Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones - Tuesday 3/13 - In which Tonqui runs all night and Nurse Susi shows some skin.

It is nighttime. Rosita awakes, violated but alive. She discovers Rutilio dead in the carriage. She slumps on the hill by the side of the road, cries to God and screams for help as Carmina Burana-type music plays in the background.

Angel is in a tizzy worrying about Emilio. Orlando assures Angel that he will find his brother, but Angel is concerned about Emilio's suffering. "What suffering," demands Thelma? She has entered the room in time to hear the bad news. She blames that filthy Flor for yet again messing up Emilio's Life According To Thelma. Angel seems to think that nobody can survive up in the mountains unless they are well prepared.

Cut to Emilio yelling for help.

The kidnappers plan to send a ransom note to Don Loco in the morning. Pancho orders Tula to write the note. She cries that she doesn't want to have anything to do with this kidnapping business. Pancho takes off his belt and beats her with vicious gusto.

Floralina tells Tonqui (this is how they are spelling Tonki tonight) to go for help. He grabs a dried animal skin and runs out. Soledad and Flor wonder why Tonqui took the skin; they hope he returns for help. Maybe some of you think Tonqui took the skin for a chew toy, but I think Prince Tonqui has a plan. Go Tonqui!!

Orlando convinces Thelma and Angel to stay at La Rinconada while he looks for Emilio, thus ensuring his plot to keep Emilio trapped and unfound. Sexy Nurse Susi promises to keep an eye on joven Angel and make sure he stays safely in his room.

Don Max bursts into the house, filthy, bloody and enraged. He cracks his whip in a frenzy and yells for Efigenio. Didn't he order Efigenio to fix the damned fence near the pasture? "Your stupid fence isn't worth a sh*t," Don Max screams, "a horse escaped and I got caught in the barbed wire!" He orders Efigenio to fix it in the morning.

The singing Aunt Rebecca witnesses all this and asks if she can help him. He bellows, "Sure you're going to cure me just like they fix fences! Thank you!!" "You're welcome," she meekly responds as he charges up the stairs.

Elias arrives at Hacienda de Loco with bad news. He tearfully tells Adela that Blanca died of a heart attack. He came to tell Soledad. Don Loco swaggers out and says HIS wife isn't there. She escaped!

Singing Aunt tries to comfort Thelma. Thelma's not happy that Orlando is searching for Emilio; Orlando loathes Emilio and has always envied him.

Elias asks Don Loco why isn't he out looking for Soledad? It's dangerous for women to be out this late. Don Loco tells Elias it's none of his biz. Now that Blanca is dead is Elias wanting to find Soledad and finally fulfill his fantasies? Elias demands "How did you know Blanca is dead?"

Thelma cries to auntie that Emilio will never love her. Suddenly there is a knock on the window. Auntie says it's the idiot Gaspar! Thelma instructs, "Tell him to beat it!"

Auntie opens the window and tells an eager Gaspar that Thelma is sick. His face gets long and he looks sad and concerned. Auntie orders him to go. Gaspar sticks out his lip and says he'll go so as not to bother the muñequita. (He means Thelma but I think Auntie believes he is referring to the baby.) Auntie gets a bright idea. If Gaspar thinks Thelma is sick maybe he will believe that Thelma lost the child!

Elias didn't tell Don Loco that Blanca had died so how did he know??? Don Loco says he heard Elias tell Adela and saw Adela start crying. She really liked Blanca as did he. (Liked to lock her up and cause her to fibrillate he means.) Don Loco tells Elias that he absolutely prohibits Elias from looking for Soledad. Elias shakes his head, jumps on his horse and rides off.

A bound Floralina cries, presumably to Emilioooo, "I'm never going to stop loving you." Puhleaze!

Tonqui runs around Emilio's pit. Emilio sees him and yells "Tonqui! Tonqui!"

Angel thought bubbles, "Can't stay here, gotta look for my bro." He sneaks past Nurse Susi who has fallen asleep doing the crossword puzzle.

Emilio tells Tonqui to look for Alina. Tonqui runs off, probably confused that people keep telling to run back and forth. Emilio yells for help. Tonqui has left the rabbit skin next to the pit.

Felicia, Jose and the other drug runners are stealing boxes of munitions from the soldiers' camp. They must have gotten these arms from America because each box is marked "Export." Jose is suspicious because nobody seems to be guarding the goods. He tells the new boss Rogelio that this is the last time he'll get involved in their biz, he's only there for Felicia. Moments after they leave the soldiers from the camp discover the missing ammo. The alarm is sounded.

Braulio sees Rosita's note and hopes she will be happy with Santos. He hopes they will get married and that she'll leave La Rinconada and lecherous Don Max forever. Suddenly a dirty and sobbing Rosita stumbles in. "They killed Rutilo," she sobs,"and they raped me!" Braulio is muy impactado!

Braulio kicks a chair and asks Rosita if she's sure Rutilo is dead. Was it dark? Was the attacker big? Did she see him? She says his face was covered. Braulio wants to report it to the authorities but Rosita doesn't want anyone to know. She is humiliated and runs to her room. "How can we not report it," Braulio asks in despair? "Daughter, daughter," he sobs, sagging down onto the table in anguish.

Angel rides in the night, coughing and yelling for Emilio. As often as he gets thrown from horses, if I were him I would think twice about riding around at night.

Soledad and a crying Floralina cannot get free. Alina says Blanca will help them, she promised! Soledad reluctantly tells Alina that Blanca cannot..."your godmother died." Alina is impactada and she sobs with renewed vigor, "No puede ser!" Soledad adds that Don Loco gave her the news, no doubt he had something to do with it.

Jose and the drug runners are hustling the boxes of munitions through the forest. They are all rushing like crazy except Felicia who brings up the rear prancing like a dancer, waving her gun aimlessly, and casually looking around. Boom! she gets shot in the back in front of a horrified Jose. He tries to help her but Rogelio the jefe orders him to leave. They have to run NOW! Felicia makes things easy on them and kicks the bucket. Arcadio forces Jose to leave her. The closing shot is a close up of Felicia, open-eyed with blood dripping from her mouth.

It's dawn and a weak - even weaker than usual - Angel hears Tonqui's barks. Tonqui leads Angel to the pit. Angel throws Emilio a rope and his horse pulls him out of the pit. For the first time Angel is successful at a task. Emilio is exhausted but fine. They see the skin that Tonqui dropped earlier. "It's a rabbit skin...just the skin," Emilio observes astutely, "Alina and her mother must be in a hunter's hut!"

Nurse Susi is still in her Telenovela nurse hat and shoes, but today she wears a sexy little If-Marilyn-Monroe-Were-A-Nurse dress. It's very low cut. Something tells me Nurse Susi is about to get more lines. She is in the kitchen asking Vera what should she do about Angel giving her the slip? What if something bad happens to him because she fell asleep?

A gasping Angel tells Emilio that he wants to help him look for the kidnapping hunters, just give him a moment to catch his breath. He's wiped out from throwing a rope, getting on his horse, and analyzing a bunnie skin.

Soledad and Floralina are tired, they were too frightened to sleep. Tula enters with breakfast. Her face is bruised and she's sporting a shiner. Soledad asks, "He beat you, didn't he?"

Emilio wants Angel to go home, the mountains are too cold for his lungs. Angel insists on staying and becoming a liability. "Fine then," says Emilio, "Put on that big old ugly checkered blanket thing to help keep you warm."

Orlando tries to convince the search party to look for Emilio in the marsh. The other guys don't think he would have gone there but they agree to split up, allowing Orlando to search on his own. Vera and Nurse Susi, whose neckline seems to have plunged more deeply since the last scene, tells the search party that Angel snuck out during the night, so they should look for him too. "Damn him," thought bubbles Orlando, "he's going to ruin my diabolical plan!" We get one more close-up of Nurse Susie's cleavage as he rides by.

Angel coughs and teeters on his saddle. He spies a fire and they ride toward it.

Soledad tells Tula she recognizes an abused woman. She understands because she herself has been mistreated by a man. Tula makes excuses, "My Pancho has you here because we need the money, no other reason." Ohhkaaayy, so that's a good reason? Soledad says she's not talking about what he's doing do them (Soledad and Alina) but rather what he is doing to her (Tula). Some women think it's normal that their husbands beat them. They allow it to happen because they are afraid their husband will go away and leave them alone. For that reason they bear all sorts of humiliations until they eventually become accustomed to the mistreatment.

Flor pipes up that she shouldn't let any man mistreat her (hear that mom???). "But Pancho loves me," says Tula. "Yeah right, if he loved you he wouldn't beat you, he wouldn't hurt you. If you let him he's going to keep beating you and then what? He'll end up leaving you for someone else," instructs Flor. Tula cries,"Don't say that, don't say that!" She runs out crying. "Poor woman," clucks Soledad. Flor and Soledad should follow their own advice.

Emilio and Tonqui race into a camp where a man sleeps by a fire. Angel trots behind. Emilio sticks his rifle in the man's ear. It's Elias, poor sap. He says he was looking for some loved ones in the mountains but he has to sleep. They realize they are all looking for the same two women and decide to join forces. Angel coughs, the actor must have a very sore throat by now.

Don Loco yells at Sergio for not being able to find the women while he was sleeping on his fat a** all night. At that moment a rock wrapped in paper crashes through the window and lands at their feet. "It's a message," says Sergio. Duh. Don Loco reads the message, "It demands a ransom for Soledad and Flor."

Commercial break Mundo - Ultimos Capitulos - Dolores attacks Jos and grabs her by the throat. It appears that Jos can't stop flapping her yap even while getting strangled. Catfight!!!

Back to Duelo: Don Loco says a big ransom has been demanded for the women. The money is to be brought to the cave down by the river. "Are you going to pay," asks Sergio? "Of course," answers Loco, " I'd give my entire fortune to have them back."

Braulio tries to console a tormented Rosita by giving her some herbal tea. He gently tells her that when she goes to give her testimony about Rutilio's death she should report what "that bastard" did to her. She says she doesn't want to, what good will it do? She doesn't know who it is and the only thing that will happen is that all of Sierra Escondido will know. They will speak badly of her and call her a floozy. That's how people are around there. Whenever a girl is raped she is the one who is judged. She doesn't want that to happen. She doesn't want Santos to find out and judge her like everybody else. While Rosita speaks she wipes her arm repeatedly with a cloth as if to remove some unseen filth.

Braulio wonders aloud if it could have been Don Maximo. Rosita says that what she was thinking. The last time he saw her he warned her to be very careful.

Santos has a flashback to happy times with Rosita. The cute waitress interrupts his thoughts. If he's so sad why doesn't he look for his Roseeeeetah? She's heard all about her. Santos doesn't want to talk about it and stomps away.

Mariana tells a pleased Malena that she accepted Dr. Love's proposal of marriage, which leads us into...

Jose telling Arcadio he feels responsible for Felicia's death. The new boss Rogelio enters and tells Jose he is free to leave. It was Felicia's last wish. Arcadio can leave too. Jose and Arcadio are ecstatic. Jose says he will sell the gold (he still has that? didn't the druggies take it from him?) and return to his family. "At last, I will be with Mariana and Marianita!" Which leads us into...

Mariana, who is making big plans to tell her brother and the rest of the family her happy news. The entire family will attend the wedding. Malena wonders how Don Loco will react to Marianita the Bastardita. Mariana thinks it should be OK if he doesn't know Jose is the father.

The soldiers cover dead Felicia with a blanket. They could do nothing to save her but most of all they're sorry they couldn't interrogate her. They think that the Mexican dude Jose probably led the cartel to the military camp. The comandante says they are going after Jose and this time they are going to capture him! They captured him before, they just couldn't keep him.

Don Loco and Sergio wait by the river. Sergio stashes the package of money in some rocks. "Nobody will make a fool out of me," Don Loco swears, "nobody!" They look around like they hear something.

Accompanied by suspenseful music, one of the kidnappers (not Pancho) retrieves the money. He gleefully spreads the bills and congratulates himself. Don Loco appears with a pistol and Sergio garrotes the guy and holds a gun to his head. The kidnapper spills his guts, says Panchito made him do it, and cries like a baby for his life. "Act like a man," commands Don Loco. Does he mean find a woman and lock her up? No he means stop crying and tell them where he hid the women.

Auntie tells Thelma, who is shoving food in her face, not to fret or it could hurt the baby. Thelma says the baby is the last of her worries. Auntie tells Thelma about her idea to tell Gaspar that Thelma lost the baby. Then Thelma could go away for a while so Gaspar can't see she is pregnant. Thelma thinks the plan might work. Auntie fans herself with pride.

A badly beaten Tula sobs in front of a cracked mirror. She remembers Flor's and Soledad's words. She weeps and inspects her bruised ribs.

Soledad and Floralina talk about what a jerk Pancho is. Soledad doesn't understand how women can let themselves be humiliated in such a manner, but then admits "I myself I have lived, humiliated and mistreated by the man I trusted and until today I have not been able to avoid it." Alina says when all this is over she vows she will never let another man treat them badly. Soledad says she hopes so because it seems Emilio has that character. "No, really, it's just a front," Stupid Alina insists," deep down he's good." OK so have these women learned nothing? Soledad continues, she says Alina idealizes him too much and has forgotten what's gone down between them. If they get out alive it would be best if Alina stopped thinking of him.

Elias, Emilio, Angel and Tonqui are exhausted from looking for the women. They say it's like looking for a damn needle in a haystack. Hey wait a minute...can't Tonqui take the men right to them? Guess not, maybe he's confused from all that running back and forth. They accuse Tonqui of just finding the skin lying around somewhere. Angel says he feels awful and keels over. Elias will take him home and Emilio and Tonqui will continue searching.

Stupid Alina dreams of kissing Emilio at the beach. It makes her cry.

Elias and Angel have taken only moments to reach home. Don Max carries Angel upstairs while Nurse Susi pronounces him feverish. Elias reports that Emilio is fine. Angel rescued him from a pit.

Susi asks delirious Angel, "Why did you do it?" "Alina my love, will you marry me," he asks? This comatose marriage proposal thing must run in the family. "I'd love to marry you," Susi answers, and kisses him.

Don Loco, in his cute little cowboy hat rain cap, complains to the kidnapper that it's taking a long time to get to the women. He'd better not be playing games with them. Suddenly they see Tonqui followed by Emilio.

Emilio says, "So, Don Alvaro, we meet again." He says he is there for the same reason as Don Loco, to find Alina and Soledad. Don Loco demands, "Why are you involving yourself with my family?" "Your family?" snaps Emilio, "I thought Alina wasn't your daughter!" (Points to Emilio for that one.) "OK, she's not," admits Loco,but I still want you to stay out of my business." "How are you going to stop me?" challenges Emilio, "are you going to shoot me again?"

Don Loco doesn't look impactado, but he does look royally PO'd.

Upcoming attractions: Marianita takes a turn for the worse. Mariana vows to tell Don Loco about Jose. Emilio asks Orlando why he didn't respond to his shots for help when he fell into the pit.

alambrada - (barbed) wire fence
parque - munitions
fogata - fire, bonfire
paliacate - big old checkered scarf or wrap
cazador - hunter


Zorro- Tuesday March 13, 2007:I Am an Innocent Man (but not really)

Fernando is roughing up Yumali, when Zorro arrives. Fer comments that now he gets to meet Zorro. Z-“ I didn’t know that you wanted to meet me.” Zorro goes on about how he and the governor could work together to save the town. Fer says that he just wants to find out Zorro’s true identity. He says that Zorro thinks that he is protecting the poor, but really he is nothing more than a criminal. A sword fight starts between Fernando and Zorro. Zorro knocks Fer’s sword out of his hand. Fer taunts him to go ahead and kill him, Zorro says that his mission is done (Yumi escaped). Zorro asks Fer if he wonders why the Indian tried to kill him. Fer replies because she is an Indian, a godless savage. Zorro says “No, it is because all the land belonged to them before the Spaniards came and took it all away.” Fer says, “Too bad, so sad it’s the law of the strongest.” (is this like, history is written by the victors, or some such saying?). Anyway, this whole exchange makes me wonder why Fer cannot see that it is Diego under the mask, but oh well, that would bring about the ending of this show if everyone discovered that Diego was Zorro.

Montero and Pizarro are rehashing what happened on yesterday’s episode. You can just read my earlier posting. They talk about Al’s wound and how the doctor is making his coffin. Monty is excited, because if Al dies, then Diego loses his protector. He’s also pleased because with Al out of the picture, he will be able to get more done out from under the shadow of his enemy. Pizarro and Monty speculate why the Indian wants to kill Fer. Oh well, she’s helping them out by keeping the governor busy--so they're not too concerned with her.

Yumali’s escaped and runs into Bernardo. He tries to get her to come with him, to return to town, but she refuses because she hurt Al. Diego shows up, now out of his Zorro costume. He tells Yumi that Al asked him to find her. He warns that Fer’s men will still be looking for her. She doesn’t listen and takes off. Diego and Bernardo head home, Diego wants to know what’s up with his dad.

Al wakes up and tells Almudena that he needs to redo his will. He wants a lawyer, Dena suggests getting Olmos. He knows about these kinds of things, even though he is not a lawyer. He’s an accountant. Al calls out for Diego (yeah, he’s a lawyer, but he’s also probably in the will and I don’t know how that would hold up in court if anyone were to contest). Dena tells Al to rest and save his strength.

Maria Pia is putting away her non-nun clothes. She is crying over Fer. She says she doesn’t have the strength to reject him. Her heart cannot do it. She is confused because she still has feelings for him. She just wants to be free from her memories of him.

Horny Catalina has a new lover, it is Pizarro, but judging by their conversation this isn’t their first encounter. They are meeting in a barn. Piz asks Cat what’s up with Diego, he’s heard rumors that they were lovers. Cat poo poos that. She finds it funny that Piz is jealous of a supposed lover, but not her husband Tobias. Piz says it is obvious that Tobi isn’t satisfying Cat’s needs, so no need to be jealous there. She starts to make fun of her husband and tells Piz of Tobi’s plan to trap Zorro. She tells him how he even got a mask and cape, just like Zorro. She finds it funny and talks about how no one knows the identity of Zorro. This gives Pizarro an idea. He takes off and leaves Cat behind in the barn. He runs to daddy, I mean Montero. He wants to tell him of his brilliant idea, but Monty doesn’t need to hear it. He knows that Pizarro will succeed with whatever he plans, and if he doesn’t, well then he will be properly dealt with. I find this whole bit funny, because usually these two men rehash and plot together, but I suppose they want to build suspense for the audience---Whatever could Pizarro be planning? Anyway, Monty wants to talk about his favorite subject for the day, Fernando. He suspects that Fernando has something up his sleeve to get back at Monty. Monty's not worried, because he's in charge now.

Fer is ticked. He’s mad that Zorro thwarted his unfinished business with Yumi. He’s mad because both Yumi and Zorro got away. He’s even more ticked with Monty. He states that if Sara Kali is dead then Montero might as well be dead too.

We are shown the gypsy women (what is her name?). She’s reading the cards and discovers that Sara Kali is still alive, but barely. He son, Renzo, wants to talk about Esme and Diego. He doesn’t like the two together, that’s because he’s got a little crush on Esme. Momma gypsy picks up on this and tells Renzo that the princess is not for him. She consults the cards and sees that Diego is truly in love with Esme, but the cards show that there is someone who will try to separate them.

New scene with Mariangel. She meets up with Catalina. She tells her that she will not be marrying Diego. Instead Diego will be marrying her sister, Esme. She makes it seem as if Esme stole Diego from her. She asks Cat to help her get Diego back from Esme. Cat agrees. Since she really did have an affair with Diego (from the first episode), she’s going to fill Mariangel in on different things that will help her get Diego.

Diego returns home and Dena tells him that things don’t look too good for Al right now. Diego goes to see his father and Alejandro asks about Yumi. Diego tells him that she is safe, away from Fer, but she wouldn’t come back to the house. Diego asks Al to be strong. Al says some nice stuff to Diego, how he’s noticed a change in him lately, blah, blah, blah. Diego tells Al that not only is he his father, he is also his friend. Al asks Diego to take care of the women and to have Dena move out of Fernando’s house. It isn’t good for her to live with him. Fer is his friend, but he can be hard on those who love him. Diego tells Al that he won’t lose his father. Just noticing Al's body as he's lying in bed. This man has some well defined pectoral muscles and very powerful biceps.....yummy, I'm a sucker for a man with strong arms. If only they'd get rid of his really bad dye job-not a convincing color of gray, IMHO.

Fer and the Cardinal have a meeting. The Cardinal has brought a bunch of papers for Fer to look over and sign. These papers will authorize the legitimization of the religious order. Fer says he’ll look them over eventually. The Cardinal is ticked that Fer is once again putting the laity above the Church. Cardinal tells Fer that he is going to tattle to the Pope. And when the Pope gets involved, Fer better watch out. The Spanish Crown is going to hear about all of this. Fer tells the Cardinal to go ahead, it will take months for your message to reach Rome (although it took only days for Fer to reach America from Spain---again referring to the first episode).. The Cardinal backs down a little and asks Fer how long will it take him to look over and approve the documents. Fer reminds the Cardinal that God created the world in 6 days, this is going to take a bit longer than that for Fer.

One of Fer’s soldiers goes to Monty and requests that the prison records be given to the governor. Monty isn’t going to go along with Fer’s orders. He sends the soldier back to Fer, to tell him no way. When the soldier leaves, Monty comments that he is not impressed with Fer’s men.

Dolores and Esme have gone to see Maria Pia, to tell her that Al has been injured. Maria Pia is upset and wants to go see her brother, but the Cardinal has ordered the “almost” nuns to be in seclusion. Padre Tomas comes in and tells MP that he’s worked it all out with the Cardinal. She wants to know how he did it so fast, and he tells her that Fernando told him about Al’s wound when he was there earlier. Now it appears that the situation is getting worse, so Padre Tom got the Cardinal’s permission to let MP go. MP asks Padre Tom to come with them, Al’s going to need him (for his last rights?).

Monty encounters the carriage with Esme, Dolores, Maria Pia, and Padre Tom. He it trying to make nice to Esme (to keep what he's got planned hidden?). She doesn’t trust him. He says he heard about Al’s injury, and even though he doesn’t get along with the de la Vegas, he doesn’t wish death upon them. Does Esme want his men to accompany them to the de la Vega home? She turns him down. The carriage goes on its way, Padre Tom and Esme discuss how strange Monty was acting. Esme doesn’t trust him.

Pizarro gets his soldiers ready to go to the de la Vega home. Oh, the suspense is killing me....whatever could he have planned.

Mariangel hears Fer talking about Monty. She suggests that Fer do something drastic to stop him. She goes on to speculate that Monty must be hiding something from Fer. Could it be money? Might he be stealing from the tax money? Fer thinks she might be on to something and he’s going to get the evidence needed against Monty.

Dena and Diego express their concern over Al. He’s not doing very well. Inside his room, alone, Al calls out for Yumi. Just then, she climbs in through the bedroom window. She apologizes to Al. She wants to be there for him and if he dies, well they’ll go together. Yumi starts to shake some rattles and burn some incense. Al is happy to see that she is there and Yumi asks him to forgive her. (She calls him master, and it just makes me think of “I Dream of Genie.”) Al asks Yumi to not try to hurt Fernando again. She tells him that she cannot promise that. Fer recently killed her brother and many years ago he killed her sister. Al says that only God can punish Fer. I don't think that Yumi is buying the whole "vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord" thing.

Pizarro and his soldiers arrive at the de la Vega home. They come to arrest Diego for being Zorro and Alejandro for being his accomplice. Some of the soldiers rough up Bernardo and another male employee. One of the soldiers comes in from the barn and has found Zorro’s costume. Dena is outraged. She’s going to be speaking to her brother about this. Pizarro isn’t scared. He tells Dena that Diego will have to go before a judge to prove his innocence, and with the proof they found in the barn, well good luck.

Monty and Mariangel are sharing a bath. She makes him promise that he’ll stop Diego and Esme from getting married. Then she tells him that he better leave Diego alone. Trust me he says, and she wonders why he cannot trust her. She reminds him that she has great sway with her father and Monty wants to know what she is up to.

Pizarro wants to see Al. Dena forbids him from going upstairs. Again Dena threatens to have her brother punish Pizarro. Just then, Esme and crew arrive at the house. Padre Tom defends Diego and Esme rightly states that this is just more of Montero’s personal vengeance against Diego.

Fer is addressing his soldiers. He tells them that Montero will be shown no mercy if he has broken the law. SAM looks pleased and volunteers to take Fer to Monty’s office, since Monty isn’t there (because right now he’s in the tub with your slutty daughter). Olmos goes to Monty’s office w/ Fer. He searches the records and discovers that someone has been cooking the books. Half of the collected tax money is unaccounted for. Fer orders SAM to arrest Monty, and if he resists or tries to escape he should be killed. SAM suggests that Fer’s men would be better to arrest Monty, but Fer insists that he wants Monty’s own men to arrest him. SAM gets nervous when he addresses the soldiers and tells them that they will be arresting Montero, their now former commander.

SAM finds Monty and gives him his “warrant”. Monty pulls out his sword and aims it at SAM, who states that he’s only following orders. SAM asks Monty not to resist because they’ve been given the order to kill him if he does. Monty calls SAM a traitor. Mariangel (who was with Monty when he was issued his warrant) says that there has to be some sort of mistake and says she’ll talk to her father. Monty figures it out that somehow Mariangel had a hand in all of this happening. He isn’t too pleased with her.

Tobi finds out that his cape and mask are missing. He gets angry with Catalina. He thinks she hid them.

As Pizarro and men are taking Diego out of the house, he asks Padre Tomas to take care of the women and he asks Esme to look after his father. He kisses her goodbye. Bernardo is brought into the room, still getting roughed up by the soldiers. Diego turns to Pizarro and threatens him “if anything happens to my employees or if my dad dies….” Pizarro says that he’s not worried, Diego will be an old man when/if he gets out of prison.” END OF EPISODE

Just an end note, so many times in this episode Montero and Fernando each said how they were in control, yadda, yadda, yadda. It was a real pissing match between the two of them. Anyway, I lost track of how many times they said it, but if you can imagine every scene that either one was in ending with each of them saying "I'm in control now" or some such similar kind of sentence. You'll pretty much get the essence of tonight's show.


Mundo de Fieras - March 13, 2007 Jossie's night goes from bad to worse

* Dolly and Karen sit down on sofa in MA's apartment. Karen is in tears and nervous. Dolly prods and pries Karen to tell her what's the matter. Karen finally blurts out that Jossie confessed to killing her father (Edgar).

* Coyote enters the rat hotel room with the medicine. He unties MA's hands and sits her up. He puts on his snow mask and then undoes her blindfold. While he turns away, MA knocks him out with her pet rock and struggles with his knife to break free of the duct tape. He starts to get up - she hits him again with her pet rock and escapes.

* Jossie is admiring her fiera family portrait. Dolly enters and interrupts her thoughts. Dolly is angry and strangles Jossie's neck as they fall on the sofa. Miriam enters and pulls out a gun to get Dolly to back off. Dolly is more ferocious and determined to make Jossie pay - Jossie denies everything that Dolly says Karen told her - Dolly believes her niece is telling the truth and is more determined than ever for justice to be served. Miriam continues to point her gun at Dolly and orders Dolly to leave. Dolly calls Jossie an evil "fiera" before leaving. Alone in the living room, Miriam lands into Jossie about the confrontation and what may happen next.

* Assistant from the adoption center meets Pau and JC at the apartment - she hands them the information she was able to find about Pau's real mom.

* Dolly is back at the apartment - she tells with Nick what Jossie confessed to Karen - Dolly is scared and begs Nick not to get Karen involved - Nick tells Dolly too late, Karen already is involved and has to make a statement to police.

* JC and Pau thank the assistant for the information - the assistant leaves - Pau is excited and they hug.

* Candy plays with LD on the sofa of her apartment - a desperate MA bursts through the door and is relieved to see her son and Candy there - MA runs over and gives her son a big hug. Candy, dazed to see MA, asks her what happened. MA, still hugging LD, tells Candy that she was kidnapped at the airport, and thanks Candy for taking care of her son. MA prays and thanks the angel Mary.

* Leo is caring for a young patient in his field office as the father watches. As Leo sits at the desk and talks with the boy and his father, German bursts into the office and interrupts. Leo is offended and orders German to leave. German refuses and shuts the door. The man is very nervous at the sight of his boss. German tells the man to leave or risk losing his job. The man scurries out with his son. Leo gets after German for his rudeness and disrespect. German says he has no respect for doctors at all, especially Leo. German laughs and then leaves.

* At the police station, Nick advises Dolly to be very careful about her statement and the confrontation with Jossie and Miriam. The police officer enters and Dolly declares that Jossie has confessed to killing Edgar.

* Karen, nervous and scared, goes to the condo and tells Gabe that she's worried about the confrontation between her aunt and mom. Gabe leaves quickly with Karen for the palace.

* The officer doesn't think anything of the accusation - too much time has passed - closed case. Nick and Dolly are adamant - Dolly pressures the officer - the officer agrees to investigate.

* Candy and Leo talk on the phone - Candy tells Leo the good news, MA has returned. Leo hangs up and is excited as he turns to his colleagues at the tent clinic.

* At the rat hotel, Coyote starts to come to, and is dazed and confused trying to remember what happened.

* Gabe and Karen arrive at the palace and confront Jossie and Miriam in the living room about what Jossie confessed to her earlier. Jossie denies everything. Karen is frustrated and confused why Jossie is now denying their argument and the confession. Gabe is silent and listening. The officer arrives and enters - he has a subpeona to take Jossie to station for questioning.

* Candy tries calling Gabe on his cell phone - no answer - Candy wonders where he is and how to tell him about MA.

* At the police station, Gabe stands and watches as Dolly and Jossie go after each other some more. Nick stands beside Dolly; Karen hides behind the two of them. Jossie, with Miriam standing beside her, yells and scolds Karen for being influenced to turn against her by Dolly and Nick. The barbs back and forth continue until the police officers enter and silence them. The officer asks Karen for her statement - Karen says that Jossie did confess to killing her father. The officer asks her for more details to be sure. Karen tells him when Jossie confessed it. Dolly cries for immediate justice - Officer tells her that the process isn't that quick - Nick agrees. Jossie gives Nick, Dolly and Karen an evil glare.

* MA cries, finally being reunited with LD. Leo bursts into the apartment, with Candy following. He is overjoyed to see MA again.

* In the hallway outside the interrogation room, Jossie has a moment alone with her daughter. Jossie is bitter and disappointed that Karen turned her own mother in to the authorities. Karen is just as hurt and disappointed in her mom. Karen said she had no other choice, she had to. Jossie has no remorse for what she has done in the past and isn't afraid of the consequences. Karen is hurt and repentant and leaves with tears in her eyes.

* With MA in the bedroom sleeping, Leo and Candy sit down at the table to discuss how and when to tell Gabe and the police about MA's return.

* At the palace, Gabe informs Jossie that he wants full custody of LG and will take the lad to his condo in the morning. Jossie is shocked and tries to talk Gabe out of it but Gabe has made his mind up. Gabe leaves. (can the night get any worse for Jossie?)

* Nick talks with Dolly at the apartment. They need more proof that Jossie did kill Edgar because right now all they have is Karen's word against Jossie's and it isn't enough. Dolly wants justice - Nick tells her not to hold false hopes, they need to be realistic. Then Nick asks about Tiberio. Dolly goes into her "protective mother" mode. Nick tells her about the search for Tiberio and they suspect she may know where he is - she denies it - he tries to get her to tell him something but she refuses.

* Tiberio is walking down the street with his take-out dinner. He passes by a police car - the officers recognize him - he throws his dinner on the driver and runs away - the officer runs after him as the other follows in the car. Tiberio ducks behind a parked car - the officer looks around and doesn't see him - he climbs into the squad car and the car drives away down the street. Tiberio runs the other way down the street. He drops down the embankment and hides behind the stone wall as the officers search on the street.

* Miriam scolds Jossie for being stupid and crazy in confessing Edgar's murder to Karen. Jossie goes ballistic with the mention of the word "crazy".

* Leo and Candy sit at the table. Leo explains his work in rural Mexico is very rewarding, as well as giving him the opportunity to put some distance between himself and Miriam and Jossie - he actually feels sorry for Jossie and thinks of her being so alone and unloved. Candy advises him to be careful, especially with what just happened to MA. Leo assures her he will.

* Coyote calls Jossie with some really bad news -- MA has escaped. (Jossie's night just got worse.)

* Jossie is nervous and paronoid as she tells Miriam about Coyote's phone call. They leave.

* Tiberio is worried and shouts to Dolly over the phone that he needs her help right now. Dolly is worried and scared as she searches for her purse.

* Elsa wakes up with a start. She gets up and feels around the bedroom for her coat. She feels her way around and out the door. Sylvester continues to sleep.

* Miriam and Jossie meet Coyote at the rat hotel room. Coyote tells them what happened (how MA escaped). They discuss how to proceed and cover their involvement in the scheme. Coyote says he won't say anything.

* Dolly finds Tiberio. He's desperate and needs help to get out of town now.

* Leo and Candy continue to talk at the table. This time the discussion topic is Elsa.

* A knock at the door - Mastin wakes up. Elsa enters and is desperate for more booze and drugs. Mastin refuses to give her any. She begs and pleads. He tells her "no money, no stuff." He tries to get her to leave. She won't go. Instead she offers to have sex with him and he eagerly accepts.

* Tiberio sneaks into Demian's mansion. With his trusty flashlight, he makes his way up to Demian's bedroom. He opens the desk drawer and finds a passport. The lights come on. Demian comes in and finds Tiberio standing there.

* Miriam and Jossie are back at the palace. They wonder where MA is and if Gabe knows.

CAST ADDITIONS: Eric del Castillo - German (the rural mob boss); Iran Castillo - Cecilia, his daughter.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Zorro, Monday March 12, 2007: You Give Love a Bad Name (Shot through the heart....)

It is evening at the de la Vega home and Alejandro is settled in, reading a good book by the fire. Almudena arrives, even though it is late, because she wants to see her fiancé and talk about what could possibly be going on between her brother, Fernando, and Alejandro’s sister, Maria Pia. Dena tells Al that she is concerned for Fernando, that he came home the day before apparently drunk, but really he had been poisoned. Our amazing town doctor was able to tell, without modern medicine, that Fernando had been poisoned with a potion known to be used only by the local Indian population. The two continue to rehash the most recent events in Los Angeles. Dena says that she wants to get married right away, but Al is a little more cautious. He feels that they need to take care of Cmdr. Montero first. Dena begins to question if Al is really wanting to get married. Al decides to let his passionate caresses do the talking. He and Dena spend a glorious night together.

Elsewhere in the house, Yumali throws a hissy fit (I don’t know for sure if she saw Al and Dena together, but judging by her actions, I think she did). She decides she is going to break her promise to Al and leave this house.

The next day Esme and Dena are talking about how happy Dena is. Then the two start rehashing all that Esme knows about her mother, Sara Kali. They know that Montero has moved her from the prison and has her hidden, blah, blah, blah.

Meanwhile, Diego and Bernardo are rehashing the same thing. Diego surmises that Montero has probably move Sara Kali to someplace nearby. Diego wants Bernardo to keep his ears open and spy around town to gather info. Diego tells him that he found out nothing from SAM (Garcia). He warns Bernardo to be careful of Pizarro, that he is worse than Montero (that’s what I said the other day).

Alejandro is informed by Dolores that Yumi has flown the coop. Dolores tells Al that Yumi left all of her white girl clothes there at the house and took off in her war paint and native garb. Al is worried (his most favorite emotion) that Yumi is going to go after Fernando again. He decides he must warn Fer.

Speaking of Fer, he is in a meeting with Montero, who has brought some papers for him to sign ---some new laws that he wants approved so he can begin his renewed reign of terror on the town. Montero tells Fer that he (Fer) has been weak in his leadership. He threatens Fer and says that if he cannot do his job, then Montero will do it for him. Monty tells Fer that he has no confidence in him—rehash of who killed the Viceroy’s inspector. Fer may be the friend of the king, but Monty threatens Fer with Sara Kali. Fer wants to know what Monty found out from SK. Monty implies that he knows SK and Fer’s secret, but doesn’t tell us, the audience what it is. Fer is not happy. Monty goes on to say that SK’s whereabouts are a military secret, therefore he cannot tell Fer, and besides Fer has proven he is incapable of keeping his word, so Monty doesn’t trust him. Fer warns Monty to be careful, but Monty goes on to say that now HE is in control. Fer questions if Monty is blackmailing him and tells Monty that there are secrets behind SK that he will never know. Monty says only time will tell. To be even more redundant, he states that he’s giving the orders now. Then he leaves. Fer calls to Olmos (who has been listening at the window, and I believe he heard the part where the inspector’s murder was discussed) and tells him they are heading into town. Fer mumbles that this is all because of what Maria Pia asked him to do, but he is a man who will take responsibility for his own actions (true, but only after you blame Maria Pia).

Dena warns Esme not to get involved w/ trying to help the gypsies get her mother out of jail, it is too dangerous. Esme placates Dena, but doesn’t agree to stay out of it. In fact, what she really wants is to talk to Diego to find out what happened when he visited the prison.

Sara Kali is shown, still w/ her “iron” mask, but now stuck down in a crevice somewhere out in the middle of no where. Two soldiers are throwing down food to her, all the while they are taunting her. They question if she is even alive and speculate that she must be a serious threat to some people.

Al goes riding into town, wanting to warn Fer he is in danger. Dena tags along. We see Yumi, with her red face paint, atop a building. She pulls out her bow and arrow and takes aim at Fer as he comes riding into town in his carriage. Just as Yumi shoots her arrow, Al arrives and gets between the arrow and Fer. Al is shot in the back. Fer and his soldiers take off after Yumi. Dena freaks out and stays with Al.

Monty and Pizarro are talking about how well they have SK hidden. Monty starts to think of Diego and tells Pizarro that he wants some sort of charges trumped up against Diego. He’s decided that he no longer wants to see Diego enjoying his posh life and strolling around town with Esme. He wants Diego locked in his prison.

Diego is at the Sanchez home, looking for Esme. He runs into Mariangel, who wants to congratulate him on his engagement. Diego thinks this is strange and even stranger when MA wants to propose a toast to the newly engaged. She’s hoping to slip her potion into his drink, but Diego tells her its too early for alcohol and suggests tea. That will work for MA as well, so she orders her maid to bring tea. She slips her mickey into his tea, and Diego is about to take a drink when Esme arrives and gives him a hug from behind. She accidentally knocks the tea cup from his hand and Mariangel’s plot is thwarted, only for now (MA thinks, while cursing out her sister).

Maria Pia goes to see Padre Tomas. She starts to tell him what happened. She tells him all of the sordid details of her deal with Fer. She tells PT that Fer wanted her to show that she still loves him. When he discovered she couldn’t do it, he demonstrated that he still loved her by sending her away w/o making her complete the deal. MP doesn’t know what she feels for Fer. She’s confused. She tells Padre Tom that she questions what is God’s plan. Does He want her to take her vows and become the Mother Superior or does He want her to forgive Fer, the man who killed her brother’s wife, raped her sister, killed her dog, and burned her Bible…no wait, that was from the beginning of “Romancing the Stone”, Fer just killed her sister-in-law because she was a maldita Indian. Anyway, Maria Pia asks P. Tom what she should do and he tells her that only she can answer that question. It is something she needs to discover for herself. Maria Pia decides to tell the Cardinal that she is willing to become the Mother Superior (didn't take her that long to make that decision).

Fer comes into town looking for Yumi. He runs into the Padre and asks if he has given refuge to an Indian in the church. Tom tells Fer “no” and that Maria Pia will become the Mother Superior (no beating around the bush for Padre Tomas, he gets straight to the punch). Fernando is muy impactado. Fer tells Tom that obviously Maria Pia is running from the man that loves her. Fer wants to know if MP told Tom everything. Tom tells him he knows that Maria Pia is not the woman for Fer. He says that Fer is fire and passion and Maria Pia is sweetness and here to do God’s work. Okay, at this part I got a phone call and so was only half watching, but I wrote down something like Fer says that only he can decide if MP is for him. He repeated this a couple of times, perhaps you heard something different, if so please clear this up for me. It does sound like the kind of arrogant thing Fer would say, but I don’t trust my notes.

In the church, the Cardinal is about to hear the confessions of the sisters. Nutty Nun looks disturbed. I think because she wants to know if Maria Pia will confess her meeting with Fer the other evening, or perhaps she is concerned that she’ll have to confess that she seduced her own brother and then he killed himself. She is really a wack job. Right before Maria Pia enters the confessional, Fer comes into the church and says that no one can get ordained in Los Angeles without his, the governor’s, permission. The Cardinal is upset, how dare Fer think that the government is above the Church.

Esme and Diego are taking and she starts to tell him about her childhood and how Fernando treated her. She says that Fernando forced her to marry that rich old man because he wanted to use him to get back to America. Even though the old guy died right after they said their vows (this was in the first episode), Esme didn’t get any money because her father kept her dowry. Right then Olmos shows up to tell Diego that his father has been injured by an arrow.

The doctor is called to see Al. He tries to remove the arrow, but is afraid that he has done more damage. He is concerned with Al’s chances of survival. So he decides to measure Al for the size of his coffin. Dena kicks the doctor out of Al’s room!!

Yumi is almost caught, but she does her horse magic and scares the soldiers horses. Oh, but this time it doesn’t work too well, she doesn’t escape she gets caught. The soldiers punch her and drag her back toward town to deal with Fernando.

Diego goes into see Al. Al tells Diego that Yumi was the one who shot him. He asks Diego to help save Yumi from Fer. Diego wants to go get help for Al, but Al insists that Diego help Yumi. Al says that he doesn’t blame Yumi for what happened (WHY, because it was an accident?). Al tells Diego that no one should know that Yumi was the one who shot him. So, now Zorro’s got to go save Yumi.

Outside Al’s room, the doctor is leaving. He tells Dena that he's got hair to cut and teeth to pull all before a funeral this afternoon. Dena tells Esme that the arrow in Al’s back was meant for Fernando, that Al saved Fer’s life. Diego comes out and asks Esme and Dolores to go find the Indian healer to come and take care of Al (since the doctor is too busy). Dena goes back in to see Al. He asks her not to cry. She tells him she is afraid for him. Meanwhile, Esme and Dolores find the Indians, but discover that the healer is off on a "wandering" in the forest, so she will be unable to come and help Al recover.

Fer finds his soldiers with Yumi in tow. She spits on him and Fer demands that Yumi’s war paint get cleaned off her face. He wants to see this maldita Indian that tried to kill him three times. END OF EPISODE


La Fea Más Bella #230 3/13/07 Carla may be crazy, but at least she has fantastic hair!

"I'm struggling not to love a man who doesn't love me back - I'm trying to love you - because your love is sincere and disinterested... maybe someday I'll succeed." He says they should enjoy the moment. He kisses her hand.

At the Padilla house asks if they've spoiled the baby enough. [He's referring to Tomas who is chowing down like it's going out of style!] Tomas jokes that troubles are alleviated by bread. Julieta asks Tomas when Lety will be home. He thinks that Lety will return at about 10pm or 11pm. Right then the phone rings. Erasmo answers. Aldo explains that Lety is with him and they've had a problem with the contract. El senor Lauro "Orchard" had an unforeseen event and now they have to meet tomorrow morning. Aldo says that Lety and he can return to the D.F. but they won't get back until the middle of the night and then they'll have to get up really early to make the meeting. (This logic never worked with my mom but okay, Aldo, give it a try.) Julieta thinks this will be dangerous. Aldo continues and tells Erasmo that he thinks that he and Lety should stay the night and then come home in the morning. Tomas, who is listening to the conversation, thinks this is a good idea. Erasmo tells Tomas to sit and eat. Erasmo says it's okay for the two to stay where they are, but Aldo must remember to take care of Erasmo's daughter. Aldo reassures Erasmo and at the same time shakes his head at Lety to tell her that they have Erasmo's permission. Lety is speechless. Back at home, Erasmo announces that Aldo inspires Erasmo's confidence.

Omar, who does not seem to grasp that his friend is desperate, smugly tells Fernando that Aldo and Lety are still in the car and they have not moved. Anyone else notice that the car doesn't have a license plate? Entonces, Fernando asks how long they've been the car, are the windows steamed up??? Omar says no. He notices that the lights have come on. He assures Fernando that the couple must be returning to Mexico. Omar drops the phone, but never hangs up, and drives after the Focus.

In New York Fernando tells Crazy Carla that she's very intelligent and that her company is very pleasant. Crazy Carla smiles and goes back to texting someone from her cell phone.

We return to the Padilla house! Tomas thinks that Erasmo made a good decision. Erasmo sarcastically thanks him. Julieta thinks that it's a good thing that Erasmo finally has confidence in one of Lety's friends. Erasmo replies that he can't explain it, but he likes Aldo. After he says this, Erasmo stares off into the ceiling of the home. Julieta asks if he feels okay. Yes, he was thinking that Aldo is a lot like Erasmo, himself. He's sensible, prudent, formal, reliable - a man that recognizes the value of family. Tomas and Julieta effusively agree. Julieta makes one joke that Erasmo's blue eyes are just like Aldo's. Erasmo, of course, doesn't laugh, and brings it back to the fact that Aldo is a gentleman. Tomas continues with the joke, making fun of the way Aldo sits. Tomas's imitation makes Julieta realize that the reason Tomas died his hair was to look like Aldo. Tomas weakly denies this. Julieta thinks that the whole world wants to be like Aldo. (Yuck!)

Still in the hospital, Crazy Carla asks Fernando if he's in love with his boss. Yes, Fernando replies. He tries to explain that Lety was his assistant first and then his boss. Crazy Carla thinks that she must be very attractive and sensual. Yes, very sensual! Fernando replies. He explains that he did something bad and it really hurt Lety. Crazy Carla replies that out of revenge Lety went to San Miguel with Adam. Aldo, Fernando corrects her. [saying the last name correctly, for once.] Fernando tries to explain Aldo to Crazy Carla but can only come up with "He's an idiot." Crazy Carla asks if this means that Lety is not in love with Aldo. Fernando calls Crazy Carla intelligent. Crazy Carla explains that if she were Lety and she loved Aldo then she would spend the night with Aldo in San Miguel. (Tricky, tricky, Crazy Carla) Fernando replies that Lety is not capable of that. He feels that Lety loves him. At that moment Omar calls and informs Fernando that Aldo and Lety are staying in San Miguel, together. Fernando looks sick and stupefied.

In San Miguel, the Focus pulls up to the local resort. Omar also gets the spot seemingly reserved for all Conceptos' employees, right in front of the door. He tells Fernando that he's watching the couple. In one of Univision's spectacular cuts, we don't get to hear anything more from Omar, but from Fernando's response Omar must have told Fernando that they've arrived at an hotel.

Lety cannot explain it, but whenever she's with Aldo she always ends up in some marvelous place. Aldo replies that he hopes they can pass the night together. They go to the desk to get two cabins. Aldo gives Lety the key to the "house of the sun." The reception lady suggest that the pair dine in one of the cabins. Aldo asks if the cabins have chimneys; the lady says yes. This inspires Aldo to ask Lety to dine with him. She accepts. Aldo pays and off they go to their cabins! Omar approaches the desk and asks the reception lady if the couple plan on lodging at this location. She affirms. He tells Fernando to wait a moment, and then sneaks from the desk. In New York, Fernando wants to know what's happening.

Omar pretends that he's in Titanic and steams up the windows of a buggy. He watches Lety and Aldo enter a cabin together. He tells Fernando that the best thing to is to forget about Lety forever. Somehow, six foot Fernando curls himself into a two foot ball and whisper/screams into his phone. "Why! What's happening fool!" Omar's reply doesn't inspire confidence. "All women are the same." Fernando threatens Omar and demands he tell the truth. Omar reluctantly tells Fernando that Lety and Aldo are in the same cabin. This time, Fernando really does look like he's going to get sick.

Fernando drops his phone. He softly tells Crazy Carla that it was nice to meet her and good night. She stands up to detain him and asks what happened. "Something catastrophic." He replies. Fernando takes his leave of her and apologizes to one of the men in the waiting room. Crazy Carla makes a phone call to her ex-husband, Octavio, to tell him that she has met a very interesting man. He's handsome, intelligent, funny. (She missed "and crazier than me!") The problem is there are faults; a perfect man does not exist. She explains that Fernando's in love with a beautiful woman and that he's a little unstable. She's sure that she can cure him and make him all her own. (Oh boy, good luck, Crazy Carla).

Aldo comes in and says that the sky is beautiful. Lety sits near the fireplace in a seductive pose, in a not so seductive dress. Aldo thinks she looks beautiful. She says that they're celebrating the day. Aldo likes this! He decides to toast. Aldo notices that Lety is tense. She agrees and goes for a grape. She attempts to feed it to Aldo, but it falls into his wine. She leaves for another. She drops this one in her wine. Aldo likes to see Lety like this, so tranquil. They're drinking their wine when the dinner arrives. Aldo asks for a favor, but we cannot hear what. He returns to Lety. They drinks their wine, which is strangely grapeless.

Omar continues to watch the couple. The waiter steps in front of Omar's binoculars’ and asks Omar if the waiter may help Omar with anything. Omar doesn't mess around. He wants to know what's going on in the cabin. The waiter asks for Omar's identity. At first he says that he's Lety's boyfriend, but after the waiter reacts, he changes it to he's Lety's brother. He's guarding her honor. He asks the waiter if the couple are clothed. Of course, the waiter replies. Omar asks if they're by the bed. The waiter replies that these are private things and that Omar should not involve himself in them. Omar leaves for another location and is frightened by an owl.

Fernando wanders around New York, asking himself why he's there. He's surrounded by so many people and feels so alone. He knows that the worst thing is that all of this is his fault. Aldo appears, and Fernando sends Lety directly to Aldo's arms. Now Lety is in a hotel with Aldo when the only hotel she has been in with a man was with him. He stands alone in central park, crying.

Omar is also alone, but in a very different element. He falls from his perch and gives a very manly scream. He gets back up and can see shadows through the curtains. The phone rings; it's Fernando who wants to know what's going on in the cabin. Omar says there is fire. Omar gives a romance novel worthy description of the scene.

Back in the cabin Aldo feeds a burned marshmallow to Lety. She talks about liking the music. Aldo asks Lety to dance, but she protests that she does not know how. Because no obviously means yes (as Julie mentioned) they dance anyway. Lety steps on Aldo's feet several times. She breaks into her Fea dance. He follows her lead. They decide to try dancing together again. All of a sudden, they dance together like they've been doing it for years. They spin and Lety moves in for the kiss.

Fernando is still in New York talking to Omar. He demands that Omar stay in San Miguel all night if he has to! Fernando wants to know everything that happens, even if Lety makes love to Aldo. Omar didn't hear him, so Fernando wanders around Time Square and repeats himself. He repeats his catch phrase. "Only God knows how much I love you." To this he adds, "Only God knows the pain it will cause if she and Aldo fall in love like I love her."

Back in the cabin Aldo and Lety are still "this close." AT the last moment, Lety pulls away. Aldo doesn't understand why Lety doesn't desire him. She explains that she does, but that she cannot betray herself or her feelings.

Fernando wanders around New York some more. He cries, and sees Lety in the one of the advertisements on the street. He thinks to himself that he wants to dream about Lety forever. Crazy Carla, somehow hunts Fernando down in Manhattan. [Her ankle/knee must be healed] They hug. He tells Crazy Carla that he cannot handle this. Crazy Carla tries to console him, and leads him away by the hand.

Lety explains that she doesn't think they should not pass the night together. Aldo says that he would have to stop being himself to not want her. Lety says they've never been a place so favorable to love. Aldo leans in to kiss her. She tells him that she cannot because they tore out her heart. Aldo catches on that Lety said "they" and not "he" meaning Fernando. Lety briefly tells the story of Miguel and the bet. Aldo says that when there is love, the limits between the body and the heart disappear. The two become one. Lety says she lived this, with Fernando. She only wanted to make him happy. "And this made you happy." Aldo responds. When she found out that she was betrayed she wished that the nights that they made love would disappear. Her pleasure turned into embarrassment, pain and anger at uniting her body with that of a traitor. She cannot avoid it. When she thinks about making love, she thinks she's going to suffer. He says that he understands, this happened to him as well.

In Fernando's hotel, he and Crazy Carla sit and talk. She says that the same thing has happened to her, and she has the perfect formula to forget ungrateful love. Fernando assures that he's done everything to forget about Lety. She asks him what he's really done to forget about Lety. He doesn't want to tell because it's embarrassing. She wants to hear it anyway. He explains that he almost became an alcoholic. He takes a long drink of wine and then pulls himself back to explain that he's not an alcoholic now. He's very moderate with his drinking. He remembers when he went to the bar to have the men to beat the memory of her out of him. She changed his life. Before, he had many women and seduced them all. She says that he looks like a womanizer. He interrupts and asks if she's read Casanova's memoirs. She does not know how much he suffered. He was a pupil of Fernando and Omar. Fernando says that once he made love for the first time with Lety, it all changed. Carla asks if he had another girlfriend when he was with Lety. Ay, Marcia. Oh, she's still his girlfriend! Carla shakes her head in disgust. He replies that since he made love with Lety he has not been able to touch Marcia.

Aldo tells Lety a story and we come in the middle. He says that he knew that she suffered a lot. He loved to sail, prepare delicacies on the beach, kiss her without needing more. When she died in the accident, and he found out she was his best friend's lover it was like a blow. She lived unsatisfied with Aldo. He felt so culpable. He wanted his role to reverse with that of his wife. He wanted to be in the tomb so that she could live. Her death made him realize that everything he loves, has to die. But this wasn't the biggest pain of his life. That was when his mother died. He lost direction in his life. Lety says she's never lived through such pain. Aldo replies that it got to the point where he thought that death would always snatch away love.

In honor of Saint Patrick's, an Irish saying:

There are many good reasons for drinking,
One has just entered my head.
If a man doesn't drink when he's living,
How in the hell can he drink when he's dead?


Have a great holiday everyone and please be safe!


Acorralada #41 Monday 3/12/07 Camila drops a bombshell on Octavia

Andres is shocked to find his missing wife in the driveway of the Irazabal mansion! He wants what she's doing there and she evades the question by asking him what he's doing there. He grabs her and she puts on her best scared face (although this emotion appears to be out of her range of acting skills).

At the perfume co., Octavia is asking Fedora's attorney friend why he wants to risk his career by defending Fedora. He responds that he has a new witness. She tells him he's crazy, that he will need evidence. With a smug look, he responds "who says that I don't have it?"

Back at the mansion, Ignacio tells Max that the injection he gave Dona Santa should reduce her fever, and tomorrow when the blood tests are back they will have a diagnosis. Larry, Yolanda, and Paola are huddle together in a happy little group hug when he assures them that it's nothing serious. Max walks Ignacio to the door.

Octavia is assuring the lawyer that she's above suspicion. She's an honorable woman with a good name, Fedora, on the other hand, is crazy. He responds that he only wants to say that the thief should be in jail. Octavia asks if he's calling her a thief, and he wants to know why she thinks he's talking about her.

Camila's counting change and telling Sylvia, who's busy eating a banana, that they owe four months rent and are bound to become muertos de hambre. Sylvia laments that Maxi and Larry got away. Camila announces that she's going to pay Ignacio a visit, which prompts Sylvia to remind her that he hates her for giving away their baby. Camila convinced that he will lend her $5,000. (Hello? What crazy person would lend these two airheads money?)

As Max walks Ignacio to his car, he reminds him of a talk that they had several months ago regarding Diana Soriano.

Meanwhile, in the driveway, Andres and Faux Marfile are still arguing. She's trying to get him to be quiet so that he can explain.

Max is asking why Ignacio let him believe that Diana was a lost woman. Why did he "mancharla de mis ojos." (what a great phrase!) Ignacio admits that what was said at the trial was true, he did try to drug her so that he could acost her. He just didn't expect her to be a fiera! Max responds with a right hook to Ignacio's face.

Back to the struggle between Andres & Faux Marfil... Marfil manages to push Andres down in the grass and run for the house in her 4" heels. He chases her and forces his way into the mansion.

Octavis is nervous. She's telling Yolanda that everything - her money, her house, her perfume company - is at risk because of Fedora.

Max is telling Ignacio that the punch was a small payment for what Ignacio did. It was Ignacio's fault that that he broke it off with Diana. Doc stutters in response and Max tells him to leave. Max asks himself why he didn't believe in Diana.

Andres & Faux Marfil are now fighting in Max & Marfil's bedroom, and she tells him that she's the wife of Max Irazabal!

Nancy's come to visit Diana and tells her that Max is not happy either. She can see the sadness in his face and his eyes, and she's sure that he's still in love with Diana. Diana & Max's theme song takes us to commercial.

Andres is still screaming at Faux Marfil when Max knocks at the door and says "Marfil?" Andres is confused by this. *Geez! This guy's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, is he? Has he forgotten about the woman named Marfil who his aunt was taking care of, whose sister had stolen her identity? He can't piece this together? Yikes.* Faux Marfil tells Andres to leave.

As Paola watches over Dona Santa, she tells Yolanda that Dona Santa's fever is going down, and asks if Yolanda is nervous about something.

In the bedroom shared by Diana, Diego, and Gaby (how kinky!), Diego is painting what looks like a charcoal drawing. Diana invites him to go shopping for the baby, but he says he doesn't want to go because everyone will look at him with pity. He'll just stay in the room and paint hideous paintings. He asks Diana for her opinion on his latest monstrosity, and she mentions that it's very dark, which sets him. He screams and throws the painting across the room.

Faux Marfil convinces Andres to leave, and he exits through the bathroom. (HUH?)

Yolanda tells Paola that Octavia has serious troubles. There is a woman who's determined to destroy the Irazabals!

Diego has recovered from his hissy fit and is calm for about 30 seconds before he learns that Nancy was there. He doesn't want Nancy there bringing news about Max, who never believed in Diana. She assures him that she hasn't forgotten that.

Faux Marfil is telling Bruna about her encounter with Andres. It's colored with the usual hysterics and name calling.

Sylvia and Camila are at Ignacio's apartment. Crazy Sylvia is wearing her pink wig and carrying a puppy dog purse. Ignacio tells them about Max punching him, and that Max is still thinking about Diana after all this time. And he doesn't even know the secret - that Diana is going to have Max's baby!

Diana is sewing... she thought bubbles back to Nancy's words about Max. She says to herself that she loves him more every day... and in a few days she'll have their baby. Cut to commercial.

Back to Bruna and Faux Marfil. Bruna suggests a solution: Deborah (Faux Marfil) should leave the house forever and they can bring back the real Marfil. Debora reminds her that they don't know where she is, and then screeches that she's not giving up all of the Irazabal money and going back to being a thief.

Ignacio tells Camila that Octavia and Faux Marfil know about the pregnancy. (And he knows this how?) Camila loves this information, but Sylvia doesn't understand the significance. gnacio tells her that the wigs have stopped her ability to think. LOL! Camila tells them that she will extort money from Octavia to keep the secret from Max.

Octavia's flashing back on the the murder of Fedora's husband and thinking that nobody can ever prove that she was involved because she murdered the only witness when she poisoned her husband by putting a poison that would cause an instant heart attack and be indetectable!

Diana is telling Fedora about what Nancy said, which sends Fedora off on a rant about the evil Irazabals. Diana's not sure that she still wants revenge.... break to commercial.

Max is telling Emilio that he can't believe that he listened to Ignacio and Camila's lies about Diana, and he still thinks about Diana after all this time.

Andres is at Ignacio's apartment telling him about his encounter with Deborah (Faux Marfil). Neither understands what's going on, so Ignacio tells him that he needs to call her and find out.
He calls her and tells her that he wants to see her. Zoom in on Faux Marfil, who looks like she just smelled some bad fish.

Yolanda rushes into Octavia's office saying that Octavia's phone call made her very nervous. Octavia tells her of Fedora's plans to reopen the case, and Octavia has a bad feeling about it.

Fedora returns to Paco's bar and learns that she received a very important call from her friend the lawyer while she was out. Fedora looks perplexed.

Diana telling herself that she will never forget Max, as the glycerine tear of pure dolor falls from her eye. Theme music plays as we return to Max's office where he's saying that he's sure that Diana loves Diego. Emilio advises Max go to see her, because his love for her is so big. *Max acts like this is a such a novel idea! He never would have thought of that!* Go see her? After all of these months? I miss her presence, her movements, her beautiful green eyes, her innocent kisses.... *what a drip!*

Faux Marfil and Bruna arrive to talk to Andres. Andres tells Bruna to leave, but she's not leaving her "nina Deborah." He throws her out and Andres tells her that she will tell him everything he wants to hear. Cut to commercial.

We return to Paco's bar, where Fedora is trying to reach her friend. Paco tells her that he told Paco that what he has to tell her could change her whole life.

Diego & Diana are enjoying a bowl of ramen noodles and discussing the baby. She wants the best for her son, she wants to dress him like a prince, he's her son. Yes, he knows... and he's also the son of Maximilliano.

Ocatavia is all curled up in her chair, fidgeting as she tells Yolanda that they must be more alert than ever. *I guess the fidgeting is her attempt to look nervous since the Botox injections prevent her from wrinkling her forehead the way that most people do when they're nervous!*
Yolanda agrees and says she will need a good lawyer. Enter Camila and Sylvia. Camila admits to Octavia that for almost three years, her family has been living off Emilio's salary because their family is broke. She planned to marry Max (Octavia tells her that was very astute), but now that won't be happening, so she's sure that Octavia will give them $50,000 out of the goodness of her heart.

Adres is trying to wrap his head around Deborah's story about her identical twin. You can almost see the smoke coming out of his ears.

Diego asks Diana if she still plans to name the baby Maximilliano, and she says yes, the baby will be named after his real father.

Fedora learns that her lawyer friend has found the accomplice who helped steal her daughters.

Camila tells Octavia that this is not a joke, she knows about Diana's pregnancy and she wants $50,000 to keep the secret from Max.

Max opens the door and asks what secret she's talking about.

Credits roll.


Duelo—Monday March 12—It’s a really bad night for the women of Sierra Escondida

We open the episode with Soledad having switched glasses on Don Loco, drugging him instead of him drugging her. Alina was locked in Soledad's room by Don Loco. Thelma has acquired a gun from Castulo's pants, which, of course he had taken off during his visit from Thelma.

(Soledad, by the way, is finally manifesting bruises from being slapped around by Don Loco. Now we can all stop hating her and feel sorry for her.)

Soledad runs back to her room to free Alina. She yells at Alina to get going , they have to pack, they are breaking out! Alina asks if Tonki can come too. Soledad says, Of COURSE! You may recall that Tonki was responsible for the diversion that allowed Soledad to switch glasses on Don Loco and drug him.)

Thelma's back in her room, wearing her robe, après amour. She goes to her closet to look for something to wear. Vera comes in having been called their by Thelma. Thelma pounces on her and gives her the "Senora Valtierra" treatment, even roughing her up. (Que barbaro! Thelma is supposed to be what? In her twenties? And Vera is a venerable housekeeper. If that doesn't cry to the heavens for justice…see ya in the whirlpool, Thelma!) Thelma screams at her for selling the red dress to Nora. Vera says, "You threw it away, I didn't see anything wrong…" Thelma hauls off and slaps her. Vera is shocked and says "You have no right to hit me!" Thelma screams at her to go away. Vera does. Thelma is freaking out.

Back to Soledad and Alina. Alina is stuffing things into bags as is Soledad. Adela comes in and wants to know what's going on, the Patron is on the floor of the great room (sala). Soledad says, not to worry, he's only out cold. They are using the opportunity to get away. Adela urges them to hurry.

Back at la Rinconada, Vera is in the kitchen sniffling. Her husband Jaime comes in and asks her what's wrong. "The senora hit me" she tells him. Jaime is shocked. "It was a slap, nothing more" says Vera. Jaime asks and she explains that sheThelma found out that she had sold the red dress from the trash to Nora. "She found out everything" says Vera, finally. Jaime comforts her.

Now flash to the kitchen of Hacienda de Loco, Nora is also unhappy, cutting a melon and Sergio is there, snacking on a piece. Sergio reproaches her for trying to impress a retard like Gaspar with her dress. "He can't appreciate a fine woman like you." He announces he is going to go confront Gaspar for hurting her feelings. Nora says "no! He's strong! He'll break your bones!" (Funny, she wasn't worried about herself when she was rolling around on the ground with him.) Sergio says he's strong too and he leaves. Nora returns to cutting melon and crying.

Now we are in Mexico City. Marianita is congratulating Juanito for his television appearance and his Charo (Mexican cowboy-Mariachi) costume. Juanito thanks her and says his dream is to be a famous Mexican singer one day, like Alejandro Fernandez. He'll travel the world and she'll be his wife and go everywhere with him. Marianita is doubtful. "What if I die?" Juanito doesn't think so. She'll get better! He's sure.

Cut to Mariana and Dr. Love (Dr. Fonseca, Ricardo) who has lost his puppet but is still wearing his bowtie, without a jacket. They are in the other room having coffee. Mariana is worried about Marianita she's not getting better and She's sure that he's not telling her something. Fonseca says that she needs to have faith. Tomorrow, he'll put her back in the hospital. Mariana doesn't take this as comfort. Again, in the Hospital?! She despairs that her little girl is spending her whole life in the hospital. Ricardo jumps up and says, I know that it's not the best time but will you marry me? Mariana shakes her head (in disbelief?) but Dr. Fonseca follows this up with "Or are you still waiting for that other guy (i.e. Jose) Mariana says "No, no, not anymore." She caves. "I'll marry you whenever you want, Ricardo." They embrace.

It's time for another visit to Jose in Central America with his pregnant rebel sweetie. Somehow saving Jacinto (Felicia's brother's) life has made him think he can have a say in what this group does. He gives his opinion about their latest campaign, which is, that it's a bad idea. The other guys say he has no authority over them and that they are going to go ahead as planned. Felicia too. Jose takes her aside and tells her he doesn't want her to go. She's pregnant with his child. Felicia rebuffs him, saying the cause is as important to her as it was to her brother. She's going and there's nothing he can do to stop her.

Now we are back with Braulio and Don Max in Don Max's office. They are talking about fixing a fence. Thelma's singing Aunt comes in and Braulio excuses himself. The SA tries to charm Don Max into inviting her to have a drink at Edelmira's. Don Max says he's busy. SA says, "Well, if you change your mind you know where my room is…" She leaves. Braulio apparently hadn't left, he was still lurking around. He come back into the office and makes a crack about how the SA is interested in him. Don Max takes a puff on his cigarillo and says "the one I'd like to be alone in a room with is your daughter." Braulio shrugs and says, "What can I do? She wants to be with YOUNG Santos," emphasizing the young part. Don Max laughs and says, "We'll see how long that lasts, now that he has left. Someone else could come to claim that little spot!" Braulio looks thoughtful.

Rosita, is in her and Braulio's cottage. She is writing something in a spiral notebook. She's still mooning over Santos.

Santos is helping out at Mom's café. Chela, Mom's employee? Co-owner? Comes up to him and asks if he remembers her. She says she remembers him when he was small. And there's another girl there, a waitress, who harasses him to get back to work.

Finally we are back to the main plot thread—Orlando and Emilio ride up on horseback to the front gate of Hacienda de Loco, where they are met by Adela. They ask for Don Alvaro and she tells him he's "unwell" and in the great room. Then they ask for Alina and she tells them that both Alina and Soledad are not there—they've escaped. The men are impactado right into the commercial.

Now we are back in the great room, with Adela, Orlando and Emilio standing around and Don Alvaro on the couch, still sacked out. Adela says she knows nothing. The two men decide to go and try to find the two women.

Soledad and Alina are at this very moment, running through the forest with Soledad's luggage (she's decided to travel lighter this time), and both women wearing brand new suede jackets.

At la Rinconada, Thelma is donning her caparucita negra (little black riding hood) outfit, takes Castulo's gun and goes hunting for Gaspar.

Elias, the local priest (whose name escapes me) and a bunch of the highway workers and engineers are conducting Blanca's funeral rites at the local cemetery. Elias puts two roses on her grave, one white (blanca), one red.

Luba meets up with Sergio who is looking for Gaspar. Sergio tells her to get out of his way, this is for men only, meaning between him and Gaspar. Luba refuses to retreat and pulls out her knife. Sergio jumps back a bit and Luba takes advantage to start announcing that she's putting a witch's curse on him. This frightens Sergio some more and he backs away, threatening to come back for Gaspar. Gaspar is behind her the whole time, with an axe, so I guess the whole picture was not what Sergio expected.

Emilio and Orlando are riding through the forest, shouting for Alina. Orlando suggests maybe they went through the swamps. Emilio says he doesn't think so. They ride on.

Gaspar meanwhile has taken his axe and has gone to chop wood. He has an orange flashback from the last episode of Thelma telling him that she would be with him after the baby was born. Gaspar smiles his goofy smile. Over his shoulder, we see Thelma in her black hood and hard face, pulling out her gun to aim it at him.

Alina and Soledad (and Tonki) have been intercepted by two scruffy looking guys. They recognize them as the wife and daughter of Don Alvaro and discuss how much money they are worth. Soledad in a quavering voice says, perhaps "you could help us…" The two scruffy guys say "Suuuuuuurrrrre Ladies………"

Meanwhile, little black riding hood has the gun taken away from her at the last minute. It's Castulo, who apparently is not as dumb as he looks. He followed her. Thelma is ticked. Castulo apparently has some scruples as well as brains; as he points out that it's wrong to shoot a man in the back. Thelma is really angry now and wants to know what the big deal is with killing Gaspar. Castulo admits that he owes Gaspar for saving his life and besides, the gun she's using is his. Castulo offers to take her back to the hacienda and Thelma pulls away. Castulo says, "well, then, maybe Gaspar will find you. For sure, he'll be happy." Castulo walks away laughing. Thelma, realizing the spot she's in tells him to wait. She runs after him.

Emilio and Orlando are still riding around looking for Alina and Soledad. Emilio halts them just in time to avoid a hunter's trap for wild game. They decide to split up and agree to advise the other if they find the women, with two gunshots in the air.

Soledad, Alina and Tonki are still with the scruffy guys. Soledad says they are on their way to San Mateo and only want to know if they are going the right way. The guys, say, no, you'd better come with us. At first the women try to resist, but one of them lassos Tonki and points a shotgun at them and so, they are abducted.

Rosita has been writing a letter to Santos. She is folding it up and kisses it. She's about to go into San Mateo to deliver it when she opens the door, Don Max is standing on the other side. He asks where she is going and she says, she is going to see Santos. She asks him to leave her alone. He says not to worry… "I didn't know you were so involved with him" says Don Max. Instead of attacking her, he warns her that the road to San Mateo is dangerous. And tells her to "say hi" to that poor beggar, Santos…and his mother." He turns to go out the door and before he does, he looks at her and says "What a waste." Rosita is relieved to see him go. "What a jerk!" she says under her breath.

At Hacienda Loco, Don Loco is still out cold on the couch. Sergio and Adela are having an argument. Sergio is a bit perturbed to see what has happened while he was gone going after Gaspar. He demands to know what's up with Don Loco sleeping on the couch. Adela says she thinks that he had too much to drink. Sergio doesn't buy it and he blames Adela for letting the women escape. Adela says that Don Loco will blame HIM when he wakes up. They decide that Sergio will carry Don Loco up to his room.

Alina and Adela have been kidnapped by these two scruffy guys. They take them to a barn and tie them up. Alina is determined to escape as soon as they leave. Soledad is more pessimistic. "How? These guys are killers." Like you would know, lady. Leave it to your daughter, she's escaped more times in this show than you can shake a stick at.

The Kidnappers come in and sit at a table in what is apparently, their own shack. The short hair guy says, "So you think we'll get a bunch of money for them?" The long hair guy reassures him. Next thing he is yelling for the woman/servant/doormat female of the house, "Tula." She skulks in, eyes downcast. Apparently he wants nothing because he just grabs her by the ear and throws her out. The younger guy comments on how he treats his woman. The long hair guy insists that that is how you treat women. Ah, no public service announcements here, just banging on the same social theme, in case we missed it.

Singing Auntie and Thelma are hanging out in Thelma's room at la Rinconada. SA reproaches her for trying to kill Gaspar and putting herself in more danger. Thelma is worried about Gaspar telling somebody about the whole story. SA suggests that she tell him that she lost the baby. Thelma disagrees. (Mightn't that get back to Emilio?) SA is desperate to get out of Sierra Escondida and back to Puebla. Thelma agrees but she can't leave without Emilio and Emilio still has to finish the highway. And that vulture Flor has him crazy…. Thelma urges her aunt to help her think of something.

Emilio is riding along looking for the women when he meets up with Tonki, barking his head off. Emilio dismounts and Tonki runs off. Emilio tries to give chase but manages to fall into one of the hunters' traps. A giant pit.

Braulio and one of the workers are trying to work on the fence that was discussed earlier with Don Max. They are having a tough time of it. Apparently Don Max hasn't given them enough money to do a proper job, using the right materials. Braulio and the worker (whose name escapes me) have a short discussion about how Don Max has been dipping into the till, unbeknownst to Emilio. Don Max always gives them cash for the jobs but the amounts don't match up to accounts. Meanwhile, if they don't fix the fence, the horses will escape and they will be blame. Braulio wipes his forhead with his neckerchief and tells the worker, to do the best he can, with what he has got.

Emilio is still trying to get out of the pit. He tries jumping climbing, etc. He swears. He's got to get Orlando to come rescue him. First he shouts. Then he decides to give the signal, firing two shots. In the distance, Orlando hears the shots and is disappointed. He wanted to find the women first and assumes that Emilio found them.

Long hair dude is yelling at poor Tula. He tells her to give the women in the barn food but nothing else. "Don't talk to them." He pushes her out the door again. "OK Pancho" she says. The short hair guy asks Pancho if he thinks that Tula will do as she's told. Pancho laughs and says, "She'll obey…or I'll ring her bell." ("me la sueno"---not sure how to translate this). He laughs some more, evilly.

Soledad and Alina are still trying to work free from their bonds. Soledad is now more angry than afraid. She says, they left one villain to run into two. "For sure they are being kidnapped so that these guys can get ransom money from Alvaro." Alina starts to cry. Soledad tries to comfort her but Alina has had it. She too is angry that they've been thwarted in their escape plans yet again.

Luba and Gaspar are back at the cave. Luba is lighting candles for the Virgin. She's angry at him (again) for making Nora upset. Gaspar explains that it was only because she was wearing the munequita's (Thelma's red dress). Luba is enraged just to hear him say the word "Munequita" nowadays. She tells him what he should be doing is apologizing to Nora. He gets up to go to the Hacienda de Loco. Luba warns him he better not be going to La Rinconada. Gaspar says "No" he won't go there. Besides, he promised the Munequita that he wouldn't go back and tell anybody what they talked about." He walks out. Luba who has had her head in her hands, suddenly realizes what Gaspar has just told her. Thelma has made a deal with him. About what, she wonders. Maybe, the kid isn't Emilio's. Maybe it is Gaspar's! For a moment, Luba relishes the idea of having a grandchild. "But of that woman!?" "It'll be the death of my son," she says darkly. She tries to dismiss the thought but returns to wonder if she's ever going to be able to get near the baby.

Back to Emilio in the pit. He's still trying to climb out, to no avail. He gets off two more shots. Orlando rides up and realizes that Emilio is in the trap. He laughs and rides off. " I hope the buzzards get ya, Captain," he says to himself.

Rutilio is going into town in the open carriage. It's a nice one, with leather seats. Rosita asks if he's leaving and she hitches a ride. Sergio is leaning against the fence and wonders aloud if the Patron (Don Max) knows where sweet little Rosita is going.

Back to the Barn. Alina and Soledad try to convince Tula to set them free. At least their hands. Tula apparently has had the sense beaten out of her so she does as they ask. The women untie their feet as soon as she leaves and just as they get to the door, Pancho is there with a pistol, waving it in their faces.

In the kitchen at Hacienda de Loco, Nora is stirring a pot and Gaspar is there, pleading for her forgiveness. Sergio shows up and tells him to beat it, that Nora doesn't want to see him. With Sergio there, Nora changes her demeanor toward Gaspar and tells Sergio to get lost, she does want to talk to Gaspar. Sergio goes off in a huff. Nora accepts Gaspar's apology and they kiss and make up.

Elsewhere at the hacienda, Don Loco is laid out on his bed. He begins to stir, still dizzy and disoriented. He realizes that Soledad isn't there. He goes to her room. No Soledad. Adela and Sergio show up. They break the news. She's gone. Don Loco has a short impactado as we go into commercial.

As you'd expect, he blows his stack. He sends Sergio off to hunt her down. Adela is cowering in the corner while he is screaming about getting Soledad back.

More drama is in store for poor Tula who Pancho is grabbing by the hair and throwing around the room like a rag doll. He's upset that she untied the women. She screams and cries but to no avail. Apparently Pancho is really into his role as abusive spouse/partner. It took Don Loco several episodes to leave bruises on Soledad but then, but then I guess he has a twisted love-hate (celotipa) thing with her. Pancho just seems to treat Tula like an animal, although in a way he'd be cited for, for cruelty at least in this state. He punches her in the face and throws her out of the room.

It's dark. Emilio is now stacking rocks to try to build his way out of the hole. Nearby, Don Loco, with his rain hat on, and Sergio, on horseback decide to split up to try to find the women.

At La Rinconada, Orlando is back and talking to Angel. Orlando claims that he road around and never found either the women or Emilio. Angel is worried. He says he'll get Don Max. Orlando tells him to wait, Don Max isn't around. Sexy Nurse Susi, puts in her two sense, urging him to calm down. She's sure Emilio will show up eventually.

Alina and Soledad are in the Barn, nodding off. It's dark there too, but they have a kerosene lantern. Next thing you know, the short hair guy has walked in an is starting to feel up the sleeping Alina. Alina awakes with a start and they guy starts biting her clothes off and sniffing her like a wild animal. Alina starts screaming for help.

Rosita and Rutilio are still on the road to San Mateo. Rosita is concerned about how dark it is. Just then, from the roadside, Rutilio is shot point blank in the chest and falls off the driver's seat in the carriage. Rosita starts screaming but her trouble has just begun. A masked man, comes down onto the road and grabs Rosita and throws her on the ground.

Back to the assault on Alina. Soledad is now away and screaming at short hair guy to stop. Pancho shows up and tells Short Hair guy to stop. "Aw, I just wanted to have a little fun…" says SHG. Pancho says, not to forget that these are Alvaro Montellano's women. "He may treat them badly, but he might not like it if others do." Meanwhile, Tula cowers in a corner. "If Alvaro Montellano won't pay….we can both have fun with both of them" adds Pancho. Tula screws up her face and quivers. I am not sure if she is envisioning this or is just worried about her place in this sorry pecking order.

Sergio is riding around alone in the dark. He muses that the women are probably already in San Mateo. He hears some branches rustling and imagines that Luba is around there somewhere heckling him. He freaks out and shoots off his gun.

Soledad and Alina are conferring about which fate is better, with these guys or with Don Loco. Alina asks whether she thinks that the woman who helped them would do it again. Soledad says she doubts it, the woman looks terrified. Soledad says the only thing they can do is pray.

Don Loco is in his office at the Hacienda. He goes off with his whip on his office, throwing his photo of Soledad and himself, breaking his lead crystal glasses (I guess the decanter was too heavy) and in general tearing the place up.

At the barn, Alina is wondering how different things would have been if she had been able to marry Emilio. Suddenly, who should come into the barn but Tonki! Alina starts screaming at him to help her and Tonki dutifully pulls on her bonds.

Cut to Rosita, who alas, has not been so lucky. She's been raped and she's lying in the road, her clothes all ripped. She cries and goes to find Rutlio who is dead. She collapses on the ground crying and screaming for help.

In the teaser, we see Don Alvaro and Elias finally having a meeting. Elias is apparently inquiring after Soledad and Don Loco says, "Go find her…now you can indulge all your fantasies, now that Blanca is dead." Elias asks "How did you know that Blanca was dead?"


Monday, March 12, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #229 3/12/07 in which Fern reveals he needs to get more exercise and the cuartel is dazzled by a stupid music video

Sadly, when I got home tonight the little REC light on my VCR was not shining. I haven't had time to figure out if the problem was that I didn't tell it Daylight Savings Time has already begun. So I missed the first half of the episode. Please fill in anything good I missed! Sorry.

The second half of the episode opens with Carla and Fern on a bridge. He's on the phone, he's yelling at Carvajal, she's suggesting he put away his phone, maybe throw it in the river, he's clutching it desperately. "You're obsessed, you can't enjoy anything." "I can't put it down, I have to know what's going on with Lety." "The world won't let you live." "The world will, it's just that Lety won't." "I'll show you the world is bigger than Lety."

She continues dragging Fern around the city - he's exhausted and complains they've been the length and breadth of the whole island and he has Central Park memorized now.

At Conceptos, that godawful cuartel is hungry for more gossip about Lety and hope to snag her on her way out of the office. However as she leaves she's flanked by her mom, dad, Aldo, and Tomas; she makes a brief goodbye in passing.

Julieta tells Lety, "I'm glad you'll get away and have some diversion." "It's business, ma."

Tomas suggests if there's no time for fun, she can at least tell Aldo jokes while he drives. Erasmo insists that Aldo get her back home as soon as their business is completed. As Aldo and Lety pull away in the little red car, Omar is following behind.

Tomas is so lonely he invites himself into bed with Julieta and Erasmo and all watch ice skating on tv. They miss Lety. Julieta and Tomas review how great Aldo is, Erasmo says they barely know him and that he mistrusts any man who gets near his daughter. "You distrust even your own shadow," says Tomas as he snuggles. "You're worse than the dog," mutters Erasmo.

On the road, Aldo says he feels flattered that Erasmo, such a mistrustful man, let Lety come away. However, he suggests: "You only came with me to bother Mendiola!" She admits she was ticked at Omar trying to keep them apart. Aldo says, "what's important is: what do YOU want?" "With you, I feel calm, protected, happy."

In NYC, Carla's enjoying the beautiful park but Fern's feet hurt. When she stands a few paces away he whips out his cellphone again and howls at it because Omar doesn't answer immediately.

When Omar picks up he asks if it's cold up there. "Yes, cold, and I've walked more than ever in my life, and I haven't gotten anything from you, a photo of Lety, nothing, what are you hiding from me? No lies! Go to her house and make a video of her, or get photos, right now!"

"You're sick, obsessed." [What's patina el coco?] "Hey, I'm in LOVE, something you'll never understand in your life." Carla looks sad and tells Fern as he hangs up, "Well I know what it's like... I've been very much in love..."

They keep walking and Carla says again, "You're tired, you're dying!" Fern feebly tries to deny it. She says he can ride horsie on her. He actually gives it a try and then says he's full of energy, zero fatigue. He starts a spastic dance to prove it, "I'm fresh as lettuce." She joins the lettuce dance, then pulls him along after her and he tries a nice meditative OMMM (a la the retreat center), and finally falls on her and she twists her ankle (or maybe she twisted her thigh, since she keeps trying to get him to feel her up or massage higher and higher on her splendid gam).

There is a general call for a doctor, and ice. She leans on Fern all the way to a clinic.

At the clinic Fern apologizes ("I'm not usually clumsy with women") and then immediately calls Omar again!

Omar, who's barreling down the highway behind the little red car, says he's parked in front of Lety's house. "Carvajal, I want my video." "Unfortunately she entered the house with her parents." "Well, tape her through the window!" [Isn't this WAY creepy???]

Omar: "Or maybe you want me to sneak into her bedroom and take pictures from inside her closet?" "That's not a bad idea!"

A cop pulls Omar over for speeding ("What's HAPPENING, Carvajal?" squeaks the cellphone) and says "SAN MIGUEL REGLA is a vacation destination and we have to be careful of our children and tourists."

We hear the cellphone scream: "SAN MIGUEL REGLA!!!!?? Tell the truth, Carvajal!" "I'm following Aldo because he's with Lety."

Fern collapses babbling about the intellectually challenged DomensaEEN "with the accent on the EE" and says he has to go, he can't leave Lety alone with that idiot. He calls Mexico Airways and demands an immediate flight to San Miguel Regla. "I don't know where it is, YOU'RE supposed to know, is this Mexico Airways or Holland Airways? It's a place in Mexico!" He's babbling and tics cross his face one after another, it's like watching Robin Williams, a complete scream.

Carla is dumbstruck by his insanity and reminds him: the meeting tomorrow is very important to his company. "Maybe Lety's worth all this trouble, but she went with another guy, right? What are you going to do, beg?" "CLARO!" (of course) "CLARO ... ... ... que no." (of course not) He spouts more complaints about Aldo and Omar, his eyes rolling wildly. "Aldo is taking advantage of the situation, I can't defend myself from so far away..." Carla is so bored she's playing Tetris on her own cellphone.

Now we have the most venal, absurd product placement I have ever seen on TV. The cuartel sits down to watch, oh my god, the new Rebelde music video! And then we are forced to watch the whole dang video - intercut with shots of Irma et al dancing in their seats with looks of dazed delight. They are acting like muppets. I am so embarrassed for them that they had to do this.

On the steps at Don Lauro's place, Lety discovers he isn't there - he suddenly realized it's his wedding anniversary and he's out to celebrate, dinner with his wife. He can't sign till morning. In the car, as they sit trying to decide what to do, Aldo proposes that they, too, have a celebratory dinner - to celebrate meeting, "and rescuing me from the sea," and becoming like brother and sister, "and restoring me to life." He's delighted they've gotten this chance to be alone.

Lety's a bit nervous. "I'm not sure this is proper, is this proper?" "Are you worried by my love for you or your love for Mendiola?" "I'm struggling not to love a man who doesn't love me back - I'm trying to love you - because your love is sincere and disinterested... maybe someday I'll succeed." He says they should enjoy the moment. He kisses her hand.


Mundo de Fieras 03/12/07 You Can Pick Your Nose...but Not Your Family

Well we begin with the knock down drag out...Joselyn killed Karen's Pa and Karen isn't taking the news well at all. Karen is all shades of upset over the truth, Joselyn says Pa was good for nuthin anyway and left Karen all those long years ago. You know Joselyn does have a point, poor Dolores was left in prison forever, Tiberio grew up without a mother and Karen was left in the clutches of the Fieras. Well, Karen doesn't see it that way. They argue more and Karen walks out after taunts of hiena...that would be hyena to us native english speakers. Hiena due to the silent "H" in spanish does sound fairly amusing. Ewwwww you just called your daughter a stinky large carnivore that eats rotten meat...Well alrighty then!

Now over to Candy's where Syl, Elsa & Candy are lamenting Leo, who has gone off to join the Peace Corp or something. Syl & Candy are saying how awful it is that Leo was rejected by those two pillars of the community Jos & Miriam...Elsa is like, give it a rest, Gawd you people create more drama than a TeleNovela. Bwwwwwahhhhhaaa wink wink. Syl chastises Elsa and says have some feeling for your mother & brother, Elsa eyeroll, she is thought bubbling "It's Miller Time", and I gotta agree with her.

Karen races over to see Dolores, she seeks refuge and protection with her Aunt. Karen is distressed but won't tell Dolores what is wrong other than her Mother basically sucks on so many levels. Karen is wearing a short sleeve white blouse under a watch plaid vest. Those clothes probably fit like three years ago, but with all the sobbing she is sadly in danger of popping a seam.

Leo is on a bus pondering the rejection of Miriam & Joselyn...poor Leo he can't get a break, maybe his luck will change, he is afterall sporting his bedazzled jacket.

Joselyn confesses to Miriam, that she told Karen she murdered Edgar, Miriam is stunned. You are BSC she tells Joselyn. Joselyn defends her actions. At this time Joselyn is having a flashback to rolling around in the bed with Edgar then blowing him away. ****I had forgotten all about that, it was the last one I saw in Dec before leaving for Mexico, when my husband saw this tonite he said, Edgar was Aldo from LFMB...No I told him, it is another white TeleNovela guy, Rene Strickler****

A tear streaked Karen is now praying in front of the Virgin Mary picture...chime in the Ava Maria music. The Padre sees her and recognizes she is Joselyn daughter. After a little strong arm tactics he forces her into a confession. She tells the Padre, Ma whacked Pa & let Fredrico take the blame. Karen doesn't really want to send her mother to prison so she & the Padre pray on it.

Gabe had dinner with JC & Paulina, he has a lot of time on his hands what with MA being kidnapped and all. Paulina explains that she has hit a dead end seaching for her birth mother.

Later Nic & Gabe have a meeting, of course there is no new info on MA...Gabe can't believe it...
Nic has hired a PI. Nic has no new news on Tiberio, but Gabe says he knows Dolores knows where Tiberio is.

Leo is now in the country somewhere in Mexico stopping the outbreak of some dreaded disease...he is vaccinating children, oooooopssss, it looks like Leo is about to lose his balance, he quickly recovers himself. Oh Leo you tireless miracle worker. I'm guessing it is the stress of his newfound relatives that is weighing heavily on him. A woman runs up with a sick boy in her arms, off they go to the infirmary. Leo will work his wily magic and save the boy.

Dolores goes to Demian to beg his help for Ti, Demian basically says drop dead, I got my own problems. He reminds Dolores of the price to be paid for killing Regina. Yeah it is rather convoluted logic...but to crazy guy it makes perfect sense. Dolores storms out. She runs into Nic in the hall, he trys to talk to her, but Dolores just takes off. Nic remembers what Gabe said about Dolores knowing the whereabouts of Ti.

Demian is now talking to his picture of Regina, she is his princess and they will spend all eternity together. Wow, according to Judo-Christian belief I think they will be in how shall I say this "different planes of existence". Well a guy can dream.

Dolores heads over to see Ti. He is holed up in a motel room. ****The artwork in his room looks like it is the same "native work" as what is hanging in his mother's apartment, not the picture of the Pope, the one next to it. Dolores tries to convince Ti to allow her to get Nic to help Ti. Ti says no and Dolores vows to always stand by Ti.

Karen and Dolores talk again...Karen is very upset, she still won't tell Dolores anything other than her mother is a terrible person. Dolores tells Karen she never believed the story of Edgar's death.

Coyote is lying on a bench outside Kidnappers R Us & he is seriously picking his nose, not just like scratching, but a part time job, Joselyn comes up and they stand outside where MA is being held, Joselyn appears to be listening for any signs of MA & Ben having a sing-along.

Karen goes back to the Manse and is dragging a small suitcase (one of those ones you used to be able to carry on), bump bump bump down the steps. I'm sure this couldn't hold all her false eyelashes, maybe she'll send for the rest later. Joselyn confronts her and asks where she is going...Karen won't tell her. "This is your home and the door is always open when you come to your senses and realize you are a Fiera and want to start ripping out juglar veins with your teeth," Joselyn tells her in a moment of misguided maternal feeling.

JC & Paulina are looking at baby clothes...oh good their theme music blares...A phone is the Home for Wayward Girls....(I just threw that in), anyhow it is the dead end people and they may have some info regarding Paulina's real Mom.

Leo has once again saved a life...the boy will be fine. The mother confesses that she is actually not the child's mother, he was abandoned, but she loves the boy so much. This in turn allows Leo to turn this into all about him. He says he was abandoned as a baby, but raised by a saint a literal saint, okay okay...he didn't say that but you get the idea. The woman has no dinero to pay Leo, but offers him a chicken. Leo turns her down, saying no payment is needed. They broke the mold when they made Leo.

Miriam is talking to Ingrid ***shout out to Ingrid, I am always pleasantly surprised to see you still alive***, she says she has no remorse about not bonding with Leo. Ingrid is like really nuthin? Nope says Miriam.

Later Miriam & Joselyn are sitting around the Manse, drinking (see bad people drink), and lamenting how quiet the house is, how they are all alone....Here's an idea...go see that kid locked up in his room upstairs.

Gabe is at the apartment with Luis David, telling him how much MA loves Luis David and it isn't her fault she isn't with them. Gabe is also stuffing a Bimbo cake down the kid so he will behave.

Karen arrives back at the apartment and asks Dolores, if it was rough in prison...Yes indeed Dolores answers. Karen finally breaks down and confesses that it was Joselyn who murdered Edgar...Dolores es muy impacted.

Mean while back at Kidnappers R Us, Coyote has taken a break from picking his nose...he realizes MA is sick with a fever, probably from showering in cold water. Coyote comes back with some medication, penicillin no doubt, they probably took one look at him and gave him super antibotics. He puts on his "stick-em-up" three hole stocking cap and frees her hands and takes off the bandana. Ben El Raton distracts Coyote and MA hits him over the head with a rock. She riffles his pockets, comes up with a knife, cuts her ankles free and attempts a git away...Coyote makes a grab for her and she hits him a couple of more time....
The episode ends with MA struggling up the steps in her stylish jeans & designer high heel boots.

It is a toss up in this episode who is the bigger hero Leo or Ben El I say Kudos to both.


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