Thursday, December 20, 2007

Dec 19 Wed - Juan Q: Men are like the mangoes; Juan returns to the DF

Juan and Heriberto get into a pretty solid slugging match and both get in good hits. They are about to start round two when there is an interruption. Don Aldemar shoots his gun and tells them to stop. He orders Heriberto to the house, and Erlinda to the house as well, and that he’s got enough problems already.

Juan tells him that he’s made a promise to his friends and that he has to go the capitol to complete his word, and he promises that he will return. Aldemar agrees to make a gentleman’s agreement.

Juan tells his son he has to go but he promises he’ll be back and not to listen to town gossip. Juanito asks why he can’t go with. Juan tells himself his kid is sharp, but tells him that he’s got a lot to do and he won’t be able to look after him, so it’s best if he stays put, and he’s the best thing he’s done with his life.

He departs the village with everyone saying goodbye. He tells himself that he looks at the faces of these people and he can’t fail them. He promises that no matter what happens in the DF that he will return to Achichipico because of these people are depending on him for a better life.

He gets on the bus to find Yolanda sit down next to him. She says she’s going to the capitol too, that he bus doesn’t belong to him. He agrees to take her with if she will do him a favor. She wants of course to do him more than one, and a special favor at that.

Erlinda gets told by Casimero that she needs to forget Juan, because it looks like he’s gone with Yolanda and he can’t understand how she could fall for him instead of a guy like him. Erlinda doesn’t care and doesn’t believe they came together. He tells her Juan will never come back, and won’t do right by her ever so she’ll spend the rest of her life in the convent for being stubborn.

Juan explains to Yolanda her task, to pretend that he is rich, and now a successful business with the exports to Japan, etc. She is more interested in her role as a couple and he takes this opportunity to tell her there will never be anything between them, so if she doesn’t want to help, then when they arrive she goes her way and he'll go his. She agrees she’ll play it his way just to be with him.

Juan arrives at Casa Cachon and gives Kike a huge hello.

At Casa Davila CL calls to talk to Pau and she gives him a cold shoulder and says she’s on her way out so they will talk tomorrow.

Juan greets the baby and Yadi enthusiastically, then Merely comes down and of course he’s happy to see her to, and missed them, but she keeps looking over at Yoli. Juan realizes he’s forgotten to introduce Yolanda, his girlfriend. Everyone is impactada.

Kike calls Pastor and he wonders when Kike will be back to Ang’s store. Kike says he won’t be back because something has happened and Juan is hooting in the background and Pastor almost loses it…he can’t believe Juan’s back.

Alirio is listening to Nidia’s stomach but he doesn’t hear anything he thinks it’s sleeping and Nid says that’s what she wants to do, rest. Just then Yadi enters and tells her mom she has the biggest surprise ever. She opens the door to reveal Juan and Nid jumps up and onto him giving him a leg wrap hug! So much for wanting to rest.

Pastor, like the good tool that he is, immediately calls Moni to tell her Juan has shown up. She wants the details.

Nidia tells the group Juan is always full of surprises especially with all the women of Achichipico. He asks what is new, and they say you tell us. Yoli looks at him and asks if he is going to tell them, he says now is not the time and they of course want to know what the plans are. Finally he outs with it, that they are going to get married!! More impactados. Just then the doorbell rings and guess who it is. Pau with Ana. She is impactada to see Juan there, of course.

Juan is very happy to see Ana, he greets the Licenciada much more frigidly. Marely introduces Juan’s girlfriend. Pau is of course polite but short. Kike says he wants to take advantage of the fact that Pau has arrived and since Juan is in town they will baptize the baby first thing tomorrow!! Juan is excited for the party. They discuss what her name should be. Yadi says they were thinking about putting Nidia just like the grandma but Nid says she’s not the grandma, rather the ma of the mama. Kike says well what about Michaela like his mom. Nid reminds him they agreed he would get to name the baby only if a boy and Yadi gets to name since it’s a girl. They decide on Nidia Michaela.

Everyone thinks that’s a great idea and ask who will be the godparents. Alirio beckons Kike, but Kike says his soul brother Juan of course will be the godfather, and what about the godmother? Nid beckons this time. Well, Kike says Paula. She says she would love it as long as Yadi agrees. Kike jumps in and says then it’s settled. Of course people are impactada at this, Marely especially.

Just then another doorbell. Marely runs out and this time it’s Pastor who is also so excited to see Juan. I’m sure for a couple reasons!

They all together sit down to dinner (Pau and Ana are gone though) and the Achichipiquences start to weave their tale about the Japanese connection and the wallet full of cash. They wonder if he’s over his other problem from before and he confirms that his heart beats now only for one woman and he kisses Yoli. Mar gets a frustrated face.

Pau and Ana are discussing Juan’s return and Pau swears it changes nothing about her situation. Ana wonders if she is going to tell her husband he’s here. She says no because the very mention of Juan just sets CL off like crazy. Ana wonders if it’s really because of that or another reason and Pau says she just doesn’t need any more problems that’s all.

Back at the house Yadi yells at Kike for selecting Pau because she wanted Marely. Kike says well she’ll be around the baby her whole life anyway as her aunt, so it’s better that it’s Pau, she needs a lesson for what she did to our boy. Yadi smirks, she says she doesn’t believe anything that Yoli said.

Downstairs Alirio asks where Juan is staying and he says a hotel near the reforma (expensive) but tells himself, if Nid doesn’t offer to let him stay he thinks he and Yoli will be sleeping under a bridge! Pastor jumps first and offers his house, then Nid says no way, this is still his home, so Juan should stay here. Alirio tries to let them leave but Nid says no.

Mar is upstairs laying on her bed looking at the ceiling. Yadi comes in and looks up trying to figure out what she is looking at. Yadi knows she’s upset about Juan. Yadi thinks she should take advantage of Juan’s presence here and push that chick out of his way, because who knows when he’ll be back.

Yoli comes out of hiding in a small nighty and remarks how much Nid seems to care for him. He says everyone does, but she says especially her though. Juan covers her up with a blanket to keep her from getting cold (wink) and gets within centimeters of her lips. He begs the saint not to test him now because the flesh is weak.

Just then Kike busts in on Juan. Kike apologizes but Juan is thankful for the divine interruption and follows Kike out leaving Yoli.

Cl shows up at Pau’s and she is upset because she is ready to go to bed and didn’t expect him. He threatens her that she must come back to the house with him but she refuses and this just makes him more adamant. They fight about this “feminist idea” that she can do as she pleases.

Juan and Kike are throwing back some tequilas and Kike starts to dig and wants to know what is really up with

CL yells and Ana comes down and tells him not to raise his voice in her house. He tells her not to meddle in his marriage. She says she’s not meddling in the marriage, only that he raises his voice. He says that Pau has a house and she needs to come back to it. Ana says Pau does what she wants and if she doesn’t want to go, then he should leave.

Over the tequilas, Juan tells the whole story about meeting Akito, and him passing on and the Anthuriums etc.

Upstairs Alirio yells at Nid for accepting Juan so easily back into the house and keeping his room as a sanctuary.

Juan asks for Kike’s help deciphering Akito’s papers because though he is good with languages, he doesn’t know Japanese. Kike says well he doesn’t either. Juan thinks of Fer, but Kike thinks Fer only knows English. Juan suggests the restaurant they always went to. Kike says that was Chinese, they aren’t going to know Japanese and Juan says, well, really they are all the same, just like the Mexicans and the Guatemalans, at the bottom of it, we are the same too. Kike says ok if you say so. He then asks what’s really up with the girl. Juan says really well nothing.

Nid is now consoling Marely and encouraging her to go after Juan and send that chick straight back to Achichipico where she came from. She tells her that men are like mangoes, you have to rip them from the tree and not wait for them to fall. Marely says, no way; she’s doing nothing of the sort, she needs to get on with her life and besides she’s not interested anymore. Nid doesn’t believe her.

Juan admits there is nothing going on with him and the woman. Kike says she’s hot though an Amazona! Juan says he doesn’t move his chest, (like make his heart skip a beat or something). Kike asks him if he still cares about Pau. He says he’s traveled mountains and the sea to try and forget her, but yes, she still gets him right here (he beats his chest) Kike says he’s got it bad and wonders then why he concocted the story about Yoli. He says so Pau doesn’t think I’m still interested. He says image is everything. It’s more important to look a certain way than to be that way. He begs Kike to keep this between them though.

Next morning Juan is dressing and asks Yoli how he looks. He says the cologne is the final touch. She wonders why he left so many of his things here. He says he left in a hurry, and he wonders why so many questions. Yoli speculates it’s because of Pau. He wonders how she knew and she says she saw the way he looked at her. He says yes, well we had something to do with each other, but it’s an impossible love. Yoli doesn’t think it’s as impossible as he might think. He wonders why. She says because not only did she see how he looked at her, but how she looked at him. She’s a woman and knows these things. She doesn’t get what her role is, except that the woman treated her like her worst enemy, and was dying of jealousy. Juan says that’s exactly it to make her jealous. Yoli jumps on that idea and on Juan and says they should practice. He sends her for a cold bath.

At Casa Davila, Pau is overdressing as well, and Ana wonders if it’s because of Juan because she doesn’t believe Pau’s story that she only has this one dress here at the house, because the closet is full of Pau’s things. Pau says she just wants to look nice. Just then the phone rings and Pau screams for her Mom not to answer because it could be CL. Ana wonders how long she is going to put off her husband. Pau says until tomorrow because she doesn’t want him to know about the baptism etc.

Just then Moni is getting a report from Pastor telling her about the baptism. She says that they can’t let Juan leave again. She calls a very bitter CL and spills the beans to him because of course he doesn’t know and is mad when he finds out.

Pau flashes back and thinks maybe Juan really has forgotten about them.

Juan is enjoying Nidia’s breakfast that he missed so much. Nid asks him to please return. He apologizes that he can’t because he has obligations he must tend to there. She wants to know where he got that girl and why he was lying through his teeth. He is impactado and says well they just haven’t really had much time to establish their relationship with so much travel. I think they make remarks about her being rough around the edges, from the country, and meat of the boot -carne del bote (again I think another reference to her backwoods demeanor, maybe).

We then switch to a perturbed CL making a u-turn on the city streets.

At the baptism, Juan tells himself that he’s found himself once again next to his beloved, the source of all his ill. But she’s there so beautiful as if all this time apart, this woman used the time to flourish and become even more beautiful, but in her eyes there is a shadow of deep sadness. The baby is baptized and Juan says to himself at that moment our hands joined. They touched only lightly, but it was like igniting our whole bodies on fire and entwining our souls. He wonders what happened. Why did they join? Why did they act together in something so simple yet so powerful. Maybe I know, but what I do know is that contact was made to undo the rage of all the turmoils. They lean in as if to kiss, but we are forced to wait another day to see what happens.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Pasión 12/19: a chicken comes home to roost but the perch is occupied.

  • As we saw yesterday, Camila looked great in her widow's weeds, love the dress. Soon she's in white and she and her musketeers are eating in a nice tent which I'm informed is on a ship -- must be a very placid sea. They toast their future life. That kid is really good looking.

  • Cap'n Ric goes to visit his mom, pursuant to her two hysterical letters. This time she's dying for real.

    Evidently her mind has been going, she's quite obsessed with Camila and what she says again and again is: "That whore shouldn't end up with your father's money, you have to get it back," and he says, "but I'm rich now, I don't need that money," and she says, "it's a question of honor," and I'm thinking, "Oh no, not a deathbed promise," and a few scenes later she says, "You better get it back, find her! Or what am I going to tell your dad when I meet him in heaven, that you're a coward?"

    Ric succombs to the pressure and promises; Mercedes croaks. I will not miss her.

    Lisa tells Ric a twisted anti-Camila version of the saga and thanks him for the treasure chest. "What chest?" She and her aunt can't decide if he's just being coy or if somebody else did it - it was really a lot of moolah.

  • Cami & Co. have crossed the sea and reached the village. As Santiago watches from his blacksmithing shop (maybe he smells Cami's pheremones), a mystery coach glides by. Unveiled, it proves to be the Rolls Royce of carriages and our musketeers, dressed very nicely, disembark at Camila's house. She asks the others to go find a couple hotel rooms in town, she'll sleep, of course, at her own house here. She wants to go in alone.

  • Camila's daddy Justo dabs awkwardly with a mattock in a pristine garden. [There are no weeds so I don't know what he's chopping. Those fake cabbages got planted there by the props guys five minutes ago. --Ed.]

    Embraces, emotions, what's happenin', we thought you were dead, etc. Everybody is fine. The maids are happy to see her. Paquito is now Paquote (ie he's gotten all big). Your brother is fine. And my sweetie Santiago? Uh, he's recovered nicely. Rita? Uh, she's fine too. At the mention of Rita everybody looks awkward and flees.

    Camila starts telling her long adventure to her dad. I sent a letter, we didn't get it, oops you can't trust the postal service.

    Finally the dad has to tell her - Rita and Saintly are married. Camila vents vigorously for the rest of the episode thusly: "I went through so much to come back to him, four years, but he and Rita just cried a little and then found consolation with each other, they didn't wait even one year, they betrayed me."

    There's lots of crying, dad feels guilty, he tells Camila not to look at her sister Rita with snake eyes because (all in unison now) "we thought you were dead." She says she's going back to the hotel where her friends are. She smiles a bit when her sweet daddy says "the sun has returned to my life."

  • Meanwhile Saintly tells his ma he feels strange, between shame and joy. "Must be something you ate," she suggests.

    She tries to distract him: "We need to find your sister a husband, how about Vasco?" "Not that dog! I love him but he's a tarambana (scatterbrain) and he's still boning Ursula."

  • Ursula tells Vasco - who's slipped in the back way as usual - that somebody's ratted them out and they better not meet for a while, and she also tells him her ma and pa are trying to get her hitched. He doesn't like that idea, she says "Well, I certainly can't marry you," he doesn't like that either. They kiss and make up.

    Next morning on the way out he's spotted by a serving lady, but no problem, ogling him she's like, "Ooh, chomi chomi" and assumes he's been making an early morning delivery of clothes for the charity giveaway.

  • At night, Saintly has been taking a whiz outside. (Shades of Alborada.) Rita mentions his promise to get an indoor bathroom arrangement of some kind. They've just been at a baptism, so she asks him if he wants kids. "I always wanted children," he says looking off sadly into space. He gets in bed, she touches him tenderly, they make love. He has his eyes closed.

  • In the square, Ines and the kid gape at the rich strangers. Ascanio (is that his name? He previously of the white nylon wig?) is struck by Cupid's Arrow when he gazes upon Ines. Cami's musketeers settle into the hotel. The guys will share a room and the money chest will stay with them.

    Later, Jimena (I really like her, she's quite the modern girl) is making the bed when Camila drips in the door sobbing. "That's just how men are," Jimena responds to the dismal news but even this practical girl is speechless to hear Saintly tied the knot with Camila's own sister!

    After the commercial Jimena consoles her soggy friend: "OK, suffer and cry, but with your dough you can have any man you want. He can't have loved you that much." "Maybe he did it out of desperation." "Don't make excuses for him. You could have gotten home by boning that chomi chomi Antillano but you didn't, you stayed true to your man." "That's true, I did." "But he didn't." "That's true, he didn't, but I've loved him since childhood, hablabla..." "Try hate, it's a good remedy!" "Nooooooo.....!!!" (cries more)

    Jimena suggests that they take off for Spain, but Camila says she wants to stay in her village, her home. She says they'll buy the nicest house in the village. Jimena is babbling about that, Camila is not listening.

  • Justo comes to see Ofelia and we are treated to a gratuitous mirror-boob shot of the shapely matron. [Those might even be real ones.] She is impactada into the commercial. Then Ofelia and Ines do a rehash. "Oh, my brother never forgot Camila, this is a real tragedy," Ines informs us helpfully.

  • Ofelia asks Ines to take Rita home and impart the good news: sister Camila, former true love of Rita's husband, is alive... Meanwhile Ofelia will break The News to Saintly.

    So it goes. Rita sinks to the ground crying in misery and saying Noooo Noooo Nooo. Way to welcome your sister home. "How did she take The News?" she asks Ines. "Well, she was surprised and angry." "She has nothing to reproach me for!" is Rita's defensive response. (By the way - Vasco, on hearing the news, references Judas betraying Jesus.)

  • Meanwhile Ma takes Saintly herb-gathering. In the bushes, he points out those are some useless weeds she's collecting, what's really on her mind? "I just wanted to know how you're doing." "Ma, we live in the same house, you know how I'm doing." "I mean, inside, for instance." "I feel at peace with myself and God." "Well, how do you feel about Camila?" "That God took her."

    "And what if he didn't? What if she's back? What would you do about Rita?" It all starts to penetrate. And we have another tearful extravaganza.

    Saintly commences stomping/limping into town, wearing his unflattering red apron, his mom hangs on his arm begging, "Don't do this, you're married!" "Well, she was married too, Justo told me she's a rich widow." "But that was different..." "She didn't call, she didn't write..." He's mad and defensive.

    He goes to the hotel and stomps up to the room wherein Jimena is still babbling about the future casota and Camila is still not listening. Jimena tries to keep him out but Camila sez let him in and gives the "how could you betray me" speech and he gives the "I thought you were dead" speech. "I SHOULD have died." They hug and cry. His wedding ring is displayed prominently. "Forgive me," he sobs.


Amar Sin Limites #107, Wednesday 12-19: Silvana is evil, but we knew that already.

Lukewarm leftovers from last night: Gaspar and Ceci were too scared to tell Gloria that it was Silvana who spilled the coffee on Ceci's dress. Diego's pissed that the press is saying he and Silvana are an item; Silvana plays innocent. Julio says he knows how to keep Silvana in line. Diego apologizes for hurting Silvana's feelings; Silvana forgives him…and then makes out with him. Azul diagnoses Frijolito with ADD.

Diego tells Silvana he's still in love with Azul, so he can't make out with her right now (not that it ever stopped him before). Silvana wants a chance to win his love. Diego says he only sees her as a friend and he'll never (love her?)…he'll never forget Azul. Silvana feels like life's giving her a second chance. Diego says he can't start a new relationship and he doesn't think it would be good for Caty. Silvana offers to keep it quiet because she luuuuuurves him and she's fighting for his love. Diego says ok, but they've got to go slow. Idiot.

MS is convinced that Azul has a degree and it might help them figure out who she is. LuisFe has brought his buddy to the orphanage to meet Azul.

Gaspar and Ceci wonder what Julio's got up his sleeve. Julio won't tell them, but shows them the newspaper. Ceci says that "old beggar" is trying to get into Diego's pants. Ceci doesn't believe the news is true. Julio thinks that Silvana fed the news to the papers.

Arnaldo has brought a baby present over to GSD and Emilia's. Emilia gets all weepy over the pretty white-net-draped bassinet.

In MS's office, everyone brags about what a good doctor LuisFe is and MS announces that Azul is a psychologist and that her remembering things only a psychologist or psychiatrist would remember is a sign that she's recovering her memory. Commercials. LuisFe seems kind of annoyed. He wants to know exactly what she remembered. MS says that Azul told her all about Frijolito having ADD. Azul now prattles on about how she'd channel his aggression by using flexible rules and play therapy. LuisFe still looks worried.

Arnaldo has also come over to beg to be allowed to be a proper brother to his new sibling. GSD is actually offended by the question. He says that he was a lousy dad once, but now he'll be a good dad to all his kids (that he knows about). He says they'll keep the news about Arni being gay from the little moppet until it's old enough to understand what that means.

At Julio's Boutique, Ceci is modeling clothes so that (presumably) rich women can shop. Clemencia comes in and congratulates Ceci on looking so good on the TV show yesterday. Ceci says she's so grateful to Diego that she promised to be at the boutique showing off more of his clothes. She also mentions that she's doing a catalog shoot later and will be dressed as a doctor. I'd laugh if she got there and found out she would be modeling scrubs, a hairnet, and a surgical mask. Unless it's not that kind of catalog. Clemencia says that "Silvana says" that when a model's career takes off, she shouldn't keep doing those kind of jobs. Ceci's like, yeah, so sayeth Miss Snooty, but these people were good to me when I was just starting out and besides--work is work!

Diego drops Silvana off somewhere after reassuring her that she's still looking good. Silvana immediately hails a taxi and thought bubbles that she's just got to keep Diego from finding out Azul is alive and then she can have him…bwahahahaha!

Azul excitedly shows LuisFe around the orphanage's garden. She asks him to take her shopping for medical supplies for the orphanage. He'll take her shopping tomorrow, and also to her "therapy" appointment. Argh! They're playing "Todo Cambió" again…I wish they'd quit ruining that song for me. Azul is excited that figuring out that she knows pysch stuff might help her. LuisFe says he'll love her no matter what. Yuck! Karyme Lozano's got to be getting a cheekache from all the wide-eyed, innocent smiling she's having to do lately.

Ceci and Clemencia bust Manuel checking out the female clients. Clemencia wants a word with him. She tried to find him at his apartment and his landlady complained about how many months behind he was on rent. And it's no use him complaining that Clemi and Anibal have the house, since it was her father who paid for it. She tells him that Tavo doesn't have to ask him for Lidia's hand, but Manuel insists that he does. He's determined to make up with Lidia and have the place he "deserves". Uh, dude, I don't know what you think you deserve, but I'm sure I'm not thinking what you're thinking. This seems like a rather pointless conversation as it's not like Lidia can't get married without his permission.

Silvana has gone to the orphanage to talk to MS about Azul. Silvana wants to offer Azul her friendship, since she's all alone in the world. MS has her BS meter turned off, since she thinks that Silvana is just as "good" as Diego. Barf.

Clemi and Manuel get into a shouting match about how Manuel wishes he were half the man Anibal is. Clemi threatens that if he doesn't leave Lidia alone, she'll tell Diego that he's been gambling instead of working. Diego comes in on the tail end of this argument and Clemi says she just came to congratulate him and tell him he looked good on TV. As she hugs him, she gives Manuel a dirty look behind Diego's back.

LuisFe and his buddy talk about Azul. LuisFe seems kind of put out at how confident Azul sounded when she was talking psych. He seems to get more and more upset as his friend points out that maybe her confidence was the real "Azucena" coming out, that they should check with the national psych association and with the big psych faculties in the area and see if she graduated from around there. LuisFe tries to put him off by saying they don't even know her name, but this doesn't sound like an obstacle to his buddy (I agree!). He says they'll take a picture of her and explain the situation. LuisFe gets really offended and yells at his buddy when his buddy asks if maybe he doesn't really want to find someone who knows her. This is making me like LuisFe a little less, even as a partner for Ceci.

Silvana and Azul chat about how very, very sad it is not to know who you are or remember anything about yourself. Silvana offers to help, but doesn't elaborate on how. Azul notices that she and Silvana have the same bracelet, but Silvana puts her off by saying they sell them everywhere and it just means they have the same taste (as Mr. 5ft so graciously points out, they do have the same taste: in men, children, etc.). Azul takes it as a sign they were meant to be friends and Silvana tells her that Azul should consult her on all things and Silvana will tell what she should do or not do. Dang it, Silvana, just kill her already, it would be less painful for all of us.

LuisFe defends himself to his friend some more and just as his buddy says he knows what to do, Ceci shows up for her medical catalog shoot. Hey, are we sure this is actually a catalog shoot and not a Dirty Doctors of 2008 Calendar shoot? Cause with Ceci there and the two hottie doctors…I'm just saying. Commercials. LuisFe and Ceci catch up as the lighting guys get set up. He makes excuses for not emailing her back. The buddy reminds LuisFe that he hasn't introduced him yet. Mario is the buddy's name, or Dr. Hottie, whichever. Mr. 5ft wants to put Dr. Hottie in the mix as a potential suitor for Ceci. Well, the fact that he's paying attention to her and not to her best friend would be a point in his favor. Mario says he saw her on TV as he was channel surfing. According to Mario, LuisFe talked a lot about Ceci, but he didn't talk enough about how pretty she is. Mario: 1, LuisFe: 0. Ceci only hears the part about how LuisFe talked about her. She has to go to wardrobe and makeup, but she asks the guys (since she can't trust LuisFe to get in touch with her) to stick around and watch her shoot. Mario agrees quicker than LuisFe and says they'll finish buying the supplies they need and then stick around. Poor Mario. How come LuisFe gets all the women?

Diego wants to know what's up with Clemi and Manuel, but she evades. Clemi apologizes for Tavo making the wedding announcement before the mourning period for Azul was over. Diego thinks that life needs to go on and he's not upset about it. Clemi tells him he needs to get on with his life as well. Diego: "Silvana just said the same thing." Clemi: "Oh, so what it says in the papers is true?"

Silvana is babbling to Azul about how careful she has to be in getting her memory back, because anyone could just invent a past for her. She slips up and starts to say "Azul" but changes it to "Azucena" and the idiot apparently doesn't notice. Azul is impressed that someone so "important" who shows up on TV wants to help her. Silvana is impactada when Azul mentions that MS said that she was friends with Diego. I don't know if she's surprised to hear Diego's name or surprised that just hearing Diego's name didn't bring Azul's memories back. Ok, here's the thing: other than Mauricio breaking out of jail, Azul has no subconscious reason not to want to remember about herself. It's not like she was unhappy in her life--it doesn't make sense that things like remembering Caty's voice, hearing Diego's name, or hearing her own name wouldn't trigger her memories. This is just sloppy writing and it's really getting on my nerves. I might be able to handle it better if it wasn't so obvious that this amnesia plot was tacked on to the end, but they made the mistake of wrapping things up weeks ago and then having to come up with some new drama. End rant.

Diego tells Clemencia that Silvana kissed him and he felt so bad about not giving her a chance. Ugh, so it's a pity relationship? Clemi wants to know what he's going to do, but he says he didn't have the heart to reject her and since neither of them had anything to lose.... If Silvana had any pride, she wouldn't want him on these terms. Clemi says he can't hurt Silvana again, she's such a great woman.

Silvana says goodbye to Azul and thought bubbles that she's not doing anything wrong because Azul doesn't remember a thing and Diego and Caty already think she's dead. Azul looks just the tiniest bit doubtful after Silvana leaves as she looks at her bracelet.

The way Ceci's dressed and posing at this photo shoot makes me think the Dirty Doctors Calendar is what they're shooting and not a catalog cover. She said she'd be dressed as a doctor, but I've never seen one dressed like that--more like a Naughty Nurse costume, with less cleavage. She gives LuisFe lots of flirty looks. Mario's really impressed with her and says if LuisFe isn't interested, then he wants to ask her out.

Azul is giving a gardening lesson. I didn't know she knew how to compost. She calls Frijolito over and tells him to pay attention. She asks him to repeat the instructions, but he can't. She has the kids all pick up stuff to compost, but Frijolito is mad at her and throws a rock through a window despite Azul's sweet talk. For all her brilliant blathering earlier about how she'd treat him, she sure didn't follow through. Azul and the kids are horrified. MS comes running outside and Azul explains what happened and says they're all fine. Azul begs clemency for Frijolito and offers to go find him. Commercials.

Ceci and LuisFe are at diner and Ceci again asks for an explanation for why she didn't hear from LuisFe for so long. She's ready to pick up their relationship where it left off, but LuisFe pronounces them friends. He tells her he's in love with someone else. Poor Ceci, she really hasn't done anything to deserve the monumental bad luck she's having with men (Mr. 5ft thinks she deserves it for making friends with Azul). Come on, Ceci, cut your losses and go out with Mario!

Azul finds Frijolito and they talk about how none of his family wanted him after his parents died. Azul boosts his ego some, but Frijolito is resistant to positive feedback and says no one understands him. Azul says she loves him and this seems to appease Frijolito. Yep, Caty's definitely getting a big brother when all this is over.

LuisFe gives the obligatory "I never meant to hurt you". Ceci says it hurts anyway. Now he tries to convince Ceci that she doesn't feel what she feels. Run, Ceci, run to Mario! LuisFe says they shouldn't see each other so that he doesn’t hurt her more. Ceci leaves.

Julio and Diego talk about recent sales (as in, since the night before). Julio's impressed things have gone so well, especially since the press is talking more about his love life than his designs. MS calls Diego and tells him about the broken TV and the broken window. Diego's going to send someone over to fix things, but it probably won't be until tomorrow. Silvana walks into the sewing room and Julio tells her he needs to talk to her and ushers her out.

He says he's getting tired of what Silvana's doing to his work and Diego's. He blames her for the spilled coffee on the dress and she plays dumb. He says he found out how she got ahead in this field, calling her a "trepadora" (a climber) and she demands to know exactly why he's called her that twice today. Julio says if she doesn't know, Mr. Subaki and some other men might be able to refresh her memory. Manuel comes in and eavesdrops on the conversation as Silvana says he must never tell Diego. Julio says he also won't tell that she dropped her fee to a ridiculously low amount in order to take the Fashionismo campaign away from Ceci. He says if she doesn't want Diego to find out then she'd better think twice about what she does from now on, because he won't allow her to ruin Ceci's career or his business. Bravo, Julio! He should have been an evil mastermind. Manuel comes over and says he never knew the woman who wanted to be his future girlfriend had such a dark side. I rewound it to make sure that's what he said and not "Diego's future girlfriend". I guess this is meant to be taken as a threat. After all, why should everybody else get the hot chicks, right? Diego comes in and tells Manuel he needs him to take someone over to the orphanage. Silvana looks nervous, and I guess she's got plenty of reason to be as we can now see that her ambition to be the latest Big Bad on the show far outstrips any actual talent or intelligence she might have for the job. Comercials.

Frijolito tells MS that he's already spoken to the boys and they'll sleep in the living room tonight and let the girls have their room (since the girls' room is the one with the now-broken window). And he'll also do whatever it takes to pay for the broken window. MS is proud of his attitude and sends him on his way. MS is impressed with Azul's good job. And probably, yeah, he did need for one person to believe in him and he needed to have some individual attention, but he didn't necessarily need Azul for that. Or maybe I just don't like her and I don't want her to have any credit.

Manuel tells Silvana that he feels so much more comfortable with her now that he knows how alike they are. Hear that, Silvana? As if you needed any more incentive to turn from the dark side! He reminds her she's got to help him out so that he can help her out by not telling his son that she's no white dove. He doesn't want money, though, he wants an open line of credit for himself. Silvana's going to give it to him because she thinks she's got enough money. Dear, there's never enough money for that man. Manuel says he's going to go to the orphanage, but Silvana fills him in on the news that Azul isn't dead and she's living there. Manuel's shocked that she hasn't told Diego, but she explains her reasons. Manuel agrees that Silvana is better for Diego than Azul, but he can't believe she'd do this. Silvana says she won't let anything separate her from Diego and she needs to find a way to get Azul out of the orphanage, with Manuel's help. Manuel doesn't think that will be enough, though, since she hasn't managed to make Diego love her yet. He counsels getting Diego to sleep with her (hello, Silvana, same advice he gave Lidia and look where it got her!) just to give him that little extra push he needs.

LuisFe goes home and tells his Mami about his dinner with Ceci. He waxes rhapsodic about Ceci and Mami asks if he's sure he couldn't get back with her, but LuisFe claims he's in luuuuuurve with Azul. And now that she's starting to recover her memory, it would be a bad idea to start a relationship with Ceci. Blargh!

Ceci cries to Lidia and Clemi about LuisFe breaking her heart. Lidia says that he did it in a matter of hours, which is a record, even for her (ha!). Anibal gives her a "you're not helping" look. Ceci cries some more and talks some more about what he said and Ceci and Lidia console her.

Diego and Silvana put Caty to bed. After they leave the room, Silvana says they're going to have a nice dinner of fondue and wine to celebrate his recent success. She takes him into the living room and while he goes to get the bread, she doses his wine. He returns and she toasts to all the good things life is going to give them. Diego takes a comically big gulp of his wine. A few hours later, presumably, Silvana helps a weepy drunk Diego into bed and out of his clothes. As he cries about Azul and begs for help, Silvana thought bubbles that she'll help him all right, help him forget Azul! Let the non-consensual sex begin.

Tomorrow: Diego goes to the orphanage and Azul sees (at least) the back of his head.


Pasions 12/17/07 "With Death Comes Ducats"

Well we open with the poignant death of Don Tio Tim…I’m gonna miss you Tim. After much shrieking and running in circles, Anna Nichol, sorry I mean Cami figures out behind every cloud there lies a silver lining..Whooopeee she is free.

Move on to the funeral, lots of people dressed in black, on so forth. Go toward the light or at least keep that in mind after you finish what maybe a rather lengthy stint in purgatory.

Tia Fran & Lisabeta discuss what else? Ric, Fran mentions a letter from Ric. Oh look there he is, thru the miracle of TeleVista we are transported to the jungles of Africa, Hey look out of respect to his dead Tio he is dressed in black. Oh wait, never mind. Anyway he is sending a letter, he will soon be returning from his spring break.

Now back at the Casa de Cami, she asks servant guy, Ascanio, about his past. He has been a servant for 20 years. His mother and sister are dead. Cami invites him to toss away his powdered wig and come live in Mexico.
Cami is in the bedroom going through a chest, she finds a few ducats in some little pouches, look there are Tiny Tio Tim’s little hand canes lying on the bed. Just like that “Christmas Future” scene with the crutch in the corner.

Cami goes out into the countryside and finds Jimena, her friend from the ship. She buys Jimena’s freedom. Jimena is scoping Ascanio out and I think we may have the beginnings of a beautiful relationship here. Onward to Claudio, the boy from the ship. He sees Cami and starts to run toward her, when he is smacked down by the overseer. Ascanio puts a stop the that, the patrona is a lady & overseer guy will die. Anyway she buys Claudio’s freedom and they take Claudio with them, poor brother Angel died. This was a “Gone with the Wind Scene” with Red Haired woman dressed in Black, hugging a poor slave boy in the fields, well or it would have been had Scarlett not been a proud rich slave owner…but anyway the music swelled magnificently as we go to commercial.

Now time for the reading of the will. Three women dressed in black, Cami, Tia Francisca, and Lisabeta. Don Tio Tim, being of sound mind and body (well except for the crutches, bad heart and organ failure (yes that organ), leaves everything to his lil cupcake Cami. This allows Lisabeta and Francisca, to gnash their teeth, wail, and almost but not quite rip their elaborate wigs off. The lawyer, states that Lisabeta has been left some poor ass farm. The women accuse Cami of being a witch. She must have besotted the poor man with her wily ways. This term continues to be used in cases such as this even today, with only a slight variation on the spelling. Cami good and true offers to give some to the wailing women. Okay, hold on their lil missy, Don Tio Tim has written Part II, in the event that Cami tries to give any away, the entire fortune will go to the FreeMasons & Cami will remain a slave. Well personally that says it all for me. It is a done deal. This bothers Cami quit a bit, me not so much.

Crazy ass Mercedes, Ric’s ma is hanging around the street, her fingers are itching to clutch some golden ducats…The two crows tell her that Tim left it all to Cami except for that poor ass piece of land. “What about Ric?” queries his crazy ass mother. “Nada”. Dona Mercedes, faints in the street, Tia Fran runs off for help leaving blind Lis to wonder if Mercedes has injured her head. Please not with gi-normous spider’s nest perched on her head, she couldn’t have had more protection had she been encased in bubble wrap. Seriously, Don Tio Tim lived a life of regret that he didn’t marry this woman? I think he would have thanked his brother each and every day for taking a bullet for him.

Okay the four musketeers are packing up and getting ready to go back to Mexico, Cami asks each and everyone for their opinion. Claudio sums it up best with take your choice “Rich and Free” or “Poor and a Slave”. What is Cami not getting about this? We also get a brief lesson from Claudio on the FreeMasons, who knew Uncle Tim was a major Union Supporter?

She talks to Ascanio, asks him about Lisabetha & Tia Fran, were they nice to him? Seriously this girl has seen her finance speared, the town rich but flacid horndog try to nail her on pre wedding night, gang raped by pirates, sold in the town square, held prisoner by old guy & forced to marry. If it wasn’t for the fact that she apparently emits some form of pheromones that when mixed with element of gold from the dust on rich guys hands, and a chemical is rendered that makes them impotent; she would have been barin the Varon. So move on little Mary Sunshine.

Ascanio tells her they treated him like a servant. Next we see Ascanio lowering a chest down into a courtyard. Is he making off with the loot? Now Cami asks if anyone saw him? No he replies.
Lis & Fran find it the next morning. Praise be to Ric, he must have left a big ol heaping helping of pirate booty for them. Yeah that’s the answer.

Back in San Fernando, Dona Sofie is chatting up Pa Justo in the street, is Rita happy & is Santiago? We see a bride getting out of a coach. I guess Rita is jumping the broom with Santi.
Now you would think being a blacksmith, Santi would recognize the sound of a gigantic anvil falling. As John Donne would say, “For whom the Anvil Falls…it Falls for Thee”.

Our newly freed foursome boards a ship to carry them back to Mexico, smooth sailing ahead.

Creepy guy, Alberto LaFont, (personally I think it is great that Eddie Munster, has gotten work. Have you checked out that strange hair that grows down his forehead to his eyebrows?), comes in and talks to Don Jorge about the shipping of silver from the mines that will be absconded by pirates. Eddie asks if they have found a husband for Ursela yet? He is still interested. Pa Jorge says no, but she would like a newer model than Alberto LaFont.

Meanwhile, Ursela is being forced to look at lunch boxes with letters of recommendation & tiny portraits of suitors, some are dukes and so on. She is none too thrilled, she doesn’t want to marry now and has no interest in popping out a grandson for Don Jorge.

LaFont forces his daughter to tell him that Ursela is still doing the Vasco deed, Ursela is furious with her friend.

On the ship all is fine, Cami thinks of how wonderful it is going to be when she see Santi again. Was that a dolphin? A splash from that monster Moby Dick? No alas it was an anvil off portside.

Hey it is back to beach, Ric is home and the natives who thrive off of plunder and booty are lining up for a Conga Line. The pirates life for me. Mario, Ric and another pirate and drinking wine. I must say, nice beard braid Mario. Mario asks where the ship the La Camila is? Lazaro has taken it off on an adventure. Ooops, that’s not good. Other pirate says Lazaro left two letters and he leaves to get them.

On the ship of promises, Jimena, Cami & Claudio are snacking away. Ascanio brings something to the table. Cami tells him to sit with them, he is clearly uncomfortable, but she tells him no more servants, they are all family.

Now we see Cami & Jimena in a wagon with a light cover over it. Cami is dressed all in white. Is that a Wedding Dress? Did you save the receipt? Ahhhhh the drama, Cami wants to go see Pa, before she goes to see Santi. We see Santi & the doublemint twins coming out of the blacksmith shop to watch the wagon. Santi looks as if the tie that binds is still spiritually holding him to his True Love, but actually the twins look the same way.

Stay tuned for more reasons to be thankful you were born 200+ years later.

Tomorrow we see Santi reach for Cami’s hand, oooops he has a gold band on his left hand.
Cami wails…

We also see a scene of Ric crying, pirates do not cry.

My advice Cami, take a deep breath, Santi just married Jan Brady and has a bad limp, those cane hands would have made a thoughtful wedding present, but you are personally rich.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Amar sin Limites Tuesday Dec.18

We see again a few scenes from yesterday- Silvana pouring coffee on Ceci's dress, Julio waiting for Ceci impatiently as the show is about to start, Gaspar finds the ruined dress, LF dropping Azulcena off at the orphanage while Azulcena professes her love for him, the mother superior chats with Azulcena about her memory loss, Azulcena finds the room full of lilies and the nun begins to arrange a meeting between Azulcena and that nice young man who just lost his wife.

Diego, Julio and Silvana are waiting for Ceci. Diego goes to find her while Silvana tries to look innocent. Diego finds Gaspar and the ruined dress, Ceci crying in the background, dressed in a sack. Diego takes it very well and is even apologetic to Ceci for bringing in Silvana when it was supposed to be Ceci's night. Diego sets about fixing everything.

Silvana gripes to Julio about why Diego wants Ceci in the show. She sticks her nose in the air and explains that she is all that matters. Julio strokes her ego but doesn't seem to believe that she is the center of the known world. In fact, he has heard that she has used her attributes to climb the ladder of fame and he tells her so. The show is readt to start in two minutes.

Back at the middle-age orphanage, Azulcena is introduced to the nuns, who are ecstatic to have company instead of watching their 6 inch TV. They feed her cookies.

Diego is trying to fix the dress while Ceci hounds him to hurry. He turns around and shuts her up, politely telling her that she will shine tonight, trust him, as he dries the dress with a hair dryer. The hostess of the show introduces Julio and then the international model, Silvana Lombardo. Meanwhile in the back room, Diego sends Ceci off to get dressed and he and Gaspar pace like expectant fathers.

Meanwhile, the nuns and Azulcena are sitting down to tea and cookies while the little TV sits on the table, tuned to the big fashion show. The TV shows Silvana strutting in one of Diego's designs, as Azulcena watches. The nuns are giggling that she was just there at the orphanage yesterday with their benefactor, perhaps in a romantic role. The mother superior reprimands them, since he just lost his wife. Azulcena remarks that he looks content, but she is looking at Julio, since Diego has not come on the show yet. The M.S. corrects her, and says she doesn't know why Diego Moran has not come out yet.When Azulcena hears his name, she looks like someone has walked across her grave. She repeats his name and dramatically looks impactada.

The cameras are rolling as Diego, Gaspar and Ceci, now dressed, are trying to get into the interview. The stagehand says he'll try to get them on. The hostess of the show announces Diego's arrival.

Azulcena instantly regresses into a child. She gets a bit of a crazy look on her face and says, there's something under the table. The nuns look confused as Azulcena dives under the table, comes back up and announces she thinks they have rats. The nuns jump up on the chairs, screaming, as Azulcena looks amused. Azulcena looks under the table again where there is a little boy hiding, and motioning to not tell. Azulcena announces, yep, definitely rats. Of course all this is happening as Diego takes the stage. No one at the nunnery is watching. Then the little rats unplug the TV. The nuns are dancing jigs on the chairs as Azulcena eggs them on and sends them running from the room. The little boy comes out when just Azulcena is left in the room, explaining that he was eating cookies.

Diego and Ceci have joined the hostess, Julio and Silvana on stage. They go to commercial.

Meanwhile, we go to LF and his mami. He is not happy that he has left Azulcena. His mother tries to convince him that he did the right thing. She mentions that now he can move on. How about that girl Cecilia? LF says he loves Azulcena, that he told her he would wait for her until she got her memory back, and that he was not going to get involved with anyone while he waits. His mother admits it was a bad idea to suggest it, but she just wants to protect him.

Back on stage, the fashionistos talk about clothes and models and the beauty of women. But it seems that Ceci and Silvana are modeling Diego's new line of maternity dresses. Clemi, Anibal, Lidia and Tavo are watching the show as Ceci models the dress. They comment on how much Ceci has improved. Tavo makes a comment to Lidia about how they will get married and start having kids. Lidia looks at him like he may be crazy. It doesn't look like the subject of kids has come up in their conversations before.

The show wraps up, applause all around. Clemi and Anibal leave Tavo and Lidia alone. Poor Tavo. Lidia is not looking happy. As soon as they are alone, Tavo asks her what's wrong and why is she mad at him. Seems she still thinks happiness and talk of marriage and babies is still insensitive in light of Diego's loss. How very unexpected of the selfish little wench. Tavo apologizes, but he is still insecure in their relationship. Lidia tells him that if he can't trust her, they will never be happy as a married couple.

The stage goes dark and everyone is chatting and a reporter is asking Silvana when she will come back to Mexico. Silvana is making eyes across the stage at Diego (not that Diego notices). The reporter notices and Silvana coyly asks him to use discretion in disclosing her relationship with Diego. She smirks.

Ceci thanks Diego for helping her as Julio chats with Silvana. Julio leaves Silvana standing alone to talk with Diego and Ceci. Silvana pouts, tapping her foot as she stands all by her lonesome. Ceci and Julio leave so finally Silvana gets her time with Diego. Diego ask her where he can take her. When she says her hotel, Diego says that it is strange that she doesn't stay with her mother. Silvana says she didn't want to get in the way of her mother and Chucho. She says she will have to get back to Japan. Diego says he doesn't know what he and Katy will do when she leaves. Silvana puts on her sad face and says how she will miss Katy. Diego says not to worry, Katy has lots of people who love her. Silvana says she worries, just look how Ceci is such a bad influence on poor little Katy. Diego defends Ceci, the lights on stage go off and they leave.

The M.S. is showing Azulcena to her room. The M.S. is apologizing for the rats, really it's clean here. Azulcena doesn't look the least bit guilty. Azulcena is still the new, giddy amnesiac little girl. M.S. leaves the room and Azulcena is scared by a big rat yanking on her skirt, the same little kid who was under the table was hiding under her bed. He gives her a lily and thanks her for helping him. He says he was eating the cookies because the nuns take away his dessert when he is being punished. Azulcena becomes his partner in crime, after he tells her that it won't be long until they take away her desserts too. I think he sees a little rat in her.

LF is reunited with his buddy Mario. Mario asks what's been happening since they left Spain. LF says he has met a woman that has changed the course of his life.

Azulcena wakes up the next day, annoyingly cheerful but feeling bored and useless. The M.S. gives her lots of ideas to keep her busy.

Diego, Katy and Silvana drive up to the front of a building with a sign that says Casa Hogar Ninos de Dios. Could this be the middle-age orphanage where Azulcena is staying? Hhmmmm.....suspense. The three of them discuss homework and other things, then Silvana says she will go inside for Katy's backpack they forgot yesterday. She leaves Diego and Katy in the car.

Azulcena and the M.S. are in the garden. Silvana walks up and Azulcena turns around.....Silvana is extremely impactada to see Azul. Azulcena is blank.

Silvana thought bubbles - No puede ser. Es Azul. (Anybody want to bet how long it takes her to tell Diego? Never springs to my mind.) Azulcena smiles blankly as the M.S. introduces the two of them. Azulcena recognizes Silvana from the TV and compliments her on her beauty. Silvana is now the one with the blank look on her face. She can't take her eyes off the idiotically grinning Azulcena. She says, you can quit faking. Azulcena has no idea what she is talking about.

LF and Mario chat about the love of LF's life. Mario tries to talk a little sense into LF. It sounds identical to what LF's mother has been saying. Mario also brings up Cecilia. LF basically says Who?

Back in the garden, Silvana tries to get out of the garden fast, thinking She's alive, she's alive, she's alive. Azulcena runs after her, yelling Do you know me?Please. You came up to me like you knew me. Do you know who I am? Silvana realizes that Azul has lost her memory and says, No I don't know you. Azulcena looks disappointed.

GSD and Emilia are meeting with Emilia's doctor, who is...Mario, of course. The doctor is sending some tests for her. This upsets Emilia and they jworry about an older woman having a baby.

Silvana leaves the orphanage with the backpack and gets in the car with Diego and Katy. Diego can tell something is wrong.(Silvana yells Azul is alive! Yeah right, no chance of that)Silvana says it's so upsetting to see all those orphans, abandoned and unwanted. She is so sensitive. Diego can't decide if he believes her or not.

Azulcena chats with the nun about nothing important. Meanwhile, GSD and Emilia are still discussing the risks involved with the doctor. Emilia is despondent and a bit pessimistic.

Arni and Julio are discussing the baby too. Julio has doubts that GSD will let them be involved with the baby because of GSD's homophobia. Julio mentions that many people think homosexuality is contagious.

Diego, Katy and Silvana are walking down the street when Katy asks some insecure questions. Both Diego and Silvana comfort her and Diego suggests they visit the orphanage. As you can guess, Silvana has to stop him from doing that! She pretends that it's not a good idea to make Katy go there if she doesn't want to. She doesn't sway Diego. To him, it is a place of peace.

Azulcena's little partner in crime comes to sit with her in the garden. They introduce themselves and decide that neither of them have real names. He is Frijolito. Little Bean and Lily. He takes her to show her some secret places.

LF and Mario are discussing LF and Azulcena's relationship. Mario thinks it may bring professional trouble and explains why. LF can't understand. Perhaps he should hook up with Emilia and her professional ethics.

Azulcena and Frijolito are sneaking around the orphanage like two kids playing hooky from school.

Diego is kissing Katy goodbye at school while Silvana stands waving to her, looking happy but thinking how her life just sucks now that Azul is still alive.

Gaspar, Ceci, Gloria and Chucho are rehashing the show, how Diego saved the day and who could have spilled the coffee on Ceci's dress.

Diego and Silvana are driving when Diego asks her what happened at the Casa Hogar. He is insistent. Silvana comes up with a story, how sad it is for poor little Katy, all that's happened to her, how Silvana left the country to forget Diego and Katy, but has realized now that she could never forget him. A newspaper vendor steps up to the window and Diego buys a newspaper which happens to have a front page story of interest. It seems that the headlines read that the great designer Diego Moran is having a torid love affair with the international model Silvana Lombardo. He looks accusingly at Silvana who looks like she just swallowed a canary.

Gaspar and Ceci debate telling Gloria that they are sure that it was Silvana that spilled the coffee on Ceci's dress. Julio comes in carrying a newspaper. He is mad at the two of them for something.

Silvana turns on the crocodile tears. She claims ignorance on how the reporter got that idea. She can't believe that he could think that it was her, blah blah blah, and leaves the car in a huff.

Julio learns that Gaspar and Ceci think Silvana ruined Ceci's dress. He is not too happy and says that he knows how to control that woman.

Diego chases down Silvana to apologize. She plays him for all he's worth and soon Diego is hugging her and then....she kisses him. From our view of his back, he doesn't seem too into it.

Azulcena and Frijolito are playing in the garden when the nun comes to send him to class. The nun tells Azulcena how much Frijolito misbehaves and Azulcena decides to take him under her wing. She spouts her psychobabble and the M.S. decides that in her previous life, Azulcana must have been a psychologist!

Until next episode....


Juan Q 12/18

Juan sees Erlinda’s uncovered face and thinks to himself that life has turned her into a different woman. All that’s left is the innocence in her eyes. Erlinda wants to talk, but Juan would rather go somewhere a little more private. She softly protests, but he convinces her to escape with him. She asks him if it will be like old times. He hesitatingly agrees that it will. Juan calls over Juanito and tells Juanito to go console Delfina. Juanito happily bounds away to help Delfina with her “grief”.

Anga tells Nidia that it’s over. She can’t believe that he’s so quick to throw in the towel. (tirar a la toalla) He tells her that the challenge is now too big – she’s married and pregnant. Anga tells Nidia that she has a husband who loves her. He says it’s time to say good-bye and this time it should be forever. Nidia, resigned to her fate, leans in for a kiss but Anga tells her not to make things more difficult. Nidia reluctantly leaves while Anga wistfully watches her walk away.

CL accuses Monica of trying to be a mysterious woman; Monica claims to just be a woman trying to put back together her life. The phone rings. Geez, I wonder who it could be. It’s Laura, but she doesn’t want CL to say that to Monica. Laura tells CL that she urgently needs to talk to CL about Monica, but she doesn’t want him to say a word to Monica. Monica asks who it was. CL has one skill and that’s lying. He tells Monica that it was Dani. Monica buys it and rushes off for her office.

Fernando enters the hospital room with a very large teddy bear and a hearty congratulations. Hugs go around. Kike tells Fernando about Juan’s call and that Juan will be in for the baptism. The men (and Yadira) are noticeably excited about putting back together their little trio.

Back in Archichipico Aldimar expresses his wishes to Casimiro that Juan be his son-in-law. Aldimar doesn’t want anything to happen to Juan that would prevent that.

Juanito plays with a horse and an older man. This was kind of a nonsense scene.

Paula and her mother happily observe the baby. Paula’s dress makes her look like a candy-striper. Nidia enters and greets all. Ana congratulates Nidia on her granddaughter, but Nidia quickly corrects Ana about calling the baby Yadira’s daughter. Yadira notes that something is wrong with Nidia. She doesn’t want Nidia to worry and do something to the baby. Kike asks Nidia if she knew that Juan called. Paula jumps on that like a cat on a mouse. Everyone notices that Paula was a little too excited about Juan’s call.

Juan takes Erlinda back to their spot. She happily thinks about the location and how it’s just like a dream. Juan tells Erlinda that he didn’t bring her here to reminisce. He tells her that when he was in the D.F. he fell in love for the very first time. Erlinda asks if the woman is coming to their town. Juan explains that theirs was an impossible love, that the woman belongs to another. Erlinda says that she too thought her love with Juan was impossible, but now he’s here. Juan protests, saying he’s a different man and that he could not use Erlinda when he loves another. He says that this love is like a sickness in his chest that he cannot rid himself. Erlinda doesn’t care. She thinks that Juan will grow to love her again. She promises to be a good mother to Juanita. Now that Juan’s back in her life, she’ll make it impossible for him to leave again.

CL calls Consuela and wants to know about Paula. Consuela doesn’t know where Paula went or when she’ll return. CL says that he’ll try to find her. He thanks Consuela and hangs up the phone. CL dials again, but Paula’s phone is not on. He slams down the receiver and looks a little worried.

Ana lectures Paula about controlling her emotions and not giving people reasons to talk about her. Paula brushes Ana off making the excuse that she was just excited about Juan. Ana, who’s probably as sick of Paula as we are, rushes her daughter out of the hospital.

CL advises his former mistress that he’s leaving to eat and that he doesn’t know when he’ll return. Yvonne tells him to take as long as he wants because he won’t be missed. CL, who I think suffers from little man syndrome, doesn’t like being the butt of a joke. Yvonne doesn’t care.

Pastor stops CL to tell him about the arrival of Kike’s baby. CL doesn’t care, but Pastor’s really excited and wants to send something or make a personal visit. CL tells Pastor to take personal charge of the matter and not to bother CL anymore.

Pastor is upset for all of 0.5 seconds and then gleefully scurries over to Marely. He wants to know if she’s going to see Yadira today. Marely replies that she’s going later. Pastor asks Marely to tell him when she leaves so they may go together.

Juan and Erlinda enter the room holding the coffin. Erlinda openly weeps. Aldimar walks over to Juan and demands to know where they were. Delfina mentions that it’s time for the coffin to go to the mausoleum. Juan happily rushes off to take care of that task. Juanito watches while Delfina “subtly” leans into Aldimar.

CL goes to see Laura. He wants to know why Laura wants to speak with him. Laura explains that Monica is about to commit the worst error in her life and only CL can do something about it. CL’s irritated because Laura’s staying awfully quiet. Laura explains that it’s difficult, but Monica’s going out with someone unsuitable for her. CL asks if he knows this person. Laura says that CL does, it’s Gustavo – he’s back from Miami.

Yvonne and Monica chat. Yvonne tells Monica that CL was very anxious about Monica’s date. He spoke with Pastor that morning and was very irritable. Monica notes that the marriage must be bad. She can tell because CL stays late and comes in angry. Yvonne asks if there’s anything else that Monica would like Yvonne to say. Monica says no, that she just wants Yvonne to keep providing the details. The women smile about how the three women are falling out of CL’s hands. Yvonne and Monica are definitely enjoying their common cause.

Laura tells CL that she feels really bad telling him this, but he’s the only one who can do something. She’s sure that Gustavo wants to have a certain type of “fun” with Monica. Laura’s worried that Gustavo is just a Don Juan who’s broken many hearts and who leave Monica crying. CL tells Laura that he refuses to mess with Monica’s personal life and that it was a bad idea to call him.

The funeral procession proceeds down the street. There’s tears and flowers.

CL is p-i-s-s-e-d. He goes on and on to Pastor about this Gustavo Rivas who is a well known playboy. Pastor sarcastically says that sounds like someone he knows, but CL is too enraged to get the joke. Pastor says that he’s sure that an astute woman like Monica will see through Gustavo’s games. CL thinks that Monica is vulnerable enough that she won’t see it. Pastor sing-songingly accuses CL of being jealous.

Ana talks about how pretty Yadi’s little Juan is; she looked a little like Samuel. Paula glances over at the amusement park and thinks about her date there with Juan. She loses her thought and forgets to drive.

The funeral procession for Akito continues, and Juan thinks about the tears shed for Akito. Juan also thinks about Erlinda, her father and the Chavez’s. A woman, Yolanda, watches over the funeral procession. Juan thinks to himself that she will complicate his life even more. Delfina talks to Akito, asking him why he left. Juan concentrates on Yolanda. I was not aware that they had plastic surgeons in rural Mexico (or rural anywhere for that matter). I could be wrong but that woman looks so plastic that if you lit a match near her she might melt!

Juan wonders if he’s seeing a phantasm or whether Yolanda is really there. He begs the angels to not make her really be there.

Monica and CL chat about business for a few moments. CL changes the topic and suggest ordering Monica to go with him to Guadalajara. She reminds CL that he wanted to keep business stuff and personal stuff separate. CL points out that this is a business trip that she put together. Monica calls his bluff. She won’t tell him what’s so important that she has to stay in Mexico because it’s personal and the “no personal stuff at work” rule applies to them both. She asks if he’s going to order her to do anything but CL backs down and says that he will not.

Paula and Ana look over some artwork. Paula finds the sketch of nude Juan and thinks back to the night she first saw Juan in all his glory. Paula weirdly laughs, and Ana notices. She rolls her eyes when she sees the sketch.

Delfina and Juanito stand over Akito’s grave while Juan talks about Yolanda’s mysterious appearance. His friend is sure it was a phantasm because Yolanda’s been gone for a long time. Maybe Yolanda can see Juan from where she is and is trying to keep away the others. Juan comments that he’s fine with the others but with Yolanda… He finally gets the creeps about talking about Yolanda because it’s like speaking of problems with Heriberto Chavez.

Speaking of, Heriberto’s talking with Erlinda and Aldimar about the wedding. Erlinda advises the men that as of yet there’s not going to be a wedding. This throws the men into a tizzy. Erlinda shuts up her brother and then explains to her father that she needs to fight for Juan. Aldimar agrees, but gives her only one month or else she’ll be attending Juan’s funeral. He tells Erlinda that if she fails he’ll send her back to the convent but this time it will be for life.

Juan and Juanito share some father/son moments. Juanito asks Juan about the woman who were watching Juan. Juan plays dumb, but Juanito won’t play along. He asks if the two women were Juan’s girlfriends. It looked as though they were watching Juan because they liked him. Juan says they were just admiring his form. Juanito asks if this is what his mother did. Juan hurriedly agrees and puts Juanito to bed. Juan tells Juanito that he will speak with the teacher so that Juanito can go to school. Juanito protests, but Juan tells a lie about his own studies and this appears to satisfy Juanito. Juanito asks Juan to stay close by while he sleeps and tell the story because there was no end. Juan thinks for a moment and then sits to continue his story.

Paula walks in to the room and sees CL packing his things. CL asks where she was. Paula explains that she was at her mothers and that they went to the hospital to see Yadira and Kike’s baby. CL thinks this has something to do with Juan. He’s right, but Paula pretends he’s not and stomps out of the room.

Juan thinks to himself that he’s really in trouble, especially with the death of the Japanese man. Juan declares to himself that he made a promise to his town and he will not let it down.

It’s daytime in the DF and it’s time for another fight. Paula asks if CL wants Paula to take him to the airport or will Monica take him. CL tells Paula that Monica’s not going on the trip because of a personal appointment. Paula accuses CL of spending a weekend alone with Monica; it’s obvious that he’s hiding it. They fight some more; it’s boring. Paula says that she’s going to stay at her parents house and CL tells her to do what she wants.

Juan takes Juanito to the school and asks the teacher to teach Juanito the basics. Juan talks up how smart his son is. The teacher asks Juanito what he thinks about learning. Juanito tries to run away, but Juan’s not going to give in after two hours trying to convince Juanito to come. Juan thinks that Ms. Martinez terrorized him when he was in school, but she doesn’t look particularly scary or terrifying.

Alirio comes down with the stairs with a box and is immediately busted by Nidia and the family.

Juan drops off Juanito at Delfina’s house so that he can go exercise. Delfina agrees to give Juanito some breakfast. Once Juan’s out the door, Juanito starts to ask the difficult questions. He wants to know why Juan is how he is; Juan’s weird. Why did he, Juanito, get a father like that. Delfina explains that everyone is original and different. She tells Juanito to be proud, because he has the most famous father in town and that father loves Juanito very much.

Nidia can’t believe that Alirio was really trying to sneak out Juan’s stuff. Alirio fights with the Cachon’s about Juan’s stuff remaining in the house, but Nidia won’t hear it. She tells Kike to go get a trash bag, put Alirio’s stuff in it and bring it to her. Alirio’s number is up and he knows it, but he continues to fight. He tells the women that Juan’s not coming back. Nidia says that she doesn’t care if the stuff stays there for 100 years; Juan’s coming back and his stuff will stay in his room. The baby begins to cry during this fight and Yadira accuses Alirio of being a bad example for the child. I’m a little distracted by those hideous hairclips that make it look like she has devil horns. There’s just something wrong about a woman with devil horns and that much make-up holding a baby… maybe it’s just me.

Juan scampers around Archichipico and runs into Yolanda. He’s noticeably shocked. She’s ready to get back to old times but the best he can do is rub his belly.

Anga and Pastor say their good-byes. Pastor thinks that Anga should have left Pastor in charge, but Anga reminds Pastor that he doesn’t trust Pastor. Pastor tells Anga not to bring up the past; he points out that their relationship has grown. Anga agrees and says that he has grown respectful of Pastor. Pastor gives a happy little speech about Anga having a family now, even if it’s not the family that Anga always imagined. Anga agrees with Pastor. He goes to shake hands good-bye, but Pastor embraces Anga.

Yolanda lays it on thick. She wants to be Juan’s woman and a mother to his child. Juan can’t believe he got two such offers in less than 24 hours. Juan reminds her that she was Heriberto’s wife and is no longer because of Juan. Juan knows that Heriberto would like to do something terrible to Juan. Yolanda doesn’t want to live under the thumbs of the Chavez’s. (Casimero sneaks up to the couple through the woods and watches part of this conversation) She accuses Juan of being afraid, but Juan refuses to believe that. He tells Yolanda to forget about him, but she refuses by saying she’s not able. Juan tells her that there will never again be anything between them.

Casimero rushes to a rather large Heriberto who is taking care of a rather small horse. Casimero tells Heriberto what he saw and what he heard. I think Heriberto’s pissed, but I can’t be sure.

The men check the house for a paper in Spanish that outlines Akito’s business plan. Negro finds one in English, but that’s no good to the men because Juan only speaks fake English. Juan insists that they keep looking. Juan says that he may have to return to DF and have the pages translated. Besides, he does have a reason to go to the city. Negro thinks that if Juan leaves, he’s fleeing from the Chavez. Juan doesn’t like the accusation and promises that if he says he’ll return, then he’ll return.

Heriberto wonders if the appearance of Yolanda was pure coincidence. He notes that only Juan knows that Yolanda returned. Casimero thinks that people will talk about this reappearance. They’ll think Yolanda was in the city with Juan the whole time. Heriberto decides to what he should have done a long time ago to take care of the situation. He stalks off with weapon in hand.

Minutes later, Heriberto confronts Juan in the courtyard. Juan says that he cleared up everything with Aldimar. Heriberto says that this is a different matter. Juan dismisses Juanito and leaves the courtyard with Heriberto. Juanito sadly tells his mother that he doesn’t want anything to happen to his father.


Yo Amo a Juan- Mon.12/17/07 -Birth and Death & Threats of More of Both

We open with Juan still having what he calls an historic reconciliation with Aldimar, Erlinda's Papa. As Juan is enjoying the festivities Pa reminds him that it's time to set a date for the wedding, the really big party to come. He also reminds him that his gun is still loaded. In a more fatherly tone, he advises Juan to think of his son, his soon to be wife, Erlinda can be a mother to little Juanito. Gulp. Further he is expected at Aldimar's house very early the next morning to discuss details.

Cesar Luis and Pastor are discussing the lastest reversal of decisions that change several times per episode. Now Monica is NOT going to Guadalajara and CL is not pleased to be handling this Japanese delegation alone. He is also smoking rather nervously while probing for what could be Monica's sudden commitment that keeps her from this trip? Pastor replies how would I know? CL calls him the king of gossip and orders him to find out what it is. Poor CL, he has so many loose ends to chase these days as his super controlled life unravels around him.

Juan has an unnerving conversation with Erlinda's almost boyfriend who emphatically confirms that he and Juan are not friends. Juan naively asks him why he has so much resentment. Almost boyfriend blusters that if Juan tries to marry Erlinda, he's a dead man. One can see the look on Juan's face remembering Aldimar's loaded gun and the dead if you do, dead if you don't choices he is facing.

At Nidia's table (notice how Alirio never gets to sit at the end of the table like the patriarch he would like to be??) Kiki announces that he has big news about work. They are alarmed that he has lost his job! No, in fact he is proud to announce that Angarita has given him a promotion and he is to be personally in charge of the entire produce business now. Nidia looks stunned and suspicious. The very pregnant Yadira and the rest of the table express how pleased they are for him, the papa-to-be-any minute now.

Ivonne approaches Fernando in that killer red leather suit (that one OMPLPete likes so well.) She suggests they go off to the movies but Fern has no time for her today. CL is in the garage too to get a ride and the look on his face is priceless. What another of HIS women slipping from total devotion. The pedestal he has put himself on rocks slowly back and forth, lurching now and again.

Juan and Juanito are praying to El Niño de Atocha. Juan has learned Papa skills so quickly making sure Juanito is pottied, assuring him how everyone loves him and tucking him in bed, but Juanito wants Juan to stay longer and tell him a story like Grandma always does. Juan does a mental consideration/rejection of some stories, probably off-color, and settles on the bed to begin with there once was a prince who was surrounded by lots of lovely maidens with one in particular who is very, very beautiful. He loved her the most but she ended up loving a different prince more powerful and with more treasure. It is very sad but the prince realizes that the best treasure in the world isn't riches but a SON. He kisses the now peacefully sleeping face of his precious Juanito, a treasure indeed.

Pastor and Ivonne gossip about the CL and Paula marriage. She is described as the alluring spider and she beams that CL is having a bad time with wifey. Monica has now cancelled the trip now that Paula is invited. They try to figure out what the "commitment" is all about that she claims will keep her from going. Ivonne thinks the fuss and struggle is like drowning in a glass of water. She professes to be loyal to the death and walks off to bide her time. Funny how she has become the philosophical one watching others be irrational.

Paula and CL are having another circular argument too dull to translate and Paula lets it out that now she is not going to go to Guadalajara. -BREAK-

Monica on the phone with Gustavo is flirting about the great place where she wants to meet him with their type of music and the best drinks in town. She sexily asks if he still wears the same scented lotion and wants him to wear it or something familiar. Gustavo is in for a really good time me thinks...

CL and Paula continue the interminable argument. He rightly points out that if he says white she says black or the other way around and she constantly changes her mind. She returns with how she still has to learn to trust him but then, she lets the other shoe drop about going to Miami on business with her mother!! CL starts to wheedle about how can she galavant around when she should be working on having an hijo. Then they continue arguing about waiting or not ...

Monica and Laura are plotting, well anyway Monica is plotting that she wants to go out with Gustavo but she needs Laura to approach CL to be sure he knows about this old beau relationship. Monica wants to test to see if CL will be jealous or not.

Delfina and Akito announce, of course Delfina does all the talking with Akito nodding almost on cue. They are to marry, she wants to grab the good things in life at this point. He beams a confused but good natured smile.

It's late night and Yadira is awake with alarming contractions, she breaths her birthing puffs and in between is screaming incoherently to Kiki to wake up. He sleepily arises then makes the whole scene a dizzy carousel ride while he runs around and around trying to get dressed, find keys and get Yadira to the hospital. A life begins.

Delfina in another bedroom in Achichipico saunters in showing off her sexy negligee to a smiling Akito, but that frozen smile really is frozen and she screams at the dead man in her bed, yelling for Juan that her little Japanese man died. A life ends.

[I love the parallel scenes the writers always give us.]

Down stairs back at Casa de Caos Cachón (just add the H, you know this word.) Nidia's main concern is finding her lipstick while everyone, and I mean everyone, gets ready for this historic ride to the hospital.

Juan, Molondrón and Delfina act out their own midnight madness arguing over making sure he is dead, but, but who is going to touch him? Juan trying to be brave touches Akito's toe and swears there is no pulse. Delfina is anguished.

The madness is transferred to the hospital waiting room where the bickering and yelling continues. Sweet Marely reassures Kiki in a gentle voice, while everyone else pays attention to themselves and they think about how to get word to Juan wondering if Juan is thinking about them. A doctor appears telling them that Baby and mother are both fine. Kiki finally says, what? It's a GIRL! In so much excitement Nidia speaks with the doctor and begins to introduce herself as the Abue--- but finishes the sentence saying she is the mama of the baby's mama. Oh, Nidia!

Zip over to the death scene. Akito is already laid out in an enormous suit. It was Delfina's papa's, there wasnt' anything else to put him in, Akito was pretty small. Delfina is broken hearted, she was so close to having her happiness. She flings herself in Juan's arms and so like her cousin Nidia, ends the hug with groping Juan's shirt, muscles as her hands wander around his backside. They don't even bother to show him looking surprised.

The family is joyous over the beautiful girl, they must call Juan to tell him of his new goddaughter (ahijada) since of course he will be the godfather. -BREAK-

Juan, Molondrón and Delfina are busy setting up the funeral room with lovely flowers, wondering how they will notify Akito's family. They realize they know very little about him and what family he may have in far away Japan. Delfina finds more ways to squeeze Juan's butt in anguish at the tragedy of it all. A sign is up outside announcing that Akito has died and giving the time for the wake (velorio.) Molondrón wonders to Juan why he seems so nervous and is there something fishy with the Akito story (un gato encerrado). Juan's fables about his involvement in the business deal is beginning to unravel.

Over at Aldimar's, Junior and almost boyfriend wonder if Juan is scared to come see them as he was ordered. It's hard to tell if they realize how many contradictory threats they all gave out. Meanwhile Juan is dressed for the funeral and Juanito is an identical sprout. So cute these two. It's clear the big hopes of the village are dissolving into lies and broken promises for the flower business since no one knows what Akito was really planning.

Monica needs Laura to pay attention to details of this latest scheme that she needs her to act on today with CL. Laura doesn't look so anxious to get further involved.

Juan is explaining to Juanito how sad Delfina is to have lost her Akito. Juanito makes another comment about his slit eyes. Juan encourages Juanito to go console Delfina. He's probably tired of being groped and pinched. -BREAK-

Juan and Molondrón are going over papers, presumably Akito's mumbling about the unintelligible scribbles (garabatos.) They can't make heads or tails of the Japanese writing. Molondrón wants to call the embassy when finally they find a telephone number and decide to call it. Later at the wake, Aldimar shows up with Erlinda whose face is covered with a black lace veil. Delfina continues to bemoan losing her Akito to all who will listen. [She at least gets to act the part of the bereaved widow figure, I'm not sure she was ever married.]

Back to the cheerful part of this episode, but Nidia with her own agenda is questioning Kiki while Yadira and the baby sleep. What about this plan of Angarita's to leave and put Kiki in charge. She prepares to leave, for guess where, even though Alirio will have a fit. Marely and Fernando coo over the tenderness of the new threesome.

Juan's at the phone booth calling the number in Akito's papers explaining Akito's death to someone one the other end, you know he did harakiri, oops but natural causes, Akito is OFF, sayanara siempre, I feel awful, sorry, BYE. Then he suddenly calls Marely to hear that Yadira had a baby in the wee hours (madrugada), it's a beautiful girl. Marely connects the call to Kiki over at the hospital where Kiki continues to say your goddaughter arrived. Juan coos you had a little queen. He promises to come soon to see his goddaughter.

Nidia thought bubbles in a glass, where are you going Angarita.

Back at the wake, Juan approaches Aldimar and the veiled woman about the time he realizes it is Erlinda, impactada's all around.

Angarita is telling Nidia he has to go away, they should not have restarted their relationship when she was pregnant with her husband's baby. She is all defensive and anxious.

Juan finally sees Erlinda's but covered by the veil, stammering about lots of time has passed, she is worried that she's not beautiful, he wants to be by her side but can't even if there are 100 shots. She thinks their story can't be over. Suddenly she reveals her face from under the veil and Juan looks slightly shocked. [Could it be that there are sooooo many women he was remembering her wrong? Who knows]. More next time...

Next time: Paula has joined the throng around Yadira and the baby and learns that Juan has called the hospital... FIN


Pasion, 12/17/07: He's Too Old To Rock and Roll and She's Too Young to Die

Ric arrives at Mariana Island and finds out the news that his mother is sick. Lissie and Tia Frannie tell him that his uncle, yes he of the Jimmy Durante proboscis, has recently married the Mexican harlot he bought at the auction back the last time Ric furtively favored them all with a family visit. Mercedes is angry that he married his whore purposely to keep Lissie from inheriting and to insure that Ricardo would never get back the fortune and property that was rightly his, knowing that Lissie would give it back.

Ric tries to calm his ma down, telling her that he doesn't need his Tio's treasure since he's got his own now. She's fit to be tied and screams it is his daddy's and his, not his uncle's and he's duty bound to get it all back.

This whole situation gets curiouser and curiouser for Ric and he asks the name of the slave Tio Tim bought and then married. He is wide-eyed impactado to hear that it was Camila. With a pained expression he looks off into space and takes 2 or 3 deep breaths as he realizes his bum luck: his uncle now possesses everything that ever belonged to him, even the one woman who has captured his heart.

He tells Aunt Frannie and Lissie that he was the one who brought her to the island on his ship. They eventually tell him that Cami never wanted to marry his uncle, because she supposedly had a fiance back home, and how they even tried to help her escape but that the plan failed.

Ric sneaks a visit to his Tio Tim at the old homestead. After rappelling down the tower, he grabs the nearest servant and holds a knife to his throat. "Tell my uncle I'm here and want to speak to him." Tio Tim goes to speak with Ric but refuses to let Cami come. She sneaks a peak through the bedroom window and has her suspicions, but cannot see much because the hooded friar's robe Ric's wearing disguises his face.

Tio says, "So, are you questioning my right to marry?" Ric says he's come to make sure that even though he's married that Lis isn't left without. The scheming old scoundrel tells Ric that when he dies, of course he will not leave his daughter helpless and unprovided for, and if he has a son then she'll at least get a third. "What, you don't trust me?" "--Truly, no."

Ric gets frustrated thinking back to the time when he was accused of that whore's murder and says he'd have never run off and would have tried to prove his innocence except that his uncle advised him to flee. "When what happened came about your advice wasn't exactly the wisest. Perhaps if I hadn't run away I could have proven my innocence instead of becoming a fugitive." His uncle asks him how he could have since when they found him he was with the dead whore still in the bed next to him. Ric insists he wouldn't have been stupid enough to stick around after killing someone, or mean enough to kill a woman, let alone a pregnant one, particularly when he was drunk.

Listening to Timoteo cost him his fortune and a life of respectability by converting him into a fugitive from justice and causing him to resort to piracy just in order to survive. "Well, I thought that at first, also, but, if I made a mistake, then I'm sorry." Timoteo apologizes. "--Your mistake cost me!" says Ric.

Ric suggests he meet his wife but his sly old uncle objects saying it's not appropriate this late at night. "Your wife I hear didn't want to marry you and even tried to escape." Timoteo tells him that he convinced her to marry him for the money. "She sold herself?" Ric seems a bit disappointed to hear this about Camila. "--Who can resist money? That is why you became a pirate, right?" "--I had no alternative." "--You could have become a friar. Friars are always forgiven for everything."

Before Ric leaves he warns the sly old dog that if he screws over Lis and disinherits her when he kicks said bucket, Ric will do whatever it takes to see that his widow doesn't keep a penny of his money. "It's no threat. It's a promise."

Ric returns home to Mercedes, but before Tio Tim returns to bed he sends Ascanio to give a heads up to the town guard so that they can grab Ric and arrest him. Ascanio, though, goes to Mercedes' beforehand and warns Ric. Ric takes the opportunity to get a few more of the details about his uncle and Cami' relationship from Ascanio. "So, did she really marry him because of his money?" "--I don't know." "--Then, tell me. Do they sleep together?" "--Yes, but she's not happy about it." "--Well, thanks for the heads up. I'll owe you one." Ascanio leaves.

Ric finds Lis and tells her to let him know if her daddy tries anything funny with the will and he'll come back to take care of things, his way. She says fine and Ric sneaks back to his ship.
In bed Cami asks Timoteo again if he still plans to leave Lis part of his money. He grumbles about his arrogant nephew and says he's tired and falls asleep.

Time passes. Camil's painting improves; she's just finished a painting of Santi, but she's frustrated that she cannot remember what Santi looks like any longer, and she's worried that her family and friends may not even think about her anymore. Meanwhile, Santi still does think about her, and the happy day he asked Justo's permission to marry her.

Ric returns to the little cove where the pirates hold up. Lazaro greets him but makes the mistake of asking him who else he saw besides his family. Ric shuts him down with a scowl. Ric and Mario talk about what he found out and says he assumes his uncle's new bride is the same Camila they left on La Mariana for auction. He tells Mario how his treacherous uncle sent the guards after him and how Ascanio warned him just in time to allow him to escape.

Mario laughs and says lucky for Cami but rotten for Ric, since the only woman who has ever interested him is now his aunt! "Not to worry though. Once she's a widow you can marry her and get hold of your fortune again while you're at it!" Ric tells him and Lazaro that he's going to try his luck on the African coast to get as much as he can and retire before the world comes down on them all like a pack of rabid dogs.

More time passes. The pirates continue to plunder at sea and the LaFont and his gang continue robbing the silver caravans and killing the drivers and their escorts while he looks on like some crazed demon. Cami and Timoteo attend mass in town on Sundays.

Back in the pueblo one night, Vasco and Santi (who's now using just a cane) get drunk together at the pub. Santi asks Vasco if the rumors about him and Ursula are true. He says yes, but he's stopped seeing her and agrees that it's a bit too dangerous. Santi asks what she's like and if Vasco is in love with her or what since they know nothing can ever come of it. Vasco says she's bossy and temperamental, but good people. He adds he cares for her, but he's not in love with her. The talk turns to him getting remarried because his son needs another mother. Vasco says the kid's got two in Rita and Ines and that's enough.

Vasco suggests then that Santiago get over his sister's loss by finding himself another woman to marry. Santi doesn't really like the idea and leaves for home and bed. Vasco though, decides to make a nighttime visit to Ursula. The way he looks at her it seems he has fallen in love. He wakes her and tells her he tried to stay away, but couldn't.

The next day Alberto LaFont comes by to ask Justo if he knows if Santi is the son of another man other than his dear departed daddy. LaFont wondered if that was what he and Ofelia wanted to discuss with Don Jorge the night they came for Camila, to tell Don Jorge he was just about to bed the woman his own son was going to marry. Justo says he knows nothing about that, but if he had been, so what. As far as he knows, he was Miguel's and Ofelia has always sworn he was.

Later that day, Justo warns Ofelia that LaFont has been asking questions. He assures her that Mancera never had his way with Cami, that she told him Jorge had been too drunk and Justo had never doubted her word. He tells Ofelia that they should tell Santiago in order to avoid some craziness in the future. Ofelia denies that her son could be Mancera's and so there's no reason to discuss it with him.

Don Jorge tells Ursula it's time she gets married again. He doesn't like her cavorting around anymore. Ursula should calm down and so she needs a husband. Jorge suggests marrying LaFont to Ursula, but she rejects that idea flat out. She says Lafont's too old and she does not want to remarry in general. She's still young and wants to enjoy herself.

Jorge finds his wife, Sofia, and talks to her about looking for a new husband for Ursula. Sofia wonders why it's necessary and he says he needs a male heir to carry on the family name and fortune. She'd rather the line end with him, but he says if there's no male heir then the crown takes away his position and his riches. Sofia asks if bastard sons count. He says if she hears about one to let him know and leaves. Sofia agrees to look for a possible husband for Ursula and tells Fortuna to keep quiet about it while she thinks how she's going to handle things.

Finally Cami and the Cantankerous Tim take a walk together along the beach. He chats with her about his family and about the reason that he has no emotional ties to Ric. It seems that when Old Tim was Young Timmy, his daddy died and his mother followed soon after. The oldest son, who was twenty and hot tempered, immediately turned the life of his younger brother and sister (Timoteo and Francisca) into a living Hell. He was cruel, demanding, unjust. Although he seemed pleasant enough with others, around them he was a tyrant and always disrespectful towards them.

One day Timoteo told his older brother that he'd met and fallen in love with a young girl. His brother wanted to meet her, and afterward he married her himself. As compensation he gave his brother a miserable plot of land and sent his sister and Tim away. Cami wonders here if the young woman never loved him to begin with, but Timoteo says he'll never know for certain. She married his brother and he feels that it was perhaps because of the money.

One day his brother eventually died, leaving his widow with a young son. He offered to marry her but she scorned him and refused. In the long run, legally he became the executor of the property and fortune. He felt the son inherited the father's bad tendencies and so at 19 (you do the math) his nephew became a murderer and a buccaneer. His widow became a bitter old woman and now lives with Lis and Frannie and as far as he's concerned, the lovely threesome deserve each other.

That same evening, the crotchety old coot gets drunk. When Cami mentions he shouldn't blame his nephew for his father's rotten actions, he becomes infuriated. He starts stabbing his brother's painting (which honestly should have been totally shredded by now) for the umpteenth time. He begins to rant and rave that because his nephew is so young and so good-looking, that just like all the other women, she'll be dying for a roll in the hay once she meets him. Then because Ric has such a way with words, he'll be certain to convince her to turn his fortune over to him.

At this point Old Tim jumps like a wild man onto the bed and tells Cami he's going to make sure that no spawn of his brother's will inherit a centavo. He then jumps onto Cami and tries to "have his way" with her; but before the old windbag can manage to do the dastardly deed he has a heart attack (and believe you me, whatever they paid German Robles for that slow-mo still shot of shocked surprise on his old toad's face, it cannot have been nearly enough). Yes, it's pre-coitus rather rudely interrupt-us as Old Tim up and dies before Cami ever realizes how lucky she was to have been born 300 years before the discovery of Viagra or "new, 4-hour" Cialis.

Shocked out of her wits, Cami starts to scream as Dead Tim's body rolls lifelessly off her.


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