Saturday, February 03, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #202 2/2/07 No ice cream.

Aldo is barely tolerating Luigi's vapid flirtation when Marcia screeches for Luigi, who runs out to pacify Marcia. Aldo looks grim as he remembers Lety telling him that Marcia was always rude to her, humiliated her and wanted to fire her.

Luigi brings Marcia into Aldo's office to introduce Aldo. She greets him politely, and Aldo tells her she has pretty eyes the color of the sea. (Luigi bites his fist with envy.) He adds that there is sadness in her eyes. She says he is a perceptive man. Luigi says his friend is a barrel of laughs. He explains that he got Aldo the room so they can work more closely together.

Marcia wants to talk to Luigi. Aldo excuses himself, leaving Luigi and Marcia alone in his office. Marcia enthusiastically says that Luigi has found one very handsome friend! (Wow - this is the most animated I've seen Marcia in many months!) She adds that he's also very charming. "I know that," Luigi agrees happily. He warns Marcia that Aldo is going to fall for him, because he saw Aldo first. He says something like it will happen faster than someone who wants to get out of the closet. Marcia laughs - an unfamiliar sight - which causes her to squeeze her eyes shut. Very tiny vertical lines appear on her forehead around her eyebrows. (Good, the botox is finally starting to wear off! Thank goodness!)

At the Hall O' Justice

At Judges 'R' Us, Fern tells Lety that they share the blame for what happened, but it was mostly his fault, because he caused the company's initial crisis. (Black suit with pale yellow shirt and it looks like a red and orange striped tie. Clearly, this is a man who is not afraid to wear colors.) She says okay, but now the responsibility is hers as president, and she wants to get it over with and never see him again. She'll wait for him at the meeting. Fern excuses himself and leaves.

Save your ice cream for another night. That's all the Fern you're getting for now.

Lety looks sad. RoboPop doesn't notice. He goes to get the car and tells Tomas to look out for Lety. Tomas asks Lety what Fern wanted. She says she'll tell him later, but says she's finding it difficult to be as cold with Fern as she would like.

He asks about the gift she's holding. "It's for the airhead," she giggles. He asks how she likes his tie (it's tied properly today). Lety says that "she" will find it charming. Tomas wonders if "she" will strangle him with it. Lety sighs and says she has to make a decision about the airhead's future.

"Lety, what are you thinking of doing to her?" Tomas cries, pulling out the laminated magazine photo. Lety sighs again.

Meanwhile, back at Conceptos

The cuartel arrives in the main lobby. (Scratch what I said yesterday about PM being dressed slightly more modestly than usual; it was an optical illusion caused by buttoning her jacket.) Despite the fact that they are very late, they hang around the lobby to try to piece the Conceptos situation together. Martha, who seems to be eating a Fudgesicle, asks PM what Lety told her when the lawyers visited Conceptos to size it up for the lien or seizure (I think this happened a long time ago in an episode I didn't see). PM says she was told that she didn't hear or see anything. Irma complains, but PM has no more information to share.

Lola says she doesn't like to gossip, but she thought there was something weird going on between Fern and Lety. Everyone gasps. "Financially," Lola adds. Juana says that Lety seemed not to even want to talk to him last night. Martha mischievously suggests that perhaps there was a romance between them. The others scoff. Noticing the time, Irma scolds them and says they'll be fired for being late. Martha boldly asks who's going to fire them. They all laugh and get on the elevator.

(Meanwhile, down the road apiece, Alicia gets off the bus, hurling insults over her shoulder at the driver and the other passengers, who jeer at her. Disoriented, she complains that she's not cut out to be a poor person. As she finds her way back to Conceptos, we notice a huge run in her stocking.)

In the executive lobby, Lopez is questioning Saimon about the cuartel's whereabouts, when the elevator dings behind them. Seeing that it's the cuartel, Saimon rushes to close the elevator doors and press the Up button before Lopez notices. Saimon says they arrived a long time ago and are having a Code Red in the bathroom. Then he babbles about his name. Marcia comes jiggling by, and Saimon nervously tells her that they've arrived and are in the bathroom.

The elevator door dings a second time. This time, Saimon is not able to protect the cuartel, who push past him impatiently. They don't see Lopez and Marcia. Lola is still bragging that they won't be fired because they're friends of the president. That's when she catches sight of Marcia and says that they were talking about someone in a telenovela who looks just like her. Marcia just wants to know why they're late. They scramble for an explanation and Martha shoves Saimon in front of Marcia. All Saimon can say is "I got here early" and he scurries away.

PM says that they were about to promise that they'd never be late again. Marcia says she's especially tired of PM's promises. Lopez points out that each of them has had two warnings (sanctions, demerits) already, and now he has no choice but to fire them.

Martha chokes on her Fudgesicle and begins to explain about their breakfast with the handsome man, but Irma interrupts and says they were out late last night celebrating Lety's big promotion. Sara says maybe Lety could explain better. Marcia angrily says that Lety can't justify their lateness. Lety being president doesn't make any difference, whether they're VPs or shareholders. This company has rules, and not even the president is above them. (I don't know if Fern ever read that memo.) They whine, and she says she won't tolerate their excuses, their attitudes, their tardiness.

The elevator dings again. It's Alicia, yelling and drawing attention to herself. She asks the cuartel if they're looking for the beauty they've lost. Marcia says that they're going to be fired. This thrills Alicia, until Marcia says it's for extreme tardiness. Alicia then slithers quietly to her desk.

Irma says they realize it's their own fault that they're late, but isn't firing them a rather extreme punishment? Marcia yells some more about Lety's presidency being temporary, and very loudly adds that friendship won't save them. (Alicia hears this and starts poking frantically at her keyboard.) Marcia shouts that it's a company rule and it won't change before, during, or after Lety's presidency, and is that clear, princesses?

Sara asks if this applies to "eeeeeeveryone?", pointing at Alicia, who is now pretending to answer the phone. Marcia says yes. Alicia ditches the phone and comes running over to protest. Marcia jiggles back to her office in disgust.

Alicia begins her verbal abuse - resentful wretches, toads... even she can't be bothered to run through the whole list and says "etc., etc., etc." She asks why can't they keep their tragedies to themselves. She claims that she's never been late before (which might actually be true). She also claims that Lopez sometimes comes in late. She goes on and on. Lopez tries to silence her, with no luck. Sara suggests that they wait till Lety shows up, and then they'll see who gets fired. Lopez does the housefly-grooming routine and says he'll be waiting for all of them in his office.

The cuartel subjects Saimon to some physical and verbal abuse. Sara wants him to go talk to Lopez and Marcia and somehow talk them out of the firing. I can't imagine how he would do that. Lola continues to insist that they won't be fired.

Alicia tells them they're all sick and crazy. The elevator dings yet again, and as the doors slide open behind Alicia, revealing Lety, RoboPop, and Tomas, Alicia continues like a train doing 90 miles an hour.

Alicia: Didn't you hear Marcia? You can't break Marcia's orders. And neither can the tlacoyo - what are you thinking? (Alicia doesn't notice that some of the cuartel are gesturing towards Lety and her posse.) She's no more than a climber who got lucky, you bunch of witches. She's had more luck than you, you poor tlacoyos.

Sara: Airhead, excuse me, are you talking about our friend?

Alicia: Of course.

Sara: The one you called the tlacoyo?

Alicia: Sure, yes, that's the tlacoyo, who else would I be referring to?

Sara: And what else do you call her?

Alicia: She's the tlacoyo bigotón (corncake with a mustache), garnacha (used up old woman, a thick type of tortilla, or a grape - depending on who you ask), sope (a fried tortilla topped with refried beans, onions, and hot sauce), cotorra de circo (circus parrot?), estropajo desparramado (mop?), sapo de charco (puddle-toad), rana de estanque (pond-frog), lombriz de agua prieta (swamp-worm), auto de... what?

Alicia finally realizes that they are pointing behind her. She turns around and sees Lety and her peeps. "Good day, Alicia," Lety greets her. "Ha ha," the cuartel chants. Lety smiles faintly. Alicia is speechless.

"I don't understand," RoboPop says. He asks what's up with the rude woman. She doesn't seem like someone who would be Lety's employee. She seems like an enemy. He tells Lety he wouldn't have to think twice about it - she should be fired immediately. The cuartel agrees. Alicia calls him "Don Erasmo" - impressive how she remembers people's names when the stakes are high - and says that the cuartel provokes her into saying things that she doesn't really feel.

Then she notices Tomas and gets all nasty again. "What are you doing here??" she demands, pointing. Lety, Tomas, and RoboPop all turn, pretending to look around for the person she's pointing at. "That jerk!!"

"Oh, you mean Tomas," RoboPop says. "Don't help me," Tomas asks. Lety introduces Tomas and says he's going to be the new VP of finance. (The feas all start hissing at Alicia, like the sound of air escaping from her head.) Sara taunts Alicia about Lety having authority. There is some more bickering, and then Lola points out that it's very strange for the president's secretary to be wearing torn stockings. Everyone stares at Alicia's overexposed legs. Sara thinks that's going to be the last straw in getting Alicia fired. Alicia runs off crying to Marcia's office.

Lety wants to know what's going on. They all sing in unison, "they fired us, Lety!" For some reason, this makes Lety smile.

The cuartel fill her in on the altercation with Marcia, and tell her that Marcia was challenging her authority. They tell Lety she has to show Marcia she can't treat her like a secretary. (They all address Tomas as "young man." Ouch.)

Lopez and Saimon come out of Lopez's office. Lopez tells Saimon to forget it and don't get involved. Then he tells the cuartel he's waiting for them in his office. They all crowd behind Lety, RoboPop, and Tomas and beg Lety to protect them. Lety tells Lopez that he can't make this decision without asking her opinion. (The cuartel applauds.) Lopez explains that rules are rules, and they apply to Lety's friends too. And Marcia -

Lety interrupts and repeats that before he decides, he must consult her. (He bows slightly. No housefly business.) Lety says she'll discuss this with Marcia.

Then she introduces Tomas to Lopez. Lopez does his scalp thing, but this time he raises his hand over his head higher than usual, perhaps in admiration of Tomas's tall hair. :-) "Welcome, Don Tomas," he says.

She introduces her father. Saimon gets his name wrong, as usual. RoboPop gives his full name (Erasmo Padilla Galarza!) and I notice that they're looping his voice again - it's really obvious. José José must not have had any wind that day. Yikes. They explain that he's going to be in charge of accounting. Lopez shakes his hand for a long time.

Lety tells the cuartel she wants to know why they arrived so late. They drag her into the restroom and tell her about the handsome man they had breakfast with. They go on and on about how fine he was. She asks why they think he's gay. They say it's because Luigi had to "rescue" him from them.

Martha is particularly impressed with his enthusiasm about food. Lety says that reminds her of a friend. They want to hear all about him, but Lety deflects and asks how it was. They talk about how the flesh was weak and therefore they gave in and had breakfast with him, until Irma flipped out and made them go to the office.

In Marcia's office

Alicia complains that it's a dark day for her - that desgraciado Tomas Mora is the new VP of finance. Imagine that, she exclaims. "They just said that to bother me, right?" Marcia, who looks like she might actually be in the middle of doing some work, says no, it's true - they talked about it at the meeting. Alicia says Marcia needs to do something about this, because these people are taking over the company. She also describes how RoboPop's first words were that Alicia should be fired. She urges Marcia to pull some strings so they don't all get fired. Marcia just narrows her big, sad eyes at Alicia.

"You're listening to me, right, Marcia?" She tells Marcia not to be manipulated by them. Marcia says that Alicia deserves it. How many times did she call her and tell her to hurry up? And what time did she arrive?

Alicia says she doesn't know the great drama she's been through today. She warns Marcia to hold onto her seat: she had to RIDE THE BUS!

Marcia spins her chair a little and gazes at the ceiling.

"You're listening to me, right?? Today I had to TAKE THE BUS to Conceptos."

"Oh, how awful for you," Marcia answers with tired sarcasm. Alicia chides her for making fun and asks "when have you ever TAKEN THE BUS?" "Never," Marcia answers cheerfully, "and I hope I never have to." Alicia complains about the naco driver and the fare of MX$2.50 which is about 23 cents in US money. And how it was smelly and crowded like sardines. Alicia says Marcia doesn't know what it's like to get up without breakfast, without food. It's very sad.

She notices that Marcia's eyes are closed. (I think Elizabeth Alvarez is getting her revenge on us for all those blinking jokes. Um, Chris started it!) She says it's rude to sleep when someone is speaking. She complains some more about being hungry. She says there were guys staring at her with lustful eyes, thinking about raping her. She begs Marcia (who is now making all kinds of faces) to keep it a secret just between them. How awful it would be if people were saying "Alicia Ferreira, ex-wife of Mauricio Birmann, who studied six semesters of finance in a distinguished, prestigious university, one day GOT ON A BUS."

Marcia yawns and asks Alicia if she thinks today is an exception. Does she think tomorrow will be any different? Alicia says yes, of course! Everything will be changed by then. It has to be different. She doesn't think she can ever GET ON A BUS again.

Marcia asks what Alicia is going to do that will change things. Alicia says she doesn't know, but what about Marcia? Marcia says she doesn't have the solution. Alicia tells Marcia that it would be bad for Marcia's image if her best friend (I would say her only friend), the spectacularly beautiful, nice, intelligent blonde... RODE THE BUS! Wouldn't Marcia be embarrassed? If people were saying that Alicia's stockings got torn, her best friend, the secretary to the president of Conceptos... She shows Marcia the torn stocking. "Do you see? Do you see this here?" Marcia peeks from the hand covering her face, trying to hide a smile. "It's not fair!!" Alicia whines.

Marcia says she's sorry, but she can't do anything about it. Her fairy godmother (her profit dividends from Conceptos) has disappeared, and now she has to depend on her salary. All because of Lety's lien, she adds. And now it's all up to Lety.

Alicia is sure that Lety will fire her. She says the cuartel is telling Lety that Marcia's orders don't matter any more, and that Marcia is a nobody. Well, not that, Alicia corrects herself, but a Doña Nobody.

Marcia says she's going to show Lety and the cuartel that this business has rules, and the rules must be kept.

Luigi calls. He's not finished with his storyboards, or his script, or something yet for the commercial. Marcia accuses him of hanging around with his "friend" Aldo. (Alicia's ears perk up.) Marcia warns him to get his work done and slams the phone down. (Do they make padded phones?)

Alicia asks who Aldo is. Marcia says he's been the only good thing about her day so far. She doesn't know where Luigi found him, but he's really handsome. Alicia gets excited about this and asks if he's married. Is he financially solvent? Marcia says why don't you ask me if he's gay like Luigi? Alicia shrugs and says that doesn't matter to her.

In Aldo's new office

Aldo is unpacking his things and telling Luigi that he'd like to meet Lety, the new president. Luigi impatiently asks why he'd want to speak with her. Aldo says it'd be nice to let her know that he's occupying this space, at least. Luigi informs him that this space is part of Luigi's domain, and he doesn't need to tell anyone how he's using it, least of all the platypus. Aldo gently reminds Luigi not to make these kinds of remarks about people. Abashed, Luigi is silenced. Aldo says he prefers and needs to tell Lety that he's using this space.

Later, more furniture arrives. Luigi says he wants to get Aldo a little picture of flowers to give the place a feminine touch. Aldo chuckles tolerantly. (You know who can draw flowers? Lety. I'm just sayin'.) Luigi flutters away and Aldo's phone rings. (No phone call jokes this time, I promise.) It's Carolina. He tells her he's excited to have this office because it will let him work on his two big projects: his book and restaurant (apparently those only count as one together), and more important, being near Lety to help her solve all of her problems which are also his problems. Heh, good luck with that, Aldo. He invites Caro to come visit him any time and says goodbye.

I've noticed that Aldo usually refers to Lety as Leticia. (I'm too lazy to type it that way.) I like that he doesn't call her by her nickname.

Later, Aldo is on the phone again with a pal in Acapulco. There's more talk about the floors, and the paint he picked out for the walls is called "tierra" (soil; earth). He wants his pal to find it so the restaurant will open on time. He says what would you do if you wanted to secure a woman's love? Open a restaurant.

Alicia peeks into the office during this fascinating conversation and jumps for joy in the hallway. She claps her hands and thanks God for sending her such a beautiful man. She peeks again and bites her lip.

Luigi walks in on the phone call, then backs out to check on Alicia. Aldo follows too, takes one look at Alicia's starry eyes, and goes back into the office to continue the conversation.

Luigi demands to know what Alicia is doing in his "territory." She says at first, today everything was dark and gloomy. But now a miracle has happened - that guy in there is rich, charming, nice, and single.

Luigi tells her that she can't touch him. He's Luigi's friend. Annoyed, Alicia reminds him that he already has a boyfriend, and not to be greedy. Luigi says first, his relationship with Ruli has been deteriorating. Not that he owes her an explanation. And second, he wants Aldo for himself. Now! He goes into Aldo's office.

Alicia looks disgusted and says to herself, "Luigi, you can't do this to me."

Aldo finishes up his call. Luigi says "Aldo, since you like the sea, look at what I brought you." (You know who can draw the sea? Lety. I'm just sayin'.) He's holding a small framed picture, the kind you would buy at Target, but Alicia drapes herself against the doorframe and says "me!"

"No, I brought you a picture," Luigi says. Alicia dodges around him and introduces herself to Aldo with a hug and kiss. "I'm charmed by your charm," he says politely. "But that's not all," Alicia tells him. "Besides being nice and charming, a natural blonde and of the highest quality, I'm very capable. I work here at Conceptos, I stuidied six semesters of finance at a university of great prestige, and at Conceptos I am the... well, I can't say exactly what my function is but today I am going to be promoted." I keep expecting her to ask him to examine her teeth.

Luigi holds up the painting and asks Aldo if he likes it.

"I'm charmed," Aldo answers. Alicia is flattered. "Not you, dummy," Luigi corrects her. Aldo says it's very nice and thanks Aldo for trying to make him feel at home. Alicia asks Aldo what he'll be doing here, Luigi says she's wasting his time and tells her go away. Aldo says it's not a waste of time to get to know someone - in fact, it's nice. But, he tells Alicia, he does have a lot to do.

As she turns to leave, Luigi notices the tear in her stockings and makes a big deal out of it. She says she caught her ring on it. She says something about costume jewelry. Luigi says it's more likely that she got a bottlecap stuck on her heel. Embarrassed, Alicia excuses herself and slowly backs out of the room.

"Ah, women," Luigi sighs to Aldo. "They were the great error of divine creation."

Aldo tells Luigi to please not let him waste any more of his time. Deflated, Luigi says he could go and work on his commercial. But what will Aldo do? Aldo says he'll occupy himself with his own stuff.

After Luigi leaves, Aldo says the first thing he wants to occupy himself with is Leticia. "Bunch of crazies," he mutters as he sits at his desk.

The phone rings again. It's Ma Bell. She wants Aldo to stop doing so many phone scenes because I can't stop making these stupid phone call jokes.

The cliffhanger

After interviewing the cuartel in the restroom, Lety returns to the lobby and tells Lopez that she wants to ask Luigi's new friend about the incident.

Just then, Alicia backs into the executive lobby, and Saimon draws attention to her torn stocking. He says her golden legs are a good complement to her bleached blond head. She thanks him sarcastically and returns to her desk.

Lopez says that Luigi's friend can't possibly justify their being late. Lety says she'll discuss it with Lopez later. She tells the cuartel to get to work, and later she'll tell them what she and Marcia decide. She reminds Lopez to show her, Tomas, and RoboPop to their offices. He asks them to follow him.

Half a second later, Aldo enters the lobby and asks to meet with the president. "Does she know you want to see her?" Lola asks. "No, she doesn't know that I'm here," he answers.

"She's busy, but if you want to, you can wait," Sara informs him breathlessly from a distance of about four inches.

"Okay, thanks," Aldo says. And with that, the Golden Ring of Goodbye closes around them.

Next week
Lety and Aldo are reunited. Wheeeee!


I thought this was a pretty tedious episode. I am ESPECIALLY sick of the cuartel, I hate how the director puts them all in a line and has them all talk and gesture at once. I bet the actresses are sick of being treated that way.

Have you noticed what a lack of reaction there is on this show? When one person is talking, the other tends to have one unchanging face on, often a neutral face. I don't think we're like that in real life. That's lazy directing, too.

Melinama, You are so on target. I was emailing fellow writer Jeanne and I basically said the same thing..Enough already of the cuartel all babbling on at the same time,too much time spent on the gay blade Luigi,and in one stroke of a pen or deep breath Aldo has moved into an office there at Conceptos to do what? Keep an eye on Lety,to always be reminding her of how she was wronged by Fernando.Yes, I've noticed the lack of reaction by the characters..Yes, and the viewers will probably be reacting soon as well.

Marcia don't wear a belt,please..You don't have the figure for a low riding belt..You look like a stuffed pepper..Sorry about that.Finally, last night I switched from LFMB to watch college basketball between Duke & Virgina..Couldn't take any more of the show I used to love..Maureen

Hi. I saw that the recap was dond during the night. WOW. No wonder I am able to read it at work at 8:00 a.m. during the week. I agree with too much of the cuatel and them all talking at once. I was so disppointed in last night's show. There was nothing to raise the adrenalin level. NADA. It was all nonsence and noisy. Too much of Alicia, tooo much. How much filler do we need. Why wasn't the soap just shortened insted of extended, because 95 percent of the show last night was wasted. Maybe better to tape it and then just go to the good parts.

Another thought. Is Simon a manic type person. He is worse than Alicia. He goes on and on. Plus I notice how hot he gets under the collar when his girlfriend flirts; yet he does this with every woman?????

This was truly the most boring episode that I have seen. The cuartel were already late getting to work and then they stand around talking and arguing the rest of the time. And to top it off we only saw Fernando once.
I hope that next week will be better.

The directors seemed to think they needed this episode to set the stage for Aldo & Lety meeting - getting just about everyone intro'd to Aldo and charmed by him, especially Marcia, Luigi & Oxi, who will be maximally impactados during Monday's episode.

I know I've complained about filler episodes before, but this had to be the worse one so far. And what a disappointment to have Fernando only be in one scene---and he looked so good in his suit and tie.

I, too, noticed that Papa Padilla's voice and lips weren't lining up (actually I've noticed that before). I know that they do dub over, so I ask myself, why can't they dub over on some of the scenes where the background sound is so loud, i.e. the ocean in Acapulco & some of the outside scenes w/ Lety & Fer (you know the really long day before the even longer day of the infamous commercial).

Yeah, the scenes w/ the cuartel get tiresome really quickly---and they are all lined up like little soldiers waiting for their next lines (hence the lack of interaction between characters).

Simon is manic, but I love him. He used to get on my nerves, but he's really grown on me. So what if he gets all macho w/ Paula Marie. She is such a flirt and considering their past history, well it is deserved.

I loved how the nails were already in the wall for Aldo's picture arrangement. It's almost as if they knew he was coming. :-)

Forgot to add that the look on Tomas's face when they were scoping out Alicia's stocking run had me rolling on the floor. It was very subtle, but cracked me up none the less.

Last night's episode was a total bore. Listening to the cuartel gossip was a waste of time. With that said, Lety should have been appalled at the cuartel's lateness. They took advantage of her new position as president and if I were her I would reassign them, especially Sara who would be a good security guard. Maybe she can replace Celso so that he can have some quality time indoors.

Does anyone know if the show ended in Mexico and when LFMB will end in the US?

Yes, yes, yes, it was a total bore and letdown BUT the recap was hilarious, especially the "I'm just sayin'" parts.
I know that even if the show was a stinker, the recap will be a treat, so thank you once again, all you tireless workers. besos, Judy

Alicia, Tomas, Luigi, and especially Lety are all good at reactions. And I noticed that Martha was playing with her popsicle stick between lines. But yeah, everyone else just sort of stands there and waits. But I do hate it when the whole cuartel lines up and says dumb things. It seems so contrived. And yeah, it's obviously filler. I was tempted to skim over all of it, but since they and Alica were both saying things to ratchet up the tension between Lety and Marcia, I felt I should detail some of it.

Honestly, while I think the lack of reaction is partly lazy direction, it could also be exhaustion. Constantly waving your arms around and yelling about nothing probably wears a person out. I get worn out just watching.

Well, it seems, for once, we are in total agreement. LOL. A total waste of time and after, as usual, spending the whole day waiting for the show. Bah Humbug.

The lack of reaction on the part of some characters is not only bad directing it is horrible acting. In drama school the first thing I was taught is acting is reacting in character to what is being said. You aren't supposed to stand around like a dressmaker's dummy waiting for your next line. Niurka and the cuartel are especially notorious for this. I wouldn't miss them if Lety fired them all but then none of the executives would have secretaries (not that they ever seem to do much work).

My goodness but Aldo is speedy at setting up his office and with all those nice nails already in place. So now Lety's guard dog is in place and the real action should, hopefully, begin.

Marcia is such a loser. If she was so divinely happy with Fern I could hardly see her going so gaga over a handsome face. She and Luigi and greedy, desperate Oxi are in for the shock of their lives when Aldo comes out of the closet as Lety's friend.

There is something kind of sad when the most interesting part of the show is the preview of the next epiode. Did anyone notice Fern making the infamous MDF hand gesture? I suspect it won't be the last time either. Speakinbg of Fern I felt so sorry for him in his brief moment when he clearly is telling Lety that he respects and will honor her demand that he stay away from her. When he turned away she really looked devastated. A new sign of maturity on his part that he won't push the issue (or after seeing Aldo maybe he will).

Oh, I also forgot to thank you Julie for the recap. Of course, your recap of last nights episode was a million times better than the show. You did an awesome job w/ such a lackluster episode. Your sense of humor really helps all of us get through it. Muchisimas gracias.

Thanks Julie for the recap - I agree, last night's episode was pretty awful.
It strikes me as odd that, before setting up his office, Aldo wouldn't have contacted Lety and ran it past her. That would be the proper thing to do. Is he just so sure of himself? (I'm thinking stalker/control freak)Another thing, Julie, you mentioned in the recap that Aldo calls her Leticia, while everyone else calls her Lety. I think this is just another way of marking his territory.He creeps me out.

I also noticed that look Lety had when Fern turned his back. She looked like she was longing for him. Then she had to quickly change to the stern look again. That was the only highlight for me. I did tape this one, so I got to fast forward thru all the junk.
All the women at Conceptos finding Aldo attractive, give me a break.
Curiosity about the new guy, I can understand. But this reaction is completely over the top and unbelievable. He is not all that. Marcia’s out fit was really bad. The long silver, earrings, the hideous shirt and extra wide belt. Someone needs to take this woman clothes shopping and teach her how to apply makeup. The cuartel better watch out. If this story was taking place in the U.S., they would have to worry about having their jobs outsourced to India. The preview made me cringe. At least the Aldo greets Lety part.
Still, Monday’s episode should be good.

Thanks to all the recappers! I’d be lost without you! Love reading everybody’s comments, too.

Twice postings have mentioned February 23 as end date in Mexico. If true, does that mean it will end in USA approx. June 23rd? Are we 4 months behind here?

Help! What's the infamous MDF hand gesture? Judy

Julie, I thoroughly enjoyed your recap!! La Oxi gave me some of the best laughs of the season! The cuartel is "in character" as chismosas many times are. I like the 'universal' touch of this novela because it speaks to all ages. I can bet that I, age 77, am the oldest among the recappers AND bloggers, yet I can identify with what we see and what you say about it.I wonder if any of the cast, or producers log into this website. They would proftie form some of your insights (recappers).
Thanks again, Julie, eres maravillosa.

Sorry, "profit from" not what you saw first. I'm 77, all right!!


The MDF hand gesture is making your hand look like a claw. If you ever have the misfortune of watching Mundo de Fieras you will find that the three lead villianess' often make a gesture with their hand like a cat scratching. They seem to think that that along with twirling their hair makes them look like the wild beasts they think they are. In the preview Fern does a male version of the same apparently when he sees Lety with Dr. Phil.

To the 77 year old fellow writer, glad you're here among the friends.Mo

Okay, I'm going to start agreeing with Melinama. To me, Aldo is starting to look like the perfect revenge. Everybody who has slighted or insulted Lety is in love with him. All the while, he has stood up for her and I can't wait to see their faces when he actually greets her! Talk about marking your territory, Lui and Alicia are ridiculous. Just think, Aldo is at least handsome, nice, rich and he's starting on an exciting new life with the development of international resturants and a book. He's the perfect revenge, Lety could join him on this new life and leave the pain and misery of the pathetic characters at Conceptos behind.

I love Fern, but it seems like going backwards if Lety goes with him. Just look at all his baggage - Marcia, Omar, Mama T etc.

I'm Just saying ... Thanks for the recap Julie


Julie, your recap was excellent, actually better than the episode itself. So the hour was not a total waste. In regards to when the program is over, in checking out you tube, it appears form comments made that we are three months behind. If they end the 22nd then the 22nd of May would be it; however, I thought the Mexico one was done the last week of Jan first week of Feb. When I started watching this, I continued because it was going to end in January; then I find out it was Mexico that was ending in January. Don't know why it is feb now, unless there were programs that needed their time slots on a few occasions. I agree about the Aldo comment, where he could have let Lety know he was coming. I think that Aldo is narcissistic, in that he thinks he is god's gift to women. He never doubted for one minute that this was not polite or mannerly and it could have upset her, if she has boundaries, such as keeping her relationshp with him outside the business. It appears that he expects her to fall all over him, because "he is there".

Congrats to the 77 year old. I am 64 from the states, with no spanish blood but I took a few classes in spanish, my songs are in spanish, my computer progrma is in spanish, My CD program of spanish is on the computer, I can read spansih, i spend maybe 10 hours a week, talking to myself and listening to spanish, yet when someone talks in jspanish I only get the jist of what is said. Mostly words, rarely phrases. Maybe one can not learn after a certain age; however, I swoon over Fernando. I have never ever nunca did this in my entire life, for any star. I am hooked and drool rotf.

La Fea started in Mexico on Jan. 23,2006 and then started on Univision in the US on April 24,2006. The final episode in Mexico will air Febuary 23, 2007.
The public in Mexico city has been
invited to the celebrations that are to take place for the finale,
including a wedding that is to take place in La Basilica in D.F.


One thing that I was wondering, is it ever the weekend on this novela. It seems that everyone works everyday. No one ever says "have a good weekend". It never seems to be Saturday or Sunday.

Also does Celso ever go home. The poor man works 24/7.

Thanks so much Julie! I really enjoy your recaps and sense of humor.
I too thought last night's episode was tedious. I kept losing attention and thinking of other things. Usually I am really focused on the show but last night they lost me.
Marcia is a pretty woman but looks awful in her clothes. She needs to avoid the skin tight pants and skirts and wide belts, ugh.
I thought it was funny how everyone fell all over Aldo. It was like no one had ever seen an attractive man at a place where men come in and out constantly.
Aldo looked good but he's no Fernando!
The cuartel has become very wearing on the nerves. I'm really tired of Marcia and Alicia too.
I think I'm just ready for something new even if it means Aldo and Lety.

Carrie L.

These dull episodes are absolutely necessary to develop tension- a vital part of telenovelas.... They want us to wait anxiously for the meeting/ reunion of 2 people and we have to tolerate the endless build ups! Still.........i wish they wouldn't have to use cuartel-chatting for all these fillers. It's the one time I have to forward my tape if I'm recording it: I can only take them in small doses. And, I do wonder what the heck they are paid for. If they are not gossiping, whining, or going out to eat, they are sitting at their desks pretending to work but in fact are listening in to surrounding conversations and people-watching!

Question: I was under the impression that GAYS ALWAYS recognize another gay: that there is never a quesion as whether they are or are not.
And, if there is a question, it only lasts for a really short stretch. I know that Aldo is avoiding the typical homosexual male reaction to someone flirting with him, like Luigi has been doing, but still..........i don't know if it's realistic for Luigi to be so naive about Aldo.
Also, I wonder what will come of Aldo's memory of Fern acting completamente LOCO driving on the beach. Clearly, this memory will play some role.

Oh, Julie, this recap was superb and such an improvement on the actual episode!! Thanks so much (and geez, do you EVER sleep?)

I agree with Maureen and virtually everyone else that the cuartel is getting tedious and annoying. If they worked for me, they'd all have an oral warning right about now (I'm just sayin'.....)

Alicia....she'd have way more than an oral warning. Erasmo has it right. I vote with him.

I did have to laugh when Tomas told Erasmo not to help him. That was cute.

When I saw the scene for next Monday, with Lety encountering Aldo for the first time in Conceptos, and him clearly well-acquainted with her, I thought that it looks like he might not publicly humiliate a single one of them. All he has to do is so clearly "endorse" Lety as really special to him, and they are all going to have those wheels going..."okay, what all did I say to him about her?" They'll have a whole host of other thoughts, too. He can take the high road and not even slam dunk a single one of them and have them all so impactados!

Erasmo/José José sounds like he has a lung problem or congestive heart failure when he is talking. CHF does something similar to voice in those who have it, because their lungs are so compromised. I have wondered several times.


Thank you for the recap.
This episode was particularly boring and silly. I was encouraging a friend to watch LFMB because I am always talking about the novella and of all episodes she watches this one. She said it was too silly and does not want to see any more. Que pena!
I am tired of Aldo and his "el mar". I like the "Dr. Phil" reference. Hopefully Monday's eposide will be a bit more interesting. I need to see more of Don Ferni. :)
Jose/Jose sounds terrible. It is like he is gasping for air. At times his part is painful to listen to.

>>"I think that Aldo is narcissistic, in that he thinks he is god's gift to women. "

And now, apparently, he thinks he's God's gift to men as well w/ his constant flirting w/ Luigi.

I do agree that Aldo's embracing of Lety is going to be the best slap in the face for several of our characters. And for all the criticism that has been given to him for not standing up for Lety, well, I think the way he's going about this might just be the best way to handle the situation. Actions speak louder than words. (I cannot believe I'm sticking up for Aldo!! I'm still a faithful Ferni fan, just trying to be open-minded.)

Could this be a "shotgun wedding" to keep the audience glued.?Typical telenovela writing going right down to the last scene of the show--the bride & groom turn around and it's x,y,or z,and we know who they are..I have a strange feeling with the "over the top and the stupidity of trailing off from the main characters to the cuartel being front and center",nothing surprises me about the show I've been absorbed in since day.The new intro is nothing but trickery,as I'll be marrying Fernando before Marcia does.

The fascination with the second coming of "Elvis" (Aldo),please.Mo

I suppose now that the "new man about Conceptos" has moved in attired in that hideous leather look jacket and turtleneck,Fernando will take his station in the closet of his office where it all began for Lety?

Did someone say the show is not over here until June? That long? Maureen

Here's just a small bit of trivia for y'all about that handshape you call the "MDF" hand. In American Sign Language, that "open claw" handshape is used for many negative signs. For example, if you put it in front of your face and wiggle the fingers with the palm facing yourself, centered in front of your nose, it means "crabby" or "cranky." If you face palm toward yourself and fingers point downward at your waist, then bring it up fast toward your face, it means "angry" and if you just circle that handshape on your abdomen in front of the stomach, it means nauseated. The only time I have ever seen it faced toward the other person was one day when my ex husband was yelling and fussy with me, a teenager with Down Syndrome saw him and walked over to him and made that sign right up close to my ex's nose as if to say, "don't be so fussy!" My ex collapsed in laughter and couldn't be angry any more. The young man just smiled and walked back to his group.



I just read a notice that again stated that the end in Mexico will be on Feb 23 and will be live with possibly THREE differemnt locations including, of course the obligatory wedding, at the Basilica. That said there is no hint of whose wedding it will be and many people are furious at the way the show has been going and are saying that by dragging out a good show Rosy has commited career suicide as far as the fans are concerned. Looks like we have at lot of nothing to look forward to at least for awhile.

Interesting note about gays recognizing other gays. I had several who worked for me. One guy appeared very straight, was divorced with a son and dating women. Another one told me Les is gay but I didn't believe it. Right up to the time he moved in with another man. I couldn't see it at all. None of the gays involved were either overly effeminate like Luigi or totally butch. In fact one of them was constantly being hit on by women and would come to us for advice on how to get rid of them without having to go into details about his private life. A lot of gays are great friends and advisers to women but none that I know ever had as much contempt for women as Luigi does.

Gays don't necessarily have any better "gaydar" than anyone else, and Luigi's ego further impairs his judgement.

The best way to find out for sure whether someone is attracted to you or not (regardless of your or their orientation) is to ask them. I think Luigi is being coy with Aldo only because he already has a boyfriend. If Luigi makes a move, then people can say that Luigi two-timed Rulli. But if Luigi can convince Aldo to make the first move, Luigi can claim that Aldo seduced him.

It's just the kind of passive-aggressive game that Luigi likes to play, and though a more direct person would deal with this by saying "this is flattering, Luigi, but I'm not gay," Aldo is playing along with Luigi in a passive-aggressive game (and agenda) of his own.

I actually liked the way Aldo dealt with Luigi's name-calling the other night, though. The gentle rebuke worked so much better than anything I would have said. It was a lot like how you would talk to a child, but then, this is Luigi we're talking about. :)

Jeanne, that ASL story was hilarious.

And, boy, I sure hope that when I'm 77 (or 64 for that matter), I'll be fun, inquisitive, outgoing, and looking at handsome men. And still able to type, to share it with friends all over the world.

I wonder if nursing homes will have cybercafes, 30 years from now.


Interesting anaysis of Luigi. I thought I heard him comment the other day that Rulli was fat. Seems to me that the unhappy relationship between Lety/Fern maybe echoed with Luigi/Rulli. Seems that the unseen Rulli may be a lot like Marcia always calling to check up on Luigi like she does with Fern.


Julie, if nursing homes don't have cybercafes 30 years from now, I'm gonna refuse to go!


Hi I'm new to this whole telenovela world, La Fea is the first one I've ever watched and I LOVE it. The great thing is that someone like me, with only an elementary understanding of the spanish language, can still enjoy it because of all the physical comedy. I don't think I've ever seen an actor that uses his face more than Jaime Camil (I hope I spelled that right) and the rest of the characters use their facial and body language to the nth degree. I was watching the thing for atleast a couple of months before I found this place and I just wanted to thank all of you for spending so much time. I really didn't know what the heck was going on until I found Caray, Caray! !!!! Ya'll are the best! PS I like Aldo and the lines around his eyes. On the other hand, Fernando is hot to an extreme. Why do they grease his hair up like that? Is it a Mexican thing?
Lori in NC

Julie, thanks for the fab recap of a mundance episode. Alicia's torn stocking and Marcia's bored reaction to her problems were the funniest part. Love the comments with all the education and entertainment they contain. Gracias a todos. When the going gets tough, I remind myself that I'll miss LFMB when it's over. I guess all of us have to suffer along with the characters to earn a happy ending.

Sorry, thought I checked my spelling on mundane. Maybe mundance was the one Lety never got around to in the Sanctuary bar.

Yes, I agree that Jaime is hot! And, if you want to catch a glimpse of his body, take a look at the most recent edition of TVyNovelas where there is a 2 page display of him at the beach with his current girlfriend. FABULOSO! great actor, great singer, great bod! I do agree about the slicked (? spelling) back greasy hair. I think it is just for the show since I don't see it like that in magazine photos.

We thought he was in love with Angelica Vale(Lety) in real life according to a report online here to be in Hola Magazine?..TyvNovelas burst our bubble this Monday morning.

Jaime Camil probably has his choice of women with from the flavor of the month club.He has a great chemistry with Angelica but obviously only on screen.Mo

Don't understand how jaime can do all that kissing with Angelica and not fall in love with her ROTF

Anyway, where can I get the magazines in PA regarding the spanish soaps. I only see ours in the stores?

Spanish Magazines? I believe Univision publishes TVyNovelas located in Miami,but you can search online for Hola Magazine,TVyNovelas or other celeb magazines from Mexico,etc.You can subscribe to them online.Regards.Maureen

Thanks Maureen. You seemed puzzled by the question mark? I live in Pennsylvania USA and I only see the american soap magazines in the stores. That is why i was wondering about the Tvynovelas or Hola Magazine, because I don't see them in our stores. I would like to follow up on the spanish soaps.

julie, I always enjoy your recaps and comments. But your comment about the age of some of us older bloggers (I'm 60 ) made it sound like you thought we were ready for the glue factory. You express surpirse that we are still able to type and be interested in a program such a this. I'm sure you did not mean it this way - or maybe I'm too sensitive.

To the 64 year old blogger- you are not too old to learn a language and you sound like you have a pretty good basic knowledge. I live in NYC and hear it all around me. Also my 3 co-workers are latinas and they speak it all the time. I also try to watch spanish TV, (especially the news)to improve my pronunciation. Your last comment about Fernando could have been written by me. I have never in my life seen a man as handsome as him, coupled with his humor and vulnerability- he's just tooooo much.

"But your comment about the age of some of us older bloggers (I'm 60 ) made it sound like you thought we were ready for the glue factory."

I tried to find what comment the comment referenced was referring to, without success. Anyway, I'm 53 and started learning Spanish when I was just about 50 and now I'm blog mom of Caray Caray! So let's hear it for old bloggers!

"I was under the impression that GAYS ALWAYS recognize another gay: that there is never a quesion as whether they are or are not."
That's a myth. I've been fooled both ways. Julie nailed it with her observation on Luigi's extreme narcissism. And speaking of extremes, I've lived in San Francisco for 22 years and never met anyone as queeny and bitchy as Luigi. Maybe one or two while they were in drag, as part of their drag personae, but they didn't behave that way 24/7. Victor and Guillermo on Barrera de Amor were much more honest portrayals.

No Melinama, you are NOT old and that is speaking from someone who is in your age neighborhood.
We are only in the middle with a long way and a lot of promise to go.
My mother is 90 and in a nursing home that has regular computer time. Some of the people enjoy that type of thing.
You are never too old to learn! Look at how amazing people like Jack LaLanne are!!!

Anonymous 12:02 - I don't think YOU'RE ready for the glue factory. I think I'M going to be ready for the glue factory, thanks to a number of hereditary conditions, including macular degeneration and arthritis which would probably curb my tv-watching and my internet use a lot.

But, maybe there will be cures, or better treatments, or improved compensatory technology.

Ah - just to clarify - I don't have macular degeneration. My older relatives do, but there's no way to know whether I'll have it. The arthritis is a sure thing, though.

Hello my fellow "oldsters." I'm 58 and just started to pick up Spanish again a few years ago. And I read an article somewhere that learning something new at an older age was a good way to keep the mind sharp. Besides enjoying all the good recappers of our telenovelas, I also enjoy these little personal "tidbits" everyone seems to throw in from time to time, i.e. age, state or city of residence, etc. It's fun to know we're a diverse group with one thing in common, our Spanish novelas!


I so agree. I was about 55 when I got hooked on novelas and the only Spanish I knew was what I heard growing up in California. My husband bought me a small dictionary and I would write down what I thought I heard and then looked it up - slow but it worked. Then I had to get bigger dictionaries, a software program, a book on those wretched verbs and then I found the original novela forum and was one of the first people to get on the new one when Viva Per Elena came on. Took a rest for a couple of years but came back with Alborada. My family thinks I am totally insane so this blog lets me share with all the other locas. It's hard to explain to other people what the charm of these stories is all about plus there is the added bonues of learning another language. The only bad thing is that I'm really good at identifying blackmail, faithless lovers, fatal diseases and endless love but can't tell my gardner how to tim the bushes. LOL


If the 1/30/07 episode shown in USA was shown in Mexico 10/4/06, won't that result in a delayed broadcast of nearly 4 months? Or will we get an edited finish?

I'm with y'all who are over 55 (barely) and learning new things. I started teaching myself German about five years ago, and really focused more on it in the last three, because my brother has lived there for two decades. I use CDs when I drive long distances--which is often. It's not a bad way to do it. I also refresh my long-ago learned Spanish that way and now with telenovelas.

My mother, age 78, is working on a third master's degree. She just finished a second one about three years ago with honors. She just retired in September.

Melinama, I would never have guessed that you began learning Spanish so recently! I think I even asked once if you were a native speaker, since you recap so rapidly and with such accuracy as far as I can see!


Yes, anonymous 4:56, we are approximately 14 weeks behind Mexico. So, our ending will be maybe like early June.

Anonymous 11.53 AM. On your question about living in PA and not being able to find Spanish magazines on the shelves..I live in Ft. Myers,Florida and my local drug store has very few telenovela magazines,and my neighborhood is very hispanic.. I was suggesting the avenue to use if you want to find the various telenovela magazines was to search and subscribe to them..They are easily found..Regards,Maureen,Ft. Myers,Florida

Alicia & Luigi need to sit down somewhere.Ah yes Fernando i love him to death but he needs to learn a lesson on love n thats why am on Aldo's side right know may the woohing of lety begin

I am 58 years old and I only had 1 semester of Spanish in college. I studied French & Latin in high school but I can understand a little of what is being said. Thank God for this website and the re cappers.

im 14 and a fluent spanish speaker! so i understand this novella perfectly. and i got to say alicia is more of a hoe than paris hilton i say that because i havent seen paris hilton with a ripped stocking lol alicia thinks too much of herself i think that if i was aldo and i wasnt in love with lety and i had to pick between luigi and alicia i would pick luigi bu thats just me

i have noticed that on this blog that many people slam aldo and are quick to go on fernis side if you realy think ferni is the best thing for lety to be happy with u must not have been watching the full novella all throughout the story up until halfway through it ferni faked loved her i want to know why all of a sudden hes in love with her i dont think he realy loves her on the other hand aldo realy does love her he never said anything bad about her and he never tried to get out of doing anything with on the contrary he wanted to spend time with her

im not saying choose aldo over ferni which u probably wont im juz saying give el guapisimo aldo a chance

oh by the way i agree with whoever says the curatel is nosy the only one that isnt a gossip is irma and even she likes to tell tales if the cuartel really r letys friends they would have noticed that she didnt want to talk about ferni

To everyone who says that Fernie has "greasy" hair, it is not greasy it is gelled. There is a difference. I admit, he's no stranger to "product," but I think they slick it back to give him more of an appearance of an executive. For the same reason I put mine up mostly for work because I've got wild untamable Italian hair like Jaime Camil's. I think that "greasy" Mexican thing sounds kind of insulting in this day and age.

Somone said "Why does Fern say he's in love with her now after faking for so long?" Well, I think Fern felt something for her very early on....He didn't want to admit it to himself at first, and then he didn;t want to admit it to Omar, who never ceased calling her ugly and a whole lot of other horrible names. Imagine if you were feeling something strong for someone and everyone thought he was horrendous, ugly, pathetic.....You'd be hard pressed to admit what you felt, right?

Somone said "Why does Fern say he's in love with her now after faking for so long?" Well, I think Fern felt something for her very early on....He didn't want to admit it to himself at first, and then he didn;t want to admit it to Omar, who never ceased calling her ugly and a whole lot of other horrible names. Imagine if you were feeling something strong for someone and everyone thought he was horrendous, ugly, pathetic.....You'd be hard pressed to admit what you felt, right?

Well, it thrills me to know there are so many other women like me, in their 50's and as obsessed as I am with telenovelas. I think it serves as therapy for many of us who have stress in our lives. The idea of knowing that every night at 8pm (and for me, 7pm as well), I can relax, slide into another world--full of humor, love, conflict, all the while learning more about Mexican culture and practicing my aural comprehension skills! WHAT JOY! I hope I will be doing it when I am 80. After hearing about Schoolmarm's mom, I just may go for a masters in Spanish lit one of these decades.
We are all therapy for each other as we discuss our ages, comment on whom we hate and whom we love, answer other bloggers' questions, sometimes even complain of our physical or mental states....Telenovela watching and blogging with all of you is a very healthy outlet for me. THANKS so much all you recappers and all you bloggers!

Thank goodness for your site. I watch Fernando every night here in San Diego and somethimes I catch the 1pm episodes that are a few mos ahead.

I do not speak Spanish at all. NONE ! ( Now at the age of 55 I am planning to learn the language...all because of La Fea.)

A friend in New York interprets for me and she also set me up with this blog. We talk almost every day about Fernando. I just love looking at him. ( I really do have a life..heheheh) Aldo is good looking in a different way, he's no Fernando by any means.

I sometimes watch Mundo and can't believe those nasty " blond raccoons" with their craziness. The show catches my attention but not like La Fea.

Thanks again for doing such a great job on this page making it possible forpeople like me can know what the heck is going on.

San Diego Lady

Hey San Diego lady, I'm a Long Beach lady (also a Fernatic) and I've been trying to learn Spanish for several months. Watching the show, especially with the closed captions, has been a big help. Buena Suerte! Sandy

Anonymous 10:27 pm while that does make a gr8 point i remember clearly the episode when lety and fernando first kiss no one was there not even omar and ferni still looked disgustd at having to kiss her and i remeber another time when he was kissing her and his eyes were almost saying get me out there have been plenty of instances where they have been alone and heshas felt disgusted

2 me fernis love for lety started after they spent their first "night" 2gether to me that made ferni seem superficial. At the same time wen he fell in love with her it seemed fake becuz love is something you feel when you know the person and enjoy them regardless of how they look
aldo does that becuz when he first met lety he didnt say nething about her appearance and in fact enjoyed spending time with her that seems like true love but i do c ur point anonymous 10:27 pm

Anonymous 10:42-- Mom would be pleased to hear you say that. I'll let her know.


The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 201 & 202 is at this link.

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