Monday, February 19, 2007

Mundo de Fieras 02/19/07 Juan Cristobal esta muy grave

Juan Cristobel esta muy grave!!!!! I have been waiting to say that since my trip to Mexico. It became the code word when I was stuck on the ranch with no television; all my in-laws would say "Juan Cristobel esta muy grave"; knowing that I was seriously jonesing for a media fix.

Our tale begins with the gang at Otillas talking to a guy about clothing totally designed in Mexico with I assume Mexican fabrics...This is the last we hear of this, but I am throwing it in as a "Hey wouldn't it be great if Otilla hooked-up with the Comida Expo down the street at Conceptos?" Oh wait a minute then Aldo would not be the total center of attention....ooooppsss my bad

Meanwhile back at JC & Paulina's the cat is outta the bag....JC knows she knows about his dire health. JC gets wobbly, he has a sheen of fine sweat on his pale yet burnished skin. Paulina has him sit down, but no of course not, he must stand. He promptly slides to the floor, careful not to damage his fine facial bone structure. Paulina calls 911.

Nic the Narc is on the phone, talking to an agent, plans are proceeding.

JC is being wheeled down the hall at the hospital with Paulina at his side, he is taken back to a room. Regina & Delores arrive and start getting the details from Paulina. Leo arrives JC esta muy grave, meaning without an immediate transplant his time is up.

(Seriously I don't know how the Dude's spleen hasn't exploded, but apparently that little side effect has been overlooked).

Regina is all ready to give up her marrow. JC can not know she is the donor or he will refuse the transplant. JC believes it is an anonymous donor. It seems Regina is a some risk, due to her earlier heart problems, suffered after Demian shoved her down the steps, but being the devoted Mother and all round good person, Regina will donate despite the risks.

Regina goes in to talk to JC. He is shocked she is aware of his condition. They have a good Mother/Son crying jag, where both ask for forgiveness from the other, both swear the other is the best mother/son in the world. etc... etc... etc..., actually it probably would have been a pretty good tear jerker scene, but I am no longer enamored with these people.

The cops come to Demian's house of evil and accuse him of shoddy work practices and bad construction. They take Demian down to the station....the phone rings...but alas no one answers.

Gabe arrives at the hospital & he looking his normal confused self. I guess he is trying to be the calming voice of reason.

Nic arrives at the police station and evil looks are exchanged between he and Demian...Demian is thought bubbling exactly where he would like to put the next stick of shoddy dynamite. Demian's cell phone is Delores, informing him that JC is muy grave. The police let him go to the hospital.

Delores calls Tiberio, to tell him about JC, she is sorry she won't be able to celebrate his 47th birthday with him. Ti acts all okay with it, but really he is hurt.

Paulina, Delores & Gabe all go to the chapel, to pray to the Virgin Mary to save JC & Regina.

MA arrives back at the manse with lil Luis David, I must say I liked MA turtleneck sweater, she was looking rather Breck Girl circa 1970. Joselyn came in to spred her nastiness and carried on a semi-conversation with MA. It was a semi-conversation cause mostly she looked at herself in the mirror and twirled her extensions. She told MA, too late, Gabe is mine. MA is all like, you are one nasty mujer, whatever.

MA takes off and goes to see Candleabra, Candy is all pleased to see her, when the phone rings....It is Delores (Delores is an all round great gal, if I ever have an emergency I want her right there by my side). Candy & MA take off for the hospital.

Demian arrives at the hospital and enters JC's room; JC is not in there and a nurse is making up the bed. Demian totally berates the nurse and then moves on to spread his venom elsewhere. The nurse rolls her eyes, haaaa wait till she meets Joselyn.

Demian finds Regina who is lying in a hospital bed. He is all concerned, but she tells him she is fine, but JC has Leukemia....Demian es muy impacted....
Regina tells him she will give JC a marrow transplant. Demian is like no way woman I forbid it. Regina is like JC is our son and I love him and I will sacrifice anything for him. No woman I forbid are my life...I can't lose you.
Alas Demian's little tirade is for naught. Regina stands firm, she will donate marrow and there is nothing Demian can do about it. Well she does tell Demian she loves him, but she is a mother.

JC is in the operating room and trying all kinds of ways to find out who the donor is, but Leo won't give up Regina. Actually I think JC must have been pretty groggy cause one look at Leo's face woulda told the secret. JC is given some happy gas, well happy for him, not so happy for us. We are force to hear the JC/Paulina happy song at full volume...& relive happy heart hands, weddings, & every other "Gay", not in a homosexual way, but in a corny way, moment the happy couple ever shared. More cheap filler time. **** I had my appendix out two years ago & once they put the happy gas on you, that's it, until they rudely wake you up to ask how you feel, AssHats****by the by, the morphine was seriously the best part.

Regina gets wheeled in to the operating room, she and JC are side by side. She says she is ready and holds his hand. Regina gets happy gas & Leo makes the sign of the cross not once, but twice. The operation begins...

Demian comes in and talks to Gabe and goes into a full blown temper dare Regina give her marrow...Regina is his life, without her he has no direction. Demian loves only Regina. Should anything happen...Demian will make everyone pay for it. Gabe tries to reason with Demian, but to no avail. I can understand Demian's dismay, Gabe would be the last person I would want advise from, under the best of circumstances the guy rambles on and on and a crisis he is even more lame than normal...lame as in not helpful, not lame as in bad leg Demian.
Gabe & Paulina take off for the Cafeteria.

Karen arrives at the hospital, she is greeted by all. Candy makes the observation that Karen has changed that she isn't a fiera like her mother and grandmother...Candy mentions a benediction, but to my disappointment she doesn't do one of her patent benedictions. ****I must insert at this point the eyeliner on Karen's right eye, bottom lid was doing this funky thing where the line just went off the corner down her cheek...maybe this was supposed to make us think the suddeness of the muy grave news took her by surprise as she was applying her eyeliner****

Flash over to the Evil Mansion...Tiberio is making paper airplanes and launching them from behind Demian's desk. He is thinking, how if JC croaks, he will be the sole heir to Demian's fortune. He is all shades of happy about that, but wait he thinks of Delores and it looks like he may have a little remorse.

In the operating room...Regina suddenly has an irregular heartbeat....OH NO...the doctor gets it back under control. ****Neither Regina nor JC have happy gas on their faces, aren't people supposed to be like sedated while being operated on? For the Love of God, don't these people watch Grey's Anatomy? No wonder Leo never gets any, McDimbulb****

Demian walks into the chapel, he looks at the Virgin Mary, I'm thinking time to humble yourself Demian, but no he just strolls on through...Demian I have watched enough TeleNovelas to know, that was a Big Mistake.

Leo comes out into the waiting room to tell everyone that the operation was a success..JC & Paulina are doing fine. Actually in real life, while I believe they are both stable, I believe pronouncing the operation a success maybe a bit premature. I think surely there must be some follow up tests that will have to be run to ensure the new marrow is working...but what do I know?

And so we end on this happy if somewhat vague medical miracle.


Hilarious recap.. you are a genius!
The Breck girl remark - I can see the ad in my Glamour magazine from high school.
What is Karen doing with her eyeliner? Who, other than a tranny hooker, does her(his) eyes like that? And she's really a sweet girl now, but still looks fiera-ish..
We all knew Demian was on the road to el infierno; ignoring La Virgen is confirmation.
JC has to make a quick recovery so he can take the reins for Dad, who should be cooling his heels in jail soon. One hopes.

Very funny recap! I loved the McDimBulb comment (having just finished watching last week's Grey's Anatomy) as well as the mental picture of Demian's thought bubble re: shoddy dynamite placement.

Great as usual. I think you don't know for weeks or months after a marrow transplant if it's working and even then it's not a sure thing. But since this is telenovela land, where the doctor who does bone marrow transplant operations also runs a taxi stand, if they tell us all is well I guess we're on to the next crisis.

Wow, if they rehabilitate Karen AND Tiberio that will be a first!

Dear Beckster -
Very good recap, but please explain what "AssHats" means.
I can usually keep up with your bebop language, but this one stumps me.
I'm old enough to remember and enjoy the Breck girl remark.
Thanks again.

AssHat refers to someone who's head is so far up, they are literally wearing their ass as a hat..

For all the talk that JC was muy grave and that the operation need to be done urgently it sure took a long time for Dr. Leo to begin operating. I mean Regina was in JC's room for a real long time. In my mind when they wheeled JC into the hopsital and Regina came in and Dr. Leo said we have to do this surgery right away. JC's life depends on it, I thought okay they are going to prep Regina and begin the operation.

Now what really creeped me out was Regina waking up and rolling her eyes like Ygor right after everybody just left the two of them side by side like a couple of dead stiffs in the operating room. Of course, nobody just is left to lay there that way after a procedure, though in real life.)The second time through the tape, I couldn't stop giggling at those big eyes of LF's darting around like that!

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