Monday, January 08, 2007

Heridas de Amor 01/08/07

Luciano informs Alejandro that the authorities now have bulletins out for both Cesar and Bertha and so they will not be able to leave the country. Alejandro is about to leave the office to catch up to Miranda and join her for the chocolate exhibition that is just about to begin when Liliana, angry as heck that she has just been given a severance check, demands to speak to him alone. He asks her to be brief because he has an event to get to. She complains that she left her last position specifically at his request and now she gets a check and the cold shoulder. She demands he sit down and listen to her and darned if she hasn't earned the right to take her damned time about it. He sits down, guiltily, and they take their time discussing Sofia's emotional needs as well as her own.

Miranda is being helped and supported by Fabricio, Pamela, Gabino, Arcadia and Nati. Fabricio points out a so-called inspector who is complaining that her chocolates don't meet his association's standards. He threatens her with closing her show down. She calls the "inspector's" bluff and says there is no such association; he only wants her recipes and he better leave now because she is calling security. She kicks him out.

Renata and Juan help celebrate with the rest of the Jiminez family during the going away party for Raul and Carola.

Cesar the Sleezer admits to Lucas that his life has gone to the dogs, just like Bertha's, but if Miranda and Alejandro think they are going to live a fairytale they have another think coming. He'll make sure their life is hell. In comes Bertha and he warns her never to leave him to babysit a dog again. He's depressed. He tells her that Luis Alberto is taking the fortune he made and creating charitable foundations for poor beggars to enjoy. Bertha tells him to cheer up because, since Miranda is not pregnant, in one month all Alfredo's money will be hers, and of course, then his too.

The exhibition seems to be a success and Miranda is toasting everyone and vice versa. HEr company receives numerous orders and offers. Someone suggests she go national. Miranda is thrilled, but the big disappointment is that Alejandro has not arrived. She is waiting for Alejandro before she begins the formal presentation but he does not appear.

Fabricio tells Pamela in confidence that he is determined to ask Miranda for a second chance. Pamela says she's still married and it does not seem proper and tells him she is against it.

Back at the office, Alejandro is telling Liliana that he is in love with his wife. Instead of saying good bye, Alejandro then takes Liliana home and continues the discussion. Although Liliiana begs him to continue to help her with Sofia's emotional needs and to pretend there is something more between them, he refuses saying he doesn't feel it benefits anybody, least- wise her daughter, to continue with a relationship based on lies. He tells her he does not want to get further wrapped up in anything like that. Then she tells him she is prepared to do anything to keep him because she is so hopelessly in love with him. She is happy simply to be his lover.

Back at the exhibition Miranda is extremely hurt that Alejandro has not arrived. Eventually Miranda confides in Pamela that she is certain her husband is still with Liliana. She makes a decision to leave him. Fabricio realizes Alejandro has hurt Miranda again and takes advantage of the situation to express his feelings for her. He takes her by surprise, kisses her and confesses that he wants to start up their relationship again. She tells him she loves him, but not that way. He answers they'll talk later about it and leaves.

Miranda eventually begins the presentation without Alejandro, who just cannot break himself away from Liliana. (His ego won't let him.) He admits to her that if he were free he would never let her go. She is both too beautiful and intelligent.

Miranda is angry and jealous and despondently tells Pamela what Fabricio did. She says she possibly will give Fabricio another chance. Alejandro has hurt her again, so she will hurt him. Pamela tells her she is foolish to act like this.

At Cesar's apartment Bertha confides in Lucas that El Guapo was right. She doesn't have a thing of her own, only Lucas. Cesar comes out of his room and says they're are turning into crazy fools who soliloquize to themselves because nobody but their dogs will listen. Suddenly Bertha remembers the account she put in Santiago's name decades ago and says he knows it's hers and will have to return it all to her. Cesar tells her not to expect it. Right then there is a faint knock on the door and Cesar suspects the cops. Bertha tells him the cops don't knock like that. It turns out to be Sanson, coughing and sweating with his face covered in sores now. He asks Cesar for his last month's salary and gas reimbursements. Cesars tells him he doesn't have it and again calls him names. Finally Bertha opens up her own wallet, takes money out, and hands it to him telling him they won't need him any longer and not to bother coming around there again. Sanson takes it at first. Then, apparently figuring he has nothing to lose, he begins to insult the two of them. He pities them and tells Cesar he got just what he deserved. He then tells them that his is a physical infection, but theirs is one of the soul and has rotted them both from the inside. He throws the bills in their faces and walks out the door. Bertha and Cesar scramble to pick up the bills.

Alejandro and Liliana are still involved in a heavy discussion. He ask Liliana who Sofia's father is and why she just doesn't let the girl know who he is. She says he was a great man but he still doesn't know Sofia even exists and she is not about to tell him. He says it is silly to look for another father for her daughter when she already has one and that it isn't right for her to continue this way. Finally he remembers again that he has to go meet Miranda, and that he has already taken far too long there. Liliana says good-bye and he leaves for the exhibition at the hotel.

Miranda is depressed and disappointed that Alejandro never made it to the exhibition but Nati assures her that tonight she will get her just reward.

Marisol gets snide and argues with Liliana. She tells Liliana that she handled the whole thing wrong with Alejandro and her daughter is going to end up as insignificant as Liliana. Liliana said she went as far as her principles and morals would allow her. Marisol says that is exactly what her problem is and she had better not teach the same to Sofia. Liliana finally has had enough of Marisol's attitude and hauls off and slaps her. She tells Marisol she will never forgive her for all the rotten advice and having convinced her to forget those principles.

Nati is sitting alone in the empty exhibition hall when Alejandro finally shows up. He sees her and asks what he needs to do get his wife back. She answers he should follow the track of tears, but not to speak. He must listen and understand she will complain in silence. He must steal her soul and her heart and then never forget it.

Back at the mansion that night Pamela is advising Miranda not to do anything foolish by using Fabricio to get back at Alejandro. Miranda comes out of the bathroom and gets dizzy and sick to her stomach. She tells Pamela that this has been happening quite a few times recently to her. Pamela smiles and says she wonders if Miranda could be pregnant. Miranda says it couldn't be because her mother said she would need fertility treatments. Then Renata comes in and apologizes for missing the exhibition, but they got tied up in traffic after finally seeing off Raul at the airport. Miranda asks her sister how she finally figured out she was pregnant, what were the symptoms. Renata tells her and says she found out at first by taking a home pregnancy kit, but since Juan is there, he could examine her instead. Then Renata runs into his study and searches a couple of cabinets looking for another home pregnancy kit. When she finds it she explains what she needs it for. He doesn't believe Miranda could possibly be pregnant because of her need for treatments and her irregular periods.

Impatiently Pamela and Renata wait for Miranda to get the results from the kit. Fabricio enters the bedroom just as the two are chatting about Miranda possibly being pregnant. Miranda comes out of the bathroom and Fabricio asks her she is pregnant. She simply stares back at him in silence.




Thanks! Al could have handled this all much better, y'think?

She's got to be pregnant, we're close to the end now. The test might be wrong, but Nati never is!

It would have been nice of Al to give Lil five minutes of his time, then say "I have to go now and do something important with MY WIFE. If you still feel like you have more to say, you can discuss it tomorrow with me and MY WIFE."

Spending all that extra time with Lil did not make her feel any better, and to me it was inexcusable. I don't see how he can make this up to Miranda.

I wonder why Marisol was so adament about Liliana winning over Alejandro, was something in it for her?

Al is an epic boob! On the other hand, I can't believe that Miranda had time to do the proper amount of schmoozing and outsmarting the competition at her career-making presentation in between sobbing over Al, kissing Fab, sobbing over Al, complaining to Pam and sobbing over Al.

Jardinera, you have done an absolutely superb job recapping this telenovela. Thanks for all your hard work!

Melinama, I LOVE your new picture. Are you on the coast?

It's still not clear (at least to me) what Marisol thinks she would get out of this. Maybe she thinks Lil would be very generous with her, out of gratitude for helping her snag a rich guy.

But wouldn't it make more sense for Marisol, the great expert in these matters, to get a rich guy on her own?

I don't know if the Marisol subplot was well thought out.

Maybe something will happen in the next four episodes to prove me wrong. :-)

in think marisol mentioned that once lilly gets al, lilly will be her support system. so basically, i believe marisol planned on getting money out of lilly once lilly is rich.

i also love your new pic melinama! and thank yo jardinera for your wonderful recap!

whether or not i like duelo de pasiones, i will make extra effort to watch it just to keep reading all the recaps on this site and keep in touch with you all. it's nice to read your comments on a daily basis :) i just got back from my caribbean vacation and one of the things i was looking forward for to start my workday was visiting this site :)

happy new year everybody!

Slyvia---''Al is an epic boob''---perfecto!!~! As for the evil Marisol, I think she's like my high school friend Maryjane---she liked to inject a little drama into her and everyone else's life by ''stirring things up'' once a week or so,,,,some people are just like that---they have this need to ''stir the pot''!!!!~~~Susanlynn, late for a meeting with a bunch of epic boobs and thinking up a way to ''stir things up''

I'm not sure either why Marisol doesen't go get her gold-digging hooks into her own man, she's hot too, at least I think she would be hot once they tone down her 'make her look evil' makeup.

Thank you all for your encouragement and kind words about the recaps. It has been fun and I really enjoy everybody's wry humor on here! Many times reading the recaps, and then everyone's witty remarks and insights on this sight I have found myself laughing loud and long, till the tears just come rolling down my cheeks. So thanks for brightening my day, everybody! --Melinama, your new photo is fabulous and you share an interest in Zydeco and Bleak House with my hubby! By the way, I couldn't have put communicating by forum any better than you: a message in a bottle!

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