Saturday, January 13, 2007

Heridas January 12 - The Grand Finale that wasn't very grand and didn't feel very final.

When Al interrupts the kiss, Fab gets up and asks Al what he is doing here. Al says I guess nothing. He asks to talk to Miranda alone. They snipe at each other about Fab and Babe Lawyer, Al wants to talk about ‘us.’ He says he came to get her back but it looks like a wasted trip. She says it was. She is getting her contractually obligated crying out of the way early today, by the way. They agree that they have suffered much pain and many heridas. Al says she deserves to love freely, or something, then says he’ll give her a divorce if that’s what she wants and leave her the company too. She says what are you talking about? He says it’s a gift, Gonzalo would have wanted it that way. Cry cry cry. She asks what he is going to do next, he says go back to Italy I guess, back to his other business. He says they have come right back to where they started. She’s with fab, he’s alone, he always thought maybe it would end this way. He stands up and says goodbye and leaves. She thinks to herself “tell him stupid! Tell him you love him!” But she just lets him go. Fab stomps over and wants to know what’s going on. She tells him the very short version, Al is leaving her. Fab says to run after him, she obviously loves him, she says no, “I already have an agreement with you.” I had to pause the recording right here from the sheer stupidity of that statement. Her agreement, which I don’t remember her making really, is more important than her HUSBAND? The show is ending and she is just as stupid as the first episode. Al is right, we ARE right back where we started. Jeez. Anyway, Fab says he knows she’ll never look at him like she looks at Al, Fab runs off to go stop Al.

Slutty and Renata discuss that Miranda will be rich from the Chocolate, now she takes the servant to Puerto Vallarta, who will help around the house now that everybody is pregnant? Renata says how they have learned to keep house a bit by themselves, etc etc. Boring conversation. They are trying to cook something but it doesn’t look like they know what they are doing. Slutty finally wants to know who the father of Renata’s baby is, she says she doesn’t know but Juan will the father either way. What is important is that the baby is hers, the baby will be raised to be like Juan. Then she holds her stomach like she’s having pain, uh oh baby trouble.

Back to Bertha and the dead dolls – Bertha is passed out, Guapo takes out her gag. She says “why?” He asks how can she say that, hasn’t everyone else asked that about her as well? He proceeds to name the entire cast of the show. Finally, he says, is me. He prattles on about something, she finally asks him to kill her. He says no, for her dying would be a prize. She asks, “then what?” He says he is going to keep trying to make his smell of fear perfume. Perhaps he’ll keep cutting body parts off. She calls him the angel of vengeance. He traces the cutters over her chest then puts the gag back in her mouth. Then he gives her a good sniff and leaves the room. She whines and groans.

At the mansion, Renata is laying down and in pain, praying that everything is all right. Begging the virgin to save her baby. We’re 1/3 of the way through and not much is happening, when will we get something here? My wife predicts that at the ¾ mark, it will suddenly be “3 years later” and everyone will be happy with ten kids. Perhaps. She knows more about these shows than me. Slutty had run off to get Juan I guess, the two of them come running in, Juan says she may be having a symptom of a miscarriage. Renata says no way, the baby has to be born. She says if it’s a girl she wants to name it Maria, like the virgin. He says yes, and if it’s a boy they will name it Jesus. Suddenly her pain vanishes. She gives Juan a hug and says thanks to the sky. Oh. My. God. Whoever wrote this episode is mailing it in like I’ve never seen before. You have got to be kidding me. I don’t even know what to say. Yes, it was as ridiculous to see as it sounds.

Al tells Fab that he (Fab) won, so what can he (Al) do? Fab says don’t be stupid, Miranda loves him. They argue back and forth “she loves you. No, you.” Finally Fab tells Al that Miranda is pregnant with Al’s child. Al is so happy that he hugs Fab and says “thank you” before running back to Miranda. Fab dramatically says “Goodbye Miranda, my love” to the open air. Al finds the table empty and asks the waiter where Miranda went, the guy points off somewhere. Al has a non-green flashback to Nati giving him some advice earlier. He runs after Miranda as Fabricio comes back to the table to get his phone, which starts ringing. It’s Cesar! Fab says “Where are you, I was waiting for you back at the hotel.” What? They are up to something? Cesar says he couldn’t wait, he has something important to finish up with Miranda. Fab says no way, and he has the money Cesar asked him for. They agree to meet later where Fab will give the money. Fab tells him after that to forget all about his existence and Cesar promises.

Renata asks Juan, “what are we going to do?” Juan doesn’t say anything. She asks, “what life awaits us?” He says a life of love and work, that will get better. She asks if he will always be with her, he says his whole life. She says she hopes he always looks at her the same way and will protect her and their kid with his strong arms. I guess that wraps up the Renata/Juan story. They talk some more mushy love stuff, lots of declarations of love, etc etc. So Bertha is done, Juan and Renata are done, I think all the minor characters (Luciano, Pamela, Babe Lawyer, and the like) are all wrapped up.

Miranda walks along a balcony deep in thought. She cries some more, I’m sure they asked her to give a little extra for the grand finale episode. She has a flashback of yelling at Fab when he dumped her and Al came up and kissed her. In the flashback he says that one day she will tell him she loves him. Some stuff about stealing a kiss, back in the present she says to herself he stole her soul and heart too. As she looks out on the coasts, suddenly the music skips as a hand covers Miranda’s mouth and pulls her away. !!!! Normally this would lead to a month’s worth of kidnapped episodes but we have about ten minutes to wrap this up. I expect Al to find her pretty quick this time. I hope he has a gun on him.

Mophead is waiting by a car mumbling about “Cesar where are you?” Fab sees her and asks what she is doing here. She says that Cesar is here, he knows, he’s giving him money so he disappears. She fusses and whines that Cesar is still her son. She is disappointed to hear that Fab didn’t hook back up with Miranda.

Up in a room, Cesar is trying to rape Miranda as she yells at him to let her go. He says hateful things and tries to keep kissing her. She says she hates him, he says he hates her too. She wakes up with a start. What the hell? There is an envelope on the bed, the note says “if you want to be free put on this dress, if you don’t, you will suffer the consequences.” I’m getting lost. There is a big red dress on the bed for her. She says “it’s Cesar, but I have to do what he says, I’ll find a way out.”

Back to Bertha, I thought we were done here? Guapo takes off the gag, she mumbles “kill me already” over and over. Guapo has a vial, he says he has the scent of fear now. He puts some on like cologne. He gets close and tells her to smell him. She doesn’t say anything. Guapo says “here we are.” He puts a gun to her head, she says “kill me at once.” Instead, he puts the gun under his chin and shoots himself. She says “no… not you…. No. I was the one who should have died.” So I expect that she will just stay tied to that chair until she starves to death?

Nati is stumbling around outside the hacienda thinking “cocolbosh…..cocolbosh…” in her head like some kind of drunken zombie. I had to pause to have a good laugh. She ends up walking into the forest, managing to keep her clothes bleach-white. She listens to the birds. Finally she sits down and listens some more. Then she starts up again in her head “cocolbosh…..cocolbosh….” She slumps over forward, did she die? We see a white bird wake up and fly away, perhaps that was supposed to be her in her next life now.

Cesar, Fab, and Mophead are sitting together. Fab and Mophead tell him he can’t leave the country, Cesar says he has to, he’s leaving soon with Miranda. They tell him that every way is being watched, he won’t be able to get out. Mophead tells him, “Open your eyes, Cesar!” He replies, “you open your eyes, stupid!” Fab gets up to defend his mother’s honor but Mophead shouts them down. Cesar says he doesn’t know the word ‘limit.’ Mophead says he will run into the law. He says the only he knows is his own. Nobody understands. What a whiner. Only one person understood, that was Bertha, and he’ll never find out where she is. The others go on about the police again. Cesar says if anything happens to him, it will be Fab and Mophead’s fault. Fab says they won’t play in his game. Cesar asks for his money. Mophead finally says that she called the police herself, they know where he is! “They knowwwwwww!!” she cries. Cesar is IMPACTADO. He’s busy looking in the money bag and this admission from his mom stops him cold. He can’t believe it. “What did you do? Imbecile! What did you do?” He gets up and leaves. Mophead begs him to come back, he stops in the street to look back at them, then starts to walk again. Just then, some 1990 Mercury Cougar or something like that, baby poop brown too, plows into him and leaves him dead and bleeding in the street. Really. This is the weakest grand finale episode I have seen. I guess I haven’t seen too many, but jeez, all that and he just gets hit by a car? That’s IT? Cripes.

Miranda is wearing the red dress, all sexed up, and comes out the door onto the deck of a yacht. Yes, somehow she got on a boat. She finds Al driving the boat, she says it can’t be! Yes, it’s him! She asks him why he took her the way he did, he gives her a ring and asks her to be with him forever. She starts to go on about something, he says be quiet, he just wants to hear the secret from her mouth. She tells him that they are going to have a baby. He says strong like him, beautiful like her. They start making out. Who is driving the boat now? So I guess he is the one who grabbed her earlier, but what about the Cesar thing? If it was a nightmare, ok, but that means she never saw who grabbed her. Did he knock her out? Did he drug her somehow with Cocolbosh? What the hell? I am so confused about the logistics of that whole thing. And how did he get an unconscious woman onto his boat? Doesn’t that scream “CRIME” to anyone who might have seen? I am at a loss for words. I am simultaneously let down and thrilled at this episode. It is horrible, which sucks, but it is so horrible I can complain and mock to my heart’s content.

Some medics are loading Cesar into an ambulance. Mophead says maybe he is still alive, the medic rather coldly tells her no, he’s brain dead. So we get brain dead Cesar as our ending for this. What a ripoff. Fab says he’s going to get the baby and they’ll go back to Mexico. Mophead says to tell Miranda and Al what happened, Fab says no, it’s none of their business. Whatever Fab, you have been such a great decision maker so far, again I say WHATEVER. Mophead says fine, then call Fern. She whines fabulously. She tells Fern that Cesar will be able to donate a heart Julio for transplant. Hmm, maybe something came from that ending after all. I didn’t see that coming. What would be better though, is if somebody shot Cesar and ripped his heart out to give to Julio. Or something like that.

Back on the boat, Al and Miranda are making out in slow motion while nobody drives the boat. It’s zipping along pretty quickly Then again, now that I think about it, Al does nothing for himself. I guess he wasn’t driving the boat when Miranda found him, he was just standing at the railing. Well anyway, he proceeds to get busy with her right on the front of the boat, right in front of the window where the guy who IS driving the boat is. The clothes don’t come off yet, but the pilot/driver (what do you call a yacht driver?) gets a show. Al tells Miranda that tomorrow is another day, she kisses him. He asks what she is doing and she says she’s stealing a kiss. They have the conversation from the flashback again but in reverse. Haha ha ha oh those clever Luque/San Llorentes. They make the rest of us look so pedestrian. They declare their love for each other and make out in slow motion some more while the theme song plays along, the long version.
The end.

I would go into some of the unanswered questions or loose ends, but I don’t have the energy for it. I’m wiped out. I’m sure the comments will cover those topics. That’s all folks, Duelo starts on Monday!


ROFLOL---Well, the gran finale was disappointing, but your clever recap was not. You have a great sense of humor...which is a good thing to have when you watch these novelas. As you pointed out, nothing changed much except for a lot of people being dead. I think that WE could have come up with a better ending...however, I did like the part about Julio getting Cesar's cold, hard heart in the end. As Albert Einstein once observed, ''Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results .'' We sure did get a lot of the same old over and over again, didn't we? And so ends ''Heridas de Amor.''...I would have liked one of them to fall off that speeding boat...sigh.~~~Susanlynn, disappointed and wondering what ''Duelo'' will be like

Good final recap! I was going crazy asking the same questions, too.

This was one of the most disappointing grand finales ever. It is as if the writers just got tired of the show and simply wrote the first thing to come into their minds. We're a captive audience, after all, so what do they care?

Just found this online in a Nov. 2006 interview with the CEO of Lionsgate Jon Feltheimer --Lionsgate is going to enter the Latino market. It has produced ''La Mujere de mi Hermano'' and ''Pretendiendo'' with Barbara Mora. ''Movidas'' has an allstar Latino cast with some huge telenovela stars [Fernando ???]~~~Susanlynn , not having much luck finding info on Movidas

Wow, I don't even know where to start with all my "but what about" questions! Thanks Chris and all the Heridas recappers for making this a novela we loved to hate!

Chris, terrific recap. I never watched full Heridas episodes before the finale, and only saw bits and pieces as well as reviewing a couple of recaps. I really didn't comment, either. So, when I watched the finale, I was so impactada that when they got there, there was no THERE there. Sheesh. Y'all have put so much energy into this and what the heck were the writers thinking?

I can only hope that LFMB won't end like this one did. I have invested a lot of my time and soul into it since October. I trust that the Duelo de Pasiones writers are not the same ones from Heridas, for your sakes!

Perhaps everyone can celebrate Cesar's passing just because it seems he appeared to deserve it. I am hopeful that Cesar's black heart works better for Julio.

Jeanne, LFMB fanatic

Thanks, Chris, I was waiting all day for your recap after this travesty of a finale.

I didn't get why Guapo killed himself. What did he get the smell of fear and now he could die happy?

And Miranda is supposed to be this strong, independent, modern woman and Alejandro has thrown her over his shoulder and carried her upstairs a la Scarlett O'Hara. Now he kidnaps her, drugs her and puts her on a boat? And she's all smiles. What the heck?

Finally, I can accept that they edited a bunch of characters out, like Erica, Julio's sons and the other Jimenez brother but I really feel cheated that there was NO BODA! There has to be at least one Boda for the end of a novela. La Madrastra had FIVE! They even had a priest in the story, Santiago! Instead we have them doing the nasty on the front of a boat, with the wind and good chop going in the water. I wonder if they had stunt doubles for that.

I'm with you - that was IT?
You guys all did a SPLENDID job on Heridas, I didn't have the stamina, I bailed early, but you stuck with it to the inane and pointless end! I'm glad you mocked! I never watched the show but I read all the recaps! Rock on, 7 pm team! Onto the caves!

Really want a chance to hear from the writers...what WAS that Cesar/Miranda Alejandro thing?
At first I thought the Cesar thing was a nightmare. But would Alejandro come in, see her passed out with red marks on her throat (after all Cesar WAS choking her pretty good) and not do something.
And the red dress was underneath her, not on top.
So who, what, how? sense at all...about as bad as that shower scene in Dallas where they tried to make us believe whatisname's death was all a bad dream. Phoooey....but the red dress was awesome, love the shots of ocean and sky and Chris you always make me must be "contractually obligated" to be funny. Thanks. Judy

Did we ever see what Nati gave Alejandro to give to Miranda? Was it the ring?

I agree that this gran final was awful, with alot of loose ends. I wish there could have been an "un ano despues" ending where we find out that Renata has twins--Maria and Jesus-- Miranda has triplets, and they are driving her and Alejandro crazy, Julio gets an evil heart, Berta is still in Guapo's shack--mummified- and Guapo is a skeleton on the floor! There could have been any number of possibilities, but, oh, well....
Becky T

Perhaps it was rash of me, but I assumed the following:

1. El Guapo seemed pretty excited when he smeared himself with Eau De Fear and then mashed his face all over Bertha, but for the first time in days, Bertha didn't look scared at all... just puzzled. I think he then realized that his pet project was a failure. Still think the whole thing was a letdown, though, and should have ended the Bertha story the way it stood on Wednesday night.

2. It was Al who "kidnapped" Miranda. He carried her onto the boat, piloted by his faithful boat-driver friend, and if anyone wanted to know why she was passed out, he would have said "my sister had too much to drink, she needs a nap." Naturally she had a nightmare about Sleazar raping her. As for the dress - wow, Al has good taste!

BTW, I really liked what happened to Naty. It reminded me of the death of Yoda, which is only fitting, because Naty reminded me of Yoda. :-)

Caray! What a bizarre and dysfunctional finale. Oh well, the recap was great. My take on the whole Miranda thing was that the grabbing was part of the dream too, because after she finished her "recuperarlo" speech they cut to a view of town, and then when they come back to her shot they start slow motion (a usual segway). I was thinking, she must have taken a siesta after reflecting on her miserable situation. Al chased her down after Fab's go get 'em speech only to find her resting in her room. He got an idea and quickly bought/gathered the dress & jewelry to surprise her. Again probably designs of his Dad and he placed them next to her, because the drees is on the end of the bed. Perhaps in her sleep or the fit of her dream she rolled over onto that top part of it. And I figured they could have used autopilot on the open ocean, but they looked pretty precarious standing up moving that fast and bouncing with the waves, so they must have had to balance each other and then eventually lay down. Anyway, that's the only way that all made sense to me. Understanding that novelas are often unconcerned with sense, but come on? They can't think the viewers are that daft, now can they? Oh well. Really seems like they set us up for "Mas alla de Heridas de Amor." Maybe they'll reunite ala Rubi or Usurpadora and have kids abounding and Julio with odd heart ticks with evil smiles erupting on occasion, and a flesh rotted Bertha will make her hideous way back to the San Llorente mansion to terrorize the next generation with her monstrous looks, and Renata's little boy will be a mini Juan or a mini Cesar with either a good(former) or bad (latter) personality, and Fab will end up with Slutty Vero after all, and because of her disease they won't have their own kid, but she takes care of his and well, darn, they ought to let us write it and submit it! Hey, Gloria if you hear anything, let us know! Thanks to all and here's to a good story in Duelo de Pasiones!!!!!

Thank you all for your comments along the way, I thought more than once about bailing out on this show but the fun of writing and seeing how many people enjoyed it kept me going. I owe large thanks to you all, I'm sure the other recappers feel the same way. Writing for an audience is fun, writing for nobody is not fun. So thank you all. HOWEVER - did nobody else find the whole Nati walking into the woods thing as completely (unintentially) hilarious as I did? I couldn't stop laughing and had to stop the recording. My wife took a bathroom break because I wouldn't stop. I was waiting for her to start saying "brainssss..... brainssss" Like she took one too many hits off of the peace pipe and just went nuts. I can't get over it.

whoops I meant "unintentionally" in my previous comment, not whatever cocolbosh inspired term I put in there by accident. The scene with Nati was UNINTENTIONALLY hilarious, is what I meant.

I did find the Nati scene ridiculous. I think the writers of this episode (a) hated the actors (b) hated the show's producers, and/or (c) hated the audience, because this is the most idiotic ending to any show I have ever seen.

Cesar getting killed in a random car accident? Gee, why didn't George Lucas think to kill off Darth Vader that way? Just have a space ship accidentally fall on his head. And Sauron, maybe he could have tripped on a pebble and broken his neck and saved Frodo the trip to Mount Doom!

This episode made even silly "Peregrina" look like Shakespeare. What a letdown. Oh well.

Yeah, we were laughing our you know what's off at the repetitious cocolbosh...... I never bothered to figure out preciely what cocolbosh was, but I figured Naty done drank way too much of it!!! As far as I was concerned though, throughout the show she was always on something. That's why she spoke the way she did and never managed to make connecting facial expressions. And they thought she was prophetic, Ha! she was just eating too many jungle berries in my mind!!!!

Great recap, you had me laughing! :)
The whole Cesar raping...waking up on the dress thing (very pretty, by the way) definately had me saying--HUH???
In a way I'm kinda glad these novelas get soo stupid somtimes, reading the recappers take on it, makes it all worth it.

Departing Heridastown, onto the winding road to Dueloville!

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actually, i really liked naty... she has the sweetest face.... maybe she reminded me of my own sweet grandma (may she r.i.p.), who -- according to unconfirmed family legend -- smoked pot... for medicinal purposes, of course :)

Chris, absolutely outstanding recap!! As usual it was WAY better than the very lame finale. I don't have much to add that hasn't already been said. I was also in a state of "HUH????" after it was over. I also thought that Al and Miranda on the bow of the boat seemed kind of dangerous (I hadn't considered the voyeuristic aspect...a big woo hoo from the skipper), and the scene with poor Naty staggering down the pathway had me laughing out loud.

Sometimes it is more fun to recap a ridiculous telenovela than a good one because the comic potential is greater. Heridas gave us some great material to work with, but I really really hope that Duelo has less talk and more action. Let's keep our fingers crossed!!

Oh, I thought the Naty thing was hilarious too, but that's why it reminded me of Yoda.

As for Cesar's death - I don't know. He's not in nearly the same league as a Sauron or a Darth Vader. I loved the random, pathetic way he bought the farm.

i think miranda was dreaming about cesar, so, the knock out was not real; she fell asleep.

thank you all for doing this! your recaps and work you have put in this novela have been of great help to all of us.

Julie, that's a good point -- Cesar was a loser, and he met a loser's end.

Im late to post, but I wanted to thank you Chris for the great recap and for keeping the humor up.

Stumbling Naty and the Cesar smashing were pretty silly ways to end things. I did like that Julio got Cesars heart. Its the least Cesar could do after trying to financially and emotionally destroy Julio. And Bertha well... in my opinion she deserved anything horrible any writer could cook up.

I hated what happened to Jacinta in Barrera and I didnt much care for Manolas or her fathers end either. For me I was happy to see an evil character have a horrible end. Yes I could have come up with better end if left up to my own imagination but at least the writers understood that Bertha need to PAY!

Anyway I love making a mockery out of the shows so lets get on with Duelo de Pasiones! Thanks everyone!

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