Friday, March 25, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #73-74 3/24/11 A triumph of fire safety PSAs

Buenos dias, mis amores. I'm up and at 'em, working on the recap right now. Watch this space for updates!

***This recap is now complete

Part I:
Max walks out of the restaurant, giving his flowers to some chick and getting in his plastic car.

Nathy cries that Juanjo will never love her. She's sure she wants to fight for his love. Maria D is happy to hear it. Maria wants to go out and look for a job, but Nathy, on PJP's orders, forbids her. The landlord comes to the door to harass them about the rent. Nathy begs for a few more days, then Maria adds her voice to the chorus. The guy relents, but if they don't pay up he'll throw them out. Maria uses this as ammo for her argument. She's going to get some sewing supplies. Nathy wants to go too, but she's been put on Juanjo duty. Maria D heads out the door, but this time, it's Max. He asks for the truth…actually, he demands it!

Victoria cries to PJP that he hasn't given back her daughter like he promised. She begs him to tell her who her daughter is, but he can't. She calls him a coward and says he'd rather see her die of pain than tell the truth. She bids him goodbye and hopes God can forgive him, but she can't. She never wants to see him again. Nunca! (never). PJP cries.

Max is upset that she wasn't at work. And that she won't let him support her. Maria D says she can go it alone. "What did Cruz mean about making you tell me the truth? What was he referring to?" Guilty face!

Ximena trips on the way into Gui's house. She was hoping to sneak in while he was out, but…busted! She wants her stuff. Gui's keeping it as snitch insurance. Ximena says she'll come back at some point, but he's like, "Oh, you think I'm stupid enough to keep them here?" Then he spills that it's all in his locker at Televisa. I wouldn't put it past him to rig that locker to blow up if you open it, Xi.

Max asks Maria if she would agree to be his wife. He wants to divorce Ximena right now. He can't take it anymore. He's sick of Ximena and misses Maria and can't stop thinking about her. "But your mom and your wife won't like it!" Eh, he doesn't care. She accepts. Oh, whatever. That won't last. Smoochies.

The first commercial is about the time change…I checked my DVR listings and they're all wacky. 8-10 on Monday, 9-10 on Tuesday, 9-11:30 on Wednesday, 10-11:30 on Thursday. Poor machine is all screwed up.

Part II:
Pipino is waiting for Vic downstairs. He compliments her for walking down the stairs. You should see her chew gum while she does it. Vic was talking to Rox…Pipino freaks. This lends credence to Rox's argument that she just tries to give helpful suggestions and Pipino freaks. "You've even accused her of stealing!" Oh, no he didn't! He did not ACCUSE…he said it outright. Lots of stuff has gone missing, including expensive jewels. "You don't have proof!" Well, he'll find it.

Gui wants some nookie, but Xi considers him an enemy. They fight over who's the Alpha Crazy in this pack. Gui's willing to let her live her life, but he's not going to let her go. She'll never get rid of him.

Pipino blames it all on Vic not coming to the office. They miss her too much and need her too much, but she's not in the mood to go in to work. She brought him in to tell him that his latest designs will be done in knits. Pipino screams it won't work! He's already done the designs! They don't go with knits! What's he supposed to do with them?! "Do you want me to eat them?!" Vic says she doesn't care what he does with the designs, but Europe's doing knit, so they've got to do knit. Pip says she's cruel, possessed by Rox, and he hates her. Max comes in and tells Vic he needs to have a serious talk with her about Maria D. Um, excuse me Max, but Vic just told Pipino that he's got to design knitwear. That far outweighs your self-created personal drama!

JP, sans P, hangs out at his Mom's house. He remembers the farewell party and Vic's ridiculous braids. And the party guest coming on to him. Bernarda thinks he's here to show he loves her more than his "bastard." JP says that "bastard" is her granddaughter and she needs help. Also, the bishop approved his leave of absence. Oh noes! Bernarda's lines. JP says he's no longer blinded by her will. "In the memory of my father, I ask you to relent!" He reminds her that his father questioned his vocation. Bernarda tells him not to ask in Octavio's name. She goes to the top of the stairs and dramatically announces that Octavio wasn't his father. And what does she expect to gain by that?

Part III:
JP asks for an explanation. "Is it true or are you trying to torment me?" She says Octavio married her knowing she was pregnant by someone else. Fausto stops to listen. Bernarda says a married man took advantage of her innocence. She says she punished him with her own hands. JP is confused. "No one mocks Bernarda de Iturbide!"

Pip sneaks out while Max tells Vic to be more respectful of Maria, since she doesn't speak disrespectfully of her. Ximena stops at the door to over hear this conversation. Vic tries to accuse Maria of being shirty when she ran into her at Bernarda's, but Max thinks Vic probably started it. Fine, whatever, what did you want to tell me? Max says he's going to divorce Xi and marry Maria.

JP now understands Bernarda's hate for Vic. "She lived your same story…." Bernarda says it was different. She didn't seduce anyone, but Victoria did. JP has finally realized that she's got a lot of accumulated hate. He tries to say it was no one's fault, but she loses it and kicks him out of the house until he's PJP again. "Who's going to save my soul?" Bernarda cries. OK, listen, lady, either you've done nothing wrong and therefore your soul doesn't need saving OR you have done some bad, bad shit, and if you admit it and repent you can be absolved according to the rules of your belief system. PICK ONE! Seriously. "I've done nothing wrong, so you gotta save me!" makes no sense. Sorry. Beanie back on firmly now.

Vic says Max is nuts if he thinks he's gonna marry Maria after she and Linda colluded to get Linda into Os's bed. If he insists, he'll have to choose between her and Maria. Gee. Tough call.

Xi won't let Max leave her. She goes to talk to Maria, but stops when she sees that Maria really is preggers…as evidenced by Maria walking down the steps with one hand on her belly. Xi won't let the baby be born. She tries to mow Maria down in the street, but chickens out a little and just grazes her. Nathy sees the whole thing. Even though Maria says she's fine and it wasn't on purpose, Nathy insists the car sped up. While the crowd is talking, a police car starts pursuing Xi. She hopes if she couldn't kill Maria, maybe she at least killed the baby. The police car behind her has sirens on and is honking its horn at Xi. She speeds up.

Padilla complains that Fed will never marry Fer now. Well, Fed's over it. Padilla says he's got to marry Fer or never come home. "You care more about the Sandoval's money than your own son." Padilla says heck yeah, and he also needs revenge on Vic. Plus Fed doesn't bring in any money of his own. So either marry Fer or don't come home--period, end of story.

Max accuses Vic of being full of hate and not loving him. She insists she loves him like her own son. "In exchange for what?" He asks if she's asking him to sacrifice his own happiness in payment. She says she just wants to protect him. He is practically screaming at her as he says all she's interested in is having her will done. "You don't know how to love! You're dry!" (seca). Max says he'll never speak to her that way again, because they'll never speak again. If she wants him to choose, then fine, he chooses Maria. She's his woman and he's going to marry her against Vic's will. "If you do, you can forget about me!" Max says he can't. He loves her and sees her as his mother, but obviously she's never loved him or she wouldn't want to see him unhappy at the side of a crazy woman instead of with the woman he loves. I'd call that harsh but fair.

Nathy is furious with Maria for going out after she told her not to. If Maria gets her silly ass run over, how are they going to survive?! Nathy wants to call Max and tell him, but Maria begs her not to. She doesn't know how to keep Max from finding out she's pregnant. Nathy has had it and insists it's time for him to know.

Max says his heart belongs to Maria. He gets a call and says he's on his way over. Maria had an accident. Vic tries to stop him from going, but Max tells her not to talk that way about his future wife or she'll never see him again. Max leaves and Vic turns to see that Fer heard the whole thing. She's looking at her mother accusingly. "What? Are you going to tell me I don't love you? That I'm an officious dictator?" "No. Just that you're going to end up alone, because I do plan to support my brother and if Maria makes him happy, then I'll help him separate himself from Ximena…YOUR Ximena."

Fausto goes back to the kitchen with the coffee. Eva asks him what's up. "I know why Doña Bernarda killed my parents. My father deceived her and left her pregnant. Padre Juan Pablo is my father's son. He's my half-brother." Eva says she has to tell him something--he's not Gonzalo's son. When Rosalia met him, he had already been born. "But he always treated me like a son." Because he loved your mother.

Bernarda looks at the picture of Gonzalo and Rosalia. "You paid dearly for your betrayal. Fire purified the sin you obligated me to commit with your deception. Fire purified my soul. Fire. Fire." Flashbacks. "Fire has to finish off all the sinners. All the dishonest women who give themselves to forbidden men." A light bulb of evil just went off.

JP cries to Padre Jer that his mother's not the person he thought she was. He didn't realize she was so full of rancor and hate. He thinks she's on the verge of losing her soul and he has to help her come back to God.

Bernarda summons Padilla. Flashbacks. Her ire will consume the sinners, blah, blah, blah.

Padre Jer is hurting for JP, but there's no way to save someone who doesn't repent. And since Bernarda thinks she's doing the right thing…. JP doesn't know what to do. Well, calm down, for starters, and pray she comes to her senses. Oh, Padre Jer, so young, so innocent, so naïve…there ain't enough prayer in the world gonna bring that bat to her senses! He asks JP what the bishop had to say. "He approved my vacation request." JP's going to take care of Maria for as long as she needs him. Padre Jer says the doors of God's house are always open to him.

Max comes over to the apartment. Maria says she just wasn't paying attention when she was crossing the street. And no, she doesn't want to go to the doctor. Maria insists nothing can happen to her, because she has Max's love. Smoochies. Well, since they're not going to the doctor, Max tells her he already talked to Vic and told her he's divorcing Xi. And no, she didn't take it well. Maria doesn't want Max to…. He shushes her. All she's guilty of is showing him real love. Smoochies. Max will talk to Ximena today. Good luck with that.

Fabian remembers his serenata to Fer. Xi comes in looking for Max and accuses Fabian of being his "alcahuete" (pimp, go-between, procurer, dude who's helping his friend cover up an affair). And BTW, "no me tutees" (don't address me with the familiar "you") because Fabian is not her equal. Aw, gee, Ximena. Thank you for showing me that yes, I really can hate you even more than I already do. Fabian mockingly addresses her as "Mrs. Sandoval," but Xi misses the sarcasm. Xi wants to pump him for info about Max and Maria, but Fab plays dumb. Then he says he can't divulge a confidence and she'll have to talk to her husband if she wants more details. "Well, I'm pregnant with his baby and I can't let another bitch steal him!" she warns. Whatever. She leaves and Fab thinks about Fer.

Part IV:
Fer goes outside, limping, and Cruz comes to see how she's doing. He was worried about her. He knows he's a brute, but she's stubborn…not that he's blaming her. He thinks it's his fault. Fer says it was just an accident. "See, see! I told you! You're beautiful when you smile!" Fer thanks him for the serenata. She really liked it. Frickin' Fed interrupts potential smoochies. He wants to reconcile, but Fer's having none of it. "You can't break up with me because we love each other and we're going to get married." Cruz takes a look and says it doesn't look like Fed is pregnant, so…. "She wants nothing more to do with you, isn't that right?" Fed tries to insist, but when he lays hands on Fer, Cruz pulls him off. Fed punches Cruz in the mouth, but even though it knocks him down, he's amused. Cruz gets up, provokes Fed some more, punches him a couple of times in the face, and scares Fed off. Every time Cruz comes closer, Fed runs off. Fer is worried about Cruz, but he says it doesn't hurt. Damnit, people! I can handle the smoochies! Give me the smoochies!

Burnie wants Padilla to punish someone tonight. Details to come, one assumes.

Xi complains about Maria to her mom. "Instead of making a scene, use your brains. You can't lose Max now that they're about to take our house! So deal with the situation." Xi decides to deal with it by whining at Vic. She says she hopes Maria doesn't have the baby, after what she just did. "I ran her over. I hope she loses her baby." Rox tells her to be careful. "I'm always careful. Anyone who gets into it with me will pay. Like Linda." "Linda? You mean?" "Yes. I killed her." Rox is surprised. "She knew too much. She found out it's Gui's baby and tried to extort money from me. What else could I do?" Rox is horrified.

Gui looks at the disguise and says it's good to have a crazy chick around. They know how to get things done. "If Xi dares to betray me, she'll pay for her osadia." (impudence).

Burnie is just punishing sinners. If JP wants to suffer for that girl, then let him suffer. Fausto overhears.

Xi whines to Vic. Vic has changed her tune now. Xi has failed to win Max's love, so too bad. "But I'm pregnant! That's proof that I did win his love!" Vic says if Max loved her, he wouldn't want to leave her so badly. "I don't know what you did to get yourself knocked up, but obviously it had nothing to do with love." "I just did what you told me to do." Vic says too bad. She can't make Max stay. "What do you want me to do? Make him sacrifice his happiness? I can't do that." "Oh, so you're going to accept Linda's accomplice into your home?" More whining. Vic says she's got to accept that she lost Os and Xi has to accept that Max doesn't want her. "That doesn't mean I'll abandon you to your fate. I promise you'll never lack for anything. Neither you nor my grandson. You'll live with all the luxuries you're used to, but you have to accept Max's decision." Sounds like a win-win to me.

Max and Maria look at their pictures. I just realized I'm bored with them. They're being all lovey and making each other promises that won't be kept until the very end and I'm so over it. Even the theme song isn't saving their scenes for me.

Xi wants Vic to convince Max not to divorce her until after the baby's born. Vic won't do it. Xi's whining is probably the one thing I'm enjoying less than the Max/Maria mess. Fine, Vic relents. Xi's going to go rest. And eat. For the baby.

Xi goes into the room and curses everyone, including Max. She throws a tantrum.

Max puts Maria into bed in a completely non-sexual way. Bo-ring. The phone rings. It's Vic. He won't come to the house. She knows he's not at work. He hangs up on her.

Xi crazies. Vic's a betrayer. Nobody messes with Xi.

Max fills Maria in on the phone call, but says he's not going anywhere. Little Miss Goody Two Shoes tells him to go talk to his mommy and promises she'll take care of herself. OK, fine, Little Mr No Balls says he'll go, but only because she's telling him to. And I had such hope for him earlier.

Xi starts calming herself down, channeling Ivana. She has to think. She's sure the cockroach will lose her baby. Max has to support the baby. And her mommy and her will live like queens. Because they ARE queens. Not like Vic and Max…those traitors!

JP and Milagros talk to JuanJo. He has to be strong. He's a brave guy, dedicated to helping people and saving lives, so he's gotta save his own life now! For his mother's sake, and everyone else's. JP needs JuanJo's help to save the guys at the church. "Or are you going to prove that you have a cowardly heart instead of a heroic one?"

Fer sits outside while Cruz tends to the flowers. She can't stop thinking that it's her mom's fault that her dad left. Cruz tells her she can't stay mad at her mom. Parents are sacred. And yes, she did seriously like the serenata. Smoochies! Smooooooooochies! Interrupted by a jealous Fabian. I'm sorry Fab, but you need to go back to Nathy, because I need some relationships on this show that I can actually root for. Sad Sack Fab is so stupid he actually has to ask Cruz if he has feelings for Fer. Cruz admits he's in love with her and supposes Fab is as well. "Don't worry about me, though. I'm just a gardener and she's a faraway star who will never take me seriously." Fab tells him to buck up. "I'm just an employee too. We've got even chances. Let's be gentlemen about this. We'll fight it out, but we'll fight clean." Cruz likes that idea. "Whoever loses just has to deal with it." They shake on it. Let the bromance commence!

JP gives Maria a hard time about leaving the house. She says she needs a job. Not just for herself, but for the baby. JP says he'll support her financially. "I don't get it. What are you saying?" "I'm going to be around a lot more to take care of you. I'm not a priest anymore." "Say what? Why?" "For you, daughter. Because you need the help." "You can't do that! Thanks, but I'm not anyone you should sacrifice your vocation for. Why are you doing this? I don't think I deserve it." "I swore I'd protect and care for you and that's what I'll do. Now, no more questions, just accept it. I'll take care of you until you can do it yourself. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have something very important to do." Maria is confused.

Padilla and Alacran scope out Maria's apartment. Padilla reminds him that Burnie doesn't like mistakes, so they have to follow her instructions precisely. Alacran says, fine, they'll do just what the old hag wants. "Hey, that's Doña Bernarda to you!"

But to me, it's the Crazy Old Bitch, and she's busy kissing the bishop's ring. She blasts him for allowing JP to leave his vocation. The bishop says it's just a vacation. Deal with it. He disapproves of her calling Maria a bastard. Bernie denies the blood ties. He tells her sinners need understanding. She says they need punishment. "You're the one who deserves punishment, for keeping your mouth shut. You're the one who's responsible for this mess! You should repent and support your son and granddaughter when they need you!" "I don't support sinners. Let them suffer and pay for their mistakes." "Then sadly, madam, I can see your soul is black." "You're no one to condemn me." "No, of course not, but my obligation is to incite you, obligate you, invite you to rectify your mistake. While you don't do it, while there isn't in your heart the smallest bit of mercy, I forbid you from receiving communion. Not until you have compassion and understanding for your fellows." OH, SNAP! Now that's 2 sacraments she's being denied! "There's no doubt you've also been seduced by evil. Soon, you'll realize that I'm the only one who's in the right." She leaves and he's angry, but I think he fails to recognize the threat.

Max talks to Vic at the house. She asks forgiveness for trying to run his life. Even though she doesn't agree, she accepts his decision to divorce Ximena. She doesn't want him to blame her for his unhappiness later. Max is impressed and thanks her. He knows it's difficult to admit one's mistakes, but she's made great strides. She does have a favor to ask--she wants him to wait until after the baby is born. Max says no. He won't budge on that. He's made up his mind and he's doing it as soon as possible, to marry Maria, the woman he loves. Ok, ok, he's got his balls back. Max leaves. Vic says "Sorry, son, but you're not leaving me any other option."

Oscar is on the phone. Rox overhears him telling someone that he's the man holding the purse strings now. She waits for him to get off the phone, then comes in and lays on the charm. "Why don't you invite me out for a drink sometime?" He tries to get away, but she's like a black hole. She forces a kiss on him and he freezes just long enough for Toni to see. He shoves her off and she saunters out of his office.

Pip sees the green Rox has picked out and goes all chipmunk. Toni comes in and cries on his shoulder, though she has a hard time getting the story out. Time for a three-martini lunch.

He knew it! Rox is bad news. Yes, he says it more colorfully. Toni says it wasn't all Rox's fault. Oscar let her kiss him. But hey, they're not officially in a relationship, so it's no big. She feels ridiculous. She'd gotten her hopes up over something that wasn't really serious. It's better if she forgets him, and if she ends up alone…Pip will still be there, right? Gui is in the restaurant and hears the conversation. He realizes he can use Toni to get to Vic. He calls the waiter over and sends champagne to their table. Toni and Pip are surprised.

OK, so the new time starts on Wednesday?

Part V:
JuanJo is back at the firehouse. The guys cheer.

Ave Maria plays as Milagros thanks the Virgen for getting JuanJo out of his funk.

Vic goes to Maria's. Nathy is not going to put up with Vic insulting her again. Maria gets her to agree to let them talk. I kind of like Nathy's jacket, but it's a disaster with the rest of that outfit. Vic won't come in. She tells Maria she won. "I hope that makes you feel good about yourself. You got what you wanted--Max." Maria tells her it was never a war, they're in love. "I'm not interested in your romantic drivel. All I care about is Max. I already lost Os because of you. I'm not going to lose my son too." "Your husband leaving you is not my fault, that was Linda. And you." Vic doesn't want to talk about the past. "Max wants to leave everything to be with you. Whatever his reasons, I've come to humble myself before you. Something I thought I'd never do for someone like you." "Please quit insulting me and just say what you have to say."

Part VI:
JP finds Domingo in an alley. Another druggie jokes about Domingo calling him "Padre." Domingo explains that JP is a priest and he used to be his sacristan. JP takes him by the arm and tries to drag him away. Another druggie objects and drags him back. Yet another druggie suggests that if he wants Domingo, he should fight for him. Domingo says they shouldn't hurt the Padre, he's a nice guy. JP says he doesn't solve problems with violence. Domingo gets shoved into the wall and hits his head. Druggie #3 pulls out a switchblade.

Vic asks Maria to convince Max to stay with Xi until the baby is born. Maria asks her to sit down. "What you want is for me to delay my happiness?" "No, I'm asking you for some humanity. A little time. If you're ever a mother, you'll understand my position. I want him to stay with Xi until she gives birth, and then he can do what he wants." "Ma'am, can you please explain why you've dedicated your life to destroying mine?" Vic admits she doesn't know. Maria says if Vic had looked at her differently, a lot of hurt could have been avoided. She asks if maybe there's time to do things differently, but Vic says she'll never accept Maria, even if Maria is Max's wife.

JP fights the druggies. He offers to show them self-defense, but if they want to keep wasting their lives, that's their business. He tries to take Domingo again, but Domingo says he can't go.

Padilla and Alacran pour gasoline around the building. Burnie pulls up to watch the action.

Domingo is too ashamed. He failed JP and his friends. He stole. He betrayed JP's confidence. He asks JP to forget about him.

Vic needs an answer. "Can you sacrifice a little time for Max's child?" Maria says she can sacrifice anything, unlike Vic, if it means seeing Max happy. Vic tells her not to let Max know that she was there. "Of course. You want to let someone else take the fall for you, like always. Don't worry. Things will be done the way you want. I'm a woman of my word." Vic heads out of the apartment. Nathy comes in to ask what happened.

Burnie is pissed that Vic is there. "Does she know that Maria Desamparada is her daughter? If she does, she'll lose her again anyway."

Padilla and Alacran hide while Vic goes to her SUV and drives away. Burnie sees them come around and splash the sidewalk and the front porch. In plain sight of the street. Where no one is around. Conveniently.

Milagros brought dinner over again. She tells Maria and Nathy that JuanJo went back to work.

Padilla tells Burnie that everything is ready and they're sure "the young lady" is insude. Burnie gets out of the car and holds out her hand for the box of matches. She strikes a match and stares for a moment, flashing back to previous fires. "Juan Pablo, you don't have to worry anymore. You won't quit the priesthood. For you…." She throws the match and the fire spreads across the street to the building.

Part VII:

The guys give Napo a hard time for saying he loves JuanJo. Amid the homophobia, he has to clarify that he loves him like a son. JuanJo appears and asks Napo when he's gonna marry Milagros. More cheering, since Napo didn't know JuanJo was back.

Milagros feels a disturbance in the force…oh, no, she sees smoke. The hallway outside her apartment is burning. She calls JuanJo.

Napo wants to throw a party, but with no alcohol. JuanJo picks up the phone and Milagros tells him the 'hood is burning. She can't get out and the hallway is in flames. The guys head out.

Eva can't understand why he didn't help Burnie with the burning. He says he couldn't help her do the same thing she did to his parents. She reminds him that it's their plan to gain her confidence, so they can finish her off when she least expects it.

Burnie and the gang are in the car, watching the fire. She's letting Alacran smoke in her car? I don't believe it. She decides it's time to leave, so they drive away.

Milagros is using wet towels to cover the crack under the door so smoke can't get in.

JuanJo is anxious about his mom as they drive over in the fire engine. Milagros starts praying.

The cops arrive and help a few people get away from the building.

Nathy looks out the window and wakes up Maria to tell her they've got to get out. But the hallway is in flames.

The cops try to calm everyone down. JP tries to get past them.

Nathy shoves Maria back into the apartment. She grabs the tablecloth and uses it to cover the crack under the door. Maria throws water on it and on the door and they go into the bedroom to repeat the treatment with a blanket and another convenient pitcher of water. They lie down on the floor and cover their mouths and noses with wet cloths.

JuanJo and crew roll up.

Milagros passes out from smoke inhalation.

The girls are coughing. Maria passes out.

Sweet William Levy in a Kayak!

I'm not worried. JuanJo will save them all and Maria won't be able to get out of going to the hospital, where a doctor will conveniently mention "the baby" in front of Max.

Official previews: Burnie says she had to do it; Vic senses a disturbance in the force; Xi tries to convince Max not to leave her by getting whiny and violent; Xi swears vengeance and attempts suicide again, giving Vic another opportunity into guilting him; Max tries to convince the firefighters to let him in so he can save his woman.


Eva Luna #98 Thu 3/24/11 Slimy tongue slip-up and finally the IW photos confrontation! IS Bimbutt really coo-coo? That is the question.‏

Recap by Marta

Key: IM= Idiot Man (aka Dan); IW= Idiot Woman (aka Eva); BB= Bimbutt (aka Vicky)
Recap of yesterday, JoJo hearing an interesting chat…

Lawyer telling Bimbutt this paper is for a divorce proceeding, BB slaps lawyer.

IW telling IM that she, DonJ and Deb think his parents were killed by Marcela.

IM finds Bimbutt on floor…

Ali telling Leo she is preggers… Leo threatens her he will finish her.

Leo talking to his bracelet, warning he will not let him (IM) take Eva away, he will even make up evidence against him.

Ali arrives to his room, he is annoyed… asks if she changed her mind since last night when she sent him away… She says things will now change…

Leo: I am glad finally you understand that I will marry your sister.

Ali: The issue is that I am not so sure that will happen.

Leo: What?

Ali: I am not so sure Eva will keep planning to marry you when she finds out I am expecting your child.

Leo gets really angry… in denial, she cannot be expecting a child of his… otherwise you got preggers with the intention to prevent your sis from getting married… YOU Have to end that pregnancy tomorrow…

Ali is not going to do it.

Leo still irate, will not allow it, will not let her change his plans… Claw tried it already, and she suffered the consequences… Ali wants to know who Claw is… Leo says never mind. She is dead… And if you don’t do what I say the easy way, I will take care of ending this stupidity of yours… Ali threatens not to dare touch her (gmab, Ali, do you realize who you are threatening?) Leo roughs up Ali and keeps threatening her, then forces a kiss on her…

At NewVille, Bimbutt is in Laurita’s room scaring her with a freaky stare…

Dano and Jackie are at bar, suddenly they hear Laurita scream loud… They run… Laurita is very scared saying Bimbutt was scaring her with her stare… IM takes BB out to her room while Jackie stays to calm down Laurita…

Eva goes to boarding house… Justa tells Eva Ali seemed down in the dumps… but said she was just tired… Eva had come to bring the check for Adriancito’s expenses. Ricardo is at gym, will not take long. Eva brings up the subject of Don Julio… Dona Justa says she is nervous lately by Julio’s harassing… Eva says she has tried to tell Don Julio to desist but insists… Justa says that is because Don Julio thinks she still loves him and that she married Ricardo only because she was convinced Don Julio was dead. Eva says she understands. Ricardo gets home, says he does not feel well, going to bed.

Bimbutt is trying to convince IM that Laurita is sick… then fakes being really tormented by hearing again Laurita’s screams… (we hear a weird piano background, makes me think of Mozart movie when he was going nuts) … then she hears again the lawyer telling her about the divorce papers, and she starts shouting to shut up!! Shut up!!

At NewVille, IM and Jackie are with Laurita who is asking IM what is up with Bimbutt… Jackie assures him she did see Bimbutt ill… Laurita says Bimbutt is crazy. Jackie asks IM if he thinks things are getting out of hand/dangerous. IM tells Laurita he is planning to take Bimbutt to a home.

We see a T-Mobile commercial where the lady is telling someone the scene we are about to watch with Jackie, Fran and the garden hose… Jackie is not letting Fran walk by… they discuss Bimbutt’s latest coo-coo act… They think this time the divorce is going through. Suddenly a garden service guy greets Jackie and Jackie follows his teasing just to get to Fran. The guy says goodbye, calling Fran ‘suegrito’ (dad in law LOL!) Fran questions Jackie about the guy, she says he is a friend, Humberto. Fran is jealous. Jackie keeps shoving water almost to him… she says it’s about time she gets involved with someone, her biological clock is ticking and she wants family. Fran says he would too… but you see, he won’t even bring the subject to his wife… Jackie says she understands… but he does not want to talk about it, so he grabs the hose so he can walk away…

Justa asks Ricardo if he feels ill, she tries to walk away to bring him some meds. He says no, just answer a question… do you still think of Julio? He insists to get an answer. So Justa is honest saying she loved Julio very much but now she is his wife and if she is with him it is because she cares about him very much. Ricardo asks will you ever leave me? Justa wants to know why you ask… Ricardo says just hug me. I love you so much, I would not be able to live without you.

In her room, Ali remembers Leo’s threats, but she is determined to have the baby… In comes Leo… Leo is more calm, now using the script of I don’t want that child… Now he is putting the ‘give me a few days to think about it, we better keep quiet’ act because Eva could get mad at Ali if she finds out they have been lovers for a while behind her back. Don’t want a news/fight like this to destroy the sister relationship… It is better you keep quiet. Ali is in disbelief that that could happen… Leo keeps asking some time… think it over. In his own signature move, he turns around and smiles satisfied giving her his back.

LiLeach visits Bimbutt… she says Dano told her she had another coo-coo moment. LiLeach teases Bimbutt saying be careful, you might end up really coo-coo and divorced. This gets Bimbutt out of her screws and she begins to choke LiLeach…

Bimbutt yells at her that Dano and her are very happy, no divorce talk in this house!!! Dano and I are the most envied couple in society!! Every woman wants him!! But I am his only woman!! Lileach realizes Bimbutt might really be going crazy and this is convenient for her, so she keeps brainwashing Bimbutt against Eva. Bimbutt has a plan. She brings the subject of Laurita, Dano loves her so much… too bad… Lileach is interested in more details.. Bimbutt plans to take Laurita to a place where something could happen to her. Lileach tells her go ahead, and I have a plan to make sure Dano will never leave you for Eva. (no, he would leave her for someone else, right Lileach?)

Vicente calls the board house. Ricardo answers the call. Vicente uses the excuse was calling to find out what time is good tomorrow to come continue teaching the ‘chaparrito’ to use the computer. Ricardo says don’t know but I would like to go to your house tomorrow to tell you… and by the way, I would like to talk to you about something urgent. Vicente is confused, asks what about… Ricardo says need to talk about Justa, My wife.

Fran finds Marisol in kitchen, she has been cooking (either that or bought ready food) for him… but she keeps bringing the subject of her record… so he gets annoyed but he stays calm. He is trying to talk to her (probably about possible separation)… Fran says lately have been feeling alone. We almost don’t talk at all and you usually leave me without food… She changes subject again and tells him about getting Damian arrested. HE gets offended that she had not told him, he is HER HUSBAND and his responsibility is to protect her. She says don’t worry, Gerardo took care of it. Now Fran seems slightly miffed, who is Gerardo? The owner of the record company. … Gerardo. A great guy, yeah.

Again alone, Ali keeps remembering her telling Eva she is jealous of her, Leo is right that Eva would be mad if she found out. Eva will think she got pregnant intentionally.

IM alone is remembering the last kiss with Eva, wishing she could be there with him now to hug him and kiss him… Eva at home is thinking that she only has the memory of his kisses.

Vicky fakes having a major headache and calls for Laurita from her room, uses the excuse she wants Laurita to get her some pills she left in her car. Laurita at first asks why don’t you go? Bimbutt says she is feeling dizzy and could not go downstairs now. Laurita will go. Once Laurita is in the car, Bimbutt gets in it quickly and gives Laurita the excuse that IM had an accident and they have to go see him. On their way out Renata comes over and Laurita gets to tell her they are in a hurry to see her dad, he had an accident… (another T-Mobile commercial of the lady telling her aunt what just happened in the novela … I don’t know about you but this is getting annoying)

Ricardo makes it to Julio’s house… and cuts right to the chase. His issue is not with Justa but with you, Vicente Olmos, or should I call you Julio Arizmendi!. Julio also cuts to the chase… Did Justa tell you? No. She has been telling me your name is Vicente. Julio asks then how did you find out? Found a photo of you among her things and got Renata to identify you.

Jul: What do you mean with all this?

Ric: That I am aware of the real reason you have been visiting our house often. I know your real purpose is not to teach Adrian computers, but to be close to my wife.

Jul: From what you are telling me, I assume you know about the love Justa and I had in the past.

Ric: Yes, I know the story. And I know she thought you were dead until very recently when you decided to reappear in her life.

Jul: I too thought she was dead, until I saw her crying at my grave.

Ric: Let me ask you something, Mr. Arizmendi. Why were you not honest with me from the get go? Why when you paid my bill at the hospital, you told me your name was Vicente, and that you were a long lost relative of Justa’s? Why?

Jul: Because that is my new identity. I have been hiding from my family since I learned my wife has been poisoning me. I faked my death to be able to continue living.

Ric: I don’t care about any of that. What are you after? For my wife to leave me and go with you? IS that why you approached her again??

Jul: Ricardo! To know she was alive, that was something that impacted me profoundly. I immediately wanted to know more about her life!

Ric: And when you learned she was married, why did you continue pursuing her?

Jul: Now it is my turn to be direct with you.. because when I finally was able to talk to Justa I felt that she still loved me!

Ric: Know what? In another moment under other circumstances, I would have beat you up for what you just said. But I realize it is useless to try to cover the sun with my thumb (can’t deny the truth) when I myself have thought she still loves you.

Jul: Ric… I know this situation is not easy for you.. but I assure you it is not for me either!

Ric: Ever since you re-appeared, Justa has been very nervous. The other night she could not sleep and I found her in the living room with her memories from the past.

Jul: Did she say something?

Ric: No. But although she wanted to hide it, I knew she had in her hands the pearl necklace that you brought her.

Jul: (can’t help but smile a bit) Ricardo.. I loved Justa very much.

Ric: But you left her for another woman!

Jul: Yes, that is a huge mistake I have paid for all my life.!!

Ric: I on the other hand would have NEVER LEFT HER FOR ANYONE!! FOR anyone!! I would only do it if I knew that her true happiness… was with you.

Jul: Ric, neither you or I are teenagers. We are mature. Let’s make a deal… (Ric is not looking forward to this)… let’s let Justa decide… If she chooses you, I give you my word of honor that I will leave the field (contest) and you will have my blessing. Deal?

(Julio stretches his hand and after hesitating Ricardo shakes it, looking distraught…)

LiLeach meets Dano at his office, tells him she really believes Bimbutt is going coo-coo. IM agrees, he just called the doctor to arrange getting her into a nut house. LiLeach was thinking the same thing and gives him the card of another doctor to get a second opinion.

On the road, Laurita asks Bimbutt if it will take much longer… Bimbutt asks Laurita to pray for her dad… Bimbutt thinks.. very soon you will have to do what I say or you will see what I am capable of.

Dano calls the doctor LiLeach asked him. LiLeach keeps sliming him.. tells him Bimbutt said she hated him and that he hated her.. she is annoying. IW says he will put her in a nut-house. Lileach has her hands on him saying he and Laurita are really important for her… Just at that moment Eva opens the door and sees them. He stands up a bit aware that it was a compromising ‘picture’.

IM: Did you need something?

IW: I did not mean to interrupt you but I see I just did. (IM turns around and sighs, realizing she is just jealous again)

LL: Don’t worry, We are done…

IW: Daniel, please come to my office when you are done, have to talk to you about something… personal. (she leaves in a huff)

LL: That woman hates you too, Daniel. Don’t let her trick you. Remember what she wants is to see you behind bars for a crime you didn’t even commit. (he sits down depressed)

Jackie is frantically looking for Laurita and then knocks on Bimbutt’s room asking if she has seen Laurita… since there is no answer Jackie goes in and runs out when she realizes Bimbutt is not there either… She calls Francisco, asks him if Bimbutt’s car is there. .No. Neither Bimbutt nor Laurita are in the house. Francisco also gets alarmed.

Eva is remembering the scene she walked into, can’t stop thinking about it.. .tells herself what does she care if they are together… (IM walks in after knocking)

IM: Eva, can we talk?

IW: Yes. Did you finish your ‘business’ with Liliana?

IM: Eva, please. I already told you that between me and Lileach there is nothing.

IW: And I already told you I don’t care about that. IT is not my problem, it is your wife’s. Our ‘story’ is in the past, Daniel. And although there are things that unite us, there are others that split us.

IM: For example, your vengeance against the supposed murderer of your dad’s? A.k.a. ME??

IW: Look, I wanted to talk to you about Dona Marcela, not about my dad. Alright?

IM: Yes! But we will always have this chat pending between us, Eva!! And I need you to understand once and for all that I did not run over your dad!! IT was Leonardo!! The one you were having an affair with behind my back while I was proposing marriage to you!!

IW: What are you talking about?? What is wrong with you?? Me and Leonardo??

IM: I am not nuts!! Nor am I blind, Eva!! I saw the photos!!

IW: What photos?? What are you talking about??

IM: Photos of you two where you …

(Maria comes in alarmed telling him they are calling from his house… seems Bimbutt and Laurita have disappeared…)

Bimbutt has brought Laurita to some house.

IM arrives home completely freaked out.. Did anyone see them leave together?? Nope.

Perhaps she took bike to visit Adrian ? No.. bike is still here… check that off the list!... Jackie says called all her friends, Fran says called Ms Bimbutt and she doesn’t answer!! Eva says calm down, I will go home to ask Marcela.

Eva: Marcela! Please.. have you talked to her? Do you have an idea where she could be?

Cruella: I said no!!


Cruella: Your urgency is not mine, Niña!! IF you need to find her, then go find her!! I don’t have to make your life easier, idiot!

Bimbutt and Laurita go inside an abandoned house… Bimbutt pulls out a gun on Laurita and she freaks…

IW calls IM and says she did not find anything out… He is freaked out, heading to police station to report on it.

Renata asks IW how is Daniel… she says she heard he had an accident… IW says no he is fine, well he is anguished because Bimbutt and Laurita disappeared. Renata tells IW she saw them leave together, and that Laurita told her IM had an accident. IW grows some brain cells.

IW: My GOD!! Surely Bimbutt tricked her to take her with her!! Because she is nuts!! She had another attack because of the divorce!! It can’t be!! She will get payback on Daniel utilizing the girl!! Give me the car keys!!

In the abandoned house, Laurita has a bandana tied on her mouth, Bimbutt is holding the gun, talking as if she was nuts for real,

BB: Your dad is evil, Laurita. Imagine he wants to divorce me. But he won’t get it. He won’t get it because I have with me what he loves most. You. He would not want anything to happen to you. Nobody would.

Previews: Bimbutt calls IW, tells her ‘it depends on you that Laurita lives…’

IW has made it to the abandoned house and is holding Laurita, (IM tells someone his daughter’s life is in danger) Bimbutt is pointing the gun at them.. IM calls IW’s cell, BB asks IW who it is, IW says It’s IM.

Lileach is on phone with Bimbutt coaching her to ‘take IW away and kill her (IM tells someone that he knows where they are and takes off) and then set the house on fire with the girl inside.’

marta i


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Llena de Amor #156 (Mex. 174-175) Thu 3/24/11 It's in the jeans, er...I mean the genes

Ahoy all, I’m using a borrowed laptop so hopefully everything turns out OK for tonight’s recap. Sorry, no screen shots tonight as I’m a little nervous about pushing my luck. As you know, last night the hard drive on my computer died, then today we had a brown out and our power supply alarm has been ringing all day, I can’t figure out how to get it to stop. So, feeling like I have an ice pick in my brain, I begin with tonight’s show.

Those who were good are now bad, those who were bad are now worse, or maybe they’re good. It’s hard to tell in this upside down world that’s full of lies and liars. If you imbibe I advise you to pour a drink first, make it a double, otherwise get your yoga and meditation tapes ready.

Last night Jose Maria found out that his son Eman is El Lirio de Plata. Eman is ready to break out of jail and wants his love Vicky to escape with him.

Vicky, who thinks all men are betrayers, refuses to follow Eman out of the cell. He calls her bipolar. Honey you don’t know how right you are! The usual tirade ensues, dejame en path, suelteme, and screams for help.

Fedra gives her brand of motherly advice to Ilitia. Ilitia’s not the first woman to to pull the wool over her hubby’s eyes and she’d better make sure Eman thinks the brat is his or both Ilitia and the baby are done for, got it?

Jorrid stews and steams and swears vengeance on Fedra, breaking a pencil instead of her neck. Emil sees him and wonders what he’s doing at the agency so late. Jorrid wants to chat.

More arguing and fighting instead of escaping. Stupid jailbirds. Oliver hears them and orders them back into their cells.

Benigno tries to back pedal about Eman being Lirio, he’s just an ugly drunk. JM assures him that Beni’s secret is safe with him, in fact he well knows the dangers and sacrifices of trying to help others in need. JM thought bubbles that Eman is following in the footsteps of his father.

Emiliano tells Jorrid he suspects his motives. Why is Jorrid there and not his Mari? Jorrid says he’d rather discuss Fedra, he’s got proof that she’s been a fake her whole life.

Gretel, Paula and Delicia gab. Paula wishes Gretel and Dee could fix their love problems. Dee gets weepy, she’s in such pain. Axhole comes in and wants to talk to Dee alone. He swears he was an idiot, stupid, a fool, but today he feels differently and he wants them to forget what happened, let’s go up to our room. She’s afraid. (Yes be very afraid.)

Ewwww, Kristel and Mau are in bed. He thinks all is forgiven but she’s all Hold it not so fast. You let that wannabe manipulate you and it’s gonna cost you. She swears if he lies to her again he won’t live to tell another one.

Back at the jail more ranting blah blah with the result being that Vicky tells Eman that since he’s got Ilitia and the baby she might as well hook up with Brandon. Fedra pays a visit to their annoyance. She says she came to tell Eman some news about that, that woman over there.

Ax-hole knows he was an ass but now he believes that it was all a trick. Dee doesn’t know if she can believe him because of the awful things he said and did. He was blind, lots of excuses, he doesn’t want to share her, he wants to make sweet love to her. She pleads “look in my eyes and swear you're telling the truth”. He swears that sweet kisses don’t lie. He loves her, te amo. She looks happy but I’m gonna hurl. I don’t trust the little starts with P rhymes with rick.

Emiliano says he hired a PI to investigate Fedra and the death of Luis Felipe but they found nothing and now Vicky told him about some documents that Mari had. Jorrid says he has them, they exist. Em wants to see them. Jorrid says he has another thing to tell him, that Fedra and Lowrenzo are lovers.

Ilitia visits her ma who is shocked to see her slap wound. What happened? Low shows up and
Muñeca cries that Ilitia is scared to death and won’t tell her what happened. Low assumes it was that damned policeman taking revenge on her because he found out that Lo had ordered his beating. Caras impactadas de Ilitia and Muñeca.

Fedra tells Eman that Vicky killed the judge because he discovered the truth about her. What, asks Eman, that she’s bipolar? That’s old news. (hee). She tells him the judge had fingerprints (dactilares, but she said daxstidales) and Jorrid tried to trick her but she was too astute. The judge had prints proving Vicky is Marianela! Eman stares at a teary Vicky and wails "you? Mi gordita hermosa?"

Strong denials from Vicky. It’s impossible, your ma is crazy. Fedra pleads her case but Eman refuses to believe her. He extolls Mari’s numerous virtues, a smile like golden sunshine (definitely not Vicky) and says Vicky is...well she’s a different type of woman. Oliver interrupts to request that Fedra leave. Vicky whispers something in his ear.

Here’s a new scene. Doris is over at casa de Andres (doesn’t look that much better than Netty’s if you ask me, worse even) and he wonders why she’s being so nice. We’re wondering too. She’s made him a nice meal and he still whines she should save some of her makeup for his funeral. Jeez. He says sex is, or was, the main thing for him. She kisses him and tells him there are many ways to love a woman. Unfortunately for Andres this first tutorial is interrupted by a call for Doris that Mari’s in jail. She leaves him scratching his head.

More blah between Jorrid and Emiliano. Emi can’t believe that Fedra had it on with Low, his daughter and wife with the same man? Manly sputtering, hand to head, must be a mistake. Fedra is capable of many things but this, no. Jorrid says Muñeca knows but is too much a lady to say anything. He has someone else who can confirm. Bernardo enters and Jorrid leaves, “you have a lot to discuss”.

Muñeca soothes Iliita who demands where is Brandon?? Ilitia’s on a tear, first telling Muñeca that Lowrezo hit her and then that Low demanded she get rid of the baby. Lowrenzo’s all hey, it was just a little slap (bofetada), not a real smack. Ilitia’s in a huff, she’s sick of dad treating her like a girl and Eman not treating her like a wife. Brandon treated her the best, like a woman, and respected her. She leaves with Muñeca accusing Lowrenzo of pretty much everything.

Oh dear, Dee’s at Ax-hole's room and she wonders what going to happen, it's her first time. He says she’s Mrs. Delicia Flores Ruiz y de Teresa and the romantic music swells. I still have a bad feeling about this.

Kristel and Nereida pop their snoopy heads from around the corner and watch the young lovers disappear. Kristel says ewww, no way is her bro gonna end up with that barrio babe.

Axhole has decorated the room with roses and lots of lit candles, very romantic. Even a tape of his singing a song for her. Dee's impressed, I’m not, but she’s the one in his arms. Lots of te amos, hugs, kisses, and then horizontal.

Berni tells Emi that Fedra has been cheating with Lowrenzo for more than twenty years. Emi looks like his head is going to explode. Twenty years with that imbecile? Berni says Low even has an apartment where they meet. Remember Francois? Or Frankoeez as your wife says? Manly rant from Emi. Excuses from Berni, “try to understand my position, I worked for your wife”. But now that Fedra has fired him precisely because of Low he’s no longer obligated and wants to protect Emi’s family from that man, the man who is bedding both mother and daughter.

Back at jail Eman babbles his no puede sers to Vicky. Tell me the truth, did that man have proof that you’re Mari? “No way” answers Doris who just popped in. She and Vicky swear that Mari is coming back.

Oh crap, Delicia is in bed under the anvil. She wakes, smiling, and sees Axel standing at the foot of the bed glaring at her. “This is the hour that you get out of my life forever.” I knew it! The little creep!!! I can’t even describe the look on her face. He snarls this is a trap, she fooled him and now he’s fooling her. He had the right to avenge himself for her lies and he took it. Yikes! Not sure what else he said but he’s a right nasty piece of work. Back to the Young Oxygen Wasters Club for you my lad. He storms out leaving our little dove shocked and wounded.

Speaking of storms, Fedra blows into Low’s blech pad full of self-congrats for revealing the truth about MarVicky to Eman. Low reminds her she killed the judge so where’s her proof? She tells him the gordiflaca is in jail for his murder, cool, huh?

She says meanwhile, while Eman is pining for the two-headed monster they have another problem to solve...Ilitia. His tramp of a daughter is pregnant by the cop. Low is happy to remind Fedra that she is the only tramp, prostitute in fact, Juana Felipa, hah! And if Ilitia is pregnant by the naco then it’s only because her son is such a little man (and he shows with his thumb and finger how little). The mutual insults are getting them hot and bothered and Low assures her that the police will regret putting putting his grubby hands on Ilitia until the day he dies.

Back at Netty’s Brandon explains to Gladi that the beating was because of a woman. Ilitia walks through the perpetually unlocked door and has to see Brandon.

Eman goes on a rant about how Vicky and Jorrid have been lying to them all. Yeah sure Mari will show up, but Vicky will find some new excuse why Mari’s not there blah blah blah. He gets teary-eyed and whines that Jorrid loves Vicky, but never like Eman loved her. Yawn. I'm amazed that with all the good scenes that get cut the continue to leave in the endless drivel from these two.

Paula fills Gretel in about Fedra wanting to toss Vicky’s stuff but Emiliano stopped her. OK cute mother/daughter filler. Alone, Gretel vows that she will continue to investigate and find proof of what Fedra did to uncle. If she does I hope she doesn’t trash it like last time.

Kristel and Nereida have invited Alfredo over for a command performance. They gleefully shoo him upstairs so that Axel can find him alone with Delicia. What, she’s just hanging around in bed crying?

Guess so. Alf stumbles through the door, they have unfinished business. He jumps on top of her and starts humping just as Axel comes through the door with a sneer on his face. “You didn’t waste any time getting your lover over here!” What is wrong with these men? Can he not see she’s traumatized? He leaves her at the mercy of the creep and even stands outside the door listening to her plaintive cries for help. Whoever wrote this scene should be shot. No way will they try to redeem him, will they? Whoever said Delicia is in for a life of sorrow with this loser is right, she should never forgive him.

Unbelievably, Jorrid happens by, hears her cries and asks “isn’t that your wife?” Axhole stalks off and Jorrid blasts through the door, “get your hands of her or I’ll break your face”. Hands on, fist in face, Alf takes a tumble, and Jorge, no longer Jorrid, soothes the victim, she’s safe now.

Gladi tries to protect her cub from the woman who is ruining his life but Brandon excuses her. He and Ilitia compare wounds. She tears up at the sight of his bruises and bloody shirt but he tells her she’s a hypocrite. It’s his fault for thinking a girl like her would love a guy like him. Now get out forever. For reals, she says? OK then poli, I’m outta here. She tries one more time to tell him about his baby but “Goodby forever” he says.

Delicia thanks Jorge but says she’s not fine. She has a big pain in her heart courtesy of Axhole. Jorge says he knows how she feels. Dude, really? He said he lost the love and understanding of Marianela. She reminds him that he lied about having the Luis Felipe documents. He wants Dee to help him to tell Mari he’s sorry, that everything he’s done has been to protect her. He loves her more than anything else in this world, boo hoo. Then he turns away and gets a weird expression. Is it pain, gas or sneaky Jorrid back to his old tricks? The latter I’m thinking.

Back to our gruesome twosome, Fedra and Lowman. She says no way will Ilitia end her pregnancy. He says she has to understand how repugnant he finds it. Fed says it’s just a baby, chill. He says sooner or later the truth sees the light. She says they’ve kept their secret hidden for 20 years so there, adios.

Later that night Emi and Bernardo stand outside the blech pad planning how Emiliano will confront Lowrenzo. Bern votes for strangling and warns Emi that Low is dangerous. Emi refuses Berns’ gun.

Manly knock at the door. Low sees a pissed off Emi and tries to slam shut. Too late, “Good Evening...Francois!”

Oh gawd, back at the dreary jail of endless barbaridades. Vicky is telling Eman how can he believe his ma after all the crap she’s pulled with the family? He’s a mama’s boy wimp. What about you, he retorts? You used me like a puppet for your purposes. I believed in you and what did you do? Abandon me like always. You used Jorge for your damned vengeance. At last I’m not confused, it’s clear and I know exactly who you are. You are Marianela, you came here to avenge yourself against us and to break my heart again.”My name is Victoria de la Gartha!” she insists. Liar a thousand times a liar he wails. You came to make me fall in love with you again so you could destroy me and abandon me. Why Mari? Why? Good grief will this wailing ever end? No, not for a couple of weeks at least.

At last a scene change. Low pulls his gun and Emil calls him a coward. Accusations and admissions and excuses. Emiliano yells that Low is the lowest of the low (we know!), having affairs with both mother and daughter. Yeah, well that was a grave error and won’t be repeated, assures Low. Emiliano threatens that he will kill Low like a dog if he ever steps foot in their house again. Low reminds Emi they are family. Low pushes the gun in Emiliano’s face and grabs an envelope, “Fedra has fooled me too, check it out”. Emil puts on his glasses (how cute) and Low admits to him that Kristel’s not Emi’s daughter, but his own.

Gretel rifles through Jorrid’s room looking for the documents about Luis Felipe.

Fedra comes home, pours a drink of course, and finds Jorge cogitating in a comfy chair. He tells her she’ll regret messing with him. He’s going to bring back the investigation into Luis Felipe and Vicky also knows what’s in those documents, Juana Felipa Pereth. Oh, and he had an interesting conversation with Emi and told him that she has been Low’s lover all this time. See, he’s going to tell all her secrets, good night!

Emi reads the docs and growls it’s not possible that Kristel is Low’s. He grabs Low and they fight over the gun. Gripes, gnashing of teeth and Emi punches Low a good one. Low accuses it’s all Emiliano’s fault, how could he marry a woman he just found on the beach? Emi starts to strangle Low but relents. He’s s stronger strangler than Fedra judging by Low’s hacks.

Gretel’s now searching Jorge’s closet and of course he enters but followed by Fedra, should be interesting. She locks the door and they start to reveal everything. She screams give me the docs about Luis Felipe and he retorts OK when Vicky gets out of jail. She starts in with “they’re same person” but he denies it saying get ready cuz Mari’s gonna come walking through the door.

Fedra wants the docs NOW. “What will you throw me through the window like Poor Luis?” he yips. She knees him in the nuts and starts strangling him for reals. Gretel has her flashback to uncle's death. She runs out and jumps on mom, leaping on her like a wild animal. Jorge is saved, but his throat is bright red. Azela really gets into her roles.

Fedra leaps up with “What were you doing in the closet? Why is there always someone coming out of the closet?” (Joke I think) Big yelling scene, Jorge demanding Fedra leave, Fedra pointing to Gretel “yeah leave”, Jorge yelling that Mari’s coming and Fedra will get a special invite, Fedra ranting about Mari and Vicki being the same, and Gretel insisting that Fedra will be the one who ends up in the nuthouse. (Foreshadowing?) Fedra leaves and Jorge appreciates Gretel’s help but what was she doing in the closet?

Gretel explains that she was searching because he lied to Mari, he has the documents. Jorge whines he did it to protect Mari, everything he has done has been for her. Gretel tells him the result is that he ended up being in league with Fedra. He swears he wants to help Mari get her inheritance that was his only motifation. He gets all weepy again the jorrid little rat. Gretel believes him, the dummy. Kiss on the cheek and nasty rat-face. Yep, he’s Jorrid, tells himself he’s got Delicia and Gretel on his side, now he just needs Doris.

Netty’s trying on the fat suit while Doris makes last minute repairs and adjustments. Netty tells Doris that Jose Maria turned out to be Fedra’s lover from years ago and tomorrow morning she’s going to talk to him about Fedra’s parents.

Mau and Kristel go visit Eman in jail. Eman’s not happy. They are also there to tell him that Vicky and Mari are the same. Mau tells Eman that Victoria took him to bed to try to turn him against the RYdT family. As absurd an accusation as that is, the RYdT gene (Fedra's side I'll bet) holds strong and Eman believes him.

Tio and Emi discuss Eman’s serious situation. Emi says there’s something else on his mind, he fears that one of his kids really isn’t his. Tio says it pains him to have to tell Emi the truth...

Jose Maria admires his big, gigantic...shiny knife. What did you think I was going to say? Netty brings him a cup of tea and wants to chat him up. He wants an intimate conversation, one about love. He hasn’t had love for 27 years and he’s ready to start with her. Ooooh, a kiss, but weird that he’s still got that big knife.

Eman asks Vicky how many times with Mau did it take? Ilitia and Low arrive and Eman says jail’s been hell. (For us too Eman.) Low proceeds to accuse Vicky of taking Ilitia to the clinic for her abortion. QUE?!? Vicky denies it and Ilitia smirks. Ilitia says “Everything my lying sack of s**t dad says is true.” OK I paraphrased. Vicky tells Eman no way would she have anything to do with Mau after he raped Iliitia; oopsie, cat’s out of the bag. Eman yowls and Ilitia reluctantly fesses up. Tell the truth for the first time in your life, hisses Vicky. “OK, Victoria told Mauricio to do it to try to stop our marriage, so there!” snips Ilitia. She smiles at Vicky before departing. Eman wails “Mari what kind of a monster have you turned into?” Mutual glaring and thank goodness we’re done for the night.

And in conclusion let me say...DR. CHELATINA WE MISS YOU!!!

Tomorrow: Emiliano confronts Fedra with Kristel’s DNA. Buttinsky Vicky confronts Chema. Marianela returns.


La Fea Más Bella #267-268 3/24/11 If you knew Aurora like I know Aurora, oh, oh, oh!

Capitulo 267.
Read Alma's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Caro shows Jacques (Jax) and Sr. Snowcap the face of their campaign, Aurora! Jax hires Conceptos on the spot. Lety loudly protests, and everyone asks, “Why not?” (Through this episode, “Why not?” will be shorthand for, “Someone asks Lety why she doesn’t want Aurora to be the face of the ad campaign, and she doesn’t have a good answer.”) Jax says if they can’t use Aurora, he’ll go elsewhere.

2. Aldo asks, “Why not?” He suspects she doesn’t want to be free of Conceptos. That’s the only explanation in an Aldo-centered universe.

3. Marcia finds out that Alicia is engaged to Tom. Ali says she has no choice.

4. Caro urges Lety to let herself be beautiful. Lety’s afraid people won’t like her.

5. Fern asks, “Why not?”

6. Simon begs Paula back, and she agrees to let him try.

7. Omar says they need this contract so they need Aurora. Fern says Lety wants a different model and he’ll support her. Omar poses the question as a test of friendship, and asks if Fern is going to sacrifice Conceptos for Lety again.

8. Lety tells Lui that she’s Aurora. He doesn’t believe her, and he says he won’t do the project if they don’t get Aurora.

9. Without authorization, Omar contracts with Jax to do the campaign with Aurora. Omar asks, “Why not?” Marcia asks, “Why not?” Fern reads the contract and discovers that if Aurora is not in the campaign, Conceptos must return the $2M advance plus a $1M penalty. Luigi reports that Aurora left for Europe.

10. Lety visits Jax to suggest they find another model. Jax asks for Aurora call him. If he can’t convince her, he’ll agree to review other options.

11. Ali tells Tom about wedding preparations. The deposit on the hall is $100K.

Capitulo 268.
Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Tom follows Lety to a bar to meet Jax. He tries to pick up Aurora, but then he hears Lety’s voice and recognizes her. Jax arrives. Aurora refuses to do the campaign. He says that he’ll hire someone else because Conceptos is incompetent, and they’ll have to pay the $1M penalty.

2. Alicia arrives at Tom’s house with her suitcases. She watches naco comedies and snorts with Tomasa. In the morning she has her second test, ironing. Tomasa says if she’ll be staying there, they need to get married.

3. Omar thinks Fern was foolish to sell his house to pay the debt, since now they have the RetroMod contract. Fern corrects him. Aurora’s not available, and now they’ll have to pay the penalty.

4. Tom and Lety rehash about Lety’s inner Aurora, and the contract with Jax.

5. Fern and Omar move into the apartment. Fern says he already claimed the bedroom with a bath by spitting on the bed.

6. Omar begs Caro to get Aurora. She says it’s impossible. He says then he has to take desperate measures.

7. The HaHAs (Happy Hour Attorneys) check the contract (why FI’s HaHAs and not Conceptos’ atny?). They can’t find any escape from the contract.

8. The cuartel asks Saimon and Celso to be the beefcake show for the bachelorette party.

9. Omar presents Aurora to Jax, but Jax recognizes that she’s a fake. He leaves and demands the return of the advance plus penalty. Aldo fires Omar.


Eva Luna #97 Wed 3/23/11 Curious George gets an earful

Dan and Laurita are at the pension door looking for Adrian. Julio overhears and decides it is best he sneak out the back door. He is thwarted by Ricardo who has something very important to tell him. Dan has just rounded the corner and sees Julio from the back. Julio turns around and Dan gets bug eyed. Julio quickly
Introduces himself to Dan as Vincenta Olmos. He says “excuse me, see you later” and hustles out the door. Ricardo seems quite confused and Dan quickly hustles out after Julio. A stunned Ricardo is left staring at the closed door when Justa appears to drag him of to the kitchen.

Alicia tells the Dr. she knew she was pregnant. After all with all the vomiting and feeling strange and such.
The Dr. tells her she is two months along and needs to make an appointment with the baby Drs.

Julio is out on the street talking on the phone and Dan is running after him. He tells him to stop. He looks at him saying “oh my God. Don Julio. It’s you!! Your Alive!!”

Julio, putting his phone away, caught in the act looks at Dan and says. “Yes Dan, It’s me.”

Alicia is walking and thinking at the same time (which I believe is quite a feat for our clueless airhead). She muses to herself that she is expecting Leo’s child and this will certainly put an end to the Leo Eva wedding. Eva wouldn’t accept it. Who knows maybe he will marry her now. Then she tells herself to not be so stupid. Leo would never do that. She wanders upon a hot dog stand and decides it is time to eat. She’s eating for two now.

Don Julio is filling Dan in on all the details. Marcella had been hiring all the attendants to make sure he took the medicine in small doses. “Killing me slowly, without leaving a trace.” “The medicine that Eva was giving me everyday.” Dan asks him why he didn’t go to the police when he found out. Julio tells him he didn’t think that would be enough punishment for her. He wanted vengeance. He wanted to destroy her life like she destroyed his by keeping him closed up in that awful room for so long, while she was slowly
(paulatinamente) killing him. Dan chuckles and says “And part of your vengeance was to leave her penniless.” Now Julio chuckles and says and to leave the business to Eva, as well as the mansion and most of his fortune. He tells Dan that Marcella wanted to turn Eva into his killer, but he turned Eva into his heir. They continue to chuckle together.

The office girls of Arismendi are discussing Rosaura’s absence. Girl number one thinks she will get fired. Girl number two says she thinks she is gone for good. (Ain’t that the truth) Just between the two of them, she thinks she left with Bruno.

Eva shows up looking for Dan. She tells the office girls to let him know she is looking for him. In the meantime she has a meeting with the car guys.

Julio continues telling Dan everything he did. He wrote a new will and had his Dr. friend help him fake his death. He also tells Dan that he had a paper signed that his coffin be sealed for good and that no one could open it. Dan seems to remember this. Then Dan says he remembers hearing that Renata saw him drink the coffee with the “medicine” in it. Julio tells Dan that he had switched the bottles and the only thing that was in it was water. Dan is quite impressed that he had everything so well planned out. He also tells Dan that he was never legally dead. Dan asks him how? Julio tells him “Everyone accepted my last will and testament and no one contested it and everyone just accepted Eva as the president of the business. The lawyer never singed his death certificate. (I got a little lost here so might have it a bit wrong). He continues that his lawyer took care of every thing and his accountant also made sure every thing was in order.
Dan asks Julio what he plans to do now. Julio tells him that soon Marcela will learn that he is alive but that‘s still a long ways off. Then he wipes his face and tells Dan there is something very important he needs to know. He tells him it is something he suspects that Marcella has done. Something very serious that happened years ago. Something that affects Dan. Dan asks him what it is about. He tells Dan that Eva will tell him.

Old George (Giorgio) has come to see Marcella at the mansion. He has some papers he needs her to sign for their new catalogue. Marcella is in quite a happy mood and George comments on how happy that makes him to see her like that. She tells him she woke up this morning content and relaxed and finally like she has regained control of everything. George tells her she deserves to feel like that.

They are interrupted by Leo. He kisses her on the cheek and tells her he deposited the $5000 like she asked. He asks her how the event was last night and Marcella tells him it was marvelous. George asks her where she went last night. He wasn’t aware of any event. Marcella tells him that not all her events have to do with work. She tells them she had a “Little reunion” with some friends that came up at the last minute. She smiles devilishly and said it was quite entertaining.

Marcella hands George the signed documents She tells him to make sure the firemen get their $5000. She tells him she would like to give more but since Bruno stole all her money she is left out in the streets. George is sympathetic to her loss. He tells Leo since the wedding is close he can count on him for any help he might need.

Before he leaves he tells Leo that he hopes the legal problem between him and Dan is resolved soon and that both of them are found innocent. Marcella is taking this all in. Leo looks very uncomfortable. Once George leaves she asks Leo what he was talking about.

Eva is at a meeting with the car guys. They all loved it. FF>>>>

Dan’s Divorce lawyer is at Dan’s house. Vicky thinks he is there to serve her papers for trying to kidnap Pablito. The lawyer tells her he is there with divorce papers.

Vicky is freaking out as she looks at the blue folder. She tells him he is wrong. Her and Dan are not getting a divorce. She is near hysteria now as she tells him she has changed and he isn’t going to leave her. The lawyer tries to calm her down and says Dan is divorcing her for adultery. He has the right to do this. Vicky now in a rage slaps the lawyer silly and starts screaming at him telling him there will be no divorce as she starts shoving him out the door. Then she starts throwing wine glasses at the door. Jacky is at the door way and witness to all the craziness. She attempts to approach an out of control Vicky who turns and rudely pushes her out of the way as she storms off. Fran hearing the commotion and seeing all the broken glass asks a shaken Jacky, what’s going on?

George is leaving Marcella’s place and reviewing the documents. He realizes that one page wasn’t signed and turns around to go back to see her. We see Leo telling Marcella that there is no legal problem. It was something that Dan made up. Marcella is not buying this and tells him he better tell her what is going on. If he doesn’t tell her she will go ask Dan. As she hovers over him she says he would rather have her hear his version right? He tells her it is quite simple, but tragic than begins to tell her that Dan just happened to run over Eva’s father and killed him about a year ago. Now Eva has turned him into the police and Dan had the nerve to blame Leo for the accident. Marcella seems a bit beyond believe and asks him to explain everything to her. He tells her about the yacht outing with Claudia, Vick and Dan, but inserts his version of the events saying it was Dan who ran over Eva’s father.

Marcella asks if there was any proof or witnesses that could swear that Dan was responsible. Leo is squirming a bit and tells her there is proof, Dan’s car and witnesses, namely Leo. Marcella smiles and approaches him and says “Oh my son. There is no doubt that you came from me. Congratulations my love”
As she caresses his face like a proud mother.

Leo seems a bit confused and tells her he doesn’t understand. She tells him she will explain it to him. She is his mother and she knows him well “I know it was you and no one else but you who ran over Eva’s father.” At this very moment, George is standing at the open door and gets an earful. Leo gets a very concerned look on his face hearing his mothers words.

George now just out of sight continues to listen as Leo asks Marcella how she could ever think that. Marcella says “You want me to believe that old honest stupid Dan would run someone over and leave him in the street? Please Leo , that is something you would do.” Leo looks a bit shamed and George looks horrified. Leo can’t believe that she would think he could do something like that. He tells her she knows him well. He is incapable of doing such a thing. Marcella isn’t buying this. Marcella now takes his wounded face in her hands and tells him, “My intention isn’t to offend you. I adore you. On the contrary. I am really proud of you. George still listening in looks as if he is going to be sick. Leo questions “Proud? Of me?” She says “Anything that you could do to make Eva suffer more brings me great happiness. You can trust your mother.” Leo is still trying to deny it as Marcella tells him she knows him better than any one and knows that he is smart enough to cover up his mistakes. She tells him this couldn’t be better. There is no proof. It’s Dan’s word against his. There’s no way he will be found out. Poor George is shaking his head in disbelief and disgust.

Leo tells Marcella the only thing he asks for now is that she forgive him. Marcella now realizing the door is open walks over to close it. We see George making a hasty retreat. Marcella tells Leo not to torment himself. Leo says it hasn’t been easy for him. He keeps seeing the image of the old guy run over on the street. Now George’s curiosity has got the best of him as he creeps back to the door to continue his eavesdropping. Marcella is now comforting Leo and tells him not to be so sentimental. Stop feeling so bad. The guy is dead. There is nothing they can do about that. And after all it was a great way to get Eva away from Dan. Everything turned out fantastic. She congratulates him. Leo looks a bit frightened and tells her when she talks like that it scares him. She then gets a bit serious and tells him that the one thing that can never happen is that Eva would stop believing in him. And when he marries her they will get rid of her and their fortune will be theirs once again.. George has heard enough as he shakes his head in disgust and leaves.

George has finally made it to the entryway as he thinks to himself “I can’t believe this. Leo killed Eva’s father. Now what do I do with this secret? I am really afraid for what I know. Oh my God, what should I do?” (Little word of advice here, don’t let Marcella know that you know!!)

I am going to start condensing some of these side stories. First up is the Marisol deal. She is meeting Damian in the park. He wants to know if she has brought his money. She tells him he has to promise her that no one will find out about her past. Damian is in for the shake down. His silence comes with a price. Marisol tells him this is extortion. Damian tells her it is the price she has to pay to leave the strip joint.
She hands him the money and Damian tells her once she is famous he will be back for more.

Marisol seems a bit nervous and suddenly we see a man approach and tell Damian the jig is up. Damian calls him stupid and asks him what he’s talking about. The guy flashes a badge. Old Damian flashes his knife and grabs Marisol by the neck.

The policeman pulls a gun and we have a bit of a standoff. Not to worry. There is back up.

Damian is wrestled to the ground. The police woman tells Marisol she did just great. Our handsome musician approaches Marisol and hugs are exchanged as the police drag Damian away.. Lets hope that is the end of Damian, although he his yelling at her that she hasn‘t heard the last of him. (or something like that.)

Ricardo shows up at the Mansion and Renata opens the door. She asks if there is anything wrong with Justa. He tells her he came to talk to her. Wise old Renata takes him away from any potential eaves droppers. Ricardo has the photo of her, Julio and Justa in his hands and asks her about it. Renata gets a bit nervous. He asks if she knows who the man is and Renata tells him it is Julio. .

Ricardo asks Renata if Julio wasn’t the great love of Justa’s life. Renata tells him that Julio is dead and buried. Ricardo looks at her and says “Are you sure?” Renata tells him she is certain of it. She was at the burial. Why would he ask such a thing. He tells her when he found the picture he suddenly became afraid. Renata asks him why he would be afraid. He tells her he is afraid of loosing Justa. Renata tells him the picture is just a memory. Renata tells him that all the old wounds are healed and she is certain that Justa is happy with him. Ricardo tells her he hopes so.

Dan has finally made it to Eva’s office. He tells her he was at the pension and was surprised to see Julio playing video games with Adrian. Eva attempts to compose herself as Dan tells her he saw Julio and he told him everything. She asks him what else did Julio tell him. Dan tells her that he said she had something important to tell him about Marcella.

Eva is telling Dan about the suspicions that Deb, Julio and she has about Marcella. She tells him how Deb overheard a “delirious Marcela” remembering the death of his parents. Dan tells Eva that Marcella was away on a trip when his parents died. Eva fills him in on everything they discovered. She tells him that they believe that His parents deaths were no accident. Dan seems shocked to hear this. Eva tells him It was Marcella who murdered them.

Dan can’t believe what he is hearing. He asks her what she’s talking about. Eva tells him to calm down.
Dan assures her that Marcella could not have killed his parents. Why would she do something like that. She tells him that they believe Marcella did not want his parents to sell their part of the agency. Dan tells her that this can’t be.

Eva tells Dan that the detective in charge of his parents case thought that the car was pushed over the cliff but didn’t have any proof and had to close the case. Dan is pacing now and finally sits down saying. “I remember when they told me that Dad had lost control of the car I remembered that mom always complained how he drove too slow and they were always late because of him.” Eva tells him that these little details that he is remembering put a different spin on how things really occurred.

Eva tells Dan that Marcella didn’t want his parents to sell their actions to a stranger. When she heard they were going to the cabin , she told Julio she was going to the city for a few hours. She tells him it all adds up. Dan tells her to continue. Eva tells him Marcella was in the next cabin. She supposes that when they showed up, Marcella invited them out for a bit. Julio thinks that she probably poisoned them. Dan is suffering to hear this. Eva continues “Later she put them in the car and pushed it over the cliff.” Dan continues, “Then she set it on fire.” Eva says that is probably how she burned her hand.

Dan tells Eva that Marcella told them she burnt her hand in an accident at the hotel. Eva tells Dan that Deb talked to the people at the hotel and there was never a fire at the hotel.

Marcella is on the phone talking with someone. We hear a voice telling her when she tells them they have every thing in order to proceed with the exhumation of Julio’s body. Marcella tells him to bring the papers she needs to sign. She will give them a little prepayment for all the costs they might incur. She wants to get started with this as soon as possible.

Julio is telling Garcia that Dan saw him at the pension. He tells him he had no choice but to fill Dan in on everything. He assures Garcia that once he explained everything to Dan why he had to fake his death, Dan promised to keep his little secret. Garcia asks if it is time for Leo, Marcella and Vicky to find out that he is still alive? Julio tells him he is inevitable that they will find out and they are very close to finding out everything.

Vicky is not taking the divorce actions with dignity and grace as she goes screaming into Dan’s empty bedroom and starts yelling at his photo “You are not going to do this to me.” She throws it across the room and a full on rage ensues.

Eva is fixing Dan a much needed drink as he tells her this is really hard for him to believe. Marcella was so kind to him after his parents died. She took such good care of him. Eva suggests that she probably wasn’t taking care of him but more interested in his money. Dan remembers Marcella’s words “Don’t worry about anything Dan, You are not alone in the world. You have me. I will help you with all the financial administrative concerns.” He puts his hands over his head as he remembers her words. Eva asks him what he is thinking about. He tells her he is remembering what Marcella told him after the accident. Now he is putting it altogether as he starts pacing again. “Yea she wanted to help me with all the financial administrative concerns and wanted to consolidate our fortunes and me to marry Vicky. That is why she got so mad when I got married to Laruita’s mother. After she died, Marcella made sure that Vicky was around to console me.” Eva tells him that Julio thinks the same thing that Marcella convinced Vicky to marry him. Eva tells Dan that she is certain now that Marcella is responsible for his parents deaths. Dan agrees. It was Marcella that killed his parents. He is hopping mad now and starts to take off, telling Eva he is going to confront Marcella. Eva stops him

So I don’t get this one bit, but Tony shows up and is rehired by Leo. El Gallo tells him he is the best and he needs him for a new business deal. Tony tells him as long as the money is good there isn’t any problems.
Leo is happy he is back on board and tells Tony to show up at the house later, so he can fill him in on the next delivery (entrega.) Tony has an intense look on his face. (I wonder what he is up to?)

Dan is trying to leave and Eva is frantically tying to hold him back.

He tells her he is going to the police. Eva is pleading with him not to go to the police yet. They don’t have enough proof. This is just all conjecture by her , Deb and Julio. Dan tells her they can go to the detective and reopen the case and investigate Marcella. Eva tells him they will arrest her and she will become furious. Dan beside himself now asks her then what should they do? Eva tells him to calm down before everyone finds out what is going on. She tells him they have to think this over very carefully. Marcella can’t find out they are investigating her. Dan tells her if it is true that Marcella killed his parents he won’t rest until he sees her behind bars (tras las rejas.)

Adrian and Laurita are at the pension. Adrian asks her if she is still mad at Eva. Laurita says she is not just mad at her but then asks to change the subject. Adrian says fine lets talk about something else because if we don’t you will just keep being mad at me. He asks her when she is going back to school. She tells him next week, but then she will probably come back home for good because Dan and Vicky are getting separated. Adrian seems pleased to hear this. He asks why they are getting a separation. Laurita fills him in on what the “Old witch” has been up to. She tells him Vicky is going cookoo.

Said cookoo has now picked up Dan’s picture and starts whimmering “you love me” over and over and cowers by the side of the bed kissing the photo.

Fran and Jacky are frantically trying to reach Dan by phone when he suddenly shows up at the house. They fill him in on the recent Vicky rant of insanity. They tell him that the lawyer was there. Dan goes quickly to the bedroom and finds Vicky on the floor rocking back and forth in a crazed state. Chanting “you love me” over and over. He sits behind her and looks on helplessly.

We have a Marisol Alicia moment. Alicia tells her she is pregnant with Leo’s child. In the next moment we go to Leo’s office where an angry Lilly has just landed. She wants to know where he was last night and why he has answered any of her calls. He tells her he was busy. Lily tells him while he was busy, Eva and Dan are going at one another in the office. Leo asks her where she got such a stupid idea. Lilly tells him if only it was a stupid idea. Vicky saw them kissing in the office. Leo now seems a bit more concerned. He starts pacing and is convinced that it is Daniel who is always trying to get the upper hand by getting close to Eva. Lilly warns him that if he doesn’t act soon, Eva will never marry him. (I missed some stuff here, but it is getting late).

Marisol can’t believe that Alicia is pregnant with Leo’s child. Alicia tells her she went to the clinic and is 100% certain. Alicia tells her at first she didn’t know what to think but now she is happy thinking about having a baby. She says she is a bit confused (duh!!) but this is probably a good reason for Eva not to marry Leo. Marisol asks her if Leo knows she is expecting his spawn. Alicia says no. Marisol asks her what she thinks he will do when he finds out. Alicia doesn’t know but after all it is his child. (Are you all remembering old naïve Claudia?) Alicia tells Marisol she will tell him today.

Dan is asking his lawyer what he said to Vicky. He tells Dan that he just told her the divorce papers were ready and she needed to sign them. The lawyer tells Dan that she went nuts and tells Dan that his wife isn’t right in the head. Dan says that he knows better than any one else that she is nuts. Time for a drink as Dan reaches for the bottle.

In the meantime our resident crazy has tucked herself in Dan’s bed and is telling herself that Dan will pay for this. She tells herself “If you take your love away from me I will take away the thing you love the most. Your adorable child, pretty Laurita, innocent Laurita, It is your fathers fault what is about to happen to you. Things are going to get really ugly.”

Tony is at the big house and sees Alicia get out of a taxi. She asks him what he is doing there. She wants to know if he returned to pick a fight with Leo. Tony assures her that isn’t the case. Her future brother in-law has rehired him. He is the key to all his business dealings. Alicia tells him to be sure and behave because she will see to it that he gets a raise. Tony asks her how she will be able to make sure he gets a raise. Alicia tells him because it is her that Leo is going to have to marry. Tony speaks a bit of English and tells her he isn’t following her. Alicia brushes him off and tells him he will understand soon enough and takes off.

Vicky is doing a march of the crazies as she wonders by Lauritas room and stares in at her.

Our other crazy sibling is sitting on the sofa in his room telling himself that if Daniel thinks he is going to take Eva away at this point he is willing to do anything even if he has to invent more proof that he killed Eva’s father. He will do what ever is needed to make sure he is locked up for life. Eva is going to marry me no matter what.

We hear a door open and Leo quickly looks up. It is Alicia. Leo is ticked and asks her what she wants now. Alicia gets all prickly about his attitude and Leo tells her he isn’t up for any of her games. Alicia tells him she isn’t up for any games either. She tells him to stop with the bad attitude because she has something important to tell him. He asks her what’s up. Did she change her mind? She tells him she doesn’t know if she has changed her mind but she knows from now on things are going to be different between them. Leo smirks at this. And says “Of course things will be different. Finally you have accepted this. I am going to marry your sister.” Alicia tells him that she isn’t so certain about that. Leo asks her why. Alicia tells him “I don’t think my sister will want to marry you when she finds out I am expecting your child.” Leo who has been admiring himself in the mirror turns quickly and says “What??” Alicia repeats “Just what you heard. I am expecting your baby.” We are left with Leo’s perplexed face. And some pretty scary previews. Crazy Vicky takes Laurita for a ride.


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