Sunday, October 01, 2006

Heridas Friday Sep 29

Al and Miranda are in Fernanda’s office, she wants to get to know all her daughters. Alejandro says she will, she says how? When? Al and Miranda both tell her they are there for her, everything will work out fine in the end. Fern is feeling this way because her daughter Renata is getting married and she can’t share it with her like a mother.

When Bertha finds the hidden pocket in the briefcase, the papers she pulls out are remarkably white and wrinkle free after being in there for so many years! This case must be made of miracle leather. Amazing. They look fresh off the printer.

Charo retrieves the envelope from the dresser and talks to herself a lot. She decides to take the papers to Father Santiago, then thinks she’ll look at them first. A picture of Tomasa when she was younger. She finds a letter addressed to Norma Gomez Ramos, who is that? Maybe Ramos was Tomasa’s maiden name? Oh well, she decides, she might as well read it. The letter says “to my dear little girl, I don’t know if the Virgin will let me see you again or when you will get this card, but know that you aren’t alone in this world.” Lalala, your father was happy when you were born, etc etc. “Some horrible woman took you from my arms and I never saw you again.” I thought the letter was to a daughter, but apparently it is to the granddaughter, who we now know is Nuria. She decides to hurry off to Padre Santiago with the envelope, after a quick prayer.

Bertha talks to the dog. Then she flashes back to ‘that night’ – Antonio de Guzman uh ooops sorry, Alfredo Luque, is asking the younger (and way hotter) Bertha, “what if she says no? What if she won’t go with me?” Young Bertha says “of course she will, she doesn’t want to spend one more day here, convince her!” Back to the present, she whines to the dog that Alfredo always loved Fern and not her. She starts rubbing her forehead and getting psycho, telling the dog all her evil plans.

Lasagna is talking with Cesar on the phone, he convinces her to not tell her family that they are together, or whatever they are. Mom is coming, see you later at your apartment, kisses bye! Jeez Lasagna make me BARF. Que tonta. Lasagna promises her mother she’ll apologize to Alejandro. Mom says “what is with you?” nothing mom GOD leave me alone. “another boyfriend?” “Uhhh yeah mom, but don’t ask me now, give me a little time first.” Lasagna leaves, Mom says “you’re hiding something, I’ll find out what.”

Charo cries to Padre Santiago. He tells her that Tomasa is in a better place. Charo tells the father about when Tomasa died and how Bertha lied about how it happened. Charo is beside herself for lying on Bertha’s behalf and wants to confess to him, he says ok let’s go.

Al and Miranda are STILL in Fern’s office. Fern has found a candidate to donate a heart to transplant into Florencia. Maybe this will get Flor to stop being such dead weight. Where are Flor and Fab anyway? I don’t think they’ve appeared in like two weeks. I haven’t missed them. Miranda’s phone rings, it’s Fab. I typed that last bit too soon. I’m a jinx. Ohhhh they have been in the U.S. buying baby things. Miranda report that they are having a good time there. Alejandro seethes at Fab calling her on the phone. He says “why didn’t SHE call you? Why didn’t you ask to speak to her?” Miranda has no answer.

Everyone is congratulating Juan and Renata. Amparo and Francisco don’t look very happy. Amparo gives a smile to Juan but coldly tells Renata to be good to him, she’ll never find anyone better. Renata says “I know.” Convincingly even, like she means it. Then Amparo gives in and hugs her. Francisco gives them advice about respecting each other. Renata couldn’t be any more uncomfortable. Carola comes in and tells Juan she’ll never leave him alone and hugs him a little too long. Renata is jealous, Superslut immediately tells her to look out for that one (Carola), making her even more jealous. She says “JUAN! I have to change, come with me.” This marriage is off to a GREAT start. Carola holds her hand out to Renata and says “I’m Carola, I hope we can become BEST friends!” Renata’s look says “I doubt it.” Renata refuses to shake hands and starts bitching at Carola to basically get the hell out and never come back. Francisco and Amparo break it up by declaring that it’s time to eat. Renata pulls Juan away and gets on him about too much touching and hugging with Carola. He explains that she’s like a sister, Renata should treat her that way too. Renata isn’t buying it but says fine, she’ll apologize and change things. I don’t believe it. Francisco tells Juan to be patient with her.

Miranda and Alejandro are arguing about Fab. He thinks she is always sooo happy when she talks to him, and thinks that he calls her too much. She doesn’t have much to say about it, just “you’re crazy, give me a break, should I never talk to him again?” They are acting like a couple of teenagers. As usual. One week they are mad at each other, the next they are going to get married. Cripes. Fern comes back in the room and interrupts their mature conversation, the women are off to see the new bride Renata. Alejandro says he can’t go because something is going on with Lasagna (like she has gone INSANE?) and he has to go check it out. Al tells Miranda he’ll call her later, she says ok I’ll wait for your call. Hey maybe they aren’t so immature after all. Al picks her cell phone up off the chair – “here you better not forget your cell phone, you wouldn’t want to miss a call from FABRICIO.” Ah. They are so immature after all. Miranda gives him a withering look and slams the door behind her when she leaves. Smooth move Al.

Santiago wants no part of the envelope Charo brought, he tells her to do whatever she thinks is right with it. She is wanting him to tell her what to do, he is hemming and hawing and doesn’t want to be the one to make the decision. He tells her that in that card Tomasa tells about something very serious but there isn’t any proof to it beyond her word. He tells her to give it to whoever she trusts the most, she still says him. He says finally, “Fine, I’ll just hold on to it for you until you decide, ok?” She is relieved and takes off.

Daira tells Al about her earlier conversation with Lasagna. Al doesn’t like her getting around so much, he wants to know who this new boyfriend is. She knows something else is bothering Al, he starts whining about having doubts, I think that he has doubts about Miranda’s faithfulness, Daira says something about her having doubts about him too? Or him having doubts about himself? Whatever it was, muchas dudas.

The wedding party is chowing down. They talk about how good the food is and ask Renata what her best dish is, she says she doesn’t know how to cook. Why, they ask? Because she always had a cook! The pobres are trying to aggravate her, she is rising to the bait a little bit. Francisco shuts them up and Renata thanks him. Juan smiles at her and she smiles back, but she obviously would rather be anywhere else. Amparo goes to the kitchen and Francisco follows her, she starts crying and says she has a bad feeling in her chest. Fran says it isn’t the greatest party but what are they going to do?

Al admits that the fact that he hasn’t told Miranda everything bothers him. He goes over all the facts again, his quest for vengeance, Flor is his sister, etc. Daira says to tell her and ask for her understanding. What if she hates him? Well, then, that’s just he way it is. Daira tells him that these things aren’t logical, he just has to be honest with her. He prattles on and on about loving her, jealousy being stupid, etc.

Rebeca and Cesar are talking about Gonz and Julio, Julio is listening in from the other room. I didn’t really understand what they were talking about but it didn’t seem that important really. Julio walks in and he and Cesar smile and laugh, Cesar works on him to try and get him to sell his shares to Luciano. Julio says fine, I’ll do it.

Bertha tells the dog that she has a fortune in her hands. She has the rights to all of Alfredo Luque’s designs, and his money. The clean crisp papers she found are notarized contracts turning over the rights to everything with the beneficiary’s name left blank. “He was going to give everything to Fernanda, that’s why he had this portfolio with him.” As if there were any way ever in the world that this would happen. Cripes. I know we have to suspend disbelief, but come on. Oh here’s how to get out of a jam – let’s have the rich guy leave something where whoever writes their name in gets everything. Great idea! She has a flashback about Flor being a young child and having trouble breathing. I think that was how she got Gonzalo out of the house for Alfredo to come in, he had to take her to the doctor. She picks up her cell phone and calls Alejandro, telling him she has to see him right away, she has his father’s portfolio! He says he’ll come right away. She says no, no, tomorrow, she’ll call him to tell him where and when. After hanging up the phone, she caresses the portfolio like she’s having sex with it, with the appropriate facial expressions and everything. She cackles that Al won’t sleep now until he has the bag in his own arms, she’s going to make him suffer, I think she said until he understands how much she loves him? Let me get this straight – I love this guy, so I’m going to make him sooo miserable until he realizes it. Hmmm. Based on some women I’ve known, this is perfectly acceptable female logic. Present company excluded I’m sure.

Miranda and Fern are with Francisco and Amparo, Fern is upset that things weren’t happier than they were, everyone says give it time, lalala. She says she understands how Renata feels, Amparo doesn’t really like her but Francisco defends her. Basically they are all gossiping. Miranda says they better be prepared, they don’t know what a bitch Renata can be. Fern thinks she has to talk to her right away, they convince her to wait.

The REALLY hopping party consists of everyone sitting around, the party is breaking up. People leave one by one, giving Renata a chance to sneer at them individually, especially Carola when she gives Juan a loooong hug and kiss. Everyone quickly bails. Like in 20 seconds the room is empty. Congrats, congrats. Superslut of course can’t just let things be. On her way out, she tries to give Renata her car keys. Renata says no, no. Slutty says “I honor my obligations” or something like that. Juan says “what are you talking about?” Slutty McSluterson says “uh OOooohhh sorry… didn’t say anything to Juan? Oh My God!” Yeah right. Also, Erika and her FRIGGIN GAWDAWFUL HAIR are there the whole time. That has to be mentioned, as it cranks up the horror of this moment quite a bit. Juan says, “didn’t say anything to me about what, mi amor?”

Gonz is in his office, Doctor Escalante is brought in. The doctor says something is strange about Flor’s condition, it is hereditary through the parents, there is no other cause ever never ever, you see where this is leading, right? Also, he says it is strange that she never responded to the treatment from Bertha. Gonz says she saw all the best doctors! The doctor says it doesn’t matter, what matters is that it looks like Flor never took the medication in sufficient dosages. Gonz is stunned, with good reason. Maybe he’ll finally kill Bertha or something. We can only hope. Somebody on this show needs to get beat down hard and she’s at the top of the list. Well, co-number one with Cesar, whose greatest crime was taking Lasagna away from me. Bastard. Anyway, Gonz starts drinking.

Juan demands an explanation, she tries to say nothing, so he asks Slutty to tell him. She says “Renata, you might as well tell him, after all you ARE married now!” ha ha ha. Renata tells her to get out, she is going to be late for wherever she is going! Slutty finally just says “ok fine, we bet that you would marry her and I lost. You won, Renata! Yay!” She holds out the car keys. Renata looks scared and Juan looks lost. Slutty and BadHair leave in a hurry. Juan grabs Renata by the arms and screams at her, “This is why you married me? for a BET?”

Santiago is at his desk reading the rest of Tomasa’s letter. Nothing really out of the ordinary, I miss you, I wish I could talk to you, etc. He talks to his cross, “why doesn’t she use Bertha’s name? She only refers to her as ‘she’ so there’s no proof. We know, but she didn’t SAY it.” He puts the envelope away in a drawer, when he looks up, there is Bertha standing there laughing. She asks him why he told Alejandro about the bank accounts and the scandal, he says it wasn’t a confessional secret so he could say. Then something about justice, she says the only justice is HER justice, then she’s mad because Alejandro is going to investigate the whole thing. “Padre, you’re going to be sorry!” he says “what are you going to do? Kill me like you did Tomasa?”

Juan is understandably pissed off. Renata denies it, says Slutty was making a trick. He gives her an out by slightly changing the subject, saying that if her love for him is because of a bet then…. She says no! “I love you more than I ever thought I possibly could love.” She jumps on him with a pretty heavy kiss. He says “look me in the eyes and tell me, Renata, did you make a bet with Slutbag about whether I’d propose to you, or not?” She can’t do it, she lowers her eyes. He says that’s how it is with women like them, they toy with the emotions of real people like him! She made a mockery of his whole family, who welcomed her. She cries and begs for a chance to prove to him how much she loves him. He yells at her that all this was for her! (indicating the food and the party, etc) If she wants to marry a pobre then she can learn to live like one and clean everything up here and in the kitchen. If not, then when he gets back she better be gone. He slams the door behind him on the way out. Renata looks at the mess and cries even harder.

Miranda sits on the steps of the house and leaves a flower there in Tomasa’s memory. Cesar shows up and wants to take her to lunch. She says she has to meet Alejandro later. He says why don’t we go see a movie or something first, relax a bit? She seems to be going for it. Idiota. He asks when she’s meeting him, she has to call him first to find out. Ok, he says, call him and we’ll all three go, sound like fun? He is putting his hand on her face to be so sensitive like she always falls for. Right then Al shows up and yells at Cesar to get his hands off of her. I do believe Cesar saw him coming, based on the smirk he’s got on his face. Al is staring him down, Miranda is looking at Al like he’s crazy. Man she’s stupid. That’s all for today, tomorrow they’ll argue some more about jealousy, etc.


Excellent as always! If people in these shows had any sense they'd be over in days, or hours, not months. One of the principles I used raising my kids was: "It's Good To Tell." A little more honesty would do the trick, eh?

My, my, this is one of your funniest recaps ever. I love how you go right for the jugular. Funny that you mention Bertha caressing the portfolio...have you noticed that whenever a man, e.g. Gonzo, pushes her around in anger she sucks in her breath and gets a dazed look of ecstasy (dare I say sexual) on her face? She's a nut case in every way.

Thanks for the guffaws!

Chris writes "...Cesar, whose greatest crime was taking Lasagna away from me. Bastard...."

Ha! I loved this. Very Funny you are!

ROFLOL....loved your recap---gave me mucho giggles--so much better than the ACTUAL telenovela ....I especially like the way you are getting into the true spirit of things and seem to have gotten yourself into a triangle with Cesar and Lasagna...I have decided that I would like Cesar to end up with Slutty McSlutterson ...Caray!Caray! Wouldn't you just pay to see that tag team smackdown???---By the way, how long did Renata and Juan actually know each other...a week or two????---Susanlynn, thinking I'd be a good candidate to knock the wind out of Cesar's sails given the chance

Well, with the strange time vortex that exists within Heridas world, how they can get across Mexico City in five minutes but one dinner can take days, who knows how long they knew each other. I think it was probably a few weeks, maybe a month.

You think Heridas has a time vortex? How many nights have they spent on "Fea" going over the same couple hours out at the park ????

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