Monday, November 06, 2006

Mundo de Fieras: 11/06/06 Sigmund Help!!!!!!!!

Well sadly audience we are looking at a once happy family dissolving. The Gabe clan is splittin up or are they?

Gabe is upstairs in Lui's room trying to console the boy, who is mewwwwin and crying and just general whimpering. He is all upset cause Papito is leaving (I'd be upset too if I had to stay with Mommy Dearest); but Gabe does his best Bob Cratchit and picks Tiny up, promising him good times at poppi's new digs. For a brief shining moment I have hope Gabe will drop Lui, that kid looks pretty stout, but once again my hopes are dashed.

Next there is a family conference where Gabe is telling Rog, Dinah, Pedro & Paulina that he and Joselyn have irreconcilable differences (mainly she is BSC & he is in love with MA), Gabe however leaves out these details. It looks like Reg & Dinah will be staying at the mansion, Paulina will be going with Dad & Pedro has to make up his mind. There is a lot of well, I just want you to be happy formalities.

Paulina receives like 100 white roses and a card from JC, but Karen gets to them first and sticks the card in the waistband of her jeans...and tells Paulina that the flowers are for Karen from JC and she hands one rose off to Paulina, like here ya go have some sloppy seconds.

Paulina is of course reduced to tears, JC calls to ask how she liked the flowers, but she yells at him. PLOT POINT*****Not to take sides here, but why would a guy call you to asked how you liked the flowers when he sent them to someone else...Well maybe Rog would do that to Diana, but JC is good and true.
Paulina packs her suitcase, which just amazes me as I am sure this girl will need an 18 foot moving van, just for her winter clothes. She pulls out a couple of what I assume to be "Dear Diary, my cousin JC is sooooo hawt", journals & she runs across the heart necklace of faded dreams....Ahhhhhhh Paulina, damn you, there we go back into the happiest 45 seconds of your life.

Meanwhile over at the hospital MA is visiting her mother, who is in the last thros of whatever is wrong with her...I mean I know she has Alzheimer’s, but she looked pretty physically healthy when last I checked. Clemente & of course Leo are also there. I hope if I am in the hospital, I get some PJ's that are not so revealing as I am slippin and fallin all over the place, they were an attractive shade of blue however. Leo says time is basically running out. Clemente tells MA that he & her mother were once in love. And no, no lite bulb went off, no thought bubble.

Back at the Good Mansion, Joselyn and Gabe have begun to argue....he basically wants to part ways, so they can both start over again and make new lives for themselves. Joselyn does not want any part of it. She's all no you won't & he is all yes I will.

Miriam blames all this on the arrival of MA, (of all people Miriam should be well aware of that itch you just gotta scratch)

Gabe walks outside on his way to work I guess, he is out in that giant front courtyard which is larger than several city parks here in Tulsa, but Joselyn follows him out and does her best Annie Oakley, unfortunately she pretends to shoot an imaginary beer bottle off the top of his head rather than just blowing his head off. After the wrist slitting incident & the Dider Dude shooting I think she could have whacked Gabe & just gotten a few months in "Feliz Acres". Gabe talks her down, takes the gun, Karen & Paulina come running out...Gabe leaves, Paulina takes off in her cute VW bug, but doesn't put the White Rose of Shame in the flower cup. As she pulls out JC comes running up on the grass strip in front of the mansion, but Paulina won't stop. Damn Dude did you run all the way from downtown?

I can't actually believe normal (or whatever) people would leave a BSC lady who just tried to shoot someone at home with a crippled kid...maybe I'm just overprotective that way.

Joselyn goes up and holds that lil stuffed tiger & converses with her lil stuffed son. It is creepy when she talks to him, she is so cloying....forget the legs, lil Opedius Rex is gonna require at least 20 years of therapy. After this Telenovela I may require therapy, but I digress, she basically tells Felix the mewwwwwwing Cat, that only Mami loves him and she suffers so much and it hurts so bad and he is gonna have to help Mami. "Oh Sigmund do you see where this is going?"

The bright spot of tonite was for me the two seconds my main man "Demian" was on. Tiberio was in his room and Demian tells to do whatever it takes to stop Gabe's construction of "Mother Teresa Acres", it was a Sopranos moment...Get it done whatever it takes, dinero is no problemo.

Miriam who has been putting the screws to Rog to come over to the dark side (like it was some great leap for him), has decided to pick up the pace, she puts a call in to Demian for some help. Demian turns to T for Thug in his rolodex & the next thing we know, Coyote is meeting with Miriam..She kinda looks like she'd do him if she had a bar of soap and five extra minutes.

Leo is having breakfast with the local Padre (of course he is...Cafe y Pan Dulce), the Padre, brings up Leo's mom dumping him all those years ago. Leo thought bubble, "Geez can't I just go through one day with out being reminded of what a Bastard I am?". When questioned Leo says he does not want to know about his Mom. I dunno, but I'm not buyin that Leo.

Leo leaves and runs into JC outside on the street, JC explains his broken heart and Leo kinda does the "your sister"? "Oh yeah here is the great news, she isn't my sister." Leo and JC hug, yes that is correct. JC, of course does not know that Paulina is not his cuzzin, so there is still that icky fathers are identical brothers whole yucky thing, but hey one problem at a time.
Okay now, believe it or not, Paulina is inside the same church talking to the Padre about JC, oh I love him, I can't forget him, he is the great love of my life...just the kind of yammering everyone who is not in love with JC wants to hear. Paulina leaves the church and with prompting from Leo, JC walks up to her.
JC tries to explain that life is just frickin great now cause they are not brother and sister, then he has to digress and explain that nonsense. Paulina still tells him it is over cause he kissed Karen, but he says Karen kissed him (I must say he does have a point). She storms off down the street, leaving poor JC in her dust.

I gotta say Shut-Up, I have so had it with this chick and her JC JC JC...just wait it gets worse.

Gabe is having a man to man conversation with Nic about his new least I think they are sitting in what is supposed to be his new apartment...

PLOT POINT****What is it with all these Telenovela Metrosexuals? For the love of Gawd, I go thru this on LFMB...with Fer/Omar, now I have Leo/JC & Gabe/Nic, what is next man-purses? These guys are more sensitive than a group of pre-puberty campfire girls. Coyote is looking more attractive by the moment.

Speaking of which Miriam invites Rog to lunch, & as Rog pulls his "I not over compensating for my lack of masculinity" bright red sports car out, he is followed by not overcompensating Coyote. Rog meets with Miriam for lunch and oh look she gives him a present, two hot models....
Coyote is messing around the sports car acting like he his polishing the mirrors.
Rog is basically a man-whore and would happily sell out his own beloved Papi.

Rog gives Miriam a wink across the table and takes the porn version of the DoubleMint twins down to the lil red sportscar; just as he has one sitting on the back (remember this is a two seater) and he is about to put twin two into the passenger seat, a cop car pulls up and blocks his way. Ah, there is a Drug Dog, sniffin under the car, this dog is goin after the undercarriage of that car like Lassie sniffin Timmie outta the well. Oh Rog this does not bode well.

Joselyn gets another Dider call, he is lounging around his tropical paradise with a his KFed Wife-beater standard T & shorts, while that one leg is sporting the big bandage, Dider threatens Joselyn again for $$$$, yes guess what Dider has more copies of the straight to video, porn clip of their tryst. Pay-up or I'll give Gabe the unedited version. Joselyn hangs up. Frederico appears behind her, eavesdrop much?
He tell her he wants to help.

Frederico goes to Dider and threatens him, Dider tells Frederico some of Joselyn's recent shady activities.

Frederico is concerned for Joselyn's fragile state of mental health...Hello I am glad someone finally noticed, Frederico, realizes that attempting to shoot two people in the past week requires urgent attention.

Meanwhile on her sobbing way home from church, Paulina has decided to stop in and visit MA, at her death bed vigil. MA is sitting next to her mother, who is incoherent. Paulina comes in and the usual niceties are exchanged, MA tells her that her mother is in very bad condition. Paulina in turn starts sobbing and talking about JC, yes indeed let's make this all about Paulina. She has joined my list of tools on this show.

Dinah is standing her bedroom with an EPT in her hand, yipeeee, it is positivo, oh joy she is pregnant by that stellar future father and all round swell guy Rog, currently sitting in a Mexico City Police Station. Dinah is very happy and we can see thought bubble pictures of happy pitter pattering lil angels with curly blonde hair.

Gabe gets the phone call all parents dread, "Sir, we have Jr down at the station"
When Gabe arrives at the police station, he finds Miriam and Joselyn have beaten him to it. Of course, they have. Rog gives his step-mom some creepy special hugs and the whole family returns to Casa de Crazy. In the living room, more creepy hugs and Rog, urges Gabe to not move out and abandon his family.

Gabe goes to Paulina room and she is sobbing on the bed, "What is wrong my lil Princess", "Ewwww, it is that evil heart breaker JC"....See what I mean STHU.

Next scene, Gabe is rushing into JC's job and man-handling him. Paulina watches from the office door. Once again....did they take separate cars? Did they run to downtown, with Gabe and Paulina leaping over hedges, What the hell. Is it okay to smack someone around over a botched flower arrangement; are there just like no laws in Mexico what-so-ever?

Stay tuned for more family intrigue
& as Demian would say "Vote Early & Often"


Sunday, November 05, 2006

Heridas Friday November 3

Fermin says the last company to have the money (or something like that) was Raytheon. Luciano says this means drug trafficking. What? Raytheon is a government contractor, they make missle guidance systems and things like that. How that means drugs is beyond me. Fermin doesn’t understand his reasoning either. Luciano explains it away somehow, the end result is that they are in great danger and need to get the info to Alejandro muy pronto. They leave.

Alejandro tells Pamela to just accept the money and say thank you, or if she doesn’t want any part of it say no thanks. The conversation steers towards Miranda and Pamela tells Al that he broke her heart and won’t listen to his explanation.

Sanson tells Cesar that the only thing he heard Nuria say was that she was never coming back to Cesar’s apartment, or he should never come to hers, I couldn’t figure out which. Sanson tells Cesar about Renata going shopping with Bertha and buying many things. Cesar tries to figure out what Bertha wants with that family. The doorbell rings, Cesar tells Sanson “what are you, deaf?” and Sanson gets the door. It’s Lasagna in a really great tight shirt and she wants to talk to Cesar. She walks right over and accepts a kiss. This woman is insane. She even smiles at him. What a nutjob, tight shirt be damned.

Miranda is in Flor’s hospital room. Flor wants to ask Miranda a question, Miranda swears she will tell the truth. That takes a full minute for the two of them to work out. Then we have to wait for later to hear the question.

Pamela’s family and Alejandro, despite the earlier argument, are sitting down having coffee. Man, everyone on this show lives in a palace. Even the pobres have a nice house by poor people standards. The doorbell rings, Pamela answers. It’s Fermin. He has news that “you aren’t going to like.” He looks at Pamela’s ‘father’ and says to tell the truth please. He says that he told everything he knows, there’s nothing more to tell! Fermin says that the companies that used that bank account manufacture weapons, so Alejandro assumes that the account was used in arms trafficking. Remember how Fermin said it was going to be so complicated to get this info? It took him what, five minutes? Anyway.

We see a piece of art on Cesar’s wall, it’s a white outline of a woman on a black background. The woman is nude and lying down on her front, using her arms to push herself up. So, we see her backside and a side view of her front side. It’s horribly tacky and I think sums up Cesar completely. It reminds me of all the Nagel posters people in the U.S. always had about 15 years ago. Naked women disguised as art. I don’t have a problem with it, but oh my god 10/10 on the ‘naco’ scale. He’s telling someone (presumably Lasagna) that she’s stupid and this is what she deserves. The camera pans over and shows Lasagna with a face that actually shocked me. She has been beaten badly. It may be the first time this show has gotten a genuine reaction from me. He beat her up pretty good. For some reason though, she’s STILL THERE. You dumbass, get out of there. Cripes. He goes on about how her cries of pain grated on his ears. He tells her that tomorrow when she calms down she should come back, he has many things to go over with her. She says she’s leaving but isn’t coming back. He grabs her and says “You’ll be back. I know full well that you’ll be back.” Then he forcibly throws her out of the apartment and goes back to drinking.

Finally back to the hospital for whatever important question Florencia has to ask. She goes through her reasoning. She has a hereditary condition that nobody else in the family has, but she isn’t adopted, so which parent isn’t really her parent? Miranda wants to bolt from the room but promised to answer, and she does. “My father.” She tells her that to Gonz it doesn’t matter, to him she is his daughter. Flor asks, “He knows but it’s ok with him?” Miranda says yes, and it will always be that way. Flor says she wants to see him, to give him a hug. Miranda explains that he went on a trip, but he sent his love and kisses to Flor before leaving. Miranda says that Flor needs to know something else. Flor and Alejandro are brother and sister. Flor continues to cry. I don’t know if she’s happy or sad anymore at this point.

Everyone is saying thank you and see you later to Fermin and Pamela’s ‘father.’ He tells Al that he needs to go to a friend’s office first tomorrow, then he’ll go to the airport to leave the country. Al says ok and leaves. ‘Father’ tells Pamela and her mother that it feels like he has known them forever. Lots of hugs.

Flor cries a lot, so does Miranda. They decide that they both know what they have to do now. More crying. Sniff sniff. Flor remembers Miranda always being so strong when they were younger, now they cry more than ever. Flor says she’d give her life for them to just be young girls again. They recall some happy memories. This feels like a death scene, with the long speeches and all, but it’s really just a long crying scene. I guess the whole Fab thing isn’t a problem between them anymore.

Renata tells Juan on the phone that she sounds funny because she was talking with Erika about her mother. She sends greetings and kisses to Flor and says to tell Miranda that she’ll call her later. She tells him to get some sleep and eat something, all in a little kissy kissy voice that sounds very strange coming from her. Renata finishes telling Erika the long story of her mother. Erika rightly tells Renata that Fernanda deserves a chance to tell her side of the story.

Miranda cries some more and looks at the sleeping Flor and then leaves the room. Flor wakes up a little and cries some more, she thanks Miranda for being her sister. More crying. This still feels like a death scene even though it isn’t.

Lucas is back! Bertha comes into her room to find him on the bed. She welcomes him home warmly and starts talking to him like he’s a person. She tells him all the things she did and what she is going to do next. She tells him that she needs to make Flor dead, end Renata’s marriage, and make sure that Miranda doesn’t get pregnant. She also is going to use Daira and Lasagna to torture Al. He will be introduced to HER concept of love. Dramatic music.

Pamela and her mother bemoan the fact that ‘father’ wasn’t really who he said he was. Now they are alone. ‘Father’ enters and apologizes for causing so much pain. The women ask why he did things the way he did. Their father always planned to get the money to them when he got out of jail, but he was killed. He doesn’t really explain further. They have a long goodbye, the women go to bed.

Charo tells Miranda the latest Bertha movements. Charo then tells that Veronica came looking for Bertha but she (Charo) turned her away because Bertha wasn’t home. Miranda says good, when Charo is alone, nobody is allowed in the house. She says something about watching the chocolate and excuses herself. Miranda then thinks “I don’t care if it’s Alejandro’s or not, I’m opening it!”

‘Father’ calls Alejandro on his cell phone. He wants to go see someone before leaving the next day, something about nobody taking the blame for something they didn’t do. Al says sure, I’ll call Luciano in the morning and give him his orders. Then he tells ‘father’ that he is quite a gentleman. After Al hangs up Daira asks him what he’s going to do. Al says take him to the police, that’s what ‘father’ asked him to do. Then he asks if Lasagna knows yet that she’s being sent back to Italy. Daira says no, she’s hiding in her room. Al swears he’ll tear her door down tomorrow if he has to in order to talk to her. Daira says he’s grumpy because he misses Miranda and that he should call her to patch things up. Al says he can’t. He asks why Heridas De Amor don’t just kill so ther isn’t so much pain?

Miranda is looking through the envelope, they are Nuria’s personal papers, what is Bertha doing with them? She is going to discuss with Nuria when she sees her. She’s glad she didn’t call Al (why?) but she wants to see him. She goes on about wanting him for a while and there is more crying. We are treated to a montage of the honeymoon again. And more crying.

The next morning Miranda tells Charo to not put out any breakfast, she isn’t eating and Gonz is gone. Charo says sure, but what about Bertha? She’ll have a fit if nothing is out. Miranda says to tell Bertha that the woman of the house is Miranda, if Bertha has a problem she can come see her directly. Charo says ok, she still has a glass of orange juice on her tray, she says she has to go deliver it to the devil.

Fern and Roman are talking to Santiago about Nuria being registered as Bertha’s daughter and the orphanage where she grew up. Roman says he knows where Nuria lives, Santiago says to go get her, he needs to talk to her urgently. Fernanda asks Santiago to visit her later at her house to talk.

Bertha tells Charo that the juice is bad. She wants to know where Gonz went, finally she gets it out of her – London.

Carola comes into Renata’s room, Renata frostily asks her what she wants. Carola tells her that she saw Fernanda crying because of her and that it would be the last time Renata makes her cry. Renata says “is that all? Goodbye.” Carola begs her to be nice to Fernanda. Renata says really? Tell me. Carola goes on to tell Fernanda’s story from Fernanda’s point of view. More crying. Renata begs her to say it wasn’t really that way. Carola says her mother died when she was young, Renata shouldn’t waste the opportunity to be with her mother. Renata decides to be nice and asks if Carola would accept some of the extra clothes she bought without being insulted, she takes them. Raul busts in and announces that now they have a computer!

Santiago tells Daira that Lasagna must be under the influence of someone who hates Alejandro, it’s the only explanation. Her phone rings, it’s Cesar. He tells her some story that he knows someone who knows Lasagna and saw her being beat up by some guy, basically covering his butt for when everyone sees how she looks. Cesar’s doorbell rings, it’s Bertha. He isn’t very happy to see her.

The thugs are walking and talking, one is on the phone, he tells the others that ‘El Magnate’ has put all the money where they wanted it, now they can let him go.
‘Father’ is walking along, thinking that he has taken care of everything and now he can be free. The thugs phone rings again, the guy on the other end tells him that the suitcases were empty, El Magnate lied. Head thug says now the women (Pamela and her mother) and the guy from the bank are going to die. El Magnate is coming up the escalator right behind him. As El Magnate walks past him, the thug pulls out his gun and follows him up the next escalator, then shoots him in the back. Then he rides up the escalator behind him, just standing there like an idiot. He asks where the money is, holding his gun out, then some police lean over the wall above and tell him to freeze! Thug starts to move away and the police gun him down. They rush to El Magnate/’father’ and call for an ambulance. They tell him that they rounded up the entire gang of criminals. El Magnate slumps over, apparently dead. We hear some slow, depressing music and a long shot of El Magnate dying. I suppose he might not be dead, but it sure appears that he is.


La Fea Más Bella #138 11/3/06 Too tired to come up with a title tonight

Folks, I swear I posted this on Friday night. I don't know why it disappeared. I seem to have problems posting to Blogger almost every week.
Tuesday is Election Day in the USA. Here's an inspirational message from Jaime Camil on that subject.

Someone asked how long we take to do our recaps. I clocked this one at 3 hours but then had to type it up which took a lot longer than I expected (I'd be embarrassed to say how long). This is a crucial segment of the novela, and there's a lot of detail to cover, some of which deserves to be captured nearly word for word. There's also a lot of irrelevant nonsense, like Alicia's whining; I could save time if I glossed over some of that, but the truth is, she makes me laugh. So I have to include that too.

Anyway, to put this into perspective, it took me two hours to recap Ugly Betty last night... and that was in English. So the translation is really not the most time-consuming part of this process (even if I am constantly reaching for my dictionary). It's making sure all the details are right and trying to get the story to unfold as well in words as it did in pictures.

PMS (let's get this out of the way first)

Paula Maria is angry with Saimon for having secrets with Celso and not telling her about them. Saimon is angry with PM for going out and partying with Lola. She says she doesn't owe him an explanation - where was he? He says he won't tell her until she tells him. (Lola pokes her head in and warns them not to wake the children.)

Apparently they exlain everything to one another between scenes. When they come back, PM says okay, if that's true, where are those mariachis? He says if you don't believe me about that, why should I believe that you and Lola went to see El Cheque? They sulk.

Saimon angry leaves. As he runs away, PM sees the roses on the ground where he threw them earlier. She realizes that he was telling the truth. She begs his forgiveness and they make up. Hug. Kiss. Awwwww.

Finishing up with Yuri

Fern asks the ladies at the front desk if they've seen his assistant. He describes her as short, with glasses, wet-looking (? relanido ?) hair, mustache, and braid. (Wow, just imagine how he'd describe her if he didn't like her!) They say sorry, no. He draws the glasses and mustache in the air with his hands. He stalks off. Lety comes out of hiding and thanks the ladies for covering for her. She wonders where Tomas is.

Tomas is talking loudly on his cell phone in front of Yuri and the dancers, telling his imaginary chauffeur to cancel his reservations for the evening because he's got to find Lety. He hands his business card around to the dancers. He tells them they should call him and he'll go out with them. One-on-one, not as a group. He asks for his card back - he says it's his only one. Yuri asks, aren't you Lety's boyfriend? He says where did you hear that? She says Lety told her. Alicia arrives and Tomas hides.

Alicia does a Yuri impression in front of Yuri. They all clap and laugh... Alicia does not realize that they think she was doing a comedy routine. She tells Yuri to call her the next time she wants to do a show - she's a "public relationist" and also a dancer. She can do all the... Yuri interrupts and asks Alicia if she was looking for Luigi. If so, he's somewhere else.

Just then, Tomas passes through, speaking to "Rafa" (the chauffeur) again. This time he asks him to prepare his private jet. Alicia thinks his voice is familiar, and after Tomas leaves, she asks Yuri who he is. Yuri says he's Tomas Mora, general manager of Filmo-Imagen and Lety's boyfriend. Alicia is impactada!

Luigi enters and Al hurriedly tells him that Anais is waiting for him. She excuses herself and runs out to look for Tomas. Luigi also excuses himself. Irma says goodbye to Yuri and the dancers.

Tomas stumbles through the crowd, looking for Lety. He runs into Anais, who tells him Lety was looking for him. On his way past her, he smells her hair and decides to give her his only card. (To KEEP!) He asks her to call him so they can go out for tequilas some time. (Isn't she married?)

He tries again to make his way to the exit, but is snagged by Alicia. She introduces herself to him and actually pirouettes so he can check her out! Ugh. They flirt, and he says that she does not look the way he pictured her - shorter, with black hair, and much plainer. (This is a lie, since he is looking at her photo as he says this.) She says she hopes she didn't disappoint him. She admits that she was expecting him to be ugly, but instead, he's a hotty!

She pouts and says she's been waiting for him to invite her out for coffee. He gives her his card (aha, so that WASN'T really his only card!) and tells her to call him. She says what, me call you? She is offended. She says she's not going to leave until he commits to a time to call her.

He nervously says okay, I'll call you tomorrow. (We can see that he is torn between jumping her bones right there, and extricating himself politely out of loyalty to Lety.) She says that if he doesn't, she'll think it's because he really was disappointed after all. He promises he will call, but he has to leave now. He makes a snorty noise. Alicia almost makes a face at him, but recovers quickly. She gives him a tiny kiss on the corner of his mouth. He kisses her hand. Tomas looks like he's having a seizure.

Fernando interrupts this tender moment to ask Alicia if she's seen Lety. Alicia says no, why, did you lose her again? She introduces Tomas and Fern. (Fern recognizes him as the imbecile from the househunting video.) Tomas and Fern shake hands and greet one another very coldly. If you put a room temperature bottle of beer between their hands at this moment, it would be chilled to perfection instantly. Mmm. That sounds good.

Tomas finally gets away and meets Lety at the exit. They squabble briefly about one anothers' whereabouts and Tomas reveals that he met both Alicia and Fernando. Lety is horrified and wants to leave immediately. Tomas complains that he can't get on a bus dressed up like Manuel Mijares. She agrees that they should take a taxi.

Fern gets there two seconds after they leave. He's very frustrated. Yuri says to him again, "Lety is someone very special to you. Don't deny it!"

At Lety's house

Evidently Lety and Tomas do not speak at all during their cab ride, but instead wait until they get home to continue their earlier conversation about Tomas meeting Alicia and Fern. Lety scolds him for talking to Alicia. He says it wasn't his fault; she found him and flirted with him. Lety wants to know how Alicia knew him. "Women's intuition," Tomas glibly answers. He tells her that Alicia said she thought he'd be ugly, but found him very attractive. She said it right to his face.

Lety asks how he left it with Alicia. He said nothing came of it. Lety is relieved. She is much more curious about his meeting with Fern. What happened? She eagerly presses him for details. Tomas says that when Alicia introduced him to Fern, Fern's face turned deadly cold, like a snobbish metrosexual. (He accurately demonstrates this effect to Lety; she is delighted.)

They talk about what to do next. "Marry me," he says in his deep voice, and they giggle and snort. She says very soon, she'll throw all of Fernando's damn lies right back into his face. Very soon, he will pay.

Tomas wants more specifics. Will she quit the company? She says she can't quit the company - she already has the company! If she leaves the company, she will ruin it, but vengeance is not the way. (Gosh these novela characters sure are moody!) She wants to run away, but can't do it. She rehashes the financial relationship between Conceptos, Filmo-Imagen, etc. Tomas reminds her that Fernando has ridiculed and manipulated her.

Lety points out that Fernando distrusts both of them. She says let's just see what happens. I have some trouble understanding this part of the discussion, but I think she says let's just watch how much more Fern "loves" her as the debt increases.

RoboPop starts rasping at them for coming home so late. Tomas says it's okay - we took a taxi. RoboPop says what??? Don't they know how dangerous it is to ride a taxi around this city at night? They should have called him. He would have gone and picked them up.

Inspiration strikes. Lety says you know what? We're going to buy a car. RoboPop says, "who's we?" Lety says Filmo-Imagen will buy a car. Tomas will pick one out tomorrow. RoboPop questions whether she has the authority to spend her boss's money this way. "It's not his money," Lety says smugly. "It's Filmo-Imagen's." (He doesn't know all the details of the highly unethical and dangerous relationship between Conceptos and F-I.)

"Kids today," RoboPop complains, and goes to bed. Tomas tells Lety that RoboPop didn't notice his new look. "I like it," she tells him, indicating his hair. Tomas smiles. "It's like Vaseline," Lety finishes.

At Mendiola Manor

Fern is sitting on his bed, looking bewildered, when the phone rings. It's Marcia with the usual questions. Fern sounds completely indifferent and tiredly pushes himself through the conversation. "Oh hi, Marcia. You're coming home. That's nice. Uh, you know I'm at home, cuz that's where you called me. Alone, yep. Went to the Yuri show, now home to sleep. I promised I'd behave, and I have. So, when are you getting in tomorrow? Great. I'll be waiting. I, uh, I love you too."

He hangs up and remembers Yuri's words. "Lety is someone who is very special to you." He looks lost. "She's so special that I'm suffering for her," he says to himself.

Fern, you might want to get a couple of gallons of Chunky Monkey for yourself. Or perhaps Rocky Road would be a more appropriate choice...

Next morning in the executive lobby

Alicia is on the phone with her dad, remembering the good times. "I couldn't sleep last night, thinking about 'el.' Going places, being seen together, listening to music...." She sobs.

Sara and Juana, listening nearby, wonder who "el" is.

Alicia tells her father, "There was the time when we went to my cousin's wedding, or the time we went to Ixtapa and saw the countryside... all the nights we spent together, here and there, all the places we went, we looked at the moon, saw the sunrise, etc... I will never see 'el' again..."

Juana and Sara wonder who this man was that she obviously loved so much. They wonder if he's in the hospital, or maybe in prison. They are touched by the intensity of Alicia's emotion.

"Yes, Papa, I spoke to the lawyers. They won't let me visit, or even say where 'el' is!"

Sara and Juana are tantalized by this drama.

"If I don't pay the 500,000 pesos, I'll never get it back! I'll just die without my Mercedes!!"

Juana and Sara are as disgusted with themselves as they are with Alicia, for thinking that she was actually talking about a person. Hah!

She is still whining a while later. She is worried that the car is being exposed to the elements.

Saimon arrives with some chocolates she requested. She asks him for her change (I guess that means no tip). She continues speaking to her father with her mouth full of bonbons. She says Carolina told her that chocolate wards off depression. (You know what else wards off depression? A sexy silver convertible Mercedes.) "Papa, I'm gorgeous, I'm beautiful, but without a car and money, I'm not a pretty picture."

Martha and Lola approach. Lola is concerned about a meeting she has with El Cheque's lawyer this afternoon. She is going to need to be able to get away from the office and doesn't want to get in trouble for her absence.

Martha sees Alicia eating the chocolate bonbons. Alicia sees Martha staring and begins to tease her with the chocolates.

Marcia and Omar arrive. Alicia nearly mauls Marcia with joy. Alicia and Marcia go to Marcia's office to talk, while Omar heads towards Fern's office.

Alone in the lobby for a moment, Martha swipes one of Alicia's bonbons. She baby-talks at it for a little while, then sneaks it into the restroom where they can have some privacy.

In Marcia's Office

Alicia blames Marcia for the loss of her car. Marcia explains all of the things that are wrong with this theory. (This scene must have been done in multiple, nonconsecutive takes, because sometimes Marcia's eyeshadow is very orange, other times it is subtle.) Anyway, Marcia doesn't want to talk about Alicia's car. She wants to talk about Fernando. What happened last night?

Alicia says Fern's been good lately and describes how he spoke with the dancers. He didn't pay attention to any one particular girl, and he left by himself. Marcia seems annoyed by Fern's flawless behavior.

Alicia adds that Fern was constantly, frantically looking for Lety, who brought her boyfriend. Marcia is intrigued by this, but isn't sure what to make of it.


Let's go back to first thing this morning, in Lety's office.

Lety is remembering the CarvaHallmarks she found in the dreaded Yellow Envelope, and wonders which one she'll get today. Fern arrives and wants to know what happened last night. She carelessly says she had plans with Tomas and then she went home. Fern is really wound up about this. "You had an engagement [interesting word choice] with ME and then you went with HIM!"

She puts on a contrite face and says something like, oh, yeah, gee, I don't know how I forgot about that, I guess it's just love that makes me forget things.

"Did love make you forget your plans with ME?? I don't get it, Lety."

She says she doesn't get it either, really, and she's sorry. Nothing happened! (The tone of her voice sounds sincere, but she clearly isn't putting any effort into choosing words that will soothe him.)

Fern says, "you're right. Nothing happened, because you spent the night - OUR night - planned for you and me... and Marcia is coming back today."

Lety says it's too bad - we're just going to have to wait until next week. He is aghast that she can say this so lightly, as if it doesn't matter to her that they'll have to wait a whole extra week. Lety says sure it matters, but he's told her many times that it can only be once a week when Marcia's around.

He asks her to tell him what's going on. Lety replies that he promised he'd break up with Marcia when she gets back from Germany. Is he going to do that?

He turns away and says "I'll be honest, Lety, I did mean that, but I can't do it." Lety wearily rolls her eyes and throws up her hands behind his back. "Because Ariel will dissolve his relationship with the Mendiolas and take over the company," she recites from rote memory. "I'm so glad you understand," the clueless oaf replies, "because you've been acting so strange."

Carolina enters Fern's office and hears their voices drifting faintly from Lety's room. Caro approaches for a better hear.

Lety: I understand, Fernando.
Fern: We'll wait till next week, but no longer.
Lety: I'm sorry, but you didn't leave me a gift?
Fern: Yeah I know. (stomps foot) Don't you care that we have to wait a week? Because I care, a lot!

Carolina opens the door and Fern starts talking about accounts (cuentas), balances, and sums. "Yep, me and Lety are talking about work, all the time," he tells Caro. Caro wants to discuss Cannes stuff with him, but he puts her off until later and excuses himself.

Lety tells Caro that she's feeling better. Caro agrees that she's looking better... a little better. She says Lety's office needs a candle. Caro will get her one, and they'll talk some more later.

Later, in Fern's office

Lety and Fern discuss money. Conceptos is going to need $175,000 to pay for some work they've been doing. Fernando is nervous about his ever-increasing debt. "Okay, if you don't trust me..." Lety guilts him, and he denies distrusting her and immediately signs for the debt.

She flashes the most evil, smug, crap-eating grin at him, and he misinterprets it. He says it's good to see her smile. He misses her laugh. In return, she wants a card and gift! He says he wants to give her something really special.

Lety retreats to her office and listens as he mutters over the CarvaHallmark Collection. He hates all of them and says he'll have to write one himself. He prays to God to guide his hand.

For some reason, Lety becomes desperate to interrupt him. She bursts out of her office on some pretense of wanting him to sign something else. She sees the card in his hand and says "hey, is that for me?" and tries to grab it from him. He strenuously resists, saying he doesn't like what's written inside, he wants to give her something more profound, like she deserves. He signs something else for her (at this point you get the feeling he'd sign anything just to get rid of her). Lety puts on that evil grin again and goes back to her office.

He continues to agonize over the terrible cards. "Pure filth," he remarks. Omar shows up and Fern gives him a hard time about them. Lety has trouble hearing. Fortunately, Fern says "let's talk in the boardroom," and it's actually easier for Lety to eavesdrop on them through that door.

(Out in the exec lobby, Sara says something about Omar that I don't get. It sounds like she's talking about lunchmeat. Salami? Maybe she's calling him a little weenie. Heh.)

The first thing Lety hears is Fern referring to "our problem with Lety." They talk about the difficulty with the cards, and her strange behavior, demanding gifts, spending time with Tomas. Omar is amazed that Fern seems jealous of a nerd. He asks, are you in love with Lety? (Lety listens hopefully.)

Fern thinks to himself how true it is, but he doesn't want to expose their love to Omar's ridicule, so instead he answers that he's furious with her, not jealous of Tomas. He describes how she ditched him, when earlier, she had wanted to go to Omar's apartment.

Omar is upset by this. He says "the first time could have been written off as an accident, but a second time would be a public disgrace."

Lety hears this and is repulsed.

Omar snorts and shares some inappropriate thoughts about Tomas and Lety. He says it's a bad sign. (Thanks for that, Captain Rehash!)

Next week
At least two of the following statements are true:
  • Fern and Marcia are reunited, and it doesn't feel so good.
  • Alicia attempts to rescue her stolen bonbon from an unspeakable fate.
  • Lety finds out about Marcia's ring.


this is the t-shirt everyone is talking about, I did this a a joke in the other forum and now I have everyone wanting one


Saturday, November 04, 2006

Mundo de Fieras - Friday 11/3/06 ( 2 hours)

El Coyote (still –appropriately-- in the Gorilla mask) is dangling crippled Little Lui over the side of the flat-roofed apartment building in a crazy and desperate attempt to scare off Gabe and the others below. In the end, Coyote throws the crying, screaming Lui (finally some peace and quiet for the viewer?) over the edge to everybody’s horror and escapes during the confusion. Gabe rushes over to the edge of the roof where Little Lui is literally hanging on by his fingertips. (Darn!) Gabe grabs his son and with a great deal of effort pulls him up one arm at a time from the edge and out of danger. They embrace and Mariangela runs over to hug them both. Leo and the”Bowry Boys” try to grab El Coyote on the way up to the rooftop thinking he might be coming down the opposite way towards them, but Coyote’s gotten off the roof a different way and has escaped. Little Lui and Gabe thank Mariangela for risking her life so valiantly against El Coyote. Gabe tells her he’ll never forget her brave acts.

Back at the manse, Paulina, Diana and Pedro are waiting for news when Gabe and Lui appear unexpectedly at the front door. Everyone is cheering and smiling. Jos glides down the main staircase, making her entrance, and laying it on thick faking such happiness at seeing Lui returned safe and sound, even though she finds out that Mariangela risked her life saving him. She is adamant, though, that the other woman is not to come back to work there. Lui bellows again at the thought of not having Mariangela as his nanny, and he takes the blame for leaving Mariangela’s side at the little fair. His mother tells him not to take the blame for her (this time I actually agree with Jos), but Gabe jumps in saying Jos is being unfair to the woman. Jos disagrees, saying she was the one who lost him and puts and end to the argument just as Frederico and Clemente come out to greet “their” grandson.

Back at Candy’s place, Leo patches up Mariangela’s cut arm and offers to help her find another job away from La Señora Cervantes Bravo. She accepts his offer and thanks him for his aid and he takes her to see her mother at the Altzheimers hospice.

Dolores pays a visit to Demian’s house, introducing herself to his wife, Regina. She tells her she may remember her from the hospital with Mother Remedio, though she was dressed as a nun. Regina remembers her then and asks if she’s given up on her vocation. Dolores says she’s no longer with the group since things in her life took her in a different direction, and they go into the living room for tea. Regina says if she’s an associate of Mother Remedio, then she’s happy to assist her with whatever Dolores might need.

At the hospice, Mariangela and Leo are told that Aurora has entered the final stage of the disease. The doctor also calls Clemente to tell him the bad news. Clemente laments that he cannot be there with his daughter for this.

Little Lui begs his father to convince his mother to allow Mariangela back as his nanny and Gabe says not to worry. He promises to try.

Jos has returned to her bed upstairs and has the boy’s toy tiger with her. Miriam enters saying she’s heard they found him. Jos reminds her she’d said there would be no reason to worry so much. Then she explains jealously how her son and Gabe were so excited over the fact that the fool, Mariangela, had risked her life to save him. At least for now, Mariangela was away from them all and her mother has to help her keep the woman out of her house and away from her husband. The problem is that now everybody will want the heroic Mariangela to come back.

Dolores explains to Regina that since she and Regina had gotten on together before, and since she didn’t know anyone else in the city to look to for help, she thought to come to see her about finding work. Regina ask why she didn’t know anyone else here in the city and Dolores confesses that she has spent the last 20 years in jail for a crime she didn’t commit. She needs a job she says, but Regina would be in her right not to believe her. Regina asks whether she has a trade and Delores tells her that she was taught to be a seamstress in prison, but before that she was a nurse. Regina hires her on as Demian’s personal nurse immediately and sends her upstairs to Demian’s bedroom to check on him.

Paulina calls Juan Cristobal to tell him her little brother was found safe and sound. He is happy to hear the news and ask her if she’ll consider taking him back, but she refuses. She is angry at how he left her so suddenly and then cheated on her with Karen. She demands an explanation. He says he can’t explain the gory details, just that he never deceived her and never stopped loving her. That isn’t good enough for her and she hangs up.

Gabe is thanking Nicolas for being such a good sidekick and trying to find out who was behind the kidnapping when Pau walks in. They all hug and she mentions that the doctor who was going to operate on Little Lui has left the country and nobody is able to say when or if he’ll return. (Hey, if that is what it will take to get him to stop that hi-pitched blubbering every time you talk to him, I’d move heaven and earth to track that physician down!) So there will not be any operation. Gabe is upset and worried how he’ll explain this to his son, again.

At Demian’s house, Belen is running after Tiberio asking him why he’s changed his attitude towards her. (She must think forcing her to get drunk on their dates is so-o-o sexy.) He says he’s got too much to do to discuss it now. Suddenly, Dolores appears in the hallway and Tiberio is speechless. She explains she’s been hired as his father’s nurse and excuses herself to go up and see her “patient”.

Gabe again asks Jos to allow Mariangela to come back because their son is anxious to have her back. She refuses his request and says it is her final word.

Regina joins Dolores upstairs and explains he’s had a nervous breakdown, that he suffers from these fits regularly, but the past few years the attacks come more and more often. Then she leaves to call the doctor and tell him she has a new nurse for Demian.

Dolores sits on the side of the bed and watches Demian. She tells him he’s apparently not the god he supposes himself to be, lying prostrate and so defenseless. Suddenly he opens his eyes and begins to strangle her, but Regina arrives just in time. His wife screams for him to let loose of Dolores; he’s killing her! Finally he wakes up and says he didn’t realize what was happening. He just saw this woman there and reacted. Regina then explains Dolores is to be his live-in nurse until he recovers.

Karen takes delight in letting Pau know that she and JC went to eat together and says they had a great time (even though in reality, he rejected Karen’s advances). Karen reminds her step-sister she intends to win over the affections of JC since Pau has dropped him. After all, they are still first cousins. Pau wonders why JC is playing with her emotions like this.

Regina calls JC at work to tell him his dad is doing better. He leaves for home immediately.

Gabe gets Mariangela to walk with him a bit outside to chat. He asks her to return to the manse for Luisito’s sake. (Come on, who’re we kidding here?) She tells him she thinks it’s best if she doesn’t return. (Again, she has more sense than he does.) He won’t give up and convinces her to go for coffee with him to talk it over.

Upstairs, alone with Dolores, Demian tells her to stop this farce. She tells him she warned him she’d fight to get close to her son again. She says she’s ready to turn into a wild animal if necessary. He looks at her, takes his medicine and frowns, resigned for now.

Jos tells her son (hiding behind that stupid toy tiger) that she was laid up in bed the entire time, worrying and waiting for them to find him. She hopes he’s learned his lesson and next time she tells him he cannot go out, he should listen to her. He agrees then asks her not to get angry, but can he have Mariangela come back? Jos goes crazy and screams that she never wants to hear that woman’s name again! Just when will he understand? JUST WHEN?

Gabe asks Mariangela if she is sure this is what she really wants. (They are trying to avoid the obvious reason he wants her to come back and that she wants him to want her to come back.) She assures him that she’ll miss his son, but she wants this and it is for the best.

JC confronts his father in the bedroom about why he deceived him. He asks why it was necessary to lie to him about being Gabe’s son and why he refuses to accept that he is his son. Demian lamely tries to blame Regina and says she’s the liar. JC says he knows his mother to be honest and kind and a respectful wife. Regina walks in on the two of them, and Demian asks her to admit that she cheated on him and asks what she feels for him. She tells him what she feels for Gabe has always been chaste. She never cheated on him with Gabe, but she feels nothing for Demian. He’s never given her anything but tears and suffering. Demian yells back that he’s given her everything at her feet. She says it was all material possessions, but never a bit of affection. Then JC says he and his mother are leaving his house for good. The two turn and leave. (It’s a scene in slow, ok, this is a big life-changing decision for the two of them and for Demian.) Demian is frantic and decides he will not allow Regina to leave his side.

Tiberio is in his father’s office downstairs, saying that one day all of this will be his. He starts thinking back to when Rogelio taunted him earlier in the day about not being more than a foster child to Demian; and that he would not be handed over the keys to the famiily business and that it would all be given to JC. Tiberio sits down at the desk and says to himself, “We will see. We will see.”

Candy is aggrieved to hear that her best friend, Aurora, is in the final stage of her disease.

At the cafe, Gabe admits they shouldn’t feel guilty about what suddenly developed between them romantically, but he will do his part to maintain control of his emotions and keep himself apart from the two of them if she would just come back to tend to his son. He asks simply as a concerned father.

Belen and Simona ask Regina if she is really leaving the house, and when she answers yes, they say, they will leave also. She says she’s taking nothing and leaving all the jewels and things and she will send for her to come as soon as she’s settled in to her new place. At that moment Demian appears at the top of the stairs and asks her to wait.

Gabe walks Mariangela back home and leaves. Frederico then appears suddenly out of the shadows and tells a confused Mariangela that she is not to return to the manse. She has already caused enough pain to Joselin and he is not going to permit her to hurt Jos again. If she knows what’s good for her she’ll take him at his word and stay the heck away from Gabe and his family. Then he leaves.

Tiberio tries to assist Demian, but he pushes him away. Demian gets down on his knees, literally, and begs for Regina to stay with him. He tells her life will have no meaning without her there and that she has to understand how difficult it has been for him all these years knowing that she never loved him, knowing that she loved his brother instead. He weeps and says through his tears that neither of them has been happy. (JC and Tiberio are weeping. Regina is weeping. Heck, I was even weeping, Demian was so convincing.) He would have given everything he has for her to love him instead. He again begs her not to leave. “Give me another chance, I’m begging you. Give me another chance!”

[end of first hour]

At Gabe’s place, Rogelio finds his wife, Diana again in Pedro’s room, sitting with Pedro on the bed and talking. He tells her it doesn’t look right and she should go. She leaves and he turns around and warns Pedro off again. Pedro tells him he may have Diana convinced he’s changed but not him. Rogelio tells him not to meddle in something that doesn’t concern him. Pedro for once, speaks up and says if Rogelio makes Diana suffer again, he’ll have to answer to Pedro. Rogelio makes fun of him and warns him not to mess with him.

Regina follows Demian back to his office and says she’ll stay but only under certain conditions. She is not going to offer love and will do anything for her son. She will not stand for his yelling or his humilliating her any longer. He will have to accept her son as his and deal with him as such. He is not to even hint at his being Gabe’s. If he doesn’t accept then she has no reason to remain there and he’ll never see her again. He comes face to face with her and stoically accepts. Regina is stunned at this.

Diana and Rogelio argue about her background as a stripper again. He, the older son of a Cervantes Bravo, married below his station and he was so drunk he didn’t know what he was doing. He simply can’t get that out of his craw. Diana finally suggests they get divorced. She doesn’t want to hold him back against his will. There’s still time to separate.

Regina lets JC know that she has decided to stay there after all. JC says she can count on his support whatever her decisions. He isn’t going to judge her.

Tiberio admits to Demian that he was surprised to see him beg Regina to stay. Demian says he wants her with him and there are times in life when one has to yield when it is most convenient. Tiberio asks him then if this was all a farce, but Demian just orders him to go and let him rest.

In Jos’s bedroom, Miriam and she are discussing what Dolores must be planning. They hope she’s resigned herself to not being able to come around Karen. Jos then says as an aside that she didn’t kill Edgar. Miriam gets angry and reminds her that the two of them agreed to get rid of him, even if she didn’t do the actual murder. Jos asks who was it then that took care of it? Miriam says Demian was the one who actually set things in motion. As she tells Jos the story she remembers Demian and herself 20 something years ago beginning to plan it all. (She looked pretty dowdy back then!) She was complaining about Edgar having lost all their money over some careless business decision. Demian was looking to get rid of Dolores because she was becoming a nuisance to him. He is saying that they could take care of both of them at the same time.

Dolores the next day is coming in the house at the same time Tiberio is leaving. She’s dressed in her whites, including stockings and a cap. (Man, when was the last time you saw a nurse formally dressed in whites and with a cap? It s almost as if she’s a refugee from a skit on Sabado Gigante! ) He accuses her of chasing after him again. Dolores, though, quietly insists she is there as Demian’s personal nurse. Tiberio disagrees and says she is looking for something else and he’s going to be in charge of finding out just what that is.

At the hospice Mariangela thanks Clemente for attending to her mother. He says that they were good friends long ago. She says she would have liked to have had a father just like him. She leaves and he sits at Aurora’s bedside and professes his deep love for her and says he’ll never forgive himself for abandoning her all those years ago.

Juan Cristobal kisses Pau at the office and she gets angry at him for playing around with her feelings. He swears he loves her and won’t stop till she believes him, but she says she knows he tells her one thing and then goes out with Karen. She stomps out of the office and slams the door.

Gabe invites Jos to a restaurant for lunch so that they can discuss something very important. (This is a stupid idea. The woman has a screw loose and he wants to chance a scene in a public place with her?)

El Coyote finally reaches Demian on his cell and tells him what happened with Little Lui and why he was forced to let him go. Demian tells him to stay low until they are able to see each other again. Dolores comes in and tells him she’s sticking around till he has recuperated whether he likes it or not. Then she orders him to take his clothes off because she’s going to give him a sponge bath. He raises his eyebrows at this and just stares at her. (Shades of Sabado Gigante!)

Gabe tells Little Lui the sad news about the doctor not being able to do the operation after all. He tells his son how he is to blame for the car accident that prevented him from having a normal childhood. LL tells his father not to be so hard on himself. They will simply wait till the doctor comes back and he can operate then. (Ok. That makes too much sense.)

Pedro and Diana are discussing Little Lui’s rotten luck at not getting his operation. They begin talking about Pedro’s being a poor relation and Rogelio’s always treating him like he was ashamed of him because of his humble beginnings. Diana tells him he grew up without luxuries, but he is a great person and never to forget it.

Dolores is giving Demian his sponge bath. He teases her about still being sexually attracted to him. He finally can’t stand it any longer and he grabs her, knocks her backward and her over his lap and kisses her. This shocks Dolores. She fights him off, grabs her bowl of water and--runs out. He is laughing at her and says to himself that if she wants to play on his turf, she is going to lose.

In the study downstairs, Dolores realizes that he’s stirred her feelings up again. She prays to God that she is not tempted by Demian and her desire once again.

At the restaurant Gabe finally asks Jos to give him a divorce. She stands up shrieking to everyone there that this thankless slob wants to leave her for another woman. He stands there trying to explain to her his reasons, in front of God and every customer in the place. She (mercifully for the other customers) finally runs out of the place, repeating she’ll die first, or he will, before giving him a divorce!! She stands in the middle of the street daring a car to run her over. Somehow Gabe pushes her away and prevents her from getting hit. He tells her she really needs to get professional help and to be in a psychiatric clinic. She tells him she’ll die before giving him a divorce. He should be in jail for killing the child they were expecting. Jos sees a cab, then, at the end of the block and runs toward it. As luck would have it, it is Leo’s cab and he’s just left off a fare. She jumps in and says just take her anywhere, but get her out of there. Take her far away from there, now!

He starts up a conversation with her, realizing who she is and that she doesn’t recognize him at all. He asks if he can help her but she refuses anything from him. She tells him not to involve himself and that it's none of his business. She keeps repeating that nobody can help her; she is just such a loser, she is so unlucky.

Candy tries to console Don Clemente He’ll get through this difficult time with Aurora. He confesses that he cannot do right by one daughter without hurting the other. Candy tells him God knows what a kindhearted man he is and will show him the way.

In the cab, Jos opens up her heart to Leo without realizing it. She tells him that her sin is loving her husband too much, and that there is another woman who is taking him from her.

At the church, the two padres are discussing the appearance of the woman who left Leo abandoned at the church years ago as a baby. Father Anselmo thinks he should and will confront her about that night.

At the same time Ingrid is telling Miriam that the priest from that night long ago must have recognized her when they were in the churchyard waiting for news about her grandson. Would’t it be something if "he" were there that night also, just a few steps away? Miriam shudders at the thought and tells her friend to be quiet about it. Just then Leo appears at the doorway with Jos. Leo explains that he is Candy’s son, the taxi-driver, and how he found her daughter arguing in the street with Gabe, distraught after running away from him. Miriam rudely refuses to shake his hand or to thank him. “You took too much bother with her. -- Ingrid! My wallet! -- How much do you want?” Leo refuses money and leaves. These two feel something strange after their meeting but both brush it off. Ingrid follows Leo and watches from behind a stack of clothes as he gets into his cab and leaves. Jos then informs Miriam that Gabe and she were arguing because he finally asked her for a divorce.

Dolores goes back upstairs with Demian and starts adjusting his pillows. Demian grabs her again and kisses her. He tells her he know she likes it just as much as he does. (Truth be told! And that silly little nurse's cap hasn't moved an inch with all that rolling around!) She asks him how he dares to do this right under his wife’s nose. Regina is such a good woman. He answers that she doesn’t know anything about what his life has been like. Sure he loved her, but she’s forced him away. Dolores says, “Yes, just like you did with me!” She assures him that the only reason she is there is for Tiberio and walks out. Demian thinks to himself, “Dolores, you are still a really attractive female!”

Nic tells Gabe that Demian still hasn’t returned to the office, but Gabe says Tiberio will see to things. Nic wonders why Demian is so attached to Tiberio when his son, JC, now an engineer, should be heading his construction company. He also asks what Pau is feeling now regarding JC. Gabe says she’s assured him it is all in the past and Nic says, that is good. Now he doesn’t have to reveal to her that she was really adopted. Then Gabe asks Nic to start divorce procedings for him and Jos.

Miriam scolds Jos for losing control like that. Jos screams back that she couldn’t exactly help it. After all, who would have thought he would ask her out to lunch just to ask her to give him a divorce? (She has a point there!) She will never give it to him, either! Miriam asks her daughter if she is ready to do anything at all to ensure he doesn't divorce her, and Jos answers “Absolutely anything.”

Regina suggests to JC that perhaps if things are too uncomfortable at his current position, being so close to Paulina everyday, that he should consider coming to work for his father instead.

Candy and Leo discuss Jos’s cab ride and he admits he felt sorry for Jos. She seemed to be all alone in the world. In fact, he feels as if he’s known this woman all of his life, but he cannot understand why.

Jos goes in to visit her little boy and tells him that his daddy has asked her for a divorce and she starts to cry.

Regina confesses to Dolores that she has been so unhappy all these years with Demian. “I shouldn’t be telling you this.” She says that perhaps it is because she trusts her. Regina suggests Delores encourage her to tell her all about it sometime.

Candy serves Diana lunch, but Diana suddenly feels nauseous. Candy asks if she might be pregnant. Diana is surprised at the thought. (Momma never told her the facts of life or the signs to watch for?)

Miriam and Rogelio are meeting at a restaurant. She tells him that they like the same fine things in life. There is soon to be a storm kicked up in the household, since his father has asked Jos for a divorce. He needs to choose sides. He can leave without the luxuries he has been accustomed to having or he can join forces with her against his father.

Gabe comes in to see his son and Luisito tells him that he doesn’t love him anymore because he’s leaving his mother.


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Heridas de Amor - Wednesday November 1

The meeting between Alejandro and Miranda is worthless. He tells her that if she asks he will go forever. She acts upset and asks him why are you giving me an ultimatum? He tells her he has the right to be heard. She doesn’t hear him and they part both crying.

Bertha implants herself on the couch in Francisco and Amparo's house. She tells the family that they can count on her. The family welcomes her in saying they not only open their doors but they open the doors to their hearts. Bertha claims that she is touched and wants to be considered part of the family. Roman questions Bertha about why she never married since she is so pretty and quite the lady. Bertha laughs at his question saying she won't marry. Bertha asks to have a moment with Renata.

Barely three steps from the rest of the family, Bertha exclaims her shock that Renata is living and sleeping in a place like this. Renata replies she likes it, so Tia unmask yourself and tell me why you really came. Bertha says she wants Renata to help her because everyone is ganging up on her. She claims she is not an assassin. Everything she has ever done has been for the girls. Renata has a green flashback to Bertha claiming that she was securing an inherited piece of property for Renata. Renata looks like she is putting things together in her mind. Renata asks what Bertha plans on doing with Juan’s family. Bertha replies that she only wants Renata to not live like a beggar (pordiosera). Bertha goes on a long tirade about how she lives in luxury, but it’s hard, knowing how Renata is living. The women hug with Bertha looking freaked out that she might be loosing Renata, while Renata looks as if she is figuring things out.

There is a brief scene with Julio and Cesar in a restaurant. Angel arrives to tell them that he believes that Danielito has told Gonzalo everything. Julio wants to know what everything. Angel goes on to explain what they said during Miranda’s wedding. Julio tells Angel to call Daniel immediately while Cesar slithers off.

Fernanda and Flor discuss how Juan became a guard dog when Bertha came to visit. Juan comes into the hospital room and tells the women that he has made a wild guess that Bertha is suffering from a wicked psychological structure. Juan gets a call from Renata who tells him she is going to go out with Amparito, Erika and Bertha. Juan looks impactado.

Miranda gives Pamela a few more words of advice. They discuss Fermin Padilla and his safety and kindness. Miranda says she intends to ask Fermin for a loan. Pam leaves and Miranda finally remembers the envelope that Flor had told her to get. She talks to herself about whether she should open it because the contents have to belong to Alejandro’s father. She vacillates and wisely decides to wait, stuffing the envelope under her pillow. The safest place in the world to hide and important item.

Fab brings Flor some chocolate, the only thing that she wants to eat. Fab re-warns Juan saying Bertha is a wolf in lambs clothing (lobo con piel de cordero). Juan states that Bertha better not mess with his family.

Alejandro and Luciano go to Padilla’s office. They want to make sure that the money they transferred from Al’s accounts are safe in Lucianos’ accounts, and that the accounts haven’t been frozen. They haven’t.

Miranda goes to see Florencia, but Flor is asleep. Fab is there and he fills Miranda in on what has been happening with Juan and Bertha. He explains that Flor doesn’t want to have contact with Bertha anymore. Cesar arrives and is barely there a second before he goes off with Miranda to talk. Fab talks to himself after they leave saying he doesn’t know if he should trust his brother or not.

Fernanda goes home and see the flowers that Renata brought her. She knows the flowers came from Renata and feels strengthened that she has her daughter back. She talks to herself daring Bertha to do something against her now.

Roman and Francisco are alone talking over whether to trust Bertha or not. Roman advises to not trust her. Fernanda arrives. Roman asks her if she knows that Bertha has an illegitimate daughter. Fern states that Bertha can’t have kids so she can’t have a daughter. Roman tells her that he will take her to talk with the monastery where he found Nuria's papers.

Padilla fills Alejandro and Luciano in on what is going on with Pamela’s family. Fermin tells the men that el tipo Magnate is to blame for what is happening. Al tells the men that they have to go check on Pamela immediately.

Andrea answers her front door to find three men. The men tell her Hi! Remember us? You were supposed to give us the book with the numbers. Andrea faints.

Cesar tells Miranda that Daniel lied to her and that they are really brothers. Cesar goes on to say the whole world lies, even Alejandro. He then starts in on his old story of how he loves her, always has. She rolls her eyes. He unexpectantly grabs her throat and starts to French kiss her, bending her backward as he does. Just at that moment Lisania arrives asking Am I interrupting you?!

Commercial break that opens back to Lisania confronting Cesar and Miranda. Lisania tells Miranda how great that you promised fidelity to my brother Miranda. I am gong to tell him everything. Miranda is frozen like a deer caught in headlights. Cesar gives Lisania a death look and tells Miranda that what Lisania said has no importance. Right Lisania? Lisania caught in his death ray agrees with him. Miranda grabs her purse and flees. Cesar grabs Lisania's arm and sits her down. He asks her to explain what she is doing there. Lisania is there to meet Fernanda, she hasn’t been feeling well. Cesar momentarily freaks that he might have fathered another child, but Lisania thinks not. She has dizziness after exercising. Cesar tells her to stop exercising so much then and begins to scold her for not making steps towards repairing her relationship with Daira. They kiss.

The fake agents have Andrea revived and sitting on her couch. The main agent reminds her that he asked her for the book with numbers many years ago. Well why didn’t she give it to him! He taunts her that before they were two but now they are three. She better get back their money and give them all of Leonardo’s documents. Two of the men sandwich Andrea and kiss on her while she screams. They leave and she falls to the couch hysterical.

Florencia tells Miranda, who obviously has recovered unaffected from her run in with Lisania and Cesar, to give Fern an opportunity. Miranda thinks to herself that Flor wouldn’t be telling her this if she knew she was sisters with Alejandro. She tells Flor she will do what she can. Flor wants Miranda to convince Renata to like Fern too. Flor tells Miranda to OPEN the darn envelope alright already! Miranda tells Flor they are going to unmask Bertha.

Al, Luciano and Fermin arrive at Pamela’s. Andrea is babbling that the bad agents want to violate Pamela just like they did to her many years ago. Pamela arrives as does the fake Leonardo, El Magnate. They all ask who are you to El Magnate. Al threaten to call the cops. El Magnate goes into a story of how he was cellmates with Leonardo for many years. They looked alike and were thought to be twins. They became close friends and Leonardo told him all about his family. He saw Leonardo die and couldn’t do anything about it. After many years of hearing about Leonardo’s family, and since he had Leonardo’s diary he decided to do something to help. The money in the account he wanted Andrea and Pam to have because Leonardo wanted them to have it to make up for his abuse of Andrea. Leonardo really loved her, and El Magnate cares for them too.

Fernanda, Francisco and Roman go to talk with the Mother Superior who ran the school/orphanage where Nuria grew up. The Mother shows them Nuria’s paperwork but they want more info. The Mother claims this is all she has. The Mother walks away to talk with another nun. This nun claims that the third grade girls are tired of kneeling for two hours saying the rosary without being able to move. The Mother says well they need to learn discipline so no food for them today! Tell the sixth graders to get the hose ready to give the third graders cold baths. The women talk about Nuria and Bertha. They relish in the memories of the punishments that Bertha would tell them to do to Nuria. They decide to call Bertha to see what is going on, what with all these people asking about Nuria.

Amparo, Erika, Renata and Bertha arrive from shopping. Bertha has bought them all tons of gifts and clothes. Bertha claims she has to leave to prepare a surprise for the family. Renata pulls Bertha aside and asks (after the fact) why did Bertha do all of this. Bertha claims it is because she adores her. Bertha then sidles up to Amparo to tell Amparo in an icky sweet voice to not wear her fine new clothes while selling tacos. Instead she should save the clothes for a special occasion. She is sure Amparo will know when is the right time to wear them. After Bertha leaves Renata claims that Bertha is always like this. Erika expresses a little doubt but not much. They have been bought.

El Magnate goes on to say he did all of this to help them. He hands over to Andrea a diary that belonged to Leonardo that has all the movements, names and numbers to the corrupt agents. This is about arms and drug trafficking.

Miranda tells Flor to keep fighting for her health. Flor goes to sleep and Miranda talks to herself that she is envious of Flor for being pregnant. Miranda would love to be pregnant.

Pam tells El Magnate that she has lived all her life without money and in peace versus what he has brought to her life. El Magnate claims he just wanted to help. Al and Pamela commend him for doing such a noble act. They want him to save himself. He claims that he cant, the bad guys know who he is. Al tells him to take his private plane and escape while they go to the cops. Al then asks Fermin Padilla to check what accounts are connected to the account that Magnate drained. Al wants to know what businesses are involved. Fermin says it’s complicated but not impossible.

Nuria calls Luis Alberto crying. She tells him that Cesar knows how to hurt her. Cesar asked her to move to his place, she did bringing all her stuff. Now Cesar wants her to move back to her old place. Wha! Boo Hoo! Luis Alberto tells her to come and live with him. She can’t. Besides she is pregnant. She then tells Luis Alberto that Cesar told her she is the illegitimate daughter of Bertha de Aragon.

Renata fills Erika in on Veronicas blackmailing attempts of Fab. Erika claims she knew all along but didn’t say anything because Veronica would threaten her. Renata wants to confess something important to Erika but wants no one else to know. Fernanda is her mother.


Mundo de Fieras: Wed., Nov. 1

JC goes to see Paulina to tell her that he still loves her despite everything. She tells him to leave.

Pedro and Diana are searching for information on Luisito on the internet. Paulina comes in and says that JC came to see her. They wonder why he has changed his mind about seeing her.

Meanwhile, JC wonders how he can tell Paulina the truth about not being her half brother.

Gabriel and Nicolas go to see Demian and Regina tells them that Demian is ill, in bed and sedated. G&N go and see Demian lying in bed asleep. G&N come to the conclusion that they must have been mistaken about Demian being involved in kidnapping Luisito. [Like he couldn’t have hired someone to do it, dummies?]

Priest #1 tells Priest #2 [I can’t remember their names] that last night he saw the woman who abandoned Leonardo as a baby come to the church. Priest #1 one doesn’t know whether to tell Leonardo and Priest #2 advises him to pray for divine guidance.

In a nice dialog-free sequence, Leo, MA and the other cabbies drive around trying to find Luisito.

Luisito tries to keep up his spirits by telling himself that his father would want him to be strong.

Paulina is told that the doctor who is going to operate on Luisito is leaving Mexico immediately thereafter so that if the kid misses the scheduled surgery, he will be on his crutches for the near future. [What, the kid can’t get on a plane and go where this hot-shot doctor works?]

Gabriel tells Nicolas that seeing Demian so ill was painful for him in spite of all the evil things that Demian has done.

MA, Leo and his buddies report their failure to find any trace of Luisitio in the neighborhood. Up on the balcony, Coyote listens to see if they have made any progress. A kid who saw Luisito get snatched by the man who made balloon aninals, says that he wouldn’t be able to recognize the man because his face was painted white like a clown.

Gabriel goes into Joselyn’s room where she is lying down [with all her makeup on]. She asks if there is news and Gabriel says, no. Josleyn blames MA and is angry when Gabriel defends her. The phone rings. It is Didier. While he looks at his bandaged leg, he tell Jos that she has won a battle, not the war and he will get revenge. When Gabriel has left, Jos calls Didier and makes threats.

Karen slinks into where JC is working. She plays on his sympathy and concern about Luisitio to get him to ask her out to lunch. At lunch, JC rejects Karen’s advances and she points out that JC and Paulina are still first cousins.

MA sits at a table remembering when she promised Luisito that she would never abandon him. She tells herself that she has failed and asks Luisito’s forgiveness.

Candelaria congratulates Clemente for giving up drinking. Clemente says that he gave it up when he met MA. Candelaria asks if there is news about Luisito and Clemente says that he is waiting by the phone for info from Gabriel.

Elsa goes to see Coyote to remind him about his promise to give her lots of money. She warns him that she won’t wait too long. Coyote wonders what to do with the kid since he can’t reach Demian.

Regina tells Tiberio that Demian is still sleeping from the tranquillizers he was given and that what happened was not Tiberio’s fault. Tiberio goes to see the sleeping Demian. Tiberio says to himself that it would be so easy to kill Demian now as he sleeps. He could suffocate him with a pillow and everyone would think Demian died in his sleep. Tiberio hold a pillow, approaches Demian… At the last moment, Regina comes into the room, sees Tiberio with a pillow but he is using it to prop up Demian.

Gabriel kneels in church sobbing helplessly and asks God, ‘why my son?’ Priest #1 comes and asks if Gabriel wants to talk with him. Gabriel says that he does want to talk; he can’t take any more. The priest urges him to tell him everything. Gabriel says that he got married (civil ceremony) and at first everything was fine, then there was the accident and his marriage turned into a living hell. The priest says helpfully that however bad things are now, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Gabriel goes on to tell the priest that his wife is emotionally unstable and jealous. He doubts that she loves him or ever did. And now, to lose his son; it’s too much. He doesn’t know if he is alive or dead. The priest assures Gabriel that everything will turn out ok.

Now that Delores has taken off her habit, she can’t find a job. She could be a seamstress or a nurse but she’ll take whatever she can. Delores thinks that Regina might help her. She is a good woman and a mother.

Federico tells Miriam that Otilia thinks that Miriam tried to run her down with a car and furthermore, when he was with her, someone did try and run her down when she was crossing the street. Miriam says that Otilia is crazy and that instead of worrying about a crazy person, Federico should worry about his grandson, Luisito, who is missing. Federico didn’t know about this. Miriam suggests that Federico go and be mean to MA, who was responsible for losing the child.

Once again, Rogelio runs into Tiberio in the lobby of Demian’s company and once again he taunts him for being a nobody that Demian has taken in for pity and that soon his place in Demian’s confidence will be taken by JC.

Federico comes to see Joselyn but she has taken to her bed. Clemente is there and thanks him for being such a good friend to the family. Clemente says that he is destroyed because Luisito is HIS grandchild, the son of HIS daughter. Federico looks guilty.

Gabriel runs into MA in the church.

Coyote brings Luisito food and yells at him to eat. Meanwhile, one of the denizens of the courtyard of Candelaria’s place [I don’t know her name] remembers that she was supposed to take food to an old lady, Dona Tomi, who lives in the ‘tower.’ She brings the food and the old lady says, ‘Did you hear any noise upstairs?’ ‘No,’ says the food bringer. ‘I didn’t hear any noise in the abandoned rooms in the attic.’ ‘Well,’ says the old lady, ‘I heard noise there all night.’ The penny doesn’t drop on the food bringer.

Meanwhile, plucky little Luisito says that he has to try and escape from the room where he is being held. He crawls out of his room and finds a crutch in the outer room. He tries to use it but he falls and makes noise that the old lady and the food-bringer downstairs hear.

Coyote catches the kid who then screams for help. The food bringer hears a child’s voice. You see the wheels in her brain turning so slowly – a child’s voice coming from a supposedly empty attic. What could it mean????? Finally, the food bringer figures it out. She runs and tells MA and Gabriel that she has heard a child upstairs. They burst in on Coyote who is threatening Luisito with a knife. Holding the kid as a hostage, Coyote tries to escape. There is much running about with the kid screaming while Coyote, who is in a werewolf mask, yells, ‘Shut up!’ Coyote manages to cut MA with his knife. Gabriel chases him up onto the roof. Coyote dangles Luisito, still screaming his head off, over the side of the building while a bunch of useless types watch from below. The episode ends as Coyote lets or appears to let the kid fall.


La Fea Más Bella #137 11/1/06 A night of song…..

But first, non-sequitur, does everyone experience this new format of the show beginning and then all of a sudden the televisa symbol breaking in and the opening credits following at a seemingly non-sensical point? Maybe they are now trying to follow the way US TV has started shows for a while….. but it’s not seeming terribly well executed…..I liked it the way it was….that being said….

We continue with Yuri & Mijares talking to Fern about Lety like parents trying to convince their child that he’s tired and needs to go to bed. “So who are you to her anyway?” Fern starts to say he’s “her boyf…um… her… I don’t know what you are getting at.” “It’s obvious you are in love with her, all the virtues you mentioned about Lety are the attributes one looks for in the person one loves.” Mijares agrees that’s called love. Fern is in childish disbelief, and his attempts to refer to the pair informally are rejected, so he adjusts to extreme formal address and tells them they are wrong and that he has to go because he has to find Lety…because he needs to discuss some things with her. After he leaves, Yuri says poor Fe’s going to be surprised when he finally recognizes his true feelings; that man is head over heels in love.

Alicia shows up to Fernando claiming her mission completed as she has the numbers for all the dancers….she dances around on the stage area and asks if she could be part of the show for Fernando sometime, he is distracted trying to find Lety and says yes, yes, yes, to try and shut her up, but she takes him at his word and he realizes he wasn’t paying attention to what she really wanted then he said no way! Alicia wants to know what to do with the numbers. He gets angry, don’t you realize I’m looking for Lety! Have you seen her? Alicia says she did, so he ordered her to go find her and tell her he needs her and is waiting for her. She’s off. Tomas bumps into Alicia…she screams “Stupid! Imbecile! Idiot! Nuisance!” He got her right in the chiche! Too bad he didn’t pop it. He realizes it’s his lust interest and runs after her calling “Big mama!” “Hey here’s your [nuisance?], I mean to say your “Big Daddy!” but he’s right over other people who wonder what the hell he’s talking about…he brushes it off that he’s talking to himself…still not acceptable, really….

Lety is seen calling her Dad to let him know she’s with Tomas…I must admit I was sort of glad we only got her side of the conversation. It was nice to get a break from Robopop’s dramatics for a show.

And now for today’s guest celebrity….Anais is lost and seeks some help from Lety to find Luigi. Alicia runs up at the same time to tell her Fe is looking for her, go see what he wants. Lety says tough tell him to wait, I’m occupied. Alicia calls her rude and tells her maybe it’s better that she stays here and Alicia takes care of him because of her “shabby dress” that she shouldn’t dare get near to Fernando because of the shame it would cause him and Conceptos, that an executive that thinks they are so important would come dressed this way, but she guesses that is the most they could ask of her because that probably is one of her most elegant outfits; her cocktail and party dress…fine stay here then. Alicia, now finished with her insults, realizes who Anais is and tells her she’s a huge fan and that Luigi sent her to find her, that she’ll take her to him. Anais, not unaware of Alicia’s unpleasantry declines to follow her and will see Luigi later and declines to sit with Alicia during the show. She and Lety bond and Lety apologizes for Alicia’s rudeness…Anais goes with Lety.

The show begins…Yuri announced that the money raised goes to help her countrymen in Veracruz to build a marketplace to showcase their traditional artwork and make it available to sell to the whole world and to carry on the traditions to the next generation. Mijares and Yuri sing their lounge song while the dancers strut their stuff…squeezed into the small stage space trying not to step on each other and the stars. I found them very distracting and adding nothing to the performance. Don Fe smiles silly, Alicia sits down and lets him know she found Lety but she said she is occupied. Alicia tells him Anais is with her.

We flash briefly to Lola who suddenly found her cajones and is now pounding and yelling for Cheque to open his door. She screams but he’s not answering.

Lety explains her outfit to Anais in that she usually doesn’t come to such events and that she’s not used to dressing in high fashion like the rest of the firm because she just handles the finances. Anais, in what’s becoming a tradition of beautiful women taking pity on Lety and consoling her, and confiding their horror stories in her, confesses she also had a problem with clothes when she began her career and she tells a story about wearing a red dress and five inch heels to her first casting call because she wanted to be taller, but she wasn’t being herself and apparently that came across to the directors so she decided to take the shoes off during the audition. [I didn't think that was quite the same as Lety's issue, but what the heck, the chick is trying to be nice.]The directors were impressed that she did that in front of them so thought that she could surely handle conducting the television show and that’s how her TV career began.
Lety thought that must be when Anais hired a designer to help her with her wardrobes but Anais says no, she looked for “un Hada Madrina” those of you with captions can confirm that’s the proper term, but if so, she looked for a fairy godmother, someone who always knew more than she did and could show her how to do things. She goes on essentially about how Lety needs to start with what’s inside and that she’s a light that is unlit, that she’s in the shadows. Lety complains that “they” put out my light. But Anais doesn’t give in to that and essentially says she needs to relight it and shine on everyone, and that it depends on her. She later says that it’s easy to buy clothes for the outside, but first you have to change yourself inside and that’s what matters.

Anais sees Lety looking out for her “boyfriend” and tells her she wants to meet Tomas. So Lety takes her to sit down at their table. Yuri comes on without Mijares and “relights” Lety. Yuri’s now wearing a black and white fluffy dress that looks like it’s made from pieces of jail striped jump suits, there are men that look like clowns dancing around in the background… Why is everyone worried about Lety’s clothes? I think hers are ten times better than this get up!

Cheque shows up outside the building with Yasmin and they are flirting and acting lovey dovey (yuk)… “let’s go to a disco”…Lola sees this and as quickly as she found, she now loses, her cajones and can’t confront him and instead starts crying. PM tries to console her and utters some fantastic insults about tarantulas and they end up trying to leave without accomplishing their goal.

Lety sits with Tomas and Anais and Lety waits for the proper moment to introduce them. Tomas is overexcited about the dancers and can’t believe they are real. Lety is a bit perturbed as he is not acting like a boyfriend, meanwhile more song from Yuri and lots of hair flipping….Anais tells her not too worry about the eye candy that she’s the real love or something and she says yeah that’s what they made me think and she puts a sad look. Tomas claps away with excessive enthusiasm at the end of the act. I guess you can dress him up but you still can’t take him anywhere.

Saimon is with his mariachis and flowers waiting to sing to PM Novia mia, no wait.. la Gloria eres tu…no….he starts to sing a third….no…he consults with Celso about which one he should pick, what does PM like…Celso says, well she likes salsa, Saimon says oh come on, how can we do salsa???

Back in the first outfits, Yuri & Mijares sing another song together…. But the dancers are in different clothing…hmmm…. [I liked this song the best] Lety appears with a sour look again..Anais asks her what she was talking about "them making her think", and she says it’s nothing.

Tomas proclaims that the dancers are angelic, glorious, that he has to touch them. Finally Lety introduces him to Anais and in his best radio voice he tells her he enjoys meeting her and he calls his Mom to tell her he’s talking to Anais…how sweet. Anais talks to his Mom, [even sweeter] and she passes out from excitement and they think she may have hung up.

Saimon is still deciding what is the perfect song to sing…the mariachis are getting mad and Celso is asleep…he finally decides on La Gloria…..these mariachis are quite good, if Saimon would let them sing….

Luigi gets thanked on stage for his contribution to the event, Anais is acknowledged in the crowd.. Tomas stands up and Fern sees them and doesn’t recognize T because he’s so hot!!! Except for that laugh….and those kazoos that keep following him.

Luigi runs over to Anais who tells him she was well accompanied by Lety and he takes the opportunity to make another fea Lety crack …she wants to say good bye to Don Fe but then maybe not…

Saimon is singing again…Celso still sleeps….he doesn’t quite know the words….He cries for PM turn on the light!!!!! Turn on the Light!!!!He throws down the flowers he‘s carrying in disgust but with a smile.

Lety asks T to get ready to go, but Tomas wants to stay awhile to talk to the dancers…he is actually getting some positive looks from them.

Lety starts to go towards Fern. Meanwhile A & F argue about him having to go, she wonders why and he claims that they both have to work tomorrow at the break of dawn and he questions whether she’s going to follow him under orders from Marcia, she says no she wouldn’t dare follow him. Fe says besides he’s going to take Lety home, and she can follow him if she wants. Alicia tells him he should go with a dancer. He has no patience.

Fe wants to know why she disappeared and what is going on …Lety springs it on him…Tomas came for her…..she’s leaving now. He forcefully grabs her arms and she pulls away mentioning that are people around. He asks if she forgot that they were supposed to spend the night together and that she made him a promise…..she says oh sorry I forgot I agreed to have dinner with Tomas so I’m sorry I won’t be able to stay. He says no you can’t go to dinner with him you promised to spend time with me. She firmly refuses again. He gets mad, [I guess he’s not used to not getting his way with her] and he tries to grab her again even harder and she says again how many people there are around. He doesn’t care about the people he wants to know what is wrong. He uses her full first name and orders her to stay. She says that we’re not in the office and she’s sorry but she has to go now, he says no you are staying and you are coming with me and he drags her away with him.

Saimon decides La Gloria didn’t work so he’ll try the first one Novia Mia again….some poor guy let him use the violin…note I didn’t say play…if I heard that I wouldn’t come out either…the lights are still out…what about the rest of the residents of that building? Haven’t they had enough yet? Saimon is upset, Celso says maybe she’s not home….S thinks maybe she’s out with someone else, no this can’t be, he starts screaming that he’s dying of jealousness, he’s dying of jealousness, he’s dying of jealousness….the musicians scream “we don’t know it!!!!” Pa rum pum pum….

Fern is giving Lety Marcia’s brand of usual questioning about what is wrong with her. Now she plays dumb. He says he’s treated her so well tonight, and she’s treated him so badly. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! Now is a good time to find Julie’s link to the You Tube Lety punch out Fern video and watch it at least five times.... He continues reminding her she made him a promise to stay with him too and now she’s telling him she’s going with Mora. He asks her which is more important. He tells her it’s always more important to him to go out with her. She mocks him disbelievingly.

Yuri shows up with the “show” in tow asking how they liked it. Fernando fumbles but in good salesman style recovers with something meaningless. Yuri asks if they are ready for the cocktails! Lety congratulates them and takes advantage of the crowd factor to escape Fe’s clutches. Fern gets mad and watches as she departs. He decides he also has to leave even though the dancers and Yuri beg him hard to stay for drinks. Lety also bumbs into Alicia on the way out… bruta!

Lety goes back out and doesn’t see Tomas, but they are still interviewing Anais and Alicia interrupts saying she can tell the reporter how fame is…to that the reporter cuts and walks away. Thank goodness someone finally cut her off right at the beginning of one of her estupidezes.

Saimon is crying because PM didn’t respond to the serenata…the musicians sympathise but remind him that even though she didn’t come out that they still need to be paid, oh yeah and please, a tip too, huh? Saimon says of course. They depart and wake Celso up to come with them.

Tomas walks into the dressing room then starts faking a conversation with his chaffeur again in his best radio voice, ok this earns a look from the dancers, finally. He is looking for Lety and Luigi says unfortunately they saw her several times.

We then cut to Saimon crying in the parking lot when PM and Lola show up finally in a taxi… Saimon starts screaming that the two of them were out partying!!! He grabs PM and says he can’t believe it and Lola runs off crying while PM is impactada at Simon’s disposition.

Honor your ancestors....Feliz Dias de los Muertos! This year many loved ones moved on from our world and I hope I will be comforted by their spirits in Lety's absence tonight. May you also reflect fondly on your departed.

Hope this holds you all until Friday….we’ll await the implementation of the revenge until then. Enjoy the grammys!


Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Mundo de Fieras - Oct. 31, 2006

* Leo, MA are worried that Luisito hasn't be found - Carmelina advises that they go tell Gabriel what happened.

* Dider is dancing in his living room for Jossie - Jossie goes to pour herself another drink - he sees hers and picks up his - she points a gun straight at him - he's shocked.

* Leo and the others find Gabriel with Nicolas and inform them what happened to Luisito.

* Luisito is alone in the room, crying.

* Dider tries to get Jossie to put the gun down - she orders him to dance and when he moves, she shoots him in the leg, he falls to the floor and holds the wounded leg. She forces him to tell her where he hid the DVD. In pain, he tells her. She gets it and then warns him not to double cross her ever again. She leaves.

* J.C. tries to talk to Pau but she doesn't want to hear it. As he rolls up the work plans, the phone rings. Pau answers - as she listens, her facial expression turns sad and she begins to panic. J.C. asks what's the matter - she says it was about Luisito being kidnapped - they leave together.

* Federico and Otilia are walking along the street; a car almost runs Otilia over - scaring them both. Inside the car, Miriam and Ingrid talk - Miriam is happy the plan worked.

* Gabriel and Nicolas arrive in the plaza and approach MA and Carmelina. MA is upset and apologizes.

* Demian discovers what is happening and vents his outrage and hatred for Gabriel. He leaves. Tiberio looks up and mutters to himself.

* Pau and JC arrive at the plaza - the crowd has started to regather - as soon as she sees her dad, she starts to cry and he gives her a big consoling hug. Gabriel thanks J.C. for escorting Pau.

* Jossie arrives home - Miriam asks her where she was - Jossie is vague an goes to the office. In the office Jossie goes to the desk to put the gun away. Miriam enters and sees her at the desk, Jossie turns and is surprised to see her there. Miriam starts to talk to Jossie as the maids enter to inform them about the upsetting news about Luisito's kidnapping. Jossie immediately turns angry and blames MA. Miriam is shocked at Jossie's attitude and tries to convince her to go be with Gabriel, her husband. Jossie has her strong reasons why she won't go.

* Gabriel, Nicolas, Pau and others wait desperately for the police and searchers to return with news.

* Clemente arrives at the palace - Jossie hugs him and tells him her anguish about Luisito.

* Rogelio arrives home - Di and Pedro inform him about Luisito - he has to take care of something and then he will leave with them to the plaza.

* Miriam, Jossie and Clemente walk out to the car. Jossie is angry and starts to blame Clemente for bringing MA into the house to begin with.

* Rogelio sees a great opportunity - so he goes to Miriam's safe.

* Demian makes a phone call to Coyote about what to do next with Luisito. Demian warns Coyote of what happened to Chacal.

* Rogelio, Di and Pedro arrive at the plaza and approach Gabriel and Pau. Regina calls JC on his cell phone - she's worried about him - he tells her that Luisito was kidnapped and he's at the plaza right now with Gabriel and his family. At that same moment, Jossie, Miriam and Clemente arrive. Jossie walks over to MA and slaps her and starts to yell and blame her for the situation. Padre looks around at the crowd and recognizes Miriam and Jossie.

* Regina arrives and JC goes over to talk with her. Soon after, Nicolas and the police officers arrive. Nicolas brings Luisito's crutches to Jossie and Gabriel. Jossie breaks down and thinks her son is dead.

* Karen arrives home and can't believe the sad news about Luisito that the maids told her. She tells them she doesn't want to be disturbed and goes to her room.

* MA begs for forgiveness - Jossie is still really upset - Padre says the crutches being found aren't a sign that Luisito is dead, don't give up hope. Jossie is crying and upset.

* Demian is desperately trying to find Regina - he yells at Simona to tell him where Regina went. Simona doesn't know/won't say - he smashes the decorations on the table and starts to pound his head on the furniture - angry and jealous and starts thinking she is with Gabriel, his enemy and brother. He starts to turn violent and starts choking Simona to tell him he's right - Belen enters to help Simona - Demian lets go of Simona, he is out of control, he starts up the stairs - he sits and wraps his arm around the middle banisters and hits his head on the metal, yelling out his jealous rage. Tiberio comes down to try and calm him down - he gets the tranquilizer pills and stuffs a pill down Demian's throat. As Demian calms down, Simona explains to Tiberio what set Demian off this time.

* With a calmer Jossie on his arm, Gabriel talks with Nicolas and the police officer. Police officer tells the crowd they can go home now. Gabriel thanks everyone for their help with the search and their concern for Luisito. Leo walks Candelaria and MA home. JC talks with Regina about the kidnapping, then he tells her that Demian told him that Gabriel was his father - Regina is shocked and sets the record straight. JC asks his mother to forgive him for ever doubting her. They hug.

* At their home, MA is crying at the table. Carmelina and Leo are trying to comfort her. Elsa, bored, goes to her room. MA feels guilty about Luisito's kidnapping - Leo hugs her and tells her it isn't her fault.

* The family Cervantes-Bravo arrives back at the palace in silence. Jossie breaks the silence to vent her frustration and anger and blames MA for losing Luisito. Nicolas tries to get her to stop but Jossie is upset and angry. She then starts to blame Gabriel for her not having either of their two children at her side anymore. Gabriel is upset and leaves the room.

* Gabriel is sitting alone in his office, crying. Nicolas enters. Gabriel thinks maybe Jossie is right, he is to blame. Nicolas advises that he shouldn't blame himself but the people who are the really culprits. Nicolas says that justice will be served to those ultimately responsible (video shows Demian in bed with head wound).

* JC and Regina arrive back at their home. Simona and Belen explain briefly what happened with Demian while they were away and that he is in bed now. Regina says they can go to bed now. JC and Regina talk and JC leaves. JC stops in to his dad's room - Tiberio is sitting by the bedside - JC asks how Demian is doing - Tiberio tells him - JC says Tiberio can leave, he'll stay and watch Demian. Tiberio leaves reluctantly.

* Miriam tries again to console Jossie as Nicolas returns from the office. Nicolas holds Pau and tells the family how Gabriel is.

* Gabriel is in the office, holding tight to a framed photo of Luisito and remembering all the happy moments between the two of them, especially Luisito's dream of walking and playing with the other kids. Gabriel cries profoundly.

* MA prays to the communal altar and virgin de guadalupe portrait.

* Leo stands at the window - Carmelina comes over crying - Leo hugs and consoles her - they talk about the kidnapping.

* JC asks Demian why he lied about being his dad, why accuse his mother like that, why cause so much suffering for the sake of one huge lie. Demian is restlessly sleeping in bed.

* The next day, Carmelina brings coffee to Gabriel in his office. She asks if there's any news about Luisito. He says no. Carmelina tells him that the two Padres and everyone are thinking about them and praying. She then tells him about MA. He says thanks. Carmelina leaves.

* At breakfast, JC and Regina have a talk about Demian's lie and the suffering he's caused because of it, especially to Pau and him.

* Jossie is still in bed, depressed and holding her stuffed tiger. Clemente enters to check on her. She asks him to keep the door closed, she doesn't want to be disturbed. As he is about to leave, he asks if there's anything else he can do. She asks about Gabriel and MA. He tells her the truth. She sits up in bed and angrily grits her teeth and tells him that MA is no longer welcome in the house; she is never to return there again. He leaves.

* Leo, Sylvester, Shorty, Mayeya, MA and the other taxi drivers gather around Leo and the map. They are going to search again for Luisito. Leo tries to get MA to return home but she wants to go search with them. They all head out. Coyote stands on the corner and smiles and watches as all the taxis leave.

* Gabriel and Nicolas meet in Gabriel's home office. Gabriel is still upset over the kidnapping. Nicolas tells Gabriel he suspects Demian could be behind it. Gabriel jumps up and wants to call Demian right away - Nicolas advises not to call.

* From a pay phone on the street, Coyote calls Demian's cell phone. Regina answers and tells him that Demian is sick in bed. He hangs up and is frustrated over Demian's sudden illness.

* Karen and Miriam are in the boutique office talking. Ingrid enters with papers. Miriam tells her that Jossie is ill and won't be in today. Ingrid leaves. Karen and Miriam talk.

* JC makes a surprise visit to see Pau at the palace. At the front door, JC redeclares his love to Pau.

ADVANCE - EPISODE 22: in a jealous rage, Demian starts a duel with Gabriel and kidnaps his son. Gabriel and Nicolas pay a visit to speak with Demian - they tell Regina their suspicions about Demian. No longer worried by the thought that he and Pau are siblings, JC wants to rekindle their relationship.


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