Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Duelo Monday Feb 19-Grouchy Emilio pouts and rants while Gaspar and Tonki save the day!

Orlando is talking to the recuperating Emilio who is seated in a chair. Emilio demands to know where Flor is and why he can't see her. Orlando puts him off saying that the doctor wanted her to stay away until he was totally better and that maybe today or tomorrow…but right now he (Orlando) needed to go to meet with the civil engineers from the construction company who had arrived on the site for the new highway yesterday. Emilio is ticked that he can't go and do his job and he can't see Flor.

Santos, Flor and Gaspar are sitting by the river. Santos gets up and says goodbye, he's going to try to get a job building the highway. Flor and Gaspar plot to escape from Sierra Escondida. Gaspar frets that the bus routes are too far away, maybe a horse? Flor suddenly remembers that Don Max promised to help her escape. Gaspar is doubtful, he doesn't trust Don Max. Flor says, what the heck, might as well ask. And they set off for La Rinconada. (For all the drama of being kicked out of La Riconada, Flor has certainly been able to come and go as she pleases, right under everybody's noses). Gaspar says my munequita! and jumps up to go. Tonki comes too.

Frank and Orlando are walking through the hallways of La Rinconda, chatting about Emilio. Orlando's in uniform and Frank is in his civvies. Frank is lamenting that Emilio still thinks he's married to Flor, not Thelma and also shouldn't they be telling General Ochoa about what happened to Emilio? Orlando puts him off saying, I'm taking care of it and he orders Frank not to do anything on his own to tell Emilio or alert the authorities. Frank says he and Jaime are going into town and he leaves Orlando in the Great room.

Orlando sits down and smiles wickedly to himself. " I'll go see Flor. I have to make her mine now that Emilio is not my rival."

At Don & Dona Loco's hacienda Adela is greeting Blanca, with her roll aboard suitcase. Blanco asks if Soledad is at home, or Alina. Adela says that Soledad is unwell and then gets very nervous and says she'll tell Don Loco that she's here.

On his way out, Frank has stopped to talk to the convalescing Emilio. Emilio tries to pump him for information about Flor but Frank says he doesn't know anything and his buds are waiting for him in San Mateo and he has to go. Emilio says not to tell General Ochoa anything about what happened. Frank says no problem, Orlando already gave the order. Frank leaves and Emilio is left, still confused.

Blanca and Don Loco have a cordial meeting. She tells him that Elias is heading up the construction team building the highway. Don Loco is impactado to know that Elias is nearby. Blanca says she's supposed to stay with him at some temporary shacks built for the workers but she was wondering if the Locos could put her up at the hacienda instead. She says that she knows that Soledad is unwell. Don Loco says, here, let me get you a drink and explain things to you.

Meanwhile, Adela is doing some cleaning in Soledad's room and they are talking. Soledad says, "so Blanca is here?" Adela tells Soledad that she told Blanca that her mistress wasn't feeling well. Next thing you know, Soledad is getting that pleading look in her eyes that she always gets when she wants Adela to do something against Don Loco's wishes. Yes, she wants Adela's help to help her talk to Blanca so that she can tell her what Don Loco has done to us (i.e. Soledad and Alina). Adela doesn't even try to argue this time. She's says she'll do what she can, even though she knows that Don Loco will make this difficult.

Flor makes a run for it into la Rinconada. She orders Tonki to stay behind and Gaspar waits for his chance to sneak in and see his munequita.

Emilio is with Angel and Nurse Susi who is trying to get him to take his medicine. Emilio complains that the meds make him sleepy. Angel says good, you should be resting. Emilio is still upset that Flor is not around. Angel says, we've already explained to you why she can't be around. Emilio pouts.

Another scene with Thelma bitching to her Auntie about the nausea and discomfort of her belly. Ends with her flopping on her bed yet again.

Gaspar is down in the kitchen of la Rinconada whining that he wants to come in to see his munequita. Vera and her husband are alarmed and tell him he should go away but he just keeps whining that he wants to come in.

Back at the other Hacienda, Don Loco and Blanca are talking about Soledad. Blanca asks, what does the Doctor say? Don Loco says that Soledad's madness has no explanation. "Does Alina know?" asks Blanca? Don Loco shakes his head. "Alina's still in Europe. Her life is there now." Blanca asks if she can do something for Soledad. Don Loco says that there's nothing to do, Adela takes care of her. In fact, its better that she not get any visitors, it just freaks her out. Blanca asks if she can at least see her. "Maybe she'll snap out of it if she sees me." Don Loco says he'll think about it and talk to Soledad. But in the meantime, he'll ask the servants to prepare a room for her. He wants to know more about the highway.

Don Max is messing with his bullwhip when Flor comes in. " I was told that you wanted to see me," he says in that oily way of his. Flor says, I need your help. I want to escape from Sierra Escondida. Not only is Don Max impactado but he starts choking on his cigarillo. Flor is a bit taken aback but she says she can't take it anymore. Her Dad hates her, Emilio is married, there's nothing to keep her there. Don Max says, you'd leave your Mother? Flor says, that's why I want to leave. I want to end her suffering. Flor says all she wants from Don Max is a horse to get to San Mateo where she can pick up the bus. Don Max says yes. Smiles all around, Flor leaves and the plan is for Gaspar to come very early in the morning to La Riconada to pick up the horse. As soon as Flor is out the door, Don Max starts having second thoughts. He's worried about what Don Alvaro will say.

Now for a stint in Mexico City with the Marianita-Mariana storyline. In her hospital bed, Marianita is laughing at a puppet show with a puppet doctor being put on by Dr. Love, aka. Dr. Fonseca, aka Dr. Chirin (the clown doctor). Dr. Fonseca even has a clown bowtie and a fake red nose to accompany his usual hospital whites. He is really getting into it. Mariana enters the room and Dr. Fonseca makes time with her using the puppet, which I find a little creepy actually. Mariana plays along. Marianita is so well recovered that she sits up to wave the puppet goodbye but first she tells the puppet "a secret" (which is audible to both of the adults) "I wish I had a Daddy like him (meaning Dr. Fonseca). Dr Fonseca and Mariana look at each other a little uncomfortably.

Of course the next stop is Central America where shirtless Jose, sweating like a mule is chopping firewood for the rebel/drug runners with Arcadio. They stop for a minute and two of the rebels come to rebuke them about taking a rest. (Sidebar #1: Man, I want no part of their revolution.) ( Sidebar #2: Jose appears to be wearing a scapular, which is like a religious medal made of cloth. I don't remember him wearing it before and it looks awfully clean and fresh if he's been in the mountains chopping wood from dusk to dawn for months. I don't think the rebels would be stocking them.) Felicia shows up and tells the men to leave Jose alone, which they do, grudgingly. She hands him a bag with some bread inside and asks him if he wants to see her tonight. Jose says, you've been very nice to me…"Yeah yeah," says Felicia "I know, you've got a woman waiting for you. I never said I wanted you to marry me…But we're both alone right now." Jose isn't really interested in anything else either, he says. He thanks her for the food and sets it down and gets back to work. Felicia stands there looking pensive.

All the way back at Luba's cave, Flor is packing her few items. Luba is cross. She's afraid of what Don Loco will do to her when he finds out she's gone. Flor says just to tell him that she escaped. (Like she's done a zillion times already.) Luba then admits that she is unhappy that Flor is leaving, because she will miss her. Flor says she'll never forget her nor Gaspar, and she asks her to take care of Tonki. Plus she's coming back soon, she has to save her mother. When she gets to San Mateo, she'll stay with Santo's mom Carmen and then it's off to Puebla to find her godparents Blanca and Elias. (Uh Oh!)

Don Max is talking to Emilio. Emilio asks about Coral. Don Max explains that she's still living at the hacienda, but she's working at the Meson de Eldelmira as a dancer. "And doing quite well," says Don Max laughing. "She'd like to see you." Emilio says no, he doesn't want to see anybody…except Flor. Don Max says Flor isn't at la Riconada. Emilio says he knows this but he wants to know why not. Don Max holds him off saying, "You're not well enough to know the truth." Emilio immediately becomes agitated and says "What truth?!" "Max hastily beats a retreat, saying he has to go tell Coral that she can't see him." Emilio fusses over this "truth" that nobody is telling him.

Back to Soledad. She's wrapping a bunch of sheets together, whispering to herself that she's got to make Alvaro think she's really crazy. When he enters the room, she picks up the bundle and cradles it, like a baby and calls it Alina. Don Loco tells her that Blanca is there and Soledad pretends not to remember Blanca and when he tells her to be careful not to tell her anything about what's going on, Soledad says "about what?" Don Loco seems satisfied by these answers and leaves.

Don Max and Coral are hanging out together in Don Max's study. Don Max wonders aloud what will happen to Emilio when he finds out that he's not married to Flor, he's married to Thelma. Coral is impactado. I guess she's been out of the loop.

Orlando is over at Luba's cave, asking after Flor. Luba gives the standard answer. She doesn't know where Flor is. Orlando complains that he's been there a bunch of times and she's always gone. Luba says, yeah well, she's always out. Orlando leaves in a huff while Luba puts another hole in the table with her knife. Flor is actually around and is glad Luba covered for her. ( I just noticed that the shirt she's wearing has something in handwriting on the chest. I can't make it out though. It looks like "Guyababellisima"? "Gringobellisima"? No clue. Maybe somebody else with a better TV than mine can. ) Flor just wants to get out of there.

Blanca enters Soledad's Room. Blanca looks ready to be convinced that Soledad is nuts. She's holding her fake baby. Without a word, Soledad goes to the door to check if someone is watching and closes it. She rushes back to Blanca and says, "I'm not crazy!" and hugs her.

Meanwhile, Emilio, sleeping, has an orange flashback of what happened, how he got shot at the wedding by Don Loco. He is agitated again that he can't figure out what happened after that. He has to find out. He goes back to sleep sighing about Flor.

Back at the cave, Flor is thinking of Emilio and crying. It's one of those telenovela telepathy moments.

Soledad has just finished telling Blanca her story. Blanca is impactada. She can't believe Don Loco would accuse her of such a thing. Blanca is ready to help her old friend. In the meantime, Soledad says, she'll continue to fake crazy until she and Blanca figure out a way to stop Don Loco, save Alina and free Soledad.

Don Loco at the same time is trying to make his own plans. Blanca is trouble. She'll figure out what's going on eventually. And Elias, "he was always after my wife." "I've got to find a way to get rid of them." He says, puffing away at his long cigarillo. There's knock at the door. It's Don Max who has come to fink on Flor, that she's going to try to escape Sierra Escondida tomorrow. Don Loco is impactado and chokes on his cigarillo. He says that she's going to be sorry for disobeying him again.

The next scene is tomorrow. Gaspar has gotten the horse and he and Flor are riding across a little stone bridge and a beautiful arch covered with purple bougainvillea. Vera's husband wishes them well on their way.

Cut to Emilio who is yelling at Nurse Susi that he's not going to take any more of that disgusting stuff (referring to the medicine). He uses one of my favorite descriptive words in the Spanish language, "porqueria." It just sounds so awful. He tells Nurse Susi to leave him alone. He decides to get out of his room and go for a walk.

Flor and Gaspar are continuing to try to escape from SE, when they meet up with her Dad's henchman, Sergio (guess he's not needed to guard Soledad anymore, since she's supposed to be crazy). Sergio points a shotgun at them and says "Where do you think you are going?"

Emilio starts poking around in the various bedrooms and finds Thelma in her nightie and robe. Thelma starts in with the "what are you doing walking around, my love…"yaddah yaddah but Emilio will have none of it. He wants to know what Thelma is doing there in his house. "I thought Orlando had already told you," says Thelma. "Told me what?" replies Emilio. "I came here to talk to my wife." "Your wife?" says Thelma, "But I'm your wife, honey!" Emilio should be impactado but instead he just looks grouchy. He insists that he remembers being married to Flor in church by the padre. Thelma tells him that before they got to finish their vows, Don Loco shot him. "And then I showed up and Flor convinced the padre to let me marry you on your deathbed."

Back to Gaspar and Flor, with Sergio brandishing his weapon. Gaspar dismounts and tries to grab the gun from Sergio. After a brief struggle, Sergio hits Gaspar on head with the butt of his gun and takes off looking for Flor. Gaspar has sacrificed himself so that Flor can get away!

Emilio is having it out with Thelma. He's supremely P.O.'d at her for taking advantage of him while he was unconscious. He yells at her that he's going to anull the marriage. He grabs her and starts shaking her. Thelma cries for help. Auntie rushes in and tries to pull Emilio away. Next Don Max and Angel. They convince him to leave and tell him to calm down, that this was the reason they couldn't tell him in the first place. Meanwhile, Aunt Rebecca comforts Thelma. Don Max gives them a strange look. I wonder if he's thinking what I'm thinking. Lady, like you didn't KNOW this was going to happen eventually.

Blanca is having Breakfast with Don Loco. Blanca agrees that Soledad is completely off her rocker. Don Loco says, really she shouldn't see her anymore and it would be better if she would go stay with her husband. Don Loco gives in for the time being and says he has to hurry off to the coffee fields but he asks that she not disturb Soledad "Because she was really upset from your visit yesterday." After he leaves, Blanca says to nobody in particular, "Alvaro is completely crazy. And Alina, What my poor godchild must have suffered."

At that very moment, Alina/Flor is making her way though a thicket trying to evade Sergio and his shotgun. Maybe she should have found something else than a white shirt to wear. Eventually he finds her.

Orlando is back bugging Luba about Flor's whereabouts. Eventually, she gives it up that Flor has left the Sierra and probably won't be back. Orlando is ticked. Luba slyly hands him a bunch of marigolds to help him change his luck in love, or something like that. Orlando taking it as the insult that it is, throws the marigolds on the table and leaves.

Thelma is in bed complaining of pains and nausea from the shock that Emilio gave her. Auntie tries to comfort her. Don Max is less gracious. "Why'd you have to tell him?" Thelma sticks out her chin, "He had to know sooner or later." Don Max slips out to go call the doctor. Thelma continues to rant that Emilio will just have to resign himself to being married to her. She's going to be his wife until she dies. (Oh Ho, Lady, be careful what you wish for! I can see where this is headed. The only question is now is how?)

Angel is still trying to calm Emilio down, back in Emilio's room. Emilio is ranting about how can he calm down, he's married to THELMA! Angel goes to check on when the Doctor is getting there.

Alina/Flor manages to break free from Sergio and takes off. Sergio fires a shot at her and misses (what is it with these guys?) and she continues to gallop down the road.

Back in his room, sitting on the edge of his bed, Emilio is stewing about Flor and why she lied and said that she was married to him. Angel comes in announces that Dr Vasquez has arrived. Emilio says he doesn't want to see anyone.

Sergio is catching up to her, so Alina/Flor jumps off her horse and tries to cross a creek. But it's not a creek, it's some kind of muddy hole. She cries out to Sergio to help her but Sergio just tells her to go to hell and leaves.

Blanca is with Elias at his "shack." It's actually pretty nice, albeit spare with rattan furniture and Ikea type lamps and furnishings. Blanca fills Elias in on what's going down at Hacienda Loco. Elias agrees that they've got to do something to help Soledad and Alina. He's ready to rush over there right now but Blanca stops him and says that he's got to wait while they figure out a plan, otherwise they'll expose Soledad's trick of faking madness.

Flor is sinking fast in the pit and crying out for help. Along comes Tonki, she tells him to go find Gaspar.

Back in Mexico city, in the hospital Malena is visiting Mariana and Marianita (who is asleep). Malena prods Mariana about Dr. Fonseca and how "that" is going. Mariana dismisses her lurid speculations. Mariana insists that Dr Fonseca knows that she is engaged. Malena sighs and says she's going to end up waiting…and Jose is probably already hooked up with some other woman. Mariana says she doesn't believe it. She has an orange flashback of her and Jose getting it on in secret and making plans and promises for the future. Malena tells her to wake up, that years have passed and she hasn't heard a word from Jose.

Every time there is a Mariana scene, we are getting a Jose scene, so here it is. Jose and Arcadio are sitting down eating. Jose is lamenting his fling with Felicia. Arcadio says he has nothing to worry about with that. Men have needs…And this chick is flaunting herself at you and saying she just wants an affair. The only thing you need to worry about his that Felicia is the big guy's sister. And if he finds out… Jose says, he knows, and that's why he's got to make another attempt at escaping soon. Arcadio shakes his head and tries to argue with him that he's tried and failed to escape many times. All he does is make his life harder with these guys.

Emilio is chastising Angel. "How could you all let Thelma do this to me?" Angel begs off, saying he had nothing to do with it. He was sick in his cabin, away from the Hacienda. Angel says there's nothing that can be done, he might as well get used to it. Angel says he'll talk to him later about his own feelings about what went down.

Orlando is out looking for Flor on horseback. Tonki finds the unconscious Gaspar and tries to wake him up. Flor is still sinking in the mud.

Don Loco, wearing a white hat for once is stewing about the highway. He's now combining his hatred for Elias, "who was always in love with my wife" with his hatred of the new highway, since Elias is there helping to build it. After awhile he tells Rutilio that he has something to do, he's got to go somewhere. Just then, Sergio rides up and tells him that he's got Flor trapped in a mud hole, sinking. Don Loco blows a gasket. He doesn't want her dead, just back with that old witch in the cave. They go off to try to save her.

Thelma is having pains and she says she hopes that she miscarries "esa maldita esquinkle." Don Max brings the doctor in.

Tonki manages to wake up Gaspar and he gets up to look for Flor

Emilio and Angel are still arguing. Emilio insists that he is going to annul the marriage. Angel asks him about the child Thelma is carrying. Emilio still doesn't even believe she's pregnant. "We'll see in a few months." Just then Doctor Vasquez enters and confirms that Thelma is pregnant and what's more she was in danger of miscarrying. He gave her something and now has ordered her to rest. And Emilio too should get some rest. Emilio looks grouchy again.

Flor is now up to her neck in mud and is still crying out for help, she's got Don Loco and Sergio, Gaspar and Tonki and Orlando all out looking for her. Who will get there first?

It's Gaspar! Even though he is supposed to be an idiot, manages to rip off a branch and she grabs hold and he drags her to safety. He tells her to calm down and she is worried that her father knows where she is so they have to get to San Mateo before he finds them.

Orlando, who had apparently given up searching for Flor is back at la Rinconada and is complaining to Emilio about some problems with the highway project, getting machinery up the mountain. Emilio only wants to talk about how everybody screwed him over by letting Thelma marry him while he was unconscious. He calls Orlando "amigo," with sufficient irony. "What I still can't understand is why Flor let them do it." "What did Thelma do to convince her? How much money was she paid?" Orlando looks disapprovingly and shakes his head. I agree with Orlando this time. What a jerk you are Emilio, to blame Flor for this fiasco.

Gaspar and Emilio are on an overlook viewing San Mateo from afar. Gaspar says that he can't go on, he has to take the horse and Tonki back. But there's the road. "The road to your freedom," says Gaspar, in a moment of peculiar eloquence. They hug each other and Flor starts down the road, completely filthy from the adventure with the mud hole. Tonki barks and Gaspar holds him back. Flor turns around and waves. She's on her way!


Good work Margaret! I saw the end. What a hoot.

Outstanding recap! I kind of watched the episode off and on and missed a bunch of stuff. It was interesting to watch without sound. Emilio seems very dull while most of the other actors are much more animated.

Good! I'm glad that Blanca has her wits about her (so far) and has figured out the situation. I'm looking forward to Elias and Don Loco going head to head.

How refreshing to see Flor/Alina absolutely filthy for a change. Go Gaspar and Tonki!!!!

Great recap...I only watch bits and pieces of this...your excellent recap filled me in. Wow I had paid so little attention I could never figure out why these idiots were always in a stagecoach...cause I been in some nasty rural places in Mexico...but stagecoach please...All real Macho rural Mexican men drive pick-up or SUV's....Caise the huge boulders rip out the bottom of the cars.

Margaret, this recap was so funny! Thanks! I love the new name: the Locos. Perfect.

At least Soledad is trying to do something more creative (and probably which will work better than hanging off the balcony and falling on her backside to knock herself out). Lookin' loca might do the trick. DL isn't a rocket scientist, so he may never figure this out.


I enjoyed Donki/Tonkey telling Gaspar to save Alina from the quicksand because it was so silly. And the scenes from tonight's episode were great: "It's your fault my daughter is dead!" says Don Loco. So now she's his daughter? And Alina is going to the police! That should be fun.

Did you notice how when Tonki was trying to wake Gaspar up he got his nose stuck in Gaspar's long hair? I had a good chuckle over that one. I'm impressed by what a good actor the dog is. He's much better than Lucas in Heridas de Amor!

This dog really is Lassie!

"Cut to Emilio who is yelling at Nurse Susi that he's not going to take any more of that disgusting stuff (referring to the medicine). He uses one of my favorite descriptive words in the Spanish language, "porqueria." It just sounds so awful."

Margaret, my brain saw the word "porqueria" and translated to "pig swill."



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Sierra Escondida must be really impassible if the only way to get there is on foot or horseback. Hence the name I guess. No wonder Don Loco seems to be able to run the place without anyone noticing.

Ferro, I was so hoping that there was going to be a scene where Tonki barks at Gaspar and I could add in "What's that, Tonki? Alina has fallen into a well? Alas, Tonki just nosed him and Gaspar got up without saying anything.

As for Porqueria, I think that is what it is, isn't it? Pig swill? "Stuff for Pigs". I just like the way it sounds in Spanish better.

I keep wondering when Don Max is going to figure out that he's better off with Flor/Alina as Mistress of La Rinconada. If Thelma gets her way, la Riconada will be sold and Don Max will be out of a job.

Huh. How about that? Pig swill was right! Thanks.....


Porqueria is a fabulous word. I've also gotten a lot of mileage out of zopenco. Who says telenovelas aren't educational? If we study our vocab words we can use them in all sorts of situations!

Porqueria: pig swill..Who would've thought. I use that word every now and then. To me I thought it meant like anything disgusting which I guess pig swill is.

what is zopenco? I don't think I heard that one.

Doncha love learning important new vocabulary?



I can't remember who had zopenco as their vocab word. It means idiot or nitwit. At work I forgot to do something and called myself a "zopenca", my friends Maria and Luisa howled with laughter. Now we use it all the time. It just sounds kind of like what it is.

Is zopenco more of a mexican word? I've heard porqueria in all kinds of different contexts so I assume it's kind of universal.

zopenca=idiot..okay it works. If it's Mexican that's probably why I never heard it. I am Puerto Rican so many words I have never heard or used before.

I was reading Monday's blog posts...could Duelo really be half over? This is a mighty short novela then. I mean it doesn't look like it's been playing that long.

Emiliooo was wearing the exact same pajamas that the father in ''The Brady Bunch'' always wore. I'm just saying. These people are all idiots except ...Gaspar. I hope they all wander into that quicksand and Donkey/Tonkey or Lassie are no where around. They are making me loco, too. Auxilio. ~~~Susanlynn, continuing to experience Zorro envy

Yes, I think zopenco is a Mexican term, and not a very nice word I gather.

Im a little late to give my thanks for the recap. Sorry and thank you.

Susalynn I saw the pajamas last night (wed) and agree they are the same PJ's from the brady bunch!

Also according to the recaps on esmas Duelo was short to begin with, and now that it has its episodes combined it will be short for us (+ or - 3 months).

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