Monday, December 11, 2006

La Fea Más Bella #164 12/11/06 in which Humberto cannot get a cup of coffee

Ooh, this is the 100th tagged La Fea post. (There were some earlier ones I never got around to tagging.)

There was a very pretty speech in the middle of this episode and I'm sure you'd all like to see it word for word. I'm too tired tonight but if I have time tomorrow I will add the sweet words.

Lety's father worries about the three of them being unemployed - Lety says she'll figure something out when she gets back from her trip, maybe start another business.

Tomas has sadly surrendered his trophies of luxury. "Returning to poverty is so hard." "We'll start again, it's not the end of the world! Now, clean that car impeccably before we return it to Don Fernando..."

Alicia is calling and calling, Tomas is not answering and not answering. "Answer, you rotten serpent!" hisses Alicia. Mocked for being at work so early, Alicia says she's awaiting a very important call. She's fretting about Ariel, too.

Today Alicia is wearing a Victoria's Secret style "Naughty Little Maid" outfit and her necklace has fallen into the narrow gorge between her extremely uplifted breasts and her chin.

Meanwhile, Lety is sad for Tomas that he fell in love - and is a little startled to find out he scored a home run with Alicia. "I was like fire in bed!"

"Forget her, the way I have to forget Don Fernando - they're beautiful, with their little caresses and kisses, but they're not for us. They don't deserve us!" This cheers Tomas a bit. Lety continues: "We're ugly and poor and we'll have to start from zero, but we can do it with calm hearts and clear consciences."

Ariel sends Olarte out to find out whether the rumor about Conceptos is true, and, as we know, it is. Conceptos is in hock to the tune of 45 million dollars - to Lety's business, Filmo Imagen. Ariel, who loathes Lety, throws things around his office, kicks stuff and snarls. I never do that when I'm in a bad mood, never. Well, maybe I snarl a little.

At Conceptos, Marcia shows up muy hungover, in sunglasses, and snarls at everybody, just like her brother. She shouts at Alicia because the waiters with the food and coffee have not yet arrived. Alicia is still on the phone calling Tomas.

And as Lety emerges from the elevator, why, the cellphone in her bag is ringing. The cuartel ask why she never told them she has a cellphone, and why doesn't she answer it? "It's my BOYFRIEND'S PHONE, it's some HUSBAND STEALER calling." (Alicia hangs up.)

Marcia yells at Alicia to get the waiters and food and coffee and yells at Lety to get the binders ready. Luigi arrives, also hungover, also in sunglasses. His head is tender, his neurons still swimming in booze. He tells Marcia to stop yelling.

Fern meanwhile has snuck into Lety's office one more time, to give her a few hugs and ask, "Are you VERY SURE you aren't going to mix up the real balance sheet with the fake one?" "No, Don Fernando, I have the real one hidden away, I've made copies of the fake one." "Today is a very important day for us, I'm going to cancel my wedding, I feel great." He leaves and she sighs.

Now for a subplot nobody is interested in - Irmita's wretched old dud of an ex-husband evidently wheedled himself a space on her couch last night. This morning, he says he's dreamed for years of getting to wake up in this apartment. "OK, fine, you did. Now get out." "No, not until you hear me out." She refuses, says she'll call the police, he calls her bluff, she leaves for work and says "be gone before I get home." He asks the door as it closes behind her: "Irmita, what will you think when I reveal I've come home to die with you?" Will she care as little as we do?

Fern's parents arrive early. Humberto asks Alicia for coffee. The waiters are not around. She comes back with water. Everybody is stalking about in a rotten mood. Marcia tells Alicia she thinks Fern is going to cancel the wedding, and if he does that, she will do whatever she can to help her brother Ariel in his anti-Fern campaign. Teresita hauls Marcia off and hears the sad story. I would not want to see that look on MY mother's face. Uh-oh.

In another uninteresting subplot, Lopez has written memos complaining about Paula Maria and Simon and starts complaining to Marcia, who is in no mood to hear it. "But she would not stay and finish her work." "What was so important about that work? Because I tell you, if it wasn't really important, I'm gonna bring this up at the meeting and get YOU fired." Lopez backs down and the cuartel is triumphant.

Alicia staggers in from time to time and complains that there is no coffee.

Omar, engineer of evil moments, hauls Fern off to discuss "things." Marcia stalks by without speaking to either of them and Omar rhapsodizes sarcastically: "Oh, that's romantic, you're as united as ever, that will look good at the wedding."

"Omar, there isn't going to be a wedding."

I'm sure most of you are wishing Lety were overhearing the subsequent conversation in which Fern protests that he doesn't love Marcia and doesn't want to sacrifice his life to her. He's going to wait till everybody leaves, tell Marcia, and then be free. Omar is very opposed to this plan and lays the heavy party line out over and over again. Fern will ruin the business and everybody who works there, he will disappoint and disgrace his parents and Marcia... Ariel will want his money back ... (uninteresting discussion re: why have asked Lety to spend all that time massaging the balance sheet if Ariel is immediately going to ask for his money and discover he can't have it?)

Fern says he shouldn't be forced into a loveless marriage, Omar says the business IS his life and he should just proceed as planned.

Finally Fern comes out and shouts at Omar: "I LOVE LETY. I AM COMPLETELY BESOTTED WITH HER. She makes me happy." [Insert very sweet speech here.]

Omar is muy impactado and starts in with the mockery and Fern tries, unsuccessfully as usual, to shut him up. Why couldn't Lety be listening to THIS part of the conversation? Omar suggests that Fern can marry Marcia, divorce her later when Conceptos is out of debt, and then take up with Lety. "Do you know any woman who would tolerate that?" "Well, Marcia wouldn't, and most women wouldn't, but Lety...? "

Lety happens by, of course, as Omar continues with this lovely scheme: "Let's send her far away for a few months." Fern should Marcia as planned and go on his honeymoon -- and Lety will be far away, unable to spoil it. "Africa, Antarctica, somewhere so far away she can't spoil things. She's delirious for you, she'd parachute in and ruin the wedding if she could. The most important thing is the balance sheet, it will leave us free. Get through this and then give her kisses. Or get a hotel room ..." Outside the door Lety collapses, arms full of folders with the fake balance sheet. "I can't take any more! I've been so ingenuous yet again! Fernando is a pig." She reads the dread letter from Omar again. "He was never intending to cancel his wedding..."

Is it possible that they will stretch the seven minutes between this scene and the meeting into yet one more episode? Perhaps they will take us to see the waiters pack up the coffee urns and drive them, very slowly, up the street?


Thanks so much Melinama for such a super quick recap!
Poor, poor Lety I felt terrible to see her crying again.
I loved seeing the shocked look on Omar's face when Fernando professed his love for Lety! If only Lety didn't always miss those great true confessions.
I wonder if she will turn on him at the meeting? I can't wait to see.
Alicia's breasts are definitely turning into shoulder pads! In the maid's outfit tonight she definitely looked uncomfortable!
Carrie L.

Melinama, what a terrific and muy rapido recap this is! Thank you, thank you, thank you! While I am thinking about it, isn't the blog your "baby" in the first place? If so, bless you for doing this.

I thought I was hallucinating when Alicia's outfit looked like a VS maid's outfit to me. Glad to know I'm actually observant.

Has Lety's father ever worked outside the home? (I realize this wouldn't make for una buena telenovela, but....)...what on earth will poor ol' Papi and poor ol' Tomas do when Lety bails?

Yikes. If the junta doesn't get its work done tomorrow, my blood pressure may be up Wednesday.


Crap Crap Crap, I just knew it!!!

LOL about turning seven minutes into a full episode -- I made a very similar comment to someone tonight while watching this episode!

I am absolutely dying to get this show on DVD because I'm hoping it will be cut down to just the Fernando and Lety storyline and nothing else.

Congratulations on your 100ish La Fea post!

I swear, I think Alicia would go for Humberto if Teresita weren't so firmly attached to him.
Why does Lety always hear only the bad stuff? She must have "bad timing" karma.
I know it's only a novela, not real life, but tell my nerves that!
Thanks for recaps; I read them even though I see all the episodes. You're all so funny and witty.

Thanks for getting the recap up so we could read it first thing this morning. Yes, I'd love to see the translation of the pretty speech. Fernando declaring his love for Lety to anyone but himself, has been a LONG time coming.
If anyone finds or creates a DVD condensed to the Lety and Fern plot only, let us know!

How long a walk can it be from the offices to the boardroom? Damn near a month now. Some have finally made it to the back of the chairs,but the idle & insignificant chit chat keeps them from putting their "butts" in the chairs and getting down to business..I thought the hammer would fall last night,but probably not until Friday..Geeez...

Omar cannot get payback fast enough for me..What a poor excuse for a man is his character..Maureen

I really would like to hear the full translation of what Fernando said to Omar. Poor Lety she only hears the bad stuff.
The recaps are so great that now I fill my spanish speaking co-workers in on the story. Before I found this website, I used to rely on them for the recap.
I hope the big meeting will finally begin tonight.

"Engineer of evil moments" - LOL - that's Omar, all right!

I think the idea with Ariel was that if the balance sheet looked really good, he wouldn't try to cash in his shares. They don't know yet that Ariel knows about the debt.

Thanks, Melinama for the recap. It's excruciating not to have Lety hear Fernando say he loves her! I love that he has finally actually come out and told someone that he loves Lety. It's about time but it would be hard to go against everyone you know and say you're in love with someone that they consider so unacceptable. It takes a lot of courage so I applaud Fernando.

What was the dialogue between Marcia and Lety? I know Marcia called Lety stupid, or at least I think she did. Lety seemed to be holding her own with her comeback of "Senora" whatever. Translation por favor?


Are you talking about the conversation in the preview for tonight's episode? I *think* the only conversation Marcia and Lety had last night was when Marcia was telling Lety to hurry up and get the reports ready for the meeting.

It drives me crazy not to understand these lengthly conversations between the characters! I always wonder what did Fernando say to Omar, or what were Marcia and Alicia saying to each other, etc.
I'm hoping it's like the Alborada dvd english translations that a lot of the conversation is babble with very little substance?
Thanks so much for everything all of you do!

It probably was the preview for tonight. Sorry.


Even though Rafael doesn't deserve any print here, I had a thought last night after I posted. I had a colleague in another job whose husband had left her years before, like Rafael left Irmita, for another woman. When he passed away suddenly, my colleague had a stunning surprise; the state government for which we worked did not allow married spouses (even estranged) to change their beneficiaries to someone other than the legal spouse. So, my colleague has been able to receive his pension in perpetuity...not his girlfriend!

Wouldn't it be poetic justice if Irmita got some surprise like this? One can always hope....


Thanks Melinama for giving me a laugh! I hope we don't have to watch the coffee being made and delivered. Sticking us with Irmita's awful husband is bad enough. Honestly, why do bad pennies always have to show up?

Crossing my fingers that the junta happens tonight! Stacey

Fernando's impassioned speech to Omar was indeed powerful (and pretty!). It was a surprise to me to find how much I understood it--but I'm looking forward to seeing if I really did.

I was disgusted at Omar's response, but should have expected that. Omar is very, very self-absorbed. Fernando used to be and still has some self-absorption in him, but is changing by the minute as we watch, I think.


I could hardly wait to see everyone's thoughts about last night. Good thing we don't have interactive TV or Omar would have been a dead man at my hands twice during that scene with poor Fer. He bugged me first with the suggestion thst Fer marry Marcia and keep Lety on the side and then when he said that Marica wouldn't put up with that but Lety.... It's like he thinks because she is poor and Fea that she would settle for anything. Too bad Fer didn't just get up and coldcock him.

I have a horrible feeling that everyone will be going to hell tonight becuase Lety is going to give them the real numbers. The one good thing it will do is put a spoke in Ariel's wheel. I think he is planning to call her a liar at the meeting and now he won't be able to. Just picture her giving the truth, tossing the cell phone and car keys on the table, shouting I quit and storming out of the room. Fer could chase after her wanting to know why she has destroyed his life and she can toss the letter at him and leave. I will, of course be brokenhearted for both of them.

Coldcock is a word I haven't heard for years and is an absolutely perfect word to describe what Fern should have done to Omar last night, IMO.


AHHHHH!! Lety, don't do it!! I don't even think I want to watch tonight (or Wed. or Thurs. whenever it finally happens) if she's going to give them the real numbers. Oh the betrayal. What a supreme miscommunication. Don't do it Lety!!

I am in New Orleans on a business trip and actually left a business dinner early last night so I could get back to my room for La Fea. Horrible impression to make, I'm sure, but I don't care!!

Well, you can always tell them you are not feeling well when you leave the evening don't have to tell them it makes you sick to miss an episode.



How old is Omar supposed to be, anyway? He's obviously got some issues with women. I don't think he is necessarily a bad person, but just a rather confused individual. Perhaps with some good counseling, he could work these issues out and possibly redeem himself.

*** this is me trying to follow the philosophy of my Chinese fortune >>Compassion will cure more than condemnation.<<

But, dang, he needs to stop dogging Lety out, 'cuz my Chinese fortune lesson and the inspired compassion can only go so far.

I can totally understand leaving a meeting early in order to catch La Fea.

I will admit, that I have the show programmed onto two VCRs in case something should malfunction.

We're all bad. I don't answer the phone when LF is on and am missing long distance calls from my family. They just don't get why I get so hooked on some, not all novelas. I'm now going to start taping just so I can enjoy some scenes all over again because the descent into hell for Fer and Lety is going to be a heartbreaker.

they are really testing mi lealidad! with all this extending extending extending the junta, I feel like I'm being played. and I'm getting out of the mood and feeling kind of resentful!

Great, then you know how Lety feels. ;-)

Lately I have only been reading (not watching) this show and while it is taking forever to get to the 'big meeting', it still seems much faster than the day at the club to film that commercial. I had fallen behind and read all those recaps at once and it STILL seemed like forever. Honestly.

....and yet we are still all here.....


I feel so bad Lety. I knew she'd heard something bad that made her feel even worse but I couldn't understand a lot of it. WHY? WHY couldn't she have been listening when Fer was making his wonderful speech to Omar about how much he loves her?? Speaking of his speech I LOVED Omar's face when Fer told him he truly loves Lety. His face was hilarious I was cracking up. I have an idea of what's gonna happen but I don't wanna spoil it.

Yeah, I'm with you Jeanne. I'm definitely thinking there must be some kind of a heretofore unrevealed benefit for Irma out of the drooler showing up after so many years. We see her upset now, but I'll bet at the end of all this she'll be coming out ok. So they'll waste our time on it for now, and we'll suffer through this blah blah part, but I suspect maybe we'll be excited about it eventually! Hope so!

Thanks Melinama for the beautiful words. Too bad psychic guy wasnt around to tell her when she should be listening at the door. He must have been at his day job damn him.
I'm going to watch the next couple of episodes with either alot of dread and anxiety or a container of ice cream and a bottle of Jack Daniels - haven't figured out which which ones it will be yet.
I currently tivo the episodes and then transfer them over to tape in case I need a fix of happier times. I have a feeling those tapes are going to get alot of play. Sandy

The very beat part of the show last night for me was watching Marcia and LUIGI dealing (in their own ways) a bad HANGOVER!! LOL!!

Sandy, I have a new bottle of red wine to open ice cream, but I am sorely tempted. Good thing we're out.


The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 163 & 164 is at this link.

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