Friday, February 16, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #212 2/15/07 The Bag O'Memories

Lety and Caro talk about the campaign. Caro reports that she and Aldo spoke to Guillermo, but he’s been waiting for someone from Conceptos to call him. Lety says she charged Omar the Imbecile with that task. She doesn’t even looked surprised that he didn’t do it. Caro says that Aldo and Luigi are already making great progress on the concept and stuff related to the campaign. Suddenly Lety looks distracted.

PM sweetly asks Saimon what time he is going to take her home. Saimon argues that he should have her dance partner take her home. She denies that she knew him but he doesn’t believe her. PM whines. He says he will need to verify that she has ended her relationship with that guy. He says until then he will be cold like an “icehurg” Sarah corrects his English, saying it’s “iceburg.” Saimon mimes closing a door between him and PM, then locking many locks on it. PM mimes being stuck behind the door. Sara yells at Saimon because he has not delivered the phone message to Fern yet. Saimon apologizes and then quickly unlocks the imaginary door to get past PM on his wait out to find Fern. Sara giggles with PM about what a ridiculous boyfriend she has.

Luigi catches Tomas hiding behind a potted tree and demands to know what Tomas is doing. Tomas claims he was walking around exploring the building. He anxiously tears leaves from tree. Luigi calls Tomas a few names before walking away. Alicia wonders loudly why people would want to walk around when they’d do just as well to sit in their office with the door closed and the blinds shut. She walks away and Tomas, now alone with Aldo, gives Aldo a ‘Why I oughta…” look.

Fern continues his search for the bag o’ memories in the dumpster. The sanitation guys try to stop him. Fern says it’s his company. The garbage guys correct him, saying that it was his company. They argue back and forth. Fern threatens to have them disciplined for taking the garbage out, even if it is their job. They agree to leave him alone.

Saimon finds Fern and asks if Fern’s is financial situation so bad that he has to go through garbage.

Aldo asks Tomas why he looks so mad. Tomas crossly mutters under his breath. He says it’s Aldo’s fault that Tomas suffered an embarrassment in front of Alicia. Aldo then mutters to himself in an exaggerated, comical way. Tomas says “What? I can’t understand you!” Aldo responds that he can't understand Tomas either. Aldo asks what he did wrong. Tomas lists Aldo’s offenses: blue eye, blond hair, charisma, smile like Clark Gable, etc. Tomas tells Aldo he doesn’t like him because he’s handsome. Aldo starts in on his Deep Thoughts about looks and character, but when he tries to put his arm around Tomas, Tomas shoves him away and says attractive people are the root of all evil. Luigi comes back looking for Aldo and the two walk away.

PM whines about having to take bus because Saimon is still ticked off with her. Alicia hears this and makes fun of them. Same old back and forth as always: “you guys are so poor”… “ well, you’re poor too”… “Not me, I’m classy.”

Martha remember how badly they’ve seen Alicia treat Tomas. She tells the cuartel that thinks Tomas and Alicia had something to do with all the shenanigans around here.

Lola, who I guess did a great job analyzing The Letter, spells it out for her friends: Lety was with Tomas, then she became Fern’s lover. That resulted in the abrupt end to Fern and Marcia’s wedding plans. Now it looks like Tomas also had a fling with Marcia’s best friend. What a scandal What horror! What promiscuity! What an embarrassment!

Tomas comes in and calls Lola to his office. Before she leaves, she tells them what a nutcase Tomas is, he’s worse then the rest of the execs put together.

Fern denies that he is garbage picking. Saimon finally remembers the phone message from Sarah and tells Fern. He’s not interested. He explains that he’s looking for some important documents. Saimon offers to help and begins to look through the trash. He picks up a bag up and Fern tears it away and holds it to his chest like a 3-year old with his blanky. He sends Saimon away. After much pontification about leaving, Saimon finally leaves. Fern shakes his head then goes back to sifting through the trash.

Turns out Tomas called Lola into his office so she can dial a number and transfer the call to him. Lola dials the number. Tomas’s cell phone rings. It seems he had her dial his own cell. He says he just wants to test the phone and walks around asking “Can you hear me now?” Lola asks if there is anything else he needs. Tomas says “Yes, that blonde… what’s her name? Oh yes, Alicia… I asked her to come to my office and she hasn’t so send her in.” Lola, armed with her new-found theory about Tomas and the Oxi, looks annoyed.

Lola sends Oxi to Tomas’s office. Alicia can’t imagine what Tomas wants. In his office, Tomas gargles with cologne just like the good old days. Alicia comes in and Tomas reminds her of the conversation where she slapped him and blamed him for her losing her car (days ago for us but only hours ago for them). He says he wants to make it up to her. She suddenly warms up and begins to flirt “Aaaaay Tommy!” She asks if he is going to give her a raise. No. Is he going to give her the loan she needs? No. He picks up a bag and pulls out a pair of pantyhose. She thanks him nicely then starts yelling at him and slapping him with the pantyhose before storming out. Tomas looks hurt. He holds the pantyhose to his chest and exclaims, “She still loves me!”

Fern is losing patience and says things are always in the last place you look (that’s because once you find it, you stop looking… pa-dum-pah!). He finds some gross garbage before finding what may be the right bag. He feels the bottom of the bad and thinks that it’s either a stuffed animal or a used diaper. He reaches in and pulls out a cute leopard print giraffe. He lets out a big sigh, kisses the toy and says “Finally, my Lety, we’re together again.” He holds the toy giraffe like a baby.

Lety thought-bubbles that she can’t believe Fern threw the bag o’memories away. Suddenly, Fern walks through her office door with one of the cards in his teeth. He spins Caro around in her chair to move her out of his way. There is passion in his eyes! He calls “Lety”… Lety replies “Don Fernando”… “Lety”… “Don Fernando”… “Lety”… “Ya (enough), Don Fernando”…Fern says he wants to read the card to her. This card is all true and continues to describe what’s in his heart. He climbs on top of her desk and reads, “I need to be with you. I can't tolerate your absence, the absence of your kisses, of your body.”

At this, Lety jumps on the desk and they hold each other tightly. Fern says he’s not done and continues to read, “Life has given me a hard challenge: just days before my uniting with a woman who was supposed to be my life - the true woman appears. This made me change and now I want to be with you all the time. I know this is a tough challenge… but you appeared in time, before I could fall into disaster again.” He throws the card over his shoulder. (Caro is still spinning in her chair under the X-rated ‘Shell from Hell’ painting.) Fern continues as if still reading “Love, Fern Mendiola.” He points to himself “That’s me”. He grabs Lety and they melt into a wonderfully passionate and eager kiss. He stops to tell her again “me”. They kiss again, almost falling off the desk.

Caro has picked up the card and peeks at Fern and Lety kissing from behind it. Fern literally comes up for air, then tells Lety he loved her when he wrote the card and he loves her still. Lety says she never stopped loving him either. As she speaks, Fern holds both ends of her mouth in his hand, making he pucker like a fish. Fern asks for forgiveness and she forgives him. Another kiss. Then Lety snaps out of it and Caro is asking Lety what is going on. Lety is sitting on her desk with a half-pucker.

Outside, Fern re-reads the same card Lety was just daydreaming about. He is near tears.

Caro asks Lety again what’s going on. Lety admits she was daydreaming about Fern. She can’t tear him out of her heart. Caro understands, but thinks Lety needs to give it time.

Alicia is furious about Tomas’s gift. The other women call each other on their desk phones to talk about how mad Alicia is. Meanwhile Alicia mutters that she wants to strangle Tomas and yank his eyes out. The women sarcastically offer to help. Alicia calls them names. She won't share her problem, she has the type of problems unknown to poor and vulgar people like them. Just then, Ariel walks into the office and listens to her little speech.

Aldo comes to visit Lety. This brightens Lety up. He wants to take her out to dinner. Lety says first she needs to call together a meeting for a status on the project. Aldo frets that Luigi is talented but not easy to deal with, plus he wants Aldo next to him all the time. Lety asks“Gee I wonder why?” and they both laugh. Aldo gets up and leans in across Lety’s desk to remind her about dinner. Lety backs away from him uneasily.

An outdoor shot of Conceptos shows us that it is now dark… finally, thank goodness!

Ariel asks why PM is now at the prestigious presidential desk and why Alicia is in a lowly regular desk. He says next she’ll be in the cafeteria, where at least she’s have a uniform and won’t have to worry about torn stockings. Aldo, walking out of Lety’s office, sees this and walks away in disgust. Alicia pretends she hadn’t noticed the torn stockings. He offers her money for new pantyhouse but she is insulted and turns his money down.

Luigi shares his choice of music for the campaign with Marcia, Ricky and Aldo. Aldo wants something more animated, something that “invites one to dance.”

Stalker Tomas is in his office admiring the many photo copies of varying sizes of Alicia’s picture which he probably spent all afternoon making. Alicia walks in but luckily he is able to hide the pictures before she sees them. She demands the pantyhose. He offers them to her timidly and she grabs them and walks out.

Ariel walks into Luigi’s office. Luigi introduces Ariel to Aldo. Ariel promptly asks Aldo what his function at Conceptos is. Aldo gives him a very complete description of the campaign and his role in it. Ariel seems miffed that they have this great gig that might actually bring them out of this mess. He asks if this is the great idea that Lety came up with to bring them out of the ruin that she prevoked. Aldo asks if Ariel really thinks that this mess is all just Lety’s doing. Ariel tells Aldo to mind his own business. Aldo fights back by smiling so brightly that Ariel’s eyes start to bleed and he falls to his knees begging for mercy! … Well, the bleeding and begging didn’t really happen… but maybe in tomorrow’s episode…


Lovely. I adored the scene with Saimon and Fernie in the garbage. Too funny, I watched it all twice.

I laughed out loud when Fern hugged that ridiculous giraffe plushie. The look on his face was priceless!
If this novela ever gets a plot twist like- say, a serial killer- I vote Ariel as the first victim. Man, I HATE that guy! Leave Alicia alone!


Tani, I think Ariel loves Alicia. No one hates someone that bad for no reason, "unless" he is trying to convince himself that he does not love her and "how repulsive it would be". Your thoughts??

Also, had to laugh more, when lety was daydreaming and winded up on the desk, with her lips puckered. Oh my God. Priceless. I needed the Lety/Fern fix. It has been so long, since they had this kiss. It was priceless as well. Don't like Aldo at all. He is coniving, narcissistic and sloppy. He knows what he is doing when he touches Luigi. He knows what he is doing when he touches las feas including Alicia and he keeps that smirk on his face. He really thinks he is god's gift to the human race. Also, notice Luigi speaking in English "Oh my god" instead of Mio dios or dios mio ROTF

I thought Fern looked like he was really trying very hard not to laugh when he and Lety were on the desk kissing. It wasn't one of his usual kisses and looked as if he was trying not to smile when it was going on. It looked a little awkward with the lip action.
All said, I loved seeing them together even if it was a dream sequence!
I thought Caro was really cute spinning around in her chair.
The only time I feel sorry for the Oxi is when the little mermaid in around. He is so totally detestable that I can't stand him.
I thought, "Aha! You have met your match with Dr. Phil!!!!!!!!"

Carrie L.

I had to work late last night and asked my son to tape LFMB for me. Once I watched it, I was really happy to have it on tape so I could watch the funny stuff and THE KISS again.
Fern in the dumpster, Simon helping was great. Cuddling the stuffed animal was so funny.
I was pretty sure the passionate kiss-on-the-desk was a daydream, but WOW--haven't seen Lety kiss Aldo like that. Fern stalking in with the card in his teeth like a rose was too much. The Caro chair-spin was really funny, as was her peeking around the card.
What a typical fea embrace, awkward and clumsy, yet filled with passion.
I also love Tomas' "thoughtful" gift of pantyhose for his lady love. Funny how the Oxi was happy to get them once Ariel started picking on her. Really liked the line about Aldo making Ariel's eyes bleed with his blinding smile.

I think the odds of Ariel loving Alicia or anyone else are virtually nil. He has shown symptoms of warmth towards his sisters, and he has sucked up to the senior Mediolas in what he probably assumes is a good imitation of affection, but to everyone else he shows only contempt - even strangers like Aldo.

There is especially no reason for him to feel anything other than contempt for Alicia. (Well, that and lust, but he's made that clear.) He and Alicia have already attempted to blackmailed one another, and at one point she offered to prostitute herself to him, but he didn't think she was worth the amount she wanted, and offered to whore her out to friends.

The reason he still continues to kick her around is because it's fun and he can. No one else would ever tolerate his abuse - nor would they have to, since he's only a stockholder and isn't in a position to fire anyone. Alicia continues to endure it, and even flirts with him at times, because she still thinks she can use her feminine assets to get some money out of him. (Real money, not $9 for new hose.)

I keep missing the words used for alicia's stockings? I tried looking in my pathetic dictionary for stockings, nylons, runners and I could find any words; yet I know they are always talking about her nylons. What words am I listening for, so I can improve my understanding of what they saying.

Alicia tried to hang a fake pregnancy on Ariel & Omar,and he doesn't like her? Would you?

stockings = medias.

I don't see how the Snake could have seen her nylons since she was behind her desk all the time (didn't tape last night drat so can't check). In any event I did notice that Aldo the Magnificent (NOT) didn't appear to like Ariel after watching the way he spoke to Oxi and then again when the snake made his comments in Luigi's office. That appears to be the first and only person he hasn't liked in the whole show.

ParrotHead and Aldo. Hilarious as Dr. Phil begins to go into one of his spiels and Tommy Boy just blows him off. That had to be a first.

Love, love, loved Fern sitting by the dumpster with the animals all lined up reading the card and whew that scene in Lety's office. They looked like they were going to devour each other and people want her to end up with Aldo? Por Que?

How long a work day do these people have? It is now nightfall not dusk and Lety is going to call ANOTHER meeting for a progress report on what did/didn't get done since the morning meeting. Talk about micro managing!. Go home everyone and change clothes - please.

Ariel and Alicia ugh that makes my skin crawl. Weeks ago someone said they thought he might have killed his wife. We have never heard any mention of it, thank God, one more cliche avoided but last night I did notice him wearing a wedding ring. Lord how addicted are we noticing little irrelevant details like a minor character's jewelry. LOL

Anon at 11:54 - stocking in Spanish is "media".
Dear Fernando holding the giraffe like a kid whose just found his lost favorite toy. The whole basura scene with Saimon was hilarious. Did you catch Fer asking Saimon why he uses "tu" with him? Fer still has that status thing going on, even though he is the ex-Presidente,as the garbageman pointed out.
I watched the Saimon/Fer several times - they're a good team.
The Fer/Lety kiss scene wore out the rewind button on my remote.
Aldo- I like him, but am surprised that he plays along with all the adulation he gets, and seems to be laughing to himself about it.
Alma- genius recap line: Ariel's eyes bleeding from Aldo's blinding smile - ROTFLMAO. ¡Gracias!

I though the funniest thing last night, after Fern clutching the bag to his chest screaching "Don't touch!" (or something of that nature) to Simon, was when Tomas was explaining how guapo Aldo is and he kept saying the word guapo over and over again. Then Luigi watched him tear away in a snit, walked seductively up to Aldo and said, "Hola Guapo." Did anyone else laugh it up over that? Maybe just me. I too am so relieved to finally have a new smokin' hot kissing scene. It's been months, hasn't it? I am still in the Aldo camp because I think he's an actual nice guy who isn't pursuing Lety for any bad reasons but no one kisses like Fernando. It is a joy to behold.

Lori in NC

Just found a great video on youtube with zero spoilers. All of it comes form the first day Fern and lety see each other again(yesterday in telenovela world) and back. It even shows when Fern gave lety the giraffe.

Hope you enjoy it
Lori in NC

I think Saimon told Fern, "well I would NEVER tutear inside conceptos, but here, ... " (sort of implying when two guys meet man-to-man at the garbage dump the formality is not needed.)

"Weeks ago someone said they thought he might have killed his wife. We have never heard any mention of it"

Like I've said several times before... I suggested that as a JOKE, only a joke, because of the wedding ring. Just a joke!

I will be happy to see everyone in their next-day clothes, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE what Fern is wearing and I hope he has an orange sherbet-colored shirt somewhere in his closet. :-)

Decie Girl: Alicia would certainly know that her stockings were torn, since Luigi, Saimon, and a host of other people have loudly called attention to it over the last few weeks.

Anyway, when you've got a run that big, you can feel it!


I know that Alcia knew about her nylons and as you said you can feel it, like some kind of kind of bug running up or down your leg. I meant it puzzled me that Ariel would know since he couldn't see her legs as I recall and he hasn't been slithering around Conceptos since the meeting when everyone bitched about offices.

As for the murder, I was joking as well but that wedding ring is distracting.

I so agree about Fern's clothes. I haven't seen him look bad in anything!

Did anyone else notice that by the time Ariel was bugging Alicia about her "medias", she had runners in BOTH legs??

Also, because she broke down and retieved the new ones from Tómas-- does that mean she will be in her current apparel for a lot more time???!! Is that a clue that we will be forced see the cast for even more episodes in the same get up?? Maybe they are saving on production/wardrobe costs this way??? You have to admit, having the day stretch on this way does eliminate the need for extra clothing expenses!

Also, I think Aldo is simply playing along with everyone (to get a feel for the true environment) before he will come to Lety's defense. He can see through the superficial shallowness of their workday characters and is letting them set themselves up. While I am a Fernando lover, I am enjoying Aldo as well, and am anxious to see how he will handle this "curious Concepto's crowd"!!

Oh - my mistake. Snake=Ariel. Not Alicia. My bad.

Okay then, here's another theory: Ariel read about Alicia's torn hose (and maybe the bus trip too) in the newspaper. :-)

Actually, it wouldn't be terribly shocking if Sara had a whole website chronicling Alicia's antics, and Ariel checks it every ten minutes. ;-)


Too funny. You'd think with all the comments she got she would have gone into the restroom and just taken the things off. I've done it and with my pasty white skin it wasn't pretty but to just leave them while all the mannerless folk at Conceptos keep going on about it she is either a glutton for punishment or figures any attention is better then none.

Does anyone catch the scene with Saimon when he had just seen or talked to Aldo and was at PM's old desk, and make a "toothy or bucky beaver" expression with his mouth?
It may have been over a week ago but I thought it was what I saw. It was funny and one of those quick expressions that are easy to miss.
I love the little extra's that the actors often just throw in and probably aren't part of the script!

Carrie L.


I often find myself laughing when I go to bed thinking about those goofy moments, Fern with his stuffed animals, Tomas with the quivering bush any number of little things or facial expressions that tickle the funnybone when mentally reviewing and episode.

I agree that Fernando looked like he was going to break out laughing when he was about to kiss Lety. I don't think it was a passionate scene - it was more comical. It was really nice seeing them together, though. We'll see the real passion when and if they get together at the end.

PM and Alicia say they have a problem taking the bus. Obviously, they are not commuters. Driving to work is not always fun, especially if one is commuting in heavy traffic.

I agree with Louise. If Aldo wanted to sop up the praise and adulation from the Cuartel and others why should he waste his time there, when He could have all those beautiful women in Aculpulco at the Beauty Contest. His eyes were only for Lety. I believe that when he smiles it is because he is within Lety's environment and they all really do not know what brought him to Conceptos in the first place. Hello....Lety.....

Thank you all of you beautiful recappers who bring us so close to this everyday adventure. Also to say a great big thank you to all of the wonderful actors and actresses who brought together all of us Beautiful people from all over the world into La Fea Camp.

Anon 4:25: I know what you mean about laughing later on, remembering funny moments. Last night, it was the look on Tomas's face when Alicia burst into his office and said "give them to me" when he had just been looking at all those copies of her picture.

A few nights before that, it was when Alicia said "hold this" and then when his hands were full, she slugged him.

If i had to choose two people that i hate on this show it would probably be ariel and alicia which is why they would make a great couple LOL If you watch closely you can see that ariel was actually trying to get a better look at alicia's legs i sense something.....

I loved that daydreaming scene im on team aldo but I got to say i love really any romantic scene ynless luigi's involved but still that was my favorite part cuz i have actually done that not in public but in my room with a picture of Orlando Bloom DONT ASK LOL!

As for everyone else pretty much the same boring things i cant wait to see the show down between Ariel and Aldito and Marcia and Lety.


I know that Alicia is a terrible, materialistic person...but I REALLY like her. She is always going toe-to-toe with Sara (whom I cannot stand!), and she's funny. Obnoxious, no doubt, but funny. Conceptos just wouldn't be the same same without our Oxi!


That Lola gal sure made a fine recovery from that thumb-whackin'. As a carpenter, I can tell you a whack like that'll sure ruin your week! Her "I'll be over this in a minute" reaction is a pretty good sign that Jazmin better stand clear of this hombre-ette
Enough kissin'. I'm ready for a fight. I think I've seen Aldo sort of grit his teeth a time or two. In spite of all his flowery optimism and seein' the inside beauty in folks, I get this feeling that he's got a breaking point, and over-exposure to all the locos at Conceptos Asylum combined with the parynoid, jealous ex-novio monitoring him, Ariel's warm welcome, not to mention the gal he's sweet on always bein' sweet n' giggly n' touchin' n' starin' back right up til the time for a kiss, then turnin' cold away and frowning, might be enough to drive the poor fellow into "el mar".
"Never in the life!" That was good, Saimon. I like that one.

What were the comments between Tomas and Alicia about the receipt Tomas had for Alicia's hose? He held the receipt up twice.

i wish aldo and ariel would get in a fight!

Am i missing something. Someone said Aldo's jealous x-novio???? also someone spoke of the daydream of lety and referred to Aldo team??? It was lety dreaming of Fernando??

If I were to hate two people, it would be marcia and aldo. This was in response to another who stated they would hate alicia and ariel rotf. I used to not like alicia, but I can see that she is such a lonely pathetic person and I have compassion for her. When she cries on the phone regarding her carro. She just seems so out of touch with reality. I can't help but feel sorry for her. She is trying to get her needs met the only way she knows how, through sexual attraction. Probably never learned any other way.

Alma, this was a terrific recap and so amusing! ¡Muchas, muchas gracias! (I hope that first exclamation point comes out okay).

I loved reading all the comments. This is the first time I've been able to get to it all day. (Busy day). Thanks to everyone for providing such entertainment in addition to the actual episode!

Anonymous 7:59, Tomas said, here's the receipt in case you want to change (cambiar)....." and by then Malicia was well on her way to the baño, to change!


Again, thanks Alma and all the commenters!


Late posting for me too, as it has been a busy day.

Thanks for the great recap Alma. All of you recappers have such a great sense of humor and through that you make it such a joy to come to this site.

I was so in love with Fernando last night--especially when he was searching for the basura and then once he found it (in the last place he looked---good catch Alma). My heart melted some more when he kissed the ugly giraffe and then again when he read the card.

The fantasy/dream scene of Lety's recharged my push for Lety and Fer to get together and to ride off into the novela sunset. ¡Ojalá!

***Thanks to all of you who told me how to make the Spanish characters on the computer. You can see they are coming in handy.

Yes I hope fernando and lety ride off into the sunset and so do all the people in my little circle in philadelpha Pa.

Thanks for the receipt explanation. Makes more sense now! Tomas was really pretty thoughtful about Alicia. While others made fun of her, he wanted to help her. Maybe treating her as someone worthwhile might actually help her change. Putting others down is a sure sign of low self-esteem.
Thanks again!
Anon. 7:59

Anonymous 7:59 and 8:36 today, you are most welcome. I agree about Tomas. In addition to his stalking behavior, he genuinely thinks Alicia is pretty special. She is still stuck in the "gee, I don't want to be esteemed by a feo, what would that make me?" mode but I am hopeful that will change, too.


Excellent work with the recapping-- I find my comprehension zooms to 110% with the work that's done here! Thank you so much.

Would someone be so kind as to fill me in on the Doctor Phil references? Am I getting the sense that Ariel (stupid name for a guy!) looks like Dr. Phil, or...? It can't be because he has one shred of empirical observational skills- can it?

And another question, just in general:

does it seem that all of Don Erasmo's lines are now dubbed post-production? Is he having some voice/throat/respiratory issues?

I truly love how he is introduced in the credits as the prince of song, so he is obviously quite beloved.

And and and.... what happened with Lety's arm during the Acapulco thread? First there was a cast, then no cast, then a cast, then no cast.... confusing!

Melinama - yes, Saimon said he wouldn't address Fer with "tu" inside Conceptos, and I think Fer doesn't even want him to use it at all, anywhere.
Fer tolerates S. for about 3 minutes, then he gets on his nerves. It's like an older brother/younger brother dynamic.
Mander - Dr.Phil refers to Aldo and his "psycho babble" deep thoughts.

Anya-- ah, thank you so much. Now Aldo just needs his own show, with a wardrobe person.

Oh wiat, he already has a wardrobe persai... d'oh!

>>>>And and and.... what happened with Lety's arm during the Acapulco thread? First there was a cast, then no cast, then a cast, then no cast.... confusing!

Mander, she kept taking it off because sometimes her arm hurt and sometimes it didn't and then kept asking Aldo to put the sling back on. From what I read she really hurt her arm doing thunderstorm/rainning scene before the junta where she quit.

Regarding Fernando and Lety riding off into the sunset. I am all for it. I live for this. the only reason I watch it. As for philadelphia crowd. HEY HEY I am from phila area, small world. Bristol.Bensalem

I missed the part where someone was helping another person use spanish accents. I have spanish lanuage downloaded on my computer and when I type spanish, I just click on the icon for spanish characters.

The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 211 & 212 is at this link.

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