Saturday, January 13, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #187 1/12/07 Not as surprising as we were led to believe

Fern and Omar

Fern tells Omar that Lety's mom knows everything, he doesn't know how, and she hung up on him. RoboPop doesn't know anything, and Julieta told Fern he'd better not say anything to him.

Omar is standing motionless, like a robot whose battery has run down. He says he's just thinking. Yes, he's come up with a brilliant idea - Lety's afraid of her father, right? Fern doesn't follow. He says sure, but he's afraid of talking to him too. Not only would he have to tell RoboPop about all the stuff that happened with the business, he'd also have to explain some other things that he really doesn't think would be wise to discuss with him. No, he'd rather pursue the legal route.

Omar says if they do that, they'll lose the business for sure. Anyway, he says, if Fern doesn't do it, then the smiling fair-haired boy Ariel will do it anyway, accompanied by his entourage of lawyers.

Fern says he just wants to solve this in the best manner possible, without having to fight with anyone; he's tired of meeting with conflict at every turn. Omar asks Fern Lety ever really loved him.

Fern takes a swipe at Omar, but hurts himself in the process. Omar backs away and warns Fern not to hurt himself!

Omar treats himself and Fern to a special lunch in the boardroom. Dully, Fern admits that his anxiety over Lety is dwindling, and he's accepting reality. He needed to hit bottom, and he did. He went to Acapulco to get killed. Omar calls him his "dear kamikaze" and says if it'd been him in Acapulco, he would have gone looking for the bonbons, the cupcakes, the contestants at the Nuestra Belleza pageant. Irritated, Fern continues, saying he felt yesterday like he couldn't go on; he wanted to disappear; but, thank God, something opened his eyes.

Something? Or someone? Omar asks.

"Marcia," Fern admits, with embarrassment. Omar is impactado. Fern is pensive. We are spared the complete rehash of Fern's bad, awful, terrible night, but after lunch they are still talking about it in Fern's office. Omar is surprised that Marcia went to Acapulco for him. Fern says she rescued him from the bar, took him to her place, tended to his wounds, and listened to him. It was special. Tough, cruel, but also somewhat beautiful. All of his things were still there, just as he had left him, as if Marcia hadn't wanted to forget him. He thinks Marc might still be in love with him. Omar wants to know if this means Fern's thinking of getting back together with her. Omar asks, with all due respect, did they make love? Fern says it was a MOMENT of love, but not like the perverted kind that Omar imagines. (Sad to say, Omar can really only wrap his mind around one kind of "love.") It was all for him last night - she is still in love with Fernando.

Hours later, Fernando says he still doesn't know what next. Marcia left him a bag and told him to pack up his things. Omar impatiently wants to know what Fern did. Fern says he wasn't able to pack anything. (He doesn't clarify whether the impediment was physical or emotional.)

Omar suggests that Fern go to a doctor. Fern gets up and says he'll feel better after he walks around a little. He says he wants to explain what happened to him. Everyone in the world was mad at him. Out in the city, too. It was traffic, stress, the lawsuit... he fell to the floor, and then fifteen people were beating him savagely.

At this point he is standing next to the cabinet in his office. Alicia throws the door open without knocking, pinning him between the door and the cabinet. "Where's Fernando?" she demands. "Isn't he here?" She finds him moaning in pain and asks him why he was hiding! She asks him if she wants to scream, and complains that she can't understand him. Omar explains that Fern would like to scream in pain, but she nearly killed him with that hit. She sorta apologizes, then happily notes that he didn't yell at her. She says they should talk this way more often. She remembers to tell him that his lawyer is on the phone - she says she's just telling him that as a favor. She goes on and on about the bruises and how much they must hurt until, at Fern's behest, Omar finally kicks her out.

Later, Fern tells Omar that the lawyer said everything hinges on getting together with Lety. It'd definitely be better to work something out than to try to prosecute. Omar's like, that's fine, but where the heck is she? He tells Fern that if he really wants to reclaim Conceptos, he's going to have to talk to his "in-laws." Fern looks offended.

Marcia and Darth Teresita

Luigi is telling Marcia, Teresita, and some man in a necktie who doesn't look like Ricky Armstrong about the lemon soda commercial - something about a sparkly swarm of bubbles. Marcia isn't listening - she's wondering if Fern took his things away. (I think the hair is okay, but I liked it better curly; the pink eyeshadow isn't very flattering, in my opinion, but it's a huge improvement over that coral stuff that made her look as if she'd been crying even when she wasn't.)

That evening, Marcia and Teresita go to Marcia's office. Mar tells Ter that meeting with Luigi was taking forever; she couldn't concentrate; she was dying. She wants to go home. Teresita invites Marcia to her place and watch the beauty pageant with her and Humberto; rest and relax. But Marcia wants to be alone. And she wants to see if Fern took his stuff. Teresita suggests that she simply ask Fern, but Marcia says she doesn't want him to feel pressured, nor does she want be too obvious. She'd like to have some dignity, and she doesn't want to get her hopes up. And, he's confused and is feeling betrayed. And, she wants to see how he reacts when Lety comes back.

Teresita thinks Lety will never show her face around there again. They have declared war against her. This is Marcia's big chance to win Fern back. Anyway, who knows what kind of sordid mess that woman is getting herself into right now? (At the moment, in fact, Lety is preparing for the Nuestra Belleza pageant.)

That evening, in the executive lobby

The feas are chatting in the lobby. (Alicia is eavesdropping.) They've been invited to Martha's place to watch the beauty pageant, but they won't be able to get there in time. (Sara complains about her height.) And they won't all fit in Mr. Martha's taxi, anyway. Juana gets an idea - they could watch the pageant on the big TV in the boardroom! (Alicia fumes silently.) Irmita worries that if she stays there to watch the pageant, Luigi will make her work instead. They suggest that they sneak into the boardroom now so they won't be caught. They turn and plow right into Alicia. They back off, screaming in terror.

Alicia makes fun of their interest in the pageant and says the boardroom is not for the use of mere employees. They make fun of her poverty. She claims not to be interested in such a frivolous thing as a beauty pageant. She is above such things. But riffraff like them - they live for that stuff. She figures they watch those things and wish it could happen to them. Sara says she's tired of listening to this poor woman and suggests they adjourn to the boardroom.

Alicia tattles to Lopez, who comes out of his batcave to holler NO!!!! at them. He runs through all of his repulsive, housefly-like mannerisms... and Alicia mimics his gestures! PM whines cutely at him (ugh) and says don't be mean.

Marcia and Teresita come out and demand an explanation for all the noise. The feas ask nicely if they can watch the pageant in the boardroom. Alicia protests, but Marcia says sure, PLEASE watch it in the boardroom. Alicia is stunned. Lopez complains. "Lopez, didn't you hear me?" Lopez says he will watch the pageant in the boardroom with them.

Just then, Martha & family (including ALL the kids) show up. Teresita is amused. Alicia complains even more, about this big pack of kids. "They're not kids, they're parents," PM's smartalecky kid retorts. "How nice," Alicia says sarcastically. "This is beyond offensive."

"Alicia, I would like it if at least someone would enjoy this place," Marcia says. The sound of Lopez rubbing his head is almost lost in the din of the cuartel's happy comments as they crowd into the boardroom. Irma thanks Marcia and Teresita.

Teresita says goodnight and says she's going to stay a bit longer. Alicia invites herself to Marcia's to watch the pageant there. Or to her place - it's closer. She doesn't want them to be late. Marcia offers a weak protest but doesn't explicitly say no. Alicia takes this as a yes and assaults Teresita with unprovoked goodbye hugs and kisses.

While Marcia leaves and Alicia scurries for her bag, Teresita stares with dread at the door to Fernando's office.

RoboPop, Ninja-Mom, and Lazybones, aka "Walking Digestive Tract"

RoboPop brings the TV into the living room. (Moty growls at him!) He says he wants to watch the beauty pageant, and he knows that lazybones Tomas will come over and he doesn't want to be in his pajamas, or something. Tomas arrives, I swear his hair is taller than ever, and while RoboPop fiddles with the TV, Tomas discreetly informs Julieta that the lawyers don't want to go to Conceptos. They went ahead and did what they thought they were supposed to do. Now that they know the whole truth about the Conceptos/Filmo-Imagen relationship, they're not happy because they were not informed of everything from the very beginning.

Julieta recounts her conversation with Fern earlier that day, when Julieta told Fernando he'd done enough damage. Tomas is afraid that Fernando will dismember him, and then who will help his mother sort out the bolillos from the teleras? (Two kinds of bread, which you would sort of expect a baker to be able to distinguish!...thanks Rantor for this tip!) Julieta is very, very upset about what Fernando is trying to do to her poor daughter. (RoboPop blows into the back of the TV set and chokes on what I assume is a dust bunny that flew into his mouth.) J and T wonder what will happen if the lawyers won't go to Conceptos. Lety will come back tomorrow, and then who knows what will happen. J is very worried that RoboPop will find out.

RoboPop scolds them for sharing secrets. He says he's going to imagine that like always, they're planning a picnic. He continues to struggle with the TV. Julieta points to the electrical cord and suggests that he plug it in. "What do you know about electricity," he grumps at her.

Meanwhile, in Acapulco

Lety doesn't want to approach Aldo. She doesn't know what to say. Caro says it'd be polite just to greet him.

Meanwhile, Aldo is fiddling with the grill and the bellezas are flirting with him, asking if he only invited them there just to watch him cook. Laughing, he says yep, that's it. He tells them where they can find drinks. They all leave, save for one girl who stays behind, apparently to flirt with him some more. Aldo says "okay, it's all yours" and approaches Lety and Carolina, leaving the flirtatious belleza alone at the grill!

Lety panics, and Carolina excuses herself and leaves Lety alone with Aldo. Aldo asks Lety to help him with the food, but Lety says she can't cook. They are interrupted by the jilted belleza and another contestant, who offer to help him instead. Aldo very nicely says "thanks, but Lety is the one whose help I want." Lety is dazzled by this special request and by the blinding sun reflecting off of Aldo's perfect Ultra-Brite smile. The cheeky belleza, Agatha, asks Aldo what does Lety have that she doesn't? (Carolina takes notice and approaches.) Aldo somewhat brusquely brushes her off. Caro announces that this would be a great time to give the girls their gifts - the perfume she bought for them yesterday. (I wonder if it's Secretos from Bella Life? ;-) This lures the bellezas away from Aldo again... briefly.

Lety asks if he wouldn't rather have the pretty girls help him. He says he wants her, and Agatha doesn't even come close to measuring up. (Thanks for the explanation, Judy!) Abashed, she agrees to help, but doesn't know how, since she can't cook. He tells her she can hand him his ingredients, one by one. He just likes being with her. She admits that she likes to be with him too.

He asks, doesn't she want to know why he is so happy? She gets a little bit miffed, saying she doesn't want to talk about that, much less that thing that happened on the beach.

"Oh, you mean that great kiss that we had?" Aldo asks, smiling. Lety clearly does not want to talk about it. She says it was just an accident. He says in that case, it was a very lucky accident! And doesn't she want to know what he's feeling, what he's thinking? He says he knows she's recuperating. She pretends to think he's referring to her hand. He says no, he means what happened with Fern. She tells Aldo that in this very short time, he has become very special to her.

He almost kisses her. She moves away quickly and heads toward the grill, suddenly very interested in helping him cook. He follows and he says she's very special to him, too. She looks at him dreamily.

They commence cooking. She says she feels badly about the kiss. She was thinking about - "Fernando Mendiola," Aldo predicts, with a faintly annoyed look. Lety explains that she didn't want him to - "feel deceived," he predicts again. (I am noticing how good Lety's skin looks. Must be the Acapulco air. I'm going to have to plan a trip.) He says he understands all of that; neither of them planned the kiss; it was without malice or forethought. It just happened. And it wasn't frivolous, either.

This almost seems to appease her; then she asks what did he see in her. He wonders if she's talking about Fernando again, but she says she just wants to know. He lists her good qualities again: she's a sensible, special woman. He's moved by her strong fight to reclaim herself and to be a part of that process himself. He loves her freshness, her ingenuity, her sense of wonderment at all that's happened, at discovering all the world around her. The kiss wasn't her fault or his fault, it was magic. He pleads, "Don't torment yourself over that kiss, okay?"

"Satisfied?" he asks. "Yes, yes, yes," Lety answers awkwardly, clearing her throat and looking hopefully at the bellezas' table. One of them catches her eye and rushes over, complaining that they're all hungry. Aldo makes an official announcement that it's time for them all to enjoy this delicious banquet that he's prepared just for them. They applaud, and he takes a bow. (This never happens at Burger King.) Lety makes a happy face and clinks glasses with Aldo, but she looks troubled as she sips from her glass.

The bellezas flock around the table to compliment Aldo while he's trying to talk to Lety. Caro tells them to go back to their tables. (Is this fourth grade?) Aldo wishes them luck in tonight's pageant. After they disperse, Aldo tells Lety that if it's okay with her, tomorrow he's going to resume construction of his restaurant, The Flavor of Life. Lety approves! Aldo says that all of the obstacles in his life simply vanished last night. Caro discreetly moves to the opposite side of the table and gets her camera ready as they hug. "Smile!" she requests, and they turn to look at her, smiling. Lety's smile disappears when she sees the camera, and she complains after Caro snaps the picture. Aldo agrees, angrily declaring that this deception is unforgivable... unless Caro gives each of them a copy of the photo! Lety giggles.

Carolina tells the bellezas that lunch time is over - they need to be ready at 8 tonight for the grand finale. The girls squeal excitedly, as if they hadn't known the pageant was tonight. :-) Aldo tells them he can't go to the pageant tonight. Lety is crushed. Then he admits he was kidding and he wouldn't miss it for the world.

Ha! Now, how's that for a hilarious joke! He does SO have a sense of humor! He nearly cracks up laughing. So does Lety. Well, that makes two. Caro drags Lety away and says she can tell that Lety is feeling better about the kiss. Lety tries to casually explain that it's all okay now. Carolina says, "I told you Aldo is a very special man" and says she's glad that she's feeling calmer now. "Yes, yes," Lety agrees, with elaborate coolness. "He's special, he's nice."

Aldo is standing right behind them. Lety urges Caro to walk a little faster. As soon as they are out of earshot, Aldo says to himself, "Lety... my Lety."

(DUDE!! She is NOT "your" Lety!!!)

That evening, while Darth Teresita speculates as to what kind of sordid mess Lety might be involved in now, Lety tries to put on some mascara. She says it feels like she's poking herself in the eye. While she is still rubbing it, Carolina attacks her with perfume. Lety admits that it smells nice, but asks Caro why she's helping her. Caro says it was just business at first, because she was impressed by Lety's competence. But then she also saw that Lety needed a change of scenery. And then, when she got to know Lety better, her business interest grew into a great friendship. Lety beams and says she feels the same way. Caro says she's also rediscovering her own wish to be around someone to care for; someone to protect; someone to count on her. Lety says she hopes someday she'll find the happiness she deserves, beside a handsome man - a man as handsome as herself - who loves and values her, and with whom she can have all the kids she wants - 8, 11, whatever... Caro thanks Lety for wishing such kind things for her, and they hug.

As they wrap up their preparations, Lety mimics Carolina in the mirror. (She's also done that with Alicia, but that was meant mockingly, rather than affectionately.)

Aldo shows up at the pageant in formal attire with a bow tie. Caro's wearing an awesome dress. Aldo says he needs to tell Carolina something. He's afraid he might commit an imprudence. Caro urges him to explain. "I am in love with Leticia," Aldo says.

Carolina is super-impactada. "Don't look at me that way," Aldo says. If he doesn't say it to Carolina, he might blurt it out to Lety instead, and he doesn't want to freak her out. (Someone calls for Carolina, but Caro brushes her off.) Caro says that's a good idea - Lety will take off running if he tries to talk to her about love. He says sure, but that's how love is; Lety knows that; it doesn't ask permission. Love arrives, blah blah blah. Caro says she's happy for him. And also relieved, because the way he came running up to her, she thought his house had flooded, or something. He says that in fact, his heart is flooded. But that's not what he's worried about. He doesn't want to pressure Lety.

Carolina asks what he will do next. He says for now, he's just feeling happy, and he'll give it time and see how it goes. Caro reminds him that she's going back to the city tomorrow. He says that's okay with him. Putting distance between them and letting their emotions rest will be a good test of their love. In any case, he's really happy. It's not just the euphoria of the moment, but also because Lety helped him so much. Thanks to her, he's reunited with his dad, who gave him that letter and now he can get over the death of his wife. Carolina says that's all he needs to tell Lety.

In the dressing room, the bellezas are getting ready in their swimsuits. Lety is wearing a sleeveless dress which is OPEN AT THE NECK!! (Oh boy, I hope RoboPop doesn't see that!) They are all excited about the pageant. Lety jokes that she could get a bathing suit too. She reminds them that one of them will be the winner. Again, they all squeal as if this is new information.

Carolina worries that the event will start late. A cameraman pauses in front of Aldo, who begs off. Carolina says "welcome" to the camera. Alex worries because he can't find Anais (pretty woman who was nice to Lety at the Yuri concert). Caro explains to Aldo that Anais is a TV personality, who will be working in the evening gown event later in the show. Just then, Anais shows up, and Alex takes off to start the show. Caro introduces Aldo, and Anais greets him with a little kiss. She seems VERY charmed! She kisses him again before retiring to the dressing room. Aldo wishes Carolina luck and starts looking around for Lety.

Meanwhile, back at Conceptos

Fern and Omar are still talking about the Lety situation. Omar insists that "we" have to speak with Lety's father. They don't have to tell him everything that happened between Lety and Fern. Fern says that man makes him very nervous. He packs a mean punch.

There is a knock on the door (that's how they know it's not Alicia). It's Teresita.

"I'm going to the house. What shall I tell your father? Because you were supposed to talk to Leticia's family."

Fern stares stupidly out of his bruised face, wondering what to say.

Next week
Phone calls! Glamour! Desperation!
Ninja-Mom hangs up on Fernando again!
Fern sees something shocking on the TV!


Thanks Julie for the great recap...very detailed!!

Ahhhhh..."mi lety" What a sweetie Aldo is. I just adore him. He is so open about his affection for front of anyone. The fact that he prefered Lety's company to that of one of the Bellezas just sealed the deal with me on how wonderful Aldo is.

Do you think that if Lety gets back with Fernando that his parents will accept her? They dispise her so much. They would try to split them up. I don't see much good coming out of a union of Lety and Fern with all that has happened. How could she ever trust him again especially with Omar-the-walking-groin as his best friend?

Thanks again Julie for the detailed recap.

Well written recap of a filler episode. I think Caro has a jones for Aldo but she's being very grownup about it. I think Aldo is sweet as can be. How can anybody begrudge Lety a few moments of happiness after what she's been through?





Well, I'm nominating Fern for the IDIOT'S HALL OF FAME. All that dithering about Marcia made me slam my remote on the couch like he slams his phone. He is smart enough to know to keep the story away from Robopop. I can't help wondering what would happen if the Mendiola parents went charging over to the Solis Padilla house with their snotty airs and accusations. Who would rip into them first - Julieta or Erasmo. It would be fun to watch.

For once I got a lugh out of Alicia when she went crashing into the office and hurt Fern because I felt like doing the same thing myself.

Sorry but I still think Aldo is a twit. Two years of moping around on the beach and four days with Lety and he is ready to go on with life. OH PULEEZE. And mi Lety? I think not - not now and not ever.

I was told by one of someone who watches La Bella that the two head people of a movie always get together in the end; however, I still worry about Lety and Fernando, with Aldo in the pic. It would be so devistating for me, if fernando and she do not get together in the end. Devistating. I don't want to watch anymore of aldo and lety; but I am soo hooked on this. When they are together, I just close my eyes.

I hope that there is someone out there for Caro. She is so nice, not to mention beautiful that she deserves someone. Of course looking at the available men in the show, Chiclet Boy, Fern, Tomas and Omar one can only hope some new hunk with brains appears for her as I just don't see her with the four mentioned.


Whoever mention the leads always ending up together is right. There have been some rare exceptions but those are never met with fan approval. I still think that Fern and Lety will get together in the end because they are soul mates and good for each other.

As for Aldo I did read that the Juan Soler fans are desperately trying to get the ending changed as they see the handwriting on the wall which does give me hope to get through the next few months.

If Fernando and Lety do not get together in the end then the story will have made no sense. I can't imagine how Fernando can go on without Lety. His intense suffering has been very painful to watch. If Aldo and Lety get together in the end, then there will have been no need to extend the story for 3 or 4 more months. It could just as easily have ended now. More importantly there is no passion between Aldo and Lety.

Re: Lety and Fern's parents - I think Teresita would change her mind about Lety once she saw how happy he is with her. Humberto is very pragmatic, so once he realized that she's not a thief and that she was truly trying to help Fern, I think he'd be okay with her too.

I'm not so sure about Marcia. I think she'd get over it if she had a real bf of her own.

As for Ariel, he is probably a lost cause, and I think the best place for him to cool off would be jail. I'm still hoping we'll find out he killed his wife. :-)

As for who would rip the Mendiolas' throats out - my vote is for Moty, after hearing him growling at RoboPop when he was lugging the TV around!

Juan Soler is a handsome man, even with his bad haircut, chiclet teeth, and chicken legs. But Aldo... I don't know. I think Lety would get tired of him after a while. He dazzles her with broken seashells as well as sweet words and more extravagant things, but I can't help remembering how equally dazzled she was by Fernando's casual sketch of... what was it, a bunny rabbit? And that rag he gave her when she cried in his car. And sweet little kisses he put on her mustache.

With Aldo, it seems to be about thoughtful, carefully planned romantic gestures. With Fern, there were those stupid little gifts from Omar, but there were also a lot of genuinely poignant, spontaneous moments without premeditation. And I think that's what will get you farther in the long run.

I remember now - the drawing was of a teddy bear.

"Ha! Now, how's that for a hilarious joke! He does SO have a sense of humor! He nearly cracks up laughing. So does Lety. Well, that makes two."

THANK YOU for that Julie!!! As always, your recap was fantastic. You have a great sense of humor and if you were a guy, well I think I'd have a crush on you. :-)

As for the squealing bellezas, ugh!!! It did seem like everything that Caro was telling them was (to quote Phoebe from Friends) "brand new information!" I've never been in a pageant, but I think I could pretty much figure out how things work (with the help of Ms. Congeniality). I am glad to see that they had the bellezas eat something on the day of the final competition. Of course, we won't be privee to the duct-taping and hemorrhoid creams and I'm sure we won't get a talent show routine on par with Olive's from Little Miss Sunshine. Oh well, I'm looking forward to the filler time the pageant will take on Monday's episode (that last part was sarcasm, doesn't really translate well in text).

I'm still in camp Fernando, although I will be ticked if he gets back together with Marcia. Come on Fer, you are a great looking guy w/ a awesome sense of humor you can get any woman you want, why would you get back together with Marcia? Run, don't walk, away from the harpy!!! Don't be fooled by the new 'do and make-up changes. She is still the same nagging shrew who tormented you for months!!!

Thanks, Julie, GREAT recap!

I guess I'll just keep watching and go with the flow. Lety is looking more and more like her former sweet self, but she is older and wiser to the ways of the world. This short time has helped her get some self-esteem back. All the characters are young and mostly mixed up, but they are growing. I am hopeful that even Marcia is growing.

I agree, though, that Ariel is a lost cause. He has no redeeming values at all. Omar doesn't have any, either, as far as I can see, nor does Alicia. So, I am hopeful for Caro, Aldo, Marcia, Lety and Fernando to find "someone" each.

I'm still of the mind that Fern and Marcia will figure out that what they feel for each other is a deep, abiding brotherly-sisterly love that developed from years of living in exactly that relationship, and that Teresita will recognize it for what it is, too.

I was tickled to read all of the insights from everyone this morning about the Mendiolas and the Padilla Solis padres. What a match that would be! I agree, Julie, that Moty might tip the balance there.

Tomas' hair is a disaster, but he is looking good in the suits. Maybe there is someone good for him out there, too.

They're all just looking for love and most of us. Except Ariel, Alicia, and Omar, that is. We all know what THEY'RE looking for!


I finally came to the conclusion that Lety and Fern have to get together in the end. Not because they are soul mates and perfect for each and flaming hot together but because in Novelaland heroines do not have multiple sex partners. Perhaps one before the hero but not more than one before her prince charming. In Venezuelan and especially Brazilian novelas that isn't always true but Mexican novelas are a little more puritanical. That's my thought for the day.;-)


Tomas' hair has got to go and please someone tell him to lose the white socks.

I'm not sure of this but I don't think
that Nuestra Belleza has a talent component.

Well, since I did mention the rotten ending to "La Esposa Virgen" the other day, I am now thinking that they will not dare pull the same stunt here (Juan Soler's fans notwithstanding), because of the Physic Guy!
I mean all he has done is run around Fern and Lety and tell them they have to grow and learn to know themselves, etc., right? So once all of that "maturing process" takes place, it will set the stage for a more balanced and truly loving relationship between Lety and Fernando! (And one that the fans could buy as well). Otherwise, what has been the point of having PG in the telenovela at all? In my opinion, I think he is going to prove a catalyst of some kind that we can't see right now....???

bolillo is a crusty white-bread French-bread dough roll, pointed at both ends, one score from pointed end to pointed end before baking (flour, water, yeast, salt); a telera is a bit softer, a bit flatter, not really pointed, and has two scores and is split more like a hamburger roll usually.

What! No talent show on Monday's episode. However will they fill the time? I was soooo looking foward to some displays of talent from the squealers. I am seriously bummed (that would be sarcasm once again). Oh well, I've still got my fingers crossed for Ms. Puebla to win (not because she's the mejor belleza, but because she's the one who almost quit).

Thanks as always, Julie...the time, effort and wit you all put in is tremendous.
Here's what I got on "ya agata"...It's "ya Agata"..the Spanish version of Agatha...evidently her name. And then when Lety didn't understand why he wanted her instead of Agatha, he said, "She doesn't even come up to your heels"...or, in other words...she's nothing compared to you.
Don't know if this is right, but it made sense to me when I reviewed the tape. Judy

Thanks Julie, I always enjoy your comments!
I too said, "NO! She's not your Lety!" I reserve that only for Fernando.
Ariel is my absolute least favorite character. I think seeing him being dragged off by demons like the bad guy in "Ghost" would be a fitting end for him.
Alicia just needs anyone with money no matter what he's like. Too bad Lopez is married.
I hope Fern is not headed back to Marcia in his desperation. I get that feeling.
Omar doesn't really bother me very much. He's due for a real fall and rejection in a love relationship. I'd like to see that.
I can't stand Aldo and Lety together. Sure he's a nice guy but just not for her. No way!
Her heart belongs to Fernando.

Carrie L.

I just watched the final episode of Heridas de Amor, and it was the only complete episode of the show I have seen (bits and pieces). All I can say is, LFMB at its worst beats the grand finale of HDA, and that I pray the LFMB writers don't cheat us the way they did those fans in their finale. I want Lety and Fern together, and Aldo to be happy, too.


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Rantor and Judy, thanks for the explanation; that "agata and bolillos" coversation makes perfect sense now!

Halarious recap, Julie! I have to admit, the way Aldo confessed to Caro, and even more with the way you described it, I almost feel like Lety could make a good life with him. I could see them being 70 years old and him still looking at her with that big goofy grin and still cherishing her just as much... I think my heart is retaliating after Fern's stupid antics...

Someone mentioned that it's only been 3 or 4 days and now Aldo is in love...well what about's only been 3 or 4 days since his 'mi lety' left and he still can't leave Marcia. I couldn't believe that he left his things at her place even after she gave him the bag to pack. Also...remember he wasn't going to call off the wedding. He told Lety he would, but his thoughts said he couldn't. I may be wrong about that, but that's what I thought was happening. I know Fern is the hero of the story, but he's such a weak hero. I'd like to see Lety loved and adored by someone who can see how beautiful she is and see her potential. She's been used enough by men. Makes me sad thinking back about how cruelly she has been treated all her life, and Fern did treat her cruelly. She just wants to be loved, is that so wrong?? :-) (i need to get out more. I'm getting too wrapped up in this)

Fernando has changed Lety's life in a big way because he made it possible for her to be the owner of a 45 million dollar company. For Lety, life with Fernando would never be boring. Unfortunately, I don't think that Lety and Fernando can easily get back together until he and his family become the owners of Conceptos. The family's honor is at stake. And Lety would probably always doubt Fernando's love if she owns the company. I believe that it is not really Aldo that is standing in the way, but the company.

I think the Lety Aldo romance is very progammed--not spontaneous like Fernando & Lety..

All that's happened between Fern & Lety? It's called forgiveness. Fern is realizing his mistakes and we can see his suffering.Lighten up on him..

Aldo having the right words on the end of his tongue, does not love make.I'll hook up with Fernando before Aldo hooks up with Lety..However, the writers will play this twosome(Lety & Aldo) until the last day to keep the audience on the edge in anticipation.There's is no chemistry between Aldo & Lety..Her heart belongs to Fernando.Get over it..Mo

Get over it? Nope, don't think I can. Aldo is good for Lety.

Can't get over it either.

Mo--- I'm in total agreement with you. The writers are going to maximize this whole Fernando-Lety-Aldo triangle for a while, but I do believe that Lety and Fernando will end up together in the end. It will be about forgiveness and trust.

Obviously the circumstances of Lety and Fer getting together in the first place weren't the best, but it isn't where it started that counts, it's what it has grown into being. I do think that Fer needs to atone and grown up in order to be truly deserving of Lety, but I also think Lety needs to come into her own. Perhaps Aldo is the means for this to happen, we can only wait and see.

Aldo is a nice guy, but I'm just not feeling the love between him and Lety. So far, their "romance" seems a little forced, and it has pretty much been one-sided. After Lety and Aldo kissed (while she was thinking of Fer), she felt awful because she knows she still loves Fer. Meanwhile, Aldo is jumping around the beach all happy because of the kiss. What I see happening is Lety feeling guilty for not loving Aldo, after all he is a nice guy who treats her well. She is going to end up confusing guilt over not being "in" love with Aldo for the real deal, and probably use (not consciously) Aldo as a shield from Fernando and the feelings she has for him (F).

Being with Aldo will be safer for Lety than being with Fer. She will have to risk her heart again in order to be with Fer--something that won't be easy for her to do in light of all that has happened and what she read in the letter. The kind of passion and love they (L&F) have can get really scary, even without all the other baggage they have in their relationship. Sticking with the safe guy will seem like the best option to her for a while, but she will realize that she is settling and that what she has with Fer is the real thing. She just has to learn to trust Fer for this all to happen. Easily, enough stuff to fill out the remainder of the show.


I'm with you it has to be Lety and Fern. I think the whole point of the novela is to learn to be comfortable with who you are. Lety is slowly learning not to be so concerned with her lack of looks. Sure she has been treated cruely but if she can accept herself she won't be so wounded by shallow comments from others.

Fern has a lot of growing up to do and has to stop competing with Ariel. Unfortunately when his parents, probably with the best intentions, took in the Villareal brats they never prepared him or tried to teach him about sharing. It also doesn't help that his father continually calls him useless. Now he has developed this thing that no one will take anything that belongs to him. I think he is beginning to think that is what Lety did with the company and that is making him bitter. He also thinks of Lety as his which should be interesting when he finds Aldo on the scene. Fern has no real self confidence, just like Lety. Sure he looks like he has it all, looks, money and all the babes he wants but deep down he knows it is all meaningless since he fell in love with Lety. For all his rotten behavior he always saw straight through to Lety's true self and loves her for that.

I can't believe I'm still obsessing over all this and counting the hours until that beauty contest shows up on the TV at Conceptos.

Perhaps it was rash of me, but I assumed the following:

1. El Guapo seemed pretty excited when he smeared himself with Eau De Fear and then mashed his face all over Bertha, but for the first time in days, Bertha didn't look scared at all... just puzzled. I think he then realized that his pet project was a failure. Still think the whole thing was a letdown, though, and should have ended the Bertha story the way it stood on Wednesday night.

2. It was Al who "kidnapped" Miranda. He carried her onto the boat, piloted by his faithful boat-driver friend, and if anyone wanted to know why she was passed out, he would have said "my sister had too much to drink, she needs a nap." Naturally she had a nightmare about Sleazar raping her. As for the dress - wow, Al has good taste!

BTW, I really liked what happened to Naty. It reminded me of the death of Yoda, which is only fitting, because Naty reminded me of Yoda. :-)

Sorry... that was obviously meant for Heridas. :-)

Thank you so much, Rantor! It drives me crazy when a word's not in my dictionary!

And thank you also, Judy. I will update my recap accordingly!

Thanks Julie! Funny writing as ever. For those who don't know, or remember, Tomas's mom sells bakery, and so that's what the sorting bread thing is all about.

Also, when Lety was admiring the bellezas bathing suits I understood that she was starting to tell them about the time she did buy one, in reference to that spa with mostly all bikinis in Cuernavaca when she got the one to swim with Fer and had a crisis over her ugliness and he overheard her and felt bad and everything. I thought she stopped herself remembering the horrible experience and/or thinking about Fern. Anyway, she's so cute with those beauties and it's so cute how they respect her.

Melinama I agree that there seem to be suggestions of something more with Caro about Aldo. They would make a cute couple, too. Guess we'll see in time.

Hey, I was wondering if everyone talked about this already and I missed it, but I just realized that in real life, Sergio Mayer (Luigi) is planning to marry Jaime's (Fer) sister Isabella (who guest-played on LFMB as that model Isabella del Conde - I didn't realize it was her at the time) and that in October they just had a daughter! So that's pretty ironic! Jaime is the uncle of Sergio's daughter! Talk about a tight nit group!!!!

Oh and I love "Darth Teresita" her wig so looks like the cape!!! LOL!

You guys make me laugh--out loud!! This is a great board. And I sure needed a laugh or two today. Thanks!!

It is so nice to listen to all the opinions about Lety/Fer. I took three semesters of spanish and i have all spanish songs (with translations in spanish) and a computer program and a tutor, yet I can only read fluently. When I watch La Fea, I only recognize words and by the time I remember some of them, they are onto another scene. It is difficult to follow. Plus no one I know speaks spanish or watches the Telenovias. Having the recap is so excellent and listening to what others think is wonderful also. One person stated that she needs to get 0ut of the house cause she obsesses. Hey hey!! I obsess at home, in work, at the stores, on the computer. I am constantly looking at the videos that are ahead of us and I get the jist of what is coming; however, it does not tell the final and that is my obsession. If I knew fern and lety will be together, I could take these nightly shows with a grain of salt, but I don't and therefore I am on edge 24/7 and obsessing ROTF

Will someone please explain the "Blogger,other anonymous" and what happens if I sign up (ie. what am I signing up for. The Terms did not tell me anything that I understood. I only want to be able to chat with everyone regarding LFMB and use my username instead of anonymous.

I don't think anything happens to you, anonymous, if you sign up for an account. They probably just want to know you are a real person not a spam robot. ? any other opinions?

Here's a beautiful video on Aldo and Lety. The song is soooo gorgeous is gives me goosebumps. You can get an approximate English translation of the lyrics if you google the song title. No spoilers here. We've already seen these scenes. Ooooh, I just love that song!!!!

Barb, I've been watching some of the LFMB videos on Youtube. Does the date at the top mean the date that it was posted on Youtube and the time frame at the bottom mean the actual time that the video aired on the show?

Re: choosing an identity, if you have your own registered "Blogger" account then you can sign in with your same password etc. and the comment you leave will indicate that it came from you and show a link to your blogger profile (the blue clickable text). If your profile has a photo, that comes up too. I think if instead you elect "other", you can identify yourself however you want in the name blank, and I guess give a link to another webpage; if you hit "anonymous" the comment comes up just like that, without identifying you at all.

As far as I know you can sign up for your own blog account (by clicking the Blogger on the home page and following the steps) for free and that gives you your own web page to design yourself and to post your own stuff on. You can't post stuff on anyone else's blog (i.e. this one) unless you are invited by the initial blog owner, but just as anyone, a registered blogger can enter comments anytime to anyone (unless the blog owner has blocked you). Unless you want to start your own blog, or recap Duelo de Pasiones for us, there's no need to sign up as it gets you nothing relative to this blog except the ability to sign in and identify yourself in comments. So does that answer it?

Looks like the date at the top is the date added. Thenk again, it could be the date it aired in Mexico, since we just saw most of these scenes recently. I didn't see any other date. Were you worried about spoilers? These are all scenes that have aired in the US already.

There, I just tested it. If you want to identify yourself by a name, choose "other" and write in your name in the name blank that pops up. You don't have to put in a webpage. Or, you could keep hitting anonymous and then just identify yourself at the end. Either way you don't have to register for anything. Look forward to meeting you!

I think I have seen some spoilers but I can't piece together a time line.

You saw spoilers in the video I mentioned?? or are you talking about the youtube la fea videos in general? I'm sure the video I posted is spoilers.

For K

Thanks for explaining this. I am not interested in web pages, only to get in on the discussions of La Fea and hear the thoughts of others on what is happening. It makes the Program more interesting. The spoilers. Does that mean the videos I see on you tube that we haven't seen yet. Mexico is 3 months ahead of us and you can see some of the future, but not the final. I had a question about one of them, so I can't ask the question on here, because it "spoils" the plot??? Or has most people seen the short videos on the you tube?? Kraftyret

I think we have two discussions going on but I'm talking about general short LFMB videos. I've seen some that have not aired yet in the US and I'm confused about their sequence.

I'm trying deserately not to find out anything that we are waiting to see. I do know that Lety is involved in a love trio but not necessarily the one we think, she will play Fern's own game against him, a lot of the other characters also have some unexpected connections which should be fun and a really great actress is cast as Tomas' mother. I'm a real romantic and am hoping that there is happiness ahead for the characters we are coming to love or hate depending on your taste.


Thank you Decie Girl and Carol.You get it..There's an underline message is this telenovela. I understand from my observance that it's about acceptance,forgiveness,individual growth,trust,being non-judgmental of others,and that love can see past physical exterior into the heart.I believe the moral of the story extends beyond "all" the characters..The ones we love and the ones we don't..Mo

Aldo has a chemistry with Carolina and she with him. They seem to be more fitted than Aldo,the therapist, known as Don Juan of Acapulco, Dr. Phil, and Ernest Hemingway all rolled into one man(than he fits Leticia).If that kinda man is available in Acapulco,I'm seriously considering a vacation to Acapulco from here in Florida to check that out..Second thought..I read Acapulco is "drug haven".May want to reconsider a vacation in Acapulco.

I've been a little rough on Aldo.He's sweet and kind,but I just can't get past those frayed swim trunks made of denim and that dog collar he wears..I can't believe that I'm so superficial.I'm becoming like these characters on LFMB..Help..Ha..Maureen

Those cutoff jean shorts are better than what I usually see when I go to Mexico....Lots and lots of men in speedos, no matter what size guy they are!! Yikes. The shorts are better than that. Connie J

Well, it IS hot there. So, I guess that justifies most everything. I had some really scantily-clad students and staff when I ran a school in Hawaii. That was always a challenge for a Midwesterner who grew up with Victorian-influenced parents. Hot climates bring out the least in us.....

Jeanne (not happy with 1 degree temps outside today)

Well, Maureen, if you're superficial, you're in good company... with me! I hate that necklace!! I don't like jewelry on men, and I can't stand the necklace.

And I definitely agree that Caro had a crush on Aldo and was looking forward to seeing him before she found out that Lety had already taken a shine to him... and he to Lety!

For the new person confused about the timeline: You can go to and search "la fea mas bella." The whole storyline is posted there. I haven't read all of it, but I think it is current to the Mexican timeline (14 weeks ahead of the US). You can read the backstory and all the main characters are listed at the bottom. Be careful, there will be spoilers on there!

I can't wait for tonight! I knew they all would see Lety on TV...ever since Omar has been drooling all over the previews. Lety looks good in her new dress. I wonder if they will notice Carolina too!


Speaking of obsessing, I was sorting my laundry and it occured to me to wonder - Why didn't Fern, in one of his many calls to Julieta, simply tell her he loved Lety and needed to talk to her. By focusing so much on the business he lost any chance of J ever believing anything he says, especially after she read the diary. I always thought she was a big fan of his but that has obvious gone to h**l.

-I can't wait for tonight! I knew they all would see Lety on TV...ever since Omar has been drooling all over the previews.-

Let's see - tonight we have the Golden Globes with a bunch of tipsy celebs on one hand and on the other Fern, Lety, Alto and the bellezas. Which to choose? No problem at all LFMB is the winner.

I'd love to see Miss Puebla win and go over and hug Lety. Just in case Fern or Omar misses seeing her Yet Again!

Fern? Tell the truth to Julieta? Hahahahaha!!! It's not early enough in the story for Fern to try the most sensible tactic!

Julie, Thanks for the company..I thought I was standing alone here.When Aldo first appeared on the scene,I noticed that he had that dog collar on,but it seems to be a "thing" with the Mexican men to be decked out with the neck hardware.I wouldn't date a man wearing anything around his neck nor wearing a pinky ring..It's no class..

Someone mentioned Speedos..I live in Florida and I've seen more than my share of those.Yes, come to think of it,I'll take the frayed denim over the Speedos..

Remember when Fern & Lety went away for the long weekend some months back? Now that's a man in swimming trunks..Fern was very modest but looooking good..Lety sat dangling her feet in the water..I believe Jaime Camil would look good wearing a "sack"..He's so cute.His bio says he live just 150 miles south of me in Miami,but I don't think that can be?


To Barb's question re los papas Mendiola: Given Darth Tere's blind determination to see Fernando and Marcia married, I think there will be plenty of resistance on her part. Am I the only one bugged by her quasi-incestuous voyeurism? It seems that whenever she and Marcia approach the subject of Marcia's sex life, she starts leering like the madam of a brothel in some Pre-Code B movie.
As for the double triangle - Aldo-Lety-Fernando/Lety-Fernando-Marcia - I am sure they will milk that to the very end. But let's not forget that Lety and Fernando have that "psychic" bond (a.k.a. True Love).
I had no idea Ariel had been married - when was that mentioned? Is that why he's so bitter and misogynistic?


A lot of Mexican celebs live in Miami. It is frnkly too dangerous to be well known in Mexico. You and your family become prime targets for kidnapping like Talia's sisters, Alejandro Fernandez' brother and any numberr of soccer stars family members.

Someone pointed out that Acapulco has become a drug haven and the new president has sent troops to the city to get rid of them. Hotel owners aren't happy because they figure the presence of armed troops will scare off the tourists. I say better that then to get caught in drive bys and gang violence. Maybe that is why the streets are so empty when Fern and the blur mobile are out.

I don't know if Ariel is married or not. He's always wearing a wedding ring, but that is most likely just the actor forgetting to take it off.

Or maybe that unhappy woman he was with in Cuernavaca was his wife.

Or maybe it's his father's ring. Maybe he wears it on that hand as a signal to bimbos that he's not going to marry any of them.

Or he was widowed in such a tragic and horrible way that the kind man he once was is lost forever.

Or maybe was always rotten, and he killed his wife and stuffed her body into a crawl space in the attic, where it will be found in the very last episode and he gets carted off to jail. That's what I'm hoping for. :-)

Oh, Julie, that's a nice twist. I vote for that as the end of Ariel!


I've been thinking about the comments re speedo abuse and those daisy dukes. I lived in a Mexican beach town for months and the worse thing I ever saw was MEN in thongs, usually Scandinavians or Germans but it was unnerving. However, I can't read about ghastly men in bathing suits without thinking of that dreadful, obscene lime green thong thing that they picture Borat in. Aldo and his shorts look like a god compared to that.


I don't recall in my email that I mentioned celebs living in Acapulco. I was talking about crime in Acapulco. I live in Florida and celebs are a common thing here,especially in Miami and not necessarily Mexican celebs of which I don't have a clue as who of the Mexican celebs live in Miami..I merely asked if Jaime Camil lives in Miami as it's noted in one of his "bios"..

We have enough issues in this country,so Mexico can and should deal with their own problems,drugs or otherwise.Maureen

Thanks Jewels for the tip on Wikipedia. I'll visit it to get a sneak preview.
I saw an interview on Youtube with Jamie Camil. Since it was in Spanish, my interpretation could be incorrect. I thought I heard him say that he was going to Los Angeles to make a movie after LFMB. Does anyone know if this is true? Liz

The one love of Ariel's life was Bertha de Aragon, but Dona Vadar broke that up. That's why they both turned out so evil.

Interesting point that y'all bring up about the actors' physicality. It doesn't bother me that Aldo does not look like he wandered off the set of "Baywatch" when he's in his pescador outfit. And I appreciate the fact that Mexican TV allows actresses to weigh more than 90 lbs.

I heard Jaime Camil was coming out here to L.A. too - hope he looks me up.

Still thinking Miss Puebla looks like a former man.


The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 187 & 188 is at this link.

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