Friday, August 04, 2006

Alternate for Heridas

Hello all--
Just a quick intro...I don't want take too much space away from the recaps! My name's Nora and I'm an available "alternate" if you are going on vacation or anything. I've been watching Heridas since day 1 and now I've got my husband hooked too. I watch Fea maybe once a week--I'm looking forward to how well (or not) the U.S. version Ugly Betty (or Betty the Ugly, I've seen it referred to both ways) goes. Anyway, if you need coverage, email me at: Thanks!


Thank you for being here! I love doing the recaps but frequently find myself unable to do so. The more the merrier, welcome. Someday I'll cut out this silly other stuff and focus on what's important, Spanish language TV.

Hello Nora! Please feel free to throw in whatever comments you want on my Fea recaps. I know I sometimes miss things and get them wrong. (And I've got a WHOPPER of a recap coming up this weekend... Lety's had quite an eventful week!)

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