Sunday, October 15, 2006

Heridas Friday Oct 13

Cesar leaves Gonz’s office believing he has sunk Alejandro’s chances with Miranda by what he told Gonzalo. He just has to learn Bertha’s version of the events from ‘that night.’

The scene where Gabino tells about Alejandro’s fight with El Guapo is loooong. However, this is ok because Pamela is wearing a flimsy low-cut top. The group splits up to take care of various things to secure the house.

Miranda and Pamela go see Florencia and Nuria, who are sitting in a room that is wide open to the outdoors, completely the opposite of what they planned in the previous scene. Nuria says she prefers to be ‘here inside’ since it’s so hot out. This room is basically outside. There are walls, but the doorways are wide open and the ceiling is 50% open to the sky. Is there some magic air conditioning that keeps this cooler than ‘outside?’ There are sun rays shining through the whole room. Argh. For some reason this drives me crazy. Anyway, Pamela and Miranda run off to the library.

Fernanda comes into Amparo’s kitchen, anxious for news about Carola’s interview. Carola isn’t back yet. Amparo invites her to stay for dinner, Renata is going to cook it! They talk about her, how she shared her money with the family, she is cooking and taking part in everything. Fernanda feels vindicated, “I knew it! I knew she wasn’t a bad person! It was Bertha’s influence.” She believes this is just one step short of Renata accepting her as her mother.

Daira is telling Alejandro that she doesn’t know where Lasagna went. Renata and the other girls don’t know where she is, Alejandro knows how easily influenced Lasagna can be so he’s worried, they’ll just have to wait until they hear from her. Luciano arrives and says his contacts have news of Bertha, everything Alejandro suspected is true.

Fernanda meets Charo at an outdoor café. Charo tells her about the envelope she found and what Tomasa said in the letter.

Luciano tells Alejandro that there will be a show in Paris featuring Alfredo Luque’s designs, and something about how they are all owned by Berth de Aragon. Alejandro flips out, “No puede ser!” He says first thing in the morning they are going to Paris.

Miranda and Pamela discuss Nati’s chocolate. Miranda says they are going to Mexico in the morning, if she doesn’t get married right away she feels like it will never happen.

Ha ha Luciano asks a frantic Daira “what about the harmony of Feng Shui and all your yoga?” Alejandro says right now none of that will work. Miranda calls Alejandro’s cell phone and they discuss the whole El Guapo deal. Miranda tells Al “don’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you, not Daira, Lasagna, nobody. The only one here who knows is Pamela” Pamela, who has been sitting calmly in the background looking pretty as always. She tells Alejandro that she’s coming back in the morning for them to get married. That’s the big secret? Whoop de doo.

Charo tells Fern more about how she found the envelope and how evil Bertha is. They also discuss how crazy the idea of Lucas killing Tomasa was. Fern comforts her, telling her she did the right thing, she had no choice but to do what Bertha said.

Al, like any man, says “uh uh tomorrow? That’s not what we talked about.” But in the end he says sure, whatever you want. He gets off the phone and Daira says “something happened?” Al replies “oh uh things at the hacienda, you know.” Then he tells Luciano, who just finished making the plans for Paris, to cancel the whole thing. He’s not going to travel tomorrow. He leaves without explanation. Daira and Luciano are a bit stunned and try and figure out what’s going on.

Cesar gives Sanson some instructions about what they’ll be doing in the near future. Sanson is remarkably servile for being the leader of a gang before.

Miranda announces to everyone that they’ll return to Mexico in the morning. She says it’s for everyone’s safety.

Roman arrives at Cesar’s place. They talk about a couple things I didn’t quite catch, then Roman tells Cesar to leave everyone alone that lives near Fernanda and Francisco’s family. Cesar grabs him but Roman pulls a gun on him and tells him “calm down!” Cesar says he paid Roman for a job he didn’t do and he owes him. About Nuria, she is registered at her school as the natural daughter of Bertha de Aragon. Roman says “now we’re even.” Roman leaves. Cesar calls Sanson and tells him that the ‘estupido’ left, follow him and kill him. That’s what he was hired for. Then he tells him self that Nuria is Bertha’s illegitimate daughter and he’s the only one who knows!

Francisco calls a family meeting to announce something important. Renata is in the kitchen cooking, the rest of them are all in the living room sitting around. Francisco does a president Vicente Fox impression first, then after a full minute of “good news, really this is good news” he says that they are going to have a car. They all go nuts. From what I can tell, Francisco is going to have a taxi to drive. They are all excited, they all want to learn to drive. Renata smiles at their excitement after first not understanding. The smile seems genuine, the first time I’ve seen that look on her face.

Carola prays for good luck on her first day of work the next day, I think. I don’t think it is still the interview, I believe it’s the job. I may be wrong.

The family is still going nuts about having a car, Renata goes back to the kitchen and Amparo follows her. Amparo explains that they never had a car before. She then tells Renata that she admires her strength in adjusting to the new situation and she’ll help her with anything she needs. Renata says good, help me convince Juan that…. She is interrupted by Juan calling them back to the other room where they are all laughing and having a good time. Francisco tells Renata that she is like a good luck charm, since she came good things have happened and she is a daughter to him now. She flashes back to Gonz telling her that he cancelled her credit cards after her drug problem. Then another flashback to Bertha telling her how everything is her mother’s fault, why she has a bad relationship with her father. Back to Francisco’s long hug, she starts crying, I think happily, at being part of a family for real.

Gonzalo is at home thinking over what Cesar told him before, trying to figure it out. He realizes that Bertha is the only one who knows everything.

Pamela asks Miranda if she’s sure, Miranda says more sure than anything ever. Pamela has decided to keep wearing the flimsy tank top, which I appreciate. Wait, it’s not for me, it’s still THE SAME DAY. Two of the worker women enter, one younger, the old lady is Nati. The younger one says that cocolbosh is a special delicious recipe of some sort made from cocoa plants, only some of the old people know how to make it, I think the old lady here knows how, this I’m sure will save the day for the San Llorentes. Cripes, it isn’t even some special method for processing the chocolate, it’s some new age positive energy/charka/feng shui thing. Something about having the right energy in your body when you process the cocoa. Can you say Deus Ex Machina? “crap we’re in a hole here, what can we do?” “how about if they align the chakras of the cocoa trees?” “BRILLIANT.”

Renata presents dinner, to great applause. Francisco lectures his son Joel, I think, on how to talk to a lady after some rude remark. Everyone starts eating slowly, it appears that the food sucks, turns out they are in shock about how good it is. They all dig in, Renata is happy. I don’t know why I’m enjoying the rehabilitation of Renata so much, I’m so cynical about everything else, but her storyline really appeals to me. I have absolutely no idea why.

We see Gonzalo eating alone fade to the Francisco family all together and happy, to show the contrast, then back to lonely old Gonzalo leaving the dinner table. As Charo comes in to clean up, she decides that if she stays she’ll go crazy, so she’s going to leave without telling anyone.

Nati tells Miranda about the fantastic tantric method of processing chocolate. Florencia comes in saying she has a problem, she’s bleeding and something is happening with her baby! Perhaps she hasn’t realized yet that she can’t possibly be pregnant and keep that nice slim body. Who knows what alternate reality her mind is in. She stands there staring into space, like she’s trying to see back into our dimension.

Lasanga is on the phone with Al, he’s yelling at her to tell him where she is so he can come and talk. She’s at Cesar’s place but won’t tell him. She says it’s all his fault, she wants to die. Cesar takes the phone away from her to hear Al say that he’s going to get everything back from Bertha, don’t be stupid. Cesar hangs up the phone. He asks Lasagna what documents? She tells him everything. “Bertha is now the owner of our entire fortune!” Cesar twitches.

Miranda tries to take care of Flor. She calls Fabricio. Pamela and the equally fine and equally flimsy tank top wearing Nuria breeze in first, hello ladies, then Fab comes in, in a panic, to see what’s going on. Fab rushes of for a doctor. For tells Miranda to call Fernanda.

Lasagna explains everything further to Cesar about the portfolios. He flashes back to looking through the portfolio and finding nothing but pictures of jewelry.

Renata and family continue their happy meal, Fernanda shows up. They tell her that Renata made the food, Fern says good for you! Renata won’t look at her and says she’s leaving to go to bed. Fern says wait, then her phone rings, it’s Miranda to tell about Florencia. Miranda puts Flor on the phone. Renata grabs Juan to talk in the other room, I think she’ll try and convince him to go to the hacienda to help. In the other room, she calls Alejandro because he can get them to Tabasco right away. She tells Al what’s up, he says they’ll go right now. Al runs out to tell Daira and Luciano what’s going on and to make preparations. Al leaves. Renata and Juan tell Fern that Al is on the way. Renata begs Fern to save Flor’s baby. Fern says “you don’t understand fully what I’m telling you, but I would give my own life to save Flor and her baby.”

Lasagna the dumbass wants to stay with Cesar, he convinces her that she should leave. He pumps her for information and says maybe Al will try and take her back to Italy. She says she’ll just say she has to stay to get married with Cesar. “whoa whoa whoa no that wouldn’t be a good idea.” He says because he wouldn’t be accepted in the family. Whatever. She believes it all. Dumbass.


LOL--a great recap...gave me mucho giggles...however, I sometimes fear that Pamela and Nuria of the flimsy tank tops are causing you to lose your focus.....So, Sanson is a chauffeur/assasin...How very efficient. He is acting very docile for an ex-leader of the pack, no??? I got a kick out of Cesar holding onto the strap in the backseat of the car and ripping through the contents of the briefcase. I am beginning to love this guy...he is sooo off the wall and annoying with the snorting and biting and blowing smoke rings and seducing anything that doesn't move fast enough. ...and that James Dean hairdo really rocks. I don't really understand the magic cocoa thing. Also, I think Carola should have taken Daniel up on his offer because I don't think she is Fulbright scholarship material and I don't think Juan will leave Renata for her. Carola, do not quit your day/night job. And where is Bertha??? Wow...if Bertha really is Nuria's mother!!....Cesar has boinked both of them ...he must be feeling pretty proud.Susanlynn, thinking that a cup of magic cocoa would be great right about now

Chris, I had some good guffaws on your recap! I, too, am liking the Renata story line. Have you noticed that when she's happy (or agog as she so often is these days) she squeaks a lot less? We might have to stop calling her Squeaky.

I was obsessing about that ridiculous cocolbosh business and I think somebody on the Telenovela-World forum figured it out...Nati has somehow incorporated peyote into the cocoa drink..."Naty's bizzare mumblings, that glazed look in her eyes, her tendency to wander in the dark and only eat soft rolls, the fact that she knows Willie Nelson, and her penchant for making cocolbosh! Need I say more?" Suddenly it all makes sense to me.

I'm confused about Nuria being Bertha's daughter. That would make Tomasa Bertha's (and Fernanda's) mom unless Tomasa was the Nuria's father's mom. Or maybe it is another of Bertha's big fat lies.

Jean, are you reading? What do you make of this Bertha-being-Nurias'-mother business?

Well I haven't watched this show even once for weeks and weeks but a piece of it was on my VCR tape and I noticed that Renata (was Squeaky) has also improved/reduced her makeup and doesn't look so much like a raccoon. I think she should get a new nickname or even get her own name back since she's been rehabilitated. I like the sound of that contrast between her new family and Gonzo eating alone. Don't you wish life were this clear? Great recap as always Chris. I too think an excellent (ie truly ghastly ridiculous) villain is key to classic telenovela enjoyment. Look how much fun Jacinta was! And Joselyn in Mundo is a complete lunatic!

If Bertha is Nuria's mom, who is her dad? Also, what happened to the storyline of Flimsy-top's father [or the guy pretending to be her father]? Suddenly, that ball was just dropped. Where was that going? What about the big mystery bank account. And has Bertha somehow gotten her hands on the Luque fortune, and is she on some Brazilian beach wearing a flimsy tank top with some hombre putting suntan lotion on her. Sylvia, I think you're on to something with Nati and the cocoa. She does always look a little spaced out. Is she going to have a lucid moment and reveal the mystery of THAT NIGHT? Is Al's dad still alive somewhere? And poor, cranky Gonzo...''Table for uno, please .~~~Susanlynn, drinking a cup of Nestle's Quick and wondering where this is all headed

Okay, so the chocoate stuff is magical. No wonder I was so confused. It was heading towards a place my brain won't go!

Suggestion for a new nickname for about Sandra Dee...better yet...mejor! = Sandra De [shout out to Mexico]. I think that she and Juan definitely have an Olivia Newton-John/John Travolta in Grease type relationship going for them...''Look at me, I'm Sandra De!'' Susanlynn, spending way too much time thinking about this when I should be correcting test papers or washing my flimst tank tops

Hi Sylvia: I'm here but I don't watch Heridas that carefully since I'm recapping Mundo. Bertha definitely said that Nuria was Tomasa's granddaughter. We also know that Tomasa's two sons disappeared on THE NIGHT when Alfredo Luque was shot, etc. So, if Bertha was being boinked by one of Tomasa's sons, got pregnant and had Nuria, Nuria would be Bertha's daughter and Tomasa's grandchild. Just a theory but that would fit.

i thought tomasa's daughter got killed that night by bertha, and bertha stole nuria? i assumed that bertha registered nuria as her daughter only to take away suspicions that nuria is tomasa's granddaughter...

though it's possible that she boinked one of tomasa's sons, but i would think that she'd be a little more affectionate towards nuria if nuria is really her daughter (though with evil bertha you never know).

hmmm...i'm confused now...

in re to flor; i'm almost possitve that flor's bleeding is the writer's way of getting everyone to the hacienda, so that we can see a beautiful traditional hacienda wedding of miranda and ale (i'm sure flor's baby will be fine). i love weddings, so i shall tune in for their possible wedding tonight! :)

yes, chocolate milk is a great way to get bye on a looong monday...happy monday! :)

I was thinking about the Nuria thing some more after posting the recap - the 'proof' of Bertha being her mother is a birth certificate or something that was part of her college registration. so the possibilities are that Bertha slept with one of Tomasa's sons (very very possible, she's a slut too) or the information was forged. Either one is a possibility. Even if Nuria isn't truly her biological daughter, I still would believe that she skanked around with Tomasa's son(s). She's like that. If anyone saw the show and thinks I may have misunderstood, please speak up! Also I will admit to losing my focus at the hot and humid hacienda where the ladies have to wear flimsy tops, but the magic of the digital video recorder lets me rewind and not miss any dialogue. Thank God.

Do you think that all these loose ends will be tied up in the end , or have they just been throwing whatever twists and turns they could think of into this mess of wounds to keep us interested? Why introduce that guy [Matilde's dad in Amor and Hot Pamela's fake daddy] if it wasn't somehow related to the main storyline? What about that little code book the guy stole from Pamela's mother? Will that figure into things somehow? In the end, I hope Dr. Fer does not end up with Gonzo and that Fab develops a few more facial expressions. [So far, I've only notice the same ones he used playing Andres in ''Alborada'' : 1]uncomfortabe b]confused 3] uncomfortable and confused~~~~~~~~~~~Susanlynn, imagining fernando in a flimsy tank top since none of these current hombres hold any appeal for me

Add constipated to the list of Fabricios facial expressions! Very funn you are Susanlynn.

Nati stumbling due to an overdose or habit of peyote explains it all! Her street wise swager while getting strangers to give her money for her bus ride home. Her skill in getting strangers to help her (Arcadia and Gabino) and give her a place to live. Her ability to say so much without having said anything at all. (Its in the Arbol Lloron.) Yes Sylvia thats it!

As for the parentage theory I think Bertha wouldnt shag one of Tomasas sons because they would be beneath her. Also she was too busy trying to shag Gonz (her sisters' hubby) and Alfredo (her sisters' ex beau). Bertha is an opportunist and only does things if they can get her something. I could see her tormenting the sons, promising an affair, but then cutting the boys down saying they are too naco for her, etc.

If she really was a sexually driven woman she wouldnt have stayed with Gonz for so many years. She would have split for/with some other stud who could give it to her regularily. Also I think she filled out Nurias certificate and wrote her name so no one investigating would be led to Tomasa. I think this novela is all about how Bertha has been plotting her revenge and is finally getting it.

Im off to watch the dancers on Fea!

Chris! After getting carried away with all the -Is she the mother?- and -who's high now?- talk, I forgot to mention that your recap was great. Very Funny! You caught things that I instantly recognized, like cesar twitching... Love it! Thanks!

I don't think Berta would leave a record that Nuria was her "hija natural" if it were true. She's trying to hide Nuria's parentage.

I still think that the cocolbush drink is some old recipe for chocolate. Nati may believe that only good people can make it, or the inheritors or whatever, but then how can she make it? What's so special about her? It does kind of remind me of the magic cooking skills of the protagonist in like water for chocolate.

Nobody's at the hacienda now they all flew back to Mexico with Flor. I don't think that there will be any big hacienda weddings yet, not until the end. I don't even think there will be a wedding yet--Cesar is going to spill the beans at the hospital. Hopefully Lisania will also be there to find out that Cesar is really going for Miranda, not her. What a guy! 3 women on a string!

What are we, at about the halfway mark.

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