Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Eva Luna #18 Mon 11/29/10 Eva Come Back!

Daniel’s extravagant display of mea culpa has left Eva's boarding house a regular botanical garden. Alicia reads the note that came with the bouquetsand tells Eva and the others it all came from Daniel.

Over at Dan’s, Laurita tells Daniel that she overheard him talking with Leonardo earlier and knows that Eva left Victoria's house after a fight with her daddy. After scolding her for listening to other people's conversations, he explains that he didn't send Eva the flowers because they are dating. He's still dating Icky-Vicky, much to Laurita's (and Viewerville’s) well-known dismay. Dan notes the momentary nose squinch and sighs.

All of Justa’s boarders agree that Daniel is crazy-- crazy in luuvvv with Eva. She begins to read the note he sent along just as Justa answers the doorbell and finds Beatriz there to return her driver's license she forgot the other day. They make a date to meet for coffee later. Justa confides to Bea that nobody there knows her past and that she wants to keep it that way.

Eva’s eyes are moist and she chokes up (could be due to allergic reaction to Dan’s memory) as she reads the note on the card:

"These flowers aren't flowers. They're apologies from me because it’s my fault you decided to leave the house and your job. That's your decision and I suppose the healthiest thing is for us not to see each other again. But I only suppose so because I am not sure of it. Because I didn't know which flowers you liked I decided to send you all of them and hope I hit upon one at least that you like. I'm giving you my cell number if you should need it for anything. Right now I'm feeling a terrific sense of nostalgia, nostalgia over you.

Meanwhile, Laurita tells Dan that she knows he's interested in Eva as well as Ick-toria and that Eva is the one he should be dating. (Whatever this little girl has you need to bottle it and sell it, bud! You might get a clue if your brain hadn’t apparently short-circuited somewhere below the waist recently.) Dan frowns cuz deep down he agrees but can’t bring himself to accept it.

Icky Vicky and Claudia are toning up their skeleton frames at the gym by working out. They try giving their pea brains a work-out also as Claw asks what Icky thinks made Eva quit all of a sudden. Icky says she doesn't know or care, but she is upset that now she doesn't have Eva to do all the little things for her she used to. Icky asks Claw how things are going with Leo. Claw says fine cuz they aren't fighting anymore. Ick says that's because she's reconciled to a semi-relationship. Claw takes exception and says she's going slowly and letting things develop. Claw changes the subject and asks if there's still a problem with Maritza. Icky says there was, but the problem's taken care of.

At Marcela's, Renata and she are discussing their relief that “order and discipline” have returned to the house. Yep. They’re happy a pigs in slop now that Eva's gone. Marcy says she's going to find a regular nurse for Don Julio now. Renata continues talking trash about Eva as Leo appears. He corrects her and finishes her statement: “—The girl made the house more enjoyable.” Renata sniffs and says she's well aware of the masculine opinion around there. Leo asks his mama if she really is sure she wants to get a nurse and forget about Eva because his daddy doesn't want that. Marcy says she doesn't care a whit what D.J. wants. She'll do it her way and that is that! D. Julio surprises everyone just then by walking in using his cane and having the last word. "--We'll see about that, Marcela!"

Back at Eva's, Alicia is telling her that if this isn't LOVE she doesn't know what is. Marisol adds that if she were in Eva's shoes she wouldn't think twice of running after this guy and sticking to him like glue. "--Guys like that one aren't born every day!" Eva goes momentarily ballistic. "--Flowers or not, the guy doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned!" She storms out of the room. Justa comes back in and asks what's up. The other two tell her Eva's just “hopelessly in love”.

Back at the manse, Leo and Mad Malevolent Mama exclaim that they can't believe Julio’s actually walking by himself. Julio warns them that there'll be a lot more surprises around there if Eva doesn't come back again. Leo offers to look for her but D.Julio says nothin' doin'!! He wants Marcela to do it herse’f. Of course, Mad Marcy refuses. He threatens her and says she will or else he'll close down the publicity agency. She tells him she can't believe” a simple employee would turn him against her this way.” He says it's Marcela herself who has done it by always doing the opposite of what he wants. So, she will get Eva back because she knows what he's capable of if she doesn't! (Bravo! About time somebody puts the broad in her place! Might as well make the b!tch as unhappy as possible if he can’t get her to sign those damned divorce papers.) He leaves.

At the boarding house Tony looks around the living room and takes the ever-present Tootsie Pop out of his mouth long enough to make some crack to the others about the house looking like a jungle or a funeral parlor or something. Nobody seems to appreciate his sense of humor though.

Back at Marcy Manor, Icky and Leo are chatting now that she's back from the gym-trim. Leo tells her that Dan's about to set a date for their wedding. “—Why do you say that?” Because everything comes in time, Leo answers. Icky isn't so sure, she says, since Dano hates to even discuss the subject with her. Leo promises to help her with that problem. (Viewerville knows where this is leading. Tony, call your office!)

At the same time, Don Ricardo and Adrian are walking together either to or from school. Suddenly Adrian thinks he sees his father further down the street and nearly gets run over running across the street to catch up to him. By the time he and Don Ricky get to the spot, the man's gone.

That evening at the strip club, Marisol tries to make a payment on the debt she owes to Damian but he refuses to accept anything but payment in full. They grouse with each other over Francisco and she tells Damian that Franc wasn't a client. He was just a friend. Damian sneers cuz, I guess, hookers don’t have “friends”.

Speaking of Franc, he sees Dano knocking down whiskey in the den; he decides to have another heart-to heart with his boozing boss to see how it went with Eva. Dan tells him what a fiasco it was and that as much as he tried to clear things up, the only thing she made clear was that she wanted him to leave her alone. He admits he can't forget her even though he knows he should. Anyway, he couldn't help acting like a fool in front of her. Franc politely suggests that when somebody keeps acting like an idiot it's because you're more in love than you thought. (Tell Dan something he doesn't know, Franc! ‘Course we probably should cut Dano some slack since it’s obviously been a couple or so decades since he was bit by the Love Bug thingy.)

Back in the dressing room at the strip club, Damian threatens Marisol with telling the truth about her if she doesn't continue to remember that he’s still gives the orders around there. He makes the point by knocking her around again.

Eva, meanwhile, takes another look at the card from Daniel and goes into pining and whining mode.

Ictoria stops by at Dan’s after dinner. First thing out of her mouth is the reason he seems so distant and whether it’s due to some female horning in on her again. Ictoria asks if there was something between him and Maritza or not. He assures her there was never anything between Maritza and him, and neither is it due to somebody he might have met at the Country Club. Dan is a bit miffed but he keeps the miff muffled. All of a sudden his cell rings. It's Eva. She is almost too frightened to speak but eventually does. She tells him to forget about flowers and letters. It was a nice gesture and the flowers are pretty, but like always, she does not believe him. "--If you want to be forgiven, then you are, but please don't send a single flower more! What's it going to take to make you understand? Just please forget about me! Well, That's it. Good-night." Click.

As if Daniel wasn't already down in the dumps, now Eva slams him with this. He lies to Ictoria when the female hound dog starts sniffing at his tail again. He tells a half-truth about the call being “unfinished business”. Ok. Her frown melts away and she hints that she wants them to make love upstairs in his bedroom since she knows that Laurita is spending the night at a friend's house. (I wouldn’t expect too much. The guys been slurping down Scotch all evening, but he’s got a point to make to himself now that Eva’s lowered the hammer on him.)

Speaking of Eva, she still sitting alone in the living room weeping to herself about having fallen in love with the dapper Daniel. “--Why did it have to happen? Why?” (Viewerville sheds half a tear-drop for her cuz it figures Marisol pretty much got it right and the meek always come in last.)

Across town, Tony and Leo are meeting in the office of the casino. Leo tells him he was thinking of having him follow somebody, but he's not sure yet that he can trust Tony. Leo who still seems uncomfortable playing Don Corleone, will take care of it himself for now since it's something personal anyway. Tony smiles and teases Leo about personal business generally being someone with a great pair of legs. Leo says she's more than a pair of legs: she's divine and very difficult to win over.

It seems poor, wimped-out Carlos, in the meantime, has decided to drink away his sorrows at the strip club Marisol works at. She tries to hit him up for a drink and then realizes it's Carlos. They start chatting and Marisol wonders if it's just her or doesn’t Carlos really have a thing for Alicia? He doesn't want to admit it, but they sort of come to an understanding about it. She notices the broken arm and asks if that was courtesy of Tony, considering he has a thing for Alicia also. Marisol then buys him a drink and gives him a little bit of advice. It’s to tell Alicia how he feels --and the sooner the better; but Carlos admits that he always feels like such a fool around Alicia and has the worst time putting anything into words. (Carlos really does wimpy well, ya know?) Marisol takes pity on him and says to think of something special to win her over, whatever that might be, because Alicia’s a really good girl and deserves a guy like Carlos “much more than trash like Tony.” She than tells him that nobody at the boarding house knows she works there, especially Alicia and she’s hoping he will stay quiet about it. He agrees not to say a word to anybody. They become fast friends and the working girl leaves to attend to business.

Back at the manse, the malicious Marcy, still upset with Julio's earlier threats, is now mixing a double dose of medicine into Julio's bedtime tea and expecting this will kill him once and for all. "--And tomorrow morning I will do exactly what I want with your money!" She takes him the tea. First thing he wants to know is if she's sent for Eva. Marcy says she will first thing in the morning. He ribs her about how quickly she can get to things when cutting off her finances is involved. She hands him his medicinal tea. He takes the cup from her and proceeds to dump it onto the carpet. Marcy screams bloody murder at him for dumping out his medicine. (In fact she goes so bonkers screaming about how necessary it is for him to take his medicine that D. J. has got to be getting suspicious by now.) Don Julio tells her he doesn't want to take anything coming from her --or from Renata, for that matter. In fact, he’s on strike and refuses to take anymore medicine until Eva is back and gives it to him personally.

Meanwhile, Adrian is crying his eyes out and refusing to eat his supper. Ricardo tells Justa about the incident earler that day. Rick has developed a deep affection for Adrian, he admits, and he can't imagine what he would do if his father reappeared and took the boy away from him.

Up in Dano's bedroom, Ictoria starts a sexy strip for Dan. Dan tries to get into the mood but he begins to imagine Eva undressing for him instead of Icky Vicky. Suddenly he realizes what's happening and that he just can't get it to stand to attention for Ictoria no matter what. He begs off. Ictoria flies into a rage. “—You can’t treat a woman like this! How can you humiliate me this way?” She swears that it has to be another woman. He actually comes out and asks so what if it was? Icky icily reminds him that she won't allow another woman to come near him. "--I'd kill both you and her because nobody makes a fool of me!" He gripes at her for always thinking of herself and that her only concern is that somebody's trying to make a fool of her when instead she should be telling him how much she loves him as the reason. (Get a clue Dano. You’ve got a paper-doll cut-out for a girlfriend.)

The next morning Justa and Bea meet for coffee. It seems they are good friends again. Bea asks what ever happened to her and Julio Arismendi's baby she was carrying. (Duhn-duhn-duhnnn!)

At the same time, Eva heads out to look for work. Marcela's driver drives up just as Eva walks out the gate; he tells her Marcela wants her to come back to work for her that very day. She tells him to tell Marcy to forget she exists. No way she is going to return to work for that woman again.

At the cafe, Justa explains to Bea that Julio didn't know she was pregnant and that her sister convinced her that it would be best if she just went away. She didn't tell Julio any of this because she knew he'd decided to marry Marcela and Justa didn't want him to feel obligated. “—Ah! He was the love of my life.....” Anyway, she went off and had her little girl. However, the baby was stillborn.

At the manse again, Bruno tells Vicky and Marcy that Vicky’s going to be on the front cover of the first issue of their magazine and that they’ve got a terrific photography team. Icky complains about not having Eva to help her now, but add that Claw agreed to help her today and that she's asked her to work there for the (new) modeling company. Marcy of course turns up her nose at any mention of Eva's name.

Back at the café, Justa tells Bea that she had a nervous breakdown after her baby was born and that she was interned in a mental hospital for years, completely alone, where they kept her fully drugged. Bea asks her then what about her sister?

We beam back to the manse as Renata serves D. Julio his lunch. He asks her if Marcy has sent for Eva yet. Renata says yes, she's in the middle of working on it. He notices that Renata doesn't care much for Eva either. Renata answers that she can't understand how he allowed himself to be won over by her so easily. He mentions it is just that it's been years since he met somebody so decent and who would genuinely care for him that way. He adds that she almost reminds him of her sister who, we learn seconds later, is--duhn-duhn-duhnnnn--Doña Justa!

Justa now answers bea’s question about her sister, saying that Renata never returned for her. It was as if she was dead to her or something. The whole experience was like a long nightmare and even to this day the memories of that time in her life torment her.

Renata now answers Julio’s question by saying that Eva and her sister both left him high and dry. Julio says nope, two different situations. He was the one who ran off, not Justa. He became emotionally involved and then left her high and dry. Renata tells him it was just something he did to forget about the death of his first wife and that marrying Justa would have been a disaster. Julio accuses her of possibly having been jealous of Justa. He asks if Renata never heard from her again. Renata says she only knows what he knows: that she died in the ruins of the place she was living in during a terrible earhquake.

Justa is apparently telling Bea the same story, but with a different ending. Nothing happened to her, but there she was, homeless, peso-less, walking the streets.

Claw, meanwhile is at the photo shoot helping Icky out. She leaves to get her some water. Vicky calls out a few minutes later for help with her dress but Claw's nowhere around. Vicky tries zipping it up but only gets it on half-way. Suddenly Bruno is there behind her to zip it up, which he does with a very provocative touch. Icky feels icky having him paw her this way and tells him next time to let her know when he's coming in. Bruno gives her an oily smile. Claw returns and Vicky mentions to Bruno she's asked her to come work there with them now. Bruno tells Claw he thinks that's great. (Hmm. Seems Bruno must think this modeling company idea was a whale of a winner and should be a great place to work--with plenty of babe bennies for a lech like him.)

Leo enters work and sees Dan's red Ferari parked outside again. He immediately thinks back to the accident he had with it when he killed Eva's father.

Meanwhile, Eva lands a trial for the day as a waitress; Leo goes to chat with Dan in his office; Marcy's driver informs her that Eva refuses to work for her again.

Leo mentions the car being back to Dan. Dan's just riding it around to keep the battery charged per Franc’s suggestion. Leo notices that Dan still seems preoccupied and asks if it's due to Eva.

Marcy sits in front of her bedroom mirror and plans her strategy to deal with the Julio and Eva problem.

Leo advises Dano to forget about Eva. Sure they shared a passing fancy for her, but she split and they'll never see her again now. So they might as well both forget about her. “She played the two of us and got the better of us.” They almost lost their friendship over it, explains Leo. Naw, best to forget her and leave her in the dust, he adds. --And Dan needs to “start concentrating on his relationship with Vicky” and set a date for their wedding cuz it’s obvious Dan realizes the only real woman for him is his sister.

A bit later, Dan parks the car in the parking lot right outside the restaurant window where Eva started working. He goes into another place; a couple minutes later he jumps in the car and starts to drive off. Eva notices the car just as it pulls out of the parking lot and she races outside after it but it's already sped off down the road.


Llena de Amor #76 (Mex. 81) Mon 11/29/10 Low spot in my day: cat barf. Low spot in their day: don’t ask.

Friday: Fedra thinks she’s having a heart attack. Mari leaves for Spain, having given Netty a letter to give to Emanuel, who’s come too late to the airport and gets held back by security and told off by Netty.


Okay, let’s see if my turkey-addled brain is working. Bear with me!

Weeping Emanuel is dragged off by security.

Kristel is visiting Mauricio in jail and after a little smooching, she tells him he’s going to get out and guess who’s going to do it? Fedra! His number one enemy, who yeah, still hates him, but Kristel’s got something on her. More coochy-coo smooching until Mauricio’s lawyer the mafia guy comes in and says he wants to talk to him alone.

The lawyer smilingly tells him he had to grease some very important palms, but he’s going to get Mauricio out, tonight! Mauricio wants to know how that Eman-exterimation plan is coming, the one to break Fedra’s heart. It’s in the works, the lawyer assures him. They chortle evilly.

Instead of holding him as a terrorist suspect and giving him the deluxe body search, the airport security guys deposit Eman on his Eman-mobile and tell him to get lost. They go inside and he sits on the thing and weeps and opens the envelope with Mari’s letter in it and reads:

Goodbye Emanuel. You must be wondering why I took off so suddenly without saying goodbye. I just didn’t have the strength to look you in the eye. It’s best for both of us. I’m going to save you the trouble (ahorrar el trabajo) of lying to me. My love for you is so powerful that it blinded me to the truth. You never loved me.

Eman boo hoos a bit, then goes back to reading: I’m leaving because every word you say is a mockery of my feelings. I’m going far away so I can forget you. Live your life and leave me in peace to live mine, far from you. Goodbye forever.

Goodbye, Eman wails. But the problem is that I love you! He sobs and anguishes some more, and, fortunately for his machoness, there is not one single soul walking into the front door of the Mexico City international airport. Maybe security put out a warning because they think he’s going to explode.

A jet is taking off and Eman yells to it that he’s not going to give up until he finds her and gets an explanation. It’s not fair! All he’s done is love her.

Say, here come a couple of people to the airport, but they’re not passengers. It’s our favorite thugs Baldy and Moustache. Moustache jabs a gun into Eman’s side and the two escort him away.

Flora the maid is a bundle of nerves about missing Muñeca and wants Lorenzo to go looking for her. He says he has to wait for Garduño to call. He wonders where Ilitia has gotten to, and Flora says she’s off moving heaven and earth to save her mother.

We see Muñeca trying the windows at the very upscale home where she’s being held. Garduño comes in and in a creepily gentle voice says he’s not letting her go yet and that she should dry those tears and make herself all pretty like the muñeca that she is. He wants them to have some champagne together. He hands her a coat that might be fur and says he picked it out just for her. He leaves the room.

At the station, Oliver and Brandon are discussing Mari. Brandon thinks she’ll be gone a long time, but Oliver thinks she’ll be back very soon, as her family is here. Brandon thinks it’s best she stay away, but Oliver sees through him. Brandon says he has to get Mari out of his heart, it’s not gonna happen. Oliver says you never know. Ilitia bursts in, weeping please! Please!

Fedra’s in a hospital bed with the monitor beeping and the doctor asks Emil, Bernardo and Axel to leave, he’s doing everything he can. Bernardo jabs a finger at Emil and says if she dies, it’s his fault. Yeah, says Axel, she caught a heart attack from you asking for a divorce. Bernardo says all Emil cares about is romping with that actress. Emil snarls and grabs him by the lapels and yells at him to butt out of his family’s business. The only reason he’s let Bernardo hang around is to make Fedra happy, but no more. You’re just an employee. Get out.

The smallish doctor says “Gentlemen!” but stays safely in his corner.

Muñeca walks into the den or whatever at the Mob Hill mansion where Garduño is waiting. He tells her how beautiful she is and says that Low is crazy, if he were married to a woman of such beauty and refinement, he wouldn’t go chasing after floozies. Muñeca offers him as much money has he wants to leave her family alone. He pretends to be offended. He says he just wanted to have champagne with her, and points out that he just got out of prison and it’s been a very long time since he’s been around such a beautiful woman. Years! He wants to enjoy every second of her company.

Come with me, he says quietly. I don’t want to have to make you, but I can. He takes her by the hand and sits her in a chair. He sits opposite and flips open a board game, telling her that his jailmates were too stupid to play it, but she should make a good opponent.

Ilitia is beside herself and can’t exactly explain to Brandon what happened. She tells him she doesn’t know the guys and that it was a simple kidnapping. He tries to calm her down, and Oliver comes in and tells him that Mauricio is getting let out

The board game seems to be some kind of Trivial Pursuit. Muñeca reads from a game card and asks Garduño who wrote the lyrics to the Ode to Joy. He guesses wrong, and she gets to move her marker. He’s very upset, so she quickly says she counted wrong. He’s furious when his cell ringing interrupts the game. It’s Baldy, reporting that they have Eman, who indeed we see out cold in the back of a delivery van.

Now the van is on its way through the rain. Some guy is driving and Baldy and Moustache sing to the radio, then get into a fight about bad singing. In the back, Eman starts to come to, and starts yelling to be let out. Somebody tells him to shut up.

We’re in Madrid! And so is Marianela who has arrived at Carlota’s. Carlota gushes about how fabulous Madrid is then notices that Mari doesn’t look too red hot. Mari says the flight made her kinda urpy and… she passes out.

We are snatched back to Mexico, where Netty is sitting at the kitchen table with her gal pals lamenting that she misses Mari. They try to assure her that Mari’s just off on a trip, not dead. Netty curses the Ruiz y de Teresa in general and Emanuel in particular. Lightening strikes. Doris drops a bomb – she’s applied for a student visa in the U.S. She wants to go to L.A. to study makeup. (Judging from these telenovelas, we don’t have as much makeup happening here as in Mexico, but I guess she means Hollywood.) Gladiola doesn’t want to let her little chick fly the nest.

Fedra asks the doctor if she’s dying and he tells her she’s healthier than he is. It’s must’ve been a chest cramp from stress and he’ll prescribe some sedatives. She offers him big pesos to say she has some fatal illness.

Mari’s in a hospital bed too, with Carlota hovering over her. A handsome doctor comes in and says she has something I didn’t catch, but it sounds like general galloping body rot. He’ll have to run more tests. Mari’s life is in danger.

More of Eman pounding on the sides of the truck. The baddies, one of whom has a gun in hand, decide to pull over in the wooded area.

Mari says it’s not the first time she’s passed out, and Carlota remembers it happening in Mexico. Mari says the family doctor said she had anemia. And here comes the Spanish doctor with the results – they’ve found traces of poison. Is this our takeaway lesson, that Spanish medicine is superior to Mexican medicine? Or maybe that the rich-folks’ clinic is superior to a neighborhood doctor who is unlucky in love?

Mauricio is picking up his things at the prison, and the prison guard hands him a piece of paper, saying somebody left a message for him. It’s signed Garduño, who says welcome to the big leagues, show up at this address. And none of the guards read this paper that’s just folded, and not in code, gives an address and is even signed by a mob boss?

While Axel and Bernardo listen, the doctor tells Emil that Fedra has suffered a bad heart attack and any upset could do her in. Bernardo remarks pointedly that a new life – alone – will be very stressful for her. Axel tells his father that if he divorces her, it’ll kill her. Fedra, pretending to be asleep, smiles a tiny smile.

Mari tells the doctor that Paula always fixed her meals and she trusts her completely. He asks her to remember whatever else she might have eaten regularly. Mari remembers the chocolates and freaks out. We see flashbacks of her receiving chocolates and eating them, even once being fed a chocolate by Eman. I hate him! she wails.

The baddies get out of the van and one ties the gearshift securely and tromps on the gas and then jumps out. They run to a car they had waiting by the roadside. Eman is being tossed around in the out-of-control van.

Emil says that all that time he had eyes only for Fedra, but then one day, everything changed and he realized… Axel finishes his thought You realized she wasn’t the person you thought, but still, if you leave, it’ll kill her and none of us will forgive you. We can tell Fedra is enjoying this enormously. I can’t leave her right now, says Emil.

Garduño thanks Muñeca for the splendid time. She thanks him too, using Usted even though he uses tu, for the dinner and everything and can she go home now? It’s raining too hard, he observes. He tells his servant to take her to her room and keep an eye on her.

In comes Mauricio who thanks Garduño for springing him and wants to know if he took care of that Fedra thing. Yes, says Garduño, she’ll be getting a box delivered with her son inside, chopped into little pieces. Even Mauricio looks a bit grossed out. Garduño says time to sign a contract and he pulls a gun on Mauricio.

Maurcio is taken aback. Garduño tells him that as long as he does what he says, everything will be fine, but from now on, his life - and his death - are in Garduño’s control. He smiles and hands the gun to Mauricio as a welcome present. This fellow sure has a flair for the theatrical.

I think Brandon and Oliver are setting up a wiretap on the phone at Lorenzo’s house. Ilitia is very scared about her mother and Brandon promises they’ll get her back safe and sound. He takes Ilitia’s hand and presses to his heart (on the second try – first he presses it to the right side of his chest, then realizes he’s wrong – cute!).

Mari has some leftover chocolates in her purse which she hands over to the doctor for analysis. Mari is raving about how he gave her chocolates, how he was the love of her life, how he just wanted to kill her for her inheritance, all the time neglecting to say who “he” is. Finally Carlota gets it out of her – Emanuel. Carlota’s jaw drops. Mari explains the plot for Eman and Fedra to share the inheritance. Carlota just can’t believe it of Eman, and can’t believe that a Ruiz y de Teresa would kill someone of their own blood for money. Mari stuns her with the news that Eman isn’t a real Ruiz y de Teresa, that he’s actually Type F, and that he and Fedra are just out to take every centavo for themselves.

Eman’s face is bloodied, but I can’t tell if the van is still moving. He calls out for help. Somebody outside is shouting that his wife is bad off and Eman shouts that he’ll help if they get him out. Finally somebody opens the door and Eman sees a scene of horror – a huge pileup with lots of cars, one burning, and accident victims shouting and staggering about holding their sides in pain.

Low, Ilitia and Brandon and Oliver are waiting for a phone call. The phone rings and both Low and Ilitia jump. Low wants the police to answer, but they tell him he has to. While they listen, Garduño tells Low he doesn’t deserve a classy woman like Muñeca and that they had a lovely evening together. Low is furious, and wants her returned right now. Oh no no no, says Garduño, it’s too late, it’s raining and the city if very dangerous, you know. Low insists on talking to her directly, and Garduño hangs up. During the call, Oliver and Brandon watch a computer screen with maybe voice recognition software running.

Ilitia runs towards her father, then decides to hang on Brandon instead. Low peels her off and has her hug him.

Some locals have kindly taken all the accident victims into their home while they wait for help. One man is bawling inconsolably because he lost his wife. Eman tries to comfort him, and says he too has lost the only woman he ever loved. One of the accident victims runs in and says her daughter has fallen, and Eman runs off to help.

Mauricio has showed up at the big house and Kristel is thrilled. She exults that Fedra got him out, but he says it wasn’t Fedra, so Kristel wants to tell her off. Nereida says that’ll have to wait because she’s in the hospital and adds that she’s going to be a lot worse when she sees Mauricio is out. Kristel and Mauricio don’t pay a shred of attention because they’re busy smooching. Avert your eyes.

Low has gone to bed, but Ilitia comes down to the living room and tells Brandon she can’t sleep. Her poor mother! They’ve had such distance between them and she’s said such terrible things to her. I’m a horrible person, she says. Brandon assures her she’ll have time to fix things up with her mother. Ilitia says how wonderful her mother is, what good care she always took of her, the time she always gave her, even though she isn’t… What? says Brandon. Never mind, says Ilitia leaning into his arms.

Eman carries the wounded girl into the house and says she’ll be okay. He lays her on the bed while the mother cries with gratitude, then he falls over into a faint. The victims realize he’s wounded.

Avances: Carlota is astonished to find out Fedra’s real name. Ilitia and Brandon kiss. The Spanish doctor tells Mari she has to lose weight. Delicia, holding the phone, tells the family that Eman is maybe dying.


La Verdad Oculta #54: Oh, Susana!

Outside Santiago's building, Leonardo charges Ramón with watching and following Santiago. At a cafe, cheerful Julieta assures Gabriela that David knows she loves him -- and that it was all Carlos's fault; so they resolve for Gabriela to confront Carlos at the club office.

And sure enough, up in David's office, he's breaking down to call Gabriela at home, but can only reach Bertha. When she begins agitating indignantly that it's Gabriela who should be living in the hotel -- not him -- David hangs up on Bertha.

Gabriela blasts Carlos in his office for having a stolen photo of her; and he denies everything, which only forces Gabriela higher and louder. When she's yelling to insist Carlos reveal the thief, the noise brings Adolfo bursting into the office, who is soon apprised of the problem.

Adolfo tries to dismiss Gabriela, and she reminds him her husband owns this business, too; but after she exits, Carlos admits Bertha gave him the photo, and Adolfo once again berates his son, swearing that one day he's going to boot his worthless self not only out of the business -- but out of the house, too!

As his father exits, Carlos grips his stiletto letter opener in a shaking hand, sighting between his eyes, like a weapon. Outside Santiago's building, he finally makes a mad dash for a taxi, with Ramón tailing him in the unmarked car. The taxi pulls up outside the tunnel house, where Santiago exits and lays on the bell, bringing Abelardo.

Ramón watches him enter and waits and waits. Inside, Santiago applies his "Mario" magic and presently, Ramón observes Abelardo place "Mario" in the Mercedes and drive off. Ramón doesn't follow, waiting for Santiago to emerge, as he was charged.

At Mario's, Abelardo and "Mario" barely reach the office before David pounces, demanding changes in the business. "Mario" does a good job with the same old argument, but David is beyond the pale now and frankly dumps the business in the lap of "Mario" -- quitting -- if he insists on sticking to the agreement, and exits.

Momentarily speechless, "Mario" recovers and berates David to Abelardo, not liking his behavior to himself or his daughter -- to which Abelardo rejoins that Santiago got hot under the collar, too. As they head for the tunnel house, outside Ramón still watches.

Upon arrival, when a grumbling Santiago goes to open the window for a cooling breeze, he's startled to see the cop and explains he must have followed him from home. Abelardo suggests they move all the disguise equipment to a hotel, and as usual Santiago is agitated and wants to throw over the whole affair, as they return through the tunnel.

Meanwhile, inside Mario's empty bed chamber, Susana vacuums and has just finished up and exited to the hallway, when the two men enter the secret door and pass by her on the way out, completely confounding the maid who only a moment ago was the sole occupant of the room. Abelardo and "Mario" drive away, with Adolfo having coincidentally pulled up behind them in the driveway and yelled for them to stop, to no avail.

Bertha greets an agitated Adolfo in the foyer, and at first he's stern with her about giving the photo to Carlos and wanting to know if it was a full body shot. But he quickly thinks better of it and moderates his agitation to more sweetly ask her the favor of retrieving the lone remaining photo. Bertha will try, but this time she does ask why he wants it. He charmingly claims he'd like to tell her, but he can't; and he needs the photo urgently.

Up in Gabriela's suite, Julieta roots for Gabriela putting Carlos in his place -- and cheers her on for doing the same to David and his jealousy. Abelardo and Santiago have moved to a hotel, and Santiago rants and threatens once again -- this time railing over knowing zip about the business just dumped in his lap. Poor Abelardo must agree to convince David not to back out.

When Gabriela arrives at the AFI for her lunch date with Leonardo, Yolanda is just preparing to exit Leonardo's office, with him warning her not to leave the city -- and not before asking why she paid for Márta Saldívar's burial. Startled, Yolanda is thrown into a flashback of Márta headlining a dance show in the past; and when her attention returns, Yolanda just claims they were friends.

Yolanda's shocked when Leonardo asks if she's seen Santiago Guzmán, but recovers and denies it. Upon exiting, both she and Gabriela are surprised to see each other there, and Yolanda claims her presence was all due to a simple misunderstanding. After she exits, Leonardo explains Yolanda bought stolen jewels.

At lunch at a cafe, Mauricio sits with Elsa and orders a double tequila for courage. When he asks Elsa whether she objected to his kiss yesterday, she blushes and says she did not. Then Mauricio gazes into Elsa's eyes and earnestly declares that he likes her very much; and when Elsa murmurs that she likes him, too, Mauricio takes her chin -- and caressing her cheek, kisses her again, lingeringly. A little while later after they are both loosened up from wine and tequila, Mauricio suddenly pops the question.

Meanwhile, Yolanda arrives home and immediately phones absent Santiago at home, with Julieta answering, so she must leave a message. At lunch, Gabriela confides to Leonardo that it must have been Bertha who stole the pictures, since she's always eager to hurt Gabriela. When Leonardo asks if Bertha knows Adolfo, Gabriela points out that everybody does -- and they wonder if he would be interested in the photos.

When Gabriela asks if Leonardo learned anything about Márta Saldívar, he has to say no; and Gabriela mulls over why Yolanda would say the woman died of an illness -- and that if she were murdered it should have appeared in the newspapers. Gabriela shocks Leonardo guessing that Márta must have been David's mother -- and that Adolfo told her David is not Mario's son.

This train of thought just agitates Gabriela more, perplexed then why her dad would be visiting the woman's grave! When Leonardo insists Bertha must have been mistaken, Gabriela is sure she's not; because Santiago becomes agitated and changes the subject every time it arises.

Abelardo visits David in his office and manages to talk David into staying with the business -- but only if David is allowed to see the infamous partnership contract, to which Abelardo reluctantly agrees. Back at the cafe, Leonardo takes advantage of Gabriela's marital upset to press his case again; he'd love to be the right guy, if she married in haste to the wrong guy.

But when Gabriela assures him she has not, he promises if that's true, he'll say no more -- but she can always count on him. At home, Julieta passes Yolanda's message to call on to a surprised Santiago. And presently when Leonardo and Gabriela arrive, Leonardo is shocked to see Santiago there in the apartment when he's supposed to be under surveillance.

Leonardo heads straight downstairs to the parking lot for his car radio and demands from Ramón to know why he never called when Santiago left; but Ramón firmly denies he has ever stopped watching the door Santiago entered -- and if he exited it wasn't by that one.

Back upstairs, when Santiago berates Gabriela for going out with Leonardo while having such a jealous husband, she informs Santiago she's worried about him -- and it was to obtain information about the woman who's grave he visited, the woman who was murdered! Santiago angrily denies he ever did so and forbids Gabriela to discuss it with Leonardo any more.

As soon as the girls exit, Santiago phones Yolanda and learns Leonardo already asked her about Márta -- and about Santiago Guzmán. She reports she lied about both of them, but Leonardo probably didn't believe either. When she doesn't understand why Leonardo's investigating this, Santiago has to admit that Gabriela told the policeman -- and that Bertha seeing him at the grave is true.

Yolanda is very worried for Santiago; and he begs her not to tell anyone, especially Adolfo. They both dread if the case is reopened that Santiago could be discovered. Yolanda reports she thankfully was not questioned about Gabriela's shoes.

Downstairs the sisters wonder how their dad knew Gabriela had lunch with Leonardo and why Santiago became nervous at Yolanda's phone call; they are going to have a serious talk with him. Across town, Adolfo phones for Mario and instead orders Abelardo to tell Mario to meet him in his office the next morning.

When Abelardo phones Santiago to inform him of this, Santiago insists Adolfo must come to his office at home -- and reminds Adolfo anxiously he's being watched. Abelardo reports his mixed success with David -- that he'll stay in the business, but must see the Campo Real agreement, and Santiago could not care less.

Smashingly handsome Juan José visits Alejandra at the architectural studio with red rose in hand. She braces him with her feelings that everything between them has been incredible and very important to her -- and that she thinks Juan José however must feel differently, with Elsa being much more important than she.

When Alejandra offers to step aside, Juan José assures her once again that Elsa is only like a sister to him. Alejandra is ready to believe and moves to face him, declaring quietly that she's in love with him. The declaration surprises Juan José, but he declares he loves Alejandra, too, and offers her the passion-red rose.

Alejandra grasps onto Juan José, kissing him for all she's worth -- interrupting only a moment to lock the door against Mina encountering them -- and in a flash, Juan José has lifted Alejandra onto the desk and joined her there.

At Mario's, Bertha fusses about the dust in the downstairs hallway and in Mario's office and orders Susana to come and clean it. Bertha instructs recalcitrant Susana to remove and dust all the books -- to replace them in order of color even.

After Bertha's exit, Susana tosses the books onto the floor one by one, but happens upon an envelope sticking out -- reads the letter inside and realizes with big eyes and a huge grin that, man, this letter is a gold mine!


Monday, November 29, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #105-106 11/29/10 11/29/2010. Happy Days.

Capitulo 105.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Luigi tells Fernando he has to leave for Germany immediately or FIFA won’t let them film what they need for Sport Wind.

2. Fernando can’t think up what to put into a card for Lety so he draws her a teddy bear that looks as forlorn as Fernando is when she’s not around. Again he’s very scared she won’t like it, but she’s so moved she almost cries. He’s touched because just a simple sketch makes her so happy.

3. Fernando goes to the cave just to be close to Lety, and he can’t keep his hands off her. His mom calls about the wedding house and Lety tells him MamaT asked Lety to send them chipotle chilies, but Fernando knows she’s lying.

4. They have to shoot the underwear commercial without Luigi, and they need to arrange a location, top model, horse, film crew, the works! All by tomorrow. Their second-string directors are out of country.

5. Sara tells Alicia to book rooms for the film crew in Germany, but she doesn’t speak German nor English. The cuartel actually works. Celso brings two workers who want to donate for Alicia’s poverty, but she treats them scornfully because they don’t donate enough.

6. The cuartel says they will produce the underwear commercial. Fern is moved by their complete support. Lety says they don’t have any other options, so Fernando accepts. Fern walks up behind Ali while she tries to order the cuartel back to their desks, but Fern puts Ali in her place and reminds her that Lety is her superior.

7. In the car, Lety is depressed over the wedding house, and Fernando is angry because Lety lied to him about Teresita’s call. He says, “You’re hiding something from me. I’ve tried to be frank with you and tell you my true feelings, and you go and lie to me.” Lety gets out of his car and walks away with a very sad puppy face.

Capitulo 106.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando kisses his car goodbye and chases Lety’s bus through DF. Hijinks ensue. As soon as he catches up with her, he reprimands her for throwing a tantrum and leaving his car. Fernando bluffs their way onto a movie shoot

2. The cuartel works on logistics for the commercial.

3. Fernando plays the gay hairdresser until the director yells at Lety and grabs her hand, then mild mannered Clark Kent changes to Super Fernando and slugs the director.

4. Ali tries to hock her jewels. She expects 500,000 pesos for her necklace, but the pawn broker offers her 300, punto, and she refuses. Her jewels are all fake, implying that her mother was as phony as Alicia.

5. Fernando and Lety share a good laugh about their day, until they see Fern’s car being towed. They get the car back but get lost. Thugs try to carjack them, but Lety scares them off with her M-16.

The summary for tomorrow’s first hour (Cap 107).
1. Alicia wakens Marcia to tell her the cuartel is making an X-rated movie.

2. The cuartel auditions models, but Alicia tells the models it’s all a joke and there is no job, so they all leave. Ali also locks Jazmín in a dressing room so that Alicia is the only remaining model candidate.

Nothing else happened. Nothing. Tomorrow from 12 to 1, organize your sock drawer. Or defrost your freezer. Or gaze at your navel. ANYTHING you do will be a better use of your time! Tomorrow’s second hour (Cap 108) is much better.

Jenn asked about Jaime Camil's tattoos. Here is a picture of his palette.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Llena de Amor #75 (Mex. 80) Fri 11/26/10 A Turkey is Carved, A Doll is Snatched, A Dove Flies Away

Tonight begins with Ilitia and Manny. If you recall she threw a little celebration of his upcoming wedding to Mari with his friends at work with lots of booze, followed by an interlude (Em was actually comatose at the time) in the bed on the set (unfortunately the very same in which he and Mari consummated their noviazgo) which was actually a little tableau orchestrated for Mari's benefit and viewing pleasure and... well now... the party's over. Time to go home, sleepyhead, Ilitia drags him out of bed... gyp!... He never even had his pants off... what if Marianela knew this?... Well she won't.

Fedra's back and she's fuming, you are going to regret sleeping with this zorra for the rest of your life. Poor Lorenzo now finds himself in unenviable, awkward circumstances. the cute cozy cuddly kitten with a quirt, Zulema has been displaced by an annoyed frighteningly ferocious feral feline, Fedra. She heads straight for her toy box. Digging through her playthings, she selects a favored whip and threatens him with it as she reminds him of the good times. He's beginning to panic a bit and goes into a begging mode, "... I'm a man; men are weak..." (standard tried and true stuff). She tickles his feet with the whip and the uses it to bind them.

She mumbles threats as she rummages through the toys, finally going over to her purse selecting the appropriate prop, a souvenir... she turns with a wicked but loving smile, then frowns, flashing her switchblade shiv.

Bound to the bed, Lorenzo seems to suspect that things could get ugly as he pleads and mewls in a distinctly unseemly unmacho fashion. Fedra, troubled by a wayward curl which she keeps having to blow from her face, purrs affectionate threats as she teases her quivering quarry with the gleaming blade.

"I want you to clearly understand who owns this appendage that you have here." He interrupts her, "Oh, no, no, don't do anything foolish!" She cooly continues, "So there will be no doubt, I'm going to carry it around in a jar." She proceeds to tease him with the blade telling him that without his... ummm... well, that, he is nothing. Oops, I think he wet himself. " You deserve a lesson, Lorenzo, and this lesson one learns with a little blood."

She strokes him with the knife, he cries out. Accusing him of sounding like a little girl, Fedra stalks out, slamming the door behind her. As he cries out helplessly, let's trust Fedra not to do anything foolish, at least not just yet, as we quickly check in on a rather shaken Mari who was stirred up by the machinations of those evil twins, Ilitia and Cristal.

Cristal has returned her to the Naco Dorm where she is wheezing and whining about the horror she has just witnessed... the naked Ilitia sharing a bed with her one true love and recently committed novio, Manny. Too bad she didn't seem to notice his comatose state, but then as Ilitia observed, he was all tuckered out from an afternoon of fun and frolic. Making matters even worse, it was in the exact same spot the she had gotten naked with Manny for a little fun and frolic herself. Satisfied that Mari is sufficiently devastated, Cristal leaves her alone, pouting amidst her shattered dreams over this latest betrayal.

As cat are wont to do Fedra has, at least for the moment, tired of her little game and releases one of Lorenzo's cuffed hands leaving the other firmly secured and the key just out of reach of a bawling begging Lorenzo who has now abandoned his manly pride completely. Fedra bounces out as a desperate Lo helplessly reaches for the key.

At the edge of a nifty swimming pool, Garduña and the bumbling Basuro and Baldy are toasting their good fortune in finding such a choice plum (better make that orange) in Mauricio when suddenly they are joined a weeping and wailing Zulema.

Cristal has made in home in time to welcome a pickled Manny who is returning with the assistance of Ilitia and Andrés who guides him to his room, "Bye baby!" as the very attractively dressed evil twins celebrate their successful operation.

Meanwhile Mari has had quite enough. She promptly calls Tia Corlota and between sobs, manages to tell her that she has finally reached her limit, she wants outta here... NOW! She's getting dangerously close to reclaiming her nickname from MEPS... Sniffles. Corlota tells her not to worry, she'll arrange for her to receive a ticket for Spain first thing tomorrow morning. Netty comes down the stairs and a blubbering (no, that is not a veiled fat joke) Mari tells her that she is going to Spain. The last Netty heard was that she and Manny are getting married and now she's off to Spain? Mari explains this latest debacle, "...and in the very same place!"

A disgustingly inebriated but ecstaticly happy Manny is in his room still accompanied by his pal, Andrés. He wants to go and see his one true love, but Andrés thinks this is not such a great idea given his current state. Ignoring sound advice, Manny comes up with a brilliant plan... ¡Benigno! ¡Mariachis¡" Oh yes, that should work nicely.

A cooler and calmer Mari relates Manny's latest misstep with Ilitia. Netty is sympathetic but seizes the opportunity to say, "I told you so, I told you so." Mari vows that she never wants to see him again. "So you're really going to Spain?" "Sí, Tia."

A fuming Fedra arrives at Creepy Casa and is greeted by the sound of guitar chords.

Axel has found some clothes to wear and is serenading a rather easily impressed Delicia with the two chords he can remember. You're a long way from Carnegie Hall kid, but who knows? Keep practicing. As Dee fiddles with her uniform sleeves he charms her witha less than smooth line, but not to worry, she'd be enthralled if he recited multiplication tables. He tells her that she is his musical inspiration and source of confidence and security. Looks like he's gonna need it... here's Fedra! She grabs Delicia, and although Axel sternly protests, tosses her across the room like a ragdoll. Then turning her attention to the guitar, she snatches Axel's axe from his grip and does her best Pete Townshend imitation, smashing it to bits.

Meintras tanto, Muñeca appears to have lost that lovin' feelin' for Lorenzo as she rants at his photo. Ilitia strolls in in time to see her dash his picture to the floor and to hear her dad denounced as a disgraciado and is curious why Muñeca is so out of sorts. Muñeca directs her effort into restoring her relationship with her daughter, "If I can't be your mother at least allow me to be your friend." An impudent Ilitia responds with, "Is the chapter of your telenovela already over? Or is this the commercial break? Because it gets a zero rating, or that is, your story is super-boring. I just want to go sleep. Byyye!" Ouch! Not discouraged, Muñeca asks about her day. This tender mother/daughter bonding moment is rudely intruded upon by a grumpy Garduño and goon... with guns. "Ladies, we're looking for Lorenzo Porto López."

Fedra evicts Decilia from Axel's room with a swat to her cute little pompis.

Axel objects. She cautions him to stay away from the hired help. "If you need a woman, just say so and Bernardo will take you to a whorehouse." Uh oh. This triggers an unpleasant memory. Flashback... we've seen this. So has Axel... he complains, "I was a child and you made me go. Why?" Bernardo's here and needs to talk to Fedra... next!

Emanuel and Benigno, mariachi's in tow, arrive at the steps of the naco dorm. Tequila in hand, Manny is in charge, he calls out for his Gordita, then... "¡Una, dos, arránquense (strike up) Mariachis!" They begin to play and he shouts out, "¡Ay mi Gordita, que te quiero pero así de grande condenada! (My Little Fatty, I'm condemned to love you!... or something like that) "

and they sing:

"On the day you arrived in my life
my beloved dove I started to toast
and got a little drunk
Thinking of your lips
I began to sing..."


Mercifully we rejoin Muñeca and Ilitia as they entertain their uninvited guests. Flora and Fidel are rounded up and ushered in. They are all going to wait there for Lorenzo who has an account to settle.

Marinela's not home, the tenants are disturbed and Netty's mad as a wet hen, "No one mocks Marianela!" and punctuates the sentence by dousing Manny with a bucket of water. I think the singing is over for tonight.

So where is Marianela?

She's saying goodbye to Tio Maximo. She tells him that things just aren't working out between her and Manny. She needs to get away for a bit. She's going to Spain. Then Max drops a bombshell on her. He tells her that he suspects that Gretel is the daughter he and Paula had and thought had died. "¿Paula? ¿Paula? ¿Paula? Our Paula?" His sister Carlota may have taken their daughter and given her to Fedra to rear. He wants Marinela to verify this for him.

Fedra informs Bernie that Gretel now knows everything including that Fedra is really Juana Felipa Pérez and that she threw Mari's dad out the window.

Mari has noticed that Fedra treats Gretel... special... Hmmmm. She agrees to find out the truth.

The dorm dwellers are more than happy to tell Manny that his chubby dove has flown the coop. Oliver seems especially hostile. The ladies restrain him as he lunges at Em. "She's gone to the university?" He hopefully asks. Nopis. She took a plane. "Flying far away. Out of the country." "Marinela can't leave without me!"

He bolts.

Muñeca, Ilitia, Flora, and Fidel are sitting with hands bound behind their backs as the nervously await for the return of Lorenzo, who when we last saw him was rather tied up, himself. Ilitia, who is ecumenical in her lack of respect for authority, demands that Garduña release them and get the heck out. Garduño glowers. He decides that she's even prettier when she's angry and reaches to stroke her face. Fidel briefly objects but is encouraged by Baldy to sit back down.

Tired of waiting , Garduña grabs Ilitia by the arm. He needs some collateral to assure that Lo will do as he says. Muñeca offers herself instead and to my surprise, he agrees. Now Ilitia pleads that they not take away her mother. I'm shocked... she cares!

Fedra descends the stairs, arm around Axel as she reassures him that she'll never force him to go to a whorehouse if he doesn't want to. Well, that's certainly a load off my mind. This tender moment is interrupted by Emiliano, "Fedra, I need to talk to you." He's got the divorce papers ready for her to sign.

A grim Gretel is alone with her wine buddies and manages to untie herself. Good... now where is that corkscrew? "I've got to get out of here. If no one can't hear my screams, they'll have to hear this. Asesinos, asesinos," she whispers as she grabs an expensive red varietal and ... oh no! I can't watch this! She begins smashing wine bottles.

Expensive red wines! At least grab the German white wines, honey. Oh my.

Just outside Delicia is struggling with a heavy jug and hears the breaking of glass, "Sounds as if someone is being killed in there."

Fedra goads Axel, "See what your father's doing to us?" Axel asks Emiliano if he's totally certain of what he's doing. "I see no other solution, son, now that I've boffed Netty..." Actually I embellished a little, but you know that's what he's thinking. Fedra was hoping for more reaction from Axel. Well, he would have offered up some music, "... but you trashed my guitar and this piano doesn't have wires." And he's pretty sure that she's the one who removed them. Good one Axel. She agrees to sign the papers but not until they talk... in private.

Now he's home. Fidel is finishing untying Ilitia as Lo strolls in. She starts to complain but he cuts her off. He had an awful night. He was assaulted, cut up, had to go to the hospital. Flora and Fidel share a knowing glance. litia isn't moved. She tells him about their night and that some guy named Garduña abducted mom.

Delicia is certain that something strange is going on in the wine cellar. She is joined by Bernardo.

Netty and Brandon escort Mari into the air terminal. Netty promised Eva to care for her daughter and she's done such a bangup job, Mari's headed to Spain to live with that dour troll, Tia Carlota. Mari assures her that her mom couldn't have selected better. That is not the reason that she's leaving. Brandon encourages them to hurry.

Manny roars up on his... whatever that is.

"Marianela, where are you going?" He shouts as they disappear into the terminal.

Bernardo has decided to take a few moments to heap abuse on Delicia. What is she up to. Who was she talking to? She tells him that she thought there might be rats in the wine cellar. "In this house I'm the one in charge of rat killing ." He tells her with a hint of irony. Axel rides to the rescue.

"¿Estás bien?" "Sí." "¡Vámonos!"

Manny pulls up in front of the terminal but is told by the guard that he can't leave his vehicle parked there.

Bernardo enters the cellar to check on the rat. As I was, he is appalled at the shedding of innocent wine. Gretel confronts him with a broken bottleneck but he disarms her.

"Who do you think will have to clean all this up, animal? I'm betting that it won't be Delicia this time.

Ilitia tells her dad how Garduña was going to take her but her mom insists that she be taken instead. "They took her as a guarantee that they'll get to talk with you." "With me?" The phone rings. No surprise, it's Garduño, "As you can guess, I'm no longer in jail, Lorenzo." "Return my wife to me. You'd best not touch a single hair." Ilitia must believe in full disclosure. She tells him that that is not really Muñeca's hair but rather extensions. Lo has trouble grasping the concept, "¿Qué? ¿Las extensiones?"

Garduño who assures him that he will treat his wife with the same attention and courtesy with which Lo treated his Goddaughter, Zulema. Goddaughter?... Hmmm. "I sent a women to have a good time and you return her almost dead. If this is revenge for what happened to your son, you chose badly. What happened to your son was an accident."

Lo thinks it best that he continue this conversation alone and sends Ilitia to her room. He tells Garduño that it wasn't him. In fact he got cut up himself. Even had to go to the hospital. Well, Garduño wants to know the name of this lunatic. Lo also wants her taught a lesson... "Fedra Curiel."

Fedra Curiel is trying to convince her husband that he should stay with her. His mind's made up so she takes this opportunity to have the big one. Clutching her chest, she complains of chest pain and conks out. All over the land, eyes are rolling, but I have to admit, I think that this is the real thing.

She got Emiliano's attention, "Fedra, Fedra, Fedra, Fedra, Fedra... as we go to a commercial break.

Manny's still arguing with the airport guard. Finally in desperation, he pushes him down and runs inside where Mari's flight is ready for boarding. She hugs Netty and Brandon, charging Brandon with the safety of her aunt. We hear Manny shouting "¡Marianela!" Brandon hurries her toward the gate, flashing his badge. He stays behind to impede Emanuel.

Garduño is already arranging for Manny's abduction.

Axel asks, "What wrong with my mamá?" Calling for an ambulance, Bernardo exhorts her to hang on. Fedra tells Emiliano that he won't be needing a divorce, "... I feel like I'm going to die."

A last goodbye for Mari and Netty. Mari wants no tears. Netty gives her a San Antonio action figure, Mari reminds her to give Emanuel the letter she wrote.

Manny tussles with Brandon, pushes him to the floor, then sprints to the gate.

Mari goes through the metal detector, her fat suit must have set off the alarm, she's wanded then boards the plane.

Manny arrives in time to have his butt chewed by Netty, "No you can't talk to her and I hope that you never get to talk to her, Emanuel Ruiz y de Teresa."

He helplessly shouts, "¡Marinela! ¡Marianela!



La Verdad Oculta 053: Why Does Everyone Else Have Parents, And I Don't?

Alternate Title: Yolanda Spends the Night in the Big House

From yesterday, kind-hearted Gabi buys Susana’s sob story about her husband leaving her and needing a job. When Bertha takes Susana to the kitchen to get settled, Adolfo bulldozes his way into the Genovés house. He pins Gabi against a wall and hurls threats at David if he doesn’t stay out of his way. He then proves that his lips are looser than Bertha’s when he lets slip for a second time that David isn’t even really Mario’s child. Gabi is left impactada by this, but recovers quickly to let Adolfo knows she doesn’t take threats to her husband and family lightly. She refuses to believe this is true (no es cierto) and puts distance between them. Adolfo doesn’t care what she believes. Either Mario controls David, or Adolfo will take it into his own hands. “Esta claro?!” Gabi seems to understand that this is a threat to take seriously, as Adolfo makes a hasty retreat through the door.

In the kitchen, Dora is making polite small talk with Susana. She asks about her recent return from the States. Dora tells her what a great household it is to work in. She’ll only find that Bertha is very bossy (exigente). Susana tries to describe the man who recommended she come to the house to ask for work—gordito, medio peloncito, con barba (fat, half bald, with a beard), and in the house around the corner. Not the most flattering description of our dear Abelardo, but Dora figures out who she’s talking about. Susana exaggerates her years of domestic service (more like years of creating work for hotel maids), and Dora takes her to get a uniform and shows her to her room.

Bertha meanwhile, is stuck in whine mode and is already complaining about Susana to Gabi. Gabi is still standing by the door digesting Adolfo’s inauspicious visit. She ignores Bertha’s complaints and asks about Abelardo’s whereabouts. As she can provide no useful information, Gabi ignores her and walks right past her in deep thought. Bertha is left yelling at the furniture about whose fault it will be when Susana turns out to be a thief (ladrona). She decides instead to speak to someone who will listen to her poisonous words and calls David’s office to see if he’s there. Upstairs, Gabi also makes a call to David. He tells his secretary to tell her he’s not there. However, he seems more open to interruption when his secretary informs him Bertha wanted to speak to him.

After striking out trying to talk to David, Gabi calls up JJ at the hotel. She wants to meet to talk some more. They both smile from ear to ear as they make plans for him to pick her up on the corner near her house in half an hour.

At her apartment, Leo’s putting the screws on a freaked out Yolanda. She insists she needs to call her lawyer. Leo insists she can do that, from the police station. She tries to stall some more, but Leo’s not having it. He’s got a warrant for her arrest. She calls out to Juana her maid, and asks her to inform Carlos and Adolfo. She must have sent out the Bat Signal, because by the time Leo and Ramon get her downstairs, Adolfo is pulling up outside her building. Yolanda taps into her old showgirl/actress skills and yells suelteme a few times. She calls out to her galan Adolfo, clearly letting him know what she is (and isn’t) being charged with—purchasing stolen gems, without realizing of course. Adolfo is shocked, shocked! Surely she must have checked that the gems had a factura (bill of sale). Leo’s had enough of this little play, and puts her in the squad car. “Please Adolfo! I don’t want to go to jail!” (You know what they say about lying down with a dog with fleas Yolanda…)

Gabi calls Leo to confirm their appointment to meet and chat about the Marta Mystery. As his hands are a bit full right now, they decide to talk tomorrow to try to reschedule another time. Susana does the job she does best. She hovers in the background picking up information that might be useful to her at a later date. She approaches Gabi, looking more clean and respectable than we’ve seen her so far in her spiffy maid’s uniform. Gabi asks if she’s settled in, and asks her to please listen to and get along with Dora, as Gabi’s reputation is also on the line for hiring her. Susana tells her there’s no need to worry (yeah, right). Gabi lets her know she’ll be at her father’s house, if anyone asks and leaves just as Bertha descends the stairs. Princess Bertha’s departing words for Susana are not so kind. She wants Susana to clean her room, make her bed, and put the clothes she has scattered across her bed where they belong. Susana- “Si señora.” Bertha- “Señorita!”

At Adolfo’s, he speaks to the family lawyer on the phone about Yolanda’s situation. He wonders if they can get her out on bail (bajo confianza). The lawyer informs him that in order to do that, they’ll have to turn over the diamonds in question. “Porque?!” Adolfo looks like he’s weighing what’s worth more to him- Yolanda or the diamonds. It’s a close call but Yolanda appears to win. He tells the lawyer it was Leo who nabbed her. Adolfo sends Felix on the errand to deliver the diamonds to the lawyer. He also wants them to suspend the current archeological artifacts smuggling until things cool down. “Por ahora, no puedo correr riesgos.” (Right now I can’t run risks.) Mad Eye Moody agrees.

Smiling Gabi meets a waiting JJ around the corner. He’s like an excited school boy. Well, he HAS gotten to spend a lot of quality time with three of our lovely ladies- more than any other guy. He invites Gabi to his house, which gets an unsure and suspicious look from her. He explains he wants to show her where he found the treasure. She doesn’t look suspicious anymore, but clearly doesn’t think it’s a good idea. JJ tries to sell the idea to her. “Come on, treasure, adventure, history!” (tesoro, adventura, historia) He tries cajoling, begging, and then finally some good old fashioned trickery- the “hey, look at this” distraction trick. While she tries to figure out why he has just handed her a leaf, he hustles her into his car and drives her the one block (cuadra) to his house. Gabi’s nervous, but seems eager for some adventure.

Gabi is as impressed as we are by the transformation Ale and her crew have made to the house. It’s spectacular and sparkling new. She’s also excited to see the spot where JJ found the treasure (he never got that kind of wide eyed excited response from Ale). Gabi quickly exits the house after the tour of the first floor (propriety or instinct telling her going upstairs to the bedrooms is not a good idea). JJ follows her and keeps telling her about the exciting renovations to some of the other rooms. Gabi turns serious and wants to know if he contracted Ale because of her relation to Mario, and if he really wants revenge. JJ admits that Mario is good peeps (buena onda). It’s those Avilas he really wants to bring down. He remembers about her working at Sagitario and asks about Carlos. Gabi has a few choice words to say about Carlos- a hypocrite, who tried to take advantage of her. And now he’s lied about a photograph she supposedly gave him to make David angry at her. JJ thinks that’s just like those yellow-bellied cowards (mendigos). Gabi is worried that JJ’s plans for revenge will get him in worse problems, but JJ feels that this is the only way to be free of this weight and to clear his name. Gabi understands. The Avila aren’t good people. She’s even feeling uncomfortable (incomoda) living at the Genoves house. JJ understands. He and Gabi are simple folks, good people, who don’t care about money. Not like those stylish, snobbish rich people. They’re not ALL the same, but…Gabi agrees and they reminisce about their first meetings in much humbler circumstances. JJ thinks destiny has put them on each other’s path and gives Gabi a meaningful look. She doesn’t look too convinced.

The man who she believes IS her destiny and the love of her life, David, has just allowed the Serpent to waltz in to his office. Bertha uses a mix of feigned concern (Gabi told us about your fight; can we talk), false sincerity (it’s true I’ve never liked Gabi; it’s true I thought there was something between us; but I continued to care for you; Gabi’s an attractive girl; I understand), and pure venom (this woman is from a different/lower class; she’s not for you; she just married you to better her social position; she only married you and not Carlos because you were the first to ask her; there is no doubt there was something between them as the invitations to dine, the trip to the beach house, and the photo prove), to convince David that the way to solve the Gabi problem is to divorce her. Don’t wait till things go too far, like Gabi turns up pregnant. David the Dummy seems to agree.

JJ, like a gentleman, sees Gabi to her father’s door. Faustiago answers the door, and doesn’t act his typical gruff self when he sees his daughter at the door with a “strange” man. Instead, he is politely introduced to JJ for the “first” time and invites him in for coffee! JJ declines and bids them farewell. As he walks away, Gabi looks like she’s contemplating this “destiny” thing.

Back at JJ’s home front, the hotel suite, Limon is enjoying all his favorite pastimes- wearing a toupee and ascot, sitting on the couch, eating peanuts, drinking beer, and watching tele. Cute as always Caramelo, does not look as amused. She’s bored doing homework since she’s doing it all by herself with no help from him. Since she’s the one that has to do homework, and not him, Limon doesn’t see any problem with this. Well, Caramelo is working on “ortografía” (orthography/spelling) and wants to tests Limon’s knowledge. Does he know a word with “h”? “Pistola?” Caramelo knows that’s not right and wants to know where’s the “hache”. She’s treated to a lame joke from her Tio Limon—“Hache boom!” (Kaboom!/Pow!) Caramelo is not amused. She gives him a little lesson on the silent (muda) “h”. Our little Einstein is starting to realize the limitations of her tio’s book learning, and asks him about his past. “Tio Limon, have you always been poor?” Limon tells his tale of his parents once having lots of money, but one day they lost it all and were poor from then on. Caramelo Drew continues her interrogation of one of her Hardy boys. Up until when did he go in school (meaning what grade)? Limon blusters some more, and gives our tiny tot with little handle on the meaning of decades, an answer that will keep her guessing for a while. He went until 1962. Caramelo gives her best “What you takin bout?!” face. Limon quickly changes the subject and tells Caramelo he’s going to buy some “chescos” (slang for refrescos) for their meal. He gets rewarded by being corrected by little Miss Manners.

At the Guillen apartment, Gabi is wondering why her father was so unusually chummy with JJ. Faustiago tries to play it off. That’s just the polite thing to do, right. Gabi knows her cranky pants papa isn’t usually like that and calls him on it. He can give no reply. She asks for her sister, who is not at home, and it quickly becomes obvious to Faustiago that something is wrong. Gabi tells him that David has left her and wants to divorce her. He sits her down and hears the whole story. When she mentions the pictures his look of concern grows (as it should, because it’s his fault for mentioning them to Yolanda). Gabi is sure that it’s someone who is trying to harm (perjudicar) her, likely one of the cousins. Faustiago immediately throws out Bertha’s name as the probable culprit, surprising Gabi that he knows the cousins well enough to know which one it would be. He tries to play it off, saying that Juli has told him about her troubles with Bertha. He then goes into “I told you so” mode. Gabi knows he wouldn’t have allowed her to marry David, and that’s why she did it without his permission while he was away. Gabi looks at him from downcast, teary eyes. Her obvious heartbreak softens Faustiago’s tone. He tries to reassure her that it was just a newlywed lovers’ quarrel (pleito de recien casados) that will blow over soon.

JJ arrives home and is greeted by his Number 1 Mamacita, Caramelo. She skips into his arms for a kiss and a squeeze, before starting her second interrogation of the evening with Hardy Boy #2. They sit down to chat. She asks JJ if he has parents. He explains sadly that his parents are dead. Caramelo understands this distinction that he HAD parents. He talks about what good people they were. His father died when he was around Caramelo’s age. And his mother passed away recently. “But why does everyone else have parents, and I don’t?” JJ tries to hold back tears and tells her that she has her Tio Limon. But he’s her uncle, what about her parents? JJ and Caramelo look at each other through a well of tears. He tells her that her parents are in heaven, with his parents. “Then, I’m never going to have parents?” JJ can only stammer a reply. “Es que..es que..”

Gabi and Faustiago are at the dining table, still waiting for Juli to show. Faustiago is sure always in the clouds Juli has lost track of time at the market, looking at clothes. Faustiago is eating dinner, but Gabi is holding out hope that David will return home and wants to wait to have dinner with him. It hurts her so much how little trust he has in her, and she hasn’t given him cause. Faustiago tells her that’s the way it is with jealousy. If one can’t control it, it ends up ruining/finishing everything. (That’s the wisest thing Faustiago has ever said.) “When it’s not one thing, it’s another. David always finds some reason for not trusting me.” Faustiago thinks that she should leave things in the hands of Destiny (there’s that word again). If David really is the right man for her, things will work themselves out. If not, then it’s best she makes a definitive decision before things go too far. Gabi knows, but she just loves that big stubborn jerk (my words, not hers) so much. She would never be capable of cheating on him. She just feels so horrid. How could he believe that she has something going with Carlos?

Gabi changes the subject and tells her father what Adolfo said about David not being Mario’s child. Faustiago doesn’t do a good job at hiding his horror that this secret is out. Gabi must take his look as surprise at this bit of news. She asks if he thinks it’s true and should she speak to her father-in-law about it. (No need to have the same conversation twice with the same person Gabi.) Faustiago tries to discourage her from pursuing this. But Gabi won’t be deterred. What if Adolfo uses this information to try to hurt David. It’s best that if it’s true, Don Mario tell David himself. (She’s right.) A look of panic comes over Faustiago’s face. He wants to know why Adolfo would tell her this. She explains that he wants David to back off, and if he doesn’t then he’ll tell David about things he’s not supposed to know. Like about that woman- MARTA.

Faustiago gets flustered under Gabi’s steady gaze. “Who told you that?!” She explains the conversation she overheard between Adolfo and Mario. It got her wondering if this wasn’t they same Marta that he knew. “I already told you that I don’t know any Marta! Why would you believe Bertha over me?” Gabi points out that it’s precisely because he gets so flustered and angry when she brings it up that she doesn’t believe him. Faustiago continues to bluster, demands not to speak about it again, and leaves the table. Gabi looks like she doesn’t believe a word he said.

At AFI, Yolanda is in Leo’s office and trying to spin a tale about how she mistakenly bought stolen jewels. The jeweler assured her he would bring her the factura later. He informs her that she will need to retrieve the diamonds from her safety deposit box (caja fuerte) and return them to the police since they were part of a robbery. She agrees to anything. Just get her out of here! Leo’s not done yet. He shines his laser beam of intelligence on her and asks her how she makes her (obviously good) living. She gives some vague answer about living off her savings (ahorros), and she takes care of a few “things” for Adolfo Avila. Leo’s interest is piqued. He circles her. “What things?” Yolanda is sweating bullets by this point. She tells Leo that she helps him with the restaurants, with his personal dealings, with decorating,…

Leo’s next question nearly knocks her off her seat. “Are you friends with Fausto Guillen?” Yolanda chooses her words carefully. Yes, she met him through his daughters who used to work at the Club. “Are you sure you didn’t know him before?” Yolanda pulls her best poker face and assures Leo she didn’t know Fausto before. They’re interrupted by Ramon who informs them Yolanda’s lawyer has arrived.

Juli arrives home to find a depressed, red-eyed Gabi on the couch. Juli immediately knows something is wrong. Gabi explains that she and David are on the outs, again. She is tired of so many intrigues and problems. Before she can go into detail, a repentant Faustiago emerges and kindly suggests that Gabi spend the night and tomorrow Juli accompany her home and stay with her a few days. Juli agrees. Gabi is unsure, since she believes Don Mario should get a say in who stays in his home. Besides, if David decides he wants a divorce, it is she who should leave the house. Juli is impactada to hear the “D” word mentioned.

At the Club, Carlos is bored and asks the bartender to let him know if he hears from Roberto. He decides to leave for the evening since all is quiet (and he’s not getting into a brawl with David).

Medina is seeing Elsa to her door after their day at the high security prison. To avoid her nosey neighbor friend who’s eyeing the delicious looking Medina, Elsa drags him in to her apartment. (Her neighbor must be wondering where Elsa finds these hunks.) She invites him to a coffee, but he politely declines, noting she must be tired. (It also seems he thinks he might not be able to hold back if he stayed.) Elsa thanks him, and apologizes for causing him so much trouble. Mauricio assures her it’s no bother at all. In fact, it gave him great pleasure to accompany her. He intends to have his lawyer study her brother’s case and see if they can get him a reduced sentence. It will be difficult since Marcos is accused of two murders, escaping from prison, and trafficking stolen jewels. (Yikes!) Elsa doesn’t want him to trouble himself since he’s already done so much for her. Plus, she admits sadly, Marcos will never change (no tiene remedio). Mauricio will still do all he can. He comes in close as she says thank you. He rewards her with a sweet gentle kiss on the mouth. She looks down shyly, and he obviously thinks he’s moved too fast for her. He smiles bashfully, asks her pardon, and bids her good night. He does not see what we see—Elsa with stars in her eyes, touching the smiling lips that were just kissed by Mauricio.

At Casa Genoves the next morning, Gabi and Juli have arrived, with Juli’s suitcase in tow. Bertha is none to pleased to see not just one, but two of those low class waitresses returning to stay in HER home. Gabi ignores her sour face and goes to find Abelardo, so Bertha turns on Juli. “So the whole family is moving in! Is your father going to move in too?!” Juli chooses to ignore her and walks off, leaving Bertha complaining to the furniture once more.

Gabi asks Abelardo when Mario will return. She tells Abelardo about Adolfo’s visit. Not knowing how much Abelardo knows, she only hints at Adolfo’s threats. She begs Abelardo to find Don Mario. If he doesn’t control David, Adolfo will tell David “things he shouldn’t know”. Abelardo appears to understand, so Gabi discreetly asks him if he knows what it’s about. He claims ignorance. He has to wait until Mario calls him since he doesn’t know which hotel he’s staying in. Gabi asks him to also tell Mario her sister has come to stay with her a few days. Abelardo is pleased by this. As soon as Gabi leaves, he gets Faustiago on the phone and demands that he come. TODAY!

At the hotel suite, Caramelo is chatting up her friend Angie on the phone, while hanging out behind the bar. JJ (looking nice in a black turtleneck) is bemused by his little executive networking over the phone so comfortably. Caramelo is happy to announce that Angie had invited her to her birthday party (fiesta de cumpleaños). JJ (who has obviously been out of the loop) wants to know who this Angie is. Caramelo, who is firmly in the loop, knows by now that any mention of Medina drives JJ crazy. She gingerly tells JJ that Angie is the Architect’s niece. This earns her a fun mini wrestle with frustrated JJ. There are going to be lots of kids there and it will be really fun, because…her Tia Elsa is going to take her, right? A put out Limon thinks that perhaps Elsa will be too busy to take her, and in that case, he’ll take her. Caramelo is arms-crossed insistent that it’s got to be Tia Elsa, or no one. JJ promises to talk to Elsa, leaving Caramelo free to plan her party outfit. After she runs off, Limon chastises JJ for encouraging Caramelo to continue to be attached to Elsa, when JJ is in the midst of changing girlfriends as often as he changes socks. JJ’s philosophy for Limon-- Don’t worry, be happy!

At Genoves Manor, Gabi is showing Juli her impressive guest room. Juli wonders if David is really going to divorce Gabi over that photo (sounds idiotic to us too Juli). Gabi doesn’t know. Juli thinks it strange that all their L.A. photos disappeared, and even more strange that one of them ended up in Carlos’ office. Gabi suggests they go out to eat- all the better to avoid that drag (pesada) Bitter Bertha. She heads to her room to change and finds David who has come to get more of his things. She tries to reason with him calmly once more. She never gave the photo to Carlos, she doesn’t know how he got it, and she thinks it’s absurd that he wants a divorce over this. He claims it’s not just this, but many things (you know, the same old stuff he long ago claimed he forgave her for, forgot about, or understood). He yells at her some more about how he doesn’t trust her and that their marriage isn’t working. She asks sadly if he wants her to leave. He tells her to do what she wants! She tells him she wants to be with HIM. He sarcastically asks her if she wants to be with him or his MONEY! Gabi looks whipped and defeated. He blows past her, down the stairs, and ignores Bertha’s demand to be listened to. Leaving her talking to the furniture, yet again. LOL!

The phone rings and Bertha goes to answer it. Surprisingly, she actually informs Gabi she has a call. Gabi pulls herself together enough to stop sobbing and makes an appointment with Leo to meet the next day. When he hangs up, Ramon brings him a file and the two leave his apartment. He decides to stop in on Faustiago before leaving. He asks Faustiago point blank when he met Yolanda Rey. For the second time in 24 hours, Faustiago has been put on the spot. This time he manages to lie with less shows of anger and frustration. He tells the same tale as Yolanda. They met because of the girls. Leo then asks if Faustiago mentioned the photos from L.A. that he wanted to Yolanda. “Claro que no.” (Of course not.) Leo thinks it’s very strange that they happened to disappear. Faustiago manages to keep his poker face, until Leo tells him that Yolanda Rey has been arrested. “Qué?!! Porqué?”

“Seems she bought some stolen jewels. The same ones that were in Gabriela’s shoes.”


El Mundo de Telemundo: Week of November 22

Open Discussion
¡Hola a todos! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! As you know, Jean will be gone for a few weeks. This means that discussions of Los Exitoso$ Gomez and El Fantasma de Elena are up to you for now.

Thanks to everyone for all the great comments in this space. And a particular shout-out to Blusamurai for coming up with the idea for this discussion in the first place and for providing several mini-recaps of her favorite shows.

By the way, Telemundo is starting to run occasional promos for La Reina del Sur, a new novela based on the novel by Arturo Pérez-Reverte. They say it is coming in 2011, and that Kate del Castillo has the title role. Today they showed Rafael Amaya, the murderous Julián in Alguien te Mira, in the role of El Güero.

César’s planned kidnapping of Blanca is a disaster: Snow White and the Three Stooges. She escapes with her life but some innocent bystanders may not have been so lucky. Suspicion falls on César.

Aurora and Lorenzo show by deeds, if not by words, that they care about one another. She calls him, instinctively, when she is in trouble. And he rushes to her side without a thought for his own safety.

Vanesa is a more complicated villain than we thought. She reaches into her own pockets to help los Ponce de León with the ransom money to save Blanca’s life. She is still the only one outside the inner circle who knows that Aurora is… well… Aurora. And she continues to play puppetmaster for most of the characters who dance as she pulls the strings.

Natalia, in contrast, becomes more and more repugnant. She is filled with vindictiveness: it spills out in the look of pleasure that crosses her face when she hears that Aurora’s life is in danger and in her defense of César’s indefensible conduct.

Icky Federico continues to court Natalia according to Vanesa’s instructions. Meanwhile, it has become apparent that Natalia and Gustavo have a history together.

To keep her from stepping into the moral abyss of incest, Aurora at last tells Blanca that Martín is her brother:
Hay algo muy importante que tienes que saber y no me puedo morir con este secreto. No puedes tener una relación con Martín.(There is something very important you have to know and I can’t die with this secret. You can’t have a relationship with Martín.)
Blanca: ¿Porque tú lo quieres?(Because you love him?)
Aurora: No, ¡porque Martín es tu hermano!(No, because Martín is your brother!)

Blanca and Vicki are both interested in César. He likes Blanca. It looks like a set-up for a repetition of the Aurora-Vanesa-Lorenzo triangle.

Vanesa makes yet another play for Lorenzo and once again is rejected.

When Gustavo learns that Martín is Lorenzo’s son, he fires him.

Inés is ever more fragile and unstable. Even so, Aurora refuses to forgive her for her past transgressions.

Lorenzo asks Martín to stay in the family apartment with Nina while he and Natalia are in Madrid. (Lorenzo knows nothing about Nina’s obsession with her stepbrother or how she seduced him at the graduation party. But Natalia knows perfectly well that Nina is in love with Martín.)

Lorenzo acknowledges to Martín that he has fallen in love with the new Aurora.

Note: Friday’s show is worth watching if you are late in coming to this novela or have missed an episode or two. It’s a nice summary of main events up to now.

Alguien te Mira
Yes, Julián is the serial killer. NJ Sue, I think you were the first one to call it. And Vivi in DC picked up on Julián’s traumatic history before the writers made it explicit. Nicely done, ladies!
Julían tells Eva that he was 18 when he killed for the first time. And he hints that the victim was his own mother. He rejects Eva’s plea that he spare her because of her daughter. She sent her daughter away, he tells her. And he didn’t come looking for Eva – it was she who came after him.

And after these revelations, he pulls her towards him. In that instant, all our hopes for Eva's escape vanish. Julián stabs Eva to death. And then he lies beside her bloody corpse and admires his handiwork.

Mercifully, Eva's last thoughts are of her daughter. She visualizes her as a young lady. The last word in her mind: Gracias.

Julián has appeared distracted lately; he seems to be having a hard time keeping up his “normal” life. Everyone chalks up his odd behavior to his concern about Eva. His distraction is largely calculated: it is perhaps how he imagines an ordinary person would act under the circumstances. But every now and then, the mask slips and his friends look at him curiously. Even Piedad seems to be wondering at times but still appears inclined to trust him.

Matilde may still be in love with Mauricio in spite of his voyeurism. It seems pretty clear that he really loves her.

Luisa Carvajal has shown herself to be a true friend to Eva by insisting that the police pursue aggressively the investigation of her disappearance. She also kept Mauricio’s sex tapes away from the male detectives.

Benja continues pursuing Camila. She claims to be trying to distance herself from him, but in Friday’s episode, the two end up in bed together. Meanwhile the relationship between Benja and Tati is strained to the breaking point. And Lucía is the first person to tell Tati to her face that Benja has been unfaithful to her.

Rodrigo goes to a group session at a rehab center; he remains dubious but now at least he has taken the first step.

Pedro Pablo and Lola demand a DNA test but Luci la Loca says she’s within her rights to refuse such an invasive procedure during the pregnancy. They’ll have to wait nine months. Lola is falling apart. At work at Tatiana’s place, she can’t stop crying.

Other developments in Friday’s episode:
Tire track evidence links Benja to Eva’s disappearance. When he is called in for questioning, he admits to Carvajal that Tati’s alibi for the morning Eva disappeared was false.

Someone mails a photo to Rodrigo. It shows him and Benja at the site where they dug up the heart, the precise site where Eva went missing. It could only have been taken by the murderer.

Matilde is shocked by how callously Julián speaks about Eva when her fate is still unknown and he is supposedly in love with her.

Pedro Pablo caves in to Lucía’s threat to tell her story to the press. He give her back her job at the clinic so she doesn’t drag their name through the mud.

And finally, and most horribly, a group of young cyclists finds Eva’s body in the park. It is set out in an elaborate display, covered in white petals and surrounded by blood-red rose petals.

Julián feigns grief as he announces to his colleagues: Eva está muerta.

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Friday, November 26, 2010

La Verdad Oculta #52: Ah...stolen property, eh? Whew, what a relief!

* Asunción and Caramelo visit their old friend and his two sons who live somewhere in the slum district, though at first the man doesn't realise that the elegant man at his doorstep is his old beggar pal.

* Medina notices Elsa's sadness and asks her if she has something to tell him. He's sure something has happened to her. Elsa starts crying and says she's afraid that if she tells him everything he may change his opinion of her. She has a brother whom she loves much but he's in prison... again. Medina comforts her, he swears she can count on him and kisses her cheek. *Viewerville: wow*

* Asunción confesses to his friend he and Caramelo want to leave Juan José's house because he doesn't like the way he acts and how he treats Elsa lately. His friend doesn't understand him, okay, that JJ must be mad about his architect girlfriend and may be irritating, but think about Caramelo's future! Asunción admits he does enjoy being rich and having everything. Yeah, he does have a TV, too. He invites the family to watch the football match with them in the hotel apartment.

* Gaby and Leo are just talking on phone about a meeting next day when David shows up and nervously asks her about the photos the made in Los Angeles. She responses she can't find them, they must've been lost. David has a Bale Out moment: he's not stupid and she should've made up a better story! What? He shows her the photo from Carlos's office. The couple shout each other's head off and Bertha listens to their quarrel with the utmost pleasure. Finally David tells Gaby he's very sorry for marrying her and runs upstairs.

* The guys and the kids are watching the football match when the doorbell rings, and Alejandra shows up. Miss Snobby's eyes almost pop out of her head when she sees JJ's guests and the mess in the apartment and hears the noises, but the last straw is when one of the kids called Chicles asks if she's Auntie Elsa? So she turns up the nose, rudely refuses to be introduced to the guys and quickly leaves.

* Outside the Genovés villa a weeping Gaby calls Leo who invites her for a coffee. In the restaurant he admits he thinks she doesn't know much about her husband. But she loves him so much... He hugs and comforts the sad woman.

* JJ follows Alejandra to the garage and they bicker about what happened in the apartment. JJ is angry at Ale for being a snobbish princess, and a very jealous Ale says oh, she's sorry for not being Auntie Elsa! And of course they confused her with Elsa, he's obviously talking about her all day!

* Gabriela tries to convince David that she doesn't understand how Carlos got the photo but it's hopeless. He leaves the house with his suitcase and shouts he wants to divorce. *Viewerville: rolleye* Gabriela tells everything to the Balmori sisters, and although Bertha does her best to act like a surprised, innocent, good-hearted girl who has nothing to do with the scandal, and who's very worried for the young couple, she can't fool Alejandra.

* Carlos tells Adolfo David plans to do an audit in Sagitario. Naturally he threw him and his accountants out but there may be problems since the last balance sheet they made was falsified. Dolphie says it's not his job, but actually it is since he's the manager of the restaurants. Daddy orders his son to bring all books of accounts to their home but Carlos, who prefer running the business lawfully, doesn't like it and asks Adolfo is they have robbed their associates or no. Adolfo has a tantrum and calls David but he refuses to talk with him.

* At the architect studio Ale is complaining to Mina about her relationship with Mina when the big guy shows up. What's her problem? Elsa! She's obviously too important for him. JJ insists that she's his a-mi-ga, or she's like a sister for him. They know each other for a long time because she has been visited her brother who was his cellmate. Oh, yeah? And was her brother imprisoned innocently too, asks Ale sarcastically. JJ decides to leave before he explodes but she asks him to wait - and she throws the keys of the house at him. The job is done.

* Leo interrogates the jeweler Marcos sold the first diamonds to. Where are the gems now? An old customer of him

bought them? And what's that customer's name? Yolanda Rey.

* Elsa asks Mauricio for a day off because she plans to visit her brother, and the knight in the shining armor and glasses offers to accompany her.

* In the hotel apartment JJ tells Asunción about his quarrels with Ale. She's is angry at him because of Elsa. Asunción says Elsa is like them, she's one of them and JJ agrees. He realizes he treated her very badly and decides to visit her. However, at Mauricio's office he runs into the extra from Mad Men again who tells him Elsa and Medina left together and doesn't know when they're going to return. Outside he gets a phone call from Gabriela who'd like to meet him.

* Poor, desperate Abelardo meets Fausto in the headquarters and begs him to return as Mario again. They have to control David somehow before he commits another stupidity, like the audit in the restaurants. But Fausto is completely fed up with the Genovés family, and refuses to obey. He runs out and while Abe's chasing him outside the building Susana shows up holding a suitcase. She says her husband left her, she has nowhere to go and needs a job... please, please, please, help him! Since Abe has a heart of gold he sends her to the Genovés villa and says try to talk with Sra Gabriela. After he leaves Susana's tears dry out immediately.

* In the restaurant JJ gives a lovely paper rose he made to Gaby but she's more interested in what he wants from her new family. He admits it was Mario and Adolfo Ávila who sent him into jail 11 years ago.

* Mr. Hot Cop and his faithful assistant visit Yolanda at her flat and says he wants to interrogate her in the AFI headquarters. But why, why, why?! Because she bought stolen diamonds. A brief relief passes over Yolanda's face but when she learns Leo is talking about the famous diamonds from The Shoes she gets frightened again.

* Susana shows up at the doorstep of the Genovés villa and begs Gaby for job. Bertha says she never employs

anyone who doesn't have references but Gabriela takes pity on her. Great, now we have one more viper in the Genovés household. Speaking of snakes, an angry Adolfo stroms into the hall and threatens Gaby: her precious husband has no right to order audits or play the boss of the company. He isn't even Mario's son!



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