Thursday, May 12, 2011

Teresa Thu 5/12/11 #51 Ay, mi cabeza; #52 Ay, su corazon

THIS IS JUST A REPOST OF MY RECAP FOR WEDNESDAY. It disappeared as well as some of the other posts here. It is what I had in the word file on my computer, it should be about the same as what was up here already. I dont have a copy of the comments though, unfortunately!

Capitulo 51 Ay, Mi Cabeza.
Let’s pick it up where we left off. Paloma has just told Arturo she loves him and planted a great big kiss on those hot profe lips. He pulls away, saying this is not going to happen. She says he needs to know how much she loves him, he says it is too late. She asks if he really loves Teresa, he says of course he does. Teresa has always been there to support him. Paloma says she wants him for his dinero. He says not to listen to Genoveva’s gossip. Teresa has always been there for him, whereas Paloma, well when he needed her most she left him. They are strictly business partners. Good night.

We are in casa Juana and Teresa is plastered. Esperanza is asking if she really is only marrying Arturo for money (because drunk Tere just said this.) Drunk Tere continues with her AMO MARIANO, AMO EL DINERO DE ARTURO routine. Espe is saying, well, good thing you aren’t getting married anymore. While proclaiming her amor for Mariano, she falls off the table and Espe tries to put her to bed, but not before Tere can down another shot for Mariano.

Speak of Mariano. He is at dinner with Aurora and they are both looking mighty fine, and like they are having a nice time. They talk about the theatre, and then Aurora pulls out a little regalito for Mariano. He seems to be learning! He takes it and says gracias. He opens it and sees that it is a plaque, with his full name, Dr. Mariano Suarez Sanchez and it is for his escritorio (desk) at the clinic. He thanks her and talks about the emotion he feels when he sees it. She knows, she says, because of all the hard work it took for him to get there. She is proud of him.

Hector the Director and Juana are back from their date. They chat about the movie they saw. As they are talking, we see a peeping cabeza-Cutberto pop up in the window. He listens to her tell Hector that she rarely meets men as educated and gentlemanly as the doctor. He explains that now that Aurora is old enough to have her own life, he now has time to dedicate to finding a pareja. (I love this guy. Cute as Cuteberto can be… especially when his cute-butt-o was caught in Juana’s bedroom, I want her and Hector to be happy together.) Anyway, they say goodnight and he leaves, Cutberto scurrying away so he doesn’t get caught. She shuts the door and Esperanza startles her. She asks what she is doing there. Espe apologizes for scaring her and then says she stayed with Teresa because she had un copita and felt a little mariada (dizzy.) Juana eyes the almost empty bottle and says she must have had much more than un copita! Espe leaves to go to Refugio’s casa, but not before telling Juana that Ref is still mad at her. Ref had asked Espe to convince Tere to return to the casa. Juana tries to hide her smile when she says, Tere said no, right?

Back to Mariano and Aurora. She is saying she doesn’t want to be a doctor for money. She wants to help as many kiddies as she can. Mar is sure she will be an excellent pediatrician. She says first she has to become a doctor (medicine general,) then onto her specialty. She asks how his specialty is going. Good, he says, and says he is working with Dr. Ledesma. So what is his specialty? Cardiology? Or will he be a pediatrician, too? Or Trauma? Anyway, she says she hopes he is her teacher when she is in her specialty. He says no way. She asks why. He says because he would always be guilty of favoritism for her. Oh really? She asks. And why? His response: because you are special Aurora. So sweet, so smart. In truth, you are a ‘chava linda’ (cute/nice girl) and ‘te quiero mucho.’ He puts his hand on hers while he says this. She says, ‘Yo tambien Mariano, no sabes cuanto.’ Then he makes sure she is not joking just because he could be her teacher.

It’s the next morning and Tere looks hung over. Espe gives her something to drink and brings up what she said last night about Arturo. Espe says she can’t get married without love. Tere tries to brush it off as drunken ramblings but Espe says, ‘los borrachos y los ninos siempre dicen la verdad’ (Drunks and children always tell the truth.) And she saw it in her eyes, plus the way she was reacting to the photo of Mariano in the magazine. Accept it, Espe says, you’re still in love with Mariano. Tere’s response is, what’s it to you? She doesn’t have one or the other. Espe asks if she will return to Mariano. Tere says that they talked already and it didn’t go well. Espe says talk to him again. She knows that Mar still wants to be with Teresa. Tere says he didn’t show it. Plus, she has her dignity. Who she will return to is Arturo. Espe says, you don’t love him. No, Teresa says, I don’t love (amo) him but she admires him, loves/cares for him a lot (quiero mucho) and he’s been good to me.

Arturo and Fernando in Art’s office. Fernando came to surprise Luisa. Art says she is at work, but that’s good cause Arturo needs to talk to him man to man.  Fer asks what happened and Arturo tells him about Paloma kissing him. ‘Me beso y… me gusto.’ She kissed him and he liked it.

Espe and Tere talking over breakfast. Tere is saying she will marry Arturo. Espe is saying, what if he finds out you don’t love him. He’s a very powerful man. She thought she knew Ruben and look how that turned out. Tere makes it very clear that Arturo is not Ruben and Tere is not Espe. Espe says she could have it all with Mariano, they’ve loved each other since they were kids. Espe asks Tere to promise her to think about it. Tere asks Espe to promise not to say anything to anyone about what she said.  Espe is hesitant, but Tere says she has always guarded Espe’s secrets, and she hopes, for their friendship, that Espe can do the same for her. She promises.

Fernando and Arturo. Fernando tells Arturo to talk to Paloma and figure out his feelings. As far as he knew, the engagement with Teresa was broken. It’s best for Arturo to be free of doubts.

Teresa is complaining to herself about her head. She makes a phone call to Luisa, just to pretend that Mariano is coming to find her for the third time today. She hangs up and stares at the empty room, then crawl back into bed.

Fernando and Arturo. Fernando is saying that Arturo keeps thinking about Teresa and Paloma, but he needs to think about himself and figure out his feelings. Luisa walks in and is excited and surprised to see Fernando. They say their hello, and Luisa turns to ask Arturo how he is. She then tells him that Mariano is bugging Teresa again. Este infeliz! Arturo says angrily. Luisa says, go find her, or you are going to lose her.

Juana arrives home and Cutberto is carrying her bag. He asks why she went out with someone else? She asks what he is talking about and he says she went out with Aurora’s dad. Estuvo espiando (were you spying)? she asks. YES! (I say.) No, he says. He passed by her house and happened to see them. He says he knows that guy has a lot of money but all that matters is love. She says she is still mad at him for causing the fight between her and Refugio. (More like making Refugio mad at her.) She kicks him out. But before he goes, he sees the tequila bottle and asks her about it.

Hector the director talking to Dr. Hernan Ledesma about his date with Juana. Ledesma asks if he told her the truth about his wife. He says, no not yet. Ledesma says this could cause problems, so he should just tell her outright. He doesn’t see a problem, she’ll never come back.

Juana shows up at Casa Chavez and asks how Refugio is. Armando says she is worse because Teresa won’t do exactly what she wants. (ie. return home, marry Mariano not art, etc.) Luckily Mariano is there checking on her. Refugio, siempre metiche, asks if he heard that Teresa and Arturo broke their engagement.  Yes, Mar said, he heard, and even though he loves Teresa, he doesn’t think he can get back with her after everything that happened. She says she understands how he feels. Mariano steps out of the room and overhears Armando and Juana talking. Juana is saying Arturo was sincere when he said he respected Teresa and that she is sure nothing happened between them in Cancun. Plus, she is the one that broke it off, not him.

Aurora and her Dad are talking in his office. They first talk about Teresa. Aurora wonders if she is playing with everyone. Then onto Mariano. He says he isn’t going back to Teresa. This is a good sign. Aurora is falling in love with him again because he is so generous, nice, he’s just incredible. Hector thinks he might have competition. Aurora asks why, and on cue, in walks Martin. He mentions that he asked Aurora out.

Back to Armando and Juana talking and Mariano overhearing. Armando says Teresa swore in front of the Virgin and still, neither of them believed her. Mariano walks by, says hi to Juana, and then says Ref is much better. He leaves. He is walking down the stairs, thinking, and Espe sees him and asks what is wrong. He is really confused about Teresa. Esperanza says she knows Teresa loves only him, Teresa said so herself. He asks why he should believe in her again. Espe says she promised Tere she wouldn’t say any more but, trust her, she knows. Tere loves him.

Tere still barefoot and in last night’s clothes talking to Juana. She knows she shouldn’t have had so much but Juana gave her the first one! Juana says, Una no es ninguna (One is nothing!) Look how much Tere drank. Juana said con medida (in moderation)! Tere says, ya ya ya, no me regañes (don’t scold me.) She feels horrible enough now that Marian-Arturo, Arturo, doesn’t want her anymore. She begs Juana to go see him again. Tere says, tell him that again Mariano keeps insisting and bother me and that this worries you. There is a knock on the door before Juana can answer. Juana asks who it is, and from behind the door we hear hot profe saying “Arturo de la Barrera.” He wants to talk to Teresa. Cue three’s company shenanigans as she and Juana jump around the apartment and fret about what to do, with some happy jumping and cheering by Tere that he is there.

Mariano and Cutberto are talking about how Mar is now sure that nothing happened between Tere and Arturo in Cancun. Cutberto tells him to think real good about what he is going to do. Mar says she wanted to explain and he never gave her the chance. Cutberto says he’s not pleased with Tere because she’s taking his Juanita away from him. But, Cutb says, if he really loves her, find her. One side of Mariano wants to go running to find her but on the other, she’s lied to him so many times and she’s always done what was convenient for her. Cutberto says, but you love her. Mariano says yeah, I can’t stop thinking about her. Cutb says go for it, then laments about Juanita going out with someone else.

Back to the three’s company apartment. Juana’s like, look at you, so happy. Go get some perfume to get the alcoholic stink off of you. (She says something like mano de gata/o?) Tere goes to do so, but stops. No, she says, make him suffer more. Tell him I am not here.  Juana tries to resist, but she gives in and Tere runs to hide in the bedroom. He comes in and asks for Teresa. Juana says she isn’t here. He asks where she is? Juana says she doesn’t know, the poor girl is so sad. He says tell her it is urgent and to call him or answer when he calls her. Juana says she will and he leaves. Tere bursts out of the bedroom, but then has to hide and shh Juana because of the notoriously thin walls and open windows of the vecindad.

Aurora is out to coffee with Marin, telling him about when she went to Paris, for ‘personal reasons,’ and that she didn’t study medicine there because she wanted to be a teacher instead. He asks how she ended up in medicine now? She says she wants to be a pediatrician so she can be close to the kids. She says she wants to do things like that he and Paloma are doing. He says this is perfect, because then they will have plenty more things to do together. Then he says that he is a big kid, so he needs a pediatrician to take care of him. She laughs.

Paloma casa. Her maid tells her there is someone to see her. She asks who and the answer is, “Soy yo.” It’s Arturo and he asks if they can talk. Claro! She says, por supuesto. They kiss on the cheek. He says he came to talk about what happened. He couldn’t stop thinking about her kissing him. She is all smiles. He still feels something very strong for her. Bigger smiles. She hugs him. Arturo looks like this is very difficult for him… and possibly that he is taking in the brief moment between them.

Tere is changed, and hopefully showered, and they immediately turn to the topic of Arturo. Tere wants him to suffer, miss her, and rethink the whole socios with Paloma thing. Juana says what is important is that they love each other and they can be together. If she doesn’t get back with him, then this mujer has a free path to Arturo. Teresa tells Juana to keep working on her dress because there will be a boda. She then shows Juana the magazine with Mariano in it. They both seem very proud.

Arturo and Paloma are just pulling out of the hug. She is about to go in for a kiss. “Arturo, mi amor, mi—“No, no, no, no. Paloma, no, espera. ” He says, ‘I told you that I enjoyed kissing you, but it was bad. We can never do it again.’ She goes off telling him he feels something for her, how she has dreamed of kissing him like that, etc. But he is adamant. What happened between us was strong, and I still like you a lot, but my feelings are for somewhere else. She says, no. He says, I was confused. She says, because you have feelings for me. But she needs to give him the opportunity to make his life somewhere else. Why? She asks. I still love you and you still feel something for me. Let’s try, Arturo, let us have this opportunity. She is close to him and begging and he looks like he is really, really struggling with this.

Refugio in her house. Juana walks in to show her the magazine with Mariano. Juana basically begs her forgiveness and Refugio gives in. She says since Rosita died she’s wanted to be closer to Tere but she hasn’t been able to. Juana says together they will protect Teresa.

Johnny and Pati talking and walking in some park or something, and just as I am thinking about these couples not doing a very good job about keeping their secret relationships behind closed doors, Grumps grabs Pati’s arms and literally pulls the kiss apart. Grumps is fuming and Pati and Johnny are a bit shocked.

Luisa and Arturo. Luisa is impactada that he went to see Paloma. He says he was trying to clear up his feelings. And what happened? She asks. Paloma asked him to give them another opportunity. “Buenas tardes,” says Teresa, who’s just arrived. Now Art is impactado.

Grumps says this is the last straw! Grumps is dumping on Johnny and screaming at Pati. She says not to offend Johnny, and that all girls have boyfriends. Grumps says he is calling her parents. Johnny tries the, I really love her, route, but Grumps is not having it. He says if that were true, he wouldn’t have gone out with her in secret like a delinquent! (Have to say, Grumps has a point there.) Johnny is fired (if he sees him near her again Grumps will call the police) and Pati is dragged/pushed away. Johnny cries on his knees.

Luisa says she is happy Tere is there. Then she leaves her with Arturo. She says she didn’t use the key he gave her, she didn’t have the right. Arturo says, ‘don’t say that, Teresa. Did your madrina tell you I was looking for you.’ ‘No,’ Tere says, ‘I didn’t go to her house. I only came for my things and to return this. Your keychain, with the keys for the house.’ She holds them out and when he doesn’t take them she tosses them on his desk. ‘Ay, our invitations,’ she says and reaches to touch them, ‘I don’t want to see any of this, there is no point. And for our work, I will come another day and make sure everything is in order.’ ‘No, Teresa, you’re not going to go,’ he says, grabbing her hand and pulling her to him. ‘I don’t want you to go. I love you.’ He kisses her passionately and the music picks up.

They are still kissing, and Tere says ‘I love you, but we can’t continue like this. Paloma will separate us.’ He says, ‘Teresa, I love you, too and I want to marry you. And for that I want to be sincere and tell you that… I went to see Paloma.’ ‘How could you go looking for her?’ ‘You were right about what you said. She is still in love with me.’ Now she either says: ‘And did you have the nerve to tell her off?’ (y tienes el descaro de contara malo?) OR ‘And you have the nerve to tell me?’ (y tienes el descaro de contara me lo?) I think the first one based on his face. Yeah, I hear malo. I’m pretty sure.

Mariano shows up at Juana’s looking for Teresa. He is not pleased to find that Arturo was here looking for her, too. She says Tere had her tell him she was not there, and she left because she had things to do. He wants to know where. He has the right to know where she went if they broke up. Juana says that she and Mariano broke up, too. And Juana says she is sure Teresa is going to go back to Arturo, but Mariano protests that Teresa loves HIM. She is going to return to HIM. If Juana sees him tell her… Nothing except that he was looking for her. She says she will.

Paloma is telling Genoveva that she told Arturo that she loves him and she asked him for another chance. They talk about how Teresa is too young for him and that she is just going to abuse him. Paloma has picked up on the fact that she is just dazzled that he has everything she does not. Paloma says that Art is definitely sure in his love for her. Then she beats herself up about what happened in the past. ‘How could I have made this mistake?!’ Gen says she cant change what happened but she can change what is coming. She tells her not to give up. Paloma says she won’t, then swoons about the kiss. She is going to make Arturo understand that Teresa is a gold digger!

Arturo is begging Teresa not to leave. She says she doesn’t want him near Paloma. He says it is the same he feels about her and Mariano when he sees him with her parents. She is mad that he still thinks that Mariano is important to her. He knows that sometimes she still sees him and it makes him angry and jealous. She says he means nothing to her, no matter what he does. He says it is the same with Paloma. When he thinks about her being near him he thinks that she loves only him and she will demonstrate it. She says, yes, you can’t doubt that I love you. And you can’t doubt that I love you, he says. Please, he begs, let’s just forget everything. Let’s go on with the wedding. ‘Arturo, my vida,’ she says, she is not going to let Paloma get between them. But she is going to try, because she can’t live without him. She simply can’t. Big besos. She thoughtbubbles, ‘sabia que y vas a caer.’ I knew it, and you are going to fall. He can’t be without her either, he says. He can’t. But she wants to do something first, so she can respect and be tranquil about it.

Pati and Grumps are yelling. He is going to keep her in the house like a prisoner and her papa is on board. She is not going to be like her mom and be married by force. She is going to escape.

Mariano is at Aurora’s house. He is there looking for Teresa, and I believe he says he went to look for her at Arturo’s house, but we never saw that… not on the Youtube version anyway… but she wasn’t there. Aurora is like, you went to his house looking for her??? He says no matter how hard he tries, he can’t get Teresa out of his heart. He loves her. Well, she’s not here, look for her somewhere else. And sorry, but she has things to do. Aurora looks pissed, and walks away. Mariano is about to follow her and ask her something. At that moment, Martin shows up. Martin, come in, she says, see you later Mariano. I hope you find Teresa. He is just dropping something off for her, but she says he didn’t need to do it. He says, it was a great pretext to see her again.

Luisa and Fernando. She is pissed Arturo went to see Paloma. Fer says he told him to do so. She asks if he forgot everything she did to her brother. No he didn’t forget, and he doesn’t like her either. Arturo loves Teresa, Luisa says. Fer lets it slip that he and Paloma kissed. Whaaaa? Luisa says it is the last straw. He says that Arturo still feels something for Paloma and he needed to figure it out. And what, Luisa says, do the same to Tere that Paloma did to Arturo? And, Fer says, would you prefer that he married Tere when he had doubts?

Paloma is in her house and her maid says that Sr. de la Barrera is her to see her. She is so happy, fixing up herself, when in walks Sr. de la Barrera and his Mrs. Tiburoncita to be. Hola Paloma, Tere says and Paloma is surprised and upset to see her (or more importantly, probably, them two together.) What are you guys doing here? She asks. Tere gives her biggest fake smile.

Luisa and Fer again. Luisa: Of course, you say, give one a try. If it doesn’t work, you have the other. He says not to be mad and to understand that all he wants is for Arturo not to return to Teresa unless he is absolutely sure. He has doubts because of Paloma. And what do you want, Luisa asks, for him to get his hopes up with Paloma again and for her to hurt him again? He says it doesn’t have to be that way again. Luisa doesn’t trust Paloma. And she doesn’t think Fer does either. Fer says he just want the best for Arturo. Her, too. Then, why are we fighting? He asks. She smiles and says he is right.  This fight made me chuckle toward the end. This way Arturo can see who he wants to be with, Teresa or Paloma.

Paloma is confused. Arturo says that he loves Teresa and they are going to get married, like he said. Teresa says she hopes it doesn’t bother her that they came, when, no matter what, she will be her future husband’s business associate. They explain that they will be in the Cancun project, both of them, and anything she needs she can tell directly to Teresa. Teresa says that she is part of Arturo’s past… Arturo seems to cringe at this… and that they would love to invite her to their wedding. She hands her the invite, and Paloma only takes it once Arturo gives a little nod. Paloma is understandably upset. Tere says she hopes that she doesn’t miss it, and kisses Arturo on the cheek.

Aida and Paulo. He is laying on her like a child might on a mother… heh like her real bebe! Anyway. They are talking about his bachelor party which is tonight and all the craziness that usually happens. Then she continues to say how happy she is they are going to marry and live together and share everything. Then she says that she’s loved him since before high school. He says he is happy to marry her, and it looks like he might actually mean it.

Aurora is talking with her Dad. He asks how the meal was with Martin. Good she says, and she is eating something with a spoon. Doesn’t look thick enough to be ice cream. Banana smoothie maybe? Oooh, that sounds good. Anyway, she is upset because Mariano came to the house looking for Teresa. Daddy says and I told you so and she says she knows, she knows. She doesn’t think he will ever forget Teresa. He knows how much she loves Mariano, but he is glad that she has changed her attitude. Yes she says, she needs to meet more people. See more options. And, Martin is good-lookin’, he made a good impression, and she likes him. He invited her to a club and she said no, but… she reaches for her phone and her dad steals her smoothie and she playfully hits him. He eats some of it. She calls and tells him she thought better and she can go out with him.

Mariano walks into casa Chavez and tells Refugio that he couldn’t find Teresa. She says she is happy that he wants to talk to her. Armando walks in and hears Mariano says he cant stop loving Teresa and that is why—Armando cuts him off. ‘What are you saying?’ ‘That I want to talk to Teresa.’ “How are you going to talk to T—’ The door opens and in walks Teresa and Her Hot Professor. Please get one of those in grad school, please get one of those in grad school, please get one of those…. Ay, sorry. I lost track of what I was doing. Where was I? Oh yes, Tere and Arturo walk in, looking none too pleased that Mariano is there. ‘Teresa I was looking for you.’ ‘For what?’ answers Arturo. ‘To tell her to give us another chance. Marry me, Teresa.’ Tere looks sad and Arturo looks PISSED!

End of Cap 51

Capitulo 52 Ay, Su Corazon.
Arturo says, ‘Teresa and I are going to get married.’ Mariano says, to Teresa, ignoring the fact that Arturo is all up in his face, ‘Don’t commit this error, Teresa.’ Teresa says, ‘You and I have nothing to talk about now, and go please, go and—’ Mariano cuts her off, ‘No, no, no, Teresa I am not going—’ ‘BASTA!’ says Arturo with the authority of a well seasoned profe. Teresa is going to be my wife and I don’t want you near her. Armando takes Mariano and begs him to leave with him. Refuse-to-not-butt-in says Hija, at least listen to him. (Arturo’s face here kills me. He is so angry.) Teresa flips and says no she has nothing to listen to mom, understand she is going to marry Arturo, and never will go back to another man. Arm and Mar leave. Es el colmo, mama! It’s your fault Mariano thinks he has rights to me but he doesn’t at all. Arturo says, Senora, I understand that you like him, but I don’t want this guy near Teresa. She is going to be my wife and if he doesn’t know how to respect I will make sure he does. Teresa says she hopes that Mariano won’t bother her ever again and that she (mom) will stop the foolishness. Teresa says that they came to explain exactly what happened in Cancun and to give them the invitation to their wedding, but she’s not going to waste her time. She leaves with Arturo.

Paulo is with Fito, buyin some druuugs, saying it will be the last time he buys. It’s his bachelor party tonight. He explains it is his idea to stop the drugs, this is the last night.

Johnny and Cutberto are putting a ladder up to Pati’s house, hoping to break her out. When Johnny is half way up, Grumps comes into view but doesn’t see him. Cutberto distracts him and Johnny hides.

Aurora is at the club with Martin. He is glad she decided to come. She says they had fun and she had no reason not to. He then confesses that ‘me encantas.’ He adores her. She is beautiful and interesting and above all she has a big heart. She is looking uncomfortable. He would love the have the chance to go out with her. He says, he knows, he knows, everyone always says he is too forward, but that’s who he is, he can’t avoid it. She thanks him for his sincerity but she doesn’t know what to say. He says she can say she accepts and will go out with him and they can continue to get to know each other. She says, for right now, all I can say is that I like you a lot, but you are going very fast Martin. He says, it’s not like he’s saying they should marry. He is just saying that they should see each other and go out. She says, okay, they can see what happens. Her phone rings. It is Aida. She says she will definitely be there with her tomorrow. Then hangs up, saying it was her friend who is getting married. As she is explaining, Luisa comes up and says hi, oooh and with her hot hunka boyfriend in tow. They introduce one another and Holy Manolos! Either Martin is really tall or everyone else in this scene is very short. He looks a little disappointed when Aurora invites them to get a drink with them.

Arturo and Teresa walking into his house. She says she is so happy to be back in his house. Close to him. They kiss and she says they will see each other tomorrow. She says voy acostar me (I’m going to bed.) He tells her to wait. He says he wants to talk about Mariano. She says that is the last thing she wants to talk about (I bet!) He says he doesn’t understand how he could think that he has the right to ask her to marry her, if he was never her boyfriend why he is tan aferrado (so stuck on you/clingy.) She says, I don’t know. How can you not know, he says. You don’t think he seems rather insistent for someone who only went out with you a few times? Okay, fine, she says, I will tell you the truth. Yes, we were novios. Ah, Arturo says, you were novios. Yes, she says, when we were young kids, but obviously he could never overcome the fact that I left him when I went into high school. And why didn’t you tell me when I asked you, he says, including when I saw you hugging. When you saw us hugging, we weren’t novios and I never said it then because it didn’t matter. She says she always said it was over, and always said no, but he is very proud and clung on more. Whatever, Arturo says, but if you go back one more time. Why are you saying this to me, she says. What she wants is for him to stop bothering her. He is glad she understands because he was about to… Mi amor, she says, You see? This is the same as what I feel about you and Paloma but like you say, we need to be sure of each other’s love and trust. You in me and me in you. Kiss, though he is still thinking about the conversation.

Antro! Fernando, Luisa, Martin y Aurora! Dancing! Fun! All night!

Morning. Jaws music. Teresa is hanging up the phone saying ‘Gracias!’ in a tone of voice that can only mean she is up to no good. Juana comes down and sees her with papers and says, you can’t be working so early! No, she says, and shows Juana the papers that Ruben gave Espe to show that he was divorcing his wife. Juana reads and says, so he really was divorcing her? Teresa says that she thinks anyone who sees these papers would be convinced of that fact. Even his daughter Aida. So now they aren’t divorcing? Juana asks. She thinks that he regretted it and made up with her. Juana says she hopes that his wife sees them so that she knows what kind of man she is married to. Teresa brings up the dinner at Paulo’s with all the Luna Torquesa investors. She mentions Paloma, Genoveva and Aida, who won’t stop bothering her. And she is not going to let that go. If she continues to do that, then Tere is going to make like impossible for Aida and for Paulo.

Paulo shows up way hung over… or possibly still drunk… at his house and Gen immediately rags on him. (Does anyone else think that Gen is like, totally stuck in the eighties… or some horrible other decade with the hair and clothes she wears all the time??) Paulo’s like, get off my back, ma, it was my bachelor party. They talk and he groans mostly, and says he has a headache. She says she will go make him a coffee bien cargado (good and strong.) Paulito pulls out more precarious pills.

Mariano shows up at the clinic and Aurora is not there. Magda says she asked her to cover. She leaves to check on a patient that had a fever in the morning. And 3..2..1.. oh it’s Tere, I thought it would be Aurora. What are you doing here, asks Mariano. She asks why he asked her to marry her last night when she left Art for him and he told her to go to hell. Because he was crazy jealous, what does she think? She went to Cancun with him. What did she expect? That you would trust me, she says, that you would at least listen but you did not. This is why you went back with this imbecile? You said you would never come back to me and por si fuera poco, (last but not least,) you sent Aurora to tell me this. What are you talking about? He asks. She told me that you would never come back to me and it didn’t matter to you that I broke it off with Arturo. I said it in a moment of rage, Teresa, of doubt. You need to understand that you had lied to me a lot. Teresa says, I wanted to start with you again, she says. After many of your disappointments, Arturo came looking for me, and I accepted. Why, Teresa, why? he asks. If you don’t love him. For money? Of course not, she says, I believed that I had lost you. And Arturo is good. He loves me. And I know that I could love him. (‘quererlo’ I think. I might have missed that last line she said.) Please, he says, if you want to marry me let’s do it right now. Last night I gave you the chance to leave him and you didn’t. It’s becoming very clear that, again, you ambition is more important than love. Shut up, she says. That was his last opportunity with her, ever. She marches out and he pushes the contents of his desk onto the floor.

Casa de la Barrera. Arturo asks how it was last night with Fernando. Luisa says it was very good, they ran into Aurora and her friend and it was a lot of fun. But, I wanted to talk about Paloma, she says. How could you go see her? I wish I could give you an answer, she says, but I am so confused, that I am not sure I could give you a real answer. I hope that you know that what you did was not good, she says. He knows. Luisa then asks if she would support Teresa if in a moment of confusion she kissed Mariano? He says he doesn’t even want to think about it. She says, entonces no te hagas a Teresa lo que no te gustaria que ti hiciera a ti. (then, don’t do to Teresa what you would not like done to you.) I talked to her. She knows I saw Paloma, he says. Of course, I didn’t say that we kissed. I ask you please not to tell her, don’t complicate things. Then do what you need to do to make things better. Arturo, she asks, promise me that next time you see Paloma you will put her in her place. Let her know clearly that you only want to see her as an associate not like a man.

Teresa walks somewhere outside and sees Paulo, whom she was looking for. She is glad she saw him, and glad that she can give him this. She hands him her wedding invitation. For him and Aida, now that they are friends. He says that she will never be Aida’s friend. And she is only being nice so that you won’t tell her mom that her dad was with another woman. Ay, these things, she says, affairs have consequences. What do you want to say to her? That these things happen, (I missed her next line, I may be able to hear better when I watch my DVRd version.) Plus, she has her wedding gift! He isn’t interested. She knows that he isn’t interested in any of his own wedding, poor guy. Too bad you didn’t marry me and now you have to marry Aida. Aida? He says, Aida is worth a thousand times more than her! (I remember this being said to Paulo about Mariano in one of my earlier recaps.) Please, she says, stepping closer and laughing when he fidgets. I get close and look how you react, she says. I am a real woman, she says, Teresa is much less than that. Like you. Shut up, he says. It’s true, You don’t know what a real man is, she says. Oh no? he says, I am going to show you, and he tries to force a kiss on her. She pushes him away. Suletame! She says. Poco hombre eres. Eres un infeliz! He says. I loved you for real, he says. You, you only wanted me for money. And what else could make me so close to a… bebe that gets all his money from his mami. You were never anything to me, you are so much less. Tu eres una… una zorra! He says. (Bitch, whore.) No, she says, I am a woman who knows what I want and how to get it, whereas you, me das pena (I feel bad for you.) sabes, voy a pedirle a Dios para que te ilumine o te elimine. (You know, I am going to pray to God to enlighten you or to eliminate you.) Paulo is distressed and Teresa bounces away.

Aida and Aurora are in the salon. Aida is so happy it’s almost the day of her boda. Aurora is happy to see her so happy. Aurora says she has a glimmer in her eye. Aurora talks about how it is the best to start a life with the man you love, and to always have him at your side. Yes, and you know, Aida says, finally, I beat Teresa.

Teresa is talking to a taxista. Nope, not that one. Some other guy.  She is giving him a manilla envelope. This is the wedding gift? He asks. Yes, she says, it may not look like one but it is a gift. She wants him to bring it at the precise moment that Aida is leaving for the church. He says he will. She pays him not to ruin the surprise or to say who it was who sent it. He will do as she asks. They thank each other and walk away.

Uh oh. Paulo is NOT looking so good. He is totally up in the freakin’ clouds right now. He finds Fito and asks for something strong. Fito says he thought last time was the last time, but Paulo says Well, he wants some and Fito knows that he pays and well. Fito sells him something.

Aida is getting all purdy and Aurora is accompanying her, smiling. Guau! Aurora says, she loves how Aida looks. She says it is exactly how she wants it this Saturday.

Uh oh, Paulo is fully embracing the sixties now, hugging a tree and high out of his mind. Teresa’s voice is echoing in his mind, all of her insults, All that I want is for you to leave me alone! Hasta Nunca, Paulo! The way you are now, doesn’t serve me at all. And the last echo, is the most recent. ‘Voy a pedirle a Dios para que te ilumine o te elimine.’

Genoveva and Maira are preparing for that must be the bachelorette party. Gen is saying how happy she was to see Paloma with Arturo. They would all be so happy if he would forget about Teresa. Maira says to forget about Teresa. She is out of their children’s lives. Gen tells Maira about how she and Art went to give their wedding invitation to PALOMA. Don’t get messed up in that, Maira says. It’s better to make peace. That is what she asked of Aida. She should do the same with Paulo. Gen says she can’t forgive Teresa. You know that she lied to me and Paulo for two years, said that her parents were millionaires, on vacations, that they basically abandoned her. Forget about this, Maira says, now is the time for fun! They laugh and Gen says, si.

Magda is again telling Mariano to forget about Teresa. He shakes his head and she asks why not. They see Paulo passed out on the ground and run. Ooooh! Who called it that Mariano was going to save Paulo? Nailed it. Mariano recognizes him and says he has no pulse. Magda says he is dead. Okay, maybe he won’t save him…

Aurora and Aida. Aida is in her dress and everything and Aurora says she is ready. Aida says, Paulo and I are getting married! And not Teresa, not anyone, can separate us.

Back to Mariano and Paulo. Mariano is performing CPR and he tells Magda to get what he needs something from the clinic and she goes to get it. Pablito comes up to ask what’s going on. He tells him to tell his mom to call an ambulance and he runs off. He literally runs into Fito and shows him what is happening. Pab asks if he has a cell and Fito says no because he doesn’t have credit. But he is barely paying attention because he sees what is happening and he knows he is in deep s…neakers. Magda says she called an ambulance. Fito takes his leave. He sticks a big needle in his chest.

Teresa and Aurora are sitting at the Casa de la Barerra when Arturo walks in. Tere asks how the court went. Better than he hoped, he says, and the kiss. Luisa excuses herself. He asks her out to dinner tonight to celebrate that everything is good with them once again. She agrees. She says she felt horrible when she believed that they were going to cancel the wedding. He asks her not to fight with him anymore. She asks if he has a bit of time to talk about the honeymoon. He says yes and they are about to kiss when her phone rings. He asks if she won’t answer. She says not it is not important. She looks at it again and he asks who it is. She says it is Mariano. He says he is going to say to this guy what he deserves to hear. He answers and starts to say Don’t call Teresa anymore infeliz—but Mariano cuts him off and explains he needs to talk to Aida and Paulo’s mom. Arturo asks what happened? He is grave, I don’t know if he will survive. What happened? Asks Arturo. Tere is worried it’s her mom but Auturo shakes his head and listens dutifully. He explains that they are on the way to the hospital but they don’t know if he will survive, he needs to get in touch with his girlfriend and mom. Arturo says he will tell them. What happened? Teresa asks. Paulo suffered un paro cardiaco (cardiac arrest.) Teresa is muy impactada, ‘Ay no puede ser. Ay, no, no. I just saw him a little while ago and gave him the invitation for our wedding. No, no puede ser.’ ‘Tranquilla Teresa, calmate,’ Arturo says. She is repeating No puede ser, then remembers herself saying, ‘Voy a pedirle a Dios para que te ilumine o te elimine.’ She can’t believe it. He says what they need to do now is tell Genoveva. She says si, and stands up though she is still freaking out.

Aida is trying on her dress and saying she thinks she gained some weight when her phone rings. She answers and it is Teresa. She asks what she wants, an invitation to her bachelorette party? Teresa tries to explain that Paulo is hurt but Aida doesn’t believe her. Aurora asks what happened and Aida says stupid Teresa is making up that Paulo is in the hospital. Aurora asks to take the phone. She says they will be there and hangs up. I’m sorry Aida, she says, but what Teresa said is true. Aida says, QUE?! She starts to freak out, too and they grab the keys to get over there cuanto antes (as soon as possible.)

Fito is pulling a suitcase and calls Pablito over to him. Pab says that Mariano revived him but they had to take him to the hospital. Pab sees his suitcase and asks if he is going on a trip. Yes, Fito says, he is going away for a while and gives Pablito rent money to give his mom. Fito leaves.

Teresa is holding onto the stairs for dear life, wondering if Paulo is mal because of what she said.. no, no, no, no puede ser. Then she repeats, Paulo is going to be okay, Paulo is going to be okay. Arturo comes in and she asks if he called Ruben. Arturo says he wouldn’t believe it either. Then, he comments on how bent out of shape Teresa looks. She says she is worrying about if what happened to Paulo happened to Arturo. He says not to torment herself with something that won’t happen. She says she knows that Aida doesn’t care much for her but she wants to go to the hospital. He agrees. He already told Ruben they would be there for whatever he needed.

Mariano and Paulo are at the hospital and he is shouting orders and being a doctor.

Aida and Aurora are in the car. Aida is telling her to drive through a light and Aurora is saying them getting in an accident will help no one. Gen hasn’t answered her yet, but she does just then. Que? No, no, eso no puede ser! She says.

Back to Paulo and Mariano. He flatlines and Mariano has to shock him. Aurora drops Aida at the front of the hospital and she gets out, running in her dress.

Juana and Cutberto. He tries to come in, she tries to kick him out. He says he has some work for her. His pans need fixing. She agrees to fix them for him when he tries to do it himself.

Hector and Mariano talking. Mar did the blood work and Paulo was way intoxicated with drugs. Aida shows up and wants to know where he is. Hector tells her that Mariano saved him, and she is all TU? You saved him? Mar says yes but he is very delicate right now. She wants to see him. They say no at first, but then let her go in.

Back to Juana and Cutberto. He doesn’t want to lose her. You can’t lose what you never had. He begs to be forgiven for telling Ref about Cancun. She says he is only her neighbor and sometimes her client. She puts up a strong front and ignores his sweet talking but when he leaves, she is upset to give up her mariachi. ‘Ay, Cutberto.’

Aida crying over Paulo’s hospital bed. Since they were kids she has liked him. The most important day for her was when they started to go out. She talks about marrying him and seeing his eyes look at her every morning. Aida, he whispers. She shhs him and says that they are going to get through this. They are going to go through everything together. I need to tell you, he says. She tells him to save his strength. She will be at his side every day to care for him. Perdon, yo, he says, but she tells him not to talk and puts her hand over his mouth. It was Teresa, he says. Aida stops crying for a second to take that in. Te… he whispers and then flat lines again. No, no, no, no! Aida screams, freaks out, yells, stomps, begs him to come back, yells at him not to die, no! she screams and, looking and sounding like she might throw up, she runs out yelling for a doctor. Mariano appears and runs in. She begs him to save him, please, save him. Tell her, what is happened, please. Marano says, I’m sorry Aida, there is nothing I can do for Paulo. Noooooooo! She wails. She begs Mariano to save him, pushing him toward Paulo. No, bebe, she yells, open your eyes! And she touched his face. She is screaming at him and crying and punching the hospital bed. Mariano tries to pull her away but she yells at him to let her go and leans back on Paulo begging, please.

Dude, people keep dying on my recaps. I hope it’s not something I’m doing…

Juana walks into casa Chavez. Juana asks how she is. She says that she was just emotionally bad last night, not physically. She says Tere is getting married. Juana says but this is really good news. If she is marrying for love, yes, says Refugio. Juana says of course she is. The usual conversation. Refu is a total unbudger. Juana is optimistic. Refu says her daughter doesn’t love her. But she is glad that Esperanza is there. Juana talks about the dress she is making for Refugio and she says not to change the subject. HAH. Wow, that must be like her worst nightmare. Tere didn’t even come to see her when she was in the vecindad. She doesn’t want to come back here, to this house, Refugio says.

Aurora asks her papa Hector if she thinks that Paulo will be okay. He says his condition is very delicate. Mariano walks up and breaks the news. He bends down to tell Aurora and she hugs him and cries. Just then Tere and Arturo walk up. Tere asks why Aurora is crying. How is Paulo? Hector tells her that unfortunately he has died. She cries, no puede ser. Mariano says he couldn’t resist the excesses. (?) She hugs Arturo and Mariano and Arturo seem to glare at one another.

Back to Aida, still crying on Paulo. Mariano comes in and looks really sad to see Aida the way she is. He tries to take her away and she resists. He eventually pulls her away enough to cradle her into his arms and she continues to sob. (Kudos for this actress. I say she has done well with this.)

Aurora, Hector, and Arturo are sitting in a waiting area. Aurora can’t believe that Paulo was using drugs. Hector says that they did the analyses. There is no doubt. He died of an overdose. Arturo says it is better not to say this to Aida, she is already suffering. Aurora agrees, and then she asks if there is anyone who can take care of the body and legal matters. She assumes that Genoveva doesn’t have the head to deal with these things. Hector and Aurora says that they will do whatever they can to help him. Aurora is really upset. She has known Paulo since he was novio de… Teresa, Arturo finishes. He knows, don’t worry. Teresa is really worried, too. Aurora was just with Aida, getting her wedding dress and she had never seen her so happy. Poor girl.

Armando is cleaning floors and he walks by Teresa who is distraught. She is remembering the conversation with Fito and then the thing she said to Paulo, (Voy a pedirle a Dios para que te ilumine o te elimine.) How awful that that boy died, he says.
She didn’t believe that he could die, she swears to her dad, she didn’t know. He says he will go get Arturo for her but she says she will go get him, still apparently embarrassed that he is cleaning floors. Paulo comes out with Mariano behind her and she sees Teresa. And you what are you doing here?! You came to see that everything went just how you wanted?! Understand me, Aida. It’s your fault that Paulo died! He told me before he died! It was your fault! What are you saying, Aida? she asks. Te odio, Maldita! She says as she takes the cleaning liquid out of Armando’s hand and throws it in Teresa’s face. Teresa screams and says it hurts or it got in her eyes or something.

And on that pleasant note we end tonight. Tere’s first. (and only?...we can hope) ‘kill.’ RIP Paulo.

End of Cap 52


Triunfo del Amor #109 5/11/11 Max Has A New Identity Crisis

[This is a repost of last Wednesday's which was lost and then returned yesterday, but 
only as a draft.  Sorry the comments seem to have been lost during the repairs done to the system.  To avoid losing it again, would somebody who sees this please post to the feed/sidebar for me? Thanks! --ed.]

As we begin the nightly chagrin, Max has come to speak with Leonela at Guillermo’s place and has gallantly offered to cover her expenses and provide her a decent place to live rather than have her beholden to the man who feigned friendship for decades and then stole half-ownership in a theater and a fortune from his father. To make matters worse, his mama and Gui tell him that he’s their love-child. Duhn-duhn-duhnnnnn! --And y’all thought you had problems!    

Alonso has reappeared at Maria’s with a pink bouquet and a sea green scarf around his neck giving it the old college try again. Maria accepts the flowers and again tries to let Lonnie down easy. She is moving in and moving on with Max, fool! (Viewerville has joined Maria in thinking this guy just doesn’t know when it’s time to just let it go and learn to deal! Poor Lon is such a glutton for punishment you gotta wonder why he keeps knocking his head on this part of the vecindad’s wall.)  He claims that one suffers if s/he’s in love or else, it’s not love.  (Ugh. No wonder this dude got involved with the likes of Jimena!) Maria says she’s suffered enough, so it’s love and the one she loves and chooses to suffer with and over is Max!  M.A.X.  She hopes Lon can find somebody to love who’ll love him back this time.

Victoria, meanwhile, is still having it out with Papa Padre Juan Pablo, for getting a bit too chummy with Maria. Padre JP refuses to tell her why he's taken such a special interest (and she's too nearsighted to see the forest for the proverbial trees  despite the roadsigns all along the way).  He gives her priestly obscurities instead. She is stuck in the dark shroud of bitterness. When she finally allows Dios to rekindle the light of her soul, he says, then and only then will she find peace and understand. Until then, tough tootsie-pops! She gets frustrated and asks why the heck she even bothers with him any longer since all he does is give her grief. PPJP says she can go somewhere else if she cares to, but obviously she doesn’t and has chosen him as her spiritual guide. He answers with more pastoral ambiguous claptrap: sincerely love all those who surround you and then you’ll find peace. She can only complain about the tragedies that she’s suffered through. He quotes a very quotable quote from St. Augustine: “The measure of love is to love without measure.” Vic is all thanks for nothing, you pious jerk! And to think I could have gone to bed with a supercilious slug like you!

Back at Family Feud, Max is not only disgusted, but totally unwilling to believe a treacherous worm like Gui could ever be his big bad bio-dad. (Nobody can blame him there!) Loonie-ella confirms the illicit relationship between her and her hubby’s ex-BFF before passing out on the couch in a drunken stupor. Max looks for answers from Guillermo. His version is that he was just a young actor, not fully established and he joined the cast of a show his mother was working on. They had a fling, he fell hopelessly in love with her, but once Osvaldo came onto the scene, she dumped him and married Oz. Soon she learned she was pregnant, but it was Gui’s kid, not Oz’s. That baby was Max. He kept quiet all these years to give Max a better life than he could have offered him, especially with his mother in jail. Max needs time to process. He can’t get his lush of a mother to wake up and tells Gui he’ll be back for her the next morning.

Back in the bowels of the barrio, Juanjo has invited not only Nathy, but Napo, the jarochas and Don Joel to come to the dance club that night. (What kind of a date is that? Inviting, not just mama along to chaperon, but half the vecindad as well?) Milagros is not such a happy camper once she hears that the jarochas are coming also. FF>

Max comes over to tell Maria the unhappy news. He’s having a tough time absorbing it all. Bad enough learning that your mother was a cold-blooded murderer and an alcoholic to boot, but then to find out that your dad was a lying, thieving S.O.B.!  (Got to admit that's some gene-pool!)

JJ, Nathy, Mili and the rest of the gang hot-foot it over to the dance club for a night of high-steppin’ hoofery. FF>>

While Max is still searching his bared soul, Lon walks in without knocking --something about having left his camera there. He stops in mid-sentence and grimaces as he stares over at Maria sitting all lovey-dovey on Max’s lap. The two start to squabble. Alonso says they’ve got a situation here since the two of them are both in love with Maria and BTW, why doesn’t he look for somebody like his parents or his wife to console him every time he’s got another problem, instead of poor Maria? Max says, well, FYI, Ji and he are divorced now so he and Maria are planning on getting married ASAP! He hopes that sinks in.

Roxy, meanwhile, comes to visit Jimena. The nurse lets her know that Ji got really upset after her friends, Max and Maria, came by to see her.  Aparrently, poor Roxy doesn't know what to do with that kind of information.

Max and Lon begin to argue like a couple of school-kids again till Maria finally tells them she’s had enough and kicks both their sorry backsides out onto the sidewalk.

Ji whines to her mother about how Maria and Max came by to make fun of her, and to tell her that they’re going to get even with her for all she did to them. Roxy says it can’t be since Max doesn’t know that the baby isn’t his. Ji insists that both he and his slut know about the baby and begs her mother to help her get loose.

Back at the dance club, after a wild time of it, Napo and Mili end up dancing together. Looks like luhhv is in the air for those two.....

Jimena whines and whines till she manages to persuade her addle-brained mother to unbuckle the leather straps --a big mistake! Ji threatens Rox and forces her to switch places with her so she can escape.

At the same time, JP is visiting Mama. Bernarda complains that Maria refused to accept her offer to model for her at the fashion house and then had the nerve to tell her off. JP saysthat after the terrible way she’s made Maria suffer and tried to feed her b.s. about her mother having abandoned her, not to mention avoiding giving her any real answers about her mother, it’s no wonder. What else did she expect? Burnie asks what she needs a mother for if she has her father now? JP takes the opportunity to confront her with killing his father.

Max and Alonso take it out to the street. Max tells him some guys need to know when it’s over and accept it, but that would take a bit of self-respect, something that Lonnie-boy seems to be lacking. Lon says back at you times two, dude. They’re just about to break into fisty-cuffs when JP shows up and tell them to nix the pissin’ contest.

Ji walks out of the hospital disguised with her mother’s brown scarf over her head while the nurse is distracted.  (Viewerville keeps its fingers crossed that Ji's first stop is Gui's place.)

Meanwhile, Maria metions to Papa PJP that Vic has offered her the job as lead model at Casa Victoria The Redux. PPJP suggests she take the offer unless she wants to be as stubborn and arrogant as Victoria. It’s like mana from heaven and her chance to show others how her humility has triumphed. Maria admits that making commercials doesn’t give her the rush that prancing down the runway during a show gives her. Must be in the blood, she says. JP advises her to give Victoria a chance to help her and at the same time she can help Victoria learn how to forgive.

Back at Casa Sandoval, Max spends a bit of quality time with Osguito (who, it would seem, is really his half-brother) and gives him an update on his papi’s situation. Osguito goos and gaws in all the right places.

At Gui’s place, Loonie-ella informs her host that he is in fact Max’s real bio-daddy, not that it should be any surprise, she says, since they continued seeing each other even after she and Oz were married. However, she opted not to tell him because she didn’t want to lose out on the chance to become internationally famous along with Oz. Besides, she knew that like her, Gui could care less about kids, and that they both considered them nothing more than a nuisance. Then why is she bothering with Max at all? Because nobody takes what’s Leonela’s! Well, Gui’s pretty proud of himself, having finally gotten one over on Osvaldo Sandoval, for real. Max really is his son! His son! The two celebrate the news by gettin’ busy.

The next morning the nurses at the psych hospital discover Roxy in Ji’s bed. Rox is no help at all when they ask where Ji’s gone. (Rox, you are such a waste of valuable oxygen!)

Vicki, Antonieta and Pepino open Casa Victoria Redux and first thing we get is a shameless jarring plug for Sedal hair products!  FF>>

Back at Maria’s, Nathy is baby-sitting JPito when JJ shows up with a gift for Nat. It’s a soccer banner and cap. (A vision of things to come for Nat, I guess, and definitely not as romantic as a bouquet of roses or a box of chocolates.....)

Back at Casa Vic’s, Pepi introduces his new pick for a top model--a neoclassical classic, he effuses! (Oh, is that what they're calling it these days?)  Leonela turns around.  Vic is frown-down-to-the-ground-impactada. Pepi’s been taken in! He and Toni are shocked and stunned to find out she’s Oz’s ex-incarcerated ex, alive and in the flesh.

Meanwhile, Nathy gives Juanjo a Mr. Mom lesson (PSA#2319) on the proper care and feeding of a baby for the macho male. FF>>

Back at Casa Victoria Deux, Pepi tries to shoo Looni out, but she demands to see Max first. Vic is thoroughly disgusted with the b!tch. “--You say it as if you actually loved him!” Long-suffering mother, take 2: “--Of course I do! The only thing that kept me going all those years was the hope of seeing my son again!” Wash of hogs, yells Vic! The only thing Leonela’s come back for is to get even with Oz. Right, says Looniella! Oz took advantage of her to snatch her son away from her once she was falsely condemned and sentenced to life in prison! So, says Vicki, tell me if all that pent up rage and hatred caused you to try murdering him! Yes, admits Loonie! It did! “-- I tried to kill him and I will try it again because he deserves it!”

Apparently, Maria has decided to take PPJP up on his suggestion to return to Casa Victoria as a model, but she’s nervous about the whole thing. He’s going to go along with her for moral support.

Fernanda comes in on the tail end of the argument and demands to know who this woman is. Vicki explains she’s her daddy’s first wife and Max’s mother. Loonie corrects her and says FYI she’s his ONLY wife! She’s still married to Oz and that makes Victoria nothing more than Oz’s lover and Fer, uh, well....

Pepi and Toni try to throw her out, but Loonie’s waited too long to shout the truth from the rooftops. No way is she going to be run off so easily!  She refuses to leave.  Oz walks in at this point and demands to know what she’s talking about.  “--Something that’s sure to please you greatly, Osvaldo!”

At the same time, Lon is in the park doing what he does best, snapping candid photos of people, when he suddenly has an attack of some sort and passes out. --Viewerville was about to say it’s time to give up the ghost, but it looks like he just may have!

Both Vic and Oz futilely scream at Leonela to leave them all the heck alone. Both she and the horse she rode in on can just get the heck owdathere! She won’t leave yet cuz she’s not done yet! There’s more to tell. They don’t want to listen to any more of her lies, they scream back at her! No, she says, they aren’t lies. In fact, it’s what Max found out last night, she says. Oz is furious and ominously threatening. “--Get out now or I won’t be responsible for what happens here, Leonela!” She backs down finally and walks out the door. Fer asks Vic what the woman was talking about. Vic says she hasn’t a clue and they’ll just have to wait til Max shows up.

Max, though, is in Fabian’s office giving him the 411 about the news from the night before. Fab says that knowing the snake in the grass that Gui is, there’s no way he can believe him! Max says that if it weren’t that his mother corroborated what he told Max, he wouldn’t have!

Back across the hall, Oz is telling the happy group that he knew sooner or later his ex would show up and start to cause problems for everyone. It doesn’t matter to him what lies she tells, but.... Just then Max walks in on this happy little scene. It matters to Max. Oz still thinks Max is upset about the business with the theatre and how he pissed a pile of pesos down the drain. No, it’s got nothing to do with that. Fer asks him to tell them if he knows what “truth” his mother meant to tell them. Max says that his “biological mother” told him last night that Osvaldo was not his real father. Caras de consternation all ‘round!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #14 Tuesday 5/10/11 The how to episode for Stalkers!!

This is a very quick recap, please fix any mistakes or anything I missed. My daughter has two school projects due next week and Girl Scout camp this weekend, it’s a little crazy around here. Hope you enjoy the re-cap see ya’ll next week.

A quick rehash of Monday night, Jero at the bar asking where the woman is, Gonzalo and FIna in the bedroom and Fina watching T.V. leaving Fina impactada when she sees Regina. Gonzalo seems very moved by her pain which just upsets Fina more.

Regina wraps up her interview about looking for her daughter and can’t give up hope that she will one day fond her.

Lazaro is daydreaming about Karina, he remembers asking her to marry him and telling her he loves her. Mati peeks in and sees him and looks sad for him.

Meanwhile dream girl Karina is arguing with Alvaro, about the time he spending at the hacienda and what he is doing there. She thinks he is with Mati. He swears he is not, and then say’s something about Lazaro that leaves Karina confused!! I could not make out exactly what it was.

Roberta is in the bathtub, Fina comes in asking her about the party for Matias and the company and if Regina is going to be there. She borrows the phone and swears that Regina will never set foot in her house. She then begins to tell Roberta to keep working on keeping Matias and Renata apart and to forget about Jero.

Antonio and Regina, she tells him that things are good with Constanza and her brother she was able smooth things over, He invites her to go to Madrid for a trip and she says that she can’t she is busy with work and he insists. Tells her to have fun and give there relationship a chance. He gives her plane ticket and leaves her very confused.

Fina is stewing over Regina coming back and getting close to her family.

Regina is talking with her mom about going to Madrid, and about her relationship with Antonio she is trying to get her

Jero is sitting there drinking when Renata joins him, they flirt back and forth and he is very happy for her to be there and she wants to work together, and then awww he wakes up and frets over the fact that she has invaded his dreams, they run into each other and she explains that the kiss at the bar was strange because she should only be thinking about kisses with Matias her boyfriend, and that their kiss was different and that Matias’s kisses are nice,but not like Jero’s and he insists on them kissing one more time and then the magic moment where lips meet and awwww it’s her dream so close!! So we have a split screen with our two lovers thinking about each other at the same time.

Jero is picking up Carlos from the airport. They are chatting about family and Mexico.

Roberta is laving a message for Jero, and since he did not answer the phone she throws a temper tantrum, I think her crazy is showing a little bit!!

Matias and Renata are coming back from a ride, when he asks her if she wants to get an apartment with him, to live together, Renata is a little shocked.

Jero and Carlos are in a cab. Carlos is asking him if he found Adriana yet and he says no, but she is becoming an obsession for him. He tells him that Roberta is liar and that Adriana is a part of this and he needs to find out how.

Renata explains to Matias that she can’t live with him, baecause they are not married, he doesn’t understand what that has to do with it, she explains that she wants to be married to the man she lives with, he asks what is the big deal with a piece of paper, it’s a promise of the heart that you share with family etc.. he say’s that love is about your feeling and my feeling not everybody else. She is formal and wants to get married first and he agrees to leave it alone. He goes to kiss her and she breaks the kiss quickly and begins talking about his friend Prof.

Regina is talking to Gonzalo on the phone (how is able to have a private conversation with his future wife/gf without eavesdroppers?), who is acting like a giddy teenager. He tells her he saw her on television and he feels very sorry. He tells her that he has two daughters and that they are not his daughters, she says that one of her daughters looks just like her daughter. He invites her to the party and says that he would love to see her, she accepts with a big smile. Guess she is not going to Madrid

Fina is still stewing over Regina, Gonzalo asks her to make sure that Roberta gets all the invitations out and she fake smiles a yes.

Roberta is in full stalker mode, is at Jero’s hotel looking for him and runs into Augustin and asks if he remembers her, he says yes, she asks where Jero is he says he is not there, they make small talk and he leaves. The BFF is trying to calm her, but she is fuming thinking he went back to Spain.

Jero at an apartment with Carlos and they are talking about his progress and his plans, Carlos makes sure he knows that the revenge is his own idea and Roberta calls and her answers, they flirt back and forth he lays it on very thick and tells her he is thinking about her, Carlos is obviously not on the same page he looks mildly annoyed that Jero is going through with this, Roberta on the other hand is acting like my 12 year niece with a crush.

Mati is talking to Jero he is telling her that Carlos is on his way to the Hacienda and that he is to be treated well and given full run of the house. Carlos warns him once more about his plan.

Agustin is waiting in Renata’s office, he is asking her out to go see a show, but she tells him she wants to keep things professional, she has a boyfriend, Matia’s and that she is not interested in anything other than work.

Fina is stalking Regina (hmm wonder where Roberta gets it??) Inez comes up to her car and asks her to move so Regina can park and Fina gases it out of there. Leaving Inez confused.

Lazaro is sees Karina she wants to talk about Rafael and Matilde she doesn’t want to ruin his job she knows how much it means to him, okay could they shut the seals up in the background I can’t understand a thing they are saying. Something about destiny and things not going the way he thought they would. They stop talking (and so do the seals interesting)

Alvaro is day dreaming now about some hottie flirting with him at the docks.

Roberta is at Jero’s front door and she is very glad to see him. They get very close kiss until Jero’s hand grips a little to tight around her neck, Roberta looks a little nervous.

Jero, breaks away and Roberta starts flashing skin, which just pisses him off more.

Adriana is in Renata’s office, Renata is telling her about Augustin asking her out and telling him about telling him Matias being her boyfriend and now she is worried about what people will say, about her promotion, then she starts worrying about the fact that she does not feel the same strong feelings she just does not feel strongly for him.

Jero and Roberta are getting hot and heavy and Carlos comes home. Roberta asks who he is and Jero explains that it’s his apartment and Roberta gets mad, and asks if he is rich and he says not yet, Carlos agrees that he will be. Roberta looks mad.

Lazaro and Mati are talking about work and who will be there boss, Jero, Augustin? Mati gets upset and Lazaro calms her down.

Roberta tries to salvage the situation and goes to get cuddly with Jero before leaving when Carlos asks if she can introduce him to her friends, she looks mad when she leaves and slams the door. Regina invites him to the dinner at Gonzalo’s home and he accepts (wheew that is some major bombshells all in one room, take cover)

Lazaro is comforting Mati about her pain over her job and her dreams, and calls her his little sister.

Roberta and her friend( I will learn her name eventually) are playing tennis and Roberta is whining about Jero being an imbesile, and that’s when my DVR cut out, but I learned how to extend the recording so that will not happen anymore.


Triunfo del Amor #108 5/10/11 Highlights

Max finds it in his heart to forgive Osvaldo and when the latter is discharged from the hospital, he takes him back to Casa Sandoval to convalesce.
He is a free man – his divorce has come through -- and is determined to stay with María for good this time.
He resists Rox’s pressure to go back to Ximena.

She is determined to stay with Max and fight for her own happiness. She hangs tough against the pressures coming from all sides.

He comes home to Casa Sandoval where Fer receives him warmly.
He wears disturbingly tight jeans. Oh my.
Os warns Max that Leonela is dangerous.

It’s not Victoria’s time for redemption. Her heart is still closed to Os.
Once again she is drawn to her daughter without understanding why. She shows up uninvited at María’s newly decorated pad (nice colors, she acknowledges) and asks her to model for her new firm; she is annoyed when she refuses.
She notices a framed picture of María and JP. We send intense thought beams into the tv – Look at the cross! Look at the cross! Thought transmission fails ;(
[Just to be clear -- we don't see the magic crucifix either but we all know it's there!]
She rounds out the day by accusing Padre Juan Pablo of having a tawdry love affair with María after he is foolish enough to tell Vic that ‘love’ is what ties him to the girl.

Bernarda also asks María to model for her. María turns her down too and asks her to leave.
Bernarda says María can’t make her leave because she owns the joint. Our girl replies, showing off that newly formed spine of hers: Outside the door, your rules; inside the door, my rules. And the Demented One leaves in high dudgeon.
The new designer in her company, Luciano Ferreti does a clownish makeover of the madeover Eva.

While at Casa Victoria, Pipino is so overwrought when he hears that Luciano is working for Bernarda, he goes on a dummy and fabric rampage. Oscar and Toni struggle to keep a straight face.

Ximena still languishes in the manicomio. She vows to get revenge on everyone who did her wrong, starting with Guillermo.

Leonela and Gui
Leonela repeats her “I was Medea” speech in a cantina to an unimpressed crowd.
She admits to Gui that the only one Leonela Montenegro loves is -- Leonela Montenegro!
She and Gui summon Max to Gui’s place. They tell him Gui, not Os, is his real father. True? Or are they just messing with him?

Alonso, like a bad penny that keeps coming back, shows up on María’s doorstep with a bouquet of pink roses.


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