Tuesday, February 06, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #203 2/5/07 In which Omar gives us a vocabulary lesson and Fern learns how to pronounce "DomensaEEN."

After the rehashes... Lopez (channeling Dickens's hand-wringing, obsequious Uriah Heep) has found a lovely office for Tomas, who promptly gives him a few orders and tells him to take away the horrible pictures. Tomas asks Lety who his secretary will be - hoping for Alicia, no doubt [Editor's note: Alicia has so extravagantly outgrown her costumes that I am left speechless]. Lety says (1) forget about Alicia or you'll never get any work done; (2) after I deal with the cuartel I'll decide who'll work in this sector.

She calls Caroline to find out where Aldo is, thought-bubbling about how much she misses him. No answer.

Next Lety is escorted to Fern's old office. She sits in his chair. Her infamous old garbage is there! "Why was this bag full of lies saved?" Throws picture of Marcia on the bag. "Why did you leave me your garbage?"

Aldo is, meanwhile, thronged by the adoring, simpering cuartel members and is simultaneously getting the Sexy Siren vibe from Alicia, who commences powdering her cleavage. Coming around the corner, Tomas observes this and has a spasm of jealousy about his "big momma."

Aldo goes out for a little air to escape all this attention and kill some time till Lety is free to see him. After he leaves, Lety arrives and Tomas says: "There's some guy looking for you, I don't like the look of him at all."

I loved this next part. Fern and Aldo are on a collision course as Aldo heads out and Fern is arriving. Aldo blocks his way with a strange little shuffle, forcing Fern (who first asks, "Shall we dance?") to introduce himself and shake hands. "Fernando Mendiola." Aldo, staring him down: "I've heard a lot about you." "Uh, do we know each other?" "We have friends in common. I'm Aldo Domensain." "And what are you here for, DomensaEEN?" "Various things. For instance, I have business with Luigi Lombardi." Aldo walks away, leaving Fern shouting behind him, "Nice to meet you, we'll catch up later."

Omar bumbles into his perplexed partner and asks, "Who was that?" "Aldo Domensayne." "Isn't it DomensaEEN? Like those..." asks Omar. "What? there's a name like that? With the accent on the 'i'?" [I see a new shtick developing here.] Well, I don't like him, he has soperbia (I think it's 'an attitude'), he's sangrón (annoying), altanero (arrogant). He acted like he was the owner of Conceptos - which of course I'M not - DomensaEEN? [goes on tiptoes as he says "EEN"] [walking away with Omar] Is he from Spain? ..."

Lopez is working on where to put Erasmo. "There's Omar's office..." "No," says Lety, "that's off-limits." "OK," says Lopez, "I'll keep looking for something suitable for your eminent, high level."

After he leaves Erasmo asks Lety: "Rather than finding one on another floor, how about the office YOU had? Where is it?" She shows him her little closet. Erasmo calls it a hueco (a squinchy little parking space, a stairwell, a hole in a tree) and asks, "who worked here? The Phantom of the Opera? La Llorona?" "I did." "How??! Who dared put you in this hole?" "At first it was just till they found a better space, but time passed, and Don Fernando needed me all the time, and I decided to stay here. I love this place."

"I didn't pay for university and postgraduate and special degrees to have you in this dark stuffy hole." "It wasn't bad. True, there aren't windows, but just look at this little lamp - you can turn it on, off, on, off, to tell if it's day or night! You got your two telephones [makes a mocking phone demonstration], and a great computer with all the most advanced financial programs... and look how fast you can get to the archives! [Rolls her chair back a few inches and hits the bookcase.]" Erasmo decides to stay: "If you could tolerate it, so can I, we're made of the same stern stuff! And this way I can be near you." Awww.

In his office, Omar reassures Fern: "If she let us use this office, she can't hate you so much." "Of course she does!" "Nah, she's melting, soon she'll fall into your arms, just use all your old tricks." "She won't listen." "If you want, I can explain things to her." [Worst idea of the week.] "She doesn't trust me and I don't know how to express what I feel. While we were apart, all I wanted was to get back with her, while all she wanted was to forget me."

While Aldo is outside, dancing with Fern, the fight over him is waged in his absence by Alicia (powdering her cleavage) and Luigi. It ends when Aldo pops out of the elevator and heads directly for Lety. Those people who say "no chemistry between Aldo and Lety" are stubborn Fernites. In fact, there is a sweet and very charged moment as Aldo and Lety smile at each other and he touches her hair tenderly, while all others are impactados. They give each other a twirl and she happily introduces him to all. They go off to gab.

Meanwhile, Omar goes on with his "reflections." "The weaker sex, women's suffering is a thermometer for the intensity of their love. They like to call their friends, talk about how destroyed they are, drenched in a sea of tears, then they say: 'I love this wretch.' Women don't cry for happiness, that's just in telenovelas. Lety suffered so much for you, her love can't be snuffed out already."

"Magnificent theory. Then why didn't she marry the first man who hurt her?" "Because you came along and made her suffer more. Newton or somebody discovered this theory." "Omar, know what people think of you? They think you're a sewer rat, navigating the black waters."

"OK, here's another thought. Did Marcia love you because you're the greatest guy in the world? No, she suffered for two years ["three" interjects Fern], she suffered like crazy, but if you stepped up and said you'd marry her, she'd say yes and be happy." "Lety's different, you don't know her. Here's MY theory - there's nothing more 'radical' than a woman who's made up her mind, and Lety has." "Mr. Ex-President, you're so stubborn. When a woman says no it means maybe; when a woman says maybe it means yes; when a woman says yes it means Right Now." They agree Lety's different and Omar asks, "Have you told her you loved her?" "Yes, and at that moment the phone rang, guess who called? M - M - MAL TIMING!"

After marvelling over how hard it will be to make 2-mill-plus dollars a month for three months, they consider the tiny amount of space in the office they must now share, and Omar gives Fern, and us, a vocabulary lesson. "For three months we must somentamonos, subjugate ourselves, it's a new word for me..." They discuss rearranging things - Fern has to go get his stuff out of Lety's presidential office. "Hacinamiento (stacking/piling/heaping), that is to say amontonamiento (piling up, crowding together), Mr Ex-President, you can look it up in the dictionary. ... It will be like our old school days when we used to share a desk."

Fern comes in search of Lety and is MUY IMPACTADOS to find she is with Aldo. He suffers one of his delicious bouts of jealousy and goes back and tells Omar, "She's with HIM! With DomensaEEENNNN with an accent on the I!"

In the conference room Lety and Aldo are beaming at each other, talking softly about business while their eyes are saying something else entirely. It gradually occurs to them that Aldo's huge [boring] project, concocted with honcho restauranteur Guillermo - aka "Gastronomic Tourism of Mexico" - could be turned into a huge undertaking - advertisements and expositions around the world! - and if Conceptos designed and implemented the whole campaign, it might even pay the bills.

Aldo gets closer and the atmosphere gets more tender and he says, "I have some other things pending ... how's your heart? Are you still suffering for Fernando Mendiola?" and we can tell by Lety's puckered-O mouth that she's mighty glad it's suddenly time for the Golden Circle of Goodbye!


Good morning and thanks for the recap. I have just recently discovered this site (about 10 days ago), and have enjoyed reading the comments. I had discovered LFMB sometime in December - just before Lety went to Acapulco, so I came to it without knowing any of the backstory - and still too lazy to go back and read all the recaps.
I am a fan of "Ugly Betty", and learned how it was based on "Betty la Fea", and in looking for info on that, stumbled on LFMB. (I think it would be fun to see BLF and Lety make appearances on UB.)
I very much ENJOY all of the comments by other viewers. The recaps are great especially for those evenings when I have meetings (I don't have TiVo or any other recording devise).
I do find the acting - as someone else said - flamboyant and over-the-top - with elements of slap-stick - but it often makes me laugh (and laughter is good) - as drama though, Shakespeare it ain't. The acting is so over-the-top that you could watch LFMB without sound and almost figure out the story just by watching the facial expressions and body language.
Question: Do you think Lety will get full of herself, that is, change (personality) because she has a high-falutin' title and job??
Thanks for letting me toot my horn - looking forward to the rest of the comments on last night's show. (I discovered that I need to check back a few times a day - and then just before the show airs to catch up on all your comments.)
Y'all have a good day -me, I'm going to try to keep warm (it is just about 7 AM, and 9 degrees outside).

PS - I am in the 60+ camp :- )

Good Morning,Yes, another filler show and this time 20-30 minutes of our two brain surgeons Fernando & Omar in an English class,i.e. Aldo Domenseen,Domensian.If I didn't love the inter-action of Fern with Omar,I would have watched something else.

The meeting scene of Aldo & Lety made me want to "barf"..The blinking and gazing into each others eyes,softly caressing of the face,please. Lety is already impressed with herself,and I love Lety.Even though, she's moved into the office of the president,she still reverts back into the giggle girl trait that comes from Julietta (her mom)..Will this character ever grow up in this story, or is it the little girl character in Lety that we love?

Now that Aldo has moved into Conceptos, "something" tells me that Aldo may have a financial interest in Conceptos to secure him a place at the head table when all the "brilliant minds" get together in the boardroom..It's gotta be something other than having the "hots" for Lety..Maureen,Ft. Myers,Florida

Oh dear, Maureen, it sounds like you hate everybody on the show now!!

Few things. To the 60 plus with 9 degrees and recently watching Lety. I am 64 and it is 9 degrees and it is Pennsylvania??? I started watching la fea in around october and I thought it was over in January. My tutor in spanish and I both thought that, so I watched it for practice and got hooked. However, it was Mexico's version that was over in January which is now Feb23. I was told that mexican soaps only last a few months and they end happy. With Aldo, he used Luigi to get into Conceptos. He knows he is gay and he played the role with Luigie. I think that is hurtful, self centered and him thinking he is gods gift to the human race. Even the way he did not tell Lety he was coming to conceptos, because he automatically assummed that she would run to his arms. He is probably using her also, to make it in Conceptos. The look they had was no type of chemistry that is between lety and fernando. That chemistry makes one melt. The look lety had with aldo was one of admiration and respect, but not love. She thinks she needs his support. She feels secure with him around, because he was there when she fell apart. Don't think she actually understands this.

Melinama..Hate is your word--not mine...I believe I said love several times in my comments..Maureen

Thanks so much for the recap!
I really enjoyed Omar and Fern's conversation about women. I thought it was very funny (and maybe a hint of truth in some of it?), speaking personally that is.
I loved the Fern/Aldo meeting. Aldo definitely doesn't like Fern and Fern is already jealous/threatened by Aldo.
I thought it was funny to see Alicia's intense "powdering".
I loved the effect the Aldo/Lety meeting had on Luigi and Alicia.
I thought Lety had a goofy smile when she was gazing up into Aldo's eyes. He's quite a charmer and seems to work his magic on everyone he comes in contact with (with the exception of Fern).
Carrie L.

Hi Everyone, I am a new viewer of LFMB. I was channel surfing,around a month or two ago. When I seen this man crying, with the most gorgeous dancing eyes. I have been hooked ever since. I do not speak a work of spanish. It was hard understanding what was going on, still, I kept watching(THAT MAN). It was most fortunate to have come across your website. Bless everyone for doing the recaps. Thank you all so much for helping a girl get her Jamie Camil fix. The acting is light,however it is a break from the doom and gloom elsewhere. Again, Thank You All!

I totally agree with anonymous who posted at 8:06 am. Aldo is just slick and quite calculating. That gazing scene between Aldo and Lety at the end of the show was really sickening. I actually had to turn away from the screen after about 2 seconds - it seemed to go on forever. I'm so glad to know that there are so many viewers in my age category (55+). With so much emphasis on youth in our culture, it's nice to know there are others out there like me who are totally obsessed with LFMB. (this is my first novela)

"The acting is light,however it is a break from the doom and gloom elsewhere." I agree with this--part of LFMB's appeal is the comedy and lighter spirit. I'm not a regular telenovela watcher, but what I've seen is usually all intense melodrama, lots of heartbreak and revenge. Those elements are in LFMB, but the laughs and physical comedy are such a nice balance for the darker side. Of course, sometimes it gets out of balance when something is dragged out too long, like the Feas' endless slobbering over Aldo or the death of Mr. Mumbles. None of us complain about too much Fern, do we?

Thanks for the recap, Melinama. I like everybody on this show, and some I absolutely love. I like their quirks and goofy personalities, their faults, their strengths, their weaknesses, the over-the-top acting in the over-the-top situations. I really enjoy the insightful comments by all the bloggers. All in all, this story, these recaps and these comments are a magnificent way to escape from the everyday world for a little while to enjoy pure suspend-reality entertainment.

P.S. To the age 64 person who's living in 9-degree weather: if it is Pennsylvania I'm gonna move there because right now in our -6 temperature with -29 wind chill, I'm thinking of moving to a warmer climate.

Yes, I too am in the AARP range of viewers, 67, and struggling with learning Spanish (I'm already forgetting English words so yikes, a foreign language is twice as hard now) STILL...Fernando and Lety and all the crazy bunch, plus our awesome recappers really help. My U of Chicago dictionary is feeble on a lot of words but Streetwise Spanish saves the day. And now I don't feel so guilty for reacting to Fernando like I'm still 20 years old...I guess inside, we never change. Thanks Melinama, Julie and all the crew...you're the best. Judy

anyone notice the chemistry btwn Aldo n Fernando............i kept wishin he would kiss her n fernando would walk in an witness it....

Thanks for the great recap!!

I really loved the gazing and caressing that Aldo gave Lety!! Oolala!! (don't know the Spanish for 'ooolala') I also thought Lety and Aldo's 'business discussion' was one of the most sensuous I've ever seen. Ooooo. Gave me the good kind of goosebumps. Lordy!

I agree that the scene between Aldo and Lety was very romantic. I disagree with the comment that there was no chemistry between them. Something was happening between them. In the end, however, I think Lety will choose Fern over Aldo.

Judy, on the forgetting English ROTF. I spend so much time listening to spanish music, with my spanish words to the songs in front of me and then talking to myself in spanish while walking my dog, many times I go to say something and can't think of the english word. Many times when reading something to my clients at work, I pronounce words in spanish dialet, DUH. I am losing it; yet, I can only pick up words on La Fea. Rarely but occasionally I pick up phrases. As I once said, doing this at 64 probably was not a good idea; OR, it will suddenly come to me ROTF. Someone commented that the scene with aldo and lety with their business discussion was sexy. I did not see that. I saw him as calulating and Lety as needy.

I too think Fernando and Lety get together in the end. This thing with Aldo coming aboard is probably to give lety confidence in herself and to realize that she has choices and for fernando to see that when lety decides to stay with Fernando, it is because she "chose" to do this and not because she can't get someone else. this would make for a healthier relationship between them, instead of lety being greatful for Fernando. Also everything that fernando is going through, lety went through (ie. Lety watching fernando come to work with marcia, listening through the door while he spoke to marcia, seeing them kiss, etc. Now he will watch lety speaking to and showing affection to someone and he will be more jealous, even tho he was jealous of tomas in the past. This is making her more attractive to fernando and in the end, he will feel he really has a catch and feel honored that he was chosen.

This is for all the spanish loving
If LFMB is your first telenovela, just hope that they replay "Alborada". Everyone who has seen it and been drawn into the story and fallen in love with Fernando Colunga will agree that you have a real treat coming.
I find that I don't even look to see what's on the local U.S. stations from 7 to 9, because nothing is as entertaining as the
Welcome aboard.

I would just like to say a huge Thank You to all of the recappers here on this site. Without you (and all of the wonderful comments) I honestly don't think that I would enjoy LFMB nearly as much as I do. I am especially thankful about today's recap. Someone called me during my "LFMB Hour" and I ended up missing the last 15 minutes of the show. What kind of cruel person does that to a Fernaholoc (if there's a 12 step program for this addiction, I don't want to know about it) like me?? :-)

Again, THANK YOU to all of the recappers for the fabulous job that you do.

Michelle in Minnesota

Is the fernando you speak of in Alborado, the one I saw about a year ago. It appeared to be a southern movie, where the women had on southern bell dresses. She was married to him but the capitan in the military was in love with her and in the end, had this man arrested, but at the very end, they are running across the fields and into each other's arms, because the captain let him go????? Was that Alborado and was that Fernando you speak of?????

I am also in the over 50 group. I am 58.
The first thing that Lety should do as president is implement a dress code. Can you just picture Alicia in a business suit with a knee length skirt & a blouse that actually covered her boobs.
Also, maybe Oprah could have the cast of La fea on her show, the majority of the cast speak English. It would be nice to see them all together talking about the show & what a phenomenom is has become in the non-Spanish speaking world. Oprah did have Salma Hayek & the cast of Ugly Betty on.

I tell people not to call me between 8-9 pm when the show is on. My husband knows that I will not take any calls. When I went to Boston to visit my daughter I found LFMB there on channel 17.

Has anyone figured out why they all think Aldo's last name is so funny?

During the scene where Fern and Aldo are walking towards each other, I thought it would be funny to flash to a couple of holsters strapped around their hips and put it in slo mo - perhaps with the good, bad and the feo theme playing in the background. And then "gay" Aldo could lay a big wet one on Fern ... Beckster, you are a bad influence. Sandy

Anonimous 12:36 I think you are talking about his previous novela "Amor Real", but is the same Fernando Colunga we love.
Lola maybe not Oprha, but per sure Christina will have the cast in her show, some people were talking about getting tickets and going to the show, does anybody knows how is that going?.... I'm interested in going

Lopez reminds me of Eddie Haskell from "Leave it to Beaver." Such a smarmy suck up.

As for the scene between Lety & Aldo in the sala de juntas, well it creeped me out. I tried to analyze this, and it is mostly due to the fact that I don't like Aldo. BUT, I do think he was coming on to her pretty strongly, and they were at her place of business. Again, perhaps I only thought this because it was Aldo.

Loved the scenes between Omar and Fer. They crack me up, and once again, Omar's understanding of women is really lacking. What an oaf. I'm so glad Fernando is not listening to him anymore...as his advice paid off so well in the past!!

I agree with the person who posted that Fer and Lety's roles are being reversed. Eventually they will be together, I'm sure that Aldo is just a road block.

Why thank you Sandy...I was just sitting here grinding my teeth & fiddlin with the remote...I know I have a over-the-top dire hatred of Aldo; actually I am not a total Fernando and certainly not a total Jaime Camil shipper...but Fernando is like the funnest person I know and Aldo so isn't...Does that mean he should die...Well that is open for debate. Just know, when he comes on the screen...somewhere I am sitting with a STFU bubble above my head.

As for Cristina tickets, we're told to call back in a couple of weeks. Maureen from FL has been working on this. Any more news Maureen.

I'd love to go to Miami to get out of this Wisconsin winter (especially right now with sub zero temps and wind chill in the danger zone).

Judy and Anonymous 12:01 -- I talk to my cats all the time in Spanish. It doesn't matter if I say the phrase incorrectly or not because they ignore me in Spanish just as well as they ignore me when I speak English. But I figure it's good practice.

Not to worry about Aldo. I think we've come too far with Lety and Fern for them not to end up together. Isn't that why we're glued to it, because of all the obstacles both of them have to overcome?

Great recap!

I loved the whole DomensaEEN thing. It made me laugh out loud!
I had only heard Aldo's last name a few times in the past couple of episodes. When he introduced himself to Fern, I was thinking his name sounds like Dom-IN-SANE! So I was really getting a laugh out of Fern saying the name and discussing it with Omar.

Sandy asked: Has anyone figured out why they all think Aldo's last name is so funny? I think it’s because of the way Aldo is saying it. He definitely puts all the emphasis on the part after the “Dom”, the part that sounds like IN-SANE to me. I think it comes off a little pretentious the way he is saying it, but we are talking about Aldo here.

I don't know. Lety's mother giggled at "Domensain" a few weeks ago when Lety said it too. I get from everybody's reaction that it's unusual to accent the last syllable (I guess). But I still don't get how that's actually funny. Maybe it really does sound pretentious.

Can anybody explain to me who and what a gentleman named George is? He seems to show up out of the blue, makes predictions to Lety or Fernie and disappears. At least that's what I think he does.

My spanish is really crummy but I became adicted to LFMB anyway (one look at Jaime Camil) I can't thank you enough for the recaps.

Anonymous 2:20. You are talking about the Jorge Flores (better known to us in Caray, caray as PG) and that is all he does; He comes tells them thing about themselves (that they should know, but are to into their suffering to notice) and then disappears.


Loved the holster image when Aldo and Fern met on the sidewalk. I thought exactly the same thing and was mentally humming the theme from High Noon. I thought Aldo was extremely rude during the encounter. He did not know who Fern was when they first met on the sidewalk and yet he contineud to try and block his path. Of course when Fern introduced himself Aldo went into his pitbull routine thinking about how he had hurt Lety.

The name thing does seem to be overly stupid. So it is obviously not a Mexican name - BFD.

Omar the twit - please send in a woman character to take him down a peg. We've analyzed everyone else to the gnat's eyebrow. I wonder what makes him tick. He has some SERIOUS issues with women. I don't know why Fern puts up with him other then as a sounding board he can talk to about his feelings for Lety.

The Aldo Lety meet and Lugi's scream of horror made me laugh but the adolescent intent gaze was a tad over the top. The whole business discussion also creeped me out especially when she started writing things down while holding the paper on his shoulder.

My real dislike for Aldo is because he has made Lety dependent on him. She is now afraid to do anything without his support. Before she met him she was fearless. She hasn't grown any - she has actually regressed in my eyes.

Just wait until the junta meets and they all moan and groan that they don't have enough projects to meet the six month commitment let alone the new three month deadline and Lety will come up with the huge Aldo project (which sounds as boring as hell).

I'm no Aldo fan and I agree that he seems to be using Lety, probably to make himself feel good since his wife left him for his best friend. Here he has this fea who hangs on his everyword - what a nice ego trip.

I don't think Aldo has any financial interest in Conceptos which is a family owned business unless the snake sold him his shares which i don't think he could do.

Since this novela has been artificially stretched Aldo is a throw away character. Had he been in the story from the beginning his motivation would be clearer but since he has just been thrown in the pot there doesn't seem to be any real character development for him. Lots of novelas have two men competeing for the leading lady but they are there from the start and we know where they are coming from and can develop a sense of who they are and why the relationships will end the way they do.

Actually, Aldo definitely knew who Fern was - he figured it out in a previous episode AND put him together with the guy who had driven his car up to the boat on the beach.

Here's what I think is going on with Fern and Aldo. Fern is like the guy in the Incredible String Band Hedgehog Song - "Oh, you know all the words, and you sung all the notes, But you never quite learned the song ... I can tell by the sadness in your eyes, that you never quite learned the song." He was a big mujeriega (womanizer) but he didn't understand love. Then he met Lety and realized what he'd been missing. He's desperate not to lose that feeling.

Aldo, on the other hand, looks to me like a guy who lost his mojo. His wife cheated on him and died - for two years (his friends told us) he's lived like a monk. No mojo. (I'd be more specific but there's at least one 13-year-old reading this blog.) Then he meets Lety and, for whatever reason, he gets his groove back. He's feeling something again. And HE'S desperate not to lose that feeling. He's not a stalker, he's a guy who's crazy happy to be feeling something again.

I like both Fern and Aldo. I don't care what happens, I'm just glad to have a telenovela to watch in which nobody is getting poisoned.

Fern appears to be having a terrible day. Looks like when nightfalls he will be off to PG's place for a dose of advice. I was amazed that he had the bag in his office. I guess Marcia tossed it at him and didn't have the heart to throw the things away. So now instead of Lety having momentos of their relationship, Fern does. How sweet.

Loved Erasmo staying in the closet office although that may not be a good thing if Fern eventually has a discussion with her in her office where Robopop can find out what really went down.

Tomas is still a pain in the butt throwing out orders and acting the big man while still wearing his raincoat like a cape. And Alicia if her clothes get any shorter or tighter she'll be giving Niurka a run for her money as the actress who wears the least clothes in a telenovela.


I suppose the joke about DomensaEEN is similar to the pretensions of the lead in that British show who says her name is Hyacinth BOOkay (it's spelled Bucket). Or it's like calling the Target store Tarjhay.

thanks for the tip. I think it was the Amor Real. The first spanish novela I watched. Wish I knew what was happening then. He was in jail and the capitan lovedd her and was responsible for fernando being in jail for that reason? Why did he let Fernando go? Change of heart. I thought that man was so romantic, which kept my interest in that tele. But nothing is as obsessive as this is with fernando camil. Oh my god. I never acted like this with any stars in my day and they inlcluded elvis, the beatles, tom jones, well tom jones did ring my chimes, but no one like jamie.

Putting Erasmo in the little closet office worried me--how can Fern and Lety enjoy furtive embraces in the President's office if Robopop is right there?

I sincerely believe that Lety should end up with Fernando. Novelas play off the desire that so many women to have the story. The story is not falling madly in love with a man and is also madly in love with you and then end up with the man that helped you get over your first love. Aldo is simply the rebound man, someone that is the complete opposite of Lety’s true love, Fernando. Yes, Aldo is attractive but not as handsome as Fernando. Anyway, I guess I’m still turned off from the very tiny feminine shorts Aldo wore at the beach. All I have to say is, only Daisy should wear the ducks. Tasha

Thanks Melinama..you have a superb way of expressing my thoughts more eloquently than I ever could about Fern and Aldo's feelings. I agree that Fern and Aldo are both trying to hang on to that lovin' feeling. I was thinking that was why Aldo fell hard and quick for Lety. He feels a connection/sympathy with her in that she was betrayed too by someone she loved (Ferni). When folks called him a stalker I thought that was way too harsh.

Someone said (some time ago) that it was weird it took Aldo 2 years to get over his wife's death/betrayal. Sometimes it takes more time than that to recover from a great loss--if at all--so I didn't see anything weird about him being a "bachelor" for 2 years. Aldo's feelings run deep.

Alot of people out there need to give Aldo a break i dont remember him asking for the attention i believe the women at conceptos are just Aldo hungry. Come on people Aldo has not encouraged anyone let alone Luigi. Aldo is good for Lety the fact that she is not running back to Fernando means she is growin n the fact that she wishes to share consult with Aldo means she is ready to have other friends other than Thomas. Also lets not forget that Fernando went back to Marcia afew weeks after Lety left n he still claims his in love with her this is like history repeating itself. So when Aldo actualy does something wrong lets hate him as for now.... i personaly enjoy watchin Fernando sweat while he watches Lety n Aldo together

Thanks for the great recap. I thought this episode was funny despite it being a filler episode. I did love the look on Luigi and Alicia's face when Lety & Aldo met and el cuartel's unison HA, HA...very funny as well as the Fern/Aldo meeting and the whole name Domensaeen thing. I loved those scenes with Lety & Aldo I thought they where very cute and I am a Fern fan go figure(not sure if would classify myself as a Fernaholic but I can say I am getting there). It did look steamy during the conversation in the sala de junta you'd think there were discussing something other than a plan to pay off the Conceptos debt. Also, I checked out youtube for the first time there are lot of clips from Mexico which surprised me but I did enjoy the Fern & Lety montages. I am sure you Fern fans saw them but let me tell you they were very, very cute. My favorite ones were with a song called Dueña de mi Vida.

Thanks dear "AARP Spanish learners" for encouraging me. I HAVE tried talking to myself (or the cat) in Spanish but sometimes other languages (learned long ago) come out...but happy to know that's one of the techniques you're trying too. I start thinking I'm understanding everything but it's because I'm reading the Spanish closed captions...when I learned that tip from Caray Caray it was a big step forward and I passed it on to all my fellow students in Adult Ed Spanish. Hoping to get to the point where I'll get it without those, but for now they're a lifesaver.
Am intrigued by the strength of feeling against Aldo..is the role being written and played in such a way to alienate us...so we won't feel bad when she chooses Fernando instead.
Same thing with Marcia...is she portrayed so hatefully because if not, we would disapprove of the clandestine romance between Lety and Fernando?
I found myself watching a youtube clip of at Fea rehearsal in which Marcia was laughing uproariously and having a great time with all the cast members and I found I could like her a lot more.
Well enough musings, love the show, love the recaps and love all you bloggers...Judy 67

I heard someone say that in mexico Lety and aldo are about to get married .

I am honored to be in the company of the 60+ group. I hear that 60 is the new 40. :)
I agree with Decie girl- Lety may love Aldo but she is not in love with him. There is a difference.

I am honored to be in the company of the 60+ group. I hear that 60 is the new 40. :)
I agree with Decie girl- Lety may love Aldo but she is not in love with him. There is a difference.

oops, sorry for the duplicate message but I thought that I lost my internet connection.

Anonymous 3:56 I can relate to what you said about Fern/Jamie, comparing him (or saying how he does not compare) to your past movie star crushes.
I don’t think there is any guy like him on TV right now.

Anonymous 4:30 said Aldo has not encouraged anyone let alone Luigi.
He did nothing to discourage Luigi and I think many of us find that very disturbing.

I do agree with what you said about watching Fern sweat. It should be very entertaining.
(And I will be routing for Ferni all the way. I am confident he will “grow a pair” and do what he has to do to win Lety's heart in the end!)

Do you guys remember this from the show yesterday:
Sara “Are you looking for Lety?”
Fern “Yes I’m looking for Lety.”
Martha “She is not there. She is in the salla de juntas with, with uh her friend.
Fern “who”
Martha in dreamy voice “Aldo Domenseen”
Sara “Papasito--”
Fern “What did you just say!”
Sara “Sapito.” (you know toad hop hop)
Fern “is there something wrong with your view from up there. Your connections must not join.”
Don’t you think that the cuartel should be guessing that Fern likes Lety.

Fern will definely have to sweat but that is characteristic of the best novelas. The hero always has to pay for treating the heroine badly. We have reached what I call the tit for tat phase. Lety will now give Fern a dose of his own medicine. In true novela fashion Fern went back to Maricia and she knows he doesn't love her. Why they always play this card I don't know, other than to force the heroine to go into get even mode.

They will also obviously drag it out more then enough time so that we can enjoy the ending. I can feel for the Aldo fans because twice I've watched novelas where I thought the secondary lead was the better choice and he'd been around the whole time. I just don't see how the producer can justify having gotten the fans hooked on the Fern/Lety love story and send her off with Aldo.


Don’t you think that the cuartel should be guessing that Fern likes Lety.

You'd think so but unfortunately the cuartel doesn't have a brain amongst them. They missed Lety's reaction in the bar and only one wondered if there was something going on. The other's all poopooed her and that was the end. I certainly hope none of them expect to be invited to Fern and Maric's non-wedding

I agree with " Anonymous said... Do you guys remember this from the show yesterday:" The cuartel has noticed that Fernando is ALLWAYS looking for Lety... how long will it be untill they find out what happened?

Didn't one of the girls say "Lety you do have something to do with (the wedding) don't you?"

Changeing the subject... Is Jamie Camil's personality similar to Fernando's?

First of all all of yall OLD people who think that the scene with lety and aldo wasnt romantic then you are living in a different time that scene was so cute and it proved that lety realy adores aldo much like the way she USED to with fernando

i still dont get how a romantic scene like that could be sickening im a sucker for gushy romantic scenes and i got to say this was one of the most romantic and did u see luigis face he was ready to start crying lol

anomymous 8;06 am if you have only been watching the show since october than you need to rethink being so quick to side against aldo if you had watched even 2 months before you would have seen just how horrible fernando hurt lety b4 i met aldo i was on fernis side but now im ALL 4 ALDO!!!! the point is you need to rethink ferni that goes for everybody who hates aldo for making lety happy

im 14 and in love with this show and i dont got to tell you that a lot of girls my age older and younger love this show and say that aldo should be given a fair chance some say hes horrible but the majority say he belongs with lety whatever happens happens!!!!



Tasha leave aldos daisy dukes alone personally i think they are sexy you will never see fernando in shorts he almost never wears something other than a suit and tie so leave aldo and alone el es un encantador y es muy guapo como es at least aldos got some taste and he doesnt wear the same thing everyday

M31. Bet it will be tomas

My gut feeling is lety and aldo till close to the end, tomas and alicia, or alicia and ariel. He hates her so much that i wonder if it is to fight off his love for her which he may think is revolting. I would say that aldo marries caro,

Dear Melissa, we just can't allow spoilers, too many people here are upset by them and want to be surprised. It's all right to GUESS about the future but if you've SEEN the episodes then it's NO FAIR, OK? Thanks for being understanding.


Thanks to Melissa - and to everybody else who KNOWS what's going to happen but doesn't tell us! We appreciate it!

ok Aldo (juan soler) is not spanish i also made the same mistake and thought that too but the truth is he is from Argentina.


Melinama, this was one delightful recap!! Thanks so much for the details and editorials! My day was six hours of driving in snow (with 12 ditched cars and 6 accidents on the way there, then some more on the way home, and delays while the State Patrol cleaned up the accidents) and six hours in meetings. So, coming home to this recap was just pure heaven. Again, thanks.

The comments of all y'all were delightful as well. Sixty-two is getting up with the record, isn't it?

M3LISSA, sweetie, you called it right that we oldies are from a different time, but it's kinda bad form to point it out to us (grin). We do outnumber you, after all.... But I agree with you that the moment between Lety and Aldo was electric. For those who don't see it right now, maybe they will in the reruns. Who knows? And thank you, M3LISSA for agreeing to abide by the no spoilers policy that's important to us eltern/oldies/oldsters.

For a filler episode, this was awesome because of the recap and the comments. Thanks, everyone, for the therapy after a long day!

Jeanne (for M3LISSA, I'm also one of those dreaded school administrators you see when you are in BIG trouble)

Jeanne, thanks, what a lovely gracious comment. Sorry your day was rotten but glad you weren't in one of the ditched cars!!

Thanks, Melinama. I'm glad, too. It was touch and go a couple of times. Happy to be home and blogging with you!


Curious--Could those of you "in the know," tell me who of these cast members speak English really well? I remember being so shocked when Patty Manterola was on the Oprah show, speaking beautiful English. After hearing these people for months and months speaking spanish, I find it fascinating to hear them speak in my language.
So, please let me know. Thanks.
PS- I, too am still interested about the final Cristina show for FMB. If anyone can find out anything, please tell us all. I'd love to go.

Jeanne you are? and idont get in trouble THAT much lol and thats true u outnumber me *sigh* = )

carole as for your question: lety, fernando, alicia, marcia,aldo, and julieta i dont know who else

M3LISSA, yeah, I am one of those.


I am so glad to hear you don't get into trouble much. I'm not surprised. You seem bright enough to know how to stay cool in school. ¡Buen idea!

Jeanne (not YOUR school administrator, entonces, no hay problema, M3LISSA!)


THANKS! and yes i dont get in much trouble i plan on going to college.
but for now ill just stick to blogging on here





The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 203 & 204 is at this link.

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