Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Mundo de Fieras - Feb. 6, 2007

* Jossie confronts MA about her recent run of good luck - Gabriel thinks Jossie is making a threat - Jossie says take it as you want to and walks out.

* Karen tells grandma Miriam about her argument with her mom at the store. Ingrid interrupts to tell Miriam about the new distribution house that is interested in her designs. Miriam is on cloud nine.

* Rogelio gives MA advice about Jossie and Miriam and how to attack them (from behind the back when they least expect it).

* Jossie is in her office alone - planning a surprise attack of her own against MA.

* Dolores and Gabriel share a tender moment as Gabriel shows Dolores his engagement ring for MA - Dolores is very happy and excited for him - he wishes that she and Nick will have a happy ending also. Dolores then brings up Luisito's death - she tells Gabriel she was in the room with him as he lay in a coma and that his heart raced at the moment of Luisito's death, almost like he knew about it even though he was in a coma. Gabriel is shocked and cries with the memory of his late son.

* Pau and JC are working in the office - JC is thinking to himself that he should find someone to take his place in Pau's life and will be a father to his child.

* Gabriel visits MA and LD at her apartment. He wants to make it official and give LD his last name.

* JC and Dolores meet with Leo in the hospital hallway - Leo escorts them to the consultation office for the test results and bad news.

* Gabriel, Candy, MA and LD meet with the judge in his chambers. Judge reads the official ruling that makes LD - Luis David Cervantes Bravo. Luis David, with prompting from Gabriel, shouts "Papa! Papa!"

* Leo sits JC and Dolores around the desk as they meet with Dr. V. Leo and Dr. V explain the bad news - that JC is terminal and will die soon. :( As JC asks Dr. V some questions, a nurse walks in and interrupts. Dr. V leaves with the nurse. Leo, Dolores and JC stay there - Leo tries to convince JC of the seriousness of the situation - JC realizes it and is convinced that he wishes to die with dignity and not let his mom and Pau suffer by watching him die. Leo is frustrated - Dolores chimes in trying to convince JC to tell Pau and his mom. JC cries and explains his decision. Leo and Dolores listen. Leo walks over to JC and gives him support and advice. Dolores says she understands and gives her opinion. JC is still adamant. Dolores cries and tries to make him understand the difficult position she is in with Regina - she ends up promising to keep the secret.

* Gabriel, MA, LD and Candy are still celebrating becoming a family.

* Leo walks JC outside. They talk - Leo gives JC some friendly advice. JC listens and thanks Leo for his support and help. They hug.

* Pau is aggravated as Karen enters the office. Pau confronts Karen and wants to know what is going on between Karen and JC. Karen covers up the truth. Pau doesn't trust Karen's intentions as being sincere. Karen does her best to convince Pau that she has changed, and then asks Pau if they could be friends. Pau isn't at all convinced. Karen still tries and gives Pau a hug. Karen leaves Pau in shock and disbelief.

* Jossie and Miriam are folding clothes at a display in the store. They discuss Karen's sudden change in attitude. Miriam wonders if Dolores had something to do with it.

* Dolores is at home, rethinking the meeting with JC and Leo about JC's diagnosis.

* Pau at her desk working. JC enters. Pau is excited to see him and pulls him over to the desk to see the special surprise she made for him on the computer. He takes one look at it, and isn't interested or excited to see it. He just wants to get back to work. Pau is hurt and frustrated by his lack of enthusiasm and questions him about it - he acts cold and heartless, says that her pregnancy hormones are clouding her judgement and to let him get back to his job. She's hurt, tells him off and then leaves.

* At Candy's apartment, Gabriel and MA make future plans for their wedding. Candy holds LD - Gabriel prompts LD to say "Papa!" again.

* Dolores stops by the shop to see Miriam. They get into a heated discussion - first about Dolores' interference in Karen's new attitude against her own mother and grandmother. Dolores says that she's just trying to get to know her own niece and show her the love and affection her mother and grandmother never gave her. Miriam orders Dolores to stay away from Karen - Dolores stands up and refuses. They argue about Dolores and Edgar - Dolores makes threats about revealing Miriam and Jossie's dark secrets if they try to keep Dolores away from Karen. Miriam is shocked.

* At the palace, MA descends the stairs to the main living area - Jossie shouts from the second floor balcony to ask where she's going - MA laughs and refuses to say. MA leaves. Jossie is curious.

* Candy, Elsa and Leo get table ready for dinner as they discuss their day. Leo talks about his patient's case; Elsa tells about her work at Otilia's store; Candy tells them both about Gabriel making LD his legal son. Leo is still heartbroken about MA even though he says he's happy for them. Elsa tells him to get over it already. Candy tells her to be more supportive of her brother. Leo changes the subject and tells Elsa about his honeymoon trip for her and Sylvester - Elsa isn't happy about it. Leo leaves to see Sylvester and the guys.

* Jossie enters MA's bedroom to visit LD and asks the nanny where MA went to - nanny nervously hesitates before saying the MA went to dinner with Gabriel. Jossie looks up with a disgusted shocked look on her face.

* Gabriel and MA are sitting at a fancy restaurant - Gabriel pulls out the ring box, shows MA the ring inside, she's very surprised, he takes her hand and asks her to marry him, she excited says "Acepto!" They kiss. (UGH!)

* Tweet, Sylvester and Gabino are at the bar having a three-person bachelor party and discussing Elsa and Mayeya. Leo joins them. Sylvester holds his beer glass up and promises the guys that this will be the last night he will drink alcohol, because of Elsa. Leo thanks him for making that promise.

* Elsa meanwhile sneaks a drink from her little whiskey bottle and then quickly hides it under the kitchen towels as Candy returns to the room. Elsa tells her to sit down at the table and she will serve dinner.

* Jossie escorts Karen into the palace office to have a private mother-daughter chat about Karen's new found friendship with Aunt Dolores. Jossie is jealous and hurt. Karen won't give up her relationship with her aunt and tells her mom off. Jossie raises her hand up - Karen says if she dares slap her, she will leave forever. Jossie switches tactics immediately. Karen asks Jossie to become a real loving, caring mom to her. Jossie tries to convince Karen of the reality through Jossie's eyes. Karen doesn't buy it and cries - Jossie warns her that the changes she wants will come with lots of suffering - Karen says she's already suffered a lot, and leaves.

* JC is trying to sleep. Pau wants to cuddle and tries to put her arms around JC. JC gets angry and pushing Pau away. Pau is hurt, gets out of bed and leaves the bedroom.

* MA and Gabriel return to the palace, totally enchanted by each other and their engagement. They are all kissy-kissy-smoochy-smoochy (yuck! disgusting!) as Jossie spies from the upstairs balcony. Gabriel leaves. MA smiles and then goes upstairs. Jossie stops MA in the hallway and confronts her about the engagement - MA says that there is no way Jossie can ever separate her from Gabriel. MA walks away. Jossie scowls.

* Nick and Dolores talk at their favorite restaurant.

* Jossie goes to talk with Miriam in the bedroom about MA sporting an engagement ring - Jossie's disgusted and offended. Miriam asks her if she will permit the wedding to take place. Jossie vows that she will never let that happen.


I've known many people who, like JC, think they are making a noble and self-effacing choice but are actually screwing up the lives of the people around him. His decision is horrendous. Thanks for the recap.

I totally agree that is a crazy decision by JC. I suppose I can understand it but at the same time I think Pau is suffering more with his being cold and indifferent to her especially since he was very amorous and loving before. I hate this story line and I just want it to end with JC getting better of course. Secondly, Elsa drinking and hidding her booze near the stove, not very smart. She's going to burn down the house with that stunt. I hope somebody realizes she's back to drinking soon, I don't like that everbody is clueless.

Can someone explain the relationship of Dolores to Miriam, Jos and Karen? Must have missed that part of the plot.
Thanks for the recap!

I think the family tree goes something like this...Dolores' brother is Edgar who was married to Joselyn and is Karen's father and thus Miriam's son-in-law. And then of course the two older raccoons were involved in a complicated murder subplot involving Edgar as well.

Doesn't anyone around Elsa have a sense of smell? They can't smell the booze on her? Puhleeeeze. JC never was one of my favorite characters, but now I absolutely detest him. Selfish little man. I have a very close family member who is going through treatment for terminal cancer and if she was keeping it a secret from me to spare my feelings, I would be devastated. JC is an idiot.

I don't know how often people in real life do what JC is doing, but I've seen it many times in soap operas. I agree that it's a terrible way to treat your loved ones. All he's doing is replacing one kind of pain with another.

I hated the movie "An Affair to Remember" and didn't think it was romantic at all, because I thought it was crazy for the woman to let the man think she didn't want him, rather than let him know what had really happened. I realize that's not exactly the same as what JC's doing, but I just hate the idea of lying to someone and pushing them away in the name of "love." I said before, I'd be clubbing perfect strangers to check their marrow..but I'm shallow like that.

Kudos to Gabe for listening to Nic...NOT
Dude could you be any dumber? why don't you just paint a neon target on the back of MA's head?
& stop with the reawakening of sexual desire...dude you are so creepin me out.
Now Demian...I'm all about you getting some anytime, wherever...

& I totally forgive Elsa for drinking, she seems to be the only one actually dealing with living in "Mundo de Fieras"

I agree the whole JC/leukemia thing is ridiculous. It is all driven by plot requirements, of course. If JC had to get a bone marrow transplant from some person he didn't know he was related to like the Leo/Miriam blood transfusion, they would play up the search. Likewise if they wanted to do a public service - organ donor registry story. But here it is obvious that Regina is going to donate when JC finally collapses and can't conceal his illness any more. For that to be a dramatic deathbed saviour story, she can't know about his condition beforehand.

I agree that JC is being very foolish. Did anyone see ''The Fountain'' starring Hugh Jackman ? It was kind of this same idea in reverse. Hugh played a scientist so intent on curing his lover from a fatal disease that he wasn't able to spend meaningful time with her before she died. It was a very odd movie with Jackman playing 3 different characters through time. The first was a Spanish conquistador in love with the queen and trying to find the secret to eternal life. ~~~Susanlynn

I agree that the character JC is annoying and misguided. But I think Sebastian Rulli is doing a great job playing him!

Still hoping Demian can get some more action. :) Somehow that is less creepy than seeing his bro.

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re: >>...& stop with the reawakening of sexual desire...<<

Note to Gabe: Can you say "male, mid-life, crisis"?

As for marrying and/or sacrificing bacchic delights for Elsa, I'd say Sylvestre needs an intervention, especially since MdF gives us all such renewed appreciation for the cliché "driven to drink."

So was Mundo on anywhere last night? We got the game right after LFMB, and the game was still going on when I went to bed...

No ''Mundo'' here last night either. The game was on.~~~Susanlynn

The show was definitely listed as pre-empted due to "fútbol" Wed. pm so nobody missed anything.

I've seen this on soaps many times too and it always makes me crazy. It's a selfish thing to do. Why doesnt anyone ever point this out to these idiots that what if the shoe was on the other foot - how would they feel?

P.S. You look like a girl

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