Thursday, August 19, 2021

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Diseñando Tu Amor, Si Nos Dejan & La Hija del Embajador - Week of Aug. 16, 2021

Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! JoelD is still taking a necessary break from providing recaps for Diseñando Tu Amor but feel free to discuss and share any details.  Si Nos Dejan is being “highlighted” by Jarifa, Diana, and RGVChick, and Super-dondi356 is still providing the amazingly detailed and helpful recaps for La Hija del Embajador! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8- 9PM  -  Diseñando Tu Amor: Ep. 80-81

9-10PM –  Sin Nos Dejan: Ep 50-51

10-11PM  La Hija del Embajador, Season 2: Ep 57-58 (FINAL Episodes of the 2nd Season !!)

Coming Soon: “La Desalmada” – Aug. 23rd at 10PM(E)  AND “Que le Pasa a Mi Familia” – Aug 30th at 7PM(E)

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “EMBAJADOR”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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DEJAN - Ep 50: FATAL Attraction! Part 1

As Alicia looks at martin in disbelief, Fedora tells her that it is Martin! Martin sees them and introduces Mabel as his new boss. Mabel is glad to finally meet the famous Sergio’s Ex. Martin tells Alicia that he is glad to see her even for a moment. Alicia and Fedora then go sit at a table. Alicia’s little green eyed monster peeks out. She comments about how Mabel looks at Martin…Carlota was right that Martin would soon find someone else. Fedora asserts that Alicia’s happiness is at the table a few feet away and instead of being over there, Alicia is drowning her sorrows with tequila.

Yuri greets Mujica and Gutierrez, Mujica explains that they are still looking for Cholo and asks if she has had any contact with him. Yuri denies talking to Cholo and shows them to door, but Mujica warns her that with such a nice house, it would be a pity that she lose everything she has is she helps Cholo. Yaya approaches and tells Yuri that she is going to the attic, but Yuri quickly tells her to see the cops to the door. Mujica wonders why Yuri is so nervous…he warns her not to be nervous when she sees a patrol car outside. Before leaving, Mujica notices the bonsais and remembers seeing them at Cholo’s house. Yaya tells him that Yuri hasn’t had hem for very long. Yuri goes to check on Cholo, who had been listening in through the vent; he is very nervous…this is getting very dangerous; When he adds that she is taking a risk for him, Yuri argues that she is doing this for herself because if he goes back to prison or gets killed, she will die. She needs time to find the real murderer and asks Cholo to trust her.

Facundo is still at the bar thinking about the lies Mujica told him. He asks for another drink.

Maruja calls Facundo’s sponsor since she thought Facndo was with him. She is told that Facundo has not been to the meetings in a long time.

At school, Diego and Miranda laugh about how the others reacted. Miranda can’t believe he told everyone that she is his novia…she didn’t expect it. Diego wonders why she never waits for good things to happen to her…he is the best thing that happened to her. Miranda then asks if he was serious about the novio thing, so Diego assures her that he was serious. Miranda worries since he has had many other girls and she might just be another one. Diego asks her to trust him and yells out, “Miranda is my novia!”

Nicole cries out of embarrassment and anger . She can’t believe Culebra would change her for that odd one…they will both pay!

Fabian and Rebeca arrive at a dance school since Fabian found out that dancing is good for mental health…it will be good for both of them. Rebeca thinks he is the best man in the world.

At the restaurant, Alicia is so nervous that she can’t even read the menu. Fedora shares her tips on how to survive being “despechada” (jilted) including looking for another man At the other table,, Mabel can’t understand how a woman like Julieta could be interested in a man like Sergio. Martin excuses himself and goes to the restroom. He makes a beeline to Alicia (in the women’s bathroom!!) and tells her that he is desperate to talk to her since she has him blocked. When he tells her that if she doesn’t have the courage to live their story, they can at least be friends. He wishes that they could be closer, but Alicia argues that there is no “they” and apologizes for not being that brave woman he talks about. She tries to leave but Martin stops her and asks that she at least let him be her friend; he just wants to know about her even though he has to suppress the urge to kiss her. As he is about to kiss her anyway, they are interrupted and Alicia rushes out. Martin follows and tells her that she will have to go to the ends of the earth in order to hide from his love. Afterwards, Mabel sees Alicia walking out and comments to Martin that there is nothing more “desgarrador” (heartrendering) than an impossible love…she loves men who don’t care about prejudices and follow their heart.


DEJAN - Ep 50: FATAL Attraction! Part 2

Eva gets a call from the manager of the casino to remind her about her debt. She fakes being ill and tells him that she will go soon to pay her debt…and win back her money.

Miranda arrives home with a big smile. She tells Yaya that she is having a great day and wants to celebrate. Yaya hopes that she has many more of those days.

Diego tells his buddies that he is letting Enigma back into their team. When the buddies complain, Diego gets fed up and runs them off.

Miranda tells Benny that for the first time in her life she is someone to somebody. Her alter ego mocks her and tells her she is being so naïve….Culebra will soon tire of her.

Eva looks at the information that Robles brought and refuses to pay for such information. Robles argues that it’s not his fault Martin is like a saint. When he gives her the bill, Eva complains but tells him that she will send him a check…when she can.

Gonzo is at the culinary school trying to explain to Natalia why he is keeping his culinary studies a secret…if his father finds out, he will kill him.

Prudencia warns Lucas that nothing good will come from the DNA test, but Lucas asks her to trust hm

Eva goes to the station and has a run in with Julieta. After they throw insults at each other, Julieta tells Eva that she and Sergio are waiting for them to leave the house so that they can move in.

Yuri goes to the firm…she is there to stay and work since she needs money now more than ever.. Once alone with Moises, Moises thinks that things will get back to the way they were (persistent jerk!).

In the attic, Cholo is about to leave and thinks about Yuri’s instructions and advice about going about the house when everyone leaves. He quietly opens the door and walks out. He hears Yaya talking to herself. When the phone rings , Cholo hides in the study. He listens as Yaya talks to a bill collector. After Yaya walks away, Cholo makes it to his destination.

Eva is with Sergio asking for money, Sergio is shocked at how much she is asking for…he is not a bank and refuses to give her any more money! Eva tries to play the pity card, but Sergio doesn’t feel like playing. Eva thinks Julieta has him brainwashed and she even wants to throw the kids out of the house! Sergio assures her that he is not going to throw the kids out but he is going to return to the house.

Julieta and Mabel meet. When Mabel mocks Julieta that she will end up living in the house with at least one of the kids, probably the adolescent one, Julieta assures her that she will live in that house alone with her husband. Julieta then tells Mabel that she won’t be able to go to her house, Mabel wonders if Julieta is going to allow that. Julieta isn’t going to argue with Sergio about that ..he’ll get over it eventually. And anyway, Mabel will be her maid of honor because the next step is marriage. She will no longer be the mistress….she will be Sra. Carranza who will live in that luxurious house…and as for “them,” they can become beggars…she doesn’t care.

Alicia and Fedora arrive home. Cholo hides behind the bar and listens as Fedora expresses her fear of living in her house. Meanwhile, Samuel is outside in his car with a scornful, twisted look.


DEJAN - Ep 50: FATAL Attraction! Part 3

At the culinary school. Natalia turns her nose at Gonzo. Lorena tells him not wot worry, she’ll get over it. Gonzo suggests that they go to his house to practice some recipes, but Lorena has other things to do. Gonzo was just looking for some support since he is going to tell his mother everything.

At the restaurant, Mabel tells Julieta about seeing Alicia. She can’t understand how someone as handsome as Martin can be interested in a woman like that. Julieta thinks that Mabel is interested in Martin (so do we) but Mabel denies it. Just then, Julieta gets a call from Facundo who tells her to forget about reporting on his interview.

Samuel is still watching Alicia’s house and sees Gonzo drive up. He gets his gun from the glove compartment….and gets out of the car; he walks toward the house. Inside, Gonzo greets Fedora and tells Alicia that he needs to talk her, but he will take a shower first.

Julieta meets Facundo at the bar since she pestered him about another chance to talk to him. As Facundo turns away to get another drink, Julieta turns on her phone recorder. She asks why he changed his mind; so Facundo tells her that it’s time everyone found out the truth.

Mujica calls Toro to tell him that witnesses at the robbery reported that it was his Quique who shot the man.

Samuel walks slowly toward Alicia’s house. Meanwhile, Alicia and Fedora talk about Rebeca and Fabian. Alicia brings up an old photo of the three amigas together. When she goes to look for it, Fedora gets a message from Samuel to go outside NOW or he will cause a scandal. Fedora runs out and tries to get in her car, but he stops her. He chides her for changing the locks…no woman, especially one like her, will leave him. He warns her to prepare herself because he will tell Alicia all the perverted things she does with her son. Fedora is fed up ad tired of him. Samuel grabs her and forcefully kisses her as he tells her that they will end their relationship when he says so because she is his! He will not allow anyone to sleep with her. When she tells him that she won’t sleep with anyone else, he accuses her of wanting to be with that kid. He suddenly releases her and starts yelling NOOO!!! (couldn’t tell why, did she kick him where it hurts?? Anyway…) Fedora starts to call the cops but he grabs her and in the process, her phone flies off to the side. She tries to go for it, but he grabs her and slaps her! Yaya sees them and yells to Alicia for HELP!! They are killing her friend!! Samuel keeps yelling at Fedora and repeatedly slaps her hitting her in the nose. Gonzo runs out and a full blown fight ensues!! As they fight, Samuel drops the gun. Gonzo goes for it and grabs it, but Samuel grabs him and they struggle! Alicia and Yaya approach and after Alicia yells out to Gonzo…the gun goes off!!! (OH EM GEE!!! Who got shot?!)

And so the episode ends…can’t wait hasta mañana!!!



Rgv Chick, your title could not have been more fitting! Tonight was nail biting, on the edge of your seat drama….

You recap was sharp, in focus, superbly written and reflected all the excitement and agony perfectly. “Alicia’s little green eyed monster peeks out” was but one of many favorites.
“Despechada” (jilted) and desgarrador (heartrendering)” were wonderful. Vocabulary is always a treat and these were perfect accompaniments.

Alas, Fedora failed to heed our many warnings and terrible retribution has resulted. Her failure to act, to protect not only herself but others has caused dire consequences. A tragedy that has now enfolded her dearest friend and her son. Samuel was wild eyed and crazed. It was just a question of who was going to be hurt and to what extent. By the facial expressions when the gun went off, my guess is that Gonzalo got shot. We will not have long to wait.

Nicole was bitterly livid about Culebra declaring Miranda as his novia. However, when she smirked shortly thereafter, there is little doubt some insidious payback plan has been hatched.

We didn’t get any close up of Benito. I kept wondering if there was a stand in?

And in the midst of all the dreadful doings, there is a happy oasis – Fabian and Rebeca. “Rebeca thinks he is the best man in the world”. I do not disagree.

“Moises thinks that things will get back to the way they were (persistent jerk!)”. Yup, idiot!!

Facundo and Quique are in grave danger as Cholo dances like Fred Astaire, darting from room to room trying to stay hidden.

Maybe it’s me but Martin following Alicia into the women’s room (graffiti and all) was a bit much. No boundaries.

RgvChick, a marvelous summary. Thank you!



Eduardo Santamaria is doing another one of his larger than life villans, indeed. Kind of reminds me of the character he played in Sin tu mirada, but worse.

The first episode is nothing to write home about, but it gets better (or worse, depending how you see things).Thanks for offering to recap it, Urban.

I also agree that the protas have nice chemistry, and I realized I haven't actually seen them together before, so for me they're fresh.
I'll do some mini recaps, too, hopefully enough people are interested.


Urban, I'm so happy you are doing the first recap!

Adriana Noel, it will be great to read your fantastic summaries too.

To be honest, I had to refresh my memory as to what TN Jose and Livia worked on together (Muchacha italiana viene a casarse) which I did see. I'm a Jose Ron fan so am looking forward.

Eduardo Santamarina was a villian in Antes muerta que Lichita and he chewed up the scenery. A standout performance. From the promos, I suspect he does the same thing here.


Dejan #50

Gracias, RGV Chick.

The gunshot scene echoes the one in ECDLP where the insane Nora struggled with Marcelo over the gun with a history. That scene was a few episodes ago on this rerun.

I do hope the writers didn't decide Gonzalo had to die. That would almost be a dream come true for SerJerk who didn't want an "effeminate" son whose only crime was wanting a career as a chef rather than a doctor. It would also please Juleech because he opposes their relationship. They could spin this in PR for sympathy points for SerJerk.

Samuel needs to die a horrible and humiliating death. I was also wondering why Fedora didn't kick him in the nuts... or grab and twist them.

It would be a horrible tragedy for Alicia, who will be blamed by SerJerk and Eva for being friends with Fedora, whom I consider to be too stupid to continue living.

Didn't Yuri ever read The Diary of Anne Frank ? Her hiding Cholo (I really hate that nick) can't last much longer; they will be caught in one or two more close calls.

Now that Juleech said she didn't care of Alicia and her family became beggars, could that be like Rameses in The Ten Commandments bringing down Egypt's next plague? Could that be her own Karmageddon? I like the idea.

Fabian and Rebecca were the fresh air in all this. It's time medical science found a cure for Alzheimer's.


I hope I can do it justice.

At this rate it will be another three years before we get the second season of Medicos, which annoys me because they left us with a cliffhanger that it would have to continue if there won't be a third season of PASL. This series will have Livia Brito and Kimberly Dos Ramos; the other actors have also been scattered with several important ones recently in Acuerdas and Dejan. [rolls eyes]


Urban, we knew a tragedy was inevitable and our worst fears were confirmed. I'm speculating but I don't see Gonzalo dying. There will be severe and reverberating repercussions.

I was half wondering if Cholo might have heard the struggle and burst through the door to save the day. Alas not.

"Fabian and Rebecca were the fresh air in all this. It's time medical science found a cure for Alzheimer's". Amen.



Thank you Diana and Urban! This epsiode had one heck of an ending...totally unexpected.

Diana, "I was half wondering if Cholo might have heard the struggle and burst through the door to save the day." I too was expecting (and afraid) that Cholo would come to the rescue. He was certainly in more of a position to hear all the ruckus than Gonzo who supposedly was upstairs preparing to shower. " I don't see Gonzalo dying." I don't see it either; wounded maybe, but not dead (hopeofully). If Samuel does survive, I hope they get someone other than Gutierrez and Mujica to take charge of the case.

And Diana, "Martin following Alicia into the women’s room (graffiti and all) was a bit much. No boundaries." Exactly! Martin is starting to irritate me...but his eyes still mesmerize me...Now if he would just keep is mouth closed :-)

Urban, ""Fabian and Rebecca were the fresh air in all this. It's time medical science found a cure for Alzheimer's". I second Diana's "Amen." And :Now that Juleech said she didn't care of Alicia and her family became beggars, could that be like Rameses in The Ten Commandments bringing down Egypt's next plague? Could that be her own Karmageddon?" Now that would be good!

I too fear for Facundo and Quique...but more so for Quique, at least for now.


RgvChick "Martin is starting to irritate me...but his eyes still mesmerize me...Now if he would just keep is mouth closed :-). HA! If only...Sigh.

Toro deserves life imprisonment and he should get back there asap. I hope his son's blood isn't on his hands before he lands there.


TU AMOR ep 79 part 1

Nora admits that she told Claudio that Valentina and Ricardo spent the night together. They slept in the same house, not the same room. She says that Claudio misunderstood her. She sent the tape of Ricardo kissing Val to Claudio because she thought he missed her. That's in really bad taste, says Val.

Patricia wants to know who told Enrique that Valentina is Guillermo's daughter. It was easy, he says. I found the guy from the lab who sends the tests to be done. You told me that Guillermo's real daughter is Nora. Why don't we see each other tonight so we can discuss our plans in detail? I also want part of that fortune.

Mina meets Adelaida in Guillermo's garden and tells her the house is "muy chida". Adelaida is unfamiliar with the term. You know, Mina says, bonita, cool. Oh, I'm glad you like it, Adelaida replies. Can I tell you a secret? I like you very well too.

Yolanda is watching a fashion event on her TV screen when Beba tries to show her Camila's video. It's playing everywhere on the internet. No need, Yolanda says, although everything came out better than expected. The original video is in storage right? Yes, you have nothing to worry about, Beba tells her. But we still don't know who got into my office to steal my designs. I hope they don't appear, Beba says, because they have the signatures of the original designers. Instead of helping me, you're upsetting me and making me feel bad, says Yolanda. Well, now I have to think about my next objective - Leonardo. He's deluded himself, wanting to be my associate. How cute. I suspect he's going to hurt his mother most. I don't think Consuelo is proud of a simple taxi driver and a scorched and failed model. But to harm him, I first have to harm Hector.

Camila wakes up in Ricardo's arms and tells him that she loves him. He jumps out of bed and starts to get dressed. We have to go, he says, Mina's waiting. I can't believe this, says Camila. I trusted you with the most intimate moments of my life and you want me to leave the house as if it were nothing. Tell me you love me. Say it so I know I wasn't wrong in giving myself to you. I'm so stupid, she cries, as he stands motionless and mute.

Consuelo comes to Guillermo's house for Mina and Camila. She sees that Camila is upset and wants to know why. She presses her daughter to explain, but this only makes her more upset and she runs out the door. Connie tells Adelaida that they can talk later, maybe at Aurora's. Back home Camila says she feels terrible about what she did. She says she doesn't deserve to live in Consuelo's house. I'm in love with Ricardo and I gave myself to him, she says through tears.

Enrique and Guillermo are in his office. Guillermo says he told Lizia to restart the process of transferring the ranch to Nora. Enrique thought she was going to study first and then receive it as a reward. Guillermo doesn't know how much longer he has to live though. He would love to see her face when she receives the ranch where she once served as an employee. With all his money he can't buy the only thing that he needs. Time to live. Guillermo receives a message on his phone. "Do you know where all your money is?" He wants to know if Enrique knows what it means. Maybe it's Humberto's people, Enrique suggests. Nobody sends me a message like that, Guillermo says. I want an urgent meeting with all the accountants. Furthermore, I want an audit of all the accounts immediately. Enrique promises to take care of it and receives a message on his phone from Cibernetico - "Do I have your attention?, because I don't have my million and a half pesos."

TU AMOR ep 79 part 2

Yolanda and Patricia talk about Helen's apartment while Beba makes them some coffee. Patricia wants to have Helena's apartment and later her man. Yolanda says she can't deny that Hector is handsome but not as handsome as his father. You knew his father?, asks Patricia. No, says Yolanda, but I'm sure Helena will suffer when she loses him. When is my godson's wedding going to be?, asks Yolanda. Soon, says Patricia, looking suspiciously at Beba. Maybe we should talk about this later. Beba, go supervise the seamstresses, Yolanda orders, and don't be gossiping. Of course, says Beba, hitting record on her phone and hiding it under a folder. When she leaves, Patricia says the wedding will be within two days. What does the wedding have to do with you inheriting that fortune?, Yolanda asks. Nothing really, says Pat, but someday Guillermo is going to die and the only thing Helena will inherit is a hateful sister. There is no doubt that my plan with Francesco was masterful, Yolanda brags. You don't know how much money we made with the designs we stole from Helena. And if he talks I'll leave him in ruins. I'm going to call Beba and tell her to bring us something to eat. After she dials, they hear Beba's phone start to ring under the folder. Can you explain this?, she asks Beba, holding up the phone. You could be fired for this. I need to reach you at any time. Never let this happen again.

Patricia asks Yolanda why she doesn't stay in Helena's apartment. Because I live in a mansion, she explains. Like the mansion I'll inherit when Guillermo dies, says Pat. Maybe I could stay there and pay for it little by little, Beba suggests. You could never afford it, Yolanda says. Besides it's a gift for my god daughter who has always been loyal to me. You're my employee and she's family. Forget about it and stop bothering me. In that case, accepto, says Patricia. Hector and I will need a place to live when Helena loses him.

Leo is in Majo's hospital room and leans in to talk to her as she lies there unconscious. Can you hear me?, he asks. I'm really sorry you're here. Not being able to hear, see, or feel anything. I'm really sorry because I'm the one who put you here. I tied a string to the edge of the stairs so you would fall. I couldn't permit you to have my child. Years ago I had a baby... For me Majo, babies are a nuisance. Majo's eyes open and turn to him. Val comes in and and sees that Majo is awake. She calls for help and a nurse arrives almost immediately, but Majo goes unconscious again. Code Red!, shouts the nurse over the hospital intercom. Room 205. Rosa Maria calls for a stretcher. They'll have to perform an emergency operation.

When are you going to take over Helena's shop?, Patricia asks Yolanda. If it were up to me it would already have happened, Yolanda answers. The problem is that lawyer from the barrio, Claudio. He says according to the law I have to give them some time. But since they got into my office I'm more paranoid than ever. That's why I want to get her shop and get out of here. Pat receives a text about the meeting at Guillermo's. I'll see you later she tells Yolanda. Thanks for the apartment. Yolanda sends a text to Leonardo. "Hotel, you and I in 30 minutes"


TU AMOR ep 79 part 3

Claudio finds Nora in the cafeteria having a coffee. They have to operate on Majo again, he tells her taking a seat. Well if she dies, says Nora, either way. How can you be so cold?, asks Claudio, shocked. Why did you lie about saying that Valentina and Ricardo spent the night together? I had to get your attention, Nora says. Don't you find it odd that Valentina says she's going to marry Ricardo just like that? We'll make a deal. I'll be your eyes and ears inside the mansion but you're going to be my full time teacher. I'll find out why she's going to marry Ricardo, but he isn't as handsome as you, she flirts. When Claudio leaves, Valentina wants to know why Nora said she spent the night with Ricardo. Nora asks why she should tell her if she wouldn't believe her anyway. It's not her fault that Val is having problems with him. She gives Val a new cell phone. She says it's cooler and more expensive than the last one. Val takes the phone and leaves. Now I'll be able to see all your texts, Nora tells herself. And I can also write texts for you.

Ricardo has a new app on his phone similar to Uber. It says that his driver is Nicolás. What do I do?, he asks himself. Nicolás gets a request for a trip from Ricardo Manrique in his cab. He hesitates for a while but finally hits accept. Are you my father?, Ricardo thinks. Nicolás looks anguished. He shows up for Ricardo but changes his mind at the last moment. He takes off as Ricardo opens the door.

Enrique talks to Lizia before Guillermo's meeting starts. He has a plan that involves blaming Nora and possibly Humberto for all the missing money. She wishes him luck but he tells her that she's a key piece in all of this. She'll have to steal the folder with the Caimen Island accounts from the table without anyone noticing. She's able to do it when Enrique creates a distraction. She says she has to go to the restroom but Patricia looks suspicious when she leaves. Enrique says he needs to go for water but will be right back. Pat doesn't look too pleased by this either.

Yolanda and Leonardo are in the bed of their regular hotel room. She says she needs his help to give a little surprise to Hector. He agrees to help her but will not involve Mina under any circumstance. That brat isn't of the least importance to me, Yolanda says. Don't call her a brat and I'm going to need money to do what you ask. Fine. I'll give you what I have in my purse but I want results. Is that clear?

Valentina returns to Helena's taller to give the employees an update on what is happening. Uriel shows up as she is speaking and she asks how he can dare show up after helping Rocio steal Helena's designs. He says it's not what she thinks and he needs to talk where it's private.

Leonardo finds Regino to pay him for the clothing heist at the market. He tells him that he has another job for him involving Hector. Regino is interested because he thinks it's Hector's fault that his son died. Leo tells him that this is an opportunity for him and he'll be paid very well. He needs him to go to the taxi stand where Hector works and give them a good scare.

TU AMOR ep 79 part 4

Uriel tells Valentina that he knows the sins that he committed but they weren't intentional or of his own free will. He's referring to the fall of Helena's fashion house which was not an accident. I know, Val says, it was provoked by Yolanda. No, Uriel responds. It was caused by someone that worked for Helena and prepared the way for Yolanda to deliver the fatal blow that finished her. You're telling me that there was someone inside the shop that caused everything that happened? Rocio and I were part of it but we didn't direct it, Uriel replies. Valentina tells him that this is very serious and she needs proof. He has none. The only thing he can say is that someone ordered him to turn off the security cameras at the moment of Majo's supposed accident.


A couple of workplace emergencies have popped up. I have to put my recap on hold. It will be very late today. Sorry. Feeling sorry for Melek and Sancar, not so sorry for Gediz and ready for the biggest anvil in Mugla to drop on Guven.




I am so late to the party. I haven't watched the episode yet. Plan to do so with lunch?

TU AMOR. A wonderful, detailed insightful recap, JoelD. I'm so glad you're back! Val is finally starting to realize how untrustworthy Nora is. Sure she only meant that Val and Ricardo slept in the same house! Sure she innocently sent that tape of Ricardo kissing Val! [Maybe it's not worth Val's sacrificing her own happiness to keep Nora out of jail?] And we finally learn where the original of the Camila tape is. The papparazo still has it. So Leo confesses to a (he thinks) comatose Majo that he caused her accident, and now he wants to destroy Hector's job on Yolanda's orders. He doesn't know that Yolanda has no intention of making him a partner in her firm. Let's hope Uriel really does tell Val about Leo's betrayal--that Leo is is the other employee besides Rocio who is in league with Yolanda and the one who caused Majo's fall. Or will something interrupt him as is usually the case in this tn? Beba is ever more resentful. Yolanda tells her in a very nasty way that Patricia will get Helena's apartment, not Beba. She realizes that Yolanda does not reward loyalty. I'm so glad she recorded Yolanda's and Patricia's conversation!



Martin is not a deranged, murderous psycho like Samuel, but he is becoming a stalker just the same. Come on, Dude, back off a little. Give Alicia time to breathe, get herself squared away in her own place and THEN pick up the chase! Insisting on "being there for her" every single time has only brought her more problems.


Thank you, RgvChick. I read your most excellent recap this morning not knowing if I could see this episode or not. I forgot to record it. I finally did get to see it since it was ONDemand and you did not miss a thing.

Best scenes: Sergio cutting Eva off/poor Cholo pussyfooting around the house/Martín invading the women's bathroom/Fabián taking Rebeca to dancing lessons.

Worst scenes: Julieta pulling a fast one on Facundo/Fedora being stupid going out to Samuel instead of
calling the police/the gunshot at the end.

I am so happy I get to recap this next episode! Looks like a fun one.

Diana, I, too, am expecting Gonzalo to have gotten shot. Whatever the case, it looks like Gonzo and Fedora’s little secret could be coming out sooner rather than later.

Urban, the old fwisteroo could have accomplished miracles. I always wonder why more women do not use that tactic.


JoelD, another Kleenex clutching episode which you captured superbly. I had some of what transpired last night but certainly not all and you clarified things perfectly.

I could extol the virtues of your recap endlessly but where to start on last night’s events???

Leo cuts into Majo’s incoherent haze with hateful admissions. She now knows he was responsible for her miscarriage.

“Years ago I had a baby” was a startling revelation. I can’t help but think that this is somehow pivotal to the storyline. After listening to Leo insist to Yolanda that no harm come to Mina, could it be possible that Mina is Leo’s daughter?? This is pure speculation and not a spoiler. He does clearly care for Mina but his determination to protect her is not at all in character.

Yolanda plots and plans her insidious intensions with an ease that one orders lunch.

“And we finally learn where the original of the Camila tape is. The papparazo still has it”. I was relieved to hear that as well SpanProf!

“I'm so stupid, she cries, as he stands motionless and mute”. I cannot condemn Camila – I also thought Ricardo would have a completely different reaction. Taking advantage of her was beyond inhuman. His face said everything.

Joel, another spectacular summary. You illuminated so much and so beautifully. Thank you.



Jarifa, loved your highlight of "poor Cholo pussyfooting around the house!". Excellent..

You are going to have a doozy tonight! Never a dull moment with things speeding down the track.


Hi Spanprof. Great to hear from you. I agree that Beba is getting more resentful and she's getting treated worse and worse. I wonder if she's getting ready to turn on Yolanda. I must have missed some episodes. I can't figure out how Ricardo knows about his father. I know that Patricia rode in his cab and suspected who he was. I didn't know she told her brother though. Diana, you got me thinking about Leo and Mina. What if there is some connection there? That would be very interesting

Dejan #50

BTW, for those unaware, bonzai trees are very expensive. They also are restricted from growing to their natural height, which some might regard as cruelty to plants.

What SirJerk does to his family.

And there is yet another delay on SerJerk finding out.

Embajador S2 #57 part 1

Gediz is at the mountain top, scanning the ground below. He notices a large black object and panics, Nare? Nare! He races down. Thank goodness it’s just a trash bag. So where is Nare?

Yahya is yakking with the guys about his classic Mustang [love those early Mustangs! I had a ‘67] Yahya laughs and tells them it uses a lot of gas. If you own one of these American cars, he says, you have to have a lot of money or own a gas station. I love the classic cars, but my brother prefers the all-terrain vehicles.

Sancar shows up as Yahya drones on. He slaps his hand down on his brother’s shoulder, and tells the guys, allow us a moment. Sancar is very upset. He grabs Yahya by the collar, idiot, don't you know your brother? Have you learned absolutely nothing in these years? Why do you want to continue deceiving me? Why did you hide that Nare did it?

Elvan, Gulsiye and Melek are unnoticed as they approach and listen.

Yahya explains, I was going to say, but Nare made me promise not to tell you. She even made me swear it on Melek. Sancar asks, why the hell would she ask you for something like that? Why did she want me to believe that it was you? Yahya has no idea. I asked her, he says, but she wouldn't tell me anything. Sancar asks, who gave her the video? Kahraman or Gediz? She didn't tell me, Yahya replies. Sancar asks, who took the video? She didn't tell me that either, Yahya answers. Nare didn’t want me to know because she knew I would tell you.

Yahya reasons, look at it like this, we're all winning here because you got out of prison, okay? Try to see it that way because that’s the most important thing. Sancar growls, shut up. Not only are you an idiot, but you are also a bad brother. You only care your well-being. What kind of brother are you? How could you turn your back on me like this? Sancar grabs Yahya and raises his fist. Now I'm going to teach you-- Melek shouts out, dad!

Sancar becomes self-conscious. Melek tells him, you want to fix everything by hitting. Grandma's doctor asked for you. Sancar takes Melek’s hand, yes, love. I'm coming, and he walks off with his daughter and Gulsiye.

Elvan stays behind to give Yahya a piece of her mind. For the first time, I thought you did the right thing, she says, you stole the goodness that Nare had. Yahya shouts, ay, Elvan. Leave me alone, please! Get out of here now! He walks away from her.

Gediz is still at the mountain. He sighs and looks around. He looks at the shack, runs down and pushes open the door. No one is inside. He says to his absent love, come on, Nare. Was it really that hard stand me? [does he want us to answer?]

Sancar visits his mother. He kisses her hand and asks, how are you feeling? She’s feeling much better now that she sees him. No one is going to separate us now. Halise asks, Nare hasn’t come yet? I remember I passed out in front of her, she tells Sancar, I’m sure I scared her. Sancar replies, she already knows you're fine.

Halise says, tell her to come in, son. What strange directions life takes, she adds, I remember when I hated her with all my heart and now I asked for her after you. Sancar says, love and hate are very similar, mother. Look at me. For years I thought I hated that woman, but ... not a second passed without me thinking about her.

Halise states, as soon as I get out of here, I'm going to marry you to Nare. [uh, oh, you gotta find her first] Sancar deflects, you just get better, that's enough and the rest does not matter. Halise stays on track, of course it matters. I want support you in everything, my son. Besides, I'm starting to think that I like that girl. [oh my, the look on Sancar’s face] She adds her regret, if I had supported you years ago, absolutely none of this it would be happening—Sancar interrupts, calm down. Don't blame yourself, don't carry that burden.



Embajador S2 #57 part 2

Has a near death experience changed Halise? She tells Sancar, no, son, I know perfectly well where I have been wrong. And the good thing is that it’s never too late to amend it. Now I know why I haven't died yet, because I couldn't die in peace until I finally see my son happily married to Nare.

With a hint of sadness, Sancar tells his mother, you can show someone the way, it doesn't mean they will take it. Halise answers, not even I could finish the love you have, Sancar. Neither of you can stop your feelings. It’s your destiny; you are destined to always be together. I'm just giving you my blessing. Halise’s words gives Sancar some faint hope. He smiles, okay, mother.

Halise laughs. Sancar says, Halise Efe is never wrong, but this could be the first time. Just promise me that you won't cry and don't throw a tantrum. Halise laughs again, promise. Then, we'll see who faces the great Halise. [this show is all about the bad timing, isn’t it?]

Sancar comes out of Halise’s room and Gulsiye and Melek go in. Sancar looks at Elvan. He doesn’t have to ask—Elvan tells him, she’s not at home. Did she leave her things, Sancar asks? Yes, Elvan replies, I don’t know if she took a small bag, but she left almost everything. Sancar sighs and thanks her. They sit.

Elvan asks, did Nare tell you something? What makes you think she's gone? [Turkish] Sancar says, Elvan ... Nare said she was gone. She never said that to me even if she was furious. I thought she said it because I was in prison and because they were going to lock me up for life, but ... she knew they were going to release me. In fact, she set it up and used Yahya to do it. I really don't know what to think, Elvan.

Elvan says, don’t think that way. Remember, Nare goes nowhere without Melek, and she's still here. Sancar says he thought that, too, but it's not normal for her to go without saying anything. He worries, Nare must be in trouble.

Elvan answers, it doesn't matter. You always save her, just like she always saves you from your problems. You save each other and that's how you know that you love each other so much. Don’t worry. She places her hand on Sancar, I know you will be able to overcome all the difficulties you have. Sancar smiles at her and says, inshallah. I hope you are right, he says, inshallah. He jumps up from his seat and walks. Elvan calls after him, are you leaving? I'll go find Nare, he responds without stopping.

Gediz is sitting and drinking in Guven’s office. He checks his phone for messages. Muge enters. Gediz anxiously asks, why are you coming at this time? Are you bringing bad news from the hospital? Muge assures him everything is fine, nothing happened. She just came to see him. Gediz wants to know if she asked in all the hospitals. Muge says she called all her doctor friends. They will let her know if someone who looks like Nare comes in.

Gediz sighs and Muge tells him, don't think of the worst-case scenario. Maybe she just wants to be alone so she can clear her mind a little. Clueless Gediz bemoans, oh, sister. Why would Nare run away from me? I could understand if she ran from Sancar or her father, but why would she run away from me?

Muge answers, I understand you feel bad, but put yourself in her shoes. Those shoes don’t fit Gediz. He sighs and continues, I'm not blinded by my manhood like Sancar [lol, what manhood Gediz?], and not because of my ego and pride like the ambassador. I understand Nare perfectly; I understand her better than they do. She left. She released Sancar from prison and left her daughter with her father. I don't know if we're going to hear from her, but she's already gone. That’s it, Nare left.



Embajador S2 #57 part 3

Sancar shows up at Guven’s office. Gediz quickly removes his wedding ring. Sancar asks, what's going on here? Guven starts to speak but Gediz talks over him and stupidly asks, what's up? Why did you come? Explosion coming…3…2…1… Sancar rushes Guven, grabs him by the neck, leans him over his desk and shouts, I want to know what you are planning, now! The others try to stop Sancar but there’s no stopping him. Sancar growls, I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me the truth. Guven squeaks out, let me go.

Gediz pleads for Sancar to stop and talk instead. [I say, carry on Sancar] Sancar shouts, this damned person is not one with whom you can talk! Listen well, he says to Guven, I'm just going to ask you one more time so think about what you'll say to me. Where is Nare?! Guven tells the truth, I don't know.

Gediz confirms that Guven doesn’t know anything. He adds, we've been looking for Nare all morning. Sancar still has a grip on Guven. He warns, I'll go to Kahraman. Don't lie to me, everyone has already lied a lot to me today. You gave Nare the video to get me out of prison! What was your condition?! Answer me!

Muge starts pleading with Sancar, leave him alone. Why don't you listen to Gediz? We've all been looking for Nare since morning. We have called everyone asking if they have seen her. No one has.

Sancar is furious. It was for the money, right? It was for Akin’s inheritance, right? [Turkish] Did you think that you could become human with that filthy money?! Guven answers, everything I have done has been for the welfare of my daughter. Sancar yells, her well-being?! This is how you take care of your daughter?! Do you really think you are doing something good, you bastard?

Gediz finally manages to get Sancar off Guven. Sancar yells at Gediz, how is it possible that you believe this guy?! Do you believe him after all he did?! Do you really consider yourself a smart man, Gediz?! Sancar turns to the gasping Guven and warns, you idiot, don't play with me anymore. Tell me where Nare is.

Guven answers, I don't know. She could have gotten bored with you. Maybe she noticed the trash that she chose. Sancar shouts, what the hell do you want from us? Don’t you understand that you have a granddaughter? Don't you care about anyone else— that it's not just about you? Sancar gives Guven the death stare and threatens, if something happens to Nare, I am going to kill you. I promise.

Muge comes rushing back into the room and she’s very upset. They called from the hospital. They found a body which looks like the description we gave them. My friend says it could be Nare. Sancar is alarmed, what did you say? Why did the hospital call? Gediz turns to Guven, I told you… I told you she was going to kill herself. I told you that she could not bear what you forced her to do. Guven actually looks upset, he has tears in his eyes.

Sancar is incredulous, what are you talking about, Gediz? Why would Nare do that? What the hell did you do to Nare?! What the hell have you done to my daughter's mother?! Sancar warns Guven and Gediz that he is not finished with them. They should pray that it’s not Nare who is in that hospital, or he will kill them. Sancar leaves and so do Gediz and Guven.

Zehra and Elvan are with Melek in her room. Melek shows Elvan a very happy picture of her family, including Gece. Zehra says the drawing is nice. Will you show your dad tomorrow? Melek hopes he will like it. They tell Melek it’s time to sleep and they put her to bed. As they turn out the lights and leave, Elvan softly says, ah, look at this, Nare, look at this. Where did you go, Nare? You should know that no matter where you go, they will find you. I just hope, although you are not near, Melek will have a joyous existence and never suffer. [we all hope so, too!]



Embajador S2 #57 part 4

Sancar arrives at the morgue and introduces himself to the attendant. A relative disappeared, he says, Muge Isikli said to come. Muge's friend, Ezra, introduces herself. Sancar asks, did you call her? Is it Nare? You already saw her? Ezra hasn’t seen her yet. Sancar answers, then I'll see her. Ezra tells Hamdi the cop that Sancar has come to do the ID. Hamdi asks, what is your relationship? Sancar replies, I am the father of her daughter. Gediz and Guven show up as Hamdi asks, are you married?

Sancar says, no, we are not. Hamdi says Sancar can’t do the ID. Guven speaks up, my daughter's husband is here---Mr. Gediz Isikli. Whoa! Sancar stares in disbelief. And I think Gediz could have peed his pants a little. Sancar thinks back to the video call: “ambasador’s daughter, are you going to wait for me? Nare replies, yes, Nare will always wait for you. But you are right, Sancar, you never know what the ambassador's daughter can do.”

Song: Itirazım Var/I Have an Objection – Funda Arar

Gediz produces the marriage certificate and Sancar snatches it away from the cop. He opens it. [interesting note here: the certificate says that Gediz was born in America!] Sancar thinks back to the night Nare took off her rings and told him, “I will not marry you, Sancar.”

Sancar gives Gediz the side-eye. Gediz averts Sancar’s gaze. Sancar looks at Guven, then rushes him and grabs him by the collar and shouts, how could you sell your daughter again?! The cops pull Sancar away. You sold your daughter again! Guven shouts back, do you think I would give my daughter to you? It’s obvious that I would give her to Gediz!

Gediz asks if he can go in to do the ID. Sancar is not going to let that happen. He shouts, who the hell do you think you are, Gediz? That woman has been my life for twenty years! And who are you? He warns, pray that whoever is in there is not Nare. They let Sancar enter.

We see a covered body with long wavy hair. It could be Nare. The cop stands ready to remove the sheet but Sancar stops him and says, allow me, please. Let me. The cop steps away and Sancar slowly approaches. He has to ready himself for what he might see. He reaches out, his hand shaking and pulls away the sheet. His mouth falls open. What does it mean?

Gediz and Guven anxiously wait outside. Sancar emerges, looking like he’s in shock. He doesn’t look at anyone and sits with his head down. Gediz walks over to him. Was it Nare? Sancar just stares. Was it Nare, Gediz asks again? Teary Sancar looks up and says…. no. Gediz and Guven sigh with relief and with worry.

Sancar gives Gediz the death stare and rises from his seat. He slugs Gediz and shouts, how could you do something like that?! Guven snaps back, he deserves to be with her, not you! Sancar issues another warning, if something happens to Nare, I'll kill you both. You are responsible if something happens to her. You got her into this, you bastards.

Outside the hospital, Sancar calls Nare and leaves a tearful message: I know everything. Everything. I'm angry, but I know you did it all for me. Ambassador’s daughter, please don't end your life. Don't leave your daughter behind, or me either. Look, whenever you want and whatever, call me. I will come for you anywhere. Everything will be fine, I promise you, because we have little Melek. Do you understand, Nare? I promise that everything will be fine.



Embajador S2 #57 part 5

Elvan and Zehra are in the living room. They don’t notice that Melek has gotten out of bed and is listening. Elvan says, my only wish is that they find Nare and that everyone is able to return home safe and sound. Melek asks, can't you find my mom? Is that why my dad is looking for her? She's lost? Elvan tries to cover. Melek is suspicious, then why do you want them to find her? Zehra tries to assure Melek, but the girl is not buying it.

Melek starts to get upset, you are lying to me and don’t believe either of you. She has not sent any messages or called. She's lost, right? I know it. Where did she go? Elvan asks her, do you think your mom would be able to abandon you? Melek replies, then take me to my mom. Elvan and Zehra stare at each other and have no answer for Melek. The little one says, see? She left me, she left. She left me alone. And I don't believe either of you, you both lied to me. Melek goes to leave and both Elvan and Zehra try to restrain her. Elvan wants to explain, but Melek doesn’t want to listen. She struggles to get away.

Sancar goes to the police station and Gediz has followed him. Sancar yells at Gediz to stop following him. Gediz reponds, this is not the time. We should find Nare together. Sancar replies, we will never do anything together again. Don't test my patience. Gediz counters, you’ve tried mine a lot, I’m sure your patience can hold a little longer. Sancar tells him to shut up and leave. Gediz tries to explain, don't you get it? It was a marriage of convenience to save you! It was just for that! Sancar doesn’t want to hear it. [and I think that Gediz had hopes it would have worked out.]

Sancar goes in to see the captain and files a missing persons report. The captain says they will announce it to the units and let Sancar know what happens.

Sancar gets a call from Zehra. Melek feels very bad and hasn't stopped crying because her mom left. We don't know what to do anymore. Sancar says he’s on his way. Gediz asks, is there any news? Sancar snaps, there is! My daughter won't stop crying because her mother is not there! Do you realize what you did to my daughter to save me?

Zehra and Elvan are still trying to calm and reassure Melek. The poor girl says, I feel very bad. I don't know where my mom or my dad is. And now nobody loves me anymore. [heartbreaking] Elvan tells her, please don't say that. Your dad is coming and he’s going to give us good news. You have to be patient. Melek just wants to go to her mom, and she struggles with Elvan to let go. Take me now, please.

Elvan finally shouts, Melek, stop! I don't know where your mother is. I'd take you if I knew! Sancar shows up just in time. Melek runs to him, Dad! They hug. Melek tells her dad, I thought you also left me. I was very scared. Sancar assures her, no, my love. I would never abandon you, I could never do it. Melek asks, and mom? Did she leave us? Sancar lies, of course not. She could never do it. Melek asks, did you speak with her? Did she tell you that he wouldn't leave us?

Sancar lies again, she told me, yes. No one could leave an angel like you. We will always love you. I give you my word. Melek replies, and me the same. I will always be with you, I will always love you both. Sancar carries his daughter up the stairs.



Embajador S2 #57 part 6

They cut a song here: Unut/Forget – Sezen Aksu

Montage: Gediz and Muge in his bedroom, he’s looking at his wedding ring. Sancar with Melek in her bed; he’s looking at a pic of Nare with Melek. Yahya is at the mansion packing clothes. Elvan cries at the dining room table with Zehra comforting her. Zehra notices Kavruk looking at her from outside the door.

Next morning, Sancar kisses and covers his daughter before leaving her. He changes his clothes and grabs his keys from the dining room table. That wakes Elvan who was sleeping on the couch. She asks, what's up? Do you know something? Sancar says, no. He asks if she can go to Melek. Zehra left to the hospital. Melek shouldn't be alone when she wakes up. Elvan asks, where will you go? Sancar says he’s going to the police station. Elvan hopes for good news. Inshallah.

Sancar hesitates before he goes and asks Elvan...did you know that Nare and Gediz married? What?! What are you talking about, she asks? It can’t be true, she says, something like that is not possible. And since Nare is not here, surely Gediz is taking advantage to say this. She adds, you know Nare would die for you and not marry someone else, Sancar. Sancar answers, she did it to save me. Her father threatened her, that's why she did it. They were not lying. Sancar leaves a stunned Elvan.

Gediz has tried calling Nare again. No answer. He calls someone else asking for news. Nothing.

Cut to Halise’s hospital room. Zehra is looking at her phone. Halise is reading the newspaper. She comes across an item: "Nare Celebi, daughter of ambassador Guven Celebi, marries Gediz Isikli, son of the famous family from Mugla " and there’s also a picture of the unhappy couple at the wedding table. Halise sits up in her bed and gasps.

And we are out. Ready for the big second season finale?




Dondi , thank you so much for every detail of this sad episode. The writers can not stop torturing these two star crossed lovers...and us. Maybe we should have kept tabs from the very start on how many people San has threatened to kill. Lets see....Guven, Akin, Kman, Gediz, Necdet . Did be threaten to kill miserable Meanie? Did I miss anyone on San's hit list?

Hub's first car was a white Mustang..maybe a '66 '67??? His dad had a pale blue one maybe 64? 65?

Well, I suppose we are getting a cliffhanger tonight , so we will be suffering with San and Melek until Uni decides to start the engine on this sad ride again later. Any idea when it will return ?

OT..Dondi ...after leaping around episodes of " Fatmagul " , I have started trying to watch the episodes in Turkish and match them with the caray recaps so that I can actually see how this story unfolds . I was surprised at how many English words and phrases are used by the characters . I love the way the story shows that despite the trauma and tragedy of this story, the characters still have to keep living their lives...making meals, washing clothes, getting groceries, finding jobs, etc. Daily life amidst the pain and struggle ...just like real life as we have to keep doing the mundane things of life in spite of our traumas and tragedies.

TU AMOR. Good intuition about Leo's being Mina's father, Diana. After all, Hector has taken responsibility for the entre rest of his family. Why not Leo's daughter as well?


All I can say is “Wow!” The recap will be up some time tomorrow.


Jarifa: I see Jackass Sergio & Co., are still winning ?


Part 1

We start out with pleasant surprise: it is Samuel who has been shot. (I didn't see that one coming) Alicia yells for Yaya to call an ambulance. After hearing all of the commotion, Cholo comes out of his hiding place to see what is going on. He is quickly driven back when Eva and Miranda run out of their rooms to ask Yaya if that was a shot they heard. Yaya tries to stop Miranda from going out to see what is going on but she runs after Eva.

Alicia is on the ground checking on Samuel who she discovers is still alive. She sends Gonzo, covered in blood and looking like he is in shock , into the house to grab some towels so she can try to stop the bleeding. Eva and Miranda arrive on the scene. Eva loses no time in recognizing that this must be Fedora's lover. Alicia tells her now is not the time and to check on the ambulance. Gonzo is back with the towels trying to convince himself that Samuel isn't going to die. Alicia tells him that Samuel is not going to die.

Down at police headquarters, Gutiérrez tells Karina he is off to the Carranza house. There was a report of gun fire. She wonders if it was Cholo. He thinks that would be a real lucky break if it were. She insists on accompanying him.

At Marcela's house, an incensed Toro is physically removing Quique from the house. As Quique acts surprised, his father explains that he was identified as the shooter. He lied to him. Quique wants to tell him the truth. Toro isn't having it and is going to correct the situation. He drags him away.



Part 2

Julieta (the vulture? she sure looked like one ) has ordered another bottle of tequila as she sits with Facundo now at a table in the bar. He is still not aware that she is recording him as he tells her that when Simón died his life turned into a living hell. Julieta says that must have been very painful. Facundo tells her that she has no idea, not having any children herself, how very painful seeing his son shot to death was. He found out that he could drown the deep pain he felt in his chest in alcohol. Before he was a father and a policeman, after the shooting it all went (to hell). He was able to overcome his alcoholism but now. . . . Julieta interrupts him saying that she wants to know about two things. She reminds him that he said there were a lot of inconsistencies in the case that made him think that Cholo wasn't guilty. He answers that in this world everyone is guilty even his son Simón. She pours him yet another shot out of the almost emptied first bottle of tequila. She needs him to tell her everything he is keeping inside. The new bottle of tequila arrives.

A visibly upset Martín is trying to track down his father. At the first bar, he finds out that Facundo was there but left when they refused to serve him.

After giving Quique a beating, Toro comes home with him in tow. Toro sits him down and asks Quique if his brain is working or not. (I was wondering about that too) Does he want to end up in jail like him? Jail is hell; nothing like what you see on tv. He doesn't want his son following in his footsteps. He didn't have a choice. He had to steal or they weren't eating and there isn't a day that he doesn't pray that Quique doesn't end up in the same miserable world that he lives in. (I could comment for paragraphs after this one but I won't)

Lucas arrives at the foundation and finds out from Meche that there was a call from the Group Carvajal not for him but for Alicia. They insisted that they had to talk to her because they had approved Luna's Cruz's case. An angry Lucas says to call them back and to tell them that he already has approved the scholarship. Meche says but that isn't true, is it? He tells her to just do what he told her right away.


Part 3

The ambulance has arrived and they are taking Lucas away. Gonzo agrees to accompany him. Alicia starts to argue. Gonzo asks if she expects the woman Samuel beat to go with him, granny or her? He is the only choice. He gets in the ambulance. Fedora thanks him for saving her life. Alicia tries to tell the bloodies and bruised Fedora that Samuel isn't going to die and that he will be okay. (Sure) Eva says they need to inform Sergio about what happened because Gonzo is going to be in serious legal trouble. He was the who shot Samuel and he will be arrested. Alicia agrees but needs to tend to Fedora's wounds first. They all go inside.

As the ambulance rushes to the hospital, Samuel comes to and is filled with fear as he sees Gonzo in the ambulance with him.

Eva takes it upon herself to call Sergio and to tell him about the shootingGonzo was involved in and what hospital they will be at. Sergio leaves work for the hospital.

A happy Moisés checks up on Yuri at work. She says she isn't being very productive because she forgot her things she usually brings with her at home. She is going to go get them. As he is going to tell her not to take too much time, her phone rings. It is an almost incoherent Yaya who tells her about a man who got into the house and how there was a shot and how he was as white as a piece of paper as they put him the ambulance. Yuri is upset (thinking it could be Cholo) and decides to go home right aways. Moisés insists on going with her. (Why do people not understand that NO means NO as in "NO, I do not want you to go with me")

As Alicia ministers to Fedora's wounds, Fedora apologizes to all of the family for putting them in this situation especially Gonzo. Eva cannot keep her big mouth shut and starts lecturing on how this family never has been involved in such a shameful situation. Her grandson could be accused of murder or attempted murder. Alicia says now is not the time. Well, Eva the mouth wants to know when "the time" is going to arrive; when they go visit Gonzo in prison??? The doorbell rings and it is the police: Gutiérrez and Karina. Cholo sees them from his perch above the living room.


Part 4The spurned Nicole and her friend run into Diego's friends at the park. She asks where Culebra is. He is at HIS place. They explain that ever since he started going out with Miranda he has been really strange. The girls aren't surprised by that. As a matter of fact, they have a plan to remove "the strange one" from their group once and for all and the boys are going to help.

Miranda is on the phone filling Diego in on what happened with Gonzo and how the police are downstairs right now. Diego concludes they probably won; be seeing each other today. Miranda agrees thinking how nervous everyone is and what a ruckus it would start if she were to try to leave. They will have to wait until tomorrow. Diego is disappointed. He was looking forward to seeing her and being with her again. She smiles. He admits that he hasn't even taken a bath so he could keep her fragrance on his skin. (Oh, no! it must be true love!!! LOL) She says "yuck" but is still smiling. She says she will not be with him again like that if he stinks. Well, he was planning on taking a bath if he were going to see her today but now he will wait unless she sends his a gift so he can put up with waiting until tomorrow . . . maybe a photo (Oh, no! we know where this is going) Miranda says she doesn't think that is such a goo idea (right answer!!) Diego asks how many times does he have to tell her that she is his girl and he just loves her. Nothing wold make him happier if she sent him a photo only f or him. Miranda tells him to wait a moment as an overjoyed Diego waits for his gift. Miranda closes the door and covers Benny's aquarium so he cannot see a thing.

Karina asks if this all began in the parking area as Eva starts to go on about what an embarrassment this all is. Alicia shuts Eva (The Mouth) up. Fedora explains the problem was with her ex who became furious because she changed the lock on the door to her house. He came and threatened to cause a scandal if she didn't go out and talk to him. Gutiérrez wants to confirm that she filed a domestic violence charge against him a while back. She confirms she did. Karina wants to know how Samuel ended up getting shot. Alicia explains that her son intervened because Samuel was at the pinto beating fedora to death. Fedora adds that Samuel came armed. Karina wants to know why she withdrew her complaint. Fedora admits that she was a coward and wanted to try to calm Samuel down as to avoid a tragedy like what just happened. Karina tells Fedora she needs medical help for her injuries as well as a report by a forensic physician to file charges against her ex. Gutiérrez asks if they know the condition of the victim. Alicia reminds him that the only victim is Fedora. As for Samuel, he was in very serious condition when the the ambulance took him.

Samuel flat-lines in the ambulance. The paramedics work on him. Gonzo is worried he could die.



Part 5

Carlota is reading Martín's article "The Boundaries of Love" in the paper. She sighs and isn't happy. Sofía comes in and asks if that is her father's article. Carlota puts on a happy face and says it is and it is fantastic because her father writes very well. Sofía asks why her mother is sad. Carlota explains that Martín knows how to very ably and very beautifully express his feelings and justify them. Sofía asks if he ever wrote anything like that for her. With a big smile, Carlota explains that he did when they fell in love and believed that they would be in love forever. She adds that is the problem with human beings: we think love will last a life time but it rarely does. Sofía doesn't want to accept that and talks about her grandparents who have been together their whole lives and still adore each other. Carlota says maybe the older generation knows how to deal with love better or the younger generation knows how to be braver in following their heart's desire. She tells Sofía not to worry.

Martín is at another bar looking for his father. The bartender says he was there just a moment ago with a woman. Martín wonders who the woman was. The bartender says she was young and good-looking. She looked familiar to him but he couldn't place her. Anyway, she paid for lots of shots. Maruja calls Martín hoping he has found Facundo. Martín says technically no, but he is on his trail. Maruja is overcome with worry. He will call her back when he has some news. Martín has one more question for the bartender. What condition was his father in? The bartender tells him he was very drunk.

Yuri comes running in the house followed by Moisés. She asks Alicia what happened and breathes a noticeable sigh of relief when she hears the whole story about Fedora with nomination of Cholo. Moisés asks why she looks happy? She tells him she isn't happy and asks if he is crazy or what?? (She needs to find a new job and dump any connection with this fool) (Thankfully) Gutiérrez interrupts to tell Alicia that they still have some questions. Alicia tells Yuri to go to the hospital to be with her brother. Karina adds to tell Gonzo to stay at the hospital so they can get his statement. Alicia asks if Gonzo is going to be okay legally. Karina says he should be unless Samuel dies. That would complicate things a lot.

At the hospital, an overwrought Gonzo is on the phone with Lorena telling her about how Lucas collapsed in the ambulance and how they were trying to stabilize him. Lorena tries to calm him down. She is on her way to the hospital. Sergio is there first saying Eva had called him. he is concerned about how his son is. Gonzo is okay now but he is afraid what will happen if the guy dies. Sergio grabs him by the face and tells him not to go there. He did what any person would have done given the situation. Gonzo is hysterical thinking he could end up in prison as a murderer. Sergio says what he did was heroic. He did what he did in self defense. As his father, Sergio assures him he will be just fine. Sergio hugs him. Father and son say they lie each other as they embrace.

Back at Alicia's the police are leaving for now and the rest are going to the hospital. (Funny but Yuri is still there) Karina reminds Fedora that she needs to go see a doctor. Moisés adds that Fedora seeing a doctor is fundamental in defending Gonzo. Gonzo defended her in an attack and the gravity of her injuries need to be known. (FINALLY Moisés said something very valuable to block head Fedora) Karina agrees. Alicia and Fedora go to leave. The police will most likely see them at the hospital. (Goofy)Yuri has something to take care of before she goes to the hospital. Moisés will bring her. Yaya is to look after Miranda. Moisés is left with Eva as Yuri goes to check on Cholo in his hidey hole.


TU AMOR ep 80 part 1

Nora runs into Enrique and Lizia outside of Guillermo's meeting and asks them what's wrong. They tell her that her father is in trouble with the accountants. He doesn't know how to move money from one account to the other without generating a lot of taxes. If she moved her money instead, the tax authorities wouldn't detect it and she'd be helping him a lot. He'd be really grateful.

Consuelo comforts Camila as she pours out her heart to her. She thought that if she gave herself to Ricardo he'd fall in love with her and cancel his wedding with Valentina. Connie says that things don't work that way and whether he loves Valentina or not she's his fiancee. She's not angry but she's worried and has to ask Camila something. Were you careful?, she asks. Camila is very uncomfortable talking about it but answers yes when Connie presses her. Camila promises that it won't happen again and Connie holds her and tells her that she loves her.

When Uriel tells Valentina that Majo's fall wasn't an accident she insists that he tell her who it was. Leonardo shows up and asks Uriel how he dares to return to this place of business. Val covers by saying he came back for something he forgot. She sends Uriel away and holds Leo back when he tries to stop him. She asks Leo about Claudio reporting the stolen clothing.

Adelaida comes into Ricardo's room uninvited and he can tell by the look on her face that something is wrong. She says that Camila left crying this afternoon. She wants to know if she was with him and what happened to her. Did you sleep with her?, she asks. Of course not, he lies. And with all respect, I don't have to reveal details of my private life to you. You're right Adelaida says, but I'll tell you two things. First, this house will be respected and second, Camila isn't a toy that you can use and then discard. You're getting married in two days. But without love. And you can't disrespect Camila. Much less, your future wife. Do you understand me?

At the station, a policeman explains to Horacio why they don't have any suspects. Regino's men are behind bars and Brochas and Perro are dead. Horacio is sure he's behind everything. The cop agrees but Regino has a solid alibi. He wasn't at the market that day and there are several witnesses. The officer says they're doing everything they can. Well, if you don't catch them, I will Horacio threatens. Claudio thanks the officer and they leave.

Valentina gives a pep talk to four of the employees. She knows they've been giving 100 percent. They still have material and machines and even some new designs that she shows them. If they make the dresses she'll sell them and they can have the money. Val says she already has a buyer. They look sceptical when they hear who it is. It's Nora.

Hector is trying to comfort Helena in the hospital waiting room when Rosa Maria shows up with news of Majo's condition. They did everything they could but in spite of their best efforts Majo is in a coma and she might not survive the night. Even if she does, her brain might be affected. They won't know until she wakes up. If she does survive the night she'll have a small ray of hope. Chances are about one in a million.

TU AMOR ep 80 part 2

Guillermo wraps up the meeting with the accountants by saying that other than what Humberto embezzled, no money is missing. He wonders what happened to Enrique and Lizia. He doesn't realize they're trying to trick Nora into transferring money. Enrique tells her that if she can reduce her father's tax burden she'll score points with him and he might put the ranch in her name. Guillermo discovers them as Nora is about to sign the first paper. What are you doing with my daughter?, he asks. Why didn't you return to the meeting? I was distracted and lost track of time, Lizia lies. Guillermo says that he wants to see Nora and Enrique in his office. Patricia sees Lizia and asks her why she's so nervous.

When Horacio and Claudio get home there is something that Horacio wants to get off his chest. He beats around the bush and Claudio finally guesses. He and Consuelo are novios. Claudio wishes he could hold his mother and thank her for everything. Horacio tells him how much she cared for him. Reluctantly, he asks about his biological father. He wonders if he loved him as much as his mother did. He wasn't a good man, says Horacio. He didn't treat Claudio's mother well. He made a lot of mistakes but they won't judge him. His mother gave her last breath caring for Claudio but his father doesn't deserve to be mentioned. Claudio says that Horacio is his true father and he is grateful for everything he's done for him.

Patricia asks Lizia what she and Enrique are plotting. Lizia says that she's nervous because she's afraid for don Guillermo to know that she and Enrique are having a relationship. I never imagined that he could love someone like you, says Pat. No offense, of course. Are you angry?, asks Lizia. Why would I be?, Pat answers. Enrique isn't anything to me. But that's not why you're nervous and I'm going to find out.

It looks like Enrique is going to be discovered by Guillermo when they meet in his office. Nora even tells Guillermo that Enrique was having her transfer money. He gets off the hook when Guillermo gets distracted by Nora and her desire to be a model. Enrique is able to downplay the money transfers as just paying some taxes and is able to leave. Nora asks her father why he left Yolanda. He has his reasons and they're called Rosa Maria. If she doesn't want to go out with you will you get back with Yolanda?, Nora asks. Why are you so insistent?, Guillermo asks. Are you getting a commission?

Consuelo, Adelaida, and Aurora get together outdoors at the orphanage. Apparently, Adelaida asked Consuela to meet her there. She wants to talk to her about a common enemy. She wants them to be united to fend off her attacks. Who is it?, Connie asks. Adelaida tells her. It's Yolanda Pratas. Aurora thinks they should leave things up to divine justice. Consuelo disagrees and says she can't just stand by while seeing her daughter suffer. Adelaida agrees with Connie. She says that God can use her as his instrument for making Yolanda pay for everything she's done. Consuelo asks Adelaida what Yolanda did to her. She's not ready to say everything but Yolanda is the reason that she's remained single. Fashion week in Milan is coming. It's the most important event of the year, says Adelaida, and you and I will see that Yolanda doesn't go.

Claudio gets a text that Valentina wants to see him at Helena's taller. I'll be there, he texts back. He took the bait, says Nora looking at her phone. How easy it is to get men to do what you want, she says. Let's see what you're going to do now Valentina.


TU AMOR ep 80 part 3

Leonardo talks to Regino about assaulting the taxi stand. What good does it do me if Hector isn't going to be there?, Regino asks. His best friend Luna will be there, says Leo. When he sees that she was in danger he'll feel bad because he wasn't there to defend her. He loves being the hero. Regino doesn't understand what Leonardo gains from this. You don't have to understand, Leo says, but if you want revenge on Hector you're getting it on a silver platter.

When Consuelo gets home she sees that Camila is in a better mood. She tells her that maybe she could help put on a dinner tomorrow to tell everyone that she and Horacio are in a relationship. And by everyone do you mean Leonardo?, Cami asks. Are you sure he'll be happy about it?

Yolanda is talking to someone in her office about moving into Helena's shop. He says all the formalities are in order. She says she needs his help with one other detail. She wants Helena Vargas off the property tomorrow. He says they have the eviction notice but they need a judges signature. These things take time. She asks him to write down how much it would take to make it happen right away. She sees the amount and writes him a check. He says she'll be surprised how fast the process will be completed.

Hector pulls his cab up to a man on the street that he obviously knows. They use a lot of slang but it seems like Hector wants to sell his cab to get some money. His friend can't give him much because he would need to resell it which takes time and he needs to earn a profit. He gives him an alternative which might be collecting a debt. He might be using Hector to intimidate someone.???

Valentina is really happy to see Claudio when he arrives at Helena's shop. She hops up from her work table and gives him a hug and a kiss. They become more passionate as Ricardo walks in. Valentina, he says as Claudio turns to face him.



JoelD, you captured the taut drama perfectly. There is no detail spared and your clear, concise writing is just marvelous.

“Fashion week in Milan is coming. It's the most important event of the year, says Adelaida, and you and I will see that Yolanda doesn't go”. Who would have thought that the best laid plans would be between these two unlikely heroes? And I love the fact Aurora is involved. It is gratifying seeing such a supportive, kind, strong character here, mirroring real life.

“First, this house will be respected and second, Camila isn't a toy that you can use and then discard. You're getting married in two days. But without love. And you can't disrespect Camila. Much less, your future wife”. Adelaida shone again here. But, there was no doubt her words were tinged with pain, no doubt mirroring her personal experience.

Do we know if Claudio’s father is still alive? I can’t remember. It seems they are setting the stage for him to show up.

So, I had a sliver of hope seeing Valentina and staff working on the new dresses. But, that faded learning they were for Nora.

I don’t believe for a moment that Camila’s protection worked.

I hope Claudio punches Ricardo in the gut.

Right now, we need several miracles. The first for Majo’s recovery. The second to save Helena who is on the edge as it is. Little does she know Yolanda is marching to evict and destroy her.

Joel, just wonderful.. Thank you.


DEJAN Part 6

Yuri is far too noisy (IMHO for a woman keeping a secret lover ensconced in her parents' home), as she opens and slams the door t the hidey hole and calls out Cholo's name. She jumps into his arms. They kiss and kiss. She tells him what happened. Cholo asks if Samuel kicked the bucket. Yuri says she doesn't know. She explains that Moisés is only there to drive her to the hospital. She tells him to stay alert and leaves.

Julieta wants to talk to Sergio and asks Diablo where he is. Diablo said he had to go to his "real" house because there was an incident of some kind. That peeves Julieta who blames old Alicia for knowing how to get his attention and manipulate him. Diablo adds that there was a shooting and someone ended up in the hospital. That does not faze Julieta. She wishes they would all kill each other. She doesn't care about them in the least. Anyway, she wants four only four minutes in the program for herself tonight. Diablo wants to know what for. She is not willing to tell him. He says surprises are for the public not him. She insists and tells him he doesn't know the bombshell she has for him. As she prances off, he quietly says to himself how much he hates her.

Martín finds his father drunk with a beer in hand at the market. He is seated on the ground propped up against a stand. Martín sits down next to him as Facundo explains that right over there is where Martín got PUM! shot and it was goodbye, Simón. Facundo wonders what Simón was doing with those people. Martín explains that Martín made a serious mistake and paid for it. Martín doesn't want to see that mistake ruin Facundo. They need him to be strong and healthy. Facundo goes on that they didn't have to kill him. Martín agrees and assures him that the guilty party will pay. He will take care of it. Facundo allows him to hug him. All Facundo can do is cry and asks why did they have to kill his son. They killed him.

At their dance lesson, Rebeca tells Fabián that when she is no longer herself, she wants him to find a new person to be with. He cannot think of doing that. She insists that she needs to know that he will be happy. He has so much love to give and she won't be there to love him back. She asks him to not chain himself to her. They hug and dance on.



Part 7

At the hospital, Sergio tells Gonzo to be calm. All he did was to defend a woman who couldn't defend herself. As for Samuel dying, that coward was looking for his end now he just might find it. The police arrive to get a statement from Gonzo down at the station. Sergio wonders why Gonzo should have to go to the station when the guilty party is in intensive care. Karina says it is protocol because a firearm was involved. Alicia and Fedora arrive. Shortly following them, is Lorena who hugs Gonzo as he looks guiltily at Fedora.

Thievin' Eva sneaks into Alicia's room and steals some pearl and gold jewelry to support her habit. She thinks back on her debts and Sergio's refusal as she hides it in her clothes.

Diego isn't as happy as he could be with a photo of Miranda wrapped in towel. He wants to see EVERYTHING. Miranda drops the towel and takes another photo. She seems to have sent it and then realizes what she has done. She is upset.

At the hospital, Fedora is going to the nurses' station to see if she can find out any information about Samuel. She gets up in pain insisting she is okay. Alicia reminds her that doctor will decide that. She leaves Alicia alone with Sergio. As soon as Fedora is gone, he tells Alicia that she must be happy now. He spent a half of their lives telling her he didn't like that Fedora because all she did was jump from one man to another and look at where that has brought them now. Alicia cannot believe what she is hearing. The only victim here is Fedora. Sergio reminds her that her son Gonzo is a victim, too. He could be facing a homicide charge. Alicia says Samuel is not dead. Sergio adds not yet. Sergio blames Alicia for the whole mess. Surely it was Fedora who put that absurd idea in her head that she should become involved with that useless Martín. Alicia asks who put the idea in his head to get involved with Julieta. He avoids the question and says his son inherited from him what it is to be a gentleman and honorable. Nevertheless, he doesn't think that saving that woman was really worth it for Gonzo. (If they only knew that Gonzo inherited some other habits from Daddy dearest) Alicia asks if he is done. Sergio says, fortunately for him, he is done with her. he is going to the station. he supposes being with her dear friend is more important than her son.


Part 8

Martín has guided his father home and puts him on the couch. Martín tries to find out who the woman that Facundo was talking to was. Maruja would like to know, too. They have no luck. Martín gets phone call from Diablo. He tells Martín about what happened at Alicia's house and that he should not make a big scene if he does decide to go to the hospital; to make up some kind excuse. Martín puts his father in his own bed before he leaves.

Miranda is now doing a strip for a popcorn chomping grinning Diego as ENIGMA on a video call. He starts doing his own strip on the other end. Unfortunately for him, his buddies walk in on him. They make fun out of seeing him half clothed obviously having a good time. They tell him to lock the door if he doesn't want to be interrupted. Diego tries to make light of it but tells them to call before they come next time. They say that they came to play. One is looking fo a charger he left behind. Diego remembers it is up in his room and leaves to go for it. They see this as their chance. They grab his phone and try to think of what password would be. Could it be "caperuzo?" They get busy. Miranda is bored on the other end wondering what happened. She has uncovered Benny and is telling him she is an idiot. They watch Miranda's dance (she still has her clothes on). What to do with it? One of the guys transfers the contents of Diego's phone to his. Diego comes down with the charger and notices that the guys look like they are up to something. He asks them what's going on. They make up a bunch of stupid excuses why they have to leave. They plan a tournament for tomorrow. Diego suggests they bring Miranda back in because without her they aren not going to win anything. They will think about it. They go. Diego is happy.

Rebeca is at the hospital telling Fedora that she could see this tragedy coming because Samuel is a time bomb. Fedora says that the feeling guilt she has is killing her. She feels so ashamed in front of Alicia and her whole family. she is so afraid of what could happen to Gonzo. Rebeca tries to calm her down.

Gonzo has been brought in handcuffs to the police station with Lorena. She tells him to just tell the truth and it will all be fine. He asks her to leave but she is not moving. She is waiting for him. Mujica sees him and cannot resist harassing him saying that another Carranza is in problems with the law. He warns Gonzo that this time he doubts that time his daddy will be able to help him. He welcomes him.

Cholo looks like he is getting crafty with a glass bottle, a hanger and some newspaper.

Sergio, Yuri and Moisés arrive at the police station. Sergio wants to talk to Mujica immediately. Karina informs him that Gonzo is being questioned and Mujica will not receive him. She suggests that Sergio watch himself with Mujica because he might want to get even and this could be the time. Nobody has anything to say as she walks away.

Rebeca leaves the bathroom at the hospital and looks like she is lost as she wanders.

Alicia is worried about Fedora maybe having internal injuries from such a beating. Fabián assures her that the doctors will examine her. As they chat on, Fabián notices that Rebeca should have been back by now. He decides to go to look for her and will let Alicia know what is going on.

Alicia is all alone until Martín just happens to arrive. She gets up and smiles as he says he is making another appearance to where he was not summoned yet again. Alicia says she doesn't know why but she just felt like he was going to show up.



The whole photo thing with Miranda was confusing at the beginning. Did she send Diego a nude photo herself?

Anyway, more comments later.


Jarifa, a true treasure trove. You conveyed the events masterfully and with your always artistic, all-seeing flair. “Thievin' Eva” was my favorite – just perfect.

Color me surprised that it was Samuel who was shot.

And in the midst of chaos, cooler heads and rationale prevail: “Gutiérrez asks if they know the condition of the victim. Alicia reminds him that the only victim is Fedora”. Unvarnished truth.

“…Rebeca tells Fabián that when she is no longer herself, she wants him to find a new person to be with…He has so much love to give and she won't be there to love him back. She asks him to not chain himself to her. They hug and dance on”. The look on Fabian’s face was crushing. This encapsulates life’s cruelty as no other.

“Why do people not understand that NO means NO” is indeed the prevalent and frustrating question Jarifa. Few her recognize or respect boundaries.

“Yuri goes to check on Cholo in his hidey hole” made me smile. No tranquil home here. I’m sure Cholo never expected that hiding at Yuri’s would prove to be almost as harrowing (and dangerous!) as being in prison??

Julieta plying an already drunk Facundo with more shots was disgusting.

And Miranda…I can’t even go there. Miranda needs a strong, mature man. Culebra has just helped drag her further into the muck. The repercussions will be swift and terrible.
I never wonder if Eva “The Mouth” (another perfect nickname) could possibly be more annoying as I know she can. I suggest duck tape. That said, by stealing from her only daughter, she has descended into hell. For reelz.

“Carlota says maybe the older generation knows how to deal with love better or the younger generation knows how to be braver in following their heart's desire” had merit.

At least Sergio is supporting Gonzalo. Those with hard hearts usually have at least one or two redeeming traits. And then he spews “his son inherited from him what it is to be a gentleman and honorable” which is truly laughable.

“She gets up and smiles as he says he is making another appearance to where he was not summoned yet again. Alicia says she doesn't know why but she just felt like he was going to show up”. Really? Martin showing up uninvited???

Jarifa, what a treat reading this wonderful short story over the course of this morning. Thank you!


Dejan #51

Gracias, Jarifa. for a superb retelling.

"Honorable" is not a word SerJerk should be able to utter without choking. What a hypocrite. His punishment for that will be the revelation that Gonzalo is no longer in med school. He will blow his top over that.

He is showing his lack of honor with every accusation he brings against Alicia and every cruel action against her.

Every nasty word Juleech utters from this point on should come back to bite her on the tush. Not to mention that if she goes on the air with anything she got out of Fausto she will be painting a target on his forehead. She also doesn't care. She is a sociopath.

Eva is sinking lower and lower every time. Stealing from her only daughter is about as low as it gets in combination with all her insults. This will also coincide with another drug use accusation that will be hurled at Miranda.

What can I say about Miranda except that I never expected her to do anything this stupid. Has she never heard the tragic story of Amanda Todd? I am becoming afraid that this will happen to her. Diego had no such intent but by copying the strip video from his phone his friends will make the worst hell for Miranda, which is very likely to get her expelled while Nicole laughs her ass off about it.

Dejan @51

Addendum: Eva doesn't know when the hell to shut up. She either fails to understand that mouthing off in front of the police will get someone in trouble or she just doesn't care about that.

Alicia needs to slap her flat. We are a long way from a time when people couldn't say anything negative about their parents, criticize, or contradict them even of we were in the right. However after 50 years of Eva's crap I guess Alicia needs a little nudging.


Jarifa, yuo caught every detail masterfully, thank you!

I wasn't too surprised that it was Samuel who was shot. I msut be really bad becasue when he flatlined, I was relieved. I suppose he has to survive to spill the beans about Fedora and Gonzo. (Ufff!)

Urban, ""Honorable" is not a word SerJerk should be able to utter without choking." If he would actually choke when he says that word, I would hope the he says it repeatedly!

Both Eva and Julieta somehow manage to sink lower and lower. Niether one cares about others...they are both sociopaths.

There were a couple of things that just didn't sit right. Cholo's reaction to the shooting along with all the kissing when Yuri went to check on him was a bit over the top (IMO). I always considered Cholo to be more stable and less jittery. The pother thing was all the blood on Gonzo's hands. I've never witnessed a such a gun incident, but would there really be that much blood on his hands???

Diana, "The look on Fabian’s face was crushing. This encapsulates life’s cruelty as no other." Yes it does, this is one of the saddest storylines I've seen. On a lighter note, I could not keep my eyes off Alicia's shoulder pads! LOL

I thought Miranda had sent some nude photos too, Jarifa. Maybe Diego deleted them?? And I agree with everyone...a really stoopid thing for Miranda to do!

Diablo should have known better that to tell Martin about the incident and expect Martin to stay away.


TU AMOR. Another superb recap, JoelD! Thank you for the explanation of the exact nature of the scam Enrique and Lizia are trying to work on Nora. Did I call it or did I call it?! Leo interrupts before Uriel can tell Val that Leo is the other person helping Yolanda to sabotage Helena's taller. As my next prophecy :) I'm wondering if the government agents will show up the day of Val's wedding and arrest her before she can marry Ricardo. That would not be such a bad thing. Consuelo's and Camila's conversation was not only moving but a PSA on birth control. But you're right, Diana. It's very possible that Camila's protection failed. What will Ricardo do then? Yep, good for Adelaida in her reprimand of Ricardo and in her alliance with Consuelo to take down Yolanda. Senior power! I expect Majo will be fine despite all the health crises following surgery. I was wondering if Horacio could be Claudio's biological father after all and he's now a reformed person. How would that affect Claudio's and Val's relationship? Wouldn't they at least be distant cousins? Or the father could be Regino, who at one time was a friend of Horacio. Yes, Guillermo, Nora is getting a kind of commission from Yolanda. :)


Jarifa,thank you for that excellent, detailed account of all the crying, trying, prying, and dying . I have given up watching this show . I am watching "Fatmagul" on YouTube instead . It is a great Turkish tekenovela starring the actor who is in " La Hiya." Our Vivi and others recapped it when it was on Telemundo. So good . Dondi recommended it .

Dejan us getting so depressing with so many evildoers ...and Alzheimer's is hard to watch. My family has no history of it despite long lives (my mother was sharp as a tack until she died at 90 and her sister tge same at 96), but my sweet MIL became very confused at the end of her life at 80. The cruelest villain of all. foolish ...I was a teen girl, raised 2 teen girls, and taught many teens ....not an easy time nowadays to grow up ....drugs, cyberspace , stress

Maybe I will just read the excellent recaps and watch the ending .


Embjadador Season 2 Finale #58 part 1

Halise reads the breaking news about Nare and Gediz. [She got her heart fixed just in time because this would have killed her…oh well.] She says, what does this mean? Halise hands Zehra the paper, look, explain this to me.

Zehra reads, "the partner of the Sadiclar Group, Gediz Isikli and Nare Celebi, daughter of former ambassador Guven Celebi "…. What? Got married in a private ceremony? It is not true. Kavruk enters the room, what? This is impossible, he says, she would not go against their destiny. A shocked Zehra says, look, they even added a photograph, and it looks quite real. They also wrote that Nare disappeared after the ceremony and it’s true.

Halise asks, what are you saying? Nare is missing, daughter? Halise lifts herself out of bed. Zehra tells her, you can't get up, what are you doing? Halise replies, don't touch me, I will go find my son. Kavruk says, Sra. Halise, please let me go investigate and I will let you know what I find out.

They try to stop Halise but she insists to go see Sancar. Zehra tells her mom, you can't leave before a doctor sees you. Gulsiye and Feride enter the room. Feride asks what’s wrong? Why is she upset? Kavruk delivers the news, Nare married Gediz. What? Feride smiles, Nare turned out to be smarter than I thought.

Halise shouts, do you want me to die, abla? Are you trying to kill me? That woman has deceived us all! She did this behind our backs and you still call her smart? Are you looking to give me a heart attack? Halise decrees, all are forbidden to pronounce her name again. She demands, call the doctor and tell him to let me out as soon as possible.

Gediz tells his sister, I won't wait, I have to find her. Muge says, there is nowhere to look, there is no point, wait. Refika comes barging in, newspaper in hand and she is ticked. Explain this to me, when did it happen? How dare you disobey your mother? Tell me what this means. She slaps the paper on him.

Gediz has no idea what she is talking about. Brother and sister read. They gasp. Refika demands, look me in the eye and answer me. Do I deserve to find out about your marriage through the newspaper? How do you expect me to go out on the street now? How will I look my best friend in the face? You never think about your mother, or what? Gediz shouts back, please, mother. Have you thought about me? Has anyone here thought of me?! [Gediz, I thought about it, but you wouldn’t want to know] He tosses the paper away and walks out. Muge follows him.

Sancar visits the Captain—is there any news? He checks his laptop and makes a quick call for someone to come to his office. There are new reports. It seems Sra. Nare was at the airport at about 5am this morning. She’s on camera. Sancar jumps up to look. He says…Nare.

The officer says she had a cellphone and the signal is a match. Sancar says, I sent her many messages and her daughter also left voicemails, so did she see them? The officer can’t confirm if she saw them, but he says she received them.

Sancar wonders, how is it possible? She knows that we are looking for her, but she gets on a plane and leaves us? Is that what you’re saying? The officer has additional info. She took a plane, it says here that she arrived in Istanbul, although there is not much information. She could have transferred there. The captain tells the officer to call the airport. I want to talk to the person in charge.

Sancar asks, she could have gone to Istanbul and taken another flight? She could have left the country? The captain says that is a possibility, but at least we know that she is alive, and that's good news. We don’t know why she decided to flee. Maybe she’s suffering a crisis and then she will come back. Don't worry, he tells Sancar, you know she’s okay.




"On a lighter note, I could not keep my eyes off Alicia's shoulder pads! LOL". Yes, yes, thank you RgvChick for reminding us! I kept looking at those small camel humps and asking why? Why?

I thought prison might have hardened Cholo a bit. He has seemed a antsy but I'm sort of glad as he is remaining his sweet self, the kind, caring character we are rooting for.

And Urban I suspect you are entirely correct in that when Sergio learns Gonzalo not only left med school but did so quite some time ago, he will not be the supportive papa we saw last night.



Embjadador Season 2 Finale #58 part 2

No, something is not right here, Sancar says, you have to check if Nare was alone. Sancar starts to raise his voice, maybe someone kidnapped her, otherwise why would she leave me? Why would she abandon me? Why would she leave her daughter? There has to be an explanation, captain.

The captain asks Sancar to calm down. He asks the officer to call the airports from Milas and Istanbul and have them check all their recordings. Tell them to find out if anyone is with Sra. Nare. The officer finds another report with a recording. Nare's alone. It hits Sancar… did she leave? She just decided to abandon us?

Guven is on the phone, thanking someone who works for the local newspaper. Gediz arrives and confronts him, why did you do it? Why did you post it? Guven replies, because I'm worried about her. Nare ran away because she is afraid to face the facts, you saw it, and if she sees the news, she won't feel it’s necessary to escape. Besides, Sancar already knows that you are married, so what could be my intention? Gediz responds, it’s a mystery what goes on in your twisted mind. Gediz gets a call: Captain? Tell me what they found. Alright, I'm coming. Guven asks, what did he tell you? Gediz turns and leaves without answering.

Melek brings carrots for Gece but she drops one on the floor. She gets upset. I don't know what to do, she says, I don't even know how to give you a carrot. A girl who can't even give you a carrot, do you think she would be able to convince her mom? You already know Gece, right? Gece snorts. Melek laments, she left me. You see? Even you knew it. They haven't noticed, but you and I know my mom much better, right? And you even knew her before I was born. My mom says that animals can feel, but children can feel that, too.

Melek sits on the hay and continues talking to Gece. [Turkish] I know that my mom has already left here, and that my dad he is going to look for her. She said she was leaving, remember? Melek gets emotional and she starts throwing the hay. She just came to leave me. She doesn't love me, or dad or you. Melek sobs, it's the truth. We were all supposed to be together. My mom would always be here, and we would be very happy. She said she would never leave me, but my mom only told lies and now, she left me and you. She left. Melek throws more hay and pounds her fist on the ground.

Elvan finds Melek and asks, what happened? Why are you crying? Why are you sitting here on the straw? Who made you cry? Did you hear something? Melek just cries and shakes her head. Elvan says, please don't do this to me, you will make me start crying. look at me, you know that I also worry about her, but we have to be patient. I know your father will find her and bring her back, don’t worry.
Melek stands up and says, if she doesn't want to be with us, then she shouldn’t come. If she doesn't love me, then I don't love her either, I don't care. I only have my dad. He loves me and I am only the daughter of Efe.

They cut Refika visiting Halise in the hospital. Halise is already dressed and ready to go. Refika swears she knew nothing. Halise says she only cares about her son and granddaughter. The moment Gediz married Nare, their friendship ended, she says. From now on, neither for your funeral or for ours, she tells Refika and turns away. Refika leaves.




I enjoyed your insightful comments SpanProf. Congrats on your prophecy!

And you are entirely right in that an arrest would be terrible but it would save Val from marrying Ricardo. A worse fate IMHO.


Embjadador Season 2 Finale #58 part 3

Sancar has located Nare’s car at the airport. A guard comes over. Sancar says, it’s okay, it’s a Sadiclar company car. By any chance did they leave the key? The guard asks, are you Sancar Efe? Yes, how did you know? Sra. Nare told us that you would come for the car, and she left me the key. Sancar asks, she say anything else? The guard says, she mentioned she was going to take a plane and asked for the currency exchange. Sancar asks if she seemed okay. Yes, she looked happy, he answers, and she tipped me very well. If you're worried, don’t, she looked fine. Sancar thanks the man.

Sancar gets in the car. There’s a partially eaten sandwich, some drink bottles, tissues. [Turkish] Sancar sighs, I can’t swallow anything else but bitterness, and you decided to leave, ambassador’s daughter. Well done, Nare, well done. You came back, you ruined my life and you left. Well done… Sancar gathers up the garbage and notices there are envelopes on the back seat. The one on top is for Sancar.

Sancar calls Gediz, see you at the mansion in ten minutes. I have something for you. Gediz asks, what are you talking about? Do you know where Nare is? Sancar replies, Nare is not here. Nare left. Nare escaped.

Muge finds Guven drinking and sobbing out on the marina terrace. She asks for Gediz and Guven tells her he went to the police station. Is it bad news, she asks? I didn’t know you felt so much love for her (Nare). Guven says, it's obvious, she's my daughter.

We laugh along with Muge as she asks Guven, how strange, are you sure? Because it seemed the opposite. Nare told me about her childhood, your relationship with her is not that of a normal father and daughter. It was traumatic, and what she's doing now is a consequence of that. That's why she feels like she belongs nowhere. She cannot accept being loved, and it's all because of you. Do you understand that you’re the one responsible for that?

Guven warns, don't try to analyze our relationship. This is not the time for therapy. Muge says, it's the perfect time. You were crying when I arrived. It's the first time I see you have human emotions. If you really feel something for Nare, why didn’t you ever show it? Why didn’t you show your daughter the love she deserved? Why did you deny Nare a father's love?

Guven shouts at Muge, enough! How can you judge me without having the slightest idea of what happened? Do you really think this started with me? Then go ahead, start to analyze me, you can also judge my mother. You really are a very bad psychologist, Guven tells her, you are very lucky to be rich because you suck analyzing people. Now get out of here and leave me alone! Please go! He sobs.

Muge says she won’t leave. Guven asks why are you ... such a stubborn woman? Muge says, forget about me, let's just talk about you. Because even you deserve to be understood. Guven cries some more [cry me a river]

Elvan sees Yayha before he leaves. She asks, are you going to leave the mansion like this? Like a thief, in silence and without looking us in the face? Yahya replies, yes, precisely that. You can continue insulting me and you can settle in better here.

This ended up being more your mansion than mine, he says. I did what I did in order to get Sancar out of prison. It was a good reason, to keep him from rotting in a cell and would do it again. Elvan reminds him, the things you did don't end there and they are very hard to talk about. Yahya says, good, you're going to get rid of me and my brother does not want to see me near his family again, now I'm a vagabond. Now you can enjoy life without all the problems that the damned Yahya brought you.



Embjadador Season 2 Finale #58 part 4

Elvan says she will enjoy her life and he should too. She adds, don’t play the pity card, because it no longer works. Have a very happy life with your lover, Yahya. And if you're miserable, keep it to yourself, I've had enough. Yahya says he will take that advice. I've had enough of all your humiliations too. I'm going to save my love for Dudu. Elvan says, go to her, run. You know she's your downfall, but let life show you what we all know. He leaves and Elvan cries. She tells herself don't shed any more tears for that bastard. You have to be strong and remember why he is leaving.

Gediz pulls up as Yahya comes out the mansion gate. What the hell are you doing here? How dare you come. Ha, Gediz rolls up his window. Hey, hey! I’m speaking to you, Yahya knocks on the car window. Gediz gets out and says, I'm waiting for Sancar, don't make me angry, because not even your brother will stop me.

Elvan comes out the gate and has a few words for Gediz. Wow, it's the groom. You should not have bothered coming here, we were going to bring you your wedding gift to celebrate. Gediz says he’s not in the mood for jokes. Elvan counters, but you were in the mood to marry! You knew very well that she didn't love you, why did you force her? Aren’t you ashamed?

Gediz tells them Nare is not here, Nare left, okay? Yahya asks where did she go? To hell, Gediz shouts. She took off and left us. Elvan asks, why did you get married if she was going to leave? Why did she leave? What did you do to her? Gediz answers, you think Nare is an angel ... but it's not like that.

Elvan sees Nare’s car coming and thinks she’s back. No, it’s just Sancar. He gets out of the car and walks towards them. What happened, she asks? Where is Nare? Did she really leave? Sancar says nothing and stands in front of Gediz, who asks, is she inside? Sancar pulls an envelope out of his pocket and hands it to Gediz. Then he silently walks through the mansion gate with Elvan following.

Gediz opens the envelope there is a little note: "Hoşçakal Gediz…", goodbye, Gediz. He unfolds a bigger paper. It’s a divorce petition and Nare has already signed it.

Melek is sitting on her bed crying when her father comes in. She left, Melek asks? Yes, she left. Sancar sits on the bed and takes his daughter’s hand. Did she go far, Melek asks? Yes. Melek cries, she abandoned us, she did not think of us, she left. She left us, dad. She went very far from here, she left. Melek sobs and jumps into her father’s arms. He holds her tight. Calm down, it’s okay, easy, love.

Sancar kisses his daughter on the forehead and takes an envelope out of his pocket, "Meleğim", my Melek. Sancar says, your mother left this for you. Do you want us to read it? Melek tears up the letter and says, she left us, but I will not leave you, dad. I'm going to be with you always…always. We will have each other. They hold on to each other and cry. [ugh, very sad]



Embjadador Season 2 Finale #58 part 5

It’s nighttime and Sancar is pouring gasoline on the shack. We hear his voice reading the letter that Nare left for him: "Sancar, I have written you many letters, there must be hundreds of them, but this is the hardest. I'm leaving, Sancar. I’m leaving forever. I made it possible for my daughter to grow up with her father. It's what I've always wanted, it was my mission. I guess I looked for love my whole life, and I thought I found it with you, but I can't love anyone, including myself.

Sancar is done with the gasoline and looks at the shack. He continues reading, I couldn't even love my daughter as I should. I wanted to be a good mother, I wanted to be better than my family, but if I don't go now, I will commit the worst betrayal of my daughter. Melek will be better off without me, just as I was better off without my mother. [I don’t know why Nare wrote that, and I might never know]

Sancar takes Nare’s letter out of his pocket. The letter continues, you are better than my father, you are not Guven Celebi. You are a great father, and your family is beautiful. My story will end here, there will be no legend, no fairy tale. No secrets. Neither pain nor love. Sancar takes a lighter out of his pocket and tries to light the letter. He can’t get the lighter to start.

[Turkish] Sancar, I buried our rings in the cabin, and I also buried our hopes. I entrust our daughter to you. I’m sure you will be happy without me. I am at peace. You can be offended by me, but do not be offended by life and with other people, Sancar Efe. “Elveda”, farewell--- Nare.”

Sancar is still trying to set the letter on fire. But the lighter won’t start. Kavruk shows up next to his Efe holding a lighter that is working. He says, it is she who is burned this story. He motions to the shack. Let it turn to ashes. Nare is dead to everyone. Sancar takes the lighter. He floats the burning letter though the door. Sancar and Kavruk watch as the shack is consumed with flames.

Sancar thinks back, to the wedding night. To when he carved “Sancarin Naresi” into the tree. He looks up at the mountain. There’s a flashback of an upset Nare looking at the mountain, too. Sancar walks away from the burning shack.

Dinner is being served at the Efeoglu mansion. Halise is at the head of the table with Melek on her lap. Halise asks for music. It’s a good day to have fun, and this is a table to celebrate. Let's do it.

We hear Sancar call from outside for Sancar Efe’s daughter! Melek calls out, dad! Everyone goes outside. Sancar is on Gece. He dismounts and puts Melek on Gece’s back. Melek asks, dad, what is going to happen now? Sancar smiles at his daughter and says, I promise that everything that happens now, is going to be the best part of our lives. And Sancar leads Gece and Melek through the yard.

Continuará….Tercera Temporada Próximamente/To Be Continued…. Third Season Coming Soon

Let me know what you think about the second season.

Çok teşekkürler, arkadaşlarım!



Diana, I am glad you enjoyed the recap.It was fun to write. I was totally expecting Gonzo to be between life and death battling to stay alive and Samuel to be on the run. This is much better. I myself couldn’t believe Eva stealing from Alicia but she is an addict and in addition to that a nasty human being. There netter be a good anvil for her. I kept thinking that rather than being a gentleman, Gonzo inherited Sergio’s sense of entitlement and lack of self-control that he demonstrated when he went to bed with his mother’s best friend.

Urban, thanks. Good point that the missing jewelry could easily put a target on Miranda. As for Miranda and her nudie photo and strip video, I was also surprised. Just thinking of what could happen to good OLD Sergio if he finds out that Gonzo is in culinary school and not in med school and that Miranda is out there on the web in all of her glory so to speak. It might be too much for the old boy to handle. News about Gonzo having been Fedora’s lover would be the cherry on the top of this concoction of unpleasant events. I also would so like for someone to slap Eva down or at least shut her down.

RgvChick, thanks. I also found that meeting between Yuri and Cholo was odd. Suddenly they both seemed so immature to me, like a a couple of kids out of touch with reality; not like young adults. Cholo’s escapades through the house on the sly have been sort of odd to me , too, because I think they have bordered on comedy with his wide eyes, etc. Thanks for your take on the nude photos. I hope he deleted them.

Susanlynn, great to see you on the patio! I know how it is when there are just one too many more enticing telenovelas to watch and how certain topics like Alzheimer’s can easily deep six a novela no matter how far we have watched. This novela has turned out to be my guilty pleasure this summer; sort of like the trashy novel you might take to the beach or on a plane to read on a flight. Anyway, stop by whenever you feel like catching up on this problematic cast of chraracters The gran final—whenever— will surely be a goody.

Dejan #51

I don't think Diego will post the video but one of his "buddies" probably will... or Nicole will post it from whomever's phone. Diego will catch the heat and we need to hope he flashes back to leaving his phone alone for the few minutes it took for that to happen.

The biggest surprise for me was El Toro telling Quique he didn't want him following him into crime. I never saw that coming. However he will still be on the next Toxic Fathers list because of his misogyny. A man who hates women can't be a good father.


Holy cow! The writers sure put an end to Nare, and not nicely. There was more compassion for horrible Guven than for poor Nare.
Even Kavruk had a surprising reaction - burn down the cabin.
Okay, we get it. Nare isn't coming back. I hope Sancar saved the letter to Melek. She will want to read it someday and regret tearing it up. Same with Sancar burning his letter from Nare.

Of course, I wanted a completely different ending, or one with some hope for Nare and Sancar together. Even a tender farewell scene. Not this abrupt fiasco. Grrrrrr.
I'm sure I'll write more later. Bummed out (does anyone say that anymore?) to the max.
Thank you, thank you, Dondi for all your work on this sad novela.

Beth S.




I found it surprising that Diego would have left his phone unattended considering what he and Miranda were up to.

As for Toro, what did he expect from Quique when he was his role model? IMHO, he should be on the toxic father’s list for punishing his son for what he taught him to do. It is easy for Toro to talk now when he doesn’t need Quique to help support the family.

Dejan #51

Diego should not have trusted his friends even if he had ever told them that Nicole was not allowed back in. That would not likely have been enough because any of her minions would have pulled this crap.

Of course we can expect them to deep fake it to something truly pornographic and to make it look as though she posted it. Which leads to Alicia losing custody and Juleech shipping her off to a convent school. She'd put that poor girl in a Magdalene laundry if they still existed.


Dear Dondi , thank you thank you for all the time, talent, and effort that you put into writing your wonderful recaps . I especially enjoyed your shrewd, snarky parenthetical comments .

Color me disappointed.

Wow, the writers really dropped the ball here at the end . Did T. S. Eliot write this episode because the world ended with a whimper not a bang. After going ballistic and yelling and punching people EVERY time Nare rejected San , now she has quietly, surreptitiously evaporated , and San is calm, cool ,and collected . Gone Girl has left behind her beloved daughter and her one true love along with some used tissues (to let us know she was sad ...boohoo) , half a sandwich ( leaving the people you love most in this world makes you hungry) , and letters to "explain " her sudden departure from all those she loves .

I expected a bigger reaction from San . He is usual!y really loud and violent when Nare slips away from his orbit. We didn't even get a Gone with the Wind " Tomorrow is another day " vibe" I will never give up looking for my one true love . I will travel to the ends of the earth to find her and bring her back to us , Melek." Just ...burn down that damn cabin ...get Melek on the horse. Next.

Even Engin could not make this ending make sense.

And what was that comment from Verizon throwing shade on Nare about not being an angel ? does checks know something that San and we viewers Don't know ?

Our star crossed lovers made love a total of one time on their terrible, very bad, no good,horrible noche de boda. There wasn't even much PDA except when San was the human burrita or shot trying to rescue Nare.

Instead of Nare on Gece, it's Melek who is the one to promise San that she will never leave .

Gee, barnacle Meanie would have stuck like Gorilla glue to San Forvever and ever. Maybe San picked the wrong one true love . Just joking .. Meanie was mean, crazy, greedy , stupid in a dangerous kind of way . ...but she was there for the long haul ...even when nobody wanted her there.

So...will next season bring San his Soulmate #2 dos? I thought you on!y got one . I only got one.

I hate the writers . I hate Nare. The least the writers could have done was have someone push Guven off that rooftop at the marina .



Apparently autocorrect doesn't like the same GEDIZ...changed it to Verizon and checks,...well, he did write all those bad checks....


Thank you very much, Beth S. and Susanlynn.

This episode caused a commotion when it first aired. This was not a season end in the original. There was/are 16 Turkish episodes of 2+ hours each to go. The actress who played Nare became very ill and could not continue. They had to scrap what was already filmed and rewrite and reshoot an entire episode in 3 days.

When I first saw the scene at the morgue, I worried they were going to take an easy way out and kill off Nare. I was pleased that Nare’s story could/would continue, whether on camera or off.

I don’t think that Nare’s season ending exit was so out of character. Remember, in the first eps she came to Mugla to give her daughter to Sancar and end her life. And even though Nare began to annoy me, I don’t think that Nare was a bad mother. I think she did her best with the resources she had. And at this point, the best thing to do was to leave Melek with Sancar.

As for Sancar, he’s been slowly changing over the course of the show, mostly to due to Melek. Having children can change a person. I think after all he’s been through, the fire died out.

Gediz’ reaction was a bit of a surprise. He seemed to turn on Nare. But maybe we can say this was in his personality, too. After all, he turned on his father and his best friend as well.

And Kavruk, ever loyal to his efe, gave Sancar “permission” to burn the legend he created.

Interesting you mention “Gone with the Wind” and “tomorrow is another day”, Susanlynn. I did get that hopeful feeling when Sancar put Melek on Gece.

I think people can fall in love more than once in a lifetime. Maybe Nare and Sancar weren’t soulmates. They had a purpose in each other’s lives and they have a beautiful daughter.

The story isn’t over.




Dondi356: There's one problem with "The story isn't over".

"La Desalmada" will be in the 9:00 PM CST timeslot on Univision for awhile & will be longer if it's popular with the viewers.


Now did miranda really take a naked pic of herself and send it to her boyfriend? On the net? Are these girls crazy. When I read what leech said to Fabian? About wanting 4 min
On the night show, I sure hope its
Not those pics of miranda she sent to(I can't think of that guys name)
Her boyfriend. That is all alicia needs for serjackass to blame her for something else.

So who was the young woman Martin's
Dad was with? Stay tuned.
I hope gonzo don't go to jail.

Serjackass is proud to say how much
His son is like him. That is not a good thing. He would probly want to
Slap him around if he knew just how much he is like him. But Only he is nicer. Still not good.

Thank you Jarifa.


Nina, yes, we have been lucky in prime time the last few months with these three novelas in a row. Martín's dad was with Julieta. Promises to be a fun week ahead with this one.

Dejan #51

Martin's dad was talking to Juleech, who was looking for info about the murder of Martin's brother. By telling any of this on the air she will probably get Fausto killed. And she will eat that up because it will be more grist for the news mill.



dondi356, I cannot give you enough thanks for all the outstanding recaps you have treated us with. Writing recaps takes much time and effort, and you graciously gave that without any hesitation. My hat's off as I bow before you. Your generousity and talent are greatly appreciated. Sana yürekten teşekkür ederim :-) (I hope that's right LOL)

Susanlynnn, we are definitely the same color--disappointed! I cannot believe the writers opted to "get rid of" Nare in such a way. I don't blame Melek for tearing up the letter; NOTHING Nare could tell her would ease the pain and disappointment. As if Melek hasn't had enough up to now, her mother decides to abandon ship. I think I would rather have had her killed off (not by suicide), at least Melek would know that her mother didn't leave her by choice. I think this ending for Nare is worse that Kemal's in "Amor Eterno". He died but Nihan knew that he had no choice or say in the matter.

Guven crying was so out there. Why was he crying? Because he can't torture his daughter anymore??? dondi, I thought the second season was very good up until Guven regained control. Watching a father destroy his daughter was difficult to watch. I'm not sure I will be watching the third season...I'm so BUMMED with the writers! Beth, yes, I still use "bummed" too :-)



Chick, i agree with you. Dondi's explanation of the actress playing Nare becoming ill and the writers scramb!ing to rewrite explained that last episode's abrupt twist. I was poking around online awhile ago and saw photos of Nare, Gediz, and Melek standing together with Nare in a wedding dress abd wearing a flower ring on her head. I thought " uh oh " ..Gediz will marry Nare and those 3 will form the happy family that Melek has pined for. " Then , i wondered if San would die.

Chickie must watch "_Fatmagul" on youtube. Best telenovela i have ever watcbed...rigbt up there with Alborada . Vivi is one of the recappers.

Dondi, i think after watching many episodes, i have figured out 3_Turkish words .. "Tika"= okay "chello" = come "evet" = yes
J was surprised how many English words are sprinkled in the Turkish.


Dondi you have been amazing to share your time with us for Embajador and Hercai AND your job schedule. Thank you so much!

But now I have to “side” with those at the disappointed table. Did even 1 of the group think maybe it was an elaborate kidnapping? With the number of enemies and traitors around this group why was the first thought, “oh she’s gone. Ok, next”. When Sancar got to the airport he wouldn’t have asked more about her flight? And he knew she was always wanting to escape to Switzerland…. Everyone just acted like “it’s another day with Nare”. I’d give this ending an unsatisfactory.

To have had Nare die (but not suicide) as mentioned earlier would have made more sense for the fighting spirit of the character. Nare already discarded the the idea of suicide in season 1–and as much as she loved Melek (and I believe she did) she would not have walked away, it had been the 2 of them against the world since she was born. —-just my rant.


I want to thank everyone who watched, read, and commented! You were very kind and patient with me.

Thanks, Rgv Chick! Are you learning Turkish, just for me? *wink*

I agree, this turn of events was disappointing. “Bummed” still works for me, too! But having seen the entire show and having the benefit of a second viewing, my disappointment was mitigated. Unfortunately, I can’t discuss anything else until the third season is finished. Remember, this is not the end of the dizi.

The Guven stuff was very strange indeed. “Because he can't torture his daughter anymore??” I shouldn’t have laughed at that… but I did.

SaraAnne, Gediz’ initial worry was suicide because he remembered she made two attempts. Sancar thought that Nare could have been kidnapped. That’s a reason he went to the police. And when he viewed the security footage, he was thinking someone would be seen with her, forcing her to leave. He just couldn’t believe she would leave him or Melek on her own volition. It seemed they lost track of her once she arrived in Istanbul. This was devastating.

Beth S. mentioned the letters. I don’t blame Sancar for burning his. He read it, why keep it? We will see if Sancar saved Melek’s letter in season three.

I don’t think anything could be worse than the ending of Kara Sevda (Amor Eterno).

I was planning to be back with recaps of season three, but if there is no interest…

OT - Susanlynn

Maybe Uni will replay Fatmagül sometime soon. I don’t remember it having a lot of English, but I remember Kerim had an English speaking “girlfriend”, Kristin, who was jealous. It was funny hearing him struggle with English.

If you watch enough Turkish language eps, you will have a “dizi vocabulary” in no time. “tamam” = okay You would hear some form of “gelmek” for (to) come or “hadi” for come on. And “evet” = yes.





The last turkish love story I saw was "Fatmagul". I loved that ending
The bad guys got what they deserved
And the happy couple(and half of that was engin,I think spelled his name wrong)lived happily ever after
Now we have the 3rd season to look forward to which I saw some on yutube and I wont say what I saw, I
Did not make it to the end, but I really hope are and sancar can make
It a happy ending.

I read an article a out neslahan. It Said she was sick, and she she may not be im n the third season, and they dont know what they will do about the title "The Embajador's
Hija" since she may not be in that
Season's episodes. I don't know how true that is,but you know you can't take Everything for truth on the net.

Sounds like san is giving up on nare. The woman has needed therapy for years but her poor excuse for a parent was only interested in how he looked and money. I could care less about those crap/crock tear. He blames his mother? Seriously? That ain't excuse. If his mother treated him like crap he should understand that he shouldn't want somebody else to feel that way, and he didn't even try. He wanted gediz to be another akin? Really? For him
To even say someth im ng like that shows hows sick he is.
Gediz needs to sign that devorce or
Annulment and let it die. Nare told him NO, so he needs to stop.

So is Halise mad at Rafiki or what?
And even tho nare screwed up they do know she was blackmailed right? To get him out of prison? They did not want her to leave. The woman need help. I really want to see the 3rd season. Somebody let me know, and I'll will be front and center to watch it.

I wish melek can get her wish to have a family with san n nare.

Stupid yajah.
Gediz get a life. Without nare.
There's a lot of good stuff to look forward to in the 3rd season.
I hope to see you there Dondi,Rgv,
SusyQ, Diana and all you others I
Can't remember right now.

Thank you Dondi for keeping us in The loop with turkish language.


I THOUGHT "TAPE IT BACK TOGETHER SANCAR". I really want to see what nare wrote melek, we already know what she said to san n ged. Please come back for recaps on season 3 Dondi, I'll be there.
And "Hercai"is getting really good.


Dondi, thanks a zillion for all your recaps! Keeping up with this dizi with your huge assist has been a treat.

I'm nodding along with all the comments. I had a feeling the ending would be sour since we did get the pleasure midpoint of seeing Sancar and Nare happy together for a little while. I for one thought they had great chemistry.

Gediz was hoping the marriage would turn real, so I'm so glad Nare slapped him in the face by preparing signed divorce papers.

I loved Elvan defiance through her pain, always ready with an insult for Yahya and Gediz.

But in the end, it's so sad to see Melek feel abandoned and unloved by her mother. Ugh.

I'll be there for Part 3. I hope the Nare actress has recovered from her illness.


Dondi , I am definitely looking forward to watching the rest of this show to see how the writers end it. Any idea when it is returning. Guess I will start watching "Hercai" . I got tired of all the yelling and gunpointing . I do like to see The two leads together .

Nina ..I laugh when you call me SuzyQ . Susy is what family and friends often call me , and some of my students called me Miss Suzy.

OT...Dondi , I am wondering if I think I am hearing Turkish when I might in fact be watching Fatmagul dubbed in Urdu. Now,I will have to try to find an episode in the original Turkish to see if that is true. I have myself pretty mixed up because I am watching episodes toward the end when Kerim is getting his drunk on because he just ran the letter from his mother (I think) .Meanwhile , I am reading recaps that are from when they are working on K and F 's new house . I know quite a few words in Arabic because I had many, many middle eastern students . Does Turkish share any words with Arabic ? Well, I will keep trying to figure out what happened when. I watched the ending because I am impatient . ...and seem to be growing more so.


I hope we don’t have to wait too long for season 3 and Dondi it would be wonderful if you were available to recap!!! It’s so easy to get caught up in this story. Thank you once again for your hard work, you are greatly appreciated!


Good Morning Caray Caray family. I am looking forward to seeing this Telenovela for obvious reasons:

1.) Livia Brito.

2.) Kimberly Dos Ramos.

3.) Marjorie De Sousa.

4.) Marlene Favela.

5.) Laura Carmine.

I’ve tried to comment before! Not sure how to do it. Dónde, thanks so much for recapping. My Spanish is beginner and you explained everything and made it so much more enjoyable. Enjoy the comments too!


dondi, I agree that there hasn't been anything more tragic than the actual ending for "Amor Eterno." I was thinking more in lines of the effects on the other characters. While Nihan and the baby suffered a great loss, Nihan knew that Kemal loved them and they would have been together. In contrast, San and Melek ( whom I feel most badly for) will live their lives doubting Nare's love.

And yes, I'm trying to learn Turkish just for you LOL I actually have looked into learning it, but I wouldn't have the time to do it :-(


Chick, i agree that Nare abandoning Melek was a cruel turn of events. Her relationship with San has been rocky throughout this tale of starcrossed lovers, but she has always been devoted to Melek. Melek is the one who breaks my heart . She loves both of her parents ,and her one desire has been to become one happy family with them as she is passed from one home to another and cared for by different relatives of her father.

I guess i can buy that Nare is so emotionally damaged that she just wanted to escape from everyone. However,witb San released from jsil, why coukdbt she just divorce Gediz and get on with life with San abd Nare. I am eager to see how tge writers bring this story to an end . San and Melek deserve sone happiness .

I thought i was listening to Turkish whike watching "Fatmagul" on Youtube , but now i think it was dubbed in Urdu.


I dont like any ending where one or both of the super couple dies. The ending of kemal just broke my heart
All the hell nihan and kemal went through to be together and he ends up taking that bastard the hell and
She has to go on without him. But this second seasoning ending was very sad also. I could see the hurt on sancar's face. Nare really has some Big problems that should have been addressed from a child, and would have been if guvan was any kind of a human being let alone a father. But it is what it is. I really Hope they address her mother in the 3rd season. What woman in her right mind would have anything to do with guvan? And what did he mean about his mother? He knew what he was doing when he allowed those ugly horrible things to happen to his 18 year old child, can't blame momma for all of that. I hope neslahan will recover. I also read that she maybe pregnant, I'm hoping it's a normal healthy one. I cant see sancar anybody else but her and
Melek. I want to see that pretty smile on melek's face again. I know its just a story but right now it's kinda better than what's happening in real life.


SusyQ what is Urdu?


Urdu is the official language of Pakistan.


Later I will be posting a partial cast list for this because there are no fewer than six sets of family members to keep track of. If will appear in this thread and in the first thread for this week.


So we’re all ticked over the ending. I’m glad that many of you plan to be here for season three. I am hoping to provide the recaps. A lot will depend on my work schedule and if I’ll still be working mostly from home.

Nina and Susanlynn, it’s “dangerous” to go poking around online. A lot of misinformation, a lot of disgruntled fan bases out there. I’ll admit it’s tempting to peek at spoilers.

Niecie, I love Elvan, too. There’s a lot more of her story in season three.

Hi Liz, thanks for commenting and glad you found the recaps helpful.

Rgv Chick, I totally get your reasoning. It’s all heartbreaking. But blowing up Burak Özçivit was a crime and the writers should be arrested for it.

As for learning Turkish, that became one of my quarantine projects. I started using Duolingo—quick daily lessons and I also watch YouTube vids when I have the chance. I’ll never be fluent, but it’s been very helpful.

If anyone is interested, we have a group of recappers for Hercai over at Telemundo and I’ll be recapping the Friday night eps.




Six sets of family members??? Ack.

Thank you Urban. That will be immensely helpful.

Looking forward to this and your recap.



Dondi, well , i was poking around and did get spoiled, but thats okay. I will still watch the rest of this tale unfold.


Urban, i look forward to your intro to this new show that has so many familiar faces. Jose Ron ....he's back .


OT Susanlynn

I think you might be watching Fatmagül with Urdu dubbing. I see them all over YouTube. I can’t find full eps in Turkish on YouTube, but there are lots of clips. Unfortunately, they don't have consistent caps in Turkish or English.

Kanal D has a site for all the eps in Turkish. There are no subtitles and there are commercial breaks:

Ottoman Turkish (pre-1922) had a lot of Arabic and Persian words and they used the Arabic alphabet. After the Republic was formed, Atatürk changed it to the Latin alphabet and they started to purge the Arabic and Persian. But the words and influences are not completely gone. Interesting to note in Modern Turkish there are French loanwords. And also, English loanwords for technology vocab.




Yeah Dondi thats right, that's why I say you can't believe most of the stuff you read on the net. But being in shut down you get bored and daring,lol. Thank you so much for the recaps, I know it takes time & energy To do what you do, and this girl appreciates it. This is so fun.


Dondi , teaching people who speak a lot of different languages is interesting because they are excited when they discover words their languages have in common. I saw this with people who speak Spanish and those who speak Italian but also with Spanish and Arabic speakers . We have many words in English from Turkish . Arabic gives us "al" words algebra, alcohol, alcove albatross, alfafa, algoritgm,albatross, alchemy plus many other words.
I heard some Arabic words when I listened to some of the Turkish tele novelas...shickrun, inshallah, mahshalla. The name Mumtaz (a character in Fatmagul) means "wonderful " in Arabic.

They should make a telenovela about the Ottoman Empire and cast Engin as a sultan .Raise your hand if you would like to see that .

La Desalmada

This list includes characters in the opening episode, as they are all sets of relatives and is provided to help avoid confusion.

Cast and Character Relationships

Calixto Linares (Fernando Robles), Rancher
Fernanda Linares (Livia Brito), Daughter of Calixto

Octavio Toscano (Eduardo Santamarina), Rancher. Self-made and not by honest means
Leticia Lagos de Toscano (Marlene Favela), Wife to Octavio
Rafael Toscano (José Ron), Son of Octavio and Leticia

Germán Gallardo (Sergio Basañez). Rancher. Older money than Toscano's.
Julia Torreblanca de Gallardo (Marjorie de Sousa), Trophy wife of Germán
Isabel Gallardo (Kimberly Dos Ramos), Daughter of Germán and Julia

Carmelo Murillo (Alberto Estrella), Thug employed by Octavio
Rigoberto Murillo (Gonzalo Garcia Vivanco), Son of Carmelo

Antonio Estudillo (Francisco Gattorno), Corrupt Alcalde of Ichamal.
Martina Fernández de Estudillo (Azela Robinson), Wife to Antonio
David Estudillo (Julio Vallado), Son of Antonio and Martina

Luis Vázquez (Raúl Araiza) Fisherman and Restaurant owner, friend of Santiago
*Flor Vázquez (Gabriela Zamora), Wife to Raúl
Piero Vázquez (Gonzalo Vega, Jr.), Son of Raúl (but likely not Flor)

*To be confirmed.

Susanlynn - Burak Ozcivit (Kemal in Amor Eterno/Kara Sevda) beat Engin to it. He's in Kurulus:Osman. Osman was the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
I've only seen pictures, and Burak looks fantastic, as do the costumes. Wish I could watch the series.

Beth S

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