Saturday, March 26, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #75-76 3/25/11 Part 1, Burn Job in the Barrio / Part 2 --If At First You Don’t Succeed…..Burnie Opts for Plan B.


Everything is in flames as batty Bernarda, Padilla, and El Alacran drive off. Milagros is nearly passed out on the kitchen floor of her apartment from the smoke; downstairs on the floor of their bedroom, Nathy has noticed that Maria has blacked out and she's screaming in panic, hopelessly hoping to get Maria to respond. Outside, Padre Juan Pablo and the rest of the neighbors can only watch and wait as the fire consumes the apartment building until Juanjo and the gang arrive to put it out and save the others still left inside the building.

Finally the firemen arrive and our three heroes enter to rescue Millie, Maria, and Nathy.

Meanwhile, Max makes it home and returns to the whingeing entreaties of his scheming spouse. Max tells Jimena that his mind is made up and there’s no reason to stick it out till her little critter is born. Life with her is totally unbearable cuz she’s totally certifiable! She accuses him of the same ol’ lies but he insists he's been truthful from the start, not to mention that she asked for it by tricking him that night in Miami. She fooled around with a man she knew didn’t love her! Jimena is just as adamant that he did love her and if it hadn't been for that interloping female he still would! (Viewerville says a quick prayer of thanks for the inventor of remote control and immediately hits their mute buttons. --I guess Jimmie thinks if she screams louder than Max does then the lies she tells are that much more credible, and she automatically wins the argument--the kind of people who are always the MOST irritating in a screaming match!)

A few blocks away, Burnie lights a candle for those she's supposedly condemned to death in the name of Holy Justice. Not only is she no longer afraid at the sight of a struck match, she holds the whole darned matchbox in her hand and prays with it in place of a rosary. Aparrently she's concluded in her own twisted way that because she burnt them to a crisp in this life, she's saved them from eternal Hellfire and damnation in the next. (Works for me! The woman has an a-maz-ing mind, doesn’t she? It’s just that it’s the kind you'd need breadcrumbs to find your way back through.)

At the same time Burnie is delighting in delusions of divinely sanctioned and just deserts of those she's damned, Vick notices a pain in her chest and has a premonition that somebody close to her must be in some kind of danger. (Ah, there it is! The returning "Call of the Blood" that Viewerville has been waiting for. Unfortunately in Vicki's case it's still not more than a muffled whelp.....)

Across the hall in Max and Ji's bedroom, Ji continues the fight. Max gets a little tougher with her and begs her not to make him despise her. (Oh face it, Max! Tell her the truth. You do despise her!) He drives off to catch a breath of sanity in the barrio.

Jimmie gives another bat-shit-crazy smile and tells herself that with all that she's going to do to him he's certain to end up despising her.

Downtown at the Casa de Modas, it's another late night for Antonieta. Guillermo, planning to pump Toni for anything noteworthy about the Scandal-vals, surprises her with an invitation to dinner. Toni has lots of work to do, she says, but rather than turn beguiling Gui down flat, she invites him to her place to make din-din for both of them there. Gui accepts and even offers to help her with her paperwork as well. They walk out to the elevator together as the ever obtuse Oscar has just stepped out into the hallway.

Oscar takes notice and races to ask Lucy who the man was that Toni was leaving with. Lucy explains that that was the famous actor Guillermo Quintana and that they were seemingly going out to dinner together. Oscar frowns and runs to Pepino to ask him if he knows what's between Toni and this actor she just left with. Pipino confesses to Oscar that Antonieta has been in love with him but has now had to turn her sights toward more attainable terrain. Oscar admits he has never had the faintest idea Toni felt that way about him. Pepi mentions how Gui apparently won her over with the bottle of champagne he sent over to their table at dinner the night before. "--Not that it matters since you've already lost her!" Oscar doesn't follow. Pepi explains that she saw Oscar swapping spit with Roxana. Oscar tries to explain that the woman ambushed him unexpectedly in his office and forced herself on him. Pepi isn't so sure. FF>>

Over dinner at Toni's place, Gui broadly hints that he's looking to settle down if only he could find the right kind of woman. It would be one like her, he flatters. She'd be decent, virtuous, attractive... blah blah blah. Toni is a bit surprised, she says, considering she never thought she was the type to interest him.

Juanjo brings out Nat while Naco and crew rescues Milie and the gang start to count heads. (How hard can it be? There are only three!) It seems to take forever till somebody remembers that Maria Desamparada is still inside. Nat screams over the din that she's lying passed out on the floor right next to where they found her, but now the captain of the firemen says it's too dangerous to go back in.

Max drives up just then, sees the flaming building, and learns that Maria is still trapped inside. He races over and then tries to enter the building to rescue her, but he's held back by the others and is told firemen are already inside looking for her. (Again, how hard can it be to find her since JJ saw her lying there right next to Nat?) Max refuses to wait any longer. Life has no meaning without Maria!! He races into the apartment to try to save her.

Fausto is now in the crowd and he sneaks a peak at the chaos from behind one of the firetrucks as JP prays for Maria's life and Max's safety. Clueless Vicki prays simultaneously that whoever it is that's in danger is protected from harm.

Padre Jeronimo now walks in on Burnie in front if the altar in JP's sacristy. She and Padre Jerry begin to grouse about her questionable intentions. Whatever she's praying over, it can't be good, snipes Jerry. Ste. Burnarda immediately lectures him about how all the saints at one time or another were persecuted. Padre Jerry changes topics and says he heard she'd been to see the bishop and has been forbidden to take communion. He thinks all things considered, it would be better if she just doesn't return to the church. She tells him he and the bishop can both go pound sand because she no longer accepts their authority. "--You are people who don't know how to recognize either just acts or saintliness!" She swears that she'll end up triumphant one day and that they will realize in the end that she was always right. They have challenged her to a duel to the death, she rants, and to death it will be! Yes, and they will be the ones to burn in eternal Hellfire!!

A bit later, back at Toni's much more tranquil digs, Gui thanks Toni for dinner and asks to see her again. He suggests cooking for her at his place next time. She hesitates but finally agrees. Gui manages to then casually bring up Osvaldo and his family. Toni mentions there were problems from before that still haven't been resolved at the Sandovals, but she thankfully doesn't go into specifics.

At the manse, Vicki goes in to check on Fernanda who says obviously she's just fine. (Ah! It's comforting for Viewerville to note that Brat-Baby is beginning to feel better and is back to being the obnoxious, over-indulged and mouthy bitch she's always been.) The Ferbeast now growls because Mama didn't knock first. Vicki mentions that she's had a feeling something was wrong with her or Max and Oz so she had wanted to check on her. Fer snaps back that if Vicki was really that worried about her daddy she wouldn't have let him leave in the first place. Vick whines about betrayed Love's pain but Fer tells her to talk to the hand. "--Just stop flogging yourself already!" Fer tells her she needs to just. get. over. it. "--Get a new life cuz nobody here wants to hear about the old one any longer!"  (Gawd! Nobody in Viewerville does anymore, either!)

Toni sees Guillermo out and then gets the warm and fuzzies afterwards. A moment later her cell rings. It's Oscar calling but he freezes and can't manage to say a word. He hangs up. Toni calls somebody (but we don't know if it's Pepi or Oscar) and asks if they can come over.

Back in the burning barrio a few minutes later, Max reappears at the doorway of the apartment building with Maria in his arms.  He carries her to the sidewalk and applies mouth to mouth resuscitation. Maria miraculously comes to.  Papa JP and the others say a couple of Hail Mary's.

Upstairs at the Scandal-vals once more, Jimmie approaches Vicki in the hallway to ask if Vick got Max to agree to stick around till her baby was born. Vicki tells her that she failed and that Max still wants the divorce ASAPP.  However, she says, she did speak with Maria earlier, who said she would see about convincing Max not to leave Jimmie before the baby comes. Ji is visibly impactada once she hears that the competition is still alive. Vick asks why she's suddenly so jumpy.  (What does it matter?  She’s always jumpy about something.)  Ji says it's her nerves; that they've got her imagining things, not to mention that she's worried out of her mind with the baby and Max's dumping on her. Vicki advises Jimmie that she needs to do her part to cooperate and be cordial with Max in order to keep harmony in the house. Ji says it's precisely Max and Oz who've caused the disharmony there, and all because of their cheating--and that cockroach who now wants to steal her baby's father away from her! Vicki looks empathetic, but it seems like Jimmie's high-strung histrionics are now wearing thin even for her.

Back at Burnie's, Eva takes an earful because Fausto is AWOL. Eva tries to lie that he had something important to attend to, but Burnie says she knows she's full of crapola. Eva admits she was only covering for Fausto, which takes Burnie by surprise.  Eva  explains that he went off on his own because he thought the Sra. was about to do something bad. Burnie goes into another of her self-deluded rants about only punishing sinners and those who persist in punishing her,i.e., those who manage to get in her way. Eva dares to voice the question. "--Like Tomasa?"

At the fire again, some of the firemen catch Fausto hiding between the fire trucks near the apartment building and blame him for starting it; this whips up the crowd and the infuriated residents want to lynch him on site till Maria comes to his defense. X-Padre JP lectures the crowd not to accuse somebody without hearing their side of things first. He asks Fausto then to explain what he was doing watching in the shadows like that. Fausto tells him that he was there making sure that nothing had happened to Maria because he knew she lived in the building. He hid because fire frightens him. Maria asks if those scars on his face are from a fire. He nods and tells her that his parents died in the fire. The crowd seems satisfied.

Burnie tells Eva she's thinking of getting rid of her and Fausto since they've stopped being useful to her.  Eva suggests Burnie’s just a bit bewildered and that it wouldn't suit Burnie to dismiss them at this point in time.  Eva then reminds her how they've been completely loyal and discreet about her "activities." Why, her son the priest has continually asked them both numerous questions and yet she and Fausto have both kept completely quiet about her "crimes." Burnie laughs, but it rings a bit hollow. "--You talk as if I'm some kind of murderer." It's like two dueling dogs in a pit are circling and growling threateningly at each other. (Viewerville's money's on Eva!) Eva looks her dead in the eye and doesn't flinch and inch. "--You and I know that nun didn't die of natural causes." Point made. Burnie backs off to lick her wounds in private.

A bit later that night, Oscar, Pepi and Toni show up at Vick's to discuss what Oscar learned about Tomasa's disappearance. It's not much, he admits. Vick agrees it’s all pretty murky, but she's certain Burnie offed her because the old gal wouldn't just up and leave like that. Toni thinks Burnie might be a nasty old broad, but she doubts she would do something like that to another human being. Vicki assures her that Burnarda is capable of that and a lot more. Vick then pulls out the picture of Fausto's parents and asks Oscar to get whatever information about them that he can, especially anything about their relationship to Burnie. Oscar asks Vicki why she and Burnie hate each other so much. Vicki finally admits to him that it's because Burnie accuses her of having seduced her son back in the day.  “--Juan Pablo was my first ‘man’ and we had a child together who, unfortunately, went missing [extraviarse].”

Back in her bedroom, Ji starts talking to herself again. She's angry that Maria is still alive. "--That cockroach! She has more lives than a cat!" Jimmie takes solace with the nearest (and conveniently placed) liquor bottle, telling herself that Maria is no match for her. She'll destroy her!! “--If Max can't be happy with me, he's not going to be happy with anyone!” Ji pops the lid off a full bottle of pills and begins slugging them down with the booze.

Across the hall again, Oscar assures Vicki that he'll find out as much as he can for her. Pepi and Toni then try to persuade Vick to come back to the office because things there are getting out of hand; they feel like they've been set adrift with no captain at the helm.  Oscar agrees and adds that the sales have begun to drop off. Vicki confesses to the group that she has absolutely no interest in the business now. (Naw, she would just rather wallow in self-pity.)  Her husband cheated on her, her son and daughter are distancing themselves from her now, and her first daughter is still missing.  Only finding her long-lost daughter will give her back the strength she needs to carry on. 
--Fin P. 1.

If At First You Don’t Succeed…..Burnie Opts for Plan B.

Part 2 

Cap #76

During the commercial break we are left wondering if Toni will be gullible enough to fall prey to Guillermo's flattery, if Fausto will really be accused of being a firebug, if Max will ever find out that Maria's pregnant with the real mini-max/maxina, if Victoria will ever return to work before the business goes bankrupt, and if Jimena will very soon do us all a big favor by successfully O.D.-ing from guzzling those Downer Cocktails of hers.

The fire in the apartment house has been put out while Uni allowed its prolific and prosperous sponsors to hawk their goods. Nat, Maria and Max are now standing outside the church's dispensary, which Padre Juan Pablo has given over to the newly homeless as a temporary shelter. Max is getting ready, though reluctantly, to leave Maria and Nat there for the night.

Inside, Millie and the gang console each other with selfless thoughts that in spite of their being left with nothing, they still have each other and Dios will provide the rest. Millie tells Juanjo how proud she is that he’s returned to his job and then takes a moment to also thank Napo for saving her life. Napo promises he'll buy her a new dishwasher and fridge, and hints broadly that it's much more than her mysterious macho-man of a secret admirer will do for her. She thinks he must be right and that the guy must have been playing with her heart the same way his Rosa has been. Napo tells her to be careful what she says about his Rosie! (Zzzz!)

Back outside the building again, Max tells Maria that he thought his heart had stopped beating when he saw her lying unconscious on the floor in the middle of the flames. She says the only thing she felt was sadness because she thought she'd never see him or have a chance to caress his face again. Max says that won't happen because in no time at all they'll be together and nobody and nothing will ever separate them again. (Famous last words which always signal the worst is yet to come and the best will again be delayed.)  Maria says she's going to be the happiest woman in the world because her dream about having a family will finally come true. He suggests that the next day they look for a place of their own to live in, but Maria puts a halt to that immediately. It's not because she doesn't love him, she says. It's because just before the fire broke out his mother came to ask her to try to convince him to hold off leaving Jimeana until she has her baby. Max says no way. (I say it's time to put a DNA test on the front burner!!) Maria is embarrassed because she gave her word to his mama. He says he doesn't care about that; his mother and Jimena had no right to ask them to do that and there was no reason to, either! To heck with their constantly sacrificing their feelings for those two ingrates! Maria has a sudden coughing attack and Max rushes her back inside to check with the doctor.

In another part of the little clinic, JP asks Fausto if his mother might have had something to do with the fire and if that's why he was lurking about earlier. Fausto won't answer him directly. He repeats he was only there to see that nothing happened to Maria. JP says that means then that he knew she was in danger. Fausto's cryptic reply is that he knows things and that one day the two of them will have to have a long and serious talk together, but only when the time is right. Fausto then walks off.  JP seems more anxious than ever about the mad and maddening things his mama seems to be up to.

The clinic doctor gives Maria a quick check but doesn't see anything to worry about. Coughing is obviously to be expected after breathing in all that smoke, he says.  Max reluctantly agrees to go but promises that he'll be back by the next morning to take Maria to the hospital to have her thoroughly checked over.  Millie and the rest of them hold their breath to see what Maria will say to this. Max tells her not to worry about the other stuff because he's bound and determined to make his separation from Jimmie a done deal. This time Maria doesn't object and she even adds that she thinks the doctors will give him some really great news. They kiss good-night and everyone takes a breath.  Max, JP and the doc all leave. Nat and the others ask if she really wants Max to know she's expecting his child.  Maria smiles from ear to ear and says she does because she knows Max loves her.

Outside again, Max and JP are now arguing over whether Max should separate from Jimmie so soon. JP agrees with Victoria that a few more months shouldn't make any difference. Max tries to explain what an emotional Hell living with Ji has been for him. JP says he's not for divorces per say, but has no control over any union that hasn't been blessed by Dios. Max says it wasn't Dios that forced them together like this and he's leaving her, period! Victoria has to learn that in life there are limits and she better learn those boundaries like yesterday!  No more sacrificing his and Maria's happiness for others any longer! Besides, he adds, JP has known his mama for a long while and so he should be able to help her find her way back from the land of the lost that her blaming his father has left her in.

Juanjo takes a moment to ask Maria and Nat why Linda isn't living with them any longer. Nat and Maria defer to Millie to tell JJ that she's dead and gone. They take a moment to feel his pain.

Fausto has returned to Burnie's. He and Eva stand at attention while she warns Fausto that the next time he won't get off so easy for abandoning his duties. Burnie then storms out of the room. Eva complains that he nearly got them fired with what he pulled. Fausto tells her that Burnie set fire to the building that Maria lived in and tried to burn her alive. "--That woman is Evil Incarnate!"

Alone in her bedroom, Burnie thinks to herself that she's sure she has finally gotten rid of Victoria's daughter once and for all.

Max gets home and bawls out his mother for having the gall to speak to Maria about doing favors for Jimena after the nasty way she's treated her. Vicki says she only did it because she was afraid that Ji would do something crazy. (How about having the girl committed instead?) Max says Jimeana is a blackmailer and he refuses to be manipulated by her any longer! Vick stresses what it's like to lose a child and asks Max to think about what he'd feel like if Jimmie lost theirs. Max says that isn't going to happen and besides, today he almost lost the woman he loved when somebody purposely set fire to her building! Vick is wide-eyed-impactada and now thinks the premonition she had was because he'd been in danger when he'd gone to the fire. He explains Maria's out of danger, and now he's not giving in this time. He's going to divorce Jimeana ASAPP!  [as soon as physically possible]

Max walks into the upstairs hallway.  Jimmie stumbles out and starts slinging a few choice, though slurred, insults at her errant hubby. "--What? Did you finally get bored with the slut for a while?" "--Watch what you say about the woman I love; and anyway I don't want to argue with a drunk." Oh, she sneers, so now she has to be grateful to the cockroach because she's deigned to allow him to stay with her till his baby is born. Nope, Max says. Ji’s got it wrong cuz they're divorcing right away! Ji argues that Vicki promised her otherwise! He yells at her that it doesn't matter what his mother told her! He's not giving up his happiness to stay miserable for the next however many months with her! Jimeana goes ballistic here and screams like a banshee.  She's not having the child unless he stays there with her till it's born! She's ready to kill herself!! (Two words immediately come to mind: Straight Jacket. Jimmie’s long past simply having him agree to wile away the months reading the paper in his slippers while she picks out baby clothes and furnishes the nursery!) Both Fer and Vick race out to see what the commotion's all about. Vicki tries calming Jimmie down again. Jimmie passes out once the adrenaline surge ends, the booze and painkillers kick in, and her brain short-circuits. (At least, I think that's what's just happened. Carlos, your cell is ringing!)  Max and the others get muy worried for her baby.

Meanwhile, back at the dispensary, Juanjo doesn't think he can ever love again, but he hopes Linda’s in Heaven. Millie agrees to leave Linda-Ho’s fate to Dios and to have JJ try to rebuild his life on terra firma.

The doctor finishes examining Jimmie and tells the others what's so painfully obvious: that the abuse of drugs and alcohol has put the life of her child in danger. They keep watch over her for the night, but if things don't change, he suggests putting her into a hospital. (We assume it’s so the lush can dry out!) 

After the doc leaves, Vicki tells Max to think long and hard about divorcing Ji now because the life of his child is in the balance. (Viewerville readies itself to make numerous animal sacrifices to the telenovela gods so that the writers will bestow him with enough sense to finally consider that Jimena might have been sleeping around after all, and that her kid could be somebody else's problem! --Three little letters, Max: D.N.A.!)

While Max watches over Jimmie through the night, Maria thinks back to all the times she and Max made love together and how he no longer wants to put off their chance for their marital bliss. She agrees there's no further reason to put things off and that in the morning he'll find out she's giving him a child, one that was created from love. (Viewerville sighs.)

The next morning arrives, but Max does not. So Papa JP and Maria go to the hospital together instead.

Max has been up all night looking after Ji. She wakes up as he gets a call from the office telling him they need him there for some problem or other. He tells Ji not to worry, that he'll have his mother watch over her now. Not good enough!!  Jimmie crawls all over him, begging him to stay because it wouldn't be the same without him there! She knows he's going to take Maria to the doctor, she whines, because she heard him say so. She begs him to swear that he won't go see Maria.

At the same time, Vicki phones Burnarda to ask her once more to tell her who her daughter is. Burnie brags that she warned her she wasn't going to get her way.  Yesterday, she says, she proved that she's capable of anything.  Vick says she doesn't know what the broad’s talking about, but she's not going to stop until she finds out who the couple in that picture are! Burnie says Vicki doesn't scare her cuz she'll never find that out. Vicki growls back that she'll continue to hound Burnie until she tells her where her daughter is! Burnie tells her that her daughter should be dead (meaning the fire, we assume). Vicki refuses to believe that and says sooner or later she will have to admit to her who and where her daughter is! Otherwise, Burnie will have a major problem with the authorities! Click!

Fausto is about to enter Burnie’s room but he stops when he hears Burnie tell herself that if Vicki discovers who the couple in that picture are she's sunk. She'll have to plan to go off on a long trip-- someplace nobody can find her.   Where?

Back at the Max's place, Jimmie's whining has worn Max down. Max promises not to see Maria. He then leaves to take care of the problem at the company. Ji tells herself that she can't let Max take Maria to the doctor because he's sure to find out then Maria's expecting--and her goose will be cooked!

Later that morning, Maria takes her ultrasound. The doctor explains the picture to them both.  JP wishes Vick and Mama were there to see the little miracle.  When he sees the imaged in the monitor he is suddenly eager to see his little grandson born.   

Mama, though, is in the middle of screaming at her personal version of Dumb and Dumber--Padilla and El Alacrán.  She’s madder than a hatter because Maria was rescued from the fire despite those two having followed her instructions to the letter. El Alacrán asks her for another chance to show her they can do what needs to be done.

Fausto rushes back to speak to Eva about what he just heard. "--The Sra. wants to flee [huir] from the law! She's planning a long journey where nobody will ever hear of her again!" Eva asks him what they are going to do if she never returns….

Burnie meanwhile, gives Alacran the go-ahead and says this time they'd better not fail! "--Victoria Sandoval will learn once and for all that she'd better not mess with me!"

Federico now calls Fer and begs for another chance to go steady again.  He tries to convince her that he does think of something besides partying once in a while. Fer wants to call it quits, but then she figures what the hey and tells him that she will meet him in the same place as always.

Meanwhile, El Alacrán sneaks in over the Sandoval’s fence to cut the brake lines of Fer's mini-vertible.

At the Casa de Modas, Fabian (who I, for one, would rather see modeling pecs in speedo’s and a bow-tie rather than howling an off-key accompaniment to an otherwise romantic serenade) tells Max that Nat needs a friend more than ever now. Max agrees and they are about to head to the dispensary so Max can apologize to Maria for not showing up this morning. (Viewerville will forgive him for not thinking to call the dispensary to leave word for Maria that he got called in to the office unexpectedly. He was up for the last 24+ hours looking after his loony wife and couldn't think straight.)  Before they can get out the door he gets a call from someone that he has to meet immediately.

Jimmie recuperates apparently and then drives herself over to the barrio to see if she can locate Maria.  Ji strikes out playing twenty questions with a little boy playing ball in front of Maria’s burned out apartment building.  FF>>

At the same time, Nat and Maria are taking a walk through the barrio. Maria sees a help wanted sign for someone who can sew. She speaks to the owner and gets hired. It’s easy work.  

Max meets with the private investigator he'd hired to look into the missing Maria. She hands him a photo.

Back at the manse, Vicki races after Fer as she's headed down the stairs on her way to meet Scuzzy Tattoo Boy. Vicki wonders why Fer's attitude towards her has changed so radically. Fer admits that she used to admire her mother, but she doesn't any longer. "--Why? Because my husband left me?"  Fer says no.  It’s because she's stopped being the strong, stubborn, relentless woman she used to be. She is only a shadow of herself, says Fer, and certainly not any kind of a decent role model for her now!  "--You've given up. You're worthless and --you yourself made it your job [dedicarse] to do in the Victoria Sandoval you used to be!"

Nat and Maria are crossing the street, discussing the fact that Maria got the seamstress job, and that she starts working the next day. Jimeana sneaks up on the two of them and tells Maria that she's been looking everywhere for her. Why? To ask her to stop harassing Ji's hubby. Maria says sorry. No can do. We love each other. Well, says Jimmie, I'm having his baby! Maria, wiser than her few years would lead Viewerville to believe, lectures Jimeana: Life isn't forcing people to do things only because of that because what brings couples together is love, not children. --Sorry, says Jimena, but Max has to be with his kid. Nat pipes up and says Jimmie's right about that.  Max needs to be with Maria because Maria's pregnant with Max's child--a child conceived with love!  Ji won’t argue with that.

Scuzzy and Fer are chatting it up at the campus coffee shop they used to meet at. He tells her that he wants to be famous and knows he'll have to change to do it. So, as of tomorrow he will be an entirely new man. (Nothing like telling yourself 'There's always tomorrow.'  A lot of good it ever did Scarlet, right?) Why not today, asks Fer. Well, admits Scuzzy, there's a race on today. He's got a bet going with a few buds and has to leave to take care of bidnez. It's in Toluca. He's got a few races. "--Waddayasay? Want to come with?" She hesitates but he tells her not to worry. She can see the great transformation of Federico Padilla. This is too much for Fer to resist and she accepts the invite, saying that at her place it's going from bad to worse anyway and they’ll never miss her.

Back in the barrio, Jimeana says then it's true that Maria’s pregnant. “--Linda told me.”  Nat and Maria are pissed and want to know exactly what Linda said to her, and when Ji saw Linda last. Ji brushes them off. "--Your friend! Don't tell me! Then how come you two kicked her out of her own place?" Maria tells Ji it wasn't like that. “--Oh? Well, not that it matters to me, since she was nothing but a whore, but she's dead now and it's all your fault.”   Well, all Ji says she really wanted was to assure herself that Maria was pregnant. She has no doubt that it's not Max's, and if Maria doesn't leave him alone, she'll have to tell Max the truth about Maria's baby. “--What 'truth'?”  Jimena lies. Linda told her everything. She told her that it wasn't Max's baby and she even told her the name of the real father!  Ji snaps her fingers dismissively in Maria's face. "--So! You leave him alone!"  She struts off.

Later that day, Fer and Feddie take Fer's .5 cylinder cupcake on roller skates to Toluca. The bets are taken and Feddie wagers Fer's cupcake can beat somebody else's 4 cylinder Chevy. He's on!  Fed tells Fer she can ride with him.  She's up for that! The two cars vie for first place while El Alacrán looks on with his binoculars from some place further out and yuks it up.  

At the Casa de Modas, Pepino and Oscar accuse Roxy to her face of stealing a number of expensive accessories. She sniffs and says the accusation comes from one of the worst designers in the industry. Pepi is ready to draw first blood. He calls her a chocolate (something?) mummy. Roxy's ready to rumble and says once she tells Victoria what he's just called her she'll kick him out on his assets. Vick shows up just then and agrees, but says Pepino's the best designer in his league and it's very difficult to find someone of his stature in the design world. Her posse is pleased as punch to see her back in the saddle again.

Somewhere in Toluca, the race heats up. Scorpion Dude makes the sign of the cross and giggles moronically.

Vick takes back her pink throne in her office. If she's back it is because she's been thinking that if JP and his mama know who her daughter is, it must be because she is alive. (Duh!) So, she'll find her eventually.  Max enters Vick’s office and hands her a photograph. Vicki looks at it and chokes up. It's a picture of a 6 or 7 yr. old Maria in a parochial school uniform.  Max tells her where he got the photo and says it was all the PI could get because the school closed down quite a while ago.  Vicki's all bummed because she thinks they're no better off now than before. Max says at least she knows that her daughter survived and perhaps some family adopted her. Vicki says she realizes trying to hide the truth has caused a lot of people and herself a lot of grief. It's time she comes out with the whole story now, especially to Fer. She tells Max she plans on telling her tonight that she has a sister.  That, she adds, may be the only thing that saves Fer from that loser, Federico Padilla! (No, she'll have Scorpion Dude to thank for that little miracle.)

Fed eventually needs to use his brakes. (For the life of me I don't see why. It was only a small mound of dirt with a tiny tree on top.) The car takes the little upgrade at 100 mph and they are airborne. The convertible rolls a couple of times and lands upside down. Feddie and Fer are unconscious. El Alacrán laughs himself silly and heads back to Burnie's.

The firemen arrive on the scene of the crash and determine that poor Feddie and all his fabulous artwork have traveled to that great tattoo parlor in the sky. Fer, on the other hand, still has a pulse and if they can manage to get her to a hospital in time --OMG! It's TOFIM! And it's Cruz who gets her pulled out of the car right before it explodes--and it's JJ who has to agree that he'll put all prejudice aside to help Cruz save Osvaldo Sandoval's daughter. Viewerville then gets four different views of the same explosion--just in case they didn't see it the first, the second, or the third time.

Scorpion Dude returns to wherever he left Rudy Padilla and jokes about the smooth way the whole thing worked. They were racing in the car together somewhere in Toluca. The girl got hers, but so did the boy she was in the car with!  Rudy asks for a description of the boy Vick's daughter was riding with. Scorpion Dude says he couldn't tell, exactly, because he had to look through binoculars to follow it all. He was not much different from any of the other braggarts [fanfaron] though. The one thing he does remember is that the kid had a snake tattoo all down his arm. Padilla goes wild and starts to strangle Scorpion Dude. "--You killed my son!" "--How could I know?" (Good point, and one that Rudy should o' thunk of, considering!)  "--Forgive me! Forgive me! How would I have known?" Scorpion Dude runs off.  Rudy is left to mourn and to admit that he killed his own son. (Ok.  Let’s blame it on Burnie and you can do us all a favor by offing the bitch.)

Cruz calls Max to let him know that Fer was in a car accident and is now faltering at Death's door. He then hangs up long enough to give Fer mouth to mouth.  He miraculously revives her. (Good, cuz I don't think Viewerville could stand another round of Ave Maria a Capella from Pablo.)

At the same time, our deluded Doña tells herself that there's no doubt this is a punishment from God--another punishment from the Lord over Victoria. She then reverently kisses the cross hanging from her neck.

Max races home.

Vicki tells Michaela she's too bushed to answer any calls or to speak with anybody. She just wants to rest.

Max gets home and starts yelling for Vicki. Michaela tries to explain that his mother’s not up for visitors, but Max could give a rat's furry-tailed ass. He barges into her bedroom. Vicki tells him she's not in the mood to argue about some company problem. He tells her (and takes his own sweet time about it!) that he's not there to talk about company business. "--Well then what?" "--It's bad news."  ‘--What? Is it your father?"  "--No. He's fine."  "--Then what's going on?"  "--It's Fer. She's had an accident." Vicki is suck-it-in-and-knock-me-over-with-a-feather-impactada.  Uni cues the kayak.  --fin part 2.


El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of March 28, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

¡Hóla a todos! Some of you know that when I write recaps, I include a lot of photos. I'm not writing recaps for Herederos or Reina and I don't have access to my TiVo setup where I can import the video right now but I thought that Santiago's departure was worth some effort so I grabbed a couple of shots from the online version of Thursday's episode. Descanse en paz, Santiago. We'll miss your hunky self.

REINA- Teresa learns the ropes of being in prison and we meet a whole bunch of new characters. It appears that the Reina of the prison is the 'Lieutenant' (Teniente) Patty O'Farrell and she maneuvers the situation so that Teresa becomes her cellmate.

Meanwhile evil Eddy is selling/giving Santiago's house in Algeciras to some woman.

Some thoughts on the book versus the novela. In the book, when Teresa decides to go to Algeciras with Santiago, she rips the photo of her and El Güero in half and keeps the part with her in it and burns the part with El Güero. She never displayed the photo. She keeps it in her purse. It's a reminder of what she was and at the end of the novel she rips it into bits. In the novela, she burns up the whole photo when she decides to go with Santiago.

I see that the novela wants to keep characters tied together more than they are in the book. In the book, Santiago isn't betrayed on his last run. He just has bad luck and once he and Teresa leave the folks in Mellila are never heard from again. I thought that during the chase scene, shots were fired at them by the pursuing launches or the helicopter. In the book, it specifically mentions that the Spanish authorities (unlike the Moroccan ones) are not permitted to shoot at smuggler's boats. Also, the book describes that when Santiago and Teresa are on a run, Teresa puts her face into a radar display and guides Santiago by putting her hands on his shoulders. Obviously, that wouldn't translate too well on screen.

HEREDEROS- I watched Thursday's and Friday's episodes together and I don't recall where one left off and the other began. Guadalupe's wedding was nice. She is such a beautiful woman. But Gaspar is already displaying his del Monte macho tendencies by insisting that she stop working and start ordering the servants, including her uncle, around.

Béatriz still seems to be figuring out that Jose is a drunken boor and would-be rapist.

I guess I vote for brain tumor for Julieta. Headaches, fainting and personality changes seem to add up to that. Her attempt to kill Paula with scorpions seemed pretty amateurish. At least folks are using their cell phones to communicate and share pictures even if it is a big product placement for sponsor T-mobile.

Lucas and Rosario are back together but for how long?

Lady Noriega serenading Jorge Cao in Pasión de Gavilanes

Zharick León singing in the bar on Pasión de Gavilanes

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Llena de Amor #157 (Mex. 176-177) Fri 3/25/11 It ain't over 'til the Fat Lady sin...reappears !

OK so I got home from work about 7:10 and my recording wasn't set yet, so I missed the first part of the TV version and I'm not sure how it compares to the MX version but I've started with the MX version and I'll tell you where I saw the TV version start up...someone can comment what was deleted from this first segment...

So we open with our weepy eyed protaganists after Ilitia leaves, having injected her venom that Vicky ordered Mau to rape her on the wedding night.
Brandon walks into this joyous playground and it looks like MV is free to go but Eman with all his lawyers still is not assured of freedom. He bites back that this is really Marianela and accuses that Brandon already knows it perfectly well and he will not be forgiven for these lies. MV leaves.

We are back at the big house, who's ownership is apparently in question and Emi is chatting with Max about the Kristel dilemma…Emil thinks she should never know the truth that Low is her Dad. Uh oh, at the mention of that name, Max might be having a heartattack. He screams madly about Fedra always sullying their good name and he should have killed her when he had the chance. Emil reminds him she is still his wife and he’s no murderer…nah just a putz who wouldn’t marry the chic he loved and knocked up…worse? Maybe…anyway I digress…Max continues with the heart grunts as he admonishes Emil not to leave Mari alone…Emil in exchange feeds him some pills. Max will live another day...
Oliver is at the carcel and he laughs at Eman that he thinks Mari and Vick are the same. No way he says. Eman asks if Oliver thinks he’s that criminal. O isn’t sure but it’s sure interesting how Eman is always gone when the crimes happen…hmmm enter Gretel, to collect Eman whom Oli proclaimed wants nothing to do with him. Oli corners her and begs her to stay, that Eman left them alone on purpose.

Jose is declaring love to Netty, believes she feels the same…all nervous, she is not sure…at the critical juncture Brandon shows up with MarVick.

Ok and our lovebirds Oli and Gretel make up and make out..or do they…she shoves him into a cell and locks him there..Beatch that was not nice….

Ok now we are with Fed and Emil… he is calling her on the DNA analysis re Kristel.

In the video, there’s a group welcome of Mar Vick home from jail and an oh yes you are in the right but need to be careful because of Mau’s accusation etc. Jose is there and he takes Mar’s side, but she wonders if he really could send his amiga Fed to jail - revelation time - she calls him for who he really is… Jose Maria Sevilla. OK, he agrees it’s his name, but he was in jail in error, blah, blah.
OK the one most affected here is Netty who wonders about the lies he told her to try to get in her pants - that he came from Veracruz and about his boat etc. yeah those boats get ya every time. He says they just need to trust him. Mar Vick does acknowledge he is dangerous in presence alone for Fedra.

Ok back to Emil lamenting the truth to Fedra about Kristel, this is the worst she could have done to him, he hates her, she’s betrayed him his whole life…I don’t know, electrocution might not be so good either, but anyway…he wants to know what else she’s lying about,what other of his kids aren’t his. Hee, well let’s count shall we? Imagine, so we think it’s only Axhole that carries his blood right? I think the TV went on with these two way too long…

In the video we are back at Netty’s and Vicky and she are chatting about how to bring about Mar again, they also chat about Jose Maria being alive and being Eman’s true Dad. Emil and Eman will be so hurt…Netty thinks Jose suspects all this and he’s worked really hard to be around Eman. She worries about Emil.

Back at the face off, Fed swears only Kristel doesn’t carry his blood…he says enough, she needs to go. Eh not so fast, she has the shovel for the gold right under her arm…if he turns over all his assets to her, she’ll give him the divorce. Of course he won’t give her a centavo. Oh well, I was hoping she would be worth getting rid of, but we still have a few capitulos left and we all know the horrid death she must die, so no easy pay off out for her…the torture continues…sigh… And that’s where I picked up with the TV version, right before the commercial of course…

In the video, Gretel is telling Axhole she's sure Mari will return and will need everyone's support.
He promises that, but hopes Vicki will then leave because she made him marry that unfaithful tart, who deceived him in his own house. Bleh...Gretl makes a smirk and I want to punch the brat. Sheesh. Then he spills that he gave Deli hers, he made her his, believing he loved her, and then dumped her on the spot. Gretl smacks him hard! YEAH someone finally hits this guy!! Gretel also gives him a piece of her mind, how dare he, etc. I say he needs a piece of iron skillet on his noggin...I guess this didn't show up in the TV version? Travesty.

So now we got to Muni coming home all thrilled they released Eman and Ili must be so happy. Nope she's upset, she went to see Brandon who wants nothing to do with her or her family, even you Mama, so watch it and don't go to see him.

Next we are at the pool with Orange Boy and Kris and she is telling him Ili's preggers. Mau takes unusual interest in this and wants to know how far along she is...Kris freaks out about his question thinking of the charges on him and makes him swear he had nothing to do with Ili...he swears she came after him and he obliged, but I'm not sure if that was the wedding day, or earlier...

Now we rejoin the TV version with Mau telling Kris they agreed to forget all that crap and the important thing is that we are together again now. He kisses her and enter jealous Low who asks what he is doing...stunned looks from Kris like who the f are you? So of course I think the TV missed the mark on the important exchange which was Mau extreme interest in Ili's bump...anyway, so now we go back to the casa where Marinela returns. Ruiz de Teresas come out of the woodwork to make some comments towards her...the gist of this is Emil and then Fedra's accusation that Vick is Mar and Mar is Vick. Everyone wonders about this. Ili refuses to believe it, says no way.

Back in the online version Kristel tells Low he has no claim on her, so what the hell, he claims he is protecting her from slime like Mau. She says buzz off.

Back on TV, Kristel joins the questioning crew and remarks that even Eman knows who she really is. Vick says, actually, Jorrid is collecting Mari right now at the airport, and trust me, when you see her you will realize I am not she. The real owner of this house will return. Fed smirks... She says if Vick is not the real owner aka Mari, then she can go and she orders Nereida to help her pack, MV orders Pau to set up something nice in the garden for a great welcome for Mari Deli offers to help, but MV reminds Deli she is not a servant any more...Fed smirks that their marriage will be anulled soon...

Back in videoland we are treated to the independently mobile breasts of Jacqui who bugs Jorge about why Andres is still working there. Jorg says they can't send him off because of his illness and if they did him, they'd have to do her too. She says that was all invented to get Andres back, she's not sick, and if he helps, he too apparently gets to operate the remote control for her breasts. I swear I was waiting for them to take off by themselves...jeepers. He looks off in the distance not swayed. I think he's keeping his eyes out of the runway should they spin out of control.

Now, we are upstairs with the three chicas in the know, they are chatting about how awxful axhole is, and MV can't believe it. Deli is glad Jorge saved her. Gretl tells MV to forgive Jorge, he had his reasons for hiding the investigation of her Papa, and anyway he is Mari's hubby, so you need him more than ever now.

MV agrees. Eman shows up and wants to talk to her alone.
He thinks if she's such good friends with Mar she should stay and Mar would love her company. She says she can't and yeah, she betrayed her with Jorge that one night, but more importantly she fell in love with Eman like an idiot and there is too much between Mari and him.

More bionic boobs trying to persuade Jorge.. these sure are interesting and woes be the TV audience is missing it all. She wants Andres dropped as a model. Jorge thinks her game is cruel, but he'll think about it only if she brings him the test results that she is not sick. She agrees. Until then, have your breasts propel you on out of here. And they pretty much do..

The commandante is asking Brandon and Oliver what ELDP has to do with Jose Maria...they don't know except
clearly there is something between the two.

Back on TV, the commandante continues that he worries maybe they have been chasing the wrong person and wondes what they are waiting for. Brandon pleads that they need more evidence and time to develop the case…then they can move in. Back at the house Doris is preparing to un-Jenny Craig Vicky de la Gartha into fat Marianela. Netty worries some worts over this, but Doris’ mom assures her this is what Doris went to school for in LA. All will be well…we go through some making up scenes…frankly they should have cut all this instead of Axhole getting wacked by his sis, so we end up with bangs placement e voila, a fat Marinela that according to Ili, looks nothing like Vicky…it’s hard sometimes, I know with all that wool over their eyes in TV land, but I think I’d be suspicious…. :)

So now in TV land we are in for the garden party. Axel is complaining something about Delicia and Gman is trying to chill him. Kristel and Mau show up to everyone’s disgust. She says they are “dating” again and Eman decides to pull him over to the side. He suggests Mau apologize to everyone and just leave now. He knows that Mau abused his wife Ili and can’t believe he has the cajones to show up here after that. Get out. Kris comes over, surmising what they are chatting about and reminds Eman his wife is a liar and besides, Mau has no reason to abuse (well,take sexual liberties) anyone with me around, (ha, yeah a quality I always look for in a man) so why don’t you worry about your wife instead of MY boyfriend. Wifey will put the horns on anyone she sees in front of her and besides you should investigate, that kid she’s carrying is not even yours…BYE. She’s actually a pretty great actress. They depart Eman with his mouth open, a bit.

Suddenly a Disney moment, screams from beyond ,and there she is, the Fat Lady has returned. Marinela smiles on the arm of Jorge…Eman beams repeating her name over and over…

Cap 177
Back at the garden party, Ili and Kris, BFFs forever, are comenting on how fat or fatter Mari is, when Ili pulls Kris over and wants to know what she was chatting about with Eman for so long. Tee hee Kris retorts, well, either you admit to everyone that Mau never abused you, or I tell Eman your baby daddy is that copper, Brandon. You decide, tee hee…and she runs away. Gape mouth on Ili. Back to everyone goo -gahing over the Gordita…she’s back everyone missed her she gets some squushhy squeezes from Eman. Mostly she just beams….

Now we go to Doris with Andres at a clinic she brought him there because it’s highly probable that Jacqui invented all of this just to get back at him and they should learn for sure. No false hopes, but she is behind him all the way. OOOoooH! And they go in.

Back to the garden party, one after another folks greet her and say their little piece, Axel promises to be better to her, she says it’s in the past, and he’s married Delicia, who pipes up and Axhole showing exactly how much he has matured makes copycat faces in her direction. Ok, where’s that frying pan when you need it. Sniper in the woods, maybe? We can always hope…anyway.

Ili of course has biting words about her weight, and wonders how she can walk around with all that fat..Mari shoots back why don’t you tell me in a few months when you get this fat too from your pregnancy. Ha good one. So now she moves back to Feddi, and wonders what she is looking at…she wants to give her sobrina a hug…ouch, it turns into a fishing expedition as Fedra tries to pull up her shirt and proclaims miserably it feels like skin…Mari proclaims it her her skin, you freak…well I’m sure she was thinking that.

Online, they show us more of Andres at the clinic professing to Doris he is scared and she convincing him it will be ok either way, she holds him to her breasts.

Emil chats with Mari and invites her to now relax and enjoy the food they have prepared. She makes a comment that she’s not sure if she should, in case Fed has poisoned it again. Fed spits back something about her being ungrateful and unappreciative for them taking her in or something. The conversation turns to Tia Carlota and Emil wants Mari to clear it all up for them. Emil hopes she brought the proof because he will see to it that the guilty are made to pay. Mari says nope, unfortunately accidental fire got all that stuff, all I have is my word. Ili says that ain’t nothin…nonetheless, Mari is here to get her house back, and her inheritance from the woman who surely caused Carlota’s death. Emil wonders who that could be, and everyone looks at Fed. She says it ain't her, she was in Spain. Yeah, and Eman says you were also in Switzerland, Gretel says to visit me, only I was locked in the cave, remember???? They all know she is lying, so she admits she was in Madrid but that doesn't mean she killed Carlota. What funny dialogue.

Online more of Andres wimping out on the test, feeling ill, and running away from the room..

They chat about Almudena, Tia's headmaid, as a witness who saw Fedi there the day Carli died, but no, she didn't see any actual murder. Mari agrees it’s not Fedra, yep, it’s a woman named Juana Felipe Perez. Mari swears she will find her and send her to jail and beyond. Fed musters a sort of huh, kind of smile. Mari wants to go say hi to Tio Max. Eman wants to go with her, but Jorge her husband says not so fast buckeroo, I can take care of my wife, why don’t you tend to YOUR wife. Eman fights, but in the end is left with no one to play with.

Online we have Eugenio the lawyer showing up to say that Vicky must appear at the hearing tomorrow and Netty tells him he better not let her get caught on a crime she didn't commit. He says they have to prepare a really good defense, because Mau's lawyer defends mafiosos and big shots. he swears (taking Netty's hand) that he will do all he can for his precious. Just then Jose Maria walks in: well, you'll have to go through me first, as I will do all I can to get her into bed, er, win her hand...Ah intriguing.
I love it when men fight over you as if you were a possession. near as I can tell, when guys do that, a gal can just get up and walk away, that neither gets her. I learned the animal kingdom does this too, when mating lions or chimps will fight over the female, if the males fight too long or earnestly, the female moves on. Good for her. So these baboons end up fighting over her with words. Netty tells Eugenio he shouldgo prepare for the case, Jose asks Glad to leave so he can chat alone with Netty. In the meantime he gets a call there from Veracruz...he wonders que the hell, turns out it's Fed...Ah, now it makes sense how they meet up.

Tio is in the loop re fat- no fat, and he wonders how she was able to get so fat so fast, she tells him about Doris, he remembers how she helped Gretel. Now he wonders why Mari went through all this…she tells him of Fed’s discovery of her being the same and that they needed to put her off track a little. She continues to tell him there is a person from Fed's past who is still alive who can prove lots of things and she’s pretty sure that person will side with them. Ah, the plot thickens. Jorge doesn’t know of any of this either and is shocked when Mari tells about it. OK, so online

now we go to a bar where Jairo and Gman are chatting about ELDP and the latest developments. Gman is very excited. The bar manager is watching from afar, curious about the closeness of these two, er, men.
Jairo is kissing Gmanolo on the cheek. Oliver rushes up in jealous rage…Gman breaks it up but yells at him that Jairo is right and he doesn’t have any of the things Jairo has that a woman like her needs. Or something like that. Whoops, woman? Bar manager wonders what is happening.

Back to the house Eman visits Max, looking for Mari of course, but Max tells him to let her be she’s past history. He says yeah, but there is this chemistry….

So now we go to Andres, who apologizes to Jacqui for all he's done, everyone makes mistakes. He tells her he chickened out at the clinic, but please tell him if she's really sick.

Netty listens to MV on the phone about how Mari's appearance went over at the Ruiz de T house.
Netty is reminding MV on the phone she needs to appear at the judges as Vicky tomorrow.

Next Vicky is hassling Ili on the phone about Mari being here and her being nervous because she’s so in love with Eman. Eman overhears Ili's side of the conversation, so Ili tells him Vicky was bugging her again. She wants to know what Kris and Mau told him. He can’t talk now, he’s going to find Mari.

Andres is again begging Jacqui to know the truth. She says you have SIDA, and more, you deserve it for all of your infidelity and promiscuity.He can't believe it and begs her pardon. She says no and I hope you rot in hell for all you've done, who knows how many more women are suffering what I am. She leaves.

We resume on TV with Fed/Jauna running into Jose Maria outside somewhere. She greets him as sailor of the seven seas, he her as prostitute of 1001 bars. This guy is good!! She wants him to leave, he rips and throws down the ticket she has just given him. She wants him out of her affairs, he says or what, you’ll kill me? She tells him you determine that oh great seer of the future…anyway this goes no where really, so she pulls out a gun.

Eman finally gets close to Mari, he wonders where her hubby is, she says he went out to buy her chocolates, but his wife will probably be looking for him, so he should go.. he says they have stuff to talk about after 2 years. Ili made him believe that Vicky sent Mau to assault her the day of their wedding, but that is a lie. Kristel is assuring him that Ili is pursuing Mau, and that her baby is maybe not even Eman’s. Mari doesn’t know from all that, he should really be checking it with his wife. He wants to confirm some things first. Kris knows Ili best and he thinks this could hurt Ili if this wasn’t true because they are best friends and all but MAri knows neither she nor Vick had anything to do with what happened on their wedding day. That you have to believe, she says. He can’t see how Ili would make something like that up. Mari knows that girl is a big fat liar, so she certainly could. She has to tell him their lives are different now, and they lead separate lives.

Uh oh, back with Fed and the gun. Jose spews some words at her and challenges her to kill him. She puts the gun right to his heart, and whoops wardrobe failure...nothing comes out. It's funny to watch her try to get the gun to release. he thinks maybe it's not his time then, but alas it's hers, and he puts a friggin' huge knife right to her throat. Yikes...

Back to Eman and Mari and he professes he still loves her,
and he goes in for a kiss. She cuts him off right away, that she is married and he'd better respect that.

Ok well Jose doesn't get far with the knife either...she keeps trying to shoot him with the lame gun then just goes to choke him. He doesn't, however, stab her, preferring to be choked until she pulls away and proclaims no one does her in.

Eman apologizes to Mari, he just can't help his impulses, etc. He wants to go back, he was so happy. He even made himself into another person to try and forget her. Huh, she wonders what he means? She forgives him, they hug, then Jorge comes in and sees them, not happy is he.

Meanwhile over at Netty's Brandon is there and they are chatting about the Mari thing, and how Vicky needs to disappear, when Ili walks up, hears, and wonders why? She tries to find Vicky there, though they keep telling her Vicky isn't home. She tries to go upstairs to find her.

There is some arguing about her not being here, and starting over a new life and Ili jokes,oh with you Brandon? In the other house there is arguing about what chocolates Mari really likes and why are you still here, etc. They could have cut all this in my opinion...the only important thing is Mar Vick fears she can't keep this up in front of Eman, he'll figure her out, and she is hurting him, she tells Jauma.

Then the take away tidbit from the other house, is during the scuffle to get upstairs, Ili begins to suffer abdominal pains...uh oh, will naco fetus cease to be? Will the true baby daddy of nacofetus come to light? Tune in Tues to find out!!



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Friday, March 25, 2011

Eva Luna #99 Fri 3/25/11 Never ask a raving lunatic to commit a double murder for you. Just ask Marcella to do it.

I want to get this posted tonight before I go to bed. I haven’t proof read it so there may be lots of mistakes. I also apologize about really cutting the Fran Marisol bits but frankly I just don’t care about them.

We start off with Laurita bound and gagged and crazy Vicky ranting and caressing her favorite means of persuasion, a gun.

Music man is talking to some one on the phone asking him what he thought about the disc he sent him. Our mystery man is interested but not if she already has a manager. Music man tells him her husband was interested but has no managerial skills. Mystery man wonders if music guy is interested in Marisol. He tells him yes but at this point all he wants is for her to be successful.

Eva is on the phone with Daniel telling him that Victoria has Laurita. She tells him she will meet him at the police station. She is telling Dan he doesn’t need to thank her. He knows how much she cares about Laurita and the important thing is to have her safe and sound.

Renata hands Eva the keys and asks her is she is sure she doesn’t want Armando to take her. Eva tells her she would rather go by her self. Renata tells Eva to call if she needs anything. Eva asks her to inform Tia and if Renata can remember anything to call her. Renata is very concerned as we see her praying to God not to let any thing bad happen.

We see Eva going to the car and her phone rings. She answers it saying “Daniel.” The voice on the other end is Vicky. She says she is going to tell her what she has to do as it depends on her if Laurita lives or not.

Julio is phone harassing Justa. He tells her they have lots to talk about tomorrow. He tells her to meet her some where. She tells him it is best if they don’t talk. She Finally gives in and says “It is fine, I need to see you as well” At this moment we see Ricardo looking sadly through the door frame as he hears her talking.

Tony has encountered Alicia at work. He insists she tell him what she was talking about yesterday at the house about believing Leo would marry her instead of Eva. She tells him that is what she thought yesterday but now she knows she was wrong. Tony says, “then you have finally realized that Leo had never really loved you.” She snots back “Yea I understand it.” Tony tells her he is doing the impossible to try and get her to realize that he (Tony) really loves her. Alicia tells him that will never happen. Tony is frustrated and can’t understand why she would tell him that when all he is trying to do is prove his love. Alicia says “That was all before.” Tony wants to know before what? She finally blurts out before she realized she was pregnant with Leo’s child. Tony is left speechless.

Tony can’t believe what Alicia is telling him. She tells him she is expecting a child and Leo is the father. He can’t understand how she would let things get to this point. Alicia tells Tony the truth “Because I never really thought this through very well. I have always been impulsive (and stupid) . Tony asks her if Leo knows. Alicia tells him he does. Tony wants to know what he said. Alicia tells him he doesn’t want her to have the baby. Tony wants to know what she plans on doing and she tells him she wants to have the baby, after all the baby isn’t to blame for her mistakes or Leos mistakes.

Tony approaches Alicia now and tells her she count on him completely for anything she needs. Alicia seems surprised to hear this and Tony says she and her baby can count on him for help. He tells her he is not just saying this for her to come back to him but because it is the truth. He tells him that she and her baby won’t be alone . They have him. Alicia gives him a grateful hug and we see a sincere Tony.

Eva has made it to the place where Vicky has Laurita. She enters a spooky looking building saying Victoria’s and Laurita’s names out load. She hears Luarita’s muffled screams and rushes to her side. She is quickly untying her asking if she is all right. Laurita tells her yes but Vicky is crazy. Just as she is almost finished getting her loose, A gun toting Vicky shows up screaming “Keep still or I will kill you both!!” Eva and Laurita are scared spitless.

Eva continues to crouch closely to Laurita while Vicky has the gun pointed directly at them. Eva is begging Vicky to put the gun done. Vicky is screaming and waving the gun at them telling Eva not to tell her what to do, because she is gong to be the one giving out orders. Laurita, crying fearfully hugs Eva saying “You came for me.” Eva is trying to comfort Laurita and Vicky starts ranting even louder. Eva tells her to let Laurita go. She promised she would let her go. Vicky screaming back and holding the gun closer now screams “I lied!!” as she cocks the gun.

Dan is talking to the detective at the police station. The detective wants to know when his daughter disappeared. Dan frantically tells him about a couple of hours. The detective isn’t convinced that she is in any danger. After all she ran away before. Dan tells him it is different this time because the person that took her is mentally unbalanced. He tells the detective that his daughters life is in danger.

Eva is now begging Vicky to calm down. She asks her what she thinks she will gain from all of this. Through rabid clenched teeth she tells Eva “I want Dan to know what it feels like to loose the thing he loves the most!!” as she points the gun at Laurita. Eva now frantic goes to shield Laurita begging her not to do this. She tells her that Laurita isn’t to blame for any of this and to let her go. Vicky is screaming she can’t stand the fact that Dan loves Laurita more than her and that is why she has never loved Laurita and why she wanted her away at boarding school. She continues that everything was going along just dandy until Eva returned “As Eva Luna, with all that she has and all she has become”

Eva is pleading with Vicky telling her she needs help. Vicky crazed tells her no one can help her because Dan wants to divorce her and he will never see Laurita again. Now both Laurita and Eva are pleading with her to stop. Vicky separates the two of them and throws Laurita on the bed still aiming her gun at Eva.

Deb is telling Julio that she hasn’t found out much else about her investigation. Julio agrees that Marcella has done a good job in covering up her tracks. Deb agrees and tells him if it wasn’t for the fact that she overheard her during her delirium, They would never had suspected anything. Julio says it will be very hard to prove her guilty of killing Dan’s parents after all this time. Deb tells Julio that she was just about to invite Marcella over to her house and try to find a way to casually bring up the subject. But backed out because she wasn’t certain what she would ask her. Julio warns her that she needs to be very careful with that woman because he knows that viper very well. She has killed many times before and what’s one more murder to her. And warns her again to be very careful.

Tony now kneeling in front of Alicia asks if she has told Eva. She tells him no but she will tell her before the wedding. Tony asks her if she thinks once Eva finds out if she would still want to marry Leo. Alicia tells him she hopes not. Tony asks Alicia if Leo were to ask her to marry him would she say yes: Alicia tells Tony this will never happen. Tony says “ But lets suppose that this does happen. Would you marry him/” Alicia pauses for a second then looks at Tony and says “Well yes.” Then she says “He is the father of my child. Tony.” He sadly stands and then quietly sits beside her.

Leo is asking the office girls if Eva is there. One of them tells him that she left a bit ago with Daniel. Leo wants to know where. The office girl seems surprised that Leo doesn’t know that his sister has disappeared with Laurita. Leo looks concerned.

Vicky is still aiming the gun at Eva when Eva’s phone starts ringing. Vicky screams at her to look and see who it is. Eva is frantically reaching for the phone and tells her it is Daniel. This gives Victoria a moment of pause as if she is thinking then says aloud but as if she were talking to herself “She told me this could happen.” Eva asks Vicky who is “she?” Vicky now grabbing Laurita and covering her mouth, and with the gun to her head tells Eva to answer it but be very careful with what she says.

We see Daniel on the other end telling her “Finally you answered. You had us all worried.” He asks her where she is. Eva trying to give clues answers “Yes I am fine.” Dan not quite so quick on the clues hasn’t picked up yet what Eva is trying to do. He tells her he is still waiting for her at the police station. Eva tells him she is really busy. Dan is finally figuring out something is fishy as Eva tells him she won’t be making it to the event. Dan asks where she is and Eva tells him that she has to go and pretends to turn off the phone. She places it beside her and we can see it is still on. Dan is just about to hang up when he hears Eva pleading with Vicky to let Laurita go. Vicky is screaming at Eva telling her not to tell her what to do.
Eva is screaming back that she promised to let Laurita go once she got there. Vicky reminds her that she was lying to her. She has done all of this just to deceive her.

Dan still listening in and now understanding the entire situation, puts the phone by the detective and points for him to listen quietly. Eva is able to give clues to her where abouts to Dan with Vicky being none the wiser. She screams it is the same place where Vicky had dropped her off before and just left her. Vicki has lost it and now points the gun right at Eva’s head telling her to shut up.

Laurita is screaming frantically as well now and Vicky turns back to her with the gun. Eva is able to turn the phone off and tries to hide it from Vicky. Dan now panicked as well, suddenly realizes he knows where Eva is. He tells the detective they need to leave now.

Vicky see’s the phone now and grabs it from Eva and throws it across the room then points the gun once more at Eva.

El Gallo is talking to Marcella about the commotion that was created when the dead bodies were found. He tells her all the papers are saying it was some type of drug deal gone bad (or something like that.) Marcella is delighted at the news. They both have a good laugh over the entire deal. He tells her he will return tomorrow and she says she will pay him what she owes him. She asks if there is any other news. He tells her there was something quite curious in the paper saying the young man’s real name was Bruno Mendoza and the real name of the young women was Azucena and not Rosaura. And it is doubtful that her people in Los Angels will ever find out what really happened. Marcella thinks that is a shame, she would have preferred that every one knew that those jerks were found dead. Then taking a drink says “ oh well, I have never boasted about what I have done before, and I am not going to start now.” (ni modo, como nunca he hecho alarde de lo que hago no lo voy a empezar hacer)

The madness continues back at camp crazy as Vicky is now tying up Eva and Laurita. Eva tells her she is really scaring them. Vicky now completely over the edge takes the gun and tells Eva to shut up. She is the one that is scared now because Dan wants to leave her. She backs up against the wall and as she crouches down cradling the gun says but this will never happen. Her look is one of total insanity.

Then she stands looking at both of them very strangely and quietly says “You are both very pretty” and walks over to the bed where Laurita is lying. Eva freaks and on her knees fearing for the worse rushes over to Laurita screaming at her. Vicky only reaches over to her purse and takes her phone out and leaves.

Leo is asking Renata where Eva is. She tells him that she is at the police station with Daniel to inform the detectives that Victoria took Laurita. This really ticks Leo off as he says “Why does it have to be her. This isn’t her problem.” Renata agrees and tells him the people that should really be worried about finding Vicky should be her mother and Leo. Leo snaps at her and says “ The only thing that is important tome right now is that Eva is not with Dan!!” He takes off in a huff.

Eva has managed to get her hands free and unties Laurita. We see Vicky outside talking to the mastermind of this whole crazy scenario. It is Lily. Vicky is saying to her “ Yes I have them both and that stupid Eva believes everything.” Lily says “Perfect. Now we have to put in operation the second part of the plan.”
Vicky wants to know exactly what she needs to do. Lily says “ Get Eva out of there and kill her, then later burn the house down with Laurita inside. Then you have to tell Dan that it was Eva’s plan to kill both of you. But you were able to escape.” Vicky says “But you will help me right?” Lily says “Of course my friend, I will make sure that Daniel will totally believe you.”

Eva and Laurita have managed to escape just before Vicky returns and finds them both gone. She has gone ballistic as she chases after them. They are now out of the house and hiding while Vicky frantically searches for them screaming “you will never be able to escape!!”

I will be very brief with this next bit and condense it like crazy. Sorry. Marisol is practicing her “music.’ Adrian informs her she has a visitor. It is a famous agent or something that wants to represent her. She agrees. Later when Fran comes home she tells him about it. He is all ticked off because he was suppose to be her manager. A fight ensues. Fran is disappointed that she wouldn’t at least consult him first. (Who really cares when we have crazy Vicky on the loose with loopy Lily at the helm.)

Vicky is still looking for Eva and Laurita when we hear police sirens. Drat says Vicky as she contemplates her escape route. Laurita is now begging Eva to forgive her for all the awful things she said to her before.
Eva protectively hugs Laurita and tells her not to worry about all that.

Tia is telling Renata how strange it is that Eva has called them yet. Renata is genuinely concerned as well. Tia hopes that Victoria won’t hurt Laurita and Renata hopes the same. Tia wonders why Victoria is so bad. First she kidnapped Pablito, now this. Renata understands why, although she isn’t “justifying” it she tells Tia that Victoria has been very unhappy for quite some time and has caused her to commit some crazy things.

The police have arrived with Daniel and he races out of the car to scoop up a Laurita in his arms. The detective asks Eva where Victoria is. Eva says when she heard the sirens she took off and she doesn’t know where she went. Dan is asking Laurita if she is okay and Laurita says thanks to Eva she is. Dan walks over to her and thanks her for letting them know where they were and for saving his child. He hugs her tightly.

Then we have a nice group hug.

Laurita is finally safe at home and Eva has tucked her in. Dan is waiting on the sofa. He tells her he doen’t know how to thank her. He tells her she put her life in danger to save his daughter. He tells her he will never forget it. Eva tells him that he knows how much she cares for Laurita, as if she were her own. And tells him not to forget the fact that Pablito is her half brother. So if she loved her before, now she loves her even more. He moves closer to her and tells her he doesn’t have the words to thank her for finding and retuning Laurita safe and sound to him. Eva seems a bit uncomfortable and tells him he has nothing to thank her for and gets up to leave. Dan begs her not to leave. She tells him she has to leave. Her family is waiting for her. Dan asks if she is because of her family or for Leo. She tells him for both.
Then she thinks for a second and asks him what he was talking about at the office before all this stuff with Laurita. “Something about some pictures?” He says “yes but please don’t try to hide it (disimules/conceal or hid) I know you were with Leo at the same time you were with me.” Eva says “That isn’t true. I told you before.” Dan tells her “I saw the pictures. They were intimate pictures.” Eva seems very confused now and says “What are you talking about?” Dan says “ I saw the pictures of you in bed with Leo. Eva has a very shocked look on her face.

Eva can’t believe what she is hearing. She asks if he is crazy. Dan tells her they were very explicit pictures. She was in bed with Leo. Eva is angry now and tells Dan she never went to bed with Leo. “How can I get you to understand!!!” Dan asks her then how can she explain what he saw. She doesn’t know, and asks him where he saw them. Who showed them to him. Dan tells her it was Leo. Again Eva seems quite shocked. She asks when. He tells her it was when she disappeared and he went looking for her at the mountain house and Leo showed them to him. Eva quite angry now, says it isn’t true and she will go talk to Leo about it right now to clear all this up. She takes off in a huff.

Marcella tells Renata that Leo told her about Vicky taking Laurita. Renata tells her that Eva just called and told her that Laurita is home safely. Marcella does a “humff” and asks Renata what happened with Vicky. Renata tells her she is now on the run from the police. Renata tells her she is very worried. Marcella snorts “For me, let them catch her and put her in jail for being an idiot.” Renata asks her how she could say such a thing. Marcella tells her it is the truth. “Victoria is no use to me for anything now.” Renata is crushed to hear this. Marcella continues “The stupid thing ruined her marriage by sleeping with Bruno.” Renata seems surprised to hear this. Marcella snorts “Don’t put on such a pious (mojigata) face.” “And now with this new crazy stunt, there isn’t a single court that won’t give Dan the divorce he wants. For now the plans that I have made to keep this fortunate are all ruined. She was stupid. At least I have one child I can trust in.” Renata asks her what she means. Marcella says “Very soon al the money that Julio left that stupid Eva will soon pass on to Leo’s name. Then later will be mine once again.” Renata is clutching herself in disdain as Marcella now pushes at the dishes and tells her to clean up the mess.

Dan is talking to the detectives asking about Victoria. He tells him they haven’t found her, but it is just a question of time. Dan tells him he hopes so, but he reminds him that Victoria is very sick and to be careful.
The detective tells him in the meantime to watch over Laurita and Eva very closely.

Eva has told Renata about her day. Renata is surprised to hear all that happened. She thought that Eva was with Dan at the police station all this time. That is what she told Tia and Leo. Eva than asks where Leo is. Renata tells her he was here for a while but left. Eva tells her when he returns she needs to talk to him. Eva tells her how relieved she is that Laurita is fine. Renata agrees and tells her that God is very powerful.
Eva tells her she has to go see her son now after all this awfulness and pleasantly says goodnight. Renata thanks God for preventing this tragedy and now asks that he will help clear up Vicky’s cluttered mind and that nothing bad will happen to her.

Leo is at the Lily pad. She is giving him a drink. She tells him that she doesn’t have any doubts now that Victoria is absolutely crazy. Leo agrees with her. Lily says that for her, it might not be such a bad thing if something happened to his daughter. After all she would be willing and able to console him. Leo tells her well that isn’t going to happen, because right now it is Eva who is consoling him at the police station. Leo doesn’t understand why Lily isn’t bothered by the fact that Eva is consoling Dan right now. Lily tells him that she is quite certain that from this point on there won’t be anything else going on between the two of them. Leo starts to leave but Lily tries to persuade him to stay FF>>>>>>

Eva Tia and Alicia are now discussing today’s event. Eva tells them that she thinks that someone is behind all of this and tells them about the conversation Vicky had with herself when Dan called “She told me this would happen.” They wonder who it might be. Marcella is eliminated from the list. Eva says it can’t be her.

They agree they don’t know who this person could be, but she has to be just as sick as Victoria if not worse.

Said sicko is talking to herself “By now Eva should be dead as well as Dan‘s daughter. Once I turn Vicy into the police, Dan will be all mine.” We hear a knock at the door. It is Victoria all in a panic.

Renata is thanking God for listening to her prayers. She says he knows how sorry she is for all the awful things she has done and now fully understands all the horrendous consequences. “I put my niece in Marcella’s hands. I robbed her from my sister and took away the identity of Victoria. That is why she is so bad. Help her God and enlighten her. I promise to complete what I said I would and confess everything I did and will take any punishment that I deserve. Victoria is just another victim of my mistakes and all they envy I had against my sister. Forgive me God and free Victoria from all this bad stuff.”

Lily is ticked off to learn that Eva and Laurita escaped. Vicky is freaked as well and tells her she doesn’t know how they got away, but when she left the room to go talk to her on the phone they got away. Then when she went to look for them the police arrived. Lily is even more freaked to hear the police were involved. Looney toons Vick tells her “Yes. I had to leave.” Lily is outraged that she would think to come to her place. Vicky whines, don’t worry, nobody followed her. Lily is now trying to get her out of her place all worried that she will be connected to everything. Vicky isn’t going anywhere. She tells her she has to help her. She is the only that can. Lily reluctantly agrees and tells her she knows where she can hide. She tells her to stay put until she gets everything arranged. (or something like that)

Justa is consoling a sad Marisol with tea and words of wisdom about love and marriage. FFF>>>>>>

Marcella is remembering her finest hour when she put two slugs into the thug Bruno. He pleads for his life in vain. We see El Gallo in the back of the room when the deed is done. She tells him to take care of the garbage and gives him a really creepy kiss on the lips. (Gross). She thinks to herself that she could have forgiven Bruno for the theft but the fact that he slept with Victoria was unforgivable.

Eva is waiting for Leo. She asks him where he has been. He says in a ticked off tone “That’s the same question I have for you. I haven’t heard anything from you since this afternoon.. Then he tells her Renata told him she left to go see Daniel.” Eva now with Arms crossed and ticked herself says “That was the idea until your sister held me hostage.” Leo is shocked to hear this. Eva tells him that Victoria called her and told her she had to come to where she was. She threatened me and said If I didn’t come she would hurt Laurita. I swear we would have been killed if it wasn’t for Daniel arriving with the police.” Leo ‘s anger has subsided as he approaches Eva and takes a hold of her arm to console her saying “I didn’t know any of this. Are you okay my love?” Eva pulls away from him and says yes. He asks about Vicky. She tells him she ran off and the police are looking for her. Again he approaches her and tries to comfort her. Eva looks repulsed.

She disengages herself from him and turns to face him and says “You need to explain something to me.” Leo tells her “Anything.” She asks “What are those pictures that you showed Dan?” Leo says “what pictures?” Eva retorts, “I don’t know but Dan says you have pictures of you and me in bed.” We end on that note.


Per Univision News --The Final Week of March There Will Be [Scheduling] Changes

[Since everybody's wondering why their recording schedulers are all fouled up and what they should do and since I fouled up the EL info the first time, I managed to find Univision's latest announcement for the upcoming schedule changes online at their site for all our favorite shows.  I have translated it.  I put the English first and others who want to read the Spanish version can below the translation. --ed.]

**This, the final week of March there will be changes:

Univision has a series of interesting changes in the last week of March.  The beautiful but dangerous Teresa arrives and there will be temporary schedule changes in the Prime time TN's.

Mon., 3/28/11 they  will not show Llena de Amor which is in its final weeks.  In its hour will be offered a news Special.  Marianela comes back in her normal  time spot of 7/6c on Tuesday 3/29/11.  

Owing to the Mex-Ven Match (9PM/8C) the same night of the 29th, Triunfo will be able to be seen from 9--10:30pm/ 8--9:30C.  The following day, TDA returns to its normal 1 hour time period in the 10PM/9C, Mon-Fri.

At Midnight, there will also be Changes.  During the week of 3/28 through 4/1,  Para Volver A Amar will only be seen two days (Mon. and Wed.) and will return to it's regularly scheduled time on 4/4, Mon.-Fri., at 12am/11PM Central.

Wed., 3/30/11, Prepare yourself to meet the wickedest woman in Telenovelas.  Angelique boyer is Teresa and she awaits you at 9PM/8Central, Mon.-Fri.  Do you dare to ignore her? We don't advise you to do it!
Esta última semana de marzo habrá cambios

Univision tiene una serie de interesantes cambios en la última semana de marzo.  Llega la bella, pero peligrosa, Teresa y habrá cambios de horarios temporales en las telenovelas del “prime time”.

El lunes 28 no darán Llena de amor que ya está en sus últimas semanas. En su horario se ofrecerá un especial de Noticias Univision.  La ex gordita Marianela regresa a su horario normal de 7pm/6ct, el martes 29 de marzo

Debido al Partido México-Venezuela (9pm). Ese mismo martes, el Triunfo del Amor  podrá verse a las 9pm-10:30pm/8ct. Al día siguiente, Triunfo del amor vuelve a su duración normal de una hora, en el horario de las 10pm/9ct, de lunes a viernes.

A medianoche también habrá cambios. En esa semana del 28 de marzo al 1 de abril, Para volver a amar solo se verá dos días, el lunes y el miércoles, para regresar el lunes 4 de abril en su horario normal de lunes a viernes, a la medianoche (11pmct). 

El miércoles, 30 de marzo, prepárate a conocer a la hembra más mala de las telenovelas. Angelique Boyer es Teresa y te espera a las 9pm/8ct, de lunes a viernes. ¿Te atreves a ignorarla? No te lo aconsejamos.

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La Fea Más Bella #269-270 3/25/11 Aurora is the key to Fernando reaching his goals.

Capitulo 269.
Read 5ft's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Tom asks Ali when he can meet her father to ask for her hand. Ali gets nervous and dodges.

2. Lety is in a twirl about Aurora and asks Tom for advice. In her fantasy, Omar hears she’s Aurora. He says, “You don’t just deceive me, passing for Aurora. You are also playing with (the affections of) Aldo and my friend Fernando. Three of us fell in love with you. You betrayed us all.”

3. Lety says she doesn’t want anyone at Conceptos to see Aurora. Tom suggests that they film off site. Lety asks Luigi if that’s possible. She tells him Aurora will work for them.

4. Aldo and Fernando pressure Caro about Aurora. Lety comes in and says she’s going to meet with Jax (Jacques) to find a solution. Fern wants to accompany her as her assistant, and Aldo as her obsessive, possessive warden, but she insists on going alone. After she leaves, Fern tells Aldo he needs to loosen up! The world has turned upside-down!

5. Tom tells Jax that Aurora will meet with him. Jax calls Lety’s office to ask her to the meeting, but Fern tells him Lety already left because she had an appointment with him. Both men are confused.

6. Caro visits Omar to console him. He says he’s never been a good person so he has no friends. She makes him admit that he’s depressed because Aurora’s gone. She gives him a supportive hug that turns into a serious kiss. Caro is very moved, but Omar says Aurora is the only one for him.

7. Fernando arrives at the meeting because Jax invited him. Aurora didn’t want anyone to see her, especially not Fern, so she’s very cold to him and he has no idea why. She demands $1M for the job. Jax is surer than ever that he must have Aurora for the campaign. Tom tells Fern he has to stay out of the negotiations. Fern asks what Aurora has against him; what did he do to her?

8. With Omar gone, Fern only has Aldo to rehash to. Aldo tries to convince Fern that Aurora would make a good partner for him. Be careful what you wish for, Aldocito! Fern says Lety never went to the Jax meeting. Aldo remembers that she didn’t want them to accompany her.

9. Caro tells Lety about the kiss.

10. Tom asks Fern and Aldo to organize his bachelor party, while the cuartel organizes one for Ali.

11. Aldo and Fern ask Lety why she said she was going to meet Jax and didn’t, and besides, where was she? She takes off her glasses and smudges her eyebrows, and both men notice something’s different.

Capitulo 270.
Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Ali orders Marcia to organize the party for her.

2. Tom updates Lety. Jax says Conceptos has to contract Aurora for a lower amount or else.

3. The stripper cakes get swapped. Hijinx ensue. Luigi is the only one enjoying Tom's party. Celso and Saimon try to take the girl back to the men’s party, but Tomasa and MamaJ forbid it. So the men all go to Lety’s house. Tomasa buttonholes Marcia to find out about Alicia’s family and background. Has she had other novios?

4. Alicia wakens Tom. Coming out of a dream, I think he mumbles, “It wasn’t me. Alicia made me give her the check.” She sweetly says, “May I lie down in your bed?” then she shoves him out and he sleeps on the couch.

5. Lety is haunted by the Aurora situation, so she suddenly tells Aldo that she wants to leave for Acapulco today. In front of a fountain, he says she needs to fulfill her duties first, so she can be content. She says she may have to do something he doesn’t agree with. He tells her to do what she needs to, and she can always count on his support.

6. Fern tells Lety that the contract is important to him because he can pay back a big chunk of the debt to Aldo. He can also recover his self respect, knowing he can deliver results. He would feel useful again. He begs for Lety’s help and touches a nerve, and she makes her decision. She tells Tom Aurora has to return, for everyone’s good.

7. Ali refuses to thank the cuartel for last night’s party.

8. Fern says to himself, “I’m going to work harder than ever to win back Lety and Conceptos, and send Aldo back to Aca.” Lety arrives and tells him Aurora accepted. Fern will tell Jax that he and Lety are headed for the meeting. Lety begs off; she has a lunch date with Aldo. Just then Aldo comes in and says, “Since you and I aren’t doing anything, I’m heading out.” She shoos Fern out and whispers to Aldo that she has to go meet with Jax to sign the contract.

9. Marcia tries to warn Ali not to mistreat Tom; he doesn’t deserve it. Ali says Marcia’s not a friend if she doesn’t let Ali move in with her. Marcia says she’s selling her apartment and doesn’t know where she’ll live.

10. Aldo’s publisher introduces him to the Carmina, the editor who will help on his project.

11. Aurora, Fern, and Tom arrive at the meeting with Jax and Pablo Cantú (Snowcap). Once again, Fern asks what she has against him. Jax says they need Lety there to sign the contract.


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