Friday, August 04, 2006

Heridas, Thursday, August 3

I will start where my TiVo stopped last night. Tomasa comes to tell Miranda that Alejandro has come to see her. Miranda makes a big deal of telling Tomasa that Alejandro can have nothing to say to her. Maybe he should talk to Bertha, etc. etc. but in the next scene Miranda is down there talking to Alejandro. Alejandro wants to know why Miranda is so bitchy all of a sudden and after a lot wasted time, it comes out. Miranda is jealous of the way Alejandro treated Flor at the wedding (after he found out she was his half sister). He’s not going to tell her that, of course so he says, ‘Fab is like a brother to me so Flor is like my sister.’ Miranda is not convinced and says, ‘You go after Flor and I’ll take Fab.’ Alejandro is shocked that she still holds out hope for getting Fab. He tells her that she has to find someone who can make her forget Fab. ‘Like you, I suppose,’ says Miranda. We have a flashback to the stolen kiss in the garden when he first met her. After more witty byplay, Alejandro and Flor end up kissing passionately. Gonzalo interrupts them. Miranda tells her father that she isn’t starting anything with Alejandro especially since you are investing in his company, and getting rich, right? [It’s not clear to me why this would prevent Miranda and Alejandro from getting together.] Gonzo says that with the current financial crisis, it is Alejandro who has made the good investments unlike many others. Miranda looks discomfited.

Meanwhile, Rebeca is asking Gonzo if he is going to hold a grudge against her and her son. ‘You think I’m capable of harming your son?’ says Gonzo neatly not answering the question. Flashback to Gonzo telling Fab that he doesn’t forgive traitors and once Flor buys the farm, Fab had better make himself scarce or Gonzo will kill him.

Bertha is in Cesar’s apartment. He tells her that Gonzalo can’t meet 10% of his clients’ losses and is ruined. ‘So we are the winners,’ says Bertha. ‘I don’t know about this ‘we,’ says Cesar and then Bertha shows she is on Cesar’s team by having sex with him. In a post coital conversation, Cesar complements Bertha on her skill as a lover and she says that we are just business partners, no more. Cesar replies, ‘Of course. I love Miranda.’ This spoils the moment for Bertha. Cesar tell Bertha about what Fab said to Miranda at the wedding.

Back to Miranda, Alejandro and Gonzo. Gonzo tells Miranda that Alejandro hasn’t done anything unethical. This is just business. Miranda continues to be nasty to Alejandro and Gonzo tries to stop her saying, ‘don’t piss off my prospective business partners. I need them.’ After Alejandro leaves, Gonzo tries again to explain to Miranda that his business is in real trouble. Miranda says that she will come to the office and work on the problems. Gonzo tells her to stay away and she decides that his previous interest in training her to take over the company was only a means of getting her to forget Fab. It didn’t work. ‘I continue to love him,’ she says.

Now we meet the evil gangster, Sanson. Juan has gone to him to try and persuade him not to take on his brother Raul. Sanson refuses. Juan leaves and Carola arrives. Sanson tells her that because of Juan, he lost a brother. Now Juan will find out what that feels like. Very tough.

Renata, Lasagna and some other empty-headed chicks are in a bar talking (I think) about having sex for the first time. A couple of Sanson-istas arrive with masks on and rob the place. Raul and Lasagna lock eyes as he grabs her purse in the way that happens when characters in a novela fall in love forever.

Bertha tells Cesar that if she were him, she would sell all the family property and put Rebeca and Fab out on the street. Cesar says he can’t do that because Rebeca would complain to Gonzo. Bertha responds that if Gonzo finds out that Fab told Miranda to wait for him, he’ll have all Gonzo’s support against Fab. As for Rebeca, if Cesar is good, Bertha will tell him a secret about his mother that he will find very useful. ‘Oh really,’ says Cesar when he is interrupted by a call on his cell phone from Miranda. She wants him to help her when she shows up at the office tomorrow. He agrees and after they hang up, Cesar says to himself that their future together will be glorious.

In her bedroom, Miranda has a flashback to her conversation earlier in the evening with Alejandro that ended in the kiss. She asks herself why she is thinking about Alejandro. She loves Fab and that’s it.

Alejandro is complaining to Fernanda about Miranda’s high-handed ways. Then he asks her what she wants. Fernanda is asking for help from Alejandro to get Father Santiago Buenaventura to hide the truth about Fernanda from Miranda. It appears that the good padre is Alejandro’s uncle.

A maid tells Tomasa that Bertha told the servants at the hacienda that Miranda refused to raise their wages and now they are angry at her and are going to sabotage the cacao harvest or something like that. Right on cue, Bertha appears. She wants Tomasa to convince Miranda that what she was told earlier, namely that her mother and Fernanda were in love with the same man was untrue. If Tomasa does this well, Bertha will let her see her grandchild who is now pregnant. [This has to be Nuria.]

Bertha is primping herself up for something, probably making a move on Gonzo, when Renata and Lasagna burst in with the tale of being robbed at gunpoint at the restaurant. Renata is behaving like a three-year old who had her lollypop taken away but Lasagna is cool. Bertha says that she will Alejandro and tell him what happened but Lasagna says that she already called but he wasn’t home. She says that Alejandro was probably out with one of his legion of admirers. She tells Bertha that he likes them young and rich. Being neither young nor rich, Bertha is not pleased to get this information.

Raul comes back to his house with his loot. He is identifying his victims from their driver’s licenses when Juan interrupts him. Juan gives a little speech about how they weren’t raised to steal things and he will never put a stolen tortilla in his mouth.

The padre doesn’t want to get involved with Fernanda’s lies and Alejandro can’t persuade him either. At that moment, Miranda comes in. Fernanda leaves. Miranda tries to tell the priest not to trust Alejandro because he only acts for his own benefit. She is surprised to be told that the padre is Alejandro’s uncle.

Busy Bertha has a meeting with Veronica, Renata’s drug supplier. Bertha wants Veronica to spy on Renata too. Veronica tells Bertha that Renata believes that Bertha is her mother. Asked if this is true, Bertha says that we all know Renata is not playing with a full deck. Bertha pays Veronica and gives her instructions about what to do the next time they are out together.

The priest tries to give Miranda spiritual comfort but when she reveals that she still loves Fab and she need only wait until her sister dies and they can be together again, the priest says, no. Fab, as the husband of your sister, is now forbidden to you.

Flor, on her honeymoon, has consulted a doctor in Miami about her symptoms. He tells her that she is pregnant. Fab comes in and she gives him the great news – ‘you will be a daddy!’ Fab says no, this baby will not be born. She hits him. Back in their hotel, Fab tries to tell Flor that her health problems won’t permit her to have a baby but she doesn’t buy it. Then he says it isn’t convenient to have a baby now. Furious, Flor says that the honeymoon is over. She wants to go back to Mexico and will have this baby with or without Fab.

Fernanda and Alejandro wait in a restaurant hoping that the priest doesn’t spill the beans to Miranda. Alejandro is in favor of telling Miranda. She has to find out sooner or later. ‘And what are you going to say to Miranda when she finds out whose son you are?’ asks Fernanda. ‘We’ll see,’ responds Alejandro. Fernanda asks if Alejandro is still planning to carry out his plan of vengeance. ‘Yes,’ says Alejandro. ‘Gonzalo was the cause of my father being an invalid and his suffering. He has to pay.’ ‘And if that comes between you and Miranda?’ asks Fernanda. ‘She doesn’t have eyes for anyone other than Fab,’ says Alejandro.

After receiving spiritual guidance from the priest, Miranda says that the other reason she came to visit was to ask about ‘Doctor Fernandez.’ Father Santiago has a flashback to his adamant refusal to help Fernanda. However, the priest lies and tells Miranda that he doesn’t know much about Dr. Fernandez. Then he changes the subject and asks Miranda what she feels about her mother. Miranda tells him that she was a bad mother and is nothing to her. The priest protests but Miranda is adamant in her hatred for her mother.

While they wait to find out what the priest tells Miranda, Fernanda asks if Alejandro feels anything for Miranda. Alejandro says, ‘not really, not what you are imagining. Between us there are a world of differences. I am a man - she is just a spoiled girl. Then he leaves to see Gonzalo and the TiVo ends.


Thank you very much for the detailed episode summary.

I am looking forward to tonight's episode to see Marcelo (Marcos). I saw the brief promo last night and he looks so different (and handsome) without those huge sideburns on his cheeks.

J.R. :)

Wow, a lot of stuff happened last night. You did a great job on the recap. You actually made sense of all those tangled webs! Thanks!! Gotta go check out Marcos...

AAAAAAAWHAT!!!Bertha slept with Cesar???---That's just sooo wrong on sooooo many levels. Caray!Caray!Susanlynn, reeling

Love your recap and comments. I thought Alejandro said that Miranda was "nada mas que una nina animada..." = nothing more than a lively (little) girl... Not spoiled. But maybe I missed something?

Margaret: I went back and watched that part again. The closed captioning said, "nada mas que una nina mimada..." from mimar - to pamper or spoil. The titles can be wrong though. I listened and I thought Alejandro said, "mimada" too.

Thanks for looking into it. It makes sense that he would have said mimada not animada, although I was looking for him to say something about her being attractive.

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