Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Llena de Amor #172 (Mex. 206) Tue 4/19/11 Put on the fat suit and sing; this opera's over

Episode 206, scenes consolidated for convenience.
Oh capitán, mi capitán
Construction site: Captain Jose Maria Sevilla lies on a gurney, his loved ones, hangers on, and hapless police gathered around. Emanuel clings to him and cries, “Don’t leave me, mi capitán!...papá!” JMS dies. Emiliano thanks him for what he’s done for their son.
A shotgun wedding, in reverse
La Mala Noche: Fedra and Lorenzo exit the building in their wedding finery. Well, Fedra’s not entirely in hers; her dress has lost ambition and is on the verge of settling for being a skirt. Mauricio has Low at gunpoint, marching him away from his bride. Low tries to tell Mau he’ll pay for raping Ilitia, but Mau says Low will have to collect in another life. He forces Low to get in the car and they drive away. Left behind, Fedra calls her thug Torres. Torres reports that he has Mau thinking he’s in charge. Anyway, Torres has Ilitia and Mayela. He hands over the phone so Fed can tell Ilitia she’s going to die for telling the truth about the baby.
Marianela’s getting her scripts out of last month’s recycling
Mansión Maldad: Seriously, Mari, would you catch up? She’s thrilled to know that Emanuel is her baby’s daddy. She wants Doris to help her dress up as old chubster Mari again so she can unmask for Eman! {That is going to be one sexy strip show, for sure. Just ask Jorge.} Won’t he be SO surprised?! Two thugs watch them go into the house.
Later, Mari is in her bedroom, all plumped up and ready to go. Jorge is pithed that while he was in Madrid getting their fake marriage papers, she kept herself busy getting busy with El Lirio de Plata. What kind of sham marriage is this?! Mari tears up the papers and tells him that El Lirio is Emanuel.
Meanwhile, down at the station…
Out on the steps: Emanuel wants to surrender. He says this loudly several times with multiple guards within mere steps, but the Telenovela Sound Shield Force Field is in effect and they don’t hear him. Emiliano and Netty try to stop him. Netty urges him to go talk with Marianela first.
Interrogation room: Brandon demands answers from Bad Cop. Bad Cop tells him that Fonseca is taking over Low’s business and plans to kill Brandon and El Lirio. Malicio has also hired Geraldo Torres as his right hand man. Brandon is stunned. Geraldo Torres? The helicopter mechanic he’s been searching for, for years? Bad Cop gives Brandon Torres’s address and, rather burying the lede, mentions that Ilitia was kidnapped.
Outside: Paula, Max, and Nereida get out of a cab. Delicia, still in the taxi, takes off to find Axel. Nereida’s reluctant to get involved with the police, as she’s afraid Fedra will kill her, but Max’s more immediate threats convince her to run the risk.
Tejeda’s office: Netty tries to reassure Emiliano that Eman won’t surrender after he talks to Mari. Emil thinks he’ll be furious about the deceit, but Netty thinks the baby news will soften the blow. Gretel and Oliver come in with Whatsername, Carlota’s maid. She’s given testimony that Fedra was in Madrid when Carlota died, but worries that it won’t do any good since she doesn’t have proof it was murder. Netty says she hopes other people *ahemGretelahem* will tell what they know, too. Gretel finally tells Emiliano that she saw Fedra kill Luis Felipe.
Emiliano cries with Gretel, feeling terrible that he had no idea and didn’t know how to help her. He’s saying he’d do anything for her to have a good, loving mother just as Paula and Max walk in. Paula confesses that they are Gretel’s actual factual parents.
Emiliano is stunned to find out that Gretel isn’t his biological child…and neither is Eman…or Kristel… He asks Max why he’s kept this quiet. Max tells him they didn’t want to hurt him; all the kids love him and he will always be their dad. Gretel says she’s lucky to have two loving fathers {who did nothing to save her from Fedra all these years, but I guess we’ll let bygones be bygones}. She hugs them both. Everyone cries and Netty remarks that it seems Axel is Emil’s only biokid.
Nereida tells Tejeda and the others that Fedra blamed Bernardo for her paralysis and killed him. She hands over an envelope Bernardo instructed her to deliver in the event of his demise. It’s the phone with the video of Pantoja’s murder.
Mau’s driving Low crazy, or vice versa
Country road: Mau’s backseat driving. Well, backseat aiming the gun. Low’s operating the vehicle whilst Mau taunts him with imaginary details of his hot ‘n’ heavy relationship with Low’s slutty princesa Ilitia. Low’s furious and the car swerves all over, then tumbles over a bank. Mau and Low are blacked out and bloody.

Eventually, Low staggers out of the car. Mau chokes and moans for help. Low graciously hauls him out onto the ground, then fetches the firearm. Mau begs for mercy. Low aims, well, low, and tells Mau he’ll never hurt another woman again, never ever. A bala to the balls seals the deal.

Later, so much later it’s dark. Mau gets loaded into an ambulance and whines to Brandon that Low castrated him. Oh, nuts. Brandon’s like, “good, that saves me the trouble of gelding the Lirio’s archnemesis myself.”
Poll: does Marianela have inner beauty?
Mansion living room: Tipsy Kristel raids the bar and hollers for her personal assistant Nereida. Mari strolls in and asks why she has an assistant; is she modeling now? Nope, Kristel gives a little demonstration of her current employment, a glam job Mari could obvio never do with her fat rolls; the guys would be grossed out. Mari smiles that dudes love her even with the fat, like Emanuel and Brandon, por ejemplo. Kristel is baffled and can’t figure out how Mari also managed to snag such a bonbon husband. Inner beauty; it matters more and lasts longer than outer beauty, Mari says. She strolls off smugly.
Mr. Bonbon comes down the stairs, and she-wolf Kristel thought-bubbles that she’s going to steal him away from the elephant the same way she stole Lowrenzo from mommy. “Oh, George! George of the Jungle!” she coos.
Outside the house: Mari waits for Eman. The thugs grab her and hide behind the bushes when Eman rides up and calls for her.
Inside: Jorge tells Emanuel that Mari was waiting for him in the garden and he doesn’t know where she is. He knows she was desperate to talk to him, though, since she now knows he’s El Lirio. (Kristel: Whaaaaaaat?!) Eman says aha, but she doesn’t know that he knows that Mari and Vicky are the same person! (Kristel: totally blown out of her drunken mind.)

Jorge finally concedes the race and tells Eman Mari has even more big news for him and is probably at Netty’s. They hug and Eman runs off to his doom. Er, I mean destiny.
Kristel slurs to Jorge that she has an alter ego herself, “y mi other self es La Loba!” She slinks around…wolfishly. “Qué the heck?” Jorge asks. Kristel invites him to come and find out. Auooooooo!
I still don’t like you, Axel
La Mala Noche: Axhole is tied up and struggling in a dressing room. Delicia heads in, sneaks past the pirate, discovers her execrable ex, and unties him. Fedra walks in as they’re trying to escape.
Damsels in distress
Torre Torres: The thugs drag Mari into the apartment where Ilitia and Mayela are tied to chairs and gagged. Torres and Mari clarify that he killed her ma, then she gets tied up, too. Torres says it’ll be fun to blow her up, too. He connects a wire.

When he’s got them all rigged up, Torres tells the ladies they’d better hold still, or KABOOM!, it’s all over. He grabs his bag of money and heads out, but is shot the second he opens the door. Low checks that he’s out and goes to untie the ladies, but they scream at him to stop. They explain about the bomb and Ilitia says to call Brandon. Low says he’s dead. Mari says no; he was shot but had his bulletproof jacket on and is fine.
Low rifles Torres’s pockets for a phone and calls Brandon. “Oh, you’re already on your way? Hurry!” Then Low’s gotta run before the police catch him. “Don’t worry, princesa, Brandon will take good care of you! Good luck with the bomb and all; Daddy loves you, bye-bye!”
Some junior high humor
Pensión: Gretel and Oliver make out passionately on the sofa. Eman creeps up and interrupts. Oli clutches a pillow on his lap and tries to look nonchalant. Eman snatches the pillow. They don’t know where Mari is, but they do know the police are trying to catch Juana Felipa, and she’s holed up in La Mala Noche. Eman is surprised.

The hips don’t lie: they say Kristel is loca, loca, loca
La Mala Noche: Whore-hay’s got a front row seat for the show. La Loba shimmies onto the stage, wearing a spangled head scarf and not much else. Well, a flesh-toned sparkly leotard which gives the impression of not much else, but is actually more than she normally wears. The crowd eats it up. La Loba shakes it like Shakira, Arabian-nights style. Jorge’s way into it.

Backstage, Fedra tells the pirate if Delicia and Axel give him any trouble, off with their heads. Wait. What is all that noise? Pirate says the crowd is loving the new dancer, La Loba.
Onstage, Jorny’s moony and La Loba’s howling and writhing. Fedra snags a whole bottle of booze from the bar and sticks a straw in. Graciously accepting her wolf whistles, Kristel whips off her head scarf, and Fedra drops the bottle. Kristel crawls over to Jorge and plants a big smackeroo on his lips. Fedra hauls her off and slaps her.
Back in the dressing room, Fedra’s furious and Kristel says she’s just jealous. “They all love me, and, cómo te explico, you’re NOBODY!” La Reina won’t have it. No one will take her throne! Kristel just mocks her; she’s fishwrap now; everybody’s tired of her geriatric gyrations. La Loba is the new wild game in town! And none of this pretending to be a caring mommy crap; Fedra hasn’t got a leg to stand on, with or without her miracle recovery, and Kris will do whatever and whomever she pleases, including Whore-hay. Jorge pipes up to suggest Kristel needn’t turn completely into a ho like her mama, which gets him a good hard slap from Fed.
A moving scene. Actually, DON’T MOVE!
Torres Torre de Terror: Our damsels are still in distress, waiting for their knight in shining six-pack to arrive. Ilitia cries that she doesn’t want to die, or for her baby to die either. Mari laments that she’ll never even get to tell Eman that they’re expecting a baby. “QUÉ?!” shrieks Ilitia. Mayela hisses at them not to move. Ilitia says she’s really happy for them and she’s sorry about all the terrible stuff she did. Mari says she’s happy for Brandon and Ilitia, too. They agree that if they get out alive, they’ll have a baby shower together. “But let’s not invite Vicky, okay? She’s the WORST,” says Ilitia. “She’s after all the men!” Mari says she needs to apologize, too, because she’s Vicky. “QUÉ?!” (DON’T MOVE!, says Mayela.)
Brandon finally arrives and gets the rundown of the situation. He assures them he knows how to disarm a bomb, so obviously everything will be fine.
We discover he may have been overstating the case just a bit. He’s not quite sure which wire to cut. {You know, if I were a villain rigging people up to a bomb, I’d mix up the wire colors so my plan couldn’t be foiled by anyone with the instructions out of the Acme Bomb Kit.} Mari just wants him to hurry, so she can run tell Eman she’s pregnant. Analytics were never her strong suit. She’s sure she’s having a girl, so cut the red wire. Well, Ilitia thinks hers is a boy, so cut the blue wire. I hope both these ladies hire competent nannies. Mayela keeps hissing at everyone to not move, and settles it by demanding he cut the yellow wire. Brandon cuts yellow, and the bomb is disarmed. Cheers.
La Reina is unmasked
Outside LMN: Eman arrives just as Jorge and Kristel are leaving, the latter still in her stage outfit. Jorge gallantly tries to cover her with his jacket and Eman asks QTH she’s up to. Just following in mami’s slutty footsteps. Qué? Kristel tells him to go in and ask for La Reina.
Dressing room: Fedra decides she’s going to give the performance of her life and prove she’s the best.
Mainstage: Eman sits at the bar and La Reina swaggers out for her adoring public. The usual ensues. Eman is stunned. He slugs down another shot, jumps onstage, and rips her mask off. “Mom! How could you?” She wants to explain backstage, but Eman says he already knows everything there is to know, and the lechers are waiting for their show. Fedra starts her usual pouty baby act, but he tells her to stop playing the victim. Same old cantaleta… “I did it all for you!” “I didn’t need it! I just needed a real mother, not lies!” Fedra clutches his leg like a toddler and cries and Tejeda comes in to arrest her.
Axel’s starved for something Delicious
LMN dressing room: Axhole and Dee can’t get out. He says he’ll protect her. From what, not sure; peace and happiness, maybe. Hugs, kisses, he says he was so upset he couldn’t eat when he was away from her (Boo hoo. Seriously, a perdoname and a few missed meals and it’s all good? What the heck ever, writers). Delicia doesn’t want grand heroics, she just wants respect. She’s looking in the wrong place, but when Axel kneels and asks her to marry him again, she accepts.
In sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty, until death separates them. Delicia

thinks that will happen as soon as Fedra walks in. The police burst in instead.
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lyin’ sleep tonight
Kristel’s bedroom: George of the Jungle and La Loba do it like they do on the Discovery Channel. He wonders why he wasted so much time trying to crack tough nut Marianela when this supereasy nutcase was right here.

Later, Kristel wakes up and hopes this one won’t use her and lose her. There’s a knock at the door. Jorge jumps up and scrambles for his clothes. {Honestly, with everything else that’s going on, do they really think anyone would care about this?} Outside, Lowrenzo gets out the trusty ladder and heads over to Kristel’s balcony. Inside, Jorge’s more or less dressed and he wonders where to hide. Kristel boredly points out the usual evacuation route. She should just get one of those green and white arrow signs. Jorge dives headfirst off the balcony and lands on the grass. “Ouch,” Low says from the ladder. “What the heck? Why do all my bedmates walk the plank?” Kristel wonders.
Netty and Emil are rubber, Fedra is glue
Jail: Fedra stews in her cell and wonders why Low hasn’t come to save her. Emil and Netty drop by for a social call. Fedra’s still in her gettin’ down getup and Netty mocks her for having made fun of Netty’s honest acting career. Fedra gamely tries to insult her back, but Netty’s above it all. She’ll be wearing a pretty dress and marrying Emiliano in a beautiful church while Fed’s stuck here, too bad. Fedra reaches for her last ammunition: So Emil thought he had four kids? Then three? Wait, only two? Well, ha! Axel is really Lowrenzo’s spawn, too. Fedra’s really disappointed when Emiliano doesn’t even react to that.
Who wants a fresa tart?
Out on the lawn: Kristel babbles to Max that she’s shocked, just megashocked, that Mami is a serial killer! But even worse, she’s a Perez! A commoner! Max is worried that Kris will take after her and wants to lock her up in a convent, which is hilarious to imagine. Kristel says not to worry; she’s met her dream man! Max is skeptical. Really for real! He’s a publicist! He can make her a super Top Model! Max mutters something I can’t make out about military smarts and losing the war. Max leaves and Low shows up to yell at Kristel about last night’s bed buddy. He tries to kiss her. She resists. Jorge runs up to defend her but is easily pinged off and left unconscious on the grass by a sideswipe of Low’s gun. Lowrenzo drags Kristel away.
Don’t try to be a hero
Police station: El Lirio de Plata walks into Brandon’s office and unmasks. Brandon acts like it’s a joke. “No, I’m really the Lirio de Plata. You know it’s me.” “The case is closed. The Lirio de Plata is dead.” “No, it’s really me. I’m the superhero!” “Nice try. No.” “Come on, arrest me! I want to pay for my crimes!” “You can’t go to jail! Marianela and your child need you!” Eventually that sinks in and Emanuel and Brandon hug and jump around.
Hail Mari, full of grease
Jail: Marianela visits. Fedra and her nekkid haunches are mad that she isn’t dead yet. Mari tells her she’s out for justice for her parents’ deaths. “Damn you.” “No, damn you. Ah, well, you’ll rot in here on your way to Hades.” Mari starts to strip off her disguise and says the difference between them is that she pretended to be someone else to seek justice, and Fedra did it to destroy. “What’s the difference between vengeance and justice?” Fedra asks. She knocks Mari out and looks crafty.
A change of guard in the jail corridor lets Fedra sneak out, disguised as fat Mari and scratching her fat suit heinie.
Brandon and Oliver find Mari unconscious in Fedra’s cell. She’s escaped! Again!
Not a great engagement party
Pensión: Gladiola admires Doris’s engagement ring and is happy for her and Andre. Andre promises he’ll take good care of her and himself and they’ll be happy and grow old together. They get off to a bad start when Fedra sneaks up behind them and smashes a glass over Andre’s head.

Fedra ties Andre and Gladiola up and forces Doris to help her with the disguise. Then she ties up Doris, too.
Fedra preps a syringe. Emanuel rushes in, looking for Marianela. He’s shocked to find Fedra’s face in Old Mari’s form. She injects and he’s out. Fedra snuggles her baby and settles him into bed. She crazies that they’ll leave and be happy together.
Mari tries to wake Emanuel and is confronted by herself, with a new scary Fedra face.
Grab the kid, THEN do the sisterly solidarity thing
Dollhouse: Muñeca thanks Mayela for saving Ilitia. Ilitia says she has two great moms. Lowrenzo marches in to fetch Cristián. {This guy is all over town at his usual haunts; why haven’t the police caught up to him?} Muñeca protests. Low hits her hard and aims his gun at Mayela. Ilitia says he’ll have to shoot her, too. Muñeca joins them. Low decides not to shoot any of them, but he leaves with Cristián.
Rehash and reset
Police station: Netty, Emil, and Gretel are irate that Fedra has escaped. Oliver tells them that Brandon has rushed to the dollhouse because Low took Cristián. Jorge reports that he kidnapped Kristel, too. Emil and Netty wonder where Eman and Mari are.
The heck with this drama, let’s head to a five-star resort in Cancún
Cancún, Fedra’s fancy new resort: Emanuel wakes up in a beach chair next to Fedra’s, under a palapa.
Elsewhere in the resort, Mari is chained up in a bamboo hut. Low brings her a dress and makeup and tells her to fix herself up all purty. Believe it or not, he’s there to help her, he claims. He promises to get Eman out. Then he creepily tries to watch Mari change her clothes.
Fedra gives Emanuel the grand tour. He’s not terribly impressed with what she’s done with the stolen money. He wants to know where Mari is. Fedra says if he’s a good boy he’ll see her soon.
Mari’s dressed in a white gown, and has even gone to the trouble of doing something elaborate with her hair. Low creepily smarms about his awesome seduction skills. Mari tells him he’s gross.
Fedra and Eman ride in a flower-bedecked boat through the canal. Eman says he’s going to put her back in jail. Fedra tries to warn him off Marianela—she deceived him, after all! Eman says he understands why she did; after all, he did the same thing. Fedra still can’t understand the difference between herself and the others who wear disguises. Aren’t they all liars?
Low walks Mari through the resort at gunpoint. They argue. He sniffs her. (?! Again with the sniffing!) He’s oozing into Rapey Snake mode. Mari cringes and begs him to take her to Emanuel. Low says Mari is going to pay for all the harm she’s done them.

Emanuel kvetches to Fedra that Jose Maria Sevilla spent most of his life in prison, and it’s her fault. Fedra thinks he deserved it since he doubted that she was expecting his child. “Well….can you really blame him? You were a whore. I’d have doubted it, too.”

Emanuel finds Mari in some candle-filled crypt kind of place, unconscious. Fedra says Low poisoned her and she’s dying. Fedra wants Eman to renounce Mari so mommy and son can go away and be happy together. Emanuel holds Marianela and cries and tells Fedra she’s killing his child, too.

Miraculously, this brain-dead bunch figured out where to go
Resort lobby: The rest of the clan arrives, Delicia and Axhole looking unfortunately cozy. They split up into search parties to look for Eman, Mari, Kristel, and Cristián.
She isn’t completely dead; she’s only mostly dead
Terrace by the water: Eman carries Mari to a lounge chair and begs Fedra for the antidote. Fedra says only if he leaves with mama and gives up Mari. Emanuel agrees. Fedra hands over a bottle from her cleavage. Mari wakes up behind them. Fedra tells Eman she wants him to kill Lowrenzo, and then they’ll have all the money for themselves. “Not if I kill you first!” Low yells, and shoots Eman in the back. Eman falls into the water. Low grabs Fedra by the hair and yells at her for trying to have Ilitia offed.
Cero stress, okay?
Pool: The search parties meet up again. They haven’t found anyone. Cristián runs along the edge of the pool and Ilitia nags him about water safety…wait! “Cristián! You’re safe!” Then they see Kristel in a nearby deck chair, chilleando without a care in the world. She reluctantly disrupts her relaxation to report that it’s all cool; she couldn’t remember anyone’s phone number to call, but she’s so smart she had a plan. She just acted like she was excited to be with Lowrenzo so he’d relax, thus buying time for the rescue team to arrive. Worked brilliantly, see? Now, where’s big brother?
Our unsinkable superhero
In the water: Remember way back at the beginning, when Emanuel fetched the silver lily off the bottom of the pool? Well, this time it’s Mari’s turn to haul El Lirio out of the water. She flips him over and he wakes up and chokes. Commence the kissing. Eman admits he’s known for some time that Mari and Vicky are one and the same. Mari assures him that Low just hit her, he didn’t poison her, and since she had no brain cells to lose, she and the baby are status quo. {How many times did she get knocked out in this episode alone? Four?} Smoochy smooch.

Fedra always said she was hot stuff, and Lowrenzo just wanted a shot
Night on the beach: Fedra is tied to a stake and Lowrenzo pours gasoline around her. Brandon and Oliver show up with guns. Low points his gun back at them with one hand and toys with a lighter with the other. He tells Fedra this is payback for letting him have an affair with his own daughter. {Wait—so he still thinks Kristel is his daughter, and he just tried to make out with her when he kidnapped her?!} Fedra whines that she was just trying to bug him. Kristel is Emiliano’s daughter. Low says in that case, he’s keeping all the money AND the love of his life, Fedra’s baby girl. Fedra howls. Low drops the lighter. Brandon and Oliver shoot Low. Fedra’s dreams go up in flames along with the rest of her. Brandon and Oliver stand by helplessly, not that they try at all to help.

Grief and relief
Resort path: Mari and Eman trudge along. Mari’s desperate to escape and get Eman some medical help, but he wants to find Fedra. She’s his mother, after all, even if she’s done mil ocho mil bad things. Netty and Emiliano find them. No one shares Emanuel’s urgency to help Fedra. The rest of the crew joins them. Brandon and Oliver pull Emiliano aside and tell him that Fedra and Low are dead, and he should get the kids away so they don’t see the grim scene. Oliver tells Emil that Fedra confessed that Kristel is his biological daughter. Emil breaks the news of Fedra’s death to Emanuel. Cue the mourning violins.
Happily ever after, more or less
Montage of the future:
Kristel poses in beachwear and Jorny takes pictures of her ~ they marry ~ Kristel gets her top model career and appears on magazine covers ~ including the cover of TV y Novelas with a “Scandal!” headline, oopsie; seems she was cavorting with another man ~ a newspaper divorce announcement.
Delicia and Axel make out on the beach ~ Delicia graduates from school ~ they have a child ~ Axel plays with a band (presumably the cheering crowd is wearing earplugs) ~ yet he’s winning awards ~ Delicia and Licenciado Pacheco are partners in a fancy-looking law firm ~ Nereida is their maid.
Oliver and Gretel marry ~ they have a child ~ Oliver graduates from university ~ Gretel works as a news anchor.
It’s Christmas at the big house ~ Emiliano, Netty, Paula, and Max celebrate with Gretel and Oliver and their two little girls.
Brandon and Ilitia marry ~ they have five kids in rapid succession.
Netty and Emiliano marry.
Snapshots of Kristel’s weddings numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Emanuel and Mari marry ~ he dresses as Fat!Mari and she wears the Lirio costume ~ everyone’s freakeando in a clichéd TV way when their baby is born.
There’s a party for the launch of the Eva Pavón Foundation against childhood obesity. The gang’s all there. This is apparently where Kristel and Jorge fight and he throws down his wedding ring.
The whole family gathers on the mansion lawn for a picture with all the kids (Doris and Andre have a dog instead).


Whew. These double episodes were exhausting. Thanks for making this wild ride so much fun, everyone. Now, does anyone know of a great five-star resort where I can recuperate?

Oh goodie, the rapey snake was permanently disarmed, just what we were hoping for. Julia, great analysis..."a bala to the balls" and "Oh, nuts" had me howling. I must say the event was delightfully graphic.

Kristel was a hoot as usual, but also as usual Oliver stole the show. Grabbing the pillow to cover his ardor? Too damn funny! And Eman snatching it away? Even funnier. Is that stuff scripted or ad libbed I wonder?

"Acme bomb kit", another Julia original and it goes perfectly with our anvil motif.

Julia, your themes are awesome. My favorite is the "In the jungle...the lyin' sleep tonight" one. Gosh I like how your mind works. How do you think up all those witty wisecracks?

I've got to give Fedra big cred for her disguise and escape. Having her dress up as Mari was brilliant and macabre. I'm sure it was an Azela original to scratch her fat suit heinie, too. That totally cracked me up.

I don't know why I am constantly amazed by our bumbling cops. I couldn't believe they just stood there while Lowrenzo waved his lighter around waiting for him to ignite Fedra. Well, I suppose it was convenient for them if she went up in flames.

Did our villains receive appropriate justice for their crimes?
1) Bernardo shot himself which was an interesting and novel way for him to meet his end. As usual he was extremely accommodating as regards Fedra.
2) The rapey snake was castrated, very satisfactory indeed. He will be in jail for a long time I imagine, although I would feel slightly more comfortable if he were out of the picture entirely.
3) Fedra - death by fire. Considering that she made life a living hell for so many it seems an appropriate end.
4) Lowrenzo - just shot? That's it? He got off easy. At least all the women in his life rejected him which probably counts for something.

Well, I predicted (jokingly) up to 8 weddings it looks like there were 9. Who knew Kristel would get married 4 times? I don't know why but I got the feeling that Jorrid showing up at the Foundation was after her other marriages. Maybe it was all those babies. So I was thinking that they are doomed to a life of not being able to live with or without each other. They both deserve such a fate.

With all the stupid edited from the past few weeks I thought the ending would be ridiculous. OK OK, in some ways it was, but it was also kind of fun. I like the idea of the postcards at the end showing how everyone ended up. I also like that the finale was at Quintana Roo only because I thought it looked beautiful. Fedra started out in the sand and she ended up in the sand. It felt right.

Axhole and Delicia - no comment. There is always one reconciliation that is extremely stupid and unpopular. They are it.

Julia, thank you for being such a superb recap teammate. I always looked forward to your extremely original point of view on the character and plot antics. You have a great talent for drilling down to the essence of the silliness at hand and then distilling it to a great one-liner. Your finale is a perfect example of this. So is your comment by the way. Five-star resort indeed! And I suppose you would like to roast weenies by the bonfire?

You're right, these double headers were exhausting. Thanks to everyone for hanging in there and dealing with Looneyvision's wretched programming. Uni may have thrown in the towel but Caray Caray? Never!

Awww, Julia, this is awesomely funny and so perfect for a grand finale (er, gran final)! Thanks and what a great way to get back into reading the recaps! You and Maggie outdid yourselves this final part-week! I can't read it all until tomorrow or the next day, but I have read enough to be howling with laughter and it's 10:00 Hawaii time, so hubby is snarling that it's time for B.E.D. now. (His exact words: "you're going to be up for at least another hour, aren't you??") It wasn't a question demanding an answer, it was totally rhetorical. ;-) I cannot wait to read the references Sylvia cited....

There are several five-stars within a mile of here I would be delighted to recommend. You deserve a break today. Thanks again!


Jeanne, so glad to hear you are enjoying the loveliness of the islands. Yikes, 10:00 island time means it's way too late here. I agree, it's time for B.E.D. now!

:( So we are at an end. Julia your recap was the perfect way to end our journey. I say you and all our recappers deserve a little trip to a 5-star resort, courtesy of Univision. In fact Fedra's place looked like it wasn't fully occupied!

The usual suspects met their demise, but have to say Fedra burning at the stake was rather gruesome, though figured fire would be involved somehow. (When will Brandon and Oliver learn to actually shoot those guns?)

Fitting that Emi became the grand patriarch of all the brood after all. The mini baby-boom was almost hysterical to watch as it unfolded at the end. (And didn't Ilitia still look so stunning - HAHA)

And perfection they left Kristel a force all her own until the very end.Give this actress some new role to sink her teeth into.

So as we say goodbye to the little make believe Ruiz clan and friends, once again, thanks to all our recappers and commentors. This has been great fun on this forum!

Brillant title Julia. Like all of your recaps, your razor sharp wit was evident throughout: "...Low castrated him. Oh nuts", "shakes it like Shakira", "geriatric gyrations" and "usual haunts" were perfect.

Your slide show (and captions) were amazing. You did masterful justice to the finale...

Sylvia, I also thought Low got off much too easily. He deserved a fate at least as terrible as Fedra. I do have a question. I thought that only Brandon shot at Low. My thought was they wouldn't have Brandon kill his future father in law, but maybe I'm wrong.

Univision butchered this so thank you for filling in all of the details. Jorrible looked like he was trying to keep a straight face in all his scenes with Kristal - it looked like he smiled several times and simply gave up, looking away. I don't blame him. Kristel was on fire last night (sorry Fedra).

I loved the postcards, especially the ones of Ilitia and Brandon. I loved him bounding down the hill behind the house with the kids. Also enjoyed the cut-out of Marianela that graced the lawn.

To all the recappers, thank you for bringing this so vividly to life for us these past few months. Your zest for what you do is evident at every turn and greatly appreciated. The commenters also alwasys had such interesting things to say. It's been a wonderful ride!


You really pulled out all the stops for this one, Julia. Bold headings (like Sylvia, loved "the lyin' sleep tonight, and also Hips Don't Lie/Shakira)plus pics galore.

Tons of great lines. These are only a sample:
"her dress has lost ambition" (what a great way to describe that sagging strapless!)
Mansión Maldad
"actual factual"
"Low aims, well low..."
"bala to the balls"
"Oh, nuts"
"execrable ex"
"I hope both these ladies hire competent nannies" (yes, that discussion on which wire to cut was sooooo stupid)
"Hail Mari, full of grease" (hmmmm, I think this might be worse, blasphemy-wise, than Carlos' "San Antonio bendito action figure". Go and sin no more, lady!)
"presumably cheering crowd wearing earplugs" (yes, hard to believe Axel is making it as a musician)

Things that bothered me...about the show, not the recap!
Castrating a man doesn't protect any woman from rape. Mauricio, if he got out, could still abuse women with objects and no doubt would.
Marianela, claiming inner beauty won all her galans is perhaps the funniest line of the show. As you noted Emanuels "destiny" is more like "doom".
Mari just sat around like a doofus, staring at the water for some time, before finally going in to save Emanuel. He definitely could have drowned by that meditational period.
Brandon and Oliver standing around while Low waved the lighter. Also stupid.
Fedra's punishment was grisly and gruesome and is in line with harsher punishments for female sinners than for males in these shows. That always bothers me.

Things I liked. Fedra's dress in the finale. Lovely. Too bad it had to burn. And the setting. Very nice.
The snapshot pics of everybody's future. Don't know how Brandon's feeding that passel of kids on a policeman's salary but maybe Muñeca is helping out.
The multiple marriages of Kristel--cute touch.
Oh, and did anybody else think Fedra looked like Carol Burnett in her Marianela bangs and glasses?

Final Crankypants gripe: Univision could throw in an extra 7 pm gala buildup hour to the Eva Luna finale but continued to compress and crunch ours to an unintelligible mess. If you just watched the TV version it really didn't make sense. Bah Humbug on this station and all its minions!

Others have already mentioned your many lines that had me giggling. I just love your sharp and wicked sense of humor. You were the perfect person to recap this finale. Many thanks to you and all of our other wonderful recappers for not only taking the time to track down the complete episodes, but to also give them the full and funny recaps that they deserved. This was truly a dream team of recappers, and I am sad that so many of you are hanging up your pen (er, keyboard). I’m looking forward to reading recap from you on upcoming novelas, Julia.

As for the finale. I loved those snap shots at the end. The many marriages of Kristel was a hoot. As was the MANY children of Ilitia and Brandon. I thought it would have been Gretel and Oli playing dress-up for fun, but it turned out to be Mari and Eman. Fat suits and leather masked outfits. Kinky. I’m going to take Mari’s slow response to fishing Eman out of the water as an after effect of being conked on the head. I loved Fedra’s dress- the white and blue one; not the one that lost ambition at the wedding. Kristel was true to Kristel till the end. I’m glad they didn’t redeem her. Her perfectly logical explanation for chilling out and going with the flow while she waited to be “rescued” was hilarious. Little Cristian mellowed quite a bit by the end of this. Maybe he adopted the same chill out and go with the flow attitude as Kristel. He seemed to be enjoying himself by the pool. I love that Nereida continued to be Dee’s maid. Well, at least she established that she had no familial connection to that OTHER Perez, Juana Felipa.

All the ladies looked lovely in their wedding dresses I thought. Here are pics of the couples at their wedding:

great recap of a great episode.
i totally agree with judyb about unvision's craziness. the eva lunacy and the double showing of teresa is just salt into the wound left by chopping up these episodes--especially the gran final! and what a wonderful final it was. i feel like they gave us a lot of satisfaction overall. when Low pointed his gun at Mal's crotch, i literally said out loud "do it, do it!" and then he did it! it's like what you always want them to do to the rapists, but they never do. judyb is right about the longterm effectiveness of castration, but that scene sure felt good.
and kristel did not disappoint either. i second (or really, third, 4th, etc) the hope that this actress gets more comedic roles in the future.
thanks again to the whole recapping team. you guys are awesome!

I have to think that with the loss of his most prized possession, Mau lost the will to live and did himself in, either in the hospital or in prison (they had to have sent him to prison for SOMETHING if he lasted long enough).

Kristel was awesome, all the way to the end. She's my favorite antagonista ever. Jorge sure seemed enchanted.

Our heroes, meanwhile, are so boring. I was glad they didn't dwell too much on their wedding. Loved the montage of the various marriages. There were some really pretty places, some of which we've seen before. That grotto church was stunning.

I couldn't tell who shot Low, Brandon or Oliver. I finally decided they both fired and would never have to know who actually killed him.

I'm retiring from recapping for awhile, but, like Brett Favre or Barbra Streisand, I'll be back before you know it.

Julia, I read this on the way to work this morning (the Lovely Linda drove) and I was cracking up the whole time starting off with:

"...her dress has lost ambition and is on the verge of settling for being a skirt."

In every one of your recaps I find so many- I wish I'd said thats. You are truly gifted with a talent for juggling words. As I've mentioned, we are reading Don Quijote and I see a marked similarity in your clever writing style.

Also, I read your recap on my cell phone so I didn't realize there were pictures as well until I got to the office. Neato!

I loved this last episode. It's really a shame that it was mutilated by Univision. I admit that I was amused by the squabbling over which wire to cut.

Fedra's demise was horrifying but gloriously spectacular and fitting.

As usual, Judy is right, but I heartily agree with Kristoise...

"...that scene sure felt good."

The use of snapshots at the end was very effective and satisfying. My favorite scene was Cristian being Cristian and the initial reaction to him, followed by Kristel's hilarious speech.

I'm really going to miss this show and sharing time each day discussing it here with you wonderful ladies.


Julia thanks for your wonderful recap. I'll be back with more later I'm still vexed that even the last episode was hacked to pieces b/c there was no continuity.

great finale recap, Julia!
loved all your snark.. right on the money!
I also did not undertsand the cops just standing there watching the Joan of Arc show..
Also Maria taking so long to jump in the water after Eman.
Does anyone know the link to the longer/orig version of the final episode or episodes? the showing on Uni was so chopped up I would like to rewatch.

Martaivette- Here you go. There are six parts:

Julia again thanks for the recap. You had many great lines (the acme bomb kit) but this one had me LOLing: Axhole and Dee can’t get out. He says he’ll protect her. From what, not sure; peace and happiness, maybe.

You deserve a break especially from these double episodes. And I'm glad like Arnold, you'll be back.

Thank Vivi for the link to the full episode. Pox on Univision for this chopped up mess. Though I watch Eva Luna there was no reason for the shabby treatment of this TN. Grrrr!

Julia, thank you. This was one of the funniest finales I have ever seen, yet also anticlimactic. Your creativity was awesome. I’m glad this one is over. During the finale, I was thinking, I can’t wait to read the re-cap!

I would have liked to have seen what Ilitia ended up doing for a living. I did assume that she would start her own modeling agency, but she probably just ended up working for the family company or inheriting Lo’s ill-gotten assets. Their family could have bought Netty’s pension when she moved into Emiliano’s home, but the money has to come from somewhere.

JudyB, when I saw Fedra in her braided and bloated glory, I thought of Vicky Lawrence instead of Carol Burnett, but it was hilarious. She was well-dressed in the final scene, for once. Her imbibing (rum?) via straw was awesome. I was confused at how mortified Emanuel was to watch Mami gallivant around in a relatively (for Fedra) tasteful outfit. Her gallumphing was G-rated compared to the rest of the stuff she pulled.

When Emanuel was shot, I took Mari’s reticence as seeing how she could get past Lo’s gun unseen and save Emanuel.

Your use of the word “geld” when describing Mauricio was apropos. I agree with JudyB – alive, Mau will likely always be a problem.

When I saw the Fedra’s conflagration, the phrase, “all witches shall be burned at the stake,” featured in my imagination. It was unsettling watching her die in the thing she most feared, though.

How very fitting that Kristel just kept doing what she always did, gracing the covers of Mexico’s cheesecake magazines and tabloids (anyone know what these magazines are actually called in Spanish?). Is it just me, or did Jorge just bow out when he realized that Mari was pregnant? It almost played out as though to say, I want you, but I draw the line at someone else’s kid. Usually the reformed galan admits shiftiness, like using Fedra’s magic drops to trick Mari into thinking they slept together, but he didn’t do that. He clearly wasn’t that substantive, considering how quickly he grabbed up Krissie the consolation prize. Comfort woman, indeed. I howled when he did the balcony dive. C’mon folks, our favorite clotheshorse has a closet.

Cap’n Sylvia – I agree that there’s just nothing to say about Dee and Ax. We knew it was coming, and the editing left us mercifully with little to see. Dee’s future was believable, but we all know that unless Ax got some therapy and music lessons he would have likely crawled into a tequila bottle and stayed there.

Univision is hyping “Cuando Me Enamoro” as an international success, so I guess this show just wasn’t the ratings gold they hoped with all the money spent on big names. Did Don Francisco even give this telenovela coverage? I saw Julian Gil on TV and I believe he said the finale of “Eva Luna” had 10 million viewers. I’m guessing Univision just wanted to dump this one before May sweeps.


Alison, you're probably right. may sweeps is the big month of ratings that pretty well determines the advertising dollars you can charge for the fall season.The may have thought that just having a loyal following for a show that has been running wouldn't give them what they need, but a new TN with hype would pull new viewership, thus bigger dollars.

They still treated a well-written, beautifully acted show like dirt and could have given it the two hour treatment we're seeing with Teresa. (Makes one wonder why they are rifling through that one too with two hour blocks?) Am glad that Cuando is hitting the 7:00 slot versus what they were going to originally air. I like that 7:00 block, nice break right after work, so I may tune in and give it a candor. I enjoy Silvia.

@Julia...didn't know that you were taking temporary retirement also. But not surprised. This last go-round with Univision has not been fun. Hope you'll be back soon though. Can't imagine CarayCaray without you and Maggie working in tandem.

Alison- I really don't think that Don Francisco is going to take Cristina's place doing all the post finale shows. I think Eva Luna was a special case since it was a Uni production and not a Televisa production. At the end of STUD they did that special with interviews on set with the cast during the final episodes. They will probably find other creative ways to give the American audience some post show satisfaction for popular shows. The Mexican audience gets to see the actors all the time in morning and evening show interviews. That's why the Cristina shows were so important for the American audience because it provided the only real opportunity to see the actors speak about their roles. It would have been great to hear Azela's thoughts on Fedra and what it was like playing her.

I really don't understand why they didn't use the whole week to show the full versions of the last episodes of Llena, and start Cuando next Monday. Or they ccould have shown two hour blocks of the show and only one hour of Teresa. They still have given no hint about when the two hour blocks of Teresa will end, and what will be coming to fill the 8 or 9 pm slot once it's back to an hour. The comedy they were advertising, Una Familia con Suerte, looks like it will be on during the day now. This new director of programming at Uni is not off to a good start in my book.

I wanted to say thanks to all the witty wonderful recappers of this novela: JudyB, Sylvia, Kris, Maggie, julia, and Carlos. I started watching this half way through, and then when they started cutting it I found myself really lost. But always could figure out what was going on after reading the recaps. You all went above and beyond with the pictures and adding what uni cut. And Julia this was such a fun final recap to read.

Ahoy all,
Thanks again to all you recappers and commenters for making Llena a fun experience in spite of itself and Uni's editing. Call me crazy but I spent some time yesterday putting the vocab (or most of it anyway, I might have missed some embedded vocab) onto a Google spreadsheet. I'm posting what I hope is a link to that spreadsheet, it should be public. Try it out and let me know if the link works. Since I'm sure it's not perfect you might want to download it for yourselves so you can tweak it how you like it, so let me know if you are able to download it. If not we can try something else: Llena Vocab Spreadsheet

Vivi, I love how you described Kristel's reasons for chilling by the pool as a "perfectly logical explanation." It was like five minutes of rapid-fire fresa-talk! Six months ago I'd have had no clue what the heck she was saying, but now it all makes sense. I love her verbal acrobatics.

Sylvia, thanks so much for doing that!!! I had thought about compiling all the vocabulary, but hadn't gotten around to doing it. This is really awesome and I'm going to print it.

So, the body count was rather high for a comedy, was it not? Let's tote it up:

Luis Felipe (in flashback)
Eva's pilot
Mama Dolores
Jose Maria Sevilla
The real Fedra Curiel (in flashback)
Mr. Curiel (in flashback)

Did I forget anyone?

I'm disappointed that we never saw Muñeca and Fidel's happily ever after! Delicia's awfully brave or foolish to not only take Axhole back, but to also have Nereida as her maid. Nereida didn't seem all that redeemed and I wouldn't trust her at all.

Reading through that vocabulary list brought back a lot of fun memories. This certainly was a colorful show.

One note: on "chamón en almíbar" we eventually decided Oliver may have actually said "jamón en almíbar" (glazed ham). Not that it really matters; they're both pretty silly for terms of endearment.

Cap'n Sylvia, thanks for the vocab list. I was kicking myself just recently that I didn't copy the dichos you all were kind enough to supply. Thank you!

All, I said I wasn't doing this anymore, but is "Teresa" any good? I'm checking out an electronics seminar this evening but this may be some nice-for-the-summer silliness. That being said, I'm most intrigued by Carlos' and Vivi's words on the real-life La Pola.


What an epic recap Julia. I loved it from start from finish. Actually, your recap was better than the actual episode and thanks again for including the deleted scenes( thanks for nothing Uni. Really).

This pretty much ended as we expected it too. All is forgiven and everyone lives happily ever after except for Kristel and Jorge LOL. I thought all her multiple marriages was hysterical. Axel became a rock star? Okay.

Lo fixed Mau didn't he? I suppose we all know what will happen to him in prison.

Fedra came to a gruesome end and IMO very disturbing. I was surprised that it was Lo who killed her. I put Fedra's death up there with Gabi from FELS being buried alive and Lisabeta from Pasión crawling on the ground screaming for her tia after being beaten and gang raped.

Thank you again to all the recappers for providing us with hysterical, snark filled, recaps in additon to giving us the edited scenes when Uni decided to butcher this unnecessarily to its end. It's much appreciated. Thank you everyone. I salute you.

Julia, I am officially signing off on your PhD in recapping. You did an absolutely stunning job. When I was watching online (tequila in hand to celebrate – salud!) I kept thinking “poor Julia, poor Julia!” Instead of a gran final with a long dialog-free wedding scene, you got one with an overload of plot and great yards of dialog, and you captured it all.

And then you wrote a brilliant title and followed that with a cascade of other brilliant titles. You re-organized the scenes so that they were in theme chunks, which is a lot of extra work and then… photos! And you outdid yourself with awesomely funny lines. I was laughing out loud all the way through.

Aw, you’re taking a break? I sure don’t blame you, in fact I’m surprised you’re not flaked out with some beeping heart monitor going today. But your talent and your joy of writing are so evident, I know you won’t be able to keep them bottled up for long, and you’ll be back.

Thanks for the awesome awesome recap of el gran final Julia!!! You definitely did it justice. Great screencaps, too.
Oh my God, there was something SO creepy about Fedra in that fat suit-so creepy.
Ah, it's all over!! I can't believe it! My first tn from start to finish. And it was such a good one, with so many great actors!
I'll be back to comment on the comments in a bit. But first...
I think I'm going to go cry myself to sleep now.

I have to mention:
Knight in shining six-pack
Telenovela Sound Shield Force
Mari all plumped up

Oh, there were a gazillion more..

Other thoughts:

I just loved the scenes with Fedra in the fat suit. Why oh why didn’t Univision love this show?

Can you really steer a canal boat with only a pole? Don’t you need a rudder?

If you’re shot in the chest, shouldn’t you see a doctor within minutes or else?

I didn’t realize that Fedra’s resort was all done and built. I had thought all along that it was in the planning stages.

Why exactly did Fedra bring Marianela to the resort?

I too am bummed about no wedding for Muneca and Fidel.

I think Brandon and Oliver couldn’t shoot Lo when he had his lighter going because the gas was so near, he would fall into it and ka-boom anyway.

Now I’m going to go back and look at the postcard sequence again. The problem with watching on the internet is that the picture is so small, so I didn’t catch a lot of details.

Then I’m going to check out the vocabulary list and wedding photos links. Wheee!

Fabulous comments today!

Ohmigosh Sylvia...that vocab list is awesome. I feel very proud when I look at it. Proud of you, first of all, for putting it together. That represents A WHOLE LOT OF WORK.

And I'm proud of us regular recappers and substitute recappers for what we contributed to it.

Muchas gracias amiga. You deserve to be in the CarayCaray Hall of Fame.

Sylvia, you ROCK! I can use this great list to drive my cohorts at work crazy using little zingers from the list. I'll also sound somewhat inteliigent with our new Latin America offices coming onboard our systems if I use the "nicer" ones.

Sent this to a friend at work who is just learning the language since she'll be working directly with Argentina and Chile office. To quote her " who is this amazing person who pulled this together? It's so cool."

Thanks again!!


Awesome. What a great collection and what memories it evokes. I agree with Dr Judy.

Am I the only one who thought it odd that Jorge joined in the family group hug with Emiliano near the end?

Also, how was it that Eman's shirt was only stained with blood on the back? I don't see how it missed his right lung.


Carlos- My reaction to Jorge joining the group hug was the song line "one of these things does not belong" going through my head.

Sylvia- This is an awesome list! Thanks for sharing it with us. What colorful insults and terms of endearment this tn gave us.

Hi everyone. I'm glad you are enjoying the spreadsheet. Julia, I remember now about jamon vs. chamon. In fact I think I was one of those that lobbied for jamon. Silly me. I've made the change and anyone who has already downloaded the spreadsheet should probably do the same.

THANK YOU for the link to the wedding pictures. Everyone looks fantastic.

Hey yeah, what about Muneca and Fidel? We was robbed!! In my fantasy world they snuck away and eloped and Fidel often dresses up as ELDP and calls her Camilla. So there.

Good point about Nereida working for Delicia. Dee's got her hands full with both Axhole and Nereida. OTOH, I see Dee as the taskmistress who keeps her world in line.

I love how Ilitia, who always bragged about her figure, is now constantly pregnant. In one of the postcards it looked like she might have had twins.

Carlos, seeing Jorge at the end was another reason why I thought maybe he was back in the picture sniffing around Kristel. Those two deserve each other.

I had a LOL moment when I saw the two cut-outs of Mari and Vicky on the lawn. I know they are supposed to be Before and After, but really, full size cut-outs? She may be skinny but her ego is obese.

Thanks again Julia. You are the star of the finale as far as I'm concerned.

Julia- By the way, I loved the Princess Bride reference. :)

"She isn’t completely dead; she’s only mostly dead."

Vivi, thank you. I couldn't remember where that line was from. Duh, Princess Bride, one of my all-time favorite movies. Ever.

Sylvia, your list is awesome. What an astonishing effort. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing it with us!!

Sylvia, that list is AMAZING. Thank you so much for doing all that work! Printing that one out and saving it for study, there are some real gems in ther if I ever want to insult someone or speak (strange) sweet nothings into someone's ear.

Vivi, thank you so much for the link to the wedding photos. Wow, it looks like all those weddings were actually filmed, and then not used. Lovely gowns, and I love the knowing glam look in Gretel's eye.

Just another small comment--when Eman and Kristel and Jorge were talking outside LMN, I laughed out loud at Kristel's "vamonos a mi cama--ahhh.. mi casa." And then Eman and Jorge's exhcange of facial expressions as they left.

Truth be told, the list of wonderful vocabulary is the result of all of our efforts. I just couldn't bear the thought of those great words and phrases being forgotten; we all worked so hard to call them out. Yes, I compiled the list but the real work was identifying and translating. Even though we all participated, I will point out that Judy's contributions were the lion's share which I know will not be a surprise to anyone.

Sylvia, thanks so much for this list!! It does represent all the care and consideration the recappers with assists from bloggers have created. I have so enjoyed this TN with you all. I hope to "see" you all on other blog threads in the future. All the best!

Julia, thank you for the wonderful recap of the final episode(s).

I thank each of the recappers for all of the work that they have put into recapping each and every episode. In a lot of cases, they were better thank the script. Ladies and Carlos, you awesome.

It really makes me sad that this journey has come to an end. When they rerun this TN, believe me, I will read the recaps again.

And thank you to all of the people that have posted comments, they have been priceless.

Sylvia, what a gift you have given us with your TN diccionario. Maybe one of these days it will be published. It would be a best seller for sure.


Jardinera just posted a link to an article about the ratings for Teresa. Here's a quote from the article:

On Wednesday night, “Teresa” was the second most-watched program on all of television, behind only FOX’s “American Idol,” among Adults 18-34 and Persons 12-34, and finished within the top 10 programs in Adults 18-49.

Everyone \w kids -andres and doris

I forgot two on the death list. Manzanita's mother, and Kristel's unborn baby.

Goodness, what a lugubrious list Julia. I think I like our vocabulary list better! But thanks for the detail amiga.

Just watched the first episode of Cuando Me Enamoro. Batten down the hatches. It's rough weather tonight.

I am simply amazed at how you folks can lead a usual life and find the time to prepare such amazing recaps. I'm truly not worthy to have been marginally on this team of outstanding and amazingly hard working and creative souls. I kneel in your virtual presence.

I never fully immersed myself in the novela and did a scrappy, at best, job of my recaps yet you all kindly put up with me anyway.

Thank you Julia for the hysterical double finale, I can't believe LoonyTV really cut up a finale like that. As far as I know this is truly a first and I have been watching this stuff for 14 years....

Thanks too for the fab vocab compilation and the great access on Google docs...

I will miss not being able to not really watch this - as far as these things go, this was a pretty great assembly of talent and characters and all the costumes made for double the characters, oh my!

Thanks again to team LLena for all your wonderful efforts...que viva!!!

Kris, I came back to the gravesite to admire the flowers and found you here. I was proud to team up with you on Friday nights. I am proud that you joined us. Your recaps are truly are legendary.

By the way, my daughter still has a Texas barn cat with your name on it whenever you are ready hor him/her.

Thanks to Maggie, Julia, Dr. Judy, Sylvia, and Chris for making this such a lovely and exciting adventure. You guys are aces. Given the chance, I's sign up to recap again with you guys without a second thought.

Chris, I'm sorry that you weren't more taken by Fedra's earthy beauty and immense talent. Your recaps were awesome. You have an amazing eye, a trenchant sense of humor, and wonderful writing style. Enjoy that beautiful family of yours.

Lastly, thanks to Audrey and Kristoise. Your contributions were absolutely fantastic and appreciated by all of us. I look forward to reading awesome recaps from you two.

Univision... get your act together.


Recappers, thanks so much to ALL OF YOU for a season of such entertaining replays! Also, I was impressed by your camaraderie as you supported and cheered each other in the daily comments. Julia, what a wonderful review of the finale! And, Sylvia, your vocab. spreadsheet (which downloaded quickly) will be a tremendous blessing! As I'm learning Espanol, all of the vocabulary lists in each episode were a big help! Again, THANKS TO ALL OF YOU! - A Florida Fan

Late on parade, as usual... Julia, I hope you'll check in here because - seriously - your recap was better than watching the show. Such detail and such a great sense of humor really beat Univision. You do deserve a vacation, but I hope it won't turn into retirement.

Univision only gets credit for the postcards finale and, yeah, Fedra in the fat suit was a creepy hoot. I think only Azela could have gotten away with that. Great actress, hope to see her again.

Some of the "denouements" were appropriate. Mauricio's down for the count and for a narcissistic creep like him, life without his equipment is probably worse than death. Fedra - straight outta Malleus Maleficarum. Lowrenzo got off easy. Etc, etc.

It was nice to see some actors and actresses I've not seen before in this TN. Otherwise, the storyline and editing rose to a nightly insult.

Cuando me Enamoro looks like it should be good. What a distance for Margarita Magana from cute "Estrella Falcon, Actriz" to a scorned woman unleashing her hell.

Thanks, muchas gracias, to all you recappers, bless your hearts. How you all do it is a mystery, but I do appreciate and enjoy what all of you do.

vivi, thanks for the address for the uncut finale... I enjoyed it inmensely.

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