Thursday, September 02, 2010

Llena de Amor #18 Wed 9/1/10 "Is That a Grenade in your Pocket, or Are You Just Happy to See Me"

Emanuel yells at Mauricio, telling him to respect Marianela and to keep his distance. Maury makes a snide comment about the only thing Marianela keeps in her bed is a snake. Emanuel realizes "fuiste tu" and he goes in for a punch. Andre pulls his best friend off Maury and tells Emanuel that Maury isn't worth it.

Netty is hysterical, she's all wound up, telling Emiliano that he thinks she's a terrible woman and he probably thinks that she wants Mari to get her inheritance in order for Netty to get her hands on the money. Emiliano assures her that this isn't the case and to prove it he's going to make sure that Mari gets the inheritance from her mother the very next day.

Emanuel is worked up over his altercation with Maury. He starts talking to himself and when he refers to Mari as his gordita hermosa he surprises himself. He begins to question what Mari means to him. What's happening with her?

Oliver gets a phone call from Brandon. He tells Gladiola and the other women who hang out with her that Brandon's been reinstated with the police. The women are elated, but Gladiola begins to shout about Fedra and her threat (rather a buzz kill to the previous moment, IMO)...if she raises a hand against Brandon, well nothing can save him she worries (WOW! this woman can turn her emotions around on a dime---this entire scene was literally a minute long).

Netty and Emiliano fill Mari in on the plan to get her the inheritance. The three share a group hug and Fedra picks that time to arrive home. She sees them and she demands to know what's going on.

Emanuel tries to convince himself that all he's doing is defending Mari because so many people want to inflict pain. He reminds himself that she is his cousin and he reflects back to their younger years when they played together. Kristal and Ilitia barge in and disrupt his walk down memory lane. The harpies are, well they are harping. It seems that Mari being a model has set them into a tizzy.

Brandon gives Muneca a ride and he asks who she's looking for. She tells him it is her chauffeur, Fidel. She fills him in on Fidel being fired by Ilitia. Brandon makes a comment about Ilitia and her whims and Muneca says, "yes she's whimsical and silly, but she's not a bad person". She gets out of the car and tells Brandon that she needs to go see her children. She walks over to a crowd of kids and starts hugging them. Brandon is surprised to hear her refer to other children and he wonders just how many kids does she have?

Lorenzo goes to see his baby momma, but gets cold feet after he rings the doorbell.

Netty tries to explain to Fedra why she is there, but Fedra only wants to know why she hasn't left her house. Netty takes umbrage at this and is quick to point out that the house is rightfully Mari's.

Emanuel tells the to harpies to back off of Mari. He actually calls them turkey vultures (zopilotes). They are offended---by both his message and his terminology. He reminds them of what they did at the boutique. Kristal tries to pass it off as a mistake. Ilitia is more focused on why Mari got to be a model. The harpies end up telling our hero that his business is going to suffer if he uses models like Mari. Emanuel continues to defend Mari and he reminds Kristal that she is their cousin. The shrews question his judgment in using Mari and Kristal even pulls out the "this is daddy's business" card. Ilitia says she should be getting the jobs because she's a top model. Emanuel tells them that he gave the client exactly what they were looking for, an appealing plus sized model, not some skinny, insipid model like Ilitia. She is none too pleased to hear this.

Muneca has brought fruit to the kids, in what appears to be an orphanage. Brandon likes how giving she is, but wonders how such a great woman could have a daughter like Ilitia.

Lorenzo's baby momma (can't remember her name) has a phone call from her friend Jacky in Italy. She makes it sound that things are going well, but we can see that's not true. She learns that Jacky will be coming back to Mexico. They'll get together then.

Fedra is offended and she calls Eva a drunk. Emiliano yells at the women to stop, but directs most of it at Fedra. Fedra wants Netty to scram and Netty questions how Emiliano could be married to this woman. Fedra launches herself at Netty, threatening to kill her. Emiliano holds his wife back. Netty agrees to leave, but she tells Fedra that after tomorrow, things are going to change. Netty heads out and Emiliano follows. Benigno is watching from a distance and he notices that Netty appears upset. Emiliano offers to take Netty home, but she insists he stay with not leave her alone with Fedra. Emiliano tries to assure her that Mari isn't in danger with Fedra. Netty is not convinced and she urges him to make sure that Mari is protected. Emiliano agrees and he asks Benigno to take Netty home.

With Emiliano and Netty gone, Fedra pounces on Mari. She wants to know what's going on with Emiliano and Netty. Mari tells her she doesn't know. In the course of their altercation, Mari drops some chocolate and Fedra crushes it with her foot. Mari is upset...that was her chocolate. Fedra tells her that nothing in the house is hers, she better get used to it. Emiliano comes back into the house and catches the end of this conversation.

Brandon spots Fidel walking down the street where the orphanage is located. Fidel spots Muneca and he's happy.

Emiliano tells Fedra that there is no reason for to be acting like this....her insinuation are absurd. He won't tolerate her abuse of Mari. Fedra says now you are giving me orders, well be prepared to spend the rest of your nights sleeping on the floor of my bedroom. Emiliano yells after her and Fedra tells him to go to hell. Mari is upset to see what's going on with them.

Benigno and Netty talk about what's going on with Mari and Fedra. Netty tells him the good news about Emiliano getting Mari her inheritance.

Fidel tells Brandon how great that Muneca is as a boss. Brandon says that she's been looking for Fidel and that makes him even happier. Muneca finishes up with the kids and she's happy to see Fidel. She asks him to come back to work.

Fedra wants to know why Emiliano is going to give Mari her inheritance. She's not able to change Emiliano's mind. Emiliano wants the whole family to be there, even Netty. He wants Fedra to behave like a lady. Fedra tells him not to worry. After he leaves, Fedra threatens Netty....obviously for the audience's benefit, since Netty is long gone.

Mari cries, wondering why her parents have left her so alone. Doris arrives and gives Mari a hug.

Emanuel finishes filming what appears to be a dog food commercial being hawked by an alien (Andre). Ilitia and Emanuel make plans to spend some time together.

Emiliano tells his uncle, el general, about his plans for tomorrow. Don Maximo tries to offer up a warning, but Emiliano isn't having any part of it. Don Maximo decides he needs to take action, and only hopes it won't be too late.

Once she's at home, Muneca tells Brandon he's her guardian angel and thanks him for his help. Muneca explains to Fidel about what happened with the attempted carjacking and how Brandon's grenade saved the day. Brandon pulls the grenade out of his pocket and the look on his face makes it appear that he's nuts. Fidel cautiously warns him that those things are dangerous. Muneca is surprised to see it in her house. Brandon turns to Fidel, with the grenade in his outstretched hand just as Ilitia and Emanuel arrive---this doesn't look good.

Bernardo is following Netty.

Everyone starts talking to Brandon like you would talk to someone standing on the edge of a building, poised to jump. Brandon tells them not to worry, this is only a small gift to Muneca. It looks like he's going to pull the pin, everyone ducks. Brandon shows them it is only a lighter. Ilitia is upset and demands that he leave. Muneca scolds her daughter, Brandon is her guest and he's staying for dinner. Lovely!!

Fedra does a happy dance on her bed. She feels as if she's won against Eva Pavon.....she's six feet under with the worms and Fedra is above ground, celebrating that she's got Eva's money.

Ilitia insults Brandon and he says that he doesn't want to be the cause of Ilitia's indigestion. Emanuel and Brandon taunt each other and it gets a little out of hand. Muneca steps between them before it escalates too far. She is able to surmise that they know each other. Emanuel says that Brandon is just upset because he was disciplined because of Ilitia's complaint. Brandon informs him that he's being reinstated. Brandon apologizes to Muneca, but he won't be staying for dinner. He gives Muneca the grenade and leaves.

Netty goes to see the lawyer. She fills him in on what's supposed to happen tomorrow. She invites him to join the family.

Don Maximo questions Mari about Doris. She tells him that Doris is her friend. She's there because Mari needs her help. Doris is a make-up artist and she can change a person's look. Don Maximo isn't too receptive to this idea. Mari tries to explain that Doris is Netty's neighbor, but this fails to impress him. Benigno comes into help, and Don Maximo realizes that this is an ambush (emboscada). He's to be the one getting a new look.

When Netty leaves the lawyers office, Bernardo attempts to run her over with his car. Unfortunately for him and fortunately for Netty, the lawyer is able to push her out of harm's way from the car, but she's hurt from him knocking her down. As she's on the ground a doctor comes to help out and when he sees it is Netty, he demands to know who is this guy.

Ilitia continues to insult Brandon even after he's left. Emanuel tells Ilitia he doesn't like the way she's been talking to her mother. Ilitia wonders if Emanuel is now going to defend Brandon. Emanuel tells his girlfriend that he and Brandon had a row (bronca), but not about what happened at the airport. Ilitia wants to know what caused their row. Emanuel explains it off as sometimes people just don't get along. Ilitia realizes that the story behind Brandon and Emanuel has to do with defending Mari. She wonders if Emanuel is jealous of Brandon regarding Marianela. END OF EPISODE


Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Insomniacs Club: La Verdad Oculta # 002, 2010/09/01 El Conde del Reclusorio Oriente

At the restaurant, Gabriela and David crash and clash. Taking instant exception to one another, he demands to know why she's there, and she threatens to tell the owner if David bothers her. When her sister arrives, David learns Carlos hired Gabriela and counsels Julieta that her moron of a sister needs some manners. Gabriela's in a huff until Julieta reveals that David is an owner, too.

At Piedad's apartment, Elsa explains her boss is loaning the money for a good lawyer for Marcos -- and that she'll ask if he can help Juan Jose, too. Piedad tearfully regrets she has no money for lawyers, but Elsa is happy to try to help both if she can; and Piedad thanks her but worries it's unfair Elsa has to think about both instead of just her brother. Elsa likes Juan Jose a lot, she says.

Gabriela and Julieta arrive at their apartment after work, and Gabriela is sure she's going to get fired; but Julieta thinks if David were going to fire her, he would have already. Back at Piedad's, she confirms that Juan Jose is innocent and was accused by a wealthy man named Mario Genovés. At Gabriela's, Julieta worries that their dad will be angry to hear that Gabriela is now working for that family, too.

Next morning, David joins Alejandra at the Genovés mansion breakfast table, and they converse companionably. He's glad the girls came to live there and she inquires about business, which he says is problematic concerning their partners. She excuses her sister, Bertha, sleeping all day due to the death of their mother.

At Piedad's, she had a bad night with pain keeping her awake, and Elsa arranges a doctor visit, for which Piedad is very grateful. At the garment factory, Roberto fondles a mannequin while his dad explains about the sizable loan he's giving Elsa for her brother's lawyer -- with a wink, wink and nudge, nudge between them about the manner of repayment.

In the prison wood shop, Juan Jose tells Marcos that Gregorio spent 30 years in prison and picked up a skin disease there; and Marcos is taken aback to hear Gregorio's in for killing two men. Back at the restaurant, David barges into Carlos's office, complaining about their unfair business arrangement.

If they are going to meddle in the hotel side, then they have to accept his say on the restaurant side. Marcos warns David he'd better not mess with the agreements of the older partners. At Gabriela's, her father arrives home from his night watchman job, and sure enough he's upset to hear who she's working for now. But they need the money, she says.

At the Genovés mansion, Mario ponders photographs of a woman when Abelardo enters, and Mario instructs him to secure the trappings of a book seller. Santiago Guzmán loves reading, especially plays; and this approach would appeal to him. They need to confirm who the fellow at Márta's tomb is, even if he's changed his name, and that he has two daughters. Mario explains the man bears a debt to justice, that he was guilty of his wife's death. Abelardo goes wide-eyed when Mario reveals the reason he's interested is that one of the two girls is his own daughter.

At the Genovés mansion, when Berthe impatiently asks Alejandra, both dressed in black, how long they have to endure mourning, Alejandra guesses at least a month to show proper respect to their mother. Berthe is morbidly interested to hear in passing from Abelardo that Mario has a doctor's appointment and seems disappointed when Mario denies he's sick. When Alejandra hopes Mario gets better, Berthe clearly doesn't.

At Adolfo's luxury condo, Carlos is making himself a drink when somebody incessantly lays on the doorbell until Felix goes to answer, and it's Yolanda. She's there to pester Adolfo about cash for her new draperies, because his accountant has locked her out. Yolanda greets Carlos very warmly and staunchly defends him when Adolfo rakes him over the coals for being a weakling against David Genovés.

Yolanda objects to Adolfo's rudeness, insisting Carlos is a good boy and his only problem is having a father like Adolfo. Carlos doesn't understand why David can't be included in their business when they are joint owners, are they not?

But Adolfo is adamant that the Genovéses not meddle in the restaurant side and charges out, with Yolanda yelling at him that he'll be sorry if he mistreats his son! Felix turns to Yolanda and warns her one of these days Adolfo's going to get fed up with her; but Yolanda disagrees. He'll have to put up with her till she croaks, she says with a mysterious, knowing look.

At Piedad's, she is worried about Elsa paying for first the doctor and then the prescriptions; but Elsa convinces her with a likely tale of a pharmacy with a special discount. Elsa is also going to see Salomón about the loan now, and the thought of Juan Jose coming home pleases Piedad. At the prison, Gregorio visits the wood shop; and when Marcos disparages Gregorio's bloody skin disease, Gregorio surreptitiously and gleefully smashes Marcos's hand with a hammer.

Gabriela is just leaving her apartment when she encounters a "book salesman" inquiring for Santiago Guzmán. She doesn't know who that is, but the description the man gives sounds like her dad; she tells him her dad's name and suggests he come back later -- that her dad is sleeping and shouldn't be awakened as he works nights.

When Juan Jose returns to their cell, Gregorio swears the hammer attack was an accident and that Marcos is a liar. Unconvinced, Juan Jose nevertheless admits he couldn't say anything about the attack, since he didn't see it. When he warns Gregorio that Marcos is a tough guy, Gregorio's unimpressed; but he's so glad Juan Jose didn't rat him out that he insists when they get out, he'll give Juan Jose a job.

Asked what he did to get in there, Juan Jose says he came from Veracruz to a restaurant and hotel in the federal district; one night a female employee was found raped and murdered, and he was blamed for it. Bitterly he explains that no matter how he denied it, nobody believed him. He was sentenced to 19 years, and he swears when he gets out of there, he's going to get back at them.

Fausto opens the front door at Gabriela's to find a book salesman who simply wants to leave a brochure and return the next day. In the prison yard, Juan Jose tries to dissuade Marcos from causing Gregorio trouble; Marcos only has two years left, and it's not worth it, he says. Juan Jose is suddenly past tired of being in prison. If he'd not stayed in that damned hotel, he wouldn't be in prison now.

He didn't know anything about the law; plus, it was his word against his boss's. When he gets out, he's going to get back at the people who did this to him -- and most of all, to his mother. Marcos points out, importantly, that it won't be any different when he gets out: Juan Jose will still be poor and his old boss will still be rich. Juan Jose frustratedly agrees.

Bertha continues her morbid interest in her uncle's health, as Mario returns home to the mansion from the doctor's appointment, and once again appears unhappy when he claims nothing is wrong. As the doorbell rings, she disgustedly yells for Dora to answer; and it's Adolfo, who charges right past Dora. He startles Mario, barging into his office, where he insists that Mario keep David's nose out of Adolfo's side of the business.

If Mario doesn't step in, then Adolfo will, he threatens. He'll tell him to pipe down unless he wants to see his father in prison, Adolfo claims; to which Mario objects that Adolfo well knows it was not he who killed Márta. Adolfo sneers and says all he knows is that he found Mario in front of the body and that Santiago was trying to protect him. Mario protests it was not him!

Look, Mario says, David only sees that as associates, they have rights, too. He doesn't know Adolfo has him under his thumb. Why don't they sever their relationship once and for all, he begs. Adolfo has made plenty of money, he points out. But Adolfo isn't buying it. They made a 20-year deal, which is up in six months; and they are sticking to it, Adolfo insists as he exits.

Adolfo almost runs over David on the way out, and when Mario follows in a moment, he has to explain why Adolfo was there. David is furious that his father knuckles under to Adolfo: not only is he meddling, but he's making decisions for them, as well! he claims. Are they equal partners or not? Well?

Mario can only looked stressed and nervous and claim he doesn't want problems, to which David points out that it's not Mario's problems, but his own! David begs his father to let him manage everything. He knows he's perfectly capable. David's not going to let Adolfo continue with this plan and much less the way he's managing it. David turns to his dad finally and asks -- what does Adolfo know? What's he blackmailing him with?

Abelardo enters at that moment and breaks the tension, allowing Mario to claim Adolfo has nothing on him and to go speak with Abelardo. In the office, he tells Mario the man's name from the cemetery is Fausto Guillén and that he has two daughters, which brings Mario upright with realization.

In their cell, when Gregorio asks Juan Jose what book he's reading, it turns out to be The Count of Monte Cristo (a story with a prison sentence, a disguise and a treasure). But Gregorio needs to talk, and he mentions he has no family except a sister he hasn't seen in a long time. He looks around surreptitiously and says he knows where a treasure is: mountains of gold!

He found out about it from some rare book fanatics who liked to look up old stories and told him about it. Those are the two guys he killed -- and now he's the owner of all of it! Gregorio cackles. Even with prison and the skin disease, it's still worth it! He can hardly sleep at night thinking of how rich he's going to be when he gets out!

Gregorio is momentarily taken aback when Juan Jose asks what happens if someone else finds it in the meantime? But no. Gregorio is sure nobody will -- it's buried like eight meters underground. Juan can't help but laugh when he realizes Gregorio has never even seen the treasure. And dismayed to think he killed two guys for something he doesn't even know exists! But Gregorio swears it exists! It must be there! he desperately insists.

David is antagonized to see Robert show up at his house; but reluctantly accepts the news that he's Alejandra's boyfriend, come to pick her up. The two men don't socialize at their homes; and when Alejandra disappears to get Roberto a drink, David threatens that she may not know what he's like, but he does -- and Roberto had better never do anything to hurt her.

When she returns Alejandra learns Roberto has movie tickets and wonders if her uncle would think ill of her for going to the movies during mourning. David doesn't think so, but Roberto feigns concern and facetiously says Mario is the man he most admires in life, to which David looks daggers at him.

After Roberto exits to go for the car, when David asks Alejandra if she's in love with him, she denies it. He's just kind of entertaining. David says he knows Roberto because of that idiot, Carlos; and Alejandra agrees Carlos is an airhead. David thinks Carlos is as bad as Adolfo. After Alejandra exits, Berthe comes down and asks David whether his father is ill.

In Mario's office, Abelardo gets a chuckle out of relating Gabriela's spunky protectiveness of her father, that she told Abelardo to come back and not wake him up. Mario is pleased to recognize the same traits as her mother. The older girl is his daughter, he says. After Abelardo exits, David asks about the doctor visit; and when Abelardo informs him Mario is having headaches, David asks to be kept informed of any test results.

At Gabriela's, Fausto is shocked to learn from her that the "book seller" was asking for someone named "Santiago Guzmán."


El Clon, Wed., September 1 - Summary for Discussion

Daniel tries to deal with being the world's only clone
Said disappoints his daughter

Jade accuses Said of exactly what we speculated - setting her up to reject Zein. Jade accuses him wanting to get even for never loving him. Angrily [he's kind of bug-eyed angry] Said admits that he loves Jade and always has but he doesn't want to keep being the guy who takes her in when everyone abandons her. '¿Duele que te engañen?' Does being decieved hurt? he asks. Maybe now she understands how he feels after being lied to so many times and having so many promises of reconciliation made to him. 'Siempre to creí porque te amaba,' I always believed you because I loved you. He screams that no one will love her the way he loves her. Jade grabs Said and kisses him. [It can't be desire - is it a cynical last attempt to get what she wants?] He responds but finally, he pushes her away and walks out. 'Qué suerte tan triste la mía', What bad luck I have, says Jade to Latifa and Zoraida.

Zein mourns the loss of Jade.
Jadiya rubs Rania's face in her belief that Jade will return and be the most important person in the house even if Rania is technically first wife. Rania is sure that when she gives birth to a boy, she will be treated as much more important that the woman who only gave Said, Jadiya, a girl. Once again, Jadiya predicts that Rania will have a girl so ugly that Said will throw her and the baby to the wind.

The Chump orders Malicia to give him back the apartment or he'll go to the police. She just walks away.

Daniel wonders if his fate will be the same as the person he is the copy of.

Lucas tells Enrique that is is hard when you are 20 to imagine what it will be like when you are 40. Enrique tells Lucas that he must be eager to see himself when he was 20 years younger. Lucas still isn't buying the clone thing. He claims that Leo, Albieri and Marisa have lost their minds over someone who just looks like him. 'Estoy huyendo del recuerdo de los 20 años porque hice todo mal' I am running away from the memory of those 20 years, says Lucas, because I did everything wrong. He wouldn't want his 20 year old self reproaching him for all the errors he made. Naturally, Enrique tells Lucas that he would tell his 20 year old self not to get involved with drugs.

Cut to two of our resident druggies - Nati and Paula. She tells Paula that she is fed up with the interference of her family in her life. Paula replies that her mother tried to control her life too until she threw Paula out of her house. Paula needs to do a line (necesito una linea) and convinces Nati to go with her even though she promised to wait for Alej.

Daniel accosts Albeiri in the street. He wants to know if the person he was cloned from has any diseases that he might get when he is that age. He aks if he is going to live a long time or die soon. Albieri doesn't understand why Daniel is asking these questions. Daniel replies that he doesn't have the slightest idea what will happen to his life going forward. He tells Albieri that he did some research on the internet and found out that cloning a human is illegal and that no other clones are known to exist. 'Albieri, tú me hiciste, tú me creaste, tú tienes que saber,' Albieri, you made me, you created me, you have to know. But Albieri doesn't have any answers. '¿A qué viena esa angustia ahora? Todo está bien,' Why are you so worried? (literally, What is this anguish coming from?) Everything is fine. He tries to reassure Daniel that he just like any other human being. Daniel says that if Albieri is so sure of that, then take him to see another clone who is normal. Of course, Albieri has to confess that he can't do that. He doesn't know any other clones. Then don't say that I'll have a normal life, says Daniel. He tells Albieri that he never wants to see him again.

Dora is inconsolable. Estela tells her that Daniel doesn't have bus fare much less enough money to go to Morocco. Miguel comes over and asks why Dora is crying. He has brought her flowers. He offers to leave but Dora says that she grateful for the support of a friend.

Daniel comes in. He tells his mother that Albieri couldn't tell him what would happen in his life from now on. Dora replies that Daniel promised not to see Albieri again. Daniel says that he has questions but Albieri didn't have the answers. He says that he doesn't want people to look at him strangely. Dora says that he is imagining things. Daniel says that his grandmother looks at him strangely, when his supposed father speaks to or looks at him, he isn't seeing Daniel but someone else, maybe his dead son. And Luisa, who practically raised him, won't let him get near her. Poor Dora can only tell Daniel that these things aren't happening. Daniel says that he is afraid for the first time in his life.

Alej is looking for Nati and runs into Pablo and Andrea. Andrea tells Alej that she saw Nati with Paula. Alej tells her that Nati needs them now. 'Uno no puede hacer nada por uno que no se quiere dejar aydar,' You can't do anything for someone who doesn't want to be helped, replies Andrea. Alej goes off to continue his search for Nati.

Andrea tells Pablo that they were best friends, the real thing but now they have nothing to say to one another. Of course not, says Pablo, you want to talk about music, a book you read or a movie you saw but Nati doesn't care. She only wants to talk about the latest drug that is available and where to get it. Andrea says that Nati just experimented with drugs and couldn't stop. Pablo replies that what makes him mad is that Alej is losing his dream because of Nati.

Problems with the next generation: Karla confirms to Amin that she is pregnant. Carlos comes to Gloria's and Zamira hides from him. Zumaya tells Carlos that Zamira isn't around and Mohamed tells her in graphic detail how she will burn in hell for speaking to a male stranger.

Ali tells Zoraida to pack Jade's bags. They're going back to Fez.

Said comes home and Jadiya asks for her mother.

Jade and Daniel are both at the beach. Jade's jade necklace falls off right next to Daniel. He picks it up. They see each other. Daniel calls her name and reminds her of their meeting in Morocco. Jade turns and runs.

Said tells Jadiya that Jade isn't coming to live with them. She is going to live in Morocco with Ali. Rania smiles in triumph. Jadiya pushes away from him and runs away.
With Latifa and Zamira present, Mohamed reams Zumaya out for talking to Carlos. He says that he will tell Abdul that Zumaya is an exhibitionist. Finally, Zamira confesses that she knows the boy who spoke with Zumaya. He goes to her school. Mohamed asks his name and when Zamira replies that his name is Carlos, Latifa knows that this is Zamira's novio.

Jade wonders what the loss of her necklace and its finding by the shadow means. Daniel runs around looking for Jade. Jade tells Zoraida that she saw the shadow and what's more, he took her jade pendant. Her mother told her that her fate is written on the that stone (me suerte está escrita en mi piedra) and now the shadow has it. Ali comes in and tells her that they are going back to Morocco the next day. She tells him that she saw the shadow again. Ali decides that he can't tell Jade that Daniel is a clone of Lucas or she'll dream about him again. He tells her not to think about what she saw and it won't come back. But Jade can tell that Ali is lying. She decides that Albieri must have the answer she needs.

Mohamed is still going on and on about how horrible it is that Zamira spoke to Carlos. [Apparently, they sent Zamira to a cooeducational public school but are surprised that she talks to boys.] Zamira tries to point out that she is in the West where conversing with a boy is acceptable. Mohamed asks if she has two heads: one for Morocco and one for the West. He suggests that Latifa didn't do a good job raising her children and reminds her that he wanted Zamira educated at home. He says that if what she did is known in Morocco, she will lose the handsome fiance he got for her. Zamira tells Latifa that she won't leave school but Latifa slaps her. '¡No mas!,' Enough!, she screams. Enough of your threats. Mohamed wants to send me back because of you.

Mohamed assigns Amin to spy on Zamira and make sure that she doesn't talk to any Westerners. Mohamed asks if Amin has ever seen Zamira talking to a Westerner and at least Amin doesn't rat out his sister right away. Mohamed says that he will watch Zamira the way Said and Mohamed watch the Naz. [Not a very good standard.]

Alej tells Andrea and Pablo that he hasn't found Nati. Pablo repeats his statement that Alej is destroying himself because of Nati. Andrea says that Nati is sick now but defends her as the sweetest, smartest, most generous person she has ever met. Pablo corrects the verb to the past tense. He says that he doesn't want to attack Nati but she has been dragging Alej down since they met. Pablo says that Alej was the best athlete he had ever seen. He kept regular hours and didn't do drugs. Since he met Natalia, he's been sharing her lifestyle. If she stays out all night, he stays awake worrying about her and it's destroying him.

Nati and Paula go to buy drugs in a nasty place with scary guys.

Leo tells Marisa and Rosa that he and Roberto are going to speak to Dora and he hopes to bring Daniel back to the house to live with them. Marisa notices how the appearance of Daniel has rejuvenated Leo. She listens in astonishment as Rosa says that she believes that Daniel is Diego reincarnated and that Enrique could restore his memories.

Rosa invites Enrique to dinner. He has an appointment with his therapist but he wants to go. So does Carolina. She wants to see the clone. But Enrique doesn't want to sit at the same table as Roberto and be told how he could learn from Roberto. Replay of Enrique's jealousy fit about the unappreciated legal work he did for Roberto. Leo comes in looking for Roberto.

Roberto is at the club lying to Lucia about his wherabouts. The sKanks are there, too and we have a complete replay of an earlier conversation of theirs: Karla feels sorry for Roberto and Hilda considers all rich guys to be fair game.

Clara tells Carolina that Fernando is his old self again. The Chump comes in and tells Clara that Malicia refuses to return the apartment to Fernando.

The credits roll.


Llena de Amor #17 Tue 8/31/10 Llena de Yelling.

Skipping the overlap…
Thanks to Ilitia’s naco-hate and big mouth, Brandon has been shot twice by the head thug. He moans but does not fall. Muñeca is frantic. Ilitia looks briefly concerned (probably about the possibility of this appearing in the tabloids), then smug. But hah! Brandon unzips his jacket to show that he’s wearing a bulletproof vest, and not only that, he also has two grenades in his pocket! As one does, you know. Never leave home without them. He brandishes a grenade, threatening to pull the pin and blow them all to kingdom come if the guys don’t let the ladies go. The thugs jump in the luxury auto and drive off. Now, of course, Ilitia is furious that Brandon let them take the car. “Forget the car! He just saved our lives!” says Muñeca. Brandon tells them he was just suspended because of the TV y Novelas article, which he throws on the ground in front of them.
The General is still subjecting Marianela to an inquisition regarding her relationship with Emanuel. She nonanswers for a bit and then claims that they are just friends, but tio can see through her evasion tactics. “He is your cousin, Marianela! A blood relative! So forget it, understand?” She tells him not to worry; she knows how to behave. “Good, because I will not tolerate betrayal. Do not betray the family by falling in love with your cousin,” he growls at her with a fierce intimidating glare.
The insults fly fast and furious between Ilitia and Brandon, who are so getting together.
Her to him: patán, bruto, gorila, naco, flaquito
Him to her: loca, lombriz con patas (worm with legs)
Muñeca is still swooning over the dashing hero saving the damsels in distress, and Brandon takes a few breaks to be all “aw, shucks, ma’am, weren’t nuthin’” with her between bickering with Ilitia. He tells Ilitia she deserved to be abandoned to her fate with the thugs. She says they were probably his friends and he arranged the whole thing as revenge. He says his friends are decent poor people, not murderers. Same thing, she says. Muñeca is horrified once again by her daughter’s snobbery; you’d think she would be used to it by now. Brandon offers to drive them to the police station to report the crime. “In your nacomobile? Ew, no way” says Ilitia. The captions call it a bronco móvil.
Cut to the ungrateful snob sitting in the backseat of the red jeep, insulting it and its driver every meter of the abnormally bumpy drive as Muñeca tells her to hush up and be grateful. Muñeca thinks it will be handy to be accompanied by a policeman. Ilitia points out that he isn’t an officer any longer. He stomps on the brakes and snarls that it is HER fault he was suspended. She continues slinging insults. Brandon jumps out and handcuffs Ilitia to some part of the jeep, then tapes her mouth shut. There, much better. Muñeca doesn’t seem to mind; I think she’s had more than enough, too. They continue on their way.
Marianela is in a hallway, having bipolar reactions to the realization that she can’t hide her feelings for Emanuel. How wonderful to be so in love! No! No one can know! She does all this talking to herself at full volume, of course. Fortunately, it’s only Delicia who comes down the basement stairs and hears.
Emiliano is at work. Matilda confirms that she delivered the check to Marianela. It’s a little odd that she delivered it when two people who live in the same house work at the agency. Anyway, Netty comes by for a visit. She wants all Eva’s documents.
Fedra slinks into Lorenzo’s bathroom, wearing more leopard print than your average leopard. He’s lounging in the tub, with candles and everything. She tells her “designer” she’s come to try on the clothes. He smarms that he prefers taking them off. Fortunately, we are spared most of her striptease. Unfortunately, we cut to the two of them together in the bubbles, drinking champagne and smooching. Ugh.
Emanuel goes into Marianela’s room looking for her. She isn’t there, but has foolishly left her diary on the nightstand. He picks it up and remembers Mari’s frantic maneuvers with Delicia to keep it out of enemy hands, and decides to respect her privacy. This lasts approximately 1.3 seconds. He picks it up again.
Emiliano wonders why Netty wants all the papers. She wants to give them to her lawyer, so he can get Mari everything that is hers. She will not be stopped! “Calm down, Netty. Don’t you think I’m taking care of it?” Well, she hasn’t seen any progress so far.
Emanuel squinches up his face and once again talks himself out of opening the diary. Marianela walks into the room and freaks out when she sees him holding the incriminating book. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT?!” Teaching you a valuable lesson in hiding your private things in the house of vipers, Mari.
The soap opera continues. Revolting talk which I am ignoring.
Emanuel apologizes profusely and explains that he was curious, but he didn’t open the diary or read it. He was just looking for Mari to tell her he gave his statement to the police and is not blaming Brandon for the accident. “Thanks, now get out and leave me alone.” He sadly says he’s getting used to always screwing things up with her. He hands the diary back and kisses her on the cheek. “And close the door,” she says sternly.
Emiliano tells Netty he is not trying to keep Marianela from her inheritance. In fact, he is going to make sure she gets everything. Doesn’t she trust him? No, she says. Her mother taught her to not even trust her own shadow. People stab you in the back. “I can’t believe such a beautiful woman as you is so insecure. Is that why you never married?” Netty goes bug-eyed and fans herself furiously.
Bathfest is getting dirtier, despite the soap. Lorenzo says he would have done the same thing Emiliano did, and left Muñeca for Fedra.
The lady doth protest too much. She didn’t marry because she didn’t want to, OKAY? Emiliano doesn’t understand why she is so bothered. She refuses to discuss her private life with him. Probably because 95% of it is fantasies of him. To calm her down, he holds her hands and looks deeeeeeep into her eyes and says he will give her all the documents she needs, but they aren’t here. He will have to go home to get them.
Emanuel deigns to put in an appearance at the office and gladhand all the staff. He picks up a red feather duster and calls in Erica Linares and asks her how the prettiest lady in the whole agency is doing. She’s all flattered and blushing. He hands her the duster; I guess she’s the cleaning person. He calls for Adelina, and she comes running to read him his horoscope. Matilda breezes through to hustle him into the latest filming. His crowd of devoted admirers is left behind, swooning.
Doris has bought some new makeup, which she needs for work. Gladiola fusses about the expense and is sorry she can’t provide more for her kids. Doris tells her not to worry and says someday when she herself has some money, she will buy them everything they need.
Marianela calls the pension as Delicia listens in. Now I notice that Mari’s current maternity dress looks a lot like a maid outfit. She invites Doris to come over for a visit.
Begoña arrives at Lorenzo’s blechelor pad door with the baby and tries to introduce father and son. Lorenzo, wearing a robe, slams the door in her face. “Who was it?” asks Fedra.
Emanuel and cohorts watch as some actor dressed like a mad scientist superhero astronaut, or some such, raves about dog food. How is this agency so prosperous? Their advertisements are terrible. Oh, the actor is André. After they film, Emanuel tells him he’ll be the idol of all the dogs in the galaxy. They catch up on the aftermath of the moto wreck.
Fedra thinks it was Muñeca at the door. Lorenzo claims it is someone from work, but they can’t see Fedra there or the gossip will get around and back to Emiliano. He hustles her back to the tub. Fedra is indignant that he’s also apparently involved with one of the secretaries from the office. “Which of those gatas (sluts) are you sleeping with, bastard?” “You’re the only one!” “The only gata?” Then Lorenzo claims it is André at the door. Fedra disappears and Lorenzo runs out into the hall to have a hushed fight.
Gladiola mends Brandon’s dress shirt up like new, so he’ll look all professional now that he will have a promotion. Oliver runs in looking for Brandon. He’s worried because he was so upset after he was suspended. “QUÉ?”
At the police station, Brandon untapes Ilitia, releasing her torrent of abuse once more. She reminds him that she is a MODEL and hits him repeatedly. He threatens to arrest her. She insults him more, but she is not much of a creative thinker and is now repeating herself. Muñeca tries to shut her up. She will not stop. Brandon says she needs professional help and asks her if she’s bipolar. {When have you ever seen her at the other pole, Brandon?} Comisario Tejeda sees them and asks Brandon what he’s doing there.
Delicia tells Mari she should have thrown Fedra to the floor and hogtied her to get the check away from her. Also, she should tell her uncle what’s going on. Mari says she can’t do that. Fedra would never forgive her if she found out she was telling Emiliano that she took her money! Emiliano and Netty walk in just in time for the last part. “Who took your money?” asks Emiliano.
Begoña yells at Lorenzo. He tries to get her to be quiet. “Too bad, chica, you’ve been replaced, and nice try lying about this baby being mine,” he says. “You’re the liar!” she yells. She agrees to leave but says she is not giving up.
Mari claims she was telling Delicia an old story about something that happened at school. Netty asks her why she’s wearing maternity clothing.
Ilitia and Brandon yell their usual complaints about each other to the comisario. The words don’t matter, this is basically their form of sweet nothings. Tejeda calmly asks Ilitia whether at any point Brandon molested her. Well, no, not exactly, but he did take off her mallas (tights). And she knows that he really enjoyed tying her up. Tejeda thinks Brandon should clarify the situation to the press. Ilitia rants that a press conference is not going to fix this, while secretly delighting in the prospect. Brandon hovers millimeters from her and looks her up and down and tries to beat back his raging hormones.
Marianela says these clothes are the only things she has to wear. Netty rages at the fact that Emiliano is letting this wealthy heiress go around looking ridiculous for lack of money. Emiliano, oblivious to clothing, says he doesn’t see what’s wrong with these clothes, which were a gift from Kristel. “A gift? They are an insult!” says Netty. Netty says she’s going to buy Mari some clothes in the right size, and orders her to get rid of these hideous things.
A university administrator tells Axel and Alfredo they are suspended for a year. Axel claims they weren’t really fighting, just, uh, talking and horsing around, and begs him to reconsider. Mr. Serious University says if it were up to him, they would be expelled permanently. Discussion over. Axel mutters that his mother is going to kill him.
Emiliano claims that no one in the house of horrors is mistreating Marianela. Netty disagrees. Lots of yelling.
Tia Carlota calls, and Mari answers. Carlota wants to know what Mari was doing at Netty’s house. Just visiting, says Mari. Carlota forbids her to return to that nest of artists. Mari protests. Emiliano thought bubbles that if Carlota knew Netty was there, Tia would drop dead of a heart attack. Tia Carlota tells Mari that if she sets one foot in that loose unmarried artist’s house, she will have to go live with Carlota in Spain.
Fedra and Lorenzo croak their goodbyes. He wants her to stay a little longer, because he just can’t get enough. She says there’s nothing worse than a lover who is in love. She likes their current situation, because she doesn’t have to give up Emiliano’s money, and Lorenzo doesn’t have to give up Muñeca’s money. They flirt some more, Lorenzo says this is how he likes women, and Fedra tells him she’ll tolerate Muñeca because she’s his wife, but if she hears of any others she will kill him.
André tells Emanuel that Marianela seems like a really nice girl, and Emanuel should help her lose a few kilos. Emanuel says that would be offensive, and besides, people lose weight when THEY want to, not because someone else wants them to. Besides, Marianela’s problem isn’t the kilos, it’s that she has to live in his house. How can she stand it? André clues him in to the not-so-secret secret that Marianela is in love with him. Emanuel is very slow to process that.
Axel marches down the school hall in a rage, telling Gretel that he’s in big trouble, and their parents will never understand! She says she’ll back him up. He refuses to be placated.
Ilitia is irate that no one believes her. They all think that naco is a saint and a hero! But she is a famous model! The sound and the fury beginneth to give me a headache. Muñeca tries to talk some sense into her. She says Brandon saved them, so he is indeed a hero. Ilitia sniffs that if her mom doesn’t care about her suffering, then she will just take care of herself! Take that!
Emanuel tells André it would be crazy for him to be in love with his cousin. “I didn’t say you were in love with her; I said she was in love with you.” “No, no, no. I could never be in love with her, because she is my cousin.” “Are you telling me that if she were not your cousin, you would fall in love with her?” “No, of course not. I care about her, but that’s all. Mere affection.” Mauricio is there all of a sudden for some reason and he mocks Emanuel.
Netty wants Marianela to go with her. Mari tells her what Tia Carlota threatened. She doesn’t want to go away to Spain! Netty comforts her and says she’ll move heaven and earth to get Marianela what belongs to her, so she won’t have to deal with this crap anymore. Emiliano again tries to convince Netty that Marianela will get her inheritance without a fight. “Gimme the documents, and I will see you in court!” says Netty.
Ilitia continues yelling at her mother outside the station. I can’t listen to her anymore. Brandon comes out and offers them a ride home. Brandon and Ilitia continue to fight. Ilitia leaves in a taxi.
Malicio tells Emanuel hey, why not go for Marianela? Where there’s meat, there’s a party, so to speak. Gotta get it wherever you can. Emanuel grabs him and threatens that if he touches Mari, he will kill him.
Avances: Fedra catches Netty and Emiliano hugging. Bernardo tries to run over Netty. Sleazy lawyer might save her.


El Clon Tuesday, August 31: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 139: The Good News? Enrique had the night off. And well … maybe there’s a glimmer of hope for Fernando The Bad News? Everything else: Jade gambles big and loses; both Zein and Lucas are left longing for Jade; Dora and Daniel are bereft; Cris and Escobar get Maliciated; and Albieri – Albieri doesn’t see what all the fuss is about.

We see Daniel walking alone, head down, hands in pockets, along the wet, dark Miami streets.

Leo is at home staring at a photograph of Diego.

Dora and Estela are still fuming after Albieri’s visit. With all the needy children in the world, all the orphans, why on earth does he have to be fixated (encaprichado) on my son?

Albieri is at home whining to Luisa:
Dora se niega a entender. Nadie consigue entender.
Dora refuses to understand. Nobody understands!
Actually Luisa is among those who fail to understand. She says she’d have a heart attack (a mí me daría un infarto) if she found out she had a clone. Albieri contends that cloning will soon be commonplace. And people will just have to get used to it. (Tendrán que acostumbrarse.)

At Mohamed’s house, Jade tells Zoraida:
Ya tomé una decisión – Si Said no me toma de vuelta, me voy a quedar con Zein.
I made a decision – if Said doesn’t take me back, I’m going to stay with Zein.

Said is at a desk in his house, looking very much the western businessman. Rania hovers subserviently in the background. For once her hair is loose. Jadiya bounds in and asks her father:
¿Qué decidiste? Mi mamá va a volver o no?
What did you decide? Is my mother coming back?

Said doesn’t answer her directly. He picks up the phone and calls Mohamed. He learns that today is the day Jade must decide whether to accept Zein’s proposal. (Remember that when you are wondering later whether Said has manipulated the outcome of events.) Said tells his brother he’d like to see Jade.

Then Said tells Jadiya: Voy a hablar con tu madre. (I’m going to talk to your mother)

Since Amina hasn’t been lurking behind a column listening in, Rania has to run upstairs to tell her what has happened. She vows to make Jade’s life a living hell if she does come back.

Jadiya announces merrily to the Naz that her mother is coming back and then she runs off to call Zoraida with the good news. The Naz indulges in a good old exhibicionista/odalisca rant and Said has the good fortune to come on for the I raised wimps not men wind-up.

It’s all smiles for Jade, Latifa and Zoraida when the news reaches them that Said has asked to see Jade. Everyone assumes that Said’s willingness to talk to Jade means that he is going to take her back.
Says Latifa:
El destino te está dando una segunda oportunidad.
Destiny is giving you a second chance.

Daniel comes back to Dora’s sad little apartment and starts filling his backpack. He tells his grandmother he is going to Morocco, to the desert, to find the woman of his dreams. She convinces him not to leave without talking to his mother.

Pablo and Alej are working out at the gym. Pablo thinks it would be a good idea for Natalia to get a job and help out. Alej is resistant: Natalia is special, she should finish her education. And Pablo says:
Si estudiara, entendería. (If she were studying, I would understand: estudiara: imperfect subjunctive because it’s a contrary to fact conditional. She’s not, in fact, studying. entendería: conditional)
Besides, continues Pablo, working would give her a sense of responsibility.

Well you know what they say about great minds thinking alike. Leo presents the same argument to Lucas, Marisa and Rosa: why not give Natalia a job at Empresa Ferrer? Marisa, of course, rejects the idea because… well, Marisa is kind of Debbie Downer, isn’t she? Lucas and Rosa are on board. Leo pontificates:
¿Sabes cuál es el peor cancer de la juventud? La inactividad!
You know what’s the worst cancer in young people? Idleness!

Cut to a shot of a desolate Natalia, alone in the apartment. We hear Leo’s continued voiceover: Natalia’s problems are very serious -- we can help her but she has to do her part.
[As we look at Natalia, we know that she isn't ready for the classroom or the boardroom -- try a hospital room, geniuses. This girl is sick. Yeah, yeah Debbie Downer is right, but for all the wrong reasons!]

A hopeful Zein arrives at Mohamed’s place only to learn that Jade has chosen to go back to Said. Ali tells him:
Zein, una familia que ya está creada habla más alta que una familia que aún no se crea.
Zein, a family that already exists speaks louder than one that is yet to be created.
And ever the mensch, Zein accepts his disappointment gracefully:
Se feliz para que mi dolor valga la pena. (Be happy, so my pain isn't meaningless).

Meanwhile Cris, who is sure Jade is at this very moment, taking Zein back, is telling Vicki how she decorated Zein’s suite to receive Jade.

And Zein returns alone to his room where rose petals are strewn on the floor and bed. (This is a visually arresting scene, the stark white of Zein’s shirt and jacket, the black of the background, the blood-red of the rose petals.) And he says: Y ahora ¿qué voy a hacer sin ti? (And now what will I do without you?)

Lucas is also thinking of Jade, remembering how she danced for him: ¿Qué voy a hacer sin ti, Jade?

Marisa and Rosa watch him from behind. Rosa is still convinced that Daniel is Diego reincarnated. She remembers how Diego used to appear to Natalia when she was a little girl. (We’ve been waiting for someone to make this connection. Too bad Marisa doesn’t pick up on it.) Marisa keeps trying to orient Rosa to reality, the way you do with the cognitively impaired, (Daniel is a clone, he isn’t Diego and he isn’t Lucas) but is finally reduced to talking about “the Lucas in the livingroom” to distinguish him from his dead brother and his living clone.

Marisa is daydreaming too. She remembers her brief contact with Daniel, how they started to kiss. His simple words: Eres tan bonita.

Daniel assures Dora and Estela that he isn’t running away from them. He needs to get away from everything:
Yo no soporto que la gente me mire con miedo. Yo no aguanto esta idea de ser clon.
I can stand people looking at me with fear. I can’t bear this idea of being a clone.
You’re not a clone, cries Dora. You’re my son!

At Casa Ferrer, Leo declares that Daniel is coming back to him. And if his mother refuses? asks Rosa. She’s not his mother, insists Leo. His real mother is Isabel.

And at her apartment, Dora tells Daniel that although she is sorry that Leo’s son died, she has no intention of letting him take her son as a replacement. Leo notwithstanding, Daniel is determined to leave. And he wants nothing to do with Albieri. Dora pulls away his backpack to keep him from leaving. Fine, he says, I’ll go without my bag.

Roberto tells Leo he has some advice for him now that he has consulted with two colleagues with more experience in family law (I guess that would be Enrique and his other brother Enrique). It would be best to come to an agreement with Dora and only take the dispute into court as a last resort. Leo is convinced that his truth is irrefutable. Albieri made a clone of his son and now that clone belongs to him. Nevertheless he finally agrees to pay Dora a visit with Roberto, unannounced so they will have the advantage of surprise.

At Cris’s request, Malicia shows up at the bar to talk. Did you enjoy your trip? asks the rodent. Yes, very much, answers Cris, but not as much as you did. You managed to get a job and a boyfriend out of it. Malicia goes into action, twisting truth into unrecognizable forms. Now Rogelio is responsible for losing Cris’s report. And Rogelio has been acting odd Ever Since He Started Seeing Clara.

Clara is at home with Fernando and is distressed to discover that money is missing from her wallet. She confronts Fernando forcefully. At first he is defiant and aggressive, but Clara doesn’t give up. She manages to reach him at last. He breaks into tears and confesses. And then he says the magic words: Necesito ayuda, mamá! (I need help, mom). Estoy contigo (I’m with you) replies Clara.

Daniel has wandered into a park. Along comes Karla, all giggly and flirty. Daniel wants to know if Karla knows any clones. [I'm sorry but you know you don't get out much when the sKank is your Science Guy] Anyway we can all swell with pride at our public education dollars at work as Karla recites: A clone is a person who is exactly identical to another. The first clone in history was a sheep named… oh some country singer.
¿Tú sabes si un clon vive mucho tiempo? asks Daniel. (Do you know if a clone lives long?) Karla, who thinks Daniel must be kidding, says: They don’t exist. But if they did – they’d be an exotic thing, half man, half wolf, with a squirrel’s tail and a chicken foot – as she is speaking Daniel slips away. He thinks:
Lo mejor que me podría pasar sería morir. Sí, morirme.
The best thing that could happen to me would be to die. Yes, die.

Cris recounts Malicia’s version of events to Vicki. Vicki is understandably skeptical.

Escobar arrives on Malicia’s doorstep determined to get her to sign over the apartment to Fernando. She’d love to sign over the apartment, she tells him, but Clara would throw her out and she’d end up sleeping under bridges. And after all, Escobar himself was responsible for her rift with her ‘Tía’. And the Chump, being a chump, buys her story and backs off. [In fact, if he had the euros, he’d probably go out and buy her a yacht right now.]

The final scene takes place at Mohamed’s place. He and Alí are discussing Jade. Mohamed is unforgiving; Jade has brought disgrace to their family. Alí feels it would be sinful to interfere with a couple who are trying to reconcile. Said arrives and joins his brother and Alí while Latifa and Zoraida are in the bedroom with Jade happily helping her prepare for her encounter with Said. We feel as if we are with a bride and her attendants, all slightly giddy with anticipation.

Jade joins the men. Alí leads Mohamed out of the room. On parting, he says:
Que Ala desate el nudo de sus lenguas para que puedan entenderse el uno al otro.
May Allah untie the knot of your tongues so that you can understand each other.

You wanted to speak to me? says Jade. Said says he is there because Jadiya asked him to take her back. Jade tells him how much she regrets leaving. She acknowledges her past errors but swears she has changed and she is ready to return on his terms. However she denies ever abandoning her daughter. Said insists that is exactly what she did. And he knows that she asked Lucas and Zein to abduct Jadiya and neither one would do it.
Said: Vengo a responder a la petición de Jadiya. (I’m here to answer Jadiya’s request.)
Jade: ¿Y qué decidiste? (And what did you decide?)
Said: Que no te tomo de vuelta. (That I’m not taking you back)

Credits roll.


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