twinkle in his eye that he doesn't have to account for his whereabouts to Leo. Leo flies at Dan with his fists, but Dan manages to throw him off. "--Don't lay your hands on me again or I am going to forget we're friends!" "--Don't threaten me, you fool!" Dan says the only thing he'll tell Leo is that Leo can forget about their stupid bet and he'll forgive Leo what he owes him. Leo immediately understands and angrily jumps Dan again. Again Dan blocks him. "--I told you not to touch me again!" Leo screams back that he's not going to stand there doing nothing [with his arms crossed = con los brazos cruzados] while he does the horizontal bop [revolcar = to wallow around] with Eva. Dan loses it and menacingly yells back at Leo. "--Don't you ever mention her name again or come anywhere near her!! Understand???!!! I don't want you to come after her ever again in your life!" Then Dano hops into his SUV and peels wheels, leaving Leo with smoke coming out of all of his visible orifices.

While Leo is actually outside the boarding house, unbenknownst to Ali, she is inside trying to reach him on his cell. He's not answering and she gets his voice-mail. Ali starts to leave her number but hangs up in mid-sentence when Eva walks in on her.

Eva gives Ali the good news that not only is Dan a sexy, suave and debonair dude, he also is an engaged one--this time, though, he's engaged to her! Ali is all excited. Eva wants to stop by their daddy’s grave site with Ali to "tell" him the good news. Ali lies and says she can't because she's got a test to study for. After a lot of girl-talk, Ali and Eva agree that it was dumb of Eva to try to sacrifice her happiness with Daniel for a stupid bimbutt. D. Justa comes in a second after to share the happy moment and she agrees with Ali that what Icktoria did was just plain wrong!!

A minute later Eva heads out for her walk to the cemetery. She opens the door and there is the bimbutt standing there and smiling sweetly at her. “—Hi, Eva.” (Danger Will Robinson! Danger!) Eva greets her politely and waits (along with Viewerville) to see what lame-brained excuse Icktoria manages to come up with to explain her dumping Eva in the woods.


Llena de Amor #99 (Mex. 104) Mon 1/3/11 Brandon and Muñeca flash their Mensa membership cards

Last year: Muñeca was trying to do a spot about the missing Christian, remember? And Eman was soothing Ilitia with a kiss which made MariVicky hit the roof. Ilitia was glad to see that MariVicky actually hates Eman, and Brandon asked MariVicky if maybe she’s jealous.

All new year, all new hijinks! Here we go! Ilitia tells Eman he’s the boss after all, and shouldn’t let that Spaniard get under his skin. In an unforgivable invasion of privacy (if you ask me, not if you ask Ilitia, apparently) Eman has asked his secretary to bring him the number of a shrink, which he shows to Ilitia while the secretary is still standing there. Ilitia protests that she doesn’t want to talk about it, but then says she’ll go just for him. He invites her to go out to lunch, then tells his secretary, who has been standing there undismissed all this time, to cancel his afternoon appointments.

On her way out to go change, Ilitia shoves Mauricio, who has just walked into the studio. Eman reminds Mauricio that he no longer has any business at the agency. Mau says he needs to talk to his dear brother-in-law, but Eman says no thanks and takes off.

Kristel is sobbing on Lorenzo’s shoulder that Mau doesn’t want to marry her – and here if he did, it would solve all the problems with Emil. He doesn’t realize what he’s losing! Lorenzo soothes, her, but his hugs begin to seem like something different. He tells her that she ought to think of somebody else, somebody who would treat her like the princess she is. He strokes her arm and kisses her hand and devastated Kristel begins to get the creeps. Lor pulls her close and kisses her cheek when – oh joy! – Muñeca walks into the office.

Good-hearted (and blind) Muñeca makes a beeline for Kristel and wants to know what’s wrong. Lor explains that Mauricio just dumped her, and, after some soothing noises, they both leave her alone, Lor giving her a last retreating eyeballing.

Kristel thinks for a few seconds (going for a record, good girl!) then bursts into tears again.

Back to MariVicky’s office, where she is telling Brandon that she hates Eman for what he did to Marianela. Big deal, says Brandon, Mari used to say similar stuff, and then Eman would talk her back. MariVicky tells him that that Mari, the soft-hearted sucker, is gone for good.

Brandon observes that Vicky and Mari seem to have mad in common. Has Vicky suffered a broken heart perhaps? Wouldn’t she like to fall in love and settle down? Vicky says she did have those dreams once, but apparently love isn’t for her. Aw, don’t say that, sez nice-guy Brandon.

Eman is editing the footage of Muñeca’s appeal when Mau comes in saying he’s not leaving without talking to Eman – he thought up the campaign and can’t be thrown off of it. Just then we (and they) overhear Lor and Muñeca talking, I guess carried over a live microphone on the empty soundstage. Lor shows Muñeca Christian’s chain, and says Garduño’s people have him. All he needs is $3 mil to get the kid, and of course he wants Muñeca to know that she’s not in this alone. Muñeca says they won’t even have to go to the bank – she has the money the Lirio stole from Mau – right in the house.

Mauricio’s eyes bug out, and Eman, for his part, rolls his.

MariVicky tells Brandon she was bad hurt, she was a loser in the game of love. He gently
tells her that life is for sharing, and…. he would love to share his life with someone like her. He walks across to her and kneels beside her chair, then tells her he would like her to think of him as more than a friend. Mari had told him that one day the love of his life would appear, and he thinks maybe that’s what has happened.

Why does our dear Brandon have such a thing for surly women? So much exposure to criminals that MariVicky and Ilitia seem sweet-tempered by comparison?

MV tells him she’s just not ready for a relationship, right now she has to keep her promise. Yeah, to destroy the Ruiz y de Teresa like you said, says Brandon. Actually, she says, I should have said to save Mari’s family, and to do that, I have to unmask Eman and Fedra. Count on me to help you, says Brandon sweetly.

Mau comes in and snatches him away, saying he needs him quick. Alone now, MariVicky looks big-eyed sad, and her lashes look like beetle legs, they’re so gummed up with mascara. Good thing she didn’t have to do any weeping for this scene.

Outside the office building, Muñeca and Lor are excitedly telling Eman they know where Christian is. Here comes Mauricio dragging Brandon along and announces that he can get the stolen money. Eman gingerly explains to Muñeca and Lor that the microphone was still live and they heard everything. Brandon wonders what the heck’s going on. Eman says it was something to do with somebody named Garduño or something. Brandon turns to Mau accuses him and Garduño of being behind all this.

It’s a bit later and the police in their menacing black gear are outside guarding the R y de T offices, while down at the station Muñeca is being interviewed by the comisario and Oliver. She explains that she should have said something about the money, but Mau told her he was going to give it to her orphanage anyway. We see that Fidel is there too.

The comisario tells her it’s stolen goods, and she gets a little tearful saying she just couldn’t give it back, and she doesn’t want to now, so she can use it to save her little Christian.

Fidel’s cell rings and he says it’s Flora and he’ll take the call outside the office.

Back outside the house, we see Eman taking a call while Ilitia takes her time getting out of the car. Fidel tells him that Brandon is interviewing Mau and Lorenzo - no solid developments. Ilitia arrives and tells Eman she’s going to get ready for her appointment with the shrink – she wants to get better to be the wife in body and in soul that he deserves.

Into the house she goes and Eman hears odd squeaking noises. It’s Benigno in camouflage, complete with face paint, trying to become as one with the shrubbery, something like a big fuscia plant accented with ferns anchored to his helmet. He says Bernardo and Fedra are after him and he heard them saying something about the money Luis Felipe left for his daughter and it seems like they’re going to take it away from Mari.

In the break room, Andre is trying to ask Doris out for a drink before the next shoot, who says Jackie could come in on them and burst into flames, incinerating them all. How come a womanizer like him goes with somebody so jealous like Jackie? He says it’s not true about him – all gossip.

MariVicky comes in, wanting to know where the hell everybody is. Andre tells her that since neither she nor Eman were around, they’re all on hold. MV throws a fit about having to do everything herself, there’s a shoot that afternoon. Andre tells her Eman took the afternoon to be with his wife. MV throws another fit.

Doris thinks maybe she should talk to Mari alone and sends Andre off. Mari shoots off some “lo odio!” fireworks after which Doris reminds her that Eman is the boss and can do whatever he wants. Mari raves on about how unprofessional he is and Doris sings Brandon’s little tune: she’s jealous.

Brandon has both Mau and Lor in an office and he’s telling Mau that he knows he was in prison with Garduño, and yes, he hears him saying he’s not his right-hand man and he has nothing to do with him. Okay, but this is about the life of a child. Lor eyes Mau gloomily. Mau says he doesn’t give a rat’s patoot about that, he wants his money back.

Lor bolts out of his seat and grabs Mau, furiously demanding that the money go to him. Brandon pulls them apart and yells at them that the money stays with the police. Lor yells back that they gave him only 12 hours to pay. Brandon puts it all together – the Christian who disappeared from the orphanage is his child with Begoña! Mau enjoys a little smile.

Mari tells Doris that her love for Eman is dead dead dead and that sweet gullible Mari is dead dead dead too. I’ll say, says Doris, you could bottle and sell your venom. Mari, calming a little, asks her to understand that Eman tried to poison her. Doris says no matter what, Mari’s still in love with him. More big-eyed, big-lashed sadness on Mari’s part.

Lor is frantic to get the kid from Garduño. Say it! says Brandon. YOUR kid! My son, confesses Lor, who begs him to hurry. He’s sure Mau knows where Garduño has the boy, but Mau just says he (Mau) wants his money back.

Brandon’s on fire: You paid Begoña to leave the country with her child! How is it that he’s been here the whole time, in an orphanage, no less, huh? HUH? What happened to her? Answer me!

Back to Benigno the Bush. Eman thought that Luis Felipe left Tia Carlota in charge of that money, which must’ve passed to Mari when Carlota died. Apparently not, says Beningo, he heard Fedra talking about putting it into a luxury resort in Cancun. Eman swears he’ll get that money back to Mari.

Muñeca tells Fidel to go to the house with the comisario and get the money. Alone with Oliver now, she despairs of getting Christian back. She shows him the chain that she thinks Garduño sent to show he has the child. Oliver looks at it and recognizes it as the one Gladiola bought for Begoña’s child. Muñeca is surprised, and says Begoña is her friend and…. The wheels in her brain start turning. Or make that the reels start turning, because it’s flashback time. Begoña at the restaurant table sarcastically saying she’s Lor’s mistress, the call from his mistress (she recognizes that voice!) Lor’s enthusiasm about adopting the boy. Her conversation in which she chose not to tell Begoña who Ilitia’s true mother was because there are secrets that remain secret even in the best friendships.

Back to the present and Muñeca says Dios mio! Christian is Lorenzo’s son!

Brandon is demanding to know where Begoña is, but Lor says he’s just as surprised as Brandon is. The door bursts open and in comes Muñeca. Lor steps toward her for a comforting hug, but she flies at him, hitting at him and yelling that Christian is his son with Begoña. He retreats, crushed and tearful, and Mau has a nice laugh at him, saying You thought you could away with it, didn’t you? Infuriated, Lor jumps forward, and shoves Brandon aside while snatching his gun from his holster. He levels it at Mau and says he’s going to kill him. There’s general chaos in the background, but he’s still pointing it at Mau as we go to ad.

Things are a lot quieter in Emil’s office, at least for the moment. He’s telling MariVicky that Mau’s off the campaign and that the separation papers have to be signed today, so would she mind going to Mau’s? She takes a fit, wondering why a messenger couldn’t be sent, and why she has to run around on errands like this if Eman can take the afternoon off to fart around when they’re supposed to be shooting an ad. Emil assures her he’ll have everything all ready for her when she gets back and that she’s the only one to take care of this task (though I’m mystified as to why that’s so). Anyway, she slaps a smile on and says of course she’ll do it. She’s very responsible, unlike the boss’s son. Off she sashays.

Now Brandon has pulled another gun and has pointed it at Lor, telling him to drop the one he has pointed at Mau, but Lor isn’t giving up. He tearfully confesses to Muñeca, without taking his eyes of Mau, that Christian is the son he had with Begoña. Muñeca agonizes that they were lovers. Mau tells him not to shoot, because then Brandon’ll shoot and there’ll be two of them dead, does he want that?

(Fiction alert, if you missed the earlier months of the show.) Lor confesses that he was going to go to Italy with Begoña and their son. Why didn’t you? demands Muñeca. He weeps that Garduño killed her to get at him, that’s why. Garduño wanted to hurt Muñeca too.

He bawls that he spent the past two years thinking Christian had died the same day as Begoña. Still holding his gun to cringing Mau, he says the reason he couldn’t be in the car with his daughter on her wedding day is because Garduño called him to the prison to tell him that he son was alive – he had been abandoned in the street when Begoña was killed.

The comisario and Fidel enter Muñeca’s house where they have found the door unlocked. They hear moaning cries and find Flora and Manzanita tied up. Flora says some men came and took the briefcase. Cut to Dandy, or his accomplice - I forget what name goes with which guy, with the briefcase, caressing the money and saying how glad Mau will be that he found it. He’s saved Mau’s life!

More long confession/explanation from gun-pointing Lor. He explains that he hired a detective to find the boy, and he approached Mau because it’s no secret that Mau works with Garduño. Mau found the boy in your orphanage, Muñeca, where you told him the story and showed him the chain, right? He’s the one who took the chain and told Garduño. Thanks to him my son’s life is in danger.

Forgive me, begs Mau, who doesn’t give any compelling reason why Lor should. Lor growls at him to confess, or he’ll shoot him. Mau says he’ll talk, but he wants Brandon to give him immunity in court for everything he’s about to say. If Brandon can promise that he won’t go to jail for his involvement, he’ll say where the child is.

Mustachioed Gretel is in Netty’s kitchen, making a sandwich and thoughtbubbling out loud that it’s better everybody thinks Manolo is gay, and boy, poor Axel, what he must’ve gone through. Guess who shows up! You’ll never guess! Okay, everybody already guessed right last week in the comments: it’s Delicia. Mano is surprised and says Delicia, ¿Qué haces aquí? (Bingo! Only ¾ of an episode into the new year and we hear that immortal line.) Delicia is taken aback that he knows her name.

At the big house, Fedra is vamping down the hallway, Nereida at her side. Fedra thinks it’s splendid that Delicia’s gone, and tells Nereida it’s too bad she’ll have to do twice the work.

Eman shows up. You tricked me, he says to his mother. You got Mari’s Luis Felipe money and you didn’t tell me. Where is it, hmmmm?

Delicia demands to know how Mano knows her name. He quick fudges that Mari showed him a lot of photos, and he noticed her, how pretty she is. Delicia, who won’t take any guff off anybody, tells him to mind his manners. He assures her he’s gay, everybody knows that. Bull hamster, she says. There are men who pretend to be all swish and the next thing you know, they’re all over you. I’m not buying.

Netty is just finishing up a telenovela scene and afterwards her lawyer congratulates her. She tells him she doesn’t feel comfortable with the character, which seems more and more like Fedra. You’re nothing like my mother, says Axel who somehow has arrived on the set. She apologizes. Don’t worry, he smiles, but I have something important to tell you.

Eman is still trying to weasel information out of his mother. He thought they were accomplices! For once actually looking around to see if anybody is listening, she whispers that he didn’t keep up his side of the deal, he was supposed to get Mari to marry him and instead since she’s left all he’s done is whimper around like a whipped puppy. You’re the one who has let me down! You have all these feelings for that lump of fat. Eman tells her that they were talking about money, they ought to focus on that.

She’s furious because instead of the two of them having a lovely toast to the money they got from Maximo, he blabbed that that money was intended for Mari. Finding that will was like manna from heaven for her. You fooled me, confess it. You never were interested in the money, you never did want to break open that piñata, did you?

Ilitia tells the nice psychologist that there’s nothing he or anybody else can do to help her because that guy’s face is burned into her brain for the rest of her life.

At the station, Mau is signing his testimony. At his side is Garduño’s mob lawyer (won’t he blab to Garduño?). Brandon tells him if what he told them isn’t true, and the child isn’t found safe and sound, his immunity is off. Mau tells him he has the address, knock himself out. Brandon swears that he’ll get him behind bars. But not today, says Mau, making a kiss at him. He leaves and Brandon stews. The comisario tells him to calm down and focus on the child. Oliver and the others are waiting.

Fedra tells Eman that even if he’s not on board, she’s looking out for the best interests of her adored son. He begs her say she didn’t take Luis Felipe’s money for him. She tells him that was the plan, but no luck, so his fatty can roll around in pesos after all.

Then Eman brings up that it’s fishy that she took a trip to Switzerland, a trip that coincided with Carlota’s death. Fedra feigns shock that he would suspect her. Eman asks her to swear she didn’t go to Madrid to see Carlota before she died. She swears. He asks her where she’s gotten the money to invest in a vacation resort. She assures him that she’s just a minor investor mixing in with some powerful people. That answers your question, doesn’t it my love? she says, stroking his face, then quick beating a hasty retreat up the stairs. Eman looks after her and thoughtbubbles that he knows her and he’s not going to rest until he finds out what she did with Mari’s money.

Avances: In a restaurant, Emil proclaims his love to Netty and kisses her. A paparazzo snaps a photo. In the office, Mari tells Eman it looks like he’s going to try to kiss her again. Not me, he says, because you want it more than I do. She grabs him and kisses him.


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