Wednesday, February 08, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #32 Wednesday 2/8/12 Love is in the air, but Ana Paula is The Woman Who Couldn't Smell It

NOTE: I am posting the recap for tonight's episode in advance, since by the time it will air on Univision, I will be sleeping, because of my +2 GMT time zone.

*Newbie Alexandra is back with hopefully another well-received recap. Once again, it's a long recap, so please bear with me.

So where were we? Ah yes!
Cinthia telling the two turtle doves that she won't marry David if Rogelio will break up with Ana Paula. Yeah, riiiight! Ana Paula and Roger look at each other. Ana Paula feels slightly embarrassed by the whole situation and Cinthia, who apparently doesn't understand body language, still insists, asking them what do they think of her unbeatable offer.

Rogelio: "Of course not!" Or in other words, "!"

Cinthia is surprised to see that he's not eager to part ways with Ana Paula. Of course, I understand why she rolls her eyes in disbelief. I mean, why wouldn't Rogelio divorce a beautiful, young woman, who somewhat cares about him and who makes fireworks explode in Rogelio's mind every time they make eye-contact.
Can we move on to more important things now?

Oh yeah, that's more like it!

Rogelio tells her that if she thinks that the best thing for her is to marry David, then she has his permission. Cinthia, still trying to recover from the hand kiss she just saw, can't believe that he actually lets her marry David so that Ana Paula can still be Ms. Montero. Now she asks Ana Paula what did she give him, to enter such a state, since she can't understand a damn thing. Whatever magic potion that was, SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY, Ana Paula, I am so buying it.

Ana Paula's miracle potion - how to turn an ogre into Prince Charming in just 3 days.



The crying and whining sis leaves and Ana Paula tells Rogelio that she feels bad for this situation, since she doesn't want him to get into trouble with his sister because of her.

The only trouble that Rogelio has is making Ana Paula fall in
love with him. Y U no love him??

"If you want to renegotiate the contract or if you want me to be only your nurse. No way, Jose, says Roger. "Tell me, are you that fed up with me?" "Of course not, I didn't say it because of that! But your sister believes I married you to steal her part of the heritage." "Don't worry because of Cinthia". I don't know, but anyway, there are so many things I don't like, which aren't alright."

"Like what?" says Roger, visibly annoyed by her remark, since he tried his best to please her. Maybe she just doesn't like that their lips don't get sealed more often.
"Like what? Like your mood changes, for example!" Well, Ana Paula, it's called imperfection. "You've been acting so seriously since we returned from the lagoons."

Oh Ana Paula, if you could only read my puppy eyes!

"See how something is happening with you? Anyway, I want to thank you for the effort you put into making me feel well" Thank goodness I don't have the show on mute, otherwise judging by her expression, I would think that she is verbally punishing him. Somehow the expression doesn't match her words.
"Oh for God's sake, the trip didn't turn out as expected. Your fall, Margaro's disappearance."
Hey, at least all this was compensated by the semi-undressing of Hottie Huguito Pechito (Chesty). Not to mention the satisfaction of my wet men fetish.

Ana Paula says: "Well, despite everything what happened, I had a better time than expected!"
Ana Paula thinks: "Well, there were a few inconveniences here and there, but that kiss brought 10 points for Gryffindor.

Rogelio still seems disappointed with himself, so Ana Paula sits down on his bed and takes his hand.
Ana Paula says: "I don't know how our marriage is going to end, but at least I hope we'll end up being good friends."
Ana Paula thinks: "I hope our marriage will last forever and I hope we'll do some awesome things while "Sexual Healing" will play in the background.
Rogelio finally lets a smile escape, liking the idea.

Actually, "You can leave your hat on" is way better

Meanwhile, in Boca del Cielo, David is enjoying a drink and chats on the phone with Cinthia. He tells her that as soon as he'll finish his job there, he'll head to the hacienda. But Cinthia won't take "later" for an answer. He wants him there NOW. David can't understand what's the emergency. He asks her if she's ok, but surprise-surprise, she's not. She is angry because of that climber who married her brother. "I need you!" "Do you really mean it?" "Yes, my love! Now that you left, I miss you very much and I can't be without you. Kisses!" David is the only one buying her cheesy love statements - I, for sure, don't. A pair of sunglasses and a few girls in bikini would
make this picture perfect.

Back at the hacienda, Maria brings Rugged Roger his drink and he tells her that Ana Paula said that she hopes they could be good friends. Wonder if all that lemonade is the reason why he was
bitter all along

Rogelio enjoys the drink and tells Maria that Ana Paula had more fun than expected during their voyage, making him believe that she really appreciates his effort and dedication. This gives Maria the opportunity to say our favorite catchphrase: TOLD YA!, adding that he should have more faith in her and Rogelio tells her she's the only woman he trusts. Maria says he should start trusting more in Ana Paula too, causing him this reaction. " 'ta bueno!" = It's alright!

"I will take it easy with her. I decided not to give up until I win Ana Paula's heart!" That's my boy, you go Roger! I don't really have a comment for this pic, but I thought you
would all enjoy seeing his cute dimples and smile

Outside the hacienda, auntie Rosy tells Moron Miguel that Bruno told her that usually, when you sign a contract, you receive a copy of it also. Ana Paula joins their conversation and Miguel roooars animalistic: "ANA PAULAAAAAAAAA!". I'm not even joking. One more item on "Miguel's creepy features" list. The only person who doesn't see anything wrong with it is Ana Paula herself, who gives him kisses and hugs, feeling happy that finally there is someone who says her complete name. Ooups, objection, your honor!, auntie Rosy does that too. "Yes, aunt, but only you guys do it. Here at the hacienda everybody calls me 'Paula' ". Blame your mother for giving you two first names.

Miguel asks her how was the trip with Roger and she repeats the same stuff that everybody kept telling throughout the telenovela: that it was better than expected and that he behaved very friendly with her. When did a kiss stop being romantic and turn into a 'friendly' gesture? Oh the sadness! "More than friendly, I would say" says auntie Rosy, who reads my mind. Thank you! "He was attentive, gentleman-like..." Rosy knows best

Ana Paula says: Maybe it won't be that difficult to spend a year here.
Ana Paula thinks: Maybe I will manage to spend more than a year here.

Oh yes, cowboy Rogelio will be mine!

Now Rogelio is having a chat with Bruno. "Don't worry, Vanesa never worked before and she doesn't know anything. I doubt that she could handle the business. Actually, I should warn Federico that with Vanesa helming the empresa, he will end up in bankruptcy. Vanesa taking over her father's business?
This wins as the joke of the day

"She doesn't know much, but she's an intelligent woman, says her defender Bruno, who might be her only fan. "And she wishes to take revenge." Oh sh*t!

"You should beware of her, especially since now she's the major shareholder."
"You're very wrong, caramba, Federico only gave her 30% of the shares, I saw it when she signed it." Finally someone who doesn't only read what he signs beforehand, but who also reads what others sign.
"Her mother gave her her shares too and with them, she has 60% and the control over the firm."
"Whatever, we'll see who'll be the toughest. ("Ya veremos de que cuero salen mas correas" literally means "We'll see which leather will make the most belts" and it means that we'll see who will win or who will have more endurance).

Don't argue with Rogelio, your argument will
always be invalid.

Rogelio: "Something else?"
Bruno: "Yes, your sister."
Suddenly Rogelio has a worried look upon his face, probably thinking that Bruno has the intention of showing his worked-up chest in all its splendor to bang his sister.
But no, Bruno warns Rogelio that Cinthia is looking for the will of their parents. "She asked for a copy and I said that I would gladly give it to her if...she would promise me a night of passion". No no no, me is bad girl. *Note to myself: control your kinky impulses. He actually says that he would do it if Roger would give him his permission.

Can I give her the will, pleeeease?


Rogelio said he did well and he shouldn't give her anything. If she wants a copy of the will, she should ask him. Maria comes with the drinks and hears the last part of the conversation, looking worried.

Back to Boredom del Cielo, David is still at the table, not having finished his drink yet. Forever alone? No, thankfully, because Juan joins him. He tells David that Fermin is planning to go that night to the construction site to stop it and he already formed the group of fishermen.

At the hacienda, Maria tells Rogelio that she heard what he told Bruno about the will. Well, doh, it's not like we thought you were deaf. "I know you heard it Nana, since you were here!" See, Rogelio agrees with me. "But why are you like this? What does it cost you to give Cinthia what she is entitled to receive?" "Look, for everybody's sake, I will never do it." "But why?" "Because Cinthia doesn't have any idea about this business, she would end up losing everything, that's why!"
Your argument is still invalid.

"Well, yes, but maybe she..."
"No no, no 'maybe'. I won't risk the hacienda or the people working here only for a bratty girl. End of discussion"
"But Cinthia has the right to what your father left to both of you."
"You don't have to remind me, if there is someone who knows the will's terms, that's me."
"Ay, I know you would be incapable of taking something that belongs to your sister."
"Then? Look Nana, nothing guarantees that David could be a good husband and I don't want her to lose her patrimony."
"Well, yes, it's a possibility."
"I never boasted about my merits, but the ledgers don't lie - I have significantly increased the proprieties that our father left us."
Nana says she doesn't doubt it - err, shouldn't she just have said that SHE KNOWS IT, since the hacienda grew right in front of her own eyes? Nana - not so bright. She says that the best way to end with all this is to give Cinthia what belongs to her and she can do with the money whatever she wants to.
Not entirely convinced.

Night falls at la hacienda. Ana Paula wants to help Maria in the kitchen and she holds a carrot as if she's about to stab someone with it.
Forget about the icicle, this knife won't leave
any traces.

Maria allows her to continue working, because she was enjoying the gossip. She wants to continue talking, but Ana Paula pretends having no idea of Maria's subject of interest. Hint: it starts with "Roge" and it ends with "lio". Maria tells her that she is very young and she can't mourn her boyfriend forever. Her mourning is already longer than the actual relationship between her and Gus, just sayin'. "I think you should give yourself another shot at love, because afterwards you'll regret it and there will be no way to turn back time." Ana Paula sighs, telling us that she is The Woman Who Couldn't Love AGAIN, because that's how she feels. Maria tells her that she knows how it feels to lose your love, but she also knows how much you miss that feeling afterwards. "So that's why you don't have anyone by your side?" "That's right, so listen to my advice and try it at least."

"Here? How?" - Ahhh? Wait...what? Is she really or does she only pretend to be? What in the name of San Juan??? Isn't it obvious that Rogelio needs a napkin every time he sees her, because he can't stop drooling?
"Well, I didn't say you should try it with someone who isn't your husband. Try to start all over again with him".
Oh yeah, Rogelio is a good match. Thanks for
pointing that out to me, I would have never thought of it

"No, no, that can't be, because after a ye...forget about it. The thing is that I won't fall in love again." No, Ana Paula, the thing is that the heart doesn't have ears and doesn't get along with the brain, so you can't tell it what it should feel. It just bugs me that she seems so certain of everything, as if she has some kind of a crystal globe, able to see in the far future.
"You know that in fact Rogelio married me to humiliate Vanesa" - And there you go, she sounds jealous to me.
"Well, this is how it began, but things can change. Interact more with him and I assure you that you will discover a wonderful human being."
"Why are you telling me all this, Maria?
"Because I realized that Rogelio sees you as no other woman."
Holy guacamole! No sh*t?

"Not even Vanesa!"

OH. MY. GOD! Bring the smelly salts!

Back to Boredom del Cielo, Fermin with the fishermen, Juan included (who plays dumb) arrive at the site, warning David that even if Gustavo betrayed them, he will go to the capital city to denounce them if necessary. Juan plays the game and warns David that he could end up like the other ones who tried to mess with the pueblo and almost floated in the bay. Ugh, David is too cute to sleep with the fishes. ZzzzzZzzz...I could fall asleep with this part, but unfortunately the fishermen are shouting too loud. Bla bla bla you won't buy us like you did with engineer Gustavo
bla bla and David fakes chickening out.

We are at the hacienda again, with Ana Paula still in disbelief, saying that this can't be. Maria asks her if she doesn't think that Rogelio changed a lot. "Well, yes, he is trying to get along with me. But from there til watching me with different eyes, as you say, is still a long way."

Keep telling yourself that, darling!

"Although..." says Ana Paula, looking to see if Rogelio isn't spying on them as usual "...he kissed me while we were at the lagoons". Maria's second opportunity of the episode to say: TOLD YA!
But yet again, Ana Paula is a party pooper, saying that she can't forget Gusbobo. "Well, anyway, could you do me a favor? Try to get along with Rogelio. He changed a lot and if he'll return to the way he was before, you'll be in for a big surprise."

Ana Paula goes to see Rogelio in his office, breaking his concentration, but he isn't upset. She tells him that dinner is ready and asks him if he wants to have something to eat, but he says: "Not yet, in a moment!"

Who would have thought that knowing that the dinner
is ready would make Roger so happy?

Ana Paula asks him for permission to call her friend Squeaky, to know how she is. He asks her if she misses her a lot and she says yes, especially since Vanesa's father fired her after he found out that she is Ana Paula's friend. Rogelio tells Ana Paula that if she won't be able to find a new job, she should let him know so that he can recommend her. Ana Paula thanks him, he hands her the telephone over and she promises she won't be late. Roger of course doesn't care how long will the conversation last, since it's her house. Awww.

She feels a bit uncomfortable that Rogelio is still there while she is talking on the phone, since she can't share her dirty secrets with her friend Dany.

We are now with Vanesa and Esteban, who thinks that there won't be any problems with her mother, but he doesn't feel the same about her father, who, he thinks, doesn't agree with them trying again with the relationship. Vanesa says that she'll do whatever it's in her power to achieve her goals, meaning trying to see if things can work out between her and Esteban and if they can be happy indeed. Also, she wants to see if she can be successful in the business too, to finish with those who aren't worthy. Esteban is confused with that last line, but she quickly changes the subject, telling him that she'll need his help.

Your wish is my command!

Vanesa needs of course patience, since she'll spend a lot of time focusing on the business and maybe they won't be able to spend so much time together as before. But Esteban understands her and supports her, since he knows that her father isn't feeling too well lately and he could use her help. She agrees and she is glad that he understands her. Esteban is leaning for the kiss, but at first she isn't really into it.

Sorry Esteban, but Rogelio's lips are unforgettable
and unmatched

Meanwhile, Ana Paula still tries to speak encoded to Dany, but it's not really working, so she moves to Plan B, speaking about themes of low interest, like for example, Dany getting her job back. Even Rogelio is fed up with the awkwardness of the phone conversation, so he leaves, letting her talk in peace. Dany still not figuring out what was going on, asks her "WHY SO SEEERIOUS?" Ok, not really as menacing as the Joker, but that's what she said. Ana Paula tells her that Rogelio was there and that's why she couldn't talk. Dany asks her how is everything with him, seeming more enthusiastic about Ana Paula's husband that Ana Paula herself.

Dany, with a creepy kinky stalking girlfriend look

Ana Paula says: "Well, I don't know Dany....Rogelio kissed me."
Ana Paula thinks: "Well, things are going terrific. Rogelio and I kissed and I am pretending I am hard to get, to seem more interesting.

I kissed a cowboy and I liked it

OH NO YOU DIDN'T! *squeak

Dany: "Told ya, told ya! You'll fall in love! I will pray to San Antonio for that!" Fan Club Rogelio has a new member.
Of course, Ana Paula says no no no, she doesn't think so. Uhmm a few minutes ago with Maria, she was pretty sure that this won't happen and now she DOESN'T THINK that? Hmm I smell an inconsistency here. "It's just that...all the time I kept thinking of Gustavo."

"But he is gone and you should give Rogelio a chance! After all, what are you losing with that? Think about it."
"Well, we'll see about that, but for now I promised Maria that I'll try to get along with him."

Get more ways than one. Cheeky smile

She remembers the kiss and sighs.

So, let me get this straight. When she kisses Rogelio
she thinks of Gustavo, but when she talks about
Rogelio she thinks of the kiss? Logic goes out the window

Another day at the hacienda. Moron Miguel arranges the pictures of the family in Ana Paula's room, but Ana Paula doesn't like the fact that he is avoiding to speak about Dany, who is worried about him. She doesn't understand why he broke up with her and he says it's the best for her. Can't argue with that though, it's better to be forever alone than forever with a moron. He has nothing to offer her, he says and moreover, she is too far away and he prefers someone from San Gabriel. "Someone like Maripaz? Because I noticed that you danced a lot with her on my wedding day". "Maripaz is very nice." Hold on...he's not good enough for Dany, but is for Maripaz? Way to go undervaluing a girl you barely know. Ana Paula asks him if he broke up with Dany because of Maripaz, but he says that of course not. It just...ended y punto. Okay, this is getting zzzzZZZZ. If stupidity could make you fly, he would be lost in space. He says that he and Maripaz are only friends, but Ana Paula doesn't buy it and asks him if she knows of his law problems. "No and she doesn't have to know." "Why not? If you are interested in her, you have to tell her." "We are only FRIEEEEENDS!" "If she's your friend, you should trust her." He thinks that she would probably think the worse of him, but Ana Paula believes it's wrong to hide it from her. He tells her that it's still too soon and she better not dare to tell Maripaz that.

Auntie enters the room and Miguel asks Ana Paula if she has a copy of the contract she signed with Rogelio. Rosy approves, saying that somehow Bruno found out that the marriage is based on a contract and he needs to see it. "But why?" "Maybe he thinks that because Rogelio did it behind his back, there is something there that's not good for you." I don't think Rogelio would have done something not convenient to her, since he started to have feelings for Ana Paula before the wedding. It will probably be revealed later, but I doubt it would harm her, me thinks.

"What are you referring to, aunt?"
"Well, I don't know, but get hold of the copy, maybe you did a pact with the devil."

Rosy, why so negative?

We are in Boredom del Cielo again. David leaves instructions to a worker frightened by the fishermen he saw yesterday, but no worries, he has everything under control. Juan comes and tells David that his acting was pretty good and they both start laughing, while Edgar the worker listens, becoming even more worried by what he heard. David asks him what's happening and he of course says: "Nothing..." and leaves. David gives Juan his tip and they make more arrangements.

At the hacienda, Hugo speaks!! Yay, he's not mute after all. Rogelio asks him if he did what he asked him to and Hugo says: "There you have it, patron!", giving him a giftbag. But Ana Paula spoils the surprise, entering the room.

Rogelio trying to look unsuspecting and kinda failing

She says Good day to Rogelio and Hugo, who for a moment forgets that she is not Paula anymore and quickly corrects himself calling her Senora Montero and leaves.
Don't worry, Hugo. We'll forgive you if you take your shirt off.

Ana Paula asks Rogelio if he is eating in the dining room or on the terrace and he of course chooses option number 2, knowing that it's Ana Paula's favorite place to eat. She is all smiles: "Well then, let's go!", but wait a sec, because Rogelio has a surprise for her. Ana Paula tells him it wasn't necessary, but he says it was. "You impulsed me to do things that I never thought I could do again, so now I will teach you how to ride a horse." Which horse? No, no, bad girl Alexandra, bad girl! Must...resist...writing...kinky....stuff.

Save a horse, ride a cowboy!

She doesn't understand. "Rogelio, you will teach me how to ride?" she having the same kinky thoughts also? "Well, I remembered that you like horses a lot, but that idiot Bruno didn't know how to teach you." "No, no, it was my fault, I was too confident." "Never mind. Do you think that because of my condition I can't teach you?" "No, of course not. I think that everything can be done if you find the right way." "Exactly, I believe the same and to begin with, the theory is very important. That's how we'll start." Rogelio takes out the wrapped present, seeing it for the first time and apologizes since he didn't choose the wrapping paper himself, which is rainbow colored. Aww.

Oups, not your favorite colors.

But Ana Paula doesn't mind it, she says she loves it. And with the joy of a kid on Christmas day, she opens her present, while Roger says that this is the first lesson. She thanks him VERY much, not only for the book, but also for remembering the things she likes. Aww. Roger, be my lover.

Oh the excitement!

Well played, sir!


Outside the hacienda, Rosy is walking around. Efrain follows her and asks Rosy who upset her, while Cinthia is watching the scene a few meters away. Efrain: "You look so cute when you smile!" "You insignificant!" "Well, to be honest, I was left with an appetite for something more the other day." "Oh you don't say!" "Uh-huh!" "Oh, too bad, because if it has to do with me, you'll remain that way." "Don't be a meanie! Don't say you don't want to!" "Don't want what?"

Efrain grabs her and she hits him with her fan, to let her go, demanding more respect.

Now she really screams that he shall respect her, since she's the auntie of the patron's wife. "You could be the mother-in-law, but you are beautiful!". He finally releases her and she leaves.

Doesn't matter, after all, tomorrow is another day in Cougar Town!

Cinthia comes out, asking him if now he'll get his freak on with an old woman. She answers herself to her question, saying that of course, since she is poor and uneducated, just like him. "Poor and uneducated, but I know very well how to treat women." He grabs her and kisses her. "What's wrong with you, idiota?" "Not a single night has passed without remembering the time I was in your bed." Efrain leaves, Cinthia wipes off the taste of his kiss from her lips.

On the terrace, Roger and Ana Paula read the book together and he gives her additional explanations. Maria interrupts them, bringing her famous orange juice. They are joined at the table by the jolly auntie. Maria says she likes the fact that they are dining on the terrace again and Ana Paula says she's even happier, especially because she is joined by her family also.

Oh Ana Paula, if you only knew what kind of family you have!

Of course, Moron Miguel appears also and tells Rogelio that he is prepared to work and Rogelio tells him he's glad, asking how is his hand and telling him that at the hacienda there are many things to be done. Rosy asks about the book Ana Paula can't stop reading and she says it was a gift from Rogelio, who will teach her how to ride horses.
Rosy to Roger: "And how are you going to do that?"

You. Really. Shouldn't. Have. Said. That

"Don't worry, that's the least important!"

Cinthia arrives at the scene also and Miguel invites her to sit down, but she doesn't want to "Stay at the same table with an old lagartona (lagartona literally means lizard, but it is used to describe women who don't behave properly for their age - or simply put, old bitc*es.), a delinquent and a climber. "No thanks, I lost my appetite.", says Cinthia. And now, so did everyone else. Angry auntie asks Rogelio if he heard it and he says he did, but it's her loss not wanting to eat with them. He asks Maria to bring in the food and afterwards he'll have a talk with Cinthia in the office. He tries to change the subject, but Ana Paula is visibly affected by what Cinthia said.

We now see Gusbobo, Ana Paula's ex-undead-boyfriend-believed-to-be-dead for the first time in this episode. I, for sure, did not miss him. He leans on some wall, with a lost look of a melancholic poet. Fermin comes and for some reason, Gus is soaking wet.

It's raining, raining. Oh baby, it's raining, raining! But I see no rain!

Gus wants to say goodbye to Carmen and Melina, but Fermin says it's a no-go; he should just leave and leave them alone. He tells him that they did what he couldn't, for being too ambitious and shoos him.

Back to Rogelio, he is having a phone call with Federico, because he was surprised to found out that he let Vanesa take care of the business with him. Federico is pissed, saying that he never said something like that. Rogelio tells him that they both threatened him that they will take revenge, but it's absurd to put Vanesa in charge of everything. Roger says his words should be taken as an advice, Vanesa will ruin him. "Look, miserable, I am the one who will make business with you. You won't get close to my daughter en tu perra vida." Fede hangs the phone and is having a heart attack while Dany enters his office. She tries to unbutton him so that he can breathe and te-hee, surprise, crazy witch Elsa comes in and sees them.
It's not what it looks like. Honestly.

Elsa: "Federico, what is this? What are you doing next to my husband? Desgraciada!

Riiiight, they were having so much fun, they are dying of laughter
Wicked Witch of the West

We are back at Boredom City, where Gus puts Meli a letter under the door and leaves.
Back in Fede's office, Dany tells Elsa that it's all a misunderstanding, that she tried to help him. "Liar, liar, bitch, you're a bitch!"
Fede, with his last powers, asks Elsa to calm down and tells Dany to return to her work, but she doesn't want to, because he is sick. "Do it!". "You heard him! Leave, bitch", says the Wicked Witch. Fede is coughing, barely able to speak, asking Elsa to call for a doctor....ehmm, why didn't he ask Dany to do that? Elsa tells him to stop faking, she knows that everything is a lie. He asks her again to call a doctor and Elsa asks him how is it possible for him to cheat on her again with an employee. "Wasn't that secretary enough?" and BOOM! Vanesa just opened the door and heard everything. She can't believe what her mother said.
Back to Boredom, Carmen reads the letter in which Gus says that he is sorry for not having been able to say goodbye in person bla bla he leaves not because he is a coward, but because he needs to find a way to clean his name bla bla and stop the construction bla bla. He doesn't know if he'll come back, but he gives the girls hugs.

Again in the office, Fede tries to explain that it was many years ago and Vanesa can't believe it. Could someone call a doctor? Anyone? Vanesa is disappointed, demands him to tell her the name of that 'gata'. Elsa is laughing while poor Fede is dying.
Har har har!

Finally, after an eternity, Vanesa notices that his father is in a horrible state and asks her mother to call a doctor, but she smiles in her face.

At the hacienda, Bruno tells Ana Paula to get him a copy of the contract, to know exactly what she signed for, so that she doesn't end up being disappointed. He doesn't want her to suffer. Auntie was listening (everyone is a spy in this telenovela) and starts to cough to make them sense her presence. Bruno leaves.

Cute couple.

Rosy asks Ana Paula what did Bruno talk about with her and she says that he asked for a copy of the contract. "Only that? I know he is still in love with you so watch out, you're married now and even if you don't love your husband, you have to respect him." But Ana Paula says she knows it and Bruno as well. Ana Paula is acting a bit strange, so he asks her if there is something else happening and Ana Paula replies that she was thinking of Rogelio - when she thinks she has him figured out, he does things which put him in a different light and she feels confused. Rosy tells her that little by little, she'll get to know her husband better and maybe she'll understand him better. Ana Paula doesn't think she will ever be able to understand him. Wait...what did Rogelio do now? What's wrong with her? She is also worried about Cinthia's bad attitude, although she says that the only thing she can do is to endure that one year, then leave. But in the meantime, says auntie, they should better not become enemies. "Just like that girl Vanesa, they shouldn't hate each other, quite the opposite." Uhmmm love each other like sisters?

"Tia, what are you saying? I could never get along with her. To start with, she hates me because she blames me that Rogelio left her. Moreover, she would be the last person I would wish to have as a friend." Auntie looks disappointed.

Rogelio and Cinthia have a discussion and she tells him that he's overreacting. He is angry because she insulted his wife and her family, but Cinthia states she said only the truth. Rogelio was about to take out his whip, but surprise-surprise, he forgot that the whip is gone and Cinthia mocks him for that.
Poof! Abracadabra! Whip is gone!

"Shut up or I'll forget that you are my sister!" "Well, that's the last thing missing." "Well, don't push me to that point!! You have to respect Paula and her family, so you'll go right now and apologize to my wife."
Rogelio, are you completely bonkers?

"QUEEEE? Do you want me to apologize to that ___ [fill in the blanks]?"

It was a demand, not a question.

In Tuxtla, at the hospital, Vanesa is agitated, while her mother reads calmly a magazine. Vanesa tells her that it looks as if she doesn't care about what might happen to her father. Right on the money! "It's not that, but I won't get worried if it's not the case." Yeah, you could start getting worried when you'll see him in the casket. "I know him, I know how exaggerated he is." "It didn't seem to me that he was exaggerating when the ambulance took him." "Oh daughter, don't you think it was too much of a coincidence that he started to feel sick right when I caught him with that employee?" "But my father has problems with the blood pressure! Now explain to me what was that about with the affair with the secretary?" "Well, I won't talk about that." "It's a shame, 'cause you will tell me everything right now." A doctor tells them that they have to discuss seriously about Federico's health.

At the hacienda, Cinthia is still pissed, saying she rather dies than apologizing to that bunch of profiteers and that his dear Paula is nothing but a ____ [fill in the blanks ver 2.0]. Now Rogelio is really angry, shouting that she must respect his wife and even if she doesn't want to, she'll have to apologize to her. He grabs her, but she still refuses to obey, shouting that since Ana Paula came there, she only caused trouble. Cinthia says Ana Paula bewitched him.
"Enough with the nonsense! And if you don't want to..."

"Then what? Can I finally leave this place?" For the moment, Cinthia only leaves his office. "Cinthia, CINTHIA!", Rogelio screams.

It's hard being the only man of the house,
surrounded by so many (hysterical) women.
And no, Moron Miguel doesn't count as a man.

Back at the hospital, Vanesa talks to her father, telling him that she got very scared, but now he has to calm down and rest. "Don't worry about the business, I'll take care of it." "That's the problem, my daughter, why did you tell Rogelio that you will handle things with him? I won't allow that" "What are you talking about? Of course she can do that, since she's the major shareholder!", says an unworried Elsa. "What are you saying" "Vanesa doesn't only have her shares, but also mines, so it will be up to her to decide what to do." "You can't do this to me, Elsa!" "Why not, for God's sake? You can't work anymore. Didn't the doctor tell you? You had a mild heart attack and you could die." Fede looks worried. Elsa is already keen on the idea of becoming a widow. Vanesa is pissed that her mother spilled the beans.

At the hacienda, Maria tells Rogelio that it's a good thing that Paula convinced him to surrender his 'fuete'. "Every day I like more your wife. It's the truth! As well as the fact that Cinthia already has the proper age to take her own decisions." "Look, nanny, my sister is very confused. She doesn't want to stay here, because she can't stand my wife, but this isn't a reason good enough for her to get married.

"That's true, but then give her her part! Your father said that..."
"I know what my father said. That as soon as Cinthia would find a man who could take care of her interests, I should give her her part of the herencia."


"And you doubt that David might be that man? He's your friend, you know him for a long time, you have businesses together..."
"Even so, I don't know if he's the man who Cinthia could let take care of her fortune."
"But Rogelio..."
"Look, nanny, I have the obligation of protecting my sister, even if she's against it."
Maria, stop arguing with Rogelio. Your chances of winning are -36.

Back at the hospital....zzzzZZZZzzz...
"What did you say, Elsa?"
"Mother, why do you say the things like that? Don't listen to her, father. You're not that sick, but you do have to take care of yourself."
"But if he's not so serious, why all that drama?"
"Enough, mother! I'll bring the doctor in so that he can explain it to you better."
"No daughter, no, I am already better."
"It wasn't the best way for you to find out, but the truth is that you do have to take care of yourself and rest, you can't cope with the pressure of having a packinghouse anymore."
"I understand that, daughter. But what I don't want is that you continue having connections to Rogelio and his people. It's not good for you."
"Don't worry, I can take care of it. And I don't care about Rogelio anymore, because I am seeing Esteban again and I appreciate him more now."
Poor Esty, he is the second-hand-second-course boyfriend.

Fede asks her if she is sure about that and she says that she is. Elsa adds that nothing is better than having the support of the person who loves you, although it would be better if they would be married, so there is no point for Fede in resisting. Vanesa says that Esteban already supports her. "Alright then!" The jolly mother goes to drink some coffee.

Fede wants to explain Vanesa about that secretary, but she doesn't let him, telling him that he'll have time later, because she will have to know how everything happened, since she can't believe it.

At la hacienda, sleazy Bruno asks Paula to understand him, that he loves her and hopes that as soon as the year will finish, she'll regain her freedom to give him an opportunity.

Bruno says: Moreover, I don't want Rogelio to harm you.
Bruno thinks: Moreover, I don't want Rogelio to share his bed with you.

"Look what he did to Vanesa and she was the love of his life!"
The lovely moment is interrupted by Cinthia, who stormes in, shouting that she doesn't understand what the hell did she do to his brother, nor why he is supporting her so much, but it's clear that she must be very good at SOMETHING, to have him like that.

Say what?

Bruno tries to calm her down, but she tells him to shut up. "You and your family are a bunch of profiteers. If only my brother would have never met you." Cinthia leaves, while Ana Paula and Bruno are impactados.

At Mercedes' place, she discusses with Chio about Esteban, who told her that things are going well between him and Vanesa. Chio says it's a shame and Mercedes says she tells her all this so that she doesn't get her hopes up with him, since she knows Chio likes him a lot. "Yes, but now there is no hope for me. Ni modo." "I think from now on you'll only have to look at him as a friend." "No way, I could never be his friend! I like him and I would like him to be my boyfriend. So if things won't work out with his ex, let me know ASAP!"

Cinthia walks around the hacienda, pissed, but luckily her knight in shiny armor David just arrived to support her. "What's happening?" "Please get me out of here." Hugs.
"David, let's get married as soon as possible."
"Alright, alright, tranquila, what's happening?"
"I can't take it any longer, please!"
"Yes, yes, I understand you, but what you are saying is very serious. Are you sure that you want us to get married?"
"Yes, yes my love!"
"And did you already speak to Rogelio? Because really, I wouldn't want to do it behind his back."
"Are you scared?"
"No, it's not that, but he's my friend, my business partner and I think it's better to do things right."
"Well, I already confronted him and told him."
"What do you mean you confronted him? Didn't he agree?"
"He thinks that it's precipitated, but I don't. And he already knows everything and I'm decided, so there's nothing to think about."

Well Cinthia, you know that it takes two to get married and David isn't too convinced...
Ok, never mind, David wants her to be his wife. Bring on the rice and the wedding bells! Kiss & hug.

At the hospital, Vanesa acusses her mother for giving Fede the bad news in such a...bad way. She doesn't see why she should be more careful, since he is sick anyway and he has the right to know it. "Yes, but that wasn't the way of telling him. You saw the way he took it."
"Vanesa, I am sorry, it's the reality and you and I have to think of the possibility that we might learn to live without him." What a heartless witch.
"How can you be so cold? If my father dies, I don't know what..."
"Look, if that would happen, you would have a lot of responsibilities. You are his only child, you are the sole inheritor of his fortune, so forget about sentimentality and start thinking of what we are going to do."

Elsa's big eyes creep me out. She's creepy in an over-the-top way, although instead of eyeballs, she seems to have $_$ .

At la hacienda, David and Cinthia share a passionate kiss and she doesn't like the fact that he is getting too steamy and pushes him.

It's getting hot in here

Uhmm I guess wedding is canceled then, since he's more than her muscular body can handle?
"David, no! They can see us here."
"Ah but what's the problem mi amor, if you'll be my wife anyway? Let's go and talk to Rogelio once and for all."
"No, no, let's wait until he calms down. In the meantime, take me for a walk to the pueblo, I don't want to stay here."
"You are not stepping back, are you?"
"Of course not, I just don't want to be here. Will you take me to the village, please?"

Hmm...what prize will you give me for that?

Bruno and Ana Paula are still talking, he tells her that she has a very difficult sister in law, poor her. She really doesn't know why Cinthia behaves like that, luckily she isn't his fiance anymore. But don't get too excited Bruno, she is not into you. Ana Paula says she would love it if "everybody would get along...for Rogelio".

What's with this awkward hand motion?

And she continues: " that he can live peacefully."
Bruno doesn't like what he hears. "You speak of him in a way that...Paula, never forget that Rogelio only cares about himself and won't back down no matter what. I didn't want to tell you without having the evidences, but as time goes by, I am more convinced that he took my father's hacienda playing dirty. And if he did this to me and Vanesa, why couldn't he harm you as well?"
"Because I did nothing wrong to him. I think that Rogelio is kind, but he's very hurt."

"But you defend him with so much passion that anyone would say that you fell in love with him!"

Oh my God, forgot to fake it. Was it that obvious?
I suck at pretending to be a woman of steel.

"Did you fall in love with him? Answer me! Are you in love with Rogelio?", insists Bruno.

Quick, back to Indifference MODE: ON

Pretty please don't screw my plans - say no!

End of capitulo 32.


El Talismán #7 Tue 2/7/12 Welcome to the Monkey House

(with apologies to Kurt Vonnegut)
Voice Over: Tonight we find ourselves back in the verdant Central Valley, where everyone who’s anyone is drawn, almost against their will, whether from Tijuana or Davis or the fleshpots of Amsterdam…or Viewerville…because Telenovela Laws are stronger and more inexorable than the Laws of Physics…okay, here we go.

El Tal:

The tía and P Ibby discuss his trouble keeping track of his women: can’t find one, can’t forget another, and can’t keep the third one off the property. If only he’d thought to have them implanted with microchips! Tía says he needs to accept that Mariana is probably dead and get on with his life, i.e. get his groove on with Camila. And maybe hire somebody to run off Lucrazy while he’s at it. He points out that nothing’s going to keep Lucrazy away if she’s really determined (well, he’s got THAT one right) and he refuses to believe Mariana is dead. He phones up the private detective, who says there’s still no news. I hope he’s not paying that guy too much.

El ‘Traz:

Our Lulu struts back into the family zoo, where her father announces that everything is just the same as when she left. (“Las cosas en esta casa siguen igual.” NO KIDDING.) She says she’s going to be a good girl now. He tells her to get herself a husband -- NOT P IBBY. After he leaves, she has a nice filial chat with her brother about when their father is going to die already. Nice helpful phrase for your own family discussions: “Hierba mala nunca muere.” I think that would translate figuratively to, “You can’t kill weeds.” Kids today!

La Pocilga de Davis:

Endless snotty backchat from Elvira about how Camila could possibly be going to the Negretes’ to HELP them. Camila, bastion of virtue that she is, gives the expected speech about leaving the past in the past, just doing her job, etc. Elvira suddenly realizes that this is a perfect opportunity to do damage and goes all mama-woodchuck, baring her considerable dentition at her daughter and using “venganza” in as many sentence structures as she possibly can. Camila’s not buying it, but Armando jumps right on the boat. 

Meanwhile, in Teenybopperland:

We are finally delivered the subplot involving the two granddaughters of Don Greghorror and the two hired hands at P Ibby’s place. In short, one of the nietas – she appears to be the “nice” one – is friends with one of the hands – the son of Margarito. Don G threatens the nietas with disinheritance and the hands with disappearance (theirs, not his, more’s the pity) if he ever catches them together. The other nieta – she appears to be the “naughty” one – says oh, are you going to make them disappear like you did Mariana? This earns her a vicious slap from her mama. (Yawn. Business as usual at the zoo.) “Your grandfather can throw us out in the street! Haven’t you noticed that he says “Lárgate” more in one episode than other people do in a lifetime?” Naughty daughter says that surely our Daddy wouldn’t let him do that, which leads to a charming motherly speech about how your papa is a useless, womanizing drunk who hates me. After Doris storms out, the girls astutely observe that poor papa has good reason. 

Continuing to chat companionably about teenybopper things, the sisters get all starry-eyed about what it will be like when they fall in love and make pinky-promises that when it happens, they will tell each other first. “But what if it’s the same boy?” Jajajá, giggle giggle giggle. Girls, we’re not laughing. We know an anvil when we see one. 

The Only Motel in Fresno:

Antonio’s yukking it up with a couple of party girls, whom he manages to hustle into the room just before Camila and Genoveva come around the corner. But don’t let out your breath yet -- it’s a fake close call. Later on when she can’t sleep because she can’t get that dratted P Ibby song out of her head, Camila goes for a walk and of course runs smack into Antonio. He’s falling-down drunk and incredibly boorish, pawing her and telling her how incredibly chula she is – he even tells her she’s the only woman he’d divorce his wife for, to hell with the inheritance! Amazingly, this incredibly suave pickup line doesn’t work. Camila pretends not to know him and flees. 

Later, back at El Tal:

Pedro retires to his Camila-shrine for the evening, takes off his boots, and voilà! POP GOES THE SLEAZY! It’s Lucrazy in the closet in a hot-pink Bratz-edition bustier and high heels! An interminable conversation follows in which he tells her there will never be anything between them, she says I will win you over, etc. etc. etc. Through sheer force of what seems like hours of pouting and flouncing she actually manages to get him to admit that Camila is the one he loves. The interminable scene ends on an up note, though, when she says, “How can you be sure about me when you haven’t sampled the wares?” He gets a foxy grin, walks over to her, takes her in his arms, plants one on her, and scares us all to death for a minute…but after a strategically placed commercial break for us to go take some tranquilizers, he releases her and says, “Nah. Don’t like ‘em.” Good doggie!

Later, at TOMIF:

Antonio goes to sign out of his motel room, a frosty cerveza eye-opener already in his hand. He drapes himself over the counter and asks the motel clerk if Camila is staying at the motel, and she’s like, oh, just wait a second, Mr. Half-Dressed Half-Drunk at Eight in the Morning Guy, while I LOOK THAT UP FOR YOU. (Never mind the cops, I’m expecting to hear from the motel clerks’ union!) Fortunately she doesn’t find Camila’s name (or maybe she’s just pretending, and I’m being too hard on her.) Antonio ends the scene wondering if he’s actually going crazy and starting to hallucinate, which would be kind of a fun plot twist that we probably won’t get any more mileage out of. Too bad.

On his way out, Antonio sees the two El Tal ranch hands in the parking lot that Fresno’s only motel shares with Fresno’s only hardware store, druggist, and ATM. He starts a scuffle that, due to the admirable restraint of the boys, turns mostly into a war of words along the lines of oh yeah, well YOUR ranch has plaga, oh yeah, how do you know YOUR ranch doesn’t have plaga, oh yeah, you stay away from our ranch, oh yeah, we have an ag-ri-cul-tu-ral ex-pert coming who will make SURE your ranch gets plaga. Take that!

Back at the dos ranchos, for the culminating over-the-top, pull-out-all-the-Telenovela-Laws final scene: 

The boys tattle to P Ibby that Antonio threatened them with a rogue agronomist, and he vows to get to the bottom of that business muy pronto. He marches over to El ‘Traz, where he spots a lady in a very fetching diaphanous bee-keeper outfit messing with a tree. (Note: must get some of those for Tal*Mart.) He sneaks up behind her, throws a blanket over her head, and drags her back to his place, where he whips off the blanket and… TA-DA! Missing girlfriend with engineering degree! ¡Qué sorpresa!

He can’t hide how happy he is to see her, but she’s stompin’ mad. Apparently she doesn’t go for that “me Tarzan, you kidnapped agronomist” ploy. What are you going to do, she asks, hold me captive? (“¿Me vas a secuestrar?”) He comes to his senses and says no, of course you’re free to go, but she’s not leaving until she gets an EXPLANATION. What will P Ibby come up with now? 

Avances: I didn’t catch a word of these, I’m afraid, but Antonio looks like he’s all cleaned up and looking for forgiveness. Time will tell.


La Que No Podía Amar #31 Tuesday 2/7/12 Complex Hotness, Thy Name is Rogelio Montero

I'll have you know that I almost named this Cap: "The enamored old turd," but remembered some of your comments about Rohell's "complex hotness" in the previous recap discussion, and came up with this title instead.

I'm feeling sort of lazy right now, so will go with a semi-abbreviated style (especially with the FISHERMEN scenes) but will give ample screenshots, as is my wont.

We start with a rewind of Gus at the beach, and telling Carmen's little daughter Melina that moms can have novios if they're not already taken. Carmen and sulky Juan overhear.  Carmen takes the girl away as she cheerily says Adios. Juan gives him the stinkeye.

He may not have complex hotness, but Gus is certainly very lovely to look at.

 Back at the Lakes, Tia is pumping Rohell for info on Fed. He wants to know why she wants to know. She says it's going to be hard working with Fed's company, since all the douchebaggery has gone down. Rohell shrugs. It's up to Fed to decide if he can mix personal and business; he (Rohell) doesn't have a problem with it. Tia then gets to the point. "Well, then that means since you have a contract with my niece, you won't ever fall in love with her?"

The two resident old turds have another to-the-point conversation.

The old turd replies, "Why do you ask?" Then Tia lays out her scheme to Rohell. Cupcake (Ana Paula) is starting to warm up to Rohell and enjoy the attention he's giving her. Rohell doesn't believe it. Tia says she can help things along. Rohell still isn't going for it. He brings up the dead boyfriend and AP's unwillingness to let go of him. "Why would I fall in love with someone who can never love me back?" he asks. Tia says she thinks he has an opportunity to "conquistar" (win) AP. Rohell looks wistfully around at AP who is with Margarito at the edge of the dock and says, half to himself, "Do you think that some day she'd fall in love with me?" Winsome puppydog look.

Oh he with the hopeful puppydog eyes.

FISHERMEN: Juan tries to hit on Carmen. She and her daughter shouldn't be alone so much. He can help with that. Some griping about Gus and his untrustworthyness. Carmen ain't going for it. FF>>

Back at the lake, little Margarito is asking Cupcake if Rohell is better. Yes he is. She says she's apprehensive because she doesn't want to go to that beach (Boca del Cielo). Tia comes up, saying they should "take advantage" (a recurring theme for her) of Rohell's generosity, because not all husbands are like that. Cupcake explains why she wants to avoid Boca del Cielo—sad memories of Gus. But Tia is apprehensive now for a different reason. If Gus worked there when AP met him, he might still be there.

At the Hacienda, Bruno is telling Maria that he's concerned (because as we know, "all his loyalty is with Rohell" *coughcough*) that Vainessa will be handling all the business that will be between Rohell and her father's business. Bruno suspects she's up to no good. Maria looks concerned too.

At the lake, Margarito pointedly asks Tia if handicapped people like Rohell can have kids. "Por supuesto que no!" Tia answers, emphatically! (Is this just assumed by everyone on the planet? I don't get it.) Margarito then gets to the point. Wouldn't it be nice, then, if Rohell and AP would adopt him? Tia is disgusted and tells him in the cruelest, most disdainful way possible, that NO WAY would they consider a little poor nobody like him. She tells him to scram. Margarito, crushed and in tears, runs off.

Too young to be a victim of Tia MentiRosa's cruel thoughtlessness.

Hacienda: More with Maria worrying about what douchebaggery Vainessa would be capable of working at the family business. Bruno agrees. He says he doesn't want Vainessa interfering with Rohell's and Cupcake's marriage. Maria thinks especially now. Bruno jumps on this and wonders if they're having problems, is that why they cancelled their honeymoon? Maria says no, it's just that any new couple needs time to adjust. Bruno says, with his sneaky walleyed way, that despite the fact that his and Rohell's friendship has "changed" over the years, he considers Rohell his best friend and he wants Rohell and AP to be happy. *coughLIARcough*

Back at the lake, it's time to move on to Boca del Cielo but they can't find Margarito. Hugo has looked and looked. Cupcake is getting very worried. Tia seems not that concerned. Rohell's own concern escalates and he urges Hugo to look some more, to get some local people involved in searching. The forest around there is pretty big; a lot of places to get lost. Cupcake starts to run after Hugo to do some searching of her own. Rohell tries to call her back, but she says she must do something. Rohell is left in his chair, no doubt feeling helpless since he can't do anything other than wait.

After Cupcake leaves, Rohell turns to give Tia the stinkeye. He instinctively knows that she somehow is behind Margarito's sudden disappearance.

Giving Tia the stinkeye.

She tries to pretend she is harmless and innocent, but she can't fool a fellow old turd.

Rohell starts to rip Tia a new one, scolding her for not taking better care to look after Margarito. Tia says she's not the brat's babysitter.  When he yells at her in anger, she tells him that she's his mother-in-law and not to speak to her like that. He puts her in her place, reminding her it's just for some months and she's to keep her distance from him. (Remember, you can't sh*t an old turd and both these people are old turds!)

She tells him that he's just annoyed because he can't go looking for the kid himself. He expresses his frustration; he knows this area so well but yet he is powerless to help.  She replies that she gets that, but to not take it out on her. He makes a veiled threat, saying she will see what happens if they can't find Margarito.

Fortunately it takes very little time to locate Margarito. He's sitting in the forest, crying about how no one loves him, not even Cupcake. When she reaches him, she reassures him that he is loved and hugs him. He is still apprehensive about returning, however, for fear that Rohell with either whip him or kick him out of the hacienda. She assures him that Rohell won't do anything of the sort.

Comforting little Margarito.

At Mercedes' place, Esteban is elatedly telling her how he's getting back with Vainessa. She's not entirely enthusiastic, though she says that of course she's happy that he's happy. She's just worried about all the wounds and baggage they've already got. Esteban says sure, but he's got to try. Vainessa is the "love of his life," he fell in love with her at first sight and he still feels the same way today. Mercedes is like, "Okay, sure." She then jokes that now she won't be able to pass him off as her novio. He laughs and says that actually helped—when Vainessa thought they were novios, it got her jealous.

Her enthusiasm isn't quite there yet, when it comes to Esteban's reconciliation with Vainessa.

I don't get why this guy isn't starring as a galán in some novela soon. I'm just saying.

At Boca del Cielo, Gus visits Carmen because they have to talk about the whole conversation between her daughter and him. In a nutshell, Carmen's a great girl and all that, but he's still hung up on Cupcake. Carmen gets it. She obviously likes him, but it's okay. The whole "just friends" thing is cool. She adds that her daughter will be disappointed, because she would have loved Gus as a daddy. They hug, and of course in walks Fermin and takes it the wrong way.


Back at the lake, Cupcake and Hugo return with Margarito. It's dark and Rohell has been waiting anxiously as Tia looks on. Rohell barks that he wants to know where Margarito has been. Margarito recoils a little in fear as Cupcake comforts him. Then Margarito flatly tells the truth: He ran off because Tia said that Rohell and Cupcake would never adopt him. Rich people don't love poor boys. Everyone turns to give the stinkeye to Tia, who protests her innocence by telling lies, lies, lies.

Busted Part II.

Margarito wants to be assured that they could love him then? Cupcake tenderly hugs him and says of course, as Rohell looks on, shaking his head slightly, presumably over how heartless Tia was to the poor kid.

Fermin is in the middle of ripping Gus a new one over being there with Carmen. He asks Carmen to leave, and reluctantly she does. He tells Gus that before he would have liked Gus to get together with Carmen, but now that he knows what a skunk Gus is, no way. Gus tries to protest but Fermin forbids him from seeing Carmen or little Meli again. Little Meli comes out, hugs Gus and cries that she doesn't want him to go. Gus says don't worry, things will get better, but in the meantime she must obey her grandfather and mother.

They make a cute couple. Just saying.

At the lake, Rohell is urging Cupcake to not run off again, like the way she did when she went looking for Margarito. You can tell he was feeling so helpless and worried about her while only being able to wait until she got back. They are interrupted by Tia, who assumes they'll be cancelling the visit to Boca del Cielo. "Yes, we'll be going. In the morning." Rohell says, while giving Cupcake a pointed look. She purses her lips; it seems useless to protest visiting the dreaded Boca del Cielo.

"It's Boca del Cielo in the morning!"
"Yipee!"  Not really.

It's morning at the lake and Cupcake is in the middle of a conversation with Tia. It looks like she was saying that she'd love to adopt little Margarito (to which Tia protests) but she can't explain to Margarito that her marriage to Rohell is by contract and has a definite expiration date. Then she addresses the book that Tia loaned her. Cupcake deduces that the book, which is about a woman who married an American to get citizenship (only to fall in love with her husband later) was a broad hint meant to suggest to Cupcake that the same could happen for her—she could fall in love with Rohell. Cupcake says, with some impatience, that her situation isn't the same. She's already in love and it doesn't matter if 50 years pass, she'll always love Gus. No way ever will she fall in love with Rogelio Montero! (Notice how she always says his first and last name?)

Of course—OF COURSE—Rohell rolls up and hears all of this. The look of sadness, rejection, disappointment and heartbreak are all too evident on his face.

When you listen in on other people's conversations, sometimes you hear things that you wish you didn't.


Complete dejection.

In the hacienda kitchen, Efriam is snuggling up to a deluded Consuelo. Some talk about marriage. Maria promises that if there is a wedding, she'll prepare a banquet. (I think?)  Maria goes on to talk about how when Cupcake married Rohell, it brought good luck to the hacienda. (Or she should say, it helped make Rohell less of a douchebag.) Sinthia sashays in and talks about how they'll have more good luck, since she's going to marry David! Consuelo says that well, she caught Cupcake's wedding bouquet, so it brought her good luck. More crap about weddings—Consuelo's and Efriam's and her's and David's. All this is spoken of as both Efriam and Sinthia look jealous and uncomfortable. FF>>

Consuelo is unaware of the tense look Efriam is giving Sinthia.

Back at the lake, it's time to go to Boca del Cielo, but Rohell's mood has changed entirely. He curtly tells Cupcake that they won't be going—they'll be returning to the hacienda instead. She doesn't object too heartily (as we would expect) but when she tries to guide his chair, he rebuffs her. She wonders what is wrong. He isn't saying. Little Margarito wonders if it has something to do with him. Rohell softens, pats Margarito's cheek, and smilingly says no, it's not him, it's "other things." Hugo pushes Rohell away as ominous, sad music plays. Cupcake looks absolutely befuddled.

Tia exclaims that it's such a relief that they won't be going to Boca del Cielo. She pauses and adds, "For YOU." (We know it's because she's worried that a very much alive Gus might still be there!) Cupcake somberly says that she couldn't go there with Rohell when all her thoughts would still be on Gus.

More lather-rinse-repeat crap with Sinthia and Efriam. Sinthia puts on a big show about how Effer and Consuelo are a "real couple" and "made for each other." Maria just shakes her head in the background. FF>> Then Sinthia gets a call from Rohell, they're coming home! This gets Maria moving to action, getting everyone busy readying the hacienda for el patrón's return.

Oh she with the washboard abs. (Which the CCs are covering; sorry about that.)

Aaand, when Maria calls Consuelo out to do chores in preparation for Rohell's return, we have the SAME OLD CRAP between Efriam and Sinthia. "You don't love him/her, you love me!" WHAT. EVER. Enough already, you two, with your mind games. FF>>

Boca del Cielo, Carmen warns Gus that he'd better leave. It's not safe, the fishermen have threatened violence on "outsiders" that p*ssed them off before. FF>>>

Everyone's returning to the hacienda and unpacking the truck. Rohell is waiting in his chair as Consuelo greets Cupcake. Cupcake enthusiastically talks about how beautiful the lakes were. Consuelo replies and calls her "Paula." At this, Rohell wheels around and glares at Consuelo, and insists that she is HIS WIFE and the patroness of the hacienda. She is to call Ana Paula SEÑORA MONTERO!! He yells and makes a big scene of it. Cupake tries to explain that she asked Consuelo to call her that, but Rohell does not relent. He turns to the others behind them and warns them that they also must call Cupcake SEÑORA MONTERO! Everyone is shaking in their boots. Cupake just shakes her head and rolls her eyes a little bit, like she's thinking, "Whatever."

"It's SEÑORA Montero!" Get over it, dude.

Gus tells Carmen he doesn't want to leave yet; it'll look like he was chicken. She's still worried. He gets a phone call from Esteban.

Cupcake rolls Rohell inside and he continues with the whole "Señora" thing. He asks her if she isn't proud to carry his last name. It's been around for a while. His grandparents are mentioned in the history books, for crying out loud! She says she just wants to be Paula. The servants met her as Paula. But, he says, she's not his nurse anymore, she's his WIFE—Rogelio Montero's WIFE.

Then he says, with that familiar sound of defeat in his voice, "If only in name." Then he starts to say, "I'd like you to," then he pauses and commands: "You will use my last name whether you like it or not." That old douchebag look is back. Her returning look is like, "WHAT. EVER."

Gus and Esteban: David has claimed that Gus wanted to get a bribe. They both know it's not true, but Esteban says it's going to be more difficult now. "That's why I'm telling you about it," Gus says, "so we can discuss what I'm to do next."

Consuelo hands over the repaired St. Francis of Assisi picture to Paula, laughingly calling her "Señora." Sinthia interrupts and starts in with this whole flouncy rant about how Paula's a gold digger, her family are all losers and freeloaders. Cupcake tries to protest, but she can't really deny that she is "getting something" out of the marriage—her brother's freedom. (Though she doesn't admit that.) 

Meanwhile, Rohellio is in his office, which I assume does not have soundproof walls (and which has an OPEN DOOR, I'm thinking) and yet he pours out his innermost, most intimate thoughts to an ever sympathetic Maria. Somehow, no one overhears as his emotional outpourings become louder and louder.

He first tells Maria that Cupcake doesn't give a darn about him. "And me being the fool trying to please her and be attentive!" She didn't even want to go to Boca del Cielo with him—obviously the thought of extending the trip was of no interest to her. She even seemed relieved that they weren't going. She doesn't like traveling with me! He's wallowing in his depression and self-pity.

"And you know what the worst part is?" he adds. "After all these years, I'm love with Paula, like an idiot!" A wistful, heartbroken look is on his face as he fights back tears. Maria looks at him with loving sympathy in her eyes.

The old turd's fallen in love with the Cupcake.

Continuation of the b*tchfest that Sinthia is heaping on Cupcake. She planned to ensnare Rohell since she first got to the hacienda. Blah blah blah.  FF>>

Rohell to Maria: Maria's so glad for him. He doesn't get it. The trip was awful. He was useless when Margarito got lost. The whole thing was a disaster. He couldn't do anything! He's useless! She's just in the marriage because he saved her brother. (Well, you know, that was the deal you made with her!) Maria tries to assure him that Cupcake does care about him. She was always interested in his care, his therapy, his treatment. Rohell stops her and says "That's her job." (Now I want to interject something here—that's not entirely true. Cupcake insisted on treating him when he protested and didn't want her to; she left that letter for Maria, asking her to make sure that he kept on getting his therapy. Even though Rohell had been the most hideous DOUCHEBAG imaginable, she still cared enough to mention that to Maria. These are all above and beyond just "her work.") Maria also brings up that Cupcake made him his favorite cake. But Rohell is not consoled.

Maria and Rohell have a heart-to-heart chat.

 Rohell warns Maria, that she must never repeat anything that he's said there. (Oh, you tell her THAT, while yelling with the door open? Really?) Maria kisses the top of his head while assuring him that he can trust her.

Maria is just the sweetest person ever.

Rohell adds, "It's true I married Paula to get back at Vainessa, but even though I don't like it, I think about Paula all the time, her smell, everything. I want to be near her."

 "Ah Rogelio," Maria sighs. "You've fallen into your own trap."

Angry fishermen confront Gus, accusing him of things. They want him to leave. He says he'll leave because he's been called back to the office anyway, to deal with this problem. Fishermen don't believe him. Creepy traitor Juan is the leader of the pack.  FF>>

Back with our lovelorn old turd. Maria is telling him that even though she didn't approve of the whole revenge scheme against Vainessa, that at least him loving Cupcake was a good thing that came out of it. "Oh sure," he says. "I fall in love with a woman who can never feel the same way back." "Don't complain," Maria replies. "Some people never fall in love." This sparks Rohell's interest. He asks her if she ever had fallen in love." Of course, she answers. He asks if she still thinks of the guy. "Less as time goes by."

Rohell hopes that the same will happen with Cupcake. Maria tells him that she can't predict what will happen between him and Cupcake, but she's glad to see him in love, full of excitement, because before this his heart had been so hard. (That's a polite way of saying that he had been a bitter douchebag, I'm thinking.)

"Maybe it would have been better to continue as I was—resigned to being alone the rest of my life, in my solitude, without love." Maria contradicts him. She thinks he can take advantage of this situation. "How?" he asks, with bitter skepticism. "You have twelve long months to win her!" Maria urges.

This gets him to yelling. "How do you expect me to win her?" He rolls from behind his desk to face Maria. He slaps his motionless legs in frustration. "You know how I am! I've been this way for years! Half-man! Half-dead!"

A very heartfelt, very heartbreaking, very LOUD outpouring of emotion that somehow does not attract the attention of anyone else in the hacienda.

"How do I fight to win her? Besides, she's still mooning over this dead idiot!" (Okay, he doesn't say it quite like that, but he does make mention of the dead novio being an "imbecile.") "That's precisely it!" Maria replies. "He's DEAD. How do you believe a ghost can compete with you?"

Maria tries to reason with the despairing old turd.

Another heartbroken look from our complex hot one.

We cut to fishermen. ZZZZZ. Something about Gus urging the fishermen to stop the construction. He'll be back. Don't care don't care. Sorry about that. FF>>

Sinthia calls Vainessa and they have a twin-bitch fest. "Cupcake is insisting that everyone call her SEÑORA MONTERO!" Vainessa: "Everyone should be calling ME that!" More bitchy outrage exchanged between the two brujas.  Sinthia asks Vainessa to help her get her half of the hacienda.

Bruno is snooping in Rohell's office. (I guess Rohell vacated it after yelling loudly about all his love life troubles.) Tia wanders in and busts him. He strong-arms her (literally—he grabs her roughly by her arm) outside. He knows about the contract Paula signed. Tia tries to act astonished but Bruno isn't buying. Finally she says that Rohell threatened her. He then talks about how he needs to see a copy of that contract, to see if Rohell put any douchebaggery in it or if there are any loopholes. I missed something here, but I think Bruno says something about how Rohell knows that he (Bruno) loves Cupcake, which is why he had someone else draw up the contract? (Or something?) Anyway, Bruno wants to see the contract, ASAP.

Fermin, Carmen, and her daughter. Daughter is bummed. She misses Gus, she wasn't allowed to speak to him when she saw him today. Fermin doesn't trust Gus still. FF>>>

Vainessa is at her dad's office, pumping him for business info pertaining to Rohell's hacienda, etc. Fed wants her to slow down. Sure, it's great that she's interested in the business, but he wants her to be happy and to get over this Rohell thing. She assures him that she's interested in the business anyway, not just to Rohell part. In walks Esteban to see Vainessa. Fed wants to have a "talk" with Estaban, but Vainessa stops him, saying that she and Esteban are adults and they want to see if they can work things out. Papa looks resigned to this.

Tia approaches Miguel, who is moping outside. He says he's missing Dany. Tia thinks he can do better, now that he's in such lofty company such as the Monteros, he should be looking for a better class of girl. But Miguel only is interested in Dany. Then Tia talks about wanting to see a copy of Cupcake's contract with Rohell. It'll be difficult, but Miguel says he'll try to do it.

Cupcake is giving Rohell his therapy. He's acting sort of flat—not saying much, not being rude, but acting down and apathetic. She asks him how come he's acting like he's in a bad mood. He replies, that's how he always is, didn't she know that? He didn't say anything bad. She thinks that his mood has something to do with him returning to the hacienda—he's a different person. She's noticed this before. He denies it. She presses on. On the trip he was different—he smiled, he laughed. "Is there anything I can do to help?" she asks. "No" he quickly replies. "What I want is very difficult to get." (And what would THAT be, Rohell?) But then he starts to ask her, what does she expect from this marriage? She doesn't have time to answer, because Sinthia swishes in, rude as ever.

Grumpy Rohell is back.

A question she never has an opportunity to answer.

Sinthia gets right to it. She wants to talk about her marriage to David. She knows Rohell doesn't approve. He replies that of course he doesn't approve! He knows that she only wants to marry David to escape him!

Confronted with the truth.

Gus goes to the construction site and sees traitor Juan chatting with David. Gus knows that David set things up with Juan so the fishermen would turn against him. David tries to distract him by saying that he's wasting his time here, not going to get anywhere. He offers to take Gus to Rohell's hacienda. Now that Montero is married, he'll want to spend more time with his wife and would be more apt to want to hire someone like Gus! But Gus is not interested and tells David he'll pay for all his douchebaggery.

Gus gives David something to think about. (David looks lovely in lilac, by the way.)

More arguing between Sinthia and Rohell.  Rohell's got Sinthia's number, he figures that she's already decided that not marrying David is what suits her. They talk about how she passed up her chance with Bruno; because Bruno couldn't give her the lifestyle she wanted. They get a bit snippy with each other and Cupcake tries to intervene and tells Rohell to not say anything he'll regret later. Sinthia snaps, saying that she doesn't need Cupcake defending her.

Finally, Sinthia comes out with it: She won't marry David, IF Rohell will divorce Cupcake. Tense looks are exchanged as the episode ends.

Rohell's expression at the suggestion that he divorce Cupcake.


* Sinthia on some rampage bitchfest.

* Cupcake tells Dany about the Kissing in Water (telenovela tradition) with Rohell. Commence squeeing from Dany.

* More bitching from Sinthia.

* It looks like Rohell and Cupcake are getting cozy, looking at a book on the terrace.

Avance screenshot #1.

Avance screenshot #2.

Avance screenshot #3.


Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #113-114 Tue 2/7/12 Moni and Adoracion both mop, Pancho and Pepe both hug Enzzo, and we almost lose Temo but unfortunately he is saved.

Vince is so selfish and coarse: with jubilation he tells Candy "We can finally be together, and no damn fetus standing between us." He plays the old "look me in the eyes and say you don't love me" card. Candy: "I can't build a relationship over the misery of somebody else, what happened to Pina is the worst thing that can happen to a mother." She admits that, disgracefully, she does love him, but there will be no relationship. He makes a moue; she runs home to cry in Chela's lap. Chela says Vince will never change. Candy asks if that means Chela's sweetie Transeti will also never change?

Tomas and Karen help Moni and Pepe move furniture to their new house. The lovebirds kiss while the other two carry boxes. They don't have refrigerator, stove or lots of other things. The kissers send their friends away and commence no doubt rowdy fun.

Vince says he can't be caught in flagrante, with his hands in the masa -- Pina won't get proof of his adultery.

Elena apologizes to Lupita and Lupita accepts. However, Ana doesn't think it should be so easy - "Her husband dies and you disappear and say terrible things! You always do this to her! You weren't there when she needed you the most!" Freddy calls, annoying Elena further, so, cornrows swinging, she stamps out shouting more insults.

Pancho visits Pepe's new digs. He brought a present, some household item. He doles out advice.

Moni wheedles her dad: "You'll help me with university and the car, too, right Daddy?" She's choosing things to take to the new place when that shiny Amazon Violeta shows up and plants Enzzo's nose firmly between her silicone mounds as she squeezes him and kisses the top of his head.

Enzzo is patient but distant with his loony ex. "Who's Chela? We're a family, right?" "No, we have nothing since you disappeared 20 years ago. You don't care about your daughter and I don't care about you." Violeta gets very threatening. I would be worried. "My life was empty and stupid until I met up with my family again. Let's go on a trip together!" Enzzo leaves. Moni invites her mother to come visit at the new pad. Monica thinks her mom should see a doctor.

Pancho assembles the troops at home. Temo is extremely polite to Rebe in her magenta strapless dress. Pancho announces: they are getting married. Ana, Chela and Temo make faces. Temo cries unpleasantly. He doesn't want Chela with Enzzo or his dad with Rebeca.

Freddy is all happy - the executives at Avon want him for something. Pina says el Presidente Don Francisco Lopez treated her very well. Vince arrives, Pina goes up to her room, Freddy tells his "Pops" he hates being a pawn between his parents. "I wasn't born yesterday, Paps, I know how you've humiliated her." Vince: "You're on her side!" What a baby. "You are helping her ruin me!" Not long after Pina asks Freddy to spy on his dad and get proof of adultery. He tells her, too, he's tired of being in the middle.

Outdoors, little Meli she doesn't see Temos' got his knickers in such a twist. She throws her cellphone into a conveniently uncovered well - to demonstrate that there are things that are unimportant - but Temo gets the wrong lesson and jumps into the well to get the phone. I hoped he'd drown.

After the commercial Enzzo continues to demonstrate his moral rehabilitation by jumping into the well to get Temo. Popeye channels Lassie and fetches Chela. She comes running and screaming, everybody follows.

Down there in the swirling murky waters Temo was nice and quiet. I thought we were rid of him. Too bad, but Enzzo drags him to the surface and they haul him up on the rope. The tiresome child is returned to us.

Pancho gives Enzzo (who's dry though just emerged from total submersion) a heartfelt hand. Enzzo has earned a lot of stars with his valorous dive. He gets a kiss from Chela for his efforts and of course Pancho sees it.

Vince goes to los Lopez to see Candy. The maid won't let him in and neither does Ana, who calls him the black grain in the rice - however he sweeps by, yelling as if he were the hero. Candy comes along; they go to a cafe and have the usual conversation. He reminds her of their spectacular hotel sex that glorious night. He drills her with his famous blue eyes. She yields. Duh. Then runs.

Karen derives much amusement from Moni's initial attempts to clean house. She says Moni doesn't know how to clean, iron, etc. and takes a picture of Moni with her mop, she'll put it on facebook I guess. They gossip - Freddy has improved, Ana is a great girl.

Adoracion mops too, with not much better form than Moni's, and gossips with Chato via cellphone. (Pointless scene but double mopping got my attention.)

Pancho sees Ana with Freddy and mutters: Iracheta Jr. with my daughter? He watches in horror from one direction as Pina approaches from the other direction, equally horrified. She yells at Freddy for kissing a flea like Ana. Freddie firmly says "I loves her." Pina starts in with the insults. Ana says she can defend herself but Pancho is furious at the lack of respect: "You want to blame us for your problems, but you had them before we showed up. You're educated, why aren't you grateful? I've been on your side, thinking you're a lady, but you have no place insulting my daughter."

Rebe says she will never live under the same roof as Graciela, but that Temo needs to be with his aunt. Later Chela says the same thing: no living a trois. Pancho and Chela agree to accept each other's relationships and hug.

Vince throws pillows in ire. He doesn't want to sleep in the guest room. We find out they married when she was 18 and he 20. He drags Pino out of bed, jumps over her and curls up, then she jumps on and kicks him off. He gets her by the feet and wraps her in the sheets. Most fun of the night. Pillow fight! Next morning we find out they both slept in the bed, neither would yield. They fight through breakfast distressing Freddy and miniYuyis. Vince breaks a plate and goes to work.

Pepe hugs Enzzo in gratitude for saving Temo the esquincle's life.

Pina watches Vince running across the greensward and then texting Candy ... Pina remembers her lawyer wants proofs of adultery ... Candy's phone rings while she's boring Chela with the same-old. Candy goes bouncing out and Pina sadly creeps in with her cellphone as they embrace with gusto. Vince sees her and runs after her. She shows the juicy video she just took. He tells Candy: "We have to get that phone away from Pina!" He runs off to work.

Pancho wants to find a love nest for him and Rebe. She likes the idea until she hears he's discussed it with Chela already.

Lamberto enters dancing! Great news! He dances very well! Iñaki Gasca, an investor who was so turned off by Vince some time past that he pulled his money out, is now ready to dig into his pocket again. If he invests, Avon get out from under the debts (well, actually just transfer them to Iñaki, I don't know why that makes Berto click his heels in the air).

Enzzo has to cancel his workout date with Chela to go to the meeting. Does it matter that Rocky leaves his class in Chela's hands?

At Avon, Pina nervously watches the door while Arnold uploads her incriminating cellphone video.

At the meeting Pancho makes very nice with Enzzo for saving his squirt. "I take off my hat to you. Thanks." And a hug!


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