Monday, May 01, 2006

An anonymous complaint ruffles my feathers.

Hello friends,

On my other blog (Pratie Place) some anonymous person left this remark:

I'm afraid the people at Caray are not doing a very good job. They seem to have no commitment to their public.

For instance, the Monday Cristina show when it was not translated for those of us who are not that knowledgeable in Spanish. We were counting on them! If they can say, "oh, I had a guest and couldn't interrupt her by turning on the TV" -- or "Oh, I missed that," and can't tell us anything, what good is this blog?

This shows some ignorance of what goes on here. We are people who have lives - families, jobs, etc. - who spend quite an unbelievable amount of time watching these shows and producing these recaps. We do not get paid by anybody.

The Cristina show was long and the people talked fast and the person who is recapping it has other things she has to do, too. If your thought is, "what good is this blog?" then I suggest you start your own.


I know people are waiting for Cristina, part II and I apologize for the delay. I will finish it as soon I can put in the time necessary to do the best job I can. I don't want to make excuses but trying to recap something like Cristina is incredibly difficult. It isn't scripted so the language is the way people talk normally, which can be disjointed and slangy. I have seen stars on talk shows in English that didn't make a whole lot sense in my native language. It is also hard to find a happy medium between a word for word translation and a brief summary. For example, you could say that the first 10 minutes of the program with Lucero and Fernando Colunga amounted to: They enjoyed working together and each thought the other was a dedicated, hard-working professional and they are now good friends. Or you could try and translate what each one said and that is much harder and takes longer.

Oh my!!!How ungrateful some people are. Please know that I for one am completely thrilled to have found this site. Since I know only a very few words I would be lost without your hard work.I have expanded my Spanish vocabulary thanks to ''Alborada'' and you wonderful folks who so kindly and generously take the time to translate. I'm sure that I speak for most of the people who frequent this site. I appreciate your dedication. GRACIAS!!!! What would I have ever done without this site!!! Susanlynn, the grateful

Some people need to keep their ophions to themselves sometimes....My mom told me once "if you don't have anything nice to say....Don't say anything..."I have lived by that rule....No chesmes on this side...

I am perfectly happy to wait for the recap! I am so grateful to get the recaps at all so a little delay doesn't bother me. It amazes me how some people can be so self-centered and rude. As if the world owes them something! Shame. That's the kind of person you see screaming at the cashier in the grocery store! I will wait happily watching my tapes....Dreaming of fernando....Thank you for the recap and you have NOTHING to apologize for!

Caray!Caray! Catherine and I offer one voice. Muchos gracios! Susanlynn, drifting into luislessness

I've been lurking in the background, enjoying immensely the "Alborada" recaps and everyone's comments, without commenting myself. But I have to say something tonight--Please, please don't take the anonymous complaint seriously. Please do continue (as time permits, of course!!) to enhance our enjoyment of telenovelas with your gripping recaps.

I loved Alborada, but I also could hear you chuckling as you posted recaps about "team Luis". The whole "just what does Luis dO in the laboratory?" idea had me rolling on the floor the last few times I saw scenes of the laboratory. It added so much to my enjoyment of a lovely telenovela, and kept me from getting too swept up in admiring Fernando's pecs.

As for an American telenovela, what about proposing the Amelia Peabody novels (I know they're British, but that's a minor detail), written by Elizabeth Peters? Emerson could be done by Fernando Colunga, and somebody with an acerbic tongue could do Amelia.

Jean-you are doing an excellent job, I'm positive that your recap will be worth the wait!
I tell you...What does Colunga have to say, that we have to hear right this moment?! I know...he is going to tell us that it WAS chest hair remover that he was making in that lab! HA!
I have some friends that translate for the court system, it's not an easy job...and they get paid.
These people here at this site, are translating a telenovela for OUR enjoyment, and for that I give you my gratitude. Long live Caray,Caray!!
Thank you so much,

Add me to the list of Caray Caray Fans who think the anonymous complainer is off-base! Don't let it get you down, Caray-ers! I love this blog. It is the only reason that I watch Barrera. Perhaps the complainer is unaware of how much work it takes to do all these re-caps. Even the EsMas website doesn't go into the detail that you do. To those who don't appreciate your blog--LARGATE!

I'm in quite a huff about the anonymous comment! Jean, I do hope that you don't feel badly for one little second about a senseless comment made by someone who clearly does not understand how challenging it is to translate a show like Cristina. The recaps themselves are incredibly time-consuming and Cristina is harder. On that Monday's Cristina my closed-captioning wasn't working and truthfully, I couln't understand most of what they were saying. TAKE YOUR TIME, and if and when the translation comes our way it will be a treat for your patient fans.

I'm glad you "lurkers" (that made me smile) popped in to give your support. Thanks to you and everyone else who appreciates the recapping. Harrumph!!

Sylvia, in a snit
P.S. Marie, thank you for making me laugh out loud with your chest hair theory.

I think you guys do a fabulous job and your posts are something I look forward to. You guys are wonderful and I know I sing your praises often!

Good grief! Send that anonomous griper some of Jacinta's special tea. I normally feel guilty over getting to read all this great stuff without contributing. Sometimes I think "I can help, I could re-cap one episode if I rewind enough times!" But in truth it would take me longer than the 23 hours available between episodes. Someday...


Amen to what everyone has said. I don't know how the bloggers find the time to translate and post for the rest of us< I'm just thankful they do.

Yes that post ticks me off too.... but if this idiot was to ruin everything for everyone else then that idiot would win. Cant let that happen! Hopefully that person and whoever else thinks the same will stay away.

Another possibility would be that if someone wants to make a rude comment first they have to deposit ten dollars in the Caray Caray paypal account............

Hi...I still cannot bring myself to watch ''barrera'', but....I miss you guys, so I just thought I'd drop in to say ''Hello''. Instead of watching the new show, I am pretending that ''Alborada'' is still on. Susanlynn, living in another dimension...not ready to let go of luis and the team

I, too, am a grateful lurker. I keep replaying my tape of the Cristina program and trying to get what I can by writing down new words each time to look up. The thing that impresses me most about this show is the spontaneity, grace and enthusiasm of all the people on that set. I have given up watching anything on American TV since I started watching Alborada. Thanks to Melinama and all the recappers for giving so generously of their time and talent.

To 8.54 anonymous---I completely agree. Since wandering unexpectedly into ''Alborada'' about the time Esperanza was dying [and thinking she was luis's mother], I no longer want to watch the increasingly awful stuff on American tv, and I also agree that Cristina seems heads above the current U.S. talk shows today where the hosts seem more interested in making jokes than really listening to their guests.. it reminds me of the old Merv Griffin and Mike Douglas shows.Susanlynn, still wandering and looking for an interesting show like ''al''

Thank you- thank you bloggers for all of your hard work.....

To those in Alborada withdrawl.... The complete series is available thorough email contact Adrian at for $100- Now I can have Alborada ( OK- really -Luis) at the push of a button

Weighing in late - I must concur with all these supportive comments. While it is frustrating to try to follow what is going on in La Fea Mas Bella, I don't consider it YOUR responsibility to keep me updated - it's my responsibility to either improve my Spanish or forget about watching Univision. The help I get from this site has been invaluable, and I really appreciate it.

Greetings all, I have been watching telenovelas for 7 1/2 years now (I can't believe it!), in fact this is how I learned Spanish, only from watching the novelas, specifically Univision, and never in a class. I knew nothing except "adios" until La Usurpadora and La Mentira. I have not watched English television at all any more for the last five years, except for news, so it's nice to see others turning to the same. During Alborada I stumbled upon Pratie Place, and now Caray Caray, and I'm so pleased the recaps have continued after Alborada. The site has enriched my telenovela experience so much!!!!! Thanks for all you do! Posters, try not to beat the other blogger up though, that doesn't really accomplish much. We are no different for chastising him or her than he or she is for expressing her opinion, even if slightly critical. Anonymous may have his/her opinion, and we help more to influence that by helping him/her to understand what is involved and yes, by posting all of these appreciative, and encouraging comments. So, viva energia positivo, and los bloggers de Caray, Caray! Muchas Gracias a todos!

dont pay attention to those estupidos that complain . keep up the good work.

I rarely write in and give comments but I just have to write and say how ungrateful some people are. I look forward to the recaps and enjoy them so much and am so grateful for them. I've been watching the TNs for a number of years and was so happy when I came across caray caray. I sometimes miss a lot and get so much from the recaps. They're all such good writers.

Thanks for all your hard work.


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