Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Heridas, Tuesday, July 18

Fabricio and Florencia continue making out by the waterfall. Clothes come off and we are left to imagine the rest.
Alejandro is speaking on the phone to Lasagna (Lisania). She says, “...and that’s why I said I was your daughter.” Alejandro isn’t annoyed. “It’s good that you had that little joke.” The real reason that Lasagna called was to ask if she could come to Mexico. “Sure,” says Alejandro. “Have Daira take a vacation, come over here and see if you like it. If not, you can return to Italy.”

Gonzalo reacts angrily to the news Rebeca (Fabricio’s mother) brings him about Fabricio dumping Miranda. However, knowing about Florencia’s limited future, he sees things from a different perspective. He tells Rebeca that Miranda is strong and healthy – she’ll get over being dumped. Fabricio and Florencia must marry immediately so that she can be happy in the time she has left. Rebeca doesn’t understand so Gonzalo tells her about Florencia’s death sentence. “Shouldn’t you tell Fernanda?” asks Rebeca. “No,” snaps Gonzalo, “I’ll tell her after Florencia is dead so she can suffer even more.” Rebeca protest that Fernanda has a right to see her daughters but Gonzalo is adamant that while he lives, his wife will never see his daughters.

Bertha comes into Miranda’s room with Renata to tell her and Pamela that a plane will take Miranda to her father’s office tomorrow. Miranda tells Bertha that she is not allowed to come into her bedroom. “Sorry,” says Bertha, “I won’t do it again. I only came to thank you in advance for offering to help Florencia plan her wedding.”
“The only wedding I’m planning is mine,” responds Miranda. Bertha then tells Miranda about Florencia’s death sentence and suggests that if Miranda wants to make the last months of her sister’s life miserable, that’s fine. Miranda refuses to believe her. “Well, I’ve given my message,” says Bertha with a nasty smirk that makes you want to hit her. “If Florencia dies, it will be on your conscience.” Miranda still doesn’t believe her and plans to check with a doctor in Mexico City. Bertha leaves with Renata and Miranda asks Pamela is she believes what Bertha said about Florencia. Pamela isn’t sure but thinks that the consequences are so serious that she should act as if she does believe it for now.

Renata tells Bertha that she won’t support her in a lie that ugly. “It’s no lie,” says Bertha. She tells Renata that Florencia doesn’t know and that they all have to be strong and calm to make her last days happy. Renata is zombified by this news. Bertha gives her a necklace and tells her to go find Florencia and tell her that Miranda accepts her relationship with Fabricio and will be happy to plan her whole wedding. Like an obedient zombie, Renata goes out without saying a word.

Alone, Bertha throws out Florencia’s medicine and replaces it with homeopathic tranquillizers. “I don’t know why I waited so long to get rid of those three,” she says, “but it’s never too late to begin. No one will take away what is mine.” Then she says that she has a another reason to fight – Alejandro. She’s fallen for Alejandro!

Renata finds Florencia staring at the sky and wishing she were a star. She tells Florencia about Miranda’s willingness to help with her wedding. Florencia is doubtful but Renata convinces her.

Miranda is wearing a shorty red nightgown and taking off her makeup when Florencia knocks. Florencia says, “The only thing I can say is thank you for your understanding. You are a good sister.” Miranda says that there is no reason to thank her. Florencia says that she didn’t expect that Miranda would offer to help her with her wedding plans. Miranda says that for Florencia’s and Fabricio’s happiness, she would do anything. Florencia breaks down and asks Miranda to forgive her and then she seems to have a little trouble breathing. Miranda asks if she has taken her medicine, does she need a doctor. Florencia says that she just took her medicine but it takes a little while to take effect. Florencia says that she loves Fabricio but that if Miranda asks, she won’t marry him. Miranda can’t find anything to say…

Fabricio and Alejandro are having a drink. Alejandro tells Fabricio that his only option is to face Gonzalo’s fury and marry Florencia as soon as possible – and get away from Miranda. Fabricio does not believe that as a person who has never been in love, Alejandro can give him advice. Alejandro says that love was invented for romantics, not for a man like him.

Florencia continues weeping and apologizing to Miranda for loving Fabricio. She reveals that unbeknownst to Miranda, she made a second trip to Germany to get it on with Fabricio. Miranda is surprised but the possibility that Bertha was right about Florencia makes her unable to say anything. Once Florencia leaves, Miranda opens a chest, takes out what appear to be her wedding invitations and rips them up, crying.

Florencia goes to see Bertha who appears to be playing with dolls. Florencia tells her that Miranda has agreed to help her with her wedding but she is still sad that she has hurt her sister so much. Bertha says that she deserves it for the bad things that Miranda has done to Florencia. Bertha then changes the subject and tells Florencia that when she is married, she should produce the first grandchild. Florencia is enraptured by the idea and promises to name a girl after Bertha. But Bertha is thinking that if Florencia gets pregnant, she wouldn’t live to see the child baptized.

A dream Alejandro visits Miranda to tell her things like, ‘it always darkest before the dawn’ and he won’t give her just one new day but thousands. Miranda wakes up to an empty room and starts crying for Fabricio.

The next morning all the young women and Tomasa leave for Mexico City in a private plane.

In Gonzalo’s office, Cesar sneaks up behind Nuria and grabs her. A depressing scene follows in which Nuria says that being raped by Cesar made her feel dirty but she wants to marry him. He tells her that a nobody from an orphanage is not executive spouse material. I don’t believe this relationship has much future.

Pamela is trying to get some information about the clinic in an office with a nun. She finds out that ‘Doctor Fernandez’ is really Fernanda de Aragon, Miranda’s mother!

Gonzalo is talking with Cesar about the problems that Julio have caused them. I don’t know exactly what they are talking about but Gonzalo says that if the market falls, his business is toast.

Cesar runs into Miranda in Gonzalo’s outer office. Nuria is there as well. Miranda won’t talk to him and Nuria says that Miranda is always putting Cesar down. Cesar says that Miranda will soon be his wife because she is a real woman, unlike Nuria.

Miranda meets with her father. She asks him to let her go away with Fabricio. Gonzalo is not too encouraging. He asks Miranda to let Florencia marry Fabricio. Then Fabricio comes in. Gonzalo chews him out. Fabricio admits that he has done a bad thing and betrayed Gonzalo, his foster-father. Miranda says Fabricio isn’t guilty – this whole thing was instigated by Bertha. Neither Gonzalo or Fabricio believe this. Then Gonzalo asks Miranda to leave him alone with Fabricio. Gonzalo says that he could kill Fabricio right now and it wouldn’t be the first person he has killed.

Alejandro comes into the room with the nun and Pamela. He asks her to have a drink with him and she accepts. He pumps her for information about Miranda – does she really love Fabricio or is he just a caprice? Pamela won’t cooperate in this game but she gives Alejandro her phone number.

Alone with Fabricio, Gonzalo tells him that he will marry Florencia as soon as possible. He tells Fabricio about Florencia’s short life expectancy. However, Gonzalo makes it clear that once Florencia is dead, he doesn’t want to see Fabricio again or he will kill him. He doesn’t tolerate traitors. Gonzalo tells Fabricio to get out and buy Florencia an engagement ring and to put it on his account. Only the best for Florencia.

Miranda agrees to meet Cesar in his apartment that evening and Cesar rubs Nuria’s nose in it.

Fernanda is leaving for Mexico City to see Alejandro about moving the clinic to someplace in Mexico City and being able to help people. She is all excited about this.

Bertha meets with the plastic surgeon and signs up for a face and boob lift and will be reborn. She is all excited about this.

Miranda talks to Fabricio in a park. She says that she still loves him and suggest that he could marry Florencia but they could still have a relationship. Fabricio says she is crazy and leaves. Pamela arrives to comfort her.


Great recap... I got home a little early and caught the end where Bertha is excited about her surgery. I wonder if this means that they will replace her with a younger prettier actress... or maybe they will just stretch her face back with tape so that she looks like that Joan Rivers lady on Barrera!

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