Saturday, April 16, 2011

Teresa Fri 4/15/11 #15-16 Momma knows best? Not!

Teresa challenges Paloma to speak with Arturo face-to-face. Teresa says Paloma hasn’t kept her promise to stay away. She swears to Arturo she will keep her promise. Arturo: “Oh, like your promise to marry me, to support me, and love me forever? What do you want?” Paloma: “Nothing, it’s clear you need nothing from me. What I want is for you to be happy with her.” (pointing at Teresa).

Rubigote confronts Aida about why she changed her traveling plans without clearing it with her parents. It’s not a question of money, she can’t just go around doing what she wants whenever she wants, especially when mom wasn’t in total agreement (de acuerdo) with the trip to Acapulco to begin with. Aida disagrees and explains it’s the best thing that could have happened and she loves Paulo and on this trip their relationship became more serious. WHAAAAAT? Mom & Dad: “What do you mean more serious. How serious?” Aida: “Mommmm stop pressuring me. You need to understand I’m happy with him.” Maira: “How can you be happy when until recently Paulo was madly in love with Teresa and wasn’t even interested in you.” Aida: “Everything’s changed. You need to see how he is with me now. He even wanted to come with me to talk to you about our relationship.” Rodrigo: “Oh, you bet I’m gonna meet with him and we’re gonna have a serious discussion.” Aida: “No, no, no, that’s not necessary.” Rodrigo: “That wasn’t a question and furthermore, you’re grounded until further notice.” Everyone has sourpuss faces.

Cutberto is trying to make Juana jealous over la gringa Tracy, teasing that he may even bring her to live with him in the vecindad. Juana is predictably upset and Cutberto says his Tracy knows a good thing when she sees it’s too bad that Juana never wanted a “taste”. He walks away, leaving Juana to say “desgraciada güera!” I loved that!

Luisa and Teresa are trying to console Arturo. Julio arrives to take Luisa to the movies, leaving Teresa alone with Arturo. Julio suggests possibly someday the four can go out together. Arturo shoots Teresa a meaningful look. When they’re alone she tells him can’t believe Paloma showed up. She apologizes for getting involved but she couldn’t help herself. Arturo is grateful for her support. Teresa assures him she will always back him up. Arturo points out that Teresa chased after Paloma as though she knew her. “No me enganes, Teresa,” he says, “I don’t like lies.” He knows Luisa doesn’t have what it takes to confront Paloma, and what did Paloma mean that she only wished for him to be happy with Teresa. Ruh-roh! Jaws music plays. Our little shark-girl is gonna have to come up with something fast. Teresa points out that what Paloma thinks isn’t as important as his well being. She sees he’s upset and suggests she accompany him to his home. He declines and offers her a ride home. (Our little heroine gets out of another sticky mess).

Genoveva is pleading with Ruben and Maira that the trip to Acapulco was all her idea and please don’t scold Aida. Genoveva explains it’s too late as they’ve already spoken to Aida and she is grounded. Geno assures them the relationship with Paulo is going very well. Ruben blathers on and on that Aida has parents and shouldn’t make plans on her own and do as she pleases. Geno assures them that Paulo and Aida love each other. Ruben latches on to that and says it’s his and his wife’s responsibility to look out for Aida and by the way, Paulo se esta pasando de la raya (he’s going too far). Geno swears it wasn’t Paulo’s idea. Maira: “So you’re saying this was all your idea? You planned all this? Geno clarifies that she meant that she saw how well Aida and Paulo were getting along and as she had some home sales closing, she wanted to take advantage of the situation so they could all spend some time together while she took care of some business. She didn’t mean any harm. Ruben stresses that what’s at risk here is Aida’s future happiness. What are Paulo’s intentions? Geno says Paulo has the best intentions but it’s best they don’t pressure them or things will get worse. Just then, Paulo walks in. Ruben challenges him: “I want to speak with you! What was the idea of holding Aida back in Acapulco?” Paulo stands there all goofy shuffling his feet: “duh it wasn’t my fault.” Ruben: “If it wasn’t your idea, why did she want to stay in Acapulco?” shuffle shuffle. Geno: “Explain that your intentions are honorable and that he doesn’t plan to return to Teresa.” Shuffle, shuffle: “Yeah, for sure.” Ruben: “Aida is my only daughter, my adoration. You’re not going to play around with her. If you’re novios, you will be serious, with the goal being marriage!” (con miras de casarse) Paolo stops shuffling and is now all bug-eyed!

Paloma is hugging her prima, Florencia, telling her she saw Arturo, the love of her life. She’s distraught. Since returning to el D.F., she hasn’t stopped thinking of him She was in therapy after her mother died and her psychologist suggested she not leave loose ends (circulos sin cerrar). After all these years, it’s still so painful. Her therapist didn’t recommend she seek out Arturo but she felt so guilty for destroying his life that she hasn’t been able to find happiness. She just wanted to ask for his forgiveness in order to move forward. On the contrary, upon seeing him, it only revived all the love she feels for him.

Arturo is dropping off Teresa at the vecindad. He seems so nervous, she insists he allow her to see him home so she’ll know he’s ok. She takes both his hands in hers --- and her mother is watching. Arturo’s concerned it’s late and doesn’t want her to have problems with her parents, he kisses her hand. She asks if he would like to come upstairs for a bit. He says no, goodnight. Teresa turns to go upstairs and momma is still watching. Refugio gives Teresa the evil eye when they meet upstairs but Mariano comes in before she can say anything. He asks permission to speak with Teresa. Refugio readily accommodates him and Armando is all “what gives?” Refugio explains she’s on the Mariano team but doesn’t speak of what she witnessed with el Profe.

Genoveva congratulates Paulo on holding his own against Ruben. He didn’t really have any choice, but this talk of marriage well, that’s a whole other story. Genoveva says not to worry, they all know that noviazgos are for getting to know each other and besides he’s not even finished with his studies yet. Don’t worry about such things for now. She makes him happy by telling him she will give him an extension on his platinum card. He stops pouting at that.

Aida pouts to mom (ugh) urging that they not ground her anymore. Mom’s not sure Paolo really cares for her and doesn’t want her to suffer or make decisions she’ll regret later (too late). Aida doesn’t want to lose him without making every effort and regretting it the rest of her life.

Teresa calls Luisa and tells him she left Arturo in a sad state. Luisa rushes Julio to leave. We see Arturo drinking (gasp) in a bar. He takes a call from Luisa telling him she’s not going to el cine after all and will see him at home. He gets home before she does, looking for some booze. They speak of the confrontation with Paloma. Arturo feels the old pangs of love for her. He’s confused about what Paloma said about Teresa. Luisa says why not, they make a good couple. Arturo is aware that Teresa likes him but to what extent? Luisa tells him Teresa admires him and is very grateful. “Don’t be absurd,” he tells her. Luisa agrees she shouldn’t be asking this seeing how messed up he is over Paloma. Possibly he hasn’t stopped loving her.

Mariano and Teresa are outside apapachando. Someone needs to tell that boy to get another ‘do. Does nothing for him. When we see them next, they’re back in the apartment, saying goodnight. He’ll see her in the morning. Refugio asks Teresa if she really loves Mariano. She needs to take care of him and not cheat on him cuz he’s not the type to forgive her.

Florencia advises Paloma not to give up on Arturo, after all, he’s not married. She counsels her to speak with him one on one. Arturo may have a lot to say to her too!

Espe and Ruben meet at the love nest. She’s all happy to see him. Him, not so much. He tells her that after all that he’s done to be by her side to support her only to find out someone else already took care of everything. He grabs her by the shoulders and asks her who she’s involved with? (con quien te metiste?”

Refugio goes to Arturo’s office telling him she saw them last night holding hands (bad move momma, shark-girl is not gonna be happy). “Just what are your intentions toward my daughter?” Arturo tells her it’s not what she thinks. Refugio warns him he better respect Teresa and she knows what she saw and she doesn’t like his intentions. Teresa wants things she and her husband aren’t capable of providing and she’s afraid of what Teresa is willing to do. Arturo assures her she has misinterpreted what she saw and he only has the utmost respect for Teresa. Has Teresa complained about him? Refugio says no, but she knows her daughter is very ambitious. Furthermore, what she saw last night didn’t look like the relationship between a professor and a student. He explains he was having a personal problem and Teresa was only consoling him. Refugio knows what she saw and it had nothing to do with his profession.

Genoveva and Maira meet at the club. Geno is all apologies. Maira is very concerned and feels they should stay out of their children’s relationships and not force things to happen. They hug and Geno has a smug look on her face. Maira goes on to tell her about their trip. The shopping! The restaurants! She confides in Geno about her jealous tendencies and tells her about the call from una tipa Esperanza that was supposedly a wrong number.

Espe’s mortified that Ruben would think her capable of having another relationship and for money (interes) no less! (hey, that rhymed: interes, no less) Ruben asks her to explain how all of a sudden she no longer needed money. Who gave her the money for Pablito’s operation. She explains how a neighbor friend helped her. Ruben fails to understand how anyone would do that kind of favor for nothing in return. He warns her she better be telling him the truth. She reminds him she only loves him. He pushes her down on the couch (eek, kinda scared me) and tells her she belongs to him and only him. He warns her again that if he finds she’s cheating on him with another man, he’ll kill him. (uy, cucuy!) Espe doesn’t understand why he insists on accusing her of cheating with another man. If it were up to her they’d be married. She reminds him the only reason they’re not together now, it’s because he’s married. She thought he’d be happy the money wasn’t needed and that Pablito is doing better. He tells her the money isn’t important; that she can count on him for anything. She tells him more than the money, she craves his affection, his understanding – not his insults. If he continues to thinks she’s with another, there’s no point in going on and she goes to the door. (you go girl!) He rushes after her. She doesn’t understand how awful it was being away from her, fighting all the time with Maira. Not to mention the trouble he went through to get the money to her, cut the trip short, only to find that she had returned it. Of course he was jealous because he loves her. She loves him too but thinks it’s time they rethink this relationship, then she walks out (yay!) he grabs his coat and goes after her.

Arturo begs Refugio’s forgiveness for any misunderstanding. He wants Teresa to continue her studies – that’s his chief concern. Refugio expects that is true and says if not, Teresa is capable to succeed on her own, even if she has to go to a government subsidized school. (we know how Teresa would feel about that).

Juana is visiting with Pablito. During this visit, we learn that she had a pregnancy in her past that didn’t go well.

Mariano picks up a man who is desperate for a taxi since his wife has just had an accident. They rush off. Later we see Mariano checking the back of the cab and he finds a wallet with a wad of money inside.

Espe arrives at the hospital and Ruben is following her. Juana and Espe visit and Juana shares that she’s a little depressed. Ruben is at the doorway. Juana leaves as Espe answers the phone. It’s Mariano. Ruben: “Con quien hablas” oh no! He demands to know if Mariano is the man for which she turned down Ruben’s money. She tells him to leave her alone and the argument goes out into the hallway. She says she’s not doing anything wrong. Ruben comes back with saying no, she’s just offering herself to the highest bidder (mejor poston) Whoa! Dr. Ledesma intervenes telling Ruben if he doesn’t calm down, he’ll call security. Ruben assures him he doesn’t know who he’s messing with. Ruben makes a point of looking at the good Dr’s name tag and stalks off, telling Espe, “This isn’t finished” (esto no se va quedar asi) Doc observes sadly that Espe has returned to her novio.

Teresa reports to work. Arturo tells her he appreciates everything she’s done for him pertaining to Paloma but he thinks it’s best they no longer mix their professional and personal business. Teresa looks sad. Teresa doesn’t understand. Arturo insists and she grudgingly agrees. Teresa, very coldly: “Very well, LICENCEADO de Barrera, where were we?”

Aida pouting (ugh) talking with Paulo asking why bebe hasn’t called. He tells her of his visit with daddykins. He complains that her dad is insisting they begin thinking of marriage and he’s too young to start thinking of that. Besides if she’s grounded he doesn’t want to come near her and make things worse. Later, she’s talking with her friend, Ivonne, still complaining that she’s grounded. She doesn’t trust Paulo on his own because with Teresa, well, one never knows. (an aside, I love the terminology they use. The friend tells Aida she was excited cuz she was planning to buy a new “lap” for her classes)

Meanwhile, back at the office: Teresa tells Arturo she’s finished with some work. She’s very cold toward him, calling him “licenceado” and turning down a cup of coffee cuz she’s too busy.

Back at Paulo’s house, his buddy is visiting. Paolo tells him of Aida’s punishment. Friend asks if he’s sent her flowers or chocolates cuz after all it’s his fault she’s in trouble or does he care? Paolo just shrugs, friend leaves, and Paolo pulls out his phone and calls Teresa. She tells him she’s busy working and will call him later. Arturo then tells her this isn’t what he meant by a professional relationship (meaning the cold shoulder she’s giving him). Teresa promises she prefers it this way and will do nothing to the contrary. Arturo looks uncomfortable while Teresa looks on.

Julio and Luisa are at a park taking pictures. He compares her to the beauty of all that surrounds them (aw, so cute). He invites her to el cine and wonders if Teresa and Arturo will join them.

Ruben is at this office. His secretary is talking to him and he’s really not paying attention. Maira calls and he says he has no time to go out to dinner, saying he has something urgent to see to.

Pablito asks Espe about the guy that was arguing with her. Espe feigns ignorance.

Luisa talks to Teresa about her feelings for Arturo. Do you have feelings for him? Jaws music. Teresa doesn’t understand how she could ask her since Arturo doesn’t seem to want to have anything to do with her. She reminds Luisa she had asked her not to tell Arturo about her discussion with Paloma. Bring on the crocodile tears. Now he’s furious with her and doesn’t want her to have anything to do with his personal life. Luisa apologizes. Teresa forgives her, of course. She can’t believe she and Arturo could ever….. Luisa tells her Arturo does care for her. Teresa agrees he cares for her…as a student. More tears. Luisa shares that Arturo is very sensitive. Teresa thinks he’s still in love with Paloma. She tells Luisa she plans to keep her distance from Luisa as well, since he made it very clear that she know her place and now she has to go back to work. She dramatically touches a tissue to her face and walks away.

Refugio and Ramon talk about Mariano and Teresa. He assures her Mariano is serious about Teresa and is even talking marriage. Refugio is overjoyed. She wonders why Teresa hasn’t mentioned it. Ramon thinks it’s most likely due to their studies. After all, they’re still very young.

Uhoh – Ruben pays a visit to Dr. Ledesma. Doc is upfront about knowing all about el Bigote and knowing that he’s the reason Espe has been carrying on that farce (fachada) with her family about working at the hospital. Ruben tells him that’s his and Espe’s business and for the doc’s own good, it’ll stay that way. Doc isn’t threatened and throws him out of his office. Ruben and his bigote leave.

Teresa is talking with the maid, Reina, at Arturo’s house. She reminds her to notify her immediately if Paloma comes by. Reina assures her Paloma hasn’t been there but her mother was there, very early. Teresa is muy impactada. (ooooh momma better hide)

Juana tells Refugio of Cutberto’s threat to bring that indecente to live at the vecindad. She says she’ll move out if they plan to live there together. Refugio asks her if she know anything about Teresa and Mariano and their plans, since Teresa doesn’t tell her anything. Juana assures her Teresa loves her very much. Meanwhile, Cutberto tells Mariano and his dad that he only told Juana about the guera to make her jealous. Mariano got a reward for returning the wallet and is going to use the money to take his furniture out of the pawn shop.

Luisa asks Teresa if she’s joining them for dinner. Teresa, still putting on her rejected look, tells her no, besides very soon someone else will be taking her place at the table—Paloma.

Paloma and Florencia are still talking about her need to talk to Arturo. Paloma says she promised not to approach him again. Florencia didn’t promise and Teresa doesn’t know her. Paloma pleads with her not to speak with Arturo.

Juana runs into Teresa and Teresa is furious! Juana wouldn’t believe what her mother has done. Juana tells her to forget about that and to come up to her apartment. She tells Teresa she’s decided to give Cutberto a go. Teresa – what? That pelado? Juana’s too good for him and deserves much better. Thanks to her Teresa has learned the need to socialize with a higher class of people. When she leaves this vecindad she will take Juana back to that higher society. “ser o no ser, yo soy” Of course, Cutberto’s good enough for a dinner or two or a serenata, but take him seriously? No! She wouldn’t last a week with Cutberto. After all, she and Juana are very much the same. Juana didn’t look as though she took this as a compliment.

Ruben and Arturo are at a restaurant. Arturo was surprised Ruben’s gf no longer needed the money. Ruben shares he was none too happy that she found assistance elsewhere. He’s not jealous but this relationship is not just an aventura. He’s not planning to get divorced, it ain’t all that (no es para tanto) Marriage is such a heavy cross, sometimes three are needed to carry it. (nice guy). Arturo observes, three, or maybe more, according to your criteria. Ruben says, hey, men are men (really nice guy). Arturo says that after meeting with Espe he got the feeling that she was expecting something more from this relationship. Ruben admits he may have promised her something along the way, you know how things are (ugh). Arturo rebukes him, saying Espe seems to really love him and doesn’t deserve to be deceived.

Teresa tells Juana about Refugio’s visit to Arturo’s office. What part of “don’t come to my office” don’t they understand? She told her even Mariano showed up at her office. Juana agreed with Teresa. Teresa complained that Arturo’s sudden change in his behavior was thanks to her mother’s visit.

Pablito’s family has come to visit, Esperanza, Johnny, Mom and dad. Espe tells them she is now employed by the hospital but tells them it doesn’t mean more money and they’ll have to tighten the belt.

Whoa! Teresa charges into the apartment and confronts Refugio about her visit to Arturo’s, throwing a dish crashing to the floor. “Estas loca?” Mom says she had to go talk to him after the way she saw them together last night, holding hands. Uh-oh, Mariano just happens to be walking by and hears this and asks Teresa to ‘splain herself. Teresa looks at mom, mom looks at Teresa, Teresa looks at Mariano, Mariano looks at Teresa and I’m dizzy. Teresa swears none of it is true. Arturo threatens to go speak to Arturo himself. Teresa pleads with him not to go.

Ruben again thanks Arturo for helping him out with Espe and assures him he does care for her. Arturo feels that if this is so and she’s expecting him to get a divorce, it won’t last long if he doesn’t come through. Ruben says Maira was at the point of discovering the whole affair. Arturo asks again that Ruben not include him in his shenanigans in the future. Ruben says he will resolve this and after all, Maira is his wife—and will remain so.

Teresa is running after Mariano in the street. She’s bugged that he doesn’t trust her. Mariano assures her that Arturo will tell him everything, even if they come to blows. (his pompadour is especially high in this scene – gosh that bugs me – so distracting). Teresa threatens him “Si te vas, terminamos”. (if you go, we’re through). He asks her to think of what could happen if he allows that man to keep doing what he’s doing. He jumps in his taxi, dropping a gift as he does. Teresa’s left in the street and picks up the gift.

Machita and her husband see that Espe is very upset. She says it’s because of worrying over Pablito who now wakes up moaning. Espe notes he has a fever.

Teresa puts the gift in her purse as her mother runs out to find out what’s going on. Teresa shouts at her telling her Mariano is off to confront Arturo and tell him who knows what. Refugio expresses her regret, saying she didn’t want to cause problems for Teresa and Mariano. Too late, Teresa tells her. Refugio tells her she should have known her place with el licenceado. “Shut up!” (eek)Teresa says. “You don’t even know what’s going on and right away you accuse me.” She tells her dad what happened and yells at mom that if she loses this opportunity to work with Arturo, she’ll never forgive her. NUNCA!” She hails a cab and tells the drive to step on it. Armando asks Refugio to explain herself. She tells him about the handholding, etc. She also tells him what Ramon told her earlier re: Teresa and Mariano’s relationship moving toward marriage. He scolds her, “and you still doubted her?”

Luisa accuses Arturo of betraying her with Teresa. She thought he was grateful they had intervened on his behalf with Paloma and now he’s behaving badly with Teresa. He says it has nothing to do with that and tells her of Refugio’s visit and his need to distance himself from Teresa. Luisa is disappointed and tells him she’s sure Teresa has feelings for him and that he was falling in love with her. She implores him to tell her what he feels for her. He doesn’t feel he can get involved with her because she’s his student.

Juana and Refugio speak about the incident. Juana tells her she was wrong and feels she should’ve talked to Teresa before going to el Profe’s. Juana will speak to Teresa on her behalf. Cutberto comes in bearing flowers. Juana is ticked off that he would be being involved with that Tracy and pretends she’s not jealous. Cutberto admits it’s all a ruse and that he really cares for Juana.

Florencia has come a-calling. He tells Luisa it’s time to face this head on. Florencia assures him Paloma didn’t send her and pleads with him to speak with Paloma. Paloma continues to suffer for her decision. She doesn’t want to hurt him but speak with him and let the past go. Arturo agrees to think about it.

Pablito has suffered a post operative relapse.

Cutberto is pleading with Juana to give him a chance to be more than a neighbor. She tells him she’s an honorable widow. He assures her she’s not just another woman, she’s special. She sends him packing. (c’mon Juana, get with the program, give the guy a chance).

Luisa and Arturo. Luisa is sure Paloma doesn’t just want to talk, and now she’s sending Florencia to speak for her. Arturo admits he loved Paloma deeply and it’s been difficult to erase her from his memory. Mariano screeches to a halt in front of Artie’s house and rings the doorbell. Just as Artie is wondering who the heck is ringing the bell, Mariano gets a call from Espe telling him of Pablito’s condition and he leaves. Teresa drives up just behind him. Reina comes out to let her in and fills her in on the chisme that some woman came by to visit, but not Paloma. Luisa is urging Artie not to speak to Paloma, she’s worried about him drinking again.

Florencia tells Paloma Arturo is still very hurt and wasn’t sure Artie would agree to speak with her. Aha, Arturo calls and agrees to speak with her right now. Paloma is overjoyed.

Aida is pouting (ugh) asking her mom to lift the punishment just so she can go shopping! Mom says no way. Aida later says – too bad, I’m outta here! Next time we see her she surprises Paolo telling him she’s escaped from her house.

Teresa speaks to Arturo regarding her mother’s visit. He cuts her short saying he needs to leave. Jaws theme. She sits at her desk and takes out the gift and shakes it but still doesn’t open it. She calls Mariano and he says he has nothing to say to her, they’re through. She throws the gift on the floor and it opens. It’s a ring! Along with a note from Mariano professing his love for her, telling her that while he knows this ring isn’t what she deserves, he wants her to know that he loves her and will love her always. We leave her crying over love possibly lost. Whatever will she do? Where shall she go? Tune in Monday to find out how our heroine gets her groove on.

Teresa cries over Mariano
Paloma meets with Arturo
Arturo confronts Teresa, asking her why she told Paloma they were married and expecting a baby.


Triunfo del Amor #92 4/15/11 The Stork Delivers And Dueling Dufi Butt Heads

Mini-Max is about to be born in a small town in paradise --or what would be if Alonso didn’t have to suffer from unrequited love.  Maria has gone into labor.   Alonso has dutifully called Ex-Padre Juan Pablo per Maria’s request and told him to meet them at the small clinic in San Benito; JP has come to the Sandoval manse to fetch Max and tell him that his second child is on the way so that the two can head down to San Benito to give Maria moral support.   Max leaves Augustina in charge of Osguito, aka Mini-Gui, aka Osvaldo Segundo.

Lon is trying his best to race Maria to the clinic and is more nervous than a pile of long-tailed cats in a room full of rocking chairs.  He tells the mini-dude to hang on while horsey after horsey saunter across the main drag in town and slow down his jeep and their progress.  "--Don't worry! Be cool and I'll buy you a little wooden one once you get here!"  (I'm cracking up from all this guy's little one liners, really!  All that hotness and a wisecracking sense of humor, too!  Yowsza!)

Back in the D.F., Victoria, Pepino and Antonieta have set up their meager, new offices for Casa de Victoria, The Redux.  They decide on a dress design do-over for the peso-conscious Mexican woman.  They’ll call the line “Milagros”.   Their new star model of the line is –you guessed it--Milagros del Vecindad!!  Vic and Pepi will go together to find their new modeling marvel later that day. 

Toni’s happy that Vic is cheerful and more animated.  Vic says she’s learned that you never give up in life. Seeing Max taking care of his sickly baby boy was her inspiration.  (Yawn!)  This brings us to Jimena and Toni asks how Jimena is doing these days. (I’m sure it’s only pro-forma.  I can’t believe anyone wants to really hear about this albatross with a hard on for hard liquor and heavy duty downers.)  Vic says she’s been exactly the opposite of Max when it comes to sickly little Osguito.  She shows no interest in the baby and her mental condition gets worse by the day.  (Why does that not surprise us, and why oh why in gawd’s name haven’t they stuck this lunatic female in for a 72 hr. bout of pugilistic endeavor with a padded cell?)

On the drive down to San Benito, Max asks JP if he would tell him the name of Maria’s mother, but JP isn’t tellin’.  He says Max will know when the time is right. 

Back at Casa de los Scandal-Val, Jimmie is complaining to the baby that he is nothing but a useless piece of baggage [bulto=suitcase, lump, bump, baggage.].   The only use he might be is keeping Max chained down to her since Max will never separate himself from his son.  (This broad is so totally stone cold towards this grade A cutie-pie, it makes my teeth ache.  Viewerville eagerly awaits the judicious hand of Dios coming down and flattening the rabid female canine into a pancake with one of Wiley Coyote’s largest anvils.) A moment later,  Augustina comes in to check on the baby and informs Ji that she’s doing this because Max went somewhere on account of a child being born.  Jimmie realizes that it’s got to be Maria Desamparada’s baby he’s gone about, and she goes into another snit-fit.  She chases out Augustina and decides what she’s going to do about it.

In San Benito, Lon arrives with Maria at the clinic and carries her inside.  The doc examines her while Lon paces and prays for an easy birth.  The doctor tells the nurse he’s not happy with what he sees because the baby might not be able to make it down the birth canal on its own.  (The head might be too big for the pelvic opening, I think.)  Just then JP and Max appear.  Lon is ticked to see Max there.  Alonso gives XPJP grief. “--LIke Padre, man, what you gotta bring that jerk wad here for?  You know the score with him and MD.  She don't want him here!  Tell him to make like a friggin’ tree and leave!”   Max gets into Lon’s face.  “--Like Dude, I ain't goin' nowhere, an' anyway, your ugly mug is the one that don't belong here!  Wazzup with that?  She's my woman and I got dibs on daddy-hood, not choo!”  JP jumps in between them and keeps them from breaking each other’s face. “--Act your age and stop arguing like a couple of schoolboys!”   He leaves, totally disgusted with the both of them.  Max gets back in Lon’s face anyway.   “--Like Dude, I'm telling you right now that I ain't goin' nowhere! Ain't nobody stoppin' me from gettin' with my woman!  You been warned!” [Apologies to both Kat and Sara if I don't do the Dude thing justice.  --ed.]

Back at the manse, Ji starts whining about Maria having jumped back into their lives again.   What good’s all this been if that damned cockroach has come back again?  All Jimmie has to show for it is that lump in the crib and her crappy new scar!  “--I hope that your kid is stillborn and that you die giving birth, or that your kid is born crippled or mongoloid! Dammit!  Dammit!  Dammit!”  She starts to scratch and scrape at herself while she repeatedly cusses out Maria.  “--I wish you’d die!  I wish you’d die!”

Milagros and Napo The Naco are cleaning up the snack bar.  Pepi and Vic show up and explain about the new clothing line.  Suddenly Vic feels tightness in her chest and says she feels like she’s having some sort of odd premonition.  She excuses herself to go pray.  FF>>

At the clinic, the doctor tells Maria there’s something seriously wrong and it may be a very difficult birth.  Maria wants to be assured that her baby is going to be saved.  He won’t give her an answer.  (Viewerville is biting their nails to the quick as it is! Damn it, doc!  Say something--anything!  Don’t keep us all hanging out to dry like this!  Stop jerkin’ us around, dammit!)

Meanwhile, JP has gone to the chapel to thank Dios for allowing him the opportunity to be near his daughter  while his grandson is born.  He realizes his mission is nearly done.  All that remains is to reconcile Maria and Victoria. 

Vic starts praying at the same time that whatever the strange presentiment is, that her family, wherever they might be, would be protected. >> 

Meanwhile, the doctor comes out into the waiting room and asks who the papa is.  Lon and Max both answer together.  “--Me!”  Things could get rough in there, says the doc, and he needs to have permission for whatever might come up.  So, he needs whoever the real papa is to suit up and join him in the delivery room, STAT!   Lon says fine, he’s on it!  Max gets in his face and blocks him.  “--Like, Dude that's my job!  I'm the real baby-daddy, Stud-Dud!”

Back in the vecindad, Nathy gets word from JP that Maria’s gone into labor in San Benito, not far from there.  She tells Anita{?),  then Juanjo, Cruz, the jarochas and the prof.   El Alacrán (Damn! Is this guy a dead ringer for The Joker’s poor Mexican relation or what?) is loafing at the top of the stairwell and overhears the conversation.   >>

In the waiting room again, the doc asks who the real baby-daddy is.  Max and Lonnie answer at the same time.  “--I am!”  The doctor doesn’t have time for their stupid antics, he snaps.   Max and Lonnie need to make up their mind about who’s supposed to be going in there-- like yesterday, already! 

In the bowels of the barrio again, El Alacran, aka Scorpion Dude, has heard enough.  He runs to Bernarda to give her the 411 on Maria, namely, that mini-Max and the stork are in transit to San Benito and due there any time now. 

Back at the tiny clinic, Max and Lon are both suiting up.  Max turns around to Lon and attempts to man up.  “--Like Dude, okayokay.  I’m gonna give ya yer due.  I’m glad cuz finally my woman is havin’ my baby, but word up!  You gotta get it into your birdbrain right now that I’m the baby-daddy here!”

Lon keeps suiting up.  “--Like Dude, I don’t think so.  I’ve earned that right!”   “--Oh yeah?”  “--Yeah, Dude!”  “--Like you think so, Dude?”  “--Yeah, Dude!”  “--Okeee, Dude.  Like tell me.  If there was some dude like you tryin’ to snatch away the chance to see your kid born, what would you do, Dude?”  “--Dude, man, no way, Dude. Okay?  No way!”  “--Ok, Dude, me neither! It’s my woman and my kid, Dude.  An’ just in case you didn’t catch my meanin’, I’m gonna be the one in there with Maria, Dude!”   “--Like Dude, you gotta point.  I’ll stick out here just in case any bad sh!t hits the fan, but Dude, ain’t no way I’m not gettin’ in there to see the baby.  Like it or not, I’m goin’ in, too!  So get your pretty-boy nose out my face an’ don’t try me, Dude! “   “--The baby, Dude??”  “--Yeah, Dude.”  “--Sheesh!  Ok, Dude.”

Inside the next room, Maria’s being coached on breathing.  In walks Max.  Maria is suddenly all butterflies and somersaults.  Max shows his pearly whites.  (Viewerville puts their shades on to avoid the brilliance of that beautiful man-hunk smile of his).   He begs Maria not to be sent away.  The doc asks if she wants him to kick his sorrier-than-sorry backside back out, but Maria says no need.  He’s the baby-daddy and has a right to be there. 

Suddenly it’s time to push.  Mini-Max is born in nothin’ flat.  (I swear, that’s gotta be the shortest labor on record ever, totally Guinness-worthy.  Not to mention that Maria looks better than any new mama has a right to, or has ever looked, 2 minutes after giving birth.  (Another Guinness-worthy mentionable.)  In the chapel still, JP hears his grandson’s first cry and says a prayer of thanks.  

Back in the room, Max bonds and then hands new-born Mini-Me over to Maria. Truly a Kodak threesome moment if ever there was one!  >>

News reaches the vecindad and the whole gang party down.  FF>>

Cruz and Fabian take Fernanda to the stables for equine-therapy.  FF>>

Back in Maria’s room at the clinic, Max now asks why Maria disappeared like she did.  She says because it was best for everyone that way, tho’ now she’s happy that Padre JP called and told him.  Just then there’s a knock at the door and Alonso peeks in.  “Can I?”  Maria says of course.  Max is quick to say no but gets one-upped by Maria.   Max is like this is our time together.  Maria says sure, but if it weren’t for Alonso, she’d have been up the creek without a paddle. 

Lonnie’s all “--Hey there, little dudito-bebito!  Finally the little bugger’s here!  Can I hold him?”  Max get’s his big bad baby-daddy on.  “--No, Dude!  Of course you can’t hold my kid!   That ain’t your job!  It’s mine!  Besides, Dude, your sorry backside ain’t even s’posed to be in here!  Dude, you’re usin’ up my kid’s oxygen!”  “--No, Dude!  You got it all wrong, Maxi-pad!  I got exactly the same right as you cuz I was the one takin’ care of Maria and the bump del bebé the whole time you dropped out of existence, Dude!”  “--Dude, like that was only because she disappeared unexpectedly, Dweeb-face!”  Maria breaks in here. “--I left because I didn’t want to obligate you, Max; because I didn’t want you to get into any more problems on my account; and I sure as heck didn’t want to be taking the blame for Jimena’s crazy stunts!”   Max asks her where she was all that time.  “--Like Dude, she was with me!”  “--Like Dude, can you just shut your pie hole?”   “—Dude, at my cabin, with me!”  “--Dude, like can you just shut it for once???”    “--Dude, she was with me --and you were asking!”    Maria can’t get a word in edgewise.

Back at Scandal-val Central, Jimmie forces Augustina to get on the phone with Max and lie that Osguito has got something seriously wrong with him so he’ll come racing back from Maria’s bedside. 

Max tells Augustina that he’s on his way and hangs up.  “--See, Dude?  See?  What did I tell you?  You just get here, you stir things up [alborotar], and you leave.  It’s always the same, Dude!”    “—Like Dude, I didn’t know my being here would get you so bent out of shape!”  “--No, Dude, like she wouldn’t know about that.”  “--Hey, Dude, you dipstick, show a little more respect for my woman, alright?”  Maria asks Max to cool his jets.  Max promises to come back as soon as he can and wants her to be sure to call him if anything happens.   He gets back in Lonnie=Boy’s face.  “--Dude, like don’t choo get nowhere near my woman!  You been warned, Dude!”  “--Dude, not choo, not nobody gives me orders, Dude, especially where she’s concerned.  Word, Dude!”  Maria has Lonnie back off, too.  Max turns back to Maria and tells her sweetly that he’ll be back.  Lon can’t let that one go by untouched.  “--Yeah, Dude, like find a black hole and drop through already.  Better you disappear from all our lives and stop making her suffer!”  “--Like Dude, you can thank your lucky stars, cuz if it wasn’t for my kid then....--!  “--Yeah, Dude, like I yam, dude.  “--Oh yeah?”  “—Yeah,Dude, you idiot!”  Max tells Maria one more time  that he'll be back and to let him know if anything comes up, then leaves.

Once Max is out the door Maria gets on Alonso’s case for the crap the two of them pulled.  He apologizes.  She says it really wasn’t the time for that garbage because she just can’t cope.  Every time she sees Max she realizes she loves him more than ever!  Forlorn Lonnie can only sigh and hang his head.

At the stables again, Fer gets a two-fer: a therapy session and a serenade on horseback.  She enjoys the session, but it super bummed when it’s over and she stops to wonder who in the world would ever fall in love with an invalid like her.  Her two most likely prospects answer at the same time: “Me!”  FF>>

That night back at the manse, one look at Osguito and Max is wise to what Ji pulled on him.  “--What?  I’m supposed to stand with my hands folded while you go running off to that idiot?”  “--That ‘idiot’ just gave birth to my son!”  --Your only son is this one! And your job is to take care of him so you’d better!”  Yeah, says Max, I do, cuz you sure as heck don’t seem to care whether he lives or dies.  This gets Jimmie started on another marathon blame-game session.  It’s all Max’s fault the kid was born sickly so it’s only right that he has to be the one to take care of him.  It’s him having to deal with the consequences.   Max asks her how she can be so heartless with her child.  She won’t even touch him. (I’m wondering what happened with the quickie divorce?  It’s been weeks since Osguito apparently appeared on the scene.) Ji is quick to blame it on post-partum depression and how she feels terrible about giving birth to a weak child.  The whole thing is so emotionally suffocating, she says.  She can’t stand the accusatory looks and the constant complaints.  She's going to go visit Mama Rox for a while.  (Viewerville says do it permanently and give Max custody so nobody but nobody has to see your sorry backside again!)  She can’t leave soon enough for Max.

Back at the clinic, Lonnie tells Maria how the baby looks like her.  Maria says naw, he really looks like his daddy.  Lon makes a major frown.  “--Whatever you say.”  Maria apologizes.  She didn’t mean to make him feel bad.    He says no, he’s the one to apologize, cuz after all, he did promise her he wouldn’t ask for anything more in exchange than what she was willing to give.    As long as he can be near the two of them he’s happy.  (I ain’t buyin’ it.  Might as well assume room temperature and put in your bid for a halo and wings.)   He gets ready to head back to the cabin for the night.  “--Hey, mini-dude.  Don’t let your papa get too close to your mom, hear?”    She groans.  “--Ok.  Maybe just a little teeny bit.”  (Sorry, but I love this guy’s goofy sense of humor and his great timing.  He is a different kind of macho, but he is definitely on my all-time top 10 hot hunnies list.) 

Ok.  Next one to see Maria is JP.  Maria lets him hold Mini-Max and makes a big deal about letting him hold “his grandson”.  The irony is not lost on JP.  Tears come to his eyes as he thanks Dios for another chance to hold in his arms a part of what fate grabbed from him years ago.  Maria is a little confused over what he’s just said.  JP catches himself.  One of these days, he says, now that she’s a mother, she will understand it all; and hopefully when she does, it will bring her to the point of forgiveness.  JP then blesses both of them. 

The screen splits.  Both Maria and Max are holding their children in their arms and humming a lullaby to them as Uni decides it’s time to cue the kayak.



El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of April 18, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

LA REINA DEL SUR: As of Friday, April 15

♪♪She is the very model of a modern major CEO ♪♪

She takes meetings and makes decisions. Her enemies and rivals track her every move. She is learning to delegate – but that lesson is coming slowly. She is trying to be dispassionate – and that lesson is coming along even more slowly.

She travels to Colombia and strikes a deal for 15 tons of cocaine. This is too much for the Russian market so Oleg arranges a meeting with the Italians -- the Camorra – who have, up to now, dealt with the Gallegos.

She gathers her inner circle and agrees to entrust the important banking to Patty’s handsome cousin, Teo. He proposes setting up accounts in Grand Cayman – a place free of the gossip and susceptibility to bribery that plague Gibraltar; and immune to European government crack-downs. This proposal sends the fuming Eddie A and his Gibraltar connections back to the kiddie table.

The fledgling company’s leadership is also clarified: Teresa will be (like W), “the decider”.

In a private moment, she lets Conejo know why she treated her so roughly. Conejo proves to be a quick study. Later she concocts a story for the Colombian whiz kid security guy that distances her from Teresa (and appeals to Conejo’s ironic sense of humor): She says she just got out of the hospital where she was being treated for a nervous breakdown after her husband and mother-in-law died in a terrible way.

Teresa and Oleg, with Patty as translator, sit at a table with the Italian Camorra. The Italians try to talk over her head, addressing themselves directly to Oleg and speaking Italian without pausing to give Patty a chance to translate. They ask Oleg why he brought these women along. Teresa shoots right back: She’s the boss. If they have something to say, say it to her and Patty will translate. She explains her proposal – to transport the product from Venezuela to Casablanca in Africa; and then to Europe.
Her conditions:
No payment in drugs.
Payment must be in dollars. And in cash (en efectivo).
The Russians and Italian will split the costs.
She can offer them a price 40% less than the Gallegos are asking.

[When the Italian steps away from the table to make a phone call, Teresa whispers to Patty that she feels like she’s in a Mafia movie. Well, so do we.]

The Italian response: They don’t want war with the Gallegos. If Teresa wants their business, she’ll have to negotiate with Joaquin Perna. Remembering how the Gallegos betrayed Santiago, she flatly refuses to deal with her enemy. She leaves the table. Oleg stays behind and indicates his willingness to negotiate and promises he will talk to the Mexicana. [Clearly, she hasn’t mastered this hatred having an expiration date (fecha de caducidad) stuff yet.]


Batman realizes his matones (killers) have been captured when he phones them and gets to hear their moans and screams. And Oleg learns that “Batman” is the one who sent them.

Oleg drives Teresa to the torture chamber – an abandoned slaughterhouse? – and tells her:
La suerte de estos hombres está en tus manos.
(The fate (literally, luck) of these men is in your hands.)
She wants to kill them herself but Oleg holds her back. He tells her not to lose her self control, and not to cross that line and become a killer. She finally agrees. She remembers how Pote showed el Güero respect on that terrible night in Sinaloa. He is to be spared – taken to a hospital and then flown back to Mexico with a message for his boss. As for the other two: ¡Buen viaje al infierno! (Have a good trip to hell!)

Batman tells Epifanio Vargas that the rusos have his nephew. He denies sending him to Spain – it’s just that there was no way to stop him from getting on the plane. If Ratas comes back to Mexico, it will likely be feet first (con los pies por delante).

Epi tells the Rat’s mother her boy is in trouble.

Willy Rangel, DEA agent (and for me, the only false casting note so far in this series) is in Spain. He and Flores, along with Flores’s current crooked boss, meet in a hotel bar and talk about their obsessive Teresa-hunting. Willy admits to a grudging admiration for his prey. Even more crooked ex-boss Juarez, now a soplón (informer) for Oleg, comes along, makes Willy for a Mexican policeman, and reports the sighting to Oleg and company.

They get word that the Mexicana is cutting into their Italian market with her 40% off sale. Joaquin is finally on board with his mad-dog son, Siso – Teresa has to be eliminated.

Teresa and Oleg are outside the torture chamber and they hear a shot fired. Now your enemies are part of the past, Oleg tells her.

But inside, the unimaginable is happening. Yes, Gato has been killed. But Ratas is freed from his chains, he manages to break away, grab a weapon, kill the Russians and escape!

Herederos and Aurora fans – are there any left out there? – fill us in, please!

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Llena de Amor #170 (Mex. 202-203) Fri 4/15/11

Part 1

Hola gang. This was a whopper of an episode. Lots going on. So, I know this is a pretty long recap, but since it’s almost the end, I just tried to include as much detail as possible.

We return to our standoff in progress: Brandon and Low with guns drawn in Low’s pad. Low has shown his true gangsta stripes, but Brandon says he’s gonna have to be a quick draw if he wants to get the drop on this copper.

Back at the schmancy restaurant ladies room, Olli is sprucing up his Chelatina look (lipgloss-check, hair-check, boobs-check) and fretting over having to stay with Mal while Brandon goes to Low’s. He calls up the commissario to have someone sent to check on Brandon. But Illy and the gang have already tipped off the local poli. ‘Aha! It was a trap to lure Brandon to the apartment!” Commissario explains that Ilitia was actually being held there, but Eman rescued her. When said rescuer hears that Brandon has gone to the departamento de terror, he heads out for one more rescue, this time for a slightly more masculine damsel in distress. Commish tries in vain to convince them to let the professionals handle this, but he clearly is not getting the scripts if he thinks that is happening. But he tries anyway. After Eman heads out, Muneca rushes in to accuse Low of murdering Garduna, and Ilitia adds Begonia to the list. Commish is only a poquito impactado.

Back at the pad, Low and Brandon argue over his mafioso status and Brandon’s love for Ilitia. It’s a bizarre conversation that mixes Brandon pointing out that the underlings don’t respect him, since Mal disobeyed his orders and tried to sell him out to the poli with Low generally insulting B and saying the he knocked his daughter up and that he will repent ruining her life. B once again avows his love for said daughter, and says he kept watch over her while Low was too busy being a Bad Man, and now that he knows the baby is his, he is going to fight contra todo for Ilitia and the baby. Low says his preference would be for the baby to never be born, which is too much for B. It comes to a head with B removing the trappings of his policitude and challenging Low to settle it ‘man to man’ (and mano a mano). Low agrees and proceeds to totally kick B’s ass. Now this is just taking the beanie too far. There is no way that Low could beat up Brandon.

Ugh. Back to Vicki looking longingly out her window and wallowing in her own misery that El Lirio hasn’t come. Poor Doris walks in and has to listen to the pity party. “boo hoo. I shouldn’t have fallen in love with him. He’s a secret-identity-justice-fighter and won’t have time for a kid. And now I’ve lost the new chance I would have had with Eman since Illy is going ‘byyee’. And Eman will have 2 women knocked up by someone else to make him sad. And plus he’s going to lose Mari too since that’s me. And all the crap with his parents too. Boo hoo.” Finally, she decides to once and for all to come out with the details of her papa’s investigation, but discovers it is missing from the doll.

Ok, back to Low and Brandon. B is finally gaining some ground on Low, but Low lives up to his name and goes for a very low blow, if you know what I mean. As Brandon crumbles, Low grabs him in a chokehold and, well, chokes him. Eman and Andre come in, but stand and watch as Low continues to choke B, presumably so that he can finish his line about B being a traitor who slept with his daughter right under Eman’s nose and turned him into a cuckold. Finally, they pull Low off, but it’s too late. Brandon isn’t breathing!! Low killed him!! Andre tries to revive Brandon, but Eman pushes him away so that he can do it more forcefully. Low threatens Eman with his gun to stop the CPR. Eman calls his bluff and keeps going. I guess the brotherly love these guys found in the of late is still going for Eman. Low runs off as we hear cop cars arriving.

In MariVick’s room, she is freakeando (that gem will definitely have a long lifespan for me) about the stolen papers—she is sure Fedra is behind it. Doris points out that a certain professional thief has been coming in the window every night. She asks the impossible of our little heroine: “piensalo tantito” (“think about it a little bit”, alas even that is too much if you ask me),“ELDP clearly has something against the RyT, it makes sense for him to want the dirt on Fedra”. MV can’t believe that she got played by ELDP for said dirt—“but no, we’re in love!”. “Actually, hon”, says the voice of reason, “YOU’re in love, and you don’t even know who he is, and he stopped showing up as soon as those papers went missing.” MV holds strong and looks out the window.

Back at Low’s Eman is still trying to save Brandon, even tho Andre has given up the ghost. Finally, the chest pounding works and Brandon comes to and says“don’t let me die!”, probably because Eman just banged his head into the wall. Eman tells B he has to live happily ever after with Illy and spawn.

At the restaurant, Manolo is freakeando about Chelatina being in Mal’s malas manos. “Where is Oliver?” Where, indeed. Srta Chelatina shows us that she is a match for the slimy orange octopus with some good slaps, and they are interrupted by a phone call from the commish, whom Chelatina sneakily refers to as her abuelito. The commish is soooper slow on the uptake, but he lets Oliver know that Low tried to kill Brandon, and wants to make sure that he is still surveilling Mal. “oh yes, I have him all over me” [lo tengo encima de mi (I don’t know about you, but I love to get some good preposition action in)]. Chela covers that line with “umm, somewhere in my purse” to throw Mal off. “great, arrest him and bring him in; Illy is a witness against him” says the commish. Chelatina calls for the check so that she and Mal can head out. And boy, is he lucky,cause our dear Chela tells him she has a big surprise in store for him. This scene gets cut off just as it heads to disturbingville, with Chelatina wafting her perfume towards Mal and him barking in response. Ewwww. And Univision cut it off well before that even.

Back at the poli HQ, Muneca and Illy are signing their various statements. Then they want to wait for Brandon to show up. Illy is worried about B’s continued danger from Low on the loose. Muneca worries for Christian. And indeed for the possibility of herself going the way of Begonia. Muneca realizes that she needs take Christian and Manzanita out of town to be safe. Illy decides to go with her, since she’s satisfied just to know that Brandon’s safe and it’s better if they don’t see each other.

Awesome alert—great scene coming up:
Chelatina and Mal are leaving the restaurant when Manolo jumps out to save Chela from Mal. Mal thinks Mano is trying to get dirt on him to help Vicki’s court case, but Manolo looks pretty fierce. Chela tries to get Mano to leave, but Mano macho-ily declares that he is a great friend of one of her patients, and wants Chela to know that this man is very dangerous. Our two hombres then have a literal tug of war over the divine Ms C until the inevitable happens, and Chela’s wig flies off. Mano declares “Oliver Rosales!!??” Said Oliver unwisely pulls handcuffs rather than a gun out of his purse and lets Mal know that he is under arrest. “Surprise! You are coming with me, but not for a hookup (cita de amor).” Mal decks him a good one, which even knocks the boobs right out of the Chelatina, and runs off. Until I saw the live broadcast with subtitles, I was convinced he said “tiro de esquina” (corner kick, in soccer) as he ran off, and that made no sense. But he said “contigo ni a la esquina” (with you, not even to the corner). I like ‘tiro de esquina’ as a getaway phrase much better.

Back at Low’s: B apologizes for hitting Andre over the whole Doris business, seeing as how the guy just helped save his life and all. No biggie, says the new improved André, you were defending your sis. And I just loooooove your sister so much. Brandon stays on task and wants to go finish saving Illy. Already done, says Eman. Both she and YOUR baby are fine. Very amusing scene where Brandon is totally stoked to be a dad, but a little abashed to do so in front of the cuckold. Luckily, Eman is in full on bro mode, so he gives him a high 5. Heck, André even gets a kiss. Booo to Univision for cutting this.

Low goes to Fedra’s hospital room and wakes her up from a dream of the beach, only to get a smack for his efforts. Fedra accuses Low of abandoning her because of her paralysis, Low of course denies and reassures her that he still wants to marry her. But there’s wee problemita. The police are hot on his trail because he killed Brandon Moreno. Oopsies.

Back with Muneca, Ilitia is in full-on redemption mode. She’s finally got the truth out, a weight is off her shoulders, she finally has peace. And she feels great, even if her marriage is over. Muneca gives her an 'atta girl' and urges her to patch it up with Brandon. But Illy is still worried about Brandon’s safety if she does so—and not just from Low, but also from Fedra who has threatened to kill everyone in the show by now, and this includes little Illy and fetus. Speak of the devil; she is getting the info from Low that Illy finally confessed to everyone that the baby is Brandon’s. Great line from Fedra when Low defends Illy from her insults “just because she’s your daughter doesn’t mean she isn’t stupid”. Fedra is glad to hear, though that Low has already taken care of Brandon—“one ‘pio’ less on the board”, I believe is how she classily puts it. A puzzled Low finally says “they’re called “piezas” (pieces). But Low doesn’t want to go to jail. “No”, says F, “ you wouldn’t last 10 minutes.” And Fedra’s worried about herself too, now that it’s all come out now. Low wants to change their names (“but I like my name” whines Fedra), get fake passports, transfer all their cash to an account in said fake names so they can leave the country. Fedra mostly picks up on “one’ account. But first they have to take care of all the ‘piezas’ left. Fedra calls someone to set up a safehouse for Low at the Mala Noche so that he can plan out their final revenge and escape plan. Before Low heads out, Fedra reminds him to keep his hands off the other dancers. Then she interrupts his babbling with the excellent new name that just came to her “Anastasia Lascourain!” Low is unimpressed, but I recognize the name Lascourain from Guapos, so I know it’s high class. He leaves his phone with her so that he can stay in touch (she mentioned earlier that Bernardo has hers). Our sharp little doll asks can she call him, if he doesn’t have a phone? “No, I’ll call you” he says. At this point, I think the writers are just are just blatently mocking Fedra.

Now, we get back to Chelatina and Manolo outside the restaurant. Logic would dictate that they try to chase down Mal, but what they do instead is much more of a gift to viewerville. They argue back and forth about the various cross-dressing deceptions—“you took advantage of me pretending to be Chelatina” “no, you wouldn’t have anything to do with me, so I had no other choice. They take turns where one stalks off and the other pulls them back to yell at them. They totally look like a couple of ballroom dancers. Oliver finally pulls out the “you made me think I was gay!” card. “that was different, I did it for love!” “what, you think I wore these heels because I like it? No I did it for amor!” The heels do it, and our cute couple sees the humor that viewerville has been enjoying these past few minutes and they get the giggles. Manolo declares that he isn’t gay after all, and Chelatina flirts back. They embrace just as Dee and Axhole walk up to indignantly ask what Manolo is doing with Gretel’s shrink. The 2 star-crossed crossed dressers do a synchronized de wigging to Dee’s delight and Axhole’s confusion. I’ll tell you, Oliver and Gretel have a very kinky future ahead of them after the show’s over.

Back to Whinarianela. “I’m pregnant. Where are you ELPD?” Yawn.

Next morning, Mari heads straight into Fedra’s hospital room to spill the beans, I mean accuse Fedra of stealing Luis Felipe’s investigation. By the way, ever hear of xerox, Marianela? Didn’t you learn your lesson with Gretel burning the papers? Grrr. Fedra is devastated to hear that all the proof against her is gone. Some insults between the two. Mari doesn't know how such an awesome fella as Eman came from her womb, Fedra calls the Pavons a trio of mujerzuelas. Mari can’t keep her boca shut and says that Fedra killed Tia Carlota and her padres, and she knows it.

Over in Emil’s hospital room, he is being released, but needs to keep an eye on his hypertension. Good thing he has such a relaxing home life. What, I say, what is Eman wearing? It looks like a bomber jacket with a sweater over top of it. Oh, it’s just a really weird sweater. Anyway, Emil uses the light topic of hereditary coronary disease to segue into paternity issues. Eman has bad genes no matter who his real father is, what with Chema clutching his chest every chance he gets. Emil reminisces about when they first had suspicions of Eman having a diffetent dad, and wants a blood test. But Eman says he doesn’t want one---Emil is his dad. But Emil feels that they both have a right to the truth. So Eman hands over Luis Felipe’s papers to Emil. Again with the reading glasses—an amusing attempt at verisimilitude, given the level of disbelief that must be suspended in this or any telenovela.
What? Jorge? Where’d he come from? Oh, he’s trying to convince Tia Carlota’s maid to come to Mexico and testify that Fedra was there the day Tia died. Job done. ‘Seems like a suspiciously helpful and selfless act on Jorge’s part. What is he up to?

Back to Fedra and Mari in the hospital. Mari is basically telling Fedra everything. The testifying maid, Gretel as a witness to the ventanacide. Fedra's not worried—the maid didn’t see anything, Gretel is an unreliable witness and besides, she’s just a poor invalid. Mari has no pity for Fedra’s paralysis. “And what’s more, here’s all the information I have about my mom’s helicopter non-accident.” Oh Marianela, when will you learn? First you shoot, then you say you have a gun. Fedra now knows what she has to deny.

At the RyT mansion, we get our first dose of Kristel today when Illy comes by to say “byyye’. As Illy sashays into the sunset (really, a trip to get her head together), Kristel says ‘byyye’ to so much more, their agency plans, her career, etc.,
Hospital: Mari says that Fedra was always jealous of her mom’s life and that everyone loved her and that Luis Felipe was the main heir. Fedra is still calling Mari’s parents drunks and denying everything. Mari lays out how Fedra ruined everything just when Mari and her mom were going to start their new lives together. She says that she destroyed her family and wants her to admit it (good luck with that). Mari starts to shake Fedra up a bit and even gets her scrawny hands around Fedra’s neck, but she doesn’t have it in her to actually do Fedra much harm.

Emil has read the report and now knows it all. Eman has a shockingly indulgent viewpoint of his mom’s life choices—she was young, she had bad luck and needed to survive (though after I thought about it a bit, I guess he is only thinking of the prostition and tricking Emil; he doesn’t really know about all the murdering she did). Emil realizes how Eman chose the name ELDP. Eman explains that he did it to honor of the stories Bernardo told him about the LDP as a little boy. Emil sees that his mother found a way for his real fatehr to be part of his life even if he wasn’t actually there. Eman reassures Emil that he loves him, is proud of him, he will always be his father etc. Emil is still clinging to the hope that Eman might be his son. That maybe, just maybe, this one lie of Fedra’s (that her baby with Chema died) isn’t a lie. Eman calmly explains that his mom is a big fat liar. Emil wants to do a DNA test to rid himself of the doubt. Eman says that he (Eman) will always love Emil and consider him his father regardless, but if he wants a DNA test, they can do it. Emil says no and they hug.
But for now Eman wants to hide the papers a bit longer. Emil is surprised to hear that Eman stole them, and wants to expose/confront Fedra, even if Fedra is Eman’s mom. Eman explains that he took them precisely so that they wouldn’t be exposed and argues in favor of waiting because Fedra might try to kill herself again. After all, it’s his mom, and he knows that she did everything, starting with the marriage to Emil, to give his little, in-utero self the life that she could never have. Emil says that this doesn’t justify what she has done and that Eman shouldn’t feel guilty about it, it’s not his fault. But Eman does feel guilty about her taking the rap for everything. So, in his supreme logic, he is going to turn himself in as ELDP to somehow set a good example for his mom and share in the punishment. Huh? Please, I hope that Carlos’ half of tonight’s casserole shines some light on this.


Part 2 "We Can't Handle the Truth!"

All righty then, lets see if we can reconstruct the pieces of the rest of tonight's Marvelous Mexican Adventure. OK... tab A into slot B... hmmm... wake up Synapse! I'm afraid it's back up on the wheel with you, little fellow. We're gonna need full rodent-power for this job...

Eman has informed Emil that as far as he's concerned, he is all the daddy that he needs, DNA testing be damned. However there is another more troubling certainty and that is that his true mamá is Juana F. Pérez and that her destiny is a little hard time in the Big House and what with her being paralyzed and with her character not being the most sturdy anyway, it is up to him to set an example. Sipis, it's time for el Lirio de Plata to face the music. Pay the piper. Give himself up. Do the time.Emiliano tries to point out the flaws and drawbacks of such a plan, and indicates that though initially Juana struggled to survive, her avarice and downright evilness dominated her life, long after she had achieved economic and social stability... robbing Marianela of her inheritance for example, but Emanuel seems determined.

Marianela, meanwhile is harassing a bedridden crippled Fedra. Fedra tries to explain, "Both of your parents died in tragic accidents." She accuses her of murdering her parents, insists that she confess, and even grabs Fedra by the shoulders and shakes her. Fortunately this abusive behavior is interrupted by Emanuel. "She wants to kill me," Fedra tearfully wails. Marianela denies this but does assert that she'd like a little truth for a change. Fedra asks her to go ahead, killing her would be a merciful, if hateful, favor. Eman gently escorts Mari out of Fedra's room.

Manny asks Mari to tell him the truth of what she knows as they are joined by a strangely bossy Netty who is also demanding some truth. Since it's apparently not going to com from Mari, Netty offers her version of the truth. "Your mother is a murderer!"

Well, you could knock me over with a feather.

*Elsewhere, somewhere outdoors, Oliver (disguised as... Oliver) is trying to convince Gretel (disguised as... Gretel) to come forth with her knowledge of what she saw that fateful day so long ago.

Emanuel is reluctant to believe Netty and clings to Fedra's version of the events surrounding the death of his uncle, Mari's daddy, Luis Felip. Mari tell's him that what Netty says is true but that her proof was destroyed. Netty points out that though that is so, there is also an eye-witness. Marianela balks at this... she made promises. Bottom line, Netty wants Fedra locked away. Netty leaves as Emanuel stands there looking completely bewildered. Mari says, "Perdoname." As she walks away he mutters to himself, "Perdoname for what I'm going to do.

*At La Buena Vida Bar, Eman's two daddies confer. Emil is reluctant, but José M wants to share a drink... and talk. The topics... Emanuel, Netty, and Juana Felipe Pérez.

*Emanuel rolls up to Casa Creep on his calle crawler and encounters a very dapper Brandon who is clutching a bouquet of roses. Brandon is in full bantam rooster on crack mode. "Here to call on Ilitia?" Eman gives his blessing and in the time honored tradition of experienced cock-handlers, takes a moment to blow smoke up our little rooster's cloaca, ""Now get in there and dazzle the woman you love!" Brandon is pumped but pauses for a moment to reflect on the fact that he still has unfinished business with el Lirio de Plata.

As Brandon enters the Manse of Misery, Kristel is busy making sure that the liquor doesn't go stale in her mothers absence. She is delighted to see Brandon, "¡Guuaauu! me raya tu outfit.!" (She really likes the suit.). She informs him that Ilitia has left the building (actually, the country), "¡Para siempre! Sorreeey!"

*Mientras tanto, in La Buena Vida the parent's conference continues. JM tells Emil that he doesn't have a whole lot of time left, the state of his health is desahuciado (utterly hopeless... the first big word I learned and remembered from a TN). He plans to utilize his time remaining to get to know and protect Emanuel. Emil looks puzzled. This strikes me as funny. He is talking to Emiliano here. Even with line drawings, photos, and colored pie graphs, there's not a hope in Hell that Emil is going to grasp what he is saying. Good luck Cap'n.

As best she can, Kristel explains that Ilitia is gone. Fortunately for Brandon, she is in full estrus, "Use me." I swear, she then tries to lick his cheek. Yikes! Brandon explains that Ilitia is the woman he loves and scurries off. Kristel tries to ponder this but her little hamster has nodded off.

Looks like Javi is still in the hospital. How nice is this? Jairo has taken time out of his busy day to visit the ailing little tyke.... "Jey! Looking good Campeon! I hear you're pals with el Lirio de Plata. Any chance of you hooking me up for an exclusive interview?"

Why you...

Just then a smile erupts between Javi's ears... "Uy, full diez, está parado de ti." (roughly that means turn around dorkface, he's standing behind you). And so he is... it's

el Litio de Plata!

wearing a hooded ensemble of black Naugahyde, accented with an elegant silver lily pin daringly displayed over a black tee, framed by the boldly unzipped biker jacket, his countenance shyly shaded by a full-face shroud inspired by the fashionable ladies of the Middle East.

Being a reporter, Jairo asks the obvious, "¿El Lirio de Plata?"

Emiliano tells JM about the stories Bernardo told Eman of the exploits of el Capitán Sevilla and el Lirio de Plata. "You were a hero for him... and a role model." JM realizes that Eman is el Lirio de Plata and Emil confirms it and tells him of his insistence on turning himself in. This male-bonding session is interrupted by Netty who with Marianela in tow, arrives at their table. She is agitated. She doesn't want them battling over her. "We were talking about something else." Perplexed and slightly disappointed, she asks what then are the discussing. In her increasingly more annoying way, Marianela chimes in, "Yeah Tio, about what?" Will somebody please just shoot this girl?

Jairo is busy taking photos of eLdP and Consuelo is all too happy to pose with him and her son. Unfortunately for Jairo, eLdP doesn't do interviews, "Hasta luego."

*Emil tells Netty that they were discussing ... ummm... "Victoria... yeah... that's the ticket ... Victoria." She starts up again, but Emil calms her, telling her that he and JM have come to an understanding, not only about her but about Emanuel." They coo. Mari beams. JM sadly shrugs and slinks away.

Kristel is holding a nifty bottle of what I'd guess is a Tequila blanca though it could be vodka or gin. She wants to go clubbing with Gretel and Oliver until she learns that they are going to Emanuel's new cantina, La Buena Vida to hear Netty sing. They think that perhaps her mother's club, La Mala Noche might be more to her liking. And guess who is the star dancer there? She guesses correctly"¿Mi mami? ¡Guuaao!"

Netty is wearing an outfit that looks like what's left of a leopard print cocktail dress after a litter of puppies have fought over it. Looks good on her. Heck, Letty would look good in a fitted gunnysack with canvas piping. She sings a torch song:

Ni Te Pares Por Aquí

Recuerdo aquella noche ilusionado te marchaste
en busca de ese sueño que anhelabas conquistar
a donde se quedaron las promesas que me hiciste
tus besos y caricias que me hacían suspirar

Yo te creí y te espere hasta donde pude
Tu me fallaste pusiste a otra en mi lugar

Hoy me doy cuenta que eres todo un sinvergüenza
no te importaba lo que yo sentia por ti
Hoy me doy cuenta que ya no vales la pena
pues he encontrado a alguien que me hace feliz
que me valora, y me enamora
ya no me busques ni te pares por aqui

No es cierto que el amor resiste al tiempo y la distancia
no es cierto y hoy lo puedo comprobar

Yo te creí y te espere hasta donde pude
Tu me fallaste pusiste a otra en mi lugar

Hoy me doy cuenta que eres todo un sinvergüenza
no te importaba lo que yo sentia por ti
Hoy me doy cuenta que ya no vales la pena
pues he encontrado a alguien que me hace feliz
Hoy me doy cuenta... No te importaba lo que yo sentia por ti
Hoy me doy cuenta... Pues he encontrado a alquien que me hace feliz

Que me valora y me enamora
Ya no me busques ni te pares por aqui

looking and sounding for all the world like Laura Flores.

Nice! Emiliano is transfixxed. Heck, even Marianela smiles. As Netty sings, Gladiola arrives and joins Doris and Andre who are sitting at a table making goo goo eyes at each other. She thanks Andre for saving her son and joining hands with the two of them, blesses their love for each other. Netty is momentarily distracted, we follow her eyes... hey, there's Delicia and ... ugh... Axel. Listen to the words of the song, Delicia. Loosely translated they mean, "I don't need your sorry butt anymore so don't be stoppin' here." What Netty has noticed is that a proud old grizzly has cleaned up, crawled out of his cave, and come to watch her sing. It's Tio Max!
Emil hops up to greet him. So does Mari. He has Paula by his side. Hey people, keep it down... I'm tryin' to hear Netty sing.

At the Porta López pad, Ilitia, Muñeca, Manzanita, Cristian, and faithful Fidel are preparing to depart... but... Not. So. Fast. Brandon blazes in and shouts... well... more or less... "NOT! SO! FAST!"

Fedra sits up in her bed a vows that Bernado best not fail her this time in getting rid of that awful fatty.

Well crap, this just like the Monkey's Paw. I really wasn't wanting some one to actually shoot her.

As Netty finishes her song... applausos... we see an ominous figure appear in the doorway, it's Bernardo, "¡Saludos a tu madre (say hi to your mom)!" He takes aim with a pistol. He shoots. Yikes! Mari tumbles out of her chair.

Ilitia gives Brandon five minutes to make his case.

Everyone gathers around Mari's lifeless body. The entire crowd is tizzied. She stirs. Though shaken, Tio Max proves he's still on top of things, "She's alive!" And so she is. Nopis, not another Festivus Miracle. A fat suit.

He does. That is... Brandon makes his case. "Te amo, I love you, Ilitia."

Axel thinks that it wasn't fair to delude Emanuel like that. Emil marvels over the sawdust bleeding from the bullet hole.Emiliano insists on examining her, "What's this?" OK, now everyone knows that Mari is Vicky. And then just when we were regretting ever having thought badly of Marianela, she tries to swear the entire room to secrecy. Bernardo, get back in here and finish the job you were sent to do!

Emil is outraged, "Where have I been all this time? I've been a complete idiot." No disagreement here. He also learns that Manolo was really Gretel. Netty soothes him. Tio Max explains it was the only way the kids could survive.

Brandon finishes with a flourish. I'm your frog, kiss me and make me your prince.

*Lo is having lunch at La Mala Noche. The guy with the eyepatch whines that without La Reina, business has fallen off precipitously. They are interrupted by the waiter. Someone is wanting to talk to the personnel manager.
*Surprise! It's Kristel. She wants a job. He's enchanted, but no one can do it like la Reina. Kristel thinks she's up to the task, "Tonight right away!"

Muñeca and Flora watch approvingly as Ilitia wraps up the species conversion.
*In the hospital, José M finds a nurse making up a bed. Fedra's flown.

*She's wheeled into her dressing room at La Mala Noche by eyepatch guy.She's told about the hot new dancer. Bernardo's offended. No one can take la Reina's place. Alone with her, he kneels by her wheelchair and whispers that he will soon transport her far from here. She looks sadly hopeful,"Really, Bernardo?" He informs her of the hit on Marianela and notes that soon the police will be pursuing them. Lo pops in and takes offense to Bernardo's presence. He and Fedra are going to escape together and Bernardo does not fit into their plans. With Bernardo dismissed he kneels down and reassures Fedra. She weakly smiles.

Back at the boarding house we find that the fat suit was not fatally wounded and Doris is busy suturing the damage. In a flash of brilliance, Netty observes, "I could almost bet that it was Fedra Curiel who ordered you shot, Marianela." I excuse you Netty, because you sang so well.

Oh joy, Consuelo and Javi are home. Fortunately they were able to cover the fat suit with a sheet. They are followed by Licenciado Pacheco who quickly asks for cookies. Hot on his heels is Comisario Tejeda. He has a newspaper hot off the press. Front page... Consuelo, Javi, and... el Lirio de Plata. Consuelo checks it out approvingly. "Explain this!"

*Totally left off the TV were the next scenes. I think that pictures tell it best.
Tejeda burbles about the connection between Netty, her pension and eLdP. Javi spills the soup, "El Lirio de Plata es mi amigo."... yawn... next!

*This is more like it. Cigarette, anyone? *Brandon gets a call. "Meet me in twenty minutes." "Gotta go!"

Kristal got the job. How about a name? Eyepatch guy thinks, "La Loba." Kristel likes. Now she wants to meet la Reina. Trouble is... la Reina doesn't talk to the other dancers. "Oh yeah? Well, she'll be interested in talking to me. I swear."
Bernardo strolls in, "¡Guau! ¿Kristel?"




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