Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tontas no van 5-27 Wed. - Nothing a few spankings can't fix....

We start off with Candi finally acting like a parent. She finally thinks someone may be behind his attitude change.

Chava and Beto continue to fight over the lunch. The teacher finally tries to stop them and yells at them why are they fighting. Chava gets mad and decides to throw his chocolate milk at Beto. Whoops, he hits the teacher who is wearing light colors.

Rocio calls it. He’s going to get punished now!

Pato shows up to talk to Santi about this Chava business. He thanks him for calling off the mafia dogs but wants to know why he did this. Santi said for Candi and her son. Pato says fine, thanks, but says he’s concerned about his son’s unhappiness.

Candy gets the call from school. Yes, your kid is one of those…..

Santi says Pato is mal. He says this is crazy you are going to try to live with Candi so Chava can live with his Dad? Many kids can be happy with new partners of parents. Pato says he had the opportunity to live with both parents and was happy and doesn’t know any other way to live. Huh, what about those first 7 years of his life when he didn’t even know he had a Pa… Santi says the kids are throwing tantrums and we need to set them straight by explaining to them. Pato says fine but he’s not going to suffer, so make your decision and talk to him.

Pato stops Candi to complain about Chava and say he needs to be with Pa again. Candy can’t talk right now, but she neglects to tell the Dad his kid is in trouble at school.

Candi talks to the headmaster who notes a change in his attitude. She asks her if she is going to cancel the wedding that bothers her son so much - in a very accusing way? Que???? Isn’t she supposed to be trained in managing children? Blah.

Meno comes back to the restaurant muttering about his recent disgrace. No one can help him, he has to pay the bills. Gogo and the boys tell him to just put his old clothes back on.

Santi good hellos to Candi. She says she’s made a decision that affects them both.

Roci tells Ma about the day's events. Of course Pau takes advantage of this and says that Chava is suffering with that Mom of his, and that she might even throw him out of the house, she is like the witches in the fairy tales.

Candi talks to Santi who assumes that she is not going to marry him and goes off on an ad lib rant about the kids needing a few spankings and so forth and Candi finally says um can I say something, I decided to fight for our relationship. He switches gears and loooves her. She says it won’t be easy, but it can be done. She tells him what happened today at school and he thinks one should never play with lunch.

Pato talks to Beto and Chava and wants to know what’s up. He tells them superheros don’t fight with each other so no fighting. He wants to know why the lunch landed on the teacher. Chava says everything makes him mad. Pato asks him if he is acting up or really bothered by all this and he runs off. Pato laughs with Beto about how bad the teach was soiled, and that they kind of need to support poor Chava.

Santi and Candi are looking at the wedding invitation books again worrying if all will work out and Santi invokes the tenets of “The Secret” or “El Secreto” and tells her to just ask the universe and it will be…ahh what the hell. A bunch of folks running around thinking positively and asking the universe for things can probably only be so bad for humankind, right. What’s the worse that can happen, you don’t get what you want? If anyone has read this and tried it out, let me know what your results have been. Many folks swear by it. Folks used to swear by smoking too, and well, we can see what a mess that made, but apples and oranges, my friends.

Ok, so now we are lunching at Pato’s house and Ali says she thinks it’s great that Candi wants to get married and that Santi is a great guy. Chava doesn’t buy it, and of course Pato’s blood boils as she says this. The kids begin to fight again. Pato quells it.

Santi and Candi discuss a possible trip with the kids so maybe they will see how much they are in love and magically everything will be ok.

Meno can’t fuera the dolor. He hates the hair and wants to throw out all the mirrors. Gogo surprises him with hair dye. She knows how to use it even though he doesn’t. He’ll look 10 years younger, well maybe three. He agrees to let her try.

Pato suggests a trip for all of them boys over the weekend and of course they are thrilled. Candi calls, at just the right time to propose her trip idea, and Chava says nope sorry I can’t I’m going with Dad. Candi remarks that he doesn’t have permission and to that he says the hell I do and hangs up. (OK, well maybe not in those exact words). Pato asks him what that was all about…

Pau is chatting with Roci in her room when Santi busts in and Pau gets all miffed as she was talking to her daughter (read spreading poison) he drops his outing plan and Pau says nope she has too much homework. He tells her to go to her room and give him some peace. She tells him not to talk bad to her. Roc believes yes, he was rude. Caught.

Gogo puts on dye for Meno, she gets a call from Arturo and turns into a pubescent girl chatting him up for hours. Meno freaks out that his hair will be in trouble.

Candi is typing her column and Santi shows up with a light bulb. This must be some kind of inside joke, he uses it to massage her…and they chat about their outing to the park.I'd be afraid that thing would break in my hand. Thanks gosh they have like monsters and little wooden guys with faces on them...

Split screen expose of parenting skills.

He makes comments here about Corico and Cornelio and these went over my head.

Meno comes out with a towel covering his head so we know the tinting outcome is not going to be good.
Of course when it finally comes off his hair is cherry red. He makes the remark that she has made him look like one of RBD…Christian for sure…

Candi and Santi accidentally on purpose meet in the park, I couldn’t tell which one.

Meno is at breakfast and wearing a bandana. Charly makes fun of him that he looks like a gypsy and she thinks he looks like Zorro and he wants to see what Pa’s hiding. Gogo takes off the hat and Meno yells for Charly not to laugh.

Pato goes to pick up Beto at Sole’s and runs into Raul who has a great realtionship with Beto, and Beto wants him to come along with them. Things get awkward for Raul and Sole runs interference taking Beto to collect his things. Raul asks Pato for some time to chat.

Kids want to ride horses and Santi knew this because there is just something about horses and kids. Candi is surprised and we see everyone mount up. New words suki suki show up.

Ok what’s weird here is Pato was supposed to be picking up Beto, but the next thing you know they are in a café having coffee or something. Raul wants for them to become friends and chats with Pato about Sole and Beto they are great and he’s jealous right, and Pato says maybe a little.

Kids decide they are having a great time…should they let their parents marry after all? Yeah speaking of parents where are they? Chava knows, they brought us here to abandon us!!!

Raul thinks outside of the box and tells of his sad days after his wife passed and that he thinks Pato might be wanting Chava to live with him because he wants Candy to live with him. He essentially says that he was sad for so long and wouldn’t let himself be happy, but once he decided to let go, he became happy. That’s a big hint. He wonders if Pato is really still in love with Candi.

Kids mull over their new freedom and Roc wants to go home maybe but Chava thinks they could stay there and work to make money, maybe renting out the horses. The parents finally show up and the kids give them hugs but then want to know why they were going to abandon them.

Pato tells his side. Yep he’s still in love. He thought she was dead and then he found out she’s alive, and gave him a son no less. He doesn’t want to give the divorce, he was given hope to be with her.

Meno is behind a closed door and won’t come out until his hair grows out. Gogo and Charly try to extract him. Finally Go guilts him that he’s not responsible after all, and turns out vanity is more important. This works and he emerges with his bandana still on.

S & C wonder where the kids got this idea. They think it must be the TV, Chava says no it’s real life. Candi wants to know who told them that and in unison they say someone… Santi and Candi look at each other and immediately decide it must be Pau. Ya think? This will be fun.

Pau is pissed off because she can’t find Rocio and she barges in on Lu who is chatting with Fede on phone. Lu is less than sympathetic and tells Pau they left, and so sad you weren’t invited. Pau wonders why folks wake up so early on Sat! Because they are not part vampire like you maybe???

More park scenes riding ATVs…no handed with no helmets...never happen in litigious USA… rowing in a boat and fishing all in the same body of water it seems. Rocio is the only one who caught a fish.

Pato chatting with Beto who wishes Chava was there and complains that he let Chava go with his Mom.

Back at the park the kids go swimming with adult life vests on that clearly swallow them.

They all jump on into the river on a swing except Chava.

The funny thing is when they get home they have none of their swimming stuff or anything with them.

Ok, here’s where they screwed up. I kept sitting there saying…don’t do it …don’t do it….shut up!!!! Ugh, Santi and Candi say, see, we all went out together to show you how much fun the four of us can have, just like a family. Oh no you di’n’t !!!! Rule one of manipulating children…NEVER TELL THEM WHAT YOU ARE DOING, DUHHH!!!!! Of course our young geniuses forget about all the fun and focus on the funny that has been put over on them and don’t like it one bit yelling we are not a family, you betrayed us and that‘s why you invited us!!! Ah, another opportunity for practicing parenting skills arises. Hmmm….


MEPS - May 27, Wed. - Cap 72 - Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

I will post again my request for a guest recapper. I will be away photographing in Wyoming for two Wednesday episodes, June 17th and 24th, the exact same weeks that Melissa will be in Mexico. I haven't heard from anyone with a burning desire to do guest recapping to try it out. In fact I haven't heard from anyone at all about it. How about a group effort? Could be fun. At the very least would someone agree to post headers and attach them so our enthusiastic group of commenters can keep up the momentum.

Well, I join the concerned citizens for costume change. That striped sweater and the white blouse and yellow skirt must at least smell a bit musty after a week of episodes. But, a Date with Franco? Who wouldn't have trouble picking out the perfect outfit. On the other side of the house, Aurora has dressed herself in poor me, poor me clothes for her date with Dominga. We are not amused and Santiago is in tears again.

Aurora (Abora) reacts to Barbara's relentless string of impertinent questions, So she has a Dead Mom, so she died young, Dominga vs Barbinator which is worse. Dominga gets her life. She has to discover Abora's identity (thanks for the real name for Aurora, Melissa) Fernanda finally changes her clothes and goes for the high cut nookie proof, Peter Pan collared blouse.

The goon squad gets sandwiches and swear to follow Artemio's orders as they sit outside Jairo's bar waiting for action to report. Dominga with black socks slipping, acts out the disgusting goof on the lawn, gets the news from a disbelieving Tomasa that Abora went to town. As fast as she can pivot her sagging black socked feet, she posts for the village.

Fernanda shows Santi her clothes and tells of her meeting with Franco. it is connected (relacionado) only with the business she tries to be so serious. Santi teases wanting to know why she is so concerned with what she is picking to wear. She demurs, I don't want to be the widow that everyone pities. And how about Aurora, she changes the subject. Santi replies, I need to ask you help.

Gardenia, shows up with the box from Margarita's, you bet it is without the letters, As Franco dives his hands into the box when he sees some letters while Denia the Damned wants to bring him coffee in her sex-kitten voice. [Ed note, I am so disappointed in DD, it is hard to describe these scenes.]

At the village church altar, Abora prays to the Virgincita, assuring the ever smiling statue how she loves Santil but couldn't stand more questions and grilling from the Barbinator. The classic cast system intimidation has worked its magic.

Santi tells Nanda how the wicked (really he said adorada, adored but with a sneer) step-mother's (madrastra) questions bothered Abora and he is sure she wanted to spoil (fastidiar) his wedding plans with Aurora.

Franco goes through the letters and is frustrated that none of the Nanda letters are there. Cut to her bedroom where Gardenia has said letters and finds a black bag to hide them in her closet, I can barely watch this betrayal but adjusting my beanie.

Abora asks for forgiveness for misleading Barb and Gonzo, she acted like the worst of cheats (embusteras).. Suddenly violating the sanctuary of the altar, Dominga grabs Abora by the scruff of the neck. You are going back with me, she barks.

Fernanda defends Barbara's motives with mild resistance to Santi's assurance that Barbara is interfering as usual with his life.

For a fat old drunk Dominga has no trouble subduing the spineless Abora who seems to have no strength to resist the blows and abusive language that condemns Abora since she was born. She won't put up with Abora's tantrums (berrinches) but is perfectly launched into her own. The motivation of Dominga's fury is hard to fathom.

Tomasa comes to tell Santi that some woman came looking for Abora. Santi doesn't ask for a description but asks Tomasa to tell him as soon as he sees her again. He then tells Fernanda that if it is Dominga, the witch (bruja) they are in serious trouble.

Dominga is taking her back with hair pulling and smacks in broad daylight in the middle of the town and of course, no one does more than mildly shrug their shoulders or pretend the unlikely pair are invisible with their scene in the middle of this very small town. Abora says, she has other plans she finally shows an inch of spine that she will marry Santiago and Dominga might as well go back to her village. Dominga says what will these rich folks say when they know who you really are? This makes some sense, but wouldn't Dominga profit from a grifter program here? Artemio Bravo sure seems to have her trembling in her sinking socks.

Suspicious Barbara, reviews Abora's words, She says the her mother was named Esperanza. I need to be sure that she is dead. And still I have doubts, how was it that my handkerchief came into her hands. I have to discover what is going on.

*Who is drinking, highballer Damian? No, no, the hand on the booze is once again Artemio asking into the phone, what is happening with Jairo? The goon squad report, they haven't seen anybody of interest come or go from the bar. Then he wants them to locate (ubicar) Franco Santoro's employee, Gardenia. The story is over with Jairo. Goon two asks goon one, Are we going to make her sing? For now we only have to locate her. Are these two smart enough to drive to Las Animas, stay tuned...

Said Gardenia still sneaking around in her own room, says the letters that Fernanda sent HER Eduardo will be hidden from him. Even her empty head registers at the level of her flashing black eyes, that this may not work out well.

Steve tells him the machine can't be stopped , Eduardo is over . the his wanting to revive the love of the dead Eduardo is like trying to resuscitate a cadaver. But if you don't want to convert into a criminal,. That is the problem, I love her, wails our handsome hero, Oh Dios, what am I going to do? It has resulted into a childhood love turning into a grand amor of a man whose heart beats with all his love. Steve tries again with pointless cheerleading to rally ED/Franco. He offers, Eduardo is dead but Franco was just was born. Eduardo struggles with the lies. Steve says he only has to believe that he is in reality Franco Santoro.

Fernanda pats makeup and remembers telling Franco on the horse ride that with all the bad things that have happened in her life that she has just told him of the happiest moments of her life.

Steve tries to get him to imagine what will happen if Fernanda discovers that he is not Franco but is Eduardo. Fernanda would never forgive me. IT is a time bomb, at any moment, she could realize who I am in reality. But you have to renounce Eduardo and forever become Franco Santoro.

Santi is driving looking around suspicious and very worried in Villa Madera while at the no-tell hotel, Dominga seems able to push Abora abut and pull her hair while Abora offers no resistance to speak of short of lots of whining. I am fed up with you trying to leave. Don't think you can return to the house of the ricos when you are from the class of ticks (clase de garrapata) and don't even try to stick even a nose out the window (asomar). We may never know why does she hate her so, She continues to berate her with taunts of well, princess where is your crown.

*Barbara, dramatic music pulsing, touches the oil painting of Abora which means she has invaded Santi's room, and asks, In reality, who is your mother? While over at the hotel, Abora asks too but of Dominga, why do you hate me so much? Stop asking questions I am not going to answer. Abora, kneels at the monster's bed, her submissive whining isn't easy to report, I will work and give you all my money so you can be so happy. FELiZ Dominga says she will throw water on this cheekiness (jeta). You don't have anyone. She carries on assuring Abora that she has impossible longings to be loved or cared for or even a part of anything but the lowest level of society. If it weren't for me you would be dead! Scream, scream (chilla chilla), do you think your blue prince will come to find you? She actually does hear the blue prince yelling from his car out the roof window. The goon guards are still parked in front of Jairo's watching from their black car with no signs of going to locate Gardenia. Santi stands in his roof window and bellows for Aurora.. With the Abora worming her way on the floor near the door, Dominga finally taunts her with the fatal threat, if you leave you will never know where to find her mother. Why does Abora care, why do we care, but Abora obligingly cringes.

Time to check in on Grupo lacsomuch Lactos, Osvaldo and Anibal talk about Vladi, As of tomorrow he will occupy the old office of Damian. Osvaldo asks, aren't you worried about his knowing the secrets about the speculation in the market (especular de la bolsa). After he is satisfied we can return the capital to the treasure or funds (arcas) of Grupo Lactos. [I guess they will fill Pris's accounts to fool Vladi and Pris.

Back at Vladi's apartment, he is ranting to Damian, the nerve (descara) of Anibla is unforgivable! V Damina says the important thing is he gave you gave Pris the documentation to build her confidence in you. But, Vladi adds, She made a deal (trato) with me that if I got her the information, she insists on knowing who was the contact in GL. Damian snaps, you didn't tell her it was me? No, says Vladi, but I told her it was Flor. Damian thinks this is fine. Vladi is concerned with betraying Flor, I begged her not to be unfair with Flor or get her in trouble with Anibal.

You have to save your own hide (pellejo). It is either protecting Flor or the love of Priscila, what do you choose?

* Boobalot has dancers like FELS old Badlove Bar without singing, Jairo in his kingdom answers his phone, it is Lucio at the jail begging, can you do something for me? Jairo, advise is that he doesn't need his help, You need a lawyer. Lucio tries to threaten, If you don't help get me out of here, I will tell them that it was you who killed Manzanaresl Jairo makes threats fo his own so we leave. Lucio in jail looking plenty worried. Jairo looks at his kingdom with his usual jaunty bravado.

Papa climbs the stairs with sudden interest in what Fernanda is doing. Are you going to be out long (demorar)? Fernanda lies and says she is going out for dinner with Erika. Santi, tells Fernanda at the bottom of the stairs that he has been out looking for Abora and is sure that Dominga has her .

Fernanda says she will help him look for Abora when she returns she has to keep her appointment with Franco. Aurora where are you, Santi says clutching at flowers.

Abora asks the slobbering, greasy fingered Domnga for five minutes. She sneers, what do you want 5 minutes for? To say goodbye to Santi. Abora promises to come back but greasy fingers hands her keys.

Steve speculates, Who is Fernanda going out with tonight, Eduardo or Franco? They are interrupted by Gardenia, Erika has arrived. Franco asks for her to wait for a minute, Gardenia is disgusted but goes back and tells Erika. Gardenia is jealous of her and says she feels like (tengo ganas) devastating her (desolarla)

Barbara is ail dressed up and is gong out to a business meeting according to her, Gonzo who usually doesn't notice who goes where, wants to know with whom and wonders if she would be annoyed if he stayed home. Barbara acknowledges that Gonzo he is always bored (and boring) at these things and she doesn't mind while she puts on her coat with a I love you see ya later (chump). Gonzo has a second thought on this day, When I tell Barbara that my daughter has confidence in Franco there are going to be big problems .

Barbara meets up with Cadho on the stairs. They exchange info on his progress on searching Las Animas for Franco clues. She wants to get the goods on Franco as soon as possible. I promise to carry you info (including the birth certificate) hasta le carnet when his mother gave birth to him.

* Franco comes in to Erika with Steve. She coyly asks if she is interrupting. Steve steps forward claiming, Franco has to go out but I have all the time in the world. And good news we have the date of the big party and the Elizaldes will all get invitations. Steve gives a big push to Erika's already over inflated ego, she will be the official hostess (anfitriona). Steve should die from the looks Franco gives him.

Domingo is still menacing, You have one hour and if you want to tell your warrior goodbye, these are my conditions.

Erika leaves so happy that she is the partner (pareja) of Franco. Erika kisses all the way out the door. Franco is furious, Don't you realize that this will be playing a dangerous game? This is not a game you are playing. I don't want to mislead Erika, but you will help her get revenge on Camilho Erika is going to be so happy being the hostess role while putting down Camlho. You can't ask Fernanda to assume this role at this point. And at this moment you should be arriving at the restaurant where Fernanda is now arriving. Fernanda is stepping out of her car an the restaurant at that very moment.

Dominga makes another string of insults like weakling (canija) you better return in just one hour, what are you going to do? Abora the addled says, I am going to the house of Gonzo and Barbara tell him I am starving, poor (muerto de hambre). okay go but you have no more than one hour. We have to get back to the hovel (jacal).

Franco shows up late at the restaurant, sorry something came up to delay me. What do you feel like having? (que apetece) did you order? She seems stern and leads off with, and what is so important that you wanted to deal (tratar) with me with such urgency (tanta urgencia)??

Next: Oops the terrible twosome track Fernanda and Franco to the restaurant, Barb sits in the cafe part and talks to Cad who skulks in the bushes like the rat he really is. All we need is for Erika to show up but they don't show us that fun event.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

MEPS, May 26th - Letters? What Letters?

We got our appointment rescheduled at the Consulate in Ciudad Juarez - I need substitute recappers for June 16th and June 23rd. Anybody? Thanks!

Capitulo 71

From last night: Lili repeats Eddie’s name over and over again. Fr/Ed and Cinto strategize about who knows what.

Babs is back in Aurora’s room and pokes around a bit more in some drawers, just then Santi and Aurora come in and want to know what Babs was doing in the room. She claims she came looking for them to have some delicious Sangria as a welcome. Rory’s eatin’ up Babs’ hospitality – Santiago, not so much, he makes an “I wanna puke face.” Aurora accepts and Babs leaves to wait for them downstairs. Santi says he envies A-Bore-a’s innocence. Only half joking, Santi wants to switch glasses in case Babs tries to poison Aurora.

Back at Las Animas, Fr/Ed tells Cinto that he hopes Gardenia shows up with his stuff. He thinks Fernanda had written him letters all those years ago, because she confessed it to “Franco”. RuhRoh! Denia’s listening to their conversation in the hallway! Denia vows that Eddie will NEVER see those letters! (All you men who said that Denia was going to be a good girl were WRONG! We told you so! Hey, I’m a woman, I’m allowed to say I told you so!”

Nandita is in her office remembering Franco’s loving words and of course, his kiss. She raises her hand to her lips with just a hint of a smile on her face and closes her eyes. She tries to shake it off, literally, but she can’t stop smiling like a 3rd grader.

Babs serves up the Sangria. She tells Rory she imagines that Santi has told her they don’t get along very well. Santi claims he hasn’t spoken much about his family. Babs says they had their differences when Santi was a teenager, but she blames it on her own immaturity. Santi cannot believe what he’s hearing. Babs changes the subject to Aurora’s family. The two young lovers are dumbstruck by the question. All we hear is Meow Symphony #5 music.

Fr/Ed and Esteve are in Fr/Ed’s office at Las Animas. They talk about needing to find Lucio.

Esteve does his best gringo impression. They think maybe Lucio can tell them who Manzanares is really working for. Esteve presents Ed with the guest list for the big shindig to smoke out the enemy. Fr/Ed thinks the party is getting too big. Esteve wants to invite anybody who’s anybody, government officials, show business people, the captains of industry, US Ambassadors, and last but not least, the cream (la nata) of Mexican high society (cream of the crop, I suppose). Fr/Ed says the party will cost a fortune, Esteve argues that in proportion to what Fr/Ed inherited it’s very little. Fr/Ed argues it’s not his money, it’s Liliana’s. Esteve says, “Come On!, Jesus Christ”. (OK, I’m not really religious or anything, but does anyone besides me find that kind of offensive the way Esteve says it?”) Esteve says in order to comply with Ciro’s wishes, he’s going to have to use some of the money and Fr/Ed says fine, but he wants to make sure Lili knows first. Steve says the investment of capital into Grupo Lactos is to keep the company from sinking like the Titanic (sound effects by Esteve, brought to you by Pow-where Meeelk). Fr/Ed gets it, and says if he follows Esteve’s logic, Barbara Greco will wind up with half of Liliana’s fortune.

Babs asks Rory what her daddy does for a living. Santi answers for Rory and says her father is an investigator. Babs looks a little flustered and asks if he means a Private Investigator. Santi says no, like a scientist. Babs presses for his specialty, and Rory answers “animals”, huh? Babs moves on and asks about Rory’s mother, Rory says she’s dead. Babs is impactada!

Now, back to sweet, pure, innocent of heart, the lovely Gardenia, who is rifling through the boxes she’s supposed to be delivering to Eddie. (BTW, I just noticed that the planter in the background in Marg/Jacinto’s dining room looks like a disco ball!) Denia proceeds to open a letter from Nanda saying (in little girl Nanda voice) how much things have changed at the hacienda since he left – her mother died a week ago and now she’s being sent off to Spain to study. She tells him to never forget the vow they made, and to never forget her because she’ll never forget him. Looks to me like that was the frontera of the “Dark Side” and yes, Denia just whipped out her passport and crossed over!

Babs presses on with her interrogation – was Rory’s mother young when she died? Rory says she died when she was born. Babs imagines how hard it must have been to grow up without her mother. Babs says Rory must have adored her father then, and surprisingly, Rory responds that syes, she does, but she’s never seen him, he’s always out investigating. Babs wants Mommy’s name.

Denia’s reading more letters to Eddie from Nanda. Nanda says she can’t understand why Eddie hasn’t written back. Denia stuffs it back in the envelope and back into the box.

Rory says her mother’s name was “Esperanza”. Rory can’t believe how she’s spitting out these lies! Babs asks how did she die, Rory says from a sickness. Babs asks if she knew her and Santi steps in and reminds Babs that Rory’s mom died when she was born and that she “knows” her through photos. Gonzo the 40 Watt Bulb arrives and greets them all. Gonzo asks what their plans are and Santi breaks the news that they’re getting married. Babs doesn’t look so thrilled.

Well, it looks like Denia’s read all the letters. She finds the last of Nanda’s letter to Ed. Nanda says (in grown up Nanda voice to emphasize the passage of time) she realizes so much time has gone by and now wants to apologize for not having had the character to defend him when they were children. Nanda hopes she will forgive him.

Back at Looney Central, Martina is still knitting and Lili is still napping when Eduardo and Esteve walk in with bouquets of flowers. Lili is thrilled and hugs Eduardo. Eddie introduces Esteve to Lili. Esteve presents Martina with a bouquet also. Esteve flirts a bit with Martina (I still think Martina will end up with Dr. Cuteguy and Esteve will end up with Gardenia once she’s returned from the Dark Side). Martina tells Eddie it’s been quiet around the Crazy House, no pills for Lili. She explains that Ciro’s wife had come to visit and show Eddie the box that Lili traded. Fr/Ed looks impactada when he sees the box, because he remembers it from his mother’s bedroom.

Denia is still reading letters, Nanda says she’s waited all these years to ask Eddie’s forgiveness for her weakness face to face. The past that they share hurts her. She says she never thought of their love as impossible, but she was wrong. She’s sure he won’t answer this letter either, but she wants to take the opportunity to say goodbye, but his silence is the only reason why she’s going to shut the door on his memory - goodbye forever, Eduardo. Denia puts the last of the letters in the box just as Margarita walks in. She explains to Marg that “Don Santorito” wants Dona Soledad’s stuff right away. Denia leaves for a moment to go get some string to tie up the box so it won’t break. Looks like Marg wants to poke around in the box, but Denia comes back and asks for help to tie it up, but changes her mind and says she’ll do it alone – Margs leaves the room. Denia thinks to herself what will happen if Ed reads the letters – he’ll go back to Nanda and she’ll be left with nothing.

Fr/Ed studies the box and wonders how Graciela Palafox wound up with the box. Lili pipes up, finally and says it was her Nana’s. Ed presses Lili about what was in the box – her freedom depends on it. He tells Lili about the fortune Ciro left. Lili looks kind of out of it and says she’s very sleepy. Still without answers, Ed’s frustrated.

Back in the office at the Hacienda Evil-izalde, Santi explains they want a very simple wedding, something intimate, just them. Babs says, and Aurora’s father. Rory’s getting a little upset by all the pressure and says she hasn’t spoken with her father in a while and she’s sure he wouldn’t want to come. Babs asks about brother and sisters? Santi says Rory has none. Dumbass Gonzo, says she must have some family!

Dominga has arrived in Villa Madera.

Gonzo says again that Rory must have some family. Rory says there is a woman who is a distant relative of her grandmother. Bab says to invite her. The kids skedaddle out of there as fast as they can. Babs begins to plant seeds of doubt in Gonzo’s mind – isn’t Rory a little strange? Gonzo, for once, puts Babs in her place and says when he married Babs she didn’t invite any family to their wedding either! Ha! Babs realizes she’s made a big boo boo. She claims she explained that her parents died in an accident when she was 12 and she grew up with an older uncle who died when she finished school. Babs starts in with the fake alligator tears. In a rare moment of lucidity, Gonzo points out to Barb that her own life resembles Aurora’s. Babs turns her back on him and thinks to herself bitterly, there isn’t another life that could ever be like hers. They’re interrupted when Rory and Santi come back to get Rory’s jacket.

Dominga heads straight for the Big Cups O’ Boobs or Booze Bar with a smile on her face to ask if there’s a room for rent and to ask where the Hacienda Elizalde is. Dominga only needs the room for one night, and Bartender wants payment up front. She takes her roll of toilet paper and heads to her room.

Rory’s crying and thinks she’ll be discovered. She says his family will never forgive her for being a liar. Rory cannot handle all the lies. She remembers all the nuns telling her never to lie. She screams that she’s a bastard of life, she’s afraid her past will come back to haunt her. Santi tries to console her.

Eddie’s fretting over the fact that Lili isn’t telling him everything she knows. Fr/Ed tries to make Esteve understand the gravity of the situation they’ve found themselves in with a whole group of bad, bad people who will strike at them at any time.

Martina comes to tell them that Lili is asleep, but that when Graciela Palafox was visiting she asked Lili if she knew who Artemio Bravo is. The name doesn’t ring a bell Ed. . . or Fr/Ed. Martina tells Ed that Lili never answered. Martina also says that right before Lili fell asleep, she said that now that Eddie has the money, they’ll both be free.

Santi continues to console Rory. Rory wants to take a walk outside – alone (I smell ANVILS!) Before she leaves they declare their love for each other again and seal it with a kiss.

The Boyz bid Martina adieu and strategize about who might know who Artemio Bravo is. Fr/Ed thinks it’s someone that his mother secretly knew.

Rory tells Tomasa she’s going to the pueblo, Tomasa is worried about her.

Artemio’s two brutes are getting ready to go get Jairo, but want a sandwich first.

Domingo has arrived at the Hacienda and flags down Tomasa, who asks if that’s where Santiago Elizalde lives and Tomasa says yes. Crass Dominga says she’s actually looking for his girlfriend and Tomasa says, Oh! Senorita Aurora! Dominga thinks it’s hilarious that Aurora is being called “Senorita”. Tomasa offers to call for Santi because Aurora’s gone to the pueblo. Dominga happily runs off to find her.

Nanda’s trying to figure out what she’s going to wear to meet with Franco, Santi teases her. She tries to claim it’s just business and she only wants to get dressed up so that nobody thinks she’s the “poor widow”. Who’s she foolin!!!!

Previews: Dominga grabs Aurora, Nanda and Fr/Ed get themselves ready to see each other.


Tontas Tuesday May 26, 09 There's Good News and Bad News Tonight

Well, the good news is that Gambino's lovely daughter came out of her coma and Santiago is not only saved, he negotiates safety for his family and Patricio's family. The bad news? Paulina didn't get popped like we hoped. Oh well, it's a comedy. No real bloodshed, right? Not so far anyway.

So here's how it went (Just in case you got a big phone call during the show and missed all the drama.)

We begin with the big threat. Gambino's in Santiago's office, telling him if his daughter doesn't recover, nothing in the world can save the good doc. And evidently that goes for Hortensia and Eduardo too. They try and leave, pretending to be man and wife, and with a passel of kids waiting at home, but no dice. Nobody leaves until Gambino gives the word.

Santiago, meanwhile, is tenderly talking to the comatose patient. He gently tells her that he has a daughter her age as well, and if anything happened to her, he would be crazy with grief. She's a very special being and he and her dad both want her to get better. As he gently strokes her finger, she moves hers in response. Can you hear me? he asks, if you can... move your finger again. She does. Can you open your eyes? In spite of some very heavy eyelashes (I'm jealous) she does.

Bingo. Gambino goes in (after heading into an empty room first...a little suspense there) and reassures his daughter that she's going to be just fine. Happy ending no. 1.

Back to more mundane matters. Isabella is worried about Santiago. It doesn't make sense that he's been incommunicado all day. Donato tries to calm her down (no es para tanto= it will turn out to be nothing) but she's worried. So off they go together.

When they arrive at Meño's house there's still no word. Candy is out trolling the streets for her little guy. Santiago isn't with her. The mystery deepens. Mama Gregoria wants her to come home and eat before searching more but Candy won't hear of it. Well in that case, have faith, ask God for help and go to the Virgen as well. Good advice as it turns out. No sooner does Candy kneel at the feet of the Virgen, then she has a vision of Chava falling out of the treehouse and...Bob's your uncle! (a British expression) she finds him.

In the meantime, we have a little drama going on with Santiago and Gambino. Our Señor Mafioso is no longer concerned with Mario. What the good doctor did for him has no price, adds our grateful father. Here's a piece of paper, write down what you want me to pay you, he suggests. Santi writes a big fat zero. ¿Qué? That's right. He's a doctor. He saves lives. There's no cost for that. But what he does want is peace and safety for his family and for Patricio's family as well. "Ah, ya apareció el peine" (now it comes out!) smiles Gambino. But he concedes. From now on, he'll leave both families in peace. Happy ending no. 2.

Chayo and the sexy tutor arrive home to find Eduardo's table set for a romantic dinner (although the tutor qvetches that HE would have put out candles as well). But no Eduardo! Well, we shouldn't let this dinner go to waste, let's eat it ourselves, advises the little snake. Chayo looks conflicted but she goes ahead. Fortunately the soup poor Lalo slaved over is horrid. Neither one can really choke it down. Serves 'em right, sez I. For some reason, I like the little rat bastard Eduardo. Go ahead, throw tomatoes. I like him.

Santiago finally drags home. Let's not forget that he's been beaten badly, scared out of his wits, and performed major emergency surgery. Without giving any details, he admits he's had a horrible day and is bewildered when Donato tells him he found his cellphone under a chair. Our portly butler is also clamouring for an escalator in the house but Isabella tells him a diet would be a lot easier.

Outside in the playhouse, Rocio is putting arnica on Chava's wound while he winces and carries on a bit. (My new age friends always recommend arnica for all kinds of problems. I've never used it but it seems to be a favorite remedy south of the border.) Candy arrives, following her virgencita vision, and wants to take him home but the unrepentant little punk refuses, loudly shouting NO!!! After a brief hug from Santiago, Candy gets ready to do battle with her offspring.

We break for a short scene with Gambino and Arturo. The latter can hardly believe that Mr. Mafia is going to let him off the hook but the jefe assures him it's for real. He'll look for other associates, thanks to Dr. Santiago Lopez Carmona. They shake hands and it's a deal. Happy ending no. 3.

And now our poor Eduardo arrives home, having had a big scare himself to find, yowsa, the sexy tutor sitting in HIS chair, eating HIS soup, with HIS wife! Ay yi yi, our little doc is not having a good day. And let's not forget, it's been TWO weeks since he's had any lovin' from his beloved mujer. (I know, you're thinking the little rat bastard deserves that kind of punishment and more, but I can't help it...I like him.)

Gambino's having lots of conversations today. This one is with Paulina. A few kisses, a passing reference to philosophy and then the real goods...He has a question. What would she do if someone betrayed her? P- "Vengarme" (avenge myself) she quickly answers.G- Okay, and where did you bury Mario?P- I told you where, Lozano and I did it, per your orders. G- Fine, I'll see you tomorrow and you can help me pay back that person who betrayed me. Some ads come on and I suppose we're supposed to be worried about our little Paulina, but are we really?

Santiago and Candy have brought Chava home, dragging his heels all the way...until he sees Patricio. Then it's hugs and happiness and all kinds of joy. Candy looks like she swallowed a frog. But she finally asks Santiago about the cut on his face (she'd like to take care of him but maternal duty calls elsewhere) and he brushes off his tangle with Gambino as "I fought with 15. Killed two." There's a little teasing back and forth, he calls her "pilla pilla" (you rascal you!) and exits.

Upstairs Patricio's having a heart to heart with Chava, telling him how worried he was about him and asking him to never do it again. Chava, all cozy and nice with dad, asks forgiveness. When Candy enters, Patricio says they need to talk. You know a big confrontation is coming when you hear those words!

But the writers keep us waiting, switching us back to Eduardo, who's still bemoaning his busted romantic meal. He worked all day, slaved over the stove, burned himself and for what! to find another man in his chair eating his food, and let's not forget, no sex for the past two weeks. Chayo suggests a "do-over". But with different food this time.

Okay. Big storm building here. Candy sends Chava to his room and lights into Patricio big-time. How dare he imply that Chava is not safe with her! She's been mother and father to this child for 7 years, provided for him, been "pendiente" (devoted) to him, and Patricio has absolutely NO IDEA how she feels! For my son, I'm capable of anything! So this was Candy's big scene. Pretty intense. She pulled out all the stops and evidently it impressed Patricio. However, upstairs, Chava is being as much of a brat as ever. When Candy tells him no more running away, he smarts off and snarls that she can't make him live with Santiago. At this point, she decides to leave the rest of the discussion 'till morning. Probably a good idea. Otherwise real mayhem could occur.

But on to happier scenes. Arturo and Gregoria have met at a restaurant to "brindar" (toast) the happy ending. Arturo is off the hook with the mafiosos and Gregoria's grandson has been found. Happy ending no. 4.

And Patricio arrives home to find Alicia snacking again and pretending to be interested in Chava's welfare. You didn't care before, he snaps, and besides, I'm not in a very good mood. A- Oh, did you fight with my sister? What did the model mother say? P- You're right about one thing. She IS a model mother...the best mother there is. Pow! Take that Alicia. She looks like she's choking on her snack. I'd call this happy ending no. 5. Alicia deserves a little payback.

Santiago is having better parental luck with Rocio, up to a point. They've read a cozy little prince/princess "happily ever after" story even though he's sure she must be bored with the same old thing. Nope, and she's not bored telling him she loves him either. Awwww. But the mood shifts when he brings up the idea of a trip. With mom? No. With Chava and, er, Candy. No no no...won't go with Candy. No how. No way. Checkmate. Santiago is left muttering about "un par de nalgadas" (a couple of spankings) but we figure he's really not up to it.

No how. No way. That's Eduardo's evening also. When he bounces in the door with a pizza and big plans, he finds his wife asleep on the couch. Can't rouse her. Does pick her up and carry her off to bed, but one gets the impression there won't be a lot of action tonight. Poor baby. (Awright, kill me. I can't help it. I like the guy.) No happy ending here. Or is there?

Arturo, meanwhile, is giving Patricio the good news about Santiago saving not only his family but Patricio's from the menace of the mafioso. Pat looks conflicted. And puzzled.

Gregoria is trying to get Meño to drop the George Michael look but he's partial to his black leather jacket. The squabble could have gone on for a while but first he opens his bill and finds that horrors! that snake Christian has used his credit card number to order a ton of items over the phone. Meño's in debt up to his ears.

And Chava is up to his ears in bed. Won't come out from under the covers. He's in full rebellion against mom. She's losing her patience and losing her temper and telling him he'd better get up now "y de buenas!" (I mean it!)

And another mom seems to be in trouble. Gambino has brought Paulina up to a rooftop, ostensibly to "show her the city" but she isn't fooled. Something's up. Right, he knows she didn't kill Mario. And he's not going to forgive that, he adds, pulling out a gun.

Okay, who didn't want to see Paulina blown away? Granted, I'm not for violence but still..... However, our smart little witch, sensing that something was afoot, alerted the police and they're there to haul all the bad guys away. Hard to believe these guys are so easy to trap. Paulina must be better in bed than we suspected.

Patricio's still worried about Santiago but Arturo assures him the good doc is not involved in any illicit way with the mob. He saved Gambino's daughter's life and negotiated safe passage not only for his own family but for Patricio's as well. Now Arturo can retire, be peaceful and happy and live!!! Happy ending no. 6.

Patricio is remembering Candy's passionate defense and how she was "pendiente de todo"( took care of everything) and says to himself that she's an admirable woman. His mom catches him talking to himself and does a quick analysis of his feelings. He's remembering the adolescent Candy he fell in love with, but now he's dealing with a strong, mature woman. Motherhood will do that to you. Yes, all that's true, he concedes, but he's still worried about Chava. The little tyke is terribly unhappy at the prospect of his mother marrying Santiago. And it's killing Pato to see his son suffer.

Back to Meño. He finds Christian at his apartment and confronts him over the credit card bills. Our smarmy ratero denies everything (in a much deeper voice than he used before) and suddenly a protective woman emerges from the kitchen. And who is she? Why, Madeleine, his WIFE. Okay, did anyone else see that coming?

Our three little musketeers are at school and it's lunchtime. However that detestable little churl Chava refuses to eat his lunch. He's not touching anything his mom made. First, he demands Rocio's lunch. Nope. Then Beto's. Nope again. So he fights him for it.

While this is going on, Candy's consulting with Barb. She feels bad about taking a tough line with Chava but really!.....No, you have to be an authority figure, advises Barb. It's all very well to be affectionate and build up your child's self-esteem but you also need to "marcar limites" (set boundaries). Hear hear! Well, he's never been like this before, muses Candy. I think someone's getting to him....Alicia maybe, or Paulina.

The episode ends with Patricio arriving at Santiago's office saying one of our favorite phrases. WE NEED TO TALK.

Previews: Pretty scanty. Guess they're busy advertising the show to come. All we know is Patricio's telling Santiago that his son is suffering and papa ain't happy about it.

And must add, I started a lot of sentences with conjunctions tonight. A big grammar 'no-no" that was discussed over on the Mañana line. As the country song goes, " I ain't sad, I ain't sorry, and it'll probably happen again". Sorry grammarians, I just have a very casual writing style and I'm as unrepentant as Chava.

ya apareció el peine = lit. now the comb came out. Aha, now we get to the heart of the matter.
no va a ser para tanto = it's going to turn out to be nothing, no problem
brindar = to toast (as with a drink)
un par de nalgadas = a couple of spankings
y de buenas = for real now! or I mean it!
estar pendiente del niño = to be devoted to the child (Candy with Chava)
a estas alturas = by now, at this stage of the game
pilla, pilla! = you rascal you!
marcar limites = set boundaries

Dicho of the Day:
Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres = lit. tell me who you go around with, and I'll tell you who you are. One is known by the company one keeps. (Take that Paulina!)


Monday, May 25, 2009

MEPS 5/25 - Cigarman is stymied and Aurora gets kisses on the Astroturf as the anvil approaches...

Oh goody! A lot happened tonight! Lucky me!

From yesterday: Barbara tells Cadmilo: "we've been unfair with you. Now - what you did once, do it again - go find stuff in Franco's house. I need to know all about his life, his women, where he's worked... don't involve anybody else, that was a disaster with Lucio."

Cad is all happy playing spy, he sighs, "Mission Impossible! But what if it goes wrong?" "I'll take all the responsibility." [Anybody believe that?] "When?" "Tonight!"

  • Esteve eggs Fr/Ed on, assuring him Fer will be eager to make things right, and she doesn't think like her torpid (heh) brothers, so ask her out already!

    After getting a safe installed in a closet in order to protect his precious stuff, Fr/Ed asks where his mother's things are. Jacinto sez they're in Gardenia's closet.

    Then Fr/Ed calls Fer and asks her to come over for dinner. She reminds him their relationship is just biz, so why not meet at the office? He sez no, there are special things, only about you, which must be told in a private way.

    She gets all hot and flustered when he turns up the sexy. We don't get her answer.

  • Vlad tells Prisila: Anibal interviewed him for only five minutes, asked only two questions, and then gave him the job. So now Vlad can spy around and find the papers pertaining to Prisila's squandered fortune.

    Pris sez, I complied with my end of the deal, now tell me: who told you about all this?

    Vlad is such a pathetic liar. He tries to distract her, first with a french fry and then with chocolate, and then by calling her gordita [which means little fatty, and I myself would not care for that endearment one little bit.] Pris persists and says, "It WAS Damian wasn't it! He's your best friend."

    She hammers away and Vlad stammers away and finally he very unconvincingly says, "It wasn't Damian it was uh, uh, uh, Flor! But she thinks the world of you so don't make trouble for her." Pris doesn't believe him and flounces out.

  • Gardenia is curious to see what Fr/Ed has in the small bundle sent from America. She is surprised he has so little stuff. "Oh this isn't all my things, it's just the most important things..."

    He shows her a pic of him with his mommy; the letters from mommy; a picture Margarita drew for him; one of those Lone Ranger mementos from Jacinto; and - and - of course, the letter Gardenia wrote him. "See, the letter you gave me the day I left, I kept it all this time, now do you believe you are very important to me?"

    She cries and reads it: "... and when we're big we'll be sweethearts - and your ma will live with us till she's way old - don't forget me." She cries some more and asks if it was really important to him. "Yes it helped when I felt so alone. I didn't forget you. But understand, not all loves are equal. The soul chooses - and my soul chose that you would be my little sister. I'd give my life for you." [This was a very sweet little speech.]

    She asks about Fer. "She was the love of my childhood, but it's over, she's married." "But her husband abandoned her." "But she's married." I think Gardenia said, "but things are different in Gringolandia...?"

    He changes the subject and asks her to bring him his mother's things. He tells himself after Gardenia leaves (as if we could have forgotten): "Oh, how I long to find Fer's old letters."

  • Santiago and Aurora do a lot of sweet gambolling about on the fake grass. He spouts about princesses and castles, and having her ride a horse to the wedding; she says she'd rather walk, and moans, oh how she wishes she had some family to walk her down the aisle at their wedding.

    He suggests they invite Dominga. She shudders at that notion, but thinks Dominga knows where her mother is.

    Oh well. Santi and Aurora say they'll be in love till they're way old and cuddle on the Astroturf some more.

    From his ogling-post in the giant ferns, Cadmilo looks up Aurora's skirt. He puts his sunglasses up and then down and then up again to see which way results in a more penetrating perspective.

    If Becky were still recapping she'd point out there's an anvil over this sweet scene...

  • Relatives? Anvils? Be careful what you wish for. Turns out Aurora left her (white) pocketbook in the dining room, so of course Barbara rooted through it. She found coins, opens Aurora's lipstick(?), then of course finds the "R. S." handkerchief, breathes, "Rebeca Sanchez," folds down into a chair muy impactada into the commercial, cries, stuffs the handkerchief into her (black) pocketbook and rushes off to see Cigarman.

    Cigarman asks where she got the handkerchief. "From a girl who's at the hacienda. You gave this to me when I was 15 years old!"

    Cigarman refuses to answer any questions, suggests theft and coincidence. Barbara entions the girl's name is Aurora and Cigarman is impactado. "Yes, and she's 20 years old, the age my child..." "Your child died at birth!"

    Rebeca: "Then how do you explain her having it?" "Somebody who was in my service... you don't get to make any requests or demands. I'll investigate." "You told me there were no remaining traces of Rebeca Sanchez!" "OK, I was wrong. But I'll correct it. Just get her out of the hacienda and I'll take care of her." She wrinkles her nose and leaves. He swears furiously and slams the table.

  • Dominga is dumping Aurora's laundry all over and swearing when - ruh roh - Cigarman calls. He asks her where Aurora is, but before she has time to make up a lie he says: "I know where she is, she's at the Elizalde hacienda, go get her." "I'm so embarrassed. I'll get her back and then bury her in stone and mud." [It went by sort of quickly, I'm not sure if she actually meant bury her or just lock her up again.] "Do it, or you'll be the dead one."

  • Aurora comes back in the dining room and is glad to find her pocketbook. Cadmilo appears, he is SO disgusting, he tries to whine his way into her good graces, obtain her sympathy: "Nobody loves me around here, only mama loved me, but now you're great, it's so nice to have somebody to talk to, you can count on me for anything."

    Santiago enters and hugs his fiancee. Cadmilo: "Oh you two are just the sweetest thing." He's surprised to hear they're getting married but makes a show of being nice. Santiago is suspicious.

  • Villa Madero: Fr/Ed has come to find Jairo in the Bad Love Bar. Jacinto joins him so he doesn't have to beard the lion alone. [Why is Fr/Ed wearing this dumb striped shirt? My brothers wore these shirts when they were 8 years old.]

    A whore shows them into Jairo's office. Jairo's tippling because, well because he's a drunk but also because Cigarman has just threatened him hard, croaking "You've got twelve hours, no more, to tell everything that Manzanares investigated."

    Jairo bluffs to himself that he's not afraid but jumps guiltily at Fr/Ed and Jacinto's entrance.

    He tells them he's very busy. Fr/Ed: "Yes, your time is pretty full, what with all that violating of houses and women. Something of mine is lost, and I think you have it. I'll come to the point, you and Lucio and Manzanares robbed me and almost raped my assistant, then you killed Manzanares." "What are you saying," Jairo manages feebly.

    "Jairo, you have too many problems not to cooperate, homicide's no small matter." "Collaborate? You're not the police." "No, if we were the police you'd be in handcuffs."

    Jairo pulls a gun and waves it around in a couple of scenes and refuses to tell them anything. "Don't shoot the only person who can help you, I haven't filed a complaint, what was taken from my house?" Jairo suggests he'll make problems for Silvestre and Fr/Ed says he'll be a dead man if he does.

    They leave, Jairo staggers, it appears this was all just so Fr/Ed could find out if Jairo knew about his real identity. Conclusion: no! And neither does Cad, because if he did, the Hyena would know too. Fr/Ed has dodged a bullet, or quite a few.

  • Silvestre is discharged from the doctor's care with Margarita to take him home. This is the doctor who's sweet on Martina and he sighs thinking about her. And why do we care about this?

  • Martina is trying to interest Lili in crocheting but Lili, sitting on her insane asylum bed with her legs pulled up tight, just says "Eduardo, Eduardo..."


Las tontas no van #118, Mon 5/25, On Memorial Day we remember fallen heroes. Let's hope Santiago's not among them.

Note, this cap is #118 by Mexican numbering, and #120 by US numbering. The series as 139 caps (MX), plus #140 which is almost an afterthought. As we're counting down to the end, I thought the Mexican cap numbers would be more useful.

Rocío brings her X-Box out to the treehouse for Chava to play with. That idea has a few minor problems:
A. It’s useless without a monitor.
B. It’s useless without electricity.
C. Girls, even rich girls, don’t usually have an X-Box. If Roc did have one, what games would she have for Chava? Hello Kitty’s Island Adventure?
They plan how to keep him hidden.

Santiago grabs his orange sweater and heads out of his room. We see his cell phone which Pau has hidden under his chair. This has to be a happy episode if he wears his orange sweater. It sure makes me happy!

Pat and Meño are at the police station (or possibly a neighborhood government office, like a courthouse extension office) to report Chava missing. Pat is at his wits’ end. The clerk tells him that if the boy doesn’t appear in 48 hours, they will start to investigate.

Candy goes to Santi’s house and talks to Isabel while Pau spies. Then Candy looks for Chava at school, but he didn’t show up today.

Santiago, looking fabulous in that orange sweater (I think I’ll thank Wardrobe with a box of See’s chocolates), has breakfast with Raúl. He’s astounded that Raúl is talking marriage already. But isn’t Santi getting married? “Yes,” he answers, “but if this were a TV show, Candy and I are at Capitulo 80, and you and Sol are at Cap 5.” By the way, about 80 cap’s ago, Candy told Santi, “I’m in love,” and Marissa burst into the room and said, “I’m pregnant.” Also about 80 cap’s ago, Santi was wearing my favorite sweater. Raúl and Soledad started their romance 18 cap’s ago.

Santiago waxes poetic with advice for Raúl. He says a woman is an exotic fruit whose texture should be enjoyed with every bite. Because if you don’t have a mouthful, you won’t understand anything. Okey-dokey. Raúl notes that Santi is quoting a Mauricio Garcés movie, and Santi confesses that he has the complete Arroz collection.. Then he realizes that his cell phone isn’t in his pocket.

Note, Mauricio Garcés, who looks like Clark Gable, was a very popular actor during a low-quality phase of Mexican cinema. He typically made six movies per year between 1959 and 1971. This picture indicates his style of film. According to Wikipedia, Angelica Vale’s grandmother, Angélica Ortiz, helped launch his career. Interestingly, while Tontas was filming last year, Jaime Camil announced that he was in talks with Sony to remake Garcés’ Arroz trilogy. I think that project never materialized, but I’m sure this scene with Raul was prompted by those talks. I rather wonder if it was just an invention of Tontas’ publicity department.

Sad violins play while Pau hustles Chava out of the treehouse because his mother might find him. Chava is starting to feel homesickness and regret for running away, so Paulina recharges his fear with another dose of propaganda.

Pat calls Candy and finds out there is no news. Art tells Pat this is the time to call favors from his good buddy Gabino who has powerful connections everywhere. And besides, this should strengthen Pat’s case for custody. Pat tells Art, “No way, no how.” Art insists. Pat forbids it.

Candy’s household and friends are searching the neighborhood for Chava and asking everyone they see.

Pau is at Gabino’s office, very satisfied with herself for being such a good mama. Gab isn’t sure about that, but he knows she’s a great mistress. A call comes on her cell, and Pau says it’s from Candy, but Gab sees it’s actually from Mario. He doesn’t let on. They start to get busy on the couch, but Gab stops suddenly and sends her home.

When she’s gone, Gabino tells his goon, Augustine, that Mario isn’t dead and that Pau lied to him to protect Mario. Augustine the goon actually answers and his face doesn’t crack, so I guess his face isn’t made of plastar. Gab is determined to find Mario and make him pay for killing his father. He won’t ask Pau because he doesn’t want to alert her to the kind of death that awaits her after he finds Mario. And how will he find Mario? He knows of someone who is sure to know his whereabouts.

Gabino shows up at Santiago’s office and asks where to find Mario. Santi looks nerveous. He clarifies – we quit being friends. Gab can’t believe that such a long, close friendship would suddenly end at the stroke of a pen (de un plumazo). Santi says Mario left without saying goodbye. Santi doesn’t know where he is and doesn’t care. He also suggests that Gabino not walk into his office as if he owns the place; it might disturb the patients. Gab suggests that he doesn't care what Santiago wants.

Candy meets Beto and Rocío coming out of school. In tears, she begs them for any info they have about Chava. Roc is nerveous about lying to Candy.

Santi is consulting with a new patient and, putting on a gringo accent (note the drawn-out vowels), he asks where she’s from. Las Vegas. He gets a phone call from Gregoria and first learns that Chava disappeared. He tears down the road, chiding himself for not having his cell phone whan Candy needs him most. Looking in the mirror, he realizes he’s being followed. He pulls some evasive maneuvers. (Note, early in the series, Pat was taking anti-kidnapping driving lessons. I suppose it’s a wise precaution for those with money in Mexico.) Despite Santiago’s evasive driving, they box him in. It’s just like Jaime Camil’s scene from “7 Dias.” I hope this one turns out better for him. Gabino’s goons, all guns drawn, throw Santiago into their car.

They take him, blindfolded, into a smokey concrete cellar with bright naked lights, and force him to his knees. When they saw Santi tear down the street, they assumed he was trying to hide from Gabino. Santi still says he doesn’t know where Mario is, and Gabino still is sure he does. His boys will help Santi’s memory. They strap him into a chair in another room with bars on the door. Gabino rolls up his sleeves to start to work.

Another of Gab’s boys comes in and says Arturo Lizarraga wants to talk to him. Gab steps out to talk to Art, but first he gives the still-blindfolded Santiago a surprise whack in the face to help him decide to cooperate. That was hard to watch. Santi is stunned to realize that Pat’s dad has mafia ties, as he overhears Art tell Gab he owes him a favor for all the work Art did for the family all those years.

In what feels like the other side of the world, Raúl walks into Santi’s waiting room with a bounce in his step like a man in love. Hortensia reports that Santi left quickly when Greg called, and he’s not answering his cell. Another patient shows up. Horti tries again to locate Santi, this time by calling Isabel. Isabel assumes he’s with Candy. She’ll ask Santi to call the office when she talks to him.

Candy is back at the house, devastated. She goes back out to look for him. Isabel calls and is surprised to hear that Santi isn’t with Candy.

Art goes to Family Court and informs the judge that Candy is a bad mother, as evidenced by the fact that her son disappeared.

Raúl and Ed are at Bar Bonker. (What a name! I guess their motto is, “Liquor’s Quicker.”) They are talking about their women. Ed’s getting nowhere with Chayo. Raúl tells him to be romantic. Ed says that’s not his style.

Roc and Beto bring Chava some food. They say his mom was looking for him. Chava intends to live in the treehouse forever. Isabel asks if Don knows where Santi is. She’s starting to be concerned. As she should be.

Back in the cellar, Gab can’t get any info out of Santi so he tells his goons to work on him. You see the first punch in the gut, and you hear the sounds of spitting blood. Gabino returns and tells Santi this is his last chance to fess up. Gabino picks up his pistol and cocks it. Santi, still blindfolded, looks desperate at the sound. Gabino puts the gun to his head and Santi pulls away as much as his bound wrists permit. Gab gives him five seconds to answer. The camera shifts to the goons in the other room of the cellar, and we hear the gunshot.

Lucía wonders why Isabel looks so worried. Isa explains that Candy can’t find Chava, and now nobody knows where Santiago is. Luc suggests that she is exaggerating (exegerar) the situation.

Back in the cellar, Santi is still alive. Gab tells him the games are over. The next bullet has Santi’s name on it. Gun at the temple, he demands to know where Mario is. Just then Gabino’s phone rings. It’s the governor! Gab says, “Sorry, wrong number” and hangs up. Oops! Wrong movie.

Gabino decides to take the call before terminating Santiago. He finishes the call and says, “Doctor, I need you. Release him.” In the car, Gabino tells the caller to meet them at Santiago’s clinic. With Augustine’s gun still at his neck, Santi asks Gab why his clinic. Gab tells him to shut up. But Gab does address him as “usted.” Nice to know he’s a polite murderer.

In the treehouse, the kids have a globe and they’re looking for a place for Chava to live. How about the Yucatan Peninsula. No, that might take five hours to walk there. Chava decides he can only walk that long if he’s kicking a soccer ball.

Ed calls Horti from his kitchen. He’s trying to make a dinner for Chayo, but he can’t read the recipe, he doesn’t know which knife to use, and he doesn’t even know what to do with a carrot.

Horti hangs up. Santi staggers in, holding his side in pain. He tells her to prepare an operating room for emergency surgery. Two orderlies bring in Gabino’s daughter on a stretcher, surrounded by his goons. Gab grabs Santi and says, “Save her. Please. She’s just a child.” Now it’s Gabino’s turn to look scared and helpless. Santi stumbles down the hall to his surgery, cringing in pain with every step.

Ed gets the table ready for his romantic dinner, when Horti calls. He needs to return to the office for an emergency surgery.

Gabino asks, “How is she?” Santi says she’s okay. She has cuts to the face and embedded glass shards. She probably went through the window. Gab wants him to hurry, but Santi explains that she lost a lot of blood. They have to stabilize her before they can operate. Gabino is used to getting his way. He orders Santi to save her life, or Gabino will kill him.

Gabino was god back in his cellar, but they are not in his kingdom anymore. Santi the victim is replaced by Santi the doctor, responsible for the fate of his patient, and he isn’t going to let Gabino interfere with that. Santi asks Gab, “Are you threatening me?” He is. Santi continues, “I don’t think you are in any position to threaten me. I’m a father too. I understand the pain you’re going through. Don’t fear.”

Pat finds Candy at the soccer field. He ponders, “Where is our Chava? Why is this happening? Don’t you think you did something wrong?” This does not endear him to Candy. She goes to the police station, cuts in front of the people waiting in line, and demands that they start looking for her son now instead of waiting 48 hours. This does not endear her to the clerk. He tells her to wait her turn like everyone else. He apparantly doesn’t know that Candy is Miss Centro Universo.

Pat gets home and asks Ali if anyone came to the house. She wouldn’t know; she went to the salon. This makes an impression on Pat, but not a positive one.

In surgery, Ed asks what’s going on? Why don’t they have nurses? Who is this patient? Santi says it’s better if he doesn’t know. When they finish surgery, Ed should try to leave and take Hortensia with him. Santi’s nerves, and several blows to the gut, are making his hand shake as he fixes the girl’s face. He takes a breath, stretches his hand, and reassures the unconscious girl that she will be fine and she won’t have any scars (cicatriz) from the surgery. You get the feeling that he’s talking to himself as much as to her.

After surgery, Santiago drags himself down the hallway to talk to Gabino, with all the burdens of his sleepless night and horrendous day pressing on his shoulders. He starts to give the anxious Gabino a report: “The reconstruction went well, the injuries were major, it could take months to heal..”
Gab cuts him off. ”HOW IS MY DAUGHTER?”
Santi carefully begins, “There are times..”
Gab grabs him by the collar and yells in his face, ”¿CÓMO ESTÁ?”
Santi finally answers, “She went into a coma. She had a reaction to the anesthesia.”


Doña Barbara, - Eye candy of the Arauca

Here's my selection of the hunky guys. Any that I missed?

The star: Christian Meier as Santos Luzardo

Antonio - Arap Bethke with Santos

The Altamira vaqueros-


María Nieves
Pajarote & MN


Pajarote & Leon




The El Miedo Vaqueros-
Leon, Balbino Paiba, Tigre



Capt. Delgado

Lieutenant Guerrero

Orestes Prieto

Florencio Quita Dolores

Dr. Arias

Asdrúbal (JenCarlos Canela)


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