Thursday, December 07, 2006

Synopsis (summary) of "Duelo de Pasiones," replacement for Heridas de Amor

Translated from the ESMAS site. Extreme purists might consider this to be a spoiler (note that spoilers are NOT ALLOWED at this blog) so read at your own risk.

A story of love wherein rancor and jealousy are the principal enemy.

The heart of the rich landowner Álvaro Montellano falls in the clutches of jealousy when he reads a letter he believes destined for his spouse Soledad.

The letter makes him think his wife is betraying him with a corporal, José, and that his daughter Alina is the fruit of that betrayal.

Without listening to her protests of innocence, he locks Soledad away at a remote coffee plantation [not magic chocolate? too bad], Hidden Mountain, and waits with hatred for Alina to return home so she also can be a victim of his vengeance.

Without suspecting the sorrow which awaits her, Alina lives a happy romance with Emilio Valtierra, an attractive military man and horseman who has found in her the love of his life.

Full of hopes, Alina arrives at the hacienda, only to encounter a father become an monster of rage, who, with injury and threats, sends her to "Hidden Mountain" (Sierra Escondida) to live in a CAVE with an old folk healer, Luba. [A CAVE? A FAITH HEALER? OH GOODIE!!!!]

In order to protect her mother's life, Alina agrees to live in these miserable conditions, and from that time the people of Sierra Escondida know her as "Flower of the Field."

When Emilio arrives in search of Alina, Álvaro tells him the girl and her mother have left the country. Emilio feels deceived, thinking the love she swore to him was a lie.

Two years pass and Emilion, now surly and bitter, encounters "Flower of the Field" (Flor del Campo) whom he does not recognize due to her simple, humble appearance. [Hmm, wouldn't you think he'd recognize the love of his life even if she were wearing a paper bag?]

As he remembers Alina, the rancor he still holds makes him treat the girl harshly, but he can't deny he is attracted to her. When Álvaro convinces him Alina died in an accident, Emilio, full of sadness, decides to marry Flor del Campo, but the ceremony is interrupted by Álvaro, who will not permit Alina to be happy and who wounds Emilio gravely.

Immediately a woman named Thelma appears in church and claims she is pregnant by Emilio; she makes the priest marry them "en artículo de muerte." [Some special "marrying an almost dead guy" rule, I guess.]

But Emilio survives and, now, perhaps too late, Alina must struggle against Thelma's intrigues for the love of Emilio, and also against the terrible lie which destroyed her mother's life and converted her own father into her worst enemy.

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As long as this has people doing stuff and not just talking, I am very much looking forward to it. My wife and I don't even watch Heridas together any more, we used to have novela hour every night but Heridas wasn't quite enough to make a daily appointment with. Thanks for the info!

I was thinking it sounded horrible, but maybe I'll change my mind when they start showing ads for it.

Wow!!! The exact same thing happened to my second cousin....NOT. Could they make this novela any more complicated and weird?...Yes, they could.......and they did...It was called ''Heridas de Amor.'' Anyhoo...I will give it a try, but it seems very peculiar.~~~Susanlynn, missing the good stuff...Alborado and Amor have spoiled me

I still think that the pirate themed show would have been good. I swear I heard something about pirates. Also, thanks Melinama for putting up the "spoiler-free" announcement on the main page. Spoilers are evil.

Ferro, it was, I think, Susanlynn who said the next Fernando epic was gonna be pirates! But it's not on the near horizon. On the near horizon: a cave and a mysterious (no doubt indigenous) faith healer.

Well I'm not as excited about the faith healing as many others are, but maybe that person will be entertaining in a Tommy Chong sort of way. Any new show deserves a couple weeks to get its footing, we'll see if this one holds up or is a dog. See my comments in the latest La Fea comments, remember when everybody thought La Fea would be soooo stupid? Now it's everyone's favorite! Please please let this new show be interesting. It can be ridiculous as all hell but at least please be interesting.

yes ferro-- the pirates movie is in plans right now, by carla estrada. but they don't start filming it until next year, so we probably won't get to see any of it until the end of 2007 or beginning 2008. for now, this is all we have :(

to me duelo doesn't sound too good. i'm not too crazy about the characters (except for ana martin- luis's mom in amor real- and sergio goyri). plus, i agree with melinama...this military guy cannot recognize his long-lost love because of her simpleness? hmm... i mean, i am sure he's seen her without makeup SOMETIME when they were dating...

anyhoo, i do agree that i might change my mind once the novela starts.... i hope ;)

i also read somewhere that there are talks about fernando coulnga doing a remake of 'cafe con aroma de mujer' ... uyy..i HOPE this is true!! that's a great soap opera...

ferro, back in the day, la fea WAS a very stupid show! You can see from the flashbacks how much it has changed! It has so much more depth to it now! (This is in my defense as I was one of the ones who said it was awful and is now stuck to it like glue.)

Yeah you're right, it was much more stupid. I think for me it was more fun that way. That was also before they starting draggggggging everything out so long. I still love when they have a little more fun, like when Alicia and Marcia were spying on Lety's birthday party.

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of Nando!!!!!Is Fernando going to be in the pirate telenovela? Also, does that title you mentionned translate to ''coffee with the smell of a woman''??? Gee, these titles are like the best part of these novelas. In ''Duelo'', I wonder if dear Ana Martin is going to be the faith healer in the cave. Doesn't that seem like a part she'd take... Earthy. Ferro---As for Tommy Chong, did you ever see him on ''That 70s Show?" He was a riot..spaced out dude...type casting, I suppose. And... If I can't have Fernando making out with or without a pirate costume or some other period costume, I at least would like an interesting show with lots of quirky people and events to make fun of...we've had that with ''Heridas'' and ''Mundo'' and I had fun reading the recaps and comments. They built a sense of community here, si???? ~~~Susanlynn, willing to give ''Duelo'' a try

And while I'm not waiting for the pirates show so I can swoon over Colunga, I'm still looking forward to that. I like the historical/action shows better too.

well i'm not sure fernando will be in the pirates telenovela :( i read that he doesn't want to do historical novelas all the time because he doesn't want people to classify him under one genre. but if the novela is from carla estrada, it will probably be good.

for those of you who like hostorical novelas, check out 'corazon salvaje'. they sell the whole novela on video/DVD was one of the best i have seen, with edith gonzales (jossie from mundo de fieras) and eduardo palomo (RIP). it was also about pirates, colonialization, etc, and had an excellent plot...

Okay so stuffed in a cave with a faith-healer....whoa is this like a Spanish version of Survivor with Tammy Faye & Richard Hatch....

I have slept on it, and cleared my thoughts of any confusion, but I am still left with a strong opinion. I want a pirate show. I'm hooked on the idea now. I want something different. Even if it isn't pirates. Something different. Perhaps mother and daughter being locked in a mountain cave will be different enough.

I still don't get the Colunga fever on this blog. But then the only novela I've seen him, that I can remember was Marimar, and he was kind of dopey character in a lot of it and the double breasted jackets didn't really do anything for him either.

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