Wednesday, February 15, 2012

El Talismán #12 Tue 2/14/12 El Talis-Mad Libs


In Which Our Dear Readers Lend a Hand to the Much Maligned Writing Team of ‘El Talisman’

Recap introduction and instructions: Tonight we, the faithful readers of Caray, Caray will be lending a helping hand to the beleaguered writers of the telenovela El Talisman. Please insert an appropriate noun, verb, adverb, adjective, etc. in the parentheses in the following recapitulation of the major plot* points of tonight’s El Tal episode. I have started the exercise with some of the most oft-mentioned motifs (raisins, belt buckles, avocados, etc.) of El Talisman. Please add, delete and change words as you wish. It won’t make any difference to the plot*.

·      The Cat Is Out Of The Bag – Pedro is ALREADY Married!

We begin our recap with Pedro, Camila and Antonio in Antonio’s room at the Only Hotel Inn in Fresno (Julia™ ).  Antonio’s most recent (stupid, lame, humble—choose one of my words or substitute your own) plan to snare Camila involved the following:
·      Have sister Lucrezia identify and ranch employee maid steal Camila’s (raisins, belt buckle, outfit ) worn yesterday from the laundry at El Alcatraz. 
·      Lucrezia takes the stolen objects to Antonio’s hotel room. Antonio casually tosses yesterday’s (raisins, belt buckle, outfit) on the chair in hotel room as though Camila had discarded them there in the throes of passion.
·      Lure Pedro to the room (with the promise of returning the envelope of cash he lent Lucrezia) where he can see the discarded (raisins, belt buckle, outfit ) from yesterday.
·      Let the misunderstandings begin.

Pedro goes to Antonio’s room, enters and correctly identifies Camila’s items strewn about the room. Sadly, for Antonio, Camila enters the room at just the wrong moment, sees the set-up and lets Antonio have it with a resounding slap. She screams at Antonio for creating a false impression by flinging her (raisins, belt buckle, outfit) around his hotel room.

Antonio, caught in the act of deception, falls back on his fail safe plan—pre-agreed with accomplice Lucrezia—reveal to Camila at just the right moment the precious information that Pedro is already (married, wed, hitched) !

No puede ser!

“Nanner, nanner, nanner—gotcha!” says Antonio. “Well, Pedrito, are you married? Huh?” Pedro gets a look on his face that might be described as (incredulous, guilty, it’s-not-what-you-think) and Camila asks the several million-dollar question, “Pedro, are you married?

Pedro says he can explain everything. Things are not what they appear to be. Camila is (furious, enraged, livid) and screams that she waited for Pedro. Antonio uses numerous devices to interrupt the conversation. Finally, Pedro tells Antonio to (shut-up, stuff a sock in it, zip the lip).

Pedro, who has perfect romantic timing (not) says, “Yo te amo. Camila, I never told you because I did not know how to (walk and chew gum at the same time, explain the whole crazy situation, talk). If you talked to me you would understand that I am telling you the truth.”

These two repeat the same (claptrap, drivel, bulls#!#) several times.

Antonio smirks and slowly thumbs the edge of his (belt buckle, raisins, avocados) as he eggs-on the fight and misunderstanding.

Camila announces that her love for Pedro is done and that he should leave her forever.

Pedro finally (heads for the hills, exits left, stalks out of Antonio’s $69.00 hotel room).

·      The Woodchuck is Back and She’s Got a Plan, or Two, or Ten

In their shared hotel room (EEEWWWW), Elvira begins talking out loud in a somewhat manic way. She doesn’t seem to mind if dumb son Armando hears her incoherent musings. Her statements have very little connection with one another but include random ideas and intentions:
·      We are here for revenge! (O tremble, good people of Fresno)
·      Whether we like it or not Antonio is our only chance to get to Gregorio. Huh?
·      We are doing this for (the good of all mankind, world peace, money).
·      Plan A seemed to involve selling Camilla to Antonio for an unspecified sum and included seduction of the Troll. Good luck, sister. Now that the Best Little Whorehouse in Fresno is up and running you are competing with younger meat and your (raisins, avocados, epithelial folds) aren’t looking all that perky!
·      Camilla needs to pay attention to Antonio. She can’t keep going on falling in love with any ol’ (Juan, Tomas, Pedro).
·      But, wait! Armando (is that his name?) tells Sra Woodchuck that the guy who Camila is in love with is that very same Pedro Ibarra who won El Talisman from Estegone and took it away from them! Yep, puede ser.
·      Now we are on to Plan B! If I play things right I will (be killed off this sad sack of a telenovela before my career is ruined, get the Talisman, get laid). Now we will be on Pedro’s side. Gregorio Negrete will hate that.
·      I’ll convince Pedro to love her. I am a good mother and I am still a good-looking woman. Mirror, mirror on the wall…no, wait, your recapper just made that up.

·      Bored with the terrible writing and character development, Armando wanders out onto the grounds of The Only Inn and, of course, he runs smack dab into Fabiola. Armando quickly determines her identity as granddaughter of the Troll. He lies to Fab that he is an only child. Fab tells him that Granpa Troll is a piece of work and he threatened to shoot one of her friends.

·      They have a quick breakfast and (move into the bushes for a kiss, head to the front desk to secure a room key, say goodbye).

·      They are observed by Valentin, he of the unfortunate countenance. Where have I seen that (imbecile, boy, moron), Valentin muses? He kinda promises Fabiola that he won’t tell on her. Sort of.

·      The Troll Shows Up at the Hotel and Wrecks Havoc on Camila’s Life

·      All this time Gregorio the Troll has been (waddling, perambulating, wandering) around the outside café at The Only Hotel spreading misery wherever he goes.
·      First he barks at Fabiola that he won’t have her seeing any peons from El Talisman.
·      Next, he finds out from Lucrezia that Camila is the expert engineer sent by the ag engineering firm in Davis and that she is staying at El Alcatraz.
·      The Troll is somewhat wary of Elvira (he should be, she is stone cold nuts) and thinks that she sent Camila to Fresno for revenge.
·      At Lulu’s urging he calls Camila’s boss, Mr. Smith, and tells him that Camila is a bad person and that she came to Fresno for revenge. Mr. Smith is on his way to Fresno. Lulu gloats at Camila’s downfall.
·      Now Papa Troll pauses to rain on Lucrezia’s parade. He asks is she is still (obsessed with, chasing, throwing herself at) Pedro Ibarra, his enemy. It would be embarrassing for him to have Lucrezia involved with the former ranch foreman of El Talisman!
·      Sr. Smith calls Camila and tells her to get her stuff out of El Talisman.
·      Camila wonders to herself…”Why does everyone think I am back in Fresno for revenge???”

Next,  in a complete reversal of tactics Elvira takes the main chance and corners Pedro for a personal meeting. What are his intentions toward her daughter? He says he is interested. Elvira will help him (snag, conquer her, pick up) her daughter. But when Pedro mentions the CHECK a comedy of Ill-manners ensues:
·      E- What check? I never got a check. You are lying just to get my daughter!
·      P- The check I sent for the full price of El Talisman to keep you and your husband, son and daughter off the ugly streets of Fresno.
·      E-I never got a check. You are lying. Why wouldn’t you notice such a large discrepancy in your checking account?
·      P- Because it was in my wife’s name and account.
·      E- Your wife? You have nothing to offer my daughter then, you dirt bag. Forget about my daughter.

So Much For Elvira’s Plan B…

·      So Elvira is back to working with Antonio, I guess. Plan 3 or C or whatever.  Antonio wants to stop being the son of Gregorio. Elvira will help him (out of the good of her warm heart, for vengeance, for a lot of money).

·      How will Elvira help Antonio get the power and money of the Troll but not kill the Troll? ¿Quien sabe? Who cares?

·      Lucrezia has another stupid conversation with Camila, “Help me, Camila. I need to forget Pedro.” QTH??? Camila, still furious from her fight with Pedro says, “I give him to you.” Pedro chases a flouncing Camila out to her car where he tries to talk with her. She drives back to El Alcatraz to collect her stuff.

·      Surprises!
o   Mariana is still missing.
o   Bridgette also showed up at the hotel’s outdoor dining area. She walks by Gregorio and whispers to him, “Don’t worry about Doris. Her secret is safe with me.” When she sits back down at her table with one of her ‘girls’ she promises to blackmail Gregorio. I think it was something like, “And if he  (Gregorio) doesn’t want Antonio to find out the dirty trick he played on his son all those years ago he will have to pay me.”

·      Checkie, checkie, who’s got the checkie?
Speaking of getting paid…Tracy is going to stop working for Mr. Renato. Mr. Renato has recruited some New Babe to help him in the scheme to ‘close a deal’ with Elvira Najera. We don’t know what the scheme is but it involves getting an unsuspecting (Hah!) Elvira to sign the check over to her beloved Mr. Renato. Remember that he has not yet MET Elvira Najera. Then Renato and New Babe can get back to some hot love once they have Elvira’s money.

·      The Tiresome Threesome Gather at El Talisman to Deliver Bad (Raisins, Avocados, News)  Claudio, Sarita and Tia remind us again that Sister Luciana in Tijuana (bit the dust. went to the great orphanage in the sky, is dead). This will be a real blow to Pedro.

·      Back from a night of hard work on her back…Doris makes a rare cameo appearance at El Alcatraz with curlers in her hair and nails freshly done. She is just in time to hear Fabiola say something to Florencia about a new boy.

·      Also at El Alcatraz…The Troll steps into his guestroom just in time to run Camila off his land. Camila fires back with, “You can run me off El Alcatraz but not out of Fresno. I was going to leave town FOREVER but now, nanner, nanner, nanner, I will STAY in Fresno!” 

·      Ta dun dun (flamenco strum on guitar).

* Yes, the word 'plot' is used loosely.



Una Familia Con Suerte #123-124 Tue 2/14/12 A 20-Year Drought Comes to an End for 2 Lovebirds This Valentine’s Day

I’ve consolidated scenes. Feel free to comment with missing details.

Pina has just told Freddy that Vince wants to throw her in jail. Vince comes home yelling for his whiskey and Freddy puts his foot down. He will not allow him to throw his Moms in jail. Pina and Vince both wail about how the other done them wrong. Vince doesn’t have a leg to stand on, and Pina drops the bomb that he even had an affair with Sandra. Freddy is shocked and is clearly on Mom’s side. However, he wants them to settle already, but Pina won’t budge an inch. She wants her revenge for all the years of humiliation, belittling, and affairs—she wants it ALL (the many houses, the money, and the stock shares) and wants to leave Vince out on the street. Freddy ends up threatening to be the one to move out if they don’t come to an agreement. It works! Pina and Vince are so upset by this that they start talking about how to split the assets. No agreement is made on Abeja, however.

Chela packs for her hot weekend with Enzo and frets. She finds all kinds of reasons why she should cancel—Ana, Temo, old bathing suit—but Lupita’s not buying it. Chela tries to explain her nervousness about doing the deed with Enzo, but can’t quite bring herself to bare that much of her soul to her virginal, widowed niece. She goes to talk to Temo instead. Temo bitches and moans as usual about being left ALONE! She tells him that she’s an adult woman and needs to have her own life. Temo points out that up till now her life was all about them- the family. Chela tells him that she loves him like a son. She succumbs to the guilt and decides to postpone her trip with Enzo till the next morning.

Enzo gushes about his weekend trip to Monica. She’s happy that he’s finally in love after all these years. She’s never seen him date a woman. He admits there have been some unimportant encounters over the years, but this is the first time he’s been in love in over 20 years. Chela calls to postpone and he’s totally bummed. He fears the trip might not happen at all.

Pancho passes up canoodling with Rebe at her house since he knows things are going to be bad at the house when Temo finds out Chela is going away for the weekend. Rebe decides to go into the battle field with him. She doesn’t want to be left out of anything that has to do with his family.

Throughout the episode, the news that Paco is not Pancho’s spawn spreads through the whole family.

Kari gets introduced to the band as Ana’s choreography coach. Ana is pleased. She gets a call from Freddy and is NOT pleased that he told Pancho about her plans to ditch college. She hangs up on him angrily. Kari hears it all. Freddy is destroyed and goes to his parents for comfort. After insulting Ana in every way possible, Pina finally gives Freddy good advice. If he loves Ana, he should support her dreams and ambitions. If it’s true love and meant to be, then it will be. Vince asks if Freddy is willing to be a husband in the shadows of a superstar wife-- Mr. Ana Lopez. He hugs and pets his Nene. He understands his pain. (We note that both Abeja and Freddy find themselves being divided down the middle by the high tech laser room divider in this scene. The tug of war between Pina and Vince continues.)

Ana comes home to a REALLY angry Pancho, and the scolding looks of Chela, Lupita, and Rebe. They all try to convince her that school is most important. Pancho argues that he wants her to be better than him, who didn’t even finish high school. Ana makes really good points in her defense: Pancho is doing perfectly fine without a degree. He went after a big opportunity and now he’s the president of a major company; Music has ALWAYS been her dream and opportunities like this don’t come around every day; AND, she’s already signed a contract (a surprise to Pancho), and a Lopez always keeps their word. After lots of yelling and many tears, Pancho seems to soften and hugs Ana close. He still doesn’t seem convinced that quitting school is the best way to go about things.

The next morning, Chela’s dressed in some sexy skinny jeans and a low cut top. She kisses Temo goodbye, and needs a few words of encouragement from Candy to get herself through the door and into Enzo’s waiting car. She clutches the car door as if to jump out, but then tells Enzo to drive before she changes her mind. He speeds off.

Pancho brings the brat breakfast in bed, to continue to spoil him to make up for his aunt being unshackled for the weekend. After breakfast in bed, he’ll video-chat with Meli in Brussels and then play soccer with Pancho. And guess what?! Rebe comes over dressed in her Chivas soccer wear (shorts and all) and brings Temo a special Chivas soccer ball. She’s going to play soccer too.

It’s obviously Saturday, 'cause everybody is dressed down. Ana’s visiting the Irrabien house in sweats and even Pina is in a hip leather jacket and skinny jeans. Ana and Pina exchange barbs. Pina doesn’t want Ana to hurt her bebe and wonders what Ana wants more, her record or Freddy. Ana won’t choose, but she loves Freddy. Freddy hears this and they chat alone. Freddy apologizes for tattling on her. Ana says it was for the best as it’s all out in the open now. She asks him to forgive her. They declare their love. She compares her love for music to his love for racing. He says he will support her but is afraid of losing her. Their smooching is interrupted by her constantly ringing phone. It’s her manager Joaquin and he wants her in the studio, now. This does not bode well for our love birds.

Goya promises to find out for Adoracion why Chato is acting so shady about committing to her. Later Chato comes to see Ado, tells her he loves her, and that he wants to marry her and meet her mama. Ado is speechless. Then she slams the door on his nose a bunch of times and does a happy dance.

Pancho, Rebe and Temo play soccer in the yard. Pancho leaves the two alone to go pick up Paco from the doc. The shocker is that Temo doesn’t mind! He and Rebe have a great time playing and begin to tutear. Temo asks Rebe if Chela and Enzo are going to get married. They have a good heart-to-heart. Rebe points out that when you love someone (like Temo loves Chela), you want the best for them. Temo seems to get it and hugs Rebe!

Chela and Enzo arrive at their hotel in Ixtapan. Chela is visibly nervous. Enzo tenderly takes her hand and can’t take his eyes off her. They look really good together. Their room is decked out in roses, swan towels, and an iced bucket of champaign. The view from their balcony to the surrounding mountains is lovely. Enzo gives Chela one of the many red roses in the room, strokes her face, and begins to lay some major smooches on her. They have both improved with practice. Chela drops her rose—perhaps a sign that she will soon be deflowered in other ways?

Pancho convinces Paco to forgive his mother for lying. Nothing is more important than a mother’s love. You can never judge your mother or resent her, especially a single mom. Pancho promises to be there for Paco as his friend, always. Candy comes home and Paco is left more breathless than usual.

Kari tries to teach Ana dance moves, and Ana has a meltdown since she’s so tired and preoccupied. Joaquin is not pleased and is ready to fire both Ana and Kari. Ana storms out as the rest of the band wanders in. (Why don’t they have to get sexy and learn how to dance too?)

Chela and Enzo’s kissing becomes more passionate and soon her clothes are coming off. Suddenly, she FREAKS OUT! She runs screaming out of the room, even falling like in a horror movie and says she CAN’T. What a major ego crusher for a guy. Enzo runs after her, worried.

Ana, meanwhile, is continuing to have her own freak out. She remembers falling for Freddy and the advice about love that her phantom mother gave her. She collapses on the ground calling her mom and crying that she failed.

Chela calls Candy and tells her about her freak out. Pancho listens in on part of the call and thinks it hilarious that Chela ditched Enzo. He doesn’t know the whole story though. Candy tells Chela to jump back on that horse. Actually she tells her to tell Enzo the truth about what she really feels. At first she tries to hide from him when he finds her.

Pina is working hard, even on the weekend. She needs an assistant and Freddy offers his services. He’ll come work with her at Avon after school.

Back on their beautiful balcony, Enzo and Chela are having lunch and she’s apologizing for running off like that. He admits he’s nervous too and understands, and tells her it’s not a requirement that they make love that weekend. She’s surprised he feels that way, but he just wants her to enjoy herself. She admits she doesn’t lack the desire. He doesn’t either. They spend the day wandering the town, eating ice-cream, taking pictures, smooching and flirting.

At the mansion, the Lopez family, plus Rebe, Chacho, and Tomas are having a bbq. Rebe and Temo continue to bond and talk about Meli. She tells him that when two people love each other there’s an unbreakable connection between their hearts and distance doesn’t matter. He and Meli will always be connected, just like she and Pancho. She loves Pancho with all the forces of her heart because he is such a wonderful person. Temo agrees and they hug. Pancho watches proudly and tells Tomas that Rebe is a wonderful woman. He then tells Tomas about Elena’s plan to become a table dancer, and that they need to keep a better eye on her and the people she’s hanging out with.

Chela and Enzo get a full spa treatment that makes me jealous, and we are treated to Enzo’s great bod in tight swim trunks. They both get uber relaxed with full body massages, foot massages, facials, and a sudsy Jacuzzi tub. Much kissing ensues.

Moni and Pepe arrive at the bbq. Moni continues to look pouty and they admit to Pancho that they have had a few troubles settling in. Chacho chats with Chato on the phone and Goya eavesdrops. Chacho is shocked that Chato asked Ado to marry him and stutters that he CAN’T, for some mysterious reason.

Pina freaks out about Ado marrying Chato and leaving to go see her mom in the countryside. She has to swallow many of her Bach drops to cope. Vince also freaks out when he hears the news. Ado puts her foot down and says she’s marrying Chato and going to see her mother! She leaves. Vince gets a call and claims it’s from Enzo. He writes some info down and takes off. Pina is alone once again.

Ana arrives home in tears, but before anyone in the family can see her, Rebe takes her inside to talk. Rebe gives her motherly hugs and kisses, and tells her to fight to realize her dreams. She tells Ana that she will support her, whatever she decides. Ana accepts Rebe’s affection, words, and thanks her!

Meli sighting! She and Temo video-chat. She misses her Temo Amors, as well as Abeja, Popeye and the puppies. Brussels is pretty, but no one speaks Spanish—-just French and a strange language called Flemish.

Chela and Enzo are back in their room eating a romantic dinner, and she’s wearing a hot red dress. She admits that she hasn’t had sex since she was 18, and it doesn’t sound like it was a pleasant experience. She doesn’t want to remember it and gets teary. Enzo assures her that they can wait. Thing is, SHE doesn’t want to wait. They move in for the kiss, which leads to the bed and Enzo saying “te amo”, which leads to articles of clothing being removed, which leads to choppy music, which means Uni feels this scene is too hot for us to handle. Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

Vince takes Candy to the new fancy apartment that he is buying her. It will be their love nest. She loves it.

Rebe has put Temo to bed and Pancho is even more impressed and smitten. She tells him about her chat with Ana and tries to convince Pancho that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for Ana and she needs the support of her father. Pancho reluctantly agrees.

Joaquin, the jerky manager, threatens to pull the plug on Ana’s record deal. She begs and promises there will be no more freak outs. He says he’ll give her one last chance.

Kari is visiting Freddy and drinking a fruity exotic drink while he drinks his usual milk. She tells him about Ana’s freak out. He’s worried. Arnold comes over to take Pina out to some hot new night spot. Kari tells herself that she can’t fall for Freddy. (Uh oh!) Pina would obviously like Kari as a nuera—-she approves of Kari's blue eyes. After Pina and Arnold leave, Freddy grabs his phone to call Ana, but he and Kari bump into each other’s personal space and have a “moment.” The moment then turns into a kiss!!!

Pancho and Rebe are also smooching when her phone rings. She picks it up and is shocked to see that it’s MIKE, her ex-fiancé.

Tomorrow: Rebe tells Pancho that it was Mike who called. Glamazon Barbie ambushes Chela and Enzo and slaps Enzo. Pina plots with Goya to break up Ado and Chato.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Egads! Mother and son team fail to blog Una Familia on Valentine's Day

Well, friends, I apologize. Ez came home so exhausted from eight hours of making floral arrangements that he collapsed into sleep the minute his butt hit the chair. I had a friend over and the computer I can record the episodes on is kaput. So, no recording, no recap. I am very sorry. Also sorry I missed the episode! Can anybody fill us in? Please comment in lieu of recap.


Una Familia Con Suerte #121-122 Mon 2/13/12

We start the episode at the Irabien house, and Arnold is about to confess his big secret to Pina. Pina is a bit freaked out by Arnold’s behavior. Just as he’s about to say something, the doorbell rings and interrupts everything. It’s El Chato, there to see Adoracion.
Pina has it out with Chato and tells him to leave. This gives Arnold a chance to think about what he’s about to do.

Now we go to the suite that Vicente got for he and Candy. They’re talking and doing what they do. They receive a knock at the door, and it’s the detective dressed up as a waiter delivering room service. Candy suspects.

Ana and Lupita are having a sisterly talk. Lupita fills Ana in on the goings on with Pancho and his supposed son. Lupita asks Ana why she wasn’t at the family dinner and why she didn’t answer Pancho’s phone calls. Ana told her how busy she’s been rehearsing and recording and said that she was tired and wanted to go to bed because the following day would be more of the same. Ana lets Lupita know that she won’t be able to continue attending college. Lupita is not so sure of Ana’s decision. Ana is afraid to tell Pancho and the family because she knows what their reaction will be.

At the hotel, Candy tells Vicente that she remembers seeing the supposed waiter when they were down stairs, before heading up to the suite. She can’t help but wonder if he’s following them for some reason. When he asks for a signature from Vicente, Vicente gets furious and asks who the waiter really is. This is all done in Vicente Irabien style, of course. He thinks that the waiter is working for Pina. Little does he know that it’s the Private Investigator she hired to take pictures of him committing adultery.
Vicente threatens to call the cops and put both Pina and him in jail. Candy puts an end to the craziness and tries to get Vicente to somewhat reason. They end up happy and doing what they do.

The next scene is hilarious. Poor Monica is battling it out with the washing machine. Suds everywhere and burned sandwiches are the cause for a hysterical and bummed Monica. Lucky for her, Pepe is there to comfort her.

Ana and Freddy are talking, and Ana lets him know how bad she feels that she can’t spend more time with him. He seems understanding, but he’s still somewhat bummed. Pancho comes in and interrupts them. Freddy leaves, and Pancho and Ana “talk.” Pancho lectures Ana about not answering her phone when she receives a family phone call. He lets her know that it’s important to stay connected in case there’s ever an emergency, like what they had when young Temo was missing. Ana gives Pancho a bit of lip, but Pancho puts everything back in place and puts Ana in line, and they begin having a normal father/daughter conversation. They end up just fine. Ana hears the story and supports Pancho.

Back at Monica and Pepe’s place, they talk about how Monica just can’t make it as a house wife. Pepe comforts her with a nice intimate dinner of…Pizza. They end up sitting on the floor, eating pizza, and smooching.

The next night, the entire Lopez Clan, including Rebe and Monica, are having dinner and talking to Pancho about his supposed son. Pancho still can’t fathom the fact that Ofelia would lie to him about the kid and play with people’s emotions. Everyone else tries to make Pancho see that people can be cruel, and when money is needed for something like medical treatments, they’ll do just about anything…including lie about having a son. This is a great family scene with good discussion and family unity.

There’s a scene at the studio where the band is playing, and for some reason, Ana either can’t sing well or feels a bit of stress and needs to grab some fresh air. It turns out that fresh air has a name…Freddy Irabien. He came to see his girlfriend.

While that’s happening, Pancho begins having a conversation with Chela. He lets her know that he’s worried about Ana.
In addition to talking about Ana, Pancho also lets Chela know about Paco’s doctor’s appointment with Dr. Octavio. I think a DNA test will be a part of what the good doctor will do.

Back at the studio, Ana and Freddy have a heart to heart talk. He lets her know that he’s concerned that they aren’t able to see one another as much or as often as what he’d like. She lets him know how important he is to her and how she appreciates having all of his support. However, he lets her know that he’s worried about the future and asks her, flat out, whether or not he’s a part of that future. She says he is. He also mentions his concern regarding Ana not being at the university. She finally lets him know that she won’t be studying anymore because of this new music career. Surprise!!

They continue to talk about it, and Freddy is disappointed that Ana is making a decision not to continue studying. Ana tells Freddy that she’s never liked school and that the main reason she keeps studying is because of Pancho and Fernanda. Freddy asks if she wouldn’t be willing to continue studying if he were to ask her. He tries to make her consider the fact that there’s a possibility that she may not make it in music. She continues to let him know that she’s pursuing her dream. Freddy leaves disappointed. She cries, but when Augusto sees her, she goes back to work.

Now at Avon, Vicente and Pina are having it out again, as usual. They are fighting about who should get what. Neither will be the slightest bit flexible.

In Pina’s office, Pina and Arnold talk. Again, he’s being the supportive friend but continues acting a bit weird. When they are hugging, Vicente walks in on both of them. Vicente says to Arnold, “With friends like you, who needs enemies!” Arnold’s inner thoughts say that if Vicente knew how Arnold felt about Pina, Arnold would be dead meat!

In Enzo’s office, Chela brings him a very nice surprise…lunch. Vicente smells the food and storms into the office. He begins to have words with Enzo and insults Chela. Enzo stands up for Chela. Vicente is furious and lets Enzo have it. He throws it back in his face that he at one time called Candy “gata” and hired a psychiatrist to try and convince Vicente to leave Candy. Chela is hurt by what she hears and finds out about Enzo.

At Avon, Pancho is getting his messages. Elena, Paco, and Ofelia are all waiting to see Pancho. Freddy also wants to talk to Pancho…probably about Ana.

There’s a tender scene when Pancho walks into his office and catches Rebe looking at wedding dresses. They can’t wait to get married. Rebe looks forward to introducing Pancho to her family. They profess their love. They’re gettin’ married!

Enzo and Chela continue to talk. Chela is still a bit upset at things, but Enzo does the right thing and confesses that he used to be one of Vicente’s partners in crime. He tells Chela that what made him change a lot was watching all that his daughter had to go through regarding all she found out about her mother. He asks Chela how he can convince her that he’s changed. Chela says that time will do the convincing.
Enzo completely catches Cher off guard by asking if she’d consider going off and spending a weekend with him out of town! Chela is nervous, and Enzo does his best to convince her about the place he has in mind. Of course Chela wants to go, but she feels guilty and asks for a bit of time to think about it. She’ll go.

Elena visits Pancho at work, and she seems happy. She lets Pancho know about a great job she received that will pay her a good amount of money. Pancho is genuinely happy for her…that is until he finds out where Elena will be working and what she’ll be doing. Yep…a table dancer! Pancho won’t have that. Pancho almost has a heart attack. He treats Elena as his own daughter and lectures her about being a decent kid who doesn’t need to be looking for jobs in places like those. He comes up with a good idea. He offers Elena a job at the company with opportunities for her to continue studying and learning. Hmmm…I see trouble ahead for Elena.

Rebe and Arnold are talking in her office. She is thrilled with the wedding plans and tells Arnold that she feels as if she and Pancho have known one another for years. She lets him know about some problems they need to solve. In that conversation, we learn something new about Rebe. This is not the first time she’s been engaged. I’m guessing this has something to do with Mike Anderson. He’ll be an upcoming character that will come to bring some turmoil to the love birds’ relationship. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves though.

Paco and Ofelia also visit Pancho. Ofelia thanks Pancho for helping out with the medical stuff.

In a private conversation, Pancho informs Ofelia that he plans on doing the DNA test because he doubts his paternity. Ofelia doesn’t like this one bit. However, Pancho lets her know that no matter what, he’ll still help the kid out with medical tests and expenses.

Meanwhile, Freddy is at Avon and intends to visit Pancho. Vicente gets to him first and does his best to convince Freddy that he and Ana should break up because they’re from two very different worlds.

Back in Pancho’s office, the moment of truth finally arrives. Pancho wants Ofelia to tell him the truth. He still doubts. Pancho may be a softy, but he’s no pushover. Ofelia begins feeling guilty because she had a different idea or impression of Pancho. She never expected him to be willing to help Paco out the way he’s doing. It is finally revealed that Paco is not Pancho’s son. Pancho makes it very clear to Ofelia that although he’ll help the kid out, she must tell Paco the truth.
Pancho is bummed regarding all of this as well.

At the Lopez home, Temo and Lupita are talking about their supposed brother. It’s a nice bonding time for the two siblings. Temo wants to learn to talk with Meli via internet, and Lupita is willing to show him. He misses Meli, and Lupita can relate because she misses Alex.

In another part of the house, Chela and Candy talk about Chela taking a weekend trip with Enzo. She is afraid. Candy tells her to suck it up and conquer her fears. Chela decides to take Enzo up on his offer.

Back in Pancho’s office, Paco returns, and the discussion takes place. At first, Paco is very affected by the news. Ofelia is devastated and asks for Paco’s forgiveness. Pancho tries to smooth things out with Ofelia and explain to Paco why Ofelia did what she did. He storms out of the office, and Pancho is left to comfort Ofelia. She asks for his help regarding obtaining Paco’s forgiveness.

There’s a short scene with Pancho’s two partners in crime, Celeste, and Sandra. Chato tries hitting on the ladies, and they blow him off. However, Chacho and Sandra seem to hit it off…in an elevator. They’re smitten; although, they don’t say it to one another.

Pancho then receives another visitor…Freddy Irabien. He is there to talk to Pancho about Ana. He informs Pancho about Ana’s decision to drop out of college. Pancho and Freddy talk, and Pancho sees Freddy is truly in love with Ana. Freddy admits that he’s made mistakes in the past, and Pancho admits that he understands, by Freddy’s attitude, that people can change. They end the scene with a bear hug and with Pancho razzing Freddy by making fun of Vicente calling Freddy “Neeeneee.” Funny.

Enzo goes to Vicente’s office to try and make amends with his friend. Vicente asks for a favor of Enzo. He needs to use Enzo’s name or signature for something.

There is a brief scene where Monica and Karina are talking, and Karina is also practicing some dance moves for a class she’s taking. Arnold watches Karina dance and gets an idea. If Kari can do some choreography, maybe she can help Ana. Kari is thrilled with the opportunity and decides to take the job. Hmmm…Ana, Kari, Freddy…Interesting, don’t you think?

In Pancho’s office, Freddy leaves and Chela enters to talk with Pancho. He lets her know about his day. He’s comforted by her words.
Chela’s turn. She asks if Pancho could look after Temo and take care of the house for the weekend. Why? Because she’s goin’ out of town with Enzo! No manches! Jealous Pancho overreacts but comes to his senses and supports Chela. His only condition for Chela going is for her to have fun. He even teases her a bit and makes Chela feel better about her decision to go.

In a short meeting, Pancho, Rebe, and Pina are talking about a new campaign for a product the company is selling. Pina shows that she can really work hard at promoting a product and impresses Pancho and Rebe. Pina leaves, and Rebe suggests evening plans. Pancho would love to but knows he needs to be home, talking to Ana and looking after Temo. Chela will be out for the weekend.

The last scene is with Pina and Freddy. Pina is worried and tells Freddy that she’s afraid that Vicente will throw her in jail.

That’s a recap.


Monday, February 13, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #35 Lunes 2/13/12 Let All the Poisons That Lurk In the Mud Hatch Out... Pero con Calma

We're treated to the kiss that closed the last episode.
Hotel: Lady Chatterley returns to the hotel and Mellors follows her to her room, finally flopping onto her bed, saying that her bed is for him alone. Seems that the stablehand doesn't know his place.
Hacienda de Fuerte, Master Bedroom: Margarito knocks on Rogelio's door and is told he can enter anytime. Ana Paula tells him that they have decided to look for his parents. He's so excited she almost can't get him to understand that it could take a while. It could take a week; it could take a year. Then he could be as happy as any other child with parents. He asks whether they aren't happy with him. Ana Paula tells him “Of course we are” and hugs him. Rogelio looks a little doubtful until he sees how happy the two of them look.
Hotel: Lady Chatterley pulls Mellors off the bed and tries to kiss him off again, only to have him start to strip off his shirt in a failed attempt to tempt her. She tells him a final No and Never. He finally decides to preserve what dignity he has and departs. She's clearly upset as she closes the door behind him.
Hacienda de Fuerte, Ana Paula's room: That night Margarito goes into Ana Paula's room crying, afraid to know why his parents abandoned him. Was it because they didn't love him? Ana Paula tries to comfort him, saying there could be many reasons for this, but that the most important thing is that he does have other people who care about him. Consuelo, Maria, Consuelo, and Rogelio. Margarito doesn't think Rogelio cares for him, but notes that things have been better lately. Ana Paula hugs the child as the half moon glows outside.
Margarito kisses her in the morning before she gets up. He bolts out the window when Rogelio knocks on the door and climbs over the balcony rail. Yikes, he's taking after the stablehand.
Ana Paula: I'm coming. In a second. (puts on a bedjacket before opening the door) Momentito. (sees that it's Rogelio, so releases the other door) Rogelio, I was still asleep; forgive me. Come in.
Rogelio (entering): Don't worry. Just came to wake you up, wish you good morning, and for kissing because I want you to know that those kisses made me the happiest man in the world. (Their love theme begins as he kisses her again. She breaks it, not quite ready)
Ana Paula: Rogelio, we're in my room. I'm still in PJ's.
Rogelio (a little confused): Yes, I know. Why are you afraid?
Ana Paula: Well, at the least because I don't know how you look at me out of my normal clothes.
Rogelio: Well, then I'll leave you to dress but I'll wait for you out on the terrace because we're going to ride. (exits)
Ay, Ana Paula, like you never saw him staring at the mounds of vanilla ice cream and knew he was thinking about the cherries.
San Gabriel, Restaurant: A gentleman in a white jacket bids farewell to Vainessa, shakes her hand, and departs. Esteban congratulates her on her first successful business deal and tells her that it will get easier with practice. Her excitement fades when he mentions how proud her father would be of her. We wonder why.
Hacienda del Fuerte, Grassy Area: Ana Paula rides the untethered horse around the grass as Rogelio keeps turning the wheelchair so as to not take his eyes off her. Margarito runs nearer the horse until he's tired, then sits next to Rogelio, who ruffles his hair and kisses the top of his head as though he were his own child. Hugo watches all this.
Casa Galván, Office: Sinthia, in a tight off-black dress more suitable for evening, tells Vainessa about last night. Vainessa is a little incredulous. She's wearing the same plunging neckline purple dress from breakfast. Somebody's been watching Sexo en la Ciudad.
Sinthia: Then Gustavo and I kissed. I never knew that a kiss could move me so much!
Vainessa: Really? Calm down. I can't believe it was that good.
Sinthia: Yes. Before I hooked up with David I had a very passionate relationship and I never thought I could feel anything like that again, but –
Vainessa: Wait, wait... this passionate relationship with whom?
Sinthia: Eh... wasn't going to work because we're very different. But yesterday with Gustavo we danced – nothing more. We kissed. I felt something different, so real –
Vainessa: Sinthia, that's crazy. The craziest thing I know.
Sinthia: That's unimportant. It doesn't matter because I believe that Gustavo is the man for me.
Vainessa: Enough to dump David?
Sinthia: David doesn't appeal to me at all; you know that. If you can find me a way to recover my inheritance without having to marry him, that's my solution.
Vainessa looks bemused. We are, too. Could Lady Chatterley be tired of slumming?
Hacienda de Fuerte, under the big tree: The riding lesson over, Rogelio and Ana Paula sit on a red-and-white checkered picnic drop with a basket as she pours wine for him. Hugo plays with Margarito in the background.
Rogelio: Gracias.
Ana Paula: Gracias a ti, Rogelio. I'm very happy.
Rogelio: I am, too. I hadn't counted on actually having a relationship, but now I think it's important we talk about everything. If this is to work with you at my side as I want – forever – you need to know we could find out that I won't be able to have children.
A serious leitmotif in a minor key underscores a long mutual stare.

Casa Galván, Office: Vainessa looks at the file including the testamento and points out a few interesting details to Sinthia.
Vainessa: Something tells me that if Rogelio finds out that your husband can't manage your inheritance he can take legal action.
Sinthia: But I'd still be married.
Vainessa: Yes, you'd have your inheritance but not necessarily with David. The will says “with a capable man.” Now, do you think that Gustavo is this capable man?
Sinthia: Perhaps I can find out more before rushing into marriage with David.
Vainessa: Do it, do it. Perhaps Gustavo will help you recover your inheritance.
Sinthia: Yes, but you have to help me. Because I'm not letting that traipadora sister-in-law get half a peso of what belongs to me.
Hacienda de Fuerte: Sinthia would be shocked at this conversation.
Ana Paula: I know that in your condition you can't have children.
Rogelio: Is that important?
Ana Paula: Of course I'd like to have children. But if our relationship works I know how we can work things out.
Rogelio: Are you sure?
Ana Paula: Yes. (turns around and watches Hugo and Margarito) Know what? If Margarito's parents can't be found, he can become our first adoptive child.
Rogelio (incredulous at first, then laughs): The first?
Ana Paula: Yes! Then later we'd want a little girl. Also, two or three more...(as he laughs) Imagine the happiness we could give to them. And them to us.
Rogelio: Of course! Un Regimento del Fuerte. I can't believe I'm thinking this way! Caramba.
Ana Paula: Rogelio, If I had been in Vanessa's place when you suffered the accident it wouldn't have been the same. If that had been me, nothing would have been more important than being at your side.
They exchange a meaningful glance during their love theme.
Tuxtla, Casa de Helena: Tia MentiRosa is incredulous that Vainessa had the gall to fire Dani again from this same job. MentiRosa screams about unfair this is and threatens to confront her. Dani tries to explain about Fed being in serious condition in the hospital and she doesn't want to trouble him with this or suffer any more humiliation. Dani finally leaves. MentiRosa then tells Helena she's going to the hospital to tell Fed that Ana Paula is his daughter. But what if that news makes him worse? How can it; he's in a hospital! But all MentiRosa cares about is the dinero she thinks she's entitled to (meaning Ana Paula's rightful inheritance).
Hospital: Elsa la Vaca – looking like a villainess out of I, Claudius – taunts Fed that his daughter doesn't want to see him. Vainessa quickly proves her wrong by arriving to talk to her father. Alone. La Vaca doesn't look happy at that one. They say a snake bit her once... and died.
Hacienda de Fuerte, living room: Ana Paula and Rogelio get back. Miguel, Consuelo, Maria, and Margarito enter and Miguel wants to know whether everything is OK and why were they all called together. Rogelio tells them that he wants them to know how happy he is with Ana Paula. He kisses her in front of them all and she does not resist or even hesitate. Applause from all except Miguel, who is the only person confused at what he's seeing. After they break the kiss, Ana Paula excuses herself and leaves. Margarito asks why she split; Maria suggests that the applause embarrassed her. Miguel is curious, and Rogelio pensively asks them to leave her alone for a while.
Hospital: Vainessa and Fed are alone. She is still having a hard time dealing with her parents' past relationship issues. Fed tells her he would never have done anything to hurt her. Had things gone well with her mother, this wouldn't be an issue now. But he was a young man and looked for love and understanding elsewhere. He wasn't proud of this. He finishes by telling her that when he started to file for divorce Elsie the Cow threatened to take her far away so he would never see her again. Vainessa is impactada.
Hacienda de Fuerte, Ana Paula's room: Ana Paula looks at the shell necklace asking “Gustavo, why can't I forget you? Even though you're not here?”
Casa Durán: El Principe de las Pestañas is spreading butter on toast while telling his sister about how great a first date he had with Lady Chatterley. She's pleased he had a good time, thinks that Sinthia is attractive, but tells him to be careful so this doesn't turn out the same as with Ana. He loses both enthusiasm and appetite at this one. Mercedes still has her bloomers in a knot over this and it's getting old real fast (and not just for us this time).
Hacienda de Fuerte: Rogelio enters Ana Paula's room and she puts the necklace back in the drawer. She's upset at how fast things seem to be going.
Rogelio: What happened, Paula? Why did you run out of the salon?
Ana Paula: I don't know. Everything was alright but I was suddenly afraid. [She's got Anvil ESP] I suddenly felt powerless. I don't know.
Rogelio: Be calm. Why do you believe you're powerless?
Ana Paula: Because I'm very afraid. Too many things are happening in too little time I don't think I can handle it. I wish we could move faster.
Rogelio (taking her hands): Be calm. Take things as you want to. But you need to know that this happens because this is our [???] If I've done something that upset or displeased you –
Ana Paula: No. The kiss –
Rogelio: Was that it? Were you upset by the kiss I just gave you?
Ana Paula: No, it wasn't that. I just know if it isn't too soon to forget everything that happened in the beginning.
Hospital: Fed cries, telling Vainessa that he never wanted her to be hurt. She forgives him (finally!) but begs him to make things right with her mother, who is still full of anger. She doesn't understand how they could have lived together all those years filled with such hate. Vainessa, we hate to say this, but this is how you and Esteban would have been in a few years.
Hacienda de Fuerte, Ana Paula's room: Vainessa would really hate this.
Rogelio (wiping away her tears): Don't be upset. Nothing happened. We're understanding each other. There is no need for fear. You are a strong woman. Capable. You were making your own life. You sacrificed it to help your brother. Who does that? Nobody.
Ana Paula: It's... know what? Before I saw this as a sacrifice; you know that. But, looking at how you treat me, I don't see it that way. (He kisses her hand.) But it doesn't mean that I can love you.
Rogelio: I know. I don't want this fast, but calmly. And I promise you I'll let you do that.
He continues to dry her tears and we start wondering who is the stronger of the two.
Hospital: Mercedes appears to be giving Sinthia the grand tour as they talk about Gustavo. Mercedes tells her that it would please her immensely if she could make him forget that Ana. Sinthia smiles like she knows whom she's talking about.
Hacienda de Fuerte, Cocina: There's a bag of Tostitos on the table as Maria fills a platter that surrounds a bowl of guacamole (although the produce baskets still dominate the table; someone at the ad agency isn't happy about this). She and Ana Paula talk about Rogelio and how he's changed. Ana Paula says she can't believe he's the same person she met in the beginning. Miguel enters, saying something about being hungry. Maria dips a chip, talks about prepping some chiles, and walks off , leaving Miguel and Ana Paula alone. They talk about how life goes on. Finally, she tells him he shouldn't be using Maripaz to forget about Dani. He tells her he's been up front with Maripaz about this stuff, but then she asks whether he's been honest about having been in jail. Gotcha.
Esteban's Office: Esteban says a few words about the matter of David and the fisherman (zzzz) and when Gustavo yawns, asks him what time he got to bed. He tells him, late, but everything is OK. He then tells Gustavo that Sinthia's brother is Rogelio Montero, whom Vainessa once almost married (he means the first time) but never forgot. Gustavo intends to still see Sinthia, but needs time to forget Ana.
Restaurant: David waits for Sinthia, who blocks the door before Efrain and tells him to wait outside before sashaying into the place. David is eager to hear how the wedding plans are progressing, but gets curious about the bandage on her elbow. She tells him it's nothing. He wants to get married as soon as possible. When he takes out the ring box she looks like a deer in the headlights. Efrain looks like a stag about to charge with antlers fully positioned when David puts the ring on her hand and kisses it. She has an expression of seeing the jail door closing and the key out of reach. This is not a Valentine's Day jewelry commercial.
Hacienda del Fuerte, living room: Rogelio and Ana Paula play with Margarito, ending with a little pillow fight as though he were their child. It looks like a coming attractions of a loving family (which means that the Anvil Watch begins). Skelator enters and is not happy to see this; all stops dead when his presence is felt. His “They said you were looking for me” may as well have been “You rang?” Ana Paula and Margarito leave the two men alone. Rogelio asks Bruno if he was there the day that Margarito's parents abandoned him; it was the day of his (original) engagement party. He says he doesn't remember, saying he knew that Maria was and why are you asking? Rogelio tries to explain that he and Ana Paula are hoping to find the child's parents. Bruno claims not to know who the boy's mother was; he appears to be sincere. He changes the subject, saying that he knows Rogelio married Ana Paula to rile Vainessa, but why did she accept him? Rogelio tells him that the most important thing he needs to know is that Ana Paula is his wife, he loves her, and he won't tolerate any other man trying to interfere with that. Take that, Skelator. (Una vez mas).
Restaurant: Lady Chatterley is panicking now, telling Lord ShadyDeal that the wedding can be in five or six months. He's surprised, but she tells him that it can be sooner if Rogelio surrenders her inheritance first. She starts to talk about the will. He's surprised and asks her how she got Rogelio to give her a copy. She says she didn't and what does it matter how she got it? Well, Milady, Lord ShadyDeal can rat you out to His Lordship (your brother) even if he tries not to. He starts to kiss her and stroke her hair. Mellors is watching from the doorway and we wonder whether Lord ShadyDeal can see him. Those fireworks are still waiting to explode.
Hacienda de Fuerta: Margarito hands a drawing to Rogelio... of him on a horse. Ominous music plays as Rogelio gets a flashback of the accident. A dark look comes over his face, but he doesn't give in to what that means. As the boy runs off to do something Ana Paula thanks Rogelio for being so understanding.
Ana Paula: Rogelio, I want to thank you for being so understanding with me.
Rogelio: Well, I want to make sure that the kiss didn't make you feel bad.
Ana Paula: No. One day you said to me that I don't know it all yet. I want you to know that I discovered finally that it pleased me. Very much.

Sonrisas during the love theme.
San Gabriel, Cafe: Miguel tells Maripaz about the accident and being in prison. He's not explaining this well at all. She's not happy at having been kept in the dark about this and gets up from the table freaking out. Macaria brings over a plate of something and wonders where Maripaz is. This won't end well.
Hospital: Elsa la Vaca wants to know when Fed is getting out of the hospital. She complains about the food served there. He doesn't know yet. He's also not eager to return to the combative life they shouldn't have together. She also isn't happy that Vainessa forgave him or that she wants them to make up over this, finally telling him that she will only forgive him if she lost her memory of him cheating on her (Alzheimer's, anyone?). MentiRosa is approaching the room and carefully steps back when Elsa exits with a cry of disgust. MentiRosa catches her breath before approaching the door, relieved that the cow is returning to the homestead.
Hacienda de Fuerte: Rogelio actually smiles at the drawing. This would not have happened 30 or even 20 episodes ago.
Ana Paula: And that smile?
Rogelio: If I smile, why do I smile; if not you ask why not, and –
Ana Paula: No, no, no. If I prefer to see you smile all I have to know is how to make you do it.
Rogelio: Then it must be you. All that you do is for good. You know I never felt this way before.
Ana Paula: May I? (holds out her hand and he hands her the drawing)
Rogelio: I was thinking whether you'd like us to go to Boca del Cielo,
Ana Paula: That might be OK, but I'd prefer that my aunt be with us. Perhaps because she was so enthusiastic about that trip.
Rogelio: You want her to be a chaperon. (as she turns away) That's alright; I'm willing to be patient.
Ana Paula (sitting on couch): Muchas gracias. (Rogelio sighs) What's up?
Rogelio: Paula, you trust your aunt completely.
Ana Paula: Of course; why not?
Rogelio: Because she may not be as sick as she appears to you. It's occurred to me that she uses this as a pretext to blackmail you.
Ana Paula looks impactada, but doesn't see this as a challenge.
Hospital: MentiRosa carefully enters Fed's room, closing the door behind her.
MentiRosa: Holà, Federico. Do you remember me?Fed: Rosaura?MentiRosa: Yes. The sister of Mariana Flores.Fed: I can't believe after so many years... What are you doing here? How did you find me?MentiRosa: These days it's pretty easy.Fed: Where is Mariana? Did she come with you? (MentiRosa hesitates) Please, Rosaura, tell me. Where is Mariana?MentiRosa: My sister died.
Fed looks like he's going to cry.
Hacienda de Fuerte, living room: We've been hoping for this conversation.
Ana Paula: Rogelio, how can you think this about my aunt? After her taking care of me and Miguel all our lives this is very difficult.
Rogelio: I know, I'm sorry, but not all is as it seems.
Ana Paula: It is. It is. And I am eternally grateful for all she's done for us. She gave up love to take care of Miguel and me. Rogelio, I don't want you to think bad of my family. Above all my aunt.
Rogelio: Perdon. I don't want to offend you; I was just thinking of you.
Ana Paula: No. Forgive me, too. But when it comes to defending my kin, I must.
Rogelio: Well, then, if your aunt is not sick as she says, why does she – wait. If she is, why don't we help her? Find her the best cardiologist.
Now, that's the way, Rogelio.
Hospital: Fed is still OK.
Fed: You know where she went away to?
MentiRosa: She was at her wits' end when she broke up with you. I looked for you, but I was told you went to Chiapas.
Fed: Yes, I was there with my daughter but it was too late to save my marriage.
MentiRosa: Well, at least you were able to be happy. My sister suffered a great deal. And since she died more than ten years ago I took care of her children.
Fed: Her children? Did you say her
children? She only had a son. Miguel.
MentiRosa: No. She later had a precious baby girl.
Fed (silently): Una hija?
Hacienda de Fuerte: One step at a time...
Ana Paula: I'd be grateful to take her the doctor but she's a good person. But what do I say to get her to go?
Rogelio: That you were going along with me.
Ana Paula: Yes, like that.
Rogelio: Well, it's a [deal?]
Ana Paula: Well, also you told me that when we see Vanessa again you'd like me to get along with her.
Rogelio: I told you that?
Ana Paula: Yes. It feels impossible because she hates me.
Rogelio: But why do you want this?
Ana Paula: Let's say one should make peace with enemies.
Rogelio: You think that?
Ana Paula (kneeling in front of him and taking his hands): The only thing I want is for you to be at peace and not have problems with Vanessa.
Rogelio: Tell me something, Paula. You don't feel the tiniest bit of jealousy?
Ana Paula: No. Because I know you don't truly love her or you would have married her no matter what happened in the past. Also because she's now in charge of her father's company.
Rogelio: You're worried I'll have to deal with her?
Ana Paula: Frankly, yes. That's why I don't want problems between you. Rogelio, I want you to try to get along with Vanessa.
He looks thoughtful at her words, but doubtful at the possibility of success.
Hospital: Uno secreto desaparacio
Fed: Therefore...
MentiRosa: Yes, Federico. My sister's baby girl is your daughter.
And that's no lie.

Rivalries come to light and the war of hearts begins.


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