Thursday, December 07, 2006

Mundo de Fieras, 12/6 In which Joselyn gets to be really nasty to all the good guys who come seeking to see Luisito.

Candelaria asks Mayeya not to tell anyone else about the identity of Leo’s real mother. Mayeya promises. Candelaria vows that no one will take Leo away from her. His real mother doesn’t deserve him.

Joselyn tells Luisito that he is better off with her since he had so many accidents when he was living with his father. The kid starts to say that the accidents weren’t his father’s fault when Joselyn goes ballistic and tells him not to contradict her. Clemente and Miriam come in to welcome Luisito to their house. Miriam takes Joselyn out and Clemente notices that Luisito is hyperventilating. He asks him why he is so afraid and did his mother say something to him? Luisito says that everything is ok in a way that says just the opposite.

With Miriam, Joselyn starts smashing the bric a brac saying that she could barely keep herself from belting the kid when he said that he missed his father. Miriam is more concerned about the video that Nicolas has. She urges Joselyn to get it back as soon as possible and then set a trap for Nicolas. ‘Speaking of traps,’ says Miriam, ‘how did it go with Clemente?’

Candelaria tells Father Anselmo about her fears that Miriam will take Leo away from her.

Gabriel comes to the house to see Luisito. Joselyn says that she has custody and has the power to decide who Luisito sees. She tells Gabriel that he knows the price for seeing his son – withdraw the demand for a divorce.

JC and Paulina fix up their apartment. Paulina says that she has never seen her father look so sad. Paulina wonders again how someone got into their apartment and JC speculates that someone had a copy of the key.

Karen buys a cell phone telling herself that JC and Paulina are wrong if they think they are going to be happy.

Gabriel and Joselyn continue to have the same conversation – if G wants to see Luisito, he has to withdraw the petition for a divorce. Gabriel gets angrier and angrier and starts huffing and puffing like a wild beast himself.

Clemente has a very similar conversation with Miriam saying that Joselyn has no right to keep Luisito from seeing his father. Miriam says Joselyn has the right and has made her decision. Clemente gives Miriam a check and as soon as he leaves, she sits down to try forging his signature.

MA comes to see Candelaria. Candelaria says that she is very sad because Leo’s real mother has shown up. Candelaria won’t tell MA who it is but she says that she is going to see the real mother and ask her what her intentions are for Leo.

Now the comic relief. Mayeya and Cortito sneak through the house to bring Luisito a piece of cake.

Gabriel tells Nicolas that Joselyn won’t let him see Luisito unless he withdraws the petition for a divorce. Since Luisito is the most important thing in his life, Gabriel says that he will accede to Josleyn’s demands. Nicolas asks Gabriel to let him talk to Joselyn before he withdraws the divorce petition. Nicolas says that he has something that will make Joselyn change her mind.

Mayeya and Cortito engage in some slapstick to make Luisito laugh.

Gabriel and Demian meet outside their offices. Demian tells Gabriel that he is sorry about his situation with Luisito. He also tells Gabriel that he will let him build his project. Gabriel says the he appreciates his brother’s support.

Luisito isn’t hungry for his dinner. Team Mayeya and Cortito ask how they can make him feel better and Luisito asks them to take him to his father.

Karen implements the next part of her plan to split up JC and Paulina. Using the cell phone she has just bought, she leaves a compromising text message for JC. Paulina reads it and is upset. JC tries to make light of it but then he says that he has to go out.

Back at forgery 101, Miriam has mastered Clemente’s signature.

Meanwhile, Clemente has come to visit Candelaria. He gives her money for MA. All of a sudden, Clemente is struck with a terrible headache.

MA has come to Joselyn’s house to beg to see Luisito. Since Joselyn is the last person who would be moved by such an appeal, she takes full opportunity to insult and humiliate MA before ordering her out of her house forever. During this scene, we get lots of close ups of the make up on Joselyn’s eyes that make her look like a raccoon.

Nicolas tries to use the video he has of Joselyn and Didier to let Demian see Luisito. After some sparring, Joselyn agrees to the deal but only to let Gabriel see Luisito one time. Nicolas presses but Joselyn holds firm. It’s not clear if Nicolas accepts the deal but he leaves.

Mayeya and Cortito are trying to sneak Luisito out of the house but Miriam catches them. M & C say they are only taking Luisito out into the garden but Miriam says that he cannot go out of the house.

JC goes to the phone store where Karen bought the phone but the clerk won’t give him any information.

Paulina comes into Josleyn’s house to see Luisito. Joselyn tells her that she has no right to be in the house since she isn’t Gabriel’s daughter by blood. Paulina says she may not be related to Gabriel by blood but she is his daughter and Luisito is her little brother. Joselyn tells Paulina that she doesn’t like the tone of her voice and that if she wants to come into Joselyn’s house, she had better change it.

Nicolas shows Dolores some the results of an investigation that suggest that Edgar could be alive. She is impactada.

Leo goes to see Candelaria and they demonstrate how close they are. Candelaria can’t tell him why she is so sad.

Upon seeing the documents that suggest that Edgar may not have died on the boat, Dolores immediately fantasizes that all her problems are solved. Nicolas brings her back to reality and tells her that she has to be discreet at least until it is proved that Edgar is alive.

Paulina seems to have gotten past the evil Joselyn and is doing a puzzle with Luisito. When Luisito asks why he can’t see Gabriel and MA, Paulina tells him the truth – Joselyn won’t allow it. Luisito vows to leave his mother’s house and never return.

Candelaria is having coffee when Miriam comes in. Miriam pretends that she has come to see how Candelaria is doing but Candelaria says that she knows everything – that Miriam abandoned a baby in the church and that she is Leo’s mother.

Clemente staggers into his house and is immediately confronted by Joselyn. ‘Are you feeling ok?’ she asks with fake concern. Clemente says that Joselyn has to let Gabriel see his son. Joselyn says that Clemente has no moral authority to lecture her since he had fathered a child out of wedlock. Joselyn says that she hates him and would like to see him penniless on the street. Clemente protests that he has enough to live on and Joselyn tells him that Miriam has cleaned him out. He doesn’t have a penny.

Leo comes to see MA who is upset that she can’t see Luisito. He tells her that Joselyn will change her attitude. MA asks how he can defend her. He says that is not defending her only trying to understand her. She is always fighting against everyone – Leo feels sorry for her. MA does not share his compassion even though they are sisters. Leo says that he understands but something has happened and he cannot judge Joselyn. He goes on to say that it is the same with Miriam. She isn’t very nice but he likes her. He says that it is very strange but the feeling is very strong.

At first Miriam denies that she is Leo’s mother but then admits it. Candelaria calls her that she is the worst of mothers – a woman without a soul or a heart. Miriam slaps Candelaria and tells her to shut up. Candelaria strikes back at Miriam. She says that she is better than Miriam; she has feelings. Even animals don’t abandon their children. Miriam says that Candelaria doesn’t know her motives and can’t judge her. Candelaria responds that nothing would justify what she did. She goes on to say that Miriam isn’t even sorry for what she did. Why has she come to Candelaria’s house? Miriam says that since she has learned that Leo is her son, she wants to get to know him and see how he is doing. They were continuing to insult one another when the TiVo stopped.


Ugh, this show has gotten to the point where nothing nice ever happens. I hate the way novelas torture their good guys.

LOL excellent the racoon comment...also I have noticed how her eyes are always glazed...I worked with someone like that, she was on heavy doses of pain-killers, well I worked with her until she refused a drug test. So I wonder if Edith is given eye-drops or if she is just taking a ride on the "Rush Limbaugh Express"

Man, I just want to say, you go Carmen!!! Ohh I loved the way she "manhandled" Miriam the elitist patrona and that really hard push back down on the couch!! Terrific! In all Carmen Salinas glory! She's just so great!!!

OK, we know who Leo's mom is. Anyone want to take a bet on who his dad is?

WHO is Leo's dad???...Let's see...knowing Miriam...It could be........ANYONE. These people really are beasts, aren't they? Karen and Joslyn are UBER bitches. I would like to see Jos without the extensions and layers of mascara. I'm hoping that one day soon she'll be playing with her hair [as always] and an extension will come loose and she'll be holding it in her hand. . That would be good. I like the way she gets right into everybody's personal space touching their hair , nose to nose...very creepy.And, she really does NOT like balloons...did you notice that??? Note to the staff : NO balloons for Jos's next birthday party~~~Susanlynn, wearing mascara and holding a ballon while guarding her personal space

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