Sunday, September 24, 2006

La Fea Más Bella #109 9/22/06 Preparations

Thank you, Maricruz and Yass, for filling in the details of Thursday's episode!

As always, we open with a rerun of the previous night's ending, including some details I missed. First, Fern is on the phone with someone (a photographer, I believe) making arrangements for tomorrow's shoot. Next, Omar calls, and as Omar bugs Fern about the mysterious Red Bag, Fern is pulling handfuls of things out of his briefcase, including Ricardo's underwear samples and The Letter. Omar even TELLS him he put The Letter in a manila envelope, and Fern is waving that very envelope around angrily even as he denies having seen it. :-)

And now, the story of the food

Alicia (not punished for what she did to Yazmin?) is bragging to Pilar and the cuartel about her many years of riding lessons (I think). She also manages to work in a reference to her six semesters of finance. The feas all groan and then Sara strokes her hair and imitates Alicia's next probable brag: she was married to Mauricio Birmann. Alicia complains that wasn't a good joke.

Lety, Sara, and Irma discuss Pilar's obsession with Fernando, and Marcia's jealousy. They agree (Lety very enthusiastically) that they'll do what they can to keep Fern out of trouble.

PM, Juana, and Lola help Martha work out the details for food. (Ya gotta feed the cast and crew when you're on location.) Martha wants a sumptuous feast. Fresh-squeezed orange juice, fruit cocktail, eggs 'n' sausage, refried beans with "sus platanos machos" on top (I don't know what this is), sweet bread, and in case someone is REALLY hungry, quesadillas with ham and cheese. And that's just breakfast. For lunch, barbecue, meat, chicharron (pork rinds?), guacamole, salsas: green, red, pink, navy blue (??), and in case someone (I wonder who she could mean?) is REALLY hungry, 20 kilos of enchiladas.

Sadly, this would cost more than $25/person. That's actually pretty good for so much food, but it's twice what's in their budget. Alicia says what do you expect when you put someone like Martha in charge of food? PM tells Alicia to hurry up and marry a rich guy so they don't take her Mercedes away. Alicia once again brags that she could get someone like that whenever she wants (snapping her fingers) and doesn't have to go around with a messenger. She goes back to her desk and PM looks sad. Martha offers to call the caterer back and change the order, but PM suggests that Martha is dangerous with food. :-)

They can't seem to get anything affordable lined up on such short notice. Alicia pops into Fern's office to tattle on them, but he's on the phone with Luigi. Fern tells Luigi he's got Pilar Zaccarias for the commercial. After hearing Luigi's enthusiastic reaction, Fern says he's not sure how much to pay her, and asks if it won't be something as high as, say, 500,000. And Luigi answers, "more or less." Fern's eyes get big. So do Alicia's. "Just what I need," she says to herself. Fern waves her out of his office. He tells Luigi he doesn't have time to look for a different model.

The feas continue to try to get a caterer. Lety happens by them on the way to her office. She is in a panic, having just told Irma, Sara, Pilar, and the makeup ladies a whopping lie about Fernando (more on that later). The feas tell her their problem. This is another problem she doesn't need. She can't come up with a solution either, but tells them to ask it with Irma, maybe she'll have an idea, and Lety'll work on it in her office too.

Fern is on the phone with someone (possibly Omar since he asks if he's up yet), asking for a recipe that's easy to make. Lety comes in and he hurriedly ends the call and asks how Pilar is doing. Lety reports in a deep voice that she's "ethereal." She teases him about being Pavel and goes into her cubbyhole to answer the phone.

It's her mom. I am unable to parse the first part of their conversation with any accuracy. Something about a poblano mole, and needing exercise. Then Lety asks if it's enough to serve a lot of people. Mom says it's practically a banquet's worth. Lety says, like, 30 people? And mom says sure, easy. And thus the catering problem is solved. Lety tells the cuartel.

RoboPop is upset that she'll be feeding 30 people because it's expensive. She protests that the ingredients aren't that expensive. He reminds her she's used to cooking for three people... plus a scavenger, he says, meaning Tomas. He wants to know what's she going to serve all this food on. She says she'll get disposable plates. And how does she plan to heat the food, since they'll be outside? Tomas says his mother has a portable cart with three burners.

Mom flips out and really hollers at RoboPop for not being more supportive! (If you've ever seen Edith Bunker get angry, it was like that.) Tomas applauds discreetly. Pop says it will be a disaster, but Mom says if they all get organized, it'll all be solved soon.

Mom and Tomas make a shopping list. RoboPop counts some beans (literally). He wants to know how they're going to pay for it. Tomas says they could borrow a little money from Filmo Imagen.

When they come back from the store, RoboPop's still complaining and Mom is obviously overwhelmed. Mathilde, who is getting her hair done, calls on a cell phone (which she had previously denied owning) and asks for RoboPop. Mom thinks it's funny that a man is named Mathilde. Mat tells him he's captivating, and she wants them to get acquainted and maybe become intimate. He says "wrong number" and hangs up! Mom wants to know how can it be the wrong number if she asked for him? He says it was for Erasmo Navarez. Tomas giggles madly. Suddenly, Pop is all about the cooking!

Models and would-be models

Alicia calls her father, whining how it's not fair that she doesn't get to be in the commercial even though it pays just the right amount to prevent her car from being repossessed. (He really needs to get Caller ID.) She tells him she's going to go buy herself something to make her feel better. Yes, she knows she doesn't have any money...

In the makeup chair, Pilar is dissatisfied. Lety claims that she looks "sophisticated and enigmatic," but Pilar undoes her hairdo and says her face looks too pointy. Whispering, Irma and Sara agree that this woman is even more of a diva than Luigi. Pilar insists that no one is acceptable except her own makeup guy. Unfortunately he's in NY (the recaps on the Esmas site said he was in Houston; I gotta stop looking at them). Lety is horrified - they're supposed to start shooting tomorrow. Pilar says no problem, I'll call him and he'll fly in overnight. Lety says that's way out of their budget and can't ask Fern to spend more money on this commercial.

Pilar grudgingly lets Luigi's ladies try again. She tells them, "something more glamorous." Otherwise, she goes, and then who will do the commercial?

This time she looks even better, but she complains she's too pale. She doesn't like it. Irma tries to placate her, but she's not paying attention... she admits she was thinking about Pavel Novak. The more she thinks about it, the more sure she is that Fern is Pavel. She asks, "have any of you ever loved someone to the point of madness?" Lety's eye twitches. Irma talks about her husband who abandoned her and her two children years ago. Sara says something about Germans and Luigi going to Munich. (??) Pilar says "what about you, Lety?" Sara brags about Tomas on Lety's behalf, and Lety repeats "Tomas Mora, Tomas Mora, Tomas" to remind herself not to say something else. :o) But Pilar wants to talk some more about Pavel and how much he was like Fernando in every way. Even the voice.

Lety tells Pilar to forget about Fern - he is not a good match for her. The women he goes with all suffer a great deal.

Irma tries to interrupt. She reminds them they have things to do, and should not be saying such personal things about Fernando. Pilar wants to hear more about Fern's bad side. Stalling, Lety says, "Fernando has a problem, yeah, a very grave problem." Pilar prods, "what?" "Don Fernando Mendiola... Don Fernando... has a double life!" She manages to say this with a straight face. Irma winces.

Pilar is intrigued. She wants to know every little thing. So does Sara - she had no idea! Lety is kinda stuck... she hedges and says she doesn't know any more, he doesn't tell her anything, he's very secretive, but sometimes he acts mysteriously. People call him who don't identify themselves. She gets all worked up, they're all fascinated, but then she says Fernando's probably looking for her right now and takes off. Pilar hurriedly follows. Lety tells her to please don't ask any more, but Pilar just wants to "freshen up" before talking to Fern.

In the bathroom, she calls a friend and says she is sure Fern is Pavel. She wonders what strange happening would have required him to change his identity, but she's going to find out the truth.

Alicia comes in and Pilar ends the call and excuses herself. As she's leaving, she hears Alicia mocking her. She turns around and Alicia mocks her some more. Pilar is merely amused and leaves Alicia, who privately gloats that the 500,000 pesos will be hers. (Yep, she thinks she's going to get paid the same as a supermodel on her very first job. Ha.)

Irma and Sara tell the rest of the cuartel Lety's story about Fern's "double life" and the crazy stuff about Pilar thinking Fern is Pavel.

Wrapping it all up

Lety tells the feas the good news about her Mom providing the food. They are glad, but express concern that she'll be unable to pull it off. It's going to be a big job. Lety looks worried. (I think Martha and Lola say they'll help.) Lety reminds them not to tell Fern about her mom making the food. They all remember what happened the last time he ate her cooking. :-) And something about having to listen to another of RoboPop's stories about his Uncle Lazaro.

Pilar is talking to Fern in his office. She's wearing one of Ricardo's bras over her dress and she calls him Pavel. He tells her she looks phenomenal. She says she'd like to get a good night's sleep, so he suggests a dream for her: There's this beautiful horse. He's her friend. She is feeding him peeled carrots, little apples... he drools on her a little, but he's her friend, and she rides him to freedom. Something like that.

She tells him, "I'd rather dream of the first time we made love... remember? We were in Cancun." He gets flustered and hides under his desk, claiming he's lost a contact lens. He swears his name is Fernando Mendiola, and that's the name he was born with. She says she's going to refresh his memory, make him remember everything he did with her.

She kisses her finger and puts it on her lip. (He is shocked.) Then she leaves. He whispers, "She kissed me. On the mouth. Pervert! Sickie!"

Lety is annoyed that she can't hear anything. Fern practically opens the door on her face and she claims she was just practicing on Ed's old drum. (Oh, Eduardo!) Fern complains that Pilar is crazy, she is convinced that he's a soccer player. He imitates her and says "I'm going to make you remember what you did." And what's all this about him having a double-life? She snuggles close and suggests that the two of them forget all about Pilar for a little while.

He says he has a little surprise. They're going to go to his house. And he's going to cook. He claims that he's a consumed chef... a consummate chef, he corrects himself. But they have to go shopping first. All he has in his fridge are three spoiled yogurts.

They hold hands and nearly leave Lety's office that way, but then they remember they're on the sly and let go. :)

Alicia is on the phone with Marcia. She is complaining that she's not in the mood to follow Fernando - she's going to go shopping and buy something to cheer herself up. Fern and Lety wait for her to leave.

She gives PM and Saimon a dirty look on her way out. She's mad at PM because she's the one who got (or reported news of) Pilar for the modeling job. They notice, but they don't care. They talk mushy and he wants her to tell her son about their relationship. She doesn't want to. He says something about her defending him like a lion protects her cubs. He suggests going someplace private.

The feas all get there and PM asks Lola if she'll watch her boy. She says sure. They are envious that she has a boyfriend to spend the evening with.

Fern and Lety leave. She's seriously excited to be grocery shopping with him. They are happy and relaxed, knowing that Alicia isn't following them and Marcia won't catch them.

Unfortunately, they don't realize that Pilar has followed them! She tells her friend (on the phone) that she wants to know everything he does. She's going to find out about this "double-life" of Pavel Novak! Er, that is, Fernando...

Will Fern and Lety run into someone they know at the supermarket?
Will Mom give everyone food poisoning?
Will we ever get to meet the real Pavel Novak?
Find out tomorrow night!


Thanks Julie for the great recap! I'm glad it's getting more interesting now with the Pilar story and mom saving the day. Finally Lety and Fernando will get back to romantic business (or so it seems).

great recap as allways, I'm loving the way Lety's and Fern relationship is growing. What Robopop was doing with the beans is cleaning them!!! In Mexico the beans come with little stones and dirt, so before you cook them you have to go thru all and each of them!!! (I know this is not important but it was funny to wach and remember)

LOL, it's not just Mexico. Pebbles sometimes find their way into our beans too, although it is not as bad as when I was a kid. But even now, lots of the beans are ooky-looking and you just want to throw those out.

But that's not what I thought of when I saw Erasmo, an accountant, handling the beans. I thought it might be a visual pun. Do Mexicans refer to their accountants as bean-counters?

re: the scene when leechita explains her equestrian skills to the cuartel and pilar and then sarita says, "then you married maurice birrrrrman" and puts her arm up in the air and leechita said "that's not a very funny joke", my husband started chortling. i said,"i don't get it" and he said, "you know, BIRDMAN!" (the cartoon) - yuk yuk!

Birdman? You mean this guy?

yes, but more like this:

the cartoon character used to always announce his name "BIRRRRRDMAAAN!", which I guess activated his superpowers, usually while flying, with one arm forward, and one arm sort of curled to the side.

who is more the nerd: the writers (or the actor for adlibbing this) or my husband for picking it up?! :)

Plátanos machos: plantain bananas. The Mexican treatment is to fry lengthwise slices of plantain and serve them with cream. Yummm!

I suspected it might be fried plantains (which I LOVE), but couldn't find a suitable definition for "machos" in my dictionary. Thanks!

The 2010 discussion for Capitulos 109 & 110 is at this link.

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