Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Heridas de Amor - Wednesday

Renata, Fabricio and Renatas classy girlfriends are playing water volleyball, or a version thereof, with Renata mouthing off to the girls about how she owns everything. "This is my ball and this is MY pool and this is MY game. We win!" (No one tells her to shut up. Interesting.) Enter Lisania and Raul. Renata immediately turns her childish tirade against Raul. She is appalled that Lisania has brought this street scum to HER casa. She tells Raul he is not welcome at her house. Juan speaks up and puts Renata in her place. He tells her enough with the insults calling her a spoiled and or bad mannered. She is momentarily stunned.

Alejandro and Miranda discuss the briefcase and how Miranda saw it in Berthas room and then it disappeared. Miranda thinks it is hidden and she promises she will do what she can to find it. Miranda wants to know why her father didn’t know his father and mother especially since his father knew her mother and Bertha. Al explains that his father knew more women than men since he was a jeweler. The little Al knows of Gonzalo he lived to work since he was a kid. Miranda still curious about the subject says but “couples talk of friends and people they know.” Al explains that perhaps when her mother and father married the relationship between his parents and her mother wasn’t as close. He goes on to say “Gonzalo would have said something to me and investigated my capital and my investments and would have found out that I am a son of someone he knows. Don’t you think?” Miranda then asks him to talk of his parents. He talks of his mother and says that his mother died of cancer when he was ten, although “she never lost her smile.” His father raised him after that and they were very close. Miranda surmises that their pasts are very similar. She is sure that their fathers would have been great friends. Al looks away.

Renata was only temporarily stunned and she has returned to her old self. She says they are brothers! “How stupid! Lisania when I said you could bring a friend I imagined you would bring someone of OUR class. Not a filthy taco maker! And now he’s the brother of the doctor! Hey Florencia what do you think of Dr. Fernandez’ friends?!” Stop the insults pipes up Raul. “For your information I am the owner of all of THIS! Lisania you can stay but he cant.” The brothers start to leave. Finally Florencia speaks and says “Wait Doctor! You are here because I need you. If the youth is your brother then Welcome.” Squeaky puts up a little fuss that her sister has over ruled her but Flor shuts her down again asking that the Doctor accept her apology. Fab then tells Juan and Raul that he wants to talk with them.

The men/boys go off in the bushes (ok the trees) and Fab insinuates that something is odd. One minute Juan is the doctor of Fabs wife and the next his brother arrives as the boyfriend of Lisania, the friend of Renata. Juan shuts him down (which he seems to do a lot of these days, setting people straight that is) saying there isn’t anything odd at all. He isn’t there by chance. Juan promises Fab that he “wasn’t walking by here saying Hey look at that hacienda let me see if there is a pregnant woman about to die!“ He lets Fab know that he is there because Dr. Fern sent him, the mother of Florencia. Not to mention Dr. Fern is their godmother. Fab is shocked to learn Juan knows about Fernanda. Fab says ok fine but he asks that Juan limit himself to the work of a doctor. Fab doesn’t like the excess of confidence. (What nerve!) Juan isn’t scared. He continues chewing Fab out by saying he understands but it looks like Fab doesn’t. It would best that Fab was present every time he (J) has to take vital signs, and that he(J) has to do physical therapy with his (F) wife. He assures Fab that things would finish better if Fab would do that. Fab seems to accept this and then turns his attention to Raul telling Raul to respect the house. (Please!) Needless to say Raul is a little shaken up and says it would have been better if Juan had pretended to not know him. Juan says that if he denied Raul it would be as if he was denying himself. They walk off happy together.

Rebecca brings Julio home to her house to stay. Even the maid is notified and she is happy to hear the news. Then Rebecca tells Julio the truth about his sons, they are just like Cesar. Egotistical selfish brats. She doesn’t say all that but close enough.

Flash to Miranda and Alejandro who are still having lunch. He wonders what’s going on with her. She says she is worried about saving the company. He offers all the capital that she needs to rescue the company. She declines the offer saying when she says no she means no. He says look marry me and you will have all the money you need at your disposal. She is offended. She says she wont marry someone to save her father and she wont marry the first rich man that is in front of her either. He is sweet and says he loves her. He would give everything has to see her not sad. Miranda is upset. What she is upset about is that he would dare talk of love and marriage and a contract of buying and selling at the same time.

The brothers Juan and Raul talk over who is who at the hacienda and of the family. Juan says the best one isn’t there, Miranda. (Huh?) Juan tells Raul that no one is to know that their godmother is the mother of the girls. Raul has a hard time digesting the info. Especially that the girls have so much money and Fern has none. Juan says that’s part of the story he doesn’t know. With so much wealth surrounding him Raul thinks maybe his father is right and maybe he should get rid of Lisania. Juan then tells Raul that they might be poor but they have their dignity. “The guerrita (meaning light skinned /or blonde) needs to learn she can’t discriminate because of the way someone looks or for their social class.” The brothers high five Juans comment.

Al tells Miranda misunderstood him and they begin to work out their problems talking to one another. Back to Renata and Lisania who are fighting about how Lisania didn’t tell Renata that she was bringing Raul. Lisania tells Renata that Renata made her feel bad by what Renata said. Lisania tells her that she will only stay if Renata apologizes. This is silly but at least Lisania is standing up to Renata.

Fab fights with Flor about Juan. (Typical of a cheating spouse to accuse the other person of doing exactly what they are doing.) Florencia fights back and tells him not to act like a child. Fab has a green memory of Alejandro telling him the same thing. I guess he got embarrassed so he wakes from the memory to yell at Florencia. He blames her telling her that she has shut the door on him emotionally. Tomasa comes in the room bearing a basket of baby goodies that Fern has sent her. Flor is touched because these are the first gifts she has received for her baby.

Alejandro tells Miranda that he wants to help her and she takes the statement without thinking he is saying something derogatory. Wow they made progress of over lunch. The point of the lunch is that she wants to wait to get married when she doesn’t have so much going on.

Pamela and her mother are leaving the hospital and thanking Fern. Pamela says her mother will be her new photography assistant. Bertha walks up just when they are leaving to spread her joy. Bertha smiling says “Andrea how nice to see you. I hope this time you last a little longer outside of this ugly and deprived place.” Pamela is quick to talk Bertha down saying not as ugly and deprived as your comments Bertha. You can say what you want to me but you don’t mess with my mother. For her I am capable of doing anything.” Fern then ads her two cents by telling Pamela this dicho “Palabras necias, oidos sordos.“ (Turn a deaf ear to stupid comments.) Betha doesn’t seem disturbed by these come backs, instead she has a grin much like a Cheshire cat. Fern tells her that she forgot the amount of venom that Bertha can exude from her mouth. (Wow! Some good sayings there Fern.) Fern also tells her that she doesn’t understand the pleasure Bertha gets from hurting people. Bertha tells her that she gets a lot of pleasure from hurting people as if she is savoring a special dish. Evil woman! Fern tries to walk away but Bertha follows her to her office. This is when the spooky music starts playing to clue us watchers into the fact that this might be a revealing conversation. Bertha tells Fern they have a lot to talk about. Fern tells Bertha that it is her Bertha who has a lot to tell her Fern. Bertha admits to being Gonzalos lover before and after Fern married him. Bertha goes on to brag that she moved Fern away from Alfredo and then Gonzalo and Fern ended up with neither of the two. Fern comes back strong saying she was the love of Alfredos life and is still Gonzalos wife. These comments make Bertha nervous and she starts to rub her forehead. Fern continues wanting to know what happened that “Night“.

Renata and friends, all in their bathing suits, walk up to Juan and Raul. Renata tells the brothers that she thought it over and Raul can stay if he wants. Lisania scold her for not apologizing so Renata tries to start over but this time it sounds worse to me. She tells Raul he can stay and go to the pool but he has to bathe first, for hygiene. Lizania scolds Renata again and finally she tells Raul that what she said was a little exaggerated and she shouldn’t have said it. She says it wont happen again. (Is that an apology?)

Daria has invited the Father Buena Aventura over. She tells him that she is worried about Alejandro. Maybe he the father can help change Alejandros mind. The father says that Alejandro has always been a stubborn child, foreshadowing how his conversation will go. Al walks in happy to see his uncle. The Father immediately starts in asking AL to explain what he is doing with Bertha de Aragon. The Father knows they are like lovers.

Bertha tells Fern that she had nothing to do with letting Alfredo into the hacienda. She says that even more after their father prohibited seeing Alfredo she never again had anything to do with him. Fern doesn’t buy it and tells Bertha that she and Gonzalo are going to have a lot to explain. Bertha tells Fern to never dare to tell the girls the truth or Florencia will die.

Miranda goes to Rebecca’s house to talk about business. Rebecca uses the time to ask for forgiveness for Fabricios actions. Julio enters the room and Miranda tells them that the owner of the reserved stock wants to sell the company quickly and that she is now the companies president. The company is in bankruptcy. Worst yet she says the packet they opened had clauses that specifies how to dissolve the partnership between Julio and Gonzalo. Miranda says that Gonzalo has wanted to dissolve the partnership between Julio and him for some time. However Miranda wants Julio and her to be more united than ever. Julio tells Miranda to not count on him. He will dissolve his partnership.

Amparo and Fransisco talk over Carola’s desire to have a new life. Some gang members enter the house looking for Raul. They tell the gang members that Raul is off for a few days at a hacienda.

Miranda tries to talk Julio into staying. She says the company is a result of many years. Julio says he doesn’t have the strength to fight and stay. He says if the companies destiny is to end then that is what it will be. Miranda tells him no. Her fathers company will not end.

Alejandro tells the Father that Bertha has a briefcase with important things of Alfredo. The Father warns Alejandro about Bertha. Al gets frustrated with him for not saying more but the Father almost has a heart attack during the discussion. The father does say that no one knows "That woman" (Bertha).

Bertha and Fern continue their discussion. Fern wants to know what has she and her daughter done to make Bertha hates them. Bertha sarcastically talks about how Fern is good and noble, the favorite daughter of their father, the preferred one of friends, the adoration of half the world, ideal woman for Alfredo, you could of fallen for any other man, but you had to have him! She continues saying that she asked Fern to leave him alone. Sofia, Alfred’s wife had died, there was no one better than Bertha to help console Alfredo. But Fern had decided to escape with Alfredo and Alejandro where no one would find them. She threatens Fern says “now you see how things go right?! Shocked Fern counters with you were my sister! The most loved for me! Bertha says she loved her too. Fern ended up with the rich man. Fern tells her that she was happy and Bertha couldn’t stand that. Fern says that Bertha cant stand to see any other woman happy that is why she hurt Miranda. Bertha smirks and says no that’s not it. I hurt Miranda with pleasure to hurt you!

Alejandro tells the father not to exaggerate. The father begs him to not go with the absurd plans of vengeance. Al says he is not gong to kill anyone. Its only a question of economy. The father claims that Al is being irrational. Al wants the father to put his shoes on and think how it was to be left an orphan. The Father tells Al to leave Gonzalo to God, divine justice, to punish. AL says no that wont happen. After Al leaves the room Daira tells the Father that she now understands Alejandro. She understands what he has had to go through.

Bertha and Fern are finishing up their conversation. Bertha is standing by the door of Ferns office about to leave swinging the door back and forth. The door is making a horrible squeaking sound that cant be part of the scene! Did they mean for her to make that noise? Anyway Bertha says Fern provokes so much pleasure in her but she has to go. But before she goes she wants to advise Fern that Miranda is on the point of discovering that both of them were in love with Alfredo. She tells Fern she hasn’t told Miranda anything, the Father Santiago Buena Aventura is the one telling Miranda. She tells Fern to find the hypocrite and ask him what his intentions are.
After Bertha leaves Fern talks to herself saying she has to tell Miranda who she is. She grabs the phone and calls Miranda. She asks to see Miranda, telling M that she urgently needs to talk to her . Miranda has to meet with Julio’s two smart sons first then she will come by Ferns house to chat.


That friggin' squeaking door just about drove me crazy last night! I am dying to find out just how bad and just how sick Bertha was that she could cause Father Buenaventura to have a heart attack just by remembering her confessing to him!

I agree! It brought a whole new game level to us with her whispering evil secrets and being able to withstand the door squeak!

I want Fab to get what is coming to him and I want Al to join forces with Miranda and beat up Bertha!

The Tomasa whacking Veronica scene was kinda satisfying too.

All right, you deserve some kind of reward for recapping, in detail, what has to be THE TALKIEST Heridas episode so far! Honestly, I didn't understand half of those convoluted conversations.

I loved in the beginning where Juan actually jumped across the swimming pool, fully clothed and with his briefcase, to join his brother! Even though it was the narrow part of the pool, what if he had fallen in?

It seemed as if Berta was deliberately squeaking that door to irritate Fernanda. She doesn't miss any little nuance of opportunity to send people over the edge.

You outdid yourself on this one Lynn. Thanks!

Thanks! And I liked watching Juan do that too. I disliked the character he played in Contra Viento Y Marea but Im liking him in this one.

When he walked/glided/jumped over the curve in the pool I thought hmmm lets watch this. (To see if he would make it.) He was kinda speed walking through the girls to make the jump too.

All in all it was fun to watch Renata be so cruel and embarrasing and have Juan stand up to her. I also liked after she apologized(although when you tell someone to wash before getting in your pool that doesnt sound like an apology or good hostess behavior to me) when Juan stood up and looked down on her. Ha that was a good and intimidating posture!

I always think the telenovela watcher should receive a good balance of evil and happiness within each episode, or at least every 2 to 3 episodes. I have seen telenovelas where there was far too much evil without appropriate respites. I'm finding Heridas to offer a good balance so far, but naturally I get a little frustrated thinking how many months we must wait before resolution of the main relationships. So far, Miranda has gone back and forth with her feelings about Alejandro and I'm OK with that for now but I doubt I can withstand all 3 daughters hating Fernanda for weeks and weeks on end.
(At least in Alborada, we spent a good chunk of the novela enjoying the very beautiful and satisfying relationship between Cristina and Cristobal)

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