Thursday, April 28, 2011

Teresa Wed 4/27/11 #31-32 Her casa is trashed, the pig is smashed, and el profe's house is crashed.

Let's just start with the new stuff...
Teresa is taken aback that Ruben bought Esperanza an apartment. Well, Espe says it isn’t hers, it’s his, but that is where they would always meet. Teresa says she will go with Espe to return the keys. She won’t leave her alone! This is a tough thing to go through and they are amigas!

Paulo at first tries to let Ruben off the hook for the job, but Ruben pushes and he accepts, after looking a little sick at the mention of marriage con Aida. Yeah, I’ d probably look a little sick, too.

Tere loves the apartment, touching everything, asking a ton of questions. Why didn’t she get Ruben to give her a car or an apartment? He’s so rich. Espe’s like, can you imagine if I showed up at the vecindad with a car? Tere says she should do whatever she can to get out of the vecindad.

Rubigote goes to visit the prof, and first explains about giving Paulo a job. So is that why you came? Profe asks. No, it’s because Espe left him and he’s been crying into his bigote all night. Or something like that. Profe is a prefect gentleman and listens; then he gives the advice that Ruben needs to choose (escoger), either he is going to have to leave his marriage of many years or Esperanza. Oh, and we learn a little factoid that all of his fortune is basically his wife's. Ah, it all makes sense now. Oh, yeah and the scandal it would cause. That, too.

Teresa is still molesting the inanimate objects of the departamento de soltero—though not as explicitly as Rubigote, who, if my memory is correct, kissed the neck of one of his statues the other day. Espe is sitting on the couch telling Tere that none of the necklaces or dresses meant that much to her. She thought he gave them to her because he cared for her. She sees the photo of Ruben and herself on the bed side table and opens up the frame to pull the photo out. Tere tells her to stop ripping it (she’s destroying evidence!) “First, please listen to me.” Espe throws the ripped photo on the floor and Tere tells Espe that she knows her boyfriend. Cara impactada de Espe.

Mar happily enters Hector’s office and begins talking about their new clinic/pharmacy ideas. But that isn’t why Hector called Mariano in. He asks about the tussle the other day in the hospital. Mariano is repentant but prefers not to say what happened, only that it was a personal matter.  “Sabes tengo che sancionarte, verdad?” You know I have to penalize/suspend you, right? Hector asks. “Si, lo se,” Mariano replies. “Esta suspendida eso nuevo aviso.” “You’re suspended until further notice.”

Back to Espe and Tere in the blechelor pad (borrowing from the wonderful recappers on Llena!): Tere explains that yes, she really knows Ruben, and she swears that he is a good guy. He’s the notary of my boss and the father of Aida. I believe that Espe says that he first said they he and his wife had to stay together because Aida was mixed up with drugs. Tere invents that this was what Aida used to blackmail him (chantajearlo) so he wouldn’t leave her mother. Your boyfriend was just trying to be a good dad! Espe’s not really buying it. He said his wife had cancer, too. Also a lie. “Of course, so he wouldn’t lose you! His situation is very difficult,” Tere says. She heard from Lic that Rube’s wife is a bruja who only married him for her own self-interest. For his expensive things. For all kinds of luxuries, (Todo tipo de lujos.) She sees him only as a provider (proveedor) and doesn’t love him one bit. Espe says not to tell her these things, she’s starting to doubt herself/her decision to leave him. Tere says that is probably best. You still love him? With all of her soul, Espe says. Then when he comes looking for you next time, listen to him. Espe say it was Tere that told her to leave him. Well, that was before Tere knew who he was. This is different! Think about it, she says and holds up the chain and shackle, as Vivi in DC so eloquently put it last week (her key necklace.)

Mar reports to Dar and Magda that he’s been suspended.

Aurora is talking with Dr. Dad and telling him about Mariano being the godfather of Pablito. Speaking of Mariano, he says, I have to tell you something about him. Something else fabulous he did in the hospital? No, Hector says, he was fighting (vb. pelear) in the hospital. He said it was for something personal. I had to suspend him. Aurora: It must have been something really serious, he isn’t violent! (Except that he sort of fought with Paulo. And manhandled Fito. And tends to throw off his outer layers of clothing at the mere sight of the profe—but no. She’s right. He’s not violent.) Well, pop says, it happened in the hospital. He had to make an example of him, so that people know he won’t let fights happen in his hospital.

Espe finds out that Mar is suspended and says she will explain everything so he isn’t in trouble, but Mariano will have none of it. Think about your family, Espe! She reluctantly leaves it alone.

Ref asks Tere to take out the trash but she asks why can’t Dad do it like always? Big bangs at the door. Uh oh. It appears that Armando is three months behind on the rent and they are there to tear up the place! Ref holds her chest and understandably panics. Tere flips, claiming she is a lawyer and if they are wrong they are going to have big problems. This is not going to happen! “Esto no se va quedar asi!”

Arm and Johnny are working and Tornado Teresa blows in. Paraphrasing: “Dad, there are guys at the house saying you didn’t pay the rent. I need the receipts. Did you pay or not?” He hasn’t paid them. “What are you saying? Why? Where is all this money going? They are about to take everything in the house! You’ve barely been giving me money! Where is it all going?” To pay his debts. And whoosh the tornado spins out, with Armando caught up in the wind. They are hurrying down the street and she is telling him to fix it/settle this/sort it out (arreglarlo.) She stops, and pulls out her check from el Profe for 60,000 pesos. Correct me if I am wrong here! Which is, so google tells me, just over 5,000 dollars. She gives it half a second of thought, which, for Teresa, is actually something, but then says “no, no,” almost laughing to herself for even considering it!

Johnny is at work and Mariano waddles up, clearly upset, and understandably. But there is an affer effect of tornado Teresa and it shoots Mariano off to the vecindad via Johnny’s message about what has happened. Clark, Lois is in trouble! Off to the telephone booth!

Mar bursts into Nachita’s and asks how its possible that they are so behind on the rent. She says she had no idea! Why not? “Usted es la portera!” (You’re the caretaker! I assume here this means she usually collects the rent.) She says Arm told her that he wanted to pay directly to the boss. She sends Pab to get Juana and send her to Tere’s house.

Ramon is in Juana’s paying her for the food for the month. She doesn’t want to take it but he says it’s because of her that they eat so well! Then Pab pops in the window and spreads the news.

Mean guy with all the lines hands Tere the papers, calls her Abogada, and tells her to check and see. The papers are in order and they are going to take all the pieces of furniture (muebles.) SuperMariano shows up and sees that the news is true.

Paulo is playing pool. Gen comes in and they talk about him getting work. She gives him money to keep the bosses daughter happy and then she calls said boss to gloat. And blackmail him some more. And taunt him about Espe.

The guys are collecting the furniture in a very loud, messy, and inconsiderate way. Juana shows up. Tere starts to cry and fret, Mariano tells her not to worry and runs out the door. Refu makes Arm come into their room because they need to talk.  Tere is looking almost catatonic but she pops right back into reality when one of the men goes for her laptop. “Ni se le ocurra!” (Don’t even think about it!) She grabs it and hands it to Juana.

Refu is all Porque!? Porque?! And Arman is all Perdoname! Perdoname! You gave all the money to Teresa, right? she accuses. No, no, not all of it, he replies. Things got out of hand. “And to pay these expenses (gastos) you’ve neglected to pay the rent!” Refu is fuming. “All that money was for things that she didn’t need. Now what are we going to do?” -“Calm down, I don’t want you to get yourself unhealthy again.” That is the least of her worries. Where are they going to sleep?!

Mar and his papa are counting change. It’s not enough. He eyes the pig.

Tere is holding photos and screaming. Why her? Why her! The men start to mess with Rosita’s altar and Refu flips. They are banging stuff around so much it is hard to hear. Mar shows up with pig. Tere: “The money you’ve been saving for our wedding? …Break it.” Arm refuses but Mariano says there is no other way. He holds Tere’s hand and drops the piggybank. The money falls to the floor and so does Tere. Heh. She is pissed. “Sabes se lo que se van a llevar? Nuestra unica esperanza! Desgraciados malditos!” (You know what it is going to take? Our only hope. Damn bastards!) It’s still not enough. Cutberto hears at the door.

Paulo and Fito lean on his car. Paulo says he has a job now and opens his wallet and puts all the money in his wallet into the drug dealer’s hand. To my surprise Fito puts some back in the wallet and then pulls something out of his jacket to give Paulo.

Tere is still yellin. Pab comes in and gives Mar all the money he has (not much.) Teresa is incapable of recognizing the gesture and screams at the kid that he is short by 400 pesos. Luckily for everyone Cute-berto walks in and gives them the rest. Arm promises to pay everyone back every cent. Mar tries to comfort Tere that it’s all fixed now. Yeah, and what about the shame she’s endured! This is why she says they need to change their lives! Later, most the furniture is back thanks to helpful neighbors all helping at once and Mar is again trying to comfort Teresa. Juana gives Ref some tea. She looks pale. And agrees she feels a little bit bad. Mariano is at attention. It’s just late and her head hurts, she says. Mariano follows her into her room to make sure she is alright and can rest. Tere pulls out the check again, but hides it when her dad comes near. He talks to her and mentions her salary from the prof and she goes nuts. -She needs the money for her exam, her work, herself. -So, you can’t help? Dad asks. -After today, she says, you’re going to have to pay your debts and you will be able to give me even less money! It’s like an investment. She has to get out of the vecindad, out of poverty. She needs to use her salary as an investment in her future that will get them all out of the vecindad. Then they will lack very little. Very little. She doesn’t want to keep asking for money from Lic.

The next morning. Mariano and his dad are talking. It was the right thing to do, breaking the little piggy and giving up the money; it was to help his novia and her parents out of a big problem. Yeah, he knows, Mar says, but he saw how disappointed (decepcionado) and angry Tere was. Mar hopes she will be okay, even though their last hope is gone. Dad says he thinks Tere will be proud of him for always being there for her and her family. You’ll succeed/get out of the vecindad. How, Mar asks. I’m suspended from work. This isn’t forever, Dad says. Y por algo pasan las cosas. (Things happen for a reason.) Padre leaves to go to work and Mariano tries to stop him, asking if it’s something for the notario?

Tere and Espe in Tere’s room: Teresa is recounting the tale of last night. Espe says her mother told her. “El chisme corre rapido.” (Gossip runs fast.) Yep, they had to give up the wedding money, but what’s worse, her dad has many debts to pay. Really? Espe asks. “My mom doesn’t know but my dad owes a lot of money to Gemma.” Plus everyone who gave them money last night. Espe says she will find a way to help. “How, Espe? You can no longer count on money from Ruben.”

Speak of Rubigote. And the Mrs. They are talking over breakfast about him hiring Paulo. She doesn’t like it. He is irresponsible. He gives her a bad feeling. –Didn’t your dad give me a job? And give us this house when we got married? And make me all those friendships that made my notary succeed? –Yes. This is true. But she doesn’t see Paulo as that in love with Aida.

Espe can’t stop thinking about what Tere said about Ruben’s wife being a bruja. Tere repeats that she heard from Lic. Espe is still iffy about it. Tere continues to manipulate, but Espe says that she is not going to go back to Ruben while he is still married.

Ramon shows up for his work at the notary. The secretary lets it slip that he is Mar’s dad and Ruben promptly fires him and throws him out.

Tere is shopping and runs into Aida. Aida asks why she is shopping when she has no money. Aida has tons of bags, Tere one, but she says you don’t need many bags for a diamond. The talk turns to Paulo. He’s going to work with me. We’re going to get married. They fight over who he loves. Teresa says don’t let her soon-to-be hubby Paulo turn out like her Dad and taunts her by giving her the address to her dad’s bachelor pad. Aida rips the paper, but after T leaves, picks it back up and reads it.

Magda and Mar in Mar’s casa. She has the same sentiment as Mar’s dad about his suspension. Then she says, “La novia de el estudiante, no es la esposa de el profesionista.” (The girlfriend of the student isn't the wife of the professional.) Mar leans his head on his hand.

Refu visits Arm at work wanting answers. He doesn’t tell her, begs to let him fix it without her getting involved. She leaves without answers.

Aurora shows up at the casa Chavez with Pab; she heard from Nachita what happened. Why didn’t she call her? She knows she can count on her—Tere interrupts, saying “Esa mujer es una chismosa.” (That woman is a gossip.) Pab defends his mother. Aurora repeats herself; T says that Mariano helped them. It’s time for Pab and Aurora to go discuss his first communion. Aurora gives Tere the calendar of events for it but she is rollin’ her eyes big time and not even trying to hide it.

Aida confronts Rubigote about the apartment. She’s screaming, and her mom is listening at the door. Now mom comes in and screams. –“Is it true? Answer me Ruben!”

Tere is in her room and her mom comes in. She tells her she needs to talk, Teresa tries to brush her off, but Ref says she can go AFTER they talk. She says that dad is in debt because he has been giving you money. –You’re my parents. You are supposed to give me what I need. –We gave you [what you needed!] A roof over your head, food, school, and above all, most importantly, affection. But there is no obligation for parents to give their children luxuries. –They're not luxuries. I need them. You can imagine how this conversation went. You never understand mom. I’m gonna get out of here. And yes, I know, I scare you when I talk like this, she says, but I would rather scare someone a thousand times, rather than hurt them, like you do. She flounces out, with a ‘Ser or no ser, Y yo soy’ as she struts out the door.

Rubigote is still floundering for an excuse, and spies Eva, the secretary. Come here, Eva, he says, and explain to my wife and my daughter that this apartment is…a gift I was going to surprise Aida with when she got married! –Yes, it’s true, Eva quickly agrees. –A: She just wanted me to believe it was for other things… -R: Who? –M: You know what Ruben, I don’t believe you. If it was a surprise for OUR child, why didn’t you say anything to me? –R: Fine. You don’t believe me, we can go to the apartment when you want and I’ll show you. M: Let’s go right now. Rubigote’s chin is sticking out, just enough so that we see the big gulp he takes.

Aurora is talking to Refugio. Aurora asks how Refugio is, she says she is good. Using the blood pressure monitor she gave her and Mariano is always checking in on her. She sings his praises and says Teresa is lucky to have him. Aurora agrees. Aurora also says that Ref can count of her for anything, money, whatever. Ref hopes that she soon finds a boy just as good and friendly as she is. She smiles.

Cutberto and Juana. He says she is the perfect woman. She’s beautiful and she can cook. She says when she was younger she wasn’t sure if she should go into sewing or into cooking. They share a few laughs.

Ruben, Maira, and Aida arrive at the apartment door. He first pretends he can’t open it, sees that ain’t gonna fly, and opens the door. The girls run in, rummaging through stuff and commenting that it looks like someone lives here and the furniture is not new. Ruben is trying not to look as panicked as he is. He runs into the bedroom, realizing that Espe is not there. They rummage a little more and he looks down to see the ripped photo on top of some papers. The heads part of the photo is right near his foot. Maira looks over and asks him to explain that.

Rubi thinks on his feet and blames it on Genoveva, saying he thought that the guy who was living here was gone. He slips the photo in his pocket unnoticed. He continues with his lies, and Maira says “Si, mi amor,” though she sounds unconvinced. Aida then asks for the keys so she can make a copy. He gives them to her.

Mar’s dad wants to know what happened between him and Caceres because he threw him out of the notary. Mar calls him and infeliz under his breath, but then tells his dad Ruben is the one who he fought with because he was bothering Esp—eh, a nurse. –This is why you were suspended? Mariano nods. Papa gives him a pat on the back.

Ruben is in his office and calls in Eva to apologize. She says it is no problem, he starts getting close and she seems to play coy, but looks slightly disgusted after she gives him the new (changed) keys to the apartment and leaves.

Aida asks what her mom would do if her dad was cheating. She asks why she is asking? Because of what happened. Maira asks who told Aida about the place. She says, forget it. Teresa was just messing with me. Teresa, Maira says. She goes on to say she would die if Rubigote left her.

Teresa goes in to find Espe going through her things from Ruben. She decided she isn’t going back while he is married. She is going to sell all the things he bought her. She gives Tere some jewelery and tells her to sell them to help her dad pay his debts. “Gracias!” Tere says, “Lo voy hacer.” Riiight. Her phone rings. It’s Aida. She says the apartment is for her and Paulo. T: Ah, that’s what he said? Aida threatens Teresa before she hangs up.

Magda is giving Mariano some work things and he asks about his patients. All stable. She brings up the topic of his suspension and Teresa and he says he hasn’t told her yet. Tere walks in. –Haven’t told me what? What are you talking about with my boyfriend? –Stuff about work. But, I’ll leave you two. Teresa practically sweeps her out of the room with her arm. They talk briefly about Magda being an AMIGA (Mar) but her obviously wanting more (Ter.) Then he explains about his suspension. Time for another Teresa lecture! Put yourself first. You can’t disappoint or make a bad impression on the doctors who can help your career. Promise me you will find a way to fix this. He nods, smiles, and kisses her.

Dr. Ledesma (the younger..right?) asks Dario if Mariano really is suspended. Yes, he was defending a nurse. Said nurse appears. It’s my fault, Espe says. She explains it was her ex-novio that provoked Mar. Ledesma seems very interested in what she is saying. Especially when she says she is not gonna go back to him.

Mariano tells Teresa his dad also is out of work 'cause Caceres fired him. Que mas?! She asks the heavens. Mar hopes he can get back to work, soon, and that he talked to the owner of the vecindad about his consultorio. –And did she agree? –Yes, she agreed. Why do you seem unhappy about that? –The truth, she still doubts that it is a good idea… but she pulls out the list she made of everyone he should invite to his graduation party.

Ruben tracks down Espe at the hospital. He says he misses her and he hated having to lie to her, then mentions the things she took from the apartment. She says tell me what you want back, and he say no way. They’re yours. I bought them because I love you. I just want to know. Are you serious about never coming back to the apartment? Because if you are, I’m going to sell it.

Armando walks into Teresa’s room. He asks if she has received her money yet? (Ya cobraste?) She flips. I told you this money is for my graduation expenses. Arm looks desperate and wow he does that well, I’m about ready to call the DF and find this vecindad just so I can help. She makes him feel even guiltier, reminding him that the money Mariano gave him was for their wedding! He reminds her he doesn’t make much money. Find a better job so she and momma Ref don’t have to worry and work so hard. “Hazlo, papa, hazlo!” (Do it, Dad, do it!)

Aurora and Mariano are at the church for the first communion duties. They talk a bit, but Aurora notices he is bummed. “Mariano. Something’s wrong. Can I help?” He says he has two options: Become a private doctor and help those who can pay him well or become a humble doctor (un doctor mas humilde) who can help everyone that he loves, who need it the most. He asks what she thinks, steps in to hear her response, and you can see on his face that what she says will matter to him. She picks the second choice, but says whatever he picks will be the right choice. He smiles in response.

(It feels like fifteen days since I’ve seen el profe!)

Teresa is standing on a chair while Juana fixes her dress, raving about the day. Finally. Mariano’s graduation day! And with honors. Juana always knew he would go far. Teresa says, I think, “Todavia le falta ser lo que yo quiero! Pero es un bien comienzo.” (He’s still not exactly what I want him to be, but this is a good start!) She then jumps up and down on the bed and they compliment her dress. Teresa says there are going to be some very important people at this party and as his pareja, she has to be impeccable! The only thing she is worried about is that he might find out that Director Hector is Aurora’s papa.

Mariano’s dad is so happy that Mariano has passed his exam. He’s crying he is so happy, and it is the most important day of his life. He knows that his madre is with them right now. And she’s happy, too.

Mama refugio comes in talking about how unfortunate it is that Armando can’t go to the party with them, but Teresa looks like she is dying at the sight of her mother’s dress. –You really want to go without Dad? Tere asks. –Of course! It’s a special occasion. Mi amor, your novio is a doctor! Aren’t you proud? –Si. From now on, everything will change for us. They are actually having a nice conversation about Mariano until Ref asks Tere to help her put some flowers on her shirt. Tere says they look horrible and Ref says they were from her first communion. -Well no wonder! They’re so old and so awful. Leave them, mama, and she throws them on the table. You’re not gonna make me look ridiculous in front of all the people who can help Mariano in his career. –You’re ashamed of me, of your own mother? –Mama, please, don’t start with your dramas. Today no! And she hurries her out the door.

A woman, possibly named Olga, is getting a dress fitted by Juana while Cutberto watches. She thinks Cutberto is her husband, but the second that she finds out they are not together she tries to interest Cutberto in her, and Juana promptly stabs her in the derriere with a pin. Cutberto helps her off the chair and Juana looks on disapprovingly. They talk about Mariano’s party and she says, mocking him, "a pachanga estoy yo." (Does anyone get what she means by this exactly? Something like, I'm gonna be the party/I'm gonna be the one partying?) And she makes faces at him. He seems to be trying not to laugh.

Teresa and her mother are dropped off at the party. Teresa thinks the part is at La Terraza, but it turns out to be at “Fonda. La Pequeña Terraza” next door. Teresa goes from enchanted to disgusted in a millisecond. She walks in, sees Mariano in a suit, surrounded by a bunch of people in every day clothing, some are nurses in their uniforms. –See, there’s Mariano, says Refu. Ah, mi novia! Mar says. He announces to everyone who she is, that she looks beautiful, and that she is the reason he is a doctor today! They start chanting Teresa. Oh, the sourpuss on her face. I’m dreading the moment she ruins this. He says, a lot of you that know when my mom died, I stopped my studies. Teresa is the one who got me back into school. [He kisses her hand.] She is my lamp, my motor, and the love of my life. (Mi faro, motor, e es la mujer de mi vida.) He kisses her. He introduces her to some nurses, someone who works in the cafeteria, and well, everyone else she knows. She weakly waves. Pab steps in and says, 'Mariano! You’re not going to introduce me as your first patient?' Laughter from most everyone. Minus Teresa. –Claro, y mi futuro ahijado, no? (Of course, and my future godson, no?) Nachita thanks him for saving her son, and Espe says that all of them in the vecindad love him! Ref adds that he will be a great son. They all do a Mariano, Mariano, Rah, Rah, Rah chant and Tere storms out the door. 

Mariano and Ref follow.
Paraphrasing, mostly:
-Teresa, what’s wrong? Where are you going? He asks. -Far. Very far away from here! She says. -Why are you saying this? I don’t understand. –It’s useless with you. Everything I said was in vain, you’ll never be the man that I dreamed (que sonee.) You’ll always be mediocre. –Are you sure in what you are saying? [She nods.] You think I am mediocre because I want to spend the most important day in my life with the people that love and support me? –Please. Tell me how these poor nurses and people from the neighborhood can help you. Ademas… –Ya, basta! Basta Teresa. –This was supposed to be the first day of the rest of our lives. –It is. But that doesn’t mean I am going to leave out everyone I care about. –You promised me, Mariano! –I promised you I would invite Dr. Ledesma, the director, and the other doctors who aren’t even going to come. You don’t even want to let me spend the most important day of my life with the people I care about. –They don’t understand why we want so much. They haven’t given you anything Mariano! –They’ve all given me something so that I could become a doctor. They helped with my mother. –Oh, yeah, and how? –I’ll never forget that Cutberto bought me my first medical book because I couldn’t afford it. And Juana, his first coat. Every one of them has done something for me. –And you did so much for my family (?) but what are these people going to think when they come to this place and see this “fiesta de vecindad?” –They are noble people. –Well, if they are so important to you, go back to them. I’m leaving. Taxi!
Refugio steps in. Vamonos Mama! –No, Mariano invited me and I am staying with Mariano.

Cutberto and Juana are in her house. She comes out dressed, with her special occasion braid, and he calls her beautiful and gives her a corsage. She thinks it was a nice touch. Then I believe he says something like, if she is going with him, she can’t dance with anyone else and—oh! I hear thunder… scene in the rain coming up??—that they should hurry to miss the storm.

Teresa and Refugio. –Mama how are you going to defend Mariano? He deceived me! He made me believe he’s someone he isn’t. Let’s go. –No, I told you no! I don’t think there is anything wrong with what he did. I am going to celebrate with him. The same as you. –You’re crazy. You need to do what I say! –I am your mother and you won’t disrespect me because this I will not forgive. –Forgive me? You to me? For what would I want you forgiveness? –M: Teresa! And she gets a thwack across the face for that comment from her mother. “Como te atreves a pegarme? Te vas arrepentir!” How dare you hit me? You’ll be sorry. –Don’t talk this way. Come with me! –Let go of me! I have nothing to do here. I’m going where I have things to do.
And with that she jumps into the cab; Ref and Mar watch it go, stunned. –R: It’s terrible. Where Teresa speaks to me that way, it scares me. –Calm down, Refugio. Teresa is angry but it will pass. –Why Mariano? Why is my daughter like this? And that’s when Dr. Ledesma shows up! Mariano is glad that he was able to come. Of course he came, he says! But his brother couldn’t make it because he had a conference. Mariano thanks him, well both of them, then introduces the doctor to Ref. Let’s go, Mariano, Ref says. You need to attend to your guests and enjoy this moment. The go inside. Refugio stays by the door and is still shaken by the whole thing. Mariano goes back inside looking, well, tired, as he must be after all that ragging from Teresa. Mar’s dad asks where she went and Refugio lies, though it’s clear he isn’t buying it. Dario and Selena, some chick, show up, as well as Juana and Cutberto. They talk about the coming storm. They ask about Teresa and are told that she’s mad at Mariano and left. Cutberto says they fight the same as he and Juana—he calls them a pareja, too—do.

Ah, casa de licenciado! So happy to see you. He and Luisa are having a dinner talking about work when his phone rings. It’s Fernando! He’s in Mexico! Oh, but he’s not coming over, so Luisa won’t get to see him. She tells Arturo to tell him she says hello, hopes he is well. Then, I believe, and I could be wrong, that he suggests using Fernando to help her with an international project for her degree. (?)

Back to Johnny and Armando at the shop. They talk about how unfortunate it is that they couldn’t be at Mar’s party, and then sing his praises. Teresa will be happy at his side.

Casa de Arturo. A cab pulls up. Our loca tirbuoncita is in her element as she buzzes the door. Arturo’s car pulls out, he sees her, rolls down the window and calls her name. She runs to him, but twists her ankle and he hops right out of the car and into the rain with her. They stare at each other in the rain.

And we break for commercials.
A: Did you hurt yourself? T: No. A: Are you okay? T: No. Help me. And she leans on him. He hugs her and she only slightly breaks out of her cara triste. They pull apart and near kissing territory, but neither goes in for it. They just blink and then he says, “I don’t want you to get sick,” and they both nearly trip on their way inside. Her, probably due to heels, him, probably due to his refusal to let go of her even a little bit so he ends up walking awkwardly. He says, wait here for me I am going to find [someone/thing?] –Gracias Professor… ay, and she pretend almost faints/falls. He catches her. Then I believe she says she doesn’t want him to see her like this. He says, you asked me for help, what’s wrong? She says, I just want Luisa. A: Luisa! Luisa arrives, sees Teresa and asks what happened, then tells her to come—the profe picks Tere up and carries her up the stairs—and Luisa says to come so she can change her clothes. Tere weakly protests.

Mariano’s school friends are asking how his novia just left. He says it’s for work. Pan over to Espe giving una cervecito to Dr. Ledesma. Yes, Espe! Move on from the bigote!! He thanks her and they thank him and Mariano (who isn’t there at the time) for saving Pablito. He comments on how great it is to have kids, and Espe asks him how many he has. He says he has none. Not to worry, she says, you’re very young.

Cutberto calls out Mariano to make a toast/announcement to the whole room. Mariano, who can barely crack a smile, tells them about the new clinic-thing and says they will need volunteers. Some hands go up. Then Dar says to Mar to not work today, but Magda steps in and says that it’s okay cause they will all help him.

Ref and Juana notice how Magda is all up in Mariano’s space and say that Teresa should be there. They talk about Mariano paying three months rent and that Tere should be more like her friend Aurora. Juana laughs this off, saying Aurora wouldn’t come to a party/place like this. But, there she is, and Mariano actually does crack a smile when he sees her there—well the closest he’s come to a smile since Teresa left. She says, congratulations Dr. Sanches Suarez. Pablito jumps at Aurora in excitement. She asks where Tere is. He tells her she left.

Teresa is post-shower in robe and towel in Luisa’s room. Luisa has clothes for her, says she left the others to dry and asks her where she got the elegant dress. She says it was from her Madrina, then puts her face in her hands. Luisa tells her to calm down and asks what happened. T: I can’t calm down, Luisa. My mom hit me. L: But.. how it that possible? Why? T: It was Mariano’s fault. L: Mariano? The taxi driver? What’d he do? T: My mom wants to force me to go out with him. She doesn’t understand that I don’t want/love him (querer.) No quiero!

The sun comes out, still the same day.
Aurora calls Teresa. She says she heard she wasn’t there because she was angry with Mariano. Angry is not a strong enough word for her; she’s furious with him. A: What happened? T: I don’t want to talk about it, it was the worst moment in my life. (Really? That trumps Luisa’s death? Just sayin’.) A: He looks really sad. T: That makes me happy. A: Talk to him. It’s a very important day for him and you can’t be so far away. T: Oh, I am. Very. Aurora tries to convince her to come but she isn’t having it. She doesn’t want Aurora to come see her. But she does want her to watch Magda with Mariano. She agrees to do so and sits with them.

Arturo apologies on the phone about not making his appointment. He asks Luisa how Teresa is. Not well, she says. -Why? What happened? -Her mother hit her. –Refugio? I didn’t think she would be capable of such a thing. –Well she did. And very injustly. And her father didn’t lift a finger (su papa no mover un dedo.) –I don’t understand. Something must have happened for them to react so strongly. –That’s what worries me the most, says Luisa. It was that vecindad ese that is always beind her problems. –Como? Art looks pissed.

Back at the shop, Teresa show up and bombards her dad with her side of the story. When she says that Refu hit her, her only daughter, his cara is muy impactada. She cries. -How could she have hit you? –Defending Mariano. You don’t know how awful I feel right now! No puede ser, papa! –Calm yourself. –But I feel so awful. Mom doesn’t love me. She could never give me the love she gave Rosita. She wants her mom to be like him, and love her more than before and to understand her efforts to get out of there and succeed. It seems to her like her mother hates her.

Magda gets Mar to dance, and Aurora looks worried—but I don’t care because behind them Espe and Ledesma are dancing! Aurora leaves and says she needs to talk to Teresa. Aur runs into her papa and asks to take his car, but assures him that everything is all right. She leaves and he joins the crowd. Juana and Ref are saying it’s good Teresa can’t see them dancing. If anything happens, Refu says, it’ll be her fault. –How can you say that? And I lose track of what else she says because Aurora’s dad comes in and they (Juan and Hector) definitely make hidden smiley faces at each other. Oh, what do you guys think that was? Recognition? Love at first sight? Secret love affair in the past that produced… Aurora??? Interested to see what that’s about.

He tells Mariano that the clinic-thing is a go and he really smiles, and announces it to everyone. Cheers.

Teresa is crying to Aurora about how Mariano betrayed her and she knew that Magda was going to be all over him. Aurora asks how he betrayed her but she says it is not important. She was waiting for him like a dumb woman, but she made a mistake. If he doesn’t take care of what he has…well, can’t be anything good. My recording cut out, but I did see the rest. The doctor and Espe are at the hospital talking about love and how everyone makes at least one mistake with love in their life. She asks if she can help him and he says no, but when she walked away it looked like he meant to say something else.

Back in Tere’s room, Refu enters, hoping to talk before Armando gets home but she notices a suitcase and asks what it means. That Teresa is getting out of this house! Ref assumes she is going to Juana’s but Tere says nope, much farther. To a good place. –To Aurora’s? –No. I am going to Licenciado de la barrera’s house. Cara impactada de Refugio!

Woo! And there we end it for today. How is it in the morning? I have no idea. Again, as always, please correct me on anything I got wrong (my sound cut out a few times) and my apologies for not having as much vocab! And also for any grammatical errors. I will reread and edit tomorrow!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #100 4/27/11 A Triumph of Screeching Harpies

Buckle up, folks! This is a pretty action packed episode. Practically everything was important. Very little FF>>

  • We return to the drama at Casa Victoria. Ximena la Loca has won custody of Osvaldito because Max el Estúpido barely put up a fight at the courthouse (hello? Drugs, alcohol suicide attempts etc?)

  • The officers of the court say their lines and Ximena goes to get the baby from Vic. Xi coos “chiquito” but it just makes me sick. Vic balks. Rox gets all “give her her baby, eh?” (Check out Oscar…very intense…reminds me of when Snoopy would pretend to be a vulture.)

  • Crap. I don’t know if I can get through this recap. Vic hands over Osvaldito and Xi starts saying Oh I missed you my love…no one and nothing will separate us. (Words cannot describe how much I despise this woman. Ivana looks like sweet Donna Reed compared to the Xi-la monster.)

  • Vic begs Xi not to take the baby. She says to Rox “you know Xi is lying.” Rox denies that. Vic says they will take the baby over her dead body. The officer of the court asks her not to provoke anymore problems. Fer even begs.

  • Xi and Rox leave with the baby and Padilla (really, I’m still wondering why he’s there…) tells them they are paying for all the harm they caused him.

  • PJP and Os are talkin’ and walkin’ PJP is telling Os this is hard on everyone. Os can’t understand how Vic could keep such a sensitive secret from him. PJP calls out Os and says he’s been keeping a very sensitive secret as well and that Os has no right to condemn Victoria for a mistake she committed years ago and for which she pagó creces (paid dearly.)

  • Os asks PJP if he knows who Vic’s daughter is. PJP answers yes. Os begs PJP to answer him. Os says as he priest he can’t lie. PJP explains that it’s true that he can’t lie, but that circumstances dictate he remain quiet. Os still doesn’t understand. What circumstances? PJP has to remain quiet while Vic is suffering? Os says it’s not very Christian. PJP hates that Vic and her daughter are suffering, and they deserve to know the truth, but the secret was revealed in confession and he’s obligated to remain quiet (if you are keeping up with the Spanish, you know I was a little fast and loose with the translation. I couldn’t think of any other way of putting what was actually said in Spanish.) Os is confuntado (confundido+impactado.) A confession? Wha? Who? PJP says “my mother.” (what gives, padre? you can tell practically everything BUT who Maria is?) Os says  “your mother?, but why”  PJP says it’s because Burnie never forgave Vic for having PJP’s child, but viewerville knows the real reason: because Burnie is her own brand of BSC and while it doesn’t have the same hysterical edge as Xi’s brand of BSC, it packs the same punch. Os suddenly understands all of Burnie’s hatred of Vic.

  • At Burnie’s Xi is handing the baby over to Dona Dementa and it looks way too much like placing a sacrificial lamb on the altar for my tastes. Burnie says she will take over the education of the child. Rox says “you and us, right?”  Burnie disagrees. Roxana doesn’t know how to be a good mother. If she did, Xi wouldn’t be in the trouble she’s in. Ximena doesn’t need to worry. Burnie won’t take her child away, but the child is chosen to be Xi’s salvation. Osvaldito will become a priest. (Great facial expressions from Rox.)

  • In the vecindad, Maria is trying to explain to Lonso that he can’t make decisions for her and the baby. Lonso claims that wasn’t his intention, then he backtracks and says it sort of was. He says that ever since he met her, he just wanted to care for her. He begs for another chance. He loves her. María says she can only love once and she loves Max her heart is his. Say what you will about Lonso, he speaks truth when he says Max’s heart isn’t hers. Max has given her a million promises but he still isn’t free to love her. Maria says but he’s going to be! Their love finally has its moment to triumph (again sweetie, you’ve got about 45 more episodes.)

  • Max is at Burnie’s trying to get Osvaldito. Burnie tells him to leave. Max says not without the baby. Burnie says she’ll call the police if he insists on getting the baby. I miss a bit (I miss a lot don’t I? lol), but Max tells Burnie that with her hating him so much, there is no way his kid is going to live with her. Then Burnie says something about her son (PJP) and Max’s son. She doesn’t get the comparison and Max says you know exactly what I’m talking about: blood. You are the grandmother of Maria Desamparada.

  • Maria is still trying to get rid of Lonso. He thinks he can conquer her and he’s going to do everything to win her from Max. Maria continues to explain she will be with Max. Lonso asks to just be near her and her baby. Such.a.creeper. Maria turns away, but Lonso hugs her and continues to beg. This is of course when Vic walks in…that is, at the worst possible moment.

  • At Burnie’s Max is making threats. If she won’t let him see his son, he thinks now is the time to tell Maria the truth: Burnie is Maria’s grandmother. He leaves. Burnie gnashes her teeth (very biblical.)

  • Oh boy. Back to Vic and her vitriol. She wants to know what Maria is doing with Lonso. Doesn’t she love Max. Vic just goes off. You just used Max to get pregnant and trap him. Maria tells her to watch her words  (midas sus palabras lit: measure your words.) Wow, Vic is the energizer bunny of BS. She just keeps going and going. Maria tells her not to talk to her that way—She loves Max. Vic says Maria’s little friend took her husband away and now Maria wants to take her son. Maria is a social climber (arribista.) Lonso defends Maria and explains that the two of them just have a great friendship. What Vic saw was not what she thinks. Vic tells him not to defend Maria; she knows exactly what class of woman she is. PJP comes in and asks what’s going on? Vic says she saw Maria kissing Lonso and that Maria is trying to exact revenge on Vic. Maria was unfaithful to Max. PJP asks Vic not to say things she will really regret. Vic says she’s calls it like she sees it and this women is an opportunist. She’s just like Linda. No principles and no morals.

  • Maria gets mad. She tells Vic that she doesn’t want her hatred around her child. Vic will never see the baby.  Vic says Maria is just like Ximena, who also won’t let the Sandoval’s see her baby. PJP asks what’s up and Vic quickly explains. Lonso is worried harm my come to the baby; Maria worries about how poor Max will suffer. Vic says they are all suffering and it’s all Maria’s fault. She’s just like Ximena. Vic will never let Maria take her grandchild from her. It’s HER GRANDSON. Vic is ticked that JP-ito is Maria’s child (maldijo que sea TU hijo…cursed/dammit that he’s YOUR son.)

  • Xi with the baby. Well, be-yotch. You got your way…¿y ahora qué? Xi’s thoughts exactly. She’s yelling at the baby “What do I do with you?” Baby starts to cry. Ximena yells at him “Don’t cry.” She picks him up roughly.

  • PJP is begging Vic to send the frogs upstairs (STFU) and ask Maria to forgive her. Vic refuses. Maria tells Vic to get out of her house. Vic says not without her grandson. Maria says JP-ito isn’t Vic’s grandson ‘cause Max isn’t even Vic’s son. Vic says JPito has awakened a tenderness that Osvaldito hasn’t. PJP asks have you asked yourself why? Vic says no and she doesn’t care why (what a friggin’ idiot.) Ximena accused Max of torturing her and took the baby and now Maria is taking the other baby. And the worst is that PJP’s mother is behind it all. PJP wants to know what Vic is talking about. Vic tells him that Burnie is supporting Xi.

  • Speaking of Burnie. She’s having a minor anxiety attack. She can’t let Max tell the truth. She smooths her brow for comfort.

  • Cripes. Fer and Fab. I couldn’t take it last night and I can’t take it tonight, either. FF>>

  • Cruz is gardening and waiting for Fer to return home.

  • Xi has taken Osvaldito to Gui’s house. Baby is crying so about all I catch is that Gui is the dad and should take some responsibility.

  • Ok, the scene at Maria’s is getting comical. Vic has just said Burnie wants to destroy her and Maria is wondering por qué the hell Burnie hates Vic so much. What does little Osvaldito have to do with anything. Enter Max…he will tell her. Enter Burnie “you won’t say a word!” PJP wants to know if it’s true that Burnie is helping Ximena take the baby from Max. It’s true says Max. And she’s trying to keep me from JP-ito(?) Maria wants to know what’s going on. Max thinks that now that they are all together it’s a perfect time for the truth…and eternity of impactado close-ups.  Burnie says not to even dare to say anything. He doesn’t know what she’s capable of.  PJP asks Lonso to leave.  Max comments that he doesn’t understand why Lonso keeps hanging around. Vic says she knows why. She just saw him and Maria kissing. Another eternity of Max and Maria close ups. Dammit, Vic! Just shut up!

  • At Gui’s house. Gui is not going to take care of that baby. What did Ximena think? That they were going to be some happy family? She doesn’t have a shred of a maternal instinct. Xi just wants Gui to take some responsibility. She’s tired of taking care of the baby. She wants her life. Gui isn’t going for the happy family bit and dismisses Ximena. Baby continues to cry.

  • Back to Max. He wants to know what Vic is talking about. Vic says she saw Maria kissing that photographer. Maria insists Vic misunderstood. Vic says no. Maria is just like Linda, going after men she can’t have. Burnie thinks this is funny considering what a sinner Vic is and Burnie has punished her for it. PJP tells Burnie to shut up. Burnies says no. PJP is the one who needs to shut it. She goes off about his leaving the priesthood and he tells her not to judge him for something he didn’t do. Burnie asks if he’s trying to kill her (the mother’s eternal lament.) Well, she says, go ahead. Kill her. She’s tired. Tell everything, but he’ll never see her again. She leaves…

  • …and they cut to Casa Victoria. (Damn, are Vic and Maria never gonna learn the truth?) Toni is crying. It’s not fair, just when things were going ok. She’s tired…kind of a FF>> scene except Oscar and Toni share a tender moment…and he kisses her!!!!

  • The aftermath of Burnie’s fit: Max doesn’t understand what’s going on. Vic wants to know how far Burnie is going to go. She doesn’t want to hear PJP defend his mother. She wants to know how she’s supposed to have faith when one of God’s own is keeping quiet and letting her suffer. She’s supposed to turn to God, but PJP who is supposedly closer to God is just hiding his mother’s evil. PJP tells her to be quiet. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She says with he’s silence she’s condemned to suffer. He told her that the truth would come out (like the spray on the waves…how very poetic), but she doesn’t believe him. She’s not going to insist anymore, but she hopes that when he sees the image of the Virgen, the image of Christ, that he also see her pain and suffering and that he is moved to tell the truth and leave all his mother’s evil behind. She leaves. PJP leaves. Maria and Max look at each other.

  • PJP asks Vic to wait. He still can’t say anything. Vic says his mother continues to attack her and he says nothing. PJP says he knows she has no reason to believe him but he wants her to trust him. He promises that today everything will be revealed (I bet “today” means about 5-8 episodes in TN time.) He says she’s not the only one suffering. He’s going to talk to the bishop today.

  • At Burnie’s Eva informs Dona Dementa that Ximena isn’t home. She left the house and hasn’t been around all day. Burnie asks if she’s sure. Eva is completely sure (I do like her makeover.) Burnie wants to know where the little ingrate could be. She tells Eva not to return until she finds her. The doorbell rings. It’s Os. He’s come to pay a little call. He knows PJP is the father of Vic’s baby, not Padilla like Burnie tried to make him believe.

  • Max asks Maria if what his mother said was true. Maria says Vic misunderstood. They argue about Lonso. Big argument. Maria says, yes, Lonso confessed he loved her. Max is suspicious. Maria can’t believe he would think such a thing. He reminds her that she didn’t tell him she was pregnant and disappeared and went off with Lonso for months. Maria says she did that for Max, so he wouldn’t have any more trouble. Er…Max goes a little Ricky Ricardo and I miss a bit. Maria interrupts and says Lonso doesn’t interest her. She gets fed up and tells him to leave. He questioned her love, her fidelity, her devotion. Out. (FYI: during this entire episode, the baby that has supposedly been asleep in the other room has not made a sound…despite all the family turmoil.)

  • Max is outside asking PJP how much longer does Viewerville have to wait for the truth to come out? He gives Max the opispo spiel like he give Vic. They discuss Lonso. PJP wants to know how Max can doubt Maria. She loves him more than anything. He quotes 1 Corinthians 13:4. Didn’t catch much after that except if the bishop allows it, Maria will know PJP is her dad.

  • Burnie snatches PJP’s picture away from Os. Burie wants to know who told him such dreck. Os isn’t going to fall for her crap. Os says he’s only here to see his grandson, little Osvaldo. He says something about letting an innocent girl fall just so she could defend her son who is a priest.

  • Burnie says go ahead and talk. You’ll pay with your life. Os is not afraid of her threats. If she keeps up with her baloney and support of Ximena in taking away Osvaldito, he’ll go public with the news that her son the priest had a child and that PJP’s own mother is the devil incarnate.

  • Split screen: Max outside/Maria inside. Max says they have to talk. Blah blah and musical inside/outside montage.

  • Burnie is giving PJP a hard time for ignoring his sacred duties. He says he did no such thing. She says he blabbed to Max about Maria being his daughter and she pulls the confession card. PJP says Burnie forbade him from telling Vic that Maria was her daughter. Burnie is punishing her and the only thing she did wrong was give her pureza (purity) to him. Burnie tells him to watch it and remember who she is. She brought him in this world she can take him out. He says she had him so she could give  his life to God so he could  save her from all her sins. She asks what he’s accusing her of. He says someone else came to see him in confession. Burnie asks who and what did they say.

  • Alacrán is rallying the crowd against the burned one (like he can talk.) He's bad luck. He says nothing good can come of this burned guy. Fausto wants to be left alone. Alacrán goes on to say that in his pueblo burned people attract fires. He thinks they should get rid of Fausto.  Seriously, is anyone else remembering Disney's Beauty and the Beast? (Gaston "Let's kill the beast!) The crowd starts pulling at Fausto. Max comes to his defense. Alacrán tells Max not to meddle. Max tells them he is an innocent man and that messing with him is an act of cowardice. He tells them if they mess with Fausto, they mess with him.

  • Ah, Ximena alone...taking pills. Quelle surprise. She's whining and scratching at her self. No one gives a hoot about her. wah wah wah. This is the world's smallest violin playing "my heart bleeds for you."

  • Rox comes in and wants to know what is going on. She tells Xi now is not the time for one of her crazies. Look at everything they've lost. Xi says that's all that matters to you: what we've lost. Xi tells her to leave her alone.

  • Rox tells Xi she is being selfish. Just thinking of herself, but what about her mother? (sheesh)

  • Xi says she hates Rox. Detests her! Rox never cared for her. She throws her out and pinches herself in a weird and creepy way.

  • Max continues to protect Fausto and the crowd turns against Alacrán. Max scares him off.

  • Fausto thanks Max and Max finds out that Bernarda sent Fausto to protect Maria.

  • PJP tells Burnie he's going to see the bishop and she asks if he's going to leave the priesthood again (I vote yes, please....better costuming.)

  • Sweet William Levy in a kayak! My daughter who lives in Tuscaloosa txted about the time this ended. I was happy indeed!


    For those who hated the new tagging system

    From the New York Times

    YouTube Founders Buy Delicious From Yahoo
    Fans of Delicious, an online bookmarking service, raised a ruckus after word leaked four months ago that its owner, Yahoo, might shutter it as part of a streamlining plan.

    To deflect criticism, Yahoo quickly reassured users that it was trying to find Delicious a new home rather than kill it.

    On Wednesday, Yahoo said that it had succeeded in finding a buyer — a team led by Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, the co-founders of YouTube. Their acquisition is a surprise move for the duo, who quietly left YouTube in the years after it was bought by Google five years ago for $1.65 billion.

    “We’re excited to work with this fantastic community and take Delicious to the next level,” said Mr. Hurley, who is chief executive of AVOS, a new company that will own Delicious. “We see a tremendous opportunity to simplify the way users save and share content they discover anywhere on the Web.”

    John Matheny, senior vice president of communications and communities for Yahoo, said in a statement that “we spoke with numerous parties interested in acquiring the site, and chose Chad and Steve based on their passion and unique vision for Delicious.”

    Yahoo did not disclose the sales price. The change in ownership is expected to take place in July.
    Users will need to sign up for new accounts when the service moves to its new home. Their public and private bookmarks will be maintained during the transition and transferred to the new accounts.

    Yahoo acquired Delicious in 2005 as part of a start-up shopping spree that included the photo sharing service Flickr. However, Yahoo did little with Delicious and ultimately disclosed in a presentation to employees that it would “sunset” the service, along with others considered tangential, like Upcoming, a social calendar.

    The return of Mr. Hurley and Mr. Chen to the Internet world was cast in the press release as “going back to their roots.”

    “They’re aggressively hiring to build a world-class team to take on the challenge of building the best information discovery service on the Web,” according to the release.


    Teresa Tue 4/26/11 #29 Multiple Choice; #30 The Green Eyed Monster Arrives

    Capitulo #29 Multiple Choice: a) El Profe Guapisimo, c) El Medico Mas Guapo sin Pompadour, ó c) El Muerto de Hambre Patético

    ¡NO! Teresa rejects Mariano. She loves him but doesn’t plan on marrying until he proves that they can leave the vecindad, have their own apartment and he with his own practice. She uses her parents as an example - her mother can’t stop working even though she’s ill and her father is unemployed. Does he think she wants to continue in this lifestyle? She’s fed up with all these worries, all the tragedies caused by this maldita probeza. She wants to free herself from this vecindad and everything it represents. He asks her to be patient. He understands her frustration but she’ll see how everything will be settled quickly. She says no, she’s never deceived him; he knows the way she is and how hard she’s worked to get where she is and if she can do it, so can he. She turns from him and whispers her mantra: “Ser o no ser, yo soy.” He comes to her and vows to succeed, to please believe in him. She cries, he kisses her on the cheek, and the jaws theme leads us out.

    Ramon and Cutberto discuss his career options. Ramon suggests he learn to express himself… like Teresa and study Spanish (ha!)

    Mariano and Teresa discuss his graduation party. He wants something simple. She suggests something on a larger scale, inviting influential people like the director of the hospital. She urges him to begin forging important relationships to pave the way for his career. Along with hard work, networking will bring him better opportunities. It could lead to a partnership with one of the big guns, like the Ledesmas or the director. Remember a private practice will bring big money. There are always options. He agrees to think about all this. She’s happy to hear this and adds this will lead to them marrying sooner.

    At the Chavez household, everyone is cautioning Refugio to take it easy. Cutberto announces he wants to ask something of Juana—that he give her lessons in etiquette para que se me quite lo bruto (to rid him of his ignorance)

    Medina household: Johnny announces his new job with Fito-maldito that promises to pay well. Dad warns him to be careful since they don’t know Fito that well.

    Tere tells Juana Mariano proposed to her but said he has to meet certain conditions first. She knows he’ll be successful but the question is how long will it take? They agreed to put off the wedding mientras el se ponga las pilas (until he gets moving). Juana is in total agreement telling Tere she needs to push him, but lovingly. Tere did say yes to his proposal but not when—it all depends on how he moves along.

    Armando is in suit and tie, telling Refugio he’s on his way to look for a job and wants to make a good impression. Bien vestido, bien recibido (dress for success). We next see him at Arturo’s place. Uh-oh. He’s shown to Refugio’s office. Armando to Arturo: What was the true reason for his visit yesterday? He’s regretting his agreement to allow Arturo to pay Tere a salary. He’s concerned there’s something else going on here. Arturo confesses there is something else: he’s in love with Teresa. Ok, this blogger had to pick her jaw up off the floor! Can’t believe he just came out with that.

    Luisa and Tere are at the new depa. Luisa asks her what she meant by toasting to love the other day. Was she thinking of someone in particular? Teresa coyly says she can’t tell her anything having to do with her brother – her eyes say Arturo but she speaks to the contract between them to stay focused on her career, blah, blah, blah. At the moment, zero boyfriends, zero pretendientes (suitors)

    Armando’s shocked and cries out: Refugio was right, there were other motives in Arturo’s interest in Tere. Arturo asks him to calm down and not to misinterpret his motives. He admits he loves Tere but has never acted on it nor has he said anything or acted inappropriately with Tere. Armando: That’s as it should be seeing he’s her boss and her teacher. Teresa herself never would have allowed it. It’s just not right. Arturo defends his feelings and assures Armando that he wants to marry Teresa! Armando: Are you serious? Arturo: Absolutely. I know I’m not as young as her but the age difference isn’t so great. I only want to make her happy. I’m professionally and financially established enough to offer her everything she deserves. Daddy’s all verklempt and Arturo starts stammering and stuttering that he wouldn’t be talking this way if Teresa weren’t…..he trails off and says that well, Tere could fall in love with him. Daddy gets upset again, saying Refugio will be upset to hear about this. The agreement was for Tere to study with him, no more. They come to a gentlemen’s agreement that nothing more will be said of this until Tere finishes her studies.

    Fito tells Johnny the time has come for his first delivery. Johnny walks off, excitedly talking to himself about how he will be able to help with Pablito. He runs into Mariano who is sporting a new ‘do. ¡Órale! The hair gods have heard my plea. The pompadour is no more. Johnny congratulates him on the new look and takes the opportunity to tell him of his new job that promises to pay more than the garage. He then tells him the bad news that he’s now a messenger for Fito. Mariano doesn’t look too pleased at this news and warns him to be careful at the new job, to be aware of what he’s delivering, taking care that it’s not drugs. As Johnny walks away, in comes Fito with a package in hand. Mariano gets into a scuffle with Fito, telling him they both know what’s in that package and warns him to stay away from anyone in the vecindad, or else. Tere comes in and they part. Mariano tells her Fito’s involved in drugs.

    Ramon delivers a case of wine to the Rubigote house. Maira who has just returned from working out is very nice to him and offers him a glass of water.

    Cutberto and Juana – Juana doesn’t want to play Professor Higgins to his Mary Poppins. She’s too busy with her work. Cutberto complains she’s always ready to help everyone else. He playfully begs her to save him from his vices.

    Armando tells Tere about his discussion with Arturo. He tells her of Arturo’s wish to marry her. Tere acts all shocked at this news. Armando feels Arturo is an ok guy, but she should tell him she has a bf. Tere’s afraid of how he’ll react to this news. Dad doesn’t want her to lead him on and feels one of them should tell him about Mariano. Tere disagrees. She can’t risk losing everything including Mariano. Arturo may have mentioned marriage but who knows what that means. Dad insists she tell him everything. Tere seems to relent and in walks Mariano. They chit-chat about mom’s blood pressure and Dad says it’s good he came by because Tere was going to ask him for a ride to el liceniado’s. Tere is all um…yeah, riiight --- and shoots dagger eyes at dad.

    Ramon gives Espe a ride home and he tells her about his trip to his boss’ home and how his wife is very nice. Espe realizes he’s talking of Rubigote’s home and is muy impactada, leaning against the wall for support. Ramon is very concerned, noting she’s become very pale. Espe says everything’s fine, she’s just been working too hard. So, tell me more about your boss’ house. He tells her he delivered a case of wine to the house and as he understands it, she’s planning to have a party with the ladies in her home. Espe tells him she’s glad they’re treating him so well. He walks away and Espe is definitely feeling the impact of this news.

    Cut to Rubigote and Maira talking about the wine he sent to the house. He know it’s her favority. She plans to use it for their 25th wedding anniversary. She wants a party, and a long vacation to celebrate. She loves him as much as on the first day they met (blech). They smooch

    Tere and Mariano – she congratulates him on this new “look” Very handsome and professional looking. They talk of Johnny’s job with Fito and Mariano asks why Tere looks so concerned. Oh she knows the harm those people can do, especially to young people who are looking to make some easy money. That’s what she says but we know there’s something else brewing.

    Espy goes to visit Ramon asking for a cup of coffee. She starts grilling him about Rubigote’s house and its location. She sees his log book on the coffee table and asks him about his availability in case she’s able to throw some business his way. As he’s flipping through his log, she sees Rubigote’s name and address and rushes off, leaving him talking to himself. Now she’s talking to herself, saying she must meet Mrs. Rubigote.

    In the courtyard, Johnny is asking Fito about the delivery job and by the way what is he delivering? Fito sees Mariano walking up with Tere and he gets nervous and tells Johnny the delivery is held up, he’ll let him know when he’s needed and rushes off.

    Genoveva asks Paolo about Aida. He tells her he’d be with Aida right now if he had any money. Geno says, rather meanly, “And what are you planning to do, get a job?” He tells her that’s exactly what he plans to do and he’ll show her he can do it on his own! She’s happy, telling him he’s now at the age to cover his own expenses. He shoots back at her: “This is exactly the way you were with my father. No wonder Te mandó volar!” (sent her flying; well, dumped her)

    Juana is telling Refugio she has no plans to teach Cutberto and saying he only wants a pretext to be close to her. Refugio likes Cutberto and suggests Juana give him a chance—or set her eyes on someone else, like Ramon for example. Juana protests, Ramon is just a friend. Refugio comes back asking her how she sees Cutberto. Juana doesn’t know how to answer this.

    Arturo is telling Luisa about his visit with Armando. Luisa feels Armando and Refugio are overprotective of Tere. She feels there is no one better than Arturo for Tere. Mariano drops off Teresa in his taxi. She tells him not to bother walking her to the door or he’ll be late for his appt with the director. Obviously, she doesn’t want him to run into Arturo--she’s kept this up for 3 years?. She kisses him goodbye. Arturo is telling Luisa he plans to ask for Teresa’s hand as soon as she graduates. He goes to the window to look for Teresa just in time to see her hugging Mariano and is royally pissed off! When Tere walks in the door, he grabs her by the shoulders and shouts at her, “Why the devil were you hugging that tipo (guy)? Didn’t you tell me you were just friends? Answer me!” Teresa complains he’s hurting her. Arturo: “You told me you had no boyfriend. I don’t want you distracted especially now that you are at the end of your studies.” Teresa is very quick and says they are just friends and she was just hugging him because it’s his birthday. He tries to cover by saying he was upset about something else and begs for forgiveness. Teresa brings on the tears telling him she’s never given him cause to doubt her. She is not accustomed to being mistreated, not even by him. She leaves in a huff. Luisa runs after her. Tere apologizes if her behavior was shocking but no one has the right to abuse her, not even Arturo. Good for her! Luisa asks her to calm down and come back in. Teresa refuses saying she’d rather be alone at the moment because she is muy sacada de onda (slang=out of it/upset). She assures Luisa this has nothing to do with her. Luisa goes back to Arturo and gets in his face. He doesn’t know why reacted this way, doesn’t know why he’s this way where Teresa is concerned. He only knows Mariano has always wanted to be with her. Luisa tells him Teresa doesn’t like Mariano and never even mentions him. Arturo grumbles about having spent so many years hiding his feelings. Luisa advises him to calm down or he’ll lose Tere forever.

    Johnny gets home late and tells his fam he didn’t get the job with Fito.

    Mar, Dar, Mag are at the hospital. Mar is worrying about some modifications he gave to the director regarding his project. Director Alcazar walks in and tells Mariano he was able to set up a meeting with a director of a lab regarding Mar’s proposal. Dr. Alcazar asks Mariano to put together a computer-based presentation highlighting the benefits of the project---and he needs it tomorrow morning at 7am.

    Paolo is standing outside the vecindad waiting for Teresa. He tells her of his confrontation with mom. She congratulates him but he complains that now he has no money and will have to find a job. Tere wants to know how that’s her concern. He remembers that at one time she said she would reconcile with him once he pulled away from mamá. Tere wants to know the obvious: what would they live on? It’s not enough to cut the cordón umbilical. He also needs to have enough money to give her the life she deserves. (Jaws music starts, he better run) In his current condition, he’s of no use to her. Forget about her. He’s all, “what”? “¿Que dijeste?” Tere: “I’m not interested. In fact I’ve never been interested in you. Now leave me alone.” She turns to leave and he grabs her by the arm. Paolo: “I gave up everything for you, everything! And now you hit me with this?” Tere: “I’ve always been very clear. If you believed something else and are now unable to forget me, that’s not my problem.” Paolo: “All this time you made me believe you hadn’t forgotten me.” Tere: “The only man I’ll never forget will be the man who gets me out of here. And that man isn’t you.” Oooh, good one! Paolo: “I gave up everything for you.” He grabs her and is forcing himself on her. She resists and pushes him away, slapping him. He goes to slap her ¡Esto no se va quedar asi! Tere blocks his arm: “Go ahead, hit me. See what happens. I’ll scream so loud all the neighbors will come out to put you in your place (ponerte en tu lugar).” We see Fito come and lean against the doorway. I don’t know who scared Paulo more, Tere or Fito. She turns triumphantly and walks away from him. Fito and Tere meet eye to eye, sizing each either up.

    Fito blocks Tere’s entrance to the vecindad. She lets him know in no uncertain terms he is not of her caliber so get out her way. He just wants to be friends. She knows by way of Mariano what his deal (que onda) is. Instead of embaucando (going after, taking in) small fry like Johnny, he should be going after something bigger, at this she looks back at Paulo who seems to have locked himself out of his car, so pathetic. Fito asks like your galán and his little car? Teresa asks if he would be better served dealing with a chalancito (huckster) from the vecindad, or someone with money with connections and who also enjoys a good time (reventón=slang) and la fiesta. Again a shot of Paolo pathetically trying to get into his car. Fito sees her point and says he’s motivated by money (el billete). Tere: Now we’re understanding each other but I wouldn’t want anyone to know I’m helping you. Igual que te hecho la mano tengo el poder de undirte. (I can help you but I can also sink you). Understand? Ok, then let’s meet tomorrow at the university café.

    Cutberto offers to help Juana with the ironing and settles down to study. He reads from a book of poetry: FF>>

    Pathetic Paulo is still trying to get into his car. Fito goes to help him. Paulo is really scared and tells Fito he has no money. Fito tells him no worry, he just wants to help him get into his car and gets to work. We next see Pathetic Paolo at Aida’s. She’s all kissy, kissy and bebé, bebé. He’s all sulky and she asks what gives – is it because of that naca (ugh Aida is so vulgar). She’s told daddy that Pathetic Paulo is looking for a job and suggests he may consider working at daddy’s notario. Paulo gets upset at that and asks her for a drink. She has a better idea and suggests they go out. Paulo reminds her he has no money. No problem, she has money bebé (desperation calling). As she prepares him a whiskey, he reaches into his pocket and ho, what have we here? A packet of pills! He has a fuzzy flashback of Fito helping him and then offering him the packet. Hmmm, pathetic and brainless. As he comes out of his flashback, Rubigote walks in, asking him about his job search. Aida and Brainless leave him alone and he reaches for his cell to make a call.

    Espe and Teresa are taking clothes off the line talking about, who else, el bigote, when Espe’s phone rings. She’s all aflutter, should she answer? Tere takes care of her dilemma by grabbing the phone and promptly dropping it into the soap water. That takes care for her temptation to speak with him. Espe explains she planned on going to the house and then came to her senses. After all, Mrs. Rubigote is the wife and she’s only the……Tere finishes her sentence for her: LA AMANTE Tere tells her she needs to come to the realization that she is the amante and it may not be such a bad idea for Mrs. Rubigote to know she exists. Espe’s not so sure about this. Tere says no worry, I’ll go with you to confront that desgraciado!


    Capitulo 30 The Green Eyed Monster Arrives and El Bigotazo gets a Trancazo.

    Rubigote tries to call Espe’s # and gets the not working recording and he is fuming.

    Teresa goes to daddy telling him how angry Arturo was to see her with Mariano and he accused her of not living up to her agreement. Naturally, it’s best not to tell Arturo about Mariano. Daddy asks: but what if he speaks to you of love? She doesn’t think that will happen. Luisa comes by to visit and tries to ‘splain Arturo’s behavior. Daddy excuses himself and leaves them alone.

    At the Medina household we get the feeling things are going from bad to worse, Hugo complains there’s no hot water, Pablito complains about holes in his shoes, and poor Nachita is counting coins on the kitchen table. She’s crying when Espe walks in and explains like always there’s no money y para cabarlo de molar (to top it all off) Johnny didn’t get that job. Mournful piano is playing in the background.

    Tere thanks Luisa for coming. Tere looks as though she’s scheming her next move. Daddy walks in and she tells him her salary won’t be as much as she hoped. She really wanted to help him out but he’s going to have to come up with the household expenses on his own.

    Mariano is meeting with Director Alcazar, telling him he had rounds last night but he and his friends were able to put together the presentation and gives them credit on the work. He doesn’t plan on taking credit for the project on his own seeing as his friends helped him put it together. Yes, the project was all his idea but he believes in giving credit where credit is due. Of course, Director Alcazar is impressed and now asks Mariano to join him at the breakfast meeting.

    Teresa meets up with Fito at the campus and provides him with a copy of Paulo’s curriculum and a list of his usual hangouts. She points him out sitting with some of his friends. He approaches Paulo, who is not overjoyed to see him again and makes it clear he doesn’t want to be seen with him. Fito offers to meet him at the car and hits him up for some cash. Paulo tells him he has no money. Fito’s not worried about that and suggests Paulo must have some friends who like the “candy” he’s selling. Give him the names of a few friends, and they’ll be even.

    Mariano meets with the director of the lab, spelling out the advantages of his project: effective word-of-mouth (boca a boca) advertising; introduction of the brand into a different market. They can provide medications as a charitable donation resulting in a tax break for the lab. Smiles all around!

    Aida runs into Raul asking after Paulo. Tere’s nearby and asks: Don’t you get tired of running after him like a little puppy when he doesn’t even pay attention to you? I’ve tried to distance myself from him. I thought you’d be able to keep him busy, but I see you’re not even capable of that. Honestly, why does Aida bother? She’s never gonna beat Tere at this game. Raul tries to calm Aida, telling her there’s no use in further squabbling. Aurora shows up and jumps in asking Aida when she’s going to tire of fighting with Tere. Aida tries to hug Aurora, but Aurora tells her not to bother after the way she’s behaved toward Tere. Aida tells her not to be fooled – she’s not what she seems. Aurora stands by Tere, saying no one knows her better. Aida says fine, you continue befriending her (tratandola) and dressing her. (I have to admit that was a good one).

    Espe tells Nachita the money she gave her is the last of what she earned for pulling double shifts and now she’s back to regular hours. She’s gonna have to stretch the lana. Nachita says she already stretches the lana más que una liga (more than a rubber band). Nachita leaves and Espe searches for the paper where she noted Rubigote’s address. Meanwhile, Rubigote is speaking with his Secretary Eva on the phone, asking if la Srta. Esperanza has called and orders her to contact immediately if she does call. It’s urgent he speak with her. He slams the phone down and smoke is fuming from his nostrils. Well, not really, but he was mad!

    Johnny and Mariano are in the courtyard talking about Fito. Johnny is relieved he’s not working with Fito. He’s come to the conclusion’s Fito’s no good. Mariano’s glad to hear that, telling him he’s too good to get involved in that kind of work. Armando comes down looking for Johnny, saying the new owner of the garage has called looking for them, possibly to offer them jobs? Things are looking up!

    Espe shows up at the Caceres house! Maira’s getting out of her car looking like she’s just had the workout from hell and Espe approaches her saying she’s “Lila” and her cousin “Lupe” works at Rubigote’s office and said that someone in the Caceres household was sick and may be able to offer her a job. Maira says no, thank God everyone is healthy here and we have no other openings. Espe thanks her nervously and walks away before anything else can be said.

    At the Chavez home, Teresa and Aurora are discussing Mariano’s graduation plans when Nachita brings Pablito by to ask Teresa if she can be his godmother for his first communion. Teresa goes on at length about how busy she is with school and work and while she would love nothing more than to be his godmother, she just wouldn’t want to disappoint them by not being available for him. Pablito sees Aurora and asks if she’s also a student and working. Aurora says no and Pablito says then she can be his godmother. Aurora says if it’s ok with Nachita and Tere, she’d be glad to take it on. Pablito is literally jumping for joy. Tere stands aside and doesn’t seem to understand what all the fuss is about.

    Johnny and Armando are at the garage to meet the new garage owner who says the previous owner highly recommended them. The new owner turns out to be a real Simon Legree, telling Armando he’s seems a bit long in the tooth for a mechanic and he better not be expecting light work or calling in sick. Johnny assures him they have many clients in the neighborhood that will vouch for them. Garage owner is actually snarling when he tells them he expects efficiency, fast work. He says they will be on probation until he decides they meet his standards. They agree and he tells them things won’t be as they were in the past – he has his own timetables, regulations, and if they don’t comply, they’re outta here! Eeek, mean old guy. Armando and Johnny are shaking in their zapatos.

    Refugio is happy as a clam that Aurora will be Pablito’s godmother and offers to help. Tere and Aurora are helping to set the table and Aurora shares that she always feels welcome in their home. Tere says one would think Aurora was the daughter. Aurora is hurt by this and Tere comes over and hugs her telling her she was just kidding. Aurora doesn’t know how many times she’s wished her mother were here and that she had a sister so they could share so many things. Tere’s eyes open wide at that. Maybe the word “share” isn’t in her vocabulary.

    We find Rubigote and Maira in mid conversation, she found it strange that the woman should think there was someone ill at the house and offering her services as a nurse. He wheels around, “what? You never mentioned that before!” Phone rings – he doesn’t want to speak with anyone! He tries to get more out of Maira who tells him about “Lilia” and the cousin “Lupe”. Eva told her no one by the name “Lupe” works there. Ruben is now very puzzled indeed. Yeah, he knows what went down, just doesn’t want to come to grips with it.

    Crying (aw poor thing), Espe tells Teresa about meeting Maira. She’s a mess, telling her how Maira said there’s no one sick in the house and that Ruben has deceived her. Tere asks, “Ruben?” Espe comes out with it, “yeah, Ruben Caceres.” Ah, Teresa finally knows it’s the one and only Rubigote. She doesn’t seem surprised.

    Armando shares his good news with Refugio about the job at the garage. He’s sure everything will be ok with the new boss, el cucuy.

    Espe can’t believe Ruben did this to her. She’s really upset. Tere tries to console her and tell her she needs to tell Ruben she knows what’s up with his game. Espe disagrees, oh no she doesn’t want to have anything to do with him, nada! Tere tells her she’s all wrong what she needs to do now is get even. Vengeance? Espe loved him, still loves him but she can never trust him again. Tere looks at her knowing she’ll come around.

    Ruben’s still trying to figure out who “Lilia” is and asks Maira to describe her. Not very tall, young, dark hair, really great body. Ruben cautions her to be careful speaking with strangers but doesn’t think there’s anything to worry about. And now he needs to take care of something important and won’t be able to dine with her and their friends. She protests this was planned months ago. He’s sorry, give them a few tequilas and tell them he’s sorry.

    Aurora is talking with Daddy about her choice to attend Universidad del Sur. He’s so sweet. He tells her whatever she wants, he supports her decision. If she’s happy, he’s happy. She also asks about Mariano, saying Teresa’s worried about his financial status and his lack of personal connections. She asks dad to lend him a hand. He always support those deserving. Mariano is a good doctor, no need to worry about him. She thanks him and also thanks him for giving her money to buy the necessities for Pablito’s first communion. Whatever she wants and he’s happy she’s still talking to Mariano. Sigh, what a nice dad.

    Mariano returns to the vecindad. Pablito asks him to be his godfather. Mariano happily obliges. Boy, wait til Tere hears this bit of news.

    Tere is back at Arturo’s office. Anyway Arturo apologizes profusely for his behavior yesterday. He acted stupidly and shouldn’t have treated her in that manner. She doesn’t let him down easily. She asks when has she failed (fallado) him? Has she ever been late? She’s never been absent, not even when her sister died. He agrees with everything she has said and agrees there is no justification for his action. She goes on to remind him she’s the best student, as she promised. He’s very aware of that (estoy conciente). She goes on (man, she’s on a roll), it’s not so much that he misjudged her, it’s the manner in which he treated her. She doesn’t allow anyone to treat her that way, no matter who it is (sea quien sea). What can he do to make this up to her. He’ll do anything for her forgiveness. She says, “That won’t be necessary, let’s forget it happened.” He assures her it won’t happen again. He suggests they get back to work then. She doesn’t think so. Even though the episode is behind them, she needs some time away. He is muy impactado. Kudos to Tere for sticking up for herself. She handled that perfectly.

    Uh-oh, Ruben is at the hospital looking for Espe. He gets a little huffy with the nurse on duty when she tells him Espe isn’t due until the night shift.

    Arturo asks what she means by some time. Teresa points out she hasn’t taken any time off in 3 years and thinks it’s a good idea to relax a little (jaws theme, she’s circling). Arturo has no choice but to agree and writes her a check for her salary and vacation pay. She thanks him and leaves with no further niceties. “See ya!” Luisa comes in to check the carnage. She’s gonna miss her while she’s gone. Arturo asks if she can find out what she’s up to when they talk. Luisa cautions him to check his jealousy. He can’t help it! He just can’t stop thinking of Teresa. No puedo, no puedo.

    Teresa runs into Fito when she arrives at the vecindad . She warns him she doesn’t want to be seen with him. He tells her he just wants to report on what happened with Paulo. Before he can go on, Mariano runs in: “Dude, what are you doing with my novia?” Tere gets between them and says something about Fito asking about the rent. Mariano warns him to stay away from Tere. Fito says no worry then says, “cámara” then walks away. [I’ve never heard this used before. Looked it up and it could mean slang for let’s get going. The Fito character is very cool, so maybe that’s what this means? Anyone out there heard this before?]

    Johnny and Armando are at the garage talking about el cucuy, the new garage owner and how mean he is.

    Tere and Mariano walk into Tere’s apartment and she’s on the phone with Espe, calming her down and telling her she knows Ruben will come looking for her. Stand firm. Mariano notices Refugio is looking much better. He gives Tere the news that he’s gonna be Pablito’s godmother. She is predictably upset. She tells him she turned it down because she’s so busy and she can’t believe he accepted because he’s just as busy. He’s disappointed she’s not going to be the godmother. Tere tries to talk him out of it. He refuses and tells her to stop with the jealousy over Aurora. She catches herself and cuddles up to him saying she knows he could never take notice of Aurora (fijarse). He says no, not any woman. Tere looks really worried.

    Paulo is talking with Mommy dearest. He’s on his way out and tells her he’s meeting up with a friend who he’s promised to help out by introducing him around to help him with his business. Mom wonders why he bothers helping someone else if he can’t help himself. He is helping himself by applying himself at school and….at other stuff. Speaking of which, how much money is mommy dearest gonna dole out for school….and stuff. He’s not happy with what she gives him, saying it’s nothing more than an allowance. She tells him take it or leave it! (lo tomas ó lo dejas). It’s her money and her rules. He accuses her of doing this in order for him to leave home. She tells him it’s time he begin to appreciate the value of a peso and start thinking of making a living. He doesn’t like her way of educating him. She wonders why instead of increasing their fortune (acrecentar nuestra fortuna) with someone like Aida, he continues going after that arribista Teresa! (again, with that Teresa).

    Tere accuses Refugio of knowing Mariano was to be the godfather, now he and Aurora are going to be his godparents! Refugio isn’t surprised Pablito asked Mariano to be the godfather and as godparents he and Aurora will have to watch out for him. Tere’s not fooling her. She knows Tere turned it down because she looks down on them. Why can’t she be more like her friend Aurora. With all her money she didn’t turn them down. Tere says Aurora only took it because she likes Mariano. Refugio points out Aurora had no way of knowing Mariano was to be the godfather. Tere doesn’t know how mom can take Aurora’s side against her. Refugio looks her in the eye and tells her she’s scaring her. Maybe it’s the Jaws theme playing.

    Paulo is at a bar with Fito and some friends. We come in as Fito is starting to talk about going into el “business”. Paulo gets a call from Aida checking on him. He better be with his friends and not that “gata” Teresa.

    Armando asks Teresa if she’s happy he has a job. Teresa doesn’t understand why he took a job doing the same thing, he’ll never amount to anything. Isn’t he fed up with living in misery? He’ll never get ahead. Her phone rings and dad escapes to the other room. It’s Aida on the phone. Tere guesses she’s looking for Paulo but he’s not with her. Aida might do better in looking after her dad and says she’s failed so far. Aida: What you talkin’ ‘bout, Tere? Tere: I’ll let you figure that out. (te lo dejo de tarea) and hangs up.

    Speak of the devil, Rubigote is rushing off. Maira wants him to have dinner with her. Rubigote can’t get out of there fast enough. Aida watches as he rushes out. Then she calls Tere again accusing her of meeting her dad. Tere starts leading her on suggesting she should be asking daddy where he’s off to. Maybe he’s looking for something he can’t get at home. Gotta go, places to be and people to see. See ya! Now it’s the Rubigote spawn’s turn to be fuming. Tere tells dad she’s off to the hospital to see Mariano.

    As expected, Rubigote is at the hospital and grabs Espe by the arm (the brute). She slaps him so hard he almost loses his rug! Tere arrives just in time to see the blow-by-blow:
    Espe: ¡MENTIROSO! Your wife’s not sick. You’re never going to divorce her.
    Rubigote: Let me explain.
    Espe: There is nothing to explain. You deceived me all these years! You never planned to divorce her. Don’t try to convince me of anything because I saw her, I saw her with my own eyes!
    She tries to get away and he grabs her again
    Rubigote: You need to understand if I lied it was only to keep you. I love only you. Then he forcibly kisses her.
    Meanwhile, Tere is frantically searching through her purse for her phone and she snaps a picture of the not-so-happy couple. Other nurses are also standing around witnessing the whole scene.
    Espe breaks away: “¡Sueltame! Don’t ever kiss me again. You’re a liar. You have no shame. You used Pablito’s cancer because you knew how it hurt me.”
    Rubigote: Don’t you see that’s how far I would go because I love you?
    WHACK!! She slaps him again
    Espe: What kind of response is that? Are you loco? You didn’t do it for me. You’re selfish and you only did what suited you! I was never important to you!
    Tere and the crowd seem to be enjoying this. Tere has a huge smile on her face. You go Espe! You give it to him!
    Again he tries to kiss her as she’s screaming ¡Sueltame! Finally, our hero Super-Mariano shows up and pulls him off her. Ruben is surprised to see him: “¿Tu?” Mariano: Yeah it’s me. Ruben: Mind your own business and starts to wrestle with Mariano which is not a good idea. Our hero is fired up and loaded for bear! He shakes Ruben and pushes him off (surprised the rug held its place) telling him “It is my business and I promise you will never touch her again!” We leave Mariano and Ruben in if-looks-could-kill stares. Ah it was wonderful! This is why I watch Telenovelas.

    After the commercial break, Rubigote has the colossal nerve to ask why Mariano is defending her and demands an explanation ahorita mismo from Espe. Mariano tells him to scram and grabs him by the jacket. They get into a knockdown, drag out, chair toppling scuffle. Now Tere gets scared. Finally a few more doctors show up and break up the fight. They take Ruben away screaming “this isn’t over”. Tere is checking her photo – damn, it came out fuzzy! Whew the fight is over.

    Armando tells Gemma the loan shark he now has a job and asks that she give him a little time. She agrees to give him a week, no more.

    Maira’s surprised Ruben’s returned so quickly. He’s muy alterado (angry) and begins taking it out on her. She asks what’s wrong and he says it’s business related, yelling at her that she should be more understanding. She begins to cry, saying he’s never talked to her like this. She’s really upset.

    Mariano tells Espe he thought she was done with Ruben a long time ago. She says she tried ending it but he keeps seeking her out and she still loves him. She now realizes she really needs to end it now. He deceived her and she no can no longer trust him. She confesses she always knew he was married but he told her his wife was dying of cancer. She swears it’s over. He tries to console her.

    Later Teresa can’t believe Mariano is planning to open a public clinic instead of a private practice. He explains this was all part of the plan he proposed to the Director and the pilot clinic will be in their neighborhood. She’s mollified but not for long. She wants to make sure he’s still planning to open his own practice. She wants everyone to see him as el Doctor Sanchez Suarez. He’s really excited about his graduation and wants to invite everyone from the vecindad along with the nurses that have helped him so much at the hospital. Tere reminds him he doesn’t have that much money so he needs to be very selective as to who he invites to his graduation.

    Genoveva arrives at Rubigote’s office. Eva, his secretary, asks if he’s heard from that client, Esperanza Gomez or does he want her to locate her? He’s heard from la Srta. Gomez, thank you very much. Geno smiles knowingly. Once inside his office, she warns him to be careful with those women cuz they can betray him. Espe’s not like that, he says. Geno is of the opinion they’re all the same going after your money and they always want to be the wife. The conversation then turns to Paulo. Paulo will inherit all her money but she doesn’t want to give him everything so easily so she wants Ruben to give him a job. He needs to mature and she can’t entrust him to anyone but Ruben. She knows he’ll help her. Doesn’t have much of a choice does he since she knows about all the skeletons in his closet.

    Aurora has learned Mariano will be the godfather and she feels uncomfortable about it. She asks if Teresa wants to reconsider and take the role of godmother. Tere can’t possibly take it over. She’s happy that her novio and her best friend will always be with her. Aurora still looks uncomfortable. She knows Tere is waiting to strike.

    Espe takes a call from Rubigote in Juana’s apartment. He urges her to meet him at the love nest. This beautiful (blech) relationship can’t possible end this way. Besides, all her things are still there. She doesn’t consider them hers. He says of course they’re hers and she needs to retrieve them. She says no thanks and hangs up.

    Tere thanks Mariano for coming to Espe’s rescue. He wonders how she knew about the skirmish. Tere skirts around the issue and tells him Espe confided in her long ago. Mariano feels they need to help her forget him forever.

    Paulo and Aida talk about his financial needs and he thinks he may need to give up his education/career. Ruben comes by and tells him he can’t give up this close to graduation and offers him a job with a flexible schedule and good salary. Aida is very happy for bebé.

    Espe tells Tere about her call from Ruben. She is definitely done with him. She only needs to return the keys to the apartment to be finished with him. This is news to Tere. He had an apartment for her? Hmmmm, the wheels are turning and our tiburoncita is on the move.

    Whew! All Done!


    Tuesday, April 26, 2011

    Triunfo del Amor #99 4/26/11

    Gentle viewer/reader. School is in its final weeks and these are trying times for teachers. Please forgive the general lack of quality to my recaps for a while. When Summer begins, the late time slot won't matter and all will be well again (well, relatively..)
    • Os demands to know “Who is the baby daddy?”
    • PJP walks up and says…several times… that he is the baby daddy. Os is understandably impactado.
    • Os does the expected “you’re a priest!/Vic how could you?” freak out. Os wants to know why the good padre didn’t tell him. PJP tells him all secrets have their moments to be revealed. Os’s heavy breathing drowns everything out.
    • Os demands…demands(!) an explanation…right now!
    • Vic begins her tale of woe…she was an employee in Burnie’s house…that’s where she met JP and fell in love with him (perdidamente…lost) but Doña Demente had already decided he was destined for the priesthood…but one night…
    • JP takes up the tale…it was ONE night. He hadn’t yet taken his priestly vows…
    • Vic continues…she gave him her purity...she committed a sin
    • JP interrupts it wasn’t a sin, it was two souls giving themselves over to each other. Two innocent and inexperienced young people looking for love. Very spiritual blah blah
    • Os says oh you paint it all so innocently, but put yourself in my place. How do you expect me to understand? You’re the baby daddy and all those times I confessed and trusted in you and now I find out you’re the baby daddy? How can you say it was an innocent and pure act?
    • JP says it was. Neither of them had even known love. After that night he went off and did his priest thang.
    • Os is amazed. You were really together just that one night?
    • JP is “yup”. Just one night. He never saw Victoria again and  only recently discovered he had a daughter.
    • Gui is holding baby Osguito (who even as a babe is a little creeped out.) Gui is doing the “sangre de mi sangre…mi hijo” TN lines. Baby cries. Gui tries to shush him. I’m really scared…is Gui going to eat the baby? Whew. Just a kiss. (And that's all we see of Gui tonight, so what was the point of that??)
    • Xi is convincing the Sandoval lawyer that she has been horribly abused while under the Sandoval roof. She didn’t just run off and abandon the baby like Os is making it seem. She shows shows bruises (actually made by Gui last night.) They threatened to kill her if she didn’t leave.  Max had a lover. Xi had to leave to save her own life.
    • Lonso is telling Max about Xi’s knife play with Maria and how she would have killed her if Fausto hadn’t shown up. Max asks why she didn’t tell him. Lonso reminds him what María Desamparada is like. She will put her pain aside and say nothing …anything not to cause anyone worry. Max heads off to talk to Ximena. Lonso tries stop him but the phone rings. It’s a business call. After making arrangements for later, he talks to a picture of Maria “Ternura” Desamparada and tells her everything will be ok.
    • Cruz!! He’s visiting Fer with a flower and pinwheel! And a slightly, no..terribly off-key rendition of “Mi riqueza es este overused song.” They talk for a bit. He tells her Vic gave permission for him to visit. Fer tells him she’s going to help with the family business. He gives her a big pep talk. He knows she can do it. She’s a woman with a lot of character.
    • Os can’t believe PJP never knew the consequences of that night. Vic says Burnie hid it from him. PJP wasn’t at fault that night. He always had pure feelings…was able to rise above the base instincts of most men…(so basically she takes another shot at Os’s cajones.) She tells him that he forgot the the most important thing to her was his fidelity.
    • Os channels his inner yenta (Must be where Max got it from yesterday) and is all “Oy! Again with this all being myfault?”
    • Vic-¡Sí, Osvaldo!
    • PJP interrupts and says that even though they deny it, Vic and Os still love each other. He reminds them of the vows they took before God and Os corrects him…they never, never got married in the Church (ooo, will we have a double wedding for the finale?)..and now Os realizes why. Vic had all those secrets. She deceived him too and she has no right to reproach him. PJP does the throw the first stone quote. He says they should be seeking forgiveness. I pick up nunca and amor. CC says "nuco l uó e amr" Helpful, isn't it?
    • Fer and Cruz: She'll never escape this wheelchair. He wanted to be a veterinarian. Fer is going to help him study and prepare for the tests he would need to take to get into university. He leaves her with a kiss and heads out the window. Shucks, these crazy kids get me every time. I think this couple has the most chemistry of the TdA bunch. (I hope we see more of Livia Brito at Televisa.)
    • Fab comes to visit. They look kind of uncomfortable…(the Fab/Fer music is annoying when connected to them...not so bad on its own.)
    • Maria is singing to JP-ito. Lonso knocks and Maria tells him to come in. He has some incredible news for María. The cosmetics folks want to make her the face of the campaign and put her in commercials! It’s a once in a lifetime chance and she can make big bucks and buy anything for bebé! Maria isn’t so sure she’s ready to go back to that world.
    • PJP comes to call and Lonso tries to recruit him to convince Maria to take the gig. Maria wants to know what PJP thinks and he agrees it’s good when a lady doesn’t have to depend on anyone (especially if it’s Max we’re talking about…he  *did* take his sweet time with that divorce and all.) PJP thinks she should take the job and even offers to watch PJP-ito.
    • Fab and Fer are coming back from therapy. Fab professes his love while Vic eavesdrops and thoughtbubbles “Fabian is in love with Fer.” Fer asks him to forgive her for being so mean before. Fab moves in for a kiss.
    • Max flies into the design room at Casa Bernarda. He is mad as a hornet and yells at Xi about her attempted homicide of Maria Desamparada. Ximena is all “Wha??? Who told you that?” Max says that doesn’t matter, but Xi says it does…if it was Maria who said it. Screaming and yelling. Max is tired of her crazy. Xi goes crazy and throws stuff. Max goes crazy and throws stuff. Other employees start to look on. Xi screams help. She asks Max if he’s going to beat her to death. He asks if she’s crazy (uh…yeah. He might be the dumbest TN galán ever.) Xi tries to bring the audience into this interactive show. “Help me! See how he treats me?” More histrionics and Xi makes her way to the roof. Max follows. As soon as she realizes Max is following, she heads for the edge of the building. Max tries to calm her down.  Shots of Xi, sidewalk, Max; Xi, sidewalk, Max; Xi, sidewalk, Max. She jumps!!! Max runs to catch her (slow down, Max!)
    • Crud! She’s clinging to the side of the building. Max is telling her not to let go and she is blaming him for everything. Rox is below yelling “mi hija” (if Rox really cared she would get her daughter some therapy…didn’t we say the same about Tizzy in STuD?)
    • Cut to Fab and Fer. meh. FF>> (PS: Vic is still eavesdropping)
    • Back to suicide attempt #2(?) Rox somehow got to the roof and is begging Max to save her daughter. Xi says Max just wants to kill her (Xi) because that slut says she (Xi) tried to kill her (Maria) Two guys come to arrest Max? Or at least take him away…
    • Fab and Fer again. I don’t have the patience for this crap FF>>
    • Fab bids adieu to Vic and Vic is pleased that two fine young men love her. I wish she had approved of Max’s choice of mate.
    • The cosmetics people think Maria is even prettier in person. She’ll be perfect for the campaign.
    • Fer is introduced as the new receptionist (wasn’t that Luci’s job?)
    • Vic asks about Max. Toni fills her in. He dropped off Osguito and went off to do something.
    • Burnie is flipping out about Max’s visit. She tells Padilla to get the lawyers. This is the time for vengeance on Maximilano Sandoval. She’s going to take his baby away.
    • El Alacrán arrives and tells Burnie about the previous evening’s desfile by the new Casa Victoria.
    • Meanwhile at Casa Victoria, there are warm fuzzies and pep talks. She gives shares to everyone: Pip, Toni, Oscar, Fab and Luci. woot!
    • Maria at the cosmetics photo shoot. The company men love her. They are going to get her contract ready. Lonso and Maria hug and celebrate after they leave. 
    • Vic and Toni reminisce. Vic fills Toni in on Os finding out about PJP being the yo yo yo baby daddy. Toni freaks a little but Vic says maybe now that everything is out in the open, maybe the Santísima Virgen will allow her to finally find her daughter.
    • Maria and Lonso return from the photo shoot. PJP is in seventh heaven watching over the bebé. Lonso informs him that Mariá is the new face of Lovely cosmetics. PJP is happy for her.
    • Os comes to pay a call and is cooly cordial to PJP. Os comes bearing gifts. Lots and lots of gifts.
    • PJP thanks Os and the trouble begins. Os wonders why PJP would thank him, after all the child is his grandson. Maria explains that PJP like Papi to the baby, too. Os finds it odd that PJP feels so obligated to the child what with his sacerdote-ly responsibilities. Os wouldn’t doubt that PJP has a grandchild since he’s …you know…been with a woman before being ordained. María is muy impactada. She asks if PJP was married.
    • PJP says it’s a long story he and Os exchange a few words and they decide to talk outside.
    •  Let the divorce proceeding begin. Xi shows off the bruises again.
    •  Rox joins the fun and asks how Max could have dared to hurt her daughter.
    •  Xi says Max tortured her and ran her out of the house...away from her child.
    • Sr. Juez asks if this is true. Max denies it emphatically. For some reason Padilla is there to stick up for Xi and says she should be reunited with her baby.
    • Max says she doesn't love her child. She left the child on her own accord. 
    • Xi says that isn't true! Max kicked her out with threats. He condemned her to not being a mother when he dragged her behind his car.
    • Max says that was an accident. Xi says it was an accident he caused because he wanted to be with his lover and bastard child.
    • Sr. Juez asks if that's true. Max says of course not, but Rox's "Sí Sr. Juez. He does and had a child with her. They've been together since he married my daughter" drowns him out.
    • Again Padilla takes up the case. He brings up Os and Vic...and Vic's being accused of murder. Max attacks Padilla.
    • After order is restored, Sr. Juez decides that the baby should go with Ximena because a child so small needs the care of it's mother and because Max can't control himself. (dumb.ass...Max and the judge)
    • Max arrives at Casa Victoria (with Xi, Rox and the officers of the court) to get baby Osvaldito. Vic reminds Xi she abandoned the baby. Xi says they made her. Fer weighs in. Padilla weighs in. Toni weighs in. The officer of the court (who looks Amish) says the baby must be handed over. Vic balks and asks why. Xi says because he's HER hijo.
    • Max says she's crazy. Xi says she's not crazy. She is the mother and has the right to her child.
    • Vic will have to hand over the bebé.
    Sweet William Levy in a kayak!


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