Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #94 4/19/11 Time to Split or Get Off The Pot

Viewerville returns to the scene of the home invasion that Jimena can now add to the list of her other crimes. She’s holding a butcher knife to Maria’s throat and discussing what it’s like to hold the life of your worst enemy in your hands-- among other assorted and sundry weirdisms.

Across town, there’s a knock at Guillermo’s front door. Osvaldo is there with a briefcase that he hands over to Gui. Ozzie’s keeping his word to stop his legal case against him in exchange for not telling Max that Gui is really Osguito’s baby-daddy.

Back at Maria’s, Jimmie’s suddenly grabbed from behind by Fausto before she can stab Maria. The two wrestle for possession of the knife. The adrenaline flow is at maximum.

Back at Gui’s man-cave, Ozzie tells Gui he’s the one who actually comes out on top with this deal, even though Gui, the Judas, probably thinks differently. Guilty Gui snickers at the fact that Oz has finally realized after all this time that yes, Gui’s been taking, little by little, whatever belonged to Ozzie—and he won’t stop, he threatens, till he sees him alone and totally defeated. Oz snickers back. “--No, that’s your future. You see, I have two children and two grandchildren but you have nothing and nobody.” Gui reminds him that one of those kids is his son. No, not anymore, corrects Oz. He exchanged him for a theater. Gui snarls back menacingly (Actually, it sounds like a competition going on between him and his dog). He could ask for a DNA test any day he wants to. Oz dares him to--if he wants the whole world laughing at him. Who’d believe it of him anyway? (I’m not sure why. Something must have been lost in the cultural abyss here.) Os leaves Gui with that cheery thought and walks out. Guillermo waits till the door’s closed and then has a temper tantrum.

Back at Maria’s again: Jimmie manages to push the knife into Fausto’s thigh. He starts choking her to death. Maria screams at him to let her go. Ji runs out and back home. Maria thanks him because she doesn’t know what would have happened if he hadn’t shown up. Fausto promises to watch after her and to make sure it doesn’t happen again. (How about just reporting the incident to the police and getting her locked up in a loony bin? You’ve got fingerprints and your blood on that knife, not to mention there’s now huge gash in Fausto’s thigh!) He refuses to see a doctor about his leg and asks only for her sewing kit. Yep, he sews up the six inch gash by himself. (We get a close up of that as a bonus--something I could have definitely done without, especially right after dinner.)

Don Joel invites Milagros to dinner at his apartment that night. She doesn’t really want to go, but will sacrifice the time if it makes Don Napo, her naco, jealous.

In the sacristy, Padre Juan Pablo tells his mother that he’s heartbroken because of what he now knows and will pray for her to see the error of her ways and to repent. Doña Bernarda denies knowing what he’s talking about and insists she’s got nothing to repent of. She leaves. He prays. (Yawn.) FF>>

Back at the Sandoval manse, Roxi tries buttering up Victoria about their grandchild’s improving health. Vicki isn’t in the mood. If the kid’s getting better it’s only because he has at least one parent who is there to take care of him, and it sure ain’t been Jimena, she says. Roxi blames it on her daughter’s worsening nerves, and says now that they’re living there as poor relations [arrimadas], she feels even worse. (Again, nobody ever suggests getting Jimmie some serious therapy!) Vicki has little or no sympathy for said D-I-L because, as she tells Roxi, she knows she and Ji are still both working for Burnie and get a mighty fine salary. (Which begs the question: So why is she letting them sponge off of her then?) Ji walks in on them at that point and pouts.

Back in the bowels of the barrio once more, Max returns to Maria’s with Mini-Max. Nathy takes the baby with her so they can have a bit of private time. He starts talking divorce again. She brings up Jimena and the baby again. He swears his undying love and says their destiny is written. Lots of kissy-face time ensues.

When Ji and Rox are finally alone together, Ji tells her mama how she was just about to kill Maria when that scar-faced guy who works for Burnie walked in on her and stopped it. Roxi doesn’t seem to take her seriously. She says Ji’s getting stranger and she’s really starting to frighten her. (Is the woman willfully blind, or just a whack-job herself?) Ji says they’re going to have to move out. Mama doesn’t want to leave the luxury digs, but Ji hates all of them and the way they constantly spy on her and accuse her of things; she feels like a prisoner there! Rox wants to know just where she thinks they’re going to go. Ji’s got a couple of ideas, she says.

Across the hallway, in the master bedroom, Vicky tells Oz she can’t believe he’s dropped the legal suit against Guillermo. Why would he do that? Oz takes a few minutes to tell her the why’s and wherefore's and that it includes, Ji, Osguito, Max, and Guillermo (duhn-duhn-duhn-duhnnnn)! Vicki is drop-jaw-and-suck-it-in-impactada.

A few minutes later Jimmie walks in on Os and the baby to tell him she’s moving out and that she’s taking her baby with her. Oz refuses to hand over his grand-baby to that head-case. Vicki walks in at that point and tells her she and Rox can go if they like, but Osguito stays. Ji tells her there are things involved she isn’t aware of. Vicki says yes she is. She knows the baby is really Gui’s kid. So, if Jimmie doesn’t agree with her decision they can go see what Max has to say about it all!

Meanwhile, Max tells Maria he still wants them to be able to live together and have a family like they’ve always dreamed of doing. (Marriage, Viewerville notes, is not a part of this discussion.) Maria wonders how Jimmie’s going to feel about leaving Osguito. He is sure that since Ji doesn’t care about the kid, she won’t care if he keeps custody of the baby. (Tsk, tsk! Max still doesn’t understand the concept of emotional blackmail--or that Jimena is an ace at using it?)

Back at Scandal-Val Central, Ji tries to twist the truth into pretzels again. “--I don’t know where you get this lie from, Victoria! You know that you and I planned my seducing Max in Miami together. It was your idea! I was only doing what you asked!” Vick’s ready for her this time. “--Don’t be a hypocrite. Sure I wanted you to marry Max, but not while you were pregnant with another man’s child!” She hauls off and slaps Ji across the chops. “--Shameless hussy!” Ji starts to threaten her not to try that again, but Vicki beats her to the emotional punch line and says she’s the one not to permit things in her own house, and what she won’t permit is her staying another minute there! She wants her and “that extortionate mother” of hers out of there immediately! And, if Jimmie insists on taking that baby, there’ll be a huge and expensive legal battle which they both know she doesn’t have the money for. “—So, you might as well get moving!”

Back at the vecindad, Maria, unlike Max, doesn’t seem to have her head quite as high in the clouds. She tries to tell him that Jimena won’t like her taking care of Osguito. There’ll be hell to pay. Max doesn’t see it that way. He wants what he wants and they’ve put it off long enough, he insists. A few more kisses and Maria stops arguing. Everything looks do-able from those heights…..

Oz assures Ji that since they won’t be telling Max about this, she can start planning the lie she’s going to have to make up in order to explain why she’s leaving home. After all, she’s a good liar, so it shouldn’t be difficult. Ji says she’s leaving, but she’s definitely coming back for her son! Once she storms out, Vicki and Oz bond some more with Osguito--and with each other.

That night Millie goes to Don Joel’s for dinner and is bored out of her mind.

Naco and Juanjo are still interested in getting a second job. Naco wonders where Millie is that time of night. JJ implies that she’s on a date with the history teacher. Naco gets jealous and says he doesn’t trust the professor. (Yawn.) FF>>

Outside, Alonso pulls up in his Jeep (sparkling clean) and he’s actually dressed in a suit for once! Lon runs into Max, who’s just left Maria’s apartment, and starts in on him. “--Again, showing up where you’re not needed.” Max tells him back at ya! “--I don’t know what you’re looking for here, man. You’ve been with Maria when and where it was my place! That child is mine! What gives you the right to take that away from me? Why don’t you understand that the child belongs to me and that he carries my blood in his veins?” Lon shows the practical side of his nature here. “--And what kind of a future do you plan on offering ‘that child’ as you call him?” Max avoids the “m” word here again. “--Like any father, he will have all my protection, my affection, my love.” Lon notes the obvious and what’s missing her. He doesn’t like it one bit. “--Oh, like the ‘love’ you offered Maria Desamparada, marrying another woman??” Max grabs Lonnie by the collar. “--Just who do you think you are, huh? You are no one to ask me for explanations!” Alonso doesn’t back down. “--Yes, I am! I am the other man who loves her and her baby also! I can give them a trouble-free life because, unlike you, I don’t have other obligations, Max!” (Alonso, I believe, has just told Max that if he can’t decide whether to sh!t or get off the pot, then to get the effin’ heck out of his way for somebody who can. Yowza! Decisive men are so totally HOT!)

Max can’t argue with that, so he tries a different tack. “--Look. I am the man she loves, the man she gave her virginity to, and the man she gave a son to.” Lon shoots another verbal zinger at him. “--A son you didn’t even know was on the way!” “--You hid him from me and ran off!” “--No, that was because she sacrificed herself for love. You are making a mistake, Max. You should be doing exactly the same if you really love her. Let her free. Let her be! At least she could be happy, even though it might not be with you.” All of Max’s pent up frustration starts oozing out. “--Oh, man, there are so many things that you don’t understand because you don’t know the truth. You don’t know what’s gone on behind all this, all the sacrifice that I had to make for a child! Don’t you understand that she’s the woman in my life? I want you to understand that I can’t live without her or without her love. From now on, you don’t go near her, Alonso, because the only man that Maria Desamparada loves is me, only me!”

Back at the Scandal-Vals’, Rox wants to know why and where they are going. They have to, says Ji, because Vic and Oz both know now that Gui’s the real baby-daddy. And no, they aren’t going to tell Max, provided that she leaves “the brat” with them. Dizzy-Ditz Mama-Rocks-For-Brains asks Ji what she’s planning to do. “--TO LEAVE HERE!” Rox finally gets it and says alright and leaves to pack.

Once Rox leaves the bedroom, Ji takes out the disguise she used when she murdered Linda-Ho and hides it in one of Vicki’s drawers.

Back at the vecindad again, Maria invites Lon inside. He looks longingly at the poster of her on the wall. “--I ran into Max outside.” Yes, she says, he came to visit and bring the baby back. After all, he is the baby’s father. Lon hides his frown.

Max gets home and goes up to his bedroom. He asks Jimmie what she’s doing. She tells him she and her mom are moving out and leaving Osguito with him. She knows he’ll be fine with Max. But, she warns him, she’ll be back for him because neither he nor anybody is going to stop her from taking her son. Suddenly, it seems, Max has been knocked down from his cloud perch. He might have misjudged Ji’s reactions after all.

Burnie can’t find Fausto. He’s not in the house and she’s ticked. She orders Eva to find him or they’re both fired! FF>>

JP returns to his room and cries as he thinks back to Fausto’s confession. Mama is a serial murderer and arson! Oh the shame! He prays. FF>>

Back in the vecindad, Millie, Nat, and Napo are together in Millie’s apartment. He’s supposedly reading the want-ads while Millie whispers to Nat about how she likes Napo better than that boring Don Joel. Napo is upset that he can’t hear what they’re gossiping about. FF>>

Jimmie and Rox show up unexpectedly at Burnie’s and tell her that they have just been thrown out of the Sandoval’s.

Back at Pappy and Grand Pappy’s, there’s another bonding session with Osguito. Ozzie has sworn to Max that Jimena will never get custody of the baby. Max says no way he’d allow it after all he sacrificed for the little guy. Vicki walks in on the three of them and throws a curve ball by asking Max if he’d feel the same even if the boy weren’t his son. Max’s antennae shoot up.

At Burnarda’s, Demented Dama the Elder asks where Demented Dama the Younger’s baby is. Ji whimpers that they took him away from her. “--Oh, I see now. So what would I gain by letting you stay here with me?” Ji makes her pitch. “--A chance to get even with Victoria--something you’ve wished for for a very long time.”

Max says of course he would love him the same. “--It would be impossible not to love the epitomy of handsome that this little baby is.” (Look close and you’ll see Osguito smile at the end of that scene!!)

Again in the bowels of the barrio, the gang’s all there at Maria’s to see the baby --Lonnie, Cruz, Nat, Napo and Millie. Napo and Cruz give the baby their gift: a onesie with some soccer team’s logo. Millie and Napo do a little verbal sparring over their favorite teams. Nat brings the conversation to something more serious: what’s Maria going to do about Max? Maria is ready to move in with him now. The others, especially Lon, can’t believe she’d do that after all the Hell he’s put her through. They warn her that she won’t have a moment’s peace if she does, not just because of Victoria Sandoval’s attitude toward her, but it won’t be easy caring for another woman’s child, especially her worst enemy’s child. Napo warns her that Jimena “is off her rocker!” [estar mal de la azotea] Maria doesn’t care. She tells them she doesn’t care about Victoria Sandoval, or Jimena or anything. It’s time they were together! Nat advises Maria to report Jimena to the police. She can’t act as if nothing happened there earlier! (Works for me, Nat!)

Speaking of talking to the police and reporting a crime, Jimmie places an anonymous phone call to the police from a payphone while Burnie waits in her car. Ji tells the police that she knows who killed Linda-Ho. She has all the information, even the address where they can find her if they go right now: It’s Victoria Sandoval and they can find proof of the crime in Victoria Sandoval’s bedroom. She killed the woman because she was her husband’s lover.


Llena de Amor #172 (Mex. 206) Tue 4/19/11 Put on the fat suit and sing; this opera's over

Episode 206, scenes consolidated for convenience.
Oh capitán, mi capitán
Construction site: Captain Jose Maria Sevilla lies on a gurney, his loved ones, hangers on, and hapless police gathered around. Emanuel clings to him and cries, “Don’t leave me, mi capitán!...papá!” JMS dies. Emiliano thanks him for what he’s done for their son.
A shotgun wedding, in reverse
La Mala Noche: Fedra and Lorenzo exit the building in their wedding finery. Well, Fedra’s not entirely in hers; her dress has lost ambition and is on the verge of settling for being a skirt. Mauricio has Low at gunpoint, marching him away from his bride. Low tries to tell Mau he’ll pay for raping Ilitia, but Mau says Low will have to collect in another life. He forces Low to get in the car and they drive away. Left behind, Fedra calls her thug Torres. Torres reports that he has Mau thinking he’s in charge. Anyway, Torres has Ilitia and Mayela. He hands over the phone so Fed can tell Ilitia she’s going to die for telling the truth about the baby.
Marianela’s getting her scripts out of last month’s recycling
Mansión Maldad: Seriously, Mari, would you catch up? She’s thrilled to know that Emanuel is her baby’s daddy. She wants Doris to help her dress up as old chubster Mari again so she can unmask for Eman! {That is going to be one sexy strip show, for sure. Just ask Jorge.} Won’t he be SO surprised?! Two thugs watch them go into the house.
Later, Mari is in her bedroom, all plumped up and ready to go. Jorge is pithed that while he was in Madrid getting their fake marriage papers, she kept herself busy getting busy with El Lirio de Plata. What kind of sham marriage is this?! Mari tears up the papers and tells him that El Lirio is Emanuel.
Meanwhile, down at the station…
Out on the steps: Emanuel wants to surrender. He says this loudly several times with multiple guards within mere steps, but the Telenovela Sound Shield Force Field is in effect and they don’t hear him. Emiliano and Netty try to stop him. Netty urges him to go talk with Marianela first.
Interrogation room: Brandon demands answers from Bad Cop. Bad Cop tells him that Fonseca is taking over Low’s business and plans to kill Brandon and El Lirio. Malicio has also hired Geraldo Torres as his right hand man. Brandon is stunned. Geraldo Torres? The helicopter mechanic he’s been searching for, for years? Bad Cop gives Brandon Torres’s address and, rather burying the lede, mentions that Ilitia was kidnapped.
Outside: Paula, Max, and Nereida get out of a cab. Delicia, still in the taxi, takes off to find Axel. Nereida’s reluctant to get involved with the police, as she’s afraid Fedra will kill her, but Max’s more immediate threats convince her to run the risk.
Tejeda’s office: Netty tries to reassure Emiliano that Eman won’t surrender after he talks to Mari. Emil thinks he’ll be furious about the deceit, but Netty thinks the baby news will soften the blow. Gretel and Oliver come in with Whatsername, Carlota’s maid. She’s given testimony that Fedra was in Madrid when Carlota died, but worries that it won’t do any good since she doesn’t have proof it was murder. Netty says she hopes other people *ahemGretelahem* will tell what they know, too. Gretel finally tells Emiliano that she saw Fedra kill Luis Felipe.
Emiliano cries with Gretel, feeling terrible that he had no idea and didn’t know how to help her. He’s saying he’d do anything for her to have a good, loving mother just as Paula and Max walk in. Paula confesses that they are Gretel’s actual factual parents.
Emiliano is stunned to find out that Gretel isn’t his biological child…and neither is Eman…or Kristel… He asks Max why he’s kept this quiet. Max tells him they didn’t want to hurt him; all the kids love him and he will always be their dad. Gretel says she’s lucky to have two loving fathers {who did nothing to save her from Fedra all these years, but I guess we’ll let bygones be bygones}. She hugs them both. Everyone cries and Netty remarks that it seems Axel is Emil’s only biokid.
Nereida tells Tejeda and the others that Fedra blamed Bernardo for her paralysis and killed him. She hands over an envelope Bernardo instructed her to deliver in the event of his demise. It’s the phone with the video of Pantoja’s murder.
Mau’s driving Low crazy, or vice versa
Country road: Mau’s backseat driving. Well, backseat aiming the gun. Low’s operating the vehicle whilst Mau taunts him with imaginary details of his hot ‘n’ heavy relationship with Low’s slutty princesa Ilitia. Low’s furious and the car swerves all over, then tumbles over a bank. Mau and Low are blacked out and bloody.

Eventually, Low staggers out of the car. Mau chokes and moans for help. Low graciously hauls him out onto the ground, then fetches the firearm. Mau begs for mercy. Low aims, well, low, and tells Mau he’ll never hurt another woman again, never ever. A bala to the balls seals the deal.

Later, so much later it’s dark. Mau gets loaded into an ambulance and whines to Brandon that Low castrated him. Oh, nuts. Brandon’s like, “good, that saves me the trouble of gelding the Lirio’s archnemesis myself.”
Poll: does Marianela have inner beauty?
Mansion living room: Tipsy Kristel raids the bar and hollers for her personal assistant Nereida. Mari strolls in and asks why she has an assistant; is she modeling now? Nope, Kristel gives a little demonstration of her current employment, a glam job Mari could obvio never do with her fat rolls; the guys would be grossed out. Mari smiles that dudes love her even with the fat, like Emanuel and Brandon, por ejemplo. Kristel is baffled and can’t figure out how Mari also managed to snag such a bonbon husband. Inner beauty; it matters more and lasts longer than outer beauty, Mari says. She strolls off smugly.
Mr. Bonbon comes down the stairs, and she-wolf Kristel thought-bubbles that she’s going to steal him away from the elephant the same way she stole Lowrenzo from mommy. “Oh, George! George of the Jungle!” she coos.
Outside the house: Mari waits for Eman. The thugs grab her and hide behind the bushes when Eman rides up and calls for her.
Inside: Jorge tells Emanuel that Mari was waiting for him in the garden and he doesn’t know where she is. He knows she was desperate to talk to him, though, since she now knows he’s El Lirio. (Kristel: Whaaaaaaat?!) Eman says aha, but she doesn’t know that he knows that Mari and Vicky are the same person! (Kristel: totally blown out of her drunken mind.)

Jorge finally concedes the race and tells Eman Mari has even more big news for him and is probably at Netty’s. They hug and Eman runs off to his doom. Er, I mean destiny.
Kristel slurs to Jorge that she has an alter ego herself, “y mi other self es La Loba!” She slinks around…wolfishly. “Qué the heck?” Jorge asks. Kristel invites him to come and find out. Auooooooo!
I still don’t like you, Axel
La Mala Noche: Axhole is tied up and struggling in a dressing room. Delicia heads in, sneaks past the pirate, discovers her execrable ex, and unties him. Fedra walks in as they’re trying to escape.
Damsels in distress
Torre Torres: The thugs drag Mari into the apartment where Ilitia and Mayela are tied to chairs and gagged. Torres and Mari clarify that he killed her ma, then she gets tied up, too. Torres says it’ll be fun to blow her up, too. He connects a wire.

When he’s got them all rigged up, Torres tells the ladies they’d better hold still, or KABOOM!, it’s all over. He grabs his bag of money and heads out, but is shot the second he opens the door. Low checks that he’s out and goes to untie the ladies, but they scream at him to stop. They explain about the bomb and Ilitia says to call Brandon. Low says he’s dead. Mari says no; he was shot but had his bulletproof jacket on and is fine.
Low rifles Torres’s pockets for a phone and calls Brandon. “Oh, you’re already on your way? Hurry!” Then Low’s gotta run before the police catch him. “Don’t worry, princesa, Brandon will take good care of you! Good luck with the bomb and all; Daddy loves you, bye-bye!”
Some junior high humor
Pensión: Gretel and Oliver make out passionately on the sofa. Eman creeps up and interrupts. Oli clutches a pillow on his lap and tries to look nonchalant. Eman snatches the pillow. They don’t know where Mari is, but they do know the police are trying to catch Juana Felipa, and she’s holed up in La Mala Noche. Eman is surprised.

The hips don’t lie: they say Kristel is loca, loca, loca
La Mala Noche: Whore-hay’s got a front row seat for the show. La Loba shimmies onto the stage, wearing a spangled head scarf and not much else. Well, a flesh-toned sparkly leotard which gives the impression of not much else, but is actually more than she normally wears. The crowd eats it up. La Loba shakes it like Shakira, Arabian-nights style. Jorge’s way into it.

Backstage, Fedra tells the pirate if Delicia and Axel give him any trouble, off with their heads. Wait. What is all that noise? Pirate says the crowd is loving the new dancer, La Loba.
Onstage, Jorny’s moony and La Loba’s howling and writhing. Fedra snags a whole bottle of booze from the bar and sticks a straw in. Graciously accepting her wolf whistles, Kristel whips off her head scarf, and Fedra drops the bottle. Kristel crawls over to Jorge and plants a big smackeroo on his lips. Fedra hauls her off and slaps her.
Back in the dressing room, Fedra’s furious and Kristel says she’s just jealous. “They all love me, and, cómo te explico, you’re NOBODY!” La Reina won’t have it. No one will take her throne! Kristel just mocks her; she’s fishwrap now; everybody’s tired of her geriatric gyrations. La Loba is the new wild game in town! And none of this pretending to be a caring mommy crap; Fedra hasn’t got a leg to stand on, with or without her miracle recovery, and Kris will do whatever and whomever she pleases, including Whore-hay. Jorge pipes up to suggest Kristel needn’t turn completely into a ho like her mama, which gets him a good hard slap from Fed.
A moving scene. Actually, DON’T MOVE!
Torres Torre de Terror: Our damsels are still in distress, waiting for their knight in shining six-pack to arrive. Ilitia cries that she doesn’t want to die, or for her baby to die either. Mari laments that she’ll never even get to tell Eman that they’re expecting a baby. “QUÉ?!” shrieks Ilitia. Mayela hisses at them not to move. Ilitia says she’s really happy for them and she’s sorry about all the terrible stuff she did. Mari says she’s happy for Brandon and Ilitia, too. They agree that if they get out alive, they’ll have a baby shower together. “But let’s not invite Vicky, okay? She’s the WORST,” says Ilitia. “She’s after all the men!” Mari says she needs to apologize, too, because she’s Vicky. “QUÉ?!” (DON’T MOVE!, says Mayela.)
Brandon finally arrives and gets the rundown of the situation. He assures them he knows how to disarm a bomb, so obviously everything will be fine.
We discover he may have been overstating the case just a bit. He’s not quite sure which wire to cut. {You know, if I were a villain rigging people up to a bomb, I’d mix up the wire colors so my plan couldn’t be foiled by anyone with the instructions out of the Acme Bomb Kit.} Mari just wants him to hurry, so she can run tell Eman she’s pregnant. Analytics were never her strong suit. She’s sure she’s having a girl, so cut the red wire. Well, Ilitia thinks hers is a boy, so cut the blue wire. I hope both these ladies hire competent nannies. Mayela keeps hissing at everyone to not move, and settles it by demanding he cut the yellow wire. Brandon cuts yellow, and the bomb is disarmed. Cheers.
La Reina is unmasked
Outside LMN: Eman arrives just as Jorge and Kristel are leaving, the latter still in her stage outfit. Jorge gallantly tries to cover her with his jacket and Eman asks QTH she’s up to. Just following in mami’s slutty footsteps. Qué? Kristel tells him to go in and ask for La Reina.
Dressing room: Fedra decides she’s going to give the performance of her life and prove she’s the best.
Mainstage: Eman sits at the bar and La Reina swaggers out for her adoring public. The usual ensues. Eman is stunned. He slugs down another shot, jumps onstage, and rips her mask off. “Mom! How could you?” She wants to explain backstage, but Eman says he already knows everything there is to know, and the lechers are waiting for their show. Fedra starts her usual pouty baby act, but he tells her to stop playing the victim. Same old cantaleta… “I did it all for you!” “I didn’t need it! I just needed a real mother, not lies!” Fedra clutches his leg like a toddler and cries and Tejeda comes in to arrest her.
Axel’s starved for something Delicious
LMN dressing room: Axhole and Dee can’t get out. He says he’ll protect her. From what, not sure; peace and happiness, maybe. Hugs, kisses, he says he was so upset he couldn’t eat when he was away from her (Boo hoo. Seriously, a perdoname and a few missed meals and it’s all good? What the heck ever, writers). Delicia doesn’t want grand heroics, she just wants respect. She’s looking in the wrong place, but when Axel kneels and asks her to marry him again, she accepts.
In sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty, until death separates them. Delicia

thinks that will happen as soon as Fedra walks in. The police burst in instead.
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lyin’ sleep tonight
Kristel’s bedroom: George of the Jungle and La Loba do it like they do on the Discovery Channel. He wonders why he wasted so much time trying to crack tough nut Marianela when this supereasy nutcase was right here.

Later, Kristel wakes up and hopes this one won’t use her and lose her. There’s a knock at the door. Jorge jumps up and scrambles for his clothes. {Honestly, with everything else that’s going on, do they really think anyone would care about this?} Outside, Lowrenzo gets out the trusty ladder and heads over to Kristel’s balcony. Inside, Jorge’s more or less dressed and he wonders where to hide. Kristel boredly points out the usual evacuation route. She should just get one of those green and white arrow signs. Jorge dives headfirst off the balcony and lands on the grass. “Ouch,” Low says from the ladder. “What the heck? Why do all my bedmates walk the plank?” Kristel wonders.
Netty and Emil are rubber, Fedra is glue
Jail: Fedra stews in her cell and wonders why Low hasn’t come to save her. Emil and Netty drop by for a social call. Fedra’s still in her gettin’ down getup and Netty mocks her for having made fun of Netty’s honest acting career. Fedra gamely tries to insult her back, but Netty’s above it all. She’ll be wearing a pretty dress and marrying Emiliano in a beautiful church while Fed’s stuck here, too bad. Fedra reaches for her last ammunition: So Emil thought he had four kids? Then three? Wait, only two? Well, ha! Axel is really Lowrenzo’s spawn, too. Fedra’s really disappointed when Emiliano doesn’t even react to that.
Who wants a fresa tart?
Out on the lawn: Kristel babbles to Max that she’s shocked, just megashocked, that Mami is a serial killer! But even worse, she’s a Perez! A commoner! Max is worried that Kris will take after her and wants to lock her up in a convent, which is hilarious to imagine. Kristel says not to worry; she’s met her dream man! Max is skeptical. Really for real! He’s a publicist! He can make her a super Top Model! Max mutters something I can’t make out about military smarts and losing the war. Max leaves and Low shows up to yell at Kristel about last night’s bed buddy. He tries to kiss her. She resists. Jorge runs up to defend her but is easily pinged off and left unconscious on the grass by a sideswipe of Low’s gun. Lowrenzo drags Kristel away.
Don’t try to be a hero
Police station: El Lirio de Plata walks into Brandon’s office and unmasks. Brandon acts like it’s a joke. “No, I’m really the Lirio de Plata. You know it’s me.” “The case is closed. The Lirio de Plata is dead.” “No, it’s really me. I’m the superhero!” “Nice try. No.” “Come on, arrest me! I want to pay for my crimes!” “You can’t go to jail! Marianela and your child need you!” Eventually that sinks in and Emanuel and Brandon hug and jump around.
Hail Mari, full of grease
Jail: Marianela visits. Fedra and her nekkid haunches are mad that she isn’t dead yet. Mari tells her she’s out for justice for her parents’ deaths. “Damn you.” “No, damn you. Ah, well, you’ll rot in here on your way to Hades.” Mari starts to strip off her disguise and says the difference between them is that she pretended to be someone else to seek justice, and Fedra did it to destroy. “What’s the difference between vengeance and justice?” Fedra asks. She knocks Mari out and looks crafty.
A change of guard in the jail corridor lets Fedra sneak out, disguised as fat Mari and scratching her fat suit heinie.
Brandon and Oliver find Mari unconscious in Fedra’s cell. She’s escaped! Again!
Not a great engagement party
Pensión: Gladiola admires Doris’s engagement ring and is happy for her and Andre. Andre promises he’ll take good care of her and himself and they’ll be happy and grow old together. They get off to a bad start when Fedra sneaks up behind them and smashes a glass over Andre’s head.

Fedra ties Andre and Gladiola up and forces Doris to help her with the disguise. Then she ties up Doris, too.
Fedra preps a syringe. Emanuel rushes in, looking for Marianela. He’s shocked to find Fedra’s face in Old Mari’s form. She injects and he’s out. Fedra snuggles her baby and settles him into bed. She crazies that they’ll leave and be happy together.
Mari tries to wake Emanuel and is confronted by herself, with a new scary Fedra face.
Grab the kid, THEN do the sisterly solidarity thing
Dollhouse: Muñeca thanks Mayela for saving Ilitia. Ilitia says she has two great moms. Lowrenzo marches in to fetch Cristián. {This guy is all over town at his usual haunts; why haven’t the police caught up to him?} Muñeca protests. Low hits her hard and aims his gun at Mayela. Ilitia says he’ll have to shoot her, too. Muñeca joins them. Low decides not to shoot any of them, but he leaves with Cristián.
Rehash and reset
Police station: Netty, Emil, and Gretel are irate that Fedra has escaped. Oliver tells them that Brandon has rushed to the dollhouse because Low took Cristián. Jorge reports that he kidnapped Kristel, too. Emil and Netty wonder where Eman and Mari are.
The heck with this drama, let’s head to a five-star resort in Cancún
Cancún, Fedra’s fancy new resort: Emanuel wakes up in a beach chair next to Fedra’s, under a palapa.
Elsewhere in the resort, Mari is chained up in a bamboo hut. Low brings her a dress and makeup and tells her to fix herself up all purty. Believe it or not, he’s there to help her, he claims. He promises to get Eman out. Then he creepily tries to watch Mari change her clothes.
Fedra gives Emanuel the grand tour. He’s not terribly impressed with what she’s done with the stolen money. He wants to know where Mari is. Fedra says if he’s a good boy he’ll see her soon.
Mari’s dressed in a white gown, and has even gone to the trouble of doing something elaborate with her hair. Low creepily smarms about his awesome seduction skills. Mari tells him he’s gross.
Fedra and Eman ride in a flower-bedecked boat through the canal. Eman says he’s going to put her back in jail. Fedra tries to warn him off Marianela—she deceived him, after all! Eman says he understands why she did; after all, he did the same thing. Fedra still can’t understand the difference between herself and the others who wear disguises. Aren’t they all liars?
Low walks Mari through the resort at gunpoint. They argue. He sniffs her. (?! Again with the sniffing!) He’s oozing into Rapey Snake mode. Mari cringes and begs him to take her to Emanuel. Low says Mari is going to pay for all the harm she’s done them.

Emanuel kvetches to Fedra that Jose Maria Sevilla spent most of his life in prison, and it’s her fault. Fedra thinks he deserved it since he doubted that she was expecting his child. “Well….can you really blame him? You were a whore. I’d have doubted it, too.”

Emanuel finds Mari in some candle-filled crypt kind of place, unconscious. Fedra says Low poisoned her and she’s dying. Fedra wants Eman to renounce Mari so mommy and son can go away and be happy together. Emanuel holds Marianela and cries and tells Fedra she’s killing his child, too.

Miraculously, this brain-dead bunch figured out where to go
Resort lobby: The rest of the clan arrives, Delicia and Axhole looking unfortunately cozy. They split up into search parties to look for Eman, Mari, Kristel, and Cristián.
She isn’t completely dead; she’s only mostly dead
Terrace by the water: Eman carries Mari to a lounge chair and begs Fedra for the antidote. Fedra says only if he leaves with mama and gives up Mari. Emanuel agrees. Fedra hands over a bottle from her cleavage. Mari wakes up behind them. Fedra tells Eman she wants him to kill Lowrenzo, and then they’ll have all the money for themselves. “Not if I kill you first!” Low yells, and shoots Eman in the back. Eman falls into the water. Low grabs Fedra by the hair and yells at her for trying to have Ilitia offed.
Cero stress, okay?
Pool: The search parties meet up again. They haven’t found anyone. Cristián runs along the edge of the pool and Ilitia nags him about water safety…wait! “Cristián! You’re safe!” Then they see Kristel in a nearby deck chair, chilleando without a care in the world. She reluctantly disrupts her relaxation to report that it’s all cool; she couldn’t remember anyone’s phone number to call, but she’s so smart she had a plan. She just acted like she was excited to be with Lowrenzo so he’d relax, thus buying time for the rescue team to arrive. Worked brilliantly, see? Now, where’s big brother?
Our unsinkable superhero
In the water: Remember way back at the beginning, when Emanuel fetched the silver lily off the bottom of the pool? Well, this time it’s Mari’s turn to haul El Lirio out of the water. She flips him over and he wakes up and chokes. Commence the kissing. Eman admits he’s known for some time that Mari and Vicky are one and the same. Mari assures him that Low just hit her, he didn’t poison her, and since she had no brain cells to lose, she and the baby are status quo. {How many times did she get knocked out in this episode alone? Four?} Smoochy smooch.

Fedra always said she was hot stuff, and Lowrenzo just wanted a shot
Night on the beach: Fedra is tied to a stake and Lowrenzo pours gasoline around her. Brandon and Oliver show up with guns. Low points his gun back at them with one hand and toys with a lighter with the other. He tells Fedra this is payback for letting him have an affair with his own daughter. {Wait—so he still thinks Kristel is his daughter, and he just tried to make out with her when he kidnapped her?!} Fedra whines that she was just trying to bug him. Kristel is Emiliano’s daughter. Low says in that case, he’s keeping all the money AND the love of his life, Fedra’s baby girl. Fedra howls. Low drops the lighter. Brandon and Oliver shoot Low. Fedra’s dreams go up in flames along with the rest of her. Brandon and Oliver stand by helplessly, not that they try at all to help.

Grief and relief
Resort path: Mari and Eman trudge along. Mari’s desperate to escape and get Eman some medical help, but he wants to find Fedra. She’s his mother, after all, even if she’s done mil ocho mil bad things. Netty and Emiliano find them. No one shares Emanuel’s urgency to help Fedra. The rest of the crew joins them. Brandon and Oliver pull Emiliano aside and tell him that Fedra and Low are dead, and he should get the kids away so they don’t see the grim scene. Oliver tells Emil that Fedra confessed that Kristel is his biological daughter. Emil breaks the news of Fedra’s death to Emanuel. Cue the mourning violins.
Happily ever after, more or less
Montage of the future:
Kristel poses in beachwear and Jorny takes pictures of her ~ they marry ~ Kristel gets her top model career and appears on magazine covers ~ including the cover of TV y Novelas with a “Scandal!” headline, oopsie; seems she was cavorting with another man ~ a newspaper divorce announcement.
Delicia and Axel make out on the beach ~ Delicia graduates from school ~ they have a child ~ Axel plays with a band (presumably the cheering crowd is wearing earplugs) ~ yet he’s winning awards ~ Delicia and Licenciado Pacheco are partners in a fancy-looking law firm ~ Nereida is their maid.
Oliver and Gretel marry ~ they have a child ~ Oliver graduates from university ~ Gretel works as a news anchor.
It’s Christmas at the big house ~ Emiliano, Netty, Paula, and Max celebrate with Gretel and Oliver and their two little girls.
Brandon and Ilitia marry ~ they have five kids in rapid succession.
Netty and Emiliano marry.
Snapshots of Kristel’s weddings numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Emanuel and Mari marry ~ he dresses as Fat!Mari and she wears the Lirio costume ~ everyone’s freakeando in a clichéd TV way when their baby is born.
There’s a party for the launch of the Eva Pavón Foundation against childhood obesity. The gang’s all there. This is apparently where Kristel and Jorge fight and he throws down his wedding ring.
The whole family gathers on the mansion lawn for a picture with all the kids (Doris and Andre have a dog instead).


Teresa Tue 4/19/11 #19-20 Tere Telaraña vs Aida la Abusadora

Sit back, it's a long one.

Cap 19

Art tells Teresa that Mariano came by and asked that he give Teresa another chance and to continue to support her education and career goals. Teresa tells him she’s not interested in Mariano but that her mom keeps pushing the relationship (what a whopper). He reiterates his desire to separate their professional and private lives not due to Paloma as Teresa assumes, but because of her friendship with Luisa and also the ethical issue of their student/professor connection. Teresa assures him she understands perfectly and there will be no problems in the future.

Mariano tells Espe she can count on him with anything she needs. He knows her mother’s concerned. He’s got her back and she can trust him by telling him what’s bothering her. Espe confesses it’s very serious: she’s fallen in love with the wrong man. It’s very difficult but she explains that through her work, she met el licenciado and, gulp, he’s a married man and that’s why she left her job. Mariano tells her we all make mistakes and he doesn’t think less of her but to remember that this type of relationship hurts many people. Just then, her dad shows up. She begs Mariano not to say anything to her parents.

Ruben meets with Arturo telling him he’s planning on joining a Colegio de Notarios (Notary Association) and knows they’ll ask for references. Arturo agrees so long as Ruben remains on the up and up. Ruben: “Aren’t I always?” While he’s there, Ruben says he took his advice to heart and spoke to Espe. She asked him to end things until he’s able to get a divorce. Arturo perceives Ruben won’t divorce his wife. Ruben explains Mayra is his anchor, gives his life stability, happiness and the mother of his child. She’ll remain his wife for the rest of his life. There have been many years of marriage and he could never leave her but at the same time, he doesn’t plan on ending the relationship with Espe. She’s special and too important to him. He doesn’t want to lose her. (caramba, I thought Espe was in the clear). Arturo empathizes with him, saying an old love has reappeared. Although he was affected by her return, he is still consumed with resentment and doubt they can rekindle their relationship. Ruben asks what has he got to lose. Arturo confesses there is another young lady that preoccupies him (me inquieta) and unfortunately can’t have anything to do with her for many reasons and even tried to distance himself from her but in the end, wasn’t able to.

Teresa gives Juana the good news that everything is back to normal with Arturo and he even gave her back her cell. She says it’s all thanks to Mariano for going to speak with el licenceado. Beyond that she’s also analyzing what Arturo meant by saying their relationship has gone beyond (traspasado) the professional one to personal one. Juana observes that Teresa didn’t see it because those types of things are felt (se sienten) from within. She asks if Teresa will tell her parents the good news. Teresa feels they will only ask her to move back in and she prefers to stay with Juana for the time being. They plan on getting dressed up and go out for dinner to celebrate – Juana’s treat.

Armando is at the local store pleading with shopkeeper (Gemma) to lend him some money. We get the idea from Gemma he already owes her a lot of money 

Mariano arrives at med-school and runs into a fellow student, Magda, who says she’s in her seventh semester. She’s just arrived from Queretaro to continue her studies here. Competition for Teresa?

Teresa and dad are talking of Refugio’s gaffe with Arturo. Teresa thinks she did it on purpose so she’d lose her job with Arturo since she was never happy with that situation to begin with. Armando promises her that’s not the case and pleads with her to come home.

Espe thanks Hernan (he’s so cute), for his recommendation and confirms she’s working the night shift, which is ok by her as it allows her to check in on Pablito. He’s happy her problems are becoming fewer. She confides she’s thinking of dumping her novio. He agrees that’s best.

Refugio is praying to the virgencita to help her with Teresa. She’s still on her knees when Teresa walks in saying, “I hope you’ve learned your lesson and that you’ve realized all the problems you cause with your meddling!” (enredos) Refugio, still on her knees begs her forgiveness and pleads with her to return home. Teresa says oh, ok and tells her to stop humiliating herself and get off her knees. One should never humiliate oneself. Refugio agrees she made a mistake and promises not to meddle in her work. She hugs her and tells her she loves her. Teresa says she loves her too and then rolls her eyes.

Luisa tells Arturo she’s happy Teresa’s back at work. Luisa tells him of her visit with Teresa’s mom and she’s convinced Refugio isn’t in agreement with Teresa’s careers goals. She repeats what Teresa told her earlier: Refugio wishes Teresa had died in place of Rosita.

Teresa is gathering her things at Juana’s. She tells Juana that when she is successful, she will take her to live with her. Juana asks about Mariano and when they will reconcile. Teresa says she’s gonna make him suffer more and wait until he’s learned his lesson and no longer doubt her.

Meanwhile, Mariano and his new friend, Magda are coming out of class. She asks for his cell number, that is if his novia doesn’t mind. Mariano claims he has no novia. Magda asks him for a copy of some school work and offers to come to his place to pick them up.
Luisa asks Arturo about his feelings for Paloma. He says he prefers to maintain his distance from her.

Teresa comes back to Casa de la Barrera and runs into Luisa, thanking her profusely for helping her get her job back as she’s sure Luisa was the driving force in Arturo bringing her back. Luisa claims she had nothing to do with it. Teresa refuses to believe that and says that despite asking Luisa not to intercede, she did so anyway, demonstrating the good friend that she is (la buena amiga que eres).

Magda shows up at the vecindad looking for Mariano. Espe runs and tells Teresa about the güera con mini-falda looking for Mariano. Teresa acts like she doesn’t care but goes to check her out anyway. When she does she sees Mariano talking to Magda. (dun-dun-dun) She walks back into the courtyard and tells Espe she didn’t see her. Espy teases her about being jealous. Teresa says not so, Mariano can do whatever he wants, doesn’t matter to her. Espy tells her she saw Mariano at the hospital and he looked very sad. Then she suggests they go talk so she can tell her all about what’s going on with her novio, correction EX-novio, cuz she’s decided to follow Teresa’s advice. Before Teresa can respond, Mariano is walking in with Magda Mini-Falda. Teresa rushes off, telling Espy not to tell him she saw him. Mariano introduces Espe to Magda. Teresa is in her room saying Mariano better not be dating that woman (maldita estupida). She’s talking to him via her teddy-bear, squeezing the stuffing out of it saying she will not allow him to be with anyone else. Teresa has crazy eyes and I think instead of bunny soup, we’re gonna have teddy-bear soup on this TN.

Gemma the shopkeeper is asking Armandito if he’s sure he wants to return the money, it’s not due for another 2 weeks and besides she’s still gonna charge him interest (loan shark!). Armando objects and she reminds him that was their deal and suggests he keep the money, he might need it.

Magda is leaving, having retrieved the papers she came for and asks Mariano if he’s sure he doesn’t want to go out for a bite to eat. He declines, saying he has things to do. Mini-falda pecks him on the cheek, “later!” Mariano goes to speak with Teresa telling her he has information on some other universities she can attend. She explains there’s no need for that anymore as she’s back with el Profe. Mariano’s happy for her. She asks him if he has nothing else to say to her then tells him no te hagas, she knows he spoke with el Profe. He says it was the least he could do for the woman he love. He asks her if she still hates him. She doesn’t hate him only some of his actions. He says he can change those behaviors and begin making a list of the things he promises: don’t meddle with her work, don’t doubt el profe’s intentions, don’t be jealous. He can’t promise this last one because he loves her so much and he wants her only for him. She loves him too but he needs to fulfill the promises on his list. She doesn’t want anymore fits of jealousy (escenitas de celos= literally scenes of jealousy). He promises anything she wants and swears to be faithful because he could never love anyone else. Teresa asks, “Nunca?” “Nunca!” he promises. Refugio is happy they’re together and asks Mariano to stay for dinner. Mariano tells Teresa he hasn’t stopped thinking of her but Teresa points out that surely he has met a few chavas at school. He says he’s met many and in fact one came by to borrow some schoolwork, but she’s only a classmate nothing more, cuz she’s the only one for him. Awwww.

Espy tells Teresa that Mayra refuses to divorce Ruben and now she’s turned Aida against him. She did exactly what Teresa suggested, telling Ruben she wouldn’t see him again until he’s divorced. Teresa praises her efforts and says if he really cares for her, he will divorce his wife. Espe worries that if he doesn’t, what then? She doesn’t wanna lose him. She’ll die without him. “No one dies for love”, Teresa says. Espe tells Teresa of her earlier conversation with Mariano and when Mariano he her at the love nest. Teresa urges her to stand firm and end the relationship.

Mariano is back at Ruben’s office, telling him that he no longer needs his help in finding a university for his friend (Teresa). He also mentions he’s happy to see that Espe works for him. Ruben’s eyes light up, aha, “you know Espe?” Mariano explains they’re neighbors and they’re very close. Ruben: “so you’re the med-student who helped her?” Mariano digs in deeper, telling Ruben he holds her in high esteem and he’s got her back (respondo por ella)

Cute scene with Julio and Luisa in the park. He tells her he’d like to talk to Arturo about their relationship now that they’re novios. He thinks she’s sweet, delicate. They kiss. Awww

Ruben goes to see Espe at the hospital bearing a bouquet of roses, telling her he’s learned she wasn’t lying to him about a friend helping her with Pablito’s hospital care. He asks for her forgiveness. She’s having none of it and reminds him he is supposed to leave her alone as long as he’s married. “Now leave before my family sees us together, it’s useless to continue talking about this”

Teresa advises Arturo that her classes begin next week and she won’t be able to come all day but assures him she will continue to take work and will be his best student even though …. Arturo, leaning in closer: “even though what?” Teresa: “I’ll feel strange. Now that’ I’ve been working with you, I see you in a different light.” Arturo: “How do you see me differently.” They look searchingly into each other’s eyes. She stands up (Jaws music begins) and says she sees him now with much more respect, more admiration, that he’s the professor in every sense of the word. She says he expects so much from his students and this is fascinating but also a great challenge (reto). She doesn’t want to defraud him, doesn’t ever want to disappoint him. Luisa interrupts to let him know she’s home and that Julio would like to speak with him.

Luisa tells Teresa Julio would like to ask Arturo’s permission to date. Teresa says sighing it must be wonderful to have such a wonderful relationship, someone to care for you. Uh, remember Mariano?

Refugio and Armando are talking about Juana’s upcoming birthday and she’d like to make Juana her favorite pastel de nueses (nut cake--huh?) but the ingredients are too expensive. Armando pulls out his wallet and Refugio is surprised he has so much money and asks where he got so much? He explains it’s from a repair job. She’s dubious, but accepts his story. In comes Teresa telling him she’s gonna need more money for books and stuff. He reaches for his wallet.

The following morning, Teresa arrives at school. Aida, Paulo and their gang are there when she walks in. Aida starts in on her first thing, noting that she still has the “compu” that Paulo gave her years ago. She sarcastically congratulates Paulo on his many hours of charity work. She announces to the classroom full of people that Teresa is nothing more than a “arribista” (upstart), wannabe, muerta de hambre and who knows what she had to do get into this school. Everyone laughs. Teresa fights back saying, “Yes, I’m Teresa Chavez. Remember my name. Everything I need to be here is due to this (her brains) even without money or technology, I swear to you I will be the number 1 of this generation!” Take that hija de bigote!

Capitulo 20

Reprise: Teresa giving as good as she gets in the class room. She turns to Aida and tells her even with all the money in the world, she wouldn’t have what Teresa has. Aida lunges toward Teresa to grab her and Paulo holds her back. In walks the teach and everyone takes their seats. Teresa and Aida are giving each other if-looks-could-kill. This round goes to Tere.

Mariachi playing outside Juana’s apt. Cutberto is serenading her with las mañanitas and hands her a bouquet of roses, wishing her a very happy birthday and hugs her passionately. She begins to swoon then gathers herself - Whoa, cowboy, not so fast and frisky. “A usted no se le puede dar la mano, porque despues se quiere comer el pie.” (literally=One can’t give you a hand, without you taking a foot as well) He tells her he’d take her all right now (todita completita). She invites him in for hot chocolate and to his dismay, she clarifies she means all the mariachis as well.

Rubigote is asking his secretary Eva if she’s seen Mariano around lately. He asks her to hire someone else instead, using the excuse that since Mariano is a student, he needs to concentrate on his studies.

Aida is ticked off that Paulo didn’t come to her rescue during the confrontation with Teresa. He feels this would have only made matters worse. She asks what does he expect her to do, nothing? “No la soporto!” Paulo tries to reason with her, saying she can’t go the whole 4 years of college fighting with Teresa, so she needs to tone it down. Aida would like nothing more than to make every day a virtual hell for Teresa and for that she needs his help. Paolo is clearly getting frustrated, telling her to count him out “No me metes en pleitos de viejas” (don’t involve me in your catfights). She’s pouts that he doesn’t want to help her. He can’t figure her out. She’s unhappy if he’s near Teresa and also if he keeps his distance. Fine, she says, forget about la pobretona (the poor girl). Just then Teresa is leaving the classroom behind them. Aida quickly grabs Paolo in a liplock, trying to make sure Teresa sees them, which she doesn’t. Aida pulls away and leads him away from the scene.

Tere runs into Luisa who tells her Julio shares many of her classes. Tere tearfully tells of the humiliating scene that just took place with Aida telling everyone (a los cuatro vientos=to the four winds) she’s poor. This is what she’s had to endure her entire life, suffering at the hands of those more fortunate than she. Lu again offers her help, knowing Tere won’t hear of it. Tere knows she means well but declines the offer. They run into Julio who has come by to help Lu pick out a new car. As they leave, Tere tearfully observes Lu is just like everyone else here (at university). Luisa has everything, and I have nothing, nothing! Art has walked up behind her and tells her not to say that. Tere turns to look at him (and poof! no tears).

Art gives her the old pep talk. She shouldn’t say such things. She has intelligence and ability/talent (capacidad) with supportive parents. He starts to speak of his own feelings but catches himself and says there are many people who appreciate her, like Luisa and him. She agrees he has a point that she complains too much of her lack of material things though unfortunately she does need those things. Life has given her many wonderful things, such as meeting him and discovering how good he is. He smiles at her in all his hawtness! (sigh, I swoon) He tells her he only helps those who are worth the effort (a quien vale la pena). He sits back and eyes her appreciatively. She notices and he notes she’s dressed differently today making her look even younger. She tells him the same would happen to him if he changed his appearance. He’s always so serious with jacket and tie. “It’s because of the job”, he says. She observes he’s not much older than Luisa (apenas le llevas los anos a Luisa), he’s still young. She confesses at times it’s difficult to maintain a formal attitude with him, addressing him as Udsted. He says that’s how it is in keeping with social norms. “That’s what we agreed to,” says Teresa, “although we’d both like to do things in other fashion.” And with that, she excuses herself to go to class, leaving him deep in thought.

Juana’s apt – mariachis are leaving. Cutberto asks his Juanita-chulita out to eat so they can celebrate her birthday properly.

At med school, Mariano and fellow schoolmates Dario and Magda are talking school stuff. Dario suggests the four of them go out to dinner some time, the three of them plus Mariano’s gf. Magda’s impactada to learn that Mariano has reconciled with his gf.

Rubigote runs up to Espe outside the hospital, offering her a ride. Espe tries to brush him off, reminding him (again) of their agreement not to see each other. “No te hagas de rogar”, he tells her. He only wants to speak about Mariano, to make sure he won’t blab around the vecindad about their affair. Mariano’s not like that. He again offers to take her home, promising to drop her near her place, nothing else. She relents and goes with him.

Teresa shows up at her class with Art and sits in the front row, hiking up her skirt dangerously high. As other students walk in, Aida and Paolo among them, the guys all check her out. As Arturo begins to address the class, he checks out Teresa. She acts all innocent and pulls down her skirt. He regains his composure and begins anew. Teresa smiles at herself knowingly (victoriously?).

Rubigote and Espe in his car: now he’s trying to convince her to go with him to the love nest. He’s sure she’s missed him as much as he’s missed her. He needs her so much (me haces tanta falta). Espe: Yeah, yeah, that’s what you always say when you want to convince me to return. Rubigote places her hand on his chest: See how my heart beats for you, mi Chiquita? (oh brother, so smarmy) She almost gives in but quickly changes her mind – no no no – and gets out of the car. (woo-hoo!)

Meanwhile, back at class, Teresa is the only one in class who knows the answer to a question. As class is dispersing, Aida comes back for more with Paulo at her side. Teresa warns her to get out of her face or things will go bad for her. Aida: Like what. Teresa: What you least expect. See ya Paulo! And leaves. Paulo: See? Teresa knows everything. I don’t know what I would’ve done without her in la prepa. It’s gonna be tough getting through University without her help. Aida: That means we’ll have to spend a lot of time together to study, right bebé?

Tere runs into Art and asks him if he has time to run over to Rubigote’s (for something I didn’t catch). Art offers to take her to dinner and then have his chauffeur take her to Rubigote’s. Although she’d love to eat with him, this is not in keeping with their agreement for a formal relationship. Art explains he was thinking of eating at home along with Luisa. Teresa is embarrassed by her assumption and says she’ll eat at the cafeteria then run out to Rubigote’s on her own.

Cutberto and Juana are at a restaurant and Cutberto goes in for a stolen kiss and she kisses him back! But then she stops him: This is crazy! She accuses him of plying her with alcohol and then taking advantage. And furthermore, he needs to stop addressing her informally “tu”. He reminds her they’re waiting for them at the vecindad with birthday cake. She needs to fix herself up lest they see her in this condition. (ok, Juana needs to stop with the Doris Day act already—sheesh, have some fun)

Tere shows up at Rubigote’s home where Aida is immediately in attack mode. What the devil are you doing here! Ruben comes down the stairs and greets Teresa warmly, giving her a peck on the cheek. As he’s showing her to his office, Teresa gives Aida a snide look (ha-ha!), leaving Aida fuming. Tere thanks Ruben for agreeing to see her at his house since it’s on the way to el licenceado’s home. Ruben’s curious as to her formal attitude toward el licenciado whereas their (Teresa and Ruben) relationship is so informal. She explains the formality is due to her working for Arturo. She and Ruben don’t have such a relationship, allowing them to be more familiar with each other (con confianza) does he agree? Boy does he. He looks happier than a pig in…..well, you get the point. Ruben: I like the idea of us getting to know each other better. He dismisses the idea there’ll be a problem with Aida over this. She has no need to know if they were to have a closer relationship. (eeew) Teresa: You know we don’t get along and I wouldn’t want to cause you any problems. Rubigote: No hay problema, Teressssssa. (The Bronx Cobra has nothing on this guy!)

Mariano and Ramon on going over ideas to make more money. Mariano is thinking of putting in more hours in the evening and dad considering getting into the Taxi business. Mariano thinks this is a good idea especially with his lucrative work for Notario Caceres. (Guess he hasn’t heard the bad news yet). He tells Ramon it’s very important that Ruben’s business be seen to immediately.

Aida is lurking by Ruben’s office door as he escorts Teresa out. He gets a call on his cell and asks Aida to see her to the door, HA! Aida asks Tere what’s the big idea with her dad. Tere innocently: nothing, so long as you don’t make me mad. Then I don’t know how far it will go. Aida: Meaning what? Teresa: You say that people like me have no scruples. If you keep bothering me, my memory could fail and I could forget that he’s your father. Better yet, I may forget that he’s…….married! Aida: I wouldn’t put it past you to get involved with a married man but not my father. He loves my mother and would never be unfaithful especially with a muerta de hambre like you. Tere: There is no man that isn’t interested in me and your father is no exception. What men are looking for is one thing (she runs her hand up her body, ending at her head, meaning she has it all) while we (women) are only interested in what we can get. Aida: that’s why you were interested in Paulo. Teresa: Yes, but then I became aware there are men that are much better (as she glances at Rubigote’s office door). She turns to leave and Aida lunges at her and tears off some lace. Teresa, very calmly says there’s no doubt that money doesn’t buy proper behavior. Aida warns her off her dad. Teresa stays very calm and says there’s no need for such scenes. She isn’t going to lower herself to Aida’s level, warning her to remember that whatever Aida dishes out, she promises to repay 10 times worse. Then, she turns on her heel and leaves. Another round for Teresa.

Teresa arrives at Arturo’s house but before he sees her, she makes the tear on her blouse much more obvious. Jaws theme. She acts like she’s trying to hide it. She’s hurt by what Aida has told her. She feigns being so upset she reaches for him and falls into his arms. She explains Aida hates her because of her previous relationship with Paulo. Art gives her the ol’ pep talk about confronting people and not allow them to mistreat you. If she doesn’t confront Aida, he’ll have a talk with Ruben. She thanks him profusely, then is all embarrassed cuz her blouse is torn. Ay que vergüenza! She’ll see if Luisa is home so she might be able to borrow something from her. We have a close up of her chest and of course Arturo can’t help but look. He’s also embarrassed.

Aida is warning her dad that Tere is after him. She’s specializes in using men to her advantage. He assures her he loves her mother and only has eyes for her. Aida warns him he better not ever get involved with another woman, much less a woman of Teresa’s class. Maira walks in “what other woman?” Aida gets all carazy telling her it’s Teresa, Paolo’s ex. Ruben tries to laugh it off, asking how they could possibly think he’d be interested in another woman.

Cutberto and Juana are now back at her apt. Cutberto had to get Mariano to come get them cuz he had no money left after dinner and drinks. Juana is still trying to fend him off and he says to heck with chivalry, he can’t hold back any longer and plants a big one on the mouth.

Tere is texting with Aurora, updating her on the latest: Pablito’s condition, Mariano’s return to school and by the way, her house in Cuernavaca is muy especial for her (I’ll bet it is) Flashback of Tere and Mariano in Cuernavaca. She doesn’t mention this to Aurora, just says house reminds her of Aurora.

Mariano back at school telling Dario and Magda he missed their session in the morgue cuz he needed to help out a friend. Dario warns him not to be missing classes and that they will be reviewing the cause of death of the cadaver they studied earlier. Poor Mariano, he needs to learn to say no!

Paulo shows up at Arturo’s as Teresa is leaving, telling her he told Aida to stop fighting and that he’s not in agreement with Aida’s behavior. Aida doesn’t need to know he was there nor about the gift he has for her: a new laptop. He’s been thinking about her. She begins to refuse his gift. He reminds her she helped him so much in la prepa and he’s going to need help to get through college. She agrees to accept his gift in return for helping him in his studies.

Teresa goes by to visit Juana, showing her the new laptop. She asks if she should accept this gift from Paulo. Juana says absolutely not! Teresa agrees but she needs it for school and explained she had originally declined the gift but thought it would be ok if she accepted in exchange for helping Paulo with his schoolwork. She points out that even the flashdrive Mariano gave her doesn’t work on her old compu. Which brings her back to her only regret about him – he’s poor.

Aida is screeching at Paulo, going on and on about Teresa and what a gold digger she is and she’s after her dad etc, etc. Finally Paulo turns on her, “Basta!” The Teresa/Ruben thing isn’t gonna happen and it’s best that Aida not mess with her anymore or she’ll make things worse. When Aida accuses him of defending Teresa, he tells her it’s just that she spends her whole day harping on Teresa. She gets herself all worked up and ends up in a foul mood. Is this how she’s gonna be her whole life, or what? WHOA! That brings the Aida loca-motive to a screeching halt.

Back at Juanita/Whinita, everyone has gathered to celebrate her birthday. Cutberto is passing around drinks and she complains, as usual (ok she’s starting to get on my nerves) saying he’ll use any pretext as an excuse to drink. Al rato va decir que porque voló la mosca ay que brindar! (next you’ll say we need to drink a toast to the fly that flew). Instead, they all drink a toast to Mariano & Teresa, to their success and future nuptials. Cutberto sings a song he composed for Juanita (she doesn’t complain about this)

Next day at school, Paulo cautions Teresa not to go after Aida’s dad. Jaw theme Teresa: You think he’s the type of man who would offer me money to have me? Not all men are tan descarados (blatant) like you. Have you forgotten? You humiliated me in the worst way after you discovered we weren’t of the same social class. You, the man I loved so much. And now you’re telling me to be decent. Paulo: So are you interested in getting involved with Ruben? Teresa: Do you think I’d be interested in a man like him? He’s married and much older. Paulo: So you’re only doing it to bother Aida. Teresa: What do you think? If I didn’t accept your proposal to live with you out of wedlock…’re young, handsome (Paulo perks up at this), te quiero….pause….te quería. I don’t know why it still hurts me that you think ill of me. Paulo: uh, uh, me quieres? Teresa: oooh here comes Aida, I’d better leave. Ha-ha, she leaves him captive in her web of charm! Yet another victory for Teresa.

Mariano and Magda talk about school work. He learns that Dario, Magda and he are part of a team that must complete an assignment together.

Maira tells Geno about overhearing Aida warning Ruben against Teresa. She’s suspects they weren’t talking about Teresa, but another woman, maybe that Esperanza chica who called him in Paris. Maira can’t sit back and do nothing, she must do something.

Aida is telling her friend Ivonne of her argument with Paulo. They meet up with Teresa and insults start flying, including her clothes which are last season’s fashion. Aida: When will you learn que aunque la mona se viste de ceda jamás va ser como nosotros. (even though the monkey dresses in silk, it will never be like us) Teresa: You may have the latest fashions but you’ll never look as good as me. Aida: You may be pretty and smart but the best you can hope to be is an attorney without resources or connections. And who will be your clients, the other poor people from your vecindad? Teresa: You forget that I work for no other than el Licenciado de la Barrera. As opposed to Ivonne who will most likely end up working in her father’s office, or Aida who will end up working in her father's Notario.
Another victory!

Aida then turns to Arturo and tries to warn him against Teresa. Art could care less and tells Aida if she has a problem with Teresa, they need to resolve it themselves. “No me incumben” (don’t involve me) He’ll form his own opinions.

Geno and Maira – Geno asks what Maira will do if she finds Ruben is indeed cheating on her. After 25 years of marriage is she really prepared to give it all up? Look at all their divorced friends who tried to reinvent themselves and ended up “en el mismo infierno pero con diferente diablo” (the same hell but a different devil)

Mariano sees Teresa at the vecindad and notices the new compu. She tells him it was given to her at work. Mariano gets upset. Another gift from el profe? Answer me! Mariano has forgotten his promise not to be jealous and Mama walks up just as the argument is beginning.


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