Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Abismo de pasión #1 3/12/12 And the story begins... with tween love triangles, mistaken identities, witches and habaneros

Recap by Marta Ivett - Let's plunge right in!!

Here we go…
La Ermita, Yucatan… some kind of cultural celebration taking place at the center gazebo with music… very colorful typical outfits for the area… everyone happy…
Artisan stands, food, etc
Then we see fields of habanero chiles… two boys and a girl, about 10 y.o. running through the fields while the adults pick the chiles…
They run and run right down a dirt road where they meet another girl, the boys run right by her, but Elisa (the young girl) stops for a minute before continuing… The other girl, Paloma, comes to where they are taking their clothes off (no, don’t think perverted things) to jump into a pond/quarry… the boys throw stones/sticks at Paloma so she runs away scared, Elisa is mad at the boys… the ‘guero’ of the boys tells her they did it because she is the granddaughter of the town’s witch… Elisa says maybe now she will tell her grandma and she will turn them (the boys) into toads!! LOL!
The boys get scared and jump in the water… Elisa laughs it off…
At the Arango hacienda house a woman is trying on dresses in front of a mirror, asking the maid (Antonia) if her son is around… The woman (Alfonsina) is talking ill of the other boy, Gael, does not understand why her son has become friends with Gael and why her own brother has taken Gael, who is an ordinary orphan, in. (Padre Lupe)… the maid justifies Padre Lupe, but the woman, bitter, says Padre should not. She is angry that her husband agreed to have them go to another family’s dinner party… Maid asks her if she does not want to go. Alfonsina says if I don’t go my husband will love going alone, and that is not something she will allow.
At the chile processing plant… the foreman (Gabino) is ordering/shouting around downtalking the workers… he goes in the office, finds his boss Rosendo, the plant owner, doing hanky panky with a woman in a white dress, he interrupts of course…  Gabino seems miffed about it but stays quiet… he tells Rosendo that his wife (Alfonsina) was looking for him. No, she was not here but she asked for you. Rosendo sends message to her that when he is done (working) he will go…
Back at the house, Antonia comments that Dona Estefania is pretty, Alfonsina downplays it that that is what everyone says but… ..
Said pretty (and happy) woman Estefania (Ludwika Paleta, looking prettier than ever) is walking around town (apparently with the same white dress of the woman that was just at Rosendo’s office at the plant)… meets with her maid Lolita [Dolores] (Eugenia Cauduro)… Estefania came to the plant to personally pick the chiles for a sauce she will make tonight for the dinner party.  Gabino comes to meet them and is talking rude to Estefania, saying he is surprised she came by the plant… knowing her husband himself is the one that farms them in the area. Apparently this is not the first time Lolita has or witnesses a confrontation with Gabino since she uses a rough/sharp tone to tell him that Dona Estefania wanted the habaneros for making a special sauce for tonight’s dinner precisely for Dona Alfonsina. Gabino claims if they had requested it, he would have sent them with a worker. Estefania insists she wanted to pick them personally.
Gabino apparently has the hots for Estefania from the way he looks at her as she leaves.
At the farm, Rosendo Arango (the owner of the processing plant) and Augusto Castanedo (Estefania’s husband, the owner of the farm), apparently these two have been friends for many years… Augusto reminds Rosendo about the dinner party tonight… Rosendo wants to talk about something personal.. they have always been honest with each other… apparently Alfonsina has always had issue with Estefania, so Rosendo asks Augusto if the dinner party will serve to cool things out between the women. Augusto says Estefania has always been in the best disposition to conciliate… Rosendo says yes, your wife is, but mine… anyway… we will be there.
At the Castanedo house, the dinner prep is going in the kitchen. Estefania and Lolita are working when little Elisa walks in… Elisa asks her mother if she can invite Damian (Rosendo’s son) and Gael (the orphan who lives with Padre Lupe). Estefania sends Elisa with Lolita to get her bath… Elisa wants her mom to also be very pretty tonight.
Estefania goes in her room and pulls out a very pretty dress from her closet… (apparently she is wearing the white dress of the woman that was with Rosendo)… In walks her sister Carmina, who apparently envies what Estefania has as far as money and attention from her husband… then Carmina brings up the subject of the guests for tonight, Rosendo and his wife Alfonsina, who seems to be the royalty in town, or at least they behave like it, especially Alfonsina. Estefania says Alfonsina is the wife of my husband’s best friend so that is enough reason to be cordial with them.  They then talk about the men in town going after Carmina… Carmina says the ‘good catches’ are taken already… Estefania gives Carmina a dress for the evening party she bought for her. Carmina hugs her but when we see Carmina’s face she looks like she really hates the dress and/or looks constipated…
At the church, Padre Lupe does not want to give Gael permission to go to the dinner, even if Elisa has invited him. It is an adult gathering, not for kids, according to P Lupe. Gael pulls the ‘but Damian got permission from his parents, it is unfair that I don’t get it’ card.. Padre knows that Gael is crazy about Elisa and does not think Gael is old enough to be that nutso for a girl… Padre knows both Damian and Gaellike her. So no cigar…
(Apparently Rene C had a minor accident while closing the armoire in there,… Gael asks if he hurt himself, Padre Lupe says it did not hurt, he is atomic), Padre says he doubts his sister Alfonsina will give Damian permission to go to the party either.
At hacienda Arango… Alfonsina does not want Damian to come along… even if all the kids of the Ermita were going, you are not! … here comes Rosendo to the rescue… he lets Damian go to the party…  Damian walks away and Alfonsina is ready for battle… she is offended that Rosendo contradicted her, but even more so because he will take Damian precisely to that house (Rosendo immediately guesses where this argument is going) Rosendo does not want to argue… he will go shower, Alfonsina says its too late for that… he came home from the processing plant so late… she questions what he was doing there… Rosendo says same as I always do… work. Alfonsina is not done provoking an argument. She says she heard Estefania went to the plant today… did you see her? Nope. Haven’t seen her all day. Excuse me, will go get ready before it gets even later.
At Castanedo house, Augusto is calling for Estefania but Carmina comes and tells him Este is busy and she helps him with tying his tie… Augusto thanks her for staying for the dinner, Carmina says she would do anything for him, dear bro in law. Augusto compliments on her looks. Carmina  does not waste a chance to keep feeding the fire with the idea that there is something between Estefania and Rosendo, saying Estefania took time to make herself prettier than ever for his best friend, and of course for his wife.
Augusto goes to find Estefania… Este and Elisa are setting up the table… Augusto thinks both the daughter and the wife are looking beautiful… he tells Este her sister was right, she looks even prettier than ever… she also made her special habanero sauce… she tells him she went to Rosendo’s plant to pick them herself, since he told her that at Cielo Abierto (I guess that is a store place in the farm or the name of the farm) the trucks had already left… Augusto is surprised/confused, does not remember telling her that. She brushes it off saying surely she heard it from one of the farm workers.
The Arango’s arrive… the four of them stare at each other, Estefania and Rosendo are smiling happy, Alfonsina looks like she is constipated, Augusto looks contempt. The children (Damian and Elisa) greet each other’s families… we see the usual forced (Alfonsina) and unforced greetings. Carmina comes out… Estefania sends the kids out to play. The adults walk ahead to in the house, Carmina looks a bit annoyed…
At church, Padre Lupe realizes Gael is gone, and guesses where he went to.. he is not happy ‘canijo’(naughty) boy, you will see later… as if you could do what you want…
Estefania stands to serve wine, Rosendo offers to help her… Carmina teases Alfonsina saying her husband is so detail-oriented… Alfonsina gets up with excuse to tell Damian to wash his hands before donner… Augusto has come out to get the kids… The boys have climbed a tree to find a nest that Elisa spotted earlier… (Gael arrived running and when he heard Elisa wanted a nest that was on the tree, he offered to bring it down for her, definitely these two boys have already entered a competition for Elisa’s attention)
Alfonsina comes out after Augusto and begins nagging at Damian to come down from the tree. Augusto summons the kids (including Gael, whom he does NOT undermine) to go inside to eat dinner… Alfonsina claims it must have been Gael’s idea for the boys to climb the tree, Augusto is surprised at her accussing attitude… Alfonsina continues argues questioning Augusto why he gives Gael the same treatment as Damian… Augusto says because he is also my daughter’s friend…Alfonsina claims Gael does not deserve the same treatment as her son (Damian). Augusto gets a bit miffed at her and questions since when is she so against that boy Gael… since tonight, right? Tonight when you were FORCED to come to my house for dinner? He knows she did not want to come and he knows it is because Alfonsina can’t stand his wife Este… what is it you have against my wife?... Since her denying it won’t get her anywhere, she says alright, will tell you why… because she is betraying you with none other than my own husband! Rosendo and her are lovers!...  Augusto’s eyes tear up almost instantly, he is in shock… Alfonsina won’t let him recover… she says from his reaction she can tell he knew it or at least knew something was not quite right… he is hurting really bad and denies it as absurd, silly… Alfonsina has no doubts that Rosendo is betraying her precisely with Este. Augusto demands proof.. .she has none… Don’t you see how Rosendo treats Este? Augusto claims Este loves him. Alfonsina says she won’t lose Rosendo, will keep him with her at whatever cost. Augusto seems confused but finds strength to say that he does not need to ‘retain’ his wife because he is sure of her love and because I love her! (Augusto returns inside the house while Alfonsina rolls her eyes and stays there)..
Inside, Este and Rosendo talk very cordially about the business in front of a very annoyed Carmina… Rosendo says Augusto has the town’s prettiest women in his house.  Este notices Carmina’s attitude and tells her Rosendo just complimented the two of them… Carmina says she does not have to fake flattery at the compliments of a person she can’t stand… She takes her exit…
Este tries to appologize for Carmina.. she is glad he is there… Rosendo is kissing her hand just as Augusto and Alfonsina come back in the living room… Augusto stops in his tracks while Alfonsina looks at him with a ‘see?? I told you so!’ facial smirk…
Padre Lupe arrives at the house looking for Gael. Carmina meets him at the door walks him in, right where the other 4 are sitting… Augusto invites Padre Lupe to stay for dinner, but he came just to get Gael… As Este takes Padre Lupe to kitchen,  Alfonsina again nags… this time about Padre Lupe not greeting her personally. Rosendo snags at her that Padre said ‘Good evening everyone’. But obviously that was not enough for her.
In kitchen, Lolita is serving the kids desert… but Padre comes in and takes Gael immediately with him, appologizing for the ‘trouble’… Elisa asks Padre Lupe not to punish Gael… she invited him… Padre claims he did not give Gael permission and he knew it.Gael looks so sad…
Este asks Lolita to warm up dinner for the adults… Elisa comments to Damian wondering if Padre Lupe will punish Gael.. Damian is a bit rough saying if he does, then Gael asked for it, why did he come (without permission)?
When Este returns to living room, turns out Alfonsina has put a script of ‘not feeling well’ so she immediately summons Rosendo and Damian for going home immediately. Rosendo appologizes to Este for leaving like this with the dinner served…
When the Arangos leave, Carmina makes a cold comment about the attempt to conciliate the families with this evening was in vain.
At church, Padre is mad at Gael… Gael says you should punish yourself too, because you lied to me too, you said Damian would not get permission to go, but he was there.
Padre says perhaps his parents did not have anyone to leave him with. Gael then gets sad reminding Padre he has no parents… Padre gets mushy as a marshmallow. Gael is resentful that everyone has family around except for him, even Padre has his sister and even the town witch has her granddaughter, but I don’t have anyone..Padre reminds him he has Padre, God and the Virgin Mary. Don’t cry anyore! You either!... I am not! (SWEET SCENE!) For this time I will forget what happened and there will be no punishment. Gael is about to go to sleep but turns back around and appologizes to the Padre and hugs him. Padre gives him the blessing…
At Castanedo house Elisa is in bed with her mom.. Elisa mentions to her what the boys did to Paloma, and asks about the ‘witch of the town’. Este explains that Ramona (the witch) is a ‘curandera’ (herb healer). Elisa says then if that woman helps cure people, then she is not bad. Este confirms that Ramona and her granddaughter are not bad.. Elisa says the towns people talk bad about them. Este says people make up things about other people… These two are so happy together…
At Arango hacienda, Rosendo is irate at Alfonsina… he is sure she used her ‘blood pressure’ as excuse to pull off that prank… Alfonsina keeps shouting that Estefania is driving him crazy and he feels nothing for Alfonsina anymore.. Rosendo is feeling pity that Alfonsina thinks so little of herself… HE is so fed up with her that he grabs his PJs and goes to sleep at the guest room.. out in hallway he runs into Damian who got concerned with all the ruckus… Rosendo says she is fine, she does not feel well today, that’s all… tomorrow we will go riding together ok?
Damian comes by the door of his parents and sees her mother cry, but does not go in …

At the Castanedo house bedroom, Este and Augusto are talking about what happened with Alfonsina and that Rosendo did not believe her… Augusto is distant, thoughtful… then he asks Este if she ever regretted marrying him… absolutely not… she always liked the mature men… she says she only liked him… Augusto insists wouldn’t you have liked better to marry a man like Rosendo Arango, a rich man, owner of the biggest processing plant in the region, an enviable wealth and social place… I am just a farmer… doing well but will never reach Rosendo.  Este assures Augusto she married him because she loves him very much, now more than ever… She asks why all the questioning… Augusto says don’t worry.. she won’t let it go.. she knows him… he claims when he came out to the garden, he was talking with Alfonsina and… (in comes Elisa to interrupt the chat)… The couple kisses Elisa good nite…  Augusto says he has to go to the study to look at some papers… (apparently he changed his mind about telling her about Alfonsina’s accusations)…
Augusto sits at his desk … is very impacted by the events of the evening… then hears noises.. he comes out and sees a man ride away on a horse, recognizes Rosendo.. Then he runs into Carmina coming in… he confronts her… Carmina says she heard noises and came out to investigate… she realizes Augusto is worried about something… he has been acting strange since the guests left… she wants him to confide in her… HE tells her Alfonsina told him Rosendo and Este were lovers… Carmina puts shocked face… she asks him not to mention anything to her sister, it is too silly, says Alfo is a sick woman… can’t believe her… did you believe her? … no, but the comment bothered me very much…  I have no reason to doubt your sister… no of course not, but I do know you are a very jealous man, and if the idea did cross your mind that she was betraying you you would go insane. What would you do? … I would kill her, her and the man who she was unfaithful to me with…
At town next day, Damian and Elisa are playing, Gael comes by with the nest and the birds in a box… he climbed the tree and got it for her… she just wanted to see them for a little while… what are we going to do now? … the mother won’t find them.. Damian blames Gael that the birds will die now… Elisa suggests going to Dona Ramona so she will care for them… ‘the witch?? ‘…
At church, Alfonsina and Padre Lupe are talking about her accusations to Este…  Padre asks her why is she thinking that.. Alfo says we women know when our husbands are unfaithful… Padre tells her it is a good part your own fault… I think all this is just a story you made up to justify your own faults…  Alfonsina claims she has just tried to be a good wife… Padre says a good wife does not accuse, harrass and monitor her husband constantly… Alfo claims her own brother should be on her side… Padre says his role is not being on any side, precisely because I am your brother I will tell you… Rosendo is no saint, but if he is looking elsewhere, it is looking for something he does not  find in his own house.
Rosendo arrives somewhere…  apparently some house… . a woman is waiting for him.. it is Carmina! … apparently he has this place for his periodic meetings with her…
They get into hanky panky… end of ep…

previews: Carmina continues to feed the case for Este and Rosendo lovers to Augusto... Augusto confronts Este...


Monday, March 12, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #54 Lunes 3/12/12 The Indiscreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (with apologies to Luis Buñuel)

That which has passed
Tia MentiRosa tells Lord Rogelio that she had returned the Lady Ana Paula to him to complete her contract. Or whatever he wishes. She asks Rogelio what he wants from Ana Paula and then promises her assistance. He tells her that when he needs her assistance he will ask, then – with an expression of distaste – tells her to leave. She hasn't fooled him any more now than before; he recognizes the manner of the procuress. She leaves the study.

Current Happenings
Ulisse's Café: Macaria speaks to her daughter of her unworthy suitor, saying he is unworthy of any of her tears. We tend to agree.

Montero Estate, Manor House; Parlour: Knave Skelator and Lady Ana Paula talk about his failed attempt at helping her to get away from Lord Rogelio. He apologises for being ineffective at the church, but Squire Hugo had stopped him with the assistance of Efrain. Lady Ana Paula thanks him and he tells her she can always count on him. She thanks him for the warning that Lord Rogelio was looking for her in Boca del Cielo. Unfortunately for him His Lordship arrives just in time to have heard this and says “Damned traitor” with an frighteningly angry countenance and a crack of his riding crop against the table near Skelator.

Miguel's Bedchamber: Tia MentiRosa arrives and closes the door behind her. They establish that Miguel will continue to work for Lord Rogelio when Margarito arrives at the barred window. Tia MentiRosa gets close enough to grab the boy by the throat and accuse him of telling Lord Rogelio everything about Sir Gustavo and Boca del Cielo. We are proud of this boy who calmly responds with “How can you think that? I didn't spill. I'm a kid, but I'm not a fool.” Tia MentiRosa is so shocked she releases him.

Parlour: Knave Skelator denies having betrayed Lord Rogelio.
Skelator: Rogelio, no, no, no. It's not true. I didn't know where Paula was.
Ana Paula: It wasn't him,
Skelator: I didn't know, I didn't know. The whole time I was with your people; ask the others. It's the truth, it's the truth. (kneels in front of him) The whole time I was here I was looking out for your affairs. (Rogelio raises the riding crop)
Ana Paula: Therefore it's true. I was safe with my father. Safe because he was looking to protect me from you.
Rogelio: Stop with the lies, caramba! (hits the coffee table with the riding crop; Skelator gets up and out of his way) You were supposed to help me.
Ana Paula (actually stepping in front of Skelator): Please, don't. It's not fair for you to accuse Bruno when you have no proof. It could have been my father or my aunt.
Rogelio (hitting the table again): No more lies, Paula. They didn't know I was in Boca del Cielo looking for you.
Skelator looks suspicious and a little apprehensive.

Miguel's Bedchamber: Tia MentiRosa explains to Miguel that Lord Rogelio tried to manipulate her into talking about Lady Ana Paula's activities in Boca del Cielo. Margarito remains just outside the balcony window bars, listening. He tells Tia MentiRosa that he had promised Lady Ana Paula to say nothing of her time with Sir Gustavo. Tia MentiRosa slaps his head, telling him to keep his voice down and not speak of Ana Paula and Gustavo again. Miguel defends the child, saying that they had to expect Lord Rogelio to question him. Tia MentiRosa mentions that she only gave Sir Gustavo's first name and that under duress. Miguel expresses puzzlement that His Lordship didn't recognize the name from the ID in the wallet and Tia MentiRosa – now too confused or uncomfortable to think about this further – says that they should speak no more of it.

Parlour: Skelator watches warily as His Lordship and Her Ladyship continue to argue (when, like a good servant, he should discreetly withdraw).
Ana Paula: What does it matter that I said nothing because there was no way you would believe me.
Rogelio: I don't need another reason to distrust you. Take care with this; I demand to know whom in hell you saw.
Ana Paula: I told you I said nothing because of your jealousy you would have gone after Gustavo and harmed him as you did before.
Rogelio (hitting the table again): What the devil makes you sure I ordered this man's death?
Ana Paula: How could I be sure? Because to begin with you said you'd hurt anyone who came near me or helped me.
Rogelio: Paula, leave me to talk with Bruno.
Ana Paula: What are you going to do?
Rogelio: Why does that matter? You're that interested in Bruno?
Ana Paula: He's a good person, like any other who would help me.
Skelator: I never did anything against you, Rogelio.
Ana Paula: Perhaps the only mistake he made was to get me to agree to come here to work for you.
Rogelio: Be very careful what you say. Now go. (lashes the table again; I did not understand the accompanying comment)
Ana Paula: I agree. Please don't hurt Bruno. I beg you.
Rogelio: Leave this room.
Lady Ana Paula exits, leaving the two men glaring at each other.

Durán Residence: Lady Chio is visiting and takes coffee with Lady Sneerwell, regaling her with her happiness over her assignation with Lord Esteban. Lady Sneerwell sensibly advises her not to get her hopes up too high due to the complication known as Vainessa. She speculates (quite sensibly) that he may not be sure of his feelings. Lady Chio appears to believe that this is not a matter of concern, saying something to the effect that “You should have seen what transpired last night.” We can imagine. We also see that there is – or once had been – something competitive between these two ladies.

Parlour: The Confrontation
Rogelio (gesturing to the door with his riding crop): If you're wanting to follow her to see her, be warned. Paula may be to your liking but she is my wife.
Skelator (tempting fate by getting closer to grab his upper arms): Please, Rogelio, you know –
Rogelio (shoving him back, almost getting out of the chair): Don't touch me! Stop accusing me of stealing your father's estate.
Skelator: No, that was a misunderstanding. When I went over the accounts I saw the debts he owed and what I owed you. Don't blame me. Try to understand and not treat me like just another employee.
Rogelio: You better think better of speaking ill of me behind my back.
Skelator: No, it's not true. Why do you think so ill of me when I've work for you for so many years?
Rogelio: The property is mine. I said I'd help you when your father died. Besides, I prefer to keep you near me to know what you're capable of. (grabs his lapels) I'm going to tell you one more time and I won't repeat it: Stay away from Paula. Because if you try anything with her I will kill you.
Skelator backs off – we wonder why anyone allows themselves within grabbing distance – looking genuinely afraid as the suspense music builds.

Ulisses' Shop: Ulisses and Macaria review Maria's shopping list and talk about Miguel. He doesn't want Miguel near Maripaz either. Mundane matters, especially as regards the product displays on the shelves.

Galván Mansion: Vainessa and Lord ShadyDeal speak of her receiving her inheritance shortly and of the partnership agreement they have just made. She is impatient to break the news to Lord Rogelio in person because she wishes to see his reaction. The two of them now conspire to steal Lord Rogelio's lands. This is to be her revenge. Ladies of fashion will note the large stone heart on her necklace that clearly substitutes for the fleshly one she does not possess.
Montero Manor: Tia MentiRosa and Skelator talk as they walk down the corridor. He describes how Lady Ana Paula defended him from her husband, which Tia MentiRosa says means she feels something for him. They also conspire to steal Lord Rogelio's estate.

Galván Mansion: As Vainessa attempts to read a contract involving Lord ShadyDeal's original dealings with Lord Rogelio, Lady Chatterley arrives, seeking her assistance with... Sir Gustavo.

Ulisses' Shop: Ulisses attempts to explain to his daughter that all he wants to do is protect her. He apologises to her for the brusque manner in which he has done this. Macaria watches from the background, pleased.

Master Bedchamber: His Lordship tells Maria about Lady Ana Paula defending Skelator, puzzled that Her Ladyship worries about everyone but him. Maria tries to explain that he is too forceful; a drop of honey is more effective than a litre of bile. Tia MentiRosa arrives (We note that she at least knows to knock before entering) and despite his irritation His Lordship asks Maria to leave them alone. Maria departs, MentiRosa closes and locks the French doors under His Lordship's watchful eye. He then tries once again to get her to talk about who Lady Ana Paula was with in Boca del Cielo. She attempts to sidestep this by saying she also wants to know who helped her to escape.

Her Ladyship's Bedchamber, the following morning: Lord Rogelio enters to find Tia MentiRosa opening the drapes. She expects to breakfast with Lady Ana Paula in her suite. He informs her he expects to see Her Ladyship in the dining room for breakfast. Tia MentiRosa promises to comply, saying they will be down shortly. His Lordship then informs her that she will be breakfasting in the kitchen with the servants from this day forward. Excellently done, sir!

Galván Mansion: Vainessa speaks on her cellular with Knave Skelator, who is a bit put out that she did not trust him sufficiently to inform him that Lady Ana Paula is her sister. She replies that for her this relationship does not exist and that she hates her. She is, however, aware that Skelator has his evil eye on her. He's not happy with the recent turn of events, as he was looking to recover his property. She asks what he is prepared to do to accomplish this. He tells her he would do anything she asked.

Montero Manor, Terrace: Lady Ana Paula and Lady Daniela speak of Sir Gustavo. Lady Ana Paula explains that she will never forget him because he was her first love and her first entrega total, but Lady Daniela cannot understand why therefore her friend was not entirely forthcoming with him. She tells her that it was for his own safety because she did not want him to confront Lord Rogelio. [Why is this lady surrounded by such weak men?] Lady Daniela understands, then changes the subject to Miguel. Why is he locked up? His Lordship's arrival ends the possibility of this conversation.
Rogelio: Daniela, permit me to speak with my wife.
Daniela: Of course.
Rogelio (as she exits): Thank you. (to Ana Paula)
Ana Paula: What do you want?
Rogelio: Prepare yourself; we are going out.
Ana Paula: Where?

Rogelio: That is the least of it. Remember the contract that you are obliged to accompany me?

Ana Paula: I know.

Galván Mansion: Lady Chatterley is not pleased that Vainessa told Knave Skelator about their plans to get her inheritance released to her. Vainessa tells her not to worry as he is still looking to recover his lost lands. She believes he would be a valuable ally because his motives are as strong as theirs. Lady Chatterley appears doubtful at a few moments and she should, if she has any sense of familial loyalty.

Montero Manor, Terrace: A Somewhat Indecent Proposal
Ana Paula: Where are you thinking to take me?
Rogelio: To a place you'll enjoy.

Ana Paula: You're mistaken. You know I don't want to go anywhere with you. If you're asking it's only to see how I dress.

Rogelio: You can go as you are. (His expression shows us that he likes what he sees) You are beautiful, gorgeous. But before we leave, I want you to put this on. (hands her the diamond and pearl necklace. Her expression tells us she is not pleased).

Galván Mansion, Garden: Sir Gustavo arrives and expresses his condolences to Vainessa over her father. She thanks him graciously and proceeds to begin buttering him up.

Ulisses' Café: Lord Rogelio and Lady Ana Paula arrive and are greeted by the owners. Are they aware of their tendency to gossip? But of course, because when Macaria makes a comment about Her Ladyship's miraculous visit she is nudged by Ulisses, His Lordship's business associates begin arriving. This may be a business meeting, but His Lordship very clearly wishes it known that he is a happily married man by pointedly kissing Her Ladyship in full view of whomever can see them at their outdoor table (which we surmise is the entire town). It is obvious from the expressions on Ulisses and Macaria that at least one of them had been gossiping in the preceding few days.

Galván Mansion, Garden: Sir Gustavo, knowing that Lord ShadyDeal is some part of Vainessa's life, does not want to be involved in any of his business affairs.

Ulisses' Café: Ulisses and Macaria bring the drinks and a bowl of [Menudo? How peasant of them.] and after commenting on what a lovely couple they are inform His Lordship that they will be taking a trip in a few days but that all their bills will be settled first. Macaria asks whether there is anything Her Ladyship wants from Tuxtla or if there are relatives she'd like them to call on. [Really, how presumptuous.] Lord Rogelio informs them that he will take care of everything Her Ladyship needs as he takes her hand once again.

Galván Mansion, Garden: Apparently Vainessa and Lady Chatterley have talked him into something, but this was all a pretext to bring him into Lady Chatterley's company. He promises to call tomorrow.

Ulisses' Café: His Lordship's two associates have been there for a meeting and they now depart, thoroughly charmed by Lady Ana Paula. She has given a Tony Award-winning performance as a loving wife. After the two ranchers leave he informs her that they are not returning home yet; they will be returning home together. She expresses a desire to go shopping but – wise to what may happen – he insists that Squire Hugo accompany her. Squire Hugo understands his duties perfectly and accompanies her.

Durán Residence: Sir Gustavo tells Lady Sneerwell that Vainessa – Lady Ana Paula's half sister – has offered him work. They have more disagreeable words about Lady Ana Paula. He is weary of being treated like a child about this. She must leave him to make his own decisions. [Is it too late for him to learn how?] He does not like her meddling in his personal affairs.

Ulisses' Shop: Under Squire Hugo's watchful eye, Lady Ana Paula purchases a few things and Ulisses apologises to her about his feelings about Miguel. He finally comments on Miguel's drinking problem and how Lord Rogelio is dealing with it (He knows about the bars on the windows). She appears surprised, finally excusing herself to speak with her husband. As they leave the shop, Squire Hugo tells her that he was to accompany her to carry her purchases then to take her home.

Montero Manor, that night: Lady Daniela confirms Miguel's alcoholism to Lady Ana Paula, explaining that His Lordship tried to prevent him leaving and getting in possession of more strong drink. For Her Ladyship this confirms the reason for the bars on the window.

Master Bedchamber: Squire Hugo reports the conversation in Ulisses' shop. His Lordship dismisses him for the night. However, Squire Hugo takes the necklace from his shirt pocket and hands it to His Lordship, saying that Her Ladyship instructed him to do so. His Lordship thanks him, he exits, and His Lordship casually puts the necklace on the nearby table. He has no time to think due to a knock on the door.
Rogelio (as the door opens and Ana Paula enters): Maria, I told you I don't wish to down to dinner.
Ana Paula: It's me. May I come in?
Rogelio: Come in. (She enters, closing the door behind her. He looks at her with a sidelong gaze,)
Ana Paula: I came to apologise to you. (Their love theme music begins)
Rogelio (surprised): Apologise? I never could hope you would to do that.
Ana Paula: I only want to do what's fair. On this occasion I recognize I was wrong. That's why I'm here.

Durán Residence: Lady Chio visits Lady Sneerwell and we are clear that there are no jealousies over Lord Esteban. Dr. Ernesto arrives with a red rose for Lady Sneerwell and they kiss as Lord Ernesto appears from another room with glasses and wine. He explains that Lady Sneerwell is his best friend and he wants to see the two of them happy. All appears well among this quartet.

Master Bedchamber: Lady Ana Paula is seated on the trunk at the foot of the bed.
Rogelio: Bruno tried to help you and... well, I have to tell you I didn't order anyone killed or beaten. (comes closer and takes her hand)
Ana Paula (taking away her hand): It wasn't about that. I know you locked my brother up to make him stop drinking.
Rogelio: At least you recognize that was a good thing.
Ana Paula: Yes. For that I apologise. I was very crude about that with you for no reason.
Rogelio: Well, if you recognize your error in this, someday you may recognize others.
The music darkens as he pulls away and they lock eyes.

Somewhere in San Gabriel: Lady Chatterley and Mellors step outside to continue their conversation. He desires to express his desires in a more private location and suggests they return to the manor. She does not wish to. He suggests they seek a hotel suite, but she is not of a mind to. To provoke her jealousy he takes out his cellular and calls Consuelo, who is not pleased to hear sweet words from him. She reproaches him for his caddishness, finally saying she wishes to speak with him no longer. Lady Chatterley is not fooled and reminds him of his place. He knows that Sir Gustavo has caught her eye, but she is not disturbed by this. She informs him that they are finished and he is to speak of Sir Gustavo with appropriate respect or he could be made redundant with a snap of her fingers. She goes back inside. He manages not to lose his composure.

Master Bedchamber: The music has darkened further
Rogelio: Why are you looking at me that way?
Ana Paula: I'm grateful for what you're doing for my brother, but don't be mistaken.
Rogelio: Mistaken about what? Why did you say that?
Ana Paula: I don't like the way you manage things. And least of all how you hurt the people I love.
Rogelio: That is not true.
Ana Paula: No? What did you do to my ex-novio? The way you treat Bruno or the manner in which you talk to my aunt? Do you know how that looks?
Rogelio: The people you love. (thoughtful expression) Paula, if you will trust me and try to look at me with other eyes I could do –
Ana Paula: No. No matter what you do I can't. (exits to sad music. Tia MentiRosa was lying in wait in the corridor.)
Tia MentiRosa: Daughter, Bruno told me Rogelio accused him of helping you escape to Boca del Cielo.
Ana Paula: Yes, the problem was he accidentally overheard us.
Tia MentiRosa: Although to Rogelio said he denied it was him. I know.
Ana Paula: Yes. I know.
Tia MentiRosa (with feigned sympathy): Poor Bruno. He got trapped by His Lordship. The same as us.
Ana Paula: Rogelio said that he hoped I would not think ill of him. I told him I never would change my mind.
Tia MentiRosa: But at least you should resign yourself to spending this little time at his side.
Ana Paula: I have no choice. I know I have to stay here.
Tia MentiRosa: It is good you have not forgotten your duty.
Ana Paula: But that does not mean I have forgotten Sir Gustavo. (feels for the necklace that isn't there)

Miguel's Bedchamber: He enters, presumably after a day's work. Lady Ana Paula enters to address him on important matters.
Ana Paula: How are things going?
Miguel (sitting on the bed, with a sarcastic expression): Well. Locked up. Watched. But well.
Ana Paula: Miguel, all this is for your good. I know that the detoxification process is difficult. But an alcoholic –
Miguel: I'm not an alcoholic. No, no, no... I'm in control. I can stop when I want to.
Ana Paula (arms akimbo): Ah, ha.
Miguel: Yes.
Ana Paula: Yes. That's what everyone says who has a serious problem with strong drink. Miguel, if you really want to help me, promise me you won't drink anymore. (He gives an exasperated sigh; she grabs his face to make him look into her eyes) Promise me that.
Miguel: I promise you that. (His expression does not match that statement)
Ana Paula: Promise me that if you feel like drinking you'll think about yourself. Think of your health. And that you will get ahead.
Miguel: Count on it. (sits down)
Ana Paula (taking his hands and getting him to stand): Miguel, that's worth being locked up here.
They embrace, but his expression again does not inspire confidence that he will comply.

Parlour: Knave Skelator and Tia MentiRosa are alone for the moment. They attempt to match their accounts of Lady Ana Paula's departure for Boca del Cielo. They want to use any confusion about this in their favor. Tia MentiRosa says something to imply that Lady Ana Paula will show favor to him. Further, that she will do what she can to encourage that. For the moment they appear to be well pleased with themselves. She asks him to take her into town so she can have a change of air and shop with the money that Lord Rogelio has deposited in her bank account. This procuress will face a most inconvenient day of reckoning.

Miguel's Bedchamber: Lady Daniela confronts Miguel about his alcoholism and he is still in denial about it. He does not want her help and wishes to be alone. She finally departs in disappointment and about to cry. Truly, she should seek love with a gentleman worthy of her.

Master Bedchamber: His Lordship lies in bed when Her Ladyship arrives to administer his therapy since that is – after all – her work, along with keeping up appearances in local society. He is not in a good mood, but then rarely is he so.
Ana Paula: I've come to administer your therapy.
Rogelio: Do you think you are just to present a false face as my wife before society
Ana Paula (prepares his bedtime medication): My work also includes assisting as your nurse so I'm regretting the neglect of your medication and exercise –
Rogelio: You don't need to, but thanks.
Ana Paula: Yes, I have to because if I do you will continue to help my family because doesn't it say that in the contract. I didn't read it. (he puts the water glass down on the nightstand, angry) Let's start. (She hands it back to him)
Rogelio: I don't want the therapy today. (drinks the medicated water)
Ana Paula: You know that you need it. (removes the blanket covering his legs) I'll uncover you like this – (removes the blanket)
Rogelio (as she gets the massage cream onto her hands): You better go; I'm not in the mood for this.
Ana Paula: I'm very sorry, but I'm not going. (rubs hands together, turns her back to him, and begins massaging his left calf muscles. He looks either uncomfortable or pained.) I know this hurts, but remember it's necessary to maintain the muscle tone.
Rogelio: For what? You want me to hope that I'll walk again?
Ana Paula (turning around and flexing the leg): Well, one never knows. Science advances rapidly –
Rogelio: Don't talk to me in medical terms. You know I don't want you as a nurse (grabs her upper arms and turns her to face him) but as a woman who is at my side for her pleasure and not for obligation
Ana Paula: I don't understand why you're saying this when you brought me back by force. And know that the contract we have is the only thing separating me from my boyfriend.
Rogelio: It's like that?
Ana Paula: Yes.
Rogelio: Excuse me. You must feel guilty for all this. You signed the contract.
Ana Paula: You left me no other choice.
Rogelio: Wait a minute, let's see. (stops her) What are you worried about? If your boyfriend loved you that much, can't he wait until your job here is finished? It's only a year.

Montero Manor, Corridor: Lady Daniela cries quietly after being dismissed from Miguel's bedchamber. Squire Hugo finds her and enquires after her troubles. He is very understanding of her situation, but explains that people with Miguel's problem are difficult. He is also careful because he is but a servant while she is the dearest friend of the lady of the manor. She pish-tushes the status, as she is the secretary of Knave Skelator and asks why Miguel refuses her help. As the guitar music begins, Squire Hugo then says that because of his problem Miguel does not realize what he is losing because she is so good and beautiful.

Master Bedchamber: Despite misgivings and attitude, Lady Ana Paula persists in the therapy.
Ana Paula: If he is waiting for me or not is not your concern. Besides, although he's forgotten me I am not in love with you.
Rogelio: You hate me that much, Paula?
Ana Paula: No. I don't hate you. But I don't love him either.
Rogelio: But you don't like being with me. Sorry, it's more than hate.
Ana Paula (laughing. Really): No, it's not that. It's only that every time we start off well and I see a little goodness or good intentions in you, something happens that loses it.
Rogelio: Really?
Ana Paula: Yes. Besides you could still marry my sister. She still loves you.
Rogelio: What are you saying? In all shapes and forms I don't love her. I love you, Paula! You! When I proposed to you I didn't know you were sisters.
Ana Paula: That doesn't change anything. It was clear to me that you had been novios, I don't know how things went but I supposed there were intimate relations between you, (Rogelio covers his face with both hands, as though he were attempting to figure out an answer) and how can you hope that I will have that with you?
Rogelio: What was with Vanessa is over. (looks at her) And remember it was she who abandoned me. Besides you and she were not raised as sisters and she never conducted herself well with you. She won't accept you as her sister.
Ana Paula: That may be but she is my sister and because I promised my father I can't hurt Vanessa anymore.
His Lordship looks at her sadly, then ironically. For he knows that Vainessa can't truly be hurt.

Parlour, the next day: The Loving Gesture
Ana Paula: You sent for me?
Rogelio: I will accompany you to your room. (She looks apprehensive) Don't look at me that way; let me show you something. (They go down the corridor to her room, him leading the way. The picture of St Francis of Assisi has been returned to its place next to the Virgen de Guadalupe. Ana Paula smiles as their love theme begins quietly.)
Ana Paula: And this?
Rogelio: Know that this is a gesture of faith. Faith. You know that I lost it and I don't want you also to lose it while you're here.
Ana Paula: Thanks.
Rogelio: I know that was difficult to say, but I want us to be good together while you're here. For the time you're here.
Ana Paula: What do you want from me now?
Rogelio: Nothing. I only want to ask you to complete your contract, but with good feelings. I don't want it to be a nightmare every time you have to be near me.
Ana Paula (starting to leave, deliberately walking away from him): Pardon me, sir, but I will try to get to my work in good humor.
Rogelio: Paula, please know that you should not fear me. This did go well in the beginning. I was changing thanks to you.
Ana Paula: Please, if you're going to start on again about that sort of thing, I'd prefer not to hear more.
Rogelio: Very well. I will never mention my feelings again. I promise you. But permit me to say that I intend that your life here will not be a sacrifice.
A long stare during which Her Ladyship probably fails to see his sadness.

Study: Maria wheels His Lordship to his desk.
Rogelio: At times I can't take it any longer, Nana. You don't know what hard work it is to control my feelings in front of Ana Paula.
Maria: But now you know –
Rogelio: It's not the same as before. It's like children making demands.
Maria: Rogelio, son. Now I see you are completely in love. Only love makes people endure things like this. But tell me, do you think it's worth it to endure long enough so that one day Paula will come to love you?
Rogelio: At times I think so. But when? From time to time it seems like admiration or love or affection, but when she gives me that sweet smile...Paula doesn't know how to be a hypocrite. Yes, she does feel something for me.
Maria: I see. But promise me, Rogelio, that if this doesn't work you'll leave her in peace. For yourself.
Rogelio: For me? Why?
Maria: To cause her no more pain.
Rogelio: Don't worry; I will not. Tell her to come in. (He takes a file folder out of the cabinet behind the desk.)

Galván Residence: His Lordship calls Lady Chatterley to get her to come home. She insists she needs to stay with Vainessa but we see she is entertaining Sir Gustavo. His Lordship insists she come home but she tells him she wishes to help Vainessa. He tells her she wouldn't know how and they finally end the call with the matter unresolved. Sir Gustavo asks what is wrong and Lady Chatterley tells him that her brother is insufferable. He embraces her in his normal gallant manner, which is just in time for Lord ShadyDeal's arrival. He takes offense and seizes Lady Chatterley, who demands he release her. There will clearly be a duel here.

Study: A Revelation
Lady Ana Paula enters.
Ana Paula: Talk to me, sir.
Rogelio: I asked you here to show you something I hope will encourage you to trust me. (hands her the brown envelope,)
Ana Paula: It's my contract?
Rogelio: Yes. Read it. It hides nothing. I want you to know very well what I had promised you.

Their love theme provides the closing music as we see the document change hands.

More confrontations and possibly more revelations.


Aguantar to endure

De vez en cuando from time to time


Una Familia Con Suerte #159-160 Mon 3/12/12 Hopes Dashed, Hopes Reborn, With Time for Hot Pursuits and Fiestas

Refried beans: The witness is brought in to aver that he saw Sra. Carla Duran enter the hotel even hide in the restaurant. He explains she got a key card to her husband’s room from the front desk while she continues to claim it is all lies, she wasn’t there. But as they grasp her before she can get out of the door, she cries big tears.

Elena creeps in the prison hospital room with gloves clutched to her very tight t-shirt. Tomas is sweet to her wondering why she is there. She actually begs his pardon and cries big tears.

Pancho appears at the central market and asks Chacho what to do, he doesn’t want Rebeca to go to Miami. Chacho is as non-plussed as we are on what to say.

Elena makes a full confession at Tomas’ bedside: the whole thing is her fault even his current state of incarceration and injury, as we all nod in agreement. She even realizes how idiotic it was to take up with a married man. ¡No manches, chica! Tomas is so forgiving and comforting to her, it surpasses anything she deserves.

Henriquetta gets a call from Pancho to help him get information about Rebeca’s plans to leave. Lamberto worries better than anyone we have ever met.

The whole enchilada: Carla Duran now is worried about her children, kind of late in the day, but she actually admits that she is the one who killed her husband.

Lupita working with the children on their costumes greets Elena who comes to tell her that Tomas is a bit better and she is asking her pardon too. Chela told Lupita that tests are put before us so we can learn from our errors. She is much more gentle with Elena than any of us would be.

Back to Cristian’s wife, she recounts how she found the diamond earring (only one) and went to the hotel. Cristian woke up and she took him into the next world with one hefty smack with the candlestick that suddenly looks heavy enough that Jack couldn’t jump over it easily. So now we know that at least Cristian knew how he would meet his end.

Henriqueta tells Pancho that she found out for him that Rebeca and Mike will leave tomorrow at midday for Miami. Chacho gives good advice after sucking on his tootsiepop: have a talk with Chela. Pancho owes her that moment of truth if he is pursuing his dreams of Rebeca. Genius!

Chela who needs talking to is talking with Temoc telling him to be kind and understanding with the sad Meli who is missing her parents. Temoc wants to know if Chela and Pancho will wed. She at least says who knows but promptly has a memory flash of catching her sister’s wedding bouquet and dreaming her dreams. What? That she would be the next to marry? Seems like she thought it meant to be the next to marry Pancho….. I don’t think that is how that myth goes.

Pancho yells at Chacho that he cannot, cannot, cannot tell Chela. He recounts all the reason Chela deserves him but he can’t quit thinking about Rebeca leaving.

Rebe tells Mikey that she is having trouble leaving Avon (aka Pancho) but Mike tells her to dream with him of the new life they will have in Miami. He will get his lawyers to help her (I missed for what) He is living his dream to have the love of his life at his side.

Vicente tells Pina that he understands if she wants to get the divorce. She sadly stays when her secretary appears and they discuss that she is still not happy that her Freddy, her Principe Azul is going to stay with someone so low brow. But with whom would you want for him asks blondie with a pregnant pause?

Freddy and Ana make kissing and hitting a team sport. Freddy seems to really like Ana’s tomboy style of showing affection.

Meli and Temoc have a sweet moment. Monica and her friend talk about Moni not going to live with Jose but still she loves him like crazy.

Freddy gets around to telling Ana that his parents think the masters degree studies in LA are the most important chance that he will get in his life. He compares it with the importance to Ana of the disc. She doesn’t quite get it but he kisses her a lot.

Temoc shares that he wants to be an aeronautic engineer with Meli. He vows to work to save lives and keep children with their parents. She is impressed with him.

Moni’s friend tells her of her continuing crush on Freddy.

The lawyer shows up to tell Tomas that Carla the wife of Cristian has confessed that she killed him.

Sandra and Chacho were being silly with Mexican hats then Pancho is acting idiotic with Lupita who has new braids. He calls someone and it turns out to be Napoleon who talks in front of Candy as we slide to a break.

Pancho tells Napoleon that he knows his sister is there because Napy obliged her to be not because she wants to be. Napy insists that Candy is right there by his side by her own volition. Pancho yells lies, lies. Napy gives veiled or unveiled threats that he can’t change Candy’s choice and tells him he has important things to do as he hangs up on Pancho even though Candy begs to talk to him.

The lawyer makes Tomas break out in big grins, as he tells him that there is a bit of paper work to fill out then they can spring him from the big house.

Mike and Rebe talk about what they need for the new house. I think Rebe needs a new dress that doesn’t cut off the blood supply to her butt. But that’s just me.

And for our comic relief the entire family is dressed in authentic costumes to celebrate the festival of Mexico’s Independence. Suddenly they have all had time to get elaborate costumes, fireworks and mariachi’s together in the midst of their troubles, law suits, death threats and prison scenes. But, where is Chela? Elena? I guess we know where Tomas still is until the endless paperwork is complete and Rebe and Mike were just at her apartment. There is also time to pass around PRODUCT, Botas, or is it Botanas, salty snacks that I actually eat in Mexico. This is better than one of them dabbing their eyes with dark circle concealer, isn’t it?

Dr. Octavio is dressed like a country bumpkin kissing Fernando. Pancho introduces los Tucanes de Tijuana. Oops there is Chela dancing with Pancho. Lamberto tries to get a dance with Henriqueta. This beats hearing Ana’s music again. But NO, I spoke to soon. They hold a dance contest. Pancho and Ana dance together. Lupita is dreaming of why Tomas isn’t they’re enjoying himself and Elena shows up to commiserate and notice that Lupita is thinking about Tomas. Elena decides that she can’t fake being happy enough to stay at the dance and sulks, skulks off. Pancho comes up to grab Ana to dance. Tucanes of Tijuana are celebrating 27 years of music. They in turn give ana the stage to celebrate her new disc. She in turn calls Freddy up to the stage and dedicates the next song to him. Oh well, we almost made it through an episode without having to hear her. At least Freddy plays pretty decent air guitar.

Fernanda tells Octavio that she is happier now than she has been in years and she owes her very presence there to Pancho. Pancho calls Mario up from T de T who says he will be the godfather of Ana’s disc. The whole family comes up on stage for the Viva Mexico and singing the Pancho Lopez song. Product endorsement fade to more alluring photos from Abysmo’s grand estreno in one more hour. But now more ads.

Candy begs Napoleon to spare her brother. In her exuberance to thank him, Napy is able to cop a feel or two without losing his dapper hat.

Pina and Vicente talk about something important while Vin flings all the pillows off the couch again until he is close enough to kiss Pina’s dainty leg. I guess this is their accustomed way of making up?

Napoleon who likes to wear his cool dark glasses even at home, discusses endlessly with Candy that he will consider sparing Pancho and Vicente and he has enough money to buy everyone around Candy.

Pancho replays Fernanda’s advice that he is making the wrong decision not to tell Rebe and Chela about his real feelings. Next morning Pancho tries to tell Lupita that he doesn’t want Rebe to leave. The maids downstairs are ecstatic at Chela’s coming good luck at netting Pancho for real. Lupita chastises Pancho for giving wings to Chela’s dreams and not telling her about his true dreams of loving Rebe. She informs him that he has to face Chela alone and not be a coward. Maybe Rebe still loves him even though she is going off with Mike but she tells him that Chela has loved him completely for all these years and what he is doing or about to do with her feelings is unsupportable. She stomps out of the room.

Mike, ever the overly eager one shows up early to tell Rebe he can’t be without her until it is time to leave. He gives her more dreary kisses.

Chela shows up in Pancho’s room saying Lupita says he has something to tell her alone. She thinks it is maybe that he is worried about Candy. But he mutters to himself that now is the moment to get to the point. Chela insists that he get to the point (al grano) He starts like an idiot saying he is going to: bath, dress, perfume himself and, and well he is going to go off to see Rebeca. Whew… we all need a break to hear about movies, blackberries floor cleaner, etc. And well, just breathe. I wasn’t sure he could do it. Gooooo Pancho.

Chela screams at Pancho that she knows how much she has dreamed about being with him. She insists that he not touch her. She gave him herself unconditionally and her throws rocks at her heart. She screams she will never pardon him and she stomps out of his room. Pancho cries about his mess alone in his room.

The lawyer has appeared in the Lopez living room to tell the girls that Tomas will be released from prison post haste.

Napoleon and Candy have another uncomfortable breakfast. He hands her a present, an invitation to their wedding that will be this Saturday. She is shocked.

Vicente throws more pillows then is suddenly dreamy eyed in his office when Enzo comes in. He swears that he isn’t thinking precisely of Candy. Then you are thinking of Pina questions Enzo. Vicente turns the table and says you are thinking of quesadillas (Chela). No not exactly, then you are thinking of Lidia?

Some fey guy is hiding in Arnold’s inner office while Arnold sneaks in to Vicente’s office. Arnold cries on Vicente’s nice suit I think he is sad about Pina’s spurning him but I don’t think Vice knows why he is crying.

Chela is in hysterics in front of Lupita and Ana. What am I going to do? She says over and over. At this moment she wants to go to the mountain, she doesn’t want to talk with or see anyone.

Pancho makes it out to La Burra when he is gripped with the memory of Chela screaming she will never, never forgive him. Ever!

Candy is telling someone to come to Mansion de Napoleon to visit with big Napy’s permission. Meantime, Pancho has a fight with another driver who blocks him in the street. Pancho gets out to punch the guy and as they square off, a crowd and a cop gather to make the scene just a bit sillier. The cop recognizes Pancho so wants the famous Pancho’s autograph.

Rebe declares she will miss her beloved apartment. Mike tries to be understanding of everything. They get down to the car finally just as Pancho pulls up in La Burra. She takes off and Pancho runs after her ineffectively screaming at Mike’s disappearing car. The windows are probably up, she doesn’t even turn around.

Chela and Candy discuss her doomed wedding planned by Napy, Pancho can’t get La Burra started and calls Chacho for advice. Henriqueta finds out that Rebe has left the apartment and will return, NEVER.

Candy comforts her in her way, telling her I tried to tell you. Pancho begs a ride in a taxi but the driver says the airport is too far away.

Lupita and Ana give Pepe the good news that Tomas will be released. The siblings take a good news hug all around. Meanwhile, Tomas discusses his impending release with the lawyer, it is easier to enter than to leave warns the lawyer. It will be soon. Tomas asks for help getting his cellmate’s case heard. Is this more evidence of the rebirth of the good Tomas?

Another taxi with a driver who looks almost comatose agrees to crawl toward the airport with Pancho in the back. Looks like a runway scene pending.

Fer tells Octavio that at this moment her best friend Rebeca is boarding a plane to leave for Miami with Mike, a man that Fer is sure Rebe does NOT love. She tried to tell Pancho he was making a big mistake not to stop Rebe. She says she feels like he is her true son. She insists that she feels in her heart that Pancho is her true son. Octavio pompously says, I hate to be crude but dear Fer, DNA doesn’t lie! (But dear Octavio, nephews lie all the time.)

Napy enters Vice’s office while back in Octavio’s office, Fer insists that she is sure there was some mistake about her and Pancho. Octavio wisely agrees that they will do a retesting. This time they will send things to the US. She is so happy. With any luck, they will both be boca cerada.

Candy shows the tearful Chela the wedding invitation and Chela wails some more about another person leaving her.

Napy dismisses Arnold telling him he wants to talk to Vice like a MAN. Arnold all but crawls out of the office. Once alone, Napy tells Vice of his plans to marry Candy. After the break, Napy invites Vice to the wedding and says bring your wife, servants and even your Nenenenenene. How do you know about him? I know much more about you than you think I do. Exits advising Vicente that he better come to the wedding.

A sad Rebe exits the car with Mike at the airport. He reports that in a half hour they will depart. Just then Pancho arrives in the turtle, er I mean taxi and how did Chacho get there too. Pancho gets directions to the gate running straight into the guard who won’t let him pass without a boarding pass. They say the only way is to buy a ticket. He knocks people out of line at the ticket desk, buys the ticket, and tries to jump the line while he argues with the crowd that he needs to get to the love of his life so they let him cut just this time. He tries to get through the security check and must leave his belt behind with Chacho. He jumps the seats like the old O.J. of yore before all that trouble. Alas, he arrives in time to find the gate closed and we watch with him while the plane carrying away his beloved does a powerful take-off. The distraught Pancho cries out to Rebeca.

Next: Candy’s wedding plans advance and Fer is surprised by none other than Rebeca who says she did not get on the plane! ¡No Manches! Tomorrow will be another wacko day with La Familia.


El Talismán #29-31 Mon 3/12/12 Admit It; You're Hooked

OK, so I DVR'd El Tal at 1 p.m. and came home and watched the whole thing. A mind is a terrible thing to waste...


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #157-158 Fri 3/9/12 Two couples think they're springing forward. Anyone else can see they're falling back.

Part One: Threats

Pancho & Chela share the world's slowest elevator with Sunkist & Rebe. Sunkist and Rebeca are just waiting for the merger paperwork to be signed. Pancho and Chela try to be polite. By the time they reach the lobby, Rebeca looks sick. Mike knows she's jealous of Chela and he's jealous about her jealousy.

Outside the love nest, Deb threatens Candy before her errand to break up with Vins: "Pancho is crossing town right now in La Burra. Let's hope he doesn't have a mishap."

Crying, Candy tells Concepción that everything is fine.

The Irabiens throw the pillows off the sofa. Fred tells Pina about the offer from UCLA. He doesn't think he'll go. Pina and Ana need him.

At the police station, Chela and Pancho hear Cristián's autopsy results. There were two premortem blows to the head. One from the edge of a piece of furniture, and the other from the candlestick Tomás had wiped down. They can't tell which blow came first. As for the tox report, there was a significant dose of a powerful sedative.

(If Elena had gone to the police that morning, she could have proved that she'd been dosed as well.)

Cristián's wife Carla is brought in for questioning. She insists that someone look in on her kids. Seeing Pancho, she asks him for help. Pancho and Chela say something about Tom. She doesn't know who Tom is. She hasn't been following the case of her husband's murder very closely, I guess. She blames the murder on Elena.

Vice tries to talk to Pina about the merger. Candy calls.

Enzo and Lidia lounge in her hotel room - she in a negligee, he in a bathrobe. Looks like they Did It. Now they are sipping champagne. There's a message on his phone: the signing will be tomorrow morning at ten. He asks Lidia about their future. She asks if he wants her to stay in Mexico. NO! GO AWAY!!

Vice goes to the love nest. Candy says she's marrying Nap. Vice is incredulous and realizes she's being extorted. He assures her that he can take care of himself. "What part of 'I love Napoleon' don't you understand?" Candy insists.

Enzo and Lidia Do It again. Don't make me get the hose, you two! He says he can't ask her to stay; he'd like her to, but it has to be her decision. She says she'll absolve him of the responsibility: she'll stay, but not because of him. Then he gets an urgent call from Vice and has to go.

Candy goes back to Deb, crying. Deb scolds. Next stop: to Pancho.

Pancho and Chela tell the family about their visit to the police station. Pancho says he has an uneasy feeling.

Carla is being interrogated. She denies everything, even being at the hotel. The police detective threatens her with perjury. A hotel employee saw her there, plus there are two videos. She still denies.

Vice and Enzo have an emergency rehash session.

Pina and Fred. The pillows are mysteriously back on the sofa. I guess that's why the family can throw them around with impunity; they regenerate spontaneously. Her sister's death was a reminder of how fragile and mortal we are. She's made a decision - and she's going to tell Fred her secret: Arnold is the man she kissed in Acapulco.

Fred is confused. She doesn't explain Arnold's whole backstory, but says she likes him only as a friend. She's not ready for a relationship yet, but she doesn't want to lose his friendship. Fred advises her to tell Arnold how she feels.

Enzo asks Vins if he loves Candy enough to risk his own life. What if they do something to Fred? Vins goes crazy at the thought.

Candy tells Deb that Pancho's not going to buy her story. Too bad, Deb says she has to go through with it anyway.

Deb calls Nap to give him an update. Vins isn't a fool, but his son just happens to live right next door to the Lopez family. Delighted with this news, Nap tells Deb to pay Fred a visit, just introduce herself and Vins will take the hint.

Candy tells Pancho & family the good news of her impending nuptials with Napoleon.

Meanwhile, Deb goes next door and tells Pina and Fred that she works for Napoleon. Noting Deb's apparent interest in Fred, Pina tells her she's not his "level" and he's too young for her. Deb says sure, well, just came by to say hello. After she leaves, Pina thinks it was very odd. Fred remembers the exploding envelope that came to Vice's office and tells Pina about it.

Candy insists that she's happy and Nap's going to buy her all kinds of stuff. Nobody is completely satisfied with her shallow excuses. As for that incident with the gun a while back, yeah, he was totally sorry about that. Pancho is upset. Candy's resolve cracks a bit and she blurts that she's doing it for them. She runs out.

Deb tells Candy about the visit to Fred.

The police detective tells Carla to get a lawyer. She'll be under house arrest as a suspect in her husband's murder.

Groaning in the prison hospital, Tomás moans that he'll be the happiest man on Earth if he can show Lupita how he feels.

At home, Pancho and Chela surmise that Candy is being pressured by Napoleon.

Fred calls Vins and tells him about Deb's visit. Vins tells him to lock all the doors and windows.

Chela gives Pancho something to eat. She asks, if he had a chance to go back to the way things were before [he took over at Avon], would he do it?

Pancho doesn't care to second-guess his decision, and I, for one, have never liked this side of Chela and hoped she'd gotten past this by now. Oh well. Chela asks does he think it was worth it, sacrificing the happiness and unity of the family. (Seriously? Is she smoking crack?) Pancho says true, they've had some problems, but he's still himself and hasn't failed them as a father or abandoned his values. She asks if he minds if she calls him "Sol." He says she can even call him Luis, and calls her his dear Luna.

Enzo goes home after the emergency rehash session with Vins. He calls Lidia to tell her he won't be going back to her suite tonight after all. She's okay with that. Moni comes home just in time to hear him tell Lidia that he has the greatest daughter in the world.

Then Enzo rehashes with Moni. She notices he got rid of the mustache and he admits he spent some pleasant time with Lidia. And she went to visit Mom at the psychiatric hospital. I'd say one of them had a much better day than the other.

Grandpa Napoleon promises Candy a great night that he's been looking forward to for hundreds of years. Er, I mean several years. She tries to stall, saying it's been a rough day.

Vins goes to Stately Lopez Manor and tells Pancho about Deb's unspoken threat against Fred. Vins wants Pancho to unite with him against Napoleon.

Poor Nap isn't gonna know what hit him.

Part Two: Goodbyes

What Candy needs is some of that sleepy-time stuff that Bárbara from MEPS used to put in her husband's drink. Ah well.

Candy continues to stall, plying the old geezer with cognac and soft music. She offers to tell him a secret. "But my bedroom is filled with flowers," he protests feebly.

Vins and Pancho agree that Candy is under duress and that they have to help her. Everyone is a little freaked to realize that Pancho and Vins are finally on the same side of something.

Candy's big secret for Napoleon is that she's in love with Vicente. Nap promises that in time, she'll come to love him as well. She reminds him that she's there against her will and asks him to be patient. Fortunately, he agrees.

Vice tells Pina and Fred that he's going to put guards on everyone. He'll put like five of them on Meli. They'll be all over the property. Pina is really POed when Vice admits that it's because of Candy that Napoleon (he has to clarify it's not THAT Napoleon) is threatening them. Furious, she tells Vice to stay away from the house.

Lupita visits Alex's grave with a little box of mementos. "Our relationship went very quickly, but it's also true that I loved you with all my strength, wanted to have a home and family at your side, wanted to make you very happy, but destiny didn't give us a chance. The day of our wedding, I was left without your love. Then I found out that you knew our union wouldn't be forever. I don't blame you for that, you did it for love; and for the love and respect that we had, I came to give you your belongings and put you to rest. Today it's clear to me that life must continue. Goodbye, Alex." (Waaah!)

Pancho and Fernanda prepare to take La Burra to Avon. Chela gives Pancho a blessing and a kiss. Fernanda looks ready to gag.

El Tanque visits Tomás's bedside. Tom's face is a lot better now that it doesn't look like a plate of ground beef. He's feeling better. Tank says his kids came to visit. Tom's glad. If his own dad had been unjustly thrown in jail, he'd have wanted to visit him, too. Next time the gang threatens him, he wants to be able to fight them off.

In La Burra, Pancho remembers the uncomfortable elevator ride and Rebeca saying that she and Sunkist were leaving as soon as the merger was signed. The memory is so upsetting it makes him sneeze. Sensing his thoughts, Fernanda tells him it would be a big mistake to let Rebeca leave.

Rebeca meets Sunkist for a restaurant breakfast. She's reading (or more likely re-re-re-re-reading) her letter of resignation. She explains why she went back to work for Fernanda in the first place: to help Pancho as the new president of Avon. It wasn't easy. "No pain, no gain," Sunkist quips in English. Shut up, Mike. Don't speak my language and I won't speak Oompa Loompa.

Pancho tells Fernanda that Rebeca's the one who's making the mistake by running away with Mike. Fernanda also expresses dismay over his relationship with Chela. (Where the heck has Laurita's Flame of Disapproval been lately, anyway? That'd be helpful!) She says he's with Chela for all the wrong reasons. Pancho disagrees. They're the same kind of people. He has nothing in common with Rebeca. Fernanda acknowledges that being with Chela solves a lot of problems for Pancho, but by choosing her, he's doing the same thing Rebeca is doing. Chela doesn't deserve that.

Arnold visits Pina in her office. (He glances at Celeste's legs a little too long as she leaves.) Arnold pauses for a kiss that doesn't happen.

In the office, Pancho and Fernanda read Rebeca's resignation. "The show must go on," Pancho says.

Alone in the boardroom, Rebeca and Sunkist anticipate the finalization of the merger. Lambi arrives in a cheerful mood at first, then in typical Lambi fashion, worries that some unforeseen development will lay waste to all their hard work. (It's as if he's the only one who realizes they're in a telenovela.)

Pina tells Arnold that she likes him, but she's not ready to be a couple. She emphasizes repeatedly that she values his friendship. He eventually gets the message and seems to slip into a catatonic state.

Finally it's time to sign off on the merger. "Rebeca te amo," Pancho doodles on his notepad. He can't stop thinking about all the advice that Fernanda and Lupita gave him. But he signs the papers. Vice and Sunkist cheer. Rebeca looks nauseated. Pina says she's grateful to have witnessed such an important merger. Mike acknowledges her recent loss. He thanks Pancho and says maybe this will be the last time they meet. "Thank God," Pancho mutters. Mike doesn't hear him. Pancho musters up some pleasantries, and they hug.

Rebeca congratulates Pancho. They share a tender embrace.

Lupita, Ana, and Pepe visit Carla under house arrest. They tell her about their friend Tom, the orphan, who got shanked in jail after signing a confession to protect his sister. "I don't know why you're telling me all this," she protests unconvincingly.

At Avon, Fernanda asks Rebe if she's sure. She thanks her for all her help and says she's sorry things are turning out so badly. Rebe thanks Fernanda.

Lidia tells Sunkist she's not going back to Miami. Pancho offers her a job working for Enzo at Avon. (I can't help thinking that this is a very stupid idea, not only to have her reporting to her rebounding boyfriend but also to offer her the position without discussing it with Enzo first. But what do I know?)

Pancho wishes Rebeca luck. Sunkist wants to leave. Rebe stares at Pancho a little too long.

The kids tell Carla they already know she was at the hotel that night, that she put something in the drinks and went into the room. They try to guilt her into exonerating Tom.

Candy joins her patient captor for breakfast. He offers her eggs any way she likes: poached, Benedict, rancheros. She wants fruit. He says she can have any kind she wants; kiwi, watermelon, lychee... and he wants to get her a stylist, from any country she wants: France, Italy, Belgium. This guy sure likes lists. He wants her to be the height of fashion. She can have whatever she wants. He starts her off with a sparkly pearl-and-diamond necklace, the kind of thing that she would love under any other circumstances.

Vins offers to accompany Pina to Yuyu's funeral.

Fernanda is disappointed that Pancho, who normally fights for what he wants, let Rebeca go. He says something about liking suntans that I don't get. She repeats that he's with Chela out of spite. He's stubborn about it and says he needs to get out of the office and into some fresh air. Fer says she still loves him. She's just thinking of his happiness. He's grateful.

Ana, Pepe, and Lupita return from Carla's and are surprised to see all the guards around Fred's house. Fred has to call the guards off repeatedly as he rehashes with Ana & Co. He's on his way to the funeral. Ana offers to go with, but Fred thinks Moms wouldn't appreciate that.

Ana asks him what he decided about UCLA. He says they can talk about that later. Sigh. But I wanna know now! (That was me, not Ana. I'm not as patient as she is.) They "te amo" each other as he leaves. Pepe gently mocks.

At Avon, Arnold goes crying to Rebe about Pina. Hmm, I would have thought she'd be speeding away on an airplane by now. He's sad that Rebe's leaving him, too, and it's all his fault for talking her into going with Sunkist. She says he can come visit her whenever he likes.

At the funeral home, Pina says she can't get over it. Vins tries to comfort her. "I don't know what I'd do without you. Thank you, Vicente." Fred tells Meli they're hermanos. She blinks back painful tears.

Candy is getting measured for a new dress by a man wearing too much makeup. She tells Chela on the phone that it's okay. Chela says Vice was there to talk to Pancho. Candy insists it will all be fine.

Lidia tells Enzo she can't wait to start working for him. She's going to have to move out of the hotel though and get an apartment. He suggests she not throw her money away, but invest it instead... "we" can buy a place together. Kisses. Ugh. STOP IT!! He carries her to the bedroom.

Carla's at the police station. The guy calls in a witness. She continues to be defiant until she sees and seems to recognize the hotel employee. He certainly recognizes her. As a manager, it's his job to pay attention to things, and he noticed her hiding behind a column in the restaurant. She was wearing sunglasses and gloves. And another employee told him she asked for the key card to her husband's room to meet him up there.

Carla calls him a liar, denies everything, and goes bananas. The police detective offers her another chance to tell the truth.

Elena visits Tom in the prison hospital, bare-handed, and begs his forgiveness.

That would have been a nice place to stop, but there is one more scene.

Pancho goes to the vegetable market and tells Chacho he doesn't want Rebeca to leave. Chacho stands dumbfounded with lollipop in midair. He must be wondering the same as the rest of us: what does Pancho think Chacho can do about it?

Next time:
A fiesta. Chela gushes to Temo about how much she'd like to marry Pancho. Later, Chela shrieks "NEVER!!!!" to Pancho. Maybe he asked her to come to bed in one of her old aprons.


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