Friday, February 02, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #201 2/1/07 (Recap Stand- in) Oxi finally has to ride the micro and Aldo just charms everyone!!

I put this together quick on the spot, to help out our poor "torpe" (who needn't worry because we all are here for each other and happy to get one another's backs in times just like these) so hope it helps!

Aldo watched the dawn come up again, maybe in the park, and comments how wonderful it is to see; he’s still in his same clothes. But as we see later, he must do coke or speed because he seems quite fine and awake if he stayed up all night. Sara meets Juana before work and they talk about an event but Juana is concerned about not being dressed up enough.

Lety shows her mom the picture of she and Aldo. Mom thinks he’s gorgeous and don’t show Dad because he’ll wonder what you did in Aca. Mom picks up Lety's diary that was on the bed and tells her she better take it with her or else her Papa might find it and read just like she did and that would be horrible...

Fer leaves Mar’s telling her he’s going to the judge, she is mad because “she” will be there. Fer tells her so will the lawyers etc. they won’t be alone. She smirks, sorry it’s still stuck.

Tomas is there to pick up Lety and tells Erasmo he should be dressed better for the hearing because “his employees” should look their best. Erasmo says he’s not his employee only Don Humb. Lety gets into that discussion too worrying her employees are fighting. T doesn’t want him at Conceptos all the time, but he says he’ll go there whenever he wants and if he’s mad then he’ll have to go in the bus and not in the car with him. L & T joke about being the heads of Conceptos, and having the right look and they bond. Very cute. T is worried about seeing the Oxi again.

Everyone is at the hearing except Lety’s home team, and her lawyers tell Fer that the judge is a good friend of theirs and they found out that he thinks they are abusing the judicial system because first they want to get rid of FI and now they want to keep it, so the judge is not looking favorably on them.

Alicia is trying to avoid taking the microbus to work to no avail. She has to go to a bus stop with the dregs of society blowing cig smoke in her face. She reminds herself that “naconess” or to be trashy or commonplace isn’t contagious. She pities herself for having to sink so low as to have to ride it.

Lety gets to the hearing room and Fer rushes to tell her the judge’s concern and that they might have problems. They go in. The judge essentially tells them he’s mad. L & F explain they’ve come to an agreement and they are sure this is what they want. The judge wants to teach them to respect the judicial system so instead of 6 months to pay the debts he only gives them 3 months and emphasizes that is 2166666.66 dollars per month, which Fer thinks is impossible but the judge won’t budge. They sign the agreement. Just like signing a marriage license and the judge plays with that declaring them "debtor and creditor" by the power vested in him. They are sort of feeling awkward about this as they turn to walk out of his office. The HHAs try to butter the judge up again as friends, but he’s too busy for their brown nosing.

Alicia gets on the microbus and manages to insult all the passengers thinking they are disgusting, etc.

Aldo arrives at Conceptos looking for Luigi and tell Celso he’d rather wait outside in the fresh air than go inside to wait. The cuartel arrive and are impactados at Aldo’s beauty. They all essentially fight to see what they can do for him, even Irma. He jokes that he wants ranchero eggs etc. Marta is excited about that. He tells them he was kidding, but they end up taking him for breakfast. Celso is wondering what he should tell Luigi and they say whatever he wants.

Back at the justice hall, the HHAs remind Lety and Fern the reconciliation is the way things should be done in this modern age and that they need to do this in order to make things work out well, he says they even need to reconcile physically and he makes them hug. Fer definitely wants more and has a hard time letting go of Lety. HHA 1 wants to make sure that he’ll still be on retainer by Lety even though this transaction is finished.

At the lunch, Aldo is sharing his food philosophy with the cuartel. Sara and Juana show up and are similarly impactadas at Aldo’s beauty. Sara greets him and hugs and kisses him just when Luigi comes in and he tells Aldo to be careful because these gals aren't vaccinated and he could catch something. Aldo assures him he’s fine.

Back at the justice hall HHA2 gives Lety a gift and begs her to bring it to the Oxi for him. During this conversation all the rest of the men are lined up at the back of the room and Fer is trying hard to hear what this guy might be saying to her. There are some fun visuals here for sure!

We go back to Alicia not enjoying at all the microbus ride and M calls her on the cell and wonders where the hell she is and that she better not be late to give Lety a reason to fire her. A tells her she's on her way. A looks around the bus and asks if there aren’t any gentleman anymore and one guy gets up and says yes there are gentleman but they are all sitting!

Back at the justice hall the HHAs decide they need to celebrate this great occasion with some tequila etc. so they have to go somewhere because one of the HHAs stash is empty.

Fern asks Lety if they can talk. He says she was very clear last night, but this is about the business and he tells her that he knows she doesn’t want to see him around there but now that they are on such a tight schedule she has to let him work with her at Conceptos, just like before in order to help pay the debts. Lety looks impactada.

Luigi is showing Aldo in to his office. Aldo once again tells him in disgust that he sees that Lui descriminates people based only on their appearance. Lui says is there any other way? Aldo says yes, many. "Well, have you ever been discriminated against?" Lui tells him he's giving him goosebumps. They look around as if some covert discovery is going to happen. He says of course not, he’s charming and a person with good taste, then he says or are you saying that because I’m gay? Aldo just looks at him and smiles mysteriously and sort of nods no. Lui decides it’s hot in there and that they need to get going and he starts talking about the office he's going to show him.

Marcia sees Simon coming in and questions him ala Fern style where the cuartel is and why they aren’t here yet. She’s surprised he doesn’t know where his girlfriend is and he starts trying to cover for them as Lopez flies up frothing at the mouth for this opportunity to punish the curtel. Apparently he never remembers Simon’s name and that bothers him.

The cuartel walks back from breakfast and they gossip about Aldo, and the fact that he must be in Luigi’s “club” and they are bummed out that Luigi gets all the hot men.

Fern begs her to let him be there, he doesn’t want an office, just a space to work and to borrow a secretary and maybe he’ll share Omar’s office. She says he’s going to be there too? Fer tells her yes, because he’s a minor shareholder so he kind of has to be, and he can probably help anyway. He promises her they will only talk about necessary work. She tells him she has some strategies that she wants to talk over with the committee and she didn’t imagine that the judge would be so strict, and she is concerned they might have problems.

The cuartel finally reach the building talking about something that is weird about the lawyers connecting them to FI and then wondering how they are now Lety's lawyers (the wheels are spinning for them it seems) when the micro pulls up. Alicia is pushing the stop button multiple times and is mad because the guy isn’t stopping right when she wants. She insults the riders further calling them stinky, trash, disgusting, etc. She tells the driver he’s lucky she doesn’t report him because the officer is a friend of hers. She gets off the bus and sees the cuartel and cries to him get back on and keep going. She apologizes to everyone and begs the driver to keep going further. She tells everyone they are the finest people, and she tells the driver to please keep going because those women out there are waiting to assassinate her. They end up working it out for some promises that she’ll ride everyday and sit right behind him and be good, and he proceeds forward and the bus riders say goodbye to the cuartel. This is some great stuff, and was so funny!!

In Aldo’s new office, Luigi is showing him the new space praising it’s charms and promises he's ordering furniture and it will be divine. Aldo who lives on the cliff overlooking the bay in Acapulco, surely is hiding how unimpressed he really is. Aldo tells him that his passion for what he does is so great that it doesn't really matter where he does it. He asks Lui if he didn't know that some of the greatest works in the world were created in strange places. For example, in jail full of men that are violent, aggressive etc. He says he'll do fine in this place with this view that is so, so, so. So? Lui tells him he deserves the view since he’s so nice and attractive. We hear Mar's voice calling Lui. Lui tells Aldo he wants him to meet her. Aldo remembers Lety telling him how mean Mar was to her and he gets that mad face again.


Thanks for covering! What a great team we have! I loved Fern pacing in the judge's chamber - and his tender and convincing speech to Lety - and I'm also enjoying Luigi's flirting with Aldo, knowing he's going to get a comedown soon. I see that Aldo's style is to keep his own counsel - there are a lot of things he could be saying to a lot of people, but he's watching and waiting.

Since I like both Aldo and Fern and think Lety could be happy with either of them, this is a no-lose situation as far as I'm concerned. We know we have weeks to go, so let's just enjoy them. When this novela ends, we'll probably get a new one with murders and baby-switching in it.

Hi melinama. This was definitely a fast and nice recap. I check in in work every morning about 7:45. I don't like Aldo, because I am hoping for the plain jane to get the prince in the end, which is Fernando. They are in love, then obstacles in thei paths and then in the end reunite again. I was thinking. All through this soap, it was lety doing the most crying. Constantly walking in as fern and marcia get off elevators or just coming in from home, or her giving him a kiss for lety's benefit and how heart wrenching it was for her. One minute he is kissing her and telling her of his love and the next marcia is kissing him. She was always being torn. NOW, Fern is going through what she did. He will be watching Aldo's advances, smils hand holding and all and it will be him crying all the time. I decided that this is what has to happen before they reunite. He has to go through the same pain that she did, so he can understand what she went through?? Ret

Melinama - one more thing. I dreamt that I was at a dance hall and i guess marcia and fern were there. She leaves for some reason and he dances with me and I am so happy that he will do this in public and the hug while dancing was electrical. I am thinking that this happened because of comments made in the recaps, that fernando was not displaying love in public for her. However, I am 64 and he is What??? It was soooo romantic. ROTF

Thanks, K! It was awesome that you were able to cover!

On a light note, did anyone else think Luigi played a cruel joke on Lety and called her last night to tell her that it was "dress like a pirate" day? That shirt say the least!

Kris, thanks for covering for Alma. You all make such a great team.

Amanda, I am in total agreement w/ you on Lety's outfit. What was she thinking?

Loved the scenes w/ Lety and Fer at the "Halls of Justice". I hope they give us more scenes of them together.

We must have two different climates in Mexico for last night's show..The "hoochie mama" of the cuartel PM is wearing her usual strip club attire,as she and the others salivate over Aldo. Aldo with those glow in the dark teeth is sitting with the cuartel having lunch in a patchwork faux leather jacket wearing a turtleneck.I'm sorry I could not get past that scene to concentrate on what was happening with Lety & Fern and the group of abogados with flask in coat pocket..I must be really shallow to be concerned about the clothes of the characters.

I have sorta lost interest in Fern & Lety saga for the moment feeling he'll be punished until the end by Lety,if being with Marcia is not punishment enough.Mo

That was a great and hilarious episode. I really enjoyed it. However, I truly thought Aldo was going to make out with Luigi, even though I'm sure he was just messing with him. Haha! :) Lauren

Kris! Terrific recap, and so speedy--you're a great pinch-hitter! Thanks!

I agree that Aldo is just biding his time and gathering information. Lots of folks are going to be very surprised. I am impressed at his restraint--he seems to see the wisdom in slowly formulating a plan. I can almost see the wheels turning and it was very visible, as you pointed out, Kris, when he heard Marcia's name and immediately connected with what Lety had told him.

The cuartel blew off work for a while to go to breakfast with Aldo. Hm. Let's hope they haven't gotten the idea that now that their amiga is their jefa they can blow off work (more than they already do when they stand around and chat).

Regarding Luigi assigning an office for Aldo: I can just imagine if one of my employees came in and set up an office for someone he/she met at dinner the night before and decided to work with, on an INDEPENDENT basis away from the company, I might take issue with that (even if the employee met the new person through a mutual friend like Caro). I might take SERIOUS issue with that. But, that's evidence of the significant disconnect with the real world that Luigi has. It's evidence of the extreme self-absorption, too. "If I think it's good for me, it's good for Conceptos, so there." What chutzpah! (How does that translate into Spanish, anyone?)

It was a surprise that the busload of passengers didn't bodily throw Malicia off the bus when she jumped back in, if only because she was causing a disruption in their trip. That was indeed a comical interchange.

The "marriage" ceremony at the judge's office was pretty amusing, complete with a "now you can kiss the bride" hug. Only in telenovelaland....


Amanda et al., I chuckled when I read your thoughts on Lety's outfit. I have worn blouses like that before when I wanted to look executive. In the 1980s, of course.....I really thought I looked sharp.....apparently, I was mistaken.



In the 1980's I would have said you were a very fashionable woman if you wore that shirt. In 2007? Not so much. ;-)

The little marriage scene was cute, especially when Fernando tried to sneak in a little kiss. You have to give him credit for being persistent!


Re: The blouse--


Re: Fern--

That's why he's our of 'em. Just think how lucky we are here. In Duelos, the hero isn't even the lead man, it's the doggie. Here we have two cool guapos vying for hero-ship.


Thanks so much for the recap!
Couldn't someone please just give Alicia a dress in a slightly larger size? I understand the popping out on top, but the stomach bulge is definitely not attractive!
I seem to be way too concerned about the clothes.
I was very disappointed in Lety's first day on the job outfit. I think she should have stuck with the black suit or maybe buy a few more in different colors?
I too thought Aldo was ready to kiss Luigi with the way he was looking at him and seemed to be teasing him.
Although I am a Fern fanatic, I did think Aldo looked really hot in his leather jacket and sweater.
I think we're going to get a lot of the Fern/Lety almost kisses. I guess that will keep us hanging on for the real thing!!!!

Carrie L.

Great save, Kris! I am not going to complain about Lety's blouse because, even if Jeanne called from a time machine 20 years ago and wants her blouse back, it's still a big improvement over those granny dresses.

Plus, did you notice she was wearing PANTS??? to the office?

Other clothing remarks:

I like what Alicia's wearing today. It's too small, but it's nice. OTOH, I can't figure out what Marcia's outfit is. It really is hit-or-miss with her. She seems to have a lot of clothes, but that doesn't mean she should wear all of them if some are unflattering or weird. ;-)

I like Aldo's clothes better today. Yes, he's dressed a bit more warmly than PM, but then, he's used to a warmer climate, so maybe he's cold in the city. And even PM seemed a little more modestly dressed than usual, so maybe it's a cool day.

But the important thing is that Fern is wearing another orange tie. Aaaaaah.




Did anyone notice the really evil look that came over Aldo's face when he turned away from Lui near the end of the episode? Like he's thinking 'You'll pay!! you'll all pay" funny how that phrase resurrects in so many novelas! And, what were he and Lui saying about juding based on appearances when they came out of the closet - oops, I mean elevator!? and lui said something to him about being gay - I losted that part, but I have a feeling it was something important about why lui could be such a turd sometimes...any thoughts?

I agree Julie about Marcia's clothes. I think she's very attractive but she should definitely stay away from tight pants and stick with skirts!

It was funny to me that the guys on the bus weren't falling over Alicia with her reveal and expose clothing.

I think maybe Lola should take Lety out and help her find a few more flattering suits (and some new non-granny shoes).

I really like Fern in his black suits and blue ties. Black makes him look super-sexy.

I have to admit when I saw how good Aldo looked in the leather, I was hoping Fern might show up the same but maybe in black!!!!

Woa, let me get on my sweats and head to the store. A fashion maven I'm not.

Carrie L.

I too used to wear blouses like Lety's during the 70's and 80s. In fact I think it still goes nice in todays wardrobes, "with more stylish suits". Re: Aldo and Luigi. Aldo is supposed to be such a nice person; however, he is leading luigi on in order to get into conceptos. If he can be deceiving to Luigi, he can be deceiving to lety.

Continued Aldo and Luigi- Aldo allows luigi to get close to him. Almost kissing closeness, knowing Luigi is gay. That is not nice.

Luigi has a boyfriend but is only too happy to pursue Aldo, so Luigi isn't very nice, either.

Basically, what we have here is a bunch of regular people dealing with extraordinary stresses in a variety of terrible, dysfunctional ways. Basic soap stuff.

The important thing is who ends up repenting, and who doesn't. Since we're on an extended timetable, there will have to be a lot more awful behavior before there's any repenting. ;-)

Oh, sorry anonymous 11:58 - I misunderstood. I thought you were feeling sorry for Luigi. Now I see you're just saying Aldo's not the saint some people might think.

Personally, I enjoy him more when he's being mischievous rather than boring. I just don't know if I can take all of the angst that he's going to cause.

Vegas, the recap covers the conversation between Luigi and Aldo after they get off the elevators that's all there was to it...and Aldo's nasty look at the end, didn't seem directed at Luigi, rather at the thought of Marcia and remembering who she is and what Lety said about her...also mentioned in the recap....

Aldo Aldo Aldo....
nuf said

I think if I recall this is the outfit...Lety is wearing like white socks, the kind that just come up above your ankles (athletic socks), with sturdy black shoes...

Ok, This is what i have to say about the whole lety and Fer episode. I love, love, loved it!! Especially when it looked as if they were getting married. I was holding onto my seat when fer and lety huged. Did you catch that he didn't want to let go! I was busting up laughing when he fell over onto the recliner chain in the judges chambers...and after they signed the papers and "walked down the isle" they (lety and fer) looked at each other like ok huh what next!! so worth the wait last night.

I can't wait for Aldo and lety to run into each other at conceptos. I also cant wait for fernando to see lety and aldo together. I love it when fer gets jealous.

Oh and just a little added information...I know you guys where saying you like fernando in black suits. Well i love fer in what ever he wears. Especially if he wears Wink!!

I noticed Aldo's semi come on to Luigi and that look when he heard Marcia's voice. I think he is plotting to find a way to either humilate them or get back at them for hurting Lety. Sorry but that is NOT his place to do. If Lety has to grow and take a stand it is up to her to do it, not some younger handsomer version of her all powerful daddy. Aldo has all the makings of a control freak.

Alicia on the bus. I nearly choked on my tea. Dressed like that on a public bus in Mexico City she would have been groped by half the men on the bus not just the leg thing with the driver. Her snotty attitude is going to get her in big trouble some day.

Frankly I absolutely hated the way the cuartel acted around Aldo. For God's sake they are grown women not teenagers with their rock idol. You'd think they'd never seen a handome man before and they work with Fern. One thing that always bugs me with novelas is the tendancy to make women look and act stupid.

Loved the almost wedding bit but since we are on a clothes binge this morning I couldn't help wondering what happened to Lety's purse? First she had it and then it was gone.

And speaking of the purse why did Julieta give her her diary? I know in the Russian version the Fern character read the diary and I would be horrified if Lety left it somewhere where Fern could pick it up and learn how badly he hurt her (and also how much she loves him).

I don't know about any of you but I don't remember working in any office where the bookshelves in an empty office were covered with shrink wrap, unless bossy Luigi had the cojones to order new furniture for his latest "amigo".

I just realized that, with Lety and Fern working together again, I should keep ice cream on hand at all times. The Mayan Chocolate was good, but I'll probably go back to Ben & Jerry's (at least until this habit gets to be too expensive/fattening)!

Howling my head off when Marcia and Lopez were wandering around the empy office wondering where everyone was. Hope the cuartel doesn't begin to think they can get away with more murder than usual because Lety is the boss. She is going to have to nip that in the bud especially with the penalty period cut to three months.

Marcia is so clueless it is unreal. That good bye peck on the cheek he gave her was about as romantic as kissing your mother good bye. More of duty to keep her suspecions at bay.

This episode was really funny! Fernando was inspired, hot, wow - I thought I would die watching him get ready in the morning,adjusting his tie, looking in the mirror, etc - he was sooo handsome and sexy ..OMG~~~~ :)
Loved when he fell over the chair trying to hear what abogado was saying to Lety at the Justice Center, and the others helped him up.
I like the way Aldo's handling of Luigi -very sly & funny! Aldo seems amused at everyone's reaction to him, but not egotistical. So far, he's OK.
Alicia on the microbus - hilarious.
I was surprised she didn't get more "help" from the men.
Enough, already, Marcia with the checking up on doesn't work - remember? You either trust him, or leave him. Don't keep on with the shrew routine.
Sweet Fernando - he's trying to convince himself that he wants to help the business...and if he has to be around Lety, so be it. Poor guy, he couldn't help it when he hugged her a little too much - he's been waiting for so long. Pobrecito.
I appreciate all of the recappers here, thank you!

Hi all - I just tried to add a few more details for you all....hope these help too....

Answer to Lety's question to Fern about Omar still being there. Honey it is up to you, you can fire his butt the same way you can Alicia's. I know Humb wanted the whole team to stay on but with Tomas' coming on board who needs Omar except as a sounding board for Fern.

The office thing made me wish that Lety had told Fern since we HAVE to work together you might as well pack your stuff and use my little supply closet. He would have jumped at the chance.

I too am counting the hours until all the Conceptos folk realize that Lety knows Aldo and very well. Marcia, Alicia and Fern will all be jealous albeit for different reasons. Those two cats are really going to be impactada. The fea and TWO handsome men and we have none. LMAO.


Well, actually, she sort of can't really fire Omar, remember he's a shareholder, so he's involved regardless.

Theoretically, in concert with the rest of the directors, he could actually vote her out as president, but since they already just voted her in, he's stuck for a bit. She can however, creatively make him miserable while she has the upper hand, which hopefully she'll do! I know we all can't wait for that comedy!!

Loved the comment about the cuartel "You'd think they'd never seen a handome man before and they work with Fern." I, too was kinda disgusted with them fawning over Aldo and not because it was Aldo, but because it made them look so pathetic. Of course, if I were to run into Jaime at my place of work, I would probably be as equally fawning. I guess we all have our weaknesses.

Julie, I think my local grocery has Ben & Jerry's on sale. I'll have to stock up. :-)

I'd love to see a highlight show of Alicia's finer moments, including the hilarious microbus ride. We could call it "La Oxigenada: Self-Delusion as Ego Defense." The skeevy guy blowing smoke all over her was a really nice touch.
Yeah, Lety's blouse was a little bit "Dress for Success," but I was also impressed at seeing her in a pantsuit for the first time. Like she's ready to take names and kick butt. Fern is indeed gorgeous in that nice black suit, almost as yummy as he is in a simple white t-shirt.

I'm not sure that Aldo was specifically trying to get into Conceptos. I think it was just an opportunity that Luigi offered and Aldo saw it as an advantage. To me, it seems he is allowing Luigi to make an ass of himself and seeing how far Luigi will take it. If anyone at Conceptos is a mean, nasty person already, Aldo will let them reveal that. If they're nice, he'll let them reveal that. JMO.

This role reversal is good plot design--Lety the underdog now in place as Lety the alpha dog (ok, Moty's the real alpha dog)and we get to see how well she handles it. Fern the lord of the manor & God's gift to women now begging for crumbs of Lety's attention.

Oh, the purse! I don't know what Lety did with her purse, but it can't be just coincidental that she put the diary in it. Fern has to find it and read the real story of how much Lety loved him.

I agree with you all about the clothes. In fact, my daughter who doesnt even watch it was over and commented on Marcia's wide belt and wanted to know if she was pregnant. Alicia is getting a pot belly from all of the chocolate and expensive dinners.

Re: Fern in a black suit, Fern in white, Fern in a T-Shirt, Fern in anything, or nothing ... anyway, I digress. What were we talking about?

Oh yeah, I also agree about the cuartel's drooling. I was embarrased for them.

“ I don't know what Lety did with her purse, but it can't be just coincidental that she put the diary in it. Fern has to find it and read the real story of how much Lety loved him.”

I don’t think that was a continuity error, either…I suspect a plot device, Fernando’s version of the infamous bolsa roja.

As for the Aldo-Luigi thing, I was waiting for Luigi to plant one on Aldo (or vice versa)…knowing full well that would never happen.

And speaking of things that would never happen, Alicia getting on the microbus dressed like a high class ho and NOT getting pawed by a single passenger? ¡No me lo creo! No matter how rude and offensive she was to absolutely everybody. There’s something almost pathetic and even desperate in her arrogant assertions of superiority. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

I liked the fact that Sánchez was the Wise Old Man in disguise in this episode. I also liked the preview of tonight’s episode: Marcia and Alicia being impactadísimas by Aldo. The Heathers (Mar, Al, & Lu) will be absolutely beside themselves when they discover that el tlacoyo bigotón has not one, but two hot dudes after her. Slap! Take that, you perras!

Poor Aldo...he can't win with some of you guys. First he's criticized for not defending Lety at dinner when Luigi called her ugly. Then someone said it's not his place to seek any kind of revenge on behalf of Lety 'cause she's a big girl now. So he's rather in the damned-if-you-do and damned-if-you-don't category. It seems like no matter what he does, says, or wears he'll always be slammed.

Well, for what it's worth, Aldo, I'm one of your biggest fans and will be pulling for you all the way.


I didn't condemn Aldo for not defending Lety since Luigi doesn't know he knows her but I did condemn him for allowing anyone to slam any woman like he did. And I also agree that it is not Aldo's place to fight Lety's battles for her. She is an adult after all. I love that we can all see the same things and enjoy the show even if we have very differnt perspectives on the characters. Aldo would bore me to death in a year with his endless preaching. He even got on it with the witless cuartel. In any event when the ladies and I use the term loosely at Concepts discover Lety's relationship with him the fur will fly and we'll all have a blast.

I would never be an Aldo fan. He is fake, he is more of a therapist, grandiose. He wants to shower lety with things that he thinks she never had, like he is a tour guide or someone's dad (ie. the boat ride, bands, horseback riding. He always appears to be showing the better parts of life to her, but not like they are experiencing these things together spontaneously. With Fern and all the comments on suits and "with nothing" rotf. I agree on both and I am a lot older than probably many of you. He is just the most guapo person in this world.

Oh forgot one more thing. When fern was doing all that drinking, his guapo persona decreased; however, with that straight laced look and tailored suit. My god. Mi Dios!!. Did anyone notice that when an affectionate part takes place, Fern has two expressions. In the beginning or end? when lety is laying on the bench. He holds her up and hugs her. Look at the nice look he gives and a few seconds later an even softer look. Then when she sings Aqui estare at the end. He is sitting there and smiles and suddenly a softer smile. Both have to do with the eyes.

I love, love, love those scenes on the bench. In reality the entire path of the novela is relected in those few seconds. How he looks at her so tenderly and touches her hair and she wakes to see her principe azul smiling down at her. Who wouldn't go gaga over him and I'm probably old enough to be his mother.

Anonymous 4:00 p.m.

Ditto me. It doesn't matter that he's likely young enough to be my kid, I still drool. At least Aldo isn't that young, so I don't feel so unnerved by it.


Aldo vs. Fern, male perspective: Aldo is "da man"! Mi amigo! He's got the party pad on the beach. What's Fern got? Have we even seen his home? Granted, I've only been following the show a month and 1/2 or so, but does he have a home? Aldo would make a good fishin' buddy with the boat & fishin' stuff and all, while Fern's idea of kickin back is sitting on a bar stool (Mr excitement, huh?) And best of all, if me and Aldo happen upon a couple of gals showing themselves available, he'd appearantly be willing to settle for the ugly one. (Actually, best of all is hangin' with Aldo would mean periodic visuals of Caro!)
Funny dream last night. I dreamed I was being interviewed by Mar for a job at Conceptos (strange, since I'm all blue-collar), before the interview was even finished, I was emphatically turned down. (wise decision Mar!)

The show was very funny last night. Alicia was at her best. I wonder why passing motorists did not honk her when she was waiting at the bus stop. Her boobs were very visible.

The scene in the judge's office was also very funny. I cracked up when the HHA's held up their pens behind Lety and Fernando when they were signing the documents. The judge emphasizing the decimal point was also very comedic.

Someone said that Fernando did not look as guapo when he was drunk at the bar. I saw him do an interview wearing casual attire, very little make up and curly hair. He was not as guapo as he looks on the show. My daughters have commented that his hair is too greasy and it takes away from his looks. I have curly hair and am thinking of using a similar product on my hair.

I know I've slammed Aldo because I love Fernando..Aldo's "okay" but he's no Fernando.Sorry I haven't really like Juan Soler in other characters he's portrayed on the novelas.He's just not a classy dresser,and please burn those polyester tan pants he had on with no shirt from the scene in Acapulco..I like assertive men like Fernando,and the fact that he's so handsome,funny,and makes Lety laugh and his cute antics at times with the cuartel makes him way past handsome..Aldo may be temporarily turning Lety's head,but not her heart.Mo

Alicia on the microbus was the funniest thing that I have seen. I was laughing my head off. I was really hoping that the cuartel would see her. I kept shouting at the TV for the cuartel to turn around and look. Maybe tonight they will see her. If they do Alicia will never live that down.

Oh, the Sunshine Boys (Lety's lawyers} are hilarious. I hope that they will be around a little longer.

Now we've got the Heathers and the HaHAs, aka Sunshine Boys! Too cute!


Super male persepctive. Thanks for that.

Even as a girl I was all about that party pad with the pool on the cliff in Acapulco and the boat and the apparently cool friends in multiple places for fun favors and restaurant connections. Call me shallow, but with that in the mix of everything else, sorry just no contest.

Fern has a "nice" house, but as I said before it's in Mexico City with 22 million other people and animals and pollution and...Luigi.

>>Moty's the real alpha dog

But is Moty a better actor than Donkey?

Speaking of clothes, I thought Aldo's sweater had stains on it!! After seeing it a few times I guess it was supposed to look like that...kind of tye dyed or something. Wow, who are these wardrobe people, Lety's frumpy stuff, Alicia's ho wardrobe and now Aldo....But they do a great great job with Fern!!

Even when we hate some of their clothes, we know the crew dresses the actors for their characters. It's just our luck that Fern gets to dress as Sr. Suave as well as being really guapo.

I haven't seen a whole lot on Tonqui, but to me Moty is the better actor. He knows how to draw attention to himself without saying a word. Have you all noticed that thing he does when he kind of stands on four legs while Julieta or Lety is holding him, he's almost climbing up them. I think he was an acrobat clown in another life. :)

the name tlacoyo refers to as per my definition in el pequeno larousse

and they refer to the tlalcoyote which is a coyote like creature but much smaller

tlacoyo refers to tlacoyote

which is like a coyote but smaller

I agree that fernando looks better the way his hair is now. I have seen a few pics of him with curly hair. I have also seen some pics of him in sporty clothes and his shirt unbuttoned, to look sexy; however, I like him better in his suit. Question Are the recappers Spanis? Or american speaking who took spanish as a second language??

The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 201 & 202 is at this link.

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