Thursday, January 27, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #187-188 1/27/11 Ain’t no filler like event filler.

Capitulo 187.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. The bellas are all fluttering around Aldo, but he tells them he prefers to be with Lety. He says being with her makes him very content, but he realizes that she’s trying to recover from Fernando. (Tu servidor recapper asks, then why does he crowd her, trying to kiss her again?)

2. Aldo says she’s very special to him, and that makes her glow. Aldo goes through a list of all the things that make Lety special to him, and he ends with, “You and I are here, and there’s a special magic.” Caro snaps their picture, mid-hug. As they leave, Aldo says to himself, “Mi Lety.”

3. Omar essentially reminds Fernando that every option is doomed. He suggests maybe Lety never really loved him, and Fern tries to hit him. Fern says he’s starting to accept reality (IOW give up) about Lety. He had to hit bottom. He went to Acapulco to kill himself. But Marcia made him see things differently. She still loves him and she doesn’t want to forget about him, despite everything.

4. Fern says Marcia told him to pack up his things, but he couldn’t. Marcia evaluates the situation with MamaT. Fern feels betrayed, but Marcia doesn’t know what will happen when Lety returns.

5. The Conceptos lawyer calls Fern and tells him they need to get Lety into a meeting. It would be better to reach a settlement than to prosecute.

6. Tom tells MamaJ that he had to tell the HaHA’s the truth behind the embargo, and they were pretty mad. MamaJ tells Tom that Fern called, and she’s not about to let him destroy her daughter nor talk to her husband about what Lety did.

7. Aldo has to talk to Caro so he doesn’t explode. He says he’s falling in love with Lety, but he knows if he tells her, she’ll take off running.

Capitulo 188.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Omar says, “Don’t tell me you still have compassion for Lety.” Fern says, “No. I hope she’s out of my life, and marries someone and goes far away.” (Tu servidor recapper says, “Careful what you wish for.”) He calls Julieta and asks to speak to Erasmo, then tries to spit out that Lety needs to return so things don’t get complicated. MamaJ orders him to respect her house. She hangs up and unplugs the phones.

2. Lety tells Anaís that Conceptos was killing her, but here she’s recovering, thanks to Aldo.

3. Marcia discovers that Fernando didn’t take the suitcase. She calls and Fern says he didn’t have time. She tells him to come and haul it off.

4. Fern sees Lety on TV but he thinks he’s imagining it. Lu sings “Life after you is sadness, etc.” and “I can’t live without you.” Lety, Marcia, and Fernando cry over the song, even though Fern’s not watching the pageant. Alicia wonders why Marcia’s not finding fault with all the contestants like they did last year.

5. Fernando gives up. He tells himself, “Enough! I can’t go on deceiving myself. Lety’s not going to return because she doesn’t love me. Because I lost her and it was my own fault. My huge stupidity. I lost Lety forever.” He pulls up to a bar to numb the pain, but remembering last night, he drives away.

6. When the pageant finishes, Lety says she wants to go say good-bye to Acapulco and the ocean. Aldo promises to make it an unforgettable night.


Thanks Paula. Loved the song at the pagent. It is so powerful. They did a nice job with the video montage of Lety and Fern. I will check back in later, just wanted to say thanks.

Yesterday some of you made some very strong arguments about Fern not hitting bottom yet. I replied with a very late post. Maybe just maybe, it's that Fern has HIT bottom, but he hasn't yet turned around and started back up. The mistakes we see him making are results of character flaws that he still has to purge from his life, and that will take time.

Julie, are you SURE you can't post your idea about being open???

Be sure to read the comments with Old Recap 187. Some very interesting conversation!

As for you Camil fans, he just posted his latest Ego (hair care) commercial. I REALLY like that commercial series. He talks REALLY fast in this one, but it's the quintessential Camil, just bursting. Here's the clip. On a related note, yesterday he posted a funny video with him and singer Noel Schajris. Here is a picture of the two of them that I cobbled together. What do you think of the resemblance?

I don't know what happened yesterday but I checked all day and into the night but the recap wasn't there. So I just read it today. That's why no one posted yesterday I think.

Am I the only one who really likes Aldo? I don't want Lety to end up with him but I am enjoying their time together. I know, I know I'm just an old hippie myself but the sea water in the plastic cup, the advise to choose between love and fear all makes sense to me. (Heck, I just spent an afternoon watching Harold and Maud.)

I like the parallels (think I've mentioned that before -- like a hundred times.) Aldo looking after her departing form and smiling to himself "Mi Lety" just like Fernando. The kiss in the waves so reminiscent of the wonderful dream kiss in the Cuernavaca pool.

Speaking of which, I really miss that twice a day dose of super romance every day with the closing credits. That kiss is my personal favorite of all time. Too bad it's been replaced by those German scenes.

Güera from (fading fast) Syracuse

Sorry I haven't checked in - all of my waking hours since lunch yesterday have been spent either working or shoveling snow.

Okay. The "open" thing Paula mentioned - my thought was, if you die and are reborn, you're a baby. You don't learn anything during the rebirth itself, but you're now open to learning everything.

Various people tried to tell or teach or show Old Fernando things that he needed to know, but none of it seemed to stick. Even when it became obvious that he needed to change the way he thought and acted, he wouldn't do it.

Let's see if Baby Fern is a little more open to learning and making adjustments. (And remember, you've got to crawl before you can walk.)

Ah. It seems Fernando learned ONE thing during his rebirth. Stay out of bars when you're upset!

Someone yesterday commented that Lety's undying love couldn't have been all that strong if she jumped at a new guy in only three days. But Lety didn't just leave Fern three days ago. She left emotionally when she found the letter. Her leaving was another two steps forward and one step back process. The final blow on the morning of the meeting was when she lost all faith in him but she's been grieving the lost relationship for some time.

I'l bet most of us have had at least one relationship which blossomed in two or three days -- especially if it's accompanied by something as dramatic as being saved from drowning.


I agree, whether the breakup with Fern was three days ago or three weeks ago, this is a rebound thing for Lety.

The bonds that you form with someone when you're trying to rebuild your psyche don't seem to be the same as the kinds of bonds you form with someone when you're whole. Or maybe it's that you always end up associating the rebound guy with the lousy way you felt when you first met. But whatever it is, the odds just aren't good.

I can't fault Aldo for his optimism, because some rebound relationships actually do turn into something that's real and lasting. But unless Aldo just fell off the turnip truck, he should know quite well what it means to be the Rebound Guy, so it's puzzling that he would expect much from this relationship so soon.

Which leads me to conclude, just now in 2011, that he's wearing Rebound Goggles (TM) too. Sure, his wife died a couple of years ago, but he's spent all this time hibernating instead of healing. Amazingly, he is actually on the same timetable as Lety.

So... if two people are rebounding together, does this doubly doom their chances of a long-term relationship? Or does the shared experience improve their odds? It would certainly seem to up the ante, at any rate.

Just catching up on these past two episodes. I think I was slightly traumatized after Fernando's beating; that was tough to watch.

Guera, I don't mind Aldo. I don't love him but I don't loathe him either. In response to Julie's question, I don't think their both being rebound buddies is necessarily a good thing. It's not the kind of tie the binds long term. But in the short term, why the heck not?

More later. Sorry to be a bit absent, I am just super busy these days.

I like the Camil links, thanks.

You're right, Julie. Fernando made a deliberate decision to not use Jack Daniels therapy. If it sticks, that's a milestone!

Julie, I really like your idea that the big change in Fernando is that now he will be open to change. The hard seed shell has to crack first, to let in the water, etc. The growth comes afterwards.

Guera, can you please post the URL of the page where you couldn't find yesterday's recap? There are so many ways to access this page, and the two ways I tried worked. If I can have the URL you use, I can check that in the future.

Aldo is the water boy. All his significant conversations happen near water. I found it interesting yesterday that Lety kissed Aldo in the ocean, but when they came up on land, she kissed Fernando (in her fantasy). Remember, Mexico City is landlocked!

As for the whirlwind romance. Two weeks after I met Bob, I knew we were going to get married. We did, only six months later, and it's lasted almost 30 years now. And before Bob, I met a guy in the army, Kevin, a week before I shipped out. What a whirlwind week! We both fell hard. A week after I got to my next duty station, he proposed by mail, and I seriously considered it. Fortunately I had the presence of mind to ask him for time. As the weeks apart from him passed, I realized that what we had was an incredible chemical attraction (no, not sex), but really nothing else. He was like Aldo really. Tall and blond, beautiful smile, really nice guy, no depth, no substance, sweet and dreamy. I suspect that if we'd have been stationed together longer, I would have married him because the tremendous chemical attraction blinded me to everything else.

Guerra, I like the parallels too. What I like even more is the crab canons (that's a figure in music that turns back on itself; Bach did them a lot).
* She punishes him for not loving her, but he suffers because he does love her.
* Fernando's betrayal seems like the worst event in Lety's life, but she never would have won his love, were it not for the false romance betrayal.
There are more, but I can't talk about them yet.

It's not that I don't like Aldo - he's a nice man. But, he doesn't have the passion in him that Lety has and Fernando has. She will never be truly happy with Aldo even though he brings her a measure of peace. Fernando is the only man who has and will ever touch the deepest part of who Letty is. The scene where he finds her asleep on the park bench and she's delighted to see him. The look in her eyes was Fernando is my knight in shining armor that I've always dreamed about. She has a deep-seated love for Fernando even though she is totally disgusted by him now. Lety has been terribly hurt and Aldo is a person to help her heal as she will help him. But a longlasting, passionate love - not Lety and Aldo - only Lety and Fernando.

I still don't think Fernando has hit rock bottom. He's thinking of using Marcia as the fallback guy. His thinking, his decision-making are all still based on childish behavior and a self-centered attitude. I think his rock bottom - the true one - will be when he sees, in person, Lety with Aldo. When he is able to see the peace in her because of her relationship with Aldo as opposed to the turmoil she had in her relationship with him, Fernando will have had the stuffing knocked out of him and he will hit rock bottom. When he is able to walk away and let Lety be happy with Aldo, we will know he has broken through and tramped down that huge selfish streak in him and he is on his way back up to maturity and a love that will endure and fight for his soulmate.

Paula, is this the info you wanted about the post where I couldn't find you yesterday?


Thank you, Güera. Not exactly. Let me ask it this way. Tomorrow afternoon when you want to see if I've posted the new recap yet, what address will you go to, to look for it?

Wow - just finished watching the 2nd ep & then reading the recaps. It was def a filler ep. When I was watching the 2nd ep - I had no idea that Fern thought he was hallucinating Lety. Another telenovela tease!!

My thoughts on Aldo- he makes Lety happy for now. I think he's exactly what the doctor ordered for her in the moment. She needs to heal from the major heartbreak that Fern caused.

I honestly think that if Lety and Fern tried to have a relationship at this very moment - it would FAIL miserably simply because they are both not whole people yet (esp. Fern). He has a lot of maturing and growing up to do...I also think Lety has a lot more healing left to do on her own before she's truly ready to give her heart to another like she did with Fern. She's much further along with her healing than both Fern (and quite possibly Aldo, but that remains to be seen).

Here's the link I normally use to find the recaps Paula H (I also had problems finding it yesterday):

Hi Paula and all,

I am weeks behind, but wanted to tell you all how much I enjoy all conversations, analysis,pictures, everything.

Paula, you have so much insight, that I didn't see first time around.

I also understand more spanish than I did then.

Thank you!

That's strange about yesterday's link not showing up. You refreshed the page, right?

I always try to post the summary by 3 Eastern. If you don't see the new one by 4 Eastern, somebody please post a note on the previous day's recap. One post is sufficient. In Caray blog culture, it's normally unacceptable to rush a recapper about posting a recap, so please never do it for any other show. But the Fea board is different, and if you don't see the post by 4 Eastern, it's most likely that there was a problem in the system and I want to know about it. As I said, one post is sufficient.

Oh my gosh! Serendipitypb! There's a name I haven't seen in a while!!

Thanks Paula H! Yes I kept refreshing and what was strange for me was that the links were clearly in the OLD recaps about the same chapters, just not on that main page. The problem seems fixed for now. Probably just a bug in the system.

Both Blogger and Delicious have been known to burp a bit from time to time.

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