Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Llena de Amor #135 (Mex. 140) Wed 2/23/11 Kristel Gets Left At The Altar And Winds Up In The Jacuzzi


Well, no complaints about "nothing happening" tonight. Chema arrives in town, and winds up at the boardinghouse, ready to charm the socks off Netty. Muñeca plays another game of Maratón with a sinister seductive Garduño and loses both the loot and her innocence. Kristel gets dumped at the altar and winds up in Lorenzo's arms and his jacuzzi. Vicky disses Mauricio, reclaims her house and Fedra is sent off to jail. And oh yeah, Oliver gets shot again. (His body must be looking like a colander by this time.)

That's the big picture. Now to the exciting details.

Chema gets off the bus and strolls around Mexico City seeing some of the sights. The scene then switches to the big house where the family is nervously getting ready for the wedding. Kristel drifts down the stairs looking like a magazine cover. Regally beautiful. Suddenly she turns and dashes back up the stairs. She's forgtotten something blue. And guess who arrives with it. Vicky, dangling a blue garter and begging her to reconsider her marriage to Mau. Nothing doing you "zorra guanabi" ( wannabe slut) and our lovely bride launches into a slew of insults to both Vicky and her fat friend Marianela, who God forbid should show up at her wedding which is strictly for "bien fashion" people who are slim and sociall acceptable. Not the place at all for that piñata of a cousin. And with that, Vicky gives up and leaves. We, in turn, get the requisite telenovela leg shot of Kristel sliding the garter up her shapely sculpted thigh. If that doesn't get the man of the house off the soccer channel, nothing will.

Meanwhile, Muñeca is having trouble getting Manzanita to the church on time. She's rather watch cartoons (caricaturas). And Garduño, arriving with pistol in tow, would rather play Maratón. He's been waiting two years for a re-match and it's going to be "a tope", "todo o nada".

More wedding problems at the boarding house. Oliver is stuck at work and Gretelman will have to go by herself. She wants to see Eman and Axel, but worries about Fedra. Olly's advice? "Apechugue" (Man up). And she's about to when Dandy arrives to shut the little reporter's mouth for good. Yikes.

But the ceremony is about to begin. We have a beautiful shot of Emiliano and Kristel framed in the portal of the church. Picture perfect. But will it last?

It's certainly not picture perfect in the pews. Fedra is grumbling about the shoddy guest (Netty) that Jorge has dragged in. Lorena is sliming all over Axel who's thinking instead of Delicia. (Different pews, different dreams Miss Maggie!) Ilitia's dissing Vicky as an Equal Opportunity Slut who's gone after Brandon, Jorge, Eman and who knows who else!?

Kristel meanwhile is waltzing down the aisle, smiling right and left until finally her glum papa hands her off to an equally truculent groom. We see two of Garduño goons hovering in the back. Mau looks catatonic and never once glances at his beautiful bride to be. The tension is killing me! Time to lighten up.

The hungry lawyer is tucking into a big breakfast at a local hangout when who should walk in but Chema himself, looking to sit down at the same table if it's all right. Indeed it is. And Eugenio recommends the campechanes (a sort of pan dulce I believe) and starts right in chatting about his newspaper detailing the social event of the year. Both men agree that the bride is gorgeous. Well she should be. She inherited the looks of her fab mother Fedra. Impactado look by Chema.

Said beauty has just been asked If she takes this man to.....(well, you know the drill). Obvio. Acepto.

The priest then poses the same question to Mau. Silence. He looks around and sees the thugs.

Chiquito, whispers Kristel nervously. Answer him.

The priest repeats the question. Silence. Another look round. This time at Vicky.

Say "yes"! urges Kristel frantically.

For the third time, begins the priest, Do you take this woman..... And this time when Mauricio turns he spots his own two henchmen with their hands firmly on the shoulders of Garduño goons.

M: No Padre. No acepto.
K: But I love you!
M: Well, I don't love you. I'm in love with another woman...with Victoria de la Garza.

Emauel has a Wha!? look on his face. Fedra stomps out of the pew, tromping on Kristel's train and smacks Mau a good one. Kristel, vowing to never forgive her erstwhile swain, dashes out of the church. Lorenzo follows in hot pursuit, shouting, "I left the kid. I left the kid(So much for family values. Somebody else will have to make sure little Christian gets safely home. Daddy has other priorities right now.)

Back at the restaurant, Eugenio, bread crumbs flying like so much spittle, is waxing poetic about Fedra's charms. She is really a dish (está como quiere) a babe who could be the cause of Global Warming if you know what I mean, chuckle chuckle. Can't believe you've never heard of her! Chema explains that he's been away a long time. He's a man of the sea after all. But he once knew a Fedra Curiel. And yet this cannot be the same one. Because she's dead. And even if she were alive, she would be very old now. Hmmmm.

Well, on to other matters. He's looking for a place to stay. And Eugenio knows just the place. Netty Pavón's boarding house, full of good cheer , good food and smiles. Signed sealed and delivered.

So back to the cheerful boarding house where GretelMan is in Dandy's nefarious clutches. Why don't you drop that gun and we'll fight this out like men, she suggests and deftly lands a sucker punch. Now you're gonna get it, snarls Dandy but when he grabs her she bites his hand...and loses the mustache. Sooo...I'm dealing with a mujercita, not a guy, smiles Dandy, licking his chops. This changes everything. Shall we do it on this bed or that one?

From one letch to another. We're back with Muñeca, who so far is answering all of Garduño's questions with aplomb. Women like you, intelligent and classy, attract me he purrs. Well, men like you...she begins. No my dear, if you really were repulsed by "men like me" you wouldn't be married to Lorenzo. When we met two years ago, I wondered why you were married to that useless twerp. You were unhappy then. And you're unhappy now. But if you gave me a chance....

Suddenly there's a knock at the door. Garduño's gun comes up. He warns Muñeca to get rid of the visitor. After all, we wouldn't want little Manzanita involved in a tragedy, now would we?

So how about the tragedy going on back at the boarding house? Not to worry. Gretel's remembering Oliver's words of wisdom--Yes, he's frightened all the time in his dangerous work as a policeman. But he turns fear into courage.

And so does she. Yessss, I'm a woman... Wanna see just how much of a woman I am? she whispers, loosening the collar of her shirt. And an ardent but distracted Dandy moves in, only to get his nether regions kicked and, with a few more well-aimed blows, hustled out the door. Go Gretel!!!!

And go Oliver! But alas, he doesn't. Noting that Muñeca seems worried and pale, he insists on coming in. And gets bashed in the head by Garduño.

More bashing going on outside the church. Verbal to begin with. Fedra threatens Mauricio. He returns the favor by vowing to "out" her as the madame of an "antro de mala muerte" (low class dive) if she follows through. Emiliano then punches the rapey snake while Fedra urges him to do it again and kill 'im this time. Emanuel joins the fray and vows if Emiliano doesn't do it, he will. All the punching stops though when Victoria joins them and Mau looks to claim his prize. Nuttin' doin'. You played the part of a coward very well, our Vicky sneers, but I would never be interested in a pathetic creep like you. I only did this to save Kristel from marrying show her what garbage (basura) you are. She's flanked by Emanuel, Jorge and Brandon as she delivers this beat-down but Mauricio's glower promises more trouble to come.

Time to lighten up again. Eugenio, like everyone else, traipses into the boarding house, Chema in tow, extolling the peace and quiet of the place. Bam! Crash! Boom! Auxilio! Auxilio! And with that Dandy lurches into the foyer, with an avenging GretelMan close behind. Chema grabs Dandy around the neck, warning him to never come back again or the Capitán himself will make him pay. Cobarde! Gallina! (coward, chicken) shrieks Gretel as a parting shot, and Chema, with his man of the sea smile, allows as how this kid is "quite a man" really.

Our other man though is in deep trouble. Oliver is bound and bleeding, seated at the Maratón table with Muñeca and Garduño, but turning fear into courage, asks if he can play the game as well. And if I win, you let me arrest you without any problems, Olly adds. Just remember, "policleto", you are playing for your life, cautions our menacing malevolent mafioso. And if we had any doubts about that, the camera focuses on the blood streaming down Oliver's neck. Zounds. Must be time for more ads.

When we come back, the wedding party, minus the key players of course, is back at the house.

(Ilitia is doing an absolutely wretched job of carrying Christian. I'm surprised he's not protesting. Has she never lifted a toddler in her life? She attempts to hand him off to Lorena who does an equally wretched job of clutching the little fella. Honestly, I was a lot more upset by these young actresses handling of the kid than any of the high drama moments going on. Most of us females can easily stash a big kid on the hip but I guess these slender lasses don't have enough in the "cadera" department to manage that. Still. Honestly girls, you can do better. Christian, by the way, handled his sack of potates treatment with casual cool. I'm sure they're drugging the little guy.)

But I digress. Back to the script.

Ilitia's assuring everyone they should have no worries about Kristel because Papa Lorenzo is with her....and he's loves her like a father, right? That settled, Fedra now turns on Vicky (who's arrived with Brandon and Jorge in tow) to castigate her for disturbing the harmony of their family. It's all her fault.

On the contrary, rumbles Emiliano, she's done what none of the rest of us could accomplish...proved that no Fonseca is worth a thing. Hearing that, skanky Fonseca cousin Lorena wisely chooses to scuttle out of the room, still hauling Christian in a precarious position across her body.

A quick flip to another room where Axel is seated with Delicia, their hands and hearts joined as he assures her he just wants to be with her. Lorena, lurking in a corner of the kitchen, overhears. " Oh dear, oh no, oh crap as the refrain goes.

And a similar refrain back with the big folks. Fedra wants Vicky out of her house NOW! And even Emanuel allows as how "now is not the moment, Flaquita, for a visit." Jorge and Brandon disagree. Which brings on a new barrage of insults from Fedra.

While Ilitia sneers at Vicky's "achichincles" (hangers on) and Fedra makes to physically throw her out of the place, Vicky drops her bomb. This is not YOUR house. I have the proof that you forged the papers giving you possession.

Well enough of that. You've been wondering what's up with Kristel and Lorenzo, no? Sure you have. They've arrived at Lorenzo's Love Shack and it's all going his way.

Awash in tears, shock and regret, Kristel is wondering how she could be so blind. And it was thanks to her, that he got out of jail! And now this!!! He's ruined her life forever, she doesn't deserve this (a few of us might beg to differ). Where can I find a man to love me!?
"Aqui está." (Here he is) croons Lorenzo, moving in for the kill.

But not yet. We're back with another killer and Oliver has just answered another question correctly. (Rudyard Kipling as the author of the Jungle Book if you're interested). Garduño's impressed. Well, Oliver read a lot as a kid. And now it's Muñeca's turn to answer a question. And she vows she's not going to lose.

Fitting the silencer on his gun, Garduño looks at her and muses, Do you really think I'm going to lose? When are you going to realize that I'm the man for you? But tell you what, I'm going to give you one more question, and if the answer is correct, you can keep the money. So here it is.

Where does Lorenzo meet his mistresses?
A: in a bar
B: in an hotel
C: in his bachelor pad

Don't be gross, snaps Oliver. That's a personal question.

Muneca: In an hotel. He doesn't have a bachelor pad.
Garduño: Incorrect. Here's his address if you want to find him. Think of it as a consolation prize. have no idea what I would do if you were mine. If you ever decide you don't have everything you want, I will come for you.

And he leans in to give her a tender kiss. And then turns and adds, You lost copper.

And shoots Oliver.

Back at the mansion, more wrangling and denials from Fedra. But as Jorge brandishes the various papers and asserts that three different handwriting experts deemed the signatures a forgery, she's beginning to look vulnerable and frightened.

So how's our top model dumped at the altar bride doing? Working up into a major tantrum.

K:He killed me, he left me in front of all my friends. I'm done for!
L: You're a queen.
K: Waaaaaahhhhhhh. You're my mother's lover.
L: Let me just kiss you. Just a little kiss.
K: I want to forget everything. Yes, Kiss me! Make love to me!

Yikes and double yikes. My eyes, my ears, my mind....all sullied. Never have I been so happy for a scene change.

We're back at the boarding house. Netty, Glad and Doris arrive, clucking over the horror of a non- wedding and chortling over Marianela's bravery facing up to Mauricio.

Eugenio interrupts, giving them the news that a robber broke into the house (or walked in the eternally unlocked door...whichever version you prefer). Chema appears. Netty thinks he's the bad guy. And flies at him with outraged fury, pounding her delicate little fists. He gently fends her off and vows the only thing he'd want to steal are her baby blue eyes. She melts. And flutters. For all she's worth. (Bayeee Emiliano).

And will it be Bayeeee Fedra? Vicky's still on her rant, claiming that the house and every stick of furniture in it belongs rightfully to Marianela. Fedra, trembling behind her son Eman, begs him to defend her. As Brandon starts to move in with the handcuffs, he waves him off. But sadly lets Mom know he can't defend her after all she's done.

F: What? What have I done? All lies....
E: Shutting my sister up in the cellar for two years?....
F: Doctor's orders....
E: Poisoning the chocolates I gave Marianela.
F: A lie! No proof at all....
E: It breaks my heart but your place is not here in this house.

And Brandon leads her off to jail.

The police burst in on Lorenzo and Kristel who are cavorting in the jacuzzi.
Fedra is in jail and Emiliano's not going to do a thing to help her.
Vicky wants to throw Eman and wife Ilitia out of the house as well but he stops that foolish drivel with a passionate kiss. Yowsa.

a tope = to the limit (Garduño's playing for keeps)
todo o nada = all or nothing
apechugar = grin and bear it, cope with it, put up with it, man up
caricaturas = cartoons
está como quiere = she's hawt
cobarde, gallina = coward, chicken
achichincles = hangers on
pitufo = little twerp

Dicho of the Day

Palo dado, ni Dios le quita.
lit. When the blow has fallen, not even God can take it away
fig. No crying over spilled milk. (And Kristel isn't....not for long anyway. She's 'moved on'' Lorenzo's jacuzzi.
Audrey thought she was supposed to recap last night and her debut recap is so excellent I just had to post it for you to read. Incredible, Audrey!
Kristel Gets Planted and Freda Gets Caught!

(Llena de Amor Capitulo 140 aired on Univision 2/23/2011)

We start with a repeat of Marianela’s discussion with Jorge at the pension, where she tells Jorge sorry, but she already has a date for the wedding - and the banty rooster Brandon himself struts in to announce he is the lucky man!

And a repeat with los cuatros mafiosos meeting at Garduños setting up evil deeds for the next day - Dandi to get that annoying reportero, Mauricio to marry that super annoying novia of his, and with his spectacular goat laugh, Garduño announces that he himself will take care of Muñeca and get back that briefcase - Lorenzo just needs to make sure Muñeca is home along in the morning. And just so Mauricio doesn’t get any bright ideas about bolting at the wedding, Garduño has hired a couple of hit men to make sure he fulfills his part of the deal. ¿Me estás siguiendo?

It’s the next day - Kristel’s long awaited wedding day!

Our capitán is arriving in the big city! We get shots of major tourist sites - Chapultepec Park where el capitán plays ball with some kids, the Zócalo (central plaza) with the Mexican City Cathedral and other buildings as el capitán strolls the edges.

Back at the RyD mansion. The family is anxiously waiting to leave for the wedding and Krystel finally comes down the stairs in all her wedding finery. And wow - she looks spectacular! With her hair up in an elegant style, a lovely dress and a dazzling smile - such a wonderful change from her usual fresa getup. The family crows over her.

It’s time to leave for the wedding - but wait. Kristel has missed something critical for her getup. Runs upstairs to her bedroom - “¡Mi liga - donde esta mi liga! (my garter, where is my garter?)”. VM (also super dolled up) has it and comes into the room. Kristel reponds in her usual throaty insolent fresa-speak “o sea, eww con la zorra guanabe (like, eww with the wannabe vixen/slut getup) but guess what - you’ll never get to be with my dude because after today, he’ll be mine forever.” “I have to give you one last chance” preaches Marianela. “Don’t marry Mauricio, don’t go to the church - you still have time”. VM implores in the name of Marianela to rethink things, in spite of all the cruel tricks played on her and horrible things said over the years, Marianela is still worries about Kristel. Kristel responds - “I don’t regret saying all those things, I would say them again mil ocho mil veces (thousand eight thousand times) - I’m so delighted that that disgusting fatty is not coming to the wedding because, you know, I want only the “beautiful people” at my society wedding, I don’t need that piñata spinning in the middle of it.” Yep - VM - you did waste your time talking to Kristel - VM leaves. Kristel says “no one is going to ruin my wedding day - no one!” as she pulls on the garter.

Muñeca in a very slinky red dress is home with Manzanita, dressing her for the wedding. Manzanita wants to stay home and watch cartoons instead of going to the wedding. They’re late since Lorenzo gave Fidel and Flora the day off. Garduño appears pistol behind back. He’s here for a rematch of their game from 2 years ago! “No - you aren’t going to any wedding - let the kid go do her thing and no one will get hurt, we’re playing Maratón (a Mexican trivia game) for that briefcase of money el lirio de plata robbed from me. Whoever wins, gets to keep it. Otherwise - well, we don’t want Manzanita to be an orphan again.”

Gretelman is in her room at the pension, late for the wedding. Amazingly (how did he even know where it was) Dandi walks in the door with a gun. “I’m here to shut your mouth once and for all you second-rate reporter!”.

We’re at the wedding. The Big Orange Meanie (that’s Mauricio) is waiting at the altar looking mad - really mad. The camera keeps panning back and forth across the aisle. Fedra is complaining to Bernardo about the nacos being at the wedding. Jorge asks Netty to quit being so annoyed with him - he wanted to tell the truth to Emanuel, but Marianela insisted that he tell Eman he wanted to save his marriage, “Please, I’m just here to help my friend Marianela”. Brandon sees the evil eye sent to him from Fedra and tries to leave where he’s not wanted, but Marianella won’t let him. Ilitia complains to Eman how Vicki just wants to be with every man. Trumpets sound, and Emiliano is walking Kristel up the aisle. Kristel is all delighted smiles enjoying the big audience at her dream wedding.

El capitán wanders into a downtown cafe “the best breakfast spot in the city” and sits at - would you believe it! - the only empty seat left at a table where our gluttonous lawyer Pacheco is once again stuffing his face with pan dulce. He’s reading the paper about the Curiel wedding. “I once knew a Fedra Curiel”, muses the captain, “but she died in a shipwreck. If she survived she would be ancient.” “Oh not at all”, says Pacheco, “she’s a hot item (capable of global warming!), but bad - she did a lot of damage to a good friend of mine. So where have you been, sir, because everyone around here knows who this woman is.” “I’ve been away a long time”, says the captain, “I’m a man of the sea, you know. I come from Vera Cruz. In fact - I’m looking for a place to stay.” “Oh no problem”, says Pacheco, “I know just the place - Netty Pavon’s pension.”

Wedding vows: “¡Obvio accepto!” crows Kristel delightedly. Mauricio’s turn. He’s not answering, he’s nervously looking around, noticing the goons with guns standing a few pews back. Priest repeats. Mauricio keeps looking around, looks at Victoria. Kristel starts to whimper and begs him to answer. Third time priest repeats the vows. Mauricio watches the goons. Two men walk up behind the goons and disarm them. Mauricio winks, turns to the priest and says “No padre, ¡no la accepto!”. Kristel - “you can’t do this to me Mauricio, I love you, I love you”. Maurcio - “well, I don’t love you. Ladies and Gentlemen, there will be no wedding. I won’t marry this woman wanting another. I did this because I want Victoria de la Garza.” A moment of shock, then chaos erupts.

In all their indignation, Emiliano and Fedra come out of their pew tramping over Kristel’s beautiful wedding veil!!! So do all the others in their rage and begin hurling threats at Mauricio. Kristel gets a good slap in telling Mauricio she hates him. She grabs her long veil and goes running down the aisle with Lorenzo running after her.

Oops - Gretelman is not having to much luck handling Dandi with his gun - especially not after he brushes off her mustache, realizes she’s a woman and gets nasty ideas. Gretel is terrified at first, then remembering to use her fear to get angry, plays along coquettishly for a bit. “¡Te doy a demonstrar que como mujer soy más hombre que tú! (I’m going to show you that as a woman I am more man than you!)” and gives him a good kick in the privates and starts to beat up on him. LOL!

Maratón game in progress at Muñeca’s. They’re both playing well. Garduño complements Muñeca on how attractive he finds fine, cultured women like her. She tells him she is not attracted to men like him. “If that were true”, says Garduño, “you wouldn’t have married Lorenzo”. He knows she’s not happy married to a useless lout like Lorenzo who doesn’t know how to treat her right. Uh-oh! The doorbell rings. “Make them leave or else!” says Garduño, “¿me estás siguiendo?” Oops - it’s Oliver at the door checking up on Muñeca. Can’t get rid of Oliver - he knows something is wrong and marches in and Garduño conks him over the head with his pistol.

At the church courtyard everyone is beating up on Mauricio and lots of exchanges of threats. He tells everyone that he just completed his part of the bargain he made with Victoria to “prove his love”, and now it is her turn. “Never would I get involved with a jerk as pathetic as you!” yells Marianela. “Hey - we had an agreement” says Mauricio, “ you asked me to do this for you.” “Wow - did you really do that Victoria?” asks Emanuel? “I did this to rescue Kristel, says VM, to show her what trash Mauricio is”. “You’re going to to pay for this Victoria de la Garza” warns the Big Orange Meanie before being run off by all the raging testosterones gathered around him.

Pacheco is giving el capitán a tour of the pension, raving about the place and how wonderful all the people are who live here. Dandi, screaming bloody murder, is chased down the stairs by Manolo in full battle rage. (Now when did Manolo have a chance to put her mustache back on?). Each is grabbed and restrained by Pacheco and el capitán. “He came to kill me but I didn’t let him” yells Manolo. “Don’t grab me - grab that crazy person!” complains Dandi. El capitán escorts Dandi out of the pension warning him never to return. “¡Que seas, quien seas, muchachito eres todo un hombrecito! (whatever/whoever you are, you’re a real man, kid)” announces the captain to Manolo when he returns.

Back at Muñeca’s - Oliver tied to a chair at gunpoint tells his colleagues all is well inside the house. The game continues. Oliver wants to play. If he wins, he’ll turn the money into the police. “OK”, says Garduño - “but if you lose, it’s your life.”

People are returning to the RyD mansion. Fedra and Emiliano are all worried about where Kristel is and trying to reach Lorenzo. Emiliano points out to his family that “Victoria achieved what no one else has been able to do in this family - make Kristel open her eyes and see that no Fonseca is worth it”. Fedra and Illitia complain that all Victoria does is destroy the harmony of the family. (let me stop here for a moment to snark and roll my eyes).

Victoria marches in the door flanked by Brandon and Jorge. “You’re the one who spreads discord in the family, Reina”. They have an urgent announcement. “What, now?” complains Emiliano “after what happened today, this is not a good time”. “Out of my house” screams Fedra. “That’s just what we came to say” declares VM, “this is no longer your house.”

A weepy Kristel arrives at Lorenzo’s bachelor pad. “How could I have been so blind?” wails Kristel “I’ve done all these things to help and defend Mauricio, and for what!?” Lorenzo, ready to do some serious comforting, declares his undying devotion and respect. After a long teary session on the couch, Kristel asks Lorenzo to make love to her and make her forget what just happened.

Back at Muñeca’s. The game is coming to a close - one more question and Muñeca will win. “Are you sure you want to win?” warns Garduño as he screws on a silencer. “Are you going to threaten me?” asks Muñeca “I thought you were a good sport.” ‘I am”, says Garduño, “but you need to realize that I am the right kind of man for you, because I would never have left you here vulnerable. Let’s see: Where is your husband to defend you right now? I have a special question for you Muñeca. If you answer this correctly, you win. Where does Lorenzo meet with his lovers? A: in a bar; B: in a hotel; or C: in his bachelor’s apartment.” “In a hotel,” answers Muñeca after a while, “my husband does not have a bachelor’s apartment”. “Wrong answer, Muñequita”, croons Garduño, “here is the address of your husband’s apartment so you can check it out yourself - just a little consolation prize from me.” “You have no idea what I would do if you were mine” purrs Garduño in Muñeca’s ear as he leaves. “Oops - almost forgot. You lost Oliver” and Garduño shoots Oliver from a distance as he exits, knocking over his chair. Looks like Oliver is not seriously wounded.

Netty and the ladies return to the pension. They run into the captain who they at first think is the thief that Manolo and Pacheco say was there. “I’m no thief.” declares the captain. “But I sure would like to keep your eyes” he adds to Netty who batts her lashes appropriately.

Back at RyD mansion. “From today, this house returns to it’s true owner: Marianel RyD” says VM. “We have a judge’s decision and the proof that you, Fedra, forged papers and Eva Pavon’s signatures and committed fraud to steal this house from Marianela.” adds Jorge. “You’re under arrest for fraud” from Brandon. Expected bluffing, expression of disbelief and then histrionics ensue. Constant back and forth and much denial and deflection of blame from Fedra and begging for Emanuel to defend her. “You have a debt pending with justice” declares Brandon, “and you have to pay it.” “Are you going to let him touch me Emanuel?” challenges Fedra, “Are you all going to stand around while he arrests me like a common criminal?” “These are legitimate documents” says Emiliano “and show that you falsified receipts.” “After everything you’ve done, I can’t help you mama” Emanuel tells Fedra. “I did it for you” whines Fedra (again!) while Emanuel starts listing her crimes against his siblings and Marianela and how did she do all that for him? “You have no idea how much it hurts me to say this, but you committed fraud, mama, and your place is not in this house” Emiliano says to a chastened (not!), weepy Fedra.

Avances - the captain hears folks talking about Fedra Curiel - again - and wonders about who this person is. Right to their faces, Ilitia declares that Jorge and Victoria are lovers and starts listing all the men she claims Victoria has slept with. Kristel and Lorenzo are caught in flagrante in a giant bubble bath.

vocab: We can concentrate a little on Kristel’s own peculiar fresa slang. These are things she says over and over in episode after episode.

ubícate - get real, get a hold of yourself, pay attention. Can also mean that someone needs to remember their (lower social) place.
mil ocho mil - thousand eight thousand - Kristel’s biggest number
o sea - like, that is (to say)
es (la) neta - is true, authentic, the real deal.
zorra - slut, female fox (vixen)

¿me estás siguiendo? - Are you following me? Garduño’s favorite phrase to croon when giving orders.

dejar plantada - to stand someone up (leave them planted/standing)


La Fea Más Bella #225-226 2/23/11 When You Return, I Hope...

Capitulo 225.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Harsh-ia says it’s obvious that today’s fight was because Aldo loves Lety. Fern weakly denies it. She suspects that he’s fleeing both her and Lety. He doesn’t want to talk about it, and she asks if they’ll talk about it when they get back. She says, “I hope while you’re gone you will clarify your feelings. And when you return, that we define what will happen between us.”

2. Alicia tells herself that if she wears the Dress of Inviability all night, despite it being too tight, then she’ll get to marry Aldo. Ali clearly believes in the power of the Preciousss.

3. Lety tells her diary that for a moment she believed Fern because she so much wanted it to be true, but then she concluded that he was using her again. The 20 days he’s away will be good for her, but it will hurt. She’ll try to get him out of her heart, but he said he’ll find a way to show his love. She’s stuck – the heart responds to intensity, and she can’t let that happen. The only thing that can rescue her is Aldo’s stable, honest love.

4. Fern calls Omar with his assignment: Make sure Lety doesn’t forget him. Send Fern photos of whatever Lety and Aldo do. And turn the painting upside-down.

5. Aldo teaches Lety to ride a bicycle. Lety wants whatever they have to stay outside the office. He admits that he told Tom and Caro that he loves her. He says it wouldn’t be a problem if she loved him back, and he gives her all the reasons she should (turn that vise a little tighter, Tutz!). He says love that’s kept secret isn’t love (say what?). Lety almost kisses him.

6. Erasmo tells Aldo that his family of three will be together forever. MamaJ says Lety one day will fly. Pop insists that’s only if he gives Lety to a man; not likely since no man deserves Lety. Aldo flatters Pop and he eats it up. Lety shushes Pop when says he’s seen Lety suffer – she doesn’t want to touch that memory around Aldo. Aldo offers to protect Lety as well, and Pop is impressed (who better to guard the henhouse?).

7. Tom doesn’t admit to Lety that he told Ali that Aldo loves Lety. Ali is civil to Tom so she can keep his cell phone. Omar hides pictures of Fern on Lety’s desk like Easter eggs. Aldo gives Lety a basket of apples.

Capitulo 226.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Ali asks whether Aldo really loves Lety. Tom remembers Lety’s orders and tells Ali no. Ali tells Marcia what Tom said. Marcia plans to think hard about her life on this trip, and when she returns she and Fern will define their relationship once and for all. Ali tells Mar she should loan Ali her car while she’s gone.

2. Omar is trapped in the cave when Fern calls. Lety hears a noise and discovers Omar hiding.

3. Paula calls Tom’s phone for Lety, but Alicia answers and hangs up. Paula reports it to Lety. Marcia is pissy because she needs her tickets from Tom. Lety doesn’t know where he is and can’t call him because he loaned his cell phone. Marcia gets pissier because the company is “paralyzed” because Lety’s VP loaned out his cell, but Lety notes that Alicia is the one who borrowed it. Marcia gives Ali the stink eye.

4. Harsh-ia does all she can to pick a fight with Lety, first because she needs her tickets, then because Lety owns the company, then she calls Lety a bitter woman (Marcia, your shrink would call that projection). She accuses Lety of trying to take Fern and finds the photo Omar planted, and she explodes. Lety says she wants nothing to do with Fern, and Marcia says, “I don’t believe you.” Lety’s had enough; she proposes that she quits and gives them the company. Tom intervenes and diffuses the tension.

5. Marcia, calmer now, says she hopes that when they return, Fern finds a solution so she and Lety won’t have to share (be careful what you wish for, Tutz!) .. an office, of course. Lety blamed the pictures on Omar, so Marcia checks his office, finds the evidence, and has a fit.

6. Tom tells Lety to forget about Fern and think about Aldo instead, Aldo who cares about her. It looks like Aldo’s friendship with Tom is paying back his investment.

7. Marcia calls Fern in NY and starts yelling at him because of the photos on Lety’s desk.


Eva Luna #76 Tue 2/22/11 The Idiot Man with the Broken Heart.

Eva Luna, 2/22/11, Ep #75. The Idiot Man with the Broken Heart

Recap is up! (Scroll down to bottom of the page to see a photo and a video clip link.)

Rewind of yesterday, Marcela "generously" says she'll take up Eva on her offer to rehire Alicia, but only if Giorgio gets his job back too. Eva is okay with this. But then Marcy can't shut her yap and starts insulting Eva, ending up with a veiled threat against Eva's niño, Pablito. "Better watch out for your kid," she says. WRONG thing to say!

Justa and Don Ricardo are talking about Adrian and wondering what will happen if Tomas comes back. They're going to call the detective.

An interesting scene with Daniel and Icky at dinner, each thought-bubbling about something different. The bruja Icky is thinking about her "proposition" to Tony. He's not so bad-looking, she's says to herself (which is relevant since she offered herself as barter for him offing Eva). Daniel is thinking about Eva's hija and telling himself (quite sensibly, for ONCE) that this kid is his. You can tell Daniel is warming up mightily to the idea that the boy is his. He resolves to find out the next day. Meanwhile, Jacky is serving them more food and thought-bubbling about how well they're getting along!

Quick cuts to Leo, Eva and Alicia, all thought-bubbling. I'm going to try to summarize them instead of accounting for each insanity-inducing quick cut. Alicia is worrying about Leo wanting to get together with Eva. She resolves to fight for Leo, even if her rival is Eva. Leo is thought-bubbling that he's got to convince Eva to tell Daniel that the kid is Leo's. Eva is worrying about what if Danny the Idiot Man finds out that the kid is his, will he take him away? No, no, that can't happen, she worries.

Marisol is chatting with Giorgio at the club. She confesses that when Jacky said she was engaged to Francisco, she felt jealousy. Giorgio marvels at how messed up her love life is. Forget that liar, Giorgio advises. But Marisol reminds him that she is a liar too. Giorgio mentions her burgeoning singing career, but she laments that it's not going anywhere because Damien found out she missed a day of work to sing, and he's not going to let her do that anymore because she owes him so much money.

The creepy uncousinly kissin' cousins Bruno and his pretty cousin are conspiring to get Marcela to sign some paperwork. If she signs these documents, her ruin will be complete, they chortle as they lean in for a heavy kiss. Bruno thinks that he can get Marcela to sign them after she's had a few drinks.

It's the morning at breakfast and Marcela calls up Giorgio to tell him he's got his job back. Then she chats with Renata and says she's going to fight with Eva today.

At Daniel's house, Jacky is serving Francisco breakfast and seems in an extra good mood. Francisco, who seems to have had cold feet about the kiss they shared the day before, starts to "apologize" to Jacky for it. This is not the good start of the morning that Jacky was expecting. Her face falls.

Marcela goes to her office and finds it completely empty. "No puede ser!" she screams, as if she thought that there would be NO consequences for her threatening little Pablito the day before? Get real, lady.

Alicia goes to Leo's room to confront him about what's going on between him and Eva. A big scene ensues. Leo claims he is just trying to "help" Eva. Alicia accuses him of being in love with Eva. Leo warns her that he can't stand jealous women. Whatever dude, we can tell Alicia is not done with you yet!

At the modeling agency, Giorgio and Bruno are wondering what Marcela will do when she finds out about her office. We cut to Marcela pitching a major fit after seeing her empty office. Marcela makes lots of threats. Giorgio says that people came to remove everything and he couldn't stop them. Then Deborah comes in and asks what's going on. Marcela acts all outraged as if NOTHING she said or did could have possibly precipitated this! I am amused by her astonishment. What? Did she never expect that anyone could ever fight back?

Francisco is hemming and hawing with Jacky about the kiss. He didn't mean it to end that way. WHATEVER.

Renata is thinking that if she gets Justa to see Julio maybe she can rectify some of her mistakes.

Jacky sees where this is going with Francisco, and claims, with great distress in her voice, that she only sees Francisco as a big brother. Francisco gets agitated himself and says she's like his skinny little sister. Angst and teeth-gnashing between these two as they perform their duties at work.

Daniel greets Eva at work and seems to be in an amiable mood. He's smiling. They talk about working together.

Francisco approaches Jacky and in a roundabout way asks her out, but she says she's going to be with a "friend." She calls him "big brother."

Daniel is still putting on the charm in Eva's office. She's all business as she looks something up on her laptop. He marvels that this woman before him is nothing like the Eva he knew before. She comments that that Eva was very naive.

Then Daniel moves in for the kill: He confronts her—Pablito is his, right? She gets defensive very quickly and insists he has no right to know and that the kid is hers, just hers. She also implies that Daniel was not the only man in her life. But Daniel is not buying it. He grabs her arm and gets her close and says he "feels" that Pablito is his, and the reason he gives is that at one time there was a "great love" between them, and that when he looks at her, deep in her eyes he sees that something is giving her away. Eva seems moved by this, but at this moment the queen bruja Marcela interrupts, all outraged and wanting to have it out with Eva right away.

When she sees how close Daniel and Eva were standing to each other, she first rants about how Daniel is married to her daughter. Then when Daniel asks what Marcela is all riled up about, she screeches about her office, conveniently leaving out the part about how she threatened Pablito.

Eva reminds Marcela of something she (Marcela) told Eva many months before when Eva was a servant at the house. "You don't exist. You only speak when spoken to." This echoes the humiliating treatment that Marcela gave Eva. Marcela stands quietly as Eva circles around her, telling her this, as Daniel looks on, confused as only an Idiot Man can be confused.

Marcela then venomously threatens Eva, telling her that she's dug her own grave or something and that she's going to kill her, and then she stalks off.

Renata comes to see Justa and says she's got something important to talk about.

Daniel chews out Eva as if she had no right to treat "Doña" Marcela that way. He says he's also a boss at this agency, she could have talked with him first! Eva just says that she has her "reasons" for doing what she did, but neglects to explain that Marcela threatened Pablito! Daniel comments that somehow she "treats" Leo differently, right? "Yeah, he's the kind of guy you can buy," Daniel says cynically.

"Of course!" Leo interrupts, leaning insolently against the door opening.

Justa is not greeting Renata with open arms, but Renata says she's got something important to share with her, and hands her a paper with directions of somewhere she's supposed to go. It has to do with Julio, Renata says, as Justa's big eyes get even bigger.

Eva sarcastically asks Daniel about why he cares about her and Leo so much. He answers because he wants to know who is the father of her kid! Who is it, me or Leonardo? Daniel asks. Then he says the things that Eva fears: If he's the baby daddy, he wants to be responsible for the kid, and claim his rights over the boy. What Daniel means is that he wants to be a good, responsible dad, but of course Eva worries that Daniel is going to fight to take the kid away. Leo gives Eva a fisheye in the background, as if telling her, "See? I told you he'd do this!" Eva looks scared.

Then Eva does what she thinks she must, since she's had her brain scrambled quite effectively by slimeball Leo. She tells Daniel not to worry himself, because "Pablito no es tú hijo! Leonardo es el padre." (Pablito is not your son, Leonardo is the father.) Poor Daniel looks shocked and devastated. Eva also looks pretty bad, like she's on the verge of tears at telling this whopper lie.

There's a video clip (with English CCs) of the following scenes (scroll down on page for link).

Tony is giving a ride to the big butted bruja. She flirtily asks him if he's thought about her "proposition" (offering her body and other goodies in exchange for killing off Eva). He says he's thinking on it and she says, well, let's get going before anyone gets the wrong impression here. (What "wrong" impression would that be, pray tell?)

"So it's true," Daniel says, still openly heartbroken and devastated. Leo smarms behind him, saying, "it's hard for you to hear, but it's also uncomfortable for us to talk about." Oh cry me a river, Leo the Slime. Daniel then congratulates them and asks, when will the christening or baptism be? Or maybe it will be before the wedding? (I think that's what he said—I consulted Spanish and English CCs here!)

He says something to Eva like, "I've noticed lately that you're always right, and that I've got nothing more to do with your life because we are nothing to each other anymore." (I also consulted both Spanish and English CCs here, but may have got the nuances wrong!) Eva replies that he's finally getting it, but her eyes are red and wet. He leaves dejectedly, saying he doesn't like to interfere with the "intimacy of couples," as Eva is barely able to hold it together. As soon as Daniel exits she dissolves into a puddle of tears as Leo rushes over to comfort her and leaves a slime trail behind him.

"You know I lied because I was afraid he'd take Pablito!" she cries. She then repeats that Daniel is the baby daddy (as if we didn't get that by now!). During the next few scenes, Leo repeats all the standard garbage about how Daniel ran over her dad, tried to get her arrested for theft, blah blah blah, and this is why you need me to protect you, let me marry you to protect the kid, blahblah de blah. Eva is crying and seems vulnerable to this nonsense.

After Daniel leaves Eva's office, he also collapses against his own office wall and cries. He can't believe it! Leo is the baby daddy! He has a mini tantrum and pushes some stuff off of his desk. She deceived us all, he thinks, as he sinks into a couch and slumps over dejectedly. "How could I fall in love with her?" he says aloud, as Icky the Bruja barges in and hears.

Meanwhile, Eva is still crying and hysterical, feeling guilty and heartbroken, as Leo reinforces his slimy tactics on her. He says that Daniel would be the worst person to be a daddy to Pablito. (No shame! Leo, you have no SHAME!)

Icky is kvetching that Daniel's in a bad mood. He makes it obvious that he does not want her there and is not in the mood for her B.S. She can connect the dots and figure that this has something to do with Eva. Finally she and her big behind leave him alone to wallow in his misery

Leo again urges Eva to marry him, telling her that this will be a good way to avenge her father's death. But Eva has a better idea—Leo can testify against Daniel and get Daniel put in jail FOREVER! But Leo's fishy eyes betray him—he doesn't like this idea at all!

Justa wonders what the paper that Renata gave her will tell her about Julio. But she put all that behind her, she thinks. Then Don Ricardo pops in with some roses he's given her. Wow, he's such a sweetie. He gives her a tender kiss.

Creepy Bruno and Marcela scenes. In essence, they pan out like this: Bruno has a business proposition (to start a new modeling agency) and he wants her to sign the paperwork. He plies her with liquor. When she is sufficiently baked he pulls out the documents and hands her a pen to sign them. But she's not that baked and puts him off. She does, however, want him to kiss her. Ugh.

Happy family scene where Eva visits the pension with her hijo and everyone gushes over him.

At the pension, Marisol and Eva are talking. Marisol is ashamed because Eva knows what she does for a living. But Eva is okay with that and thanks Marisol for looking after Alicia for all those months.

Then Eva has a chat with Justa about her marriage to Don Ricardo and stuff. In a later scene she has a chat with Don Ricardo about what's going on with Adrian and all the horrible stuff with his useless dad. Eva offers any help she can give—money for lawyers, whatever.

A quick scene with Tomas, at some motel somewhere, thought-bubbling that he's going to get back at Don Ricardo for all the trouble he's caused.

A big scene with Eva telling Alicia about all that went down Daniel and Leonardo and her telling Daniel that Leo was the baby daddy. Alicia is very impactada by this. She tries to pump Eva for info on her feelings for Leo. Eva says that NOTHING went on between her and Leo before, but that she's thinking that she needs Leo's protection or else Daniel will try to take the baby. When Eva tells Alicia that Leo has been asking her to marry him, Alicia freaks out, as one would expect.

A quick scene of Jacky though-tbubbling that Marisol is a "tramp" and that Francisco deserves a real woman like her, Jacky. I anticipate that things will not go well here.

Another gratuitous scene showing off Julian Gil's (Leonardo's) hot body. I notice they are doing a lot of that lately. Leo is getting undressed for bed and Alicia barges in to confront him. He immediately starts in with how he doesn't like her jealousy. She accuses him of being in love with Eva, but also being after Eva's money. He tries tactics to try to calm her down, but in the end she continues to threaten him—before the wedding to Eva, she'll tell Eva that she's marrying her sister's lover! Leo doesn't like the sound of that.

It's the morning and Eva is telling Don Julio all the stuff that went on the day before. Don Julio approves of her treatment of the evil Marcela. "Perfecto!" he says with satisfaction. "The minute she gives you the slightest reason, OUT of the house!" he tells her. She replies that she'd feel "guilty" of putting her out of the house. Then she tells him how Daniel says that Eva fired her for personal reasons, and Eva almost seems apologetic about this. Julio asks why on earth would she? Don't feel sorry for that snake! And Viewerville is thinking the same thing. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot girl, that woman deserves NO sympathy!

Then Julio asks how things are going with Daniel. Professionally, they are fine, Eva says. Julio discusses business for a while. Then he asks, how are things going personally with Daniel? She says, almost sheepishly and with a smile (a smile!) that she told Daniel that Leo is the baby daddy. Julio looks impactado, big time. We end the episode there.

Photo and Video Clip:

I present you with Idiot Man Dan, who is (even though he is an idiot) breaking my heart. See photo below:

Okay, even I will admit it. I feel sorry for you, Idiot Man. (Click on image to see larger version.) Guy Ecker really knows how to play on the heartstrings.
In order to protect her hijo, Eva claims that slimeball Leo is the baby daddy. Daniel was really counting on that kid being his. And as we know (but he doesn't yet) his wife isn't going to be producing any offspring anytime soon. Plus, there's the detail about her being a flaming bruja.
Here's an extended video clip of the aftermath of Eva's lie to Daniel. We first start with the Bruja Icky and Tony thinking about her "offer" to him, then we go to Daniel reacting to Eva's claim that Leo is the baby daddy. Leo is sliming in the background, all eager to confirm that he's the daddy, while Daniel is falling apart inside.


Triunfo del Amor #36 2/22/11 Max is Scorin Hella Points; Victoria's in the Negatives.

Maria Desamparada is not with the program—not with Max’s program anyways. She’s with the novela program of separating the lovers at every opportunity possible. Despite Max’s pleas, she thanks him for his love, and kisses him goodbye. He’s confused and hurt.

Antonieta can’t believe Max quit. Victoria blabs about Max’s obsession with Maria Desamparada. Antonieta is upset that Victoria is letting her pride distance herself from her son—wasn’t the separation from a daughter enough? Victoria doesn’t care; MAX WILL MARRY XIMENA!

Maria is crying to Nati and Linda about the breakup. Linda thinks she’s dumb for doing it [Agreed]. Maria says she knows what it’s like to lack a mother’s love. Oh, shut up, Maria. Linda tells her to call Max and tell him that she loves him. Nati tells Linda that they won’t understand Maria Desamparada’s dilemna. Linda is the only one makin sense here. She doesn’t think Maria should sacrifice her love. Oh, and now she’s crazy again. She says she hates Victoria and is going to steal Osvaldo away.

Antonieta and Victoria are still discussing Maria and Max. Victoria thinks he’s infatuated; Antonieta doesn’t understand why Ximena sounds like a good choice [for anybody!]. Victoria, who I wish would get struck with lightening, says Max will only be happy with Ximena.

Cruz remembers Fer yelling at him. I think he says he’s going to tame her.

Ximena tells Guillermo that he’s cruel because of something. Ew, I’m too not into this scene.

Victoria thanks Christ for reuniting her with her daughter. She then asks why she doesn’t feel anything special for Maria Magdalena. She begs Jesus for mercy. She also adds that Maria Desamparada isn’t good for Max. In the back, Maria Magdalena enters.

Osvaldo comes to church. He wants to talk to Juan Pablo. The other padre tells him that JP is at the Red Cross.

Ximena tells Guill that she loves Max. He doesn’t believe her. She asks what he understands of love since he’s never loved. She’s wrong, he’s loved before.

Cruz sings to Fer from outside of her house. Where the hell is the dramatic Sandoval family now? Fer wakes up and gets out of bed.

Guill says love is powerful. It can make man into a beast. Ximena says it can hurt people. More kissing. Nastyyy.

Cruz sings, and Fer looks out at him. She shakes her head with a slight smile. She looks moved, but doesn’t open the window to let him know. She asks herself what she’s doing, thinking of this gardener? She says she loves Federico. Cruz retires for the night.

Fausto remembers bumping into Maria Desamparada. Damn it, I didn’t pay attention to what he read, but he longingly says Maria’s name.

Maria cries in bed, remembering the meeting with Max. Max without a shirt [WOO HOO!] in bed remembers the same. They both get out of bed. Maria picks up the phone, dials, but changes her mind. Same with Max except I’m drooling for him. They both think of each other.

Bernarda’s upset that JP didn’t tell her he was at the hospital. She wants to take him to a private hospital. She asks who hit him and vows not to rest until the culprit is found. The pimp and Maria Magdalena show up, and Bernie slaps the pimp! She calls them sinners. Osvaldo enters, and JP thanks him for the visit. He’s introduced to Bernarda who asks if he’s Victoria’s husband. She knows Vicki a lot more than Os thinks. Os is confused. She asks if he knows that Victoria betrayed him….

Victoria, who at this point has zero sympathy from me, cries to Antonieta that she feels nothing for Maria Magdalena. She doesn’t think she’s her daughter. If only she could be sure…Heyyy, get a DNA test, idiot.

Osvaldo doesn’t understand. Juan Pablo tells Os that Bernarda is not well and doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Bernarda denies having issues and excuses herself, inviting Os over anytime he wants more information.

Antonieta brings up the DNA test idea. Victoria thinks that it would be betraying her beliefs. Dumbbbbbb. Victoria says she’s going to help Maria Magdalena no matter what.

Maria Magdalena calla JP a savior. Both she and the pimp are changed people…aww touching…

The pimp laughs about tricking the priest with the confessions. He pressures Maria to do as he says.

Osvaldo is pacing around JP’s room. JP wants to know what’s up. Osvaldo wants advice, and he wants JP to promise secrecy. JP promises, and Osvaldo reminds JP of his confession…He tells padre that Bernarda says Victoria has a lover, but he is the one with the lover. JP is impactado.

Milagros tells Linda that they’ll get her bridal wear from somewhere, and Linda acts snobby about the place, but agrees. They hug.

Fabian says he doesn’t understand women. Why did Maria Desamparada do such a thing? Max defends Maria, and—hey! Wait, why is he at work? Anyways…Max tells Fabian that he’s going to get Maria back. He smiles confidently.

Pipino tells Oscar to make sure Antonieta doesn’t find out that he loves Victoria. Oscar doesn’t mind if Antonieta knows, but he forbids Pip from telling Victoria and hurting her. Pipino tells him that he can find a nice unmarried woman.

Maria Magdalena is being abused by the pimp.

Maria Desamparada sits uneasily and tries to read. Nati tells her just to call Max. Maria’s a stubborn mule. Nati leaves, and Maria sits pensively. There’s a knock at the door. No one there. Knock again. No one there. [This seem familiar to anyone?]. Knock again, and a cute little kid is there with red roses for Maria. He says these are flowers for the prettiest girl in the world, Max pops out and hugs the kid and tells him that he wasn’t lying about Maria being pretty, huh? Maria smiles.

Victoria and Antonieta are by a brothel or something, waiting for Maria Magdalena. They’re crying because of the environment.

In Maria Desamparada’s apartment, Max tells Maria that he just came to say goodbye. He feels that Maria doesn’t love him with the same intensity that he loves her. She tells him that she loves him, but he counters that. She’s always trying to distance herself from him. She’s abandoning him with the pretext that she doesn’t want him to sacrifice for her. He doesn’t want excuses. He tells her that he won’t abandon his family; he’ll live with them although that means he has to be sad forever. He hopes she’s happy and finds the family that she didn’t want to have with him. [Ok, I admit it. I cried!] Max heads to the door, but Maria tells him not to leave. She tells him that she loves him, and God knows that she’ll die without him. He comes back, and they embrace.

Pimp invites Victoria and Antonieta inside. They’re looking for Maria Magdalena; the pimp tells them that Maria has mood swings. Sometimes she’s happy, and other times she’s angry. She’s probably at the bar.

Max tells Maria that from today they won’t hide their love. Maria doesn’t want to cause any problems, but Max is determined to show the world that their love is true. When they come back from Miami, they’re getting married. Besos.

Osvaldo tells JP that his life with Victoria got worse, and his life with the other woman makes him feel loved and young. JP tells Osvaldo that Victoria has personal problems, and Os tells him she tried to tell him the other day, but he fell asleep. JP gives him the guilt trip.

Victoria and Antonieta are at the bar and ask for Maria Mag.

Os tells JP that he’ll try to make Victoria tell him the truth. WTH! All of a sudden, Osvaldo tells JP that Max’s mom is alive?!

Sweet William Luscious Levy in a kayak.


Llena de Amor #134 (Mex. 139) Tue 2/22/11 Jorge plays dirty, and Lowrenzo is a dirty player.

Repeats…Oliver is boggled to discover that Marianela and Victoria are one and the same, plus or minus a fat suit and a few accessories. He looks like a cartoon…jaw on the floor and eyeballs bouncing around on springs. Everyone else just laughs…except Brandon, who’s looking like maybe he hopes she’ll keep stripping stuff off. Meanwhile, Muñeca and Lorenzo loll in bed at the dollhouse and cool down, each pondering the understudy waiting in Lowrenzo’s wings. Meanwhile meanwhile, Ilitia tries to get a little action of her own in Emanuel’s room, but strikes out. In rather unusual form for a protagonist, he has not forgotten that he wants a divorce. Eman goes off to sleep in Marianela’s old room, much to Ilitia’s disgust.
And now…back at the pensión, MariVicky comes back downstairs, restyled as fashionable slim Vick, much to Jorge’s clearly-expressed relief. Netty indignantly tells him that her niece is divine, fat, thin, or anything else. Brandon emphatically agrees. Oliver is still wrapping his head around the idea of the deceit, but quickly turns to wrapping his lips around the other damsel in disguise, his jalapeñita bigotón. Maverick apologizes to everyone for lying to them all this time, and Gretel joins in, but they understand. MV asks them all to promise not to mention a word of this to anyone else, and everyone we can see heartily agrees, but Jorge is mysteriously missing from view. Gretel thanks Netty for being *like* a mother to her. MV explains Jorge’s presence, and he finally chimes in with a promise to be protective and helpful. Not exactly a promise to keep his lispy mouth shut. Now Jorrible Jorge kicks his scheme into high gear. He tells the clan they’re so warm and welcoming he could cry (he does not remotely do so), then announces he’s taking them all out to the best restaurant in the city. Where they can surely get a table for eight at a moment’s notice. The ladies head upstairs to get more dazzlingly beautiful, and Gretel asks Oliver to accompany her to get more daffily macho. Thus our two young bucks are left alone to tangle antlers. Brandon remarks that Jorge doesn’t seem to look at Mari as just a friend. Jorge tries calling Brandon “son,” which does not go over well, tries chucking him on the gut, which also irritates, and finally just says it’s true that he’s in love with Marianela.
Emanuel sits in Marianela’s bed, talking to himself about how much he loves her and remembering their romantic night in the studio. He thought he’d never be able to move on, but then he fell for Victoria, how crazy. We get another gander at the waterfall whoopee-makin’. But, alas, alack, Victoria is cold and insensitive and totally used him. His beloved Mari would never have done that. It’s so odd that he fell in love with someone so different. And yet…there’s something about Vicky and Mari that’s so similar. Well, the little hamster is getting warmed up now. Eman remembers Fedra talking about the two being one and the same. Screech. Rusty hamster wheel. No, no puede ser, says Eman.
Netty is the first to join Jorge down in the courtyard. He tells her she looks fab and then, because he’s an idiot, says it’s great that Mari lost so much weight; she looks so much better. “Look, you snotty chump,” says Netty, although more nicely, “Marianela has always been beautiful, personality and character are what matters, Emanuel fell in love with her the way she was, and it’s upsetting to see her now, so full of bitterness and hate.” Jorge says the quest for revenge is understandable because they were all so mean to her. Netty agrees that she wants justice. She wants for Fedra to go to jail and Mari to get her house back. But then she hopes Mari will let go of the anger and live happily ever after with Emanuel. Jorge argues that this is impossible because he’s the son of Mari’s worst enemy. “Pavón women only fall in love once, and Marianela fell in love with Emanuel. She does not love you and never will, dude; get over it.” Netty pleads with Jorge to at least make it a clean and fair fight if he’s determined to win over Mari. He has to tell Eman that Mari and Vicky are the same. Jorge is saved from responding by the arrival of the others in a conga line. Needless to say, one simply must rewind a few times to watch Oliver’s conga. Brandon pulls Oliver aside and tells him he doesn’t trust Jorge a bit. “Whatever, free dinner out!” says Oliver.
Next morning, Emanuel runs around the mansion grounds, pursued by the dogs. Kristel reads a magazine in a lawn chair and doesn’t even notice the commotion. Meanwhile, MV exercises in a park, primly carrying a towel and water bottle as she runs.
Muñeca has brought the kids to the pensión, and Gladiola and Netty make a big fuss over Cristián. “Ahem, I came, too!” says Manzanita. Gladiola indulges her with some attention, for once in the poor kid’s life. Muñeca has come to chat with Victoria, so the other ladies take the kids off to the park. Muñeca thinks Vicky wanted to talk to her about the money Lowrenzo stole, but that isn’t it. Before Vic can state her own agenda, Muñeca jumps right in and asks what’s going on between Emanuel and Vicky.
Emanuel and Benigno walk into the house (Benigno thinking he’s going to drop dead from whatever bit of exercise he did) and Fedra slithers down the stairs. Eman teases her about finally quitting her game of Big Brother and getting out into the world. Fedra’s massively hung over and in no mood for his teasing. She scuttles off for painkillers and Eman and Beni remark that she’s been in really bad shape lately. Benigno says she’s got a lot of charges on her conscience, and the bills are coming due.
Delicia answers the door…it’s Jorge, who shovels on the smarm and charm with a backhoe, kissing her hand and everything. She’s delighted. Emanuel is somewhat less delighted. “Qué the hell are you doing at my house?” is his warm welcome. He asks his campeón and Delicious to leave them alone. “Whaddaya want?” he asks Jorge. Jorge says he’s come to talk to him about Marianela Ruiz y de Teresa and Victoria de la Garza. There’s something he needs to know.
But let’s not tax our little minds with vital knowledge. Let’s join Kristel out on the lawn in the sun. That’s what Lowrenzo is doing. Well, he’s lurking and ogling, and thought-bubbling that he won’t let this tasty bonbon marry that stupid Mauricio. Bernardo catches him in the act and tells him to keep his lechy eyes to himself. They scuffle a bit, and Fedra comes outside. Bernie tells her this creep was looking at her daughter the way he used to look at her, just eating her up. “Admit it. You want Kristel.” Fedra’s too hung over to do more than clutch her head.
Vicky swears to Muñeca that she never meant for anything to happen with Emanuel. Muñeca says she knows if Emanuel had been in love with Ilitia, he never would have wandered, but he’s in love with another woman, and Ilitia’s in love with another man. That is news to MV. “REALLY?! With whom?”
Jorge makes it very clear that he’s only pretending to be considerate because Mommy, er, Netty, is making him. “You claim you were so in love with your gordita hermosa, that she was the only one for you, but then you were able to fall in love with Vicky. Doesn’t that make you wonder?” Emanuel again remembers Fedra’s ramblings. “Are you saying that Victoria and Marianela are…” “Are best friends. And Netty asked me to deny Mari the divorce and fight for my marriage.” {Jorge, you dirty skunk.} More hilarious handplay by Emanuel as he tries and fails to pretend he understands what’s going on. “And…what does this have to do with me?” “I’m just letting you know, because I’m SUCH a gentleman, that I’m not pursuing Vicky. I’m focusing on my marriage and throwing Victoria back in the sea.” “Oh, WOW, what a guy! You’re telling me Victoria is free for me to pursue? You needn’t have bothered, because with or without your permission, I would have fought for the woman I love.” “Oh, no, no, not at all. I’m just asking you to extend the same gentlemanly courtesy, and also walk away from Victoria. For Marianela.” Well, that is ridiculous, and Emanuel and his sage smirk seem to agree.
MV really wants to know if Ilitia is really in love with another man. Muñeca thinks MV just wants to feel less guilty about getting involved with Emanuel. She emphasizes to MV that Ilitia is going through the most difficult time of her life, and as her mother, she’ll do anything to support her. MV understands, and Muñeca mentions that of course Eman couldn’t leave Ilitia when she’d just been raped, and MV agrees to try really hard to stay away from Emanuel. Okay, now why did Vicky call her over here? MV pulls out the briefcase and hands it over and Muñeca gasps. Unfortunately, Mauricio walks in right then, having strolled right over the “Welcome, Thieves and Murderers” mat at the open door. {I have a hot business idea…I’m going to become a locksmith in Telenovelalandia. I’ll make a fortune, I’m sure…the demand is endless.}
“You aren’t the boss of me, and I don’t have to do what you want!” Eman tells Jorge. It’s all fine and good with him, just FINE, MARVELOUS, if Jorge wants to pass on Vicky and stick with Mari, but Eman is still going to get his divorce and pursue true love. “Don’t use that tone with me,” Jorge sniffs. He tries to convince Eman that Vicky and Mari have such deep friendship and loyalty that Vicky will NEVER forgive what Eman did to Mari. “Never! So you don’t have a chance with her! Don’t even try!” Emanuel just laughs. But then he seriously says that Jorge is right about one thing; Eman doesn’t want to hurt Marianela. So he wants to see her face-to-face and talk with her directly and straighten everything out. It’s only fair. Jorge agrees to arrange the meeting. Ilitia strolls down the stairs and asks why he wants to see la gordita. To run into her arms after their divorce?
Kristel is still obliviously looking at the pictures in her magazine. Fedra tells Low if he cheats on her with her daughter, she’ll kill him. He says the lowly servant is just making things up to cause trouble; he was just looking for Ilitia. Bernardo says Lorenzo was totally drooling over Kristel. Was not, sez Low. Were too, sez Bernie. Bernardo knows a slimy leer when he sees one, and that was it. “Oh, you mean the way you look at Fedra all the time?” Low asks. “That’s different; that’s platónico.” “De plato de huh?” asks master wordsmith Fedra. Fedra doesn’t want a scandal and orders Bernardo to get lost. Low starts meowing and tells the little kitty to obey his mistress. Low tells Fedra if she doesn’t fire Bernie, they are through. “I’m not firing him, no way, no how, not for you or for anyone,” Fedra says. “Why? Do you have feelings for him?” Delicia arrives with Fedra’s mineral water and analgesics on a tray and says it took so long because Marianela’s husband dropped by. Fedra swishes off to meet the mystery man.
Ilitia drags Emanuel upstairs for a chat. Jorge is en route to self-congratulating his way out the door but is waylaid by Fedra. “You must be Jorge, the husband Marianela invented to throw us all off the trail,” Fedra says, clutching her head. She wants to know what catalogue Mari got him from; she could use a hot new chofer. Jorge laughs and says he has no idea what she’s talking about. Fedra must really find him attractive because she takes the time, a lot of time, to learn to say his name, and puts her arm around him, which makes him grit his teeth (though he maintains his Cheshire Cat grin). Fedra asks what he’s doing in her house. “No, not your house. This is my wife’s house.” “Tell the whale not to bother trying to get what doesn’t belong to her. This is MY house.” “What a shame that such an attractive woman as you is wasting her time on a lost cause.” He kisses her hand and takes his leave. Fedra swoons and calls him back and invites him to Kristel’s wedding the next day, as her guest of honor. {Ha. I kind of love the idea of making some guy you’ve just met the guest of honor at your daughter’s wedding, because you hate the groom so much. Funny.}
MV asks Agent O why he’s asking about the briefcase. Does he have some particular interest in it? Of course not, he insists. Just curious. MV and Muñeca act like Muñeca just forgot it when she was visiting the other day. Orangey asks if it perhaps contains the money El Lirio stole for the orphanage.
Ilitia begs Emanuel to not meet with Marianela. She’s afraid it will just reinforce his feelings for her. On the contrary, says Eman. He wants to look Mari in the eyes to tell her he’s over her. Ilitia says it’s just the limit, that he wants to ask the hamburger’s permission to hook up with the French fry. “What part of the Happy Meal am I?” “I don’t know; make your own combo. You and I aren’t together anymore! Get that through your head! Don’t cry!” Eman scuttles away, and Ilitia goes out to the balcony and calls to Jorge down in the driveway that she wants to talk to him.
Muñeca tells Malicio that she expects a big donation from him for the orphanage soon; he’s such a big successful businessman. She takes the briefcase and leaves to find the kids at the park. Mauron tells Vicky he’s come for a little bachelor party. He swears he’ll keep his word and ditch Kristel, but he needs a little incentive, an advance payment…how about a little kiss? He leans in…
Low and Kristel toast to her wedding, and she drops her entire tequila sunrise on his foot. He comments that the bride seems a little nervous. Is she afraid the groom won’t show up, or what? Zero cool, she says. He tells her she’s too fab a woman for that icky Mauricio. Kristel tells Low to forget about her. Maybe he should go see her mami for a little R&R. He’d rather do that with junior, and tries to get started. She throws him off. “Move. On!” she says in English. She’s in love with Mau, and tomorrow they’re going to marry. “That louse is not good enough for you! Stand him up! Tonight I can have a private plane ready, and we can fly off wherever you want to go. What do you say?”
Ilitia tells Jorge she wants to stop Emanuel from seeing Marianela. Jorge tells her he’s arranging the meeting, but he intends to stick with Mari and keep Eman away from Victoria, too. Ilitia teases that he wants both of them to himself, the glutton. Jorge offers an alliance to keep Emanuel with Ilitia.
Kiss denied. Malicio’s creeping into Rapey Snake mode, but MV doesn’t seem to realize the hazard. He growls that he’s getting desperate and he’s got to have her. She calmly says he won’t have to wait much longer. He slimes on her hand and Brandon walks in.
Low runs his pervy hands all over Kristel and begs her not to marry Mau. Run away with him instead. She asks if he’s really serious. He says she has no idea how badly he wants to get into her…heart. He’ll do anything for her. “Really? Anything?” Ilitia walks out of the house. “WHAT the HELL is going on here?! Gross, Dad! She could be your daughter!” “I will not tolerate those insinuations!” “What insinuations? Your hands were all over her!” “Oh, no! I was just congratulating her on her wedding! And being affectionate, like a father!” Ilitia gives him a sideways look at that. Kristel swears it’s all true; it’s not at all like what Ilitia’s thinking. Kris suddenly decides she’s got to go supervise wedding preparations. Ilitia apologizes and says she’s just nervous lately. Is it true he’s accused of theft? Low says it’s just a misunderstanding and he’ll clear it all up. Ilitia tells him to do that, and fast, and then never hurt Mommy again. He’s made her suffer enough over the years. Low gets calculatingly teary and shaky and says he’s still hurt that Ilitia took Muñeca’s side when she threw him out of the house. Ilitia softens a bit but stands firm: she wants him to stop being such a jerk and fix things with Muñeca. Not for their own happiness, of course, but because Ilitia is selfish and wants the comfort of seeing that problems in a marriage can be overcome. Low tells Ilitia that maybe all the problems in her marriage are her own fault. Screech. “¡¿COMO?!” Low asks if it’s true that Ilitia is in love with that worse-than-nothing, Brandon Moreno.
Mau teases Brandon about not catching the baddies yet again. Then he slimes on MV’s hand some more, and Brandon grabs him by the collar and chucks him out. Brandon asks Mari what the heck is going on. She says it’s all part of the plan. Tomorrow is Kristel’s and Mau’s wedding, and everyone is going to find out what trash he is. It will be an event full of surprises!
Lowrenzo asks Ilitia if she really wants to spend her life mopping floors and cooking rice and beans. As if! says Ilitia. He knows very well she can’t stand that guy. Although sometimes when she looks at him… Ilitia gets a bit hot and flustered for a second. But then she gathers her wits and swears she would never have anything to do with Brandon. She loves Emanuel, and she will never leave him! Low says that’s good, because if he heard she was in love with that poor dude it would be the worst thing ever. Ilitia looks very sad at that. Low gestures at the luxe mansion and tells her she’s got to hang on to all this. He knows she isn’t very smart, but… “Excuse me?!” Low reminds her that she already lost Eman to la gorda once. And now again, Victoria, whew, boy is she ever a hot property, like a curvy monument, who wouldn’t want to… “Dad! Stop!”
Mari thanks Jorge for spilling the beans to Netty. He uses a lot of words to say no problem. She says that now that Marianela is going to return, she wants Emanuel to think she’s changed her mind about the divorce and she and Jorge are totally together. Jorge says he knows her so well he anticipated that and has already told Emanuel. “Oh…well, thanks.” He tells her he also met Fedra and Fed definitely suspects their marriage is just a ruse. Mari thinks that problem will vanish when Mari and Jorge appear together. Jorge thinks they need to be more bold to get Eman to stay away…Mari should tell him to forget about her friend Victoria. Good plan, says Mari, but they’ll have to wait until Doris finishes the botarga to put it into action. Jorge mentions that Fedra invited him to the wedding and says he wants Vicky to be his date. “Oh, sorry, I already have a date for tomorrow,” says MV. “Who?” Jorge asks. The banty rooster struts in, awfully pleased with himself.
The hapless hoodlums catch up. Mau tells them about the briefcase. Garduño says that Victoria and her brother the reporter have gotten to be a real nuisance. He thinks they should get them out of the way. Mau says to leave Victoria unharmed. Garduño assigns Dandy to rid them of Manolo, tomorrow. The big problem, though, is to get the money back. Low doesn’t think he’ll manage it because Muñeca doesn’t trust him at all. Garduño smirks that he’ll take care of the wifey; Low just needs to make sure she’s at home alone tomorrow. Mau’s only job is to marry his dim fiancée, and to make sure he does it, Garduño is going to have two armed men at his side all day. If he doesn’t get the job done, he dies. And we end on that happy thought.
Mañana: Chaos at the wedding. MV ousts Fedra from the house and Fedra is arrested for fraud.
Jalepeñita bigotón – mustachioed little hot pepper. i.e. Gretel/Manolo
Goloso – glutton
Mafufo – crazy person; nutjob. (Ilitia said this of Brandon)
Botarga – clown suit, costume


La Verdad Oculta EP111 02/22/2011 – The Letter finally left Middle-earth

* The goons follow shocked Adolfo who drives to an abandoned road, and they record every single movement of him, including the spectacular moment when he gets rid of Carmelo’s body.

* While David and JJ are watching porn, I mean, waiting for Garnica’s mail, Eddie and Valentín are creating copies of Adolfo’s one man show. Speaking of Dolphie, when he arrives at home and hears that Bertha desperately wants to get out of her room, he send his terrified maid to vacation and threatens her in order to keep her mouth shut. Crazy Dad enters the room and tries to calm hysterical Bertha down, though his caresses and hugs make her feel more frightened. He really cares for her, he would never hurt her, he just needs a companion who understands him. His confession is interrupted by the maid who gives him Eddie’s DVD. Irritated Adolfo watches it in his bedroom and he has to realize he’s been framed. *Viewerville: LOL*

* After a troubled night Alejandra finally confronts Juan José about his relationship with Elsa. Frankly, she can’t understand it. *Viewerville: Don’t worry, Ale, we don’t understand it either. Nor do the writers.* JJ assures his wife there’s nothing between them, for him Elsa is like a little sister and a friend. Maybe, but she’s mad about you! JJ doesn’t care, he loves Alejandra. At last his words melt her heart but she’s still worried about Elsa. JJ says since Elsa’s going to visit Caramelo in David’s house they won’t talk often, only when it’s necessary. Does she feel better? Yes.

* The Endless Nightmare On Braless Street continues: this time Dante interrogates Zaida and tells her not to play the innocent dove, when they met in Europe she’d been already involved in dirty businesses. She begs him not to hurt her, and she’s ready to do anything he wants. Really? She committed many errors, so she should be careful. The first question is: is Garnica alive?

*In the morning Adolfo visits Bertha in her bedroom and tells her he locked her up because she was hysterical and he wanted to prevent her from doing something stupid. He’s got many problems he has to solve, first of all he has to deal with Mario. But if she promises she won’t try to escape he won’t lock her up. He’ll trust her.

* At Dante’s the old rascal tells Zaidita, who tries to make him believe Garnica’s alive that he knows she’s lying. It was Adolfo’s idea, wasn’t it?! But never mind. Now she has to go back to Adolfo and tell him she managed to convince Sevilla. But remember: if she dares disobey he’ll kill her. *Zaida definitely wants a new job.*

* While Édgar and Valentín are writing their second letter in which they demand the second part of the money for Gaby’s shoes, the young employee takes a photo of Psycho Eddie and sighs. Papucho! (Hottie.) In his office Adolfo reads the newest e-mail he realizes the dead guy in his car wasn’t the one who impersonated Garnica. But fortunately the geeky hacker’s arrived at the condo and he explains to Adolfo he can track the location of the computer from where the e-mails were sent. However, finding out the identity of the sender will be more difficult.

* Juanita calls Yolanda who asks her to give the letter that’s hidden in her mattress back. In the meantime the hacker finds out the goons sent the letters from the same computer, most likely the used an internet café. Juanita rushes to Yolanda and gives her the famous Letter. She reads it and finally realizes it’s Carlos’s death sentence.

* Eddie and Valentín are about to visit the internet café when they notice the hacker and Adolfo’s bodyguard who ask the pretty employee about her papucho. The goons decide to get the hell out of there. Adolfo’s men show the girl a photo of Garnica, and she laughs, her man is young. She shows them the photo on her cell phone, but since the guys never met Édgar they don’t recognize him.

* Carlos visits Yolanda and when he starts gushing about how much he loves his new job and how much he wants to earn JJ’s trust, disquiet passes through her face. She confesses to him she has the Letter.

*In the condo the insane game between the crazy, caring tyrant and the frightened prisoner continues. Daddy Dolphie tells Bertha he’s going to work at home so they can spend more time together. *Grrrreat.* And they can go wherever she wants, shopping, cinema, and so on. And what about traveling, asks the little girl. Later. Right now Faidella wouldn’t let him leave the country. Bertha confesses she’s afraid, so Adolfo hugs her again and tells her he won’t hurt her. She means so much for him, and don’t forget, he wants to give her single every peso he has. All she has to do is to spend the last years with him. Bertha calms down a little bit.

* Dante gets an anonymous letter with Adolfo’s home video. While he’s watching it, Édgar calls him for more money, however, Dante knows he’s one of Adolfo’s men and sends him to hell. No, no, no, says Eddie, if Dante doesn’t pay him, the DVD will end up at the police. Adolfo and Bertha are having lunch when he also gets a phone call from Eddie. While the handmaiden is eavesdropping, Adolfo tells Édgar he knows he’s a traitor and he impersonated Garnica, therefore he won’t pay him. On the contrary, consider himself a dead man! Bertha’s on the edge of freaking out again. But Eddie doesn’t give up, he reminds Adolfo of the shoes and the diamonds. Then he tells Valentín they will have to do some investigations again.

* In their office uneasy Gabriela tells David she feels so strange lately, she’s worried about her father and she feels something’s wrong. David hugs and comforts her. In the garden of the Genovés villa the three amigos, aka Abelardo, Limón and FaustiMario are playing cards when anxious David shows up and wants to talk with his dad immediately. In the study he tells him how depressed Gaby is and when Fausto starts again his “I’m not ready to tell Gaby everything yet” speech he firmly demands him to reveal the truth at last.

* When Adolfo arrives at home he finds a very drunken, giggling Bertha in the living room. She tells him she needs to leave the flat, to meet young people and Adolfo lets her meet Jimena. She may leave the flat with his bodyguard.

* JJ also gets an envelope with the photos of Garnica’s helicopter and Carmelo holding the shoes. The letter says the guy on the photo is Carmelo Rodríguez, the man who killed Javier Garnica and Susana Gómez. If he wants more information he’ll have to pay for it. Oh, no, again?

* In a bar drunken Bertha has great time with Jimena and two guys, and by “great time” I mean sinking deeper into the pool of depression and self-destruction. When the four horny youngsters decide to go to a hotel, the bodyguard calls Sugar Daddy who orders him to get his wife out of the building.

* In Yolanda’s flat Carlos holds the infamous letter that caused so many problems. Yolanda tells him they can’t give it to the police since it says he was the one who murdered the maid. Even if he denies it, Roberto is already dead and there will be another investigation. What if he ends up in jail innocently? Okay, but then what should they do with the letter, asks the boy. Yolanda silently picks up her lighter. Wait, wait, wait. Is she sure? Yes, she is. Carlos is the one who will tell the police the truth, not the letter. As the two watch the burning paper, painful flashbacks remind screaming Viewerville of the horrible events that happened because of it.



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