Thursday, July 03, 2008

Fuego 7-3: Father Bouffy improvises a marriage ceremony suitable for an already-married bride.

We open with Sofia saying "You won't lock me up!" but she's wrong, Gab does indeed throw her in her room despite Gramps' protests.

Actually, I thought somebody was sure to go over that balcony, but not this time.

Fern stands blowing smoke from his stogy and watching. Juan rides up on his splendid horse, shouts "I've come for what is mine - Sofia and my child!" "YOU are the father of the bastard?" asks Gab. "Fern, aren't you going to do anything?" He does, he blows smoke.

Eva says "no more blows!" as Gab tries to hit everybody. "Juan, carry me away!" Juan carries Sofia away and Gab, furious, orders everybody (except Fern) to go lock themselves in their rooms. "Get out of my sight, disappear!" Why do they all obey? She curses everybody and silently wishes for the death of our impetuous leads (or was that Fern's thought-bubble?).

At the bakery, Quintina is happy to hear the real assassin is in jail, the Reyes are free, Juan has gone to fetch Sofia. Quintina hustles to hide Libia's picture again. "Juan will tell Sofia the truth when he decides the time is right."

In Gab's study, Fern emotes: "Of course I'm angry and humiliated and want vengeance." Gab: "You failed, that baby will be born, our good name will be sullied. I disown Sofia." Fern smokes some more.

Gab goes on with the humiliated/betrayed line. Fern grabs for her but she won't let him touch her. "My honor and dignity are in play, they are all I care about." "Your rejection hurts me but I understand, and I always try to help you." They fetch Sarita.

Oscar, Franco, and Quintina go to church to thank the Virgin for their uptick on Fortune's Wheel [I still think Oscar could button up his shirt when he goes to church] and then go to the hospital where Pablito is in despair: his granny Delfina is ailing. They rashly promise Pablito all will be well, they "won't let anything bad happen." [This is not a good promise to make to anyone, ever, in my opinion. --Ed.]

Juan and Sofia stop to sit on a romantic bridge and, as Juan's splendid horse watches, they pledge their eternal love once more. Sofia takes off her wedding ring and says "Now I'm free to love you eternally." [Is it really that easy?] The horse does a trick.

The loving couple arrive at the bakery. "This is all yours, our humble house, no luxury, but there's a nice kitchen." Sofia assures Juan she gave up everything for love.

He installs her in Libia's room, she sees a doll and asks if this had been a girls' room. "Yes, my sister, the youngest. When we were orphaned I had to take care of all of us. I fed them, watched over them as best I could - I only half-educated my brothers - but my sister - she died in strange circumstances." "You talk about your siblings with so much tenderness, no wonder they respect you." Juan says this is a happy day, no more of these sad memories.

In her room Sarita paces. Jimena enters. They review - Sarita hopes this blow will not damage her dear mother, Jimena thinks it's all so romantic. Gab busts in, orders Jimena back to her cell, and gives Sarita a message for Sofia, which she duly delivers (see below).

Eva rehashes with Gramps a bit - she thinks she'll have to leave the hacienda now that she's openly defended Sofia. Gramps wonders where she can go. She says Rosario is accepting her, little by little, as her mother. Gramps: "Are you sure, are you VERY sure she is your daughter?"

At the Bad Love Bar, Moustache blusters, threatening the staff: he will find out who ratted Mapache out - there will be hell to pay for the one(s) who did not maintain quiet snouts. OK, back to work.

The bar guys look worried (if Moustache were watching he'd instantly ID his perps) and whisper they are in big trouble, but Rosario was right, they needed to follow their consciences.

In jail, Mapache's cellmate asks, what are you in for? "For quieting the snouts of people who ask too many questions. Butt out."

Back at the bar, Moustache tells Fern (still smoking) he's confident the employees are terrified and the guilty parties will slip up... "That's not what's important, the problem is that Mapache might incriminate us - we have to off him." "That's hard when he's in jail." Fern knocks Moustache over and says "Nothing is impossible for Fernando." [Don't you hate it when people talk about themselves in the third person?]

The doctor calls on Sofia at the bakery, gives her some prescriptions, and tells her she needs rest. Juan fusses over her: "What do you need, are you hungry, do you want a bath, can I bring you something?" She feels tenderly protected, he says he'll defend her and his child with his life.

Sarita arrives, just before the commercials, and after the commercials delivers the message: "Mama is disposed to forgive you and allow you to come back to the house, and Fernando will give the child his name, you must come immediately." "Ah, she never changes - tell her I appreciate the offer but I'm not coming - I won't leave Juan and I have no right to deprive my child of his/her true father." Sarita says this decision will cause many people suffering. "I'm sorry, but the well-being of my child comes first - it would be as bad for him/her there as it's been for us since dad died!"

Gramps scolds his daughter: "Stop blaming others for your mistakes. You're going to end up alone." "You are my worst enemy! If you feel this way about me, why do you stay?" "Because I have this futile hope that you'll change - I prayed for happiness and peace, but you can't get the rancor out of your soul. I'm leaving too, I'll go live in my cabana, if you want to see me make an appointment, maybe I'll want to see you."

Sofia tells Father Bouffy how upset she is about Gab but we don't need to rehash that. She asks a favor ... next thing we know, she and Juan and Bouffy are in church and Bouffy is inventing a wedding ceremony for when the bride already has a husband. He doesn't seem to have any problem with this. He blesses them and watches their passionate kiss approvingly.

The Bad-Love Bar girls shake their fannies. When Rosario comes backstage her dresser Ofelia reports: Pablito's granny is on her deathbed. Reminded that Pablito is the boy who stood up for her own darling nigh-autistic Luis back in the 'hood, Rosario says she wants to help and goes off to the hospital to see him.

The doctor tells Franco, Oscar, and Quintina that granny Delfina's not going to make it and that he's worried about desperate little Pablito, who won't leave his granny's side. Oscar: "I don't know what to say to console him." Pablo is crying and asking his Granny not to die, not to leave him alone - "Who will give me advice? Who will keep me company?"

Oscar and Franco enter. Franco holds the big hats while Oscar tells Pablo, "When I was a boy I was orphaned - Franco too - God took our parents - maybe your granny will be happier if God takes her - Juan took care of us - he was a father to us - if God takes your granny, you'll be our son, you'll have three fathers, the Reyes brothers." "And a mama? Will I have a mother?" Enters Rosario.

Sarita reports back to Gab, the mission was a failure. Gab disowns Sofia yet again and orders Sarita to go back to her room and lock herself up. Sarita complies. Fern reassures Gab: "Sofia is used to luxury, she won't be able to tolerate the life of the socio-economically disadvantaged Reyes household. She'll be back, I promise."

Juan carries Sofia back to the bakery and drops her with kind of a plop onto Libia's bed, but phew, there is no miscarriage. "I'll go sleep on the sofa." "No, I'm not sick, just pregnant, I'm stronger than you think." They run out the hour with a series of happy flashbacks, reviewing all the happy moments we have already seen. So the anvil will drop some other night.


Guapos Wednesday 7/2/08 I've become accustomed to her face . . . or, she's a drunk, but she's MY drunk

Connie and Damian plot how they can avoid Luciana's divorce filing. Connie will release Damian from having to marry Karla or go to prison or plant tomatoes if he goes against his own sister. Damian comes up with a brilliant plan: Connie should try to act nice to Luci and win her back. He should also use the children as allies and also use Andrea. Connie is worried that Andrea won't play along--she's dying for him to get a divorce. Connie will have to pretend with both. Damian owes Connie to go against his own sister. This somehow releases him from having to marry Karla?

Mili is filling in Sor Cachete on the mess Lina got herself into. Sor Cachete whips some eggs into a frenzy. She wishes that Mili had been able to stop Lina, what with all the advice she gave the girls about how men promise the sun the moon and the stars, but Mili does not want to take the blame. Anyway, they prepare to go after el tal Fernando, the cockroach, and break him like a tree branch.

Poor Lina is still moping in bed. It's so pathetic to see her there clutching her stuffed animal. Horacio comes in and tries to comfort her. He does not know the truth about what happened.

Comic relief segment: one-armed gardener Rocky attempts to water the lawn. Horacio tries to help, but Val, standing out front, stops him. She orders Horacio to get ready to drive her somewhere. Meanwhile, Connie comes out and begins laying on the fake tears. He tells Val he has something in his eye, and she, bless her, says, oh, no, daddy, that's just something they say in telenovelas when they don't want you to know they're crying. Anyway, he begins crying some more and says he's devastated and doesn't want to lose her mother, etc. I've become accustomed to her ways, I'd be lost without her, the fights and the making up afterward, etc. But she wants to destroy me.

Meanwhile, Al has gone (with Bobby) to the Lobredo office/house to ask about Mili. He tells the senior licenciado that he wants info about Granny's will. Senior reminds us that Al left the will reading in a huff and did not hear this stuff. Senior flips through the papers as if he has completely forgotten the answer to the question. Oh, yes, here it is--Mili must live in the mansion, or she forfeits everything. Bingo, says Al. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and your sister closest of all. Al gets Senior to agree to inform Mili and Hugo and not to reveal that he was the source of the revelation. Too bad Al will be seen leaving the premises in about five minutes.

Val chastises Luci for what she's doing to Connie. Moreover, with her bad behavior and addictions, it's amazing he still wants her.

The beatdown team of Mili and Sor Cachete arrive at Mat's house, and they find Bobby waiting for Al out front. Mat and Fernando drive up on motorcycles. Fern boasts, don't worry, Mat, I'll take care of these imbeciles. Mili hands her hat to Sor Cachete and strides forward, You're a macho, a macho de quinta, she taunts him. (I think this may mean that he's a macho to the fifth power, or something really multiplied, anyway.) She gives him a kick to the groin, and a punch. Down he goes. I found this really satisfying, while I felt disturbed with myself for liking the violence so much. Mili is supposed to be outgrowing her old naca ways, but I have always appreciated that Mili is strong and athletic, like Wonder Woman, and in those ways is a good example to girls. Anyway, he really deserved it. (Even though the Supreme Court of the U.S. has just declared that the death penalty is too high a price to pay for child rape, I think a couple of kicks and punches is not cruel and unusual punishment for a seducer/almost rapist. Make my day, Mili.) She tells him to stay away from Lina or he'll be sorry. Mili and Sor Cachete high five. Sor Cachete says Well done.

Just then Al and Sr. Lobredo come out. Mat is trying to break up the fight, but Mili tells him he doesn't understand. Bobby asks what did this imbecile do to Lina? Fernando has one of those fake blood capsules exploded out of his mouth. He taunts Bobby (poor Bobby getting taunted at the same time from the two guys who have stolen his girls) by saying she wanted to be in my bed and I didn't make her do it. It's not my fault that she's an ofrecida (I suppose it's one who freely offers herself). Bobby reaches to punch him, Mat intercepts, Bobby punches Mat. More blood! Fernando runs away, and Bobby chases him. Sor Cachete cheers, then begs forgiveness from God.

Mili now fires Mat as her representative. He tells her not to mix business affairs with personal, but she says that he's of bad character--someone who steals girlfriends could steal money, so he's out. Al winks at Mili.

Horacio tells Socorro that he needs a dictionary--'cause he's at a loss for words. Aw . . . Anyway, he prevails upon her to talk to Lina.

Karla has wrangled Damian into bed. She calls him a pimpollo. Is that a combination of pimp and chicken? It would suit him. She praises his prowess in bed and predicts that after they are married for ten or more years he'll still have it. He says there's a new plan, and they're not getting married. She doesn't believe him.

Connie now cries in front of Luci. It's not an act, he says. He still wants her.

Socorro talks to Lina. She makes her realize she may have made a mistake but it's not the end of the world. It's a kind, motherly talk. Lina wants her to promise not to tell Horacio. I don't know if Soco will really stick to that, but she makes Lina promise to get out of bed. The writers have certainly made short work of Lina's recovery, but since everything on this show goes fast, it makes sense. I sure hope Lina isn't pregnant! They way they are having her recover so happily makes me hope that she won't be.

Val calls Ramses, who's in a makeup chair. He interrupts to tell the makeup artist not to use a certain powder, as it will give him acne.

Rocky comes to the door bearing a rose. She says she told him to stay away, but she takes the flower. He mumbles a lengthy, completely incomprehensible explanation, presumably about his diabolical deal with Connie. She still tosses him out but then has a flashback to the time they danced. If those two aren't back together by Friday, I'm giving up!

In the kitchen, Lina has rejoined the group and seems much happier. Mili returns and reports on her exploits. (she says she just put a tarado (creep) in his place.) He won't be able to hacer chis for a month. "Chis" seems to be "sshh," or "expletive deleted." She says that Sor Cachete was there and Bobby too. Lina is happy until she hears that Bobby was there. She says she'll never forgive Mili for involving Bobby, she's so ashamed. Bobby will think she's a "facilonga," which must be a girl of easy virtue. Mili explains that Bobby just happened to be there by accident. Socorro reassures her that on the contrary, he was defending her because he thinks she's worth something. Really, says Lina? She seems to accept this. All girls do the happy dance.

Now the family is assembled for a big party. Damian congratulates Hugo, because it seems the wedding is tomorrow. Damian wants a payday when Hugo gets his hands on Mili's inheritance, but at least Hugo has the good sense to avoid being a sucker. He says Damian thinks he's a money changer--he'll change money to gambling chips. Karla now complains to Damian. Connie says that Luci is still going ahead with the divorce, so Damian will still have to marry Karla.

Domingo arrives with the Mafia Princesses in tow. Bobby sees Marisela, and they exchange cryptic looks. I guess we're going to have to see how the Bobby situation pans out--he'll be torn between two lovers . . .
Al berates Flo for bringing her sister when she knows Bobby will be there. Flo says he's a pill--she can't do anything right. They really have deteriorated into a stereotypical bickering couple.

Domingo and Connie go into the study and toast to a new business deal. Each looks at the other warily, however.

Lawyer Robledo Sr. arrives and takes Mili and Hugo upstairs for a talk about the inheritance. Before he leaves, Luci mentions her divorce. Connie then comes out and announces the new company they have formed and calls for a new celebration. They will have the biggest construction company in Latin America. Luci says that's great, 'cause she'll have more money to ruin him for. Andrea enters, and Connie takes her out to the garden. Damian tells Luci to follow and eavesdrop, because it's sure to be of interest.

Robledo fills Mili and Hugo in on the inheritance.

Connie tells Andrea he wants to get back with his wife, he can't lose her, he's going crazy at the thought. He loves Luci, and he's never going to leave her. Andrea calls him crazy and says she hates him. Luci has been eavesdropping, and when she hears that he loves her, she seems moved by it. Andrea says that he can't possibly love that crazy drunk, and he says that yes, he does, and he wants to fight for her. Andrea goes further--she's old, and she's a drunk, and she's disgusting. Connie tells Andrea not to talk that way about his wifey. She slaps him, and he pushes her down. Andrea says he'll be sorry.

Back in the house, Damian asks how it's going. Connie says that it will cost him more than a diamond necklace to placate Andrea. Damian opines that with the expansion of the business he will easily be able to afford it. Luci orders Karla to clean up the trash from the garden! Karla balks, because she's still putting on the airs of Mrs. Damian, but Luci orders her to do it.

Al thanks Robledo for coming over. But in the avances, we see that Mili and Hugo have resolved to move out and forfeit the inheritance.


Querida Enemiga, Wednesday 7/2- Two chefs are 86ed and Jaqui's in the weeds

Guess what? The old switcheroo has taken place. Babies at birth? Not this time...tonight K Fuego and I are switching nights. Tonight I recap for her and tomorrow night she recaps for me.

Mean Granny Snortensia finds the incriminating photo on her desk. Sara admits she planted it, she's dead to her parents, she needs love and Granny doesn't give it to her, boo hoo! Granny accuses her of blackmail. Sara says she's only a lowly assistant, lower even than Jaqueline. Granny Snortensia takes the bait and immediately promotes Sara the suck-up to 2nd Assistant on a par with Jaqueline long as she forgets her parents and destroys the photo.

The wholesome foursome (Alonso, Lorena, Rosy and Julian) decide to go bowling. Lorena wants to call Sara; Alonso protests ever so slightly but Lorena ignores the hint. On the sly, Alonso tells Julian not to worry, he'll help out with the money.

Sara looks at The Photo and says nothing will stop her, she hides it in her drawer instead of destroying it. She agrees to go bowling so she can celebrate her little victory.

Jaime accuses Snortensia (Snorty) of offering Sara the job because she's beginning to feel something for her. Snorty's eyes bug out and her mouth goes perfectly horizontal.

Sara drags Vasco and Mariana his pouty girlfriend to the bowling alley. As Rosy puts her foot in her mouth about Vasco's granny Julian thought bubbles that Vasco is Omar's nephew. Sara and Snotty Girlfriend look down their noses at Rosy and Julian while Vasco breaks the ice by saying his granny is super nice as long as she's asleep.

Vasco teaches Lorena to bowl which annoys Alonso and infuriates Mariana. Mariana pitches a fit and says she's sick of him flirting with low-lifes right under her nose, and she's sick of being green, from now on she's black, very black!

"What did I do?" aks Lorena. Rosy and Julian tell her that Mariana totally overreacted, what a bitch. Alonso has to bite his tongue with this unsympathetic crowd.

Vasco returns and says he and Mariana are through. He tries to teach an unenthusiastic Sara to bowl and she almost drops the ball on his foot.

Next morning Julian tells Zulema that he met Vasco and he was a super cool guy, not at all like a millionaire. Omar overhears and is interested.

Sara calls Lorena and invites her for dinner at Evil Acres. Lorena reluctantly agrees and Rosy quips, "You're invited for dinner? What's on the menu, Lorena a la Blue?" (This might refer to the method of cooking called "au bleu".)

Dario and Jaqui surprise Betina with her own fantastic bedroom...that Jaqui arranged. Dario hugs both his girls and we just learned that Betina's price for tolerating Jaqui is a spiffy pink bedroom.

Lorena arrives at Evil Acres and goes out to the garden with her pal Vasco. Snorty is peeved to see Lorena there and asks Sara who invited her, Vasco? "It would seem so," answers Sneaky Sara. Snorty is afraid history will repeat itself.

Lorena has joined Snorty's snooty family for an uptight meal. Lunch is served and it's a dismal affair indeed.

By contrast, Rosy joins Julian's family for a lively lunch of love and good food.

Back at Evil Acres Lorena giggles at the soup; it's cold! "Of course it's cold," snaps Snorty, "it's Vichyssoise, a dish that a certain class of people would never know!" Vasco cracks a joke and only Lorena laughs, then she spills a glass of wine on the white tablecloth. Basically the meal is a bust. Lorena leaves and asks Sara not to invite her again. After she sweetly kisses Sara on the cheek Sara smugly smirks and mutters she's glad Lorena doesn't like her own family, that way she won't come back.

We see a random shot of the full moon, then a poor apartment building in the daylight, so I guess it's the next day. Betina (of aforementioned building) tells crabby Paula that dad and Jaqui have a nice new room for her. Paula says Jaqui stole her man, Betina's all she has left and she would die without her. Nice job mom.

Sara the Second Assistant reports to work and Jaqueline has to help set up her desk. Oh the ignominy of it all.

Rosy tells her ma and Lorena that she loved Julian's family because they never had a bad thing to say about anything, hint hint Mom.

Snorty announces that today Sara will accompany her to the kitchen for the daily Insulting Of The Food. Jaqui skitters around the office in frustration.

Snorty tastes the dish and pronounces it horrible! It tastes like fish! The portly male chef informs her that's because it IS fish. She gives him some line of bull that the art of cooking fish is to ensure the fish taste doesn't dominate. He disagrees and says the taste should stand alone and not be masked. He throws the plate on the floor and the food flies all over Snorty's pantsuit. She is bug-eyed impactado.

Snorty fires him immediately. "Good," he yells, "I won't have your witch face to look at anymore! Long live liberty!" he yells to the stunned kitchen.

Snorty orders Jaqui to find another chef pronto. More sliding around on high heels.

Jaqui runs into the kitchen and asks Sara what should they do? Sara suggests they hire Lorena, she can do it, right? Jaqui is aghast but Maruja nods her head, Lorena can do it! Maruja and Rosy pray for help. They will all assist Lorena!

Snortensia hates the idea until she finds out it was Sara's. She agrees to the plan only because it's an emergency.

Lorena uncovers her dish (looks like overcooked sole) and rosy pronounces it delicious. Lorena plates her dish for tasting. Sneaky Sara enters, tries it and agrees it's perfect. When Lorena turns her back Sara dumps about a quarter of an inch of salt on top of the demo dish. Come on, who wouldn't see all that salt on the food and plate?

The witch enters and Maruja proudly presents Lorena's dish. Snorty forks the food into her tight mouth, makes a face...What is this filth?!? She fires Lorena on the spot, "Leave from here and never return, and this time your boyfriend can't intercede for you!" Sara says she'll see what she can do. Maruja is baffled, she tried the dish, it was good. Poor Lorena's face falls and she bursts into tears, but not for too long thank goodness.

Since Snorty fired the chef she is forced to go to Punto del Mar (which I think is the fish market) to pay for the order that is to be delivered. She orders Jaqui to get a new chef immediately because she fired Lorena. Jaqui does the happy dance and her stiff hair bounces up and down. The pelapappas is gone, the pelapappas is gone!

Sara gives Lorena a load of bull about trying to turn nasty old Snortensia around. Oh well, at least she got a pittance of a severance check for Lorena. Lorena thanks Sara for helping her. Gah!

Vasco gets a phone call, he got a job! He swings nana Mathilde around in joy. Oh boy, I can't wait until he tells granny. We don't know what his job is but we know granny will hate it.

Jaime and Barbara argue about money. She spends too much and he feels like he's just a provider. She seems so distant lately, is she happy with him? Barbara pooh poohs Jaime, don't be silly, she's very happy with him. She looks at her watch (uh oh, time to shag my skanky boyfriend) and announces she's got to dash off to her massage.

Valeria and her daughter make a surprise visit to Papi's work. Guess who's surpised? Yep, Papi quit.

Lorena says goodbye to her pals in the kitchen. Rosy thinks they should all quit so they can really stick it to the witch. (Go Rosy!!) Lorena won't hear of it, they have families to support. The bad dish was her responsibility, besides, she met all of them and made good friends and that's something the witch can't take away. Dang, in this story when you're good you're really good.

What were we saying? It's a small world? Vasco shows up for his new job to sign papers and is greeted by Diana, his pregnant step-cousin whom he does not yet know.

Ickturo sits at home drinking beer with Mommy; he tells her how happy he is to be jobless. I swear this freaky lady has a Jocasta complex. She's happy to have sonny home but what will the little lady say? Speaking of the queen of Rome, Valeria comes home and mildly reproaches him for quitting. Suegra from hell jumps down her throat. "Believe in me," Ickturo coos to his wife.

Vasco runs to Granny to tell her he got a job. Granny Snortensia says although she accepts his decision she's still pained that he's not working for her company. Jaqui skitters up, she has three chefs to be interviewed. Snorty snidely comments that she doesn't know why chefs are all so terrible. Vasco asks her about the pattern, is it the chefs? It's one thing to work with precision but another to be terrorized into working.

We see that Omar is a mechanic. Some lady needs his help. She tells him he looks familiar. Zulema calls his name and the light bulb goes on, "You're Omar Armendaris!" He recognizes her too, Carla Figueroa. Zulema seems bothered and jealous, who was she? Silly honest Omar tells her that he and the lady were novios when they were younger. We now see where Julian gets his honest streak.

Maruja plays cards with her gal pals and tells them all about her therapy session with Paula's dad. According to him Maruja's hate for her ex is blinding her to the possibility of future loves. Maruja wins the hand, lucky in cards unlucky in love! Tequila shots all around as they toast to being like bread that doesn't get sold.

Sneaky Sara shows up at casa Maruja "hoping" that Lorena found a job. No? How unjust! Lorena says she's so very glad to have her friend Sara nearby. Blech.

Sara is fake-reassuring Lorena when the doorbell rings. It's Dr. Hawt; he gives her a kiss and asks why the sad face? He hears the bad news and suggest she drown her sorrows in ice cream, but no, Lorena wants to be alone and think about how life sucks. Al agrees to leave her alone and as he leaves Sara jumps up, "I'll call you tomorrow" and leaves with Dr. Hawt. Not too obvious, that one. Sara slithers her way into Dr. Hawt's car so he can give her a ride home.

Zulema asks Omar if he regrets giving everything up for her. He kisses her, tells her he loves only her and calls her "burrita". I guess that's supposed to be sweet but if anyone called me "burrita" I would stuff cilantro in his nose. Except of course if it was Fernando Colunga. Duh. Zulema turns over and has an odd look on her face. Does she believe him?

Sara tells Alonso that Snortensia might have something against Lorena because of how Vasco feels about her, Lorena might have something to do with Vasco and Mariana's breakup. Sara doesn't want Alonso to think badly of Lorena and thank goodness Vasco doesn't get jealous because he should be prepared. Lorena gets along with the whole world, especially men, nudge nudge wink wink. Dr. Hawt just became Dr. Stoopid.

Barbara tells Jaime that Carla Figueroa called to say she ran into Omar. She didn't even recognize him because he's a garage mechanic! "Oh how low your brother has become," she titters. Jaime looks sad and thoughtful.

Maruja and Rosy make breakfast and leave a cell phone for an exhausted and still-sleeping Lorena. She will need these things for her job search.

Dr. Stoopid sets the table and recalls Sara's lying words, that Lorena gets along REALLY WELL with men. He gets agitated. (Oh grow up for pete's sake.)

The phone rings at Evil Acres and Sara picks it up. She hears Ickturo begging Barbara for money. Babs hisses "Don't call me here, I can't do anything for you!" She finally says she'll see what she can do and Ickturo tells her he loves her. "What a surprise," Sara smirks, "Barbara has a lover."

Tomorrow: Sara gives Vasco a note.

Afortunada en el juego, desafortunada en el amor = Lucky in the game, unlucky in love
A la altura de = On a par with, equal to
Boliche = Bowling
Estamos con pan que no se vende = We are like (with the) bread that doesn't get sold


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Fuego, Wed., July 2: Age-gap relationships, questionable policing techniques, and a whole lot of battered pregnant women!

Buenas noches a todos.

We start tonight with a Gabi-Fernie love scene. Oh boy! Fernie needs help taking his shirt off, and Gabi is just the girl to do it! She tells him the usual: she doesn’t know what she would do without him; he is such a great guy, etc. Fernie tells Gabi that she is just the woman for him, the type of woman he should have by his side. He draws Gabi in with that look of his and his strong arms. At first she resists the physical contact to which she has been resistant for many years. However, Fernie seduces her so much that she becomes a raging sexual tigress to the point that Fernie is her air and she struggles to breathe without him. At one point she takes the kissing/biting thing too far and exposes Fernie’s mic., but not to worry because she carefully pulls his shirt over it again.

As the Reyes bros. are incarcerated, they receive news that Sofia is fine and stable. This news makes Juan happy. This happiness has affected Juan so much that he admits that he likes Rosendo. Now they are friends, and this new amiguito is going to make sure Sofia is well. ¡Qué bien!

In the night club/casino some men are gambling, drunk, and laugh at the fact that they falsely accused the Reyes of murdering Pedra, and that it was Fernie who was actually responsible.

Gabi and Fernie remain lip-locked until Gabi’s moral side kicks in. She rips her lips away from Fernie as fast as you can say lecherer. “It’s not right. You’re my daughter’s husband.” “But she doesn’t love me, and you’re the one that I should be with.” Fernie wraps Gabi in his arms and holds on tight to her girlfriends; she orgasmically gasps for breath. She is in a state of bliss, but at the same time the acting is so poor that you really can’t tell what she is feeling. She runs out as Fernie laughs to himself.

Padre Tadeo is trying to convince Gramps to keep quite about Fernie, and “keep an enemy close.”

We then see the bartenders talking. They always knew that the Reyes were good boys, and that they were framed by Mapache. They tell Rosario, who tells them to alert the authorities immediately. She calls them cowards for letting a criminal, Fernie, get away.

Sofia is telling Jimena that Juan has to know what is going on, but at the same time Fernie can’t find out. Jimena tells her not to worry. In walks Padre. He wants to know what happened.

Juan is anxious because he knows that Sofia needs him desperately. This whole jail time has given him a lot of time to think things through, and he has come to the conclusion that the bros. must stick together. You think this is something, wait till he gets 8-10 in the state pen. and see what insightful things he thinks up then. Anyway, the warden dude approaches them and says that there isn’t enough evidence to support their claim, so they are being moved to the state pen. – just as I assumed. Juan tells the guy, prolifically if I may add, that they are innocent! He’s not going to sit back and watch; he’s going to do something about it! I can’t wait to see what it is… Oscar asks Jimena if she believes in his innocence, and she says ‘yes.’

The Padre assures Sofia that her child will be fine because Sofia has always been a good girl. Sofia isn’t so sure because she and her mother are always fighting. Regardless, the Padre tells her that Juan is a good man and the two of them deserve to be together.

Gabi is hiding in the office with her friend Brandy. She tells Fernie that no one should know what happened. Fernie, who is a gentleman, will not breathe a word. But there’s no denying that the two of them didn’t like it. Bang! Gramps kicks the doors open and demands to know what Fernie did to Sofia in the stables. Gabi tells Gramps to leave him alone, and as always Fernie doesn’t have a clue as to what is going on. Gramps tells Fernie to leave the ranch immediately because no one wants or needs him. Gabi instantly chimes in that he is an integral part of the family. Fernie tells Gabi that she needs to realize that they both need each other a lot.

The bartenders are still questioning if they should tell anyone about what they know. Rosario tells her dresser woman that Fernie is now a suspect in this case and that she is sure of the Reyes’ innocence.

Jimena tells Juan that Sofia is okay and that she loves Juan. Juan tells Jimena to tell Sofia that he loves Sofia. Oscar isn’t sure if he’ll ever see Jimena again, but asks her to never forget their relationship. He will never forget her. The two share a terribly romantic kiss through the plastic that was painted to look like steel bars. Jimena leaves and the warden enters. Movin’ time. Juan says one of the only lines he knows; “were not goin’ no where, no how-over my dead body (primero muerto)! Doesn’t seem like Juan wants to cooperate…hmmm. Looks like his brothers are going to have to convince Juan to do the right thing. Not like it will be hard; he’ll have a mood swing in 30 secs., and suddenly see everything in a different light. Anyway, he hugs and kisses his brothers as if they will never see each other again. My question is how they will split the one brain that all three shared. Juan looks at his shaking hand, holds it close to his heart, and looks to the heavens saying “my little boys, my little boys.” What a loving father, I mean brother.

Sarita, the other bitch of the Elizondo family, wants to know why Jimena is crying. How dare she show emotion in her own bedroom! Jimena tells her that the boys have been moved to the pen. Sarita doesn’t care because those boys are traitors, users, and boozers. And besides, everything is that damn Rosario’s fault-the damn daughter of Eva. In walks Eva. Nice Sarita.

As the team of highly specialized prison guards moves the detainees to the moving vehicle the bartenders/defenders of justice hold them up. “Wait!” they say.

Then we see Mapache with his shirt off. Hold on, let me throw up. Ok better. He tells the little whore-chick that he has a lot of money to pay her.

Sarita is now trying to explain herself to Eva. She explains that she is mad that Eva was never up-front with them. Eva, who is in tears, tells them that she never knew where her daughter was. Sarita doesn’t care at first, but then she starts to cry because Eva tells them that she loves them. Eva says that she has to leave them to be with her daughter, but she will always love them. Sarita eventually softens up and accepts Eva’s affection. What a scene.

Gramps’ little helper Panchito returns to his cardboard hut to find his Granny, and tell her that he rounded up some grub. Granny is acting like a drunken maniac and falls to the floor. The effects of narcotics…

Mapache wakes up in his bed to find the “police,” who are holding a gun to his head. In the US there would be so much wrong with this scene, but we know how reality intertwines with this TN-not at all!

So Quintina has her sister blind-folded. She wants to surprise Hortencia with a new truck. Hortencia, who is a proud woman, wants to know how Quintana got this car. She explains that it is from Gramps. Hortencia goes wild with excitement.

The Reyes go wild too because they escaped prison without escaping from prison. And more importantly Juan didn’t have to live up to his promised scheme. The warden tells Juan that the Reyes are completely free to go, and on top of it all Padre Tadeo paid their fees. As Mapache walks in Juan punches him a good one. Again, this would be somehow punishable by law in any sort of civilized world.

During dance practice at the Hooters, Fernie’s cronies receive word that Mapache has been locked up.

As the authorities throw Mapache into his cell, he tells his cell mate that the man who contracted him will get him out. We knew that…

Juan is riding his horse home when he comes across Panchito. Juan is going to help out with Granny.

Fernie walks into the ranch to meet Gramps, who tells him to get out of town because no one wants him. Fernie makes a move to hit Gramps. Gramps is not afraid and tells him to demonstrate his cowardice. Lucky for Gramps, in walks Fernie’s right-hand man. Gramps still has his fists ready, but then puts them down with a look of self pity and defeat.

Fernie is upset that his “friend” came to visit him in his home. When Fernie finds out that Mapache is in jail he realizes that if Mapache talks, they all go down. Therefore he wants to eliminate him as soon as possible.

As the warden is questioning Mapache, which by the way probably wouldn’t be in his job description, Mapache admits that he killed Pedra.

Juan has taken Granny to the town clinic where she is being examined by a doctor, who probably just printed his diploma offline 20 mins. ago. The doctor Montez is new in town and will be helping the other “doctor” from now on. Juan assures Panchito that Granny is going to be a-okay because this doctor is of confidence. Well, if he’s anything like Gabi’s doctor I guess he is!

As Sofia is in bed, Gabi comes to visit her. “If you think I’m going to console you, you are wrong.” Wow, what a bitchy thing to say to your daughter. Nothing like kickin’ ‘em while they’re down! After everything that has happened, Gabi hopes that God has heard her prayers and doesn’t let that bastard be born. Gabi tells Sofia that she doesn’t deserve to be the daughter of Gabriela Elizondo. You know why? Because when Sofia was born, Gabi’s husband only had eyes for Sofia. You see, Sofia robbed Gabi’s husband. Gabi says that Bernie deserved that death, just as Sofia deserves a stillborn. Then Gabi proceeds to lock arms with Sofia and demands to know who the father is. Sofia doesn’t tell, so Gabi slaps her pregnant, sick daughter to the point that Sofia almost falls off of the bed. Bitch no. 2, that is, Sarita, sees this and kindly asks Gabi not to do that, please. Gabi stares at Sofia like a raccoon in the headlights. Interesting… “Tell me who the father of that bastard is!” roars Gabi. After the girls ask Gabi not to talk to Sofia like that, Gabi feigns her own little sickness. Gabi then tells Sofia that she will lock her away where she will never see that illegitimate father. The altercation then moves to the balcony where Gabi has again locked arms with Sofia and shakes her, demanding to know the father’s name. Gramps sees this and tells Gabi to stop. Eva tells Gabi to stop hitting the pregnant woman, who is also Gabi’s daughter. Gabi doesn’t listen and slaps Sofia again. Gabi then turns to Eva and tries to throw a punch, but Eva catches it and tells Gabi not to hit her! Gabi then grabs Sofia and throws her in her room and locks the door. Gabi tells everyone to get out of her sight. “Sofia. Sofia!” In storms Juan on his big ol’ horse. He’s here to collect his wife and his son! Everyone gasps…

This was seriously one of the most awesome scenes yet! I hope that I portrayed it well enough for y’all. It was excellent!

Tomorrow: After one of the most exciting brawls of the year, Juan has come to collect his prize, Sofia. We see he pushes Gabi out of the way and picks up Sofia, the damsel in distress.


Fuego - Tues- 7/1: Juan channels Linda Blair, Fernando channels Steve Irwin, and Crabiela channels her inner slut

The 2nd and last segments are from memory because I forgot to tape them, so feel free to add if I missed anything.

Our good brothers are musing what it will be like when they are soon free. Eva is going to pay the bail for Juan, he says they’ll pay her back when they get out. They thank her. They want to know about their girls. She tells them Jime and Sara argued with their sister about Rosario being in the house. Eva tells that it’s a long story that she’ll tell them someday. Juan comments about how many secrets there are between them all and Juan is happy to tell the truth someday. Eva takes this as a cue to receive her daily toungue lashing.

We noticed the absence of a loo in the jail cell. Do they hold it in? Get let out for bathroom break? Hmmm. Anyway it's Eva’s turn to get blasted by those Reyes. I thought these guys were good. And yes, someone said it’s like she gets up and wonders what she can do to ruin her day. Well, tell the boys she could have spoken up about their sister and didn’t. Then when they get mad she begs them for understanding. Huh?

She says she believed Libia was pregnant the night she showed up at the hacienda and they get mad that she didn’t stand up for her. She says she tried but Libia wouldn’t listen to her. They accuse her of being able to change fate and if she had said something Libia would have been alive. I’m thinking that’s doubtful, because Feo’s evil is just too strong.

Feo is charming a snake when 3 snakes too many show up with guns drawn and want to know if he has the money for the boss man. He says no, soon, but don’t look for him here. They say Jefe is losing his patience so it better be soon. They leave without roughing him up at all. That’s a little odd.

Sofi flashes back to making love with Juan and wants them to be together.

The boys aren’t sure they can ever forgive Eva. Oh please, since when would the main assistant to the lover’s family be responsible for their sister messing with a married man, outing it to his family and getting killed by the son in law (I know, they don't know that part yet, they thinks she killed herself, but still).

Eva cried to Paddy Tad about the rejection, she thinks they are right, she should have done something then, but she was afraid. He wonders what of, and she says Crabbi and the girls that they would feel offended, (yeah or kick you to the curb for standing up for the husband's lover who was 48 years his junior) but now she feels sooo responsible, and even though the boys are upset, she can do nothing now.

Suspenseful music plays as Feo lets his pretty red pet loose in the hay. Pretty horse lets out some unhappy snorts.

Feo goes in to see Sofi and tells her they are transferring our boys to the capital and surely they won’t get out of there. Oh, and your car isn’t starting so the only one working is mine if you need something. Now, somehow he knows by making those statements she is going to try to go after the Reyes, on horseback, and that the horse is going to get scared and she is going to fall off. Seems like a really long string of events to try and kill her baby. What happened to the old accidently on purpose knocking her down the huge staircase trick?

Rosi is teaching her son the colors of plastic horses. She says Eva and Sofi have been so good to her, she really wants her to be Ma. She mumbles some more about Sofi being so good and pure that she worries that Feo has or will harm Sofi too, just like he does to her. Ofelia warns her to be careful.

Paddy Tad notices his drawers were rifled through, and astutely surmises that someone has been there. He immediately flashes to Feo and mentions that he’s gone looking for this and has apparently found it and that there is no end to Feo’s evilness. He is pure evil.

Feonando goes to the stable to see if his plan worked. He carries a sledgehammer. In jail, Juan is having a presentimiento. At the stables, the horse is too. As soon as Feo raises the sledgehammer to bludgeon his wife, horsey lets loose on Feo. GO HORSEY!!!!! He slams him to the ground.

By this time in the jail cell Juan has truly become possessed and begins speaking in tongues and screaming that Sofi is in danger. His head begins revolving 360 degrees and launching spit and blood. No, not really, but that would have looked cool, and darn if he’s not close.

Workers show up in the stable and lasso whip the snake and bring the fallen pair into the hacienda.

Juan attempts to exorcise himself by moving to the center of the cell and into the white light. He begins to recite the Lord’s prayer. His brothers who try to calm him begin hugging him and crying. Father Tadeo runs up too late for the exorcism, but blesses him anyway. Juan screams to him that he needs to get out.

Pad Tad runs off after promising Juan will be free.

In the hacienda Sofi screams that she doesn’t want to lose her child.

Everyone tries to calm her except traitoress Sara. She is in the other room helping Feo, but hmmmm, wonders aloud why they were in the stables and were hit.

Sofi is now screaming she’ll die if she loses her child. Somehow Sara has left Feo and is now begging Sofi for forgiveness. Sofi agrees she hold no hard feelings, and they are friends again.

Instead of checking on Sofi, Padre is at the docs getting tranqs for Juan. Rosendo runs up and tells the doc to come because his nina Sofi has had an accident. Padre Tad is impactada that Juan was right. Bet he wishes he had that power himself. Probably would come in handy convincing the masses of his divinity as a priest.

Oscar hopes Juan’s feeling is wrong and Franc reminds him this happened when Libia died too. Oscar thinks maybe this is all curse and that none of them will ever be happy.

Eva is glad Sara has returned from the dark side. She’s not all the way back though, because she still believes Feo to be a good man. Eva is not sure, she doesn’t believe it. Of course he awakes from his injured stupor enough to show us that he heard that, by raising his eyebrow.

Sofi just wanted to go see Juan, she tells G-Pa how the story went down, just in case we the audience didn't quite get the very clear cut murder attempt with only one possible outcome.

Rosendo comes in and she remarks that she owes her life to him. I don’t know, she didn’t seem that close to death, now did she?

G-Pa sends Rosendo off to find out if they are really transferring the boys to the jail in the capital. Jimena overhears this and G-pa is clued in that she still loves Oscar. She says yes, but there is no hope now, they’ll never be free, now that he wants to be in the clergy. G-Pa cracks up. He says no way is Oscar going to do that. Jime is impactado. Come on, the guy tried to bed her on one of their first encounters, think a horndog like that would give it all up and go into the church so quick? These girls need to get out more, but we knew that.

Paddy Tad returns to give Juan the tranqs and Juan doesn’t want to take anything until he knows Sofi is ok. Padre shows off his intelligence and tells an already possessed man that his great fear is realized and Sofi has indeed suffered an accident. This summons the demons back and now he wants out of the cell and reverts to his out of control screaming again. Oh Father Tad, when will you learn.

Padre goes to find out what it will take to let out Juan. The commisario tells him it’s easy to get Juan out. Padre says yeah, ok, then don’t do it. He has to wait until Padre gets back or Juan will harm himself. Com agrees to this; he tells that the other cases are more difficult that unless they are shown evidence to the contrary, they will be locked away. Padre says no way they did this, the real assasin is out there and the Com needs to find him. Couldn't Juan have a presentimiento about that? Ah. I'm informed the editors had one as this next scene.

Some guys are drunk and playing cards in a room at the Malquerida. I didn't know what that scene was for, but someone pointed out one of the guys is that aforementioned real assasin.

Tad goes to tell Crabbi that Sofi had an accident and she has the lovely response that God’s justice is on her side. She doesn’t want to see him or want him meddling with her family. Tad can’t believe what he hears and tells her she is so selfish. He urges her to repent. Oh and by the way, Feo suffered an accident too. This sets her standing up straight, well almost.

Back at the house, brilliant doctor tells Sofi she only has some bruises but nothing is wrong with her. Except....of course she asks about if the baby will be ok, and he says yes, she might lose it. Of course she cries not her baby and the sisters try to calm her into saying it will be ok.

Back at the hospital, Crabby dressed herself in lightning speed to go back to the hacienda against the doc’s will who worries that the whole ruse will be revealed to everyone. That’s the least of her concern you idiot, Feo is hurt!!

She shows up and G-Pa is pleased she is there to see her daughter, never mind that she’s perfectly healthy, he already knew that anyway. She is looking for Feo. He is incensed that she came to find him rather than Sofi and calls her bad.

Doc tells Feo he’s lucky he only suffered some bumps. He too will be ok. He inquires about Sofi and learns she’s ok, but he wants to know about the baby. Doc tells him the same he brilliantly told the upset in shock mother, that he doesn’t know, they’ll have to wait and see. No ultrasounds here I guess.

Craba runs up to Feo and wonders if he is ok. I think what happens next is she starts taking his shirt off to help "cure" him. He takes this as a sign to jump her bones. He grabs her and begins struggling to suck her face off. She resists at first all the while grunting, but then gives in.
We knew this was coming.

Look for Cheryl and Willa to join you next Tuesday!!


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Guapos 07-01-08 "C'mon, angel, my hearts on fire, Don't deny your man's desire"*

*Rod Stewart

Shout out to "Jean" tonight Querida Enemiga recapper your title inspired me

Okay so it isn’t the bard…

Thank you Rod Stewart for that squeeky 70’s lyric….Geez how many lil Lina’s out there bought into that lameass song, I mean besides me?

Okay we last we left our little group of friends,
Mili was mournfully looking at the stellar penthouse Hugo bought her for when they marry..
Rocky was lying dashed against the plush grass of the Belmonte grounds…
Lina was being seduced by a devil…
Karla was trying to seduce a devil…
Luci was living large and doing me amors with Nestor in a restaurant getting all jiggy with it…
In walks Al & Flor, eeek…

Now then I’ll start with the Al/Nestor/Luci/Flor, Okay Al sees them getting all tonsil hockey in the restaurant, which is kinda squeeky as eeeewww that is your Mom and that isn’t your Dad. Only it really is his Dad, only he doesn’t know it, which is okay cause even if it was your Dad, there is something disquieting about seeing people above prom age making out in public. Yeah, we and all the rest of the patrons of that eating establishment get it, but come on you got a 36-hour window for those unexpected interruptions. Get a room like any descent cheating couple. Al does the “Mami?”. Egads Luci has the busted look on her face, Flor has the “Gee I didn’t have a clue” look on her face, Nestor greets Al with that creepy way of his. Luci borrows Al for a moment.

Meanwhile, Karla now is dancing like a belly dancer for Damien. Damien no longer seems amused, well amused maybe but he can barely keep his eyes open. I’m not sure if he has the “Cura” of Karla that is or if he has driven down that road so many times, the rolling hills no longer hold any attraction. He says he can’t he and he tells Satan to leave as he must serve God. Karla says serve me….

I must say someone came to the door---no not in the TeleNovela---in real life, so I don’t know if Damien blessed her in that special way or not. I don’t think so.

Now then Mami & Al talk, she says she is leaving Const, which is a-okay with Al as he sees how happy her little face is and how after all these years she deserves happiness. Yeah maybe if she hadn’t totally screwed you over.

Mili doesn’t want to leave the Mansion, they are like her family, her friends. Gee can’t they just get married and continue to have separate rooms and lives. Hugo says will be their chance to be happy, she will be away from the suffering of loving her not brother and the snotty comments of Flor. This is their big chance. Mili so is not on board with this.

Now for the real tragedy of the evening, our little dateless Lina is in the seduction den of Whatever the Hell his name is, that friend of Matt the Ratt. Little Lina looks very pretty and so happy to actually have a male paying attention. Now then if this was a cartoon AssHat Boy would be the cigarette smoking wolf in a zoot-suit. Lina spills her drink and starts to clean it up. Wolfboy says she must be addicted to cleaning. They start making out and the ever active left paw is caressing her thigh. She tries to slow things down, but the far more experienced RatBastard is all charm and promises, she is so beautiful, she is the only woman for him, yes the cursed TeleNovela words come next. We are Novios.

Now in the kitchen, Rocky, Val, Horacito, & Socorrito stand around. Rocky can’t talk cause he has a neck brace and a wrap around his jaw and his arm is in a sling. Val dismisses the others and lays down the law to Rocky. She could not stand it if he died. Mumble Mumble (Rocky can’t talk..oh the comedy never ends), he is a very important part of her life, but it has to stop, he has to leave her in peace. She was willing to loose everything for him, her family, her house, her wealth and he broke her heart into a million pieces he must stop and leave her alone. Mumble, Mumble, just shut-up and listen. Val continues, you took money from my father and broke my heart, never again never. Mumble, Mumble, “You were the love of my life, but you were my biggest mistake” Oh Snap, Val leaves and we see the swollen face of Rocky all dismal and conflicted.

Now over at Seduction Central.
OH NO, Lina is in bed with RatBastard…
She is going on and on and on about how wonderful it was. The sensations made her feel like she had ants crawling all over her.

P.S.A. Hey kids if you just did the deed with someone and you feel like you have ants crawling all over your skin, Google “Body Lice”, “Scabies” or “Crabs” and follow instructions.---

That said, we go back, now AssHat looks like he has ants crawling all over him. Lina continues to talk..Now we can go to the movies, dinner have great fun. AssHat says it is late and he has a busy day tomorrow. Lina thinks he is joking and wants to snuggle. He just wants to see her Ass going out the door.
He tells her he will call a cab for her. Oh No, there is suddenly a cloud starting to cover Lina’s happy state of true love, rainbows and friendly unicorns. She says something about the next night and he say’s lets see. Will you call. Sure, sure. He hands her money, for the cab and something a little extra. Oh Okay Lina gets it. Dude you are a RatBastard.

Next Day, Karla is chiding Lina who is laying under the covers. She says she is sick and doesn’t want to get up. Karla thinks she partied too hardy. Gloria tells her to back off. Karla leaves and Gloria tries to talk to Lina, but she tells Gloria to leave her alone.

Gloria and Mili get the truth out of Lina. Mili is angry. Okay RatBastard, you are so going to get an ass-kicking. Mili knew what was coming cause Sister Chunky warned her about going to a guys apartment. Lina finishes her little tale of humiliation by concluding he gave her extra money like she was a common…well you know.

Damien is collecting $ in a can for street kids, Sister Chunky is on the street with him. He says he has to go to the bano. He takes his can and leaves.

Bobby comes in to see Al, back at Mansion de Misery. He says Brau said Lina was sick. How is she. Hugo is also there and here comes Flor and Al. Flor is all like congrats on the new digs. Now we have to look at the pained look on Al’s face when he finds out his “Sister” is leaving the Misery to live in the new digs with Hugo. Oh it is all for the best. How come Al doesn’t pay one bit of attention to Val, oh yeah cause he isn’t hawt for her.
Al turns to leave with Bobby and Flor won’t let him leave without a kiss. Yes he has that pained look on his face. Mili now tells Hugo she has to run an errand for Lina. Hugo says give me a kiss…ha ha ha snarking on Flor.

I kind of feel sorry for Hugo, like I wish Mili would realize how much Hugo loves her (and he does look much hotter and is doing a good job at work and has been a good boy for a long time, which considering what a psycho he was is indeed saying a lot). Of course we don’t know what ever happened to that crazy Al Cast off that went to Spain with him, hmmmmmmm.

Now then Padre shows up at the house, looking for Damien. Consti calls the Casino. Yep that is where our choirboy is located.

Damien is winning big with God’s money. The two confront him. He says he was winning for the Lord. Padre says it is tainted money. Oh Please…Padre, you are a religious man, now do you really think Damien would have won, had God not been shuffling the cards? Oh ye of little faith.
Padre says Damien is out, he can’t be a priest. Geez with all the bad press you people have had….Well just saying.

Matt the Rat is having a toast with RatBastard devirginifier, they are snarking it up and giggling. Okay I get it if you are like seventeen and the big swingin something in the barrio, but good Gawd, these two somewhat effeminate hombres are like thirty. I don’t know readers if you all watched La Fea, but even Fernando and Omar(and yes I still love and admire you Omar), did not pick on the innocent. Well there was that whole ugly Lety thing, but come on…she knew the score and she willingly grabbed the brass whatever.

Mili goes to the law office looking for Matt the Ratt. Gramps is all congratulations on your wedding. He says Mili will get her money. She doesn’t want the money, she just loved Granny. Gramps lawyer says she loved you too. Mili tells Gramps to tell Matt she is looking for him.

Al has a little melt down with Bobby, he doesn’t want Mili to move. He wants to see her face everyday. Damn it is always about Al isn’t it. Poor Bobby has dated your slut sister-in-law for three years and she screwed him over, but hey lets talk about you.

Mili shows up at said sluts apartment. She was fantasizing about Bobby. She loved him so much. Now really if you loved him so much, how did that Matt thing happen. Seriously anemic cardigan wearing Matt. Granted lil Bobby Brady is a tool, but Matt is no step up. Mili comes in and says she is looking for Matt. Mili tells crying slut girl that she is just like her sister, a liar and life ruiner. Thinking she can get points with Bobby, Slut girl tells Mili that she told her sister to come clean and she really loves Bobby. Whatever Mili leaves.

Damien comes back to the Mansion with Consti who says jail or Karla. Oh the pain.
Well I am tired of all this nonsense…dragging things out..
Briefly Damien will play both sides against the middle in the War of the Roses divorce and side with whomever can do him the most good. Damien this is why I love you.

--------------Tomorrow Al finds out, due to the Will of Granny, Mili has to live in the house and Ser Chunky and Mili give RatBastard devirginizer what is coming to him--------

Pretty much I am throwing everything into the Val/Rocky romance….I am so over Al & Mili. Now we have to wait til the kid is born and months more dragging…..


Querida Enemiga Tuesday July 1, '08 "By the Pricking of My Thumbs, Something Wicked This Way Comes"*

*William Shakespeare

Well, Sara is in full evil mode tonight. What we saw last week was nothing compared to what she's up to now. Looks like this telenovela is going to be a rough ride.

We open with the gala evening and in case we haven't gotten the Cinderella slant yet, they drive the point home big-time. Alonso, described as a prince later on, is anxiously awaiting his little "pelapapas" Lorena while Sara, very much the wicked stepsister, is doing her best to move in on him.

Sara practically gnashes her teeth when she realizes Alonso's novia is none other than her orphanage "sister" Lorena. She utters those classic telenovela phrases..."Maldita puede ser!"

Seems like all the major men there are entranced by Lorena...Bruno, Dario, Vasco, even Jaime admire her beauty and the women they're actually with. Most annoyed is Hortensia herself who doesn't like mere kitchen help showing up as guests, much less hobnobbing with her beloved grandson Vasco. Things don't bode well for our innocent little Cenicienta.

She's broken a major "class rule" and we assume there will be repercussions (and a long long time till the happy ending, so fasten your seat belts folks).

Alonso is surprised that Sara and Lorena know each other; Hortensia is surprised that Vasco met Lorena (aka pelapapas) the other day and gave her a lift on his bicycle; Alonso is also surprised to know Vasco gave her a lift and wants to know if he has insurance...a little testosterone thrusting between the two men and then we have some yuckky subtext going on with Arturo (slimy husband of Valeria) making eyes at Barbara (slimy wife of Jaime) while Bruno (slimy boyfriend of pregnant Diana) lusts after Sara (all-time slime queen of the world).

It's a rough world. And a small world. Several characters exclaim "Que chiquito es el mundo" and it's true, everyone is related in unbelievable ways in this story.

We have some major, but not surprising declarations. Delusions-of-grandeur Arturo makes it clear that he's sick of being an employee, he wants his own business. Sara declares, to herself, that she's going to rob Lorena of her fortune, her family and even her boyfriend. Why? Because Lorena has always been the favorite and now it's Sara's turn.

She and Lorena have a little heart to heart in the bathroom where once again our pure hearted heroine advises Sara to play it straight and not pretend to just be Hortensia's niece. When Sara leaves, pretty much in a snit, Bruno acosts her and asks her to have a drink with him. She blows him off. He's intrigued. At last a challenge. More to come, I'm sure.

Alonso gives his spiel for the Eye Clinic while Lorena applauds and looks just like the perfect starry-eyed political wife. Then Hortensia introduces the "estrellas" and we see Ana Patricia Rojo, looking much sexier than she did in Destilando Amor, and Arturo Carmono...the bidding starts and Arturo (Valeria's no good delusional husband) actually ups a bid on Ana even though he has no money. Fortunately another man bids higher.

We switch to some discarded women watching the gala on t.v. Diana, crying and asking herself why she's still in love with Bruno; and Paula, exultant that
Jacqueline is too busy helping her boss to pay any attention to Dario.

In the meantime, Julian is moving in pretty fast on Rossy. Fervent kisses lead to roaming hands and Rossy jumps up not wanting to be a "facilote". But she soon sits down again. Obviously she's a little better at this romance game than Lorena.

Back to discarded Diana, who angers her kindly stepfather when she praises the good works of Hortensia. He assures her the woman is not who people thinks she is. When he returns to the bedroom with Zulema, good wife that she is, she knows immediately that he's upset. And they have a little discussion about the painful past. She reminds him that God sees everything and that eventually Hortensia will pay for all
her cruelty. Of course it will be a long time before we see that.

Now lots of little bits of scenes. Rossy is telling Lorena (after the ball, so to speak) that Julian kisses like a god. Of course mama Maruja overhears and wants to know more about the guy.

Julian is also gushing about Rossy to his mom who's all happy "because love is always welcome in this house". When he adds that Rossy works for Hortensia Armandariz and sees the stunned look on his parents' faces, the whole story comes out.

He learns that Hortensia is Omar's mother. She never accepted Zulema. However Zulema was pregnant and Omar stood by her, forsaking his family and moving away. (We also learn that Diana and Julian's father died when Julian was two. That's new information)

What happened to the baby? Well, the doctor said the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck and she was stillborn. And yet Zulema thought she heard the baby cry. (are you thinking Pasión yet?) No no says Omar, you were anesthetized, you must have heard some other baby cry. Zulema adds that she was knitting little baby things before the birth and the infant was buried in one of those little outfits. Tearful moment.

Later when Diana and her mother talk and she asks her if she ever felt alone after the loss of the baby, Zulema says no, Omar was always with her, in the sad times and in the happy ones. Bruno is not half the man my stepfather is, concludes Diana. How true.

Now we have a little kitchen table therapy with Don Toribio and Maruja. He gets her to admit that maybe Rossy is right about mom trying to control her and run her life. They have a light-hearted moment together...could this be a new romance coming down the pike?

Now to a nasty little scene at the home of Valeria and Arturo (Sylvia labeled him Ickturo and I'm down with that). He's sitting there with a brand-new laptop computer and Valeria wants to know how on earth he paid for it. Borrowed money, how else? He needs it to make his presentations more impressive. Bleached blonde mama swoops in and defends her chick, adding "Have you or the child ever lacked anything? Arturo thinks big. He's not meant to be a subordinate."

Now a scene with Rossy, Lorena and Sara, who's stopped by. They're looking at the pictures of Lorena and Alonso in the paper and Sara "accidentally" tears it as she rips it away from them. Then Alonso arrives...surprise! and wants to invite Lorena out for an ice cream (again one wonders who's minding the clinic...maybe it's a weekend)

Lorena invites Rossy and Sara to come along. Rossy begs off. Sara has no excuse though she doesn't want to be a fifth wheel (hacer mal tercio). The outing turns sour as Lorena and Alonso mess around shoving ice cream in each other's faces and kissing it off (gotta side with Sara here) and she's leaves in a sulk, saying she needs to help Hortensia with something.

Lorena is sad and puzzled but Alonso points out that being with people in love is very boring for others. How true!

Jaime and Hortensia are looking at the great coverage in the newspapers and making grand plans for the Noche de Estrellas becoming an annual event. Hortensia is off to give an interview on a t.v. program and wants Vasco to come with her. He says he hates that kind of thing and tries to beg off, while Sara jumps in and brightly says that she'll go.

No, snaps Hortensia, I want them to see me with my grandson, the one who'll inherit my business. More seething from Sara.

Now another nasty scene with Ickturo. He comes home in a foul mood because after their lovemaking, once more Barbara blew him off about the loan, adding that "she's never paid for love" and flouncing out.

When he sees his child still up, being read to by his faithful Valeria, he sends the kid off to bed, complains about his "job" (well I'm sure doing Barbara is hard work...and poorly paid, evidently) and criticizes Valeria for asking stupid questions. Out scurries mama again, ready to defend her precious son and come up with ideas for how he can start his business. Her bright idea is for him to quit his job and use his severance pay to start up his latest venture. "Better to ask pardon than permission" she slyly adds...another well-worn telenovela phrase.

Our other good-for-nothing is a little more charming, and a lot more honest, but Julian is making a very poor impression on Rossy's mama. He admits he has neither "oficio ni beneficio". He's unemployed and has no talent for anything but sure does love to watch soccer!

Mami leaves the room pleading a headache. Rossy follows and hears the usual, and quite reasonable, question..."What future do you have with this guy!?" Got to add here that our Rossy, while adorable, is wearing the worst outfit top and green leggings making her look like a Halloween pumpkin.

Meanwhile, Sara, full of venom and vengeance, has decided to find Omar and Zulema and take pictures of them, in order to pressure Hortensia. That will pay her "granny" back for rejecting her in favor of Vasco. When boss lady finds the picture on her desk, she gasps "Who in the devil put this here?"

"I did, grandmother" answers Sara from the shadows. And that's the end of this episode. I'd tell you about the previews but they're too awful. Tune in tomorrow and see for yourselves.


secreto de estado = state secret
desde que yo uso de razón = ever since I can remember
tu ni tus luces = no sign of you
segunda de abordo = second in command
la subasta = auction
vivito y coleando = alive and kicking
jaladora = hard-working
es una chica a todo dar = she's a great girl
que chiquito es el mundo = what a small world
no todo lo que brilla es oro = all that glitters isn't gold
no tener ni en caer muertos = to be totally broke
no tengo oficio ni beneficio = I'm unemployed
lleno total = completely sold out
hacer mal tercio = be a fifth wheel


Pasión de Gavilanes, Tues. 7-1: the Wedding is cancelled

Pepita is a smart cookie. She couldn't guess that it was Rosario that Panchita was hiding and not with some boyfriend?

Abuelo asks if Grabi is 'bailando de una pata,' literally, 'dancing with one leg,' i.e., is she happy that the wedding was cancelled.

Otra vez, pobre Juan- It makes my arms hurt just to see him chained up like that. And when he had to ask Dínora to help him stand up, qué lastima!

Just before the scene where Juan get 'medical treatment' from the matones after Dínora goes after him with her riding crop, there was a scene on the You Tube video (cap. 100, part 2) where Norma is in bed remembering her last evening with Juan and hoping that nothing bad was happening to him that was cut from this version of the novela.

Raquel is stupid as well as evil. Why would she think that insulting Los hermanos Reyes and suggesting that Juan was dead would make Ruth come back to her?

I don't know if I would have stood as long as Norma did listening to the venom Dínora spouted before I hit her or just walked away.

Anyway, I am going out of town tomorrow so I won't be able to post anything for Wed. and Thurs. 's episodes. (The novela is not on on Friday.)


Guapos: Monday 6/30/08- "Bobby's eyes open so he can finally see & Rocky falls for Val"

The show starts with a little rewind into the end of Friday’s episode---Alejandro consoling Bobby, Florencia slapping Mili.

Mili tells Flo that she was with Hugo and her friends at the Rodeo, NOT with Al. Flo still doubts her and Mili says go and find the girls, they’re in their room and they’ll verify where I was, but you’ll end up having to explain why you suspect your husband is unfaithful. They back and forth it a little bit and Flo finally realizes she might have jumped to the wrong conclusion and Mili tells her that if Al is being unfaithful, it’s not with her, so it must be some other woman (burn!).

Meanwhile, across town, Maricela is tending to the superficial wounds on Mateo’s face. She tells him she feels terrible and will have to apologize to Bobby. Mat scoffs and Mari says that Bobby doesn’t deserve this. Mat has a couple insults to fling in Bobby’s general direction, however Bobby’s not there to hear them---it just riles up Mari. She insists that Bobby is important to her and Mat quickly replies- if he’s so important, why are you sleeping with me? Mat suggests that Mari take this opportunity and send Bobby packing. She’s not liking this conversation, and right about now she’s not really liking Mat. So she tells him to take a hike.

The next morning…..Rocky and crew are breakfasting in the servants dining area. They are rehashing the facemask-kissing fiasco. The girls and Horacio are having a good time teasing Rocky about it all and he’s trying to explain to them that it was possibly the worst moment in his life and most likely Val thinks he’s even a lower form of scum than she did before. Rocky asks Horacio to talk him up to Val when he’s out driving her around that day.

Outside, eating breakfast, Luci is still rehashing the previous day to Val. She’s saying how disgusting it was to have kissed a servant and Val insists that it can’t have been all that bad because Rocky is a good kisser. Luci starts to express her disgust at that comment when Connie joins them. Val mentions that she is sad because she doesn’t want her parents to split (because they have been such a unified family up until this point). She suggests they seek therapy and Connie makes some dig about how Luci like’s psychiatrists, like Eugenio. Luci tosses out Bobby’s mom’s name (can’t remember what it is and didn’t write it down). Val questions why Bobby’s parents, who are in Italy, are being dragged into this. Val leaves and Connie tells Luci no way are they divorcing. Luci says she can no longer tolerate being with Connie, and besides she’s got a new man now. Connie laughs and leaves. Luci gets right on the phone to Nestor and tells him that she’s got her stuff packed and is switching rooms in the mansion. Connie doubts she’ll actually file for divorce, but when her lawyer comes to call on him, then he’ll know she’s serious.

Flo lets into Al when he comes home, finally. She demands to know why he stayed out all night and why he didn’t call. She starts up on the whole him being with Mili thing. Al says he was consoling Bobby all night because Flo’s sister is a cheating slut---Bobby caught her in bed with Mateo. That shuts Flo up.

Padre Manuel has Damian mucking out the pig sty. He suggests Damian sing to the pigs to keep them tranquil.

Mateo visits Connie at the office. Connie thinks it is about Mili, but Mateo quickly lets him know he’s there on business for Luci. He’s representing her in her divorce. Connie is stunned.

Luci goes to visit Hugo. He’s painting something abstract and in bold colors. They discuss his happiness and he insists he’s happy and that is reflected in his artwork. The upcoming wedding is brought up and Luci urges Hugo to move out with Mili once they are married. Hugo says that’s not up to him alone, he has to see how Mili feels about the idea. Luci adds, you’re not doing this for Al, but for your own benefit. Hugo calls his aunt a hypocrite and reminds her that she’s going to get caught in all of her lies and then she’ll lose everything.

Flo apologizes to Mili about the slap. Mili says you’d do it again if you had the chance. Flo says she was mistaken and wants to say she’s sorry. Mili’s not buying the routine. She tells Flo that perhaps she should tell Al the truth and see what happens. At that moment, Al is heading right for them so Mili suggests now would be a good time. Flo comes up with some little cover story as to what she and Mili are discussing when Al asks what’s going on. Mili tells Al that she got slapped by MP1 last night because she thought Mili was with Al. This ticks Al off and MP1 insists that she has since apologized for it. Al leaves. Mili tells MP1 that she’s doing her a favor so her child can be raised with two parents so a good way for Flo to show her thanks for this would be to treat Mili a little better.

Connie tells Mateo this visit is a waste of time because it is absolutely absurd. No way are they divorcing. Mateo starts to list off what Luci desires in the divorce settlement. It sounds like she wants it all and her freedom, too. Connie is outraged and tells Mat to get out. Mateo says he’s going to go file the paperwork with the judiciary.

Bobby and Al arrive at the office and lo and behold run into Mateo (who is sitting down in the lobby, obviously in no rush to file the paperwork—I’m sure he’s just trying to create some more billable hours). Bobby lets into the lawyer and Mat insults Bobby’s abilities to make a woman happy (methinks that Mateo is a tad obsessed with Bobby’s bedroom skills).

Andrea runs to Connie to tell him the gossip of what’s going on in the reception area. Connie doesn’t want to hear about it.

Val tells Horacio she’s depressed and she refers to him by his name. Horacio questions why he’s not being called Morgan and she tells him that’s just when they are around other people. Horacio thinks she’s depressed about Rocky, but Val insists she’s upset about her parents getting a divorce. Horacio tries to put in a good word for Rocky. Val says she’ll never forgive him. Horacio wants to tell her something (the truth about what Rocky did three years before) and Val doesn’t want to hear it. She tells him if he keeps talking about Rocky, she’ll fire him (Horacio).

We are treated to a montage of Damian in his various daily duties falling asleep everywhere---in the pig sty, in church, in Bible study, washing the floor. He calls Connie and says that PM is torturing him, driving him crazy. He asks for Connie’s help, but Connie doesn’t have time for him.

Hugo and Mili discuss Flo and what happened. Hugo tells Mili that he’s sure that Mili’s comments have probably left Flo with her mouth hanging open. He then tells Mili he’s got a surprise for her and he takes her to their new apartment. He just bought them, a place for them to live after they are married.

Fernando and Mateo shoot the breeze…..basically revealing what we already know---they are rat bastards and only use women as objects for their personal gain—either sexual or monetarily.

At work, Bobby can’t concentrate. He tells Al that he can’t get his mind off of Mari. Al says off of her or off what she did. Right then, Mari arrives. She asks to speak with Bobby and for Al to give them some time alone. Bobby says she’s got nothing to say that he wants to hear. Al urges his friend to at least hear her out and he leaves. Mari tries to explain and Bobby asks her why she did this? She says because she was foolish. He asks if she loves Mateo and she says nope. He says that’s worse, she cheated on him because of lust, if she loved Mat it would have been easier. Mari insists she was just being stupid and Bobby goes on to explain he likes order in life and in people. Everyone on in their places and basically says a slut like you should be in a whorehouse. She slaps him and that brings about an end to this conversation.

Connie and Luci are at home. They have some words about the divorce. He threatens her and she tells him that he’s got more to lose so she’s not worried. He threatens some more and she tells him keep it up and I’ll go to the press and give them an interview which will fill them in on your past and all you little misdeeds. Luci leaves the room and heads out of the house. She runs into Flo and tells her that she had a talk with Hugo and everything’s going to be OK. Connie head out after Luci.

Bobby’s at the mansion now. He’s walking out with Lina and thanking her for letting him know the truth about MP2. Lina says that Mari was stupid for treating such a super guy so terribly. They discuss his bad luck with women—Val then Mari. We can tell that Bobby’s looking at Lina, realizing that here’s a girl who’s been there all along. It appears he’s about to say something to her, but then Fernando, rat bastard, arrives to take Lina out on a date.

Braulio tells Socorrito that Karla’s AWOL and he’s going to have to fire her. Soco asks Brau to be lenient because Karla’s been upset over this whole situation with Damian. Gloria comes running in and says that Rocky’s up on the roof. They all run out.

Karla, dressed as a nun, sneaks into the religious house and into Damian’s room. He’s wiped out and flopped on the bed. She enters the room with a flask and starts to strip. Damian doesn’t protest.

Fernando takes Lina to his place and starts to make the moves on her.

Everyone’s trying to talk Rocky down from the roof. Val arrives with Horacio and they catch sight of the happenings. Val orders Rocky down and he says he’s going to jump unless she listens to him. She says go ahead and jump because he’s only going to break some bones, there’s no way he’ll kill himself with that short of distance. They go back and forth a bit and she ends up telling him that he broke her heart and he tries to tell her that things aren’t like she thinks they are. She walks away, not wanting to hear anymore and he follows her and loses his balance and falls off the roof. She goes running over to him. END OF EPISODE


Fuego, Monday 6/30 (#45): A slide rule, an abacus, and all his fingers and toes

Finally, Feo puts two and two together. But is his math correct?

Juan tells his brother he had planned to tell Sofía "everything," but instead Sofía wanted to talk about Libia (reminder, she still doesn't know Libia was Juan's sister). Juan fills his brothers in on everything that Sofi told him last week, and they all concur that Bernardo had been telling them the truth about really being in love with her.

Sofía invites Rosario to come to the hacienda to chat with her and Eva. Rosario is surprised by the invitation, thinking she won't be welcome there, but Sofi assures her that her mother and sisters aren't home. Nevertheless, Rosario tosses a few nervous looks over her shoulder as they go into the parlor, leaving the front doors wide open for all kinds of pirates, wild animals, and large insects to sneak in.

Jimena and Sarita come home just moments later. Sarita begins to question Jimena on how she spent her time in town while Sarita was visiting their dear old mom, but before Jimena can answer, Sarita sees her rival in the other room.

Rosario, Sofi, and Eva are just sitting down when Jimena and Sarita confront them. "Why is that ...she... in our house?" Sofi coolly says she invited her, and doesn't see why it should bother them. They can sit down and join in if they want. Sarita says she is offended by Rosario's presence and will throw her out if she doesn't leave. Eva defends Rosario; Jimena wants to know why; Sofi takes it upon herself to announce that Eva is Rosario's mother.

She doesn't say "we think" or "Eva thinks" or "we have reason to believe," she just blurts it out as fact. Eva beams proudly. Everyone else just looks uncomfortable.

Father Tadeo goes for a walk, blessing random bystanders on the way, when Feo intercepts him and asks if he's on his way to visit the Reyes brothers in jail. Tadeo says he's sure that it's Feo's fault they're in jail, and foolishly asks how he engineered it. "Dear Father, you always blame me for every bad thing that happens," Feo chuckles.

Tadeo says he knows Feo feels invincible, but he's been writing to his superiors and they know all about his misdeeds. "You'd better repent before it's too late; evil has overpowered your heart to the point where it seems you enjoy it. May our Lord have pity on you." Feo kisses the Padre's hand and laughs. The Padre kisses his cross and leaves.

Suddenly Feo stops laughing and grimaces horribly. Is it appendicitis? Sadly, no, it's a flashback. (I guess some people don't take to them well.) He's remembering sitting in his car and watching Juan and Sofía come out of the bakery together. A look of sudden realization and shock crosses his face.

The tolling of the church bell brings him back to the present. He steals into the Padre's office and rifles through all the papers, cabinets, and drawers. Finally he finds an interesting-looking envelope; it's the rejection of Tadeo's request to annul Sofía's marriage. Feo mutters that the Padre is still trying; if he succeeds, Feo reminds us, he'll have to leave the hacienda.

The Padre is at the jail, telling Dimples, Fuzzy, and Crumbs that they don't have to worry; the police chief is is trying to get to the bottom of Petra's murder. To Juan, he adds, "As for you, little boy, I'm glad you got what you deserved for not heeding me. You should think before you act!"

"But I couldn't control myself," Juan replies weakly. Tadeo mocks him, then tells him he doesn't think Feo suspects anything about Juan and Sofía. "I just ran into him and he didn't say anything about it." Juan's not sure that means anything; why would Feo mention something like that to Tadeo? Tadeo says it's because he knows a lot about Feonando. "Too much," he adds uneasily.

Feo's now at the hospital, where he is scolding Gabi for slipping up in front of Sarita. She says she knows it was stupid, but it was because of the blow of discovering that Sarita knows who the father of Sofía's child is. "I know too," Feo says tightly.

Tadeo tells the boys not to lose faith. Franco says that indeed, they have not lost faith; the proof is in Oscar, who wants to become a priest! Juan goads Oscar to either tell the padre it's true, or admit he was just joking.

Not meeting the Padre's eyes, Oscar says yes, it's true, he wants to enter the seminary. (Oscar doesn't see the Padre making faces at Juan, signaling that he's willing to go along with the joke.)

The Padre excitedly says that's great, he'll write to the seminary himself in support of him. "I'll do it right now!" he says, leaving quickly; Oscar calls him back. He says the Padre is always busy with the parishioners and he doesn't want him to neglect those duties; maybe tomorrow instead. The Padre says never put off for tomorrow what you can do today! He doesn't want to prevent so many souls from enjoying the privilege of Oscar's blessing.

Juan asks the Padre to watch out for Sofía and his child, and not let anything happen to them. Padre leaves. Oscar tries to call him back again, but is unsuccessful. Juan teases him, saying Oscar will wear a great fancy cassock and baptize Juan's child. Juan and Franco laugh hysterically all over their cell.

The miraculously healed Gabriela jumps out of bed, begging Feo to tell her who the baby-daddy is. Feo admits it's only a suspicion; he'd prefer to confirm it before telling. She jumps up and down and tries to shake him by the lapels with her tiny hands. He tells her to calm down or she'll make a mistake; she's already made a big one. Just wait until he can eliminate the doubt, and then he'll tell her right away. She agrees to this, but asks that this not cancel their plans to prevent the bastard's birth. Feo agrees that the one has nothing to do with the other. Their plan will come to fruition as soon as possible.

He takes her hand, pulls it to the place on his chest where most people have a heart, then kisses it. She stares lovingly at his bruised face as if hypnotized.

Finally, back to the parlor, where Sarita and Jimena are now sitting, stunned. "I would never have imagined that Rosario was your child," Jimena says. (The captions say "Mamá" rather than "Jamas," but I hear "jamas"; besides, Jimena usually refers to her mother as "mi Mamá," not just plain Mamá. Anyway.) Eva, still beaming, says although it seems impossible, they're blood relatives.

"And how come we didn't know?" Sarita asks in a hostile tone. Eva stammers; Sofía says it's a long story, and now is not the time to tell it. The important thing is that Eva is part of the family, and therefore she has every right to invite her daughter over for a visit. She asks if they object.

Jimena says they have no objection, being that she's Eva's daughter. Sarita clearly disagrees, and drags Jimena out of the room.

Feo finishes kissing Gabi's hand. She pokes at a bruise near his mouth, as she has seen women lovingly do to their lovers in movies. He gets up and says he actually came over to discuss something else with her that could affect their future plans. "By chance, I discovered the existence of a document where Father Tadeo asks the Ecclesiastical Court to authorize the annulment of my marriage to Sofía."

She angrily asks who authorized Tadeo to do that; he's taking liberties he doesn't have. Feo agrees and that's why he wants to teach the "padrecito" a lesson. She nods dumbly.

Quintina and Grandpa are at a store, scoping out furnishings, including a "classic"-style sewing machine, for the cottage. (They seem to disagree on who the sewing machine is for; I'm not sure who wins.)

Eva tries to cheer Rosario up about Jimena and Sarita, saying they're nice girls, but they're jealous of Rosario, "and you know why." Rosario wants to leave. Sofi asks her not to and even says "this is your house." (Feo lurks in the foyer, noticing their conversation.) Sofi says her sisters will have to find out about the parentage that unites them. Give them some time to get to know her, and eventually they'll end up liking her. Rosario doubts it. "Jimena and Sarita aren't like you."

Feo comes in - I don't think he heard the thing about their shared parent - but he looks mighty displeased to see Rosario and Sofía holding hands.

Sarita is still PO'ed about Rosario and rhetorically asks Jimena why Eva never told them about her, especially knowing the problems they've had because of that showgirl. "What else could she be hiding from us? Maybe Eva knows a lot more." Jimena tries to get her to stop this and reminds her that all Eva's done was care for them and love them. "Not so much, because she knows I hate Rosario and she should have told me she was her daughter. You better than anyone know what we've suffered because of that woman. But fortunately, I've forgotten about Franco. But you, you're still in love with Oscar." Jimena agrees, but says she'll have to forget about him forever too, because he's going to become a priest.

Feo makes his grand charming entrance into the parlor, pretending to be happy to see Rosario, and giving the good news that Sofía's mother is getting better. "I had hoped all the news would be just as good, but there's some very bad news, too, or should I say more annoying, Juan Reyes, that deadbeat bricklayer, tried to break into the hacienda; he fought with Rosendo and some other people who detained him and put him in jail. Oh well, he can keep his brothers company. Nice to see you."

Feo puts his hat back on and leaves, not bothering to watch Sofía's reaction. (Or Rosario's, for that matter; she looks like she's already guessed what happened.) Sofía tells Eva she wants to go see Juan in jail. Eva says she can't do that, or "Fernando and the whole world will immediately know the truth and it will be very dangerous for you." Confused, Rosario says she doesn't mean to be nosy, but she doesn't understand - why Sofía's urgency to see the Reyes?

"Rosario, you are my sister, so I'm going to be frank with you; I'm going to tell you something very sensitive." Rosario begs her not to tell her anything compromising. She grabs her bag and flees.

Feo grabs her right outside the door, demanding to know what she's doing with Sofía. She explains that Eva went to see her at the cantina, and Rosario tried to get her to go someplace else to talk, and then Sofía took them to the house. She didn't know they were going there (FIB! FIB!); if she had known, she would have refused. Feo asks Rosario what Sofía said after he left. She says Sofi didn't say anything; to avoid problems, Rosario left.

Feo calls for Rosendo to give Rosario a ride home. Rosario asks Feo what she was supposed to do when Sofía insisted that that she come to the house? He tells her to come up with some reason, but don't come back. He gives her a yucky kiss, and she runs to Rosendo's truck.

At the hospital, Raquel is telling Gabi how happy she is about her miraculous recovery. Now they won't have to postpone the weddings! Gabi agrees, and wants the kids to get married as soon as possible. Raquel complains that her nephews want to move out, so she's going to have two cottages built, just like the one Gabi got for her father. Gabi says she understands the nephews' motives, but no, they can't wait that long, for two cottages to be built! "The kids have to get married as soon as possible. As soon as possible!" She gives Raquel a scary, bug-eyed scare.

And now we're back to the humble pueblo, where a new club, the Tumbao (I believe that's the name of a Cuban rhythm), is all furnished and almost ready for business. Octavio's boyfriend (I don't know his name) is gloating about how great the place looks, exactly as they had imagined, the decorators got it just right. Octavio is happy with it too, but they note that Benito's been moping. Octavio teases that Benito's in love with Eugenia. Benito smiles sheepishly.

Eugenia is at the diner, where Hortensia's younger son, Rigo, is gazing reverently at her while she appears to be pouring his orange juice and rearranging his salt. Hortensia and her older son come by, and the two of them note that Rigo seems to be smitten with Eugenia. Hortensia says they don't know anything about her, or where she came from.

Benito tells his brother and brother-out-law that he loves Eugenia, but his aunt and uncle (we still haven't met his uncle, have we?) won't allow it. "But your tíos aren't the ones who have to marry her, right?" asks the boyfriend. "You have to fight, boy; there's no worse fight than the one you don't have." Octavio tells him to make the same kind of pact with Sarita that he did with Jimena; then he can go look for Eugenia. Benito says he's tried, but he can't find her.

The boyfriend says they'll help him look. But for now, they need to decide who they're going to get to open the place with them. They need a good variety. Octavio helpfully says it has to be someone strong and spectacular. Someone who'll get people to come in.

"Strong and spectacular," boyfriend says, stroking his chin thoughtfully. (Don't tell me: Niurka?)

Now Hortensia, Rigo, and a bunch of other people are preparing for the Good Friday passion play; someone tells Hortensia that she should be proud that her son has been chosen to portray Jesus.

Hortensia leads the procession, followed by a float carried by several men, including Rigo. (He stops and stares for a moment when he gets to where Eugenia is watching.) Next is a group of people carrying flowers, and the crowd follows as the procession winds through the streets. (I notice that Eugenia doesn't wander far from Rigo.)

Here is a series of photos depicting a more elaborate Silent Procession in Oaxaca; google "mexico good friday silent procession" without the quotes for LOTS more info.

They walk through the produce market, then around a corner down a side street that seems to be lined with tourists, some holding cameras, and there's untidy graffiti all over the side of the building. This momentarily disrupts the illusion of the timeless fantasy world and hurls us back into the icky 21st century.

Sofía is pacing in her bedroom telling Eva she has to go see Juan. Eva says they need to be careful; she'll go to the jail instead. Sofía tries to argue; Eva says she's agreed to Sofía's other meetings with Juan, but she has to be prudent.

We're at the next stage of the Good Friday ceremony. Rigo, as Jesus, is wearing a crown of thorns, carrying a heavy cross, and getting flogged and taunted "die, Jew!" by Roman guards. Hortensia, as Jesus's mother Mary, is crying. A sobbing girl in the crowd (Eugenia) uses her fresh white scarf to dab his sweaty, bloody face.

Jesus/Rigo falls; his older brother helps him up and carries the cross for him for a while.

Finally, Jesus/Rigo and two other men are "crucified" - tied to crosses with little foot pieces so they don't dislocate their shoulders - Jesus says "Father, I entrust my spirit to your hands" and dies. Everyone in the crowd weeps with raw grief.

Cheer up. Grandpa and and Quintina are speeding down the road - she on a motorcycle, he in the sidecar, both of them wearing their bomber outfits. He's saying he's glad she went shopping with him. She talks about smart shopping techniques, and I'm sure this is the remains of a former product placement ad that we've been spared. I think he expresses some doubt as to whether some of the furnishings will go well together, she thinks she's very good at decorating, he says she should have seen the amazing decor at Louis XV's palace, then there's something about volcanos being filled with snow... I don't know what they're talking about... I think the point of this scene (besides to lighten the mood and advertise some store) is to remind us that Grandpa and Q are like twins separated at birth. They sing happily.

They're missing the Good Friday Mass, which is just ending. (It's being given by someone other than Father Tadeo. I don't know who this guy is.) Now everyone's dancing in the street. Rigo spies Eugenia through the crowd, but is too shy to approach; she seems to be the only person not dancing.

Someone blows up an effigy of the devil with fireworks. (One of the websites I found said that sometimes it's Judas instead of the devil, and sometimes it's a politician or other unpopular public figure.) Rigo and Eugenia are still making eyes at each other. Vicente Fernandez is singing his lungs out. Aerial antennas on the rooftops remind me again of the real world. More firecrackers, spinning things, and little devils.

We're having too much fun here, so let's go back to the hacienda, where Feo asks Eva where she's going. He offers to take her into the pueblo, since Rosendo is driving "that... Rosario?" (he acts as though he's not sure of her name) home. Eva tries to get out of it, but he insists. Sofía sees them leave, and realizes that Eva was right - Feo would have caught her.

The firecracker party is over, and there's another silent procession (in regular clothes) carrying the Jesus float back to the church. (I see people watching the parade out of their windows. I have to say, again, that it's both jarring and really cool to see the real world intrude on our fantasy.) Hortensia and her peeps are proud and say their pueblo is picture-perfect for fiestas. An older man says that hopefully their children will carry on their traditions. Rigo says they should feel honored to participate. Older brother says young people should not forget their roots. (Thank you for the public service message.) They applaud themselves.

Eva gets to the jail and explains that Sofía wanted to come see him, but Eva wouldn't allow it. Juan says he's there for assault, but he didn't act rashly. He fell into Feo's trap - Feo set him up, provoked him - Juan did what happened next, and then when he got to the hacienda, Rosendo and the dogs got him.

Eva is both surprised and unsurprised to learn that it was Feo's doing; she explains that Feo himself brought her into town, but she didn't tell him she was coming to see them. Franco thinks Feo knows, though; he doesn't do anything without a motive.

Oscar tells Eva that they're worried Feo might know about Juan and Sofía. She doubts it, but Juan urges her to warn Sofía to be very careful and not trust "that beggar;" he doesn't want anything to happen to her or their child.

Sofía is telling Grandpa that Juan's in jail because he tried to get into the house. Surely he had something urgent to tell her, or this wouldn't have happened.

Grandpa says maybe so, but Juan's so impulsive, who knows why he's in jail. He offers to go into town and find out. She tells him Eva already went, and she'll soon have news. Grandpa says in that case don't worry; Juan's crime can't be too serious; they'll pay a fine. They'll just wait for Eva and find out what happened.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," Sofía says.

"With all that's happened, we haven't had the chance to talk about what Feo told you about mortgaging the hacienda," Grandpa says. Sofi says she told Feo that there was no way she would let him mortgage their property... but truthfully, it's so bad that Grandpa will have to sign those documents.

Grandpa says he'll do it. However, there are some conditions: first, they have to plant corn on the property between their place and the Uribes'. It's the foundation of their diet, and if they dedicate themselves to that crop with love, it'll be good for them. She loves the idea and thanks him for being on her side.

He says he wishes that Sarita could be convinced that he's not responsible for her grandmother's death. It hurts him that she treats him that way. She tells him not to worry.

Feo is sucking on a cigar at the bottom of the stairs. "You'll pay, Sofía. You'll pay, and not only with the life of your bastard, but with your own life as well."

Next time:
An adorable snake frightens Mr. Ed, who throws Sofía. Feo gloats.


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