Sunday, September 17, 2006

Heridas, Friday Sep 15

Squeaky admits to Erika that she thinks Juan is sooooo dreamy but they are too different. I have a hard time listening because Erika has the worst hair I’ve ever seen, it’s like layered bowl cuts. Just awful. Erika actually gives her good advice, tell Veronica to stuff it and just be with the guy if you like him.

Back to Miranda crying. Alejandro shows up and Tomasa lets him in. He goes to her and it’s like a Harlequin book cover the way they lie on the bed. She whines and he says something comforting and they start making out. Then out of nowhere a hand grabs Alejandro and pulls him off, it’s Cesar, who growls “get out of here you infeliz!” There is some really funny editing here. When Cesar grabs him they all stare at each other dramatically, then it skips right into the ensuing conversation. I believe the staredown was intended as an episode ending but all the editing put it five minutes into this show. The boys yell at each other. Cesar tells Miranda to come with him, he’ll keep her safe. Alejandro says me too! Cesar gives a long speech about why he’s so great and says “yeah and after what happened last night…….” Miranda stops him and says nothing happened last night! She looks at Alejandro and explains exactly how Cesar came to answer her phone, she left it in the living room, etc. She tells him she’s sorry about that. This officially is the first time someone just took the time to explain something to avoid a week of misunderstanding and running around. And of all people it was stupid Miranda. Alejandro is pleased and laughs, Cesar says what are you laughing at? Alejandro says “You, Cesar. YOU!” He laughs right in his face, it’s great.

Raul and Carola arrive at her place She paid bail and tells him not to worry about it, he’s like a brother. Raul tells her that everything will be ok and she says she hopes so.

Superslut is on the phone with Bertha filling her in, she can’t get to the medicine to change it because Dr. Juan never leaves it alone. Erika sneaks into the room and starts to listen to what slutty is saying. Superslut says Bertha’s name so Erika SHOULD know who she is talking to. Erika is walking up to her like she’s about to slip a wire around her neck and I hope she does. Rats. Superslut claims to have been talking to her mom, then leaves, leaving her phone sitting there. Dummy. Erika looks at the phone to see who was on the other end, helloooooo dumbass, she said “Bertha” while you were standing RIGHT THERE behind her. She finally finds Bertha’s name and is sooo surprised. Slutty had walked back in and demands her phone back. Erika and her godawful hair look worried. Slutty is a twig and Erika has some meat on her, she has nothing to be worried about, she could take her in a fight.

Fab and Juan, now BFF I guess, are talking to Gabino. Gabino says those guys will likely come back again. The new best pals decide to check up on the chocolate factory and Juan tells Gabino that nobody comes in or out, nobody. Fab gives him a pep talk about how well he defended the hacienda. Gabino says his grandparents, parents, and him were all born there, he would defend it with blood if necessary.

Alejandro tells Cesar he knows his game, Cesar plays dumb, “what do you mean?” After some more chest-bumping Cesar makes ready to take a swing at Alejandro and Miranda stops him. “Don’t make me lose the affection that I have for you.” “affection? That’s what you feel for me?” Miranda says nothing and Cesar does a pitiful lovesick look. He asks “what does that mean?” Alejandro says it means he should get his ass out of this house right now before he kicks it out. Tomasa begs Cesar to comply and leave. Cesar tells Miranda that they need to speak alone, there are STILL things he needs to tell her. He needs a new line, that one isn’t going to keep working. It works this time I guess, she promises to find him to talk. On his way out, he tells Alejandro “we’re not finished, you and me.” Alejandro says “just tell me where and when, I’ll be there.” I suspect 3:00, boys bathroom.

Rebeca visits Gonz in his office. He gives her a dirty look. He says she could have saved him but she chose to protect those other assholes. She makes excuses. They go back and forth about who could do what and la la la. She finally says she loves him. I don’t know in what way. He tells her that Miranda knows the truth about her mother. Rebeca says he can’t do anything against Fernanda now, he says how can you be so sure? She says she thinks that her protector is Alejandro Luque. Dramatic music, then Gonzalo throws his drink across the room in anger.

Alejandro tells Miranda the whole story of how he met Fernanda again at the clinic and everything that happened after that and why he couldn’t say anything. This episode is full of people finally just TELLING each other what’s going on instead of Three’s Company style misunderstandings. He finally tells her that she has to give Fernanda a chance to explain things to her. She is then upset about everything she found out about Gonzalo. She says “Who provoked all this? Who?” I think we all know who. I think they know too but for some reason let her continue to roam around as she pleases.

Fernanda has a green flashback of an argument with Bertha. Alejandro walks in with Miranda. Miranda sits down and calls her ‘mama.’ They cry and hug.

Gonz and Rebeca fight some more. He’s upset about Alejandro’s duplicity, obviously. He vows to fight. He vows vengeance while Rebeca whines and wiggles her moptop around. He finally tells her to leave so he can think. She tells him that Julio is at her house when he wants to come see him. He asks what Cesar and Julio are up to, she says please don’t ask me that. He starts to give her the faintest hint of a dirty look and she’s already blabbing that Cesar wants to open their own company and Julio accepted.

Fernanda and Miranda are all giggly and happy, they thank Alejandro for bringing them together. He leaves them alone. For some reason on his way out she explains again about last night and the cell phone. This second explanation would make me suspicious, but Alejandro doesn’t worry.

Back at the hacienda Superslut is threatening Erika to not say anything about her talking to Bertha. Renata comes in and slutty pretends to be consoling Erika, who is crying for real due to slutty having pulled her hair. Renata babbles and leaves to get food.

Miranda says “mama?” Fernanda says what? “Nothing – I just want to make sure I can pronounce that word – mama.” Fernanda starts talking and weeping, some story about when Miranda was a little girl. More crying from both of them. And some more crying. Sheesh.

Cesar whines and whines to his flunky about Miranda going with Alejandro and not him. They are out in the country, I think in the property neighboring the hacienda. Some farmhand comes up and tells him about how some guys are going to storm the hacienda, he hatches a plan to do something that will make him look better than Alejandro. I didn’t understand all the details. Something about distracting Luciano too, Cesar has three women coming out to work on Luciano – “Tres muy beunas.”

Lasagna is telling her mom on the phone what is happening at the hacienda, that she’s trying to call Alejandro but can’t reach him. Surprise, here he comes, into the restaurant where Daira is to meet her, she passes him the phone and Lasagna cries to him, he tells her to calm down and not worry. She tells him that it’s hard to get a cell signal, she thinks there must be ‘electrical storms’ nearby or something. That sounds about as logical as Doc Brown’s Flux Capacitor. He says he’ll be out there in the morning and hangs up. He tells Daira that he knows Raul’s whole family, it turns out. She just wants to know about Miranda, he tells her that she’s talking with her mother right now.

Aaaand she is. They talk about all the stuff we already know. Miranda says “do you still love him?” She says yes, through all these years. Yeah. Right. Whatever. Who would still love somebody after all that. Give me a break. Miranda says maybe they can be together again, he was never with another woman. Welll….. except Bertha. Fernanda knows this. Miranda says Bertha only took advantage of Gonz when he was drunk, he feels nothing for her. Why to people keep saying that, like it makes a difference? If you did the deed, you did it. Why does it matter if it ‘meant something’ or not? If I were cheated on I wouldn’t care about any of those details. If it happened, it happened. The end. Whatever. The women down some more tequila. Fernanda and Miranda agree that Bertha is responsible for everything bad that happened, between the two of them they will prove it.

Gabino is talking with Juan and Fab about what is going on. He feels guilty for helping Bertha way back when, when he hurt Miranda’s horse. That feels like a million years ago. And a million endless conversations ago. Gabino leaves with another guy, getting his gun out to check on stuff. Cesar rolls up to make trouble for sure. He plays nice, like he came to help. Fab stares him down. He says everythings fine, Cesar doesn’t need to be there. Juan is walking away and Cesar tries to toss the car keys to him, “you kid park my car.” Juan looks at the keys on the floor and says “park it yourself.” Cesar tries to go after him but Fab stops him. What a tool Cesar is.

Rebeca is begging Julio to not be mad, Gonz is like a brother to her so she had to go see him. They talk about a bunch of nothing. She’s happy that he is confident in Cesar. He hopes that his new company will show his sons that he is a good guy after all.

Cesar actually apologizes to Juan, who goes to check on Flor. Fab fills Cesar in on what is going on at the hacienda. Lasagna brings her fine self down the stairs to greet Cesar, she is happy to see him. I’m trying to remember what their history is but can’t remember. She tells Fab that she got Alejandro on the phone to tell him what’s going on, Cesar fumes. She excuses herself, she and Cesar are having sex with their eyes. I don’t remember what the deal is here, can somebody fill me in? She looks like she’s going to jump him right here. Cesar tells Fab he wants to work things out between them.

Fransisco and Amparito are in the church, they talk to Santiago about the money Francisco got and Santiago says something about not getting permission to take a leave of absence. Daira comes in and Francisco asks to speak to her privately and they head outside.

Luciano overhears Cesar’s flunky on the phone telling Daniel that SLI’s days are numbered. Flunky tries to talk his way out of what he said, Luciano says “tell me why the company’s days are numbered.”

Fernanda’s tequila bottle is still mostly full so they haven’t had too much to drink. A knock at the door, Fernanda goes to answer it. It’s Gonzalo. He wants to talk. She says go ahead but doesn’t let him in. He says that he knows that Alejandro is the person protecting her. Lots of dramatic music, then the bleah theme song. My wife loves it, along with all those similar love songs, but to me it is nothing special.

They show Cesar kissing Lasagna in the preview for the next show, nooo!!!


So the most action (other than talking and making out) was car-parking? Jeesh. They sure do talk a lot.

Why, do you think, is there so much bad acting in these shows?

I think it's a universal soap opera requirement. Just check out the acting on an American soap sometime. Equally bad from what I remember.

Some people stand out as a little better. Guy Ecker is the best actor on this show IMHO. Sometimes the better actors are actually secondary actors, friends of the main characters who are a little too old or not as stunningly attractive as the principals.

Some of it is the writing too. Jacqueline Andere was a serious actress in the 1960s and 70s, when she was younger now all she does is play over the top villianesses. I'm sure it pays the bills though.

Jaqueline Andere isn't in Heridas, is she? I don't watch regularly, but I haven't seen her. I just saw her in Mi Destino Eres Tu, and she was a good character, the protagonist's mother. I'll see her again in Angela, which is starting this week on Telefutura. I don't think she plays a villain in that one either. Her daughter, Chantal, however, almost always plays villains (like Manola in Barrera).

No, sorry I should have added that. She's been in a million things. She was in Peregrina and in la Madrastra. She must be the hardest working lady in soapoperas.

Chantal is kind of statuesque, with strong features, unlike her mother who is rather petite. I think that is why she got typecast as a villain even as a young woman. Just guessing.

I saw Erika's hair for the first time on Friday and I was afraid. I wanted to take a photo to my hair stylist and say "please don't give me this."

Oh Horrors! Cesar and Lasagna?!? And we had such high hopes for her! I'm off to read Monday's recap to see what transpires...
Thanks Chris, hilarious as usual!

ROFLOL--this recap was soooo much better than the ACTUAL show---I'm starting to love Cesar BECAUSE he IS such a tool [ note: nickname suggestions for Cesar...monkeywrench, perhaps or screwdriver]---i can't remember any past history btw. cesar and lasagna, so i was very shocked to see her come on to him---i thought she liked that juvenile delinquent juan---cesar was really happy about lasagna's interest in him since he is usually the pursuer------his little , blue snakeeyes positively sparkled---there's something absolutely endearing about womanizers like cesar---''yes, i am scrumptious and irresistible , but i heard you say the exact same thing to 4 other women at this party?---do i look stupido???'''---sorry, i just had a flashback to my own personal cesar---loved the recap---gave me some giggles--- susanlynn

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