Saturday, April 03, 2010

Corazon Salvaje - A Cure For Two Bad Habits

Capítulo 31

First a redux: Since Renato can’t read poems of love to Aimee, whose absence from the house Regina is hiding from him, he for some reason feels he needs to read them to Regina. Regi listens as upstairs Clemencia stands guard at the twins’ bedroom door and keeps Leonarda from realizing the truth about Aimee’s being AWOL. Leonarda leaves to prepare a headache cure for the supposedly “suffering” Aimee. Aimee, meanwhile, has run off disguised again as Regi in one of the spare habits from the armoir that curiously nobody bothers to check and account for. Aimee wakes our feverish Juan and tells him it’s really her in disguise. He refuses her attempted kisses and embraces and then tells her again how much he hates and despises her. She cannot understand the change in him and wants a few answers. It’s a wasted effort because Juan continues talking in puzzling riddles about her being his enemy. He tells her that she’s been his enemy since before she was born and if she doesn’t leave him alone he is capable of killing her.

Back at the finca, Regi is overcome with emotion. She can’t listen to anymore poetry and turns away. When Ren asks if she dislikes it, she says it’s only because his devoted love for her sister shows through and it’s just so touching that it’s moved her to tears. (If I didn’t know better I’d say it was tears of boredom. Thank gawd for the reprieve!) He admits he does love her sister deeply, though some might say it’s infantile, but he isn’t ashamed to say it. She says it’s not infantile at all, but rather praiseworthy and admirable. Renato comments that although Regi’s mouth says one thing, her eyes say another. (What a dolt! Let it filter through the few brain cells you can claim, Renato, and maybe you’ll eventually figure it out.) Regi stares soulfully back at him.

Back at the cave, Aimee cannot understand why Juan has turned so hostile. Why would he want to hurt her, she asks. She’s done nothing to him. Her only crime has been to adore him and give herself over to him heart and soul. When this doesn’t persuade him she says Juan might as well go ahead and kill her then, because she’d prefer that to being apart from him. Juan doesn’t react and Aimee finally feels she’s had enough of groveling and pleading. She tells him that two can play that game and leaves.

Meanwhile, Ren professes his brotherly love for Regi and tries cheering her up by telling her there’s someone who soon will be coming to court her. [acercarse = to get close, to approach] Regi thinks there’s nobody else she wants as a suitor except Renato. She excuses herself and goes upstairs. Leona comes back with the headache potion and insists on going in to give it to Aimee herself. Rodrigo walks up saying he needs to talk to her immediately. She is forced to give the medicine to Clemencia who breathes a secret sigh of relief.

Regi meets Leona and Rod on the stairs on their way down to the study. He’s still angry with Regi and says they’re going to talk later. Regi says fine and walks off. Leona tells Rod she thinks Regi might have the same crazy genes as Maria del Rosario. Rod isn’t quite that gullible. He figures it’s more her rebellious attitude and says he’s tired of putting up with it. Ren runs into the two of them and wants to discuss something with Rod, so the three head to the study together.

Upstairs, Regina tells Clemencia that she wants to go back to the convent. It’s just too painful listening to Renato constantly speaking about how much he loves Aimee. (Can’t say as I blame her.) It infuriates her that her sister is only playing with Ren. Clemencia asks if she knows who Aimee’s been seeing every night. Regi is certain it’s been Juan and says she’s tired of having to lie to Renato for her sister all the time. She’s ready to shout out the truth to everyone at the top of her lungs and let Aimee pay the piper. Clemencia, fearing the worst if this happens, talks Regi out of it and then worriedly thinks to herself that the mystery man Aimee’s been seeing has to be MdR’s Juan.

Down in the study, Renato mentions to Rod that Dr. Pablo wants permission to court Regi. Rod is totally opposed. “He can only continue coming here in his capacity as doctor, nothing else! Regina is engaged to Federico and that’s that.” Ren can’t understand why his Tio is condemning Regi to a failed relationship with the likes of Feddy. Pablo Miranda is a good man, he says, and comes from a good family almost equal to Feddy’s in social standing. Leonarda defends Rod’s decision and says as her father he knows best. Rod tells Renato that compared to the illustrious family Feddy’s from, Pablo is a nobody. Leona adds that letting Regi have another suitor would only encourage her rebellious attitude. Ren says he wants Regi to be happy and Feddy ain’t cuttin’ it. Rod tells him to listen to his mother and butt out. He’s engaged to Aimee and she is Ren’s only concern –or should be. Ren gives in and leaves.

Once Renato is gone, Rod reminds Leonarda that Dr. Pablo Miranda is the nephew of the doctor who attended MdR when her bastard was born—the one that they murdered to keep quiet. Rod warns her that they cannot risk anyone from that family getting close to theirs or they risk them some day finding out what really happened. Leona agrees and remembers the night she lied to MdR about her baby being dead and how Rod rigged the doctor’s coach so the wheel would fly off and he’d be killed.

Rosenda knocks on the study door and asks permission to go out for a while. Leona rudely tells her to stop bothering her. She and Don Rod are in an important discussion and they don’t want anybody interrupting them! Leona slams the door in Rosenda’s face. Rod says Rosenda is good at knowing what everyone around there is up to. He remembers her father, he says, but he doesn’t know who her mother was. Leona says it was some inconsequential servant of theirs, some whore who just up and left suddenly one night. Rod then thinks to himself he remembers her now and that the woman stole his gold coins. He asks Leona if she heard anything of her since. Leona says no, but it’s certain she ended up in the gutter or whoring [la mala vida = evil life] somewhere. Rod agrees and then changes the subject to how the preparations for Aimee’s wedding are coming along since now it’s only a week away. He wants it to be worthy of the Montes de Oca name. Leona promises he won’t be disappointed.

Aimee gets back from the beach and worries about being discovered if she goes in the front door since people are not in bed yet. She decides to climb in through her window instead.

Upstairs in the bedroom Regi kneels to pray desperately for help with her emotions. Clemencia tells her to stop with the hysterics because she’ll wreck her health. Regi says her health is already ruined. Her nerves are so frayed she actually thinks she’s gone crazy just like Aimee’s said. Just then Aimee enters from the balcony window dressed in one of Regi’s habits. Regi sees her and realizes her suspicions were correct all along and that she wasn’t going nuts after all. “Why are you dressed in my habit? Where were you?” Aimee stares defiantly back at her twin. “—Why ask? You know exactly where!” “--With that savage! Not only were you continuing to lie to me, but you tried to make me think I was going crazy!” Regi is ready to jump her till Clemencia pulls her away. “So it was you that Renato saw going to the beach near the caves! You were dressed like me!” Aimee admits it and adds a lot of good it did her, too, cuz Juan just dumped her. Aimee begins to cry. (Viewerville’s compassion meter is at -10 and falling.)

Regi doesn’t believe that for a minute. Aimee says it’s all true and he just threw her away; he never wants to see her again! Clemencia tells her to get over it because Renato has been asking for her all evening and they’ve had to lie to him for her. Aimee throws a tantrum and says she could care less. Without Juan nothing matters anymore! Not even Renato! This gets Regi going and she tells her sister to remember he’s engaged to her and they’re getting married in less than a week. Regi, on a tear here, actually walks over to Aimee and slaps her a surprising (and most satisfying) good one across the chops. (Ten points, team Regi!) A most cathartic caterwauling then ensues. Clemencia grabs Aimee to keep her away from Regi. (Clem, couldn’t you have waited a minute or two longer?) Aimee says she curses the day she agreed to marry Ren. Regi says too late for that because if she doesn’t go through with it Regi will tell the whole world the truth about how she’s been running around behind Renato’s back with the man who hates their father. “He’s going to kill you!” (Is that a hint of a malicious sparkle in Regi’s eyes?)

Clemencia jumps in with her two cents worth and tells Regi not to do it because the family doesn’t need any more trouble. Aimee threatens that if Regi does that then she’ll shout to the whole world about Regi’s “impossible love” for Renato. Regi says it doesn’t bother her a bit. Bring it on! She’s no longer afraid of the truth and she’s got nothing to lose. On the other hand, Aimee’s prospects will fall faster than a lead balloon. Clemencia tells them both to pipe down before the whole house hears them. Regi says fine with her. Let them all in on it. They’ll both be sent to the convent for life. She’d love it, but Aimee will die from the shame and misery of being locked up. Aimee swears she’d kill herself first. (No loss there.) Clemencia has had enough and tells them she’s not interested in seeing another tragedy take place. Both of them are going to calm down and keep their mouths shut! They are not to say a word to anybody about what happened tonight. They’ll all sleep on it and afterwards it’s up to God.

That night Remigio visits Juan and tells him the robbery and his sharing of the goods is all the people are talking about. Juan asks if the people are upset with him and will accuse him of anything. Remi says of course not. The rich would because they are greedy and never want anyone messing with their stuff, even if it would be used to help the neediest. Remi thanks Juan for opening up the peone’s eyes and helping them fight the good fight. “I knew that day in the forest when I found you that you were different and that your mission in life was something other.”

Rosenda decides to make trouble for the other young servant in the house (Celestina?). She walks into the kitchen as the girl is washing the floor and purposely tracks mud on it with her boots. Celestina gets in Rosenda’s face and gripes. Rosenda says talk to the hand, preferably the ringed one, cuz she could care less being that she’s Sra. Leonarda’s protégée; she doesn’t do floors anymore. Celestina says whatever she did to gain the Sra.’s confidence it wasn’t anything good. They show their claws at each other and Celestina tells Rosenda to be careful because the higher you rise the harder and farther you fall. Rosenda brags that she’s got Leonarda eating out of the palm of her hand and is almost a part of the family now. Celestina says maybe now, but as soon as she becomes a big enough nuisance she’ll throw her out in the street.

Rosenda gets ready to take a dinner tray to Arcadio and Celestina realizes there’s something fishy there, too. “He’s the one giving you gifts. Now I understand! It wasn’t for free either! You’re nothing more than a whore the same as your mother who left you because you didn’t matter to her!” Rosenda gets physical and tells her to shut up. Nobody’s allowed to talk about her mama like that.

Back at the cave, Juan tells Remi that the guys come visit him from time to time even though he tells them they shouldn’t. He’d rather not raise suspicions. Remi says well, he’s spending the night there with him and keeping him company anyway. Juan says he’d rather be alone. Remi suspects something’s up and asks him what’s the matter. Juan finally breaks down and tells him that he’s broken it off with Aimee and she’s sworn never to see him again. If they do see each other again it will be as sworn lifelong enemies.

Rosenda brings dinner down to Arcadio and starts to tell him the family gossip. The Orca tells her the only one he wants to know about it Leonarda. Rosenda makes him jealous by playing up the meeting Leona and Rod were having in the study and emphasizing that she told her they didn’t want to be disturbed for any reason. Orca’s left to make his own conclusions. He swears that one day he’ll make Rodrigo Montes de Oca disappear off the face of the earth.

Rod tells Leona that somebody robbed his ship and he took a huge financial hit. The money doesn’t matter as much as the fact that they dared to mess with him. Nobody was supposed to know the ship was coming. He says that the sheriff believes one of his own crew betrayed him. He swears he’ll find and squelch the thieves. Leona thanks him for taking her into his confidence and swears she’d never betray him like that, not even for Renato. Rod says he knows that and is grateful. She says she doesn’t know what would become of her if the savage that insulted him the other day did something to Rod. Rod says he’s not finished with that guy and will be looking for him to give him what he deserves. The honor of the Montes de Oca’s is involved. The man will pay dearly for his impudence. Leona says if that’s what he wants most then she’ll help him plan something that will teach him a lesson he’ll never forget. Rod and she toast on that. “Leonarda, what would I ever do without you?”

The next morning Regi and Noel run in to each other in the foyer. (What’s with the bad dye job? It’s like he ran into a case of liquid shoe polish.) Noel asks where she’s off to this early in the morning. Regi says she’s going to the convent for confession. He notices how sad she is and offers to help if he can. She tells him that nobody can help her. He knows about her secret love for Renato, and as much as she’s tried she simply cannot manage to forget him. Noel says he’s worried about her health and says it bothers him to see her defy her father. He couldn’t stand seeing Rod hit her the way he did. Regi says she wasn’t defying her father, but there were so many things going on that she just couldn’t stay quiet about them.

Noel then mentions what Renato told him about seeing her going toward the beach alone the other night, as if she were fleeing. Regi tries denying that it was her but he won’t let her off the hook. He asks what she’s been hiding. She says that she cannot say anything to anyone, despite her trust in him, because she doesn’t want to hurt anybody else. She promises that it won’t happen again. Noel doesn’t understand but decides to let it go.

Regi returns to the priest at the convent and begs to be let back in as a novitiate. She feels that only by returning there can she save her soul from temptation. The padre says she can do that anywhere and doesn’t need the convent. She needs to escape from the world, she says, and admits that she cannot get over the love she feels for Renato. Whatever she’s done it’s been a futile waste of time and she feels it’s beaten her. Her jealousy is a daily torture and has caused serious quarrels with her sister.

At the same time, Clemencia is trying to get Aimee to see reason and take responsibility. The family’s good name is at risk. Aimee says she’s already told her that she and the man have broken it off, so to leave her alone. Clemencia asks her to tell her where they used to meet. Aimee says at the Caves of Santa Cruz.

Speaking of caves, Juan is limping in pain and cursing the name of Rodrigo Montes de Oca. He remembers Aimee’s threats to treat him with the same coldness and cruelty as he’s treated her. “Aimee, Aimee. If you could only know! If you only knew the truth!”

Back at the convent the priest rejects Regi’s reasons for wanting to become a nun. He sympathetically tells her she’s been using the convent as a refuge from the world without truly hearing a call from God. God has given her a test and so far she hasn’t passed it. She says she simply can’t cope any longer having to listen to Ren speak of his adoring love for Aimee. The Padre refuses to allow her back. He says she should go home and pray, but also she must stop wearing her habit. Regi objects, saying her habit gives her strength. The priest says no, she’s only using it as a shield from whatever she’s hiding from. From today on she will stop being Sister Regina and will again be Regina Montes de Oca.


Gancho Friday April 2nd Getting in Some Jabs, Softening them up for the Knockout

Alternate Title: Fresh meat
Second Alternate: Chucky’s Grandma!

The two fighters slowly circle the ring, eyeing each other warily, looking for a weakness. One jabs, the other feints. Fists shoot out quickly, and are quickly withdrawn. Occasionally, a punch lands, and bit by bit, some damage is done. Little bruises appear. Breathing becomes labored, but still the jabbing continues. The craftier fighter knows what she’s doing – setting everything up, wearing down her opponent, waiting for just the right moment to unleash everything she’s got. But not yet.

And that’s how our show is getting. Everyone’s dancing around, jockeying for position, setting things up, everybody has a plan. Jero dreams of outsmarting Oscar, Gabi hopes to outmart Jero to find Oscar. Sal and Aldo are probing for any weakness in the tight security of the mansion. Oscar is readying his final solution. Marcos has plans for Nieves, Coni seems to have something up her sleeve (or would, if her outfit weren’t sleeveless). And Mau, at long last, seems to have an ace in the hole, with that recording of Isabel. But he, too, is biding his time, waiting for just the right moment to strike!

We begin tonight’s jabbing with some furious punches by Moni, working on the hanging punching bag. She thinks of Mau’s sweet promises, then the “reality”, screaming to herself, liar, liar, liar!, breaking down into tears.

At Oscar’s Hodge Podge Hunting Lodge, apparently his hot game of solitaire wasn’t enough, so he calls Lorenza over for a little personal sadism. He teases her with the promise of a second wedding with Salvador, asks her to show us how she’ll dance at the reception, and when Lori hops happily, he yells “Watch Out! Here Comes Gabriela to steal Sal!”, which causes Lori to go loca. Oscar sickly snickers, he gets OFF on this kind of thing. Aldo doesn’t think it’s funny, but Oscar cares not one bit what Aldo thinks, and goes out to get some fresh air. Lori cradles Sal’s head, asks if he’s thinking of her, but Sal is actually lost in his reminiscences of Gabi, replaying in his mind the marriage proposal, when he pretended to complain of something pressing against his chest, which turned out to be a engagement ring! Out loud, he says “My love, I love you so much.” Lori hears these words and is overjoyed, “Honey, I love you MORE”.

Gabi meets Jerry in a restaurant. She wants the information on Oscar’s whereabouts before paying any money. He wasn’t born yesterday, wants the money first. Gabi’s firm, she insists Oscar has to be behind bars (tras las rejas) first, she’s not going to lose her savings based on false information. But she’s a woman of her word, Jero can trust her. Fine, says Jero, I’ll deliver Oscar to the police first. But if you leave me whistling in the breeze (chiflando en la loma, literally, whistling on the hill), I’ve got an ace up my sleeve, and you’ll be sorry. Gabi thanks Jerry for his time, says they’ll meet again when Oscar’s in jail, confidently gets up, and sticks Jerry with the bill.

At Grupo Sermeño, Pau’s hiding in the coffee room. She doesn’t want to run into Cris. Xime chides her, you can’t keep hiding from the police. Pau disagrees, if Oscar can do it, why can’t she? Okay fine, says Xime, but we have to plan the company’s reopening party. Pau’s already booked the room, arranged the food, all she needs is some music. Xime’s on top of that. She’ll ask that nice boy Luisa knows (Andrés). I’m not sure Xime’s in tune with the cacophony this could cause, but for now, all’s harmonious.

Tepid Tano enters the vecindad, hands in pockets, approaching Estrella to give her some completely undesired and unwarranted advice. He’d like to believe Estre, but gee, those photos don’t lie, and she knows how impulsive she is, right?

He helpfully reminds her that one day they were “just talking”, and remember how that ended up? We go to commercial to spare us from more of Tano’s tactfulness.

Beto bops into the breakroom, dressed for success with his blue pressed shirt and shiny orange tie, and is happy to hear that Pau and Xime are planning the office party. He’s got some ideas, too. How about a magician? With doves and a busty (pechugona) assistente, of course. Xime thinks that sounds like something you’d have at a children’s party. Well, quips Beto, depends on how busty the assistente is. Or how ‘bout a table, with several sexy women dancing on it, you gals don’t understand the business world, but this is what businessmen like, you know, the Japanese, the Swiss? Xime and Pau think this would be too “complicated”. Undeterred, Beto gives his menu suggestions, sopes, tostadas de patas y memelas (pig’s feet sandwiches and mexican pizza type snacks, yum), but Xime’s not impressed with his selection. She and Pau say they’ve already lined up the food, and FORGET that table dance. Beto pulls rank, I’m the boss, you have to do what I say. Xime smiles weakly, you know, that MAGICIAN wasn’t such a bad idea…..

Tano’s still at it. Estre’s distressed he doesn’t believe her, and he should know that Mau would never do this. Ah, says Tano, but he’s just a man, and you know how to provoke men. Estre swears she’ll clear things up, the whole thing was Isabel’s fault, she put Mau and her to sleep to trap them. But the worst part was that Aldo saw them, got really mad at his Dad, and now he’s gone. She’s worried about him, and hopes one day, she can clear things up with him too. Tano not too convincingly agrees.

The nurse asks Lori to help her in the kitchen, allowing Aldo to pow-wow with Sal. Sal says they have to escape soon, but Aldo thinks it’s won’t be easy to get past those guards. Sal misses Gabriela, her smile, her humanity, her beauty, her integrity. He can’t stand that she’s suffering, thinking he’s dead. But he’s a bit worried that she found someone else. Aldo reassures him that won’t happen, Gabi cares the world for him. But he, Aldo, has lost everything. Sal still thinks there’s an explanation for what Aldo saw, but even assuming it was all true, Aldo has to avoid the easy way out (drugs), he has to overcome this. And Sal will be there to give his total support. He extends his hand in friendship and solidarity, and Aldo clasps it. At least SOMEONE’s on his side.

Ahah! Mauricio’s (somewhat shlubby) detective is working for Gabi, too! He’s trailing Jerry’s car, talking through his earpiece, as Gabi (having called him from the restaurant) tells him she’s not falling for Jerry’s tricks, keep her posted on where he goes, maybe he’ll lead them to Oscar. Jerry’s first stop – Gym Jimmy, to give Coni some verbal venom. Pudgy watches Jerry enter.
Inside, Coni’s enthusiasm is flagging. It was much more fun training with Beto than with Jimmy. She’s whining as Jimmy keeps urging her to train harder. Enter Jero, who remarks how much he likes seeing Coni all sweaty, reminds him of some good times they had. Shut up, pig, is her reply. Jerry tells her time is running out for the money she owes him and Oscar. If she doesn’t deliver, she’ll be defending herself in prison. So keep training with your little punches, bites, scratches, you’re SOOO scary, he says sarcastically. As he leaves smirking, Coni’s enraged.

Knock, knock on an orange door, and Estrella’s happy to see that Luisa and Dani have come to visit. Actually, Dani’ll play with the kids outside, while Luisa talks with Estre. She’s tired of being treated like a kid, and since her Dad won’t tell her, Estrella has to. Where’s Waldo? (sorry, I mean Aldo).

Ivan’s tackling a critical photocopying job when who should enter but Alejandra, the new, cute secretary. Filling out the standard uniform rather nicely, she informs Ivan that she’s a copy-making experta. In fact, in the office where she worked in Guadalajara, she was in CHARGE of the copy machine. As she takes the sheets of paper and deftly presses “start”, Ivan seems mightily impressed with her “qualifications”. Ale just got to the DF, doesn’t really have any friends. Well, Ivan will be happy to be her cuate. Ale flashes her million dollar smile, and asks if Ivan wants to go out to lunch. Sure, he says, there’s a fast food (comida corrida) place right around the corner that’s pretty good. Then let’s go, she says. First he has to put the copies in order (I think she forgot to press “collate”). The two of them collate manually. Maybe a little TOO manually.

Remember back at the start of this recap, with Moni punching? Well, she’s still at it, hands aching, still trying to forget, when up from behind her comes a smiling, hot young guy in a muscle tee, asking if he can help. She turns around, and we pan right up his ripped body to a handsome, beaming face. It’s her old pal El Lobo (the wolf), a famous boxing buddy, back in town.

Jerry gets back in his sportscar, and Pudgy PI resumes the chase.

Moni and Lobo haven’t seen each other in years, but both think the other hasn’t changed a bit, and looks super good. Moni’s grinning more than we’ve seen in months. She’s been following Lobo’s career, and knows he won the “world championship” in Chicago (yes, Moni’s only a national champion, but this guy’s the world champ, interesting how they don’t seem to have any money). Moni asks if Lobo’s still married, but conveniently (for our story) he just got divorced a few months ago, his ex is in Chicago, so he decided to return to Mexico. Does she still live in the vecindad? Yeah, well she hasn’t won the lottery, so she does. But she found her Mom! He’s happy, and they agree to meet for coffee later. Our guapatón saunters out as Moni’s eyes twinkle at this new wrinkle in her life.

Estrella tells Luisa she really doesn’t know where Aldo is. Luisa is worried, and complains that she thought once Mau got custody, everything would be better, but everything’s gone wrong. Estrella assures her that things will work out. Everything will be fine, Luisa.

Well, maybe not everything. Ivan and Alejandra are having a little bite to eat in the restaurant near the office (actually, only he’s eating, though she’s eating him up with her eyes). She needs someone to show her around, and he says he knows all about how things work at Grupo Sermeño. She tells how when she saw him she told herself he was for her. Huh? Well, she covers, she means he just has a good vibe, they’ll get along great, she hopes there won’t be any problem with his, ummm, novia? No way, he says. So you have a girlfriend? Yep, and she’s great, says Ivan, I really care a lot for her. Ale’s not surprised, with how handsome he is, girls must be falling all over him. Ivan is totally lapping this up, and asks if Ale has a guy. Nah, she’s single, but totally open to anything life has to offer. Woohooo!

It’s also lunchtime in the vecindad, and Beto has invited Marcos for a little home cooking. Striding into his place, he calls for his Mom, but Nieves wasn’t quite expecting him, and is wearing a pink robe, a face covered in white coldcream, and huge rollers (tubos)! Beto screams “Chucky’s grandma!” Nieves then realizes that Marcos is there, and scurries mortified behind the curtain of her bedroom. Marcos chuckles, then reassures her that he’s fine with her look, in fact she’s beautiful like this. He loves her, and this is part of her charm. Nieves comes out, primps a bit, admits women have to do this, to make themselves pretty for their men.

Coni is now jumping rope (saltando la cuerda), and doing a fantastic job of it, I might add, crossing her arms, looking very agile. Jimmy tosses her a bottle of water, which she easily snatches out of the air without even looking. I’m impressed. Jimmy says he has a surprise for her, someone who can help her even more with her training.

Beto wonders if Nieves has milanesas ready to eat, and of course she does. He goes outside to wash his hands. Nieves, in her wild white faced clown look, smilingly tells Marcos how the three of them are almost like a little family. He likes this, too. But how’s she been? Well, a bit sad, what with Moni rejecting her. And all due to Isabel! Marcos assures her that very soon Isabel won’t be able to hurt them anymore, everything will work out.

Coni’s finished HER workout, her whole body hurts, as she walks right into hunky Lobo! Her vision temporarily blurred, she looks up at this vision of manliness, and likes what she sees!

He extends a wonderfully muscled arm to help her up,

and asks if she’s okay. She is, he says nice meeting you, and walks past. She sneaks a peek at his butt. This is getting interesting!

Beto’s back, with clean hands, fiery hunger, and growling tummy. Now it’s Marcos’s turn to wash his hands, and he goes dutifully out. Immediately Nieves begs Beto to set the table, as she has to get this cream off her face and get fixed up pronto. Beto agrees, it’s not Halloween, Ma.

Jimmy and Lobo meet and hug. It’s been years. Lobo asks how are Jimmy’s kids? Fine, but much bigger. Well, you know why I had to leave, says Lobo. Right, replies Jimmy, you think they’re still searching for you? He doesn’t know, but if he has to, he’ll face his past. So what brings you to town, why did you leave Chicago, since you’re the world champion? Well, my wife left me, and I couldn’t stay there. Sorry about that, says Jimmy. But I’ve got a job for you. Train this woman, called La Momia, in boxing. She was just here. You mean that tall, thin, muy guapa chick? You got it. Lobo can’t believe she’s a boxer. Jimmy admits she’s not that good, but she’s got a big fight coming up, and needs help. Who with? La Monita. Ooops, problem. Lobo is buddies with Moni, no way can he train someone to fight against her.

Our “trainee” is standing, arm languidly over her head, head cocked, shades in place outside Moni’s gym.

Out comes Moni, and the sparks fly. Moni spits out that she didn’t want to see Coni until the fight. Well, shoots back Coni, one thing is what you want, and then there’s what I decide. I couldn’t resist seeing you suffer. Mauricio did the same thing to you he did to me, cheat, but for you it was with your best friend, another slut like you. I continue to hate you with every fiber of my being. I don’t hate you, replies Moni, I pity you. Coni smiles, puts her sunglasses back on, and leaves. Moni thinks to herself, her world will come crashing down when she finds out that we’re sisters.

Jimmy says he’s always counted on Lobo, and offers him whatever money he wants to train Coni, but Lobo won’t do it, he and Moni are friends, and training her opponent is not open for discussion. Jimmy accepts this, says it’s good to see Lobo anyway, and Lobo had better watch his back while he’s here, Jimmy will also warn him if he hears anything bad (maybe Jimmy will do just the opposite, since Lobo’s got something to hide). Lobo gets a dreamy look on his face. He just can’t wait to see those two beauties fight in the ring. Neither can I!

Costeño’s now giving Jacqui a foot massage, while she’s on the phone with Katia. Seems Kat’s a bit lonely in that school in Italy, and Jacqui may go pay her a visit. She asks Costi if he knows Rome. Sure, it’s a barrio (colonia) just across town, he can take her if she likes. Ay, how naco you are she says, I’m speaking of Rome, Italy, it’s on another continent. Ah, says Costi, I’ve never been past Metepec (which is less than 100 miles from Mexico City, where they are).

Jacqui loves the simplicity of Costi’s roots, his social class, growing up happy without ever having traveled. But you know what? You keep showing me heaven (with this foot massage), and I’ll show you the world. Want to come with me to Italy?

Enter Coni, who’s disgusted that these two are still stuck together like dogs. Well, Jacqui needs to have her body stuck to Costi’s 24 hours a day, she deserves this “rest”. Coni’s going to bed, SHE’s the one who needs rest, after all that training. As she leaves, Jacqui asks Costi if he’s ever heard of gondolas, as their cares drift away….

Night falls, the moon rises, and Jerry’s car has arrived at the Mysterious Mansion of Madness, closely followed by Pudgy PI in patient pursuit. He sees Jerry enter after greeting the burly bruiser guarding the oaken entrance.

Costi has gone home, and Jacqui tells Coni about the phone call with Katia, and how Jaqui may go and visit. Well why not just go stay there for life, says Coni, this is stupendous news, and if your plane goes down in the middle of the ocean, even better! Jaqui opines that Coni’s “negative energy” doesn’t seem to be making her happy. Well, says Coni flippantly, old habits (mañas) are hard to break. Speaking of old habits, adds Jacqui, I heard you’re selling the lingerie boutique. Well, right, Mom, I don’t have time for it these days, with my boxing training. Ah, you don’t fool me, dear. You need the money to pay Jerónimo and Oscar, right?

Cut to the Dark Domain of Doom, as Pudgy PI watches Aldo try to leave for a walk. The guards firmly push him back inside. But Pudgy saw it.

Mau comes to the vecindad to talk to Estrella, who is very worried about people seeing them together, getting the wrong idea. Don’t worry, he says, they didn’t do anything, so they have nothing to hide. Besides, he has good news. He finally has the proof of what Isabel did, and when Moni sees it, she’ll finally forgive them. Mau’s cell rings, and Pudgy found Aldo! Mau tells Estre, and they hug warmly,

joyful at last, all their problems are solved. Of course, at this precise moment, Moni enters the neighborhood, sees her ex-amiga hugging her ex-novio, and now she KNOWS she was betrayed!

Previews: Things heat up between El Lobo and La Monita, but Hissabel tells Oscar she wants Valentina to die!


Tras las rejas
– behind bars

Chiflando en la loma
– whistling in the breeze, whistling Dixie, literally whistling on the hill

Comida corrida – fast food (corrida literally means straight or continuous)
– rollers, curlers, also means tubes or pipes

Saltando la cuerda
– jumping rope

– a neighborhood, also means a colony, and also is the word for cologne

– old habits, in the singular, maña means cunning, guile or skill


Mujeres Asesinas 2, Thursday, April 1: The case of the homicidal hermana.

Tonight, Adriana Fonseca is "Cecilia, Prohibida" (Cecilia, forbidden).

We see scattered flower petals on tile and lots of well-dressed people milling about. A priest hovers over a young man in a tux, while a woman in a white dress looks very, very confused.

You got it, Gloria, let it flow, let it flow, let it flow!

The ambulance guys load up the body while the confused young woman in the white dress is led away in cuffs. A woman is supported by her husband and the priest as one of the DIEM guys says he's sorry for her loss. The mom, I presume. The dad is played by that smarmy guy from Amar sin Limites and Al Diablo con los Guapos. Aranda calls Capellan and tells her the body is on its way and it was a murder at the church.

A guy storms away from a house while a woman grabs him by the hair to keep him from leaving. Things get physical really fast and another guy drives up and protects the girl. The first guy finally leaves, but he calls her a "maldita enferma" (damn sick woman).

Inside, the second guy, Luis (played by Luis Gerardo Mendez, who I remember as Bataca in Lola) rubs the girl's, Cecilia's, feet as she says the other guy just got mad and started hitting her. Luis checks out Cecilia's face and she asks him to put the ice pack on it for her. She confirms she's not with anyone else now and thanks him for taking care of her. They start kissing. Then he breaks it off and says he can't, it's not right. He leaves. She puts the ice pack on her face.

In his glass-walled shower, Luis cries.

Cecilia lies on the sofa, smoking a cigarette.

18 years ago: a girl puts on a puppet show for a little boy. She's telling a story about a boy who kept asking for balloons and letting them fly away, until the boy himself flew away. The boy sneaks around behind her little makeshift stage and she gasps when she sees him and pulls her skirt down over her knees. The both start laughing and the little boy kisses the little girl.

Luis looks out the window. He hears a door behind him and sees Cecilia walk in. They start kissing. She has some kind of tattoo on her shoulder. Looks like they have the sex.

Now he's all upset again and she's confused.

(Mr. 5ft: Did she just sleep with her brother?
Me: I kind of think so.
Mr. 5ft: Ok. Cause that's the impression I got.)

Cecilia greets her Elsa and Mario, who I presume are her parents. She explains away the cut on her lip, saying she hit herself with something in the studio. Elsa asks if she put ice on it and she smiles when she says she did. Elsa says she's going to send someone to clean it up, but Cecilia says she can't work if her stuff gets moved around. Cecilia asks where Luis is and Mario says he left early, he had something to do. Cecilia tries to act like it's no big deal and says she just wanted to ask him about something.

Cecilia waits for Luis at school. He's on the phone, talking too fast for me to understand. When he gets to Ceci, she gives him a hard time for leaving the house early to avoid her. He says he just needed to get to class. He says he doesn't know how he's supposed to deal with this, just because, because it's wrong. She says they both wanted to. He responds that what they did makes him sick.

Luis talks to a priest, Nacho. He tells him he didn't know who else to talk to. "I lied to myself, I constructed a big lie." Padre Nacho surmises that Luis went did it "again." Luis admits that he wants her so much, he doesn't know how he stood going so many years without her. "She was right, I always wanted this to happen, we both did."

So now, he's on Forense Gerardo's slab. Forense Gerardo reports to Moran that the wounds were fatal. The first one to an intestine, the second one into the liver. Moran tells Gerardo that the guns have her fingerprints all over them and her dress has her brother's blood on it. Gerardo sagely says "Love kills too, Moran."

In her studio, Cecilia is smoking, drinking, burning a bunch of candles, and using a tool to etch into some wood. She cuts herself and drips blood on her artwork. She uses the dropped blood to write an L. Mami comes knocking and Ceci screams at her before going to open the door. Mom came to tell her that a client called because Ceci was supposed to bring over some works. "Yeah, I couldn't." Mom is alarmed at Ceci's wound, but Ceci brushes it off, "I cut myself, I'll put some carbonated water on it and it's over." When Ceci goes to do that, Mom looks at the work bench. "Now you're working in blood?" "Yes, and drinking it too. I'm a vampire." Cecilia tries to shoo mom out. Mom asks about the last boyfriend. She starts prying about why they broke up. Cecilia says she's in love with another man, that's what happened.

Back at the house, she tells dad that she was afraid to ask who Ceci was in love with. He thinks she's exaggerating. Mom says she hurts herself and writes in blood. The dad says she's capable of doing anything to get attention. Mom, however, is convinced that Ceci isn't well. Dad suggests that Mom talk to Luis. He'll probably know if something's wrong.

Ceci and Luis are sitting on the couch together watching TV. Ceci's feet are in Luis' lap and she whines at him to change the channel. Mom comes in and asks if they want anything. Luis wants a coffee and offers to get up and make it, but Ceci tells him to stay put, so Mom says she'll bring it. Mom looks suspicious. Ceci whines some more for him to change the channel, but he still won't. When she suggests, "juguemos" (let's play) he hands her the remote. He also asks her to quit rubbing her feet into his crotch. She asks "What if we tell Mom?" He looks panicked and asks her to please stop. She starts calling for her mom, who, when she shows up, looks kind of worried. Cecilia finally says she wants a coffee too. Mom nods and leaves. Ceci grabs Luis around the waist and puts her head on his chest.

Aranda asks Padre Nacho, whose last name is Quezada, which makes it sound just a bit like he's Father Cheesy Nachos, if he knew what was going on between Luis and Ceci. He says that Luis was having a hard time with his feelings, that he adored Cecilia, but it was impossible. "Why didn't you tell the parents?" "Because he told me under the seal of the confessional. Besides, he had made the decision to stay away from his sister. Especially after he met Lucia."

Luis and Lucia bicker about something. They run into Cecilia who claims she needs Luis to come with her to pick up some paints. Luis awkwardly introduces them. Lucia kisses Ceci on the cheek. Cecilia is gratified that Luis told Lucia about her, but she wonders just how much he told her. Luis says he didn't say anything, just that she's his sister. Lucia gives him a hard time when Ceci says Luis didn't tell her anything about Lucia. Luis tells Ceci that he and Lucia have a class, so he'll catch up with her later.

Later, he goes into her studio to find her and asks her what she's up to. She ignores the question and says he should have knocked before coming in. "What if I was naked?" He begs her to cut it out. She says she needs his help with some work. "It's a thematic series, about the deadly sins. I don't know much about the topic, but you do. You have a friend who's a priest, a fresh little girlfriend…now that I think about it, I do know two: wrath, and lust." Luis tells her he can't take this the way she does, he just wants…"a normal life? Having a girlfriend you don't love, that's a normal life? Ok." He tries to leave, but she pulls him back. "You love me." He says of course he does, she's his sister. She says she misses him, but eventually says they won't do anything, they'll just go back to the way they were before. She keeps repeating "you're my little brother" over and over again into his chest.

Little Ceci is outside the house, sneaking around, and catches Little Luis undressing in his room. She calls out to him and laughs.

At the breakfast table, dad asks for more coffee and mom pours it. Mom says she'll go to wake up Luis, but Ceci offers, rather creepily, to do it. She saunters over to his room and opens the door without knocking. It looks like she locks the door behind her. She kneels by the bed and tries to kiss him, but he turns away in his sleep. She starts pulling up his shirt and his eyes open, but he closes them again. She hears someone knocking on the door, so she kisses him and gets up. Luis turns over and pretends to be sleeping. Ceci goes to the door and Mom angrily asks her why they locked the door.

Cecilia says "costumbre" (habit). "See if you can get him up, because I couldn’t." That has a much creepier meaning in this show. I'm going to have to scrub my brain after this is over.

Luis brings Lucia home and starts macking on her as soon as he gets her in the door. There are three other people who live in that house with you, dude. He tells her he's got a surprise and leads her through a doorway. Cecilia comes in the front door and starts skulking. The surprise was a bottle of wine. Ooh, the kind with a cork! Hey, big spender. They go down the hall to his room, still kissing the whole way, and Ceci sees them. Right after he opens the door, Luis sees Ceci down the hall. Ceci starts walking down the hallway, but stops. She makes a face like she's about to start crying.

The next morning, Luis comes out of his bathroom to find Ceci waiting on the bed. She razzes him about last night and says she just happened to see him. He asks her to leave so he can change and she says his girlfriend's pretty. He keeps telling her to leave and she asks him to forgive her. He says she asks for forgiveness and then does the same thing over and over and he can't live like this. She tells him that whatever's happening isn't only happening to her. She starts kissing him. He tells her it's sick and they aren't going to do it again. She tries to prove him wrong, so he runs and hides in his bathroom.

Dad tells Capellan that when he married Elsa, Ceci was 6 and he raised her like his own daughter. Capellan tells him she knows this is difficult, but she wonders if they never had any indication that anything was going on between the kids. Dad says they grew up together, they were inseparable, and who would have imagined that this would happen.

Dad is telling a funny story to Mom, Luis, and Lucia. Cecilia walks in and sees them all toasting. Lucia says they're thinking of getting married by Padre Nacho. When Ceci walks in, she looks angry and Dad asks her to come sit down, they've got news for her. She says she's busy and leaves. Dad asks Luis to go see what's wrong with his sister. Dad supposes it must be something that happened "at the office." Ceci runs into her studio bathroom and throws up. Luis catches up with her and asks her what's going on. Ceci says she has to take care of herself. He's going to get married, so he's not going to be around to take care of her. "My parents are worried about you." "Oh, please, Mario's not my dad." "It's as if he was." "'As if' isn't good enough for me. You didn't sleep with me as if I was your sister." She throws it in his face that he said he was going to take care of her and things were going to be like before, but now he's marrying that idiot. Luis wants her to leave Lucia out of it. "Did you tell your little girlfriend that you slept with your sister? Tell her, I'm sure she'll forgive you." Luis leaves the studio.

Dad comes in late to find Luis in the living room drinking a beer. Luis asks dad "How do you know when you're in love? Really in love?" Dad takes a swig of beer and says "First of all, because you accept her how she is. Then you think of her day and night. You want her all the time, regardless of where you are or who you're with. You're capable of doing anything to make her happy." Dad asks him if he feels that way about Lucia and Luis says he does.

Luis is waiting for Lucia outside of school. She tells him that his sister came to tell her that he's not going to marry her because he's in love with someone else. Sounds like she believed Cecilia and insists that he tell her who it is.

Luis goes to confront Ceci about what she said to Lucia. He grabs her by the back of the hair and the wrist and tells her to back off, or else. He asks her what she wants. "For you to love me. But you hate me." He tells her he doesn't hate her.

Mom goes running out of the house looking for Ceci to tell her dinner's ready. Ceci says she's not eating and she won't open the studio door. She finally gets up to open it. Mom says the place keeps getting messier. She tries to clean up, but Ceci tells her not to. Mom says she's been locked up for days. Ceci says she's just working. Mom tells Ceci that she and dad are worried about her. "My dad died years ago, or have you forgotten? Mario's not my dad. And Luis isn't my brother." Mom asks since when Luis isn't her brother. Ceci just repeats that he's not. Mom says "I'm a mother to both of you, you're siblings, and that's the end of it. Your brother, Luis, is about to get married, Cecilia." "I don't think he'll get married. He's in love with another woman." Mom looks worried. Ceci offers to tell her who. "You already know, Mom. Think." Mom is in tears as she cries and says she doesn't know.

Mom talks to Capellan. "I didn't want to understand. I couldn't. How do you understand something like that?" Capellan says things happen, there are signs. "A mother can't ignore those signs. I gave birth to both of them." Capellan asks about getting professional help for Cecilia. "I thought with Luis' wedding, everything would change."

The morning of the wedding, Mom is worried about where Ceci is, Dad is worried about where the rings are. Luis finally gets out the door. Ceci, in a bathrobe, calls to him from the door of the studio. She fusses with his tie and his collar and says he looks handsome. She asks him if he knows what he's doing. "My love, don't get married, please, don't." She tries to get on her knees and beg him, but he pulls her back to her feet and says they're waiting. Someone honks the horn and he extricates himself and leaves.

Luis walks out of the church with Lucia on his arm. People start demanding a kiss and the happy couple obliges. They start throwing flower petals. Luis and Lucia start hugging people. Ceci pulls up in a cab, wearing a white dress and carrying a bouquet of flowers. Luis sees her and looks nervous. He goes away from the rest of the guests to greet her. Ceci says "I asked you not to."

Ceci tells Capellan "He didn't have to get married. I told him. Because he was in love with me and not her. He loved me and I loved him."

Luis says he's sorry. Ceci shoots him twice with the gun under her bouquet and says "I love you." Everyone comes over to see what happened and Lucia cries. Dad starts unbuttoning Luis' shirt and calling for help, and Mom just sits down on the church steps and cries. In slow motion, Lucia cries over Luis, then looks up at Ceci. Cecilia has her eyes closed, but then looks up.

"Luis died instantly. Cecilia was condemned to 22 years in prison. The first few years of her sentence were served in a ward for high-risk prisoners. Elsa divorced Mario. She never stopped visiting her daughter. With diabetes and heart problems, Cecilia left prison a little before reaching the age of 52."


Dinero #55, 4/2/10: Adiós, Pantera. Parting is such sweet sorrow!

Ale invites Marco to join her for a bubble bath but he dawdles so long that Ale gets a peek at the hickey on his neck.

Except…not. Apparently, Ale was asking what Marco was holding in his hand and it’s two glasses of champagne. (Say it with me: Psh.) He flicks the bathroom lights off but Ale protests. Marco fakes a coughing fit and runs out of the room.

Leonor and Julieta are thrilled to see “the Panther” again. Rafa delivers the bad news: it’s being taken away the next day and put up for sale. An all around bummer.

Ale calls for Marco from the bathroom. He makes a show of sneezing to stall for time. An idea pops into Marco’s devious mind: he lights a piece of paper on fire and holds it up to the smoke alarm.

Rafa, Vicky, and Rafa’s family and friends share a bottle of champagne to toast to their last night with the Panther. They get teary-eyed about it, especially Rafa, who feels as though the Panther was a member of the family.

Success for Marco! The alarm in the hotel blares and the sprinklers kick on. Ale climbs out of the tub to find out what’s going on.

Everyone sits in the car one last time and says their tearful goodbyes until only Rafa and Vicky are left. Vicky says the car is special for her because it’s where they first kissed. She throws herself at Rafa and pulls him into the back seat with her. Unfortunately, Vicky’s brothers are nearby looking for their hermana.

Ale, dressed only in a towel, clamors out into the hotel hallway with Marco. This is obviously a “no-tell-motel” in disguise, as all the other guests are just as scantily clad as Ale. No one has any idea what’s going on and they have to scatter down the stairs because the elevators are shut down.

As per usual, Vicky’s hermanos interrupt her alone time with Rafa. They pull her out of the car and carry her home.

Rafa is finally left alone with his beloved Panther. “So many battles, adventures, and romances. I’m going to miss you.” He even sings to it a little but gets too choked up. Rafa raises his glass to the Panther and says a final goodbye.

The next morning, Ale calls Rafa and wants to know about his business deal of epic proportions. He promises to explain when he gets into work. Ale accuses him of being drunk, calls him a killer, you know the drill.

Susana is all ears to hear about Ale’s hot date with Marco. “It was on fire. Literally.” Ale explains what a fiasco the night was because of some pyromaniac in the hotel. But, of course, he comes second to Rafa on Ale’s bad list.

A little boy wanders into the beauty shop and makes a sales pitch to Ovi. Turns out he’s Edgar Marino Junior the III (He’s got the haircut, attitude, and toothpick to prove it). The kid pulls out a suitcase full of cell phone accessories and tries to charm Ovi into buying something. (Yep. Definitely Marino’s spawn.)

Rafa meets with Ale first thing once he gets to the Siglo. He tells her he’s doing business with Refri Transportation. Ale tells Rafa he’s wasting his time because they only deal with “Mountain Trucks”. Rafa again uses animal analogies and says that tigers focus on one specific herd, not the entire species. “But you’re talking about an idiot tiger who’s trying to snare a lion in his jaws!” Rafa is still adamant so Ale tells him to either get a significant deal done that day or forget it.

The Siglo employees are all waiting in the meeting room. They find out Dandy is wearing very strong new cologne and tease him for it. Ale starts the meeting and keeps with the “sweet as apple pie” farce. Ramirez speaks out and begs Ale to stop being so pleasant. “Be so kind as to abuse us again! We’re begging you!”

The other employees aren’t so receptive to the idea. Ramirez is incensed; All this peace and harmony is ruining them! They’re going to be out of the job and on the street if things stay they way they are! Ale assures him, in her best diabetes-causing voice, she won’t be shouting at them anymore.

Chavez stops by Marco’s and wants dirt about the date. Marco reminds Chavez he had to sabotage it because of the hickey Chavez’s vampire amiga gave him. Marco has to start planning for the wedding because he’s determined to get hitched soon.

Ramirez is sure Ale is having them on with her new attitude. (NO?!) She’s given them just enough rope to hang themselves with. When the month is up and the sales are abysmal, they’ll all be fired. Now they’re starting to squirm.

Susana warns Ale that her plan to get the employees kicked out is a very dangerous one. Ale pays no mind and claims it wasn’t really her idea.

Ramirez tells Ramiro they could get by without Ale’s constant insults but they need her advice, her reprimands, and her presence to succeed.

Pepeto arrives at the Siglo to take Rafa’s car. He’s clearly reluctant to give it away because he gives a whole list of how the Panther should be treated by the new owner.

Ale happens to walk by and sees Rafa’s car. She gets nauseous and woozy again and is furious Rafa would bring the car back to the Siglo when she warned him not to. Despite Susana’s advice, Ale storms out to give Rafa a piece of her mind.

Rafa hands over the keys and caresses his car for the last time. Ale, still disoriented, starts her tirade but her malice disappears when she sees how downtrodden Rafa looks. As Pepeto drives away in the Panther, Rafa promises Ale she, nor anyone else, will ever see his car again.

Rafa catches Magda outside where she works to ask her out to a business lunch. Rafa is positive that Zarate is hiding something because of the way he acts. He thinks “Mountain Trucks” is slipping Zarate money under the table. (Did I understand this right?)

Magda tells Rafa to give it a rest. There’s no hope; Zarate is about to close a major deal with Mountain Trucks and it would be nearly impossible to discontinue the arrangement.

Magda repeats that her hands are tied; she’s only receptionist. “Yes, but a mistreated one who knows business very well, loves her company, and knows there’s a huge injustice going on. The regret is going to make it very hard to sleep at night.”

Rafa wants to make an appointment with Lic. Lemaitre, the president of the company. Magda calls it crazy; if Rafa can’t get in to see Zarate, there’s no way he’ll be able to get to Lemaitre. Rafa agrees to leave but gives Magda his card; he wants to know what kind of discount Mountain Trucks offers Refri. She reluctantly takes it and Rafa cheers his good luck.

Ale hangs up with Rosario to chat with Susana. Marco is going to end up paying for the wedding this time around. Ale pokes fun at Rafa’s determination to get his epic sale and even mimics his little pose. She calls Rafa and demands he get back to the office to give her a report. Just then, Magda calls on Rafa’s other line.

Susana admires Dandy’s cologne, which he says is called “Essence of Java” and was made organically. She loves it and can’t wait to find out more. Rosaura and Claudia are impressed Dandy finally got Susana’s attention and ask what the cologne really is. Dandy calls it “a trap for vegetarians”. The others ladies still think it smells awful.

Rafa is out to lunch with Magda. She tells him the Mountain Trucks discount is 2%. Rafa wants to meet with Lemaitre and offer a 4% discount. Magda says no way. Rafa gets another plan: meet with Lemaitre “accidentally” somewhere in public, get to know him a little, and then talk business.

Susana tells Dandy her guide didn’t know anything about “Essence of Java” but said it’s a very intriguing product. She asks to talk to him about it later, if he has time. Dandy agrees almost immediately.

Rafa gets back to the Siglo where Susana greets him. She looks over his report and is worried he’s only seen one client, who’s just a receptionist. Rafa dreads having to present his report to Ale but a miracle call comes through from Magda: Lemaitre and his wife are going to be out for cocktails at the senior executives club at 7 that night. Rafa is ecstatic!

Avances: Lies! Gossip! Grave Consequences! Vague phrases with no real indication of what's going to happen on Monday!


Friday, April 02, 2010

El Clon, Fri, April 2- A b*tch has a baby; a bimbo goes to the big house; the dancin' dude dumps the desperate dame

This episode had a few bonbons of entertaining moments amongst the same old same old.

Luisa has decided to call Silvia on the phone right in the middle of the lobby and ask her in a loud voice who the father of Dora's baby is. [Doesn't she have an phone extension in her office? Doesn't she have email?] Of course, Albieri walks in on this. Luisa hastily hangs up on Silvia. She tells Albieri that the business of Dora's baby is driving her crazy.

Albieri takes a deep breath and tells her that he will confess the truth. Instead of his previous story where a former assistant fertilized Dora's egg with the wrong sperm, now Albieri tells Luisa that he mixed up the embryos and the wrong one got implanted in Dora. Once again, Luisa buys this tissue of lies and is ecstatic that Albieri isn't the father of Dora's baby. She sobers up a little when Albieri points out that the baby is not genetically Dora's at all but she concludes that carrying a fetus and birthing makes you a mom. She also rationalizes that Albieri's attachment to the child is the result of his guilt over the boo boo.

Vicki advises Cristina to lay off pursuing Leo for a while and make him miss her. Cristina agrees but we will see later on how well she does with this idea.

Mohamed hustles Lariat away from Ozzie. She protests that she is just a modern woman but Mohamed accuses her of not following their family customs.

Leo and Enrique are at a restaurant with Lorena, a business associate who follows the broccoli rubber band dress for success philosophy. She tells Leo that she wants to do business with his company. Of all the restaurants in Miami with big glass doors open to a patio this is the one that Cristina is walking by carrying a cake. On a plate. [Now when did you ever buy what is obviously a fancy cake where they didn't put it in a box? And why would you buy a cake like that for a party for 2 year olds? They are happy with a sheet cake and colored sprinkles.]

Cristina recognizes Leo even though he has his back to her, forces her way into the restaurant, creates a scene, screams insults at Lorena and dumps the cake on her. Leo has her arrested.

Jade lays it on a bit thick singing the praises of the girl who was at Ali's party to Said. She says that not only is the girl pretty, she knows how to cook without too much salt, won't burn his clothes with an iron, won't forget to buy groceries and is willing to be a second wife. Said pays no attention. He is totally absorbed with Jade.

Rosa speaks for us all when she asks Lucas what he still doing with Jade's jade pendant.

Cristina gets put in a cell with some rough customers.

Enrique urges Leo to drop the charges against Cristina but Leo insists that she should stay in jail overnight to learn a lesson.

Mohamed tells Latifa that he has doubts about Ozzie as a husband for Lariat. Latifa is so eager to get rid of Lariat that she doesn't care. Lariat tells Mohamed not to question Ozzie too much about their religion since she hasn't had time to teach him much about it. Ozzie arrives.

Cristina entertains her cellmates with the story of her relationship with Leo and the 'five minutes' with Diego that ruined everything. They are sympathetic. Cristina gives them the jewelry she is wearing that was a gift from Leo. She says that she doesn't want anything from him touching her.

Lorena, the object of Cristina's jealousy in the restaurant, signs at $10 million deal with Leo's company.

Enrique suggests that Cristina's performance in the restaurant brought them luck in getting the contract or something. He urges Leo to spring Cristina. Leo agrees and not only goes to the jail himself to get Cristina released but buys her more jewelry to replace what she told him was stolen in jail.

Latifa sings the praises of Lariat's cooking to Ozzie.

Mohamed tells Latifa that it is the man's duty to promote the bride. He sends the women to the kitchen for pastries and gets down to business. He says that they have to call uncle Abdul to decide on how the payment will be made. "Payment?" asks Ozzie. At first, Ozzie thinks that he is going to be paid to marry Lariat but when it becomes clear that he is the one who is supposed to pay a dowry, Ozzie is out of there faster than you can say, 'dancing with the stars.' Lariat loses it, to say the least.

Latifa runs in to Lucas while Mohamed is in a shop getting medicine for Nariza. He says that he is very happily married with a face that says just the opposite. Latifa tells him that Jade is happy with Said. Marisa appears. Lucas introduces Marisa to Latifa. Mohamed arrives and Latifa introduces Mohamed to Marisa. Then Latifa says that Jade will be very happy (muy feliz) when she knows that Lucas is muy feliz with his wife. Lucas says that he is muy feliz now that he knows that Jade is feliz in her marriage. After that feliz exchange, Lucas kisses Marisa and they leave.

Back in the car, Marisa is not muy feliz. She says that now that his Arab friends aren't around, Lucas stops being affectionate with her. She warns him never to use her in the way that he just did. [I had watch this scene a couple of times before I could figure what Marisa was complaining about. She certainly takes offense easily.]

I guess Latifa lost no time in telling Jade about her encounter with Lucas. Jade goes to Ali's house and she and Zoraida rehash the whole betrayal/perfidious Westerner thing again. Jade swears that she will rip Lucas out of her heart. Lucas walks in the rain and swears that he will forget Jade. Yawn.

If the medicine they got for Lariat was Valium or something like that, it's not working very well. When Mohamed points out to Lariat that Ozzie didn't want to pay a dowry, she reminds Mohamed that he got off cheap in the dowry department when he married Latifa and complains about a double standard. She lays into Latifa as well and says that she only has one brother now and she will never set foot in Mohamed's house again.

Lucas apologizes to Marisa in his spineless way. He says that the only thing he wants is for the three of them to live happily. Marisa repeats that this is the last time. Next time, he can forget about having a family.

Things are all ready for the birthday party for Daniel. When Vicki announces that Albieri is bringing a special present for Daniel, Estela repeats her warning about Albieri wanting to take Daniel from Dora.

Leo reluctantly agrees to go to Daniel's birthday party. Just to show that Cristina isn't in charge, he says that he'll arrive an hour late. Enrique observes that Leo and Cristina love each other and shouldn't hurt one another.

Nariza returns to Said's house and immediately vents her grievances against Mohamed and Latifa. When Jade comes downstairs, Nariza starts in on her. Finally, she says that she hopes Said's second wife doesn't treat him like Jade. "What second wife?" asks Said. Nariza replies that it is the one she had to come home to vet. Said says that he doesn't know what she is talking about. Jade backs out of the room unobtrusively.

In the street, Abdul tells Said that Nariza shouldn't have let the cat out of bag before she vetted the girl. Said says that he doesn't want a second wife. Abdul replies that he has to start fixing the problem he got into when he married Jade.

Ali and Zoraida agree that Jade will regret making Said take a second wife. Ali tells Jade that Abdul has asked him to receive the family of the girl that she wants Said to marry. Jade does a, "who me?" which makes Ali even angrier after what he saw and heard at the party the previous day. "May Allah protect you from yourself," says Ali.

Luisa is all perky getting ready for the party. Albieri thinks to himself that her happiness is reinforced by her seeing him as weak because she thinks she knows all his secrets. "How naive," he says to himself.

Ah, the tried and true telenovela device - telling secrets in large rooms with lots of places to be overheard. Lucas and Rosa are waiting for Marisa. Lucas counters Rosa's criticism of Cristina by saying that she helped him when he needed it. Rosa retorts that she helped him because she wanted him to marry Jade and that Marisa must not find out about this or she will never go to Cristina's house. Well, of course, Marisa hears this.

She stomps off saying that she won't go to the party. Lucas says that he will go alone. Marisa tells Rosa how fed up she is with Lucas and then goes into labor. Rosa gets Lucas before he leaves for the party. They go to the hospital. Leo is also about to leave for the party when he is told that Marisa is in labor.

It looks like a fun birthday party with a passel of kids running around screaming. Cristina is dejected that Leo hasn't shown up. The doorbell rings. It's Albieri with a bike for Daniel. Estela makes the obligatory criticism about Albieri buying expensive gifts for Daniel.

The doorbell rings again. It's Julio. He says that he finally wants to see the kid he is sure will be the image of Osvaldo. When he is shown Daniel, he tells Luisa that the baby cannot be Dora's child. Not satisfied, Julio sits down next to Albieri and says in Estela's hearing that Daniel cannot be Dora's child. [Jeez, talk about rude and not PC! So the next time I see a stranger with a little tummy, I'll just come right out and ask if she's pregnant. If I see a woman with twins in a stroller, I'll ask if she took fertility drugs. If I see a white woman with an oriental baby, I'll ask if she adopted the child because she can't have children. What happened to being polite and then gossiping later in private?] Estela tells Albieri that he might be the father of Daniel but he has no rights since the baby wasn't registered with his name. "The father?" asks Julio. Albieri bolts from the party.

Lucas is not in the labor or delivery room with Marisa. He asks Rosa if it isn't dangerous that the baby is born early and her premature labor might have been his fault for arguing with Marisa. Leo and Enrique arrive at the hospital. Leo wants to know why Albieri isn't there. Enrique will call him.

No footage of Marisa straining in the stirrups. We see her post delivery with Lucas looking on. She is given the baby and names her Natalia.

The credits roll.


El Clon #33, 4/1. Who's Your Daddy?

I’m here to announce, Jean is the winner of the Name That Recap game! Thank you, Jean, for coming to the rescue. It's a bad allergy season, and the creative juices weren't flowing.

There is some sort of party at Ali’s house. Jade obsesses some more about the newspaper articles. She tells Zoraida that she doesn’t know what to do. The more Said dislikes her, the stronger he refuses to give her a divorce. Z warns her that he might take a second wife, but Jade says she’d love that. In fact, she’s going to get him a woman, a pretty one. Jade steps up to a young woman named Muna and invites her to dance. As the two women dance, Said watches, perhaps confused and disturbed? I’m not sure.

Rosa goes to Albi’s. house. She’s been dying to meet Daniel, and today’s the day. Albi enters, Rosa asks about the photo montage, Luisa invites her to come see Daniel, and Albi interrupts, asking Luisa to make him some tea. Albi goes to Daniel’s room, and full of melodramatic fervor, he says, “If Rosa sees you, I’m finished.” When Luisa brings his tea in, Albi and Danny are gone. Albi is taking crying Danny into his car. Danny, your mama should’ve warned you, don’t get into cars with strangers, and Frankenalbi is stranger than anyone.

Back at the party, Abdul tells Ali that Nariza has a suitor. Ali thinks that’s wonderful, but wet blanket Abdul says she’s already proven that she’s not very wise about picking husbands. Ali says that Nariza made wise choices for wives for her brothers. The two men dispute the qualities of Latifa and Jade. Meanwhile Jade interviews the second-wife prospect. She speaks Spanish and she’s not engaged to anyone. She’ll do. Said looks on, perhaps confused and disturbed.

Zoraida warns Jade that she is diverting her destiny. She’ll lose her husband, and then she’ll be stuck with no way to change her future. Jade points out Muna to Said, but he only wants to look at Jade.

Rosa tells Luisa the story about the photo. Albi takes Danny to Dora’s house. Grandma gathers him up and says, “Now you’re safe,” glaring at Frankenalbi. Cris tells Albi that Grandma thinks Albi is the father and that he’s going to take Daniel away. Cris says, “You’re so nervous. Is it because of your wife?” Albi says, “Huh?” as if, “Wife? Do I have a wife?” She asks him to spill the beans. Is he the father? Albi says, “Um, I have to go.” This part is cute. As Albi is leaving, Cris tells him, “Luisa has the right to know that you didn’t betray her with your heart; it was only your sperm.” After he’s gone, she says to herself, “I don’t see that as a betrayal. Well, maybe a little.”

Albi goes home and Luisa confronts him. “Are you Daniel’s father? I’m not the only one with suspicions. There are a lot of things that are strange about your story. First Silvia was sent away after she inseminated Dora. Then your assistant was sent away when he discovered that you didn’t use the correct donor’s sperm. And you don‘t want a child by me because you already have one. ” Albi makes excuses, but Luisa demands the name of the donor. Albi says he’ll tell her tomorrow.

Cristina calls to invite Lucas to the birthday party. Marisa is jealous that he’s talking to a woman. He gets off the phone and tells her what it’s about. She whines, “Do we have to go?” He tells her of course they’ll go. Suddenly she’s having problems because the baby moved. Heaven forbid that attention should be taken away from her for one moment. Lucas tells her that if it’s a girl, she chooses the name, and if it’s a boy, he chooses. She informs him that it’s a girl and she’ll name her Natalia. Lucas persists, if it’s a boy, I’ll name him Diego.

Jade is whining to Zoraida some more. Z says, “How are you going to forget him if you never stop talking about him?” That Zoraida, she didn’t just fall off the cabbage truck, did she?

Latifa asks Nariza how she met her principe azul, and Nariza spins a yarn. Latifa isn’t sure Nariza’s brothers will approve of her marrying a convert to Islam. Nariza says her case is special because she’s not a spring chicken anymore, and besides, she sacrificed everything for her brothers and now it’s her turn for the good life. As Nariza leaves, a woman asks Latifa for a glass of water. Latifa invites her into the house, and while she’s in the kitchen, the woman steals their stereo. Latifa falls into a heap of tears.

Lucas ponders Jade’s necklace and remembers her story. While Jade’s mom was pregnant, she sat under her favorite tree. But she saw something bright, the necklace, and went to get it. When she did, lightning hit the tree and set it on fire. The necklace gives her protection and happiness. Marisa calls to Lucas to show him the expensive designer crib.

Ozzie and Lariat are flirting at the mall. Lariat says that yes, she’ll marry him. Once he converts to Islam. Ozzie says he’ll convert to a burrito if she asks him to. She says that if he wants to take a second wife, she has to agree to it. A second wife? Ozzie thinks he died and went to heaven. (Wait ‘til he hears about the heaven part!)

He goes to kiss her and she screeches, “Haram!” She says that’s for after the wedding. After they get married he’ll see the real Nariza. Yeah, I’ll bet that’s the truth. She says, “I’m the kind that drives men crazy.” Yeah, I can’t argue that, either!

Nariza and Mohamed are talking about the robbery, and she’s in tears. Ali calls because he heard about it. Bad news travels fast. He says westerners have no respect for the law because they don’t realize that they’ll be judged by God. Muna’s father comes to talk to Ali. Ali calls in Jade and asks if Said is really looking for a second wife. Jade cryptically answers, “If Said wants a second wife, I authorize it. It would be welcome.”

Jade runs to tell Zoraida that it’s working. “Said will marry Muna and then he’ll divorce me and I’ll be free!” Ali comes storming in, the maddest we’ve seen him so far. “What are you doing? Are you putting another woman in your husband’s bed? You did it to get free of him! A man who made himself blind and deaf for you! Any other man would have abandoned you. You’re a malicious liar ! I opened my heart to you and fed you with it, but you spit on me and threw me on the floor.” He then turns on Zoraida for assisting. Z starts to say that she didn’t know anything, but Ali hollers, “You know everything that goes on in this house. A fly doesn’t move, that you don’t know it. But when this house falls and shame covers my head, it will fall on you too.” Then he turns back to Jade. “If you keep looking for damnation you’ll find it. Go ahead. Destroy the love your husband feels for you! Then you’ll find out the nature of what you’ve been hoping for.”

Leo drops in to see Cris. Her make-up actually looks semi-normal. He claims he was in the neighborhood. She says it’s really that he can’t live without her. Then she asks if he’s coming to Danny’s party. He appears to be Albieri’s son. THAT gets Leo’s attention. When he’s home he tells Enrique. Enrique says that if the madrina says so, it must be true. He wouldn’t miss that party for the world, for the chance to meet the child. Leo says, “Ni yo tampoco.”

Mohamed tells Nariza that she leaves for Morocco tomorrow to approve Said’s second wife. Latifa dashes off in a dither. She goes to her room to cry, for fear that Mohamed will take another wife too. Nariza informs Mohamed that she’s not leaving. It would be easier to move a mountain than to move her. He and Said got married without heeding her warnings, and so Said doesn’t need her advice now. “This is my only chance for happiness. God will judge you for making me suffer like this. I’ll be in the garden of Paradise surrounded by fruits, while you will have your heads cracked on the rocks! Tell Said’s second wife she can wait until I’m married!” Mohamed calls Abdul and tells him Nariza won’t leave Miami. Abdul and Ali (but mostly Abdul) complain that we’re all going to he!! in a handbasket. Abdul says he won’t let Ali interfere with the marriage. On the contrary, Ali has no desire to meddle with what Allah causes to happen. Abdul leaves, and Ali tells Zoraida, “See what Jade’s conspiracy caused? The only protection Jade has is Said’s love. If she kills that love, she kills the only protection she has. As Allah is my witness, I did everything I could.”

Latifa calls Ali to ask him to change the marriage contract so Mohamed can’t take a second wife. Ali reminds her that he read her the whole contract before she got married. So let it be written, so let it be done. Latifa said she wasn’t paying attention. In a link we looked at earlier in the series (Jean, did you post that or did I?), a woman wrote that her family never allowed her to read the marriage contract, and that’s true in most of the marriages.

Mohamed goes to the mall looking for his sister, and he sees Ozzie and Lariat together, very chummy. Mohamed announces that Lariat has to return to Morocco. Lariat wants to get married first. Osvaldo says he’s ready here and now. Mo says they’ll talk about it tonight.

Cris waltzes into the apartment with all the things for the party. Vicky pulls a can of Silly String out of the bag, but it looks like Cris already used it to decorate her dress.

At the clinic in the morning. Luisa demands from Albi the info on Danny’s father. She has reviewed all the files, and the only possible donor was the one Sylvia had prepared. He darts away, saying, “We’ll talk later.” Luisa reaches Sylvia on the phone. Just as Frankenalbi walks toward her, Luisa asks Sylvia, “Who was Dora’s sperm donor?” Roll credits. Don’t tell me, let me guess. Albi hangs up the phone before Sylvia can answer. Anyone laying bets?


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