Thursday, May 19, 2011

Teresa Thu 5/19/11 #60 Going once, going twice.....Arturo is sold (on Teresa's lies)

Hola amigos! Disclaimer: I am traveling this week, so I am pre-capping off the internet. Since I haven’t seen the episode just before this one, there might be a little confusion, but we’ll muddle through. And thank the telenovela gods we are back to one hour! Let’s see what those wacky kids in the DF are up to today, shall we?
Aida is telling Arturo that Teresa sent her and her mom the proof of Rubigote’s affair/divorce intentions, etc. Arturo can’t believe that T would be so mala, but it looks like Aida has successfully planted a bit of a seed of doubt.
Martin and Mariano discuss Aurora. Marty thinks that Mari is bothered by him dating Aurora, but Mari is all “we’re just friends”. Coolio, says Marty, cuz I sure like that gal.
Cutberto and Juana are having an argument. She found out that the flowers were from Hector and not Cutie. She tells him to get lost. He tries to defend himself and can’t believe that she would forget all about him for some nice presents. She tells him it’s not about that, it’s that: 1) something I didn’t catch; 2) he lied; 3) he tricked her. So smell ya later mariachi.
Mariano and Aurora: he apologizes about being a schmuck re: Martin. He is a very good apologizer, in that he is sincere, doesn’t makes excuses, and takes full responsibility. Good for him. They move on to doctor-y chat. He wants to go together to some meeting with Paloma (probably the auction), but Aurora says Martin is going to pick her up. Mari looks bummed.
Hector is chez Juana checking the phone for defects. Oooh, good verb action here: H: “Espero que todo este bien” J: “Pues no, pero estarlo”. Subjunctive, then infinitive used to indicate future, unless I missed a ‘va’. OK, back to the action. Hector couldn’t reach Juana by phone yesterday. They make a dinner date. Hector sure is a nice guy.
Rubes and Geno are saying goodbyes. She wants Rubes to move in, but he reminds her he plans to get back with Maira. She demonstrates her tips for lady-snagging. Ewwww.
Mari and Aurora talk shop and Teresa’s wedding comes up. Mari pretends to be getting used to the idea. Aurora thinks he needs to move on with his life like Teresa is obviously doing with hers. Mariano says that he doesn’t know when he’ll be ready to love someone else, but that it’ll have to be someone for whom he really feels something. So Aurora is like, ‘well, sounds like you haven’t met this person yet.” Poor girl. This guy is so oblivious that he then asks her if she thinks she will ever get over her own mysterious impossible love. She says that she sure as hell is gonna try.
Aida and Maira: Aida does not want to go to Paloma’s auction and encourages her mom to go with El Bigote and make him buy lots of expensive stuff for her.
Arturo asks Rubes if he thinks it was Teresa that sent the divorce papers to Aida/Maira. The stache says “si”. Arturo is pissed.
Juana is crying to Teresa about Cutie. Not only did he lie to her, he also, gasp! took advantage of her in a moment of weakness. Teresa accuses C of rape (abusar) and wants to go to the cops. Juana quickly and firmly corrects her that it wasn’t rape. Teresa is soooo disappointed in her madrina ”te caiste” (you fell). Why, I ask, is Juana not allowed to have any fun? But she’s not. She assures her judgmental goddaughter that she is done with Cutie forevah.
Cutie is bummed and Johnny can’t pep him up. His heart tells him that this time, Juana’s goodbye is for realz. But he’s gonna fight for her.
Oooh, Arturo has just arrived home to Teresa and he is major enojado. He confronts her with the Ruben amante unmasking. Never did he think her capable of such a thing! (“jamas te crei capaz de algo asi!”)
Aida is at the dispensario checking out the ubiquitous exposed brick walls. Aida and Mariano chat about being sad and keeping one’s self occupied to avoid said sadness. She offers to paint the exposed brick (finally someone does!), but no, she is going to snoop through his personal papers, errr, organize the desk. She finds his invite to Paloma’s auction, and convinces him to go with her.
Teresa and Arturo are at high volume, and I think we are getting the volcano that has long been predicted here at CarayCaray. For this, I am going into more detail because it is a fab argument. She is offended that he would believe these accusations of her. He says that he knows that she and Aida are enemigas, but schoolhouse gossip is one thing, and destroying a marriage is another. She correctly points out that the marriage was not exactly rock solid, what with El Bigote’s adventures. She thinks he deserved to be found out, the unjust part is her being blamed for it. Artie says that Rube also thinks she did it, so that sets Teresa off on him talking to everyone but the accused. Now that she has her moment in court, so to speak, she totally denies all, says that she has kept quiet all these years, she is incapable of betraying her friend (Espe), and to top it all off, how could Artie think such horrible things about her? He’s losing some steam as he asks her why Aida would accuse her falsely. She goes on about how Aida blames her for everything, including Paulo’s death even. Besides, remember how she hid Espe when Maira and Rubes were here for dinner? She did it “por ti!!!!” She grabs the phone and starts dialing, presumably so that he can talk to Espe and see that it wasn’t Tere who sent the papers, but Arturo unwisely does not call her bluff. Tere sees that she has won, and so she goes the extra mile—if Rubes weren’t Arturo’s pal, she would have gladly helped Espe deliver the papers, because Rubes deserves it for betraying his wife and her friend. Game, set, match. Arturo asks her forgiveness for doubting her. But he thinks it’s only normal to have doubts. That’s why he wanted to hear her side of the story, to give her the benefit of the doubt (conceder el beneficio de la duda used here, more of a bestowing connotation than dar, even though in english we use give. It seems that the use of conceder bothers Tere a wee bit). “Que???” she says “yo no necesito que me hagas el favor de conceder me nada.” (I don’t need you to do me the favor of giving me anything.) “if you don’t trust me, it’s over. The wedding’s off!!!” And she’s gone. Arturo says nothing, but his look says ‘oy vey’.
Whew, how about a little sorbet. Luisa and Fernando. Why is Luisa crying? Oh, she’s going to miss Fer. And he will miss her. Aww. And he is going to bring his mom to meet her next time he comes.
OK, back to Tere and Arturo. Is he ready for this? I mean she’s got her song playing already. He is begging forgiveness, he was wrong, she’s the only thing that matters, etc. She says he doesn’t trust/believe in her. Not as a socia, but as a good person. She gives him back his ring. And, that, folks, is what we call ‘ the ultimate bluff’.
Back from the break. As the price of forgiveness, Teresa makes Arturo swear that he will always trust her and, most importantly, that he will talk to her before anyone else if he ever has any doubts again. That is a key victory for our little tiburoncita, who keeps so many balls in the air at once. He gets the ring back on the finger and gives it a smooch for good luck. It’s gonna need it. The icing on the cake here is when Teresa says that he is taking advantage of her, because, even though she shouldn’t forgive him, she can’t bear to be apart from him. Cue tiburoncita theme as she thinks to herself “sabia que ibas a caer” (I knew that you were going to fall, i.e. for my little ploy).
Refusio and Armando are chatting. Seems like ol’ Refu has come around to El Lic, but she just hopes that Teresa really loves him. Really? I had no idea that she was worried about their relationship. Anyways, she is going to go to the wedding and maybe even read the stupid etiquette book just for his sake. Cutie pops in and checks out the book, but he’s taking classes from Aurora anyway.
Martin gives Paloma a pep talk, seemingly about seeing Ter and Art together.
Ter and Art who are making up the old fashioned way. Art would like to really, really make up, but Ter says the wedding is only a few days away, let’s hold out. But seriously folks, I am totally on team Mariano (not so much for Teresa as in general), but it’s not exactly a sacrifice to, umm, prove your love for this guy.
Downstairs, Cutie has come to give some flowers to Juana (that he took from outside, natch). She kicks him out, then is sad and lonely on the stairs.
Ooh, looks like the fancy pants auction. Arturo is schmoozing, leaving Ter alone to harass Martin. She is dissing Paloma’s fundraising techniques to the effect of she shouldn’t spend so much on fancy auctions when the money could be spent on the poor (first of all, like she actually cares, second, this is totally the sentiment conveyed by Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar; coincidence?). Turns out Martin is not just the poor assistant of Paloma, as Teresa thought. In fact, he is rich enough to own whatever fancy place the auction is taking place in.
Rubes picks up Maira for the evening. He tries to sweet talk her and gives her a necklace. Que the hell? She’s all smiley and falling for it. He goes in for the smooch.
Aurora arrives at the auction and greets Teresa. Aur tells Ter that Martin is her novio, and Ter is none too pleased.
Maira makes out with Rubes a bit, then says we gotta go. Ugh.
Ter still can’t believe that Aurora is dating Martin, who walks up and confirms that he is smitten. The happy couple looks frankly perplexed as Ter refers to Martin’s boss as her worst enemy, and we see Paloma give a hello. Ter smiles and says that this isn’t the moment to get into it.
Juana and Luisa are sad and lonely at the Casa de la Barrera. Juana admits that she loves Cutie, even if she complains about him. She waxes nostalgic about him.
Arturo and Paloma are being friendly at the auction, and talk about her charity projects. Awkward moment when they acknowledge that the dead baby inspires her work with children.
Raul and Aida chat. She only thinks of him as a friend. Too bad for him. Her dress is a giant flower. Too bad for her. Geno comes in and gives Raul Paulo’s tennis racket as a remembrance. Weird. Raul looks longingly at Aida and leaves. Aida hates to leave Geno alone, but she’s just gotta exact revenge on Teresa by going out with Mariano. Geno understands. Mariano shows up to pick up Aida, and she balks at the idea of his taking her in a taxi. How low is she willing to go for this revenge?
Ter joins Arturo and Paloma, some guy drags Art away so the ladies can sharpen their claws. Threat and counterthreat re: who will win Arturo and who can make him happier. Oh, the game is on.
Looks like Luisa and Juana are having a girlie night. Juana has tried on one of Luisa’s pretty dresses and Luisa is playing with her hair. They have cheered each other up. Luisa confesses that she is envious of Teresa—Luisa’s mom died, while Teresa has 2 moms, Refusio and Juana. Juana looks touched, and quite frankly, this is a relationship I would love to see develop. These two are gonna need each other when they realize the extent of Tere’s treachery.
Espe and Refu are having their own girlie night, but this one looks like less fun. But they share their mutual admiration for one another just the same. Ledesma the younger shows up and joins them for dinner. Oh, he is so smitten.
Back to the auction—Ter/Arturo talking with Maira/Rube. Ter has the bad taste to bring up the divorce papers and deny sending them. Maira would rather not discuss this just now and runs off. Ter plays innocent to Arturo, and he is kinder than she deserves. While he understands that she wants to clear things up, maybe, just maybe, this isn’t the best place to do it. He gets dragged away again so that Tiburoncita is free to smile her little shark smile at the damage.
Hector picks Juana up and is muy impressed by her makeover. They are going out to have a good time.
Aida shows up at the auction and Ter harasses her about already being out of mourning. Ter lets her know that, despite Aida’s accusations about the divorce papers, she and Art are better than ever. I just noticed that Ter has a v. large floral ring. Now, we all know that she always wears a flower of some sort. Is Aida’s giant flower dress supposed to be an attempt to beat the Tiburoncita at her own game? And will it work? Or maybe the Televisa stylist just likes flowers. Anyway, Ter tells Aida the secret of her success: “entre ser o no ser, yo soy”. Aida asks the question that has been on everyone’s minds lo these many weeks: “Tu eres que Teresa?” well, she’s Arturo’s fiancee, the only woman Paulo ever loved, and now a socia of Aida’s dad. And furthermore, Aida is so pathetic, she has to come to parties with her parents now. Oh snap! Here comes her date right now—and it’s Mariano!! Point Aida.
Aurora, Martin, and Paloma talk about charity stuff.
Mariano invites Teresa to a toast with him and Aida. Ter takes the toast as an opportunity to dis Aida for being so lonely that she invited Mari as her guest for the auction. Aida lets Ter know that Mari got his own invitation, which surprises Ter, and Mari says “see? Ter never believes in me”. Paloma comes up to introduce Mari to some fancy pants director type as Ter looks on and fumes at Mari’s success. Arturo walks over and delivers another TN classic line “que hace este tipo aqui?” (what’s this guy doing here). Aurora explains that Mari is in charge of one’s of the projects in Pal’s foundation. Arturo loudly says that he is the last person he thought he would see here, and Mari turns around so that they can shoot daggers at each other. Ter distracts Art with the news about Aurora’s noviazgo.
The auction is called to order, and everyone sits down, but Maira and Rube have apparently gone home because she was too upset. She can’t deal with his advances tonight, but he tries the “let’s just be united as parents” angle, and they discuss Aida’s weird behavior since Paulo’s death. Then it’s back to Rube trying to seduce Maira. Once again, ewwww.
Auction in progress: Arturo wants to buy Ter something. Uh oh. Aida and Teresa both raise their hands to bid on a painting. You just know this is going to get ugly. Probably good for the kids though, as the price is likely to be high.
Dinner chez Refusio: Ref, Espe, Ledesme, and Johnny. They discuss the Patty situation—Johnny is planning a jailbreak as soon as she is of age. Espe is quite level headed and points out that they really don’t know each other much, he has no money, nowhere to live.
Back to the auction: Aida vs Teresa. Aida wins. But wait; was this all Teresa’s plan? She leans over and tells Arturo that although she liked the painting, she didn’t want to provoke another fight with Aida. Arturo laps it up.
Back at the Chavez manor, Ledesme and Espe are laughing over Johnny, the fun dinner, baby booties, etc. They are generally hitting it off like mad. Totally rooting for them.
The auction is at intermission. Teresa does her best to not provoke another fight with Aida by insulting her. Ooh, this is good. When Aida says that she will be enjoying the night with the painting and with Mariano, Ter asks her how it feels to always have her leftovers. Then Aida says that Teresa thinks she has everything now, but the day will come when her luck will change and Aida will do everything she can to make that happened sooner than she thinks!
Maira and Rubes: he wants to spend the night. She looks like she might say yes.
Mariano finds Aida off by herself and upset. She sucks it up and puts on a happy face. They flirt and, oh my god, they kiss. Already? Of course, Teresa passes by just then and is muy, pero muy, impactado.


Triunfo del Amor #116-117 5/18/11 P.1. A Tisket, A Tasket.....J Pito’s Missing From His Basket! P.2. Hickory Dickory Docker! It’s Great Grandma Who’s The Stalker! Time to Complain She’s Off Her Rocker! Somebody Needs To Clock ‘er!

P. 1.   A Tisket, A Tasket.....J Pito’s Missing From His Basket!

Capítulo 116

Bernarda persuades her parent’s one-time servant (nana?) Mama Lulu (who BTW looks 10 years younger than Bis Abuela Burnie) to take care of Juan Pablito by telling her one major lulu of a lie. She tells Mama Lulu that she has the baby since the mother didn’t want it and would only mistreat him because she thinks it’s a nuisance and gets in the way of her “sinful activities.” Since Mama Lulu has two grand kids of her own she’s looking after while their parents are in the US, Burnie has asked her to help her with this holy mission until her lawyers can get the legalities taken care of.  Of course, she’ll be well paid for her troubles.  This gets Lulu to thinking and she asks Burnie if having this child will get her in trouble with the law.  (Sounds like she knows Burnie well enough that she ought to know better!)  Of course not!  Do you really think I would do anything illegal?  No, you’ve always had a righteous heart, says Lulu.  Nobody will miss him, I assure you, says Burnie.  What’s his name?  Juan Pablo.  What an angelito!

Meanwhile, Max takes a moment to catch Maria up with the news regarding the DNA test he and Osvaldo did.  It proves that Oz Sandoval is his bio-daddy after all, but also confirmed that Osguito is Ji’s son by Guillermo.  Max asks Maria if she’s still willing to raise the child of her worst enemy as her own? The more the merrier, says Maria.

Milagros returns from delivering her Casa Victoria fashion magazine to the jarochas and sees that JPito isn’t in his crib.  Somebody took him and it wasn’t Cruz, Juanjo or Napo cuz they’re all still at work.  She screams for help, see’s Scorpion Dude in the middle of the sympathetic crowd and accuses him of the kidnapping but has no proof since JPito isn’t in his apartment, either.

Oz fills Victoria in about the Big Lie and the DNA test.  This is a good example of why he took little Max away from his mother, he says.  Neither wants the little boy to grow up with the likes of two loco weeds like Gui and Ji.  They agree to legally adopt Osguito if for some reason Maria and Max can’t keep him.

Maria tells Max that she already knew Osguito was Gui’s since he came by her place earlier to snicker at Ozzie’s rotten luck while demanding his rights to see JPito. Well, he’ll get the word, says Max, and he’ll have the DNA test to back him up this time.  Gui and Leonela walk over to Max and Maria after the awards ceremony to gloat about Looni winning the award.  “--Aren’t you going to congratulate your mother?”  Gui sticks his two centavos’ worth in too.  “--and say hey to your father?”  Max hauls off and hits the S.O.B. flat on his creepy kiester and gives Gui the word on the DNA tests.  Gui is Osguito’s baby-daddy, but Osvaldo Sandoval is Max’s! 

Gui drags the Lush-ous Looni off to the side to tell her he’s pissed that she managed to make such a fool out of him.  He demands to know why she lied. She tells him to cool his jets, it’s not like he ever wanted kids!   He tells her he abhors her now and storms off.

Jimena is whining to Mama Roxy about how everyone is so envious of her and wants to take whatever she has away.  She says she hates this Leonela for taking Guillermo and her spot as top model.  She’s as bad as that slut, Maria!  She’ll have to get rid of them all!  Roxy tells her to can it before somebody around there hears, puts two and two together, and guesses that she was the one who offed Linda.  It just so happens that Fausto overhears Roxy talking about Ji murdering Linda. 

Gui walks by just then and gives Ji grief.   She begs him to return to her.  He can’t leave her for a fifth-rate actress like Looni.  He tells Ji she’s turned into a wreck [piltrafa].  Rox tells him to watch his mouth!  He’s talking to her daughter who gave him a son!  Gui says they’re both a pain in his backside!  Ji starts pawing at him and he tells her never to touch him again!  Just seeing her disgusts him! Afterwards, Jimeana swears vengeance on him and all the others who’ve betrayed her and made her the butt of their jokes, starting with Looni-ella.   

Max gives his mother grief for lying to him and hurting him this way.  She admits she did it to get even with his father and diverts the conversation to Maria and how beautiful and accomplished she is.  Maria falls for the flattery and the well-placed nasty asides about Victoria and Ji.  Yep, they get on great!

Milie finally reaches Max on his cell and gives him the bad news as Fausto listens in the background.  Max tells Maria and they race back to the vecindad where Maria screams and cries at Mili about her totally irresponsible behavior. 

Back at the hotel, Padilla listens as Ste. Burnarda salivates at the thought of finally accomplishing her divine works.  He asks if she means the little boy they took this evening.  She says yes;  something told her that the woman would be careless and give them the chance they needed to grab the kid and go.   There’s only one thing that worries her now.  Her Son The Priest will worry now about his daughter and forget again about his religious duties!  Rats!  Rudy asks if she’s saying that Maria Desamparada’s father is Juan Pablo cuz then that means that Victoria Sandoval’s daughter is Maria Desamparada!  Duhn-duhn-duhhhhn!  He tells her not to worry that he found out because he’d rather Vic not find out who her missing daughter is, either.

Vicente comes to the fire station to join his new buds as a fireman.   Shout out to Mexican firemen.  FF>>

Everybody keeps trying to get her to calm down, tho’ of course she can’t.  Papa Padre Juan Pablo rushes in then to give her his shoulder to cry on. He asks her to think who they would know who might have a reason to take him.  Maria is too upset to put two and two together yet.  PPJP prays that there won’t be a repeat of what happened to Vicki.

Antonieta and Oscar drop by the hospital to give Vicki the word on the fashion show awards going to Casa Bernarda this year.  Vic blames herself for being too ambitious, too aggressive and too greedy all these years.  She realizes she should never have let her family suffer while working so hard to see her business succeed.  Oscar and Toni tell her this is not the time to give up or give in because not only is Casa Victoria’s reputation at stake, but the livelihood of all those dedicated employees who’ve stood by her all these years. is also.  Vicki takes their words to heart and decides she’s not going to continue taking this lying down --well, figuratively speaking of course......

During her exclusive interview with a member of the press, Looniella blames everyone thinking she was dead on her ex, Oz.  The reporter asks if she’s dating anybody else right now.  She admits to dating Guillermo Quintana, who, meanwhile, is getting drunk as a skunk and cursing out his rotten luck and Looni.  Not only has she lied to him about Max being his son, but she’s made a laughing stock of him in front of Osvaldo Sandoval!

End P. 1


Hickory Dickory Docker!  It’s Great Grandma Who’s The Stalker!  Time to Complain She’s Off Her Rocker!  Somebody Needs To Clock ‘er!

Capítulo #117

     Don Napo cries to his buds over losing Milagros to Don Joel, but claims it’s only smoke in his eyes.  

     Fabian has brought Fernanda home and gets jealous when Cruz presents her with another serenade for helping him get accepted into the university

     Max speaks to a detective at the police station who tells him to think of anybody with a major grudge who might have taken the baby.

     Victoria tells Toni that she’s reconsidering how she’s lived her life up till now and the pain she's caused others.  "--It’s only when we face something serious that we realize how we’ve gone about living our lives."  She mentions that once Padre JP told her Dios had granted her the miracle she’d asked for but she hadn’t been able to see it.  She’s determined to think about living rather than dying and what she still hasn’t accomplished yet: namely, finding her little Maria.

     Maria prays to the virgencita to find her son and to give him back to her. 

     Max races over to Alonso’s apartment and immediately accuses him.  Lonnie says no way he’d do something that rotten and proceeds to pass out on the floor.  Max revives him and figures Lon must be telling the truth.  He offers to take him to the hospital to see a doctor.  Lon refuses cuz finding the baby is priority numero uno.

     Roxy and Ji secretly hear Burnie and Padilla speak about something he wants hush money for.

     Maria cries on the missing JPito’s pillow, fingers the wall sized poster of the two of them on the couch, remembers her pregnancy and her giving birth.  Max returns and she cries in Max’s arms.  There’s no news at the police station about him, but Max promises to continue looking for their son.  

     Max discusses his suspicions with Oz that Burnie took the baby, especially since she argued with Maria who told her she’d never be able to see or hold her child again.

     Once Max is gone, Lon finds a decent picture of J Pito and gets fliers made up. Millie’s posse tries consoling her.

     Jimeana comes to the vecindad to see Maria.  She tells her that she knows who has her kid and demands that they speak alone, so Nathy leaves.  

     Ozzie shows up unexpectedly at Burnie’s and demands his grandson back.  She fakes not knowing it was JPito he meant and then denies he’s there.  Oz says that’s B.S.  Of course she knows everything that goes on in that apartment house because she owns the darned thing for crying out loud!  She screams back that she’s tired of everyone blaming her for everything bad that happens around there!  Oz can take a look around if he wants, but he won’t find him, she says.  Oz says that’s exactly what he plans to do.  

     Max drops by the hospital to visit with Victoria.  He tells her about JPito’s kidnapping. Vicki is so upset by the news she starts having flashbacks to the time she lost her little girl and then faints dead away. 

     Looniella is up early and guzzling down her 80 proof breakfast.  Gui wants to know why she lied to him about Max.  Looni says she thought it would be fun to see the looks on their faces when they found out the truth--and it was!  He admits he never thought he’d ever met anyone more perverted than Jimeana, but he has and it’s Looni!  She takes it as a compliment.  

     Ji tells Maria that now she knows how Ji feels not having her child, either.  Maria asks her to take pity on her, but Ji has too much fun seeing her suffer, especially after the way Maria enjoyed telling her at the hospital that she was going to keep Osguito. Jimeana wants Maria to promise she’ll leave Max for good since he belongs to Ji.  Otherwise she won’t tell her who has JPito.

     Looni tells Gui after living in a jail and listening to her jailers’s sermons for twenty years she’s not going to listen to his.  If he doesn’t like the way she does things, fine!  She’ll leave and have somebody pick up her things later.  Gui freaks at the thought of losing his Lush-ous and asks her to forgive him.  She can’t leave!  Besides, he has an appointment set up for her with Televisa.  This gets a Cheshire cat’s smile out of her.  She says she already has work and a salary, so she doesn’t need him for anything.  She’s leaving!  He tries to stop her and she warns him that nobody has ever stopped Leonela Montenegro and she won’t let him be the first to; then she walks out on him.

     After Vic’s been checked over, Max talks the doctor into telling him what she’s really doing in the hospital.  Being the telenovela doctor that he is, Vic’s oncologist plays fast and loose with medical ethics and tells Max she’s got breast cancer.

     Ji admits she doesn’t know where Maria’s son is.  She starts babbling about ransom calls and getting money for kidnappers.  When pushed for answers she loses it and goes off on a wild tangent about the kid being dead just like hers.  Maria slaps the crap out of her.  Ji jumps Maria and tries choking her to death this time.  Fortunately, Alonso shows up just in the nick of time and pulls Ji off Maria.  

     Ji starts screaming about how her son is dead just like Max and Osguito.  Lon tells her to quiet down. She starts jabbering about how she saw the train come at them. He and Maria thinks it’s just more ranting and he throws her out of the building.  

     Max tells Vic that he knows about the cancer and he promises to keep it a secret.  

     Lon and Nat try comforting Maria, but she’s gone temporarily around the bend thinking that her son might really be dead.  They tell her she can’t believe anything Ji tells her now.  Maria continues with the hysterics and then faints.

     Back at Burnie’s, Oz finishes looking around but tells her he’s still convinced she’s had something to do with his grandson’s disappearance.   Burnarda lies that she was too busy at the fashion show presenting her award-winning new designs.  Oz says try that story on somebody else.  He’ll sue her and then folks will know what he knows: that Her Son The Priest had an illegitimate child with Victoria, that the child was lost and that she never bothered herself to go looking for her all this time. 

     Burnie denies it again, but Oz says he knows that she’s condemned her son to silence, and so he’s willing to go to the press himself and tell them that a priest would rather keep quiet about it than to alleviate his ex-lover’s pain.  Burnie tells him not to forget he’d be exposing Victoria to the scandal as well.  Oz says he doesn’t care and neither would Vic.  So, she’s been warned!  Oh, and BTW, if he finds out that Burnie had anything to do with the attempted murder of his grandson and Max the other day, she’ll pay dearly for it.  Burnie tells herself once he’s gone that it doesn’t matter if Oz finds out she took the baby or not because nothing in the world will get her to give him back to them.  Nothing!

     Oz and Fer talk about her no longer being a little girl.  He hints that he knows she might be interested in the gardener and a certain office employee of her mothers.  FF>>
     Fabian complains to Lucy about Cruz’s serenata.  She tells him rather than competing with something he’s lousy at she’s got a better idea.  She gives him an encouraging hug and it nearly turns into a romantic kiss for the two of them.

     Oz tells Fer about the kidnapping and how he’s planning to go to Televisia to get the news department to help him get the word out.  Fer talks Oz into taking her to see Max and Maria to lend them emotional support.

     Lon has printed up fliers and the vecindad goes on a major drive to put up the fliers in hopes of someone giving them information that helps Maria and Millie get the baby back.  

     Mama Lulu thinks it’s a bit odd that the baby’s name should be the same as Burnie’s own son.

     Rudy tells Burnie he wants more money for what she’s asking him to do.  She gives in and warns him against any more mistakes.  Once he’s gone she’s determined to get rid of Padilla.

     Padre Jeronimo tries to comfort PJP over the kidnapping.  Padre later prays that Dios will prevent the same thing happening to his daughter that happened to her mother.  Mama Burnie walks in on him and overhears his prayer.  “--Juan Pablo!!”


Teresa Wed 5/18/11 #59 Bingo!

I am awake! Starting it now, should be up in a bit! Three hours later! Here it is.
Rubigote’s office, Teresa vs. Paloma and Martin-
T: You’re now talking to the newest partner of Luna Turquesa!
P: What the—how? How are you a partner in Luna Turquesa?
T: My future hubby bought some of the shares from Ruben and put them in my name. You know this poor guy is divorcing and who knows how his economic situation will work out with Maira… though I hope he does sort it out. [Up walks Genoveva.] Genoveva, how are you?
G: Trying to go on with my life.
[Fernando walks up. Tere greets him with a big smile and a kiss on the cheek.]
T: Look, I present to you, my associates. [Gen looks like she might choke. Teresa introduces them all by name, except Martin. He calls her on it and she introduces him begrudgingly. She walks away arm in arm with Fernando and Paloma tells Gen about Arturo’s air-headed move.]

Outside the Vecindad, Aida and Espe-
Aida is sure she has seen Espe somewhere but she can’t remember where. Espe says she was the nurse who tended to Paulo. Aida apologizes for not remembering, she was so out of it. Espe tries to walk away but Aida asks her name. She tells her and Aida says she will be the coordinator of the clinic, so she’ll see her around. Aida leaves and Espe rubs her tummy nervously.

Clinic, Aurora and Mariano-
M: How did you first rounds go?
A: They went well. I survived. I know what I need to do and everything will be fine.
M: I’m glad. You know, if you ever have a doubt about anything, you can call me, right?
A: Thanks, but I’m not going to bother you Mariano.
M: Why not? You don’t trust me? Or… it will make your boyfriend jealous?
A: Relax. Not either of those things. I simply just don’t want to bother you. And Martin has no reason to be jealous of you, right?
M: No, no, clearly not you and I, we are just friends. [Come on Mariano, grab her passionately and plant a big one on her! Oh, Aida’s here.]
Aida: Look! [She holds up some card things.] We’re going to organize a lottery tonight to give out awards, waivers, and gifts! [Aurora is smiling a little but Mariano is still a little pouty.] What?!

Ruben’s office, All the other partners of Luna Turquesa, Martin included, with Fernando running the meeting-
Fernando passes out some papers and they are talking business-speak but the important part is that Teresa and Fernando are sort of secretly making eyes at one another. Then Teresa says something and Fernando says Teresa is right. Ruben and Gen stink face to each other. Paloma gives Tere a big old stink face. Fernando and Arturo look lovingly (lustingly) at Teresa and she smiles.

Clinic, Mariano and Juana walks in with lunch-
She says she has the food for him and Aurora, but Mariano corrects her and says today it is for him and Aida, who walks into the room. Juana can’t believe she has the gumption to show her face here. Aida explains that she is here to work in the clinic and help people. Juana doesn’t believe it because from what she knows of Aida, she is the exact opposite. Aida, sounding like a real, understanding human being, says that after Paulo died everything changed for her. She knows is difficult for the people close to Tere to believe her but she hopes that they will see her work and come to trust her. Mariano explains that she is helping with a lot of stuff that Aurora would usually do. So she will be eating there. Juana’s like, you think I’m gonna give her food after she threw that cleaning liquid in Tere’s face, no way! She grabs the basket and walks out. They follow her into the next room and remind her that she was having a moment of crisis and she says that she hopes Juana never has to know what it is like to have the love of your life die. I knew this was going to be something they might bond over. Juana says she knows; she is a widow. Then you understand, Aida says. Yes. But for Juana it was worse because they had been married and sleeping next to one another for years, then he was just gone. BUT Juana never destroyed anyone’s face! Aida goes off, looking a little like her old self, saying that Teresa deserved it and she wanted everyone to see her as ugly outside as she is inside. Juana grabs Aida’s arms asking what she said but Mariano breaks it up. He tells Aida, enough already and she pouts, but does stop talking.

Casa de la Barrera, Teresa and Arturo-
T: Thanks, my love, for making me your associate.
A: Consider it a wedding gift. [clink, they cheers.]
T: I am so happy. With you I have what I have always wanted. [Arturo seems to flinch at this.]
A: What do you mean by that? (A que te refieres con eso?)
T: That you are intelligent, gorgeous, admirable, [kissing], above all, meticulous/a perfectionist, sensitive. (Or maybe she meant sensitive to details?) And you always give me what I need, like what you did today. [kissing, kissing, kissing] You are incredible, my love, so generous. Thank you. And thank you for trusting me to be your associate. It’s true, I am so happy at your side.
A: As a lawyer, the first thing I say to clients is NOT to do what I did.
T: but you trust me.
A: Blindly, Teresa. (Ciegamente, Teresa.)[Ain’t that the truth!!] Because I know you love me, and you will never betray me. [Oh, boy.]

Clinic, Mariano, Juana and Aida-
Mariano says he is not going to turn down any help in the clinic, they need it. (Wow, Mariano said that?) Plus, he believes that everyone deserves a second chance. Please. Juana doesn’t look convinced. Aida says, look, I’ll just eat somewhere else. End of story. Juana says that no one will ever accept her here. Aida says she is sorry for what she did. She wants them to realize that. Juana says, you’re sorry, huh? Well, then, have you asked Teresa to forgive you? Aida says, no, no I haven’t, after the momentary shock passes. Juana says she needs to.

Casa Grumps, Pati, Grumps, Maid-
I just wanted to talk to Johnny, Pati says. I don’t trust him, Grumps says. You’re not gonna change my mind. Why do you hate me? Asks Pati. The opposite, says Grumps. One day you’ll understand.

Casa Chavez, Refugio and Teresa-
Ref asks if she is going to the clinic thing tonight. Teresa says she would die first, it’s organized by Aida. Ref says she didn’t know it was organized by Aida. Teresa doesn’t want anyone to go. Ref says no way she will go. Teresa is thrilled her mother is finally supporting her in something!

Formerly Casa Rubigote, soon to be just Casa Maira, Maira-
She is distraught hugging a pillow. He walks in and she gets up to leave but he begs, literally getting onto his knees, asking her to pardon his stupidity. It was a crisis, of the midlife variety. She is resisting. He keeps begging. She says she can’t forgive him. She says she felt old and stupid, but she didn’t go after someone else, she tried to work on their relationship! [OMG! Haha the Rubigote doorbell just rang and I ran to my front door. Damn these rich telenovela people who have it ingrained in their DNA to ignore door bells because the maid will get it! Hah, ay, anyways, back to the show.] The doorbell rigs. He kisses her. She pulls away. She says how is she to be sure that he doesn’t have someone else in his life. Speak of the she-devil with big hair. HOLA! It’s Genoveva. She is dropping off books. She sees Maira is crying and hugs them both, happy to see them together, they’ve been together for years, they cant just throw that in the trash. Maira says she is not sure. She needs to think about it and talk to her daughter.

Clinic, Mariano, Juana, Aida-
Juana says, if she is for real about being sorry, the first thing she needs to do is ask for an apology from her God-daughter. Mariano says that Juana is right about this. Aida is not happy. You know how hard that will be for me! Fine, she says, she will do it. Juana gives Mariano his lunch from the basket and tells Aida she ain’t getting any of it! She leaves. Mariano says to understand Juana, and Aida says she does understand. Then the sort of flirt about going to eat together. She asks if he is going to make her go eat alone. He says he cant go with her. Nacos don’t eat with ninas fresas. She’s all ‘me??’ laughing.

On the street awalkin’, Johnny and Cutberto-
Talking about their women troubles. Then the maid of Pati comes walkin and Cutberto seems enchanted. (Yes! Get with her so Juana can be with Hector the Director!!) Johnny tries to hide. They watch her picking leaves that must be some sort of herb cause she’s smelling them. And picking them. Anyway, she walks over to the door, and unlike any normal person who would just lower their hand, she goes into a full front bend in order to slide the key into the door. Cutberto definitely likes her. I see future secret double dates!

Casa Caceres, Ruben and Maira-
Maira is giving her another chance. She just doesn’t know how Aida will react. But, she wants to know everything about this woman. Where they met, how long they were together, who is she.

Hospital, Espe and Doctor Hernan Ledesma-
She is telling him Aida works at the clinic. He asks if she is worried Aida will find out who she is. She can’t even look her in the eyes, she is worried about her baby. She also says she will need a new place to live and she doesn’t know what to do. She has no money. People in the vecindad will help her but she cant stop working. He tells her to calm down, for her baby.

Juana’s casa, Cutberto and Juana-
She is talking about Aida and unhappy that she is around. He tries to reason with her. But it doesn’t seem to be working very much.

Casa Caceres, Ruben and Maira-
He is trying to convince her that she doesn’t want to know. She needs to know. His phone rings and she acts like it is a bomb. It is just the she-devil Gen and Maira looks relieved. But then she says she cant live like this! Worrying every time his phone rings it is another woman! She walks away.

Casa Juana, Juana and Teresa-
Tere is amazed/delighted that Juana got Aida to say she would ask forgiveness, though she is sure she just said it because she was with Mariano at the time. Teresa asks Juana to go to the lottery and do everything Teresa asks her to.

Later, Clinic, Card Game Bingo Lottery thing, a bunch of people are there including Cutberto, Mariano, Aida, Aurora, Johnny, Juana-
Johnny won the first round. Tere and parents show up. Juana sets her up in front of everyone so that Aida must ask Tere’s pardon.

Casa de la Barrera, Fernando and Luisa-
Fern is serious, and says they need to talk. Tomorrow he is going to Spain, and he doesn’t know when he will be back. Cara impactada de Luisa.

Clinic, Card/Bingo Game-
Mariano says it is not the time. Aida stands up and says she will do it now, she wants everyone to see. She asks for her forgiveness, she was crazy with grief. Teresa says she has it, but she also insulted her parents, so they deserve one, too. She asks their forgiveness, too. She knows she did wrong. Then she lets the gata out of the bag, telling everyone that Tere had them all believing her parents were millionaires. Bingo! Score one for Aida, that just blew up in Tere’s face!

Casa de le Barerra, Fern and Luisa-
She asks why he is leaving, he says it is for something for a judge that he needs to be there for, because once it is over he will finally have everything he is supposed to have from his inheritance from his father. She asks how long it will take, he says he doesn’t know.

Clinic, card game-
Is this true Teresa? Asks Refugio, who looks like she just took a bullet to the heart. Figuratively. And my DVR freezes. Rawr. Oh, it’s robooting. And now it looks dead. Switching to youtube. Refugio asks if it is true. Tere says yes, it is true. Oh, I was wrong, there is the bullet in the heart. Tere tries to make excuses and tells her mother not to cry. It was so she wouldn’t be humiliated by people like Aida. She asks Aurora for some help and Aurora asks Ref to come down, she’ll make herself sick. Tere is flyin out of control now, yelling at everyone in the vecindad that they’ve all suffered humiliations for being poor, don’t tell her they haven’t! Oh, now Refugio gets to lecture a whole room of people. She must be delighted. Pobre, Refugio. Value isn’t in money, it’s in who you are. Tere looks crazy. Aida comes over and asks asks pardon from Tere’s mom. She says it wasn’t her intention to break Ref’s heart. She says she just lost the love of her life, and she would give up all she has for him to come back. She says she will reflect on what Ref said and she begs her pardon, holding her hand and crying, too. If she ever offended her, please forgive her. Mariano is suppressing a smile and Tere’s world seems to be coming apart! Aida and Ref hug. Tere cries. Juana doesn’t look too pleased either.

Casa de la Barrera, Luisa and Fern-
Luisa is crying. Fernardo is saying he needs to go, but trust that he loves her. She has doubts. She needs to trust him. She’s scared he’ll be so far away he will forget about her. He will come back, he says. They hug and Arturo walks in, asking what’s up. Luisa explains. Arturo asks Fernando how he doesn’t know when he will be back. He says he doesn’t. Arturo asks if Luisa is okay and then says he will be waiting for Fern in the library. Luisa apologizes to Fern, but says she is just so scared.

Aida is saying she would like Armando’s forgiveness, too. Arm says she’s caused a lot of pain to his daughter. Mariano says that Aida is going to be working in the clinic and he doesn’t want any problems. She asked for your forgiveness, and he hopes that they can forgive her and respect her decision to help them. Tere says that if Aida doesn’t provoke her, then she has no problems. Well, Aurora says, let’s continue playing. Refugio says she doesn’t feel well, she should leave. Tere takes this opportunity to say she needs to talk with her parents and they are going to go. Juana tries to follow but Cutberto stops her.

Casa Chavez, Tere and her parents-
Tere is fighting with her mother about her forgiving Aida. Ref is pissed about the lie about being rich. Teresa was not okay with telling her friends she was poor, she would have suffered. Ref is poor and that’s just fine with her, but obviously not with Teresa. Ref says it is probably best she not go to Tere’s wedding. Through her tears, Tere looks pleased.

Casa de la Barerra, Fern and Arturo-
They apologize to one another. They both don’t want Luisa to suffer, Fern promises to be in contact with her all the time.

Casa Chavez, Chavez familia-
Tere basically says, fine, mom, don’t come. But Dad is coming! Right dad? He says of course. Ref runs crying into her room. Tere manipulates—er, apologizes to her dad. He says it is his fault for never trying to get out of the vecindad. She says he is always supporting her, that’s why she loves him so much. Tere swears she will get out of this misery.

Clinic, après loteria, Mariano and Aurora are cleaning up-
Mar cant believe Aida asked forgiveness in front of everyone. Aurora says she really is going to change. Martin comes in, apologizing for not coming in on time, and kisses her. She says he’s here now. He says, well, dinner? Mariano is not looking happy. She says yes. Mariano says he thought she was going to help him finish the work they were talking about earlier. She says he’s right, can you wait, Martin? He says, you’re not the coordinator anymore. Mariano says he will finish it. No, no, she says she promised to do it so she will do it. Mar tries to let her go, but she says no. Martin says, ok then, kisses her on the head, I’ll help. Ooh Mariano looks pissed. He says, if you want, fine. Good night. The air is tense!

Casa Cahvez, Arm and Ref-
Arm is trying to convince Ref to go. She says she is not going. Juana and Cutberto come in. Cutb asks if everything is okay. Arm says no. Juana asks after Tere. Arm says she left. Juana asks why they are so serious. He tells her that Ref isn’t going to the wedding.

Casa Caceres, Maira and Aida-
Maira was worried. Where was she? Aida says she’s been with Mariano in the clinic. Maira asks if she is really going to continue helping out there, in the neighborhood where Tere lives? There are plenty of other places where Aida could help. Aida says she wants to be near Mariano. Mama asks why. She says he has been so supportive, Aurora is there, and there she can get the solace she needs. Maira hopes so, but it seems strange to her. Aida says she thinks Paulo would be totally in agreement with what she is doing. Maira doesn’t think so. Anyway, she wants to talk to her about her Dad. Aida looks at a photo to Paulo and talks to it. She’s playing the game exactly the same as Teresa. And she is going to win.

Casa de la Barerra, Tere and Luisa-
Luisa is explaining about Fer, Tere tells her he will come back, not to cry. Wow, I thought she would go right into the ‘because you slept with him!’ routine. Luisa understands he needs to go to get his inheritance. And it’s a lot of money? Tere asks. Yes, Luisa says, when he gets it he will be one of the richest people in Spain. Bug-eyed Teresa.

Clinic, Aurora and Martin-
He is asking why Mariano is so mad. She doesn’t know. But Aurora is doing him a favor. She says the say has been heavy on everyone. She asks for some papers. He says he doesn’t like the tone Mariano was talking to her in. She wants to please stop talking about Mariano.

Casa de la Barrera, Tere and Luisa-
Tere is still talking about the amount of money he will have and Luisa is saying what is important to him is getting his father’s legacy. Luisa then repeats that he will forget about her so far away. Tere says she needs to be strong. Luisa says she is right. She will not be sad or cry in front of Fer anymore. Luisa notices she’s not happy either and asks what happened. She says that today was a horrible day. Her mother says she is not going to her wedding, and all because of Aida.

Blechlor Pad, Ruben and Gen-
They are fighting. About him not answering her call. About Teresa becoming a socio.

Fern’s pad, Luisa shows up-
She walks in and kisses him. She is being strong, and came to spend as much time together as they can before he leaves.

Casa de la Barrera, Tere and Arturo-
What do you mean your mom isn’t coming to the wedding? Arturo asks. Tere says, They talked about it and she doesn’t want her to be ashamed of her. She even asked my dad not to go either! Arturo says he can’t believe it. She says her poor father continued to defend her, but her mom, no. She says that even if her mom doesn’t come, it will be the happiest day of her life because she will be forever united with him. Kiss. She kept her eyes closed this time!

Fernando’s bed, Luisa and Fern-
He is speaking sweet nothings, saying they will be in each other’s hearts and that he will come back as soon as he can.

Juana’s casa, Juana and Cutberto-
She is saying she cant believe that Ref wouldn’t go, your daughter only gets married once in her life!  Cutberto is, as usual, on the who cares about Teresa side of things. He brings the subject to them, and how they are so happy. Yes, she says, but she doesn’t want to leave Tere alone at Arturo’s. They kiss. Next morning, Juana is singing to herself at her house and Hector shows up. She is watering the roses and he says he is glad she likes the flowers HE SENT her. He asks what her favorite flowers are and she says rosas, but she is totally pissed.

Casa Chavez, Arturo and Refugio-
He want to talk to her about attending the wedding. She says she made her decision. He says that he knows she was never supportive of this marriage, but she cuts him off and says its not because of that, it is because she doesn’t want to embarrass her or him. He says if anyone has the right to be at the wedding it is her. She doesn’t think Tere thinks so. He mentions it was because of Aida and Ref says no, she apologized to everyone last night. He is surprised to hear this. She says it is because Tere is embarrassed of her. It is the truth. He says not to say that. Tere was upset last night. And though they both think very differently, Tere loves Ref. she asks if he really believes this. He takes her hand and says he is sure of it. He wants her to be there and he knows it would make Tere happy. She says he is a good person. He says he will make Tere happy. And that he lost his parents when he was so young, but he couldn’t imagine them not being there on such an important day. Think about it.

Outside in the Vecindad, Juana runs into Cutberto-
Juanita! He starts. She smacks him a GOOD ONE and he looks confused. She looks pissed.

Clinic, Mariano, Martin walks in-
Martin asks if they can talk. Mar says, yes, what do you want? He says a few things but then gets to the point. Last night you were mad at Aurora and I for something not work related. He wants to talk about it.

Outside the vecindad, Arturo runs into Aida-
He asks how she is. She says she is trying to come back to life. He says he knows she will. Then he says he is happy she apologized and she flips out, saying don’t start. She then tells him that it was Tere who sent her the photo of Ruben and Espe kissing and who sent her papers as a wedding present. The divorce papers that Ruben forged. Cara impactada and confused de Arturo.

Spell check might have messed up some words, I will check later. Also, really light on vocab, sorry, I was rushing! Off to the dentist. Also, expect me to possibly be MIA for a few days. I'm getting my wisdom teeth out! All four!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #20 Friday 5/20/11 you don't want to understand me.. you want to hold on to me

This recap is posted for Marta.

highlites from last night:
Fina: I don't approve your paying so much attention to (and going out of your way for) that woman!
Gonz: Fina!! I will pay attention to whoever I feel like it!
Fina: I don't want you to be near that woman! I am tired of your sister Constanza getting you farther from me!
Gonzo: Fina... I think the time has come for me to be honest with you.. I know my honesty might hurt you.. but I need you to know that I don't love you anymore.
Voiceover: And Roberta keeps mudding Renata's name ...
Jero: I liked the 'R' pendant necklace you were wearing... Tell me something, doesn't your sister Renata use hers?
Rob: Yes, sometimes! But I never take mine off!
Jero: How is your sister Renata?
Rob: Don't even ask me for her! I am so ashamed you came to find out what she is capable of. And the worst of all is that she doesn't care! She went out with Matias today as if nothing had happened!
Jero: So the scandal did not affect them.
Rob: My sister has a great ability to make men go crazy for her.
(Jero calls Renata back to accept her request to meet, he tells her to meet him at La Mentirosa tomorrow)
Renata tells Adri that she does not like to lie to Matias but it is no use to tell him what happened with Jeronimo or how she feels for Jeronimo... especially if she is going to see Jero tomorrow and then never again.

Honorio, Matias and Renata in a tight but ellegant apple red dress... Honorio says he promised Adri he would be near Agatha... doing it not only for Agatha but also for Adri, he wants her to receive the same care once he received from her mother. Renata and Matias are super proud of him.

Constanza arrives at the Regina's center... Regina keeps on thanking Connie... Cata says there is no bigger pain than a mother watching her child suffer. Regina asks Cata to show Connie what Ines does at the center regularly.

At hacienda, Carlos is saying goodbye to Matilde... She says that she thought he was the enemy but it turns out the enemy was El Hermoso.
Carlos says goodbye to Lazaro and asks him not to let his sister serve the eggs with habanero sauce to anyone else, (seems he got an indigestion from them after all LOL)

Jero tells Mati that he will try to compensate for all her work and loyalty for Rafa... She says dont want compensation, what she wanted Rafa took to his grave (she walks away angry... how old is this girl supposed to be anyway? Certainly acts like the owner of the hacienda).
Carlos asks Jero if when he said he wanted to forget everything also included forgetting his plans on the Roberta/Renata situation. Are you sure you want to cut off your revenge thirst? Jero stays quiet, deep in thought.

At Monterrubio Manor, the maid found the bed covers which were in the visitor bedroom because Gonzo slept there. She tells Fina Gonzo asked her to move his things to the guest bedroom. Fina is irate. The Senor will stay in this bedroom by my side! So forget what he said. Don't move anything to the guest room.

Renata is remembering all her encounters with Jero and his call to accept meeting with her. A guy who works for her brings some work for her to review but she asks him to review it himself... (the guy is cute, another potential guy for Adriana)

Back at hospital, Honorio tells Adri the hospital bill for her mother's surgery is paid for. He even brought flowers for her mother's room. Adri says we will have her wondering who is the 'anonymous' guy who sent her flowers... Adri thanks Honorio for everything he is doing for her mom

Roberta is very anxious, calls Sele to bring her a home pregnancy test ASAP!!

Augie calls Renata... he is happy yesterday he closed a very important business deal.. he tries to invite her to celebrate with a dinner, but he remembers she wanted to keep business separate from personal matters. She says maybe some other time.. But Renata tells him that business deal they started talking about earlier is all set and ready for the final details.

Jero is deep in thought in darkness in the apartment. Carlos comes back... Jero tells Carlos he was thinking... Carlos gets a ray of hope and asks 'about the hacienda?'... But it is too good to be true...Jero sighs irritated. Carlos realizes it is a lost cause... Carlos says he used the time to go to buy a ticket to Merida... he will leave tomorrow first thing in the morning. Jero insists he can't keep the hacienda. Carlos says ok, I understand that your pain is bigger than your reasoning... but really... I hope in a couple of months you won't be regretting your decision...

At DrDeath's house... he is having dinner with Karina... he wants them to move to the hacienda because that place is what corresponds to a man of his ranking/category... Karina says it will move them much farther away from town so she won't be able to just walk to town, to the market, to the church.. HE says use a car. She says she can't drive. He says then learn to drive!! Or any man from the hacienda can drive you around! I will hire many workers to treat you like a queen... You won't have to do anything... Karina replies 'then what am I going to do all day??' He says whatever you want! maybe that way you will learn to behave like a 'high society damme'... She says she does not care about that. He gets really mad and says 'but I DO!!! and here Everyone does what I SAY!!!' .. Karina says alright! But I would like to keep the current employees of La Bonita. Alvaro says no way! All employees of La Bonita, including your friends Matilde and Lazaro, will be replaced... and not one more word about it... sorry but have to say this was a nasty scene to watch and recap... this guy is an a___ no doubt about it.

Matilde and Lazaro are packing up Rafael's things.. She want to give some of Rafael's things to church and keep some othes for herself as memories... Lazaro is very comprehensive with her... you will see everything will be alright... Matilde says there won't be any other boss as nice and good as Rafael.

Sele arrives at Roberta's room.. Roberta anxiously goes in the bathroom with the pregnancy test.

Renata arrives at La Mentirosa... A minute later Jero arrives... He heads directly to Renata's table.
J: Adriana!... sorry... Renata?...
R: I thought you were going to stand me up.
J: I never would... besides, I have to come to collect on a debt you have with me...
R: What debt are you talking about?
J: They say 'stealing from a burglar is...' (and plants a serious rough liplock on her as he pulls her to standing)
(commercial brk)
(Renata pulls off and slaps him again)
J: That's what I am!!! Yes, I am an IMBECIL for believing in your lies!
(She had turned around and was picking up her purse and coat)
R: Itis no use that I am here if you are going to have that attitude!
J: (grabbing her strongly by arms to prevent her from leaving) You are wrong!! You are wrong! Now the debts are cleared. Now we can talk!
R: Let me go!
J: If you leave, you can forget about clearing up the misunderstandings and to talk with the truth! And I will remind you that you were the one who had interest in doing so!
R: Who do you think you are to speak to me like that and treat me like that??
J: And who do you think YOU are that you won't show your real face??
R: I came here to talk and clear things up with you!!
J: Then let's TALK!! ... unless you run out as you always do.
J: Lets talk with the truth.
R: That is why I am here.
J: I have many questions/doubts.
R: Me too. Because I don't know why you keep showing up in my life and... I just don't understand it.
J: I don't understand either why we keep meeting but... that is why I want to find out. What were you doing here at this bar? Is it true that some guys were going to mug you and that is why you kissed me?
R: I swear it.
J: Who were you going to meet?
R: A friend who asked me to meet him here.
J: What friend? I want the truth.
R: A friend who used to work at the Monterrubio company and my dad had big plans for him.. but one day he just quit out of nowhere and left.
J: Where did he go?
R: I don't know... But recently he showed up at my office and I saw him again.
J: Why did he go to your office?
R: HE was going to give me and my family a surprise. That's what he said.
J: What kind of surprise?
R: I don't know! One day he called me and just asked me to meet him here... he sounded very strange... and it was the very same day we met here. Ever since I have come by, I never saw him again I never heard from him again. I have tried to locate him but seems that he has dissappeared off the face of the earth.
J: What is the name of your friend?
R: Rafa.
J: Rafa who?
R: Rafael Gutierrez!
(deer in headlights stare of Jero)
R: As a matter of fact, recently I came by again with Matias to inquire about Rafa.
J: Matias knows about your relationship with Rafa?
R: Of course... He wanted to come with me when Rafa asked me to come find him, but I thought Rafa wanted to tell me somethng important so I did not think it was appropriate to bring him. ... you don't believe me, right?... I swear it is the truth.
(At Monterrubio manor, Matias seems to be getting impatient waiting for Renata... he dials Jero's number)
J: Hello Matias.
(Matias wants to invite him to have a drink together, tells him his girlfriend said she had a business meeting ... Jero repeats teh words, Renata gets anxious.. Jero tells Matias that he cannot meet now... maybe some other time.. Jero hangs up)
J: (irritated) How do you want me to believe you if you lied to Matias? He thinks you are with a client!
R: ... ah.. nothing, I simply skipped the fact that I came to meet with you!
J: To skip a fact is to lie.
R: ITs just that I could not tell you that I was coming here to meet you!
J: Why not??
R: Because I could not tell him... what I feel for you!!... (he freezes)... That's all I had to tell you.. Until never, Jeronimo!

In Roberta's room, Roberta comes out of bathroom.. .Sele guesses right, Rob is pregnant with Rafa's baby.
Sele suggests she talk to Rafa and her parents...That would be the best solution. Your parents would have to accept Rafa and I am sure they would prefer that than to have you be a single mom.
But Roberta is not in agreement I won't be a single mother or a married mother! I simply won't be a mother!... I won't throw away my life for an escuincle... even less for the child of a man who rejected me... I have the right to decide on my life and my body!
Sele says it is your child!! It already exists and you can't just ignore or throw it out! Sele is even willing to go to the hacienda with Roberta.. but Roberta says no!! Sele insists anything is better than to kill a child of yours.. Anything else is better! To have it, to give it in adoption, to find it a father.. There are men who agree to father a child of another man's. What about Jero? Don't you say he is crazy for you? (Rob thinks Sele wants her to trick Jero into thinking he is the baby's dad) No, I don't mean to trick him into thinking he is the baby's dad.. But if you tell him your story, he can agree to marry you and take the baby as his child!... Roberta keeps thinking that's crazy... She hates this child.. because it was not a desired/wanted child... and it is the son of a man who deceived her.

Gonzo and Matias make plans to go to a business convention together... Matias would like Renata to go with them, but Gonzo say there is much work here and have to leave someone behind to deal with business...

Gonzo goes to his room and meets with Fina there...
G: Fina.. I asked Eulalia to set up the guest room for me and she did not. Did you counter my order?
F: Yes... because your place is in this bedroom.
G: I won't ever sleep again in this room. You have no interest in understanding me... only in retaining/hanging on to me. (walks away)
F: I want you at my side because I love you! ... I am certain that our marriage still is fixable. (Dream on, witch!!)
G: I am going to Monterrey with Matias for a few days to an export convention. But when I return, we will have to put the cards on the table. (careful, Gonzo. Who says she would play fair even in a card game?) Good night. C'iao, Josefina. (she is smoking bullets... thinks I have to finish you off, Regina Soberon before you finish with all that is mine!)

Regina, Ines and Isidro are talking about what she did for little Andresito, including cancelling her trip to Spain.. They say Antonio will be proud of her when he finds out why she cancelld the trip (wanna bet??).. they are sure Antonio will not leave her. Regina is more interested in when they will meet with the Doctor about the tes results... Tomorrow.... They all get smoochy again about being there for each other...

Connie and Honorio in their bedroom... Connie is tired and achy from workng... she says it is a very satisfying exhaustion, which leaves the heart full of happiness... he likes to see her happy and tells her he loves her... (this is a very happy couple for real)

Roberta is crying in her favorite spot,, her closet... crying about the child she is expecting... tells herself she has to end this and everything that has to do with it tomorrow...

Renata gets a loving card note from Matias on her bed... She thinks 'how I wish I could feel the same thing you feel for him... I would give anything for it... but I can't...' (split screen with Jero saying to himself that he coudl not believe she feels the same way he does... but she is a forbidden woman for him... he remembers their meetings again, and the meeting at the bar... suddenly a light goes on in his head... 'It was you and not Roberta!!! Everything fits! you both worked together, you were friends... he had the 'R' necklace, he had the photo... I hate that it was you, Renata! ... what am I going to do with all this I feel, Renata?? what?? (he is really anxious and unsettled)

Augie tells Ezequiel that he wants to get La Bonita ready and pretty for the woman who will be its owner... Who is that?... the prettiest woman you ever saw... in all the years I have worked with you i never heard you talk like that about anyone... Then its about time! I stopped living alone! I have chosen my 'woman'. In this life you always have to be one step ahead of the will of everyone else. Its the only way to get what you want. And I will have that woman living in the hacienda I want.

Regina gets home...Regina listens to a voice mail from Antonio, he say he is coming back tomorrow since his business deal is done... She is not looking forward to it, rubs her forehead... but her mom keeps insisting that she pay more attention to Antonio before he gets tired of waiting for her. Her mom says she would be more at ease so in the day she is gone, her daughter would not be alone. Regina tells her mom she feels pressured by her (GOOD for you Regina!)

Fina gets to her bedroom and finds Gonzo packing for the Monterrey trip... She tries her best to convince him to take her with them... no way. Gonzo says together or separated, the relationship he has with Matias and the girls noone will take from him. No, it is not a sudden choice... he has been thinking about it for a long time now...
G: We have lost the complicity/camaraderie between us. I have a feeling of emptiness... of dissatisfaction... That is why I have to find a solution for it... Even if I am being selfish about it.
F: To split is not a solution, my love.
G: Staying together is not either, Fina! That is why I want you to think about it on these days I am away... Think about it real good... without getting too passionate. And consider the possibility of a new love, a new path in our lives.
F: I can't picture life without you.
G: I will always be close to you, but that does not neccessarily mean I need to do it as your husband. We can be friends. Good friends and parents to our children... without being a couple... I will see you when I get back.. C'iao Fina. (she has a killer stare into nowhere when he leaves)

Jero is still thinking of Renata...

Robera is having nausea in her room, she calls Jero, but Jero is in no mood to answer the phone. Roberta leaves voice mail for him to call her so they can get together.... for a change (not!) she blames them not getting together on Renata's messes... she wants to see him and to 'be with him'...

Renata and Matias are walking around his house.. apparently they were riding again...
M: What is the matter? You have been very quiet... Did it go badly in your meeting last night? you look sad and lost in your thoughts...
R: Look, Matias... I am indeed sad because... (takes a deep breath) I can't keep lying to myself or to you... I.... really have tried but I can't seem to be able to fall in love with you. Please forgive me, but I can't
M: What are you talking about?
R: Forgive me, Matias... but what I feel for you is not love... I can't continue being your girlfriend...
(he gets teary-eyed...)
R: I really would love to give you my heart but it is just not happening...And I don't think it is fair for you to waste our time.
M: I know that you can't rule over your heart... but we had agreed to give us some time to make it work. What changed since then?
R: Matias, I really don't want to hurt you but... it is useless to wait any longer and stretch this any further... really... its useless.
M: (he is so sad he is out of breath) This afternoon I am leaving with my dad for the convention in Monterrey. We will be away for a few days... Why don't we use this time to think about what we feel without each other?
R: Matias, really, I don't need any time...
M: Maybe not! Maybe not! But perhaps to feel that we lost this, that this is over... maybe your heart will miss me... and that it could happen what I have wished for so hard, Renata!
R: Really, I would love to feel that, Matias, but I am sure it is not so because..
M: When I return, we will talk again... I promise you... and if nothing has changed... we will end our relationship and we will tell everyone that it did not work out... Agreed?
(she reluctantly agrees quietly, he walks away without another word...)

Gonzo told Honorio what he said to Fina... Honorio is totally surprised at Gonzo's move...
H: Just recently you told me that you were doing everything that you possibly could to make your marriage work... because you finally had the family you wanted, no?
G: I tried, but I stopped lying to myself. I can't revive what I once felt for Fina. Our relationship gets worse with time.
H: That was to be expected,no? You need two to tango! You can't be with someone by forcing yourself on them! Or at least I have it very clear that you have done everything you can to make it work with Fina. But sometimes the will is not enough.
G: Before, I was content with just feeling like I was part of a family but now I am not satisfied with that. Something changed in me that makes me want more. I now want to redefine my life.
H: What do you mean?
G: You know what this company means to me and not everything can be work. (stands up) When I met Regina, I realized the importance to have other passions in life. Something with meaning. That fills you inside and leaves you satisfied with your life.
H: ANd I suppose it was REgina who made you aware of that.
G: Honorio, don't misinterpret me as Fina did, now she is jealous of her.
H: Let me tell you something, brother. For the first time in my life, I agree with your wife. You say it is not so. That Regina has nothing to do with your decision. But it is obvious that Mrs Soberon awakened something in you, even if not precisely in the romantic sense.
G: Exactly! Regina came to awaken a desire for some purpose in life for me! a mission of life... something beyond work.
H: And what does Fina say about splitting?
G: She is totally against splitting up.
H: Then?
G: Then even if she opposes to it, we will talk about every detail about the separation and I will have to leave the house.
H: And have you realized that this split might affect teh relationship between Renata and Matias?
G: OF course.. That is why I will speak to my son. It is no secret to anyone that the relationship REnata and Fina is not good. Especially after what happened in the party. So I don't see any problem with that.
H: I agree with that. It would be a huge problem if the one Matias had fallen for was Roberta.
G: Very true. But fortunately, the one he fell for was my princess, my Renata.

Adri is spoon feeding her mom... her mom wonders who sent her the flowers... but Adri won't spill the beans... Adri gives her the card... but she is more confused than ever, don't have any male friend..

Fina steals the maid's cell phone for a minute to call Regina's office, faking being a girl who's pregnant and wants to meet with Regina away from the office... they agree to meet at a coffee shop near the charity center the next day... (that smells fishy to me... perhaps bloody)
Then Fina goes in her bedroom and begins to pack some stuff... I am not very clear on what she is planning...
(sorry, my DVDR did not record the previews)


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