Thursday, September 19, 2019

Primetime on Univisión (#2): Amor Eterno & Sin MiedoALV- Week of Sept. 16, 2019

Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. AnonFri and Clara are providing some very appreciated recaps/details about “Amor Eterno.”  If some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute some highlights or a mini-recap for AE or SMALV, I’m sure it would be appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. TNs/series covered by this page are:
  • 7-8PM   - Amor Eterno: Ep. 50-51
  • 10-11PM Sin Miedo a la Verdad
As with other discussion pages for more than one TN, PLEASE identify the TN you are commenting on to avoid confusion and so readers can easily find the conversations they are looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Amor”)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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Amor Eterno

Looks like kemal is peelin the skin off of emirs nasty little secrets.
They found the girl, I think that
Ozan fake killed, she's a grownup and married to rich guy now I think.
Don't know what was being said, but it looked like she was telling nihan
& kemal About that night of fake murder. I"m glad they got to her way
Before emir did.
But what happened? the husband gets the Slap of evil. Why didn't he just break into his house and grab emir &
Beat the crap out of him? He's in there choking his wife,threatening her and hes out there beatin on the door. See that's tv, in real life,he
Would probly be dead.

Kemals brother has gotta be the most
Dumbest guy on a tn. He is being royally set up. Cuz he's so very so incredibly Stupid, just like his sister. They were both warned, she
Didn't listen, he didn't listen. So
Stupid. And the way he threatened that man and then hit him. Didn't that guy take a pic of him holding the gin to the man a face? They are
Setting him up for something.

Oh kemal, you got your hands full with your stupid siblings. How many more Episodes of this left?

Thanks for This page Rgv Chick.

Anybody else can add anything, like all of it?, lol. Please do. I only commented what it looked like. Could
Have been wrong about some of that too.


Thursday epi

Nina, thanks for the recaplet! Always enjoy your take on things! You say you don't speak Spanish -- but you don't miss much. You are a shrewd observer.

The blonde woman Kemal and Nihan spoke to was Karen. Karen is not the fake dead one, whose name is Linda. Karen mostly stuck to the script and told K & N that she was with Emir, and Linda was in a room with Ozan. Karen heard a shot, saw Linda covered in blood. Linda was dead. But Karen admitted she did not see Linda buried.

That night, Emir gave Karen money to leave Turkey and never return. But she did, with her husband. When Emir found Karen and threatened her [scene you describe with hub locked out of room], she and hub fled overnight.

Right, Kemal's brother being set up big time. He was quick to pull out that gun, wasn't he? Plus, Banu, the woman Emir forced to get an abortion, is under Emir's orders to seduce Kemal's brother.

Episode total is 7, so I think we have about a month left.



Friday epi highlights and lowlights, some scenes combined.

Nihan's ma Vildan is trying to sell Leyla's house out from under her, claiming she broke the conditions. Nihan gets a slap from Vildan after Nihan confronted her: you're dirtying grandpa's memory. SLAP. Nihan's response: You have no soul. Vildan to self: Leyla's stealing my daughter. Nihan seeks refuge at Leyla's. Leyla is happy to see her, but tells her not to get involved in house legal dispute.

Surprise, Emir's pa Galip, seemingly infatuated with Leyla, shows up at Leyla's. He wants to help her keep her home. Leyla doesn't need him, calls him arrogant and refuses to let him in. So, Galip goes to Vildan and says he'll help HER buy the house. Like father, like son?

Emir congratulates Kemal's brother Tarik for doing a great job suppressing the country folk. Tarik gets a private office! He's thrilled. Later Tarik tells his confused parents he's gotta spread his wings and fly, don't ask any questions.

The country man Tarik attacked takes the story to Kemal. Outraged, Kemal goes to Emir. Lots of macho insults and challenges are laid down. [At first, Emir seems to have thought Kemal was there to defend this all you have to complain about?] Kemal: how can you manage a company with no conscience....I'd be ashamed to b e you....I'll prevent your stupid actions...then I'll take care of you....I'll never give up. Emir: go back to the pueblo.

Leaving the building, Kemal confronts Tarik for doing Emir's dirty work. Pops did not raise you to be a killer. Hey, just doing my job. Kemal: if you hurt the campesinos, you'll pay for it.

Emir tells his assistant: that humiliation wasn't enough to get Zeynep to tell her brother. We'll have to tell him ourselves.

Okay, I'm really confused by Zeynep seeking out Ozan, apparently as a way to get revenge on Emir. What? It is clear from her expressions, eyerolls, and the Emir flashbacks that revenge on him is her motivation. She said to her self: I want this to be over. I see it will hurt Nihan, as her brother is being messed with, but why would Emir care? Am I missing something?

Marriage proposal scene. Turkish version of mariachi, accordion and violins in a restaurant. Ozan kneels and present an engagement ring, will you marry me? Zeynep says yes. The best is yet to come. We'll shock the world.

Emir is stalking Zeynep as she walks down the street. Do you miss me? [Creep.] You still haven't told your brother? Wasn't that enough? Here's a gift for you....Zeynep sees it's a photo of Emir and her in a passionate embrace.

Zeynep to Emir: let me be the one to tell Kemal. When my brother kills you, remember this moment and my face.



Number of episodes is 74, not 7!

I see typo above, sorry.

Approx a month more until our two beautiful people are happily ever after.


Thank you Clara. I wasn't to far off. I Just wish univision would or Comcast
Put the English translations back on.
I would still read the recaps, I enjoy
The company of the patio.

I'm so glad nihan knows her mother(and
I use That term loosely)she's a really terrible moma. Bad Enough she stole
Leyla's man on her wedding day & used
Her twins nihan n ozan to do it, now she wants to still take the family home. And Leyla is not the thief, she is. And shes using that excuse of a
Father of emir. He is just like dear Ol dad. Makes you wonder why coma moma wanted to jump off of a ledge. That lady probably know some stuff, if she could talk, oh boy!

Tarik is a kingsized ass. Nough said.

Another month. Things should really get interesting between now and the end. Hey, moma could wake up And talk.

Thanks again Clara


Wow. Thank you Clara for mentioning that about Banu ( Banu, the woman Emir forced to get an abortion, is under Emir's orders to seduce Kemal's brother.) I had NO IDEA!! Wow. Emir has really run the gamut. No stone unturned.
Meantime, I have no idea what Zeynep has in mind with Ozan. Maybe better that I don't know. It's going to be awful, I'm sure.
So many nincompoops in this TN!! I haven't used that word in so many years but it just came to me while trying to think of a good word for most of these characters.
Carole (AMOT)

It seems that Emir's whole focus in life is to bring Kemel down and make him suffer simply because he holds Nihan's heart. it appears to be all Emir thinks about every minute of every day. Uff . What a wasted life .


Thanks Nina, Carole/AMOT, and Susanlynn for your comments! and you're welcome for the mini-cap.

C/AMOT, re Banu, when Tarik was over for the cozy on the couch movie/popcorn night I took her at her word that she'd called him because she wanted company. But there was a later scene at the office [Banu seems to work for Emir too] where the plan was made clear. Then, Banu asked Tarik out for a meal. Tarik was all flustered cuz he had to do some dirty work for Emir ASAP. He asked to reschedule and I think this "date" is pending.

So many nincompoops! All the more striking in contrast to Kemal, who is pretty perfect. Pretty and perfect. Perhaps a bit TOO perfect?

Right Susanlynn, Emir could have a beautiful life, married to someone else, of course. Instead, he's using all his energy to cruelly set up and taunt Zeynep and plot 24/7 to bring down Kemal's whole family.

Wonder if whatever is up with Emir's momma-in-a-coma is meant to make us see him differently? And as Nina said, momma might talk!

Couple more bits I remembered from Friday:

~~ Asu learned her uncle is seriously ill. Tears. For now, they're keeping it a secret from Kemal.
~~ Zeynep's friend told her that Salih [Kemal's friend who has taken to drink since Zeynep dumped him for Emir] is obsessed with her, and she better be careful.
~~ Kemal is issuing a press release re construction project in the country.
~~ Kemal had coffee with his accomplice Zehir [guy from the rough nabe]. Kemal told him he felt tired and under attack [he has no idea!]. Zehir is working on finding a new address for Karen [blonde lady from night of fake killing who fled town].

Still puzzled re Zeynep/Ozan, but right, it will become clear as it all implodes!


And implode it will Clara. But on who?

Emir is crazy with hatred for kemal. And because nihan don't want him. Who
Would want him? He crazy. Much like his daddy.
Leyla don't want his ol butt he, runs to vildan and tells her he's gonna help her steal her sister's home. What is wrong with them? They want to destroy whoever dont want them. Which makes me Wonder why momma is in a coma With her <●><●> wide open. Like she's in shock. That old man(I don't quit remember Emir's dad's name)but I think he did Somethin she didn't approve of. This is What those two numnuts do,when stuff Don't go their way....They just desroy.
Kemal has no idea what is coming his way. His brother,what a jackass he is.
The next month or so should prove very

Nina..ha.. "He crazy"...yes...that says it all. That stone face of Emir's gives me the creeps.


Susanlynn: Have you & the others on Caray Caray been watching this Telenovela ? I see the female police detective survived BARELY..., I am not watching that one.

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